Tortech e
Tortech e
Tortech e
However, the biggest paradox lies in the fact that today’s Electronic, Information and
Energy technologies “service” the Mechanics, which appeared thousands years ago
(!) and is still being “polished” thus increasing (killing) energy resources of our
planet in geometric progression.
This system includes sensors and actuators, information and energy pipelines, data
processing centers, generators, energy converters etc.
Coordinated actions of mechanical and electronic systems formed as one physical
structure allow elastic machines and mechanisms effectively maintain their life, i.e. to
perform the motion (work) with minimum energy consumption and energy
interchange in the environment.
The examples of natural machines and mechanisms are:
- Fields of forces [1];
- «Hadley cell» – systems of atmospheric motion on Mars and Earth [2];
- Sea and Ocean currents motion on Earth [3];
- Hill twister [4], Benar cells and Couette flows [5];
- Peristaltic process and invertebrates locomotion systems [6];
- «Bimodel Makarov cell» [7];
- Tornados [8];
- Info and energy vortical erythrocyte (blood) packages of [9], comets [10], ball
lightning [11];
- Galaxy [12];
- Kelvin vortex atoms (ovals) [13];
- Karman vortex trail [14];
- Helmholtz vortex rings [15] etc.
In Nature there are living organisms living in fluid medium, flagellates [16]
(Mastigoohora), zoospore, spermatozoa etc. who use their flagellum for locomotion
(like motor); the flagellum drags along the entire cell. When these organisms move,
they create toroidal water motion.
The author of this paper used amazing similarity of natural and technical elastic
(tore) machines and mechanisms to describe the peculiarities of elastic mechanics.
The knowledge obtained by the author during the development of technical elastic
machines and mechanisms allowed him better understand many unknown natural
phenomena, and vice versa, the knowledge accumulated by sciences about natural
elastic machines and mechanisms helped him in the development of technical
machines and mechanisms.
When subjected to internal or / and external forces the natural or technical elastic
toroids generate the toroidal motion of several types (Fig.1) including (see the details
in [107 - 110]) the following:
- The elastic toroid progressively moves forward by rolling along long axis and
turning outside (eversion) / pulling in [17] or, on the contrary, enveloping/
screwing with respect to the anchoring belt of external peripheral or central body;
simultaneously its central part (comet, Galaxy etc.) and peripheral parts rotate
(vortex motion) along the same axis (Fig. 1-1 and 2). There is also the motion
when the central or peripheral parts do not rotate along the longitudinal axis. In
this case the toroidal motion is not so steady and may cause elastic toroid’s break
(“smoke ring of a smoker”). The so - called “black hole” is the rotating central
part (“core”) of the Galaxy – a gigantic natural elastic toroid;
- There is no progressive movement of elastic toroid along long axis, this means
that elastic toroid is turning outside / enveloping without moving forward
(skidding); simultaneously the central and peripheral parts of elastic toroid are
rotating (vortex motion) along the same axis (Fig. 1-3). There is no anchoring
belt (external peripheral body) and progressive movement’s speed is equal to
zero (“hanging” ball lightning). There is also the movement when the central
and peripheral parts do not rotate. In this case the toroidal motion is not steady
and elastic toroid may subsequently fall out;
- The elastic toroid (tore) progressively moves along medial line (circle, oval) -
toroid’s strings and simultaneously rotates along the same line –“vortex
motion” (currents of the World Ocean), (Fig. 1-4). When elastic toroid is not
rotating along the same line (toroid’s string) it may be damaged;
- The central part rotates along longitudinal curve (axis) of elastic toroid, but
there is neither eversion /enveloping nor progressive motion. The elastic toroid
does not have periphery (spout in the atmosphere or whirlwind in deep water)
(Fig. 1-5);
- Turning inside out when tore is transformed into toroid (Fig. 4);
- The combination of above types.
Thus, the toroidal motion is the basic (superior, key, main, generating) type of
motion, not a separate sub-type like in [18].
It includes or generates:
- Progressive, linear motion – laminar flow and / or longitudinal, oscillatory
motion and / or;
- Rotary motion around and / or along longitudinal axis and / or ;
- Diffusion motion ensuring propagation of density and / or motion quantity
(impulse) and / or energy and / or information.
Fig. 1 Types of the toroidal motion
Specific Features of Elastic Engineering
1) The mechanical and electronic systems of a machine or mechanism are formed as
one physical structure performing mutually coordinated functions.
2) Energy and movement conversion is a single-link mechanism capable of
performing the same functions as multi-link mechanism in conventional, rigid
3) Tore technologies – are machines and mechanisms whose mechanics is based on
toroidal motion. The key element, generator and carrier of this motion are elastic
toroids having at least five degrees of freedom.
