1 To 35 PDF
1 To 35 PDF
1 To 35 PDF
July 4, 2019
Arithmetic Sequences
We are well aware of polygons . Polygons are closed figures with sides straight lines. The number
of sides and angle sum are related . If a polygon has n sides its angle sum will be (n − 2) × 180◦ .
The exterior angle sum of any polygon will be 360◦ .The triangle is the polygon with minimum number of
sides.So we start writing the sequence of regular polygons from triangles .
Worksheet 2
1. In the sequence of regular polygons with sides 3, 4, 5 · · ·
a) Write the sequence of the sum of the inner angles
b) What is the term in the 12 th position in the sequence of inner angle sums ?
c) Write the sequence of the sum of outer angles
d) Write the sequence of one interior angle
e) Write the sequence of one exterior angle
2. Write the sequence of numbers
a) Leaving the remainder 3 on dividing by 5.
b) Which is the largest two digit term of this sequence ?
3. Look at the sequence of squares formed by match sticks
4. ( Home work) A tank contains 1000 litres of water in the beginnig. It flows out at the rate of 5
litres per second.
a) How many litres of water left in the tank after each second?
b) Write their numbers as a sequence
5. ( Home Work) 17 , 27 , 3
· · · is a sequence of numbers
a) Which is the first integer term of this sequence ?
b) In which position of the sequence the number 2 comes as a term?
c) Is 7 a term of this sequence ? If it is a term , what will be its position in the sequence ?
Arithmetic Sequences
Algebra of Sequences
All numerical sequences are generated from natural numbers. The relation between the
terms of the sequence and natural numbers can be expressed algebrically.
This can be explained with an example.
1, 4, 9, 16, 25 · · ·
This is the sequence of square numbers. Each term of this sequence is related to the
natural numbers as —
1 = 12 , 4 = 22 , 9 = 32 , 16 = 42 · · ·
Worksheet 3
3. What is the algebraic form of the sequence 15 , 25 , 35 · · · ? At what position in the
sequence 1 comes as a term ?
A numerical sequence can be made from this by counting number of match sticks
in each term . It is 3, 5, 7, 9 · · ·
When we observe this sequence it is found that x1 = 3, x2 = 3 + 1 × 2, x3 =
3 + 2 × 2···
Arithmetic Sequences
Arithmetic Sequences
We can make numerical sequences from the following situations .
A sequence got by starting with any number and adding a fixed number repaetedly is
called arithmetic sequence
The fixed number which is adding repeatedly is called common difference .
Worksheet 4
1. Equilateral triangles of sides 2cm, 4cm, 6cm · · · are drawn as a sequence
a) Write the sequence of perimeters
b) Write three more terms of this sequence
c) Write the sequence of its altitudes
2. Squares of sides 1cm , 2cm, 3cm · · · are drawn as a sequence.
a) Write the sequence of perimeters
b) Describe this sequence of perimeters in other words
c) Write the sequence of diagonals and describe it in other words
3. Look at the sequence given below
2, 7, 12, 17 · · ·
This sequence is obtained by taking natural numbers which leaves the remainder
2 on dividing by 5.
a) Describe this sequence in two other ways
b) Find the algebraic form of this sequence
4. Make groups of natural numbers as follows
a) (1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8) · · ·
Add the numbers in each group and write the sum as a sequence
b) (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9) · · ·
Add the numbers in each group and write the sum as a sequence
c) (1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8), (9, 10, 11, 12) · · ·
Add the numbers in each group and write the sum as a sequence
d) Observe the terms of these sequences and describe them in another way
1 1
Arithmetic Sequences
Arithmetic Sequences
In the fourth worksheet we have discussed the development of arithmetic sequences
from various situations. These sequences are listed below
• 6, 12, 18 · · ·
√ √ √
• 3, 2 3, 3 3 · · ·
• 4, 8, 12 · · ·
√ √ √
• 2, 2 2, 3 2 · · ·
• 3, 7, 11, 15 · · ·
• 6, 15, 24 · · ·
• 10, 36, 52 · · ·
All these sequences are arithmetic sequences. The first number is called first term of
the sequence and the number to be added repeatedly is called common difference . The
worksheet 5 given below help us to understand arithmetic sequences.
