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Final (MP) PDF
Final (MP) PDF
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of
Bachelor of Commerce B.Com(H)
(SESSION 2019-2020)
Approved by:
Ms. Shalu Chauhan
Student’s Signature
Every risk involves the loss of one or other kind. In older time, the contribution by the person
was made at the time of loss. Today, only one business, which offers all walks of life, is
insurance business. Owing to growing complexity of life, trade and commerce, individual
and business firms and turning to insurance to manage various risks. Every individual in this
world is subject to unforeseen uncertainties which may make him and his family vulnerable.
At this place, only insurance helps him not only to survive but also recover his loss and
continue his life in a normal manner.
Insurance is an important aid to commerce and industry. Every business enterprise involves large
number of risks and uncertainties. It may involve risk to premises, machinery, raw material and
other things destroyed due to fire or flood.
Early Methods:
Insurance can have various effects on society through the way that it changes who bears the cost
of losses and damage. On one hand it can increase fraud; on the other it can help societies and
individuals prepare for catastrophes and mitigate the effects of catastrophes on both households
and societies.
Insurance can influence the probability of losses through moral hazard, insurance fraud, and
preventive steps by the insurance company. Insurance scholars have typically used moral
hazard to refer to the increased loss due to unintentional carelessness and insurance fraud to refer
to increased risk due to intentional carelessness or indifference. Insurers attempt to address
carelessness through inspections, policy provisions requiring certain types of maintenance, and
possible discounts for loss mitigation efforts. While in theory insurers could encourage
investment in loss reduction, some commentators have argued that in practice insurers had
historically not aggressively pursued loss control measures—particularly to prevent disaster
losses such as hurricanes—because of concerns over rate reductions and legal battles. However,
since about 1996 insurers have begun to take a more active role in loss mitigation, such as
through building codes.
1.3 Methods Of Insurance:-
• Co-insurance – risks shared between insurers
• Dual insurance – having two or more policies with overlapping coverage of a risk (both
the individual policies would not pay separately – under a concept named contribution,
they would contribute together to make up the policyholder's losses. However, in case of
contingency insurances such as life insurance, dual payment is allowed).
• Self-insurance – situations where risk is not transferred to insurance companies and
solely retained by the entities or individuals themselves.
• Reinsurance – situations when the insurer passes some part of or all risks to another
Insurer, called the reinsurer.
❖ Indemnification:
To "indemnify" means to make whole again, or to be reinstated to the position that one was in, to
the extent possible, prior to the happening of a specified event or peril. Accordingly, life
insurance is generally not considered to be indemnity insurance, but rather "contingent"
insurance (i.e., a claim arises on the occurrence of a specified event). There are generally three
types of insurance contracts that seek to indemnify an insured:
1. A "reimbursement" policy
2. A "pay on behalf" or "on behalf of policy
3. An "indemnification" policy
4. From an insured's standpoint, the result is usually the same: the insurer pays the loss and
claims expenses.
5. If the Insured has a "reimbursement" policy, the insured can be required to pay for a loss
and then be "reimbursed" by the insurance carrier for the loss and out of pocket costs
including, with the permission of the insurer, claim expenses
6. Under a "pay on behalf" policy, the insurance carrier would defend and pay a claim on
behalf of the insured who would not be out of pocket for anything. Most modern liability
insurance is written on the basis of "pay on behalf" language which enables the insurance
carrier to manage and control the claim.
7. Under an "indemnification" policy, the insurance carrier can generally either "reimburse"
or "pay on behalf of", whichever is more beneficial to it and the insured in the claim
handling process.
8. If the Insured has a "reimbursement" policy, the insured can be required to pay for a loss
and then be "reimbursed" by the insurance carrier for the loss and out of pocket costs
including, with the permission of the insurer, claim expenses
❖ Exclusions:
Policies typically include a number of exclusions, including typically:
• Nuclear exclusion clause, excluding damage caused by nuclear and radiation accidents
• War exclusion clause, excluding damage from acts of war or terrorism.
• Life insurance companies, which sell life insurance, annuities and pensions products and
bear similarities to asset management businesses.
• Non-life or property/casualty insurance companies, which sell other types of insurance.
• Health insurance companies, which sometimes sell life insurance or employee benefits as
General insurance companies can be further divided into these sub categories.
• Standard lines
• Excess lines
In most countries, life and non-life insurers are subject to different regulatory regimes and
different tax and accounting rules. The main reason for the distinction between the two types of
company is that life, annuity, and pension business is very long-term in nature – coverage for life
assurance or a pension can cover risks over many decades. By contrast, non-life insurance cover
usually covers a shorter period, such as one year.
Insurance companies are generally classified as either mutual or proprietary companies. Mutual
companies are owned by the policyholders, while shareholders (who may or may not own
policies) own proprietary insurance companies.
Demutualization of mutual insurers to form stock companies, as well as the formation of a hybrid
known as a mutual holding company, became common in some countries, such as the United
States, in the late 20th century. However, not all states permit mutual holding companies.
Reinsurance companies
Reinsurance companies are insurance companies that sell policies to other insurance companies,
allowing them to reduce their risks and protect themselves from very large losses. The
reinsurance market is dominated by a few very large companies, with huge reserves. A reinsurer
may also be a direct writer of insurance risks as well.
