Business Studies: NAME
Business Studies: NAME
Business Studies: NAME
NAME ……………………………….
Above the line Methods of promotion that allow a firm to reach a wide
audience easily. These include methods such as advertising
on television and in newspapers and magazines.
Annual General The statutory meeting of directors and shareholders held once
Meeting (AGM) a year. The shareholders are asked to vote on various
proposals that the board of directors is making about the
company, but can also ask the directors questions about the
business. Shareholders may also elect members of the board
of directors.
Assisted areas Specific geographical areas of the UK, which are eligible to
receive financial assistance. The government has identified
these areas by above average unemployment rates caused by
the decline in traditional industries such as ship building, coal
mining and steel production.
Average cost Also called unit cost. The total costs of producing a product
divided by the number of units produced. Over a short period
of time it is expected that as output increases, average costs
will fall to start with and then rise again as the factory moves
towards full capacity. See economies/diseconomies of scale
Balance sheet One of the final accounts. It shows the assets and liabilities of
the business at a particular date. It is often called a ‘snap shot’
of the financial state of the business.
Bank of England The central bank of the UK. It controls the money supply,
interest rates and inflation.
Capacity A general term given for the resources that are available in a
business for production including machinery, plant and labour.
Or, the maximum amount of output that can be achieved with
a specified level of the factors of production.
Capital The man made factor of production which refers to all the real
assets which are used by a business (such as machinery) to
produce goods and services. Also called capital goods. Or,
the money provided by the owners of the business to buy the
assets needed for production to take place.
Capital intensive Relating to the system of production where the process relies
heavily on capital goods as a resource. The number of people
employed (or the cost of labour) will be relatively low
compared to the amount of capital used.
Cash The most liquid of all the assets that a business employs and
an important source of working capital for a business to help
pay wages, bills and for supplies.
Cash flow forecast A month-by-month statement that outlines the planned flows
of cash into and out of a business. The cash flown will
indicate when a business needs to raise extra finance.
Chain of production The various stages of production through which a good goes
before reaching the consumer. The chain of production shows
the links between the primary, secondary and tertiary sector.
Competition The idea that in a market, there should be more than one
producer to ensure that prices are kept low and the customer is
not exploited.
Consumer protection Safeguarding the interests of the consumer. The areas where
consumer protection has been seen as most important are
related to how goods are described, labelled and advertised,
the quality and safety of goods and buying on credit.
Cost plus pricing The basis of a pricing decision. The costs of production are
calculated and then a percentage mark-up is added to make
sure a profit is made.
Credit card A card for consumers that makes it easier to buy goods on
credit. A customer can use the card for many different
purchases in many different stores and then receives a
monthly statement detailing their purchases and the amount of
money (plus interest), which needs to be repaid.
Current assets An asset that a business owns which is likely to be turned into
cash in the next twelve months. They are found on the
balance sheet and are written in the descending order of
liquidity. They are stock debtors, bank and cash
Customs and excise Specific indirect taxes paid when goods or services are
duties purchased or traded. Customs duties, also known as tariffs,
are taxes on imported products. Excise duties are taxes raised
on the sale of demerit goods such as tobacco and alcohol, and
on petrol.
Day release A system whereby employees are given time during the
working week to attend a local college or training centre to
study for a qualification. This is off-the-job training.
Demand The quantity of goods and services that buyers are willing and
able to purchase at a particular price over a period of time. It
can be represented by a demand curve, which shows how a
consumers demand may react to a change in the price.
Depreciation A term given to the reduction in the value of fixed assets like
machinery due to age, wear and tear or obsolescence as new
technology is introduced. Can be calculated using the straight
line or reducing balance method.
Development areas An assisted area, which has a very high level of long-term
Direct tax The tax that a government raises on the basis of the income of
an individual or a business. The most important example is
income tax (a tax on workers wages and salaries), but there is
also corporation tax (a tax on the profits made by business).
Distribution The place element of the marketing mix i.e. the means by
which the product is delivered to the consumer at the right
place and at the right time.
Economic growth The increase in a countries real output over a period of time.
A country’s output is measured by its gross national product
and “real” growth would mean growth not just caused by a
change in prices i.e. inflation has been accounted for.
Economies of scale Those factors that, as a business grows and its output
increases, allows the average cost of the business to fall.
Electronic Point Of A system used in retailing, which links the cash desk to a
Sale (EPOS) computer. Each product sold has a bar code, which is read by
the computer using a scanner. This bar code stores the price
of the item and often other information such as its name.
Enterprise zones Poor inner city areas that were chosen by the UK government
to receive special assistance. In these depressed areas
businesses were encouraged to set up and create new jobs.
