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2301 Woodward Speed Control

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Product Specification 

82387 (Rev. B) 

2301A Load Sharing & Speed Control 
with Temperature or Process Limiting 

Woodward’s 2301A
Load Sharing and
Speed Control with
temperature Limiting
or Process Limiting is
used in electric
generator systems for
which load sharing is
desired. It can be
used with diesel or • Isochronous or
gas engines, or steam or gas turbines, and is compatible with all Woodward droop speed
electronic controls. control
Description  • Isochronous load
Rugged construction has been designed into the 2301A control for high reliability in
adverse environments. • Linear idle to rated
speed ramp
Models for process limiting accept a 4–20 mA or 1–5 Vdc control signal. Models for
temperature limiting accept a signal from a Type K thermocouple. Temperature • Automatic fuel
Limiting and Process Limiting controls are available for either low voltage or high limiting during
voltage supply.
Control of speed and load sharing requires, in addition to a 2301A control, a speed-
sensing device, an actuator, an external power source, and a means of sensing • 24 and 115 volt
voltage and current. These components make up a basic 2301A system. Additional operation
devices such as Speed and Phase Matching Synchronizers, Import/Export controls,
and Generator Loading Controls may be added. • Wide dynamic
adjustment range
The 2301A models offer many functional design features. These include:
• A wide dynamic adjustment range to accommodate a variety of prime movers,
including diesel or gas engines, or steam or gas turbines.
• Protection from electromagnetic and radio frequency interference.
• An internal, isolated power supply for improved noise immunity and ground-loop
• Low-voltage model: Once powered at 15 volts or above, the control will operate
with a supply voltage as low as 9.6 volts and as high as 77 volts for up to five
minutes, or 120 volts for 1/10 of a second without damage and with negligible
control transients. Normal power is 20–45 Vdc.
• High -voltage model: The control will operate with a supply voltage as low as 75
Vdc (60 Vac) and as high as 200 Vdc (140 Vac) for up to five minutes, or 300
Vdc (212 Vas) for 1/10 second without damage, and with negligible control
transients. Normal power is 90–150 Vdc or 88–132 Vac.
Woodward 82387 p.2

A circuit monitors the speed sensor for loss of speed signal, calling for minimum fuel when signal loss is detected. An
optional override switch can be used when needed for start up.
Either isochronous or droop speed control can be selected by an optional switch or relay in series with the circuit
breaker auxiliary contact and terminal 14 on
the control. The 2301A allows isochronous load sharing between 2301A systems (or other Woodward electronic
load-sharing controls) through load-sharing lines.
Idle speed, rated speed, and acceleration rates between these two speeds are adjustable from 0 to 10 seconds.

Temperature Input Type K thermocouple (temperature limiting models only)
Process Input 4–20 mAdc or 1–5 Vdc (process limiting models only)
Load Sensing 3-phase potentials—90 to 240 Vac, 45 to 66 Hz. Maximum load 3 VA per
3-phase currents—3 to 7 A at full load. Maximum load is 1 VA
Minimum Fuel (optional) Opening an external contact in series with terminal 17 and the control’s
switch power, will send a min-fuel signal to the actuator. The min-fuel signal
is intended as an optional means for a normal shutdown.
Droop (optional) The droop contact is wired in series with the circuit breaker auxiliary contact
and terminal 14, and the switch power circuit. Isochronous operation is
selected if either is open.
Speed Sensing 1 to 30 Vac. Maximum load is 1 kΩ at 1 kHz
Speed Range A switch selects one of the following speed ranges:
500 to 1500 Hz 2000 to 6000 Hz
1000 to 3000Hz 4000 to 12 000 Hz
Hz = (number of teeth x rpm)/60
The highest expected speed must be in the speed range selected.
Speed Trim (optional) 0 to 100 Ω for 0 to –10% speed change
Failed Speed Signal Override
(optional) An external contact to override the failed speed protective circuit when
required for start up
Idle/Rated Ramp (optional) An external contact to accelerate from idle to rated speed when the contact
is closed. Ramp time is adjustable from 0 to 20 seconds
Actuator Output 0 to 200 mA, 30 to 45 Ω
Steady State Speed Band ±0.25% of rated speed
Load Sharing Within ±5% of rated load with speed settings matched
Droop 0 to 10% range for 6 Vdc load gain
Start Fuel Limit 25 to 100% of specified maximum actuator current
Ramp Times Acceleration and deceleration times individually adjustable from 0 to 20
seconds between rated and idle
Thermocouple Input Part Numbers Low Voltage—8272-611
High Voltage—8272-609
mA/Vdc Input Part Numbers Low Voltage—8272-608
High Voltage—8272-610
Operating Temperature –40 to +85 °C (–40 to +185 °F)
Storage Temperature –55 to +105 °C (–67 to +221 °F)
Humidity 95% at 38 °C (100 °F)
Vibration and Shock 4 Gs between 5 and 500 Hz vibration—60 Gs shock

Technical Manual 82386

Woodward 82387 p.3

Block Diagram of 2301A LSSC with Temperature or Process Limiting

Outline Drawing of Low Voltage 2301A LSSC with Temperature Limiting

(Do not use for construction)
Woodward 82387 p.4

Plant Wiring Diagram

For more information contact:

PO Box 1519, Fort Collins CO, USA 80522-1519
1000 East Drake Road, Fort Collins CO 80525
Tel.: +1 (970) 482-5811 Š Fax: +1 (970) 498-3058

Distributors & Service

Woodward has an international network of distributors and service facilities.
For your nearest representative, call the Fort Collins plant or see the
Worldwide Directory on our website.

This document is distributed for informational purposes only. It is not to be construed as

creating or becoming part of any Woodward Governor Company contractual or warranty
obligation unless expressly stated in a written sales contract.
© Woodward 1987, All Rights Reserved 2008/8/Fort Collins

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