' 'A
G)Determine the reduce design load per
sq .m. of area.
® Determine the live load supported by a
I ~ Hinged
supported by a hinged at the left side A and a
roller on the right end at C. The beam is
subjected to a concentrated load of 300 N
placed at B which is 2 m. from A.
1. Problem typical interior column at the ground-floor
level in kN . ANS . Indeterminate ta the I = 1.7067 x 106 mm 4,
Unit live loads maybe reduced for any rn_ember· @ Determine the live load supported by a first degree E = 12000 MPa
including flat slabs, having an influence area typical i~terior column at the second-floor
of 37.2 m2 or more using the equation: level in kN . G)Determine the location of maximum
C) deflection of the beam from A.
L= L [~.25 + 4·57 ]
0 Fi ANS: 1.199 kN/m 2, 138.168 kN,
95.004 kN
® Determine the maximum deflection of the
@ Determine the maximum slope angle of
Where: the beam. ·
L = reduced design live load per sq .m. of area ANS : 1.633 m., 7.09 mm,
supported by the member. DETERMINACY OF BEAMS 0.466'
Lo= unreduced design live load per sq .m. of and TRUSSES
area supported by the member.
A1 = influence area in sq .m. The influence
area A, is four times the tributary
2. Problem
5. Problem
area for a column , two limes the Classify the following structures as:
tributary area .for a beam, equal to ANS : 2nd degree indeterminate From the given beam having a cross section
the panel area for a two-way slab , G)statically determinate of 50 mm wide by 150 mm high.
and equal to the product of the ® unstable
span and the full flange width for a @ statically indeterminate
precast T-beam. © If indeterminate, specify the degree of
indetermina!:Y· DEFLECTION of BEAMS
The reduced live load shall not be less than
50% of the unit live load Lo for members 3. Problem
receiving load from one level only, nor less A) A cantilever beam having a span L carries a
than 40% of the unit live load Lo for other load which varies linearly from zero at the free CD Which of the following gives the max.
members. end to W (kN /m) at the fixed end support. flexural stress of the beam.
® Which of the following gives the max.
A three-story hotel has interior columns that G)Determine the equation of the elastic shearing stress of the beam.
are spaced 6 m. apart in two perpendicular curve for the cantilever beam. @ Which of the following gives the maximum
directions. If the loading on the float roof (a ® Determine the max. deflection of the beam deflection of the beam if E = 69 GPa.
roof with a slope less than 2%), is estimated to at the free end if L = 6 m. and W = 24
be 1.44 kPa. Min. uniform live load for hotel is ANS : 53.33 MPa., 0.8 MPa.,
kN/m El = 24000 kN.m2
1 90 kPa . . -2Bmm
@ Determine the slope at the free end .
© Compute the equivalent horizontal © Compute the average coefficient of ! ·P. ·oblem 45:, · .z.
coefficient of petmeability.
Compute the equivalent vertical
permeability of the aquifer. l
® Compute the rate of flow.
coefficient of permeability. @ Compute the time required for the The figure shows the layers of soil in a
@ Compute the ratio of the equivalent water to pass through the soil if it tube that is 100 mm x 100 mm in cross-
horizontal coefficient of permeability has a porosity 0.24. section. Water is supplied to maintain a
to the equivalent vertical coefficient Ans. 23.48 mlsec., 3.1 m3!sec., constant head difference of 450 mm
of permeability. · 1.85 hrs. across the sample. The hydraulic
Ans. "108.9 x 10·4 emfs, conductivity of the soils in the direction of
4.39 x 1<r4 emfs, 24.81 flow through them are tabulated as
·Problem © Compute the hydraulic gradient.
® Compute the equivalent hydraulic
The figure shows the layers of soil in a conductivity.
A confined aquifer underlies an tube that is 100 mm x 100 mm in cross- @ Compute the value of K2.
unconfined aquifer as shown in the section . Water is supplied to maintain a Ans. 0.00192, 6.25 mlday, 4.05 m/day
figure . constant head difference of 450 mm
across the sample . The hydraulic
conductivity of the soils in the direction of
flow through them are tabulated as
Water flows through a sand filter as
shown. Direction offluw Soil Soil Soil
- -A B C shown on the figure. The soil has a
Wai,r supply
200 200 200
cross sectional area of 0.25 m2.
mm mm mm Water supply
<i> Compute the.. tofal force due to <D Compute the specific weight of the @ specific gravity
surface. ,,. liquid. a) 0.45 c) 0.94
@» 4.57 x 10-4 N @) 8 kN/m3 c) 7 kN/m 3 b} 0.65 d} 0.82
"b) 5.85 X 104 N b} 6 kN/m3 d) 9 kN/m3
c) 3.39 x 10-4 N
<i> Compute the density of the liquid.
d) 2.45 x 104 N
a) -756.5 kgtm3 @) 815.5 kg/m3
@ Compute the weight of water. above b) 856.8 kg/m3 d) 836.4 kg/m3 A pressure in a given tank reads 277 mm
the .surface d_ue to surface tension. of Hg.
