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M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this paper is to familiarize the students with basic
management concepts and behavioural processes in the organization.

Course Contents:

Introduction to management; Evolution of management thoughts; Managerial processes,

functions, skills and roles in an organization; Social Responsibility of Business; Planning
(Decision Making and MBO), Organizing (Organizational design and structure), Directing
(Leading, Motivating and Communicating) and Controlling function of management.

Understanding and managing individual behaviour; Personality; Perception; Attitudes;

Learning; Understanding and managing group processes- interpersonal and group dynamics;
Transactional Analysis; Applications of Emotional Intelligence in organizations.

Organizational Change; Organizational Development; Conflict Management and Stress


Suggested Readings:
1. Koontz, H & Wechrich, H., Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Luthans, F., Organizational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Greenberg, J. & Baron, Robert A., Behavior in Organizations, PHI Learning.
4. Robbins, S.P., Management, Prentice Hall Ins.
5. Robbins, S. P., Organizational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India.
6. Stoner, J., Management, Prentice Hall of India.
7. Davis, K., Organisational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to make the students learn about the
applications of statistical tools and techniques in decision making.

Course Contents:
Definition, scope and limitations of statistics; Descriptive statistics: central tendency,
dispersion; Probability theory: additive and multiplicative rules, conditional probability,
Baye‟s theorem; Probability distributions; Binomial, Poisson, Normal distribution, their
characteristics and applications.
Sampling and sampling methods: basic sampling concepts, sampling and non-sampling
errors; sampling distributions of mean and proportion; law of large numbers; central limit
theorem; statistical estimation: point and interval estimation of population mean.
Inferential statistics: Hypothesis testing- formulation of hypothesis and types of errors; large
and small sample tests - Z, t, F tests and ANOVA (One way); non parametric tests: Chi-
square test, Sign test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Kruskal Wallis test.
Correlation and regression analysis -two variables case; time series analysis-meaning,
importance and application, trend analysis using least square method.
Statistical quality control: causes of variations, quality control charts, purpose and logic of
constructing a control chart, types of control charts, computing the control limits (X and R
Charts); control charts for attributes - fraction defectives and number of defects; acceptance
Index numbers: meaning and types, weighted aggregative indices –Laspeyer‟s and Paasche‟s
indices and their comparison, test of adequacy, problems of index number.

Suggested Readings:

1. Heinz, Kohler, Statistics for Business & Economics, Harper Collins.

2. Hein, L.W., Quantitative Approach to Managerial Decisions, Prentics Hall.
3. Lawrence B. Morse, Statistics for Business & Economics, Harper Collins.
4. Levin, Richard I. & David S Rubin, Statistics for Management, Prentice Hall.
5. Anderson, Sweeney & Williams, Statistic for Business and Economics, Thomson
6. Gupta, S.P., Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons.
7. Hooda, R.P., Statistics for Business and Economics, Macmillan.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with concepts and techniques
used in the field of economics and to enable them to apply this knowledge in business
decision-making. Emphasis is given to changes in the nature of business firms in the context of

Course Contents:
Nature and scope of managerial economics; importance of managerial economics in decision-
making; Demand function; Elasticity of demand and its significance in managerial decision-
making; Consumer equilibrium-utility and indifference curve approach; Cost and revenue
curves and economies of scale; Production function : short term and long run; Price and
output determination under perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and
Modern theories of firm: Bamoul‟s theory of sales maximization; Williamson‟s Managerial
discretion model, Behaviour model of Cyert and March.
National income- concept and measurement; Inflation- types and control; Basic concepts of
trade cycles; Monetary and fiscal policies- concepts, objectives and instruments. Growth
models: Harrod-Domar model and Solow model of economic growth.

Suggested Readings:
1. Peterson, Lewis, Managerial Economics, PHI.
2. Salvatore, Managerial Economics in Global Economy, Thomson Learning.
3. Brigham E.F. & J.L. Pappas, Managerial Economics, Dryden Press.
4. Thomas, C.R. & Maurice S.C., Managerial Economics, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Das, Satya P., Microeconomics for Business, Sage Publication.
6. Kay, Johan, The Business of Economics, Oxford University Press.
7. Dobbs Ian M., Managerial Economics-Firms, Markets, and Business Decisions, Oxford
University Press.
8. Koutsoyiannis A., Modern Economics, Macmillan.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students the broader context and
framework within which a firm operates. This will benefit the students to take
better informed decisions.

Course Contents:
Introduction: Understanding of business systems and firms.
A glimpse of business environment: Micro and macro environment.
Demographic environment: Population size, income level, falling birth rate and changing age
Political and government environment: Functions of state and political dynamics of India.
Social environment: Impact of society and culture on business.
Technological environment: Innovation,, technology and competitive advantage.
Case study: Integration of different factors into a practical and empirical case.
Economic environment: An overview.
Structure of the economy: Changing structure of the economy from closed to open system
New economic policy: Globalization, liberalization, and privatization.
Debate: New economic policy: Boon or bane for India.
Small Scale industry: Emergence of knowledge based ventures: service sector and traditional
small scale sector.
Labour Environment: Labour legislation, trade unions, and paradox of shortage of skilled
Financial environment: Financial systems: an overview.

Suggested Readings:
1. Cherunilam, Francis, Business Environment, Himalya Publishing House.
2. Misra, S.K. & Puri, V.K., Indian Economy, Himalya Publishing House.
3. AswathApa, K., Business Environment, Excel Books.
4. Bedi S.K., Business Environment, Excel Books.
5. Paul Jastin, Business Environment, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
6. Economic Survey, Govt. of India.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The basic purpose of this course is to develop an insight of postulates,
principles and techniques of accounting and application of financial and
accounting information for planning, decision-making and control.

Course Contents:

Financial Accounting- Meaning, scope and importance; Accounting concepts and

conventions; Formation and importance of accounting standards; Accounting process;
Depreciation accounting and policy, Preparation of final accounts of non-corporate entities,
Proforma of Balance Sheet of Joint-stock Companies Cost-accounting: nature and scope of
costing; Cost concepts and Classifications; Usefulness of Costing to Managers; Preparation
of Cost-Sheet.
Management Accounting: nature,scope and tools of Management Accounting;Management
Accounting vs. Financial Accounting ; Financial analysis: Ratio analysis, Funds Flow
Statement, Cash Flow Statement.

Budgeting: Types of budgets and their preparation, Performance budgeting and Zero-base

Marginal costing: Break-even analysis, Decision involving alternative choices. Standard

Costing: An Overview.

Suggested Readings:

1. Anthony, R.N. & Reece J.S., Accounting Principles, Homewood, Illinois, Richard d.
2. Bhattacharya, S.K. & Dearden, J., Accounting for Management: Text and Cases, Vikas
Publishing House.
3. Gupta, R.L. & Ramaswmy, Advanced Accountancy, Volume I&II, Sultan Chand & Sons.
4. Hingorani, N.L. & Ramanathan, A.R., Accounting, Sultan Chand & Sons.
5. Jawahar Lal, Cost Accounting, Vikas Publishing House.
6. Maheshwari, S.N., Advanced Accounting, Vikas Publishing House.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The course is aimed at equipping the students with the necessary techniques and
skills of communication to inform others inspire them and enlist their activity and willing cooperation
in the performance of their jobs.

Course Contents:
Meaning, role, functions and importance of communication in Business Organisations;
Communication Process; Principles of Business Communication; Barriers of Communication
and strategies to overcome the barriers; Reading skills; Listening skills; Types of
Communication- Formal and Informal communication, Verbal and Non-verbal
communication, Oral and Written communication; Business Letters- Format and layout of
business letter, Types of business letters; Internal Communication- Circulars, Memos, Office
notes, Representations, Reminders, Employee Newsletters; Report writing- Types of reports,
Essentials of good report writing, steps in report writing, Synopsis writing, Preparing a
resume; Interactive communication- Meetings, Conferences, Interview & GD, Public Speech;
Presentation skills; Cross cultural communication- Problems of cultural differences;
Techniques of communicating across cultures; Role of technology in communication,
Electronic communication.

Suggested Readings:
1. Raymond V. Lesikar & Marie E. Flatley, Basic Business Communication, Tata McGraw-
Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
2. Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill & Barbara E. Schatzman, Business Communication
Today, Pearson Education.
3. Matthukutty M. Monipally, Business Communication Strategies, Tata McGraw-Hill.
4. Mary Ellen Guffey, Business Communication Process and Product, Thomson South-
5. Scot Ober, Contemporary Business Communication, Houghton Mifflin Company.
6. Krishna Mohan & Meera Banerji, Developing Communication Skills, Macmillan India
7. Taylor, Communication for Business, Pearson Education.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The Objectives of this course include developing an understanding of different
software and hardware systems available in the industry among the students and build up the
experience of computer usage in business applications.

Course Contents:
Computer systems: an introduction; Classification of computer system; Generations of
Computers; Parts of a computer system; Computer languages and Operating Systems; Indian
computing environment.

Internet and Intranet: Meaning of Internet and Intranet, Types of Internet connections, Setting &
connecting to Internet; Introduction to TCP/IP, sending and reading e-mails; Search engines,
Downloading/Uploading from/to website; Introduction to LAN , MAN & WAN.

E-Commerce: an introduction; framework; applications; Network infrastructure; Internet

communication; Online transaction processing, Electronic payment system; Electronic data
interchange (EDI), Electronic signature, Brief introduction to Information Technology Act and
its major applications – cyber crime, phishing website.

MS Office: MS Word, Word basics, Formatting texts and documents, working with heading and
footnotes, tables and sorting, graphics mail merge and macros; Spreadsheets and their uses in
business. Excel basics, rearranging worksheets, excel formatting techniques, chart features and
working with graphics in excel; Power Point: Basics, working with texts and graphics in power

Basic applications of PASW (SPSS) and E-view software with reference to data analysis.

Suggested Readings:

1. Sinha,P.K., Computer Fundamentals, BPB.

2. B. Ram, Computer Fundamentals, New Age.
3. Douglas, E. Comer, Computer Network and Internet, Pearson Education.
4. Kalakota, Whinston, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison Welsey.
5. Kosiur, Understanding E-Commerce, Prentice Hall of India.
6. Efraim Turban, Jay Lee, David King & H. Micheal Chang, Electronic Commerce: A
Managerial Perspective, Pearson Education.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of the concepts, strategies and
issues involved in the marketing and its role in new economic era.
Course Contents:
Marketing – Meaning, Concept and Evolution; Marketing Environment and its constituents;
Environment scanning and SWOT Analysis. Understanding Consumer Behaviour and Consumer
Buying-Decision Process. Marketing Information System and Marketing Research-its role in
Marketing Decisions.
Strategic Marketing Planning; Marketing Strategies - Segmentation, Targeting, Differentiation and
Positioning (STP); Marketing Mix – Meaning, Concept and different Paradigms. Marketing Mix as a
strategic tool.
Product- Concept and Meaning; Product Decisions - Product Mix, Product Life Cycle, and New
Product Development. Branding – Concept, Decisions and Strategies, Product vs. Brand; Packaging
Pricing – Meaning, Methods and Strategies; Pricing as a tool in dealing with competition.
Distribution and Logistics Management - Meaning, Decision and Strategies; Designing marketing
channels and managing value networks.
Promotion – Meaning, Methods, Decisions and Strategies. Promotion Mix - Advertising, Sales
Promotion, Personal Selling, Public Relations and Publicity; Customer Relationship Management;
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) – a Holistic Approach.
Evaluation and control of Marketing Efforts. Ethics in Marketing and Consumerism; Emerging
Trends and application of marketing in different areas – Services, Rural Marketing, Green Marketing,
Cyber Marketing, Event Marketing and Retail Marketing; Role of Marketing in emergence of India as
a global economic power.
Suggested Readings:
1. Kotler, Philip & Armstrong, G., Principles of Marketing.
2. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management.
3. Perreault, William D. & McCarthy, Jr. E. Jerome, Basic Marketing.
4. Czinkota & Kotabe, Marketing Management.
5. Ramaswamy, V. S. & Namakumari, S., Marketing Management: Planning, Control.
6. Zikmund, Marketing.
7. Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management.
8. R.Srinivas, Case Studies in Marketing - Indian context.
9. Stanton, Fundamentals of Marketing.
10. Bovee and John Thill, Marketing.
Additional Suggested Reading for Broader Understanding -
11. C. K. Prahalad, The Fortune at the Bottom of Pyramid
12. Matt Haig, 100 Brand Failures
13. W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne, Blue Ocean Strategies.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: In a complex world of industry and business, organizational efficiency is
dependent on the contribution made by the members of the organization.. The objective of this
course is to sensitize students to the various facets of managing people and to create an
understanding of the various policies and practices of human resource management.

Course Contents:

Concepts and perspectives of Human Resource Management; Human Resources

Management in a changing environment; Managerial and operative functions of HRM;
Human Resource Planning; Career and Succession planning; Job analysis; Methods of
manpower search; Attracting, Selecting and Retaining human resources; Induction and
Socialization; Manpower training and development; Performance Appraisal and Potential
Evaluation; Job Evaluation and Compensation Management; Employee Separation Practices.

Suggested Readings:
1. Aswathappa, K., Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
2. Dessler, G., Human Resource Management, Pearson Education.
3. Venktesh, D.N. & Jyothi P., Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press.
4. Bohlander, G. & Snell, S., Human Resource Management, Cengage Learning.
5. Patnayak, B., Human Resource Management, PHI Learning.
6. Rao,V.S.P., Human Resource Management, Excel Books.
7. Cascio,W.Y., Managing Human Resources, Irwin-McGraw Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the broad
framework of financial decision-making in a business unit.

Course Contents:

Introduction to financial management, Objectives of financial management; Time value of

money; sources of finance, Investment decisions: Importance, Difficulties in determining
cash flows, methods of capital budgeting; Risk analysis; Cost of capital: Concept and
importance; Computations of cost of various sources of finance; Average Cost of Capital;
Capital Structure decisions: Theories of capital structure, Factors determining capital
structure. Optimum capital structure; Management of working capital - Cash, Receivables
and Inventory Management, Internal Financing and Dividend Policy; Financial Modeling.

Suggested Readings:
1. Hampton, John. Financial Decision Making. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
2. Khan, M.Y. & Jain, P.K., Financial Management, McGraw Hill.
3. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, McGraw Hill.
4. Pandey, l.M., Financial Management, Vjkas Publication House.
5. Van Home. James C., Financial Management and Policy, Prentice Hall of India.
6. Winger, Bernard & Mohan, Nancy. Principles of Financial Management, Macmillan
Publishing Company.
7. Brigham & Ehrhmdt, Financial Management, Thomson Learning.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The Course is designed to acquaint the students with decision making in
planning, scheduling and control of Production and Operation functions in both manufacturing
and services; Productivity improvement in operations through layout engineering and quality
management etc.; Effective and efficient flow replenishment and control of materials with reference
to both manufacturing and services organizations.

Course Contents:
Nature and Scope of Production and Operations Management; Facility Location; Types of
Manufacturing Systems; Plant Layout - Layout Planning and Analysis; Line Balancing.
Production Planning: Capacity Planning, Aggregate Planning, Master Production Scheduling,
Material Requirement Planning; Enterprise Resource Planning; Process Planning and design;
Maintenance Management.
Work Study: Method Study and Work Measurement; Material Management: An overview of
Material Management, Inventory Control, Purchase Management, Stores Management, JIT;
Material Handling; Scheduling: Gantt Charts and Sequencing.
Quality Control: Statistical Quality Control, Acceptance Sampling, Total Quality
Management, ISO-9000.

Suggested Readings:
1. Admn, E E & Ebert, R J., Production and Operations Management, Prentice Hall of
2. Krajewski & Ritzman, Operations Management: Processes and Value Chain,
Pearson Education.
3. Buffa, E. S. & Sareen, Modern Production Management, John Wiley.
4. Chary, S N., Production and Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Dobler, Donald Wand Lee, Lamar, Purchasing and Materials Management, McGraw
6. Norman Gaither, Production and Operations Management, Thomson Learning.
7. Change, Aquilano & Jacobs, Operations Management for Competitive Advantage,
Tata McGraw Hill.
8. Chunawalla & Patel, Production & Operations Management, Himalaya Publishing
9. Nair, Production and Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to highlight the international environment, including
relationships between business, government, economic groupings and the consumer. The course will
also highlight the problems encountered and issues raised in managing overseas business.

Course Contents:
The concept of International Business; International Process; Forms of International
Business; An overview of International trade theories; Trade barriers and their impact;
Environmental factors affecting International Business, Economic, Cultural, Political, Legal
and Technological environment; Entry strategies.
Multinational Enterprises: Meaning, Characteristics, Classification and their role in
developing countries: Strategic Management of MNE‟s. Determination of exchange rate.
International Financial and trade institutions: IMF; World Bank, GATT/WTO.
Country evaluation and selection, global manufacturing, international business negotiations
and diplomacy, collaborative strategies.

Suggested Readings:

1. Korth, Christopher M., International Business Environment and Management, Prentice

2. Ramu, S. Shiva, International Business: Governance Structure, Wheeler Publishing.
3. Bhalla, V.K., International Business Environment and Management, Anmol Publications.
4. Mithani, D.M., International Economics, Himalaya Publishing House.
5. Jain, Subhash C., International Marketing Management; CBS Publisher & Distributors.
6. Charles W.L. Hill, International Business, Tata MC Graw-Hill.
7. Czinkota, Ronkainen & Moffet, International Business, Thomson, South-Western.
8. Daneiels, Radebaugh and Sullivan, International Business, Environments and Operations,
Pearson Education.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to develop an understanding of basic

management science techniques and their role in managerial decision-making.

Course Contents:
Definition, methodology, scope and limitations of management science; Linear
programming: meaning, scope, assumptions, formulation, graphical and simplex methods,
special cases; sensitivity analysis: change in objective function coefficient, availability of
Transportation problems: initial basic feasible solution, MODI method, special cases of
transportation problem; assignment problems- Hungarian assignment method.
Queuing theory: introduction, elements of queuing system, operating characteristics, queuing
model (single-channel poisson arrivals with exponential service time, infinite population
model); Inventory models with deterministic demand; Project scheduling (PERT/CPM).
Decision theory and decision trees analysis; Game theory: Pure and mixed games, dominance
and graphical method; Markov analysis; Simulation (Monte Carlo Method).
Integer programming- branch and bound method; Goal programming; Dynamic

Suggested Readings:
1. Budnik, Frank S. & Dennis Mcleavey, Richard, Principles of Operations Research,
Richard Irwin, Illinois - All India Traveller Bookseller.
2. Gould. F J., Introduction to Management Science, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall
3. Mathur, K & Solow, D., Management Science, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
4. Narang A S., Linear Programming and Decision Making, Sultan Chand and Sons.
5. Sharma, J K., Operations Research: Theory and Applications, Macmillan India Ltd.
6. Taha, H A., Operations Research - An Introduction, Macmillan.
7. Theirouf, R. J. and Klekamp. R.C. Decision Making Through Operations Research,
John Wiley.
8. N.D. Vohra, Quantitative Techniques in Management, Tata McGraw Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: Understanding of Research methods to the students of business shall enable them to
identify and analyze issues in business and management in a scientifically and rigorous manner. With
this objective this course is designed.

Course Contents:
Scientific research: meaning and characteristics of scientific research; Types of research-
qualitative, quantitative, experimental, exploratory, empirical, descriptive, case studies,
historical studies, philosophical studies, quasi-experimental.
Constructs and variables, and review of literature: concept of constructs and variables; Type
of variables- continuous and categorical. Constructs, observables and intervening variables.
Review of literature- purpose of review, sources of review.
Problem identification and formulation of hypothesis: meaning and characteristics of a
problem, Types of problem. Hypothesis-meaning and characteristics of a good hypothesis,
ways of stating hypothesis, types of hypothesis.
Research designs: Concept, need and types of research designs; Survey research-nature,
errors, medium of collecting the observations and related issues.
Measurement, reliability and validity: concept, rules, types of scales, Questionnaire Design.
Basic concepts of reliability and validity.
Sampling design & sampling: Census v/s Sampling, Type of sampling and its selection;
Sample size determination.

Suggested Readings:
1. Freedman, P., The Principles of Scientific Research, Pergamon Press.
2. Oppenheim A.N.,Questionnaire Design & Attitude Measurement, Basic
3. Neely Andy D.,Business Performance Measurement. Theory & Practice, Cambridge
University Press
4. Mark E Ware,Handbook for Teaching, Statistics & Research, Charles L Brewer
Methods Lawrence Erlbaum Associate.
5. Parnneevselvam R,Research Methodology, Prentice Hall India.
6. Kothari C.R, Research Methodology & Technique, New Age International Publishers,
7. Zirkmund William G, Explaining Marketing Research, Thomson Press.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The course aims at imparting knowledge of formulation, implementation and

evaluation of Business Strategies.

Course Contents:
An introduction to business policy - Nature, Objective and importance of business policy; An
overview of strategic management; Strategic decision making; Process of strategic decision
Strategy formulation: Company‟s vision, mission and objectives; Environmental and
organizational appraisal, Strategic alternatives and choice; Types of strategies; Business
ethics and corporate strategy, Concept of value chain, core competency, resource base theory
and competitive advantage.
Strategy implementation: Designing organizational structure and activating strategies;
Matching structure and corporate strategy, Structural, Behavioral and Functional
Strategy Evaluation: Strategic evaluation and Control, Strategic and Operational Control;
Techniques of evaluation and control.

Suggested Readings:
1. Jauch & Glueek, Business Policy and Strategic Management, McGraw Hill Publications.
2. Thampson A.A. and Stickland A.J, Strategic Management- Concept and cases, Perason
3. Michael Porter, Competitive Advantage of Nations, Free Press, New York
4. Azhar Kazmi, Business Policy and Strategic Management, Thomson Learning
5. Kenneth, A. Andrews, Concepts of corporate Strategy, Irwin/McGraw-Hill
6. Melvin J. Stanford, Management Policy, Prentice-Hall
7. Pearce, J. A., II, and R. B. Robinson, Jr. Strategic Management: Strategy Formulation,
Implementation, and Control, 12th edition, Chicago, IL: R. D. Irwin, Inc
8. Jean-Louis Schaan, & Micheál J. Kelly Cases in Alliance Management: Building
Successful Alliances, SAGE Publications

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The course is designed to assist the students in understanding basic laws affecting the
operations of a business enterprise

Course Contents:

The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Essentials of a Valid Contract. Performance of a Contract.
Discharge of a Contract. Breach of Contract and its Remedies. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930:
Formation of a Contract, Distinction between Sale and Agreement to Sell, Meaning of Goods,
Condition and Warranties, Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Rights of an Unpaid Seller.The
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Nature and Types, Holder and „Holder in due Course‟,
Negotiation and Assignment. The Companies Act, 1956: Nature and types of Companies.
Formation, Memorandum and Articles of Association. Membership. Meetings. Winding up.

Suggested Readings:
1. Singh, A., Company Law, Eastern.
2. Maheshwari, S.N. & Maheshwari, S.K., A Manual of Business Laws, Himalaya
Publishing House.
3. Gulshan, S.S. & Kapoor, G.K., Business Law including Company Law, New Age
Techno Press.
4. Kuchhal, M.C. & Prakash, Deepa, Business Legislation for Managers, Vikas
Publishing House
5. Tuteja, S.K., Business Law for Managers, Sultan Chand.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to expose the students to the growth of
entrepreneurship in developing countries with special reference to India.

Course Contents:
Concept of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneur, Entrepreneur vs. Manager;
Significance of Entrepreneurian Economic Development; Economic, Social and
Psychological need for Entrepreneurship; Characteristics, Qualities and Pre-requisites of
Entrepreneur; Rural Entrepreneurship; Ethics and Entrepreneurship; Life Cycle of new
Business and relationship with Large Enterprises.
The Function of the Entrepreneur in Economic Development of a Country; Methods and
Procedures to start and expand one's own Business; Achievement Motivation; Environmental
Factors affecting success of a new Business; Reasons for the failure and visible problems for
Feasibility Study -Preparation of Feasibility Reports: Selection of factory location, Economic,
Technical, Financial and Managerial Feasibility of Project.
Govt support to new Enterprise; Role of Government and Promotional agencies in
Entrepreneurship Development, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes; Role of various
institutions in Developing Entrepreneurship in India (A brief description only).

Suggested Readings:
1. Cliffon, Davis S and Fyfie, David E., Project Feasibility Analysis, John Wiley.
2. Desai, A N., Entrepreneur & Environment., Ashish Publications.
3. Drucker, Peter., Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Heinemann.
4. Jain Rajiv., Planning a Small Scale Industry: A Guide to Entrepreneurs, S.S. Books.
5. Kumar, S A., Entrepreneurship in Small Industry, Discovery.
6. McClelland, D C and Winter, W G., Motivating Economic Achievement, Free Press.
7. Pareek, Udai and Venkateswara Rao, T., Developing Entrepreneurship -A Handbook on
Learning Systems, Learning Systems.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of the course is to sensitize the students about the various ethical issues
in business management in the current environment.
Course Contents:
Introduction to Business Ethics: The concept, nature and growing significance of Ethics in
Business, Ethical Principles in Business, Ethics in Management, Theories of Business Ethics,
Ethical Issues in Business, Business Ethics in 21st Century.
Ethics in various functional areas of Business: Ethics in Finance, Ethics in HRM, Ethics in
Marketing, Ethics in Production and Operation Management, Ethics in Global Business,
Ethics in IT.
Managing Ethics: Building a Value System, Role of Law and Enforcement, Training in
Ethics, Broader Ethical Issues in Society: Corruption, Ecological Concern and Discrimination
on the Basis of Gender, Caste or Race, Suitable Model of Management in Indian socio-
economic Environment.

Suggested Readings:
1. Manuel G. Velasquez, Business Ethics, Pearson Prentice Hall.
2. Ravindranath B. & Narayana B., Business Ethics, Vrinda Publications Pvt. Ltd.
3. Kaushal, S.L., Business Ethics: Concepts, Crisis and Solutions, Deep and Deep
Publications Pvt. Ltd.
4. Rinku, Sanjeev and Khanna, P., Ethics and Values in Business Management, Ane
Books Pvt. Ltd.
5. Joseph W. Weiss, Business Ethics: A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach;
Thomson -South Western.
6. Ghosh, B., Ethics in Management and Indian Ethos, Vikas Publication House Pvt.
7. Dave, N.V., Vedana and Management, Deep and Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to impart knowledge to students regarding the
techniques of measurement and control of risk.

Course Contents:
Risk: Meaning and types, Risk Process, Risk Exposure Analysis, Risk Management Policies,
Risk Immunization Strategies,

Measurement and Control of Risk: Identifying Measures and Controlling Risk – Statistical
Methods, Fixation and Delegation of Limits, Different Limits- Open Position / Asset Position
Limits/ Deal Size/Individual Dealers/Stop Loss Limits. Margins: Value at Risk Margin,
Extreme Loss Margin, Mark to market Margin.

Management of Risk: Credit risk, Asset-liability gap risk, Interest rate risk, market risk,
currency risk, due-diligence risk, systematic and un-systematic risk.

Financial Derivates: A tool of risk management.

Suggested Readings:
1. Emmett J. Vaughan, Risk Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Kenneth A. Foot, The Financing of Catastrophic Risk, The University of Chicago
3. A. Suryanarayana, Risk Management Models: A Primer, ICFAI Reader.
4. Marshall Johon F. & Bansal, V. K., Financial Engineering, PHI Learning.
5. Watsham Terry J., Futures and Options in Risk Management, Thomson Learning

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to impart knowledge to students regarding the
theory and practice of Security Analysis.

Course Contents:
Investment -return and risk; Operations of Indian Stock Market; New Issue Market; Listing
of Securities, OTCEI.
Cost of investing in securities; mechanics of investing; markets and brokers; investment
companies; market indices and return.
Objectives of security analysis; investment alternatives; valuation theories of fixed and
variable income securities; government securities; non-security forms of investment; real
estate investment; investment instruments of the money market.
Fundamental and technical approach, efficient market theory; recent developments in the
Indian stock market.

Suggested Readings:
1. Pandian, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing House.
2. Raman, Investment: Principles and Techniques, Vikas Publishing House.
3. Fischer, Donald E. and Jordan, Ronald J., Security Analysis and Portfolio
Management, Prentice Hall of India.
4. Fuller, Russell J. and Farrell, James L., Modern Investment and Security Analysis,
New York, McGraw Hill.
5. Sharpe, William F. et al, Investment. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India.
6. Alexander, Gorden J. and Bailey, Jeffery V., Investment Analysis and Portfolio
Management, Dryden Press, Thomson Learning.
7. Machiraju, H. R., Indian Financial System. Vikas Publishing House.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The basic purpose of this course is to understand the framework for evaluating
capital expenditure proposals, their planning, finance, appraisal and management in the review of the
projects undertaken.

Course Contents:
Generation and Screening of Project Idea; Capital Expenditure and Strategic Issues,
Feasibility Reports: Market and Demand Analysis; Technical Analysis; Financial Analysis;
Analysis of Project Risk; Risk specific to individual firm and Market Risk; Decision under
risk and Risk Analysis in Practice. Social Cost and Benefit Analysis: UNIDO approach and
L-M Approach; Multiple Projects and Constraints, Financing of Projects, Sources of Risk
capital, Recent development in India. Project Management: Project Planning, Project Control,
Human aspects of Project Management; Project Review and Administrative Aspects;
Problem of Time and Cost Overrun.

Suggested Readings:
1. Ahuja, G. K. and Gupta Ravi, Systematic Approach to Income Tax, Bharat Law House.
2. Bhalla, V. K., Financial Management and Policy, Anmol Publications.
3. Chandra, Prasanna, Projects: Preparation, Appraisal, Budgeting and Implementation,
Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Dhankar, Raj S., Financial Management of Public Sector Undertakings, Westville.
5. Little I.M.D. and J.A. Mirrlees, Project Appraisal and Planning for Developing
Countries, Hienemann Educational Book.
6. OCED Manual of Industrial Project Analysis in Developing Countries- Methodology
and Case Studies, OCED, Paris.
7. Planning Commission, Guidelines for Preparation of Feasibility reports of Industrial
Projects, Controller of Publication.
8. UNIDO Guide to Practical Project Appraisal, United Nations.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to apprise the students with principles of
insurance and the banking law and practices.

Course Contents:
Introduction to insurance; various types of insurance; principles of insurance; important
insurance policies in life and non-life insurance; IRDA and its role in insurance sector in
India; privatization of insurance industry in India; insurance business operations; recent
trends in insurance around the globe, Concept and implications of bank-assurance and
universal banking in India.
Insurance Environment: Internal, External, Legal and Commercial. Comparative
Environment of Insurance Business, Insurance procedure - Settlement of Claims under life
and non-life insurance. Contemporary issues in insurance.
Evolution of Banking Law; Main provisions of Banking Regulation Act, 1949; and RBI Act,
Securities for Bank Advances: Forms of securities and precautions taken by Banks in
accepting these securities.
Guarantees: Contract of Guarantee and contract of indemnity, Guarantee as Banker's
Security. Writing Reports on Bank visits; Prevailing practices in Banking - Case studies.
Banker Customer Relationship; Contemporary Issues in Banking: NPA and Capital
Adequacy in Indian Banks.

Suggested Readings:
1. Bodla, B.S., Garg, Mahesh and Karam Pal, Insurance - Fundamentals, Procedures and
Environment, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd.
2. Gulshan, S.S., Law and Practices of Banking in India.
3. Gaungully, Ashok, Insuance Management, New Age Publishers.
4. Varshney, P.N., Banking Law and Practice, Sultan Chand & Sons.
5. Cox, David, Elements of Banking; John Murray.
6. Mehta, R.R.S., Fundamental of Banking; Himalaya Publiching House Co.
7. Nigam, B.M.L., Banking Law and Practice, Konark Publishers.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to discuss the specific financial management
problem of financial institutions including a detailed study of the working of the leading financial
institutions in India.

Course Contents:

The Nature and Role of Financial System; Financial Intermediaries and Financial Innovation;
Interest Rate Analysis; Interest Rates in the Financial System; Yield Curve; Risk and
Inflation; Provisions of RBI's Operations; Credit and Monetary Planning; Non-Depository
Financial Institution: Insurance Companies; Pension Funds, Depository Institution; Capital
Adequacy and Capital Planning. Development Banks; Role of Development Banking in
Industrial Financing in India; Objectives and Functions of Different Financial Institutions in
India like IFCI, ICICI, IDBI, UTI, LIC, Mutual Funds, Investment Companies and
performance Evaluation; International Aspects of Financial Institutions; International

Suggested Readings:
1. Rose, Peter S. and Fraser, Donald R., Financial Institutions, Ontario, Irwin Dorsey.
2. Vij, Madhu. Management of Financial Institutions in India, Anmol.
3. Yeager. Fred C. and Seitz, Nail E., Financial Institution Management: Text and
Cases.. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.
4. Bhole L.M., Management of Financial Institutions, Tala McGraw Hill.
5. Khan M.Y., Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Robert W.Kolb and Ricardo J.Rodriguez, Financial Institution.Blackwell
7. Fabozzi, Modigliani, Jones and Ferri. Foundation of Financial Markets and
institutions, Pearson Education.
8. Madura, Jeff. Financial Institutions and Markets, Thomson Press.
9. Burton and Lombra, The Financial System and The Economy, Thomson.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: To acquaint the students with the mechanism of the foreign exchange markets,
measurement of the foreign exchange exposure, and hedging against exposure risk.

Course Contents:

Types of Foreign Exchange Markets and Transactions, Quoting Foreign Exchange Rates,
Spread, Official and Free Market Rates, Cross Currency Rates, Forward Rates, Quoting
Forward Rates; Organization of the Foreign Exchange Markets; Currency Futures; Currency
Options; Currency Swaps; Corporate Exposure Management: Foreign Exchange Risk,
Alternative Strategies for Exposure Management, Exposure Management Techniques,
Organization of the Exposure Management Function; Parameters and constraints on Exposure
Management: Forecasting Exchange Rates: Economic Fundamentals, Financial and Socio-
Political Factors, Technical Analysis; Tax Treatment of Foreign Exchange Gains and Losses.

Suggested Readings:

1. Sharan, International Financial Management, Prentice Hall of India.

2. Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Paul Einzip, A Textbook on Foreign Exchange.
4. Maurice D. Levi, International Finance, McGraw Hill.
5. NY Buckley, Multinational Financial, Prentice Hall of India.
6. Paul Roth, Mastering Foreign Exchange and Money Markets, Pitman.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the broad
framework of public finance and policy and methods of financial
administration in Indian government and public sector units.

Course Contents:
Nature and Scope of Administrative and Financial Relationship between Centre and State
Governments. Introduction to Indian Public Financial System – Government Financial
System: Significance and Definition, Purpose and Organization, Liberalization of the Public
Financial System. Principles and functions of Budgetry System in India.

Government Expenditure: A Classification performance and Zero Base Budgeting. Emerging

trends in Global scenario vis-a-vis Government Budgeting System.

Revenue source: Tax and Non Tax; Deficit financing; Role of RBI in Government Finance,
Public debt management.

Investment policy of public sector in India: Financial, economic and Social appraisal.
Financial control; Legislative and Executive Accounting and Auditing System in India, Role
of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG).

Fiscal Policy and Financial administration in public sector units. Financial Autonomy and
Accountability of Public sector units-Indian Sectors.

Suggested Readings:

1. Tayagi, B.P., Public Finance, S.Chand & co.

2. Bhatia, H.L., Public Finance, Vikas Publishing House
3. Lekhi, R.K., Public Finance, Kalyani Publishers.
4. Mithani, D.M., Public Finance and International Trade,Himalaya Publications
5. Musgrave, R.A., and P.B.Musgrave, Public Finance in Theory and Practice, Tata
McGraw Hill.
6. Narain, L., Management of Public Enterprises, Sultan Chand.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the contemporary
issues in accounting which facilitates in managerial decision making.

Course Contents:
New Dimension of Accounting: Meaning of GAAP, Introduction to IFRS, Overview of
IFRS, Comparative position of IFRS and Indian GAAP, Government influences on financial
Human Resource Accounting: Meaning and definition of HRA, Importance and objectives of
HRA, Limitations of HRA, Need of HRA for managers, Models of HRA.
Social Accounting: Meaning and Definition of Social Accounting, Theories of Social
Accounting, Need and importance of Social Accounting, Current position of Social
Accounting in India, Role of corporate Social Accounting.
Inflation Accounting: Meaning and definition of Inflation Accounting, Various models of
Inflation Accounting, Inflation accounting for financial management, Methods of Inflation
Brand Accounting: Overview of Brand Accounting, Importance and role of Brand accounting
in corporate, various issues and challenges associated with Brand Accounting.

Suggested Readings:
1. M. David Haddock, John Price, & Michael Farina, College Accounting: A
Contemporary Approach, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Steven M. Bragg, Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles 2011, John Wiley.
3. Ken Marshall, Steve Arnold, IFRS Conversion: Issues, Implications, Insights, John
4. Clifton, R., Brands and Branding, John Wiley.
5. Teng, Financial Accounting, Asian Book Pvt. Limited

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of the course is to acquaint the participant with the
Implications of tax structure and corporate tax planning in operational as
well as strategic terms.

