B. Tech
B. Tech
B. Tech
The thickness of the wire is….………….mm.
1. The position of the laser and the wire is not to be disturbed throughout the experiment.
2. Avoid direct eye exposure to the laser radiation.
Where λ = wavelength of light source Dn = Diameter of nth ring, Dn+p = Diameter of (n+p)th
ring, p= difference between two rings, R= Radius of curvature of lens
Principal of Working:
The experimental arrangement of obtaining Newton’s ring is shown in Figure 1. L is a Plano-
convex lens of large radius of curvature. This lens with its convex surface is placed on a plane
glass plate P. The lens makes contact with the plate at C. Light from an extended monochromatic
source (sodium vapor lamp) falls on the glass plated G which is kept at 450 with the vertical. The
glass plate G reflects a part of light normally on the air film enclosed by the lens L and the glass
plate P.
The formation of Newton’s rings can be explained with the help of Figure 2. AB is a
monochromatic ray of light which falls normally on the Plano convex lens. Newton’s rings are
observed due to the interference of two rays one which is partially reflected from the bottom
curved surface of the Plano convex lens (ray 1) and other ray which is partially transmitted and
then reflected back from the top of the plane glass sheet (ray 2). The ray 1 and 2 both obtained
from the same incident ray by the division of amplitude which makes them coherent as well. Ray
1 undergoes no phase change while ray 2 experience a phase change of π upon reflection, since
it is reflected from air-to glass boundary and follows Stoke’s law.
1. First the glass plate G, Plano convex lens L and the plate P are cleaned to ensure that there
are no dust particles.
2. Now the light from monochromatic source falls on the glass plate G which is to be kept at
450. This ensures that light is falling normally on the system of Plano convex lens and
plane glass plate in contact beneath the glass plate G.
3. Move the eye piece to and fro inside the tube so as to adjust it such that cross wires are
distinctly seen.
4. Focus the microscope to obtain distinct Newton’s rings in the field of view by lowering or
rising up the microscope by rack and pinion arrangement.
5. The microscope is moved horizontally with the help of tangential screw and counting the
rings, the cross wire is made tangential on the 16th bright circular ring. The reading of
microscope is noted. Now the microscope is gradually moved towards left and the readings
of 16th, 14th, 12th, 10th, 8th and 6th rings are noted. Since it is difficult to adjust the cross wire
tangential to the rings nearer to center hence the readings are taken only up to 6 th ring.
6. Now keep on moving the tangential screw of the microscope in the same direction till the
6th ring on the right hand side is reached. Again note the readings of 6 th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th
and 16th rings. The difference in readings on the two sides of a ring gives its diameter.
Measurement of Radius of Curvature of Plano Convex lens:
Usually lens of known radius of curvature is taken. But if the radius of curvature is unknown, the
same can be calculated using spectrometer by the formula.
l h
R= +
6 h 2 where the symbols have their usual meanings
Observation table:
Value of one division on the main scale of microscope x = ------------------
Total no of divisions on the Vernier scale n = -------------------------
value of one division of main scale x
Least count of microscope = = mm
total no. of division on vernier scale (n)
Readings of microscope of Rings Dn2
No of Dn = a - b
S.No Dn2+ p Dn2
Rings On the left side On the right side
(a) (b)
1 16 D162 D122
2 14
D142 D102
3 12
4 10 D122 D82
5 8
D102 D62
6 6
Radius of curvature of lens = 2000 mm (given)
Percentage error:
Standard Value Expected Value
% error = 100 =
Standard Value
1. The glass plate and the lens must be perfectly clean.
2. The glass plate should be kept at 450.
3. The radius of curvature of the Plano convex lens must be large so that the large diameter
rings may be obtained.
4. The source must be monochromatic and extended.
5. The tangential screw of the microscope must be moved in the same direction to avoid back
lash error.
6. While measuring the diameter the cross wire should be tangential to the bright ring.
We shall assume that the laser beam is oscillating in TEM00 mode; its output is a Gaussian beam.
It can be shown that the radius w(z ) of the beam varies with ' z ' as
The gradient
dw( z )
( z ) of the laser beam radius locus at a distance ‘z’ is given by
z z
2 2
( z ) 1 (2)
w0 w0 w02
0 (3)
0 w0
The determination of requires the measurement of . Eq. (1) can be expressed as
w 2 ( z ) w 20 02 z 2 (4)
For measuring w0 and 0 from Eq. (4), we will measure w(z ) at some arbitrary planes distant z , z D
and z 2 D from the laser. Let the radius of the beam at this points are w1 , w2 and w3 respectively then
w12 ( z ) w 20 02 z 2 (5.1)
w22 ( z ) w 20 02 z D
w32 ( z ) w 20 02 z 2 D
From Eq. (5), 0 can be calculated by
0 ( w32 2 w22 w12 ) 2 (6)
w0 (7)
Procedure: -
1. Mount the laser in a fixed position and level the laser.
2. Attach a graph paper on the screen.
3. Place the screen at the distances z , z D and z 2 D three planes and carefully
draw the outside dimension of the laser beam spot on graph paper at each
observation point.
