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Yin 2013

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Catal Lett (2014) 144:285–292

DOI 10.1007/s10562-013-1131-2

Novel Binary Promoter NiCoMo Layered Molybdate Catalyst:

Synthesis, Characterization and Hydrodesulfurization Property
Changlong Yin • Huan Liu • Xuehui Li •
Yaping Wang • Bin Liu • Leiyan Zhao •
Chenguang Liu

Received: 12 July 2013 / Accepted: 4 October 2013 / Published online: 31 October 2013
Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract A novel binary promoter NiCoMo layered The cost effective and efficient choice is frequently
molybdate was synthesized as potential hydrodesulfuriza- achieved by the implementation of highly active hyd-
tion (HDS) catalyst precursor by chemical precipitation rodesulfurization (HDS) catalysts, and a great enhancement
from a solution containing nickel nitrate, cobalt nitrate and of HDS activity could be achieved by organic additives on
ammonium heptamolybdate. NiMo and CoMo layered supported HDS catalysts, like ethyleneglycol and triethyl-
molybdates were also prepared for comparison by the same eneglycol, which were attributed to the formation of so-
method. The NiCoMo, NiMo and CoMo layered molyb- called ‘‘NiMoS phase’’ or ‘‘CoMoS phase’’ [2, 3]. Another
dates were characterized by means of N2 physisorption, representative is the unsupported catalyst called NEBULA,
XRD, FT-IR, TG–DSC–MS, SEM and HRTEM, and cat- which is a Ni–Mo–W trimetallic catalyst and supposed to
alytic properties were evaluated in the continuous HDS of be catalytically active in hydrotreating, reaching four times
dibenzothiophene (DBT) and straight-run gas oil. The the activity of the conventional supported catalysts [4, 5].
characterization results indicated the three precursors were The success of NEBULA accelerate the investigation of
endowed with the same structure of ammonium nickel unsupported catalysts. Decomposition of thiosalts [5–7],
molybdate, and catalytic results showed that the NiCoMo sulfurization of oxide precursor [8], and homogeneous
catalyst exhibited higher HDS activity towards DBT and sulfide precipitation [9] were often tried out to prepare
straight-run gas oil, which might be more attractive for specialized unsupported catalysts, and some other studies
industrial applications. were carried out with the molybdenum carbide [10] or
nitride [11].
Keywords Nickel cobalt molybdate  Nickel As groundbreaking work in the synthesis of molybdate
molybdate  Cobalt molybdate  Hydrodesulfurization  material leaded by Pezerat [12] in identifying a series of
Dibenzothiophene  ULSD molybdate compounds with the ideal formula (NH4)
H2xNi3-xO(OH)(MoO4)2, where 0 B x B 3/2, the crystal
structure, which consists of molybdate tetrahedral and
1 Introduction nickel octahedral forming layers perpendicular to the c
axis, was generated by Ying and coworkers [13]. The
More stringent legislation for cleaner environment and nonstoichiometry solid solution composing of unique
lower contents of sulfur in automotive fuels constrain the molybdate layered structure and promoter metal might be
refiners to update or improve the hydrotreating plants [1]. of great potential inspiration for design novel HDS catalyst.
More recently, we reported unsupported NiMo catalyst
derived from a novel porous ammonium nickel molybdate
C. Yin (&)  H. Liu  X. Li  Y. Wang  B. Liu  (NH4)HNi2(OH)2(MoO4)2 and exhibited much high cata-
L. Zhao  C. Liu lytic activity towards deep HDS of gas oil, which were
Key Laboratory of Catalysis, CNPC, State Key Laboratory of
attributed to efficient formation Ni–Mo–S structure from
Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum,
Qingdao 266555, Shandong, China the crystalline ammonium nickel molybdate [14]. In the
e-mail: yincl@upc.edu.cn light to explore efficient HDS catalyst, a novel binary