Course Contents:

Basic Concepts of Income Tax; Residential status of a Company; Computation of Income

under Different Heads of Income, Set off and Carry forward of Losses, Deductions and
Exemptions; Additional Tax on Undistributed Profits; Computation of Tax Liability;
Meaning and Scope of Tax Planning and Location of Undertaking, Tax Planning regarding
Dividends Policy, Inter Corporate Dividends and Transfers; Tax Considerations in Respect of
Specific Managerial Decision like Make or Buy, Own or Lease, Close or Continue, Sale in
Domestic Markets or Exports; Replacements and Capital Budgeting Decisions, etc; Tax
Planning in respect of Managerial Remuneration.

Suggested Reading:
1. Ahuja, G K & Gupta, Ravi, Systematic Approach to Income Tax, Bharat Law House,
2. Iyengar, A C. Sampat, Law of Income Tax, Bharat House.
3. Kanga, J Band Palkhivala, N A., Income Tax. Bombay, Vol. 1-3, N.M. Tripathi.
4. Ranina, H P., Corporate Taxation: A Handbook, Oriental Law, House.
5. Singhania, V K., Direct Taxes: Law and Practice, Taxman.
6. Srinivas, E A., Handbook of Corporate Tax Planning, Tata McGraw, Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to impart knowledge to students regarding the
theory and practice of portfolio management.

Course Contents:
Introduction to Portfolio Management: Meaning, Portfolio Selection, Optimal Portfolio.
Theories of Portfolio Management: Constructing Efficient Frontier, Arbitrage Pricing
Theory, Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Markowitz Theory, Mean Variance Criterion,
Sharpe‟s Ideal Index, Traynor Index.
Introduction- Meaning, need, risk & return determination of a portfolio, Markowitz portfolio
theory, sharpe simple index model and APT; Optimal portfolio: selection & problems;
Efficient Frontier: Meaning & Construction and investors utility; Efficient frontier (i) risk-
free and (ii) risky lending and borrowing. Leveraged portfolio; market portfolio; capital
market line: CAPM; security market line; characteristic line; Portfolio revision - meaning,
need and constraints: formula plan; constant-dollar-value plan, constant ratio plan, variable
ratio plan. Bond portfolio management strategies - passive portfolio strategies, active
portfolio strategies; portfolio performance evaluation, risk adjusted performance measures.

Suggested Readings:
1. Alexander, Gorden J. and Bailey, Jeffery V., Investment analysis and Portfolio
Management, Dryden Press, Thomson Learning.
2. Fischer, Donald E. and Jordan, Ronald J., Security Analysis and Portfolio
Management, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Fuller, Russell J. and Farrell, James L., Modem Investment and Security Analysis,
McGraw Hill.
4. Machiraju, H. R., Indian Financial System, Vikas Publishing House.
5. Pandian, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing House
6. Raman, Investment: Principles and Techniques, Vikas Publishing HouseSharpe,
7. William F. et al, Investment, Prentice Hall of India

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The main objective of this course is to help students to learn the various
financial services and their role in the overall financial system.

Course Contents:
Financial Services: Meaning, Nature and Types; Leasing: Concept. Classification,
Accounting, Legal and Tax Aspects of Leasing: Financial Evaluation of Leasing.
Factoring: Meaning, Characteristics and Types of Factoring arrangements, Factoring in India,
Factoring vs. Forfaiting.
Hire Purchase Finance and Consumer Credit: Conceptual Frame Work; Legal Aspects;
Taxation; Accounting and Reporting; Financial Evaluation of Hire Purchase Finance,
Features of consumer Credit.
Credit Rating: Meaning and Types; Benefits of Credit rating to investors and companies.
Credit Rating Agencies; Objectives and Functions.
Credit Cards: Concept and Significance; Types of credit Cards, Credit Card business in India.
Book Building: Concept and Mechanism of Book Building; Significance and Benefits of
Book Building.
Bought Out Deals: Meaning and Nature; Mechanisms of Bought out Deals; Advantages; The
Present Scenario. Securitisation: Concept, Mode, Mechanism and Beneficiaries of
Securitisation; Securitisation in India.
Depository: Concept, Depository participants; Functions of depository system; Benefits of
depository; Depository system in India. Venture Capital: Meaning, Modes of Financing, Role
and Functions of Merchant Bankers.

Suggested Readings:
1. Khan, M. Y., Management of Financial Services, McGraw Hill.
2. Gordan, E and K. Natrajan, Emerging Scenario of Financial Services. Himalaya
Publishing House.
3. Meidan, Arthur Brennet, M., Option Pricing: Theory & Applications, Lexington
4. Kim, Suk and Kim, Seung, Global Corporate Finance. Text and Cases, Miami
Florida, Kotb.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The main objective of this course is to make students learn the various aspects of
funds management.

Course Contents:
Introduction to funds management: Different types of funds and their characteristics-
conventional funds, pension funds, mutual funds and unit trusts, collective investment
schemes (OEICS), tracker / index funds, hedge funds, money market funds. Examining
investment products and their applications- equities - domestic and overseas, bonds,
commodities, derivatives futures
Fund management process: Theory behind fund management; Role and responsibilities of
fund managers; Planning for optimal portfolio returns- setting investment objectives, the
constraints of the fund manager, strategic asset allocation to enhance portfolio performance
Strategies to maximize fund performance: The mandate definition, how and why benchmarks
must be specified; Effective management for ultimate results- tactical asset allocation,
securities selection; Controlling the process- performance measurement, attribution analysis
Investment strategies of funds managers: Asset class and geographic diversification, active
strategies, passive strategies, top down approach, bottom up approach, sector rotation style,
growth investing, value investing, momentum style, small capitalization style, comparing
fund management styles
Fixed income fund management and Equity fund management: Asset allocation within the
investment decision making process- Determining clients aims and objectives, Asset /
liability management, Strategic and tactical asset allocation, the decision making levels.

Suggested Readings:

1. Christing Brentani, Portfolio Management in Practice , Elsevier

2. Kane and Marcus, Investments by Bodie, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. David Blake, Financial Market Analysis.
4. Frank J. Fabozzi, Bond Markets Analysis & Strategies, Pearson.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The main objective of this course is to make students learn the various
financial aspects of international financial management.

Course Contents:

Finance function in multinational firm; Institutional structure of international financial

markets; cost and availability of international financial flows; international financial
instruments. International working capital management: Aspects of international cash
management: investment criteria and borrowing decisions; centralised versus decentralised
cash management; international receivables management; securitisation of receivables.
International Investment factors and benefits; direct and portfolio investment: international
CAPM; capital budgeting for foreign direct investment; assessing and managing political
risk. International aspects of raising capital; determining financial structure of foreign
subsidiaries of MNCs; financial choices for an MNC and its foreign affiliates; costs and risks
of financing.

Suggested Readings:

1. Maurice D. Levi, International Finance, McGraw-Hill.

2. A. Buckley, Multinational Finance, Prentice-Hall of India.
3. A.C. Shaprio, Multinational Financial Management, Prentice-Hall.
4. P. G. Apte, International Financial Management, Tata McGraw-Hills.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: This course aims at enabling the students to understand and analyse financial
problems and developing their skills for the solution of these problems with the help of innovative
financial processes, instruments and strategies.

Course Contents:
Introduction of financial engineering, factors contributing to the growth of financial
engineering, knowledge base and skills required for financial engineering.

Determinations of value of financial instruments and products. Time value of money, the
required rate of return. Absolute valuations versus relative valuation. Measuring Return and
Risk. Portfolio Consideration and investment horizons. Speculation arbitrate and market

Physical tools of the financial manager, product development, futures, forwards, swaps and
options, Debt market innovations, Equity and Equity related instruments.

Financial Engineering processes and strategies, asset liability management, hedging and
related risk management techniques, corporate restructuring, leveraged buyouts, tax driven
deals, takeovers, synthetic instruments.

Future directions in financial engineering, Effect of globalization and technology on financial

engineering, Legal aspects of innovative financial products.

Suggested Readings:
1. Marshall Johon F& Bansal Vipul K., Financial Engineering, PHI.
2. Apte, P.G., International Financial Management
3. Watsham Terry J., Futures and Options in Risk Management, Thomson Business
4. Shapiro Allan C., Multinational Financial Management

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: This course aims at enabling the students to understand and analyse financial
econometrics and developing their skills for the solution with the help of innovative financial

Course Contents:
Nature, scope and methodology of Financial Econometrics. Simple Linear Regression Model:
Assumptions, Procedures and properties of OLS estimator, Co-efficient of determination,
Tests of significance, Maximum Likelihood Method; Multiple Linear Regression Analysis:
Method of least squares, Properties of OLS estimator, Test of significance of regression co-
2 2 .
efficient, R and adjusted R Issues with Classical Regression Model: Multicollinearity,
Autocorrelation and Hetroscedasticity; Functional forms; Dummy variables-Nature and uses;
Parameter stability tests.

Univariate Smoothing Methods: Moving average, weighted moving average, Exponential

smoothing, Seasonal indexes, Trend-seasonal and Holt-Winters smoothing.
Stationary Time Series Models: Stochastic process, Stationary, Modeling AR, MA, ARMA
processes, Deterministic and stochastic trends, unit roots, testing unit roots – Dickey &
Fuller, Phillips and Perron tests.

Suggested Readings:
1. Greene, William H, Econometric Analysis, Macmillan Publishing Company.
2. Johnston, J., Econometric Methods, McGraw Hill.
3. Gujrati, Damodor N., Basic Econometrics, McGraw-Hill
4. Koutsoyiannnis, A, Theory of Econometrics, Harper & Row.
5. Maddala, G.S., Introduction to Econometrics Macmillan.
6. Theil, H., Principles of Econometrics, North Holland
7. Pindyck, R. S. & Rubinfeld, D. S., Econometric Models and Econometric Forecasts,
McGraw Hill.
8. Peijie Wang, Financial Econometrics: Methods and Models; Routledge.
9. Patterson K, An Introduction to Applied Econometrics, Palgrave.
10. Enders Walter., Applied Econometrics Time Series, Wiley.
11. Makridakis S & Wheelwright, Forecasting Methods & Application, Willey.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to give an in depth knowledge of the functioning of
derivative securities market.

Course Contents:
Financial Derivatives - An Introduction. Forward Contracts; Future Contracts; Other
Derivative Securities; Types of Traders: Futures Markets and the use of Futures for Hedging:
Forward and Futures Prices, Swaps: Options Markets; Properties of Stock Option Prices:
Trading Strategies Invoicing Options; Black-Scholes Option Model: Binomial model:
Options on Stock indices: Currencies Futures Contracts: General Approach to Pricing
Derivatives Securities; Derivatives Market in India.

Introduction to Commodity Derivates: Cereals, metals and energy products.

Suggested Readings:
1. Bhalla, V K., Investment Management: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management.
2. S. Chand , Financial Derivatives.
3. Brennet, M., Option Pricing: Theory & Applications. Toronto, Lexington Books.
4. Cox, John C and Rubinstein, Mark Options Markets. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
5. Huang. Stanley S C and Randall, Maury R., Investment Analysis and Management. Allyn
and Bacon.
6. Hull. John C. Options, Futures and Other Derivative Securities, Prentice Hall of India.
7. Sharpe. William F. et al., Investment, Prentice Hall of India

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to impart an intensive knowledge about
the use of quantitative techniques in specified financial decision-making areas.

Course Contents:

Application of Linear Programming; Goal Programming; Regression analysis and Simulation

Technique in Financial Decision Making Areas; Corporate Debt Capacity Management
Decision; Business Failure and Reorganization; Application of Multiple Discriminant
analysis; Decision Tree Analysis; Capital Expenditure Decision Under Conditions of Risk
and Uncertainly; Sequencing of Decisions; Replacement Decisions; Mergers and
Acquisitions; Takeover code; Dividend Valuation Model; Determination of the Exchange
ratio; Legal and Procedural aspects of Merger Decision; Estimation and Projection of
Working Capital Decisions.

Suggested Readings:

1. Bierman, Harold. Lease vs. Buy Decision. Englewood Cliffs,Prentice Hall Ins.
2. Fogler. Hand Ganpathy, Financial Econometrics. Englewood Cliffs,Prentice Hall Inc.
3. Sapirio, Edverd, Financial Decision Analysis.
4. Levy. H. and Sarnat H., Capital Investment and Financial Decision, Englewood
Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
5. Van Horne, James C. Financial Management and Policy. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice
hall of lndia

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to acquaint the new field of
behavioral finance and importance of behavioral traits in financial
decision making.
Course Contents:
Introduction: Meaning, Nature, Scope and History of Behavioural Finance. Comparison
between Behavioural Finance and Conventional Finance. Expected Utility, Non-Expected
Utility and classical probability theory: An Overview.
Psychology of Investor‟s: Beliefs,Attitude,Learning,Herding,Momentum,Biases and
Heuristics, Over-confidence and optimism, winner‟s curse, Bubbles, advertising to investor‟s,
over reaction and under reaction and cross-cultural behavior.
Preferences: Framing, Prospect Theory and violation of Expected utility, Mental Accounting,
Prospect Theory and attention, Saving Behavior.
Anomalies: Accounting Based Anomalies, Calendar Anomalies, Attention based anomalies:
Value v/s Growth, size, equity premium, myopia.
Behavioural Corporate Finance: Introduction, limits of Arbitrage, aggregation. Contemporary
issues in Behavioural Finance.

Suggested Readings:
1. William Forbes, Behavioral Finance, John Wiley.
2. Mihe Elvin, An Introduction to the psychology of Trading and Behavioral Finance, John
3. James Montier, Behavioral Investing: A Practitioners Guide to Applying Behavioral
Finance, John Wiley.
4. James Montier, Behavioral Investing: Insights into Irrational minds and markets, John
5. Paragh Parikh, Value Investing and Behavioral Finance, Tata McGraw-Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about
the consumer decision making process and its applications in marketing
function of firms.

Course Contents:

Introduction to Consumer Behaviour; Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy;

Consumer Involvement and Decision Making; Information Search Process; Evaluative
Criteria and Decision Rules; Consumer Motivation, Information Processing and Consumer
Perception; Consumer Attitudes and Attitude Change; Influence of Personality and Self
Concept on Buying Behaviour; Psychographics & Lifestyle; Influence of Culture, Subculture
and social class; Reference Group Influence; Diffusion of Innovation and Opinion
Leadership; Family Decision Making; Industrial Buying Behaviour; Models of Consumer
Behaviour; Consumer Behaviour Audit.

Suggested Readings:

1. Assael, H., Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Action, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd.
2. Engle, J. F., Consumer Behaviour, Dryden Press.
3. Hawkins, D. I., Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy, TMH.
4. Schiffman. L. G. and Kanuk, L. L., Consumer Behavior, Prentice Hall of India.
5. Loudon & Loudon, Consumer Behavior; TMH.
6. Soloman, Michael E., Consumer Behaviour; Buying; Having, Being; PHI Pearson

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The purpose of this course is to enable students learn the process, tools
and techniques of marketing research.

Course Contents:

Introduction to Marketing Research: Importance, nature and scope of marketing research;

Marketing information system and marketing research: Marketing research process,
Organization of MR Department, Ethical issues in MR, MR in India, Role of MR Agencies. .
Problem Identification and Research Design: Problem identification and definition:
Development of a research proposal; Types of research designs.
Data Resources: Secondary data sources and usage; Online data sources; Primary data
collection methods - questioning techniques, online surveys, observation method;
Questionnaire preparation.
Attitude measurement and scaling techniques - elementary introduction to measurement
scales. Sampling Plan: Universe, sample frame and sampling unit; Sampling techniques;
Sample size determination
Data Collection: Organisation of field work and survey errors - Sampling and non-sampling
Data Analysis: Hypothesis testing, tests of significance (Parametric & non-parametric)
Univariate, bivariate and multivariate data analysis; Report preparation and presentation.
Market Research Applications: Product research; Advertising research; Sales and market
research; International marketing research.

Suggested Readings:

1. Boyd. H.W. Ralph Westfall and S.F. Starsh, Marketing Research: Text and Cases.
2. Chisnall, Peter M, The Essence of Marketing Research, Prentice Hall.
3. Churchill, Gilbert A, Basic Marketing Research, Dryden Press.
4. Green Paul E. Donald S. Tull and Gerald Albaum, Research for Marketing Decision,
Prentice Hall.
5. Luck, D.J., Marketing Research, Prentice Hall.
6. Tull, Donald and Hawkin,Del, Marketing Research: Measurement and Method,
Prentice Hall.
7. Beri, G.C., Marketing Research, Tata McGraw Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The aim of this paper is to acquaint the students with concepts,
techniques and give experience in the application of concepts for
developing effective advertising programme.

Course Contents:
Advertising: Concepts, Types, forms and Importance. Role of advertising in the Marketing
Process: Legal Ethical arid Social Aspects of Advertising; Process of Communication -
Wilbur Schramm's Model, Two Step Flow of Communication, Theory of Cognitive
Dissonance and Clues for Advertising Strategists: Stimulation of Primary and Selective
Demand -Advertising Planning and Objective Setting: DAGMAR Approach. Determination
of Target Audience; Building of Advertising Programme -Message, Headlines, Copy, Logo,
Illustration, Appeal, Layout; Campaign Planning; Media Planning; Budgeting; Evaluation -
Rationale of Testing Opinion and Aptitude Tests, Measurement of Advertising Effectiveness;
Advertising Organisation -Selection Compensation and Appraisal of an Agency; Electronic
Media Buying. Advertising and Consumer behavior; Role of Creativity in Advertising.

Suggested Readings:
1. Belch, George E and Belch, Michael A., Introduction to Advertising and Promotion,
2. Arens and Bovee, Contemporary Advertising, Irwin.
3. Sandage and Fryberger, Advertising, AITBS.
4. Batra, Rajeev, Myers, Johan G. and Aaker, David A., Advertising Management,
Prentice Hall of India.
5. O' Guinn, Advertising & Integrated Brand Production; Vikas Publishing House.
6. Kleppner, Otto. Advertising Procedure, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the students with the concepts
which are helpful in developing a sound sales and distribution policy and
in organizing and managing sales force and marketing channels.

Course Contents:
Nature Scope and objectives of Sales Management; Theories of selling; Functions of Sales
Manager; Selling Operations; Personal selling, Salesmanship; Sales forecasting;
Determination of size of sales force; Sales organisation; Recruitment and conducting sales
training programmes; Designing and Administering Compensation plan; motivating and
supervising sales personnel; Sales Meetings and Contests; Designing Territories and
allocating sales efforts, Sales Quota, Sales evaluation Programme, Sales budgeting and
Control, International Sales Management.

Suggested Readings:

1. Anderson, R. & Hair, Professional Sales Management, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. Manning & Reece, Selling Today, Pearson Education Asia.
3. Dalrymple, D J., Sales Management: Concepts and Cases, John Wiley.
4. Still, R & Govoni,, Sales Management, Prentice Hall Inc.
5. Lancaster & Jobber, Selling and Sales Management, Macmillan India.
6. Calvin; Sales Management; Tata McGraw Hill.
7. Futrell, Charles, Sales Management, Thomson Learning.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to enable students understand the
importance and dynamics of a firm's physical distribution functions and
management of its supply chain.

Course Contents:

Distribution Channels: Role of Marketing Channels, Factors affecting choice of Distribution

Channels; Channel Behavior and Organisation; Distribution Intensity.
Introduction to Logistics: Nature, Importance and Scope; Integrated Logistics; Major
Decision Areas of Logistics.
Total Cost Concept; Concept of Customer Service; Transportation- Selection of
Transportation Mode, Elements of Transportation Cost, Multi model Transportation, Routing
and Scheduling, Design Options for a Transportation Network.
Inventory- Concept and Functions of Inventory in Logistics, Elements of Inventory Costs,
Economic Order Quantity, Techniques of Inventory Control.
Warehousing- Concept and Types of Warehouses, Warehouse Location and Design,
Operational Mechanism of Warehouse, Order Processing; Material Handling and Packaging;
Performance Measurement in Logistics.

Suggested Readings:

1. Bowersox , Physical Distribution Management, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. Stern, Louis W. Adel, I.E.L. Ansary, Anne T. Coughlan, Marketing Channels,
Prentice Hall.
3. Glaskowsky N.A., Business Logistics, Dryden Press.
4. Khanna, K.K., Physical Distribution Management, Himalaya Publishing House
5. Lambert, D. et. al., Strategic Logistics Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Ballu, Ronald H.; Business Logistics Management, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall
7. Martin, Christopher and Gordon Wills, Marketing Logistics and Distribution

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: This subject aims to develop knowledge and understanding of the
affecting marketing in the financial services sector.

Course Contents:

The financial services marketing environment; Marketing strategy: Planning, Organising and
Implementing marketing operations; Marketing as a management function, Market
segmentation, Targeting and Positioning of financial services organisation; The Marketing
Mix: Product strategy; New product development; Product life cycle; Pricing considerations
and strategies; The impact of technology, On-line marketing, Multiple channel strategies;
Promotion strategies: Advertising, Sales promotion, Public relations; Event based marketing
of services; The internet as a promotion tool, People in the marketing mix; Personal selling.

Customer care: The dimensions of customer care; Service quality and Service recovery.

Ethical issues in the marketing of financial services: Ethics in relation to the individual and
society as a whole, Unethical behavior in marketing of financial services: Misrepresentation,
Misleading information, Discrimination.

Suggested Readings:

1. Ennew, C., Watkins, T. & Wright, M., Marketing Financial Services,Butterworth-

Heinemann Ltd.
2. Harrison, T., Financial Services Marketing, Pearson Education.
3. Meidan, A., Marketing Financial Services, Macmillan Press Ltd.
4. Meidan, A., Lewis, B. & Moutinho, L., Financial Services Marketing, The Dryden Press.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to make the students understand the
intricate process of marketing communication and how each tool of
communication contribute to the overall communication strategy.

Course Contents:
The communication Process - the nature of communication, A Basic Model of
communication source Encoding. Message,Channel,Receiver/Decoding,Noise,
Response/Feedback. Analysing the Receiver, the Response Process., Cognitive Processing of
Communications-the cognitive Response Approach, the Elaboration Likelihood Model.
Establishing objectives for integrated marketing communication programms-The value of
objectives- communications, planning & decision making, Determining Promotional
objectives-Marketing Versus communication objectives. Sales Versus Communication
objectives-sales oriented objectives, communication objectives.
Creative Strategy : Planning and Development, The importance of Creativity in Advertising,
Advertising Creativity, Planning creative Strategy-the creative challenge, taking creative
Risks, creative Personnel. the Creative Process, creative strategy development.
Creative Strategy: Implementation end evaluation: Appeals and Execution styles, creative
tactics - creative tactics for print advertising, creative tactics for Television.
The internet and integrated marketing communications-advertising, Sales Promotion on the
Internet, Personal Selling on the internet, Public Relations on the Internet, Direct Marketing
on the Internet.
The process of Public Relations-Developing & Executing the PR Programme, Publicity.

Suggested Readings:

1. George E. Belch & Michael A. Belch, Advertising & Promotion-An integrated

Marketing communications Perspective.
2. Kotler Philip, Analysis, Planning, implementation & control, Pearson Education.
3. Blythe, Marketing Communication, Pearson Education.
4. Tom Duncan, Integrated Marketing Communication, TMH
5. Q'Guinn, Advertising; Vikas Publishing House.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to acquaint the students with
environmental, procedural, institutional and decisional aspects or
international marketing.

Course Contents:
International Marketing: Definitions, nature, scope and benefits; reasons and motivations
underlying International Trade and International Business; basic modes for entry; process of
International Marketing; Domestic Marketing versus International Marketing International
Marketing Environment, WTO Framework and International Marketing; Factors influencing
International market selection and segmentation, Selection strategies. International Marketing
Planning and control. International Marketing Mix: International product policy and planning
International Product mix, Branding, labeling, packaging and organization of product
warranties and services. International Pricing policies strategies, the process of price setting,
pricing decisions, information for pricing decisions.
International Advertising: International advertising strategy, elements of advertising strategy,
media strategy. International Distribution Management: International Distribution Channels,
International distribution policy, selecting distribution channels.

Suggested Readings:

1. Vern Terpestra and Ravi Sarathy, International Marketing, Thomson

2. Simon Majaro, International Marketing
3. John,Fayerweather, International Marketing
4. R. L. Varshney and B. Bhattacharya, International Marketing, Sultan Chand
5. Sak Onkvisit and John Shaw, International Marketing (analysis and Strategy), PHI.
6. Warren, J. Keegan, Global Marketing Management, Pearson Edu PHI.
7. Phillip R. Cateora, International Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to lay a foundation for an understanding of
the complex dimensions of the industrial marketing.

Course Contents:

Nature and Scope of Industrial Marketing: Differences between Industrial Marketing and
Consumer Marketing; Organizational Customers; Classifying Industrial Products; Nature of
Demand in Industrial Markets; Industrial Buyer Motives; Industrial Purchasing System;
Industrial Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning; Industrial Product Decisions:
Product, Product Life-Cycle, New Product Development, Product related Services; Industrial
Pricing: Price Determinants, Pricing Policies, Pricing Methods; Formulating Channel
Strategy; Logistics Management; Industrial Marketing Communication; Advertising and
Personal Selling in Industrial Marketing; Industrial Marketing Planning and Control.

Suggested Readings:

1. Reeder, Robert R., Industrial Marketing: Analysis, Planning and Control, Prentice
Hall Inc., 2000
2. Cherunilam F., Industrial Marketing, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai,2004
3. Havalder, Krishna K.; Industrial Marketing, TMH, New Delhi.
4. Corey, E Ra~l1ond. Industrial Marketing: cases and concepts, Englewood Cliffs,
Prentice Hall Inc.
5. Gross, A C., Business Marketing, Houghton Mifflin.
6. Hill, Richard, Industrial Marketing. Homewood Illinois, Richard D. Irwin.
7. Webster, F E., Industrial Marketing Strategy, John Wiley.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to develop insights into emerging trends in
the service in a developing economy and tackle issues involved in the
management of services on national basis.

Course Contents:

The Emergence of Service Economy; Nature of Services; Differences in Goods and Services
Marketing; Marketing Challenges in Service Businesses; Marketing Framework for Service
Businesses; The service Classification; Service Product Development; The Service Consumer
Behaviour; Service Management Trinity; Service Vision and Service Strategy; Quality Issues
and Quality Models; Managing Productivity and Differentiation in Service Organizations;
Demand-supply Management; Advertising; Branding and Packaging of Services; Recovery
Management; Relationship Marketing; Employee Empowerment, Customer Involvement in

Suggested Readings:

1. J. Zeithaml, V A and Bitner, M J., Services Marketing; McGraw Hill.

2. Lovelock, Christopher H., Service Marketing: People, Technology Strategy; Pearson
3. Hoffman & Bateson; Essentials of Service Marketing; Thomson Learning.
4. Shankar, Ravi, Service Marketing, Excel.
5. Rampal M.K. & Gupta S.C.; Service Marketing; Galgotia Publishing Company.
6. McDonald, Malcom and Payne, A., Marketing Planning for Services, Butterworth,

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of the course is to explore the students to the rural market
environment and the emerging challenges in the globalization of the

Course Contents:
Nature, characteristics and the potential of rural markets in India, Environmental factors
affecting rural markets; Changing focus of corporate towards rural markets; Demographic
and psychographic profile of rural consumer; Marketing Mix for rural markets- product
planning , new product development, product adaptation; packaging as a strategic tool for
rural markets; pricing strategies; designing promotional and communication strategies to tap
rural markets; Critical evaluation of present distribution channels for rural markets and
channel modifications. Branding for rural consumers especially in emerging markets for
consumer durables, telecommunication and automobile industries.

Suggested Readings:

1. Arora, R C., Integrated Rural Development, Scharnd.

2. Desao. Vassal. Rural Development, Himalaya.
3. Mishar, S. N., Politics and Society in Rural India, Inter India.
4. Porter, Michael, E. Competitive Strategy, Free Press.
5. Rudra, A., Indian Agricultural Economics. Myths and Realities, Allied.
6. Stalk, George, Competing Against Time, Free Press.
7. Gopalaswamy T.P., Rural Marketing, Wheeler Pub.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The aim of this course is to acquaint the students with concepts, techniques and give
experience in the application of concepts for developing effective Customer Relationship programme.

Course Contents:
Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Concept, Nature, Scope and Importance of
CRM. Customer Relationship Marketing: Relationship development process - Planning and
implementation of CRM programme; Integrating customer data into CRM strategy; Data
mining and data warehousing for CRM; Role of IT & Internet in CRM; Customer Retention
Application of CRM - Travel, Airline, Health Care, Retail, Telecommunications, Banking
and Insurance industry.

Suggested Readings:
1. Brown, A. Stanly, Customer Relationship Management, John Wiley.
2. Dyche, Jill., The CRM Handbook-A Business Guide to CRM, Pearson Education Asia.
3. Foss Bryan & Stone Merlin, Successful Customer Relationship Marketing, IBM,
Koganpage, USA, 2001
4. Gosney, John W. and Thomas P. Boehm: Customer Relationship Management
Essentials, Prentice Hall.
5. Roberts, M.L and P.D. Berger: Direct Marketing Management, Prentice Hall.
6. Seth, Jagdish N., Customer Relationship Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
7. Stone, Merlin and Neil Woodrock, Relationship Marketing, Kogan Page.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to impart in-depth knowledge to the
students regarding the theory and practice of Product and Brand

Course Contents:

Introduction to Brand- Concept and Importance of Branding; Brand Values; Brands and
Consumer Psychology;

Branding Terminology- Brand Awareness, Brand Personality, Brand Image, Brand Identity,
Brand Loyalty, Brand Extensions and Brand Equity.

Major Branding Decisions; Types of Brands- Family versus Individual Brand Names;
Multiple Branding; Private versus National Brandings.

Branding in Specific Sectors- Consumer Market; Industrial Market; Service Brands

E-Branding; Branding for International Marketing; Brand Building and Communication;

Brand Positioning; Measurement of Brand Equity.

Suggested Readings:

1. Aaker, David, A., Managing Brand Equity, Free Press.

2. Cowley, Don. , Understanding Brands, Kogan Page.
3. Czerniawskd, Richard D. & Michael W. Maloney, Creating Brand Loyalty,
4. Kapferer, J N., Strategic Brand Management, Free Press.
5. Upshaw, Lyhh B., Building Brand Identity: A Strategy for success in a hostile market
place, John Wiley.
6. Keller, Kevin Lana, Strategic Brand Management, Prentice Hall.
7. Chunnawalla, S.A., Compendium of Brand Management, Himalaya Publishing House.
8. John Philip, J., What’s in a Brand- Building Brand Equity through Advertising, Tata
McGraw Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The course will focus on manufactures, perspective on retailers and understanding of
the retail business.

Course Contents:

An introduction to the Retailing System. Retailing mix - Social forces,. Economic forces.
Technological forces, Competitive forces; Retailing definition, Structure, Different formats:
marketing Concepts in Retailing - Consumer purchase Behaviour, Cultural and Social group
influence on consumer Purchase Behavior; Retail store location – Traffic flow and analysis,
population and its mobility, exteriors and layout. Customer traffic flows and pattern, Creative
display; Merchandise Planning - Stock turns, Credit Management. Retail Pricing, Return on
per sq. feet of space; Retail promotions - Staying ahead of competition; Supply Chain
Management, Warehousing; Role of IT in Supply chain management; Franchising, Direct
Marketing/Direct Selling, Exclusive shops, Destination stores, Chain Stores, Discount Stores
and other current and emerging formats - Issues and options; Retail Equity; Technology in
Retailing; Retailing through the Internet.

Suggested Readings:

1. Berman. Bell & Evans, Joel R.; Retail Management: A Strategic Approach, PHI,
Pearson Education.
2. Levy Michael & Weitz Bartcn W., Retailing Management; Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Newman, Andrew J. & Cullen, Peter; Retailing: Environment & Operations, Vikas
Publishing House.
4. Duane, Retailing, Thomson Learning.
5. Gilber, David, Retail Marketing Management; Pearson Education.
6. Diamond. Jay and Gerald Pintel, Retailing, Prentice-Hall.
7. Morgenstein, Melvin and Harriat, Strong in Modem Retailing, Prentice-HaIl.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of the course is to give an in depth understanding to the

students related to the field of family welfare, public health, disease control and prevention, public
policy and environmental management.

Course contents:
Social Marketing- Concept, scope, purpose and issues; Social Marketing Planning Process.
Social marketing environment- Mapping the internal and external environment related to
various societal programmes and campaigns. Establishing target audience, Objectives and
goals; Establishing budgets and finding funding sources, Promotional strategies- Media
channels, vehicles, timings and influencing factors; Managing social marketing programmes.

Suggested Readings:

1. Kotler, P., Roberto, E.L. & Lee Nancy, Social Marketing- Improving the quality of life, Sage
2. Kotler, P. & Roberto, E.L., Social Marketing- Strategies for changing Public Behaviour. Free
3. Mukherji G.B., Introduction to Social Marketing, Pual & Co Pub Consortium.
4. Lazer, W., & Kelley, E.J., Social Marketing: Perspectives and Viewpoint, Irwin Press.
5. Mckee, N., Social Mobilization and Social Marketing in Developing Communities.
Southbound Publication.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: Organizational efficiency and performance are intricately interlinked with industrial
relations. This course attempts to appreciate the conceptual and practical aspects of industrial
relations at the macro and micro levels.

Course Contents:

Industrial Relations Perspectives; Industrial Relations and the State; Legal Framework of
Industrial Relations; Trade Unions: Registration, Recognition, Functions and Problems of
Trade Unions; Trade Unions and Industrial Relations; Discipline, Grievance Management
and Industrial Disputes; Collective Bargaining; Participative Management and Co-
Ownership; Employee Empowerment and Quality Management; Industrial Relations and
Technological Change; ILO and Industrial Relations.

Suggested Readings:
1. Niland, J R.., The Future of Industrial Relations, Sage.
2. Papola, T. S. & Rodgers. G., Labour Institutions and Economic Development in India,
3. Ramaswamy, E A., The Strategic Management of industrial Relations, Oxford
University Press.
4. Virmani. B R., Participative Management vs. Collective Bargaining, Vision Books.
5. Webb, Sidney & Webb, Beatrice, Industrial Democracy. Longman.
6. Pylee, M.V. and George Simon, Industrial Relations and Personnel Management,
Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
7. Davar; R.S., Personnel Management and Industrial Relations; Vikas Publishing
House Pvt Ltd.
8. Manappa Arun, Industrial Relations; Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
9. Dwivedi; R.S., Managing Human Resources and Industrial Relations. Galgotia
Publishing Company.
10. Srivartana; S.C., Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, Vikas Publishing House Pvt
11. Venkata Ratnam, C.S., Industrial Relations; Oxford University Press.
12. Mamoria & Manoria, Dynamics of Industrial Relations; Himalaya Publishing House.
13. Ratna Sen, Industrial Relations in India; Macmillan India Ltd.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question consisting of
seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five questions in all.
All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this paper is to develop a conceptual as well as a practical
understanding of Human Resource Planning, Deployment and Development in organisations.

Course Contents:
Macro level manpower planning and labour market analysis; Organisational human resource
planning; Work force flow mapping; Age and grade distribution mapping; Models and
techniques of manpower demand and supply forecasting; Behavioural factors in human
resource planning-Wastage analysis; Retention; Redeployment and exit strategies; Career
management and career planning; Performance appraisal and performance management;
Potentials appraisal and career development; Quality of Work Life; Human resource
information system; Human Resource Audit; Human resource valuation and accounting.

Suggested Readings:
1. Arthur, M., Career Theory Handbook. Englewood Cliff, Prentice Hall Inc.
2. Belkaoui, A. Rand & Belkaoui, J. M., Human Resource Valuation: A Guide to
Strategies and Techniques, Quorum Books.
3. Dale, B., Total Quality and Human Resources: An Executive Guide. Oxford,
4. Greenhaus, J H., Career Management, Dryden Press.
5. Kavanagh, M J., Human Resource Information System: Development and Application,
6. Mabey, C and Salama, G., Strategic Human Resource Management. Oxford,
7. Thomson, R and Mabey, C., Developing Human Resource. Oxford, .Butterworth-

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The course is designed to promote understanding of issues related to the
compensation or rewarding human resources in the corporate sector, public services and other forms
of organizations and to impart skills in designing, analyzing and restructuring reward management
systems, policies and strategies.

Course Contents:
Compensation Management- definition, objectives, nature, types, compensation
responsibilities, compensations philosophies & approaches.

Bases for pay- traditional bases, incentive pay and person-focused pay.

Designing Compensation System- internal alignment (job analysis and job evaluation),
external competitiveness and individual contribution.

Employee Benefits- legally required benefits, discretionary benefits and key issues in
employee benefits.

Contemporary Strategic Compensation Challenges- compensation practices of multinational

corporations and working of different institutions related to reward system like wage boards,
pay commissions.

Suggested Readings:

1. Martocchio, Joseph J, Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management

Approach, Pearson Education.
2. Milkovich and Newman, Compensation, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Armstrong, Michel and Murlis, Helen, Reward Management: A Handbook of Salary
Administration, Kogan Page.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The purpose of this course is to advance understanding regarding

interpersonal and group processes and help the students to examine and
develop process facilitation skills mainly through laboratory and other experience based
methods of learning.

Course Contents:

Group as a medium of learning; Development and change; Group cohesiveness; Influence

processes; Interpersonal communication; Interpersonal awareness and feedback process;
Interpersonal trust; Group decision making; Group synergy; Team building; Fundamental
interpersonal relations orientation (FIRO-B); Career roles and identity; Competition and

Suggested Readings:

1. Bennis, W G. Essay in Interpersonal Dynamics, Dorsey Press.

2. Kolb, D., Organizational Behaviour: An Experiential Approach, Englewood
Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc. .
3. Kolb, D., Organizational Behaviour: Practical Readings for Management,
Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
4. Mainiero, L A & Tromley C L., Developing Managerial Skills in OB, Prentice Hall of
5. Moore, M D., Inside Organizations: Understanding the Human Dimensions, Sage.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The primary concern to this course is to develop in depth understanding of the
strategic role performed by HR in business organizations and to gain insight of the alignment between
different HR systems and practices and organizational outcomes.

