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C2S C2S: Auto Synchronizer and Safety Column

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paralleling synchroscope

Auto synchronizer
and safety column

• Led synchronoscope
• Protections
• Manual and Automatic modes

This second generation of SYNCHRONIZATION COLUMN

microprocessor module com- Led synchroscope:
bines all the visualization and 18 LEDs spread over 360° display the phase difference. The synchroscope
lines up when the frequency difference is less than 0.5 Hz.
control functions needed to
Differential frequency meter:
couple a generator to a bus bar The frequency difference is displayed by a 17 LED bar graph correspond-
manually: display of the phase, ing to ± 5 Hz with an expanded scale over 1 Hz.
frequency and voltage differen- Differential voltmeter:
ces, a safety relay which moni- The voltage difference is displayed by a 17 LED bar graph corresponding
tors these three parameters to ± 20%.
and indicates the status of the
installation. SAFETY RELAY
The coupling authorization relay monitors the difference in frequency,
This new version does not need voltage and phase. It authorizes coupling only when all the parameters
an external DC power supply, meet the requirements of the installation.
as it takes it from the busbar. Frequency difference:
The reduced size allows the Coupling authorization is given for a frequency difference of less than 0.1 Hz.
use of DIN92 format tools and Phase difference:
its heavy duty metal case can The phase difference which authorizes coupling is adjustable between ±
operate in extreme environ- 5° and ± 20°.
ment. Voltage difference:
The voltage difference which authorizes coupling is adjustable between
± 2.5% and ± 20%.

Presence of generator voltage (Vgen): Current, voltage and frequency • Weight: 0.9 Kg
Shows that the voltage of the genera- • Output relay: Isolated contact • Size: 160x96x68mm
tor or the power source to be coupled • 8 A with the 250 VAC nominal volt- • Fixing: 4 x 3mm screws with 82x
is between 85% and 115% of its nomi- age, maximum voltage 440 VAC 150mm spacing
nal value. • 2000 VA switched power on resis- Certifications
Presence of bus voltage (Vbus): tive load. CE Mark: the C2S complies with Euro-
Shows that the voltage of the bus to Environment pean CE Mark requirements.
which the generator must be coupled • Operating temperature: -20 to
is between 85% and 115% of its nomi- +85°C. PART NUMBERS
nal value. • Can be mounted in all positions. A25Z0
Voltage difference fault (ΔV): • Humidity: will function normally
Shows that the voltage difference be- in humid conditions (Tropic-proof
tween the generator and the bus is circuits).
Reduced: SCR
greater than the safety relay setting. Complementary: UNIGEN Family
Coupling in automatic mode (Auto):
Shows that the installation is in auto-
matic coupling mode. The synchroni-
zation column is active but the other
signalling LEDs and the safety relay
are inactive.
Safety relay:
Shows that the safety relay which au-
thorizes coupling is closed.

Measuring generator voltage
input ±15%:
Reference AC Voltage
A25Z0 100 VAC
A25Z1 230 VAC
A25Z2 400 VAC
50 and 60 Hz
(maximum consumption <4 VA).

Measuring bus voltage input ±15%:

Reference AC Voltage
A25Z0 100 VAC
A25Z1 230 VAC
A25Z2 400 VAC
50 and 60 Hz
(maximum consumption <0.1 VA).

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