4. Measure the radius of the spot at each observation point and note down in the
observation table.
Observation: -
First observation point from the laser (z) = …….cm.
Distance (D) =……..cm.
The wavelength of He- Ne Laser =6328 Å
S. No. Observation point Distance (cm) Radius of the laser spot (in cm)
1 z w1 =
2 zD w2 =
3 z 2D w3 =
Calculations: 0 ( w32 2 w22 w12 ) 2
Result: -
Half divergence angle of the beam ( 0 ) = ………..miliradian
Standard Result: -
Half divergence angle of the beam ( 0 ) = ………..miliradian
1. The observation points should be equally spaced.
2. Draw the beam spot carefully.
3. Avoid direct viewing of laser.
Diffraction and Fraunhofer Diffraction: The spreading-out (bending or deviation from its
original path) of a wave when is passes through a narrow opening is usually referred to as
diffraction and the intensity distribution on the screen known as the diffraction pattern.
In the Fraunhofer diffraction, the source and the screen are at infinite distance from the
aperture or slit, this is easily achievable by placing the source on the focal plane of a convex lens
and placing the screen on the focal plane of another convex lens.
Mercury collimator Telescop
lamp e
Observation Table:
For the determination of the angle of diffraction
Number of lines on the grating (N) =………….
Value of the one division on the main scale of spectrometer = ……….
Total number of divisions on the vernier scale of spectrometer =…........
Yellow Y
Red R
e sin n .
Here, e is the grating element = , where N is the number of lines on the grating (N).
The wavelength of violet line=…………..Å
The wavelength of Yellow line=………….. Å
The wavelength of Red line=…………. Å
Percentage error:
1. Both the telescope and the collimator should be focused for parallel rays.
2. The eye-piece should be focused on the cross-wires.
3. The Prism table should be properly leveled.
4. While taking observations, slit should be made narrow and the cross-wires as a multiplication
mark should be adjusted at the centre of the image.
n1 and n2 are the refractive indices of the core and the cladding. The semi angle θ a of the
acceptance core for a step index fiber is determined by the critical angle θc (= Sin-1(n2//n1)) for
total internal reflection to take place at core cladding interface (Fig.-2). For a ray with incident
Observation Table:
Least count of the scale graduated on the translational mount = ……. mm
Distance between the detector and output end of the fiber (r) = …….mm
NA of the given fiber = …………….
1. Coupling of LASER light to the fiber should be very proper.
2. Fiber should be kept straight.
3. Light should fall normally on the fiber.
4. Observation of power meter should be measured accurately.
5. Direct viewing of LASER light should be avoided.
Plot the graph between voltage V (on X axis) vs current I (on Y axis) for all colour LED and
calculate the Turn on Voltage by drawing tangent to the curve for each colour LED. The point
of intersection of tangent and X axis gives you the value of turn on voltage.
The Turn “ON” voltages of: Red LED ……… volts, V i o l e t LED……… volts, Yellow
LED ………. volts, Green LED ……. Volts
Percentage error:
Std value Expt value
% error= 100
Std value
1. Connections should be made properly and tightly.
2. At least five readings should be taken
p T
The frequency n is given by n
L m
p Mg
n ;
L m
P = Number of loops formed, L= Effective length of the string,
T =Tension applied to string, M = Total mass suspended (mass of pan+ mass applied),
m = mass per unit length of the string
2. For Transverse arrangement:
p T p Mg
The frequency n is given by n ,
2L m 2L m
Where symbols have meaning same as explained above.
Description of Apparatus:
An electric vibrator consists of a solenoid whose coil is connected to AC mains. The circuit
includes a high resistance in the form of an electrical bulb as shown in Figure. A soft iron rod is
placed along the axis of the solenoid, clamped at one end with two screws X and Y while the end
B is free to move. The rod is placed between the pole pieces of a permanent magnet NS. One end
of the string is attached to the end B and other passes over a frictionless pulley and carries a
Observations: -
Mass per unit length of the string (m) =0.00387 gm/cm
g = 980 cm/sec2
Mass Mass of No. of effective
Total Tension Frequency
S. No. applied Pan loops length
Mass(M) (M x g) (n)
(gm) (gm) (p) L
(in cm)
p T p Mg
The frequency n is given by n ;
L m L m
In transverse arrangement:
p T p Mg
The frequency n is given by n ;
2L m 2L m
The frequency of AC Mains is using
Transverse arrangement = ….......Hz
Longitudinal arrangement = …...... Hz
1. Pulley should be frictionless.
2. The string should be thin, uniform and inexpensive.
3. The loops formed in the string should appear stationary.
4. Do not put too much load in the pan.
l being measured in decimeter, V is the volume of water; x is the mass of sugar). The specific
rotation is as much a property of a compound as its melting point, boiling point, density and
refractive index.