The functions of the IRDAI are defined in Section 14 of the IRDAI Act,
1999, and include:
A Life Insurance policy ensures that your family is financially secured in the event of something
unfortunate happening to you. A policyholder gets into a contract with the insurance company
wherein the company agrees to pay a large sum of money to the policyholder’s family on the
event of the life insured passing away. The policyholder pays premium to the insurance company
in exchange.
Buying Life Insurance has the following benefits:
• It offers financial security to your loved ones and protects them from financial burden
• Takes care of life goals such as child’s higher education, marriage, etc.
• It helps save on tax, as premiums paid towards a Life Insurance policy is eligible for tax
deduction under Section 80C up to a limit of Rs.1.5 lakh
With largest number of life insurance policies in force in the world, insurance happens to be a
mega opportunity in India. It’s a business growing at the rate of 15-20 per cent annually and
presently is of the order of Rs.450 billion. Together with banking services, it adds about 7 per
cent to the country’s GDP. Gross premium collection is nearly 2 per cent of GDP and funds
available with LIC for investment are 8 per cent of GDP.
Yet, nearly 80 percent of Indian population is without life insurance cover while health insurance
and non-life insurance continues to be below international standards. And this part of the
population is also subject to weak social security and pension systems with hardly any old age
income security. This it is an indicator that growth potential for the insurance sector is immense.
A well-develop and evolved insurance sector is needed for economic development as it provides
long term funds for infrastructure development and at the same time strengthens the risk taking
ability. It is estimated that over the next ten years India would require investments of the order of
one trillion US dollar. The insurance sector, to some extent, can enable investment in
infrastructure development to sustain economic growth of the country. Insurance is a federal
subject in India. There are two legislation that govern the sector - The Insurance Act-1938 and
The IRDA Act-1999.
In India, insurance is generally considered as a tax-saving device instead of its other implied long
term financial benefits. Indian people are prone to investing in properties and gold followed by
bank deposits. They selectively invest in shares also but the percentage is very small. Even to
this day, Life Insurance Corporation of India dominates India insurance sector. With the entry of
private sector players backed by foreign expertise, Indian insurance market has become more
vibrant. Business is becoming increasingly vulnerable due to wide variety of risk particularly
after September 11, 2001 disaster in which twin tower located in the hearts of New York city
were crashed by terrorist attack resulting in loss of 6000 human lives as well as financial loss to
the extent of $45 billion. The impact of this terrorist attack has created new horizon of risk to the
business world today.
However, rapid changes in the global economy, development of technology and e-business
already gathered momentum. Increased dependency on technology has originated new risks that
have resulted in well-published incidents. Computer hackers obtaining credit card information
from visa and Power-Gen, the love bug virus, cyber extortion, web content liability, professional
errors and omissions, computers and other crimes and activities such as terrorism, kidnapping
and company’s executive and extortion of money, commercial liability etc have significant
impact on business resulting in extreme financial loss, commercial embarrassment or regulatory
Corporation insurance/risk managers, under the circumstances, have to demand increasingly
complex insurance products. They have to be more attentive and knowledgeable about emerging
risks, how those risks are managed effectively and efficiently, and how they could ultimately
affect a company’s financial situation and therefore its position in the market place. In short, how
such risks are managed and can give to an insured a competitive advantage.
In the changing times, adoption of e-commerce into business models, the integration of web-
based communication and data transfer capabilities into the business operations, and leveraging
of advanced network and technology architecture for maximum benefit are the new horizon of
the risks. For the corporate insurance/risks managers, these new exposure-cyber-risks-can lead to
cyber losses, widening the interpretation of what constitute insure property damage, particularly
as it relates to information technology and data.
All the while, organizations are tremendous pressure to reduce expenses and increase profit
margin, and cannot afford to suffer a property loss of business interruption due to any cause
(risk). How a company identifies, quantifies, qualifies and manages these new risks exposure, in
addition to the well-known tradition risks, is becoming an important factor in creating
shareholders value. This often means changing the way. Everyone in the organization have to
think about risk.
Insurance managers are seeing price levels (premium) continue to rise-albeit modestly-in today’s
primarily commercial property and reinsurance markets. They are demanding that insurers
improve their risk assessment and quantification offerings so that an insured may avail the
benefit in cost (premium rate) on account of well-managed risk.
The good news for insurance managers is that as the economy evolves, insurers are increasingly
matching that evaluation with new products, services and capabilities due to opening up the
insurance market to the private players.
Insurers who are truly listening to their customers and striving to be more in tune with their
needs are responding to the fast changing corporate insurance and risk management landscape.
They are listening to their customers. They are making fresh approaches to address the new
challenges faced by insured organization by designing the new products as per the needs. Insurers
are providing value added services to insured to protect the value created by the business.
RLIC offers wide range of innovative life insurance products, targeted at individuals and groups.
It offers need based products that caters to four distinct segments namely protection, child,
retirement and investment plans. RLIC is committed to emerge as a transnational Life Insurer of
global scale and standard.
