Mango Peel Pectin
Mango Peel Pectin
Mango Peel Pectin
2019; 9(3):51-59
The aim of this study was to formulate and evaluate the oral fast-dissolving film of Vitamin B6 for the effective management of motion sickness
and vomiting during pregnancy. Fast-dissolving films were prepared by the solvent-casting method using different polymers, HPMC-15 and
Pullulan, along with Propylene glycol as a plasticizer. The Fourier-transform infrared study for the drug-polymer interaction was carried out.
Evaluation of physical parameters such as physical appearance, surface texture, uniformity of weight, uniformity of strip thickness, surface pH,
folding endurance, uniformity of drug content and percentage of moisture absorption were performed. Kinetic data analysis for the release
study and the stability study were also performed. Results of uniformity of weight, thickness, folding endurance, surface pH, percentage drug
content, tensile strength and percentage elongation of all the films were found to be satisfactory. The Fourier-transform infrared study
indicated that there was no interaction between the drug and the polymers. The in-vitro drug release study showed that a better rate of drug
release was achieved by formulations F4 and F8 compared with other formulations. The stability study did not show any significant difference
in the external appearance, the drug content and the in-vitro drug release. In conclusion present study suggested that fast dissolving films has a
better ability to cross the sublingual barrier at a faster rate, and hence the delivery system was found to be promising as it has the potential of
overcoming the drawbacks associated with tablet formulations available in the market presently.
Keywords: Fast-dissolving film, Vitamin B6, HPMC-15, Pullulan gum, Mango peel pectin, Crospovidone, solvent casting
Article Info: Received 11 March 2019; Review Completed 20 April 2019; Accepted 23 April 2019; Available online 15 May 2019
Cite this article as:
Beyatricks KJ, Dhananjaya, Development of Fast Dissolving Oral Films Containing Vitamin B6 for Nausea and Vomiting of
Pregnancy (NVP), Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2019; 9(3):51-59
aluminum foil-coated glass molds having a surface area of 25 Preparation of fast-dissolving films5
cm2 were fabricated for casting the films.
The casting solution (10 ml) was poured into glass molds
Preparation of casting solutions and dried at 40°C in a vacuum oven for 24 hour for solvent
evaporation. The patches were removed by peeling and cut
The weighed quantities of polymers were kept for swelling
into a square dimension of 5 cm × 5 cm (25cm 2). These
overnight in distilled water and dissolved (heated, if patches were kept in a desiccator for 2 days for further
necessary). The drug, superdisintegrants and aspartame
drying and wrapped in aluminium foil, and packed in self-
were dissolved in distilled water and added to the above
sealing covers. Fast-dissolving films were prepared with
mentioned polymer solution along with propylene glycol as a
different polymers and ratios by maintaining the
plasticizer, mixed thoroughly to form a homogenous mixture. concentration of the plasticizer and sweetener constant
The volume was made up to 10 ml with distilled water. Table 1.
Entrapped air bubbles were removed by applying vacuum.
Table 1: Formulation development of Vitamin B6 fast dissolving oral film by solvent casting method
Formula code F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
Vitamin B6 (mg) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Crospovidone (mg) 10 20 -- -- 10 20 -- --
Mango peel pectin (mg) -- -- 10 20 -- -- 10 20
HPMC-15 (mg) -- -- -- -- 60 60 60 60
Pullulan gum (mg) 60 60 60 60 -- -- -- --
Propylene glycol (ml) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Aspartame (mg) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Menthol (mg) Q.S Q.S Q.S Q.S Q.S Q.S Q.S Q.S
Water up to (ml) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
If the zero order drug release kinetic is obeyed, a plot of Q t λmax of Vitamin B6 was found to be 292 nm as it shows
versus t will give straight line with a slope of K0 and an maximum absorbance in this wavelength.
intercept at Q0. 5.3 Calibration curve of Vitamin B6
First Order Kinetic: The absorbance was measured in a UV spectrophotometer at
It describes the drug release from the system in which the 292 nm against 0.1N HCl. The absorbance so obtained was
release rate is concentration dependant.56 plotted and shown in the Figure 1.