As dicussed in the text book we can find the algebraic form of an arithmetic sequence
as follows
3, 7, 11, 15 · · ·
x1 = 3, x2 = 3 + 1 × 4, x3 = 3 + 2 × 4, x4 = 3 + 3 × 4 · · ·
xn = 3 + (n − 1) × 4
xn = 3 + 4n − 4 = 4n − 1 . Without a generalization we can find the algebraic form
of an arithmetic sequence in this way.
Worksheet 5
1. Write the algebric form for each of the following sequences
a) Sequence of odd numbers
b) Sequence of natural numbers which leave the remainder 1 on dividing by 3
c) Sequence of numbers ending in 1
d) Sequence of natural numbers ending in 1 or 6
2. See the pictures below
a) Write the number of small squares in each picture as a sequence. Write its
algebraic form
b) Write the number of large squares as a sequence and write its algebraic
c) Write sequence of all squares in each picture as a sequence. Write the
algebraic form
Arithmetic Sequences
• The difference between any two terms of an arithmetic sequence will be a multiple
of its common difference .
• If the terms of an arithmetic sequence are natural numbers ,the terms leave the
same remainder on division by the common difference .
Worksheet 6
3. In the staircase shown here the height of first step is 10cm and the height of each
step after it is 17.5cm
a) How high from the first step would be someone climbing up after each step
b) Suppose that someone climbing up from the ground. Write the sequence
of heights attained
c) Find the algebraic form of this sequence
d) How much height one can attain from 6 th step to 15 th step
6. If all terms of an arithmetic sequence are natural numbers and one term is a
perfect square then the sequence includes more perfect square terms
Let n2 be a perfect square term. Add 2n + d times d to n2
n2 + (2n + d) × d = (n + d)2 . This is a perfect square term of this sequence
Arithmetic Sequences
xn = 5 + (n − 1) × 3 = 5 + 3n − 3 = 3n + 2
If f is the first term and d is the common difference of an arithmetic sequence
f, f + d, f + 2d, f + 3d · · ·
is the general form of an arithmetic sequence . When (n − 1) times common difference
is added to the first term we get its n th term.
xn = f + (n − 1) × d = f + dn − d = dn + (f − d)
xn = dn + (f − d)
Worksheet 7
1. 7, 10, 13 · · · is an arithmetic sequence.
a) What is the common difference of this sequence ?
b) Write the algebraic form of this sequence
c) Check whether 2020 a term of this sequence or not
d) If it is a term what will be its position in the sequence
e) What should be added to 13 th term to get 20 th term?
2. −117, −113, −109 · · · is an arithmetic sequence
a) What is the common difference of this sequence ?
b) Write the algebric form of this sequence
c) Which is the first positive term of this sequence ?
d) How many negative terms are there in this sequence ?
3. Consider the arithmetic sequences 9, 7, 5 · · · and 24, 21, 18 · · ·
a) Write the algebraic form of the sequence 9, 7, 5 · · ·
b) Write the algebraic form of the sequence 24, 21, 18 · · ·
c) If n th term of both the sequences are equal ,find the value of n
d) Find the term which is same in both the sequences
4. Consider the natural numbers 1, 2, 3 · · ·
Arithmetic Sequences
The sequence starting from a number and adding another number repeatedly is called
arithmetic sequence. Let us think about a special type of arithmetic sequence whose
common difference is twice the first term and the number of terms is equal to the number
representing first term itself. Naturally all terms are counting numbers .
4, 12, 20, 28
In this sequence d = 2f and f = n where f, d, n have usual meaning . The sum of
the terms is found to be 64 = 43 .
All arithmetic sequences have another property. The sum of the terms equdistant from
both ends are equal. This property can be used to calculate the sum of the terms of the
arithmetic sequence .
In this example 4 + 28 = 12 + 20 = 32 . So the sum is 2 × 32 = 64. These type of
arithmetic sequences will have this property always. Based on this answer the following
questions .
a) Write a sequence whose first term and number of terms 3 and common difference
twice the first term
b) Write the number 125 as the sum of 5 numbers which forms an arithmetic sequence
c) The sum numbers forming the arithmetic sequence 7, 21, 35 · · · makes the cube
of 7. How many terms are there in this sequence ?
