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1. Let ω = − +i .
2 2
1 1 1
Then the value of the determinan t 1 − 1 − ω ω 2 is

1 ω2 ω4
(A) 3ω (B) 3ω (ω - 1)
(C) 3ω2 (D) 3ω(1 - ω)

Ans: Since 1 + ω + ω2 = 0, the given determinant

1 1 1 3 0 0
= 1 ω ω = 1 ω ω2

1 ω2 ω 1 ω2 ω
= 3(ω - ω ) = 3(ω - ω) = 3ω(ω - 1)
2 4 2

2. For all complex numbers z1, z2 satisfying |z1| = 12 and |z2 – 3 – 4i| = 5, the minimum value of
|z1 – z2| is
(A) 0 (B) 2
(C) 7 (D) 17

Ans: 5 = |z2 –3 –4i| ≥ ||z2| –5| ⇒ |z2| ≤ 10 ⇒ |z1 –z2| ≥ ||z1| –|z2|| = 12 –10 = 2.

3. If a1, a2, …, an are positive real numbers whose product is a fixed number c, then the minimum
value of a1+ a2+ …+ an-1 + 2an is
(A) n(2c)1/n (B) (n+1) c1/n
(C) 2nc (D) (n+1) (2c)1/n

a1 + a2 + .... + an −1 + 2an
≥ (a1 .a2 .a3 ....an −1 .2an )
Ans: We have
⇒ a1 + a2 + a3 + … + an-1 + 2an ≥ n(2c)1/n

4. Suppose a, b, c are in A.P. and a2, b2, c2 are in G.P. If a < b < c and a + b + c = 3/2, then the
value of a is
1 1
(A) (B )
2 2 2 3
1 1 1 1
(C) − (D) −
2 3 2 2

Ans: Since a + c = 2b, b = 1/2. Also b2 = ± ac ⇒ ac = ± 1/4 and a + c = 1

Hence a, c are the roots of the equation x2 – x ± 1/4 = 0
1 1
⇒a= − .
2 2

5. The number of arrangements of the letters of the word BANANA in which the two N’s do not
appear adjacently is
(A) 40 (B) 60
(C) 80 (D) 100

Ans: Total number of ways of arranging the letters of the word BANANA is
= 60 .
2! 3!
Number of words in which 2 N’s come together is 5!/3!. Hence the required number
= 60 – 20 = 40.
 10  20  p
6. The sum ∑   , (where   = 0 if p < q) is maximum when m is
i = 0  i  m − i   q

(A) 5 (B) 10
(C) 15 (D) 20

Ans: The sum ∑ 10
Ci. 20Cm − i = 10 + 20
Cm −i + i = 30Cm
which is maximum for m = 15.

7. The number of values of k for which the system of equations

(k + 1)x + 8y = 4k
kx + (k +3) y = 3k –1
has infinitely many solutions is
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) infinite

Ans: Here ∆ = 0 for k = 3, 1, ∆x = 0 for k = 2, 1, ∆y = 0 for k = 1.

Hence k =1. Alternatively, for infinitely many solutions the two equations become identical
k +1 8 4k
⇒ = = ⇒ k =1
k k + 3 3k − 1

8. The set of all real numbers x for which x2 - |x + 2| + x > 0, is

(A) (-∞, -2) ∪(2, ∞) (B) (-∞, -√2) ∪(√2, ∞)
(C) (-∞, -1) ∪(1, ∞) (D) (√2,∞)

Ans: For x ≥ -2, x2 – x –2 + x > 0 ⇒ x2 > 2 ⇒ x ∈ (- ∞, - √2) ∪ (√2, ∞)

⇒ x ∈ [ -2, - √2) ∪(√2, ∞)
For x < -2 x2 + x + 2 + x > 0 or x2 + 2x + 2 > 0 which is true for all x.
Hence x ∈ (-∞, -√2 ) ∪(√2, ∞).

9. The length of a longest interval in which the function 3 sin x – 4 sin3 x is increasing, is
(A) π/3 (B) π/2
(C) 3π/2 (D) π

Ans: 3 sinx – 4 sin3x = sin3x which increases for 3x ∈ (-π/2, π/2)

⇒ x ∈ (-π/6, π/6) whose length is π/3.

10. Which of the following pieces of data does NOT uniquely determine an acute-angled triangle
ABC (R being the radius of the circumcircle)?
(A) a, sin A, sin B (B) a, b, c
(C) a, sin B, R (D) a, sin A, R

Ans: With a, b, c given, the angles are obtained uniquely by the cosine rule.
a b c
By sine rule = = = 2R,
sin A sin B sin C
we find that a, sin A, R do not fix the triangle uniquely.

11. The number of integral values of k for which the equation 7 cos x + 5sin x = 2k + 1 has a
solution is
(A) 4 (B) 8
(C) 10 (D) 12

Ans: – √74 ≤ 2k + 1 ≤ √74 ⇒ - 8 ≤ 2k + 1≤ 8 ⇒ k can take 8 integral values.