@ Compute the specific gravity of the <D Find the pressure at a depth of 1.2 m.
a) •2.58 x 10-4_N
liquid. @) 10.104 kN/m 2 ,
@ 4.56 X 104 N w ~-1:,:p,10 -'Iµ : \N ..f @1) 0.815 c) 0.946 b) 15.754 kN/m2
<D Determine the equivalent height of
c) 3.39 x 104 N column of water.
6J 0.665 d) 0.745 c) 12.397 kN/m2 a) 2.28 m. @) 3.77 m.
d) 5.55 x 10 4 N
d) 23.674 kN/m 2b b) 4.13 m. d) 5.78 m.
<i> Find the pressure at a depth of 1.8 m. <i> Determine the equivalent height of
b) 12.36 kN/m2 column of kerosene = 0.82.
An open tank contains 5.7 m. of water @) 16.04 kN/m2 a) 6.39 m. (CJ) 4.59 m.
<D Find the depression h of the mercury covered with 2.8 m. of kerosene having c) 14.75 kN/m2 b) 5.48 m. aJ'8.78 m.
in the glass capillary tube having a unit weight of 8 kN/m3. If the diam. of d) 10.39 kN/m2
diameter of 2 mm if the s_urface the tank is 1 m. @ Determine the equivalent height of
tension is 0.514 Nim fore = 40'. @ Find the pressure at the bottom of the column of nectar = 2.94.
a) 3.6 mm c) 6.8 mm <D Find the pressure at the interface of tank. a) 2.58 m. c) 3.41 m. _
b) 5.9 mm d) 4.7mm water and kerosene. b) 28.525 kN/m2 @) 1.28 m. d) 1.89 m.- ·
<i> Compute the force caused by surface
b) 22.4 kPa c) 25.8 kPa ~ 16.658 kN/m 2
b) 30.3 kPa d} 29.7 kPa ~ 21.092 kN/m 2
a) 3.25 X 10-3 N <i> Find the pressure at the bottom of the d} 23.397 kN/m2
b) 5.74 x 10-3 N tank. The pressure in the tank is 50 psi.
c) 4.56 x 10-3 N b) 75 .24 kPa c) 78.32 kPa
b) 86.58' kPa d) 82.35 kPa <D Find the equivalent pressure head of
d) 2.47 x 10-3 N
@ Determine the density of mercury. @ Find the total force at the bottom of a) 108.47 ft. c) 126.48 ft.
the tank. A pressure gauge at elevation 8 m. at .
a) 13600 kg/m 3 the side of a tank containing a liquid b) 120.39 ft. d) . 115.38 ft.
b} 61.51 kN c) 66.85 kN
b) 15240 kg/m3 reads 80 KPa . Another gauge at ® Find the equivalent pressure head of
b) 53.85 kN d) 55.47 kN
c) 14005 kg/n, 3 elevation 3 m. 120 KPa. Compute for the fuel oil with = 0.92.
d) 12000 kg/m3 a) 120.78 ft. c) 106.89 ft.
<D Specific weight b) 125.42ft. d) 116.48ft. · •
a) 8 kN/m 3 · c) 7 kN/m3
@ Find the equivalent pressure ·head of
A tank contains oil sp .gr. = 0.80 , b) 6 kN/m 3 d) 9 kN/m 3_ nectar 2.94.
gasoline = 0.90 and sea water a) 29.87 ft. c) 32.25 ft.
A pressure gage at elev. 12 m. at the = 1.03. If the depths of the liquids <i> density
side of the tank containing a liquid reads a) 756.52 kg/m3 b) 27.45 ft. d) 35.62 ft.
are 0.5 m. , 0.8 m. and 1 m. for oil ,
100 kPa. Another gauge at elevation gasoline and sea water respectively. b) 856.85 kg/m3
7 m. reads 140 kPa. c) 815.49 kg/m 3
d) 836.23 kg/m3
S (Geometr_y) 2
25. Problem 32. CE Board Nov. 2010 36. CE Board Nov. 2010 If the theodolite is moved to point B,
I , / 321 m. nearer to the building but
Coversed Sin 0 = 0.20, find the value Two observing stations were set up A surveyor sets up a transit at A to 19.65 m. lower than point A, the
of 0. 850 m. apart. A structural building observe a tower. The angle of angle of elevation of the building is
ANS: 53.13° in between them was observed to elevation of the top of the tower is 42.5'. Find the elevation of the
have an angle of elevation at the top 29. 33 degrees. He then transfer the building.
equal to 12.53 " and . 10. 2· instrument at other point B which is ANS: 758.86 m.