This elastic system under effect of external and / or internal forces is continuously
searching equip-stress condition; this is the main function of tore within tore (elastic)
machine or mechanism.
So, under the effect of external and/or internal forces elastic toroid has the following
functional features, it:
- Moves by turning outside (eversion) or enveloping over rigid, elastic or any
other support surface covering and enveloping its deformed parts and foreign
inclusions; when in movement, self-packs in a closed surface covering its
periphery (“finds itself”);
- Provides big controllable contact area and small specific pressure on support
surface at low fluid medium pressure in the shell;
- Produces pulling forces and impact effect;
- Converts various types of motion, for example progressive motion into rotary
one and vice versa;
- Enveloping an object grips, holds and/or handles it inside at controlled
wringing force (“soft gripping”);
- Turning outside ejects embedded object at a controlled velocity;
- Turning outside and / or enveloping changes its steady state;
- In a “break point” (where the central part of elastic toroid adjoins its periphery)
provides a hinged swing of minimum one free end;
- During the eversion the progressive motion of the central body is twice as large
as toroid’s speed relative to its periphery, whereas during enveloping the
progressive speed of the periphery is twice as large as toroid’s speed relative to
its central part;
- Moves in transverse direction by rolling.
In order to realize potential properties elastic toroids may have various shapes
(Fig.2), they are cinematically connected to such design elements as central and/ or
external and/ or internal peripheral bodies of various shapes (Fig. 3) made of
different materials.
Thus, each working surface of elastic toroid performs its specific function:
- Elastic toroid’s periphery is characterized by local positive gauss crookedness
and gradually comes to its central part that possesses local negative gauss
- The boundary surface between periphery and the central part of elastic toroid
possesses zero gauss crookedness located at its flank – bend curve or the gauss
crookedness change of sign line;
- If the anchoring belt (plane, line or point) of elastic toroid is located at its
periphery, then under effect of external and /or internal forces it is turning
outside and simultaneously advancing in longitudinal direction relative to the
anchoring belt to the area of less pressure;
- If the anchoring belt of elastic toroid is located in its central part, then under
effect of external and /or internal forces it is enveloping and advances relative
to the anchoring belt to the area of larger pressure;
- If the anchoring belt of elastic toroid is located on the boundary of its periphery
and central part (at its flank) a breaking (friction grip) occurs and the eversion /
enveloping processes are ceased and consequently the forward toroidal motion
is also stopped;
- The pressure inside elastic toroid must be always greater than the external
pressure, otherwise under the effect of larger external pressure the elastic
toroid will be squeezed and lose its operational integrity.
Fig. 2. Classification of elastic/soft single - and- double-sided surfaces or cutting & assembly plan
of single and multi component elastic toroid shells
“Running” Curling, Twisting/Winding (fixed/nonchanging quantity), 13 – Cylindrical “Well”, 14 –
Elastic Toroid/Tore’s Middle Line (String Tension).
Fig. 4. Topological and practical transformation of elastic tore into elastic toroid and vice versa
(turning inside out) as well as tore and toroid’s elements: H – tore medial line, tore’s string, h –
toroid’s medial line, toroid’s string, L – toroid’s length.
А. Static, not dynamic, tore (1 and 2) and the figure formed as the result of its turning inside out (3
and 4) cannot create toroidal motion.
В. Dynamic elastic tore (1 and 2) and cylindrical elastic toroid formed by the eversion cannot
produce toroidal motion.
С. Dynamic elastic tore with continuously increasing diameter of a formative circle (1 and 2) and
conical elastic toroid formed by the eversion; the (1) can produce toroidal motion approximately
equal to the length of the (2) in the direction from less diameter to larger diameter.
Therefore, there appears new trend in the design of devices, mechanisms and
machines in radio electronics, radio engineering and machine building –
macrominiaturization (MACROMINIATURIZATION™) as the basis of elastic
At the same time, the following basic properties of elastic toroid shell material should
be retained:
- Flexibility, i.e. obtainable flexural strain up to the radius approaching the
material thickness;
- Elasticity, i.e. obtainable 200% tensile deformation;
- Softness …
Machines and mechanisms with elastic toroids whose shell is made of intellectual
composite material and filled with intellectual fluid / working medium are called
The devices generating fluid medium at overpressure can be used as the drive (energy
source), these are pumps, including vacuum ones, compressors, gas generators etc.
with various characteristics as well as any means and devices violating quasistatic
process or equilibrium state (mechanical, thermodynamic, chemical etc.) of the
Today there are numerous solutions how to combine electronic and mechanical
systems in one machine.