12. Let 0 < α < π/2 be a fixed angle. If P = (cos θ, sin θ) and Q = (cos (α–θ), sin (α–θ)) then Q is
obtained from P by
(A) clockwise rotation around origin through an angle α
(B) anticlockwise rotation around origin through an angle α
(C) reflection in the line through origin with slope tan α
(D) reflection in the line through origin with slope tan(α/2)

Ans: Clearly Q is the mirror reflection of P in the line y = tan (α/2) x.

13. Let P = (–1, 0), Q = (0, 0) and R = (3, 3√3) be three points. Then the equation of the bisector
of the angle PQR is
(A) (√3/2)x + y = 0 (B) x + √3 y = 0
(C) √3x + y = 0 (D) x + (√3/2)y = 0

Ans: tan θ = √3 ⇒ θ = 60° Y R(3, 3√3)

⇒ ∠PQR = 120°
⇒ bisector will have slope tan120°
⇒ equation of bisector is √3x + y = 0.
P(-1, 0) Q X

14. A straight line through the origin O meets the parallel lines 4x + 2y = 9 and 2x + y + 6 = 0 at
points P and Q respectively. Then the point O divides the segment PQ in the ratio
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 3 : 4
(C) 2 : 1 (D) 4 : 3

Ans: OP 9 3
= = Y
OQ 4 × 3 4

P(9/4, 0)
(-3, 0)Q O X

15. If the tangent at the point P on the circle x2 + y2 + 6x + 6y = 2 meets the straight line
5x –2y + 6 = 0 at a point Q on the y – axis, then the length of PQ is
(A) 4 (B) 2 5
(C) 5 (D) 3 5

Ans: Co-ordinates of Q ≡ (0, 3)

PQ will be length of the tangent = 02 + 32 + 0 + 6 × 3 − 2 = 25 = 5

16. If a > 2b > 0 then the positive value of m for which y = mx – b√(1+ m2) is a common tangent to
x2 +y2 = b2 and (x – a)2 + y2 = b2 is
2b a 2 − 4b 2
( A) (B )
a 2 − 4b 2 2b
2b b
(C) (D )
a − 2b a − 2b
Ans: Clearly line y = mx - b√(1+ m2) will pass from point (a/2, 0) (mid-point of the centres of the
⇒ m=
a − 4b 2
(a, 0)
(a/2, 0)

17. The locus of the mid-point of the line segment joining the focus to a moving point on the
parabola y2 = 4ax is another parabola with directrix
(A) x = –a (B) x = –a/2
(C) x = 0 (D) x = a/2

Ans: Let (α, β) be the mid-point of the line joining (a, 0) and (at2, 2at)
⇒ 2α = a(1 + t2) and 2β = 2at
∴ locus will be y2 = 2a(x – a/2)
∴ equation of directrix is x – (a/2) = –a/2 ⇒ x = 0.

18. The area bounded by the curves y = |x| –1 and y = –|x| + 1 is

(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 2√2 (D) 4

Ans: Required area = (1/2) ×2×2 sq. units

(0, 1) y = |x| -1

(-1, 0) (1, 0)
y = -|x| +1
(0, -1)

19. Suppose f (x) = (x + 1)2 for x ≥ –1. If g (x) is the function whose graph is the reflection of the
graph of f (x) with respect to the line y = x, then g (x) equals
( A) − x − 1, x ≥ 0 (B ) , x > −1
(x + 1)2
(C ) x + 1 , x > −1 (D ) x − 1, x ≥ 0

Ans: Clearly g(x) will be inverse of f(x)

⇒ g(x) = x − 1

20. Let function f : R → R be defined by f (x) = 2x + sin x for x ∈ R. then f is

(A) one-to-one and onto (B) one-to-one but NOT onto
(C) onto but NOT one-to-one (D) neither one-to-one nor onto

Ans: f′(x) = 2 + cosx > 0 ∀ x ∈ R. Also f(x) tends to ∞ as x → ∞ and f(x) → -∞ as x → - ∞. Thus f(x)
is one-one and onto .

21. The domain of the derivative of the function

 tan −1 x if x ≤ 1

f (x) =  1
 2 ( x − 1) if x > 1

(A) R – {0} (B) R–{1}

(C) R– {–1} (D) R–{–1, 1}

Ans: f (x) is discontinuous at x = 1, –1, hence non-differentiable

22. The integer n for which lim
(cos x − 1) (cos x − e x ) is a finite non zero number is
x →0 xn
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4

(cosx − 1)(cosx − e x ) 2sin2 (x/2)(ex − 1 + 1 − cosx)

Ans: lim = lim
x →0 xn x →0 xn

= lim
2 sin2 ( x / 2) e x − 1 + 2 sin2 x / 2
= lim
1  sin x / 2  e x − 1 + 2 sin2 x / 2
 
( )
x →0 xn x →0 2  x / 2  x n −2
It is non-zero if n –2 = 1 ⇒ n = 3.
 x2 x4 
− +
 2! 4! + ......  − x − x 2 + ......
 ( )
(cos x − 1)(cos x − e x )  
lim n
= lim n
is non - zero
x →0 x x → 0 x
⇒ n = 3.