Course Contents:
Concept of SHRM and HR environment: investment perspective of SHRM; evolution of
SHRM, barriers to strategic HR, role of HR in strategic planning; Strategic fit frameworks:
linking business strategy and HR strategy, HR bundles approach, best practice approach,
business strategy and human resource planning; HRM and firm performance linkages:
Measures of HRM performance; sustained competitive advantages through inimitable HR
practices; HR Systems: staffing systems, reward and compensation systems, employee and
career development systems, performance management systems; Strategic options and HR
decisions : Downsizing and restructuring, outsourcing and off shoring.

Suggested Readings:

1. Mello, Jeffrey A., Strategic Human Resource Management, Thomson Learning Inc.
2. Agarwal, Tanuja, Strategic Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press.
3. Dreher, George and Thomas Dougherty, Human Resource Strategy, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Greer, Charles, Strategic Human Resource Management, Pearson Education.
5. Belcourt; Monica and Kenneth McBay, Strategic Human Resource Planning, Thomson
Learning Inc.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The purpose of this course is to enhance the leadership skills of students and
to develop insight into interpersonal dynamics through sensitivity training
and experience based methods of learning
Course Contents:
Nature and significance of leadership; Determinants of effective leadership; Trait theory of
leadership. Behavioral styles in leadership role; Likert‟s management system; Managerial
grid; Followers as determinants of effective leadership, life cycle theory. Situation as
determinants of leadership, Fielder‟s contingency theory; Vroom and Yetten model, Path-
goal theory; Attribution theory; Charisma and transformational leadership.
Interpersonal dynamics, emotional expression in interpersonal relationship, personal change
through interpersonal styles and communication, Johari window and Transactional analysis;
t-groups theory and laboratory methods; Basic and advanced leadership skills

Suggesting Readings:
1. Hughes, Richard L., Ginnett, Robert C. and Curphy, Gordon J., Leadership:
Enhancing the Lessons of Experience, McGraw Hill.
2. Yukl G.A, Leadership in an Organization, Prentice Hall.
3. Pareek, Udai and Rao, Behavioral Process in an Organization, Oxford IBH.
4. Dubrin, Andrew J., Leadership: Research Findings, Process, and Skills, Bizatantra.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: This paper shall enable the students to master the business negotiation skills.

Course Contents:
Negotiation Fundamentals: The Nature of Negotiations, Negotiation Strategy and Planning;
Negotiation Sub Processes: Perception, Cognition and Emotions, Influence; Negotiation
Power; Ethics in Negotiation; Negotiation Contexts: Relationships in Negotiation; Agents,
Constituents and Audiences, Coalitions, Multiple Parties and Teams; Individual Differences:
Personality and Negotiations, Gender and Negotiations; Negotiation Across Cultures:
International and Cross Cultural Negotiations; Resolving Differences: Managing Negotiation;
Negotiation Impasses and Mismatches; Third Party Approaches.

Suggested Readings:

1. lewicki Roy J. , Saunders David M. & Barry Bruce, Negotiations, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Brett,J.M., Negotiating Globally, Francisco, Josseys-Bass.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: To familiarize the students with the field of Human Relations in organizations.

Course Contents:
Introduction: Nature of Human Relations, Motivation; Social System: Individual Behavior,
Group Behaviour; Informal Organisation; Technical System: Technology and People at work,
Productivity and Quality Improvement; Job Redesign and Job Enrichment; Administrative
System: Developing, Appraising and Rewarding Personnel; Behavioral Effectiveness:
Communicating for Effectiveness, International Human Relations, Human Relation
Challenges of the Future, Human Relations and You.

Suggested Readings:

1. Hodgetts, Richard M. & Heger, Kathryun W., Modern Human Relations at work; Thomson
2. Davis, K., Human Behavior at work, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Robins, S.P., Organizational Behavior, Pearson Education Pvt Ltd.
4. Newstrom John W., Organizational Behavior, Tata McGraw Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: Understanding of the legal framework is important for the efficient decision making
relating to human resource management and industrial relations. The course aims to provide an
understanding, application and interpretation of the various labour laws and their implications for
industrial relations and labour issues.

Course Contents:
Emergence and objectives of labour laws and their socio-economic environment; Trade Union Act;
Industrial Dispute Act; Factory Act; Payment of Wages Act; Minimum Wages Act; Payment of
Bonus Act; Payment of Gratuity Act; Workmen‟s Compensation Act; Employees‟ State Insurance
Act; Provident Fund Act.

Suggested Readings:

1. Ghaiye, B R., Law and Procedure of Department Enquiry in Private and Public Sector,
Eastern Law Company.
2. Malhotra, O P., The Law of Industrial Disputes, Vol. 1 and 2.
3. Malik, P L.,Handbook of Industrial Law, Eastern Book.
4. Saini, Debi S., Labour Judiciary, Adjudication and Industrial Justice. Oxford, University
5. Saini, Debi S., Redressal of Labour Grievances. Claims and Disputes, Oxford & IBH.
6. Seth, D., Industrial Dispute Act, 1947. Vol. I & II.
7. Srivastava S C., Industrial Relations and Labour Law, Vikas Publishing House.
8. Kapoor, N.D., Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand and Sons.
9. Latest Bare Acts of each Act.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The purpose of this course is to facilitate an understanding of the

Concepts, methods and strategies for HRD.

Course Contents:
Field of HRD – Concepts, Goals, Challenges; HRD Climate and Culture; Staffing HRD
function; Developing HRD Strategies; Design & Administration of select HRD Dimensions;
HRD for Workers; HRD Interventions; HRD Approaches for Coping with Organisational
Changes; HRD Practices in Indian Organisations.

Suggested Readings:

1. Dayal, Ishwar., Successful Applications of HRD, New Concepts.

2. Dayal, lshwar, Designing HRD Systems, New Concepts.
3. Kohli, Uddesh & Sinha, D. P., HRD - Global Challenges & Strategies in 2000, A.D.
4. Maheshwari, B L. & Sinha, D. P., Management of Change through HRD. Tata
McGraw Hill.
5. Pareek, U., Managing Transitions: The HRD Response, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Rao, TV., Alternative Approaches & Strategies of Human Resource Development.
Rawat Publications.
7. Silvera, D N., HRD: The Indian Experience.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth understanding of the

role of Training in the HRD, and to enable the course students to manage
the training systems and processes

Course Contents:
Training Process - an overview; Role, Responsibilities and Challenges of Training Manager;
Organization and Management of Training Function; Training Needs Assessment and Action
Research; Instructional Objectives and Lesson Planning; Learning Process; Training Climate
and Pedagogy; Training Methods and Techniques; Training Aids; Training Communication;
Training Evaluation; Training and Development in India.

Suggested Readings:

1. Beunet, Roger ed., Improving Training Effectiveness, Aldershot.

2. Buckley R & Caple, Jim. The Theory & Practice of Training, Kogan Page.
3. Lynton, R.& Pareek, U., Training for Development, Vistaar,
4. Pepper, Allan D., Managing the Training and Development Function, Aldershol, Gower.
5. Rae, L., How to Measure Training Effectiveness, Aldershot, Gower.
6. Reid, M.A., Training Interventions: Managing Employee Development, IPM.
7. Senge, P., The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. Century.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this paper is to make the students learn about the organizational
change and prepare them as change facilitators using the knowledge and techniques of behavioural

Course Contents:
Organisational Change- Definition, Nature, Types, Models of Organisational Change Force
Field, Kurt Lewis, Systems, Seven Stages and Contemporary Activities Rresearch;
Managerial Approaches for Imlementing Change.
Change Management-understanding the Change Process, Facilitating Change, Dealing with
Individual and Group Resistances, Intervention Strategies and Develop Learning
Organisational Development- an overview, Steps in OD, General OD Competencies, OD
Skills, Values, Assumption and Beliefs in OD.
Designing Interventions- Interpersonal, Team, Intergroup and System and Evaluation of OD.
Organisational Culture & Change- Corporate Culture, Types of Culture, Importance, Nature,
Formal & Informal Components of Organisational Culture, Designing for Cultural Change;
Organisational Culture & Leadership; Emerging Trends in Organisational Culture; Ethics of
OD Professionals and Future of OD.

Suggested Readings:

1. Abad, Ahmad , Developing Effective Organization, Sri Ram Center for Industrial Relations.
2. De Nitish, Alternative Designs of Human Organizations, Sage.
3. French, W. H. and Bell, Organisation Development, Prentice Hall of India.
4. French, W. H., Organization Development Theory, Practice and Research, Prentice Hall of
5. Harvey, D.F. and Brown, D.R., An Experiential Approach to Organization Development,
Prentice Hall Inc.
6. Huse, F. E. and Cummings, T. G., Organization Development and Change, West.
7. Sinha, D. P.., Consultants and Consulting Styles, Vision.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: To develop basic skills among students to independently handle a wide range of
employee counseling and performance counseling.

Course Contents:
Introduction to Counselling- Emergence, Growth, Definition, Need, Goal, Role and
Characteristics of Counsellor and Counselee, Diffrence between Counselling and
Psychotherapy, and General Principles of Counselling;
Approaches to Counselling- Psycho-analytical (Sigmund Freud Theory), Therapeutic (Alfred
Adler Theory), Behaviouristic (B. F. Skinner Theory), Cognitive (Albert Ellis Model) and
Humanistic Approaches (Carl Rogers Approach);
Counselling Process- 5-D Model, the Phases of Counselling Process, Counselling
Environment and Procedure, and the Core Conditions of Counselling;
Counsellor‟s Attitude and Skills of Counselling- Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
Modalities, Listening Skills, Listening Barriers and Strategies to Overcome Listening
Organizational Applications of Counselling Skills- Identifying Problems and Coping
Strategies with regard to Occupational Stress and Performance Management;
Special Problems in Counselling- Selection of Counselling Strategies and Interventions,
Changing Behaviour through Counselling;
Counselling Dilemmas, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Counselling, and Current trends in

Suggested Readings:

1. Cormer, L.S., and Hackney, H., The Professional Counselor's Process Guide Helping,
Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
2. Moursund, J., The Process of Counseling and Therapy, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice
Hall Inc.
3. Munro, C A, Counseling: A Skills Approach, Methuen.
4. Reddy, Michael, Counseling at Work, British Psychological Society and Methuen.
5. Rao, S. Narayana, Counselling and Guidance, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Gladding, S. T, Counseling- A Comprehensive Profession, Pearson.
7. Singh, Kavita, Counselling Skills for Managers, Prentice Hall of India.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to develop a diagnostic and conceptual undertaking of
the cultural and related behavioural variables in the Human Resource Management of global

Course Contents:
Human and Cultural Variables in Global Organizations: Cross Cultural Differences and Managerial
Implications, Cultures in Organisations and Hofstede's Study, Structural evolution of Global
Organizations: Cross Cultural Leadership, Motivation and Decision Making, Cross Cultural
Communication and Negotiation; Human Resource Management in Global Organizations: Selection,
Source criteria for International Assignment, Compensation and Appraisal System.

Suggested Readings:

1. Adler, N.J., International Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour, Kent Publications.

2. Bartiett, C. and Ghoshal, S., Transnational Management: Text, Cases and Readings in Cross
Border Management, Irwin.
3. Dowling, P.J., International Dimensions of Human Resource Management, Wadsworth.
4. Hofstede, G., Cultures Consequence: International Differences in Work Related Values, Sage.

5. Marcis, D and Puffer, S.M., Management International: Cases, Exercises and Readings, West
6. Mead, R., International Management: Cross Cultural Dimensions, Blackwell.
7. Ronen, S., Comparative and Multinational Management, John Wiley.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the significance and
processes of Labour Welfare activities and Social Security measure adopted by the organizations.

Course Contents:
Labour Welfare Activities: Concept and Significance, Origin of Labour Welfare activities, Welfare
Activities Undertaken by Govt. of India; Provision in Factory Act, 1948; Labour Welfare Funds;
Critical Estimate of Welfare Work by Employers; Social Service Agencies; Local Bodies and Trade
Unions; Labour Inspection System; Welfare of Special Categories of Labour; ILO and Labour
Some Special Welfare Activities: Canteens, Creches, Reorentiational, Medical, Washing and Bathing,
Educational Facilities, W.E. Programme, Grain Shop Facilities; Social Security: Concept and
Importance; Social Insurance: Concept and Importance, Various Measures of Social Insurance,
Present position in India.
Workmen‟s Compensation in India; Sickness Insurance in India; Unemployment Insurance in India;
Old Age and Invalidity Security; Child and Woman labour Security.
Social Security Measures in the selected Countries (England, Japan & U.S.A.).

Suggested Readings:

1. Dale Yoder, Personal Management and Industrial Relations, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Monappa, Arun, Industrial Relations, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Sharma, A.M., Aspects of Labour Welfare and Social Security, Himalaya Publishing
4. Sivarethinamohan, R.,Industrial Relation and Labour Welfare, PHI Learning Private Ltd.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to give students an in-depth knowledge of the
working of international financial markets.

Course Contents:
Globalisation and the Growth of Derivatives, Euro-currency Market, Eurobanking and Euro-
currency Centres, Term Structure of Euro-currency Rates, Euro-currency Futures and
Options, Syndicated Euro-credits.
International Bond Markets - Introduction, New Issue Procedures in the Eurobond
Markets,Eurobond Valuation and Hedging,: Interest Rates and Currency Swaps, New
Instruments in International Capital Markets, International Banking, International Portfolio

Suggested Readings:

1. Buckley, Adrian, Multinational Finance, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.

2. Eiteman, David K. and Stonehill, Arthur 1, Multinational Business Finance, Addison-
3. Johnson and Giaccott, Options and Futures. S1 Paul, West.
4. Kim, Suk and Kim, Seung, Global Corporate Finance: Text and Cases, Miami.
5. Shapiro, Alan C., Multinational Financial Management, Prentice Hall of India.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with the export-import procedures,
documentation and logistics.

Course Contents:
Significance of procedures and documentation in international trade; Procedures and
Documentation as per WTO provision Aligned Documentation System (ADS); Official
machinery for trade procedures and documentation; ITC (HS) classification system Role of
Export order processing; export contract; export price quotations; shipping and custom
clearance of export and import cargo; central excise clearance; main export and import
documents; Role of forwarding agents. Cargo Insurance and claim Procedures
Methods of payment in international trade; documentary collection of export bills, UPCDC
guideline, realization of export proceeds-Provision of RBI‟s Exchange Control Manual; pre-
shipment and post-shipment finance; role of EXIM bank and ECGC in India.

Suggested Readings:

1. M. D. Jitendra, Export Procedures and Documentation, Rajat Publications.

2. Pervin Wadia, Export Markets and Foreign Trade Management, Manishka Publications.
3. Paras Ram, Export: What, Where and How, Anupam, Publications.
4. Government of India, Handbook of Import - Export Procedures.
5. Nabhi‟s Exporters Manual and Documentation.
6. Nabhi‟s New Import-Export Policy Procedures

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: To acquaint the students with recent trends in India’s foreign trade, and management
and policy related issues in foreign trade in the global context.

Course Contents:
India‟s Foreign Trade in the Global Context, Structure and Equilibrium of India‟s Balance of
Payments, Recent Trends in India‟s foreign trades; Directional Pattern: Major export
commodities - their trend, problems and prospects; Major import commodities Foreign
Exchange Management; Present Export Import Policy; Export Promotion Policies; EPCG;
DEPB; Duty Draw Back Scheme; Export incentives: Financial and Fiscal; the Role of EXIM
Bank of India; ECGC; Infrastructure support for Export Promotion; Export Promotion
Councils; Commodity Board/ Export Development Authorities; Specific Service Institutions;
Role of State Trading Organizations, ; Special Economic Zones; Agriculture Export Zones;
Clusters; Export Oriented Units and Export Trading House Schemes; Impact of WTO on
India‟s Trade Policy. Ministry of Commerce, Role of DGFT

Suggested Readings:

1. Bhalla, V.K., International Business Environment and Management, Anmol

2. Export-Import Policy, Nabhi Publications.
3. Paras Ram, Export: What, Where & How, Anupam Publications.
4. Bhattacharya, International Marketing Management, Sultan Chand & Sons.
5. Jain, S.K., Export Performance and Export Marketing Strategies, Commonwealth

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The basic objective of this course is to acquaint the students with environmental,
procedural, institutional and decisional aspects or international marketing.

Course Contents:
International Marketing: Definitions, nature, scope and process of International Marketing;
reasons and motivations for underlying International Trade and International Business; basic
modes of process of International Marketing; Domestic Marketing versus International
Marketing International Marketing Environment, Factors influencing International market
selection and segmentation, Selection strategies. International Marketing Planning and
control. International Marketing Mix: International product policy and planning International
Product mix, Branding, labeling, packaging and organization of product warranties and
services. International Pricing policies and strategies, Process of price setting, pricing
decisions, information for pricing decisions.
International Advertising: International advertising strategy, elements of advertising strategy,
media strategy; International Distribution Channels, Selecting distribution channels.

Suggested Readings:

1. Vern Terpestra and Ravi Sarathy, International Marketing, Cengage Publications.

2. Simon Majaro, International Marketing
3. John,Fayerweather,InternationalMarketing
4. Varshney R. L. and Bhattacharya,B., International Marketing, Sultan Chand
5. Publications.
6. Sak Onkvisit and John Shaw, International Marketing (Analysis and Strategy), PHI.
7. Warren, J. Keegan, Global Marketing Management, Pearson Education/PHI.
8. Phillip R. Cateora, International Marketing,Tata McGraw Hill.
9. Johny K. Johansson, Global Marketing, Tata Mc Graw Hillwith Edition.
10. Raja Gopal, International Marketing, Vikas Publishing House.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: This course exposes students to the fundamentals of logistics as applied to

international business.

Course Contents:
International Logistics: Concept, objectives and scope; importance of logistics; International
logistical operations integration, logistics strategy and planning.
General Structure of Shipping: Characteristics, liner and tramp operations; Liner conferences;
Freight structure and practices; chartering principles; UN convention on shipping.
Developments in Ocean Transportation: Containerization: Inland container depots; Multi-
modal transportation and CONCOR; Role of intermediaries including freight forwarders,
Shipping agents and C&F agents.
Air Transport Management
Port organization and management; Responsibilities of Port Trust: Major ports of India;
Carriage of goods-legal aspects. Warehousing and Inventory Management; International
Maritime Organization (IMO), INCOTERMS.
Total cost concept, advantages; Carrier consignee liabilities.

Suggested Readings:

1. Annual Reports, INSA.

2. Annual Reports, CONCOR.
3. Bowersox, Dhohld J.and Closs David J., Logistical Management, Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Coyle, Bard and Langley, The management of Business Logistics, Thomson.
5. Pierre Davd, International Logistics, Biztanurea.
6. Bloomberg David J., Stephan Lemay& Joe B. Hanna., Logistic, PHI.
7. Shipping Documents and Reports, UNCTAD.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the accounting
needs of international financial markets and to analyse the accounting measurement and reporting
issues unique to multinational business transactions.

Course Contents:
International dimensions of accounting; conceptual development and comparative
development patterns; foreign currency translation; international audit environment,
international accounting standards: concept and mechanism of setting international standards,
disclosure requirements of international accounting standards.

Managing international information systems; international perspective on inflation

accounting; international dimensions of financial reporting; harmonization of accounting

Analyzing foreign financial statements; accounting for environmental protection measures.

Transfer pricing.

Suggested Readings:
1. Arpon, Jeffrey S. and Radebaugh, Lee H., International Accounting and
Multinational Enterprises, John Wiley.
2. Choi, Frederick D. S. and Mueller Gerhard G., International Accounting,
Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
3. Evans, Thomas G., International Accounting & Reporting, MacMillan.
4. Gray, S 1., International Accounting and Transnational Decisions,
5. Holzer, H Peter, International Accounting, Harper & Row.
6. Prodhan, Bimal, Multinational Accounting, Croom-Helm.
7. Rathore, Shirin, International Accounting, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of the course is to introduce state of the art tools and necessary for
planning, executing and maintain risk management risk management in
today’s environment


The concept of risk, Benefit of risk management, Country risk analysis, Cultural diversity and
Financial risk management, Management of credit risk, Political risk and its management.
Foreign Exchange Risk Management.
Risk management through derivative: Swaps Forwards, Futures, Options, Option prices
models, interest rate derivatives, foreign currency derivatives.
Concept of value at risk, Approaches for calculating value at risk, introduction to assets
liability management.
Organisational and Accounting issues in Risk Management. Case studies in risk management

Suggested Readings:

1. Milind S., International Financial Management, John Wiley and Sons.

2. Chance, D.M., An introduction to Derivatives and Rrisk Management, Harcourt College
3. Marrison, C, Fundamentals of Risk management, TMH Publications.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: To acquaint the students with the mechanism of the foreign exchange
markets, measurement of the foreign exchange exposure, and hedging against exposure risk.

Course Contents:
Types of Foreign Exchange Markets and Transactions, Quoting Foreign Exchange Rates,
Spread, Official and Free Market Rates, Cross Currency Rates, Forward Rates, Quoting
Forward Rates; Organisation of the Foreign Exchange Markets; Currency Futures; Currency
Options; Currency Swaps; Corporate Exposure Management: Foreign Exchange Risk,
Alternative Strategies for Exposure Management, Exposure Management Techniques,
Organisation of the Exposure Management Function: Economic Fundamentals, Financial and
Socio-Political Factors, Technical Analysis.

Selected Readings:

1. Aliber, R.Z., Exchange Risk and Corporate International Finance, Macmillan.

2. Bhalla, V.K., International Financial Management, Anmol Publications.
3. Luca Cornelius, Trading in the Global Currency Markets, Prentice Hall.
4. Shapiro, A.C., International Financial Management, Allyn and Bacon.
5. Sutton, W.H., Trading in Currency Options, New York Institute of Finance.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of the course to familiarize the students with the theoretical framework
of the theory of economic integration, and its impact on trade and investment flows among the region
and on the global economy.

Course Contents:
Regionalism in the World Economy, Theory of Economic Integration, Selected Regional
Blocks - NAFTA, EU, ASEAN, SAARC, COMESA; Globalization Vs. Regionalization;
Regional Blocks, Building Blocks or Stumbling Blocks: Ongoing challenges - Environment
Volatility, Rise of Global Mania; Regional Alternatives; India‟s Free Trade Agreements.

Selected Readings:
1. Gerber James, International Economics, Pearson Education.
2. Balassa, Bela.,Theory of Economic Integration, George Allen & Unwin Ltd..
3. Bhalla, V.K., World Economy in 90s: A Portfolio Approach, Anmol Pub. Pvt. Ltd..
4. Dreze, Jean and Sen, Aamrtya, Indian, Development: Selected Regional Perspective,
Oxford University Press.
5. Jackson, J., The World Trading System, Mass: MIT Press.
6. Krugman, Paul R. and Obstfeld, M., International Economics, Harper Collins Pub.
7. Machlup, F. A., History of Thought on Economic Integration, Macmillan.
8. Trivedi,Sonu, Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration, New Century
9. Chhibber, Bharti, Regional Security and Regional Cooperation’, New Century

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this paper is to give students an overall view of the
international financial system and how multinational corporations operate.

Course Contents:

Finance function in multinational firm; Institutional structure of international financial

markets; cost and availability of international financial flows; international financial
International Working Capital Management: Aspects of international cash management;
Investment criteria and borrowing decisions; centralized versus decentralized cash
management; international receivables management; securitization of receivables.
International investment factors and benefit; direct portfolio investment; international CAPM;
capital budgeting for foreign direct investment; assessing and management political risk.
International. aspects of raising capital; determining financial structure of foreign subsidiaries
of MNCs; financial choices for an MNC and its foreign affiliates; costs and risks of

Suggested Readings:
1. Maurice D. Levi, International Finance, McGraw-Hill.
2. Buckley, Multinational Finance, Prentice-Hall of India.
3. Shapro, A.C., Multinational Financial Management, Prentice-Hall.
4. Apte, P. G., International Financial Management, Tata McGraw-Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The course aims at imparting knowledge of Formulation, Implementation and

evaluation of Strategies in International Business.

Course Contents:
Nature and dimensions of international strategic management; domestic versus international
strategic management; function of international strategic planning; pre-requisites and
complexities of international business strategy.
Strategies for foreign market entry and penetration; growth strategies, international business
integration; strategy for risk and stability; revival strategies; restructuring and divestment.
Strategy formulation: The traditional and modern approaches for strategy formulation.
Competitive strategy vis-a-vis domestic firms.
Strategy Implementation: Role and responsibility of the corporate leader; corporate cultures
and personal values; organizational structure for strategy formulation; factors of successful
implementation of multinational strategy.

Suggested Readings:

1. Dunning, J.H., Explaining International Production, Harper Collins.

2. Garpand. J. and Farmer, R. N., International Permissions of Business Policy and
Strategy, Kent Publishing Co.
3. Ansoff, H. I. Corporate Strategy, McGraw Hill.
4. Porter, M. E., Competitive Strategy, Free Press.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to develop a diagnostic and conceptual

understanding of the cultural and related behavioural variables in the
management of global organisations.

Course Contents:

Human and Cultural Variables in Global Organisations; Cross Cultural Differences and
Managerial Implications; Cross Cultural Research Methodologies and Hofstede‟s Study;
Structural evolution of Global Organisations; Cross Cultural Leadership and Decision
Making; Cross Cultural Communication and Negotiation; Human Resource Management in
Global Organisations; Ethics in International Business; Western and Eastern Management
Thoughts in the Indian Context.

Suggested Readings:

1. Adler, N J., International Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour, Kent Publishing.

2. Bartlett, C and Ghoshal, S., Transnational Management: Text, Cases and Readings in
Cross Border Management, Irwin.
3. Dowling. P J., International Dimensions of Human Resource Management,
4. Hofstede, G., Cultures Consequence: International Differences in Work Related
Values, Sage.
5. Marcie, D and Puffer, M., Management International: Cases, Exercises and
Readings, West Publishing.
6. Mead, R., International Management: Cross Cultural Dimensions, Blackwell, Camb.,
7. Mendenhall, M., Global Management, Massachusetts.Blackwell.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The aim of this paper is to acquaint the students with concepts
and Practical aspects of brand management in the field of International

Course Contents:

Product planning decision, product hierarchy, internationalization of product development

process ,Branding concept: Branding , salient features of global brand, brand image ,brand
personality, brand loyalty , global brand building, brand resonance, global brand equity,
brand elements, brand extension, global brand positioning, brand value, global brand
Globalization of brands: geographical extension , sources of opportunities for global brands,
barriers of globalization, quality and global standards, country of origin and global brands,
standardization v/s customization, brand portfolio, brand growth in global markets, socio-
cultural factors and global brands, brand reinforcement and revitalization, corporate brand
and destination brand, celebrity endorsement, global branding research.

Suggested Readings:
1. Kapferer , J.N, Strategic Brand Management, Free Press.
2. Kelvin lane Keller, Strategic Brand Management, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Aaker, David, A., Managing Brand Equity, Free Press.
4. Philip.R.Cateoria & John L.Gram, International Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Justin Paul & Ramneck Kappor, International Marketing: text and cases, Tata Mc
Graw Hill.
6. Rafi , A. & Mohammed,Rober.J.Fisher, International Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill.
7. Jeannet/Hennessey, Global Marketing Strategies, AIPD.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The aim of this paper is to acquaint students with concepts,

techniques and give experience in the application of concept for
developing effective advertising programme in the international
business environment .

Course Contents:

International Advertising: concept and nature; difference between national advertising and
global advertising; changing nature of international landscape and it impact on advertising.
Cross cultural and cross national differences and consumer behavior segmentation and
positioning in relation to advertising
Advertising planning frame work, process of setting advertising objectives, DAGMAR
approach. Methods of determine advertising budget, role of creativity in copy writing,
massages strategy and tactics; Media strategy and tactics, selecting media for international
campaigns, evaluation of advertising effectiveness.
Advertising agency –factions, types, methods of compensation, agency client relationship,
agency media relationship, case study of leading international Ad agencies
Special international consideration: laws and regulations, customs and culture, time, inertia
resistance, rejection and politics
Adoption Vs Standardization

Suggested Readings:

1. Belch, George E. and Belch, Michael A., Introduction to Advertising and Promotion,
2. Wells Burnett Moriarty, Advertising Principles and Practice, Pearson.
3. Arens and Bovee, Contemporary Advertising, Irwin.
4. Sandage and Fryberger, Advertising, AITBS.
5. Batra, R., Myers, Johan G. and Aaker, David A., Advertising Management, Prentice Hall
of India.
6. Guinn, Advertising & Integrated Brand Production, Vikas Publishing House.
7. Kleppner, Otto. Advertising Procedure, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: This course exposes students to environment for E-commerce and
developing application skills for the same.

Course Contents:
Technology and Infrastructure for E-Commerce: Framework of E-commerce; Network
Infrastructure for E-Commerce – Market Forces Influencing I-way, Network Access
Equipment, Public Policy Issues Shaping the I-way; EDI - Applications in Business, Legal,
Security and Privacy Issues of EDI; Components of EDI Standards, ASC X12 and
E-Commerce and Retailing: Changing Retail Industry Dynamics, Mercantile Models from
the Consumer‟s Perspective, Management Challenges in Online Retailing.
Intranets and Customer Asset Management: Basics of Customer Asset Management, Online Sales
Force, Online Customer Service and Support, Technology and Marketing Strategy.
Intranets and Manufacturing: Integrated Logistics, Agile Manufacturing, Emerging Business
Requirements, Manufacturing Information Systems, Intranet-based Manufacturing, Logistics
E-Commerce and Online Publishing: Why Online Publishing, Online Publishing approaches,
Advertising and Online Publishing.
E-Commerce and Banking: Changing Dynamics in the Banking Industry, Home Banking
Implementation Approaches, Management Issues in Online Banking.
Intranets and Corporate Finance: An Introduction, Financial Systems, Financial Intranets,
Software Modules in Financial Information Systems, Human Resource Management
Systems, Size/Structure of Financial Software Market.

Lab: Each student is required to develop at least one application of e-commerce.

Suggested Readings:

1. Kalakota and Whinston, Electronic Commerce: A Manager’s Guide, Pearson

2. Greenstien and Vasarhelyi, Electronic Commerce: Security, Risk Management and
Control, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Joseph, E-Commerce: An Indian Perspective, Prentice Hall of India.
4. Turbon, et. al., Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective, Pearson Education.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: This course exposes students to environment for web-publishing and

developing programming skills for the same.

Course Contents:

Introduction to WWW: Evolution and basic features of WWW, the concept of web-site and
browsers, introduction to WWW servers.
File Transfer Protocol: Introduction to FTP, Business Applications of FTP, public domain
software, types of FTP servers (including anonymous) FTP clients, common FTP commands.
Web-Browsers: Basic features, bookmarks, history progress indicators, customizing
browsers, saving and printing web-pages and forms, saving web pages; Searching and
downloading information from web-sites; Netscape communicator; Internet Explorer.
Introduction to Web-Publishing technologies, Components of a web-site, applications of each
components in business, features of a smart web site, process of planning for development of
an effective web-site, Domain name selection; selecting host for web-site, maintaining a web-
site, web-publishing tools.
Internet: ISP, Search Engine, URL, DNS, Security, E-Mail, HTTP, HTML, Building a simple
HTML document, Tables, Frames, Links, adding Multi Media documents, Home Page.

Lab: Each student is required to develop at least one homepage.

Suggested Readings:

1. Douglas E. Comer, Computer Network and Internet, Pearson Education.

2. Corner, Douglas: The Internet Book, Prentice Hall.
3. Leon, Alexis and Mathews Leon: Internet for Everyone-Leon, TECH World.
4. Xavier: World Wide Web Design with HTML, Prentice Hall.
5. Molly, Using HTML 4, PHI Learning.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The students are to be provided basic understanding of the RDBMS and SQL and the
skills to make use of these in business organizations.

Course Contents:

RDBMS: Introduction – Database and DBMS Software, Three Layered Architecture,

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Database, History Data Modeling-Object Oriented and
Record Based models, E-R Model and E-R diagram Examples and Exercises, Hierarchical
Model, Network Model and Relational Model; Normalisation techniques-First Normal Form
Second Normal Form and the Third normal Form, Examples and Exercises, E.F. Codd‟s 12
Rules for a relational Database; Database concepts-Transaction Management, Properties of a
Transaction, Commit and Rollback, Concurrency, Locking, Access Control, Data Integrity,
Integrity Constraints, Auditing, Backup and Recovery; Data Dictionary-System Catalogue
Distributed Database and Distributed Data Access, Introduction to Client-Server and ODBC
connectivity, SQL:SQL Language-DML commands-Selection, Insert, Update, Delete
retrieving data, summarizing data, adding data to the database, updating data to the database
and deleting data. Simple queries-Use of WHERE, Arithmetic comparison and logical
operators, ORDER BY, GROUP BY and Group Functions. Multi table queries, Sub-queries.
Views DDL Commands-Table and View, Create, Alter, Drop Integrity Constraints;
Transaction Processing-Commit, Rollback, Savepoint, LAB: SQL and MS Access.

Lab: Each student is required to develop at least one Data Base System.

Suggested Readings:

1. Coleman, Pat and Peter Dyson, Intemets BSP Publications.

2. Keen, Pter and Mark McDonal, The e-Process Edge, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Oberoi, Sundeep, E-Security and You,Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Richart,Alberto Manual and Stephen Asbury Active Server Pages 3, IDG Books.
5. Rich Jason R.,Starting an E-Commerce Business IDG Books.
6. Samantha Shurety, E-business with Net Commerce Addition ,Wesley.
7. Schneider Robert D& J.R.Garbus, Optimizing SQL Server 7, Prentice-Hall.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: This course exposes students to environment for E-business information and
developing systems skills for the same.

Course Contents:

System Development Environment: Types of Information Systems; System Development

Life Cycle; System Analyst – Role, Responsibility, Analytical Skills; Managing Information
systems Project
Information Systems Planning: Identifying and Selecting Systems Development Projects;
Initiating and Planning Systems Development Projects.
Information Systems Analysis: Determining System Requirements; Structuring System
Process Requirements; Structuring System Logic Requirements; Structuring System Data
Information Systems Implementation and Maintenance: System Implementation, Software
Application Testing, Installation, Documenting the System, Training and Supporting Users,
Organizational Issues in Systems Implementation; Maintaining Information Systems.

Lab: Each student is required to develop at least one information system.

Suggested Readings:

1. Hoffer, Jeffrey A., et al., Modern Systems Analysis and Design, Pearson Education.
2. Laudon Kenneth and Laudon Jane, MIS-A Contemporary Perspective, Prentice Hall.
3. O‟Brien James A., Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Alter, Steven, Information Systems: The Foundation of E-Business, Pearson
5. Kumar Muneesh, Business Information Systems, Vikas Publishing House.
6. Dewitz, Sandra D., System Analysis and Design and the Transition to Objects,
7. Robertson James & Suzanne, Complete System Analysis, Volume I & II, Dorset House

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: This course exposes students to environment for ERP and its requisite

Course Contents:

Introduction: Basic issues, evolution of ERP, advantages, pitfalls, overview of an enterprise;

ERP and related technologies: Business process reengineering, management information
system, decision support system, executive information system, data warehousing, data
mining, supply chain management.
Manufacturing perspective: CAD/CAM, material requirement planning (MRP-I), bill of
material, manufacturing resource planning (MRP-II), distribution requirement planning, JIT
ERP Modules: Introduction to ERP modules n Finance, Plant maintenance, quality
management, materials management.
ERP Implementation: ERP lifecycle, vendors, consultants and users, ERP market, future
directions in ERP.

Lab: Each student is required to develop at least one ERP-project.