These are: soft electric heating units; “intellectual” clothes (“underwear net”); rubber-
mercury sensors used for measuring load parameters in air casing; ribbon power and
information cables; goods made of conductive rubber; elastic thermal- conduction
isolators; simple devices used to control the operation of shell structures, embedded
into shell material (pressure gage, valves, end switches, conductive overalls to
neutralize electrical static current); scotch tape made of flaky polymer materials used
for storing holographic data; radio and short wave frequency antenna irradiators;
semiconductor displays made of hybrid, organic and non-organic materials; “rag”
solar batteries – a shirt of synthetic fiber which under the effect of light generates
electrical energy etc.
These technical solutions allow integration of independent electronic and / or
mechanical systems in one machine or mechanism, saving technological and
domestic space, improving consumer properties etc. and have nothing to do with
elastic engineering.
Tore Technologies and Elastic Engineering evolution
There are the simplest spherical (one side close surfaces) shell structures allowing
simultaneous use of various working/fluid medium inside thin shell made of elastic
and / or soft materials and elements of classical mechanics (arms, draws, rollers etc).
These are air castings; air based supporting constructions, dams, bridges, and
elements of ship frame, containers, lifting jacks, inflatable boats, soft aerostats and
There are the so-called diaphragm seals intended for simultaneous separation of
various fluid/working media and displacement (back- and – forth motion) of their
loose part (media boundary) at minimum pressure difference between these media.
These are thin-plate, disc and conical membranes, cordless sleeve gaskets, bellows,
cylinders of gas-hydraulic accumulators, housings for hydraulic reservoirs etc.
The seals are made of elastic or/ and soft materials an element of classical mechanics.
The shell structure is the seal hermetically connected to the case of the device.
All above mentioned machines and mechanisms are just the prototypes of elastic
machines and mechanisms.
As the result of the author’s information and patent investigation related to Tore
Technologies it is found out:
- The invention of a vehicle and a pump with elastic toroid as the main element
was first mentioned in 1963 and 1965 in the USA [22, 23];
- The first and the next fundamental basic inventions (“Pneumatic valve”) were
made in the USSR from 1969 till 1984 by my mentor-teacher self-taught
inventor R.Z. Kozhevnikov [24-30, 32-58]. The inventions are confirmed by
the working models;
- It is worth mentioning that tore based vehicle was invented at the same time in
the USSR (R.Z. Kozhevnikov) [30] and in the USA [31]: Kozhenvnikov’s
invention was made 26 days before the American one;
- It is worth mentioning some publications, where the engineers/ journalists
competently describe and illustrate Kozhevnikov’s inventions [51-58];
- In the west patenting of machines and mechanisms based on tore technologies
was made at single instances (maximum 5 inventions), for example [22, 23,
- The first mentioning of the studies and experiments with elastic toroids (sealed
cordless gaskets) dates back to 1964 in the USSR [59];
- Other inventions on tore technologies, including the author of the article [60],
which appeared in Russian after 1984; do not significantly differ from
Kozhevnikov’s inventions.
The basic inventions on tore technologies and elastic mechanics are those inventions
where new performance characteristics of elastic (tore) machines and mechanisms are
defined and tested on working models, this happens for example when new design
elements are added to the main element – elastic toroid:
- Endless (infinite) belt covering elastic toroid through its central part and
periphery, with one or two rollers;
- A pair including elastic toroid and a roller;
- Conical elastic toroid;
- Elastic toroid with variable cross section;
- Small elastic toroid with fluid /working medium within (as a part of) a central
body in a large elastic toroid filled with gaseous fluid / working medium;
- Anchoring belt is located in a central or peripheral part of elastic toroid;
- The central part of elastic toroid is twisted to provide better functioning in the
machine (centering, stabilization) etc.
Almost all above described performance parameters have been achieved by R.Z.
Kozhevnikov during working models testing (within 15 years).
We can drive a conclusion that Ruvim Kozhevnikov [192], a famous Russian self -
taught inventor, was the founding farther of tore technologies with respect to the
development of basic functional schemes and their testing on working models, at
present he continuous his inventive activity.
Unfortunately, in the sixties – eighties tore technologies did not get deserved
attention because of the lacking:
- Elastomeric constructive materials. There were available only rubber- tissue
materials not very reliable for the operation in tore based machines, had big
weight, produced numerous aerosol particles;
- Radio and electronic elements, modules and blocks based on thin and thick
film technology;
- Textiles with required structure;
- Intellectual materials;
- Information technologies;
- There was no deficit of hydrocarbon fuel and consequently no urgent necessity
to drastically increase machine efficiency and search of new, energy saving
and efficient mechanics, which would require alternative environmentally pure
energy sources or at least reduce significantly hydrocarbons consumption [61];
- The results of numerous investigations of natural phenomena as the form of
natural elastic structures were not systemized.