Exchange rate The rate that one currency trades for another currency on the
foreign exchange markets. Businesses will be interested in
changes in the exchange rate because they will affect the price
paid for imports and exports.
External economies Types of economies of scale that arise for a group of firms, or
of scale a whole industry, rather than for an individual firm. They
occur as a result of the firms being located or organised
together and cause the costs of production for all firms
involved to be reduced.
Created by Gail Sharratt 10 Kuwait English School
General union A type of trade union that recruits its members from across a
number of industries. It represents semi skilled and unskilled
workers in a variety of occupations. Examples are TGWU
(Transport and General Workers Union) and Unison (The
union for public sector workers).
Gross pay An individuals earnings for work done before any deductions
have been made for income tax, national insurance or
Gross profit The final figure obtained on the trading account when the cost
of goods sold has been deducted form the sales revenue of a
business. This does not take into account any expenses of
running the business such as wages or administration costs.
Hire purchase A way for consumers to buy on credit which involves paying a
deposit on a product and then paying off the balance in a
series of instalments. These will cover the price of the good
and any interest or service charges applicable
Horizontal merger or The joining of two or more companies that operate at the same
integration level in the chain of production and produce the same type of
product. An example of this type of merger would be
McDonalds and Burger King.
Import controls Any of the methods that a government can employ to reduce
the level of imports coming into a country in order to reduce
the balance of payments deficit or protect domestic business.
Methods include tariffs and quotas.
Imports Those goods and services that are consumed in one country
but which have been purchased from another country.
Represented by a flow of money out of the country.
Indirect costs Those costs that cannot be directly identified with a particular
cost centre in a business. The costs of energy, administration
and security are examples.
Indirect tax A source of the government’s revenue that is based upon the
expenditure of people rather than on their income. Such tax is
paid where consumers purchase goods. The main example is
VAT (Value added tax).
Job enrichment The process of trying to make a job more satisfying and
motivating for an employee by changing the nature of the
jobs. This could include job rotation and job enlargement.
Job rotation Changing the job completed by employees every few weeks
so that they do not get bored completing the same tasks over
and over again. This widens their skills, makes them more
flexible and keeps them motivated.
Just in Time (JIT) A principle developed in Japan that involves stock being
production delivered ‘just in time’ to be used. This reduces the need for
large expensive warehouses and improves cash flow.
Labour supply (or Those members of the countries population willing and able to
the working work. It includes those currently in employment and self-
population) employed and those who are registered as unemployed.
Lateral merger The joining together of two firms at the same stage of
production which produce similar, but not identical, goods.
They will also have employees with similar skills and employ
similar capital goods. Examples are a biscuit and a chocolate
Limited liability A situation where the owners of a company are only liable for
the amount of capital they have invested, in the event that the
business fails. This is applicable to owners of private and
public limited companies.
Margin of safety The number of units of production above the break-even point
produced by a firm. Calculated by: Output – break-even point
Marginal cost The extra cost a firm incurs when it produces one extra unit of
output. This is also known as the contribution cost.
Market research The finding out of information to help with the making of
marketing decisions. This can be done either by desk
research, which is collecting existing data, or field research,
which is the collection of original data for a specific purpose.
Market share A measure of the proportion of the total sales of a market that
a particular product, brand or business holds. This is often
used as a measure of business success.
Mark-up A method of pricing whereby the seller takes the basic average
cost of the product and adds a fixed percentage to determine
the selling price.
Merit goods These are goods and services provided by the government for
everybody because if the provision were left to the free market
they would not be provided at the right price in the right
quantity. Examples are state education, health care and the
social services.
Mixed economy An economy, such as the UK, where some decisions about
production are made by the private sector and some by the
public sector. It has some of the characteristics of both the
free market and the planned economy.
Monetary policy One of the major economic policies that a government can
employ. It involves the control by the government or its
central bank of the availability of money (money supply) or
the cost of money (interest rate).
Monopoly A market situation in which one firm has at least 25% control
over production and in which other firms are prevented from
competing by barriers to entry.
Nationalised Industries owned and run by the government, which form part
industries of the public sector. An Act of Parliament sets them up, a
minister of the government decides policy but day-to-day
management is left up to the chairman of the board.
Needs The goods and services that are considered to be essential for
survival. These basic needs are identified as air, food and
drink, clothing and shelter.
Net profit This is the amount of sales revenue a business earns less all of
the costs involved in achieving that revenue including both
direct and indirect costs.
Non-profit making Any of the organisations, such as those often found in the
organisation voluntary sector, whose major objectives are other that to
achieve profit. Charities such as Oxfam or the Red Crescent
are examples.
Off the job training The process of learning new skills and attitudes about a job
when employed but where learning takes place off the
premises of the employer.