1. The slit is illuminated by white light and the eyepiece is focused until a vertical line in the
field of view is sharp. Different colors will be seen in the two halves of the field of view.
2. The polarimeter tube is filled with distilled water in such a way that no air bubble remains
inside the tube and placed in the proper position. The analyzer is rotated till the two
portions of the view appear grayish-violet. The reading of the analyzer is noted on the
graduated circular scale. The analyzer is rotated again for the second position of the same
view appears (grayish-violet).
3. Now, let us place the optically active substance (sugar solution) to be tested in the tube.
The procedure is repeated and the scale readings are noted for grayish-violet.
4. The differences between the 2 and 3 readings separately for each position are determined.
The difference these two readings give the angle of rotation of the plane of polarization.
Observations: Specific Rotation α = degree cm3 decimeter-1 gm-1
Where V = Volume of solvent (water) =………………….. cm3
l = Length of solution (or tube) =…………………. decimeter
x = Mass of solute (sugar) =………………………. gm
θ = Angle of rotation = ………………………….. degree
Observation Table:
L. C. of the apparatus = …………..degree
2. Sugar Soln.
The specific rotation of cane sugar solution at ... °C corresponding to the =......degree per unit
concentration per decimeter.
Precautions: -
1. There should be no air-bubble in the tube while filling it with solution or distilled water.
2. While taking one set of observations, the polarizer should not be disturbed.
3. The cap of the tube should not be tightened beyond a limit as it may strain the glass.
FIG: 1. Bar pendulum apparatus Fig 2. Experimental result for radius of gyration
THEORY: If the point of suspension is at a distance l from the centre of gravity, then the bar
pendulum behaves like a simple pendulum of effective length L=l+ (k2 /l) where k2/l is the
distance of point of oscillation from the centre of gravity and K is the radius of gyration of the
bar pendulum relative to its centre of gravity. Hence time period of oscillation of bar pendulum
T2min=4π2 g
The pendulum is allowed to oscillate about the horizontal knife edge passing through successive
holes from one end to the other end and time period is determined for each case .Then a graph is
Graphical Calculations: From graph, Fig (2) it is clear that we get two symmetrical curves
about the axis passing through centre of gravity. Draw a straight line AE parallel to X-axis and
join the lowest points P and R of the two branches by a straight line PR.
From graph,
L= (AD+EB)/2=....,.....cm
Radius of gyration, K= PR/2=............cm
T min= GQ=...........sec
Hence, Acceleration due to gravity g = 4π2 x
T min 2
Result: The acceleration due to gravity (g) = ..........m/s 2
Radius of gyration of a given bar pendulum K=…………
Percentage Error:
StdValue ExptValue
Percentage error 100 = ………%
1. The motion of the pendulum should be in a vertical plane.
2. The amplitude of oscillation should be small.
3. The knife edge must be sharp.
4. To keep the position of centre of gravity of the bar unchanged ,another knife edge is put
into the hole from the lower end of the bar at a distance equal to the distance of hole from
the upper end at which knife edge is put to suspend it.
Aim: To determine the Standard deviation of given result, of any one of the following, by
algebraic formula and histogram
(i) Thickness of the given scale by Vernier calipers
(ii) Diameter of the wire by Screw gauge
Apparatus Required:
A. Vernier calipers
B. Screw gauge
Standard Deviation: The Standard deviation is a measure that is used to quantify the amount of
variation or dispersion of a set of data values. A standard deviation close to 0 indicates that the
data points tend to be very close to the mean (also called the expected value) of the set, while a
high standard deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a wider range of values.
It is represented by the Greek letter sigma ' σ' or s’.
By algebraic method
Not all measurements are done with instruments whose error can be reliably estimated. There
will be a read-off error. However, that error will be negligible compared to the dominant error,
the one coming from the fact that we, human beings, serve as the main measuring device. Since
humans don't have built-in digital displays or markings, how do we estimate this dominant error?
The solution to this problem is to repeat the measurement many times. Then the average of our
results is likely to be closer to the true value than a single measurement would be
The average of the measured values:
´χ= ∑ χ i =..... Units
Here, N is the general formula stands for the number of values If we take the difference between
the most extreme value and the average, then it overestimates the error. After all, we are not
interested in the maximum deviation from our best estimate. We are much more interested in the
average deviation from our best estimate. If we just average the differences from our measured
values to our best estimate, then
d di 0units
clearly, the average of deviations cannot be used as the error estimate, since it gives us zero. In
fact, the definition of the average ensures that the average deviation is always zero for any set of
measurements. It is so because the deviations with positive sign are always canceled by the
1. Write the values in a vertical column.
2. Sum the values and divide by the number of measurements N to find the mean.
3. Subtract this mean from each value and square the result.
4. Sum the squared deviations.
5. Take the square root of the result to get the standard deviation.
Observation Table:
For instance, suppose we measure a physical quantity with the help of an instrument-