Excel Project Final
Excel Project Final
Excel Project Final
Salient features
1. Add Header and Footer
MS Excel allows us to keep header and footer in our
spreadsheet document.
2. Find and Replace Command
MS Excel allows us to find the needed data (text and
numbers) in the workbook and also replace the existing
data with a new one.
3. Password Protection
It allows user to protect their workbooks by using password
from unauthorized access to their information.
4. Data Filtering
Filtering is a quick and easy way to find and work with a
subset of data in a range. A filtered range displays only the
rows that meet the criteria you specify for a column. MS
Excel provides two commands for filtering ranges:
• AutoFilter; which includes filter by selection, for
simple criteria
• Advanced Filter; for more complex criteria
5. Data Sorting
Data sorting is the process of arranging data in some logical
order. MS Excel allows us to sort data either in ascending
or descending order.
6. Built in formulae
MS Excel has got many built- in formulae for sum, average,
minimum, etc. We can use those formulae as per our
7. Create different charts (Pivot Table Report)
MS Excel allows us to create different charts such as bar
graph, pie- charts, line graphs, etc. This helps us to analyze
and compare data very easily.
8. Automatically edits the result
MS Excel automatically edits the result if any changes are
made in any of the cell.
9. Formula Auditing
Using formula auditing we can graphically display or trace
the relationships between cells and formulas with blue
arrows. We can trace the precedents (the cells that provide
data to a specific cell) or the dependents (the cells that
depend on the value in a specific cell).
Excel window
Practical Questions
1. Create your own Database and perform the basic function
of excel.
SUM:- =SUM(C2+D2) OR =SUM(C2:D3)
PERCENTAGE :- =(C2=D2)/200 or =(C3+D3)/200*100
AVERAGE :- =AVG(C2:D2) or =(C3+D3)/2
SUBTRACT :- =(C2-D2)
DIVIDE :- (D2/C2)
2. On the basis of certain database , draw the basic charts
used in excel.
The above chart is line chart use to display trends over time. Line
Chart can show continuous data over time on an evenly scaled axis.
Therefore they are idol for using trends in data at equal intervals.
Here, the series 1 displays Demand and series 2 displays Price.
Bar Chart
The above chart is bar chart . They are the best chart type for comparing
multiple value. They are use to illustrate patterns. Here, the series 1
displays sub1 and series 2 displays sub2.
Pie chart
The above chart is pie chart. It displays the contribution of each value of
the total.
Portion 1 depicts the position of Roy
Portion 2 depicts the position of Joy
Portion 3 depicts the position of Mickey
Portion 4 depicts the position of Scooby
Portion 5 depicts the position of Nick
3. Explain conditional formatting with an example.
Steps involved :-
1. Create a database
2. Select the cells where you have to Conditional Formatting . Like in
the above data we have selected the marks of all students.
3. Then, click home>conditional formatting>highlight cell rules.
4. In highlight cell rules select Greater than (>)
5. A dialog box will open:-
6. Enter the 80 i.e., you have to format those cells that are greater
than 80.
7. In the color box, select Yellow .i.e., those numbers greater than 70
will be highlighted by yellow color.
8. Click OK until the dialog box is closed.
QUES 4. Explain the logical functions (if , and , or) with an example.
The above logical function is OR. This function will determine if any of
the condition in the test is TRUE. Otherwise it returns FALSE.
The steps involved here are :-
1. We have taken a database consisting of Gender and Marks.
2. On the basis of such data we have used OR Logical function.
3. The condition used here is : =OR(B2=”MALE”,C2>=60).
The above condition signifies that B2(gender) should be MALE
or C2(marks) should be greatest than and equal to 60.