26. Problem
respectively from each stations. Find 150 m. closer to the tower and
If versed Sin 0 = 0.148, find the value the height of the building. measures the angle of elevation of 4 C. CE Board May 2012
of 0. ANS: S4."So m. the top of the tower to be 63 . 52 •. If
ANS: 31 .57" elevation of A is 5.45 m. above sea From his office window of a building,
33. CE Board Nov. 2010. level and B is 20 m. lower than A, a man tried to make vertical angular
I what is the elevation of the top of measurements of a utility tower in a
27. Problem Two sides and an included angle of a the tower? distant field. Using crude
If 2 Sin A Cos A + Sin 2A = 1, what is triangular lot are measured as ANS: 130.16 m. instruments, he measured the angle
the value of A in degrees? ·· 2.56 m., 3.54 m. and 48. 8° of depression of the foot of the
ANS: 15 " .. respectively. 37. CE Board Nov. 2010 tower and recorded it be 6.4". He
/ then looked at the top of the tower
© Find the length third side. An observer from a third floor of a and calculated an angle of elevation
28. Problem @ Find the angle opposite the 2.56 mall measures the angles of of 42.6 •. If the gr,01,1nd,'is generally
m. side. elevation and depression of a tall level from the foot of the building to
If Arc Cos (Sin 0.8 x) = 60 + 0.45 x, @ Find the angle opposite the 3. 54
what is the value of x in degrees? building to be 54 and 8.6 ·, the foot of the tower and the mari's
ANS: 24 . ,
m. side. respectively. What is the height of eyes was approximately 3:2 m. above
ANS: 2.673cm., 46 . 10 ', the building if his eye level is 10. 2 m.
84.10 .
the ground , what is the height of the
above the ground which is on the tower?
29. Problem
same horizontal plane as the mall ANS: 29 .43 m.
34. CE Board Nov. 2010 and building?
If tan A = ~
, what is the value of I Two missiles are fired at the same
ANS: 103.03 m. 41. CE Board May 2012
· Sin x - 3 Cos x location to different targets. Their
----- ? 38. CE Board Nov. 2011 Two instruments were set up at A
2 Sin x + Cos x speeds are 84.24 mis and 72.32 mis, /
and B to measure the height of a
ANS: 0 .579 respectively. How far apart are the From a window of a building which is flagpole. B is 54.1 m. closer to the
missiles after ¾ second if the 4.25 m. from the horizontal surface, flagpole, than A and they are all
horizontal angle between them is the angle of depression to the foot of
30. Problem 60.2 degrees .
along the same line. If the angle of
the building is 26.6 • while the angle elevations from A and B are 26. 7"
If Sin (x + y) = 0.819152 and ANS: 59.69 m. of elevation to the top of the and 60. 8 • respectively, find.: the
Sin (x - y) = 0.422618 , find the value building is 36. 58 •. Find the height of height of the flagpole in meters.
of Sin x Cosy. / 35. CE Board Nov. 2010 the building. ANS: 37.85 m.
At-IS: 0.62 ANS: 10.548 m.
The angle of elevation of the top of ',
the mountain as measured from point ,. 42. CE Board May 2012
31. CE Board Nov . 2010 39. CE Board Nov. 2011
I X is 26. 3 degrees. At another point Y /
A triangular lot was surveyed with a
The sides of a triangle 33 m., 45 m. which is 100 m. closer to it. The A theodolite is set up at point A with steel tape and found to have the
and 34 m., respectively. Find the angle of elevation of its top is 32. 5 elevation 500 m. The angle of following side lengths. 23 .56 m. ,
angle opposite of the 45 m. side. degrees. Find the height of the elevation of the top of the building 38. 54 m. and 33.40 m. Determine
ANS: 84.37" mountain . observed from the theodolite is the angle opposite the 38.54 m. side.
ANS: 220 .43 m. 22. 5'. ANS: 83 .24.
STIDCTDIAl DESl&N (Eng'g. Mechanics)
9. CE Board Nov. 2011 @ Which of the following gives the angle that ~: Problr:m : ,
the resultant makes with the horizontal
A load W = 30 kN is lifted by a boom BCD beam. The 2500 N crate is to be hoisted with a
making an angle, o: = 60", from the vertical constant velocity from the hold of a ship using
axis. Neglect the weight of the boom. ANS: 125 N, 2.37, 36.87" the cable arrangement as shown.
12. Problem:
A wheel of 10 cm . radius carries a load of
1000 kN as shown.
ANS : 1901.37
14. Problem:
The thin steel plate weighing 4 kN/m2 is being
CD Determine the angle 11 between the cables lifted slowly by the cables AC and BC.
AC and AD. (j) Determine the tension cable AB for
@ Determine the horizontal reacUon at B. equilibrium.