286 C. Yin et al.

promoter NiCoMo unsupported catalyst was firstly pre- Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrum of the pre-
pared with NiCoMo layered molybdate synthesized cursor was collected on a Nexus spectrometer (NiColet,
through chemical precipitation, and the NiMo and CoMo USA) using KBr disks. Nitrogen adsorption–desorption
unsupported catalysts were prepared for comparison, and experiment was measured on a Micromeritics TRISTAR
evaluated in the continuous HDS of dibenzothiophene 3020 adsorption analyzer (USA). A FEI Quanta200 scan-
(DBT) and straight-run gas oil. ning electron microscope (SEM) was used to perform
morphological analysis. Thermogravimetry–differential
scanning calorimeters–mass spectrum (TG–DSC–MS)
2 Experimental Section analysis was carried out by applying a thermal analysis
instrument combined with a MS instrument (STA449c-
2.1 Synthesis of Layered Molybdates QMS403) at a heating rate of 10 °C min-1 under a high-
purity nitrogen atmosphere. The high-resolution transmis-
The layered molybdate were synthesized by chemical sion electron microscope (HRTEM) micrographs were
precipitation method as follows. The mixtures of ammo- recorded using a JEM 2010 microscope operated at 200 kV.
nium heptamolybdate with nickel nitrate or cobalt nitrate
were dissolved in deionized water, with the molar ratios 2.4 Catalyst Activity
1:1, 1:1 or 1:1:2 referring to NiMo, CoMo or NiCoMo,
respectively. The solution was added to flask, heated and Catalytic activity measurements were carried out in a high
stirred at 90 °C. The addition of concentrated ammonium pressure fixed bed down-flow micro-reactor with an inner
hydroxide (28.8 % NH3) to the solution containing NiMo diameter of 10 mm, 40 cm in length. Ten milliliter of the
precipitated a green solid that dissolved in an excess of catalyst was placed in the center of the reactor without any
ammonia, giving a dark blue solution, when it turns to diluent. The catalyst was first treated at 110 °C for 1 h and
CoMo and NiCoMo, the solid and solution changed to be maintained at 320 °C for 12 h by a liquid stream contain-
purple and dark blue, respectively. The solution was stirred ing 3.0 wt% CS2 in cyclohexane for sulfidation. 2.0 wt%
and heated for 12 h, resulting in the formation of the pre- DBT in petroleum ether (boiling range from 90 to 120 °C)
cipitate. The products were isolated by vacuum filtration, was then pumped into the reactor at the test temperature.
washed with deionized water, and dried overnight at 80 °C The reaction conditions were temperature 280 °C, pressure
and atmospheric pressure. The layered molybdate were 3.0 MPa, H2/feed ratio 300, and liquid hourly space
labeled as NiMo, CoMo and NiCoMo precursors according velocity (LHSV) 3.0 h-1. The product was cooled and
to the elemental composition. separated into gaseous and liquid products in a high-pres-
sure separator. The liquid products were analyzed by a
2.2 Preparation of Catalyst Varian 3800 gas chromatography equipped with flame
ionization detector (GC-FID) and a 50 m OV101 capillary
The catalyst preparation procedure has previously been column. The HDS of straight-run gas oil (produced by
described in detail elsewhere [14]. The layered molybdate West Pacific Petrochemical Company Ltd., Dalian) was
precursors were firstly grinded, then mixed evenly with operated at the same sulfidation conditions with above
alumina sol (alumina occupying 20 wt%) under the drop- mentioned and the reaction conditions were pressure
wise adding of deionized water. Then the mixture were 6.0 MPa, H2/feed ratio 600, temperature 350 °C and LHSV
extruded into rods 1.6 mm in diameter. After that, the rods 2.0 h-1. The sulfur composition of liquid products was
were dried in air at 110 °C for 12 h, followed by calcina- analyzed using Varian 3800 gas chromatography equipped
tion in a muffle furnace at 350 °C for 6 h. The catalysts with a pulse flame photometric detector (GC-PFPD) and a
were labeled as NiMo, CoMo and NiCoMo catalysts 30 m fused-silica capillary column.
according to the precursors used.
An industrial NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst (24 wt% MoO3,
4 wt% NiO, BET specific surface area of 225 m2 g-1) was 3 Results and Discussion
used as reference to compare the HDS activity of straight-
run gas oil with NiCoMo catalyst. 3.1 Characterization of Molybdate Precursors

2.3 Precursor and Catalyst Characterization 3.1.1 XRD

X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis was carried out The NiMo, CoMo and NiCoMo precursors through chem-
with a Rigaku D/max-IIA diffractometer using a graphite- ical precipitation reaction were characterized by XRD, and
filter Cu Ka radiation at a scan rate of 2° min-1. The the results were depicted in Fig. 1. Figure 1 exhibited that