23. Let f : R → R be such that f(1) = 3 and f′ (1) = 6.

 f (1 + x ) 
1/ x

Then lim   equals

x →0
 f (1) 
(A) 1 (B) e1/2
(C) e2 (D) e3

1/x 1  f(1+ x)− f(1)  f ′(1)

 f(1 + x)  lim
x→0 x 
 
Ans: lim  =e  f(1) 
=e f(1)
= e2
x →0
 f(1) 

24. The point(s) on the curve y3 + 3x2 = 12 y where the tangent is vertical, is (are)
 4   11 
(A)  ± , − 2  (B )  ± , 1
   3 
3  
 4 
(C ) (0, 0) (D )  ± , 2 
 3 

Ans: y3 + 3x2 = 12y

dy 6x
⇒ = . For vertical tangents,
dx 3( 4 − y 2 )
y = ± 2. But for y = –2, we get x2 to be negative. For y = 2, x2 = 16/3.
 4 
Hence points are  ± , 2 
 3 

25. The equation of the common tangent to the curves y2 = 8x and xy = –1 is

(A) 3y = 9x+2 (B) y = 2x + 1
(C) 2y = x + 8 (D) y = x + 2

Ans: Any tangent to y2 = 8x is y = mx + 2/m. It will also touch xy = –1 if x(mx +2/m) = –1 has equal
roots. ⇒ 4/m2 = 4m ⇒ m = 1.
Hence tangent is y = x + 2.

26. Let f(x) = ∫
2 − t 2 dt .

Then the real roots of the equation x2 – f′ (x) = 0 are

(A) ± 1 (B) ±1/√2
(C) ±1/2 (D) 0 and 1
Ans: f′(x) = √(2 –x2); x2 = f′(x) ⇒ x4 = 2 – x2 ⇒ x2 = 1 ⇒ x = 1, -1

27. Let T>0 be a fixed real number. Suppose f is a continuous function such that for all x∈ R,
T 3 + 3T
f(x + T)= f(x). If I = ∫
f ( x ) dx then the value of ∫ f (2x ) dx

(A) (3/2) I (B) 2 I

(C) 3 I (D) 6 I

3 + 3T 6 + 6T 6T T
dt 1
Ans: ∫ f (2x )dx =
∫ f (t )
2 2 ∫0
= f (t )dt = 3 ∫ f (t ) = 3I

  1+ x 
1/ 2
28. The integral ∫  [x ]+ ln  1 − x   dx
−1 / 2
equals to

(A) -1/2 (B) 0

(C) 1 (D) 2 ln(1/2)

 1+ x 

Ans: ∫ 
 [x ] + ln  
dx = ∫ ([x ])dx = − 1
−1/2  1− x  −1/2 2
& & & & & &
29. If a and b are two unit vectors such that a + 2 b and 5a − 4b are perpendicu lar to each other then the
& &
angle between a and b is
(A) 45 o (B) 60o
(C) cos (1/3) (D) cos–1 (2/7)
& &
( &
We have a + 2b ⋅ 5a − 4b = 0 )( )
&2 &2 &
⇒ 5 a − 8 b + 6a ⋅ b = 0
& 1
⇒ a ⋅b =
⇒ cosθ = 1/2 ⇒ θ = π/3.
& & & & &
30. Let V = 2i + j − k and W = i + 3k . If U is a unit vector, then the maximum value of the scalar triple
product U V W is ]
(A) –1 (B) √10 + √6
(C) √59 (D) √60

Ans: [u& v& w& ] = u& ⋅ (v& × w& ) ≤ u& & & & &
v×w = v×w
iˆ ˆj kˆ
& & & &
Now v × w = 2 1 − 1 = 3iˆ − 7 ˆj − kˆ ⇒ v × w = 59
1 0 3
&& &
⇒ [u v w ] ≤ 59

31. A simple pendulum is oscillating without damping. When the displacement of the bob is less
than maximum, its acceleration vector a is correctly shown in :
(A) (B)


(C) (D)


The components of acceleration are as shown. ar

& & &

Ans: a = ar + at

32. A wooden block, with a coin placed on its top, floats in water coin

as shown in figure. The distance " and h are shown there.

After some time the coin falls into the water. Then
(A) " decreases and h increases "

(B) " increases and h decreases h

(C) both " and h increase

(D) both " and h decrease
Ans: " decreases as the block moves up. h will also decrease because when the
coin is in the water it will displace equal volume of water, whereas when it is on the block
an equal weight of water is displaced.

33. A cylinder rolls up an inclined plane, reaches some height, and then rolls down (without
slipping throughout these motions). The directions of the frictional force acting on the cylinder
(A) up the incline while ascending and down the incline descending.
(B) up the incline while ascending as well as descending.
(C) down the incline while ascending and up the incline while descending.
(D) down the incline while ascending as well as descending.

Ans: Torque due to friction has the same sense as the angular acceleration.

34. A circular platform is free to rotate in a horizontal plane about a vertical axis passing through
its centre. A tortoise is sitting at the edge of the platform. Now, the platform is given an
angular velocity ω0. When the tortoise move along a chord of the platform with a constant
velocity (with respect to the platform), the angular velocity of the platform ω(t) will vary with
time t as
(A) (B)
ω(t) ω(t)

ω0 ω0

t t

(C) (D)
ω(t) ω(t)

ω0 ω0

t t
Ans: Since there is no external torque, angular momentum remains vt
conserved. As moment of inertia initially decreases and then A B C
increases, so ω will increase initially and then decrease. r
R a
Moment of inertia when tortoise is at B,
I = mr 2 +
MR 2
[ ]
; where r 2 = a 2 + R 2 − a 2 − vt

m = mass of tortoise; M = mass of disc

∴ So the variation of ω is nonlinear.