@ Determine the tension in the cable AC. @ Determine the tension cable AC for
ANS : 30·, 51.95 kN, 25.35 kN
CD Which of the following gives the @ Determine the tension cable AD for
horizontal force P applied at the center equilibrium.
10. Problem: 2.7 m
which is necessary to start the wheel ANS : 980.3 N, 462.6 N, 1548 N
over the 5 cm . block. B
A beam 8 m. long and weighing 15 kN/m rests
@ If the force P may be inclined at any
on supports at its ends. How far from the left
angle with the horizontal, which of the 16. CE Board Nov. 2010
support should a concentrated load of 100 kN
be placed so that the left reaction would be following gives the minimum value of P
to start the wheel over the .block. Six steel cables are supporting a circular
85 kN? heavy moulding of diameter 2 m. from an
@ Which of the following gives the angle
ANS:6m. overhead point. If the moulding weighs 2.5
that P makes with the horizontal. X
kN/m and the attachment point is 3 m. above
11. Problem: ANS: 1732 kN, 866 kN, 60' it, determine the following:
CD Compute the distance "x" for which the
From the figure shown with the loads acting on plate will be in equilibrium.
the beam. @ Compute the tension in cable AC.
75 kN 100 kN @ Compute the tension in cable BC.
13. Problem:
ANS : 2.62 m., 29.87 kN,
The figure illustrates a frame carrying a 25.81 kN
distributed load on 6 m. of horizontal member
DEF of total length 8 m. A moment of 3000
N.m is applied at the end of DEF. Determine
CD Which of the following gives the simplest the tension in the wire AC which is horizontal.
resultant for the given ioads.
@ Which of the following gives the intercept
of the msultant with the beam from the left ,·
STRUt:TURAl DESIGN (Strength of _Materi~ls) ' • ; :~ <
10. Problem
13. Problem ... . .....' 16. Problem 19. Problem
A cylindrical pressure vessel is fabricated from A 50 mm diameter steel tube with a wall Steel railroad rails 10 m. long are laid with a A bronze bar is fastened between a steel bar
steel plates which have a thickness of 20 mm. thickness of:2 mm just fits in a rigid hole. Find clearance of 3 mm at a temperature of 1s·c. and an aluminum bar as shown. Axial loads
The diameter of the pressure vessel is the tangential stress if an axial compressive At what temperature will the rails just touch? are applied at the positions indicated.
500 mm and its length is 3 m. Determine the load of 10 kN is applied. Assume v = 0.30 and What stress will be induced in the rails at that Steel Bronze Alumi,mm
maximum internal pressure which can be E = 200 x 109 N/m2. Neglect the possibility of temperature If there were no initial clearance? A=480 mm2 A=650 mm2 A=320 mrn2
applied if the stress in the steel is limited to buckling.
ANS : 9.55 MPa
Assume a = 11 .7 x 10-6 m/(m 'C) and -;- , -~ 4P
140 MPa .
E = 200 GPa.
ANS : 60MPa
,:200 GP, E=83 GPa IE=70GPa I 2P
7. Problem
t ® Which of tile following gives the angle of
rotation at the simply supported end.
(DWhich of the following most nearly gives @ Which of the following gives the moment
From the beam shown in the figure . the slope (theta) at a point 2 m. to the right at the fixed end .
of the left support (at the change 1n cross
a) Which of the following gives the deviation 40
, J. .T
section). . ANS : 5.25 kN, El , - 54 kN.m
of B relative to the tangent drawn at A.
® Which of the following most nearly gives
b) Which of the following gives the deviation
the angle of rotation at point A. .
_:; JD IB
2m--t-- -4m
at D relative to the tangent drawn at A.
@ Which of the following most nearly gives
c) Which of the following gives the deflection
the max. deflection of the beam .
Rt at D.
15 20 60 14. CE Board Nov. 2000
1967 1133 342 ANS : El ' El ' El
ANS : El'El'B A b tm AB I. hinged at B and fixed at A. The
a) Compute the deviation of A with respect to beam Ii (J 111 long and with a flexural rigidity of
a tangent at C. El 1?00 kN m2
b) Compute the deviation of D_with respect to
12. Problem
a tangent at C.
10. Problem
A propped beam has a span of 9 m. a~d Mn
c) Compute the deflection at D.
1 6.67 42.21
ANS: El (293.33), • El' B
From the given beam subjected to the
following loads.
p 300N
carries a concentrated load of 60 kN. at point
B. E =15000 MPa, I =200 X 105 mm 4. Use
area moment method.
A~- -- 6 m_._.,___.