Suggested Readings:

1. Leon A., Enterprise Resource Planning, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. Ellen Monk, Bret Wagner, Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Cengage Learning.
3. Motiwalla, Thompson, Enterprise Systems for Management, Pearson Education.
4. Wallace and Kremzar, ERP: Making it Happen – The Implementers’ Guide to Success with
Enterprise Resource Planning, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
5. Sadagopan, S., ERP: A Managerial perspective. Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Garg, V. K. and Venket Krishna N. K., ERP Concepts and Practice, PHI Publication.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: Helps in making business decisions, and to this end, it provides business intelligence
to the decision maker. And it is this analysis, which when performed on the warehouse database,
helps companies get that edge over its competitors.
Course Contents:
Introduction: The Evolution of Data Warehousing (The Historical Context), the Data
Warehouse A Brief History, Today‟s Development Environment. Principles of Data
Warehousing(Architecture and Design Techniques): Types of Data and their uses conceptual
Data, Architecture, Design Techniques, Introduction to the Logical Architecture. Creating the
Data Asset: Business Data Warehouse Design, Populating the Data Warehouse, Unlocking
the Data Asset for End Users (The Use of Business Information): Designing Business
Information Warehouse. Populating Business Information Warehouse, User Access to
Information, Information, Data in Context. Data Mining Introduction: Motivation,
Importance, data mining, kind of data, Functionalities, Interesting Patterns, Classification of
data mining systems, Major issues. Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology for Data Mining:
Data warehouse, operational database systems and data warehouses, Architecture,
Implementation, development of data cube technology, data warehousing to data mining,
Data warehouse usage. Data Preparation: Preprocess, Data cleaning, Data integration and
transformation, Data reduction, Discrete and concept hierarchy generation. Data Mining
Primitives: Languages, and System Architecture, graphical user interfaces. Concept
Description: Characterization and Comparison, Data generalization and summarization based
characterization, Analytical characterization: analysis of attribute relevance, mining class
comparisons, Mining descriptive statistical measures in large database. Mining Association
Rules in Large Database: Mining single dimensional Boolean association rules from
transaction database, Mining multidimensional association rules from database and data
warehouses, from associating mining to correlation analysis, Constraint based association
mining. Classification and Prediction: Issues, classification by decision tree induction,
Bayesian classification, Classification by back propagation. Classification based on concepts
from association rule mining. Other classification methods.
Lab: Each student is required to develop at least one data-house.
Suggested Readings:
1. Barry Devlin: Data Ware House: From Architecture to Implementation, Addission Weslay.
2. Alex Berson, Stephen Smith, Kurt Threarling;Building Data Mining Applications for CRM
Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Alex Berson, Stephen Smith;Data Warehousing, Data Mining and OLAP, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Michael J.A.Berry, Data Mining Techniques:for marketing sales and Customer Support,
Gordon Linoff.
5. Han, Jiawei;Data mining:Concepts and techniques, Harcourt.
6. Pujari,Arun K,Data, Mining Techniques, Hyderabad University Press.
1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.
2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Generates competency in transforming
organizations into customer-centric enterprises. This course is intended to educate, at a high level,
about CRM, and eliminate some of the mystery around CRM.
Course Contents:
Introduction: Knowledge Management, e-Business and CRM. The New Economy‟s New
Face, How We Got Here. The Long-Winded Road. The New-New Imperatives.
Understanding E-Business: CRM and KM, The New Digital Landscape, Getting Down to e-
Business, Customer Relationship Management, Knowledge Management, Knowledge-
Enabled Customer Relationship Management.
A Roadmap for Success: The Knowledge-Enabled Customer Relationship Management
Roadmap Phase I:Evaluation and Strategic Alighment Phase II:Infrastructural Development
and Development Phase III: Leadership, Change Management, Measurement and Refinement
Aligning Strategy and Technology Choices: Getting Past the Innovator‟s Dilemma. The
KCRM Strategic Framework. Analyzing the Business Environment. Understanding the
Context Strategic Technology.
Audit and Analysis: Why Audit Customer Knowledge? Initiating the Audit. Reference
Measures and Methodological Choices. The Audit Method. Documenting Customer
Knowledge Assets Using the Audit Results to Drive KCRM.
Building an Implementation Team: Tasks and Expertise, Team Composition, Leadership,
Risk Assessment and Common Pitfalls.
Blueprinting the Technology Infrastructure: Design Challenges. The Customer Lifecycle
Customer Knowledge Management: Technology Framework. The KCRM Architecture,
Integration, Long-Term Considerations.
Results-Driven Development and Deployment: Hidden Costs and other Surprises. An
overview of Big-Bang, Systems Development Methods. Looking Beyond the Waterfall.
Results driven Incremental.

Lab: Each student is required to develop at least one e-CRM method.

Suggested Readings:
1. Alex Berson, Stephen Smith, Kurt Threarling;Building Data Mining Applications for CRM, Tata
McGraw Hill
2. Michael J.A.Berry, Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales and Customer Support
Gordon Linoff.
3. Michael J.A.Berry and Gordon Linoff, Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of
Customer Relationship Management, John Wiley.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: This course exposes students to environment for system analysis and design
information and developing system-design skills for the same.

Course Contents:
Concept of system, Business Information System, types of business information systems,
overview of system development methodologies, role of systems analyst, CASE tools for
systems analyst; feasibility study - economic, organizational and cultural, technological,
schedule and resource.
System Development Life Cycle : Preliminary investigation - Information System Projects,
evaluation of system requests, major steps in preliminary investigation; Systems Analysis -
fact finding techniques, documentation, data flow diagrams, data dictionary; cost benefit
Systems Design : User interface design, input and output design, data design; Systems
Implementation: Application development, quality assurance, structured application
development - structure charts, cohesion, coupling, testing, program, system, operations, user
documentation; Installation - Training, system changeover.
Designing Distributed and Internet Systems: designing distributed systems - designing
systems for LANs, for client / server architecture; designing internet systems - internet design
fundamentals, design issues related to site management, managing online data.

Lab: Each student is required to develop at least one LAN/WAN structure.

Suggested Readings:

1. Hoffer et. al., Modern System Analysis and Design, Cengage Learning.
2. Shelly, Cashman, Rosenblatt, System Analysis and Design, Cengage Learning.
3. Satzinger, System Analysis and Design, Cengage Learning.
4. Hawryszkiewyez, I T. Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design, PHI.
5. Whitten, J L. System Analysis and Design Methods, Galgotia.
6. Awad, Elias M., Systems Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall of India.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: This course exposes students to environment for system analysis and design
information and developing system-design skills for the same.

Course Contents:
Preliminaries: Programming Domain, Language Evaluation Criteria, Language Design,
Language Categories, Language Design Trade-offs, Influences on language design,
Implementation Methods
Evolution of Major Procedural and Object Oriented Programming Languages.
Names, Variables, Scope and Lifetime, Variable Initialization, Data Types: Primitive Data
Types, User Defined Data Types, Derived Data Type.
Expressions and Assignment Statements: Arithmetic Expressions, Type Conversions,
Relational Expressions, Assignment Statements, Operators Precedence.
Control Structure: Compound Statement, Selection Statements, Iterative Statements,
Unconditional Statements
Subprograms: Fundamentals, Design Issues, Local Referencing, Parameter Passing.
Object Oriented Programming: Object and Class, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and
Polymorphism, Exception Handling

Lab: Each student is required to develop at least one language.

Suggested Readings:

1. Sebesta W.Robert, Concepts of Programming Languages, Pearson Education.

2. Doris & Vandekopple J.Julius, Programming Languages - Paradigm and Practices,
3. Kenneth C. Louden, Programming Languages: Principles and Practice, Cengage Learning.
4. Sethi Ravi, Programming Languages, Pearson Education.
5. Friedman, Wand and Haynes, Essentials of Programming Languages, Prentice Hall of India.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: This course exposes students to environment for multimedia and web
development and its requisite applications.

Course Contents:
Introduction to Multimedia: Multimedia devices, components of multimedia systems,
authoring tools, creating multimedia, video-capturing, video on demand.
Data compression : Need for data compression, non-lossy and lossy compressions for images,
color, gray scale and still-video image, video image, and audio compression JPEG standard,
MPEG standard, DVI Technology, MIDI, brief survey of speech recognition and generation.
Data and file format standards, Multimedia applications design: Application classes, types of
multimedia systems; Distributed multimedia systems: Components, distributed multimedia
Introduction to Web design: Web development process, site types and architectures,
navigation theory and practice.
Introduction to Page: Page sizes, page types, web design tools; introduction to text: Fonts and
text layout, formatting tags, text design issues for the web.
Cyber Crime; Introduction to Information Technology Act 2000: Digital Signature and its
Certification, Duties of Subscribers, Offences.

Lab: Each student is required to develop at least one website.

Suggested Readings:
1. Buford, Multimedia Systems, Pearson Education,
2. Vaughan, Multimedia Making IT Work, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. Villamil and Molina, Multimedia: An Introduction, PHI
4. Shuman, Multimedia in Action, Vikas Publishing House
5. Senclair, Multimedia on the PC, BPB Publications
6. Rosch, Multimedia Bible, SAMS Publishing
7. Powell, Web Design The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The key objective of this course is to acquaint the students with Decision-
making for effective and efficient purchase, storage and flow of materials in manufacturing and
service organizations: Cost-reduction techniques in Pre-Purchase, Purchase and Post-Purchase
systems: Modern material planning and delivery systems like MRP and JIT and Material handling
and logistics systems.

Course Contents:
Role of Purchasing and Materials Management - Objectives, Organization and
Interrelationships, Determination and Description of Material Quantity, MRP and JIT;
Determination and Description of Material Quality - Receiving and Incoming Quality
Inspection, Acceptance Sampling Plans, Vendor-Process Capability; Cost-Reduction
Techniques - Standardization, Simplification & Variety Reduction; Value Analysis and
Engineering, Make or Buy Decisions, Source of Supply, Price Determination and
Negotiation, Vendor Rating, Selection and Development, Legal Aspects of Purchasing,
Public Purchasing and Tendering; International Purchasing - Procedures and Documentation;
Purchasing of Capital Equipment - Appraisal Methods, Evaluating Suppliers' Efficiency,
Stores Layout, Classification and Codification; Material Logistics Warehousing
Management, Material Handling, disposal of Scrap,Surplus and Obsolete Materials.

Suggested Readings:
1. Ansari A and Murderess B., JIT Purchasing, Free Press.
2. Baily P. et al, Purchasing Principles and Management. Pitman.
3. Burt, David N., Proactive Procurement, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
4. Dobler, D W. et al, Purchasing and Materials Management,. McGraw Hill.
5. Dutta, A K., Integrated Materials Management, PHI Learning.
6. Farrington B and Waters, Derek W., Managing Purchasing, Chapman & Hall.
7. Gopalakrishnan P and Sunderashan M., Handbook of Materials Management,
Prentice Hall of India.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with to make clear
to candidates the basic concept of Total Quality (TQ) from design
assurance to service assurance; to give emphasis on International Quality
Certification Systems - ISO 9000 and other standards and their
applicability in design manufacturing quality control and services. to
closely interlink management of quality, reliability and maintainability for
total product assurance; to focus on quality of services in contemporary

Course Contents:
Introduction: Concepts of Quality. Total Quality and Total Quality Management. Approaches
to Total quality, Cost of Quality, Designing Organizations for quality, quality Policy,
Contribution of TQM Gurus: W.E. Deming, Joseph M. Juran, Philip Crosby and Kaoru
Ishikawa; Quality Planning: Understanding Customers and their Needs; Quality of purchased
Materials: Determinations and Description. Quality of Manufacturing Process. Quality
Control: Statistical Process Control; Inspection, Test and Measurement. Control charts,
Control Chart of Attributes, Test of significance; Business Process Reengineering; Total
Productivity Management; JIT and ISO 9000; Quality Audit.

Suggested Readings:

1. Bharat Wakhlu, Total Quality-Excellence through Organisation wide Transformation.

Wheeler Publishing.
2. Bagchit, T.I.P. ISO, ISO 9000 Concepts, Methods and Implementation,
Publishing. .
3. Samuel, KIlO. TQM Intergrated Approach, Kogan Page Limited
4. Evans, James R. and Dean, James W., Total Quality Management, Organisation and
Strategy, Thomson Asian Pvt. Ltd.
5. Besterfield, Dole H. Michna, Carol Besterfield, Besterfield, Glen H Sacre, Marg
Bestcrfield, Total Quality Management, Pearson Education.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: To develop a broad conceptual framework based on the research which
has been done in the recent past and to bridge the gap between the theoretical solutions on
one hand and the real world problems on the other in production planning and control.

Course Contents:
Production Planning and Control Function: Material Requirement Planning; Production
Inventory Systems: Forecasting for Inventory and Production Control: Aggregate Planning;
Job Shop Planning: Scheduling and Control: Just-in-Time Production: Line Balancing;
Planning for High Volume Standardized Products: Procedures and Documentation in
Production Planning and Control; Application of Computers; ERP.

Suggested Readings:
1. Burbidge, John L., Principles of Production Control, Donald and Evans
2. Caubang. Teg C., Readings on Production Planning and Control, ILO.
3. Greene, James H., Production and Inventory Control Handbook,McGraw, Hill.
4. Mc Leavey, Dennis Wand Narasimhan, S.L.,Production and Inventory Control.
Boston, Allyn and Bacon.
5. Peterson, R and Silver E A., Decision Systems for Inventory Management and
Production Planning, John Wiley.
6. Vollmann, T E et al, Manufacturing Planning and Control. Homewood, Illinois.
Richard D Irwin.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The Course is designed to explain basic theory and techniques of Supply
Chain Management to examine the issues and problems associated with Supply Chain in changing
business environment and to show how Supply Chain can improve an enterprises
effectiveness and competitiveness.
Course Contents:
Introduction to Supply Chain Management, Inbound Logistics: Buyer-Vendor Co-ordination,
Procurement, Vendor development, Reduced Sourcing and Supplier Partnership - Benefits,
Risks and Critical Success Factors, Multi-level supply control. Outbound Logistics: Customer
service, Physical Distribution and Logistics, Channel Design Issues, Warehousing and
Distribution Centres, Inventory Management, Transportation Infrastructure, Facility
Location, Materials Handling. Strategic considerations in Supply Chain: Porter‟s Industry
Analysis and Value-Chain Models, Concept of Total Cost, Supply Stream Strategies,
Classification and Development Guidelines, Effectiveness of Supply Chain Management.

Suggested Readings:
1. Jeremy F. Shapiro, Modeling the Supply Chain, Duxbury Thomson Learning.
2. David Simchi Levi, Philip kaminsky, and Edith Simchi Levi., Designing and
Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies, Irwin McGraw Hill.
3. Sridhar Tayur, Ram Ganeshan & Michael Magazine (editors), Quantitative Models
for Supply Chain Management, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
4. Handfield R.B. and Nochols, Jr.E.L., Introduction to Supply Chain Management,
Prentice Hall.
5. BaHu, Renaid H., Business Logistics Management, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall
6. Chrispopher, M., Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Strategies for Reducing
Costs and Improving Services, Pitsman.
7. Coyle, Bardi, Longley, The management of Business Logistics – A supply Chain
Perspective, Thomson Press.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The key objective of this course is to acquaint the students with decision making
in planning, design, delivery, quality and scheduling of service operations. The candidates are also
expected to appreciate the role of service quality and operations in emerging services economy of

Course Contents:
Matrix of Service Characteristics: Challenges in Operations Management of Services:
Aggregate Capacity Planning for Services; Facility Location and layout for Services; Job
Design – Safety and Physical Environment; Effect of Automation; Operations Standards and
Work Measurement; Measurement and Control of Quality of Services; Dynamics of Service
Deliver) System; Scheduling for Services Personnel and Vehicles; Waiting - Line analysis;
Distribution of Services; Product-Support Services; Maintenance of Services; Inventory
Control for Services: Case Studies on Professional Services.

Suggested Readings:

1. Bowmen David E. et al., Service Management Effectiveness: Balancing Strategy,

Organization and Human Resources, Operations and Marketing, Jossey Bass.
2. Collier David A., Service Management Operating Decisions. Englewood Cliffs,
Prentice Hall Inc.
3. Fitzsimmons, James A and Sullivan, Robert S., Service Operations Management...
McGraw Hill.
4. Heskett, James L. et al., Service Breakthroughs - Changing the Rules of thc Game,
Free Press.
5. Murdiek, R G. et al., Service Operations Management, Allyn and Bacon.
6. Sharma, J K., Service Operations Management, Anmol Publications.
7. Voss, C. et al., Operations Management in Service Industries and the Public
Sector, Chichester, Wiley.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: This course will highlight at the indicators of Technology and Market survey for
Technology with a point of new of diffusion also the parameters on which Technology is assessed and
evaluate and the keywords for the success of an effective diffusion strategy will be discussed.

Course Contents:

Technological Indicators; Make vs. Buy Decisions; Techno market Survey; Assessment &.
Evaluation of Technology (TA & TE): Methodology of TA: TA Imperatives; Organization &
Management of TA: TE Parameters: Financing the Technology: Government Funding: CSIR.
IDBI, ICICI, CII and UNDP, etc.: Venture: Capital: Identification of Core Competence:
Technology Absorption and Diffusion: Tern1inology and Concepts; Constraints in
Technology Absorption; Technology Absorption Efforts-; Management of Technology
Absorption; Benefits of Technology absorption; Future Thrust for Technology Absorption;
Importance of Diffusion; Diffusion Strategies; Technology Marketing Issues. Strategies -
Internal transfers, export etc.

Suggested Readings:
1. Coates, V.T., A Handbook of Technology Assessment. U.S. Department of Energy,
2. Hwthorne, Edward P., Management of Technology, McGraw-Hill.
3. Fransman, Matrin & Kenneth King, Technological Capabilities in the Third
World, Macmillan.
4. Jain, A., Pruthi,S., Garg,K.S. & Anabi,S., Indictors of Indian Science &
Technology, Segment Books.
5. Twiss, Brain & Goodridge, Managing Technology for Competitive Advantage,
6. Wad, A. Randnor M., Technology Assessment: Review & Implications for
Developing Countries. UNESCO, Science Policy Studies No. 16.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: To share awareness and experiences in the field of Transfer of Technology
through mutual interaction by sharing views and experiences of some
professionals in the field of Technology Transfer, and to provide field
purchase solution to these issues through better managerial techniques
and organization changes.

Course Contents:
Aim and Objectives of Technology Transfer; Model of Technology Transfer, Technology
Transfer Modes: Technology Search Strategy; Dimensions of Technology Transfer; Features
of Technology package; Routes of Technology Transfer; Technology Absorption capabilities
of recipient enterprise; Competence of know - how supplier, Pricing of technology;
Technology Transfer Agreements; Code of conduct for Technology Transfer; Government
initiative and Technology Transfer; Indian Experiences and case studies.

Suggested Reading:
1. Mann. T.S., Transfer Technology, Himalaya Pub. House.
2. Menon, KSV, Technology Transfer: Concept Modalities and Case Studies, Gold Line
3. Mogavexco, L.N. and R.S. Shane, 1982, Technology Transfer and Innovation, Marcel
4. Nath. NCB and Misra, L (ed.): Transfer of Technology in Indian Industry: Case
Studies on Utilisation Indigenous R & D, Indus. Pub. Co.
5. Singer, Hans; Hatti. Neelamber; Tandon, Rameshwar (ed): Technology Transfer by
Multi-nationals, Ashish Publishing House.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The Course is designed to introduce the students to the principles of operations
research techniques and their applications in decision making Students will also be required to use
computer packages for data processing purposes.

Course Contents:
Parametric and Sensitivity Analysis; Inventory Control Models Under Uncertainty; Applied
Queuing Models; Networks Models; Non-linear optimization Techniques-Quadratic
Programming; Portfolio Management Problem; Replacement Models and Policies; Dynamic
Programming; Reliability Models.

Suggested Readings:
1. Ahuja A K. et al., Network Flows, Eng1ewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
2. Gould, F J. et al., Introduction to Management Science, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice
Hall Inc.
3. Gupta, M P. and Sharma J K., Operations Research for Management.
4. Taha Hamby A., Operations Research: An Introduction, Macmillian.
5. Mathur, K and Solow D., Management Science, Englewood Cliffs,Prentice Hall Inc.
6. Sham1a, S. J K., Operations Research: Theory and Applications, Macmillian
7. Srinath, L S., Operations Research for Executive, East West Press.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the concepts,
solution methods and applications of goal programming to real-world

Course Contents:
Goal Programming - Basic Concept Model Formulation, Graphical and Simplex Method;
Integer Goal Programming, Post-Optimal Sensitivity Analysis; Parametric Goal
Programming; Goal Programming under Uncertainty; Application of Goal Programming in
Functional Areas of Management; Implementation of Goal Programming.

Suggested Readings:
1. Cook, Thomas M and Rursell, Robert A., Introduction to management Science,
Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
2. Eppen, G D. et al, Quantitative Concepts for Management Englewood Cliffs, Prentice
Hall Inc.
3. Ignizio, J P., Goal Programming and Extensions, Lexington Books
4. Liier, Y., Management Goals and Accounting for Control. Amsterdam, North Holland
5. Lee S M., Goal Programming for Decision Analysis. Philadelphia. Auerbach

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the problem faced
in planning policy and executing the transportation system.

Course Contents:
Growth of Urbanization and Problems of Transportation: Transport- Challenges and
Limitations; Government Activities in Transportation; Transportation Systems - Planning,
Operation and Management Trip Generation and Distribution: Load Planning: Transportation
Modes and their Selection; Sequential Travel Demand Forecasting Models: Future
Developments in Transportation; Motor Vehicle Act 1988 and its Impact on Urban Transport
System: Emission Norms.

Suggested Readings:
1. Baerwal, J E., Transportation and Traffic engineering Handbook. Englewood Cliffs,
Prentice Hall Inc.
2. Bell, G. et al., The Business of Transport. Plymouth, McDonald and Evans.
3. Dickey, J W., Metropolitan Transportation Planning, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Grey, G E. and Hole, L A., Public Transportation Planning: Operations and
Management; Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
5. Gupta, M P., Metropolitan Transportation System, National.
6. Papacostas. C S., Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering. Englewood Cliffs,
Prentice Hall Inc.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: To acquaint the students with the world class manufacturing environment
and optimized production principles.

Course Contents:

World Class Manufacturing Environment: Imperatives for success - Technology, Systems

approach and change in the mindset: Strategic decisions in, Manufacturing Management:
Choice of Technology, Capacity. Layout / Automation in Material handling systems;
Implementation Problems/Indian experience; Optimized Production; Just - in - Time System:
JIT Manufacturing System, JIT Pull system Chain Management/Bench Marketing; Total
Quality Management - TQM Philosophy, TQM Principles, TQM tools including Circles,
SQC / Acceptance Samplings, Quality through design, QFD - Quality House, Failure Mode
effect analysis, Fault - tree analysis, Concurrent Engineering Principles Taguchis quality loss
function, and Robust Design concept, Designing products through 'Fuzzy' Logic, Quality
Management Systems and ISO Standards; Total Productive Maintenance, Objective of TPM -
Total System effectiveness,. Role of IT in World Class Manufacturing, Flexible
Manufacturing Systems (FMS), Six Sigma.

Selected Readings:

1. Buffa, Elwood et. a1, Programmed learning at for Production and Operations
Management - Illinois, Learning System Co.
2. Dervitsiotis, Kostas N, Operations Management, McGraw Hill.
3. Hughes, Chris, Productions and Operations Management, Pan Books.
4. Schonberger, Richard J., Japanese Manufacturing Techniques.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: To study various qualitative and quantitative technology forecasting methods

with their relative merits and demerits.

Course Contents:
Exploratory Methods of TF; Delphi Technique; Cross Impact Matrix; Curve Fining;
Morphological Methods. Trends Extrapolation; Regression Analysis; Econometric Models;
Normative Methods of TF: OR Models and Simulation; Networks Techniques: Relevance
Trees; System Dynamics: Qualitative Methods: Futurology.

Suggested Readings:
1. Ayres, Robert U., Technology Forecasting and Long Range Planning.
2. Bowonder, B and Miyake, T., Technological Forecasting: Methodologies and Case
Studies (Report III) TIFAC.
3. Bright, James R.& Schoeman, Milton, E.F., A Guide to Practical Technological
Forecasting, Prentice Hall.
4. Jones, H and Twiss, BC., Forecasting Technology for Planning Decisions. McMilan.
5. Makridakis, Spyros G. et. al., Forecasting, Methods and Applications,Wiley.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: To develop middle level scientists in the modem concepts of R & D
management with a view to make them effective project managers and to enhance their human and
behaviour skills to make them effective member of a large multi-disciplinary projects.

Course Contents:
Survey of Emerging Technologies~ Environment Analysis; Project Proposals; R & Q
Management: Management of knowledge workers, R & D environment; Management of
High value Instruments Test Facilities, Workshops etc., Identification of partners/contractors
for R& D Projects; R & D Budget; Technology Scanning: Procurement Procedure; Material
Management Policy; Discard Policies and Procedure; Contract Management; Procurement
and Utilization of Capital Equipment; Test Equipment: Test Facilities; Sharing of resources
with other Institution - Sponsored Resources; Development Tools.

Suggested Readings:
1. Cetron, Marvin J. and Goldhar, Joel D (ed.), The Science of Managing Organised
Technology, Gordon & Research, Science Publications.
2. Jain, R K. and Triandis, H C., Management of Research and Development
Organisations; Managing the Unmanageable, Wiley.
3. McLeod, Tom. The Management of Research, Development and Design in Industry,
4. Meredith, Jack R. and Mantel, Samuel J., Project Management a Managerial
Approach, Wiley.
5. NTIS, The Management of Government R & D Projects; the effects of the contractual
requirement to use specific management techniques, University of Texas.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: To train the scientist and managers in the practical application and modem tools
and techniques of planning, scheduling, monitoring and control of multiple projects.

Course Contents:
Project Feasibility Study: Economic, Technical, Financial, Managerial Feasibilities;
Programme Management Concepts; ISO standards; Project Appraisal; Project Selection;
Networks Models and their applications - PERT. CPM. GERT. Precedence Network;
Resource Allocation and scheduling; Project Costing-Zero base Budgeting.

Suggested Readings:
1. Chaoudhury, Sadhan, Project Scheduling and Monitoring in Practice, South Asian
2. Harriosn, F L., Advanced Project Management, Gower.
3. Lockyer, K.G., An Introduction to Critical Path Analysis, Ptiman Books.
4. Martino, R.L., Project Management and Control; Finding the Critical Path; Applied
Operational Planning: Allocating and Scheduling Resources, American Management
5. Meredith, Jaek R. and Mantel, Samuel J., Project Management: A Managerial
Approach, Wiley.
6. Srinath, L.S., PERT and CPM; Principles and Applications, East-West Press.
7. United Nations Industrial Development Organisation: Guide to Practical Project
Appraisal; Social Benefit - cost analysis in developing countries, Oxford and IBH Pub.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: This course aims to provide students with the necessary background for advanced study
in market based system and econometrics. It should also enable them to use basic statistical
techniques for business analysis.
Course Contents:
Probability and Measure: Sigma fields & measures; measurable functions and distributions,
integration of Borel function.
Random Variables & Distributions: General properties – Distribution and probability
densities, moments, moment generating and characteristic functions. Discrete random
variables & their distributors- Binomial probability distribution, Geometric probability
distribution and Poisson probability distribution and, their moments and moments generating
functions; Continuous random variables and their probability distributors- Uniform
probability distribution, Normal probability distribution, Gamma probability distribution
,Beta probability distribution; Basic idea about multivariate probability distributors; sampling
distributors and Central limit theorem.
Estimation & Hypothesis Testing: Point estimators, confidence intervals, properties of point
estimators; Hypothesis testing, elements of statistical test large sample test, small sample
hypothesis testing for µ and µ1- µ2 , Power of test, Likelihood ratio tests
Statistical Analysis: Analysis of variance ; Analysis of Categorical Data-Chi-square test,
Non-parametric statistic-Sign test, Wilcaxon, Signed Rank test, Mann – Whitney U test,
Kruskal Wallis test.
Suggested Readings:
1. Cramer, Harald, Mathematical Methods of Statistics, Princeton University Press.
2. Wackerly, Mendenhall & Scheaffer, Mathematical Statistics with Applications, Duxbury,
Thomson Leaming.
3. Kyburg Henry, Probability Theory, Prentice Hall
4. Shao Jun, Mathematical Statistics, Springer.
5. Capinki M. and KOPP E., Measure Integral and Probability, Springer.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: Econometrics is concerned with quantifying economic relations, with the provision of
numerical estimates of the parameters involved and testing hypotheses embodied in economic
relationships. This course aims to provide a basic introduction to econometric analysis, to enable
students to examine existing theories with empirical data. In doing so, it examines the difficulties
inherent in confronting theory with business data in order to quantify relationships, in dealing with
errors and problems in variables which can be only observed but not controlled, and the means of
compensating for uncertainty in data.
Course Contents:
Nature, scope and methodology of econometrics.
Simple Linear Regression Model: Assumptions, Procedures and properties of OLS estimator,
Co-efficient of determination, Tests of significance, Maximum Likelihood Method; Multiple
Linear Regression Analysis: Method of least squares, Properties of OLS estimator, Test of
significance of regression co-efficients, R2 and adjusted R2 .
Econometric Problems: Multicollinearity, Autocorrelation and Hetroscedasticity; Dummy
variables-Nature and uses, Regression on dummy variables, Regression on Dummy
Dependent Variable-The basic idea of the Linear Probability Model (LPM), Probit and Logit
Dynamic Econometric Models: Koyck distributed lag model, the adaptive expectation model,
and the partial adjustment model.
Simultaneous Equation Models: Structural, Reduced and final forms, Identification-Order
and rank conditions, Methods for estimating the simultaneous models-Basic idea of Indirect
Least Square (ILS) and Two Stage Least Square (2SLS) methods. Seemingly Unrelated
Regressions (SUR), SUR versus OLS.

Suggested Readings:

1. Greene, William H., Econometric Analysis, Macmillan.

2. Johnston, J., Econometric Methods, McGraw -Hill.
3. Gujrati, Damodor N., Basic Econometrics, McGraw-Hill.
4. Koutsoyiannnis, A., Theory of Econometrics, Harper & Row.
5. Kmenta, J., Theory of Econometrics, Macmilan.
6. Maddala, G.S., Introduction to Econometrics, Macmillan.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to make the students familiar with econometric tools for
modeling the real world data.

Course Contents:

Regression Analysis: Regression versus causation; regression versus correlation; the nature
and sources of datA for economic analysis; reporting and interpreting the results of regression
analysis; Evaluation of the results of regression analysis- Normality tests, tests for measuring
outliers. Ieverage and intfluence; Regression analysis and ANOVA; Problem of prediction-
Mean and individual prediction and their variance; Functional forms of regression models:
Log-linear, Semi-log, Reciprocal and logarithmic reciprocal models.
Multiple Regression in analysis: Interpretation of regression co-efficients, Partial
correlations and Multiple correlation. Relationships among, simple, partial, multiple
correlations; Predication in multiple regression models, ANOVA & Tests of
hypothesis- Nested and nonnested hypothesis: Tests of linear functions of parameters;
Omission and inclusion of variable;: Degree of freedom and R 2 ; Tests of stability and
LR,Wald and LM tests.
Model specification and Diagnostic Testing: Model selection criteria; Specification
error problems;Tests of Parameter consistency- Chow Forecast Test, Hansev Test,
Tests based on recursive estimation, CUSUM and CUSUMSQ Tests; Ramsey RESET
Tests; Test for structural change; Errors of Measurement, Goodness of Fit; R 2 and
adjusted R 2 , AIC,SIC,Mellow`s Cp Criterion; Granger Causality Tests.

Suggested Readings:

l .Mukhereji Chandan, White Howard & Wayts Marc.,Econometrics and Data Analysis for
Developng Countries, Routledge Publication.
2. Madala, G. S., Introduction to Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
3. Gujrati, Damodor N., Basic Econometrics, McGraw-Hill.
4. Kmenta, J., Theory of Econometrics, MacMilan.
5. Johnston J and Dinardo J., Econometric Methods, McGraw Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The firm is treated as a black box in economics. However, the paper treats the firm as a
micro market and applies the theory and tools of economics to solve the problem of allocation of
resources within the firms. It is expected that scientific understanding developed in this connection
shall provide managers a powerful tool to take more informed decisions.

Course Contents:
Economic Organization and Efficiency: Concept and rationale of formal organization within
the market economy, Efficiency: Efficiency of resource allocations, Efficiency of
organization, The Task of Coordination and Motivation: need for information, organizational
methods for achieving coordination, Transaction Cost Analysis: Coase Theorems,
Organizational Objectives, Modeling human Motivation and Behaviour.
Coordination: Market and Management, Price and coordination, Using the price system
within the organization, Coordinating plans and action: Economizing on information and
communication, coordination and business strategy, management, Decentralization and the
means of coordination
R&D and Innovation and Quality Value of innovation, innovation race, patents, optimal
patent length, research joint ventures, governments and international R&D races, network
externalities, standards and compatibility, Innovation-durability trade-off.
Suggested Readings:
1. Paul Milgrom & John Roberts, Economics, Organization & Management, Prentice
2. Luis M.B. Cabral, Industrial Organization, Jaico Publishing House.
3. Sengupta,D.N. & Anadiya Sen, Economics of Business Policy, Oxford University
4. Luis M.B. Cabral, Introduction to Industrial Organization, Cambridge Mass: The
MIT Press.
5. Carlton, D. W. & J.M. Perloff, Modern Industrial Organization, Warper Collins.
6. Caves, R.E., Multinational Enterprise and Economic Analysis,,Cambridge University

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The students are to be provided basic understanding of the RDBMS. The objective of
the course is to understand the tools and techniques of data capturing, storing and disseminating for
efficient working of organization.

Course Contents:
Introduction – Database and DBMS Software, Three Layered Architecture, Advantages and
Disadvantages of a Database.
Data models: Hierarchical and network, functions of data base management system, object
oriented data base management system.
Data Independence: Logical and physical, data base administration, relational data
model, normalization, concurrency, deadlock, Codd rules, backup & recovery.
Distributed data base system: Introduction, options for distributing a database, objectives and
problems of distributed system.

Suggested Readings:
1. Rob, Database System, Cengage Learning.
2. Singh S. K., Database Systems, Pearson Education.
3. Kahate, Introduction to Database Management System, Pearson Education.
4. Elmsari Navathe, Fundamental of Database system, Pearson Education.
5. Fred R. McFadden, Jeffrey A. Hoffer & Marry B. Prescott, Modern Data Base
Management, Pearson Education.
6. Date, C.J., Introduction to Database System 8e, Pearson Education.
7. Pratt, Concept of Data Base Management, Thomson Learning, Vikas Publishing

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The aim of the course is to give students confidence and skill in the use of the
mathematical and statistical methods used in the analysis of business system.It teaches not only the
relevant theoretical concepts but, in the belief that quantitative techniques can only be learned by
doing, the course gives abundant practice in the manipulation of numerical material with problems
and exercises.

Course Contents:
Financial Analysis: Financial statements & Statement Analysis – Income statements, current
assets, valuing inventories for balance sheet, capital & cash flow analysis, Ratio analysis.
Financial planning & control – budgeting & planning cycle, forecasting & projections,
measuring quality, Investment Decisions – PV, NPV, IRR, Multiple Internal rate of returns.
Investment Analysis: Portfolio models- Mean & variances, efficient portfolio, Betas &
Security Market Line, Value at risk; Option pricing models- option payoffs, option strategies,
Binomial option pricing model, Black -Scholes model; Bond & Duration - Duration mean
and pattern, immunization strategies; Modeling the terms structure.
Sales and Marketing: Revenue recognition – Revenue during production and at the
completion of production, Revenue at the point of sale, revenue during cash collection
process, Revenue in different industries.
Suggested Readings:
1. Carlbeng, Canard, Business Analysis with Microsoft EXCEL, QUE Press.
2. Benninga, Siman, Financial Modeling, The MIT Press.
3. Palepo, Healy Benard, Business Analysis & Valuation: Using Financial Statements.
4. Gupta, V., Financial Analysis Using Excel, VJ Books.
5. Holden, Craigtr, Spreadsheet Modeling in Corporate Finance, Prentice-Hall.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective if this paper is to equip the students with the conceptual understanding
and their application related to the industrial economics. In a market economy the understanding of
these issues is critical to take managerial decisions in a wider context of a complex interdependent
Course Contents:

Theory of the Firm and its Objectives, Boundary of a firm, Change in boundary of a firm
Structural Approach: the S-C-P paradigm, Structural characteristics of the market, Its Welfare
Market Concentration, Industrial Clusters, and Barriers to entry
Regional Development and concept of core competency of different regions, Theories of Industrial
Product Differentiation and its types
Industrial Pricing and Pricing Schemes: Inter-temporal, Spatial and Best Price Schemes
Competition Policy.

Suggested Readings:

1. Ahluwalia, I.J., Industrial Growth in India, Oxford University Press.

2. Stephen Marting, Advanced Industrial Economics, Basil Blackwell.
3. Smith D.M., Industrial Location, John Wiley.
4. Louis Philips, Applied Industrial Economics, Cambridge University Press.
5. Roger Clarke, Industrial Economics, Blackwell Publishers.
6. Luis M.B. Cabral, Industrial Organization, Jaico Publishing House.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: This objectives of this paper is to train the students in empirical modeling
of the business system

Course Contents:
Demand Analysis: Derivation of demand function, Conditions for the specification of
demand function, Different forms of demand functions, Estimation of single equation and
multiple equations demand function.
Production Analysis: Specification and Estimation of production function (Cobb-Douglas,
CES and Translog production functions); Specification and estimation of cost functions.
Technical Analysis: Concept of Production frontier, Cost frontier, Revenue frontier and Profit
frontiers, Measurement and Estimation of total productivity, Technical efficiency and
economic efficiency, Stochastic Frontier Analysis.
Financial Analysis: Estimation of security prices, security beta, security market line, APT
model, Black-Schole model.

Suggested Readings:

1. Greene, William H., Econometric Analysis, Macmillan.

2. Desai Meghna, Applied Econometric, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Kumbhakar Subal, Stochastic Frontier Analysis, Combridge & Lovell Knox CA.
4. Michael D Intriligator, Econometric Models, Techniques and Applications, Prentice
5. Bridge J. I., Applied Econometrics, North Holland.
6. Cramer, J. S., Empirical Econometrics, North Holland

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this paper is to make the student to understand the tools
and techniques for modeling the stochastic processes. These techniques are considered as vital tools
of quantitative business analysis.