• Money-back policies
Money back policies are basically an extension of endowment plans wherein the policyholder
receives a fixed amount at specific intervals throughout the duration of the policy. In the event of
the death of the policyholder, the full sum assured is paid to the beneficiaries. The terms again
might slightly vary from one insurance company to another.
• Pension policies
Pension policies let individuals determine a fixed stream of income post retirement. This
basically is a retirement planning investment scheme where the sum assured or the monthly pay-
out after retirement entirely depends on the capital invested, the investment timeframe, and the
age at which one wishes to retire. There are again several types of pension plans that cater to
different investment needs. Now it is recognized as an insurance product and is regulated by
Seeking more investment in the insurance sector, on March 18, 2016, the government allowed
FDI in domestic insurance companies up to 49%, up from 26%, without the prior approval.
Earlier 26% FDI was approved through automatic route. For FDI up to 49% approval of Foreign
Investment Promotion Board is required subject to the verification of insurance regularity
authority of India. There are 57 insurance companies in India out of which 24 are life insurance
companies and 33 are general insurance companies.
1.10 Initial public offer (IPO) rules for Indian life insurance companies
A key piece of legislation impacting on the Life Insurance industries capital raising abilities is
the lock-in period of 10 years for investment to be limited to promoter group equity investments.
Under the Insurance Guidelines, Indian Life Insurance companies can opt for a public issue of
equity through an Initial Public Offer (IPO) after 10 years of operations.
In October 2010, the securities market regulator, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI),
issued disclosure norms for Indian Life Insurance Companies seeking to make an initial public
offer for sale of equity shares to the public.
• Through underwriting, the process by which insurers select the risks to insure and decide
how much in premiums to charge for accepting those risks
• By investing the premiums they collect from insured parties
The most complicated aspect of the insurance business is the actuarial science of ratemaking
(price-setting) of policies, which uses statistics and probability to approximate the rate of
future claims based on a given risk. After producing rates, the insurer will use discretion to
reject or accept risks through the underwriting process.
At the most basic level, initial ratemaking involves looking at the frequency and severity of
insured perils and the expected average payout resulting from these perils. Thereafter an
insurance company will collect historical loss data, bring the loss data to present value, and
compare these prior losses to the premium collected in order to assess rate adequacy.[23] Loss
ratios and expense loads are also used. Rating for different risk characteristics involves at the
most basic level comparing the losses with "loss relativities"—a policy with twice as many
losses would therefore be charged twice as much. More complex multivariate analyses are
sometimes used when multiple characteristics are involved and a univariate analysis could
produce confounded results. Other statistical methods may be used in assessing the
probability of future losses.
Upon termination of a given policy, the amount of premium collected minus the amount paid
out in claims is the insurer's underwriting profit on that policy. Underwriting performance is
measured by something called the "combined ratio", which is the ratio of expenses/losses to
premiums.[24] A combined ratio of less than 100% indicates an underwriting profit, while
anything over 100 indicates an underwriting loss. A company with a combined ratio over
100% may nevertheless remain profitable due to investment earnings.
Insurance companies earn investment profits on "float". Float, or available reserve, is the
amount of money on hand at any given moment that an insurer has collected in insurance
premiums but has not paid out in claims. Insurers start investing insurance premiums as soon
as they are collected and continue to earn interest or other income on them until claims are
paid out. The Association of British Insurers (gathering 400 insurance companies and 94% of
UK insurance services) has almost 20% of the investments in the London Stock
Exchange. In 2007, U.S. industry profits from float totalled $58 billion. In a 2009 letter to
investors, Warren Buffett wrote, "we were paid $2.8 billion to hold our float in 2008."
In the United States, the underwriting loss of property and casualty insurance companies was
$142.3 billion in the five years ending 2003. But overall profit for the same period was $68.4
billion, as the result of float. Some insurance industry insiders, most notably Hank
Greenberg, do not believe that it is forever possible to sustain a profit from float without an
underwriting profit as well, but this opinion is not universally held. Reliance on float for
profit has led some industry experts to call insurance companies "investment companies that
raise the money for their investments by selling insurance."[27]
Naturally, the float method is difficult to carry out in an economically depressed period. Bear
markets do cause insurers to shift away from investments and to toughen up their
underwriting standards, so a poor economy generally means high insurance premiums. This
tendency to swing between profitable and unprofitable periods over time is commonly
known as the underwriting, or insurance, cycle.
▪ Claims
Claims and loss handling is the materialized utility of insurance; it is the actual "product"
paid for. Claims may be filed by insureds directly with the insurer or through brokers or
agents. The insurer may require that the claim be filed on its own proprietary forms, or may
accept claims on a standard industry form, such as those produced by ACORD.
Insurance company claims departments employ a large number of claims adjusters supported
by a staff of records management and data entry clerks. Incoming claims are classified based
on severity and are assigned to adjusters whose settlement authority varies with their
knowledge and experience. The adjuster undertakes an investigation of each claim, usually in
close cooperation with the insured, determines if coverage is available under the terms of the
insurance contract, and if so, the reasonable monetary value of the claim, and authorizes
The policyholder may hire their own public adjuster to negotiate the settlement with the
insurance company on their behalf. For policies that are complicated, where claims may be
complex, the insured may take out a separate insurance policy add-on, called loss recovery
insurance, which covers the cost of a public adjuster in the case of a claim.