On the job training The process of learning job skills at the place of work. Most
introductory, inductive type courses for new employees will
be based at the employer’s premises and the majority of
training for unskilled and semi skilled workers will be based
on hands on experience at the workplace.
Opportunity cost The benefit that could have been gained from an alternative
use of the same resource.
Ordinary shares Those shares that give the shareholder a part-ownership of the
company in which they have invested. They form the largest
single source of long-term capital for companies.
Penetration pricing A low price is set initially to enable a firm to gain market
share when entering a competitive market.
Performance related Payment systems for motivating white collar and service
pay. sector workers who are not directly involved in production or
sales. It links an employee’s salary to their standard of work
or performance.
Person specification A description of the ideal person for the job. It identifies the
qualifications, skills, experience and personal qualities
required of the applicant.
Personal selling The promotion of a product through direct contact between the
customer and the seller.
Primary production The stage of economic activity that involves the extraction of
natural resources from the land so that they can be used in the
secondary stage of production. The extraction of oil and gas
is an example.
Private Limited A limited company that does not issue share on the stock
Company (Ltd) market and where only certain individuals can purchase the
Product life cycle A model of how the sales of a typical product might behave
over the life of that product. Stages include birth, growth,
maturity, saturation and decline.
Product orientated Directed towards the product and its efficiency. In a product
orientated business, the nature of the product itself forms the
most important element in the development, production and
selling of the product.
Product range The different designs of a basic product, which will attract
different market segments. For example, a company will
produce a range of cars to satisfy customer’s different tastes
and levels of income.
Profit What is left when all costs incurred in the making and selling
of a product are deducted from the revenue gained from the
Profit and loss One of the final accounts that a business prepares that shows
account the level of net profit or loss made by the business over a
given period of time.
Profit sharing A scheme whereby employees are given a share of the profits
they have helped to generate as a bonus.
Public limited A form of limited company where the public are invited to
company buy shares and so become owners of the business through the
issue of those shares on the stock exchange.
Public sector That part of a mixed economy where a central authority rather
than private individuals makes decisions about what to
produce, how to produce and where to produce.
Quality control The methods businesses use to make sure that the product will
meet the standards expected by the customer. This could
include inspecting finished goods or introducing quality
Responsibility The obligation to carry out specified duties and tasks. Failure
to do so can result in action being taken against the person.
Retail Price Index A measure commonly used to indicate the rate of inflation in
(RPI) an economy. The index shows the average price rise or fall in
goods and services sold in shops over a period of time.
Retained profit The amount of profit after tax that directors of a business
decide not to distribute to shareholders but to keep within the
business. It is held as an increase in capital and is used to
expand operations through the purchase of fixed assets.
Sales revenue The income that a business receives as a result of selling its
products. It is calculated as price multiplied by the quantity
Secondary data This is existing information that has been gathered from
previous research and investigations. These could include
marketing reports and government statistics.
Skimming pricing A pricing policy where initially a high price will be charged
for a new product so that the firm will recover costs quickly.
Often used in high tech industries i.e. when Sony launched the
first DVD player.
Social benefits All the benefits that are gained by a society as a result of
business activity. Made up of private benefits + external
Social costs All of the costs that are incurred by society as a result of
business activity. Made up of private costs + external costs.
Sole trader A type of business organisation where one person is the owner
and where that person is responsible for the decisions of the
business. They have unlimited liability.
Span of control The range of people within an organisation for whom one
person is directly responsible.
Stock control The process of trying to establish the best level of stocks to
hold. An organisation has to balance the costs of holding
stock against the costs of not doing so. This is an opportunity
Stock exchange A market for long-term capital where both buyers and sellers
come together to raise capital for business and to invest
Takeover A situation where one company takes control of the ownership
of another company by persuading the owners to sell their
equity (either a sole trader, partners of shareholders).
Tertiary production The provision of services, which helps to support the other
two sectors of the economy. The tertiary sector includes
professional services, administration, transport and
Time rate A payment system in which employees are paid a set rate per
hour or per week. The level of pay is therefore determined by
the number of hours worked irrespective of how much work is
Trading account The first part of the final accounts that shows the sales
revenue less the cost of goods sold. This gives the gross profit
for the time period concerned.
Value Added Tax The basic form of indirect tax, which is used within the
(VAT) European Union. In the UK the rate of VAT is 17.5%
although some goods are exempt (such as food, books and
children’s clothes).
Variable costs The costs that change directly with the output of a business.
They are likely to include wages and raw materials.
Visible trade This is used to refer to the export and import of physical
Worker participation Situations where members of the workforce have some say in
the decision-making of an organisation. One form of this is
quality circles.
Working conditions A general term used to describe both the physical working
environment in which an employee works and various other
non-monetary factors such as how many people do the same
job and what breaks are allowed.