Course Contents:

Business Forecasting: Business forecasting and planning, Common time series patterns,
Types of forecasting methods, Statistical fundamentals for evaluating forecasting.
Univariate Smoothing Methods: Moving average, Weighted moving average, Exponential
smoothing, Seasonal indexes, Trend-seasonal and Holt-Winters smoothing.
Stationary Time Series Models: Stochastic process, Stationarity, Modelling AR, MA, ARMA
processes, Deterministic and stochastic trends, unit roots, Testing unit roots – Dickey &
Fuller, Phillips and Perron tests.
Multivariate Models: Intervention analysis, Transfer function models, VAR analysis –
Estimation, Identification and the Impulse response function.
Longrun Models: Cointegration – Eagle-Granger Methodology, Johanson approach, Error-
correction models, Granger Causality, Exogeniety,
Modelling Volatility: ARCH, GARCH, and ARCH-M and EGARCH models.

Suggested Readings:

1. Delurgio Stephen A., Forecasting Principles and Applications, McGraw-Hill.

2. Patterson K.,An Introduction to Applied Econometrics, Palgrave.
3. Enders Walter, Applied Econometrics Time Series, John Wiley.
4. Diehold Francis X., Elements of Forecasting, South Western, Thomson.
5. Spyros G. Makridakis, Steven C. Wheelwright & Rob J. Hyndman, Forecasting
Methods & Application, John Wiley.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: This paper includes some of the advance tools and techniques of statistical analysis and
also considered as important tools for empirical research in marketing, finance and management.

Course Contents:

Multivariate Analysis: Concept, the variate, Measurement scales, Measurement error, Methodology of
Model Building.
Multivariate Analysis of Variance: One independent variable at two levels and one dependent
variable, two-group MANOVA, Multiple-group MANOVA, MANOVA for two independent
variables or factors.
Repeated Measure Analysis of Variance: Between-subject and within-subject factors and
designs,univariate & multivariate approaches to repeated measure analysis.
Principal Components Analysis: Geometry of principal components analysis, analytical approach,
issues relating to the use of principal components analysis, use of principal components scores.
Factor Analysis: Basic concepts and terminology of factor, objectives of factor analysis, geometric
view of factor analysis, factor analysis techniques-principal components factoring (PCF), principal
axis factoring, factor analysis versus principal components analysis, factor rotation, factor scores.
Discriminant Analysis: Geometric view, analytical approach, classification methods,Fisher's linear
discriminant ,Mahalanobis distance.
Canonical Correlation: Geometry of canonical correlation, analytical approach, canonical variates and
the canonical correlation, statistical significance tests for the canonical correlations, interpretation of
the canonical variates, practical significance of the canonical correlation.
Cluster Analysis: Geometrical view of cluster analysis, objective of cluster analysis, Similarity
measures: Hierarchical clustering-centroid method, Single-linkage or the nearest-neighbor method,
complete-linkage or farthest-neighbor method, average-linkage method, Ward‟s method,
Nonhierarchical Clustering.

Suggested Readings:

1. Tinsley, Harward E and Brown Stered D., Handbook of Applied Multivariate Statistical and
Mathematical Modeling, Academic Press.
2. Morrison D F., Multivariate Statistical Analysis, McGraw Hill.
3. Overall J E and Klett C., Applied Multivariate Analysis, McGraw Hill.
4. Hair, Anderson, Tatham and Black. Multivariate Data Analysis, Pearson.
5. Nargundlar, R., Marketing Research, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Johnson Richard A and Wichern Dean W., Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, PHI.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The paper explores the internal dynamics of a firm and equips the student to identify the
right kind of input for informed decision making. The understanding of the concept learnt in this
paper shall also help seek superior alternate solutions.

Course Contents:

Theory of the Firm and its Objectives, Boundary of a firm, Change in boundary of a firm
(Mergers and acquisitions)
Entry Deterrence, Accommodation and Exit Mergers and acquisitions, Fixed costs as barriers
to entry, sunk costs and pre-commitment, the taxonomy of business strategies,
entry deterrence, limit pricing, predation
Product Differentiation and Pricing Strategies, Characteristic Approach, the notion of product
space, equilibrium in price and location, Pricing- Cost plus pricing, bundling, auction, quality
and pricing, limit pricing theory
Rationale of Firm in Market economy, Resource Based view of Firm, Component of Value
Creation, - Architecture, Reputation, and Knowledge,
Competitive Advantage of a Firm: Concept, Value Creation, Cost Advantage, Origin of
Competitive Advantage- Creative Destruction, Innovation, Etc.

Suggested Readings:

1. Andreu Mas- Colell, Michael D. Whinston & Jerry R. Green, Microeconomic Theory,
Oxford University Press.
2. Trimorthy C. G. Fisher& Robert G. Waschik, Managerial Economics: A Game
Theoretic Approach, Routeledge.
3. Paul Milgram & John Roberts, Economics, Organization & Management, Prentice
4. D.N. Sengupta & Anandya Sen., Economics of Business Policy, Oxford University
5. Steven E Landsberg, Price Theory & Application, Dryden.
6. Walter Nicholson, Microeconomic Theory, Thomson.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: Helps in making business decisions, and to this end, it provides business intelligence
to the decision maker. And it is this analysis, which when performed on the warehouse database, help
companies get that edge over its competitors.

Course Contents:
Introduction: The Evolution of Data Warehousing (The Historical Context), the Data
Warehouse a Brief History, Today‟s Development Environment. Principles of Data
Warehousing (Architecture and Design Techniques): Types of Data and their uses conceptual
Data, Architecture, Design Techniques, and Introduction to the Logical Architecture.
Creating the Data Asset: Business Data Warehouse Design, Populating the Data Warehouse,
Unlocking the Data Asset for End Users (The Use of Business Information): Designing
Business Information Warehouse. Major issues, Data Mining Primitives: Concepts, features,
Characterization and Comparison, Data generalization and summarization based
characterization, analysis of attribute relevance, decision trees induction, Bayesian
classification, Classification by back propagation. .

Suggested Readings:

1. Barry Devlin, Data Ware House: From Architecture to Implementation, Addission

2. Alex Berson, Stephen Smith & Kurt Threarling, Building Data Mining Applications
for CRM, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Alex Berson & Stephen Smith, Data Warehousing, Data Mining and OLAP, Tata
McGraw Hill.
4. Michael J.A.Berry, Data Mining Techniques for Marketing Sales and Customer
Support, Gordon Linoff.
5. Han, Jiawei, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Harcourt.
6. Pujari,Arun K., Data Mining Techniques, Hyderabad University Press.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: This paper includes some of the advance tools and techniques of data analysis also
considered as important tools for skilled business analyst.

Course Contents:

Non Linear Regression Models: Statement, assumptions, orthogonality condition, Nonlinear

least square method, Box-Cox Transformation, Hypothesis testing and parametric
Model for Panel Data: Types, Fixed effects estimation – The within and between-groups
estimator, Fixed time and group effects, Unbalanced panels and fixed effect; Random effects
estimation – Generalized least square, FGLS, Testing for random effects, Hausman‟s
specification test.
Limited Dependent Variable and Duration Models: Truncation – Truncation distribution,
moments of truncated distribution, The truncated regression model; Censored-Response
Model: Censoring, Probit Model, and its estimation; Duration Models, Duration data,
Parametric models, Models of the Hazard function.
Non parametric Density and Regression Analysis. Density estimation via Kernels and its
properties, Kernel Regression estimators, Local polynomial regression and Histograms.
Suggested Readings:

1. Johnston, J., Econometric Methods, McGraw Hill.

2. Judge, Corter, William Halmit & Lee, Theory and Practice of Econometrics, John
3. Madansky, A., Foundations of Econometrics, North Halton Amsterdom.
4. Maddala, G. S.,Econometrics, McGraw- Hill.
5. Greene, William H., Econometric Analysis, Pearson.
6. Mittehammer, Judge, Miller, Econometric Foundations, Cambridge.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: Information economics is the study of situations in which different economic agents have
access to different information. The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the effect of
asymmetric information on the efficiency properties of market outcomes and the kind of institutions
and patterns of behavior develop in response to informational asymmetries. It has varied applications
in the auctions, finance, economics, HRM and almost in all the functional areas of management.
Course Contents :
Introduction to Information Economics
The Principal Agent: Hidden actions (Moral hazard) problem, hidden information problems,
monopolistic screening.
Adverse Selection: Concept, lemons problem, probable solutions.
Signaling: Separating and Pooling equilibrium, Insurance market, cheap talk.
Screening: Second degree price discrimination, Screening in Competitive Insurance Market,
Monopoly screening in insurance Market
Introduction to Mechanism design: Basic concepts, revelation principle, truthful
Applications of mechanism design to bargaining and auctions: Bidding behavior in the four
standard auctions: First price sealed bid, second price sealed bid, Dutch auction, English
auction. Revenue equivalence theorem
Applications to Finance: Credit market rationing.

Suggested Readings:

1. Mas Collel Whinston and Green, Microeconomic Theory (MWG), Oxford University Press.
2. Mas Collel Whinston and Green, Microeconomic Theory (MWG), Oxford University Press.
3. Hart, O., and Holmstrom, B., “The Theory of Contracts." In T. Bewley (ed.), Advances in
Economic Theory Fifth World Congress, Cambridge University Press.
4. Varian, Microeconomic Analysis
5. Akerlof, G. (1970) “The market for lemons: Qualitative uncertainty and the market
mechanism” Quarterly Journal of Economics 84, 3, 488 – 500.
6. Spence, A. M. "Job Market Signaling." Quarterly Journal of Economics 87 (1973).
7. Grossman, S. (1981), “The Informational Role of Warranties and Private Disclosure about
Product Quality” Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 24, No. 3, 461483
8. Freixas and Rochet,,Microeconomics of Banking.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.



M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this paper is to familiarize the students with basic
management concepts and behavioural processes in the organization.

Course Contents:
Introduction to 2management; 2Evolution 2of 2management 2thoughts; 2Managerial
functions, skills and roles in an organization; Social Responsibility of Business; Planning
(Decision Making and MBO), Organizing (Organizational design and structure), Directing
(Leading, Motivating and Communicating) and Controlling function of management.

Understanding and managing individual behaviour; Personality; Perception; Attitudes;

Understanding and managing group processes- interpersonal and group dynamics;
Analysis; Applications of Emotional Intelligence in organizations.

Organizational 2Change; 2Organizational 2Development; 2Conflict 2Management 2and


Suggested Readings:
1. Koontz, H & Wechrich, H., Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
. Luthans, F., Organizational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Greenberg, J. & Baron, Robert A., 2ehavior in Organizations, PHI Learning.
4. Robbins, S.P., Management, Prentice Hall Ins.
5. Robbins, S. P., Organizational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India.
6. Stoner, J., Management, Prentice Hall of India.
7. Davis, K., Organisational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal ma

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to make the students learn about the
applications of statistical tools and techniques in decision making.

Course Contents:
Definition, scope and limitations of statistics; Descriptive statistics: central tendency,
dispersion;theory: additive and multiplicative rules, conditional probability, Baye‟s theorem;
Probability distributions; Binomial, Poisson, Normal distribution, their characteristics and
Sampling and sampling methods: basic sampling concepts, sampling and non-sampling errors;
sampling distributions of mean and proportion; law of large numbers; central limit theorem;
statistical estimation: point and interval estimation of population mean.
Inferential statistics: Hypothesis testing- formulation of hypothesis and types of errors; large
and sample tests - Z, t, F tests and ANOVA (One way); non parametric tests: Chi-square
Sign test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Kruskal Wallis test.
Correlation 2and 2regression 2analysis 2-two 2variables 2case; 2time 2series 2analysis-
importance and application, trend analysis using least square method.
Statistical quality control: causes of variations, quality control charts, purpose and logic of
constructing a control chart, types of control charts, computing the control limits (X and R
Charts); control charts for attributes - fraction defectives and number of defects; acceptance
Index numbers: meaning and types, weighted aggregative indices –Laspeyer‟s and Paasche‟s
indices and their comparison, test of adequacy, problems of index number.
Suggested Readings:

1. Heinz, Kohler, Statistics for Business & Economics, Harper Collins.

. Hein, L.W., Quantitative Approach to Managerial Decisions, Prentics Hall.
3. Lawrence B. Morse, Statistics for Business & Economics, Harper Collins.
4. Levin, Richard I. & David S Rubin, Statistics for Management, Prentice Hall.
5. Anderson, Sweeney & Williams, Statistic for usiness and Economics, Thomson
6. Gupta, S.P., Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons.
7. Hooda, R.P., Statistics for Business and Economics, Macmillan.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with concepts and techniques used
in the field of economics and to enable them to apply this knowledge in business decision-making.
Emphasis is given to changes in the nature of business firms in the context of globalization.
Course Contents:
Nature and scope of managerial economics; importance of managerial economics in decision-
making; Demand function; Elasticity of demand and its significance in managerial decision-
making; Consumer equilibrium-utility and indifference curve approach; Cost and revenue
and economies of scale; Production function : short term and long run; Price and output
determination under perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly.
Modern theories of firm: Bamoul‟s theory of sales maximization; Williamson‟s Managerial
discretion model, Behaviour model of Cyert and March.
National income- concept and measurement; Inflation- types and control; Basic concepts of
cycles; Monetary and fiscal policies- concepts, objectives and instruments. Growth models:
Harrod-Domar model and Solow model of economic growth.
Suggested Readings:
1. Peterson, Lewis, Managerial Economics, PHI.
. Salvatore, Managerial Economics in Global Economy, Thomson Learning.
3. Brigham E.F. & J.L. Pappas, Managerial Economics, Dryden Press.
4. Thomas, C.R. & Maurice S.C., Managerial Economics, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Das, Satya P., Microeconomics for Business, Sage Publication.
6. Kay, Johan, The Business of Economics, Oxford University Press.
7. Dobbs Ian M., Managerial Economics-Firms, Markets, and Business Decisions, Oxford
University Press.
8. Koutsoyiannis A., Modern Economics, Macmillan.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to highlight the international environment, including
relationships between business, government, economic groupings and the consumer. The course will
highlight the problems encountered and issues raised in managing overseas business.
Course Contents:
The concept of International Business; International Process; Forms of International
An overview of International trade theories; Trade barriers and their impact; Environmental
factors affecting International Business, Economic, Cultural, Political, Legal and
environment; Entry strategies.
Multinational Enterprises: Meaning, Characteristics, Classification and their role in
countries: Strategic Management of MNE‟s. Determination of exchange rate.
International Financial and trade institutions: IMF; World Bank, GATT/WTO.
Country evaluation and selection, global manufacturing, international business negotiations
diplomacy, collaborative strategies.
Suggested Readings:

1. Korth, Christopher M., International Business Environment and Management, Prentice Hall.
. Ramu, S. Shiva, International Business: Governance Structure, Wheeler Publishing.
3. Bhalla, V.K., International Business Environment and Management, Anmol Publications.
4. Mithani, D.M., International Economics, Himalaya Publishing House.
5. Jain, Subhash C., International Marketing Management; CBS Publisher & Distributors.
6. Charles W.L. Hill, International Business, Tata MC Graw-Hill.
7. Czinkota, Ronkainen & Moffet, International Business, Thomson, South-Western.
8. Daneiels, Radebaugh and Sullivan, International Business, Environments and Operations,
Pearson Education.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The basic purpose of this course is to develop an insight of postulates,
principles and techniques of accounting and application of financial and
accounting information for planning, decision-making and control.

Course Contents:

Financial Accounting- Meaning, scope and importance; Accounting concepts and

Formation 2and 2importance 2of 2accounting 2standards; 2Accounting 2process;
accounting and policy, Preparation of final accounts of non-corporate entities, Proforma of
Balance Sheet of Joint-stock Companies Cost-accounting: nature and scope of costing; Cost
concepts and Classifications; Usefulness of Costing to Managers; Preparation of Cost-Sheet.
Management Accounting: nature,scope and tools of Management Accounting;Management
Accounting vs. Financial Accounting ; Financial analysis: Ratio analysis, Funds Flow
Cash Flow Statement.

Budgeting: Types of budgets and their preparation, Performance budgeting and Zero-base

Marginal costing: Break-even analysis, Decision involving alternative choices. Standard

An Overview.

Suggested Readings:
1. Anthony, R.N. & Reece J.S., Accounting Principles, Homewood, Illinois, Richard d. Irwin.
. Bhattacharya, S.K. & Dearden, J., Accounting for Management: Text and Cases, Vikas
Publishing House.
3. Gupta, R.L. & Ramaswmy, Advanced Accountancy, Volume I&II, Sultan Chand & Sons.
4. Hingorani, N.L. & Ramanathan, A.R., Accounting, Sultan Chand & Sons.
5. Jawahar Lal, Cost Accounting, Vikas Publishing House.
6. Maheshwari, S.N., Advanced Accounting, Vikas Publishing House.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students the broader context and
within which a firm operates. This will benefit the students to take better informed decisions.
Course Contents:
Introduction: Understanding of business systems and firms.
A glimpse of business environment: Micro and macro environment.
Demographic environment: Population size, income level, falling birth rate and changing age
Political and government environment: Functions of state and political dynamics of India.
Social environment: Impact of society and culture on business.
Technological environment: Innovation,, technology and competitive advantage.
Case study: Integration of different factors into a practical and empirical case.
Economic environment: An overview.
Structure of the economy: Changing structure of the economy from closed to open system
New economic policy: Globalization, liberalization, and privatization.
Debate: New economic policy: Boon or bane for India.
Small Scale industry: Emergence of knowledge based ventures: service sector and traditional
small scale sector.
Labour Environment: Labour legislation, trade unions, and paradox of shortage of skilled
Financial environment: Financial systems: an overview.
Suggested Readings:
1. Cherunilam, Francis, 2usiness Environment, Himalya Publishing House.
. Misra, S.K. & Puri, V.K., Indian Economy, Himalya Publishing House.
3. AswathApa, K., 2usiness Environment, Excel Books.
4. Bedi S.K., 2usiness Environment, Excel Books.
5. Paul Jastin, 2usiness Environment, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
6. Economic Survey, Govt. of India.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question consisting of
seven short questions)out of which Students shall to be required to attempt five questions in
All questions carry equal marks

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The Objectives of this course include developing an understanding of different software
and hardware systems available in the industry among the students and build up the experience of
computer usage in business applications.

Course Contents:
Computer systems: an introduction; Classification of computer system; Generations of
Parts of a computer system; Computer languages and Operating Systems; Indian computing

Internet and Intranet: Meaning of Internet and Intranet, Types of Internet connections, Setting &
connecting to Internet; Introduction to TCP/IP, sending and reading e-mails; Search engines,
Downloading/Uploading from/to website; Introduction to LAN , MAN & WAN.

E-Commerce: 2an 2introduction; 2framework; 2applications; 2Network 2infrastructure; 2Internet

communication; 2Online 2transaction 2processing, 2Electronic 2payment 2system; 2Electronic
interchange (EDI), Electronic signature, Brief introduction to Information Technology Act and
major applications – cyber crime, phishing website.

MS Office: MS Word, Word basics, Formatting texts and documents, working with heading and
footnotes, tables and sorting, graphics mail merge and macros; Spreadsheets and their uses in
business. Excel basics, rearranging worksheets, excel formatting techniques, chart features and
working with graphics in excel; Power Point: Basics, working with texts and graphics in power
Basic applications of PASW (SPSS) and E-view software with reference to data analysis.

Suggested Readings:

1. Sinha,P.K., Computer Fundamentals, BPB.

. B. Ram, Computer Fundamentals, New Age.
3. Douglas, E. Comer, Computer Network and Internet, Pearson Education.
4. Kalakota, Whinston, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison Welsey.
5. Kosiur, Understanding E-Commerce, Prentice Hall of India.
6. Efraim Turban, Jay Lee, David King & H. Micheal Chang, Electronic Commerce: A
Managerial Perspective, Pearson Education.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.



M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of the concepts, strategies and
issues involved in the marketing and its role in new economic era.
Course Contents:
Marketing – Meaning, Concept and Evolution; Marketing Environment and its constituents;
scanning and SWOT Analysis. Understanding Consumer Behaviour and Consumer Buying-Decision
Process. Marketing Information System and Marketing Research-its role in Marketing Decisions.
Strategic Marketing Planning; Marketing Strategies - Segmentation, Targeting, Differentiation and
Positioning (STP); Marketing Mix – Meaning, Concept and different Paradigms. Marketing Mix as a
strategic tool.
Product- Concept and Meaning; Product Decisions - Product Mix, Product Life Cycle, and New
Development. Branding – Concept, Decisions and Strategies, Product vs. Brand; Packaging Decisions.
Pricing – Meaning, Methods and Strategies; Pricing as a tool in dealing with competition.
Distribution and Logistics Management - Meaning, Decision and Strategies; Designing marketing
channels and managing value networks.
Promotion – Meaning, Methods, Decisions and Strategies. Promotion Mix - Advertising, Sales
Promotion, Personal Selling, Public Relations and Publicity; Customer Relationship Management;
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) – a Holistic Approach.
Evaluation and control of Marketing Efforts. Ethics in Marketing and Consumerism; Emerging
and application of marketing in different areas – Services, Rural Marketing, Green Marketing, Cyber
Marketing, Event Marketing and Retail Marketing; Role of Marketing in emergence of India as a
economic power.
Suggested Readings:
1. Kotler, Philip & Armstrong, G., Principles of Marketing.
. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management.
3. Perreault, William D. & McCarthy, Jr. E. Jerome, 2asic Marketing.
4. Czinkota & Kotabe, Marketing Management.
5. Ramaswamy, V. S. & Namakumari, S., Marketing Management: Planning, Control.
6. Zikmund, Marketing.
7. Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management.
8. R.Srinivas, Case Studies in Marketing - Indian context.
9. Stanton, Fundamentals of Marketing.
10. Bovee and John Thill, Marketing.
Additional Suggested Reading for Broader Understanding -
11. C. K. Prahalad, The Fortune at the Bottom of Pyramid
12. Matt Haig, 100 Brand Failures
13. W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne, 2lue Ocean Strategies.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: In a complex world of industry and business, organizational efficiency is largely
dependent on the contribution made by the members of the organization.. The objective of this
course is to sensitize students to the various facets of managing people and to create an
understanding of the various policies and practices of human resource management.

Course Contents:
Concepts and perspectives of Human Resource Management; Human Resources
aManagement in
changing environment; Managerial and operative functions of HRM; Human Resource
Planning; Career 2and Succession planning; Job analysis; Methods 2of manpower search;
Attracting, Selecting and Retaining human resources; Induction and Socialization; Manpower
training and development; Performance Appraisal and Potential Evaluation; Job Evaluation
Compensation Management; Employee Separation Practices.

Suggested Readings:
1. Aswathappa, K., Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
. Dessler, G., Human Resource Management, Pearson Education.
3. Venktesh, D.N. & Jyothi P., Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press.
4. Bohlander, G. & Snell, S., Human Resource Management, Cengage Learning.
5. Patnayak, B., Human Resource Management, PHI Learning.
6. Rao,V.S.P., Human Resource Management, Excel Books.
7. Cascio,W.Y., Managing Human Resources, Irwin-McGraw Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the broad
framework of financial decision-making in a business unit.

Course Contents:

Introduction to financial management, Objectives of financial management; Time value of

money; sources of finance, Investment decisions: Importance, Difficulties in determining
flows, methods of capital budgeting; Risk analysis; Cost of capital: Concept and importance;
Computations of cost of various sources of finance; Average Cost of Capital; Capital
decisions: Theories of capital structure, Factors determining capital structure. Optimum
capital Management of working capital - Cash, Receivables and Inventory Management,
Internal Financing and Dividend Policy; Financial Modeling.

Suggested Readings:
1. Hampton, John. Financial Decision Making. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
. Khan, M.Y. & Jain, P.K., Financial Management, McGraw Hill.
3. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, McGraw Hill.
4. Pandey, l.M., Financial Management, Vjkas Publication House.
5. Van Home. James C., Financial Management and Policy, Prentice Hall of India.
6. Winger, Bernard & Mohan, Nancy. Principles of Financial Management, Macmillan
Publishing Company.
7. Brigham & Ehrhmdt, Financial Management, Thomson Learning.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with the export-import procedures,
documentation and logistics.
Course Contents:
Significance of procedures and documentation in international trade; Procedures and
Documentation as per WTO provision Aligned Documentation System (ADS); Official
machinery for trade procedures and documentation; ITC (HS) classification system Role of
Export order processing; export contract; export price quotations; shipping and custom
of export and import cargo; central excise clearance; main export and import documents;
Role of
forwarding agents. Cargo Insurance and claim Procedures
Methods of payment in international trade; documentary collection of export bills, UPCDC
guideline, realization of export proceeds-Provision of RBI‟s Exchange Control Manual; pre-
shipment and post-shipment finance; role of EXIM bank and ECGC in India.

Suggested Readings:
1. M. D. Jitendra, Export Procedures and Documentation, Rajat Publications.
. Pervin Wadia, Export Markets and Foreign Trade Management, Manishka Publications.
3. Paras Ram, Export: What, Where and How, Anupam, Publications.
4. Government of India, Handbook of Import - Export Procedures.
5. Nabhi‟s Exporters Manual and Documentation.
6. Nabhi‟s New Import-Export Policy Procedures

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The course is aimed at equipping the students with the necessary techniques and skills
communication to inform others inspire them and enlist their activity and willing cooperation in the
performance of their jobs.

Course Contents: MBAIB-205 BUSINESS

Meaning, 2role, 2functions 2and 2importance 2of 2communication 2in 2Business
Communication Process; Principles of Business Communication; Barriers of Communication
and 2strategies 2to 2overcome 2the 2barriers; 2Reading 2skills; 2Listening 2skills; 2Types
Communication- Formal and Informal communication, Verbal and Non-verbal
Oral and Written communication; Business Letters- Format and layout of business letter, Types
of business letters; Internal Communication- Circulars, Memos, Office notes,
Reminders, Employee Newsletters; Report writing- Types of reports, Essentials of good
writing, 2steps 2in 2report 2writing, 2Synopsis 2writing, 2Preparing 2a 2resume; 2Interactive
communication- Meetings, Conferences, Interview & GD, Public Speech; Presentation skills;
Cross cultural communication- Problems of cultural differences; Techniques of
across cultures; Role of technology in communication, Electronic communication.

Suggested Readings:
1. Raymond V. Lesikar & Marie E. Flatley, 2asic Business Communication, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd.
. Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill & Barbara E. Schatzman, 2usiness Communication
Today, Pearson Education.
3. Matthukutty M. Monipally, 2usiness Communication Strategies, Tata McGraw-Hill.
4. Mary Ellen Guffey, usiness Communication Process and Product, Thomson South-
5. Scot Ober, Contemporary Business Communication, Houghton Mifflin Company.
6. Krishna Mohan & Meera Banerji, Developing Communication Skills, Macmillan India Ltd.
7. Taylor, Communication for Business, Pearson Education.

Note: .
1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question consisting
Of seven questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five questions in all.
Questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to develop an understanding of basic
management science techniques and their role in managerial decision-making.
Course Contents:
Definition, methodology, scope and limitations of management science; Linear programming:
meaning, scope, assumptions, formulation, graphical and simplex methods, special cases;
sensitivity analysis: change in objective function coefficient, availability of resources.
Transportation problems: initial basic feasible solution, MODI method, special cases of
transportation problem; assignment problems- Hungarian assignment method.
Queuing theory: introduction, elements of queuing system, operating characteristics, queuing
model (single-channel poisson arrivals with exponential service time, infinite population
Inventory models with deterministic demand; Project scheduling (PERT/CPM).
Decision theory and decision trees analysis; Game theory: Pure and mixed games, dominance
and graphical method; Markov analysis; Simulation (Monte Carlo Method).
Integer programming- branch and bound method; Goal programming; Dynamic programming.
Suggested Readings:
1. Budnik, Frank S. & Dennis Mcleavey, Richard, Principles of Operations Research,
Richard Irwin, Illinois - All India Traveller Bookseller.
. Gould. F J., Introduction to Management Science, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
3. Mathur, K & Solow, D., Management Science, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
4. Narang A S., Linear Programming and Decision Making, Sultan Chand and Sons.
5. Sharma, J K., Operations Research: Theory and Applications, Macmillan India Ltd.
6. Taha, H A., Operations Research - An Introduction, Macmillan.
7. Theirouf, R. J. and Klekamp. R.C. Decision Making Through Operations Research, John
8. N.D. Vohra, Quantitative Techniques in Management, Tata McGraw Hill.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: Understanding of Research methods to the students of business shall enable them to
identify and analyze issues in business and management in a scientifically and rigorous manner. With
objective this course is designed.
Course Contents:
Scientific research: meaning and characteristics of scientific research; Types of research-
qualitative, quantitative, experimental, exploratory, empirical, descriptive, case studies, historical
studies, philosophical studies, quasi-experimental.
Constructs and variables, and review of literature: concept of constructs and variables; Type
variables- continuous and categorical. Constructs, observables and intervening variables.
of literature- purpose of review, sources of review.
Problem identification and formulation of hypothesis: meaning and characteristics of a
Types of problem. Hypothesis-meaning and characteristics of a good hypothesis, ways of
hypothesis, types of hypothesis.
Research designs: Concept, need and types of research designs; Survey research-nature,
medium of collecting the observations and related issues.
Measurement, reliability and validity: concept, rules, types of scales, Questionnaire Design.
Basic concepts of reliability and validity.
Sampling design & sampling: Census v/s Sampling, Type of sampling and its selection;
size determination.
Suggested Readings:
1. Freedman, P., The Principles of Scientific Research, Pergamon Press.
. Oppenheim A.N.,Questionnaire Design & Attitude Measurement, Basic
3. Neely Andy D.,2usiness Performance Measurement. Theory & Practice, Cambridge
University Press
4. Mark E Ware,Handbook for Teaching, Statistics B& Research, Charles 2L Brewer
Methods Lawrence Erlbaum Associate.
5. Parnneevselvam R,Research Methodology, Prentice Hall India.
6. Kothari C.R, Research Methodology & Technique, New Age International Publishers,
7. Zirkmund William G, Explaining Marketing Research, Thomson Press.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.




M.T: 3 HRS
Objective: The course aims at imparting knowledge of formulation, implementation and evaluation
of Business Strategies.
Course Contents:
An introduction to business policy - Nature, Objective and importance of business policy; An
overview of strategic management; Strategic decision making; Process of strategic decision
Strategy 2formulation: 2Company‟s 2vision, 2mission 2and 2objectives; 2Environmental 2and
organizational appraisal, Strategic alternatives and choice; Types of strategies; Business
and corporate strategy, Concept of value chain, core competency, resource base theory and
competitive advantage.
Strategy implementation: Designing organizational structure and activating strategies;
structure and corporate strategy, Structural, Behavioral and Functional implementation.
Strategy Evaluation: Strategic evaluation and Control, Strategic and Operational Control;
Techniques of evaluation and control.
Suggested Readings:
1. Jauch & Glueek, Business Policy and Strategic Management, McGraw Hill Publications.
. Thampson A.A. and Stickland A.J, Strategic Management- Concept and cases, Perason
3. Michael Porter, Competitive Advantage of Nations, Free Press, New York
4. Azhar Kazmi, 2usiness Policy and Strategic Management, Thomson Learning
5. Kenneth, A. Andrews, Concepts of corporate Strategy, Irw in/McGraw-Hill
6. Melvin J. Stanford, Management Policy, Prentice-Hall
7. Pearce, J. A., II, and R. B. Robinson, Jr. Strategic Management: Strategy Formulation,
Implementation, and Control, 122 edition, Chicago, IL: R. D. Irwin, Inc
8. Jean-Louis Schaan , & Micheál J. Kell y Cases in Alliance Management: Building
SAGE Publications

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The course is designed to assist the students in understanding basic laws affecting the
operations of a business enterprise
Course Contents:

The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Essentials of a Valid Contract. Performance of a Contract.
Discharge of a Contract. Breach of Contract and its Remedies. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930:
Formation of a Contract, Distinction between Sale and Agreement to Sell, Meaning of Goods,
Condition and Warranties, Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Rights of an Unpaid Seller.The
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Nature and Types, Holder and „Holder in due Course‟,
Negotiation and Assignment. The Companies Act, 1956: Nature and types of Companies.
Formation, Memorandum and Articles of Association. Membership. Meetings. Winding up.

Suggested Readings:
1. Singh, A., Company Law, Eastern.
. Maheshwari, 2S.N. 2& 2Maheshwari, 2S.K., 2A BManual Bof usiness Laws, Himalaya
Publishing House.
3. Gulshan, S.S. & Kapoor, G.K., 2usiness Law including Company Law, New Age Techno
4. Kuchhal, M.C. & Prakash, Deepa, 2usiness Legislation for Managers, Vikas Publishing
5. Tuteja, S.K., 2usiness Law for Managers, Sultan Chand.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to expose the students to the growth of entrepreneurship in
developing countries with special reference to India.
Course Contents:
Concept 2of 2Entrepreneur, 2Entrepreneurship 2and 2Intrapreneur, 2Entrepreneur 2vs.
Significance of Entrepreneurian Economic Development; Economic, Social and Psychological
need for Entrepreneurship; Characteristics, Qualities and Pre-requisites of Entrepreneur;
Entrepreneurship; Ethics and Entrepreneurship; Life Cycle of new Business and relationship
with Large Enterprises.
The Function of the Entrepreneur in Economic Development of a Country; Methods and
Procedures to start and expand one's own Business; Achievement Motivation; Environmental
Factors affecting success of a new Business; Reasons for the failure and visible problems for
Feasibility Study -Preparation of Feasibility Reports: Selection of factory location, Economic,
Technical, Financial and Managerial Feasibility of Project.
Govt 2support 2to 2new 2Enterprise; 2Role 2of 2Government 2and 2Promotional 2agencies
Entrepreneurship Development, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes; Role of various
institutions in Developing Entrepreneurship in India (A brief description only).

Suggested Readings:
1. Cliffon, Davis S and Fyfie, David E., Project Feasibility Analysis, John Wiley.
. Desai, A N., Entrepreneur & Environment., Ashish Publications.
3. Drucker, Peter., Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Heinemann.
4. Jain Rajiv., Planning a Small Scale Industry: A Guide to Entrepreneurs, S.S. Books.
5. Kumar, S A., Entrepreneurship in Small Industry, Discovery.
6. McClelland, D C and Winter, W G., Motivating Economic Achievement, Free Press.
7. Pareek, Udai and Venkateswara Rao, T., Developing Entrepreneurship -A Handbook on
Learning Systems, Learning Systems.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of the course is to sensitize the students about the various ethical issues in
business management in the current environment.

Course Contents:
Introduction to Business Ethics: The concept, nature and growing significance of Ethics in
Business, Ethical Principles in Business, Ethics in Management, Theories of Business Ethics,
Ethical Issues in Business, Business Ethics in 212 Century.
Ethics in various functional areas of Business: Ethics in Finance, Ethics in HRM, Ethics in
Marketing, Ethics in Production and Operation Management, Ethics in Global Business,
in IT.
Managing Ethics: Building a Value System, Role of Law and Enforcement, Training in
Broader Ethical Issues in Society: Corruption, Ecological Concern and Discrimination on the
Basis of Gender, Caste or Race, Suitable Model of Management in Indian socio-economic
Suggested Readings:
1. Manuel G. Velasquez, 2usiness Ethics, Pearson Prentice Hall.
. Ravindranath B. & Narayana B., 2usiness Ethics, Vrinda Publications Pvt. Ltd.
3. Kaushal, S.L., usiness Ethics: Concepts, Crisis and Solutions, Deep and Deep
Publications Pvt. Ltd.
4. Rinku, Sanjeev and Khanna, P., Ethics and Values in Business Management, Ane Books
Pvt. Ltd.
5. Joseph W. Weiss, 2usiness Ethics: A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach;
Thomson -South Western.
6. Ghosh, B., Ethics in Management and Indian Ethos, Vikas Publication House Pvt. Ltd.
7. Dave, N.V., Vedana and Management, Deep and Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to give students an in-depth knowledge of the
working of international financial markets.
Course Contents:
Globalisation and the Growth of Derivatives, Euro-currency Market, Eurobanking and Euro-
currency Centres, Term Structure of Euro-currency Rates, Euro-currency Futures and
Syndicated Euro-credits.
International Bond Markets - Introduction, New Issue Procedures in the Eurobond
Markets,Eurobond Valuation and Hedging,: Interest Rates and Currency Swaps, New
Instruments in International Capital Markets, International Banking, International Portfolio
Suggested Readings:
1. Buckley, Adrian, Multinational Finance, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
. Eiteman, David K. and Stonehill, Arthur 1, Multinational Business Finance, Addison-
3. Johnson and Giaccott, Options and Futures. S1 Paul, West.
4. Kim, Suk and Kim, Seung, Global Corporate Finance: Text and Cases, Miami.
5. Shapiro, Alan C., Multinational Financial Management, Prentice Hall of India.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with the contemporary issues of world economy
. And the emergence of international trade organizations which help to expand the rule based
Trade among the countries.
Course Contents
Contemporary issues of world economy; term of trade and new trade theories, trade
and welfare international commercial arbitrations
World trade organization; objective, function, structure, features, dispute settlement
Benefit of WTO, agreement on textile and clothing, agreement on technical barriers to trade
TRIPS agreement, agreement on agriculture, implications of TRIMS on Indian industry
Implication: non trade issues, SCM & ADDs, strategies to meet the challenges of WTO
IMF and development organization; IMF objectives, IMF financing facilities & polices
World Bank; World Bank assistance to India
Asian development bank; objective & focus
UNCAD; functions, basic principles, technologies & logistics
Suggested Readings:
1. PK Vasudeva, World Trade organization: Implications for India, Pearson Education 2005
2. Carbaugh,
. Robert S. International economices 9th editions,Thomson South-western 2004.
3. ICSI, World trade organization, joint ventures & foreign collaborations, Taxman
4. Yarbrough,
publications,The world economy trade & finance, 7th Editions, Thomson south western 2007.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: To acquaint the students with recent trends in India’s foreign trade, and management and
policy related issues in foreign trade in the global context.
Course Contents:
India‟s Foreign Trade in the Global Context, Structure and Equilibrium of India‟s Balance of
Payments, 2Recent 2Trends 2in 2India‟s 2foreign 2trades; 2Directional 2Pattern: 2Major
commodities - their trend, problems and prospects; Major import commodities Foreign
Exchange Management; Present Export Import Policy; Export Promotion Policies; EPCG;
DEPB; Duty Draw Back Scheme; Export incentives: Financial and Fiscal; the Role of EXIM
Bank of India; ECGC; Infrastructure support for Export Promotion; Export Promotion
Commodity Board/ Export Development Authorities; Specific Service Institutions; Role of
Trading Organizations, ; Special Economic Zones; Agriculture Export Zones; Clusters;
Oriented Units and Export Trading House Schemes; Impact of WTO on India‟s Trade Policy.
Ministry of Commerce, Role of DGFT

Suggested Readings:
1. Bhalla, V.K., International Business Environment and Management, Anmol Publications.
. Export-Import Policy, Nabhi Publications.
3. Paras Ram, Export: What, Where & How, Anupam Publications.
4. Bhattacharya, International Marketing Management, Sultan Chand & Sons.
5. Jain, 2S.K., 2Export BPerformance Band BExport BMarketing BStrategies, 2Commonwealth

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to acquaint the students with environmental,
procedural, institutional and decisional aspects or international marketing.
Course Contents:
International Marketing: Definitions, nature, scope and process of International Marketing;
reasons and motivations for underlying International Trade and International Business; basic
modes of process of International Marketing; Domestic Marketing versus International
Marketing International Marketing Environment, Factors 2influencing International 2market
selection and segmentation, Selection strategies. International Marketing Planning and
International Marketing Mix: International product policy and planning International Product
mix, Branding, labeling, packaging and organization of product warranties and services.
International Pricing policies and strategies, Process of price setting, pricing decisions,
information for pricing decisions.
International Advertising: International advertising strategy, elements of advertising strategy,
media strategy; International Distribution Channels, Selecting distribution channels.