35. Two blocks of masses 10 kg and 4 kg and are connected by a spring of negligible mass and
placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. An impulse gives a velocity of 14 m/s to the heavier
block in the direction of the lighter block. The velocity of the centre of mass is
(A) 30 m/s (B) 20 m/s
(C) 10 m/s (D) 5 m/s

10 × 14 + 4 × 0
Ans: vc = = 10m/s; since spring force is internal force.
10 + 4

36. A particle, which is constrained to move along the x-axis, is subjected to a force in the same
direction which varies with the distance x of the particle from the origin as F(x) = -kx + ax3.
Here k and a are positive constants. For x ≥ 0, the functional form of the potential energy
U(x) of the particle is
(A) U(x)
(B) U(x)


(C) U(x)
(D) U(x)


Ans: dU(x) = −Fdx

kx 2 ax 4

∴ U (x ) = − Fdx = −
0 2 4
U = 0 at x = 0 and at x = ; also at x = 0, F is zero.
37. A siren placed at a railway platform is emitting sound of frequency 5 kHz. A passenger sitting
in a moving train A records a frequency of 5.5 kHz while the train approaches the siren.
During his return journey in a different train B he records a frequency of 6.0 kHz while
approaching the same siren. The ratio of the velocity of train B to that train A is
(A) 242/252 (B) 2
(C) 5/6 (D) 11/6

Ans: v A + v 5.5 v +v 6 v
= and B = ⇒ B =2
v 5 v 5 vA

38. A sonometer wire resonates with a given tuning fork forming standing waves with five
antinodes between the two bridges when a mass of 9 kg is suspended from the wire. When
this mass is replaced by a mass M, the wire resonates with the same tuning fork forming three
antinodes for the same positions of the bridges. The value of M is
(A) 25 kg (B) 5 kg
(C) 12.5 kg (D) 1/25 kg
5 9g 3 Mg
Ans: fo = = ⇒ M = 25kg
2"  2" 

39. An ideal spring with spring-constant k is hung from the ceiling and a block of mass M is
attached to its lower end. The mass is released with the spring initially unstretched. Then the
maximum extension in the spring is
4Mg 2Mg
(A) (B)
k k
Mg Mg
(C) (D)
k 2k

Ans: From Work-energy theorem; Wg + Ws = 0 ⇒ mgx − (1/2)kx2 = 0 ⇒ x = 2mg/k

40. A geo-stationary satellite orbits around the earth in a circular orbit of radius 36000km. Then,
the time period of a spy satellite orbiting a few hundred km above the earth's surface
(Rearth = 6400km) will approximately be
(A) hr. (B) 1hr
(C) 2hr (D) 4hr

Ans: T2 ∝ R3 ; with Re = 6400 km,

T2  6400 
=   ⇒ T ≈ 1.7hr
(24) 2  36000 
For spy satellite R is slightly is greater than Re ⇒ Ts > T, ∴ Ts = 2hr

41. The effective resistance between 2R 2R

points P and Q of the electrical
circuit shown in the figure is
2Rr 2R
8R (R + r ) P
r r
3R + r 2R
(C) 2r + 4R
5R 2R 2R
(D) +2r
Ans: The circuit can be reduced to the following r r
balanced Wheatstone bridge P Q
42. A particle of mass m and charge q moves with a constant velocity v along the positive x
direction. It enters a region containing a uniform magnetic field B directed along the negative z
direction, extending from x = a to x = b. The minimum value of v required so that the particle
can just enter the region x>b is
qbB q (b − a )B
(A) (B)
m m
qaB q (b + a )B
(C) (D)
m 2m

Ans: Width of the magnetic field region (b - a) ≤ R; where 'R' is its radius of curvature inside
magnetic field.
= (b − a )
∴ R=

⇒ v=
(b − a )qB
43. Two equal point charges are fixed at x = −a and x = +a on the x-axis. Another point charge Q
is placed at the origin. The change in the electrical potential energy of Q, when it is displaced
by a small distance x along the x-axis, is approximately proportional to
(A) x (B) x2
(C) x3 (D)
2Qq 2Qq
Ui = ; Uf =
4Œ0 o (a ) 4Œ0 o (a )

∴ ∆U = Ui − Uf = (Qqx2)/(2πε0a3 ); (for x <<a)

44. A long straight wire &along the z-axis carries a current I in the negative z direction. The
magnetic vector field B at a point having coordinates (x, y) in the z = 0 plane is
µ I y î − x ĵ ) µ I x î + yĵ ( )
(A) o 2
2π x + y( 2
) (B) o
2π x 2 + y 2 ( )
µ I (x ĵ − y î )
o ( )
µ o I x î − yĵ
2π (x + y ) ( )
(C) (D)
2 2 2π x 2 + y 2

& oI y
Ans : Magnetic field | B | = ;
2Œ x 2 + y 2 →
Unit vector perpendicular to the position vector is
y î − x ĵ) x

x2 + y2
∴B =
µ oI
2π(x 2 + y 2 )
y î − x ĵ )
45. As shown in the figure, P and Q are two coaxial conducting loops separated by some
distance. When the switch S is closed, a clockwise current IP flows in P (as seen by E) and an
induced current IQ1 flows in Q. The switch remains closed for a long time. When S is opened, a
current IQ2 flows in Q. Then the direction IQ1 and IQ2 (as seen by E) are:
(A) respectively clockwise and anti-clockwise.
(B) both clockwise.
(C) both anti-clockwise.
(D) respectively anti-clockwise and clockwise.