Arithmetic Sequences
(1, 19), (3, 17), (5, 15), (7, 13), (9, 11)
These pairing is done by taking terms equidistant from both ends of the sequence. Sum
of the numbers in each pair is 20 and to get the sum of all terms of this sequence is
5 × 20.
If there are odd number of terms in the sequence this pairing leave one number at the
center. That middle term will be half of the sum of numbers in the pair.
1, 3, 5, 7 · · · 21
The pairing can be done as follows
(1, 21), (3, 19), (5, 17), (7, 15), (9, 13), 11
The number 11 comes at the right end of above line is the middle term of the sequence.
It is half of 22, the sum of numbers in the pair
Worksheet 8
1. Consider the arithmetic sequence 2, 6, 10, 14 · · · 38 .
a) Write the algebraic form of this sequence
b) How many terms are there in this sequence ?
c) What is the sum of 5 th and 6 th terms of this sequence ?
d) Find the sum of all terms of this sequence
2. The algebraic form of an arithmetic sequence is 3n + 5 .
a) What is the common difference of this sequence ?
b) What is its first term and 30 th term ?
c) What is the sum of 15 th term and 16 th term of this sequence?
d) Find the sum of all terms of this1 sequence .
3. 10, 17, 24 · · · is an arithmetic sequence
Arithmetic Sequences
Worksheet 10
1. The algebraic form of an arithmetic sequence is 3n + 7.
a) What is the common difference of this arithmetic sequence?
b) What is the difference between 20th term and 27 th term of this sequence
1 1
2. The first term of an arithmetic sequence is 3 and common difference is 6
Recall that the sum of the terms equidistant from both ends of an arithmetic sequence
are equal. This can be used to calculate the sum of a definite number of terms of an
arithmetic sequence. This can be explained with an example.
a) f = 7, d = 11 − 7 = 4
b) xn = dn + (f − d) = 4n + 3
d) On pairing from both ends we get 22 pairs having the sum 186 . The sum of the
terms = 186 × 22 = 4092
Worksheet 12
a) Find the angle which comes as the middle term of this sequence
b) If the smallest angle of this pentagon is 40◦ what will be the largest angle
c) Prove that the smallest angle is greater than 36◦
5. Sum of the first 5 terms of an arithmetic sequence is 150. The sum of the first
10 terms is 550
Arithmetic Sequences
The process of calculating the sum of first n natural numbers , the sum of first n
even numbers and the sum of first n odd numbers are discussed in this section.
Worksheet 13(A)
Worksheet 13(B)
a) Find the sum of first 100 natural numbers
b) What is the difference between the sum of the first 10 even numbers and
the sum of first 10 odd numbers
c) Consider the sequence 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 · · · . This is the sequence of triangular
numbers .
1 = 1, 3 = 1 + 2, 6 = 1 + 2 + 3, 10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 · · ·
What is the 10 th term of this sequence
d) The sum of some odd numbers beginning from 1 in the oder of odd numbers
make the sum in between 900 and 1000. How many numbers makes this
sum ?
e) Calculate the sum of first 100 even numbers
Worksheet 13(C)
Arithmetic Sequences
3. Answer the following questions from the pattern given below
a) Write the sequence of sections of plane by the lines
b) 2 = 1 + 1, 4 = 1 + (1 + 2), 7 = 1 + (1 + 2 + 3) · · · .
Write the algebraic form of this sequence
c) How many sections are formed by 10 lines
d) How mant lines are needed to make 211 sections ?
Arithmetic Sequences
In this arrangement we can see triangular numbers in its first column . This observation
help us to answer cetrain questions of this section.
Worksheet 16
1. Look at the pattern given below
a) What is the common difference of the sequence of numbers which makes
the pattern ?
b) Write the numbers in the left end of the pattern as a sequence
c) Write the terms of this sequence as the sum of first term4 and multiple of
d) The fourth triangular number is 10. What is the fifth term of this sequence
e) Find the fifth triangular number and sixth term of this sequence
f) Calculate the first number in the 10 th line of this pattern
g) Write the next two lines of the pattern above and calculate first and last
numbers of the 20 th lne (TBQ)
3. The expressions for the sum to n terms of some arithmetic sequences are given
below . Write the sequence by finding first term and common difference
4. Write the algebraic form of the sequences whose expression for sum to n terms
Arithmetic Sequences
Unit Test
2 marks
3 marks
4 marks
a) What is the sum of first and 11 th terms of this sequence ?
b) What is the sum of 5th and 7th term ?
c) If the second term is 0 then what is its common difference ?
d) Calculate the sum of first 11 terms of this sequence ?
e) What is the product of first 11 terms of this sequence ?