At present all above mentioned research, technical, economic, social and political
aspects are in place and can be put together to create elastic machines and
Nevertheless, there have been introduced and matured some tore based machines and
mechanisms, for example:
- The machines for refurbishment of pipe systems: hose, internal coating
(sanitation) of non-pressure pipes [62];
- Toys [63] etc.
Russian (Soviet) scientists, engineers, inventors and “clever fingers” - experts in
specific areas who successfully developed the entire trends where tore technologies
and elastic engineering are used:
- Sukhonos S.I. (Moscow) – natural (elastic toroids) tore whirlwinds – Tungus
catastrophe, Saasov exposure, unidentified flying objects, ball lightning,
formation of moon and earth crates [14];
- Goncharenko A.I. (Moscow) – information and energy packs (elastic toroids)
of erythrocytes with required composition and volume generated by heart:
formation and target transportation to defined organ [12];
- Kushin V.V. (Moscow) - waterspout – energy source and converter – natural
elastic toroid [11];
- Vorobiev V.M. (Moscow) – intellectual property, development of patent
“portfolio” on “Toroidal Motion”;
- Berendyaeva T.S. (Zelenograd, Moscow) – translation into English language
various tore related materials, search and creation of new English terminology
to describe tore technologies and elastic engineering;
- Shikhirina T.P. (Chicago, USA) – cutting flat work pieces, sewing, gluing or
welding seams, shells assembly including centering, fabrication of multi-
chamber elastic toroids;
- Alferov A.S. (Izhevsk) – electronic and information technique;
- Bychkov A.N. (Zelenograd, Moscow), Kindin G.L. (Moscow) – fabrication of
working models;
- Klutchnik V.O. (Moscow) – simulation;
- Shikhirin N.V. and Shikhirina E.V. (Chicago, USA) – new sections in
mathematics (engineering topology, toroidal geometry and trigonometry),
projects commercialization.
Those who read this section are welcome to add the researches and names controlling
this process and unknown to the author.
The first basic articles devoted to tore technologies were published in 1995 with the
participation of the author of this paper [69]. They describe:
- The background for effective use of tore elements (elastic toroids) in machines and
mechanisms of wide application.
- Terminology;
- Classification of typical assemblies in tore machines and mechanisms;
- Tore elements in fluid/working medium energy converters;
- Materials and technology used in tore elements manufacturing.
- The technology of machines and mechanisms made on the basis of elastic
toroid was called tore technology.
Tore technologies
In 1995 – 1999 the Russian company Graderika Ltd. based in Moscow (Zelenograd)
headed by its president and the author of this paper conducted complex research
works [69 – 75] aimed at developing tore based:
- Transport technologies to carry out large size (more than 1500 tons) cargo over
the cross country and loose soil in extreme conditions and the means for
loading / unloading the cargo;
- Construction technologies for fast erection of multi purpose structures in
various climatic conditions and media;
- Pumps and compressors;
- Transfer technologies for the safe transportation of cassettes with silicon
wafers and reactive chemicals within “clean room” area;
- Elements of cluster tools - gate valves, media separators, sealed loading
unloading stations, mechanisms for cassettes elevation, grad vacuum
conveyers, vacuum and fore vacuum piston pumps etc.
The results of the developments were tested on numerous working models.
Within these topics the following investigations were carried out jointly with
Research and Development Corporation “Composite” (Korolev city) and Research
and Development Corporation “Plastic” (Moscow):
- Developed design and technological options of textile materials designed for
power and intellectual functions;
- Developed design and technological options of elastomer covers (elastomers,
thermoplastic, polymer films), composite materials (compounds), rubber –
tissue –film compositions with power, intellectual, protective and sealing
functions etc.
All above - mentioned inventions, investigations and developments related to elastic
machines and mechanisms have the main constructive element (the source or
generator of toroidal motion). This is one or several single component (single cavity,
single chamber) elastic toroid possessing one internal cavity (chamber) [102].
The first studies and developments included machines and mechanisms with some
single-component elastic toroids, connected in specific manner into one multi-
component elastic toroid as main constructive element
The specific feature of such elastic machines and mechanisms is that each machine
can perform a set of operations, each being performed by one-component elastic
The main types of technical multi-component elastic toroids if compared to natural
ones are:
- Embedded (coaxial) – comets, ball lightings,
- Conjugated – Benar’s cells, Cuette current,
- Linked – The Oceanic “Conveyоr Belt”,
- Combination thereof – tornado, sandstorm etc.
The natural analogs of such machines and mechanisms are the biological systems that
bury themselves and then crawl out to the surface.