Suggested Readings:
1. Vern Terpestra and Ravi Sarathy, International Marketing, Cengage Publications.
. Simon Majaro, International Marketing
3. John,Fayerweather,InternationalMarketing
4. Varshney R. L. and Bhattacharya,B., International Marketing, Sultan Chand
5. Publications.
6. Sak Onkvisit and John Shaw, International Marketing (Analysis and Strategy), PHI.
7. Warren, J. Keegan, Global Marketing Management, Pearson Education/PHI.
8. Phillip R. Cateora, International Marketing,Tata McGraw Hill.
9. Johny K. Johansson, Global Marketing, Tata Mc Graw Hillwith Edition.
10. Raja Gopal, International Marketing, Vikas Publishing House.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS
M.M:70 This course exposes students to the fundamentals of logistics as applied to
international business.
Course Contents:
International Logistics: Concept, objectives and scope; importance of logistics; International
logistical operations integration, logistics strategy and planning.
General Structure of Shipping: Characteristics, liner and tramp operations; Liner conferences;
Freight structure and practices; chartering principles; UN convention on shipping.
Developments in Ocean Transportation: Containerization: Inland container depots; Multi-
modal and CONCOR; Role of intermediaries including freight forwarders, Shipping
agents and C&F agents.
Air Transport Management
Port organization and management; Responsibilities of Port Trust: Major ports of India;
of goods-legal aspects. Warehousing and Inventory Management; International Maritime
Organization (IMO), INCOTERMS.
Total cost concept, advantages; Carrier consignee liabilities.

Suggested Readings:

1. Annual Reports, INSA.

. Annual Reports, CONCOR.
3. Bowersox, Dhohld J.and Closs David J., Logistical Management, Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Coyle, Bard and Langley, The management of Business Logistics, Thomson.
5. Pierre Davd, International Logistics, Biztanurea.
6. Bloomberg David J., Stephan Lemay& Joe B. Hanna., Logistic, PHI.
7. Shipping Documents and Reports, UNCTAD.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the accounting needs
of international financial markets and to analyse the accounting measurement and reporting issues
unique to multinational business transactions.

Course Contents:
International dimensions of accounting; conceptual development and comparative
foreign currency translation; international audit environment, international
standards: concept and mechanism of setting international standards, disclosure requirements
international accounting standards.

Managing international information systems; international perspective on inflation

international dimensions of financial reporting; harmonization of accounting practices.

Analyzing foreign financial statements; accounting for environmental protection measures.

Transfer pricing.

Suggested Readings:
1. Arpon, Jeffrey S. and Radebaugh, Lee H., International Accounting and
Multinational Enterprises, John Wiley.
. Choi, Frederick D. S. and Mueller Gerhard G., International Accounting,
Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
3. Evans, Thomas G., International Accounting & Reporting, MacMillan.
4. Gray, S 1., International Accounting and Transnational Decisions,
5. Holzer, H Peter, International Accounting, Harper & Row.
6. Prodhan, Bimal, Multinational Accounting, Croom-Helm.
7. Rathore, Shirin, International Accounting, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS
Objective: The objective of the course is to introduce state of the art tools and necessary for
planning, executing and maintain risk management risk management in
today’s environment

C ontents:

The concept of risk, Benefit of risk management, Country risk analysis, Cultural diversity and
Financial risk management, Management of credit risk, Political risk and its management.
Foreign Exchange Risk Management.
Risk management through derivative: Swaps Forwards, Futures, Options, Option prices
interest rate derivatives, foreign currency derivatives.
Concept of value at risk, Approaches for calculating value at risk, introduction to assets
Organisational and Accounting issues in Risk Management. Case studies in risk management

Suggested Readings:
1. Milind S., International Financial Management, John Wiley and Sons.
. Chance, D.M., An introduction to Derivatives and Rrisk Management, Harcourt College
3. Marrison, C, Fundamentals of Risk management, TMH Publications.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: To acquaint the students with the mechanism of the foreign exchange markets,
measurement of the foreign exchange exposure, and hedging against exposure risk.
Course Contents:
Organization of Foreign Markets; types of Foreign Exchange Markets and Transactions,
Quoting Foreign
Exchange Rates, spread, official and free market rates, cross currency rates, forward rates,
quoting forward
Futures; future pricing and forward pricing, cost of carry model; settlement, marking to
,market convention
.Currency options: Types of contracts, option strategies, option pricing
Swap: Meaning, role, rise of swaps, cash flow of swap, transaction
Foreign Exchange market Efficiency: Theory of market Efficiency, interpreting efficient
Strategies, technical trading rules, corporate exposure management: Foreign exchange risk,
Of the exposure management function: economic fundamentals, financial and socio-political
Technical analysis, alternative strategies for exposure management and techniques

Currency carry trade: case study

1. Aliber,
The listR.Z., Exchange
of cases Risk andreferences
and specific Corporate including
International Finance,
recent Macmillan.
articles will be announced in the
2.. Bhalla, V.K., International Financial Management, Anmol Publications.
The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
3. Luca Cornelius, Trading in the Global Currency Markets, Prentice Hall.
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
4. Shapiro, A.C., International Financial Management, Allyn and Baco
5. que stions
utton, inTrading
W.H., all. All in
Currencyshall carryNew
Options, equal marks.
York Institute of Finance

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of the course to familiarize the students with the theoretical framework of
the theory of economic integration, and its impact on trade and investment flows among the region
on the global economy.

Course Contents:
Regionalism in the World Economy, Theory of Economic Integration, Selected Regional
- NAFTA, EU, ASEAN, SAARC, COMESA; Globalization Vs. Regionalization; Regional
Blocks, Building Blocks or Stumbling Blocks: Ongoing challenges - Environment Volatility,
Rise of Global Mania; Regional Alternatives; India‟s Free Trade Agreements.

Selected Readings:
1. Gerber James, International Economics, Pearson Education.
. Balassa, Bela.,Theory of Economic Integration, George Allen & Unwin Ltd..
3. Bhalla, V.K., World Economy in 90s: A Portfolio Approach, Anmol Pub. Pvt. Ltd..
4. Dreze, Jean and Sen, Aamrtya, Indian, Development: Selected Regional Perspective,
Oxford University Press.
5. Jackson, J., The World Trading System, Mass: MIT Press.
6. Krugman, Paul R. and Obstfeld, M., International Economics, Harper Collins Pub.
7. Machlup, F. A., History of Thought on Economic Integration, Macmillan.
8. Trivedi,Sonu, Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration, New Century
9. Chhibber, Bharti, Regional Security and Regional Cooperation’, New Century

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this paper is to give students an overall view of the international
financial system and how multinational corporations operate.
Course Contents:
Globalization & Multinational firm: finance functions in MNCs, structure of international
Cost and availability of international financial flows; (Nike and sweatshop lab our)
International monetary system (case study: will the UK join the Euro club)
The markets for foreign exchange (case study: St. Bury Herbal products Ltd)
Futures and options on foreign exchange (case study: the options Speculator)
Corporate Governance around the World; Management of Transaction & economic exposure
Study: Airbus Dollar exposure);
International Banking & Money market; forward rate Agreements (FRAs)
International bond markets; international equity markets
Interest rates and currency
SELECTED READINGS:swaps (case study: The CNZ Corp.‟s currency swap)
FDI and cross-border
1. Aliber, R.Z., Exchange (Hostile
acquisitions Risk and take-over: Myth or Reality)
Corporate International Finance, Macmillan.
. 2. Bhalla, V.K., International Financial Management, Anmol Publications.
3. Luca Cornelius, Trading in the Global Currency Markets, Prentice Hall.
4. Shapiro, A.C., International Financial Management, Allyn and Baco
5. utton, W.H., Trading in Currency Options, New York Institute of Finance
1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The course aims at imparting knowledge of Formulation, Implementation and
evaluation of Strategies in International Business.
Course Contents:
Nature and dimensions of international strategic management; domestic versus international
strategic 2management; 2function 2of 2international 2strategic 2planning; 2pre-requisites
complexities of international business strategy.
Strategies for foreign market entry and penetration; growth strategies, international business
integration; strategy for risk and stability; revival strategies; restructuring and divestment.
Strategy 2formulation: 2The 2traditional 2and 2modern 2approaches 2for 2strategy
Competitive strategy vis-a-vis domestic firms.
Strategy Implementation: Role and responsibility of the corporate leader; corporate cultures
and 2values; 2organizational 2structure 2for 2strategy 2formulation; 2factors 2of
implementation of multinational strategy.

Suggested Readings:
1. Dunning, J.H., Explaining International Production, Harper Collins.
. Garpand. J. and Farmer, R. N., International Permissions of Business Policy and Strategy,
Kent Publishing Co.
3. Ansoff, H. 1., Corporate Strategy, McGraw Hill.
4. Porter, M. E., Competitive Strategy, Free Press.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to develop a diagnostic and conceptual
understanding of the cultural and related behavioural variables in the
management of global organisations.
Course Contents:
Human and Cultural 2Variables in Global Organisations; Cross Cultural Differences and
Managerial 2Implications; 2Cross 2Cultural 2Research 2Methodologies 2and 2Hofstede‟s
Structural evolution of Global Organisations; Cross Cultural Leadership and Decision Making;
Cross Cultural Communication and Negotiation; Human Resource Management in Global
Organisations; Ethics in International Business; Western and Eastern Management Thoughts in
the Indian Context.

Suggested Readings:
1. Adler, N J., International Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour, Kent Publishing.
. Bartlett, C and Ghoshal, S., Transnational Management: Text, Cases and Readings in
Cross Border Management, Irwin.
3. Dowling. P J., International Dimensions of Human Resource Management, Wadsworth.
4. Hofstede, G., Cultures Consequence: International Differences in Work Related Values,
5. Marcie, D and Puffer, M., Management International: Cases, Exercises and Readings,
West Publishing.
6. Mead, R., International Management: Cross Cultural Dimensions, Blackwell, Camb.,
7. Mendenhall, M., Global Management, Massachusetts.Blackwell.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The aim of this paper is to acquaint the students with concepts
and Practical aspects of brand management in the field of
International Business.

Course Contents:
Product planning decision, product hierarchy, internationalization of product development
process ,Branding concept: Branding , salient features of global brand, brand image ,brand
personality, brand loyalty , global brand building, brand resonance, global brand equity,
elements, brand extension, global brand positioning, brand value, global brand awareness.
Globalization of brands: geographical extension , sources of opportunities for global brands,
barriers of globalization, quality and global standards, country of origin and global brands,
standardization v/s customization, brand portfolio, brand growth in global markets, socio-
factors 2and 2global 2brands, 2brand 2reinforcement 2and 2revitalization, 2corporate 2brand
destination brand, celebrity endorsement, global branding research.
Suggested Readings:
1. Kapferer , J.N, Strategic Brand Management, Free Press.
. Kelvin lane Keller, Strategic Brand Management, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Aaker, David, A., Managing Brand Equity, Free Press.
4. Philip.R.Cateoria & John L.Gram, International Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Justin Paul & Ramneck Kappor, International Marketing: text and cases, Tata Mc Graw
6. Rafi , A. & Mohammed,Rober.J.Fisher, International Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill.
7. Jeannet/Hennessey, Global Marketing Strategies, AIPD.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The aim of this paper is to acquaint students with concepts,
techniques and give experience in the application of concept for
developing effective advertising programme in the international
business environment .
Course Contents:
International Advertising: concept and nature; difference between national advertising and
global advertising; changing nature of international landscape and it impact on advertising.
cultural and cross national differences and consumer behavior segmentation and positioning
relation to advertising
Advertising planning frame work, process of setting advertising objectives, DAGMAR
Methods of determine advertising budget, role of creativity in copy writing, massages
and tactics; Media strategy and tactics, selecting media for international campaigns,
evaluation of
advertising effectiveness.
Advertising agency –factions, types, methods of compensation, agency client relationship,
agency media relationship, case study of leading international Ad agencies
Special international consideration: laws and regulations, customs and culture, time , inertia
resistance , rejection and politics
Adoption Vs Standardization
Suggested Readings:
1. Belch, George E. and Belch, Michael A., Introduction to Advertising and Promotion,
. Wells Burnett Moriarty, Advertising Principles and Practice, Pearson.
3. Arens and Bovee, Contemporary Advertising, Irwin.
4. Sandage and Fryberger, Advertising, AITBS.
5. Batra, R., Myers, Johan G. and Aaker, David A., Advertising Management, Prentice Hall
6. Guinn, Advertising & Integrated Brand Production, Vikas Publishing House.
7. Kleppner, Otto. Advertising Procedure, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.

1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt five
questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.




M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this paper is to familiarize the students with basic
Management concepts and behavioural processes in the organization.

Course Contents:

Introduction to management; Evolution of management thoughts; Managerial processes,

functions, skills and roles in an organization; Social Responsibility of Business; Planning
(Decision Making and MBO), Organizing (Organizational design and structure), Directing
(Leading, Motivating and Communicating) and Controlling function of management.

Understanding and managing individual behaviour; Personality; Perception; Attitudes;

Learning; Understanding and managing group processes- interpersonal and group dynamics;
Transactional Analysis; Applications of Emotional Intelligence in organizations.

Organizational Change; Organizational Development; Conflict Management and Stress


Suggested Readings:
8. Koontz, H & Wechrich, H., Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
9. Luthans, F., Organizational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill.
10. Greenberg, J. & Baron, Robert A., Behavior in Organizations, PHI Learning.
11. Robbins, S.P., Management, Prentice Hall Ins.
12. Robbins, S. P., Organizational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India.
13. Stoner, J., Management, Prentice Hall of India.
14. Davis, K., Organisational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with concepts and techniques
used in the field of economics and to enable them to apply this knowledge in business
decision-making. Emphasis is given to changes in the nature of business firms in the context of

Course Contents:
Nature and scope of managerial economics; importance of managerial economics in decision-
making; Demand function; Elasticity of demand and its significance in managerial decision-
making; Consumer equilibrium-utility and indifference curve approach; Cost and revenue
curves and economies of scale; Production function : short term and long run; Price and
output determination under perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and
Modern theories of firm: Bamoul‟s theory of sales maximization; Williamson‟s Managerial
discretion model, Behaviour model of Cyert and March.
National income- concept and measurement; Inflation- types and control; Basic concepts of
trade cycles; Monetary and fiscal policies- concepts, objectives and instruments. Growth
models: Harrod-Domar model and Solow model of economic growth.

Suggested Readings:
9. Peterson, Lewis, Managerial Economics, PHI.
10. Salvatore, Managerial Economics in Global Economy, Thomson Learning.
11. Brigham E.F. & J.L. Pappas, Managerial Economics, Dryden Press.
12. Thomas, C.R. & Maurice S.C., Managerial Economics, Tata McGraw Hill.
13. Das, Satya P., Microeconomics for Business, Sage Publication.
14. Kay, Johan, The Business of Economics, Oxford University Press.
15. Dobbs Ian M., Managerial Economics-Firms, Markets, and Business Decisions, Oxford
University Press.
16. Koutsoyiannis A., Modern Economics, Macmillan.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The basic purpose of this course is to develop an insight of postulates,
principles and techniques of accounting and application of financial and
accounting information for planning, decision-making and control.

Course Contents:

Financial Accounting- Meaning, scope and importance; Accounting concepts and

conventions; Formation and importance of accounting standards; Accounting process;
Depreciation accounting and policy, Preparation of final accounts of non-corporate entities,
Performa of Balance Sheet of Joint-stock Companies Cost-accounting: nature and scope of
costing; Cost concepts and Classifications; Usefulness of Costing to Managers; Preparation
of Cost-Sheet.
Management Accounting: nature, scope and tools of Management Accounting; Management
Accounting vs. Financial Accounting; Financial analysis: Ratio analysis, Funds Flow
Statement, Cash Flow Statement.

Budgeting: Types of budgets and their preparation, Performance budgeting and Zero-base

Marginal costing: Break-even analysis, Decision involving alternative choices. Standard

Costing: An Overview.

Suggested Readings:

7. Anthony, R.N. & Reece J.S., Accounting Principles, Homewood, Illinois, Richard d.
8. Bhattacharya, S.K. & Dearden, J., Accounting for Management: Text and Cases, Vikas
Publishing House.
9. Gupta, R.L. & Ramaswmy, Advanced Accountancy, Volume I&II, Sultan Chand & Sons.
10. Hingorani, N.L. & Ramanathan, A.R., Accounting, Sultan Chand & Sons.
11. Jawahar Lal, Cost Accounting, Vikas Publishing House.
12. Maheshwari, S.N., Advanced Accounting, Vikas Publishing House.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students the broader context and
framework within which a firm operates. This will benefit the students to take
better informed decisions.

Course Contents:
Introduction: Understanding of business systems and firms.
A glimpse of business environment: Micro and macro environment.
Demographic environment: Population size, income level, falling birth rate and changing age
Political and government environment: Functions of state and political dynamics of India.
Social environment: Impact of society and culture on business.
Technological environment: Innovation,, technology and competitive advantage.
Case study: Integration of different factors into a practical and empirical case.
Economic environment: An overview.
Structure of the economy: Changing structure of the economy from closed to open system
New economic policy: Globalization, liberalization, and privatization.
Debate: New economic policy: Boon or bane for India.
Small Scale industry: Emergence of knowledge based ventures: service sector and traditional
small scale sector.
Labour Environment: Labour legislation, trade unions, and paradox of shortage of skilled
Financial environment: Financial systems: an overview.

Suggested Readings:
7. Cherunilam, Francis, Business Environment, Himalya Publishing House.
8. Misra, S.K. & Puri, V.K., Indian Economy, Himalya Publishing House.
9. AswathApa, K., Business Environment, Excel Books.
10. Bedi S.K., Business Environment, Excel Books.
11. Paul Jastin, Business Environment, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
12. Economic Survey, Govt. of India.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to make the students learn about the
applications of statistical tools and techniques in decision making.

Course Contents:
Definition, scope and limitations of statistics; Descriptive statistics: central tendency,
dispersion; Probability theory: additive and multiplicative rules, conditional probability,
Baye‟s theorem; Probability distributions; Binomial, Poisson, Normal distribution, their
characteristics and applications.
Sampling and sampling methods: basic sampling concepts, sampling and non-sampling
errors; sampling distributions of mean and proportion; law of large numbers; central limit
theorem; statistical estimation: point and interval estimation of population mean.
Inferential statistics: Hypothesis testing- formulation of hypothesis and types of errors; large
and small sample tests - Z, t, F tests and ANOVA (One way); non parametric tests: Chi-
square test, Sign test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Kruskal Wallis test.
Correlation and regression analysis -two variables case; time series analysis-meaning,
importance and application, trend analysis using least square method.
Statistical quality control: causes of variations, quality control charts, purpose and logic of
constructing a control chart, types of control charts, computing the control limits (X and R
Charts); control charts for attributes - fraction defectives and number of defects; acceptance
Index numbers: meaning and types, weighted aggregative indices –Laspeyer‟s and Paasche‟s
indices and their comparison, test of adequacy, problems of index number.

Suggested Readings:

8. Heinz, Kohler, Statistics for Business & Economics, Harper Collins.

9. Hein, L.W., Quantitative Approach to Managerial Decisions, Prentics Hall.
10. Lawrence B. Morse, Statistics for Business & Economics, Harper Collins.
11. Levin, Richard I. & David S Rubin, Statistics for Management, Prentice Hall.
12. Anderson, Sweeney & Williams, Statistic for Business and Economics, Thomson
13. Gupta, S.P., Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons.
14. Hooda, R.P., Statistics for Business and Economics, Macmillan.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The Objectives of this course include developing an understanding of different
software and hardware systems available in the industry among the students and build up the
experience of computer usage in business applications.

Course Contents:
Computer systems: an introduction; Classification of computer system; Generations of
Computers; Parts of a computer system; Computer languages and Operating Systems; Indian
computing environment.

Internet and Intranet: Meaning of Internet and Intranet, Types of Internet connections, Setting &
connecting to Internet; Introduction to TCP/IP, sending and reading e-mails; Search engines,
Downloading/Uploading from/to website; Introduction to LAN , MAN & WAN.

E-Commerce: an introduction; framework; applications; Network infrastructure; Internet

communication; Online transaction processing, Electronic payment system; Electronic data
interchange (EDI), Electronic signature, Brief introduction to Information Technology Act and
its major applications – cyber crime, phishing website.

MS Office: MS Word, Word basics, Formatting texts and documents, working with heading and
footnotes, tables and sorting, graphics mail merge and macros; Spreadsheets and their uses in
business. Excel basics, rearranging worksheets, excel formatting techniques, chart features and
working with graphics in excel; Power Point: Basics, working with texts and graphics in power

Basic applications of PASW (SPSS) and E-view software with reference to data analysis.

Suggested Readings:

7. Sinha,P.K., Computer Fundamentals, BPB.

8. B. Ram, Computer Fundamentals, New Age.
9. Douglas, E. Comer, Computer Network and Internet, Pearson Education.
10. Kalakota, Whinston, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison Welsey.
11. Kosiur, Understanding E-Commerce, Prentice Hall of India.
12. Efraim Turban, Jay Lee, David King & H. Micheal Chang, Electronic Commerce: A
Managerial Perspective, Pearson Education.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

MBAF -107 Corporate Finance
M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the broad
framework of financial decision-making in a business unit.

Course Contents:

Introduction to financial management, Objectives of financial management; Time value of

money; sources of finance, Investment decisions: Importance, Difficulties in determining
cash flows, methods of capital budgeting; Risk analysis; Cost of capital: Concept and
importance; Computations of cost of various sources of finance; Average Cost of Capital;
Capital Structure decisions: Theories of capital structure, Factors determining capital
structure. Optimum capital structure; Management of working capital - Cash, Receivables
and Inventory Management, Internal Financing and Dividend Policy; Financial Modeling.

Suggested Readings:
8. Hampton, John. Financial Decision Making. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
9. Khan, M.Y. & Jain, P.K., Financial Management, McGraw Hill.
10. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, McGraw Hill.
11. Pandey, l.M., Financial Management, Vjkas Publication House.
12. Van Home. James C., Financial Management and Policy, Prentice Hall of India.
13. Winger, Bernard & Mohan, Nancy. Principles of Financial Management, Macmillan
Publishing Company.
14. Brigham & Ehrhmdt, Financial Management, Thomson Learning.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: Understanding of Research methods to the students of business shall enable them to
identify and analyze issues in business and management in a scientifically and rigorous manner. With
this objective this course is designed.

Course Contents:
Scientific research: meaning and characteristics of scientific research; Types of research-
qualitative, quantitative, experimental, exploratory, empirical, descriptive, case studies,
historical studies, philosophical studies, quasi-experimental.
Constructs and variables, and review of literature: concept of constructs and variables; Type
of variables- continuous and categorical. Constructs, observables and intervening variables.
Review of literature- purpose of review, sources of review.
Problem identification and formulation of hypothesis: meaning and characteristics of a
problem, Types of problem. Hypothesis-meaning and characteristics of a good hypothesis,
ways of stating hypothesis, types of hypothesis.
Research designs: Concept, need and types of research designs; Survey research-nature,
errors, medium of collecting the observations and related issues.
Measurement, reliability and validity: concept, rules, types of scales, Questionnaire Design.
Basic concepts of reliability and validity.
Sampling design & sampling: Census v/s Sampling, Type of sampling and its selection;
Sample size determination.

Suggested Readings:
1. Freedman, P., The Principles of Scientific Research, Pergamon Press.
2. Oppenheim A.N.,Questionnaire Design & Attitude Measurement, Basic
3. Neely Andy D.,Business Performance Measurement. Theory & Practice, Cambridge
University Press
4. Mark E Ware,Handbook for Teaching, Statistics & Research, Charles L Brewer
Methods Lawrence Erlbaum Associate.
5. Parnneevselvam R,Research Methodology, Prentice Hall India.
6. Kothari C.R, Research Methodology & Technique, New Age International Publishers,
7. Zirkmund William G, Explaining Marketing Research, Thomson Press.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: In a complex world of industry and business, organizational efficiency is
dependent on the contribution made by the members of the organization.. The objective of this
course is to sensitize students to the various facets of managing people and to create an
understanding of the various policies and practices of human resource management.

Course Contents:
Concepts and perspectives of Human Resource Management; Human Resources
Management in a changing environment; Managerial and operative functions of HRM;
Human Resource Planning; Career and Succession planning; Job analysis; Methods of
manpower search; Attracting, Selecting and Retaining human resources; Induction and
Socialization; Manpower training and development; Performance Appraisal and Potential
Evaluation; Job Evaluation and Compensation Management; Employee Separation Practices.

Suggested Readings:
8. Aswathappa, K., Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
9. Dessler, G., Human Resource Management, Pearson Education.
10. Venktesh, D.N. & Jyothi P., Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press.
11. Bohlander, G. & Snell, S., Human Resource Management, Cengage Learning.
12. Patnayak, B., Human Resource Management, PHI Learning.
13. Rao,V.S.P., Human Resource Management, Excel Books.
14. Cascio,W.Y., Managing Human Resources, Irwin-McGraw Hill.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of the concepts, strategies and
issues involved in the marketing and its role in new economic era.
Course Contents:
Marketing – Meaning, Concept and Evolution; Marketing Environment and its constituents;
Environment scanning and SWOT Analysis. Understanding Consumer Behaviour and
Consumer Buying-Decision Process. Marketing Information System and Marketing
Research-its role in Marketing Decisions.
Strategic Marketing Planning; Marketing Strategies - Segmentation, Targeting,
Differentiation and Positioning (STP); Marketing Mix – Meaning, Concept and different
Paradigms. Marketing Mix as a strategic tool.
Product- Concept and Meaning; Product Decisions - Product Mix, Product Life Cycle, and
New Product Development. Branding – Concept, Decisions and Strategies, Product vs.
Brand; Packaging Decisions.
Pricing – Meaning, Methods and Strategies; Pricing as a tool in dealing with competition.
Distribution and Logistics Management - Meaning, Decision and Strategies; Designing
marketing channels and managing value networks.
Promotion – Meaning, Methods, Decisions and Strategies. Promotion Mix - Advertising,
Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Public Relations and Publicity; Customer Relationship
Management; Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) – a Holistic Approach.
Evaluation and control of Marketing Efforts. Ethics in Marketing and Consumerism;
Emerging Trends and application of marketing in different areas – Services, Rural Marketing,
Green Marketing, Cyber Marketing, Event Marketing and Retail Marketing; Role of
Marketing in emergence of India as a global economic power.
Suggested Readings:
14. Kotler, Philip & Armstrong, G., Principles of Marketing.
15. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management.
16. Perreault, William D. & McCarthy, Jr. E. Jerome, Basic Marketing.
17. Czinkota & Kotabe, Marketing Management.
18. Ramaswamy, V. S. & Namakumari, S., Marketing Management: Planning, Control.
19. Zikmund, Marketing.
20. Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management.
21. R.Srinivas, Case Studies in Marketing - Indian context.
22. Stanton, Fundamentals of Marketing.
23. Bovee and John Thill, Marketing.
Additional Suggested Reading for Broader Understanding -
24. C. K. Prahalad, The Fortune at the Bottom of Pyramid
25. Matt Haig, 100 Brand Failures
26. W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne, Blue Ocean Strategies.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to develop an understanding of basic

management science techniques and their role in managerial decision-making.

Course Contents:
Definition, methodology, scope and limitations of management science; Linear
programming: meaning, scope, assumptions, formulation, graphical and simplex methods,
special cases; sensitivity analysis: change in objective function coefficient, availability of
Transportation problems: initial basic feasible solution, MODI method, special cases of
transportation problem; assignment problems- Hungarian assignment method.
Queuing theory: introduction, elements of queuing system, operating characteristics, queuing
model (single-channel poisson arrivals with exponential service time, infinite population
model); Inventory models with deterministic demand; Project scheduling (PERT/CPM).
Decision theory and decision trees analysis; Game theory: Pure and mixed games, dominance
and graphical method; Markov analysis; Simulation (Monte Carlo Method).
Integer programming- branch and bound method; Goal programming; Dynamic

Suggested Readings:
9. Budnik, Frank S. & Dennis Mcleavey, Richard, Principles of Operations Research,
Richard Irwin, Illinois - All India Traveller Bookseller.
10. Gould. F J., Introduction to Management Science, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall
11. Mathur, K & Solow, D., Management Science, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
12. Narang A S., Linear Programming and Decision Making, Sultan Chand and Sons.
13. Sharma, J K., Operations Research: Theory and Applications, Macmillan India Ltd.
14. Taha, H A., Operations Research - An Introduction, Macmillan.
15. Theirouf, R. J. and Klekamp. R.C. Decision Making Through Operations Research,
John Wiley.
16. N.D. Vohra, Quantitative Techniques in Management, Tata McGraw Hill.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The course is aimed at equipping the students with the necessary techniques and
skills of communication to inform others inspire them and enlist their activity and willing cooperation
in the performance of their jobs.

Course Contents:
Meaning, role, functions and importance of communication in Business Organisations;
Communication Process; Principles of Business Communication; Barriers of Communication
and strategies to overcome the barriers; Reading skills; Listening skills; Types of
Communication- Formal and Informal communication, Verbal and Non-verbal
communication, Oral and Written communication; Business Letters- Format and layout of
business letter, Types of business letters; Internal Communication- Circulars, Memos, Office
notes, Representations, Reminders, Employee Newsletters; Report writing- Types of reports,
Essentials of good report writing, steps in report writing, Synopsis writing, Preparing a
resume; Interactive communication- Meetings, Conferences, Interview & GD, Public Speech;
Presentation skills; Cross cultural communication- Problems of cultural differences;
Techniques of communicating across cultures; Role of technology in communication,
Electronic communication.

Suggested Readings:
8. Raymond V. Lesikar & Marie E. Flatley, Basic Business Communication, Tata McGraw-
Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
9. Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill & Barbara E. Schatzman, Business Communication
Today, Pearson Education.
10. Matthukutty M. Monipally, Business Communication Strategies, Tata McGraw-Hill.
11. Mary Ellen Guffey, Business Communication Process and Product, Thomson South-
12. Scot Ober, Contemporary Business Communication, Houghton Mifflin Company.
13. Krishna Mohan & Meera Banerji, Developing Communication Skills, Macmillan India
14. Taylor, Communication for Business, Pearson Education.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The main objective of this course is to help students to learn the various financial
services and their role in the overall financial system.

Course Contents:
Financial Services: Meaning, Nature and Types; Leasing: Concept. Classification,
Accounting, Legal and Tax Aspects of Leasing: Financial Evaluation of Leasing.
Factoring: Meaning, Characteristics and Types of Factoring arrangements, Factoring in India,
Factoring vs. Forfaiting.
Hire Purchase Finance and Consumer Credit: Conceptual Frame Work; Legal Aspects;
Taxation; Accounting and Reporting; Financial Evaluation of Hire Purchase Finance,
Features of consumer Credit.
Credit Rating: Meaning and Types; Benefits of Credit rating to investors and companies.
Credit Rating Agencies; Objectives and Functions.
Credit Cards: Concept and Significance; Types of credit Cards, Credit Card business in India.
Book Building: Concept and Mechanism of Book Building; Significance and Benefits of
Book Building.
Bought Out Deals: Meaning and Nature; Mechanisms of Bought out Deals; Advantages; The
Present Scenario. Securitisation: Concept, Mode, Mechanism and Beneficiaries of
Securitisation; Securitisation in India.
Depository: Concept, Depository participants; Functions of depository system; Benefits of
depository; Depository system in India. Venture Capital: Meaning, Modes of Financing, Role
and Functions of Merchant Bankers.

Suggested Readings:
5. Khan, M. Y., Management of Financial Services, McGraw Hill.
6. Gordan, E and K. Natrajan, Emerging Scenario of Financial Services. Himalaya
Publishing House.
7. Meidan, Arthur Brennet, M., Option Pricing: Theory & Applications, Lexington
8. Kim, Suk and Kim, Seung, Global Corporate Finance. Text and Cases, Miami
Florida, Kotb.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objectives: The objective of this course is to discuss the Indian financial system, management
of financial institutions including a detailed study of the working of the leading financial
institutions in India.

Course Contents
Introduction and overview of Indian financial system; Role of Financial System in economic
development; Capital and money markets; Risk management in Indian Financial
Institutions; Interest Rate Analysis; Interest Rates in the Financial System; Yield Curve;
Risk and Inflation; Role of RBI in regulating financial institutions; Insurance
Companies; Thrift Institutions; Capital Adequacy and Capital Planning; Problems of
Time and Cost Over Runs; Financial Planning of Financial Institutions; Introduction to
Depository Institutions; Role of Development Banking in Industrial Financing in India:
Objectives and Functions of Different Financial Institutions in India like IFCI, ICICI, IDBI,
UTI, LIC, Mutual Funds; International Aspects of Financial Institutions; An overview of
financial derivatives.

Suggested Readings
1.Rose, Peter S. and Fraser, Donald R. Financial Institutions. Ontario, Irwin Dorsey,
2. Vij, Madhu. Management of Financial Institutions in India. New Delhi, Anmol,
3. Yeager, Fred C. and Seitz, Nail E. Financial Institution Management: Text and Cases. 3rd
ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1989.
4. Bhole L.M., Management of Financial Institutions, Tata McGrawHill 2001.
5. Khan M.Y., Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000.

The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The course aims at imparting knowledge of formulation, implementation and

evaluation of Business Strategies.

Course Contents:
An introduction to business policy - Nature, Objective and importance of business policy; An
overview of strategic management; Strategic decision making; Process of strategic decision
Strategy formulation: Company‟s vision, mission and objectives; Environmental and
organizational appraisal, Strategic alternatives and choice; Types of strategies; Business
ethics and corporate strategy, Concept of value chain, core competency, resource base theory
and competitive advantage.
Strategy implementation: Designing organizational structure and activating strategies;
Matching structure and corporate strategy, Structural, Behavioral and Functional
Strategy Evaluation: Strategic evaluation and Control, Strategic and Operational Control;
Techniques of evaluation and control.

Suggested Readings:
9. Jauch & Glueek, Business Policy and Strategic Management, McGraw Hill Publications.
10. Thampson A.A. and Stickland A.J, Strategic Management- Concept and cases, Perason
11. Michael Porter, Competitive Advantage of Nations, Free Press, New York
12. Azhar Kazmi, Business Policy and Strategic Management, Thomson Learning
13. Kenneth, A. Andrews, Concepts of corporate Strategy, Irwin/McGraw-Hill
14. Melvin J. Stanford, Management Policy, Prentice-Hall
15. Pearce, J. A., II, and R. B. Robinson, Jr. Strategic Management: Strategy Formulation,
Implementation, and Control, 12th edition, Chicago, IL: R. D. Irwin, Inc
16. Jean-Louis Schaan, & Micheál J. Kelly Cases in Alliance Management: Building
Successful Alliances, SAGE Publications

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the broad
framework of public finance and policy and methods of financial
administration in Indian government and public sector units.

Course Contents:
Nature and Scope of Administrative and Financial Relationship between Centre and State
Governments. Introduction to Indian Public Financial System – Government Financial
System: Significance and Definition, Purpose and Organization, Liberalization of the Public
Financial System. Principles and functions of Budgetry System in India.

Government Expenditure: A Classification performance and Zero Base Budgeting. Emerging

trends in Global scenario vis-a-vis Government Budgeting System.