Novel Binary Promoter NiCoMo Layered Molybdate Catalyst 287

Fig. 2 FT-IR patterns of NiMo, CoMo and NiCoMo precursors

Fig. 1 XRD patterns of NiMo, CoMo, NiCoMo precursors and
simulated (NH4)HNi2(OH)2(MoO4)2
synthesized NiMo, CoMo and NiCoMo precursors com-
the diffraction peaks of the three precursors were almost the bined with the results of FT-IR.
same to much extent, whose 2h peaks were detected at
12.1°, 17.4°, 23.5°, 26.5°, 29.6°, 33.4°, which indicated that 3.1.3 TG–DSC–MS
the synthesized molybdate were endowed with the structure
of (NH4)HNi2(OH)2(MoO4)2 (PDF card No. 50-1414) that Figure 3 exhibited the TG–DSC–MS curves of NiMo,
was ascribed to a member of solid solution series confirmed CoMo and NiCoMo precursors, and that of NiMo precursor
by Pezerat [12]. The compounds obtained with the structure was similar to the curve shown in a previous paper [14].
of (NH4)HNi2(OH)2(MoO4)2 were certified to crystallize in For NiMo precursor, the weight loss occurs over a tem-
a rhombohedral space group R-3m with lattice parameters perature range from 350 to 500 °C, and the main endo-
a = 6.0147 Å, b = 6.0147 Å, c = 21.8812 Å, a = 90.0°, thermic peak was at the temperature of about 407 °C (from
b = 90.0°, and c = 120.0° [13]. The binary promoter tri- DSC curve) with total weight loss ratio about 11.0 %
metallic NiCoMo precursor was similar to the bimetallic (theoretical calculation 10.8 %) [14]. At the same time, MS
CoMo and NiMo precursors in terms of XRD pattern, which analysis presents strong H2O? (m/z = 18, not shown in
indicated that the Co (or Ni) had incorporated into the NiMo Fig. 3) and NH3? (m/z = 17) peaks at about 411 °C,
(or CoMo) precursor, which might have certain effect on the indicating that the release of H2O and NH3 occurred during
synergetic effect of HDS catalyst [15]. the structure decomposition at the stage [17]. As for CoMo
precursor, there existed one main endothermic peak at the
3.1.2 FT-IR temperature of 334 °C, and the total weight loss was about
10.3 % from 300 to 390 °C (theoretical calculation
The FT-IR results of NiMo, CoMo and NiCoMo precursors 10.6 %). Meanwhile NH3 and H2O were also detected from
were shown in Fig. 2. The three precursors exhibited nearly MS analysis similar to that in NiMo precursor. However,
the same FT-IR pattern, similar to the results of XRD the NiCoMo precursor displayed quite different TG–DSC–
characterization as shown in Fig. 1. From Fig. 2, it can be MS pattern from those of NiMo and CoMo precursors, the
seen that the adsorption peaks occurred from 3,300 to total weight loss ratio in the temperature range from 290 to
3,050 cm-1, which were attributed to the m3 N–H asym- 475 °C was about 11.0 %, and there existed two main
metric stretching vibration [13], and from 2,000 to endothermic peaks at the temperature of 333 and 418 °C,
1,600 cm-1, which were ascribed to the torsional vibration respectively. The intensity of endothermic peak at 333 °C
of NH4?. Meanwhile the FT-IR peak at 1,410 cm-1 was was weaker than that at 418 °C, and the two endothermic
confirmed as the deformation vibration of H–N–H [13], peak could be both ascribed to the decomposition of the
and the peaks between 1,000 and 700 cm-1 with different NiCoMo precursor, for the minority of NH3 and H2O was
intensities were assigned to the stretching vibrations of released at the former temperature with the weight loss
bridging oxygen m (Mo–O–Mo) [16]. Therefore it can be ratio of 1.9 %, and the majority was detected at the latter
deduced that the ammonium ions were a part of the temperature with the weight loss of 9.1 %, which

288 C. Yin et al.

Fig. 4 SEM photographs of NiMo, CoMo and NiCoMo precursors

so close to that of CoMo precursor that it might be assigned

to the decomposition of CoMo from NiCoMo precursor,
while the endothermic peak at 418 °C increased by 10 °C
compared to that of NiMo precursor, indicating the
increasing thermostability of binary promoter NiCoMo
precursor compared to the NiMo and CoMo precursors.