Ans: Apply Lenz's law

46. A 100W bulb B1, and two 60W bulbs B2 B1

and B3, are connected to a 250V source,

as shown in the figure. Now W1, W2 and
W3 are the output powers of the bulbs B1,
B2 and B3, respectively. Then
(A) W1 > W2 = W3
(B) W1 > W2 > W3
(C) W1 < W2 =W3
(D) W1 < W2 < W3


V2 V2
Ans : R1 = ; R2 = = R3
100 60
∴ W3 =
(250) 2

; W2 =
(250) 2

R 2 ; W1 =
(250) 2

R1 (R 1 + R2 )
(R 1 + R2 )

W3 : W2 : W1 = 64 : 25 : 15

47. Two identical capacitors, have the same capacitance C. One of them is charged to potential
V1 and the other to V2. The negative ends of the capacitors are connected together. When the
positive ends are also connected, the decrease in energy of the combined system is
(A) C(V12 − V22 ) (B) C(V12 + V22 )
1 1
4 4
(C) C (V1 − V2 ) (D) C (V1 + V2 )
1 2 1 2

4 4
Ans: ∆U = Initial Energy−Final energy
 V + V2 
C(V12 + V22 )− (2C ) 1  = C (V1 − V2 )
1 1 1

2 2  2  4

48. A short-circuited coil is placed in a time-varying magnetic field. Electrical power is dissipated
due to the current induced in the coil. If the number of turns were to be quadrupled and the
wire radius halved, the electrical power dissipated would be
(A) halved (B) the same.
(C) doubled (D) quadrupled
02 d3
Ans : P = ; where 0 = induced emf = −
R dt
⇒ φ = NBA; ε = −NA
also R∝
R = Resistance and r = radius of the wire.
N 2r 2 P
⇒ P∝ ⇒ 1 =1
" P2

49. The magnetic field lines due to a bar magnet are correctly shown in
(A) N


(C) (D)


Ans: Magnetic lines of force form closed loops. Inside magnet, these are directed from south to
north pole.
50. An ideal gas is taken through the cycle A→B→C→A,
as shown in the figure. If the net heat supplied to the
gas in the cycle is 5J, the work done by the gas in the 2
process C→A is 3
(A) −5J (B) −10J V (m )
(C) −15J (D) −20J
1 A

P (N/m ) 10
Ans: For cyclic process; Qcyclic = WAB+ WBC + WCA = 10J + 0 + WCA = 5J

dV dP
51. Which of the following graphs correctly represents the variation of β = − with P for an
ideal gas at constant temperature?
(A) (B)

β β

(C) (D)

β β

Ans: PV = Const. differentiating, PdV/dP =-V/P; β = -(1/V) (dV/dP) = (1/P)

52. The potential difference applied to an X-ray tube is 5kV and the current through it is 3.2mA.
Then the number of electrons striking the target per second is
(A) 2×1016 (B) 5×106
(C) 1×10 (D) 4×1015
Ans: No. of electrons striking the target per second = i/e = 2 × 1016.
53. An ideal black - body at room temperature is thrown into a furnace. It is observed that
(A) initially it is the darkest body and at later times the brightest.
(B) it is the darkest body at all times.
(C) it cannot be distinguished at all times.
(D) initially it is the darkest body and at later times it cannot be distinguished.

Ans: Black body is the brightest object at a given temperature.

54. A Hydrogen atom and a Li++ ion are both in the second excited state. If "H and "Li are their
respective electronic angular momenta, and EH and ELi their respective energies, then
(A) "H > "Li and |EH|>|ELi| (B) "H = "Li and |EH|<|ELi|
(C) "H = "Li and |EH|>|ELi| (D) "H < "Li and |EH|<|ELi|

Ans: L = nh/2π, |E| = z2Rhc/n2; n = 3⇒ LH = LLi and |EH| < |ELi| .

55. The half-life of 215At is 100µs. The time taken for the radioactivity of a sample of 215
At to decay
to th of its initial value is
(A) 400 µs (B) 6.3 µs
(C) 40 µs (D) 300 µs
Ans: A = A0 (1/2)n n = no. of half lives.

56. Which of the following processes represents a γ-decay?

(A) AXZ + γ → AXZ-1 + a + b. (B) AXZ + 1no → A−3XZ−2 + c
(C) XZ → XZ + f.
(D) AXZ +e−1 → AXZ-1 + g.

Ans: In γ-decay, the atomic number and mass number does not change.