Revenue source: Tax and Non Tax; Deficit financing; Role of RBI in Government Finance,
Public debt management.

Investment policy of public sector in India: Financial, economic and Social appraisal.
Financial control; Legislative and Executive Accounting and Auditing System in India, Role
of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG).

Fiscal Policy and Financial administration in public sector units. Financial Autonomy and
Accountability of Public sector units-Indian Sectors.

Suggested Readings:

1. Tayagi, B.P., Public Finance, S.Chand & co.

2. Bhatia, H.L., Public Finance, Vikas Publishing House
3. Lekhi, R.K., Public Finance, Kalyani Publishers.
4. Mithani, D.M., Public Finance and International Trade,Himalaya Publications
5. Musgrave, R.A., and P.B.Musgrave, Public Finance in Theory and Practice, Tata
McGraw Hill.
6. Narain, L., Management of Public Enterprises, Sultan Chand.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to expose the students to the growth of
entrepreneurship in developing countries with special reference to India.

Course Contents:
Concept of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneur, Entrepreneur vs. Manager;
Significance of Entrepreneurian Economic Development; Economic, Social and
Psychological need for Entrepreneurship; Characteristics, Qualities and Pre-requisites of
Entrepreneur; Rural Entrepreneurship; Ethics and Entrepreneurship; Life Cycle of new
Business and relationship with Large Enterprises.
The Function of the Entrepreneur in Economic Development of a Country; Methods and
Procedures to start and expand one's own Business; Achievement Motivation; Environmental
Factors affecting success of a new Business; Reasons for the failure and visible problems for
Feasibility Study -Preparation of Feasibility Reports: Selection of factory location, Economic,
Technical, Financial and Managerial Feasibility of Project.
Govt support to new Enterprise; Role of Government and Promotional agencies in
Entrepreneurship Development, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes; Role of various
institutions in Developing Entrepreneurship in India (A brief description only).

Suggested Readings:
8. Cliffon, Davis S and Fyfie, David E., Project Feasibility Analysis, John Wiley.
9. Desai, A N., Entrepreneur & Environment., Ashish Publications.
10. Drucker, Peter., Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Heinemann.
11. Jain Rajiv., Planning a Small Scale Industry: A Guide to Entrepreneurs, S.S. Books.
12. Kumar, S A., Entrepreneurship in Small Industry, Discovery.
13. McClelland, D C and Winter, W G., Motivating Economic Achievement, Free Press.
14. Pareek, Udai and Venkateswara Rao, T., Developing Entrepreneurship -A Handbook on
Learning Systems, Learning Systems.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The course is designed to assist the students in understanding basic laws affecting the
operations of a business enterprise

Course Contents:

The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Essentials of a Valid Contract. Performance of a Contract.
Discharge of a Contract. Breach of Contract and its Remedies. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930:
Formation of a Contract, Distinction between Sale and Agreement to Sell, Meaning of Goods,
Condition and Warranties, Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Rights of an Unpaid Seller.The
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Nature and Types, Holder and „Holder in due Course‟,
Negotiation and Assignment. The Companies Act, 1956: Nature and types of Companies.
Formation, Memorandum and Articles of Association. Membership. Meetings. Winding up.

Suggested Readings:
6. Singh, A., Company Law, Eastern.
7. Maheshwari, S.N. & Maheshwari, S.K., A Manual of Business Laws, Himalaya
Publishing House.
8. Gulshan, S.S. & Kapoor, G.K., Business Law including Company Law, New Age
Techno Press.
9. Kuchhal, M.C. & Prakash, Deepa, Business Legislation for Managers, Vikas
Publishing House
10. Tuteja, S.K., Business Law for Managers, Sultan Chand.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to impart knowledge to students regarding the
theory and practice of Security Analysis.

Course Contents:
Investment -return and risk; Operations of Indian Stock Market; New Issue Market; Listing
of Securities, OTCEI.
Cost of investing in securities; mechanics of investing; markets and brokers; investment
companies; market indices and return.
Objectives of security analysis; investment alternatives; valuation theories of fixed and
variable income securities; government securities; non-security forms of investment; real
estate investment; investment instruments of the money market.
Fundamental and technical approach, efficient market theory; recent developments in the
Indian stock market.

Suggested Readings:
8. Pandian, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing House.
9. Raman, Investment: Principles and Techniques, Vikas Publishing House.
10. Fischer, Donald E. and Jordan, Ronald J., Security Analysis and Portfolio
Management, Prentice Hall of India.
11. Fuller, Russell J. and Farrell, James L., Modern Investment and Security Analysis,
New York, McGraw Hill.
12. Sharpe, William F. et al, Investment. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India.
13. Alexander, Gorden J. and Bailey, Jeffery V., Investment Analysis and Portfolio
Management, Dryden Press, Thomson Learning.
14. Machiraju, H. R., Indian Financial System. Vikas Publishing House.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to impart knowledge to students regarding the
techniques of measurement and control of risk.

Course Contents:
Risk: Meaning and types, Risk Process, Risk Exposure Analysis, Risk Management Policies,
Risk Immunization Strategies,

Measurement and Control of Risk: Identifying Measures and Controlling Risk – Statistical
Methods, Fixation and Delegation of Limits, Different Limits- Open Position / Asset Position
Limits/ Deal Size/Individual Dealers/Stop Loss Limits. Margins: Value at Risk Margin,
Extreme Loss Margin, Mark to market Margin.

Management of Risk: Credit risk, Asset-liability gap risk, Interest rate risk, market risk,
currency risk, due-diligence risk, systematic and un-systematic risk.

Financial Derivates: A tool of risk management.

Suggested Readings:
6. Emmett J. Vaughan, Risk Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
7. Kenneth A. Foot, The Financing of Catastrophic Risk, The University of Chicago
8. A. Suryanarayana, Risk Management Models: A Primer, ICFAI Reader.
9. Marshall Johon F. & Bansal, V. K., Financial Engineering, PHI Learning.
10. Watsham Terry J., Futures and Options in Risk Management, Thomson Learning

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The basic purpose of this course is to understand the framework for evaluating
capital expenditure proposals, their planning, finance, appraisal and management in the review of the
projects undertaken.

Course Contents:
Generation and Screening of Project Idea; Capital Expenditure and Strategic Issues,
Feasibility Reports: Market and Demand Analysis; Technical Analysis; Financial Analysis;
Analysis of Project Risk; Risk specific to individual firm and Market Risk; Decision under
risk and Risk Analysis in Practice. Social Cost and Benefit Analysis: UNIDO approach and
L-M Approach; Multiple Projects and Constraints, Financing of Projects, Sources of Risk
capital, Recent development in India. Project Management: Project Planning, Project Control,
Human aspects of Project Management; Project Review and Administrative Aspects;
Problem of Time and Cost Overrun.

Suggested Readings:
9. Ahuja, G. K. and Gupta Ravi, Systematic Approach to Income Tax, Bharat Law House.
10. Bhalla, V. K., Financial Management and Policy, Anmol Publications.
11. Chandra, Prasanna, Projects: Preparation, Appraisal, Budgeting and Implementation,
Tata McGraw Hill.
12. Dhankar, Raj S., Financial Management of Public Sector Undertakings, Westville.
13. Little I.M.D. and J.A. Mirrlees, Project Appraisal and Planning for Developing
Countries, Hienemann Educational Book.
14. OCED Manual of Industrial Project Analysis in Developing Countries- Methodology
and Case Studies, OCED, Paris.
15. Planning Commission, Guidelines for Preparation of Feasibility reports of Industrial
Projects, Controller of Publication.
16. UNIDO Guide to Practical Project Appraisal, United Nations.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to apprise the students with principles of
insurance and the banking law and practices.

Course Contents:
Introduction to insurance; various types of insurance; principles of insurance; important
insurance policies in life and non-life insurance; IRDA and its role in insurance sector in
India; privatization of insurance industry in India; insurance business operations; recent
trends in insurance around the globe, Concept and implications of bank-assurance and
universal banking in India.
Insurance Environment: Internal, External, Legal and Commercial. Comparative
Environment of Insurance Business, Insurance procedure - Settlement of Claims under life
and non-life insurance. Contemporary issues in insurance.
Evolution of Banking Law; Main provisions of Banking Regulation Act, 1949; and RBI Act,
Securities for Bank Advances: Forms of securities and precautions taken by Banks in
accepting these securities.
Guarantees: Contract of Guarantee and contract of indemnity, Guarantee as Banker's
Security. Writing Reports on Bank visits; Prevailing practices in Banking - Case studies.
Banker Customer Relationship; Contemporary Issues in Banking: NPA and Capital
Adequacy in Indian Banks.

Suggested Readings:
8. Bodla, B.S., Garg, Mahesh and Karam Pal, Insurance - Fundamentals, Procedures and
Environment, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd.
9. Gulshan, S.S., Law and Practices of Banking in India.
10. Gaungully, Ashok, Insuance Management, New Age Publishers.
11. Varshney, P.N., Banking Law and Practice, Sultan Chand & Sons.
12. Cox, David, Elements of Banking; John Murray.
13. Mehta, R.R.S., Fundamental of Banking; Himalaya Publiching House Co.
14. Nigam, B.M.L., Banking Law and Practice, Konark Publishers.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to discuss the specific financial management
problem of financial institutions including a detailed study of the working of the leading financial
institutions in India.

Course Contents:

The Nature and Role of Financial System; Financial Intermediaries and Financial Innovation;
Interest Rate Analysis; Interest Rates in the Financial System; Yield Curve; Risk and
Inflation; Provisions of RBI's Operations; Credit and Monetary Planning; Non-Depository
Financial Institution: Insurance Companies; Pension Funds, Depository Institution; Capital
Adequacy and Capital Planning. Development Banks; Role of Development Banking in
Industrial Financing in India; Objectives and Functions of Different Financial Institutions in
India like IFCI, ICICI, IDBI, UTI, LIC, Mutual Funds, Investment Companies and
performance Evaluation; International Aspects of Financial Institutions; International

Suggested Readings:
10. Rose, Peter S. and Fraser, Donald R., Financial Institutions, Ontario, Irwin Dorsey.
11. Vij, Madhu. Management of Financial Institutions in India, Anmol.
12. Yeager. Fred C. and Seitz, Nail E., Financial Institution Management: Text and
Cases.. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.
13. Bhole L.M., Management of Financial Institutions, Tala McGraw Hill.
14. Khan M.Y., Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill.
15. Robert W.Kolb and Ricardo J.Rodriguez, Financial Institution.Blackwell
16. Fabozzi, Modigliani, Jones and Ferri. Foundation of Financial Markets and
institutions, Pearson Education.
17. Madura, Jeff. Financial Institutions and Markets, Thomson Press.
18. Burton and Lombra, The Financial System and The Economy, Thomson.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: To acquaint the students with the mechanism of the foreign exchange markets,
measurement of the foreign exchange exposure, and hedging against exposure risk.

Course Contents:

Types of Foreign Exchange Markets and Transactions, Quoting Foreign Exchange Rates,
Spread, Official and Free Market Rates, Cross Currency Rates, Forward Rates, Quoting
Forward Rates; Organization of the Foreign Exchange Markets; Currency Futures; Currency
Options; Currency Swaps; Corporate Exposure Management: Foreign Exchange Risk,
Alternative Strategies for Exposure Management, Exposure Management Techniques,
Organization of the Exposure Management Function; Parameters and constraints on Exposure
Management: Forecasting Exchange Rates: Economic Fundamentals, Financial and Socio-
Political Factors, Technical Analysis; Tax Treatment of Foreign Exchange Gains and Losses.

Suggested Readings:

7. Sharan, International Financial Management, Prentice Hall of India.

8. Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management, Prentice Hall of India.
9. Paul Einzip, A Textbook on Foreign Exchange.
10. Maurice D. Levi, International Finance, McGraw Hill.
11. NY Buckley, Multinational Financial, Prentice Hall of India.
12. Paul Roth, Mastering Foreign Exchange and Money Markets, Pitman.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the contemporary
issues in accounting which facilitates in managerial decision making.

Course Contents:
New Dimension of Accounting: Meaning of GAAP, Introduction to IFRS, Overview of
IFRS, Comparative position of IFRS and Indian GAAP, Government influences on financial
Human Resource Accounting: Meaning and definition of HRA, Importance and objectives of
HRA, Limitations of HRA, Need of HRA for managers, Models of HRA.
Social Accounting: Meaning and Definition of Social Accounting, Theories of Social
Accounting, Need and importance of Social Accounting, Current position of Social
Accounting in India, Role of corporate Social Accounting.
Inflation Accounting: Meaning and definition of Inflation Accounting, Various models of
Inflation Accounting, Inflation accounting for financial management, Methods of Inflation
Brand Accounting: Overview of Brand Accounting, Importance and role of Brand accounting
in corporate, various issues and challenges associated with Brand Accounting.

Suggested Readings:
1. M. David Haddock, John Price, & Michael Farina, College Accounting: A
Contemporary Approach, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Steven M. Bragg, Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles 2011, John Wiley.
3. Ken Marshall, Steve Arnold, IFRS Conversion: Issues, Implications, Insights, John
4. Clifton, R., Brands and Branding, John Wiley.
5. Teng, Financial Accounting, Asian Book Pvt. Limited

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of the course is to acquaint the participant with the
Implications of tax structure and corporate tax planning in operational as
well as strategic terms.

Course Contents:

Basic Concepts of Income Tax; Residential status of a Company; Computation of Income

under Different Heads of Income, Set off and Carry forward of Losses, Deductions and
Exemptions; Additional Tax on Undistributed Profits; Computation of Tax Liability;
Meaning and Scope of Tax Planning and Location of Undertaking, Tax Planning regarding
Dividends Policy, Inter Corporate Dividends and Transfers; Tax Considerations in Respect of
Specific Managerial Decision like Make or Buy, Own or Lease, Close or Continue, Sale in
Domestic Markets or Exports; Replacements and Capital Budgeting Decisions, etc; Tax
Planning in respect of Managerial Remuneration.

Suggested Reading:
7. Ahuja, G K & Gupta, Ravi, Systematic Approach to Income Tax, Bharat Law House,
8. Iyengar, A C. Sampat, Law of Income Tax, Bharat House.
9. Kanga, J Band Palkhivala, N A., Income Tax. Bombay, Vol. 1-3, N.M. Tripathi.
10. Ranina, H P., Corporate Taxation: A Handbook, Oriental Law, House.
11. Singhania, V K., Direct Taxes: Law and Practice, Taxman.
12. Srinivas, E A., Handbook of Corporate Tax Planning, Tata McGraw, Hill.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objectives: The Main objective of the course is to appraise the students the about the
concepts of management control system as well as its role in efficient management
of public system organizations.

Course Contents
Management Control - Concept, Nature and Scope; Organization Goals. Strategic Planning and
Implementations, Organisation Structure. Contingency Theory, Organizational Climate.
Position of ControlIer in the Organisation Structure of an Organization; Management Control
Process: Programming, Budgetary Planning and Procedures. Budgetary Control: Flexible
Budgeting. Zero-base Begetting, Performance Budgeting.
Accounting Aspects of Control including Internal Audit and Control, Analysis and Reporting,
Variance Reporting; Management Control Structure: Responsibility Centre, Responsibility
Accounting, Cost Centre. Profit Centre, Interdivisional Transfer Pricing, Measurement of
Divisional Performance.
Perfom1ance Evaluation - Qualitative and Quantitative, Investment Centre;
Behavioural Aspects of Management Control: Motivation and Morale, Goal Congruence.,
Managemcnt Control in Specialised Organisation: Selected Case Studies on Non-pfofit and
Public Service Organisations.
Suggested Readings
1. Suggested, R Nand Govindrajan V Management Control Systems. 8th ed., Taraporevala,
Chicago, Irwin. 1995.
2. Emmanuel, C and Otley, D.. Accounting for Management Control. London. : Wostrand
Reinhold, 1985.
3. Ghosh, P K and Gupta, G S.. Cost Analysis and Control. New Delhi. Vision 1985.
4. Glynn, JJ. Value for Money: Auditing in Public Sector. London, Prentice HalI Inc.. 1985.
5. Hersey, P and Blanchard. H B. Management of Organisation Behaviour: Utilising Human
Resources. New Delhi, Prentic Hall of India. 1988.
Maciariello. J A and Kirby C J., Management Control System. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey,
Prentice HalI Inc., 1994.

The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class
at the time of launching of the course.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The objective of this course is to impart knowledge to students regarding the
theory and practice of portfolio management.

Course Contents:
Introduction to Portfolio Management: Meaning, Portfolio Selection, Optimal Portfolio.
Theories of Portfolio Management: Constructing Efficient Frontier, Arbitrage Pricing
Theory, Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Markowitz Theory, Mean Variance Criterion,
Sharpe‟s Ideal Index, Traynor Index.
Introduction- Meaning, need, risk & return determination of a portfolio, Markowitz portfolio
theory, sharpe simple index model and APT; Optimal portfolio: selection & problems;
Efficient Frontier: Meaning & Construction and investors utility; Efficient frontier (i) risk-
free and (ii) risky lending and borrowing. Leveraged portfolio; market portfolio; capital
market line: CAPM; security market line; characteristic line; Portfolio revision - meaning,
need and constraints: formula plan; constant-dollar-value plan, constant ratio plan, variable
ratio plan. Bond portfolio management strategies - passive portfolio strategies, active
portfolio strategies; portfolio performance evaluation, risk adjusted performance measures.

Suggested Readings:
8. Alexander, Gorden J. and Bailey, Jeffery V., Investment analysis and Portfolio
Management, Dryden Press, Thomson Learning.
9. Fischer, Donald E. and Jordan, Ronald J., Security Analysis and Portfolio
Management, Prentice Hall of India.
10. Fuller, Russell J. and Farrell, James L., Modem Investment and Security Analysis,
McGraw Hill.
11. Machiraju, H. R., Indian Financial System, Vikas Publishing House.
12. Pandian, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing House
13. Raman, Investment: Principles and Techniques, Vikas Publishing HouseSharpe,
14. William F. et al, Investment, Prentice Hall of India

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The main objective of this course is to make students learn the various aspects of
funds management.

Course Contents:
Introduction to funds management: Different types of funds and their characteristics-
conventional funds, pension funds, mutual funds and unit trusts, collective investment
schemes (OEICS), tracker / index funds, hedge funds, money market funds. Examining
investment products and their applications- equities - domestic and overseas, bonds,
commodities, derivatives futures
Fund management process: Theory behind fund management; Role and responsibilities of
fund managers; Planning for optimal portfolio returns- setting investment objectives, the
constraints of the fund manager, strategic asset allocation to enhance portfolio performance
Strategies to maximize fund performance: The mandate definition, how and why benchmarks
must be specified; Effective management for ultimate results- tactical asset allocation,
securities selection; Controlling the process- performance measurement, attribution analysis
Investment strategies of funds managers: Asset class and geographic diversification, active
strategies, passive strategies, top down approach, bottom up approach, sector rotation style,
growth investing, value investing, momentum style, small capitalization style, comparing
fund management styles
Fixed income fund management and Equity fund management: Asset allocation within the
investment decision making process- Determining clients aims and objectives, Asset /
liability management, Strategic and tactical asset allocation, the decision making levels.

Suggested Readings:

5. Christing Brentani, Portfolio Management in Practice , Elsevier

6. Kane and Marcus, Investments by Bodie, Tata McGraw Hill.
7. David Blake, Financial Market Analysis.
8. Frank J. Fabozzi, Bond Markets Analysis & Strategies, Pearson.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70

Objective: The main objective of this course is to make students learn the various
financial aspects of international financial management.

Course Contents:

Finance function in multinational firm; Institutional structure of international financial

markets; cost and availability of international financial flows; international financial
instruments. International working capital management: Aspects of international cash
management: investment criteria and borrowing decisions; centralised versus decentralised
cash management; international receivables management; securitisation of receivables.
International Investment factors and benefits; direct and portfolio investment: international
CAPM; capital budgeting for foreign direct investment; assessing and managing political
risk. International aspects of raising capital; determining financial structure of foreign
subsidiaries of MNCs; financial choices for an MNC and its foreign affiliates; costs and risks
of financing.

Suggested Readings:

5. Maurice D. Levi, International Finance, McGraw-Hill.

6. A. Buckley, Multinational Finance, Prentice-Hall of India.
7. A.C. Shaprio, Multinational Financial Management, Prentice-Hall.
8. P. G. Apte, International Financial Management, Tata McGraw-Hills.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: This course aims at enabling the students to understand and analyse financial
problems and developing their skills for the solution of these problems with the help of innovative
financial processes, instruments and strategies.

Course Contents:
Introduction of financial engineering, factors contributing to the growth of financial
engineering, knowledge base and skills required for financial engineering.

Determinations of value of financial instruments and products. Time value of money, the
required rate of return. Absolute valuations versus relative valuation. Measuring Return and
Risk. Portfolio Consideration and investment horizons. Speculation arbitrate and market

Physical tools of the financial manager, product development, futures, forwards, swaps and
options, Debt market innovations, Equity and Equity related instruments.

Financial Engineering processes and strategies, asset liability management, hedging and
related risk management techniques, corporate restructuring, leveraged buyouts, tax driven
deals, takeovers, synthetic instruments.

Future directions in financial engineering, Effect of globalization and technology on financial

engineering, Legal aspects of innovative financial products.

Suggested Readings:
5. Marshall Johon F& Bansal Vipul K., Financial Engineering, PHI.
6. Apte, P.G., International Financial Management
7. Watsham Terry J., Futures and Options in Risk Management, Thomson Business
8. Shapiro Allan C., Multinational Financial Management

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: This course aims at enabling the students to understand and analyse financial
econometrics and developing their skills for the solution with the help of innovative financial

Course Contents:
Nature, scope and methodology of Financial Econometrics. Simple Linear Regression Model:
Assumptions, Procedures and properties of OLS estimator, Co-efficient of determination,
Tests of significance, Maximum Likelihood Method; Multiple Linear Regression Analysis:
Method of least squares, Properties of OLS estimator, Test of significance of regression co-
2 2 .
efficient, R and adjusted R Issues with Classical Regression Model: Multicollinearity,
Autocorrelation and Hetroscedasticity; Functional forms; Dummy variables-Nature and uses;
Parameter stability tests.

Univariate Smoothing Methods: Moving average, weighted moving average, Exponential

smoothing, Seasonal indexes, Trend-seasonal and Holt-Winters smoothing.
Stationary Time Series Models: Stochastic process, Stationary, Modeling AR, MA, ARMA
processes, Deterministic and stochastic trends, unit roots, testing unit roots – Dickey &
Fuller, Phillips and Perron tests.

Suggested Readings:
12. Greene, William H, Econometric Analysis, Macmillan Publishing Company.
13. Johnston, J., Econometric Methods, McGraw Hill.
14. Gujrati, Damodor N., Basic Econometrics, McGraw-Hill
15. Koutsoyiannnis, A, Theory of Econometrics, Harper & Row.
16. Maddala, G.S., Introduction to Econometrics Macmillan.
17. Theil, H., Principles of Econometrics, North Holland
18. Pindyck, R. S. & Rubinfeld, D. S., Econometric Models and Econometric Forecasts,
McGraw Hill.
19. Peijie Wang, Financial Econometrics: Methods and Models; Routledge.
20. Patterson K, An Introduction to Applied Econometrics, Palgrave.
21. Enders Walter., Applied Econometrics Time Series, Wiley.
22. Makridakis S & Wheelwright, Forecasting Methods & Application, Willey.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this course is to give an in depth knowledge of the functioning of
derivative securities market.

Course Contents:
Financial Derivatives - An Introduction. Forward Contracts; Future Contracts; Other
Derivative Securities; Types of Traders: Futures Markets and the use of Futures for Hedging:
Forward and Futures Prices, Swaps: Options Markets; Properties of Stock Option Prices:
Trading Strategies Invoicing Options; Black-Scholes Option Model: Binomial model:
Options on Stock indices: Currencies Futures Contracts: General Approach to Pricing
Derivatives Securities; Derivatives Market in India.

Introduction to Commodity Derivates: Cereals, metals and energy products.

Suggested Readings:
8. Bhalla, V K., Investment Management: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management.
9. S. Chand , Financial Derivatives.
10. Brennet, M., Option Pricing: Theory & Applications. Toronto, Lexington Books.
11. Cox, John C and Rubinstein, Mark Options Markets. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
12. Huang. Stanley S C and Randall, Maury R., Investment Analysis and Management. Allyn
and Bacon.
13. Hull. John C. Options, Futures and Other Derivative Securities, Prentice Hall of India.
14. Sharpe. William F. et al., Investment, Prentice Hall of India

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to impart an intensive knowledge about
the use of quantitative techniques in specified financial decision-making areas.

Course Contents:

Application of Linear Programming; Goal Programming; Regression analysis and Simulation

Technique in Financial Decision Making Areas; Corporate Debt Capacity Management
Decision; Business Failure and Reorganization; Application of Multiple Discriminant
analysis; Decision Tree Analysis; Capital Expenditure Decision Under Conditions of Risk
and Uncertainly; Sequencing of Decisions; Replacement Decisions; Mergers and
Acquisitions; Takeover code; Dividend Valuation Model; Determination of the Exchange
ratio; Legal and Procedural aspects of Merger Decision; Estimation and Projection of
Working Capital Decisions.

Suggested Readings:

6. Bierman, Harold. Lease vs. Buy Decision. Englewood Cliffs,Prentice Hall Ins.
7. Fogler. Hand Ganpathy, Financial Econometrics. Englewood Cliffs,Prentice Hall Inc.
8. Sapirio, Edverd, Financial Decision Analysis.
9. Levy. H. and Sarnat H., Capital Investment and Financial Decision, Englewood
Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
10. Van Horne, James C. Financial Management and Policy. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice
hall of lndia

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The basic objective of this course is to acquaint the new field of
behavioral finance and importance of behavioral traits in financial
decision making.
Course Contents:
Introduction: Meaning, Nature, Scope and History of Behavioural Finance. Comparison
between Behavioural Finance and Conventional Finance. Expected Utility, Non-Expected
Utility and classical probability theory: An Overview.
Psychology of Investor‟s: Beliefs,Attitude,Learning,Herding,Momentum,Biases and
Heuristics, Over-confidence and optimism, winner‟s curse, Bubbles, advertising to investor‟s,
over reaction and under reaction and cross-cultural behavior.
Preferences: Framing, Prospect Theory and violation of Expected utility, Mental Accounting,
Prospect Theory and attention, Saving Behavior.
Anomalies: Accounting Based Anomalies, Calendar Anomalies, Attention based anomalies:
Value v/s Growth, size, equity premium, myopia.
Behavioural Corporate Finance: Introduction, limits of Arbitrage, aggregation. Contemporary
issues in Behavioural Finance.

Suggested Readings:
1. William Forbes, Behavioral Finance, John Wiley.
2. Mihe Elvin, An Introduction to the psychology of Trading and Behavioral Finance, John
3. James Montier, Behavioral Investing: A Practitioners Guide to Applying Behavioral
Finance, John Wiley.
4. James Montier, Behavioral Investing: Insights into Irrational minds and markets, John
5. Paragh Parikh, Value Investing and Behavioral Finance, Tata McGraw-Hill.

3. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

4. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

FM-409 Working Capital Management
M.T: 3 HRS M.M:70
Objective: The objective of this paper is to expose the students to the concepts of working
capital management in contemporary regulatory corporate framework.
Course Contents:
Working Capital Management: introduction, concept of working capital ;importance of
working capital, factors influencing Planning of working capital investment: introduction,
need, determinants, computation of working capital.
Financing and control of working capital-introduction, sources of finance including accruals,
trade credit, W.C. advance by commercial banks, regulation of bank finance, public deposits,
ICDs, short term loans from FIs, right debentures for W.C., commercial papers and factoring.
W.C. & banking policy (Tandon, Chore, Marathe committee reports.)
Cash management system: introduction, motives for holding cash and marketable securities;
factors determining the cash balance, the cash system; managing the cash flow; types of
collection systems, mailed payment collection system, other collection systems. Cash
concentration strategies; disbursement tools, investment in marketable securities; types of
marketable securities. Forecasting cash flows: introduction, methods of financial forecasting,
forecasting daily cash flows, sources of uncertainly in cash forecasting, hedging cash balance
uncertainties, hedging via interest rate, futures & options on futures.
Receivable management: introduction, objectives, costs, benefits, credit policies, evaluation
of the credit applicant, credit terms, collections from accounts receivable.
Inventory management: introduction, type of control required, cost of holding inventories,
inventory control models, inventory control responsibility, other control devices, inventory
management & evaluation.

Suggested Readings
1. Hampton John. Financial Decision Making. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc,
2. Khan, M. Y and Jain, P. K. Financial Management, McGraw Hill, 2004.
3. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, McGraw Hill, 2004.
4. Pandey, I. M. Financial Management, Vikas Publication House, 2004.
5. Van Home. James C. Financial Management and Policy. 10 . ed., New Delhi, Prentice Hall of
India, 1997.
6. Winger, Bernard and Mohan, Nancy. Principles of Financial Management. New York,
Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991.

The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.

Objective: The objectives of the paper are to familiarize the students with basic management
concepts and behavioural processes in the organization.

Course Contents

Introduction to management; Evolution of management thoughts; Managerial processes,

functions, skills and roles in an organization; Social Responsibility of Business. Planning,
Decision-making, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Communicating and Controlling functions of
management; Management by Objectives
Understanding and managing individual behaviour ; Personality; Perception; Attitudes; Learning;
Understanding and managing group processes- interpersonal and group dynamics; Transactional
Analysis; Applications of Emotional Intelligence in organizations.
Leadership and influence process; Work Motivation, Understanding and Managing organizational
system- Organizational design and structure, Organizational Change and development; Conflict
Management; Stress Management; Business ethics and values.

Suggested Readings

1. Koontz, H and Wechrich, H. Management. 10 ed,. New York, McGraw Hill 1995.
2. Luthans, F. Organizational Behaviour. 7 ed., New York, McGraw Hill, 1995
3. Robbins, S.P. Management, 5 ed., New Jersey, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Ins., 1996
4. Robbins, S. P. Organizational behaviour. 7 ed., New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1996.
5. Staw, B.M. Psychological Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour, 2 ed.Englowed Cliffs.
New Jersy, Prentice Hall inc., 1995.
, 6. Stoner, J etc. Management 6 ed., New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1996.


5. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

6. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Objective: The objective of this course is to make the students learn about the application of
statistical tools and techniques for decision making.

Course Contents

Univariate Analysis: An overview of Central tendency, dispersion, and skewness. Probability

Theory: Classical, relative and subjective probability; Addition and multiplication probability
models; conditional probability and Baye‟s theorem. Probability Distributions; Binomial,
Poisson, and normal distributions; Their characteristics and applications.
Sampling and sampling methods; Sampling and non-sampling errors; Law of Large Number and
Central Limit Theorem; Sampling distributions and their characteristics.
Statistical Estimation and Testing ;Point and interval estimation of population mean, proportion
and variance; statistical testing of hypotheses and errors; large and small sampling tests- Z, t and
F tests. Non parametric tests: Chi-square tests; sign tests; Wilcoxon signed- Rank tests; Kruskal-
Wallis test.
Correlation and regression analysis: Two variables case. Index Numbers meaning and types
weighted aggregative indices –Lasperyre‟s and paasch‟s indices, laspeyre‟s and paasch‟s indices
compared; indices of weighted average of (price and quality) relatives; tests of adequacy special
problems- shifting the base splicing, overlapping index series uses and problems of index number
time series analysis; Trend analysis.
Statistical Quality Control: Causes of variations in quality characteristics, Quality control charts
purpose and logic constructing a control chart computing the control limits (X and R Charts);
Process under control and out of control, Warning limits control charts for attributes- fraction
defectives and number of defects; Acceptance sampling.

Suggested Readings

1. Gupta, S.P.Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi

2. Hooda, R.P.:Statistics for Business and Economics Macmillian, New Delhi

3. Gupta, S.P. Statistical Methods Sultan Chand and Sonds New Delhi.

4. Heinz, Kohler: Statistics for Business & Economics, Harper Collins, New York

5. Hein, L.W. Quantitative Approach to Managerial Decisions,Prentics Hall, NJ.

6. Lawrence B. Morse: Statistics for Business & Economics, Harper Collins, NY.

7. Levin, Richard I and David S Rubin: Statistics for Management, Prentice Hall,Delhi.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Objective: The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of the underlying
concepts, strategies and issues involved in the marketing of products and services.

Course Contents

Nature, Scope and concept of marketing, Corporate orientations towards the marketplace; The
marketing environment and Environment scanning; Marketing information system and
Marketing research; Understanding consumer and Industrial markets; Market segmentation,
Targeting and positioning; Product decisions- product mix, product life cycle, new product
development, branding and packaging decisions; Pricing methods and strategies; promotion
decisions- promotion mix, advertising, sales promotion, publicity and personal selling; Channel
management- Types and functions, Selection, Cooperation and conflict management, vertical
marketing Implementation and systems, Marketing Logistics; Organising and implementing
marketing in the organization; Evaluation and control of marketing efforts; Ethics in
Marketing; New issues in marketing- Globalisation, Consumerism, Green marketing, Direct
Marketing, Network Marketing, event Marketing.

Suggested Readings

1. Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, G. Principles of Marketing. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of
India, 2002
2. Kotler Philip. Marketing management: 11 Edition, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India,
3. Perreault, William D. and McCarthy, Jr. E. Jerome, Basic Marketing; 14 edition, TMH,
4. Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management, 2 edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
5. Czinkota & Kotabe; marketing Management; Vikas Publishing, New Delhi.
6. ramaswamy, V S and Namakumari, S. Marketing Management: Planning, Control,
New Delhi, Macmilian,, 1990.
7. Zikmund; Marketing; 7 edition; Thomson Learning; Mumbai


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Objective: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with concepts of business and
marketing environmental fundamentals and use the same in decision making.

Course Contents

Introduction to Business and forms of Business Organizations; Determinants of business

environment; Industrial policy in India and economic reforms.
Understanding Socio-Economic Dimensions of Marketing. Ethical Issues and dilemmas in
Study of leading Indian and Multinational Companies and their Marketing Strategies
Legal framework of Business: Consumer Protection Act,
Objectives and structure of WTO and IMF; Protection of Patents, Trademarks, IPR, ISO and BIS.

Current Marketing Trends in Changing Environment.

Suggested Readings

1. Ahluwalia, I J, Industrial Growth in India, Oxford University Press, N.Delhi.

2. Cherunilam Francis, Business Environment, Himalya Publishing House, N.Delhi.

3. Mishra and Puri, Economic Envirnment of Business, Himalya Publishing House, N.Delhi.
4. Daniel, John D and Radebangh, Lee H, International business, 5 Edition, Addision Wesley,
New York.

5. Charle W. Hill, International Business, Tata McGraw Hill, N. Delhi.

6. A.K. Sundaram, J.Stemart Block, The International Business Environment, Prentice Hall of
India, N.Delhi.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
theclass at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Objective: The basic purpose of this course is to develop an insight of postulates, principles and
techniques of accounting and application of financial and accounting information
for planning decision-making and control

Course Contents

Financial Accounting- Meaning, scope and importance; Accounting concepts and conventions;
Formation and importance of accounting standards; Accounting process; Depreciation accounting
and policy, Preparation of final accounts of non-corporate entities, Proforma of Balance Sheet of
Joint-stock Companies Cost-accounting: nature and scope of costing; Cost concepts and
Classifications; Usefulness of Costing to Managers; Preparation of Cost-Sheet.
Management Accounting: nature,scope and tools of Management Accounting;Management
Accounting vs. Financial accounting ; Financial analysis: Ratio analysis, Funds Flow Statement,
Cash Flow Statement.

Budgeting: Types of budgets and their preparation, Performance budgeting and Zero-base

Marginal costing: Break-even analysis, Decision involving alternative choices. Standard Costing:
An Overview.

Suggested Readings

1. Anthony R.N. and Reece J.S. Accounting Principles, 6 ed., Homewood, Illinois, Richard d.
Irwin, 1995

2. Bhattacharya S.K. and Dearden J. Accounting for Management. Text and Cases, New Delhi,
vikas, 1996

3. Gupta, R.L. and Ramaswmy, Advanced Accountancy, Volume I&II, Sultan Chand & Sons
4. Hingorani, N.L and Ramanathan, A.R., Mana Accounting, 5 ed., New Delhi, Sultan Chand,

5. Jawahar Lal, Cost Accounting, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi

6. Maheshwari, S.N., Advanced Accounting, vikas Publishing House, New Delhi


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The objective of this course is to develop the ability of students to apply micro and
macro economic concepts, tools and techniques in business decision-making by a firm.

Course Contents

Nature, scope and applications of Managerial Economics; Theory of the firm and business
objectives. Economic, Behavioural and Managerial theories. Demand Analysis. Law of Demand,
Determinants of Demand. Elasticity of Demand; Demand forecasting.
Consumer Behaviour, Cardinal and ordinal approaches; Consumer‟s equilibrium; the revealed
preference. Input-Output decisions. Law of supply; Elasticity of supply. Production function;
short-run analysis; Long-run function. Short-run and long-run cost functions. Empirical
estimation of production and costs.
Price-Output Decisions. Market structures. Price determination under perfect, imperfect,
monopoly and duopoly. Pricing practices and strategies. Measurement of profit and profit policy.
Investment decision under risk and uncertainty.
Macro-economic concepts: National income-alternative concepts and measurement of National
Income inflation type measurement and control balance of payments monetary and fiscal policies.
Keynesian Economics: Marginal propensity of consumer; Multiplier effect; Effective demand and
business cycles.