. :¥12
l I, WltU1 of 111 following gives the moment
8. Problem tli11I 111u t h applied at B to produce a unit
®"'Compute the pressure at D. @ How much additional water is @ · oetermine tne•· pressure at the
a) 23.38 kPa .~ SL 25.5~ kPa required to fill the tank if 0.023 m3 of interface of the gasoline and water
For the open tank with piezometers • be). 18.36 kPa _@_)21.68 kPa water is poured into the conical tank. when the gage indicates full.
attached on the side, contains two a) 0.0145 m3 @) 0.0097 m3 a) 1232.52 Pa sl_ 1564.87 Pa
different liquids. b) 0.0028 m3 d) 0.056 m3 b) 2145.48 Pa @) 1840.42 Pa
@ Find the height of free surface if
The container shown is filled with air, oil 0.023 m3 of water is poured into a
and water. Gage A reads 70 kPa and conical tank.
Gage B reads 14 kPa less than Gage C. a) 0.487 m. c) 0.333 m. The tank in the figure is admitting water
If the unit weight of air is 0.0036 kN/m3_ b) 0.214 m. d) 0.056 m. at 100 N/s and ejecting gasoline
'' ( =0.69) at 52 N/s. If all three fluids
11)1'-f~ are incompressible and assume unit
0.90m weight of water to be 9790 N/m3 and air
at 2o·c has a value of R = 29.3 m/K.
<D Find the elevation of the liquid in
piezometer A. 0.60m The reading of an automobile fuel gage (3)
a) 1 m. c) 3m. is proportional to the gage pressure at
@) 2m. d) 4m. the bottom of the tank as shown on the
@ Find the pressure at the bottom of the figure. The tank is 32 cm. deep and is
0.90m contaminated with 3 cm. of water. Unit
a) 16.58 kPa c) 12.42 kPa weight of gasoline is 6670 N/m 3 and that
~\~ j ~ of air is 11 .8 N/m3. Unit weight of water
®) 18.95 kPa d} 21.45 kPa CD Compute the specific gravity of oil. is 9790 N/m3.
@ Find the elevation of the liquid in a) 0.75 @ 0.88
piezometer B. b) 0.56 d) 0.28
a) 0.258 m. @ 0.819 m. @ Compute the gage reading on B.
b) 0.445 m. d} 0.654 m.
(W 75.18 kPa c) 78.78 kPa
b) 68.75 kPa d) 62.54 kPa
@ Compute the gage reading on C.
a) 85.45 kPa c) 92.45 kPa
From the figure shown: @) 89.18 kPa d) 87.46 kPa
® How much gasoline is flowing out?
<D Determine the gage reading when @0.007698 m3/s •
the tank is full of gasoline. b) .,Q.QqOltS:'f mP/s · .
a) 2365.8 Pa c) 2584.7 Pa c) 6:'oog'js5 m3/s
A conical tank having a radius of base b) 2215.3 Pa @))2134.4 P;3 ' d) 0.012347 m3/s
equal to 0.25 m. and a height of 0.5(J m. @ How many cm. of air remains at the @ How much air is passing through the
<D Com pure the pressure·at A. has its base at the bottom. top when the gage indicates full if the vent in N/s.
~ - 7.848 kPa c) - 6.358 kPa tank is 32 cm. deep an_ d is a) 0.05245 N/s
6J - 5.475 kPa d} - 8.545 kPa CD If water is poured into the tank, find
contaminated with 3 cm. of water. @i) 0.02964 N/s
the total volume to fill up.
@ Compute the pressure at C. @ 0.0327 m3 c) 0.0047 ml .,.,, a) 3.32cm. (e})1.41cm. cf 0.00587 N/s
a) 5.254 kPa @') 4.905 kPa b) 1.78 cm. . d) 2.48 cm. d} 0.12757 N/s
b) 0.0854 m3 d) 0.0214 m3
b) 8.784 kPa d) 6.235 kPa
(Geometr~) 3
44. CE Board Nov. 201 0 49. Problem SPHERICAL WEDGE SPHERICAL EXCESS
........i!(-:.r.-~"f.·· '(1· '
1 \ l •
/ A circle is < tclngent to two The'sur:fa<.e \area of a sphere in cm 2 is 55. Problem c,r- ?rob/em ~,-7
perpendicular lines, A smaller circle numerically ,equal to its volume. I ·.
is drawn inside such that it is tangent What is the volume in Find the -volume of a spherical ~~dge the spherical '··excess
of a
to the lines and the bigger circle. ANS: 113.10 cm2 whose angle is 36 • on a spliere of whose angles are: 102·, 77•
~ . . . i10
What is the area of the smaller circle radius 6 cm. 21.. ANS: 120.
if the bigger circle has an area of ANS: 28 .Brr
50. CE Board Nov. 2010
50.4 cm 2 . ~: 0 roblem
ANS: 1.478 err?- / A solid metal ball has a volume of 56. Problem
1500 cm 3• It is melted to form a Finili spherical excess of a
Find the angle of a . spherical wedge pentiagen whose · angles are: 97 ' ,
hollow spherical object such that its
whose volume is one-ninth that of 101 ~.,. 17", 136" and 162".