57. An observer can see through a pin-hole the top end of a

thin rod of height h, placed as shown in the figure. The
beaker height is 3h and its radius h. When the beaker is
filled with a liquid up to a height 2h, he can see the lower
end of the rod. Then the refractive index of the liquid is
5 5
(A) (B)
2 2 3h

3 3
(C) (D) h
2 2

Ans: sin i / sin r = 1/µ ; r = 45° ;

sin i = 1/√5 ⇒ µ = (5/2)1/2.

3h 45°


58. Which one of the following spherical lenses does not exhibit dispersion? The radii of curvature
of the surfaces of the lenses are as given in the diagrams.
(A) (B)

R1 R2 R ∞

R1 ≠R2
(C) (D)
R R R ∞

1  1 1 
Ans : = ( − 1)  −  ...(1)
f  R1 R 2 
 1
For no dispersion; d  = 0
Diff. equation (1);
 1  1 1 
d   = dµ −  = 0 ⇒ R 1 = R 2
f  R1 R 2 

59. In the ideal double-slit experiment , when a glass-plate (refractive index 1.5) of thickness t is
introduced in the path of one of the interfering beams (wave-length λ), the intensity at the
position where the central maximum occurred previously remains unchanged. The minimum
thickness of the glass-plate is

(A) 2λ (B)
(C) (D) λ
Ans: Path difference = (µ - 1)t = nλ ; For minimum t, n = 1; ∴ t = 2λ

60. Two plane mirrors A and B are aligned parallel to each 2√3m B
other, as shown in the figure. A light ray is incident at
an angle 30° at a point just inside one end of A. The
plane of incidence coincides with the plane of the
figure. The maximum number of times the ray
0.2m 30°
undergoes reflections (including the first one) before it
emerges out is
(A) 28 (B) 30
(C) 32 (D) 34 A
Ans: Maximum no. of reflections = ["/x] x

where [ ] represents greatest integer function. where x = 0.2.tan30° 0.2 m 30°

61. How many moles of electron weigh one kilogram

(A) 6.023 × 1023 (B) × 1031
6.023 1
(C) × 1054 (D) × 108
9.108 9.108 × 6.023

Ans: 1 mole of electron weighs 9.108 × 10–31 × 6.023 × 1023kg

So number of moles of electron in 1 Kg is
9.108 × 10 − 31
× 6.023 × 10 23
= × 10 8
9.108 6.023
62. Which of the following volume (V) – temperature (T) plots represents the behaviour of one
mole of an ideal gas at one atmospheric pressure?
V(L) V(L)
(38.8L, 373 K) (28.6L, 373 K)

(A) (22.4L, (B) (20.4L,

273 K) 273 K)
T(K) T(K)
V(L) V(L)
(30.6L, 373 K)

(C) (22.4L, (D) (22.4L,

273 K) 273 K) (14.2L, 373 K)

T(K) T(K)

Ans: Volume of 1 mole of an ideal gas at 273K and 1 atm is 22.4 L and that at 373 K and 1 atm
pressure is calculated as ;
RT 0.082 × 373
V= = = 30.58 L
P 1
63. A substance AXBY crystallizes in a face centred cubic (FCC) lattice in which atoms ‘A’ occupy
each corner of the cube and atoms ‘B’ occupy the centers of each face of the cube. Identify
the correct composition of the substance AXBY
(A) AB3 (B) A4B3
(C) A3B (D) Composition cannot be specified

Ans: Effective number of corner atom i.e. A = 8 × 1/8 = 1

Effective number of face centered atoms B = 1/2 × 6 = 3
Thus, the composition will be AB3

64. When the temperature is increased, surface tension of water

(A) increases (B) decreases
(C) remains constant (D) shows irregular behaviour

Ans: Upon increase of temperature the internal energy of water or any system increases resulting
into decrease in intermolecular force and hence surface tension.

65. Rurtherford’s experiment, which established the nuclear model of the atom, used a beam of
(A) β-particles, which impinged on a metal foil and got absorbed
(B) γ-rays, which impinged on a metal foil and ejected electrons
(C) helium atoms, which impinged on a metal foil and got scattered
(D) helium nuclei, which impinged on a metal foil and got scattered

Ans: Rutherford’s experiment was actually α - particle scattering experiment. α - particle is doubly
positively charged helium ion i.e., He – nucleus.

66. If the Nitrogen atom had electronic configuration 1s7, it would have energy lower than that of
the normal ground state configuration 1s22s22p3, because the electrons would be closer to the
nucleus. Yet 1s7 is not observed because it violates.
(A) Heisenberg uncertainty principle (B) Hund’s rule
(C) Pauli exclusion Principle (D) Bohr postulate of stationary orbits

Ans: As per Pauli Exclusion Principle “no two electrons in the same atom can have all the four
Quantum numbers equal or an orbital cannot contain more than two electrons and it can
accommodate two electrons only when their directions of spins are opposite’’.

67. Specify the coordination geometry around and hybridisation of N and B atoms in a 1 : 1
complex of BF3 and NH3
(A) N : tetrahedral, sp3; B : tetrahedral, sp3 (B) N : pyramidal, sp3; B : pyramidal, sp3
(C) N : pyramidal, sp3; B : planar, sp2 (D) N : pyramidal, sp3; B : tetrahedral, sp3
Ans: H3N → BF3 where both N, B are attaining tetrahedral geometry.