Suggested Readings

1. Hailstones, Thomas J. and Rathwell, John C., Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall
International, New Delhi.

2. Kreps, D., A Course in Microeconomic Theory, Princeton Univ. Press, N.J.

3. Chopra, O.P., Managerial Economics, Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

4. Baumol, W.J., Economic Theory and Operations Analysis, Prentice Hall International, New

5. Agarwal, Manju, Economics for decision Making, Indian Institute of Finance, 1997, Delhi.

6. Davis, J.R. and Chang, Simon, Principles of Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall
International, New Delhi.

7. Mehta, P.L., Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand, New Delhi.

8. Petterson: Managerial Economics, 3 Ed., Prentice Hall of India, Delhi.

9. Salvatore, Domnick, Managerial Economics in a global economy, Irwin McGraw Hill.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The Objectives of this course include developing an appreciation of different

software and hardware systems available in the industry among the students and build up the
experience of computer usage in business organizations with specific reference to commercial
data processing systems and E-commerce.

Course Contents

Computer systems: an introduction; Classification of computer system; Indian computing

environment; Components of a computer system; Computer languages; Operating System;
Introduction to MS-Word Processing & Spread Sheet.

Electronic Data Processing : an introduction; Data processing cycle; data hierarchy; Data file
structure; File organization.

E-Commerce: an introduction; framework; application; Network infrastructure; Internet

communication; Electronic payment system; Electronic data interchange. Brief introduction to
Information Technology Act, 2000.

Suggested Readings

1. Gill, N. S., Computer Network, Krishna Publishing House, New Delhi.

2. V. Raja Raman, Fundamental of Computers, PHI, New Delhi.
3. B. Ram, Computer Fundamentals, New Age Int.
4. Douglas, E. Comer, Computer Network and Internet, Pearson Education, New Delhi.

5. Kalakota, Whinston, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison Welsey.

6. Kosiur, Understanding E-Commerce, Prentice Hall of India, N. Delhi.
7. Efraim Turban, Jay Lee, David King & H. Micheal Chang, Electronic Commerce; A
Managerial Perspective, Pearson Education, N. Delhi.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Objective: The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the
consumer decision making process and its applications in marketing function of firms.

Course Contents

Introduction to Consumer Behaviour; Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy; Consumer

Involvement and Decision Making; Information Search Process; Evaluative Criteria and
Decision Rules; Consumer Motivation, Information Processing and Consumer Perception;
Consumer Attitudes and Attitude Change; Influence of Personality and Self Concept on Buying
Behaviour; Psychographics & Lifestyle; Influence of Culture, Subculture and social class;
Reference Group Influence; Diffusion of Innovation and Opinion Leadership; Family Decision
Making; Industrial Buying Behaviour; Models of Consumer Behaviour; Consumer Behaviour

Suggested Readings

1. Assael, H. Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Action, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2001.
2. Engle, J F. etc. Consumer Behaviour. Chicago, Dryden Press, 1993.
3. Hawkins, D I. etc. Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy.
TMH, 2002.
4. Schiffman. L G and Kanuk, L L. Consumer Behavior. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of
India, 1994.
5. Loudon & Loudon; Consumer Behavior; TMH; New Delhi
6. Soloman, Michael E.; Consumer Behaviour; Buying; Having, Being; PHI Pearson
Edu.; New Delhi.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in
the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to attempt
five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The purpose of this course is to enable students learn the process, tools and
techniques of marketing research.

Course Contents

Introduction to Marketing Research: Importance, nature and scope of marketing research;

Marketing information system and marketing research: Marketing research process,
Organization of MR Department, Ethical issues in MR, MR in India, Role of MR Agencies. .

Problem Identification and Research Design: Problem identification and definition:

Development of a research proposal; Types of research designs.
Data Resources: Secondary data sources and usage; Online data sources; Primary data
collection methods - questioning techniques, online surveys, observation method;
Questionnaire preparation.
Attitude measurement and scaling techniques - elementary introduction to measurement
scales. Sampling Plan: Universe, sample frame and sampling unit; Sampling techniques;
Sample size determination
Data Collection: Organisation of field work and survey errors - Sampling and non-sampling
Data Analysis: Hypothesis testing, tests of significance (Parametric & non-parametric)
Univariate, bivariate and multivariate data analysis; Report preparation and presentation.
Market Research Applications: Product research; Advertising research; Sales and market
research; International marketing research.

Suggested Readings

1. Boyd. H.W. Ralph Westfall and S.F. Starsh: Marketing Research: Text and Cases,
2. Richard D. Irwin, Boston. Chisnall, Peter M: The Essence of Marketing Research,
Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
3. Churchill, Gilbert A: Basic Marketing Research, Dryden Press, Boston.
4. Green Paul E. Donald S. Tull and Gerald Albaum: Research for Marketing Decision,
Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
5. Luck, D.J.: Marketing Research, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
6. Tull, Donald and Hawkin,Del : Marketing Research: Measurement and Method,
Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
7. Beri, G.C.: Marketing Research, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The objective of this course is to make the students understand the intricate process of
marketing communication and how each tool of communication contribute to the overall
communication strategy.

Course Contents

The communication Process - the nature of communication, A Basic Model of communication

source Encoding. Message,Channel,Receiver/Decoding,Noise, Response/Feedback. Analysing
the Receiver, the Response Process., Cognitive Processing of Communications-the cognitive
Response Approach, the Elaboration Likelihood Model.
Establishing objectives for integrated marketing communication programms-The value of
objectives- communications, planning & decision making, Determining Promotional objectives-
Marketing Versus communication objectives. Sales Versus Communication objectives-sales
oriented objectives, communication objectives.
Creative Strategy : Planning and Development, The importance of Creativity in Advertising,
Advertising Creativity, Planning creative Strategy-the creative challenge, taking creative Risks,
creative Personnel. the Creative Process, creative strategy development.
Creative Strategy: Implementation end evaluation: Appeals and Execution styles, creative tactics
- creative tactics for print advertising, creative tactics for Television.
The internet and integrated marketing communications-advertising, Sales Promotion on the
Internet, Personal Selling on the internet, Public Relations on the Internet, Direct Marketing on
the Internet.
The process of Public Relations-Developing & Executing the PR Programme, Publicity.

Suggested Readings

1. I. George E. Belch & Michael A. Belch: Advertising & Promotion-An integrated Marketing
communications Perspective. .
2. Kotler Philip-Analysis, Planning, implementation & control-Pearson Education, Delhi.
3. Blythe, Marketing Communication. Pearson Education, New Delhi
4. Tom Duncan, Integrated Marketing Communication, TMH, New Delhi
5. Q'Guinn: Advertising; Vikas Publishing House; New Delhi.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the students with the concepts which arc
helpful in developing a sound sales and distribution policy and in organising and managing
sales force and marketing channels.

Course Contents

Nature, Scope and objectives of Sales Management; Theories of selling; Functions of Sales
Manager; Selling Operations; Personal selling. Salesmanship, Sales forecasting, Determination
of size of sales force, Sales organisation, Recruitment and conducting sales training
programmes, Designing and Administering Compensation plan, motivating and supervising
sales personnel, Sales Meetings and Contests,Designing Territories and allocating sales
efforts, Sales Quota, Sales evaluation Programme, Sales budgeting and Control, International
Sales Management.

Suggested Readings

1. Anderson, R. & Hair, Professional Sales Management ,Tata McGraw Hill; N.Delhi.
2. Manning & Reece, Selling Today, Pearson Education Asia, 81h Edition.
3. Dalrymple, D J. ,Sales Management: Concepts and Cases. New York, John Wiley, 1989.

4. Still, R & Govoni ,Sales Management, Prentice Hall Inc., 1988.

5. Lancaster & Jobber, Selling and Sales Management, Macmillan India, 3rd edition.
6. Calvin; Sales Management; Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
7. Futrell, Charles, Sales Management, Thomson Learning,Mumbai.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the broad framework of
financial decision-making in a business unit.

Course Contents

Introduction to financial management, Objectives of financial management; Time value of

money; sources of finance, Investment decisions: Importance, Difficulties determining cash
flows, methods of capital budgeting, Risk analysis; Cost of capital: Concept and importance,
Computations of cost of various sources of finance; Weighted Average Cost of Capital; Capital
Structure decisions: Theories of capital structure, Factors determining capital structure.
Optimum capital structure; Management of working capital - Cash, Receivables and Inventory
Management, Internal Financing and Dividend Policy; Financial Modeling.

Suggested Readings

1. Hampton, John, Financial Decision Making. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall
1997. .
2. Khan M.Y and Jain, P.K. ,Financial Management, McGraw Hill, 2001.
3. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, McGraw Hill, 2002.
4. Pandey, I.M. Financial Management, Vikas Publication House, 2000.
5. Van Horne. James C. Financial Management and Policy. 10th.ed., New Delhi, Prentice Hall
of India, 1997.
6. Winger, Bernard and Mohan, Nancy, Principles of Financial Management. New York,
Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991.
7. Kishore, Ravi M., Financial Management, Taxmann Publishers, New Delhi.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: In a complex world of industry and business, organisational efficiency is largely

dependent on the contribution made by the members of the organisation. The Objective of this
course is to sensitize students to the various facets of managing people and to create an
understanding of the various policies and practices of human resource management.

Course Contents

Concepts and Perspectives on Human Resource Management; Human Resources Management in

changing environment; Corporate objectives and Human Resource Planning; Career and
succession planning; Job analysis; Methods of manpower search; Attracting, Selecting and
retaining human resources; Induction and socialisation; Manpower training and development;
Performance appraisal and potential evaluation; Job evaluation and compensation; Employee
welfare; Industrial relations & trade unions; Dispute resolution & grievance management;
Employee empowerment.

Suggested Readings

1. Aswathappa, K. Human Resource and Personnel Management,Tala Mc Graw Hill, New

Delhi, 1997.
2. De Cenzo, D A & Robbins S P.,Human Resource Management. 5 ed., New York, John
3. Guy, V & Mattock J.,The New International Manger, London, Kogan Page, 1993.
4. Holloway, J. Ed. Performance Measurement and Evaluation. New Delhi, Sage, 1995.
5. Monappa, A & Saiyadain M., Personnel Management. 2 ed, New Delhi, Tata Mc-Graw
Hill, 1966.
6. Stone, Lloyed and Leslie W. Rue, Human Resource and Personnel Management, Richard D.
Trwin, Illinois, 1984.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The Objectives of this course is to develop an understanding of basic management

science techniques and their role in managerial decision making.

Course Contents

Management Science - Basic concepts and its role in decision-making: Linear programming:
meaning, scope & assumptions. Formulation of linear programming problem & solution by
graphical & Simplex methods. Some special cases like degeneracy, unboundedness,
infeasibility and multiple optimal solutions. Sensitivity analysis. Integer programming, goal
programming, dynamic programming and non linear programming. Transportation and
Assignment models including trans-shipment and routing problems; _ Some special cases like
minimization, unbalanced problems, degeneracy in transportation models; Queuing theory;
Inventory management techniques; PERT/CPM; Decision theory and decision trees; Game

Suggested Readings

1. Budnik, Frank S. Dennis Mcleavey, Richard Principles of Operations Research. 2nd ed.,
Richard Irwin, Illinois - All India Traveller Bookseller, New Delhi, 1995.
2. Gould. F J. etc. Introduction to Management Science. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
Prentice Hall Inc., 1993.
3. Mathur, K and Solow, D. Management Science. Englewood New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.,
4. Narang A S. Linear Programming and Decision Making. New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1995.

5. Shanna, J K. Operations Research: Theory and Applications. New Delhil Macmillian India
Ltd., 1997.
6. Taha, H A. Operations Research - An Introduction. New York, Me-Millan, 1989.
7. Theirouf, R J and Klekamp. R C. Decision Making Through Operations Research. New
York, John Wiley, 1989.
8. N.D. Vohra, Quantitative Techniques in Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The course aims at imparting knowledge of formulation implementation and

evaluation of Business Strategies.

Course Contents

An introduction to business policy - Nature, Objective and importance of business policy; An

overview of strategic management; Strategic decision making; Process of strategic decision

Types of planning systems - corporate planning, strategic planning and long range planning;
Strategy formulation. Company‟s mission, purpose and objectives; Corporate strategy -
concept, significance and objectives; types of strategies; Environmental and organizational
appraisal (internal & external), techniques of business environment analysis; Strategic
alternatives and choice; Business ethics and corporate strategy, concept of value chair and
competitive advantage.

Strategy implementation - Designing organizational structure and activating: strategies;

Matching structure and corporate strategy, Structural, Behavioral and Functional
implementation; concept of synergy.

Strategy Evaluation - Strategic evaluation and Control, Strategic and Operational Control;
techniques of evaluation and control, Role of organizational system in evaluation.

Suggested Readings

1. Jauch & Glueek, Business Policy and Strategic Management

2. Thampson A.A. and Stickland A.J, Strategic Management- Concept and cases
3. Michael Porter, Competitive Advantage of Nations.
4. Azhar Kazmi, Business Policy and Strategic Management
5. Kenneth, A. Andrews, Concepts of corporate Strategy
6. Melvin J. Stanford, Management Policy
7. John A. Pearce II and R.B.Robinson, Strategic Management - Strategy Formulation and


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The course is designed to assist the students in understanding basic laws affecting
the operations of a business enterprise.

Course Contents

The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Essentials of a Valid Contract, Void Agreements, Performance
of Contracts, Breach of Contract and its Remedies, Quasi-Contracts, The Sale of Goods Act,
1930: Formation of a Contract, Rights of an Unpaid Seller; The Negotiable Instruments Act,
1881: Nature and Types, .Negotiation and Assignment, Holder-in-Due Course, Dishonour and
Discharge of a Negotiable Instrument, Arbitration; The Companies Act, 1956: Nature and
types of Companies, Formation, Memorandum and Articles of Association, Prospectus
Allotment of Shares, Share and Share Capital, Membership, Borrowing Powers, Management
and Meetings, Accounts and Audit, Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement, Winding
Up.; An Overview of Consumer Protection Act and Cyber Laws.

Suggested Readings

1. Avatar Singh, Company Law. 11th ed. Lucknow, Eastern, 1996.

2. Khergamwala, JS, The Negotiable Instrument Acts. Bombay, N.M.Tripathi,1980.
3. Ramaiya, A.Guide to the Companies Act. Nagpur, Wadhwa, 1992.
4. Shah, S M. Lectures on Company Law. Bombay, N.M.Tripathi, 1990
5. Tuteja, S K Business Law For Managers, New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1998.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The objective of this course is to impart in-depth knowledge to the students
regarding the theory and practice of Product and Brand Management.

Course Contents

Product Planning and Management: Product concepts and levels; Product line and mix
decisions; Product life cycle and marketing strategy implications. New Product Development
Process: Developing Product Strategy; Financial Analysis of Product Management.

Branding Strategies: Importance of branding; Branding terminology; Basic branding concepts -

brand awareness, brand personality, brand image, brand identity, brand loyalty, brand equity;
Product verses corporate branding. Major Branding Decisions: Selecting a brand name; Brand
extension decision; Family versus individual brand names; Multiple branding; Private versus
national branding, Handling brand name changes. Brand Positioning and Re-launch: Brand
building and communication. Branding in Specific Sectors: Customer, industrial, retail, service
brands, E-branding, Branding for international marketing. Brand Equity -Sources & Benefits,
Designing Marketing Programme to built Brand Equity, Measurement of Brand Equity.

Suggested Readings

1. Lehman, Donald R. and Winer, Russel S., Product Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd
edition, 2002.
2. Aaker, David, A. Managing Brand Equity. New York, Free Press, 1991.
3. Cowley, Don. Understanding Brands, London, Kogan Page, 1991.
4. Czerniawskd, Richard D. & Michael W. Maloney Creating Brand Loyalty, AMACOM, NY,
5. Kapferer, J N. Strategic Brand Management. New York, Free Press, 1992.
6. Upshaw, Lyhh B. Building Brand Identity: A Strategy for success in a hostile market place.
New York, John, Wiley, 1995.
7. Keller, Kevin Lana. Strategic Brand Management, Prentice Hall, 1998.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The objective of this course is to enable students understand the importance and
dynamics of a firm's physical distribution functions and management of its supply chain.

Course Contents

Distribution Channels: Role of Marketing Channels, Channel Structure, Factors affecting

choice of Distribution; Channel behavior and Organisation; Channel Cooperation and Channel
Conflict; Distribution Intensity
Introduction to Distribution Logistics: Nature, importance and scope of logistic decisions;
Integrated logistics; Total cost concept; Supply chain management -nature, importance and
interface with logistics; Concept of customer service. Transportation and Physical Distribution:
Impo11anceand modes of transportation; Selection of transportation modes; Multi-modal
transportation; Documentation and carrier liabilities; Interstate go()d movement and problems;
Transportation management. Inventory Control: Economic order quantity under conditions of
certainty and uncertainty; Inventory requirements as function of number of stock locations;
Techniques of inventory control. Warehousing: Role and modern concept of warehousing;
Private v/s public warehousing; Planning warehousing operations; Site selection, warehouse
layout, material handling; Management of receipts and issues; Computers and warehouse
management. Order Processing: Importance to customers service; Packaging and utilization.

Distribution Control and Performance Evaluation.

Suggested Readings

1. Bowersox and Others: Physical Distribution Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

2. Stern, Louis W. Adel, I.E.L. -Ansary, Anne T. Coughlan: Marketing Channels, Prentice
Hall, New Delhi.
3. Glaskowsky N.A. Business Logistics, Dryden Press, Ohio.
4. Khanna, K.K. Physical Distribution Management, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.

5. Lambert, D. et. al.: Strategic Logistics Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
6. Ballu, Ronald H.; Business Logistics Management, Englewood Cliffs, New York, Prentice
Hall Inc., 1999.
7. Martin, Christopher and Gordon Wills: Marketing Logistics and Distribution Management.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The Course will focus on manufactures, perspective on retailers and understanding
of the retail business.

Course Contents

An introduction to the Retailing System. Retailing mix - Social forces,. Economic forces.
Technological forces, Competitive forces; Retailing definition, Structure, Different formats:
marketing Concepts in Retailing - Consumer purchase Behaviour, Cultural and Social group
influence on consumer Purchase Behavior; Retail store location – Traffic flow and analysis,
population and its mobility, exteriors and layout. Customer traffic flows and pattern, Creative
display; Merchandise Planning - Stock turns, Credit Management. Retail Pricing, Return on per
sq. feet of space; Retail promotions - Staying ahead of competition; Supply Chain
Management, Warehousing; Role of IT in Supply chain management; Franchising, Direct
Marketing/Direct Selling, Exclusive shops, Destination stores, Chain Stores, Discount Stores
and other current and emerging formats - Issues and options; Retail Equity; Technology in
Retailing; Retailing through the Internet.

Suggested Readings

1. Berman. Bell)' & Evans, Joel R.; Retail Management; A Strategic Approach; PHI/Pearson
Education; New Delhi.
2. Levy Michael & Weitz Bartcn W.; Retailing Management; Tata McGraw Hill. New Delhi.

3. Newman, Andrew J. & Cullen, Peter; Retailing: Environment & Operations: Vikas
Publishing House; New Delhi.
4. Duane; Retailing; Thomson Learning; Mumbai
5. Gilber, David; Retail Marketing Management; Pearson Education; New Delhi.
6. Diamond. Jay and Gerald Pintel Retailing. Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1996.
7. Morgenstein, Melvin and Harriat Strong in Modem Retailing, Prentice-Hall, NJ. 1992.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The basic objective of this course is to acquaint the students with environmental,
procedural, institutional and decisional aspects or international marketing.

Course Contents

International Marketing: Definitions, nature, scope and benefits; reasons and motivations
underlying International Trade and International Business; basic modes for entry; process of
International Marketing; Domestic Marketing versus International Marketing International
Marketing Environment, WTO Framework and International Marketing; Factors influencing
International market selection and segmentation, Selection strategies. International Marketing
Planning and control. International Marketing Mix: International product policy and planning
International Product mix, Branding, labeling, packaging and organization of product
warranties and services. International Pricing policies strategies, the process of price setting,
pricing decisions, information for pricing decisions.

International Advertising: International advertising strategy, elements of advertising strategy,

media strategy. International Distribution Management: International Distribution Channels,
International distribution policy, selecting distribution channels.

Suggested Readings

1. Vern Terpestra and Ravi Sarathy: International Marketing: Thomson

2. Simon Majaro: International Marketing
3. John,Fayerweather:InternationalMarketing
4. R. L. Varshney and B. Bhattacharya: International Marketing: Sultan Chand
5. Publications, N. Delhi
6. Sak Onkvisit and John Shaw: International Marketing (analysis and Strategy), PHI, N.
7. Warren, J. Keegan: Global Marketing Management: Pearson Edu/PHI, New Delhi
8. Phillip R. Cateora: International Marketing: Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The aim of this paper is to acquaint the students with concepts, techniques and give
experience in the application of concepts for developing effective advertising programme.

Course Contents

Advertising: Concepts, Types, forms and Importance. Role of advertising in the Marketing
Process: Legal Ethical arid Social Aspects of Advertising; Process of Communication -Wilbur
Schramm's Model, Two Step Flow of Communication, Theory of Cognitive Dissonance and
Clues for Advertising Strategists: Stimulation of Primary and Selective Demand -Advertising
Planning and Objective Setting: DAGMAR Approach. Determination of Target Audience;
Building of Advertising Programme -Message, Headlines, Copy, Logo, Illustration, Appeal,
Layout; Campaign Planning; Media Planning; Budgeting; Evaluation -Rationale of Testing
Opinion and Aptitude Tests, Measurement of Advertising Effectiveness; Advertising
Organisation -Selection Compensation and Appraisal of an Agency; Electronic Media Buying.
Advertising and cnsumer behavior; role of Creativity in Advertising.

Suggested Readings

1. Belch, George E and Belch, Michael A. Introduction to Advertising and Promotion. 3rd ed.
Chicago; Irwin, 2002.
2. Arens and Bovee, Contemporary Advertising, Irwin, 1995.
3. Sandage and Fryberger, Advertising, AITBS, Delhi, 2000.
4. Batra, Rajeev, Myers, Johan G. and Aaker, David A. Advertising Management. 4th ed. New
Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
5. Guinn, Advertising & Integrated Brand Production; Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.

6. Kleppner, Otto. Advertising Procedure. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.,
7. Wells, William, Burnett, John & Moriarty Sandra, PHI, 2002.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The main objective of this course is to impart knowledge of tourism marketing in

Course Contents

Tourism-Definition, phenomenon and characteristics. Tourist, Traveler & Visitors, Tourist

motives Pull and push factors in tourism. Unique characteristics of tourism. Demand and
constraints of tourism supply.

Cost benefit analysis of tourism, impact‟ of tourism, components of tourism industry, resorts,
hospitality travel agent & tour operators, and transportation. Tourist marketing-Definition &
scope. Difference between tourism marketing and product marketing.
Specific Marketing strategies for tourism industry-external marketing, internal marketing,
interactive marketing and relationship marketing.
Case studies in tourism marketing-Essel World, Appu Ghar, ITDC, Haryana Tourism
Corporation, Oberoi Hotels, Taj Group of Hotels, SITA Travels, TCI, Air India,
British Airways.


1. Marketing for Tourism -JC Holloway & RV Plant

2. Tourism Marketing & Management Handbook -S.F.WittandL.Moutinho


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objectives: The objective of the course is to acquaint students with the knowledge of
marketing on the internet.

Course Contents

Concept of cyber space and internet, advantages and cl1allenges in using internet, types of
cybernaut, cyber space community, concept of world wide web, future of internet.
Design and layout on the web, universal guidelines, home page, fact page, narratives, forms,
pictures, links and thumbnail galleries, taking orders on the web, accepting payments.
Media and marketing strategies, for internet, building dialogues and learning relationship with
individual customer, customer focused strategies and tactics, hits, views, clicks and visits.

Advertising on internet, copy writing for interactive media, public relations and promotion on the
internet, interactive kiosks in the retail environment, measuring effectiveness of interactive

Suggested Readings

1 Cyber Marketing, Regina Brady, Edward Forrest and Richard Mizerski

2 Selling on the Net, H. G. Lewis, Robert D. Lewis


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The students arc to be provided basic understanding of the RDBMS & SQL and the
skills to make use of these in business organizations.

Course Contents

RDBMS: Introduction -Database and DBMS Software, Three Layered Arci1itecture, Advantages
and Disadvantages of a Database, History. Data Modeling -Object Oriented and Record Based
models, E-R Model and E-R diagram Examples and Exercises, Hierarchical Model, Network
Model and Relational Model; Normalizations techniques -First Normal Form, Second Normal
Form and the Third normal Form, Examples and Exercises, E.F. Codd's 12 Rules for a relational
Database; Database concepts -Transaction Management, Properties of a Transaction, Commit and
Rollback, Concurrency, Locking, Access Control, Data Integrity, Integrity Constraints, Auditing,
Backup and Recovery; Data Dictionary -System Catalogue,
D,istributedDatabaseandDistribli:~cdDataAccess,IntroductiontoClient -Server and ODBC
connectivity. SQL: SQL Language -DML commands -Select, Insert, Update, Delete retrieving data,
summarizing data, adding data to the database, updating data to the database and deleting data.
Simple queries -use of WHERE, Arithmetic, comparison and logical operators,

ORDER BY, GROUP BY and Group Functions. Multi table queries, Sub-queries, Views;
DDL Commands -Table and View Create, Alter, Drop Integrity Constraints; Transaction
Processing Commit, Rollback, Save point. LAB: SQL & MS Access.

Suggested Readings

1. Coleman, Pat and Peter Dyson Internets BSP Pub., Delhi, 1997.
2. Keen,Pterand MarkMcDonalThee-ProcessEdge,Delhi,TataMcGraw-Hill, 2000.
3. Oberoi, Sundeep e-Security and You, Delhi, Tata McGraw -Hill, 2001.
4. Richart, Alberto Manual and Stephen Asbury Active Server Pages 3, 1DG Books, Delhi,
5. Rich, Jason R. Starting an E-Commerce Business, lOG Books, 2000.
6. Samantha Shurety, "E-business with Net Commerce", Addition Wesley, Singapore, 2001.

7. Schneider, Robert D. & J .R. Garbus Optimizing SQL Server 7, N J., Prentice -Hall, 1999.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The objective of this course is to expose the students to the growth of
entrepreneurship in developing countries with special reference to India.

Course Contents

Significance of Entrepreneur in Economic Development; Economic, social and psychological

need for entrepreneurship; Characteristics, qualities and pre-requisites of entrepreneur; The
function of the entrepreneur in economic development of a Country; Methods and procedures
.to start and expand one's own business; Life cycle of new business and relationship with large
enterprises; Achievement motivation; Environmental Factors affecting success of a new
business; Reasons for the failure and visible problems for business. Feasibility Study -
Preparation of Feasibility Reports: Selection of factory location, Demand Analysis, Market
potential measurement, Capital saving and project costing, Working capital requirement, profit
and tax Planning; Economic, Technical, Financial and Managerial Feasibility of Project.

Govt support to new enterprise; Incentives; source of Finance; Role of Govt. and Promotional
agencies in entrepreneurship development. Entrepreneurship Development Programmes; Role
of various institutions in developing entrepreneurship in India (A brief description only).

Suggested Readings

1. Cliffon, Davis S and Fyfie, David E. "Project Feasibility Analysis". 1977 John Wiley, New
2. Desai, A N. "Entrepreneur & Environment". 1990. Ashish, New Delhi.
3. Drucker, Peter. "Innovation and Entrepreneurship". 1985. Heinemann, London.
4. Jain Rajiv. "Planning a Small Scale Industry: A Guide to Entrepreneurs". 1984. S.S. Books,
5. Kumar, S A. "Entrepreneurship in Small Industry". 1990, Discovery, New Delhi.
6. McClelland, D C and Winter, W G. "Motivating Economic Achievement". 1969. Free
Press, New York.
7. Pareek, Udai and Venkateswara Rao, T. "Developing Entrepreneurship -A Handbook on
Learning Systems". 1978, Learning Systems, Delhi.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The objective of this course is to lay a foundation for an understanding of the
complex dimensions of the industrial marketing.

Course Contents

Nature and Scope of Industrial Marketing: Differences between Industrial Marketing and
Consumer Marketing; Understanding Industrial Markets: Organizational Customers; Classifying
industrial Products; Nature of Demand in Industrial Markets; Industrial Buyer Behaviour;
Industrial Purchasing system; Industrial Marketing Research; Industrial Marketing Strategy:
Strategic Planning, Assessing Marketing Opportunities, Segmentation of Industrial Markets,
Product Positioning; .Product Decisions and Strategies; Industrial Services; Industrial Pricing:
Price Determinants, Pricing Policies, Pricing decisions; Formulating Channel Strategy; Logistics
Management; Industrial Marketing Communication: Sales Force Management, Advertising and
Sales Promotion.

Suggested Readings

1. Reeder, Robert R. Industrial Marketing: Analysis, Planning and Control. Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1991.
2. Vitale; Business to Business Marketing; Thomson Learning, Mumbai.
3. Havalder, Krishna K.; Industrial Marketing, TMH, New Delhi.
4. Corey, E Ra~l1ond. Industrial Marketing: cases and concepts. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1983.
5. Gross, A C. Business Marketing Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1993.
6. Hill, Richard, etc. Industrial Marketing. Homewood Illinois, Richard D. Irwin, 1975.

7. Webster, F E. Industrial Marketing Strategy. 2nd ed. New York, John Wiley, 1979.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: This course acquaints students with the need, significance, and operations of direct

Course Contents

Direct Marketing: Definition, scope and importance of direct marketing; Direct Marketing
Modes -Tele Marketing, Catalogue Marketing, Network Marketing, Data-Base Marketing,
Changing face of direct marketing. Elements of Direct Marketing: Planning a direct marketing
programme; Direct Marketing and developing new business; Guidelines for effective direct
marketing -likely pitfalls, rules for success. Institutional Direct Marketing: Industrial Direct
Marketing; Retail direct marketing; Dealer- identified direct marketing. Segmentation and
Target Marketing; Marketing Mix for Direct Marketing: Product, price, place and promotion
strategies. Direct Marketing Operations: Planning direct marketing campaign; Communication
for direct marketing; Media planning; Fulfillment and customer service -receiving and
processing orders, inventory and warehousing decisions, and customer service. Tools and
Techniques: Role of information technology in direct marketing; Developing customer
databases; Cost analysis and cost control of direct marketing; Evaluating effectiveness of direct
marketing. Applications of Direct Marketing: Financial services marketing; Fund raising;
Customer loyalty programmes.

Suggested Readings

1. McDonald, William J. Direct Marketing, TMH, New Delhi, 1998.

2. Bird, Dryayton: Common Sense Direct Marketing, Kogan Page, London.
3. Bob Stone: Successful Direct Marketing Methods, NTC, Chicago.
4. Edward, Nash: The Direct Marketing Handbook, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
5. Edwam, Nash: Direct Marketing, TMH, New Delhi, 1992.
6. Roberts, M.L. And P.O. Berger: Direct Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

7. Stone, Mertin, Derek Davies and Alison Bond: Direct Hit, Macmillan, New Delhi.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.



Course contents

Introduction to strategy: market-oriented perspectives underlying successful corporate,

business and marketing strategy, corporate strategy decisions and their marketing implication,
business strategy decisions and their marketing implication.
Opportunity analysis: identifying attractive markets, industry analysis and competitive
advantage, measuring market opportunities
Formulating marketing strategies: Marketing strategies for new market entries, strategy for
growth markets, strategies for mature and declining markets, marketing strategies for new
economy, measuring and delivering marketing performance.
Basic concepts of international marketing: Definition, international dimensions of marketing,
alternative foreign markets entry modes, characteristics of firms operating in international
markets, value chain as a framework, international market selection, research, segmentation,
planning & control

Suggested Readings

1. Walker, Boyd, Mullins & Larreche, Marketing strategy, TMH, N.Delhi

2. Srinivasan R., International Marketing, PHI, N.Delhi
3. Engle Wood Cliffs, N.J., Strategic Market Planning, Problems and Analytical Approaches,
Prentice Hall
4. Anderson, Kotler, Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organisation, PHI
5. Tony Proctor, Strategic Marketing: An introduction, Vikas Publishing House, N.Delhi

6. OC Farrell, Michael Hartline , George Lucas, Marketing Strategy, Vikas Publishing House,


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The objective of the course is to explore the students to the rural market environment
and the emerging challenges in the globalization of the economies.

Course Contents

Nature, characteristics and the potential of rural markets in India, Socio-cultural, economic &
other environmental factors affecting rural marketing; Attitudes and behavior of the rural
consumers and farmers; Marketing of consumer durables and non-durable goods and services
in the rural markets with special reference to product planning; Media Planning; planning of
distribution channels and organizing personal selling in rural markets in India. Marketing of
agricultural inputs with special reference to fertilizers, seeds, Farm input & Pesticides:
Organisation and functions of agricultural marketing in India. Classification of agricultural
products with particular reference to seasonality and perishability; Marketing structure and
performance; Processing facilities for different agricultural products. Role of warehousing;
Determination of agricultural prices and marketing margins; Role of agricultural price
commission. Role of central and state governments. Institutions and. organizations in
agricultural marketing; Unique features of commodity markets in India; Problems of
agricultural marketing; Nature, scope and role of co-operative marketing in India.

Suggested Readings

1. Arora, R C. Integrated Rural Development. 1979, Scharnd, New Delhi.

2. Desao. Vasal. Rural Development. 1988, Himalaya, Bombay.
3. Mishar, S. N. Politics and Society in Rural India. 1980, Inter India. Delhi.
4. Porter, Michael, E. Competitive Strategy. 1980. Free Press, New York.
5. Rudra, Ashok. Indian Agricultural Economics. Myths and Realities. 1982. Allied, New
6. Stalk, George. Competing Against Time. 1990, Free Press, New Delhi.
7. Gopalaswamy T.P. Rural Marketing, Wheeler Pub., New Delhi.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: The objective of this course is to develop insights into emerging trends in the
service in a developing economy and tackle issues involved in the management of services on
national basis.

Course Contents

The Emergence of Service Economy; Nature of Services; Differences in Goods and Services
Marketing; Marketing Challenges in Service Businesses; Marketing Framework for Service
Businesses; The service Classification; Service Product Development; The Service Consumer
Behaviour; Service Management Trinity; Service Vision and Service Strategy; Quality Issues
and Quality Models; Managing Productivity and Differentiation in Service Organizations;
Demand-supply Management; Advertising; Branding and Packaging of Services; Recovery
Management; Relationship Marketing; Employee Empowerment, Customer Involvement in

Suggested Readings

1. J. Zeithaml, V A and Bitner, M J. Services Marketing; 3rd edition; McGraw Hill, New
Delhi; 2002.
2. Lovelock, Christopher H. Service Marketing: People, Technology Strategy; 4th edition;
Pearson Education; New Delhi.
3. Hoffman & Bateson; Essentials of Service Marketing; Thomson Learning; Mumbai.
4. Shankar, Ravi, Service Marketing, Excel, 2002.
5. Rampal M.K. & Gupta S.C.; Service Marketing; Galgotia Publishing Company; New
6. McDonald, Malcom and Payne, A. Marketing Planning for Services. Butterworth,
Heinemann, 1996.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.


Objective: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Generates competency in transforming

organizations into customer-centric enterprises. This course is intended to educate, at a high
level, about CRM, and eliminate some of the mystery around CRM.

Course Contents

Introduction: Knowledge Management, e-Business, and CRM. The New Economy's New Face,
How We Got Here. The Long-Winded Road. The New-New Imperatives. Understanding E-
Business : CRM and KM, The New Digital Landscape, Getting Down to e-Business, Customer
Relationship Management, Knowledge Management, Knowledge-Enabled Customer
Relationship Management. A Roadmap for Success : The Knowledge-Enabled Customer
Relationship Management Roadmap. Phase I : Evaluation and Strategic Alignment Phase II:
Infrastructural Development and Development Phase III : Leadership, Change Management,
Measurement and Refinement.
Aligning Strategy and Technology Choices: Getting Past the Innovator's Dilemma. The KCRM
Strategic Framework. Analyzing the Business Environment. Understanding the Context Strategy
Technology. Audit and Analysis : Why Audit Customer Knowledge? Initiating the Audit.
Reference Measures Methodological Choices. The Audit Method. Documenting Customer
Knowledge Assets Using the Audit Results to Drive KCRM. Building an Implementation Team:
Tasks and Expertise, Team Composition. Leadership, Risk Assessment and Common Pitfalls.
Blueprinting the Technology Infrastructure : Design Challenges. The Customer Lifecycle.
Customer Knowledge Management : Technology Framework. The KCRM Architecture.
Integration. Long-Term Considerations.

Results-Driven Development and Deployment: Hidden Costs and other Surprises. An

overview of Big-Bang, Systems Development Methods. Looking Beyond the Waterfall.
Results Driven Incremental.

Suggesting Readings

1. Alex Berson, ,Stephen Smith, Kurt Threading; Building Data Mining Applications for
CRM, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.
2. Michael J.A. Perry; Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Support,
Gordon Linoff/ 1997.
3. Michael J.A. Berry and Gordon Linoff; Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of
Customer Relationship Management, John Wiley, 2001.


1. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced
in the class at the time of launching of the course.

2. The examiner will set eight questions in all (including first compulsory question
consisting of seven short questions) out of which students shall be required to
attempt five questions in all. All questions shall carry equal marks.

The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the
class at the time of launching of the course.


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