5 marks
The first figure is a dot. Second figure has 3 dots arranged in the form of a
triangle. Third figure has 6 dots in the form of a triangle
Also 1 = 1, 3 = 1 + 2, 6 = 1 + 2 + 3 · · · is a way of expanding these numbers
. The number of dots in the fourth figure will be 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10. This can
be continued logically.
Answer the following questions
6 scores
Angle on the semicircle is 90◦ . Angle outside the semicircle is less than 90◦ , angle
inside the semicircle is greater than 90◦ . This can be visualised by geogebra easily .
Worksheet 17
1. In the figure AB is the diameter of a circle. The lines AP and BQ are perpendicular
to the line P Q.
a) Draw a rough diagram and join suitable points in the figure to make 90◦
b) How can you say the lines P A = QC?
2. Draw a circle of diameter 5cm. Construct a rectangle of one side 4 cm and its
verices are on this circle. Write the principle of construction
3. In the figure P is the center and AB the diameter of the outer circle.Q is the
center and AP is the diameter of middle circle
4. Triangle ABC is an isoceles triangle with sides AB = AC. Prove that the
circle with diameter AB passes through the center of the base line BC
5. AB is the diameter of a semicircle. ∠AP B, ∠AQB and ∠ARB are in an
arithmetic sequence .
Worksheet 19
1. What is the position of the vertex of an equilateral triangle based on a circle with
opposite side as the diameter?
ഒ സമ ജ ിേകാണ ിെ ഒ വശം വ ാസമാ ി വര െ അടി ാനമാ ി
എതിർശീർഷ ിെ ാനം എവിെടയാണ് ?
a) What type of triangle is this ?
ഏ തരം ിേകാണമാണ് ഇത് ?
b) A circle is drawn with longest side of the triangle as the diameter. What is
the position of the opposite vertex based on this circle ?
ഏ ം നീളം ടിയ വശം വ ാസമാ ി വര െ അടി ാനമാ ി
എതിർശീർഷ ിെ ാനം എവിെടയാണ് ?
c) Circles are drawn with other two sides as the diameter. What is the position
of opposite vertex based on this circle
മ ് ര ് വശ െള ം വ ാസമാ ി ം വര .ഈ െ അടി ാനമാ ി
എതിർശീർഷ ിെ ാനം എവിെടയാണ് ?
4. ABCD is a rhombus. Circles are drawn with its sides as the dimeter.
ABCDഒ സമ ജസാമാ രീകമാണ്. വശ െള വ ാസമാ ി ൾ വര ിരി .
a) What
√ is the position of the opposite vertex based on the circle with diameter
5 െസ.മീ നീള വശം വ ാസമാ ി വര െ അടി ാനമാ ി
എതിർശീർഷ ിെ ാനം എവിെടയാണ് ?
b) What
√ is the position of the opposite vertex based on the circle with diameter
5 െസ.മീ നീള വശം വ ാസമാ ി വര െ അടി ാനമാ ി
എതിർശീർഷ ിെ ാനം എവിെടയാണ് ?
c) What
√ is the position of the opposite vertex based on the circle with diameter
2 െസ.മീ നീള വശം വ ാസമാ ി വര െ അടി ാനമാ ി
എതിർശീർഷ ിെ ാനം എവിെടയാണ് ?
b) What is the position of one vertex based on the opposite side as the
ഒ വശം വ ാസമാ ി വര െ അടി ാനമാ ി എതിർശീർഷ ിെ
ാനം എവിെടയാണ് ?
An arc of a circle can make three type of angles —angle on itself , angle at the center and
angle in the complement. The angle formed by the arc at the center is twice the angle formed
in the complement.