• SPHERE interior diameter is equal to the
diamete r of the original ball. What is
the sphere. ANS.: n·
ANS: 40.
45. Problem the thickness of the res_ulting hollow
metal object? ERICAL SEGMENT
If the volume of a sphere is 566 cm 3, ANS: 1.846 m. ;. 57. Problem
find its radius and surface areilf~ 63. Problem
What is the central angle in radians
ANS: 5.131 cm. and 330.84.cm1 A hemispherical bowl of radius 10
51. CE Board May 2012 of a spherical wedge having a curve
surface area of 18.4 m2 and a radius cm. is filled with water to a depth of
46. Problem The diameter of two spherical 5 cm. Find the volume of the water.
of 4 m.
bearings in the ratio 2: 5. What is the ANS: 0.575 rad 625
A rectangular prism with dimensions ratio of their volume? ANS:
of 3 x 4 x 6' cm. ,is inscribed in a ANS: 0.064
sphere, find the volume of the 58. Problem
sphere? 64. Problem
ANS: 250.39 err?-
52. Problem Spherical wedge has a volume of 8 m3
and a curve surface area of 6 m2 • Find the volume common to two
Three spheres of radii 10, 20 and Determine the radius: spheres of radii 6 cm. and 9 cm.
47. Problem 30 cm. respectively, are melted and ANS: 4 m. · respectively, if the di-stance between
formed into a single sphere. Find the their centers is 10 cm.
A spherical steel ball is placed i-nto a
vertical circular cylinder containing surface area of the single sphe_re .. 59. Problem ANS: 315
ANS: 1.3,700.77cm2 .
water, causing the water level to rise
A spherical wedge has a volume of 65. CE Board Nov. 2012
by 12 cm. If the radius of the
cylinder is 15 cm . , what is the radius
53. Problem 16.2 m3 and a radius of 4.25 m. / A spherical storage tank is filled with
Determine its curve surface area.
of the ball in cm? A hollo'r{ steel ball, 20 inches in liquid to a depth· of 30.0 cm. If the
ANS: 11.4 m2
ANS: 12 .65 cm. "':°~- diameter, has a thickness of 2 inner diameter of the vessel is 45.0
inches. If steel weighs 490 lb/ft3, cm., determine the number of liters
48. Problem
60. Problem of liquid in the ~ontainer.
find the weight of the ball.
ANS: 519.64 lb. The area of a lune is 100 sq.m. If the (1 l = 1000 cm 3)
The ratio of the surface area of ANS: 35.34 liters
area of the sphere is 720 sq.m., .what
sphere A to the surface area of
54. (E Board Nov. 2010 is the angle of the lune? ·
sphere B is 4. The ratio of the / ANS: 50° . 6: Problem
volume of sphere B to the volume of A spherical tank has a capacity of
sphere C is 3. find the ·-ratto of·the 7200 C1'n 3 is partially filled with A ·cal bowl has 2 parallel bases.
volume of sphere A to the volume of water, What is the area of the circle The btgger base i-s a great circle with
sphere C. formed by the water surface if it 1s a ter of 18 in. It has a height of
ANS: 24 7.2 cm. from the center of the 6"~ Find the volume of the spherical
sphere? i:>(;lwt.
ANS: 288 .02 A : 1300.62
MATll{MATI CS (T rigonometr~)
43. CE Board May 2012 47. CE Board May 2012 52. Problem 58 . Problem
Two insects fly from t he ,same point If ab is positive and cde is negative, Two shi ps leave a port at the same 1he sides of a triangle are 6, 8, 10
but towards different di rections. which of the followi ng must be true. time. One travels due west at respectively. Find the length of the
One was flying at a speed of 12.2 1 a) ab - cde > 0 18.4 km/h and the other due south at longest altitude.
m/min. while the other was flying at i: b) ab - (cde)(cde) > 0 27.6 km/h. ·calculate how far apart ANS: 8
17.4 m/min. The angle between f c) ac + de < 0 (not ok the two ships are after 4 hrs.
their flight direction is 84. 1 •. · How
many meters are they apart after 2.1
\> d) - <-1 (notok)
ANS: 132.7 km.
/ :? CE Board Nov. 2012
minutes. cde A circle having a radius of 9 cm.
ANS: a
53. Problem
ANS: 42.42 m. « clSllSCribes a right triangle whose
In triangle ABC, AB= 15 cm. , BC = 18 :area is 43 .23 If one of the
44. CE Board May 2012 48. CE Board May 2012 cm . and CA = 24 m. The distance sides is 18 cm . long, find the shortest
from the point of intersect ion from side of the right triangle.