Adjusting liability insurance claims is particularly difficult because there is a third party
involved, the plaintiff, who is under no contractual obligation to cooperate with the insurer
and may in fact regard the insurer as a deep pocket. The adjuster must obtain legal counsel
for the insured (either inside "house" counsel or outside "panel" counsel), monitor litigation
that may take years to complete, and appear in person or over the telephone with settlement
authority at a mandatory settlement conference when requested by the judge.
If a claims adjuster suspects under-insurance, the condition of average may come into play to
limit the insurance company's exposure.
In managing the claims handling function, insurers seek to balance the elements of customer
satisfaction, administrative handling expenses, and claims overpayment leakages. As part of
this balancing act, fraudulent insurance practices are a major business risk that must be
managed and overcome. Disputes between insurers and insureds over the validity of claims
or claims handling practices occasionally escalate into litigation (see insurance bad faith).
▪ Marketing
Insurers will often use insurance agents to initially market or underwrite their customers.
Agents can be captive, meaning they write only for one company, or independent, meaning
that they can issue policies from several companies. The existence and success of companies
using insurance agents is likely due to improved and personalized service. Companies also
use Broking firms, Banks and other corporate entities (like Self Help Groups, Microfinance
Institutions, NGOs, etc.) to market their products.
The policyholder may hire their own public adjuster to negotiate the settlement with the
insurance company on their behalf. For policies that are complicated, where claims may be
complex, the insured may take out a separate insurance policy add-on, called loss recovery
insurance, which covers the cost of a public adjuster in the case of a claim.
Adjusting liability insurance claims is particularly difficult because there is a third party
involved, the plaintiff, who is under no contractual obligation to cooperate with the insurer
and may in fact regard the insurer as a deep pocket. The adjuster must obtain legal counsel
for the insured (either inside "house" counsel or outside "panel" counsel), monitor litigation
that may take years to complete, and appear in person or over the telephone with settlement
authority at a mandatory settlement conference when requested by the judge.
1.12 There are certain competitors of LIC & Reliance Insurance, following are:
Other competitors:-
➢ Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance
Max Life Insurance is a part of the Max India Ltd. Group. It is a joint venture between Max
Financial Services and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company. The former owns 68% of the
company while the latter owns 26%. After forming the joint venture partnership with Mitsui
Sumitomo, Max Life changed its name from Max New York Life in 2012. In February 2016,
Axis Bank held a 6% share in Max Life.
➢ Aviva India
Aviva India is an Indian life assurance company, and a joint venture between Aviva plc, a British
assurance company, and Dabur Group, an Indian conglomerate. Aviva began operations in July
2002 as a joint venture with Dabur Group, one of India’s oldest business houses.
Aviva has a balanced distribution network through Assurance, Direct Sales Force and online
products. This includes a direct sales force of more than 9,000 financial planning advisors and
multiple banc assurance partnerships with private sector banks, co-operatives and regional rural
banks. Through its distribution setup and partnerships, Aviva reaches customers in over 1000
towns and cities across India.
Aviva has been focusing on the Online Platform in recent years, and a number of products,
including Aviva i-Life, Aviva Health Secure and Aviva i-Shield. This is in line with the
company’s strategy to focus on newer formats and products that are easier for customers to
understand and buy.
HDFC Life (HDFC Life Insurance Company Ltd.) is a long-term life insurance provider with its
headquarters in Mumbai, offering individual and group insurance.
It is a joint venture between Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd (HDFC), one of
India's leading housing finance institution and Standard Life Aberdeen PLC, leading well known
provider of financial savings & investments services in the United Kingdom. On 14 August 2015
HDFC Ltd. entered into a share sale agreement with Standard Life to sell a 9.00% stake in
HDFC Life to the latter. The transaction is subject to receipt of regulatory approvals. Post the
completion of the above transaction, HDFC will hold 61.65% stake in HDFC Life and Standard
Life's stake will increase to 35.00%, with rest to be held by others.
➢ SBI Life Insurance:
SBI Life Insurance is a joint venture life insurance company between State Bank of India (SBI),
the largest state-owned banking and financial services company in India, and BNP
Paribas Cardiff. BNP Paribas is a French multinational bank and financial services company with
global headquarters in Paris. SBI owns 62.1% of the total capital and BNP Paribas Cardiff 22%
of the capital. Other investors are Value Line Pt. Ltd. and Mac Ritchie Investments Pt. Ltd.,
holding 1.95% of the total capital each and remaining 12% with Public. SBI Life Insurance has
an authorized capital of ₹20 billion (US$280 million) and a paid up capital of ₹10
billion (US$140 million).
In 2007, CRISIL Ltd, a subsidiary of global rating agency Standard & Poor's, gave company a
AAA/Stable/P1+ rating.
Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Company Limited is a private Life Insurance company
in India. The company was founded in 2001. It caters to 15 million customers with 232 branches
in around 167 cities and towns in India with 99,275 agents.