The working models of such machines called “It-Self Systems” were fabricated by
US corporation “Elastoneering, Inc” (Chicago), whose president is the author of this
paper in 2002 [103, 104].
These devices can operate (function) in extreme conditions, in limited or unlimited
aerial or vacuum space, on water or under water, in liquid and loose media etc.
In the working models demonstrate automatic soft grip and storage, including storage
and evacuation of animals through air and under water allowing and/ or eliminating
their damage. The normal vacuum cleaner working as “blower” can be used as a
driving mechanism.
In order to organize business the author of this paper defended the appearance
(image) of elastic toroids as the work of art [105, 106] and developed:
- Technical requirements for intellectual composite materials;
- Elastic mechanics and tore technologies application as well as the performance
of elastic machines and mechanisms proven on working models;
- The list of experimental works and theoretical studies on performance
characteristics of elastic machines and mechanisms – theoretical and
technological base for creating design tools etc
Commercialization strategy
The variety of types and dimensions available for each type of elastic machine or
mechanism will create new niches in the world market because:
- The machines and mechanisms based on traditional rigid mechanics are not
capable of performing desirable function, for example transport technologies in
the areas of permafrost
- Elastic machines have definite advantages over their analogs.
Moreover, Elastoneering Inc. expects that while the projects are developing there will
- New intellectual composite materials for elastic / soft toroidal shells;
- Various types of working/ fluid media for elastic toroids, including those with
controlled rheology;
- Technological processes and special process equipment to manufacture basic
and accessory elements;
- Know-how, expertise, knowledge, patents, services etc.
These will become the basis for setting up mass production of elastic machines and
mechanisms at low cost, with quick payback of floating assets globally (the example
of Microsoft, Bill Gates).
Besides, the realization of existing projects on elastic machines and mechanisms will
lay scientific and engineering foundation for design, which in its turn will become the
basis for next generation of elastic tore machines and mechanisms working in various
adjacent areas, including their operation in various media: on and under the water, on
the ground, in the air, cosmic space etc. because the main, universal element of tore
technologies - elastic toroid – has been “matured”.
The author puts forth the following objectives:
1. Study stress and deformation processes of elastic / soft shells under the action of
internal overpressure and external compressive load in static and dynamic
(eversion/enveloping) modes. Simulation.
2. Develop the technique for shells computation.
3. Study and develop design and technological versions of intellectual elastic
composite materials used for the shells - “live layer” (mechanics and electronics
represent one physical structure) with alternating moving bend, minimum friction on
folds during eversion/enveloping
4. Develop diagnostic and test stands to study the shells made of various materials
and the possibility of:
- New, unknown phenomena (effects);
- Use of above - mentioned functional features, in particular generation of
aerosol particles, creation of electrical and magnetic and other fields to design
new mechanic and electronic systems with new features etc.
5. Develop the systems for generation of intellectual fluid medium at overpressure.
6. Use the technology of substance transition from one phase state to another one
(curing technology) and vice versa to shape operational soft and elastic shell
structures as rigid forms possessing protective functions (pneumatic tore casing, huge
developable deflectors of radio-telescopes, shell-container-crypt etc.)
7. Develop new Sections in Mathematics, Electronics, Information Technology,
Bionics, and Cosmology etc. For example:
- Engineering topology;
- Toroidal geometry and trigonometry (by analogy with spherical geometry and
- Physical meaning of the Four Color on the sphere surface, the Seven Color on
toroid surface, the Six Color on a Mobius band and Klein bottle etc;
- Physical meaning of the Devil square located on a toroidal surface;
- MACROMINIATURIZATION™ as the basis of elastic electronics;
- Study the process of information, electronic and energy systems formation in
natural elastic toroids to able to use this knowledge for Information, Electronic
and Energy technologies of the nearest future etc.;
The unique feature of Tore Technologies and Elastic Mechanics is mechanics based
on toroidal motion – the most stable type of motion in Nature.
- There were built tens of working models of elastic machines and mechanisms
on the basis of this mechanics, whose core elements are elastic toroids and
typical of them and conjugated with them design elements like central,
peripheral bodies etc.;
- Numerous natural elastic machines and mechanisms are based on the same
- The same mechanics is used for generating natural energy creating gigantic
natural vortex toroidal power reactors – accumulators (small comets, ball
lightning, tornados, oceanic currents, cyclones etc.), where thermonuclear and
other processes take place.
Today these technologies define the future of our Planet.
Those who understand Tore Technologies and Elastic Engineering and actively
study and implement them will understand the main secret and mystery of
Universe and the Life on Earth, and, therefore arrange their life and the life of
their families and friends accordingly.
The elastic machines and mechanisms are arranged according to the dates of
invention application (priority), article publication etc. There are brief descriptions of
those information sources, which in the opinion of the author reflect qualitatively new
level in the development of tore technologies and elastic mechanics.