Preparation of film formulations: was determined. The values were found to be in the range of
120–210 μm, which is said to be acceptable for fast-
Fast-dissolving films of Vitamin B6 were prepared by the
dissolving films. The films with HPMC as a polymer showed
solvent casting method on glass molds, using Pullulan gum a slightly increase in thickness which might be due to
and HPMC-15 as polymers. Propylene glycol was used as a increased viscosity of HPMC. Physical appearance of
plasticizer and aspartame as a sweetener. Distilled water
prepared film was checked simply with visual infection of
was used as a solvent for HPMC and Pullulan gum. Mango
films and by feel or touch. Films formulated from Pullulan
peel pectin and crospovidone was used as gum were smooth, flexible and transparent whereas those
superdisintegrants. The effect of the concentration ratio of prepared from HPMC-15 were slightly rough in texture, less
polymers and superdisintegrants was studied by preparing
flexible and translucent. The results were showed in Table
various formulations of fast-dissolving films. In the
preparation, the addition of ingredients, particularly
propylene glycol and aspartame, was followed after the Drug content uniformity:
careful evaluation of films for physical characteristics. In all
The drug content estimation was done using by UV
these formulations, a constant amount of drug (50 mg) was
maintained. The casting solution (10 ml) was poured into 25 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-1800), at 292nm. Drug
cm2 molds, so that each square centimetre contains content of all the formulations were found between 96.81 to
approximately 2 mg of the drug. The concentration of 99.07 %. All the film formulations of Vitamin B6 showed
uniform drug content as shown in Table 3.
polymers s and the concentration of other ingredients such
as plasticizer and sweetener were kept constant. A total Folding endurance:
number of eight formulations were prepared.
The result of folding endurance is shown in Table 3. Folding
Evaluation of Vitamin B6 fast dissolving oral film: endurance of fast dissolving film was found in the range
250±3 to 454±3. Fast dissolving film containing Pullulan
Mass uniformity, thickness and appearance:
gum as polymer showed optimum folding endurance (more
From the results of the tests for physical characterization than 400±2) compared to formulations containing HPMC-12.
conducted, it is observed that the weight and thickness of all Therefore on the basis of appearance and folding endurance,
film samples was uniform within each formulation. The we can say that Pullulan gum based formulations were
thickness of 12 films of each formulation was determined superior to HPMC-12 based formulations.
using a micrometer screw gauge, and the average thickness
Drug Release Kinetics: followed first order kinetics. It was found that the value of ‘r’
for first order ranged from 0.989-0.998, which is near to 1
Investigation of the drug release from the fast dissolving film
when compare to zero order (0.761-0.893) and Higuchi
was done by plotting the data of in-vitro release studies into
square root (0.598-0.796). So, it was understood to be
different kinetic equations (Zero order, First order, and following first order release pattern by the prepared film. In
Higuchi’s equation). The release mechanism was understood
the present investigation, release from the hydrophilic
by fitting the data to Korsemeyer Peppas model. The results
polymers followed the combination of diffusion and erosion
of different release kinetics pattern and release mechanism as the ‘n’ values ranged from 0.465 to 0.625 as per the
of the drug from the different fast dissolving film Korsmeyer and Peppas model, which in turn justified the
formulations were showed in Table 6. suitability of polymers for the preparation of fast-dissolving
From the kinetic studies, Table 6 the examination of films. A result of release kinetics studies is showed in Table
correlation coefficient ‘r’ indicated that the drug release 6.