Under the umbrella, the company offers various protection plans, savings and investment plans,
child plans and retirement plans.The Kotak Mahindra Group was founded in 1985 as a provider
of financial services. In February 2003, Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd. (KMFL), the Group's
flagship company, received banking license from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to conduct
banking operations in the country and was renamed as Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd, the parent
company of Kotak Life Insurance.
➢ Shri ram life insurance:-
Shri ram Group is an Indian conglomerate founded on 5 April 1974 by Ramamurthy Thyagarajan,
AVS Raja and T. Jaya Raman. They have their headquarters in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, and India. The
group had its beginning in chit funds business and later on entered the lending business through Shri ram
Transport Finance (Commercial Vehicle Finance) and Shri ram City Union Finance (Consumer and
MSME Finance). In 2018, the company forayed into metallurgy by setting up a unit in Odisha.
▪ Newly established company, so people seems it risky.
▪ Lack of staff
▪ Lack of advertisement, so most of the customers are not aware for the insurance.
❖ High targets for the financial advisors and for the sales department
❖ Try to catch middle-lower level people also.
▪ There is a vast untapped market in India. The life insurance penetration in India is
approximately 2.5% so it has large potential.
▪ The average insurance premium being collected by the company has been growing
exponentially build up a target fund.
▪ Reliance life insurance should give the insurance coverage both to the parent and child.
▪ The main threat is from the other players who have grabbed approximately 15%of the
market share.
▪ As the government has scrapped the rebate on the life insurance premium, the people
who used to invest in life insurance for sole motive of tax benefit may turn to other
▪ Current government policies do not encourage domestic saving.
• Brand Image: LIC has a strong branding in India. Its tagline Yogakshemam
Mahamyaham which means welfare for all is well recognized. The Economic Time
Brand Equity Survey of the year 2015 voted LIC as the most trusted Insurance provider
in India.
• Fund Base: LIC has a huge found base of around 150 billion USD and is also India’s
biggest investor making it immensely powerful in the domain of finance in India.
• A network of Agents: LIC has around 1,337,064 individual agents, 242 Corporate
Agents, 89 Referral Agents, 98 Brokers and 42 Banks across India who cover each nook
and corner of the country.
Primary data:- It is that data which is collected by a researcher from first-hand sources, using
methods like surveys, interviews, questionnaire or experiments. It is collected with the research
project in mind, directly from primary sources.
o Designing of interview questionnaire for consumers based on various brand awareness
o Sample selection on basis of area.
o Data collection by primary survey of consumers by questionnaire method.
o Analysis of data.
o Drawing conclusions.
Secondary data:- The term is used in contrast with the term secondary data. This data is
collected by someone else for some other purpose (but being utilised by the investigator for
another purpose).This data is gathered from studies, surveys or experiments that have been run
by other people or for other research. Eg: - Books, magazines, newspaper, trade journals and
public records.
❖ Finding about the insurance industry in India.
❖ Finding about Reliance Life Insurance and its competitors.
❖ Understanding the various factors that need to be found out to assess the brand awareness
in the market.
The secondary sources will help in the historical framework of insurance companies of post
independent India as well as the pre-privatization and post-privatization insurance environment
in India. This secondary study will help in serving the theoretical groundwork for the study. Data
collected from reliance life insurance and other insurance companies.
Today, after 33 years of privatization of the mutual fund industry, UTI has been pushed to the
fifth slot in terms of assets under management.
Digitization, including use of artificial intelligence and internet of things with an aim to enhance
customer experience at all touch points, innovations that address the savings and return mind-set
of Indians and offer wellness based incentives, and government’s commitment towards Universal
Health Coverage have marked 2017 in Indian health insurance sector.
3.5 Sources of data used in this project:-
Here, under this project PRIMARY SOURCE OF DATA is used & method selected under
primary source of data is Questionnaire where pre-determined set of questions are made in
sequential format which is designed to suit the respondent’s understanding and language
SECONDARY SOURCE OF DATA was also used to gather the information about customer
perception regarding insurance.
Population is a collection of items of interest in research. The population represent a group that
you wish to generalize your research to. The symbol ‘µ’ represents the population mean.
Under this study, population includes each and every customer who is having bank accounts and
also employee because they have a salary account.
It is a group of people, objects, or items that are taken from a larger population for measurement.
It should be representative of the population to ensure that we can generalize the findings from
the research sample to the population as a whole. The symbol 𝒙 represents the sample.
The sample size constitutes the number of total elements to be drawn. The (n) number of
observations taken from a population through which statistical inferences for the whole
population are made.
The sample size under this study is of 100 respondents.
Male 35 35
Female 65 65
Total 100 100
Source: Primary Data
35% of the respondents are male and 65% of the respondents are female. From the above table
we can conclude that, the majority of the respondents were belongs to female group.
Occupation is also influences a person’s consumption pattern. Similarly the insurance taking by
various occupants. The following occupants of the respondents are classifies for the data
Occupation No. of respondent Percentage
Self employed 20 20
Professional 10 10
House wife 65 65
Students 05 05
Total 100 100
20% of the respondents are self employed, 10% of the respondents are professional ,and 65% of
the respondents are house wives, 05% of the respondents are other group.
self employed
house wifes
Q1. Which insurance you are taking?