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of 20.03.78, published 07.1181, Bulletin No. 41.
40. R.Z. Kozhevnikov and other. Emptiness former. USSR Academy of Sciences
No. 896220, Priority of 30.10.78, published 07.01.82, Bulletin No. 1.
41. R.Z. Kozhevnikov. Docking device for space apparatuses. USSR Academy of
Sciences No. 805587, Priority of 07.06.79.
42. R.Z. Kozhevnikov. The tool for making bent and buck tram products. USSR
Academy of Sciences No. 882744, Priority of 21.11.79, published 23.11.81, Bulletin
No. 43.
43. R.Z. Kozhevnikov. (Chief designer of USSR Ministry of Culture, Moscow). The
devices based on soft toroidal shell of various shape and application. Thesis of the
report at the Conference devoted to the theory of soft shells and their application in
industry. September 17 – 22, 1979, Resort “Golubaya Bukhta”, Tuapse region.
44. R.Z. Kozhevnikov. Methods of Manufacturing Extended Tore out of Hose.
USSR Academy of Sciences No. 1068322, Priority of 02.03.81, published
23.01.84, Bulletin No. 3.
45. R.Z. Kozhevnikov, L.K. Borodina and other. The Tool for Delivering Cargo to
Pneumatic Support Construction. USSR Academy of Sciences No. 1048069, Priority
of 10.04.81, published 15.10.83, Bulletin No. 38.
46. R.Z. Kozhevnikov. Transportation of Bulked Cargo in a Vessel. USSR Academy of
Sciences No. 1224206, Priority of 14.07.81, published 15.04.86, Bulletin No.
47. R.Z. Kozhevnikov and other. Mobile Air Custor of Tube String. USSR
Academy of Sciences No. 1068648, Priority of 30.03.82, published 23.01.84,
Bulletin No. 3.
48. R.Z. Kozhevnikov. The System of Fuel Delivery at Flight. USSR Academy of
Sciences No. 1226780, Priority of 17.07.84, published 30.07.94, Bulletin No. 14.
49. R.Z. Kozhevnikov, L.K. Borodina and other. Water filter. USSR Academy of
Sciences No.1333371, Priority of 30.04.86, published 30.08.86, Bulletin No. 32.
50. R.Z. Kozhevnikov and E.I. Kozhevnikova. Inflatable constructive element
“Korzh”. USSR Academy of Sciences No. 1632445, Priority of 10.03.89, published
07.03.91, Bulletin No. 9.
51. P. Arkhangelsky. Air supports. Innovator and rationalizer, No. 3, 1974, p.22-23
(About inventions of R.Z. Kozhevnikov.)
52. P. Petrov. Bag of inventions …in a bag. Tekhnika molodezhi, No. 10, 1974, p.
62-64 (About inventions of R.Z. Kozhevnikov.)
53. P. Petrov. Instead of a wheel. Social industry, No. 4 (1682), January 5, 1975.
(About inventions of R.Z. Kozhevnikov.)
54. P. Petrov. Better than a wheel. Moscow Pravda. No. 99 (16806), April 27, 1975.
(About inventions of R.Z. Kozhevnikov.)
55. V. Zavorotnov. One more bag of inventions …in a bag. Tekhnika molodezhi,
No.1, 1978, p.62-64. (About inventions of R.Z. Kozhevnikov.)
56. V. Vadin. Engineering survey. Engineering and Science. No. 6, 1979. (About
inventions of R.Z. Kozhevnikov.)
57. A. Kutuzov. What can tore do? Pravda, No. 130 (23291), May 10, 1982 (About
inventions of R.Z. Kozhevnikov.)
58. Self – propelled container, NTF. Problems and solutions. Bulletin of “Znanie”
Association, No. 15 (30), August 5-18, 1986, (About inventions of R.Z.
59. V.A. Vakulenko. Sealed Cordless Collars. Hydro automation problems. Science,
Moscow, 1969. Collection of reports at the 1st All Union Conference on Pneumatic &
Hydraulic Automation (Erevan, November 1964) and at the 8th All Union Conference
on Pneumatic & Hydraulic Automation (Moscow, 1966).
60. Shikhirin V.N. and Shikhirin N.V. TOROIDAL PROPULSION DEVICE FOR
61. V.N. Shikhirin, O.V. Koltun, K.F. Reader, P.A. Sergeev and V.M. Skotobogatov.
Technical Means for Hydrocarbon Fuel Activation and its Burn Product Cleaning.