68. One mole of a non-ideal gas undergoes a change of state (2.0 atm, 3.0L,, 95(K) → (4.0
atm, 5.0 L, 245 K) with a change in internal energy, ∆U = 30.0 L atm. The change in enthalpy
(∆H) of the process in L atm is
(A) 40.0
(B) 42.3
(C) 44.0
(D) not defined, because pressure is not constant

Ans: H2 – H1 = (U2 – U1) + P2V2 – P1V1 = 30 + 4 × 5 – 2 × 3 = 44 L atm

69. Consider the following equilibrium in a closed container:

N2O4(g) 2NO2(g)
At a fixed temperature, the volume of the reaction container is halved. For this change, which
of the following statements holds true regarding the equilibrium constant (Kp) and degree of
dissociation (α)?
(A) neither Kp nor α changes (B) both Kp and α change
(C) Kp changes, but α does not change (D) Kp does not change, but α changes

Ans: For the equilibria: N2O4(g) 2NO2(g)

KP = KC × (RT)∆n
Since temperature is constant so Kc or KP will remain constant. Further since volume is
halved, the pressure will be doubled so α will decrease so as to maintain the constancy of
KC or KP.

70. Standard electrode potential data are useful for understanding the suitability of an oxidant in a
redox titration. Some half cell reactions and their standard potentials are given below:
MnO −4 (aq). + 8H+ (aq.) + 5e − → Mn2 + (aq.) + 4H2O(l) E° = 1.51 V
Cr2O72 − (aq.) + 14H+ (aq.) + 6e − → 2Cr 3 + (aq.) + 7H2O(l) E° = 1.38 V
3+ − 2+
Fe (aq.) + e → Fe (aq.) E° = 0.77 V
− −
Cl2 (g) + 2e → 2Cl (aq.) E° = 1.40 V
Identify the only incorrect statement regarding the quantitative estimation of aqueous
(A) MnO −4 can be used in aqueous HCl (B) Cr2O72 − can be used in aqueous HCl
(C) MnO −4 can be used in aqueous H2SO4 (D) Cr2O72 − can be used in aqueous H2SO4

Ans: MnO −4 will oxidise Cl– ion according to the equation

2MnO −4 + 16H+ + 10Cl– → 2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 5Cl2↑
The cell corresponding to this reaction is as follows:
Pt, Cl2 (1 atm) | Cl– || MnO4–, Mn2+, H+ | Pt
E0cell = 1.51 – 1.40 = 0.11 V
E0cell being +ve, ∆G0 will be –ve and hence the above reaction is feasible.
MnO −4 will not only oxidise Fe2+ ion but also Cl– ion simultaneously.

71. Consider the chemical reaction, N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g). The rate of this reaction can be
expressed in terms of time derivative of concentration of N2(g), H2(g) or NH3(g). Identify the
correct relationship amongst the rate expressions.
(A) Rate = –d[N2]/dt = –1/3d[H2]/dt = 1/2d[NH3]/dt
(B) Rate = –d[N2]/dt = –3d[H2]/dt = 2d [NH3]/dt
(C) Rate = d[N2]/dt = 1/3d[H2]/dt = 1/2d[NH3]/dt
(D) Rate = –d[N2]/dt = –d[H2]/dt = d[NH3]/dt
Ans: Individual rates become equal when each of these is divided by their respective stoichiometric
coefficient. Further the rate of the consumption of the reactant goes on decreasing and the
rate of formation of the product goes on increasing, hence –ve and +ve sign, respectively.

72. Anhydrous ferric chloride is prepared by

(A) heating hydrated ferric chloride at a high temperature in a stream of air
(B) heat metallic iron in a stream of dry chlorine gas
(C) reaction of metallic iron with hydrochloric acid
(D) reaction of metallic iron with hydrochloric acid

Ans: 2Fe + 3Cl2 → 2FeCl3

73. Identify the correct order of solubility of Na2S, CuS and ZnS in aqueous medium
(A) CuS > ZnS > Na2S (B) ZnS > Na2S > CuS
(C) Na2S > CuS > ZnS (D) Na2S > ZnS > CuS
Ans: Na salts are highly soluble

74. Which of the following process is used in the extractive metallurgy of magnesium?
(A) fused salt electrolysis (B) self reduction
(C) aqueous solution electrolysis (D) thermite reduction

Ans: MgCl2 → Mg+2 + 2Cl–

At cathode: Mg+2 + 2e– → Mg;
At anode: 2Cl– – 2e– → Cl2↑

75. An aqueous solution of substance gives a white precipitate on treatment with dilute
hydrochloric acid, which dissolves on heating. When hydrogen sulfide is passed through the
hot acidic solution, a black precipitate is obtained. The substance is a
(A) Hg22 + salt (B) Cu2+ salt
(C) Ag+ salt (D) Pb2+ salt

→ PbCl2↓ →

Pb+2 + 2HCl 2
White ppt.
Ans: dissolves on
Black ppt.