To determine the height of a dist ant x, y, r and t are integers such that t he angular bisector from vertex A is ANS: 5
mountain, two observation points xY is negative and rt is positive. If t equal to 11.52 cm . Find the radius of
were set up at A and B, which is 290 is not a multiple of 2, then which of the circle inscribed in the t riangle . 6 :J. CE Board Nov. 2012
m. closer to but 25 m. lower in the following statements must be ANS : 4 .73 cm. /
elevation than A. The angles of true? A boat is heading N. 45 . E. at 25 kph
elevations from both points are a) y is a multiple of 2 in still water on a river with a
b) xr > 0
54. Problem
24.45· and 35.45 • , respectively. If current that flows due east and the
the elevation at A is 550.45 m. , find c) x - r < 0 In triangle ABC, AB = 30 m., BC = 36 direction of the boats course is N.
the elevation of ' the top of the d) xt > 0 m. and AC 48 m. The 54 • E. Find the speed of the water
mountain. ANS : C perpendicular bisectors of the sides current .
ANS: 1017.08 m. . intersect at point P. How far is P ANS: 6 .65 kph
49. Problem from the vertex A?
45. CE Board May 2012 ANS: 24.03 m. 61. Problem
In triangle DEF, given that EF = 35
If ab = I a I b I which of the mm , DE = 25 mm and L E = 64 •. Fi nd An airplane travels with a speed 153
55. Problem mph in calm . air. If the wind is
following relation is true. the area of the triangle.
ANS: 393.2 mm2 · In triangle ABC, AB= 14 cm., BC = 28 blowing with a velocity of 27 mph
a) a = b (nothing suggest that a = b) cm. and CA = 18 cm. Determine the from S. 21 • W. and the plane is
(not ok) 50. Problem length of the angular bisector from headed in a direction 5. 53° E., find
b) a > 0 and b > O vertex A to side BC. the magnitude of the speed ·of the
c) ab> 0 In triangle XYZ, find its area if ANS: 7.69 cm. :mriplane in mph. ·
· d) a - b > O Y = 128 · , XY = 7.2 cm . and YZ = 4.5 ,i lll5: 162.5 mph
ANS : c m. 56. Problem
ANS: 12.77 cm2 6:: Problem
46 . CE Board May 2012 Fi nd the length of the longest
At "1i2:DO Noon, a ship sailed from the
51. Problem bisectors of the triangle whose sides
port. iR the direction of 5. 45 • W. at a
If x, y and z are integers, and x are 13, 20 and 21.
Two aircraft leave an ai rfield at the ANS: 19.43 speed of 16 nautical miles per hour.
and y are both even, which of the
same time. One travels due north at At t:80 P.M. , another ship left the
following could be an odd integer?
an average -speed of 300 km/h and same port in the direction of N. so·
a) xy + z 57. Problem W. :at a speed of 20 nautical miles
b) y - xz the ether cfrre "west at ·· ah average
c) xy + y speed 1of' 22b ' krii Iii•: ·· Calculate their The sides of a triangle are 5, 8, 10 per hour. . At what time will the
distance apart after 4 hrs. ••:· respectively. Find the length of the secoad ship be exactly North of the
d) y + X
ANS: 1488 km . longest medians. ' first lihip?
ANS: a
ANS: 8.703 ANS: 2:49.2 P.M.
(Eng'g. Mechanics).
G) Find the tension in each steel wire. <D Which of the following gives the reaction at
@ What is the diamet&r of the wire that will -~- Sm ~· 20. Problem:
not exceed the allowable stress of 124 The bulkhead AD is subjected to both water @ \Nhich of the following gives the reaction at
MPa. B.
and soil backfill pressures. AD is pinned to the
@ If the wire is 10 mm e, find the vertical @ Which of the following gives the reaction at
ground at A and the bulkhead has a mass of
displacement of the molder. A.
800 kg. The intensity of pressure due to soil
ANS: 276 kN, 6 mm, 0.527 mm
backfill is 310 kN/m and that water is ANS : 5.85 kN, 5.85 kN, 16.13 kN
118 kN/m.
17. CE Board May 2012 <D Find the angle e at which the bar will be in D 22. Problem
equilibrium if it is free to slide on the 0.5m
Figure shows a circular steel plate supported A pin-connected circular arch supports a 50
frictionless cylindrical surface.
on 3 posts. A, B and C which are equally kN vertical load as shown in the figure.
@ Find the reaction at A.
spaced along its circumference. A load Neglecting the weights of the members.
@ Find the reaction at B.
W =1350 N is at a distance x =0.5 m. from
the post at A along the x-axis. Diameter of ANS : 14.48", 171.44 N,
steel plate is 1.8 m. 6m
228.57 N
19. Problem
11 8 kN/m A ·3 10 kNim
A vertical load P = 800 kN applied to the tripod
shown causes a compressive force of 256 kN Determine the required tension in the
(1) <D Which of the following gives the bending
in leg AB and a compressive force of 283 kN ground anchor BC necessary for moment that act on the cross section at
in leg AC. equilibrium. 1-1.