Insurance No. of respondent Percentage%
Reliance 40 40
LIC 54 54
Others 06 06
Total 100 100
40% of respondent taking reliance insurance, 54% of respondent taking n LIC , 6% of
respondent taking others.
Q2. What is the most important factor that matters while taking insurance?
Factors No. of respondents Percentage
Quality 23 23
Price 13 13
Service 57 57
Others 7 7
Total 100 100
23% of respondent depend upon quality of insurance, 13% of respondent depend upon price of
the insurance, 57% of respondent depend upon service of the insurance, and 7% depend upon
Q3. How did come to know about the insurance company?
Opinions No. of respondent Percentage%
By friends/family 64 64
T.V. Ads 14 14
Others 22 22
Total 100 100
64% of respondent are know about the insurance by friends/family, 14% of respondent are know
about the insurance, 22% of respondent are know about the insurance by others.
Yes 90 90
No 10 10
Total 100 100
90% of respondent are satisfied with quality of the insurance and 10% of respondent are not
satisfied with quality of insurance.
Q5. What is more important in life insurance policy?
Features No. of respondent Percentage %
Cash incentive 45 45
Others 24 24
43% of respondent like feature of the policy, as follows.
cash incentive
name of the
Q6. Which according to you is the largest company in the life insurance company
in private sector?
Reliance 60 60
ICIC pru 15 15
Tata AIG 20 20
Others 5 5
Total 100 100
Out of 100 respondent 60% respondent know about reliance 15% respondent know about icic pru
20% respondent know about tata aig and rest about other insurance industry.
tata AIG
Reliance 28 28
LIC 52 52
Max life 15 15
Others 5 5
Total 100 100
28% of respondent using reliance, 52% of respondent using LIC, 15% of respondent using max
life and 5% of respondent using others.
Q8. What do you look in life insurance policy?
Qualities No. of respondent Percentage
Security 20 20%
Liquidity 10 10%
Savings 20 20%
All of the above 50 50%
Total 100 100
20% of respondent looks security part for benefits 10% respondent liquidity 20% savings and
rest 50% looks all the above mentioned qualities in insurance.
Yes 58 58
No 42 42
58% of respondent are using reliance policy and 42% of respondent using other policy.
Q10. What is your opinion about insurance company?
Opinion No. of respondent Percentage%
Outstanding 45 45
Excellent 25 25
Good 28 28
Average 2 2
Total 100 100
45% of respondent opinion are outstanding, 25% of respondent opinion are excellent, 28% of
respondent opinion are good, and rest of opinion are average.
Q11. Do you think the price of policies of insurance companies is high/low
compared to competitors?
Opinion No. of respondent Percentage%
Very high 15 15
High 25 25
Average 60 60
15% of respondent opinion are very high, 25% of respondent opinion are high , 60% of
respondent opinion are average.
very high
average 25%
Q12. Do you various schemes/promotional activities affect your purchase plans?
Yes 30 30
No 70 70
Total 100 100
30% of respondent are affected by activities, 70% of respondent are not affected by activities
Q13. Which is the most favorable life insurance scheme of the bank?
Finance 15 15
60% of respondent use I life plan , 15% of respondent use finance , 5% respondent use
sampoorn Raksha plan , 20% respondent use online plan .
online term
sampoorn raksha 20%
finance I life plan
15% 60%
Q14. Thinking of similar insurance offered by other companies how would you
compare your insurance?
Opinion No. of respondent Percentage
Better 15 15%
Same 65 65%
15% of respondent thinking of better opinion 65% of respondent of same opinion and rest 20%
respondent don’t compare the insurances.
don’t know 15%
Q15. Which of the following policies you have?
Types of policies No. of respondent Percentage
Endowment policy 15 15%
Single premium policy 26 25%
Children policy 13 13%
Money back policy 46 45%
Total 100 100%
15% respondent have endowment policy 26% respondent have single premium
policy 13% respondent have children policy and rest 46% respondent have money
back policy.
children policy
Q16. Have you received survival benefits so far against policy.
Survival benefits No. of respondent Percentage
Yes 60 60%
No 40 40%
Total 100 100%
60% of respondent received survival benefits and 40% of respondent didn’t received survival
Yes No
Q17. If yes, how many times you have received?
Times No. of respondent Percentage
1 30 30%
2 45 45%
3 15 15%
Not yet 10 10%
Total 100 100%
30% of respondent received once in a time 45% of respondent received twice 15%
of respondent received thrice and 10% of respondent didn’t received yet.
not yet
1 time
3 time 30%
2 time
Q18. How would you like to pay premium?
Option No. of the respondent Percentage
Monthly 20 20%
Quarterly 30 30%
Yearly 35 35%
20% of respondent pay premium monthly 30% of respondent pay premium
quarterly 15% respondent pay half yearly and rest 35% respondent pay yearly.
yearly 20%
2nd Qtr
half yearly
Q19. Are you regularly paying the premium?
Opinion No. of respondent Percentage
Yes 90 90%
No 10 10%
90% of respondent pay premium regularly and rest 10% of respondent didn’t pay
premium regularly
Q20. Have you received any incentive from insurance agent on insurance
Option No. of respondent Percentage
Yes 85 85%
No 15 15%
Total 100 100%
85% of respondent receive incentive from agent and rest 15% of respondent
didn’t receive any incentive from agent.