Fig. 3 TG–DSC–MS of NiMo, CoMo and NiCoMo precursors 3.1.4 SEM

The SEM photographs of NiMo, CoMo and NiCoMo

manifested that the interaction among binary promoter precursors were shown in Fig. 4. The three precursors
trimetallic NiCoMo precursor distinguished from that of synthesized by the chemical precipitation reaction exhib-
the bimetallic NiMo and CoMo precursors. Furthermore, ited different morphology. The cluster of NiMo precursor
the endothermic peak at 333 °C of NiCoMo precursor was stacked disorderly and unsystematic, and the morphology

Novel Binary Promoter NiCoMo Layered Molybdate Catalyst 289

Table 1 BET results of the unsupported catalysts

Catalyst BET specific Pore volume Pore size
surface (m2 g-1) (cm3 g-1) (nm)

NiMo 114 0.19 6.0

CoMo 113 0.23 6.6
NiCoMo 104 0.17 6.6

of the CoMo precursor exhibited the accumulation of

lamella, but as to NiCoMo precursor, the morphology
turned to the agglomeration of small particles.

3.2 Characterization and Evaluation of Unsupported


3.2.1 N2 Physisorption
Fig. 5 XRD patterns of sulfurized NiMo, CoMo and NiCoMo
The BET specific surface, pore volume and pore size of
NiMo, CoMo and NiCoMo catalysts deriving from the
respective precursors were shown in Table 1. The unsup- 3.2.3 HRTEM
ported NiMo, CoMo and NiCoMo catalysts displayed
surface area in the range of 104–114 m2 g-1, and differ- The HRTEM photographs of sulfurized NiMo, CoMo and
ences of pore structure could also be found in the NiMo, NiCoMo catalysts were exhibited in Fig. 6. The black
CoMo and NiCoMo catalysts in Table 1. At the same time, thread-like fringes corresponding to typical stacking MoS2
CoMo unsupported catalyst exhibited higher pore volume slabs were observed in all sulfurized catalysts, which had a
(0.23 cm3 g-1) than that of NiCoMo catalyst, which was interplanar distance of about 0.61 nm, and this was attrib-
only 0.17 cm3 g-1, and the pore size of these three cata- uted to the characteristic of the (002) basal planes of the
lysts were in the range of 6.0–6.6 nm, which might provide crystalline MoS2. It could also be found that some smaller
suitable access for reactants. fringes were detected in sulfided catalysts, especially in
NiMo and CoMo catalysts. These fringes had a spacing of
3.2.2 XRD about 0.29 nm that was probably the characteristic of the
crystalline sulfurized nickel or cobalt containing species
The sulfurized NiMo, CoMo and NiCoMo catalysts were [14], which was in accordance with the foregoing sulfurized
characterized by XRD, and the results were presented in XRD results. However, there existed significant differences
Fig. 5. The phase of MoS2 (PDF card No. 89-5112) was in HRTEM photographs of these catalysts. It could be found
detected in NiMo and NiCoMo catalysts except CoMo that for sulfurized NiMo catalyst, the aggregated Ni3S2
catalyst, but in the NiCoMo catalyst, there exhibited poorly were covered with stacking MoS2 slabs, and as to CoMo
crystalline phase of MoS2, especially when the character- catalyst, the disordered MoS2 slabs placed around Co9S8,
istic degree of 2h was 14.4°, which was inclined to be which might not be suitable for the synergetic effects of
approximately amorphous phase, and the highly dispersed promoters in these cases [19, 20], while there existed
MoS2 played effective role in HDS reactions [18]. Ni3S2 obviously overlapping between MoS2 and sulfurized Ni or
(PDF card No. 044-1418) and Co9S8 (PDF card No. Co containing species in NiCoMo catalyst.
065-6801) were detected in NiMo and CoMo catalyst,
respectively, and both of these phases were confirmed by 3.2.4 Catalytic Results
XRD in binary promoter NiCoMo catalyst. The charac-
teristic peaks of Co9S8 phase were detected at 2h of 29.8° A model fuel containing 2 wt% DBT in petroleum ether
and 52.1° in CoMo catalyst, and the characteristic peak of was used to investigate the HDS activities for NiMo,
Ni3S2 phase was confirmed at 2h of 31.1° in NiMo catalyst, CoMo, and NiCoMo catalysts. Table 2 shows the distri-
which were also detected in NiCoMo catalyst with differ- butions of products after HDS reactions. The HYD/DDS
ent intensities. At the same time, the characteristic peaks of ratios of the three catalysts were calculated and also
MoS2 and Co9S8, Ni3S2 and Co9S8, were overlapped at shown in Table 2. Three Mo-based catalysts deriving from
about 47° and 30°, respectively. layered molybdate could efficiently convert DBT into