76. A gas ‘X’ is passed through water to form a saturated solution. The aqueous solution on
treatment with silver nitrate gives a white precipitate. The saturated aqueous solution also
dissolves magnesium ribbon with evolution of a colourless gas ‘Y’. Identify ‘X’ and ‘Y’.
(A) X = CO2, Y = Cl2 (B) X = Cl2, Y = CO2
(C) X = Cl2, Y = H2 (D) X = H2, Y = Cl2

Ans: Cl2 + H2O → HOCl + HCl

2HCl + Mg → MgCl2 + H2↑

77. Polyphosphates are used as water softening agents because they

(A) form soluble complexes with anionic species
(B) precipitate anionic species
(C) form soluble complexes with cationic species
(D) precipitate cationic species

Ans: 2Ca2+ + Na2[Na4(PO3)6] → 4Na+ + Na 2 [Ca2 (PO3 )6 ]

Water soluble

78. Identify the correct order of acidic strengths of CO2, CuO, CaO, H2O
(A) CaO < CuO < H2O < CO2 (D) H2O < CuO < CaO < CO2
(C) CaO < H2O < CuO < CO2 (D) H2O < CO2 < CaO < CuO

Ans: Non-metallic oxides are acidic and metallic oxides are basic. Thus the order is CaO < CuO <
H2O < CO2.
79. Identify the least stable ion amongst the following:
(A) Li– (B) Be–

(C) B (D) C–

Ans: Be– is attaining 2s22p1 configuration i.e., losing its fulfilled stability of 2s2 configuration.

80. Which of the following molecular species has unpaired electron(s)?

(A) N2 (B) F2
(C) O2– (D) O22–

Ans: It contains unpaired electrons in antibonding molecular orbital.

81. The nodal plane in the π-bond of ethene is located in

(A) the molecular plane
(B) a plane parallel to the molecular plane
(C) a plane perpendicular to the molecular plane which bisects the carbon – carbon σ-bond at
right angle.
(D) a plane perpendicular to the molecular plane which contains the carbon – carbon σ-bond.

Ans: The molecular plane does not have any π electron density.

82. Which of the following compounds exhibits stereoisomerism?

(A) 2-methylbutene-1 (B) 3-methylbutyne-1
(C) 3-methylbutanoic acid (D) 2-methylbutanoic acid

Ans: It contains one asymmetric centre


CH3CH2 – C* – CO2H


83. Which of the following acids has the smallest dissociation constant?

Ans: BrCH2CH2CO2H is the weakest acid as Br has less – I effect compared to F and is also far
from – CO2H group.

84. Consider the following reaction:

H3C – CH – CH – CH3 + Br → ‘X’ + HBr

Identify the structure of the major product ‘X’
H3C – CH – CH – CH2 H3C – CH – C – CH3
(A) (B)

H3C – C – CH – CH3 H3C – CH – CH – CH3

(C) (D)

Ans: Br• is less reactive, and more selective and so the most stable free radical (3°) will be the
major product.

85. Identify the reagent from the following list which can easily distinguish between 1-butyne and
(A) bromine, CCl4 (B) H2, Lindlar catalyst
(C) dilute H2SO4, HgSO4 (D) ammoniacal Cu2Cl2 solution

Ans: 2-butyne will not react with ammoniacal Cu2Cl2.

86. Identify the correct order of boiling points of the following compounds:
1 2 3
(A) 1 > 2 > 3 (B) 3 > 1 > 2
(C) 1 > 3 > 2 (D) 3 > 2 > 1

Ans: In carboxylic acid the molecules are more strongly associated.

87. Identify the set of reagent / reaction conditions ‘X’ and ‘Y’ in the following set of
CH3 – CH2 – CH2Br → Product → CH3 – CH – CH3

(A) X = dilute aqueous NaOH, 20°C; Y = HBr/acetic acid, 20°C
(B) X = concentrated alcoholic NaOH, 80°C; Y = HBr/acetic acid, 20°C
(C) X = dilute aqueous NaOH, 20°C, 20°C’ Y = Br2/CHCl3, 0°C
(D) X = concentrated alcoholic NaOH, 80°C; Y = Br2/CHCl3,0°C

Ans: Dehydrobromination by strong base alc. NaOH followed by Markownikoff addition of HBr.

88. Identify the correct order of reactivity in electrophilic substitution reactions of the following
CH3 Cl NO2

1 2 3 4
(A) 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 (B) 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
(C) 2 > 1 > 3 > 4 (D) 2 > 3 > 1 > 4

Ans: The benzene ring in toluene is activated by the +I as well as hyperconjugation effect of CH3
group. Cl deactivates the ring as –I effect predominates over +M while – NO2 group
deactivates the ring by –I as well as –M effect.

89. Compound ‘A’ (molecular formula C3H8O) is treated with acidified potassium dichromate to
form a product ‘B’ (molecular formula C3H6O). ‘B’ forms a shining silver mirror on warming
with ammoniacal silver nitrate. “B’ when treated with an aqueous solution of
H2NCONHNH2•HCl and sodium acetate gives a product ‘C’. Identify the structure of ‘C’.

Ans: Since ‘B’ gives silver mirror test, it is an aldehyde. Hence ‘A’ is a primary alcohol.

90. Which of the following hydrocarbons has the lowest dipole moment?
(A) C=C (B) CH3C≡CCH3

Ans: Compound being linear, and having symmetrical structure, has lowest dipole moment.

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