Q21. If yes, up to how much percentage?
Option No. of respondent Percentage
0-5% 40 40%
5-10% 15 15%
10-15% 25 25%
15-20% 20 20%
Total 100 100%
40% of respondent receive 0-5% incentive 15% respondent of respondent receive
5-10% and 25% respondent receive 10-15% rest 20% respondent receive 15-20%
Q22. Have you surrendered your insurance policies?
Option No. of respondent Percentage
Yes 5 5%
No 95 95%
Total 100 100%
5% of respondent surrendered policies and rest 95% respondent didn’t
surrendered policies.
Q23. Do you find that insurer is cooperative?
Option No. of respondent Percentage
Yes 99 99%
No 1 1%
Total 100 100%
99% of respondent find insurer cooperative and rest 1% of respondent find insurer
Q24. Is LIC follows the rules of IRDA?
Option No. of respondent Percentage
Yes 100 100%
No - -
Total 100 100%
LIC follows all the rules of IRDA.
Q25. Have you availed any loan against insurance policy?
Availed loan No. of respondent Percentage
Yes 80 80%
No 20 20%
Total 100 100%
80% of the respondent availed loan against the insurance and rest 20% of
respondent didn’t take loan against insurance.
Q26. Most likely periodicity of policy
No. of years No. of respondent Percentage
Upto 5years 20 20%
5-15 years 40 40%
15-25 years 25 25%
Above 25 years 15 15%
Total 100 100%
20% of respondent pay 5yearly 40% of respondent pay 5-15 yearly basis 25%
respondent pay 15-25 yearly basis and rest above 25 years.
15-25 years
5-15 years
Q27. What do you feel after investing in insurance plans?
65% of respondent feel good investing in insurance plans 30% of respondent feel
average in investing in insurance plans and rest feel cheated in plans.
Q28. What is overall perception about insurance in india?
98% of respondent have positive perception towards insurance and rest 2% of
respondent have negative respondent towards insurance.
Q29. Which you preferred insurance company in future?
Types of insurance No. of respondent Percentage
HDFC life 35 35%
BAJAJ life 25 25%
Others 24 24%
Total 100 100%
35% of respondent prefer hdfc life insurance 25% of respondent prefer bajaj life insurance 16%
of respondent prefer star health insurance and rest 24% of prefer other insurance.
STAR Health
Q30. Do you feel that insurance company helps people to save money
Opinion No. of respondent Percentage
Yes 98 98%
No 2 2%
Total 100 100%
98% of the respondent feel to take insurance policy and rest 2% of the respondent
don’t feel to take insurance policy.
5.1 Findings of the study
❖ 58% of respondent are using reliance policy and 42% of respondent using other policy.
❖ 15% respondent have endowment policy 26% respondent have single premium policy 13%
respondent have children policy and rest 46% respondent have money back policy.
❖ 0% of respondent received once in a time 45% of respondent received twice 15% of
respondent received thrice and 10% of respondent didn’t received yet.
❖ It has been observed that the total premium was found to be high in National Insurance
Company followed by Oriental Insurance Company, New India Assurance Company and
United India Insurance Company during the study period.
❖ Majority of 51.25% of policy holders have made their first approach to the company through
❖ It is heartening to note that 272 customers are satisfied on response given by general
insurance companies in the study area.
❖ It is inferred that the industrial customers are more satisfied with services of the officers
than the retail customers.
❖ The survey made in this regard exposes that 94.69% of respondents do not move for further
insurance company due to dissatisfaction of the first one.
❖ It is inferred that 52.94% of respondents are of the view that they have hold policies with the
current insurer on sentimental ground in spite of noted lapses on their service.
❖ The survey brings to light the fact that 100 policy holders decipher the policy and
understood the ingredients of the policy in the right perspective.
❖ 20% of respondent looks security part for benefits 10% respondent liquidity 20% savings and
rest 50% looks all the above mentioned qualities in insurance.
❖ 85% of respondent receive incentive from agent and rest 15% of respondent didn’t receive
any incentive from agent.
❖ 40% of respondent receive 0-5% incentive 15% respondent of respondent receive 5-10%
and 25% respondent receive 10-15% rest 20% respondent receive 15-20% incentives.
❖ 20% of respondent pay 5yearly 40% of respondent pay 5-15 yearly basis 25% respondent pay
15-25 yearly basis and rest above 25 years.
❖ 65% of respondent feel good investing in insurance plans 30% of respondent feel average in
investing in insurance plans and rest feel cheated in plans.
5.2 Suggestion of the study
• Product knowledge of life insurance agents is a must. So that they can guide the prospects
in right direction and clear their doubts. The agents have to develop their traits, update
their knowledge to attract the attention of the public and make them invest immediately.
They should have clear cut knowledge about the life insurance policies, premium
payment and other benefits of the policies.
• The agents act as a bridge between policyholders and life insurance companies. They
must take efforts to popularize the life insurance policies among the people and create
awareness about life insurance.