Thesis at the 3rd Congress of Engineers Association on Ventilation, Air Conditioning,
Heating and Constructional Thermal Physics. Moscow, 1993, p 76-77
62. “Process Phoenix”, German company Preussag Rohrsanierung GmbH,
63. Toys “Water Wiggler” produced by Basic Fun, Inc; Play Vision – USA.
64. L.K. Borodina. USSR Academy of Sciences No. 1114765, Priority of 29.12.82.,
published 23.09.84, Bulletin No. 35.
65. L.K. Borodina. Methods of Multistory Buildings Erection. USSR Academy of
Sciences No. 1157200, Priority of 28.12.83, published 23.05.85, Bulletin No. 19.
66. Borodina and other. Dam. USSR Academy of Sciences No. 3 1193221, Priority
of 23.06.84, published 11.11.85, Bulletin No. 43.
67. L.K. Borodina. Air Casing. USSR Academy of Sciences No. 1206419, Priority
of 22.08.84, published 23.01.86, Bulletin No. 3.
68. L.K. Borodina and other. Method of Tiered Concreting the Structures Like
Column and Casing. USSR Academy of Sciences No. 1511355, Priority of 24.12.86,
published 30.09.89, Bulletin No. 36.
69. Hose and Tore Converters. Possibility and Practicability of Their Use in General
Purpose Machines and Devices. All Union Research Institute of Inter-branch
Information. Special issue (7 articles), Moscow, 1995, under edition of A.I. Korobov
and V.N. Shikhirin, p. 85.
70. A.I. Korobov and V.N. Shikhirin. Methods of Tore Technologies in the
Production of Large Scale Integration Microelectronics. Thesis at Scientific
Conference “Up- to- Date Conditions for Double Radio Electronic and Device Macro
Technologies. Moscow, 1995, p 95.
71. A.I. Korobov and V.N. Shikhirin. Tore and Hose Converters in the Production of
Large Scale Integration Microelectronics. Thesis at the 2nd International Scientific
Conference “Microelectronics and Information Technology”, Moscow, Zelenograd,
1995, p. 34-35.
72. A.I. Korobov and V.N. Shikhirin. Hose / Tore Converters as the Reserve for
Improving the Quality and Manufacturability of General Purpose Machines and
Devices. Magazine «Science and Technology” No 2, the materials of the 2nd Russian
– South Korea Scientific Conference, Moscow, 1995.
73. A.I. Korobov and V.N. Shikhirin. Design of the Pumps Made on the Basis of
Flexible Elastic Shells. Magazine «Science and Technology” No. 2,
«Sotrudnichestvo», the materials of the 2nd Russian – South Korea Scientific
Conference, Moscow, 1995.
74. A.I. Korobov, M.Yu, Priz, V.N. Shikhirin and R.V. Sherbatchev. The concept of
using tore and hose elements and technical means for the manufacturing of
microelectronic devices. Magazine «Science and Technology”, No. 2,
«Sotrudnichestvo», the materials of the 2nd Russian – South Korea Scientific
Conference, Moscow, 1995.
75. A.I. Korobov, M.I. Kritenko, S.B. Podyampolsky, G.Kh. Satarov, Yu. I.
Stepanov and V. N. Shikhirin. Possibilities of using elements with elastic shells in
the technical means intended for manufacturing of VLSI ICs. Proceedings PA.
Microelectronics & Information Technologies Department, issue 2, 1997.
76. V.N. Shikhirin, S.V. Larionova and N.V. Shikhirin. Kinematics and Electronics
of Elastic System, SEMI EXPO CIS 2000, October 3-6, Program Directory and
Product Guide, Moscow, Russia, p.37-39.
77. R.Z. Kozhevnikov. To the computation of pneumatic everting tore devices.
Proceedings of Higher Educational Establishments, September 1984, Machine Building,
MVTU after Bauman.
78. V.I. Usukin, A.N. Sdobnikov and M.Yu. Filonenko. New Scheme of Large Size
Inflatable Developable (toroidal, author’s comment) Deflector of Space Radio
Telescope with Curing Technology. Materials of Research and Technical Conference
RST-98, MGTU after Bauman, Moscow, 1998, http://www/sm1-9/narod/ru/RST98/.
79. Recommendations for Designing and Erection of the Bases, Foundations and
Underground Structures during Reconstruction of Civil and Historical Buildings.
Moscow Government, Moscomarkhitectura, 1998
80. I.Z. Goldfeld. Foundations Composite Elements and Hose-Tore Based
Technologies Used for their Implementation. Bases, Foundations and Soil
Mechanics, No. 5, 1997, p. 10-15
81. R.I. Surovtsev and other. Vegetables Sorting Method. USSR Academy of
Sciences No. 1498419, Priority of 18.09.87, published 07.08.89, Bulleting No. 29.