The sum of the angle on the arc and in the copmplement is 180◦
Worksheet 20
2. In the figure ∠COD = 40◦ . Find ∠ADC, ∠ABC and ∠AOC
3. In the figure OACB is a parallelogram. ∠OAC = 40◦ . Find ∠OBC, ∠ACB, ∠AOB
and ∠AP B
4. In the figure ∠OAB = 20◦ , ∠OCB = 30◦ . Find ∠ABC, ∠AOC and ∠ADC
5. In the figure triangle OAB is an equilateral triangle .Find ∠ACB, ∠ADB and ∠BDE
Worksheet 21
In the figure O is the center of a circle. Find the angles of the parallelogram
2. In the figure ABCD is a square drawn in a circle.
a) What is ∠ADB and ∠ACB?
b) Find ∠EDP and ∠ECP
c) Prove that x = y + z
d) If the radius of the circle is 5cm and y + z = 60◦ , what is the length of
the chord AB?
Worksheet 22
1. Answer the following clock face problems
a) The numbers 1 and 2 on a clock face are joined to the center of the clock.
What is the small angle between these lines
b) Two adjacent numbers of a clock face are joined to another number by
straight lines . What is the small angle between these lines ?
c) The numbers 12 and 3 are joined to 8 of a clock face. What is the measure
of the angle between these lines ?
d) A triangle is formed by joining 2, 6 and 10 of a clock face. What kind of
triangle is this ? What is the angle between the lines joined by two vertices
to the center of the clock face?
e) What is the angle between minute hand and hour hand at 7.20? At 7.20
the tips of the arms are joined to 12 by lines . What is the angle between
these lines ?
2. The numbers 1, 4 and 8 on a clock face are joined to make a triangle. Calculate
the angles of this triangle
3. How many equilateral triangles can we make by joining numbers on the clock’s
4. A, B and C are three points in a circle which makes triangle the triangle ABC.
B and C are joined to the center O .
5. In the figure given below the verices of triangle ABC The vertices B and C are
joined to the center .
Draw a circle and the radii OA and OB such that ∠OAB = 160◦
The arc AP B makes an angle 160◦ at the center of the circle. So this arc can make
80◦ in the complement. All angles that the arc AP B form on arcAQB is 80◦ . We can
divide the circle into two parts by the chord AB. All angles in one segment is 80◦ and
on other segment 180 − 80 = 100◦ .
Worksheet 22
1. Draw a circle of radius 3cm and divide it by a chord into two parts such that angle
on one part is 50◦ .
Draw an angle in other part . What will be its measure?
2. Draw a circle of radius 3cm . Draw a chord in the circle such that angle in one part
is 70◦ . Draw an angle in other part . Without using protractor write its measure
4. Draw a circle of radius 3cm and a chord in it such that angle in one segment of
the circle is 110◦ .
5. A chord divides a circle into two parts. The angle on one part is half of all angles
in other part.
6. In the figure O is the center of the circle, ∠AP B and ∠AQB are the angles in
one arc and its complement.
If all four vertices of a quadrilateral are on a circle, then its opposite angle sum is
180◦ . Such a quadrilateral is called cyclic quadrilateral.
If the opposite angles of a quadrilateral are supplementary we can draw a circle passing
through its vertices.
Among the quadrilaterals having special name rectangle , square and isoceles trapezium
shows this cyclic property.
Worksheet 24
1. ABC is a triangle in which AB = AC. The line P Q is drawn by joining the mid
points of AB and AC.
2. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. The side AB is parallel to side CD. Prove that
ABCD is an isosceles trapezium.
(Hint: Follow the logic given below for writing the proof )
4. In the figure AB is the diameter of a circle. The vertices of the quadrilateral
ABCD are on this circle. ∠ADC = 130◦ .
a) Find ∠ABC
b) What is the measure of angle C in the triangle ABC
c) If AD = CD find ∠C of the quadrilateral ABCD
d) If AD = CD find ∠A of the quadrilateral ABCD
5. In the figure ABC is right angled triangle with two sides equal.
Worksheet 25
1. Look at the picture
a) ∠A + ∠B = 180◦
If ∠A ∠C
2 + 2 = 90 .
Worksheet 26
1. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. We draw a circle through its vertices. Six angles
∠P, ∠Q, ∠R, ∠S are marked as in the figure.