• It is also suggested that the life insurance companies may give a wide publicity and
advertisement in an attractive medium like television, wall painting, posters and banners.
By doing so, more number of people may be aware of the life insurance companies and
their products.
• One of the major problems faced by the agents is unwillingness of the prospects and
policyholders to take up the policy. Banks often organize loan mela to disburse loans.
Life insurance companies can also organize loan mela to disburse loans against the value
of policy. This will attract the attention of many people and new policyholders can be
added to the life insurance companies. At the same time, the financial crisis of the
policyholders can be met by the loan sanctioned so that surrender and causation of the
policies can be avoided.
• The agents, acting on behalf of the life insurance companies should avoid making false
promises and misleading information to the policyholders in terms of premium details,
maturity details and repayment terms. They must guide the prospects in choosing the
policy according to their requirement. Some agents concentrate on the policies for which
they will get more commission not on the requirement of the prospects. Such a practice is
to be avoided.
• With regard to reasons for not investing more amount in life insurance policies majority
of the policyholders of SBI Life, ICICI Prudential Life and LIC of India assigned first
rank to ‘Not profitable’. Return on the life insurance policies in the form of bonus should
be increased in order to make the life insurance products as a more attractive investment.
The bonus amount can be increased by the life insurance companies to compensate the
decreased money value for the long term policies.
• Policies with lesser maturity period will also attract many policyholders as majority of
the respondents feel that return is after a long period. Liquidity of life insurance policies
can be improved by introducing short term products and it would increase the satisfaction
among the policyholders.
• A good customer relationship management is very essential to compete in the competitive
environment. The life insurance companies have to reorient themselves in terms of
customer service and the service quality measures have to be improved.
• The agents act as a bridge between policyholders and life insurance companies. They
must take efforts to popularize the life insurance policies among the people and create
awareness about life insurance.
6.1 Conclusion
The competitive climate in the life insurance market has changed over the last few years due to
regulations of IRDA and the expectations of the policyholders are also changing. Insurance
companies are targeting upon the policyholders by giving them returns with the mission to make
them delighted and satisfied. The life insurance companies must take care to ensure that every
policyholder is totally satisfied and as a result its customer base has grown significantly. While
designing the marketing strategy, life the insurance companies have to consider the marketing
strategies, promotional methods and policy innovations of competitors. They have to frame the
strategies in two aspects i.e., to win over the hearts of the policyholders and to tackle the
competition. This is possible only through agents and employees in life insurance companies. A
lot is to be done by the life insurance companies to maximize the satisfaction of the
policyholders and improve the quality of service. The study area with all its industrial and trade
potentialities and also with population to have properties insurable under general insurance folio.
The current number of general insurance companies both belong to both public sector and private
sector make penetrating marketing endeavour in an intensified nature. They have achieved
increasing business every year. Yet comparing with the vast untapped potential business, the
current marketing efforts are not commensurate and they have to tune up the marketing force.
Especially they have to bring a mind get to the people making them to recognize general
insurance as a cost to the trade and industries and also an important expense to the common
people in safeguarding the financial loss caused by damage or destruction to their properties. The
vast premium income mobilized by LIC helped the nation in economic development, especially
in building up infrastructure. In 2018-2019, its accumulated investment in infrastructure was
Rs1,11,888 crore, helping the country in improving the quality of the people at large through the
enhancement of basic amenities like potable water, drainage, housing, electrification and
transport. LIC has made notable contributions to the development of the equity market. It has
participated in the establishment of institutions lie NSC, IDBI, UTI and NIA. LIC has taken
advantage of information and Technology and initiated measures for the convenience of the
policy holders
Kenneth Black and Harold D. (2014) ‘Life and Health Insurance and their life cycle’, ‘types of
insurances in field of insurance industry’
Retrieved from:
Pope,D(2017) ‘behaviour and attitude with refrence to LIC and Relaince insurance’
Retrieved from:
(I)Personal profile:
▪ Name:
▪ Address:
▪ Sex:
▪ Male ( ) Female ( )
▪ Age
▪ Occupation:-
Q1. Which insurance you are taking?
➢ Relaince
➢ Max life
➢ Others
Q2. What is the most important factor that matters while taking insurance?
➢ Quality
➢ Price
➢ Service
Q3. How did you come to know about the insurance companies?
➢ By friends/family
➢ T.V. Ads.
➢ Press Ads.
Q4. Are you satisfied with quality of the insurance?
➢ Yes
➢ No
Q5. What is more important life insurance policy?
➢ Feature of the policy
➢ Name of the company
➢ Cash incentive
Q6. Which according to you is the largest company in the life insurance industry in
private sector?
➢ Reliance
➢ ICIC Pru
➢ Tata AIG
➢ Others
Q7. Which insurance you currently taking?
➢ Reliance
➢ Max life
➢ Others
Q8. What do you look in life insurance policy?
➢ Security
➢ Liquidity
➢ Savings
➢ All of the above
Q9. Do you have a reliance life insurance policy?
➢ Yes
➢ No
Q10.What is your opinion about insurance policy?
➢ Outstanding
➢ Excellent
➢ Good
➢ Average
Q30. Do you feel that the insurance company helps people to save money
➢ Yes
➢ No