Forms of Energy: Rmsofenergy
Forms of Energy: Rmsofenergy
Forms of Energy: Rmsofenergy
• All energy involves either motion or position.
• Energy takes different forms.
– Examples:
• Thermal
• Chemical
• Electrical
• Sound
• Light
• Nuclear
Thermal Energy (Heat Energy)
i. All matter is made up of
particles that are constantly
moving; therefore all matter
has kinetic energy.
1. At higher temperatures,
particles move faster, thus
having more kinetic energy
and greater thermal energy.
2. Particles that are further
apart have more energy than
particles that are closer
3. Thermal energy also depends
on the number of particles.
4. Ex: Steam has more energy
than an ice cube and the
ocean; but the ocean has the
most thermal energy because
it contains the most particles.
Chemical Energy
i. The energy of a compound
that changes as its atoms are
arranged to form new
ii. Molecules that have a lot of
bonds between atoms tend
to have a lot of chemical
energy- gasoline.
iii. Ex:
1. When wood burns, the
chemical energy stored in
the wood is used to heat the
2. When you eat a
marshmallow, chemical
energy stored in the sugar
molecules becomes available
for you to use.
Electrical Energy
i. The energy of moving
ii. The electrical energy
produced by electrons
moving (120 times per
second) is used to do work.
iii. Generators rotate magnets
within coils of wire to
produce electrical energy.
iv. Electrical energy can be
considered both potential
energy (because the
magnet is changing
position) and kinetic
energy (because the
electrons are moving).
Sound Energy
i. Caused by an object’s
ii. A form of potential and
kinetic energy
1. To make an object
vibrate, work must be
done to change its
a. Ex: When you
pluck and release
a guitar string;
when the guitar
string moves
back to its
original position,
it has kinetic
Light Energy
i. Produced by the
vibrations of
electrically charged
ii. Can be transmitted
through a vacuum (a
space without
1. The energy used
to cook food in the
Nuclear Energy (Atomic Energy)
i. The energy associated with iii. In the sun, hydrogen nuclei
changes in the nucleus of an join together to make a
atom larger helium nucleus. This
ii. Produced 2 ways: reaction releases a huge
1. When 2 or more nuclei amount of energy, which
join together allows the sun to light and
heat the Earth.
2. When the nucleus of an iv. The nuclei of some atoms,
atom split apart such as Uranium, store a lot
of potential energy. When
work is done to split these
nuclei apart, energy is
released. This nuclear
energy is used to generate
electrical energy, which will
run nuclear power plants.