Prove that ∠P + ∠Q + ∠R + ∠S = 540◦ .
a) Join P B and P C
b) P BQA is cyclic, ∠AP B + ∠Q 1 = 180◦
c) P BRC is cyclic. ∠BP C + ∠R = 180◦
d) P CSD is cyclic ,∠DP C + ∠S = 180◦
e) Adding these equations we get the answer.
2. In the figure BD = CD, ∠CBD = 25◦
In the trapezum ABCD, AB is parallel to CD and AC = BD. Prove that
ABCD is cyclic
Worksheet 27
a) Join AC and BD
b) How do ∠ACP and angle DBP relate Why?
c) How do ∠CAP and angle BDP relate ? Why?
d) Are the triangles P AC and P DB similar ? Write the relation between the
e) Write the relation between the segments of the chords.
2. The chords AB and CD of a circle intersect at a pointP inside the circle.
Establish the relation between the segments of the intersecting chords.
a) Join AC and BD
b) How do ∠ACP and ∠BDP relate?
c) How do ∠ACP and ∠DBP relate ?
d) Are triangle P AC and P DB similar?
e) Write the relation between the segments P A, P B, P C and P D
4. AB and CD are two chords which when produced meet at P and AP = CP .
In the case of intersecting chords of a circle , if one chord is the diameter and other
chord is perpendicular to the diameter we can modify the relation as follows.
P A × P B = P C × P D → P A × P B = P C2
Worksheet 28
1. In the figureAB is the diameter of a circle. The line CD is perpendicular to AB
, intersect AB at P .
P A = 9cm,P B = 4cm
a) In the first figure P Q is a line of length 14cm. What are the possible
integer lengths of AP and BP
b) In the second figure RS is a line of length 18cm. What are the possible
integer lengths of AR and BR
√ √
c) In the third figure P Q = 14 and RS = 18. Find the diammeter of the
semicircle as a natural number
3. Draw a square of side 3 cm and construct a rectangle whose area equal to area
of the square
a) Draw a rough diagram , drop QN perpendicular to AB
b) N A × N B = N Q2
c) IfN A = x then N B = 8 − x
x(8 − x) = N Q2
d) N Q2 = 22 − x2
x(8 − x) = 4 − x2 , 8x − x2 = 4 − x2 , x = 1
e) Draw P M perpendicular to AB , AM = 12
f) M N = 7 Therefore P Q = 7cm
3. Draw a rectangle of sides 6cm and 4 cm , construct a square having area equal
to area of the rectangle
step 1: Draw a line of length 4cm . say AB , draw a circle with diameter AB
step2: Between A and B , mark a point P on this line such that AP = 3 cm and
P B = 1cm
step 3: Draw a line perpendicular to AB through P which cut the circle at C and D
step 4: Join AC and AD. Triangle ACD will be an equilateral triangle . AP = 3
cm will be its altitude
5. (New text book problems) In the figure a line through the center of acircle cuts
the chord into two parts . What is the radius of the circle
1. Two angles of a triangle are 60◦ and 20◦ .A circle is drawn with the common arm
as the diameter.
2 scores
3 scores
4. Draw a circle of radius 2cm. Construct a chord of length 2 3 in this circle. What
will be the area of the square with this chord as a side?
4 scores
4 scores
5 scores
Mathematics of Chance
Worksheet 32
1. The two digit counting numbers which yield the remainder 3 on dividing by 5 are
written in small paper pieces and placed in a box.One is taken from the box at
a) How many such numbers are there in the box?
b) What is the probability of getting an even number?
c) What is the probability of getting an odd number?
2. A box contains 12 balls of two different colours blue and red. One is taken from
the box without looking into the box.
a) If the probability of getting blue ball is 34 , how many blue balls are there in
the box?
b) What is the probability of getting a red ball?
3. Nazrin throws two dice once and computes the product of numbers appearing on
the dice.Riswan throws one die and squares the number that appears on it.
a) What is the probability of getting 36 in Nazrin’s game?
b) What is the probability of getting 36 in Riswan’s game ?
c) Who has the better chance of getting 36?
4. A number is selected at random from first 50 natural numbers.
a) What is the probability that it is a multiple of 3?
b) What is the probability that it is a multiple of 4?
c) What is the probability that it is a multiple of 3 and4?
d) What is the probability that it is a multiple of 3 or 4?