290 C. Yin et al.

Table 2 Products distribution of DBT catalytic reactions

NiMo CoMo NiCoMo

DBT 26.5 25.6 0.3

4H-DBT 1.4 1.1 Tracea
6H-DBT 0.3 0.2 Trace
BP 23.8 28.0 39.8
CHB 43.6 40.5 57.2
BCH 4.4 4.6 2.7
HYD/DDSb 2.02 1.61 1.51
DBT dibenzothiophene, 4H-DBT tetrahydrodibenzothiophene, 6H-
DBT hexahydrodibenzothiophene, BP biphenyl, CHB cyclohexyl-
benzene, BCH bicyclohexane
Trace: amount of product is less than 0.01 wt%
HYD/DDS: the ratio of hydrogenation products (BCH and CHB)
and direct desulfurization product (BP)

decreases in the order of NiMo, CoMo, and NiCoMo, from

2.02 dropping to 1.61, and last 1.51.
Properties of the straight-run gas oil used in this work
were shown in Table 3, and GC–PFPD chromatography of
the hydrotreated gas oil was exhibited in Fig. 7. It was
obvious that the feed had high sulfur with 12,180 ppm S,
while after HDS reactions, the sulfur content dropped by
more than 99.9 % to 7.5 ppm on NiCoMo catalyst. The
reference NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst exhibited relatively lower
HDS activity, and the sulfur content in hydrotreated gas oil
was 135 ppm after HDS reactions.
There exist extensive open literature covering the effects
of Ni and Co promoter or non-promoter on Mo/Al2O3
catalysts [18, 21–23]. It is generally accepted that the
catalytic active sites are the molybdenum atoms at the
edges and corners of the MoS2 crystallites for Mo/Al2O3
catalysts, which have at least one sulfur vacancy. The
introduction of Co to Mo-based catalysts enhances the
direct extraction of sulfur atoms from the DBT molecule
[23]. It is assumed that Co sulfide desulfurizes by
extracting sulfur atoms directly from the sulfur-containing
molecules, perhaps due to its electronegativity higher than
that of the Mo atom [23]. And the introduction of Ni
species are supposed to contribute to the improved HDS
activity mainly due to the accelerating hydrogenation of a
phenyl ring in DBT [18]. Through theoretical calculation,
Chianelli and co-workers [24] drawed the conclusion that
Fig. 6 HRTEM photographs of sulfurized NiMo, CoMo and Ni- Ni or Co donated electrons to Mo so as to enhance the HDS
CoMo catalysts
activity, which involved an electron transfer from a Co–S
or Ni–S antibonding orbital to a Mo–S antibonding orbital.
hydrocarbons, especially the binary promoter NiCoMo Furthermore density-function theory (DFT) calculations
catalyst, with the conversion of DBT reaching 99.7 % and showed that the most stable position for the promoter atom
trace amount of partially hydrogenated DBTs (4H-DBT (Co or Ni) was at the edge, from which it substituted the
(tetrahydrodibenzothiophene) and 6H-DBT (hexahy- molybdenum atom and formed the so-called ‘‘Co–Mo–S’’
drodibenzothiophene)) detected. It is of great interest to or ‘‘Ni–Mo–S’’ phase [15, 21]. More recently, Lauritsen
note that the HYD/DDS ratios for the three catalysts et al. [21] found a distinct tendency for promoter Co or Ni

Novel Binary Promoter NiCoMo Layered Molybdate Catalyst 291

Table 3 Properties of the feed gas oil

Items q (g/ml) S (ppm) Boiling range (°C)

