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Bloom's Taxonomy

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The document discusses Bloom's Taxonomy and provides examples of verbs used to describe different levels in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.

The cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains are discussed.

Knowledge level verbs include recalling facts while evaluation level verbs include judging and critiquing. Comprehension level verbs involve understanding material.



Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verbs

Knowledge Comprehensi Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
Is defined as Is defined as Refers to the Refers to the Refers to the Is concerned
the the ability to ability to use ability to break ability to put with the
remembering of grasp the learned down material parts together ability to
previously meaning of material in into its to form a new judge the
learned material: new and component whole, pattern value of
material, the translating concrete parts so that proposal or material
recall of the material from situations, its structure. based on
wide range of one form to application of organizational definite
material, from another by rules, structure can criteria for a
specific facts to interpreting methods, be understood. given
complete material and by concepts, purpose.
theories, the estimating principles, law
bringing to future trends. and theories.
mind of the Action verbs:
appropriate Action verbs: Arrange
information. Analyze Assemble
Action verbs: Classify Build Action
Action verbs: Associate Action verbs: Compare Categorize verbs:
Count Classify Apply Construct Combine Appraise
Define Compare Calculate Deduce Compile Argue
Describe Compute Change Detect Construct Assess
Distinguish Conclude Choose Diagram Create Compare
Draw Contrast Complete Differentiat Develop Contrast
Indicate Describe Conduct e Formulate Determine
Label Differentiate Demonstrat Distinguish Generalize Estimate
List Distinguish e Divide Integrate Evaluate
Match Edit Discover Examine Originate Grade
Name Estimate Employ Explain Organize Interpret
Observe Extrapolate Illustrate Group Plan Judge
Point Infer Implement Identify Prepare Justify
Provide Interpret Increase Illustrate Prescribe Rate
Quote Locate Install Infer Produce Recomme
Read Predict Modify Investigate Put nd
Recall Rephrase Order Outline together Regulate
Recite Restate Practice Point out Synthesize Select
Recognize Rewrite Prepare Reduce Test
Record Give in own Produce Relate
Relate terms Purchase Separate
Repeat Summarize Relate Summarize
Review Translate Repair Transform
State Show
Tabulate Solve
Trace Transfer
Underline Utilize

*Verbs to avoid for Specific Outcome but can be use for General Outcome:

Know Learn Understand Realize

Appreciate Enjoy Do
Receiving Responding Valuing Organization Characterizin
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
Refers to a Refers to a Is concerned Is concerned By value or
learner’s learner’s active with the worth with the bringing complex refers
willingness to participation. or value a together of to learner
attend to learner attaches different values, behavior that is
particular to a particular resolving pervasive,
phenomena or object, conflicts consistent and
stimuli. phenomenon or between them, predictable.
behavior. and beginning
the building of
an internally
Action verbs: consistent value
system. Action verbs:
Answer Action verbs:
Action verbs: Assist Adopt Action verbs: Act
Ask Comply Complete Adhere Behave
Choose Conform Describe Alter Discriminate
Describe Discuss Differentiate Arrange Display
Follow Greet Explain Combine Exemplify
Give Help Form Compare Influence
Hold Label Initiate Complete Listen
Identify Participate Joint Defend Modify
Locate Perform Justify Explain Perform
Name Practice Propose Identify Propose
Point to Present Read Integrate Qualify
Select Read Report Modify Question
Set erect Recite Select Order Revise
Show alert Report Share Organize Serve
Reply Select Study Synthesize Solve
Tolerate Tell Work Verify Use
Use Volunteer

Imitation Manipulatio Precision Articulation Naturalizati
n on
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
Refers to a Refers to a Refers to a Refers to a Refers to the
learner’s ability learner’s ability learner’s ability learner’s ability ability to
to reproduce the to operate with to perform with to execute complete
work of others. independence. skill and complex tasks complex tasks
accuracy. efficiently. intuitively (as a
second nature).
Action verbs: Action verbs: Action verbs:
Adjust Arrange Action verbs: Adapt Action verbs:
Apply Code Accomplish Conduct Compose
Assemble Conduct Administer Document Design
Build Control Automate Encircle Originate
Calibrate Design Book Graph and other action
Change Dismantle Clip Pull verbs that meet
Clean Display Derive Push the terms and
Combine Drill Draw Regulate condition of
Compose Encapsulate Focus Reorganize completing
Compute Execute Handle Revise complex tasks
Connect Expand Identify Sketch intuitively
Construct Fasten Introduce Slide (mentioned
Copy Fix Locate Start above)
Correct Follow Manipulate Stir
Create Frame Master Transfer
Debug Graph Mend Use
Display Grind Mix
Insert Hammer Modify
Install Heat Nail
Map Input Paint
Operate Interface Preserve
Probe Loop Point
Repair Maintain Sand
Shade Manipulate Surpass
Transform Organize Transport
Troubleshoot Punch

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