82. R.I. Surovtsev and other. Transporter. USSR Academy of Sciences No. 1528688,
Priority of 12.06.87, published 15.12.89, Bulletin No. 46.
83. Elastic Technical Tore. Information Sheet No. 368-92, UDK 621.646.9,
Krasnodar Center of Scientific and Technical Information, 1992.
84.Sh. G. Gamsakhurdiya and other. Set of Non-Unloadable Lining. USSR Academy
of Sciences No. 729362,Priority of 13.03.78, published 25.04.80, Bulletin No. 15.
85. Sh. G. Gamsakhurdiya. Coal Extraction Assembly. USSR Academy of Sciences
No. 988033,Priority of 10.04.78.
86. Sh. G. Gamsakhurdiya. Set of Non-Unloadable Lining. USSR Academy of
Sciences No. 976756, Priority of 24.10.80.
87. Sh. G. Gamsakhurdiya. Non-Unloadable Ballooned Lining. USSR Academy of
Sciences No. 1080550, Priority of 12.03.82.
88. Report on R&D work: Development and Introduction of Mechanized Complex
Based on Non-Unloading Lining Made of Soft (toroidal, comment of the author)
Shells with Plowing Machine for Coal Extraction from the 0.4 – 0.75 Meter Bed
Without Permanent Presence of Workers in the Drift. USSR Ministry of Coal
Industry. Academy of Sciences, Mining Institute named after A.A. Skochinsky, UDK
622.272:622., State Registration Number 01823042880, Lubertsy, 1984.
89. O.V. Shalnev and B.M. Gorelik. Design of Downstream Soft Shell Structures on
the basis of Physical and Geometrical Analogy. Moscow, Central Research Institute
Neftekhim, No. 6, 1994.
90. O.V. Shalnev and B.M. Gorelik. Computation Methods of Main Strain in Soft
Shells Based on Bubble Model. Manufacturing and Use of Elastomers. Moscow,
Central Research Institute Neftekhim, No. 11, 1994.
91. D.Yu. Kozlov. Polymorphous resilient-flexible shaping structures “MODUS” for
space and other extreme environment // Final Conference Proceeding Report of The
First International Design for Extreme Environment Assembly (IDEEA), University
of Houston. – Houston, 1991
92. Web site of firm “Graderika, Ltd”, Moscow, Russia, 1999,
93. V.N. Shikhirin. Elastic Machines and Mechanisms of the Future. Sum of
Technologies. No. 3, 2000, p.52-53.
94. V.N. Shikhirin and N.V. Shikhirin. Tortech. Elastic Engineering of New
Millennium. Information Sheet. Moscow, 2000.
95. V.N. Shikhirin. The Civilization Is Threatened. Elastic Mechanics Might Become
a Response. Local newspaper “Forty One”, Moscow, Zelenograd, February 11, 2001,
96. V.N. Shikhirin. Elastic Mechanics. The Basis for Machines and Mechanisms of
the Future. Electronics: science, technology, business No. 5, 2001, p. 10-14.
97. Valeriy Shikhirin. Elastic machines and mechanisms of the future. The Summary
of Technologies, № 2(6), 2001, p.37-42.
98. V.N. Shikhirin. Trade Mark (Service Mark) TORTECH®, Certificate No.
177591, July 20, 1999.
99. V.N. Shikhirin. Application for Registration of Trade Mark (Service Mark)
ELASTONEERING, No. 2000719394 dated 31.07.2000.
100. Certificate of Service Mark Registration “ELASTONEERING” No. S-17418,
New York State, Class 42, Date 3-5-01, Tortech solutions, Inc.
101. Certificate of Service Mark Registration “TORTECH” No. S-17419, New York
State, Class 42, Date 3-5-01, Tortech solutions, Inc.
102. Elastic Engineering and Tore Technologies. Presentation video, Part 1, 2002,
Elastoneering, Inc.
103. Web site of “Elastoneering, Inc”:, 2002.
104. Elastic Engineering and Tore Technologies. Presentation video, Part 2, 2002,
Elastoneering, Inc.
105. Valeriy Shikhirin. Certificate of Registration of Illustration “Catching Toroids”.
For a Work of the Visual Arts, VA 1-212-652, United States Copyright Office, The
Library of Congress, July 31, 2003.
106. Valeriy Shikhirin. Certificate of Registration of Illustration “Toroidal
Hallucinations” for a Work of the Visual Arts, Vau 617-998, United States Copyright
Office, The Library of Congress, February 19, 2004.
107. O.V. Shalnev. Constructive Features of Toroidal Shells. The article from
collection of materials of the 1st Scientific and Practical Conference “Tore
Technologies”, June 30 – July 2, 2004. Irkutsk State Technical University.