Properties 0.8485 12,180 IBP 5 10 30 50 70 90 95

125 210 241 280 299 317 346 353
IBP initial boiling point

XRD characterizations of the sulfurized catalysts indicated

that there existed characteristic peaks of MoS2, Ni3S2 and
Co9S8 in NiCoMo catalyst. It could be seen that from
HRTEM photographs of NiCoMo catalyst, Ni3S2 and
Co9S8 were overlapped or mingled with MoS2, and this
might promote the formation of so-called ‘‘NiMoS phase’’
or ‘‘CoMoS phase’’ [2, 3, 15, 21], which were shown to be
catalytically active in HDS reactions [21, 22, 25, 26]. The
selective substitutions of Ni or Co on Mo-based sulfides
have great influence on catalytic activity. The aggregated
Ni3S2 phase covered with stacking MoS2 slabs in NiMo
Fig. 7 GC–PFPD chromatography of sulfur distributions in hydro- catalyst or the disordered MoS2 slabs placed around the
treated gas oil aggregated Co9S8 phase detected in CoMo catalyst tend to
exhibit poor HDS activity towards DBT, while the Ni3S2
and Co9S8 overlapped or mingled with MoS2 has been
to substitute Mo atoms at edge sites of single-layer MoS2
testified to show efficient HDS activity, which could be
nanoclusters with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM).
promising catalysts for deep HDS reactions.
For Co promoted MoS2, the introduction of Co induced an
almost hexagonal morphology, which was driven by the
tendency for Co to be located only at Co–Mo–S (1010)
4 Conclusion
edge sites. When refers to Ni promoted MoS2, the mor-
phology and affinity for Ni to substitute Mo depended on
The binary promoter layered molybdate NiCoMo precur-
the cluster size, when larger Ni–Mo–S particles (named
sor, endowed with structure of (NH4)HNi2(OH)2(MoO4)2,
type A Ni–Mo–S) exhibited a truncated triangular shape,
were synthesized by chemical precipitation with NiMo and
and the smaller particles (named type B Ni–Mo–S)
CoMo precursors as comparison. TG–DSC–MS curves of
depicted the dodecagonal shape [21].
the NiCoMo precursor implied that there existed various
However, few published paper covered the binary pro-
interactions among the active compound from NiMo and
moter Mo-based HDS catalysts. In this paper, NiMo, CoMo
CoMo precursors. Catalytic reactions of DBT revealed that
and NiCoMo layered molybdate endowed with the struc-
the NiCoMo catalyst exhibited distinctly higher activity
ture of (NH4)HNi2(OH)2(MoO4)2 were synthesized, and
than NiMo and CoMo catalysts. The NiCoMo catalyst was
TG–DSC–MS characterization demonstrated that there
also efficient in the HDS of gas oil with high sulfur content,
existed distinguished difference among these precursors,
and it could drop the sulfur content from 12,180 to
for the decomposition of the layered molybdate and the
7.5 ppm, quite lower than that on reference NiMo/Al2O3
release of NH3 and H2O for NiCoMo precursor took place
catalyst, which was 135 ppm after HDS reaction. From
step by step, while the others exhibited only one endo-
HRTEM photographs, the Ni3S2 and Co9S8 phases were
thermic peak in DSC–MS patterns, which might be
overlapped or mingled with MoS2 in NiCoMo catalyst,
attributed to the various interaction among the precursors
which would promote the formation of so-called ‘‘CoMoS
and have potential effect on HDS reactions. DBT catalytic
phase’’ or ‘‘NiMoS phase’’ and perform intrinsic catalytic
reactions indicated that the binary promoter NiCoMo cat-
activity. The binary promoter NiCoMo catalyst driving
alyst exhibited higher catalytic activity and lower ability of
from NiCoMo layered molybdate needs in-depth further
hydrogenation than other two catalysts with the conversion
research and could be a very promising catalyst for the
of DBT reaching 99.7 % and HYD/DDS at 1.51, and
production of ULSD (ultra low sulfur diesel).
straight-run gas oil evaluation results showed that the Ni-
CoMo catalyst exhibited enormously higher activity than Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by the
reference NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst with sulfur content drop- National Key Fundamental Research Development Project of China
ping from 12,180 to 7.5 and 135 ppm, respectively. The (973 Project No. 2010CB226905) and the Fundamental Research

292 C. Yin et al.

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