Table 6: Release exponent values and release rate constant values for different fast dissolving film formulations
Formula Code Korsmeyar and Peppas Higuchi First Order Zero Order
R2 N R2 R2 R2
F1 0.850 0.465 0.674 0.987 0.828
F2 0.842 0.559 0.598 0.990 0.892
F3 0.846 0.547 0.688 0.998 0.844
F4 0.825 0.625 0.686 0.984 0.761
F5 0.823 0.535 0.795 0.992 0.807
F6 0.835 0.486 0.693 0.984 0.893
F7 0.840 0.496 0.792 0.985 0.838
F8 0.835 0.545 0.796 0.989 0.847
R2=Regression coefficient, n= Exponential value
Stability studies: for physical changes, the percentage drug content and the
percentage drug release. Fast-dissolving films of Vitamin B6
Based on the results of in-vitro release studies, formulation
were found to be physically and chemically stable and
F4 and F8 were selected for short term stability study. showed no significant change in terms of physical
Stability studies were carried out for 90 days at 45-50°C
characteristics, the percentage drug content and the
(75% RH) and 25-30°C (60% RH). The films were observed percentage drug release.
CONCLUSION The main aim of this work is to prepare and evaluate of fast
dissolving film of Vitamin B6 using superdisintegrants like
Oral drug delivery is currently the golden standard in the Crospovidone and Mango peel pectin and HPMC-15 and
pharmaceutical industry where it is regarded as the safest, Pullulan gum as polymer. Eight formulations of fast
most convenient and an economical method of drug delivery dissolving film of Vitamin B6 were prepared by solvent
having the highest patient compliance. casting method and subjected to various evaluation tests.
The most popular dosage forms being tablets and capsules, All the fast dissolving films were evaluated for compatibility,
one important drawback of these dosage forms however is thickness, folding endurance, tensile strength, disintegration
the difficulty to swallow. Dysphagia or difficult in time and in-vitro drug release studies. Further the fast
swallowing is seen to affect nearly 35% of the population. dissolving film formulations were subjected to their short
This disorder is also associated with number of medical term stability studies for three months and again subjected
conditions. Many elder persons will have difficulty in taking to further evaluation tests.
conventional dosage forms. However, geriatric, pediatric and
mentally ill patients experience difficulty in swallowing Results revealed that all the formulated films showed
conventional tablets, which leads to poor patient acceptable thickness, percentage elongation, and physical
compliance. In some cases such as motion sickness, sudden properties. In-vitro release studies revealed that, the drug
episode of allergic attack or coughing and unavailability of released by F4 formulation was comparatively higher release
water for swallowing tablets may become difficult. than the other formulations. The formulation F4 shows
98.81% of drug release at the end of 15 min. To analyze the
To overcome this hurdles, scientists have developed drug release mechanism from the fast dissolving film, the in-
innovative drug delivery systems known as fast dissolving vitro drug release data was fitted to Zero order, First order,
dosage form. United States Food and drug administration Higuchi’s model equation and Korsmeyer-Peppas model. It
(FDA) defined fast dissolving oral film is defined as “an ultra- was observed that the release of drug followed First order
thin film containing active ingredient that dissolves or release kinetics and ‘n’ value indicates that release
disintegrates in the saliva at a remarkably fast rate, within mechanism follows non-Fickian.
few seconds without the aid of water or chewing’’. The faster
the drug is going in to solution, the quicker the absorption Thus, it can be summarized that stable Vitamin B6 fast
and onset of clinical effect. Some drugs, which are soluble in dissolving film were prepared successfully by using
saliva rapidly, absorbed from the mouth, pharynx and superdisintegrants in different ratio by solvent casting
Oesophagus as the saliva passes down into the stomach thus technique. The prepared fast dissolving films disintegrates
avoids first pass metabolism and enhances the in matter of seconds without need of water and enhances the
bioavailability. absorption, this leads to increase in the bioavailability of
method to enhance the dissolution rate.
For the present study, we have selected Vitamin B6
supplements have been used for years by conventional
physicians as a treatment for morning sickness.