5. There are 100 cards in a bag on which numbers from 1 to 100 are written. A
card is taken out from the bag at random.
a) What is the probability that the number in the selected card is divisible by
b) What is the probability that the number in the selected card is a perfect
square? 1
c) What is the probability that the number in the selected card is divisible by
9 and a perfect square?
Mathematics of Chance
After completing 5 questions of the text book we can go through five additional
problems on Geometrical Probability.
Worksheet 33
1. The mid points of two neighbouring sides and opposite vertex form a triangle
shaded in the figure. A fine dot is placed into the figure at random. What is the
probability of falling the dot in the shade?
2. The perimeter of the outer square is 28cm and that of inner square is 20 cm. A
small part is shaded .
3. in the figure ABC is an equilateral triangle. The mid points of the sides are
joined to get another triangle P QR.
a) How many equal triangles are there in the picture?
b) How many paralleloograms are there in the picture ?
b) A fine dot is placed into the figure at random. What is the probabilty of
falling the dot in a small triangle ?
c) What is the probability of falling dot in a parallelogrm ?
4. In the picture there is a triangle and a square.The right triangles in the left ,right
and above the square are equal isosceles triangles .
5. In the picture there are two semicircles. The diameter of the small semicircle is
the radius of the big semicircle.
Mathematics of Chance
Worksheet 34
1. The numbers 2, 3, 4 are written in small paper pieces and placed in a box. The
fractions 21 , 13 , 14 are written in another set of small papers and placed in another
box. One from each box is taken at random
a) List the pairs of outcome. How many pairs are there in this experiment?
b) Write product of numbers in pair
c) What is the probability of getting an integer as the product?
2. A bag contains 5 red balls and some blue balls. If the probability of drawing a
blue ball is double that of the red ball. Determine the number of blue balls in the
3. A box contains 12 balls out of which some are black.If 6 more black balls are put
in the box,the probability of drawing a black ball is now double of what it was
a) If initially x black balls are there in the bag , what is the probability of getting
black ?
b) Find the value of x
c) If all other balls are red, what is the probablity of getting red after adding
6 more balls?
4. A box contains four slips 1, 2, 3, 4 and another box contains two slips 1, 2.If one
slip is taken from each what is the probability of the sum of numbers being odd?
What is the probability of the sum being even?
5. Two digit multiples of 3 are written seperately in small paper pieces and placed
in a box. Two digit multiples of 5 are written in small paper pieces and placed in
another box. One from each box is taken at random .
a) How many paper strips are there in the first box?
b) How many paper strips are there in the second box?
c) How many pairs are possible while taking one from each box ?
d) What is the probability of getting an even number in the product of numbers
in the pair?
Mathematics of Chance
Worksheet 35
It is better to discuss the fundamental principle of counting in this section. If process
can be completed in m ways , another process can be completed in n ways then both
the processes can be completed one after other in mn ways.
For example , a journey from Kochi to Mumbai can be done in 4 ways (By rail , by air, by
road , by ship). The journey from Mumbai to Delhi can be done in 3 ways( By train, by air,
by road). It is easy to understand that Delhi via Mumbai can be completed in 4 × 3 = 12
ways. We can use this process in probability experiments .
1. A box contains three small paper strips named 1, 2, 3. Another box contains two
paper strips named 4, 5. One from each box is taken and make them pairs .
a) Write the list of pairs
b) What is the probability of getting the product of numbers in the pair even
c) What is the probability of getting the product of numbers in the pair odd
2. A box contains 1, 2, 3, 4 on small paper strips. Another box contains numbers 1
and 2 on small paper pieces . One paper is taken fromeach box at random.
a) What is the probability of getting the sum of numbers in the pair odd?
b) What is the probability of getting the sum of numbers in the pair even?
c) What is the probability of getting the product of numbers in the pair even?
d) What is the probability of getting the product of numbers in the pair odd?
3. Each two digit number is written on a paper slip and these are all put in a box.
One is taken from the box at random.
a) How many two digit numbers are there in the box?
b) Write the two digit numbers which gives a prime number as the product of
the digits
Note : 1n or n1 where n is one of 2, 3, 5, 7
b) Find the probability that the product of the digits of a number drawn is a
prime number?
4. Each three digit number is written on a paper slip and these are all put in a box.
One is taken from the box at random.