(2) Determine the horizontal @ Which of the following gives the shear
P=800 kN reaction at A force that act on the cross section at 1-1 .
@ Determine the vertical reaction at A. @ Which of the following gives the normal
.r=0.5 0.4 a force that act on the cross section at 1-1 .
ANS: 311.38 kN, 460.12 kN, 7.85 kN
ANS : 18.4 kN.m, 3.66 kN, 13.66 kN
<D Find the reaction at post A. Neglect
weight of the steel plate.
@ Find the reaction at post B. Neglect Three Hinged Arch
weight of the steel plate. Parabolic Cables
@ Compute the reaction at C considering the
weight of the plate·if it has a thickness of
21. Problem
16 mm and has a unit weight of 77 kN/m 3.
23. CE Board May 2012
The three-hinged arched is subjected to the
two concentrated forces shown. The suspended girder shown is supported by
ANS : 850 N, 250 N, 1295 N a series of hangers, uniformly spaced along a
parabolic cable.
<D Determine the value of x of its lower end
18. Problem D.
@ Determine the value of z of its lower end
The center of gravity of the non homogeneous
bar AB, which is 7 m. long is at C. The bar
@ Determine the force in leg_AD .
weighs 200 N. Diameter of the cylindrical
surface is 8 m. ANS : 4, 1, 433.8 kN
STRUCTDRll .DESl6N (Strength of Materials) _: 3
<D Which of the following gives the area of CD Dete~t.Jbe horizontal reaction at A. CD Which of the following gives the stress of
aluminum bar so th;=it the slab will remain @ How much ,i.s the normal stress in strut BC, steel. ·
. level after it is attached to the rods. with cross sectional dimensions of 6 mm x @ Which of the following gives the stress of
® Which of the following gives the stress in 76m~. '· concrete.
the steel rod if M = 18000 kg ANS: 3.75mm @ If the strut AB were placed by a 16 mm 0 @ Which of the following gives the shortening
@ Which of the following gives the stress in steel cable, determine the normal stress in of the column.
the aluminum rod if M = 18000 kg. the cable. ANS: 76.25 MPa. 5.7 MPa,
23. Problem
AN~: 2571 mm 2, 235.44 MPa, 1.9mm
41.20MPa ANS : 15.8 kN, 91.67 MPa, 90.7 MPa
Three rods, each with an area of 300 mm 2,
jointly support the load of 20 kN, as shown.
Assuming there was no slack or stress in the 28. Problem
21. Problem rods before the load was applied, find the
25. CE Board May 2012
stress in each rod. Here, Es= 200 x 109 N/m2 A reinforced concrete column 250 mm in
As shown in the figur(l, _a rigid qeam with An 8 mm diameter steel rod, 20 m. long diameter is design·ed to carry on axial
-and fa = 83 x 109 N/m2.
negligible mass is pinned at one · end and supports a 10 kN weight Find the max. compressive load of 400 kN. Using allowable
supp'orted by two rods. The baam was initially tensile stress in the rod. Unit weight of steel is stresses of Sc = 6 MPa and S5 = 120 MPa,
horizontal before the load Pwas applied. 77 kN/m3.
determine the required area of reinforcing
ANS: 199.70 MPa
steel. Assume that Ee = 14 GPa and
E5 = 200 GPa.
Steel ANS: 1323 mm 2
26. Problem
E=200GPa Aluminum
L=4m A=900mm 2 A steel wire 10 m. long hanging vertically
E=70GPa supports a tensile load of 2000 N. Neglecting 29. Problem
L=3 m
the weight of the wire, determine the required
diameter if the stress is not to exceed A steel bar50 mm in diameter and 2 m. long is
140 MPa and the total e'longation ·is not surrounded by a shell of cast iron 5 mm thick.
3m 2m Im ANS: exceed 5 mm. Assume E = 200-GPa. Compute the load that will compress the
ANS: 5.05mm combined bar a total o~i'"mm in the length of
P=l20 kN
... i m. For steel, E = 200 x 109 Nlm2, and for
24. CE Board May 2012 cast iron, E = 100 x 109 N/m2.
CD Compute the elongation of steel if ·
P= 120 kN. The pin jointed assembly supports a billboard STAT/CALLY ANS: 240kN
@ Compute the elongation of aluminum if
P= 120 kN .
3 m. high x 4 m. wide on each end. The total
weight of the billboard is 30 kN.
@ Find the vertical movement of P if H = 1.5 m. 0 = 60" MEMBERS
P= 120 kN . Wind pressure q = 1.7 kPa TORSIONAL STRESSES
ANS: 1.75 mm, 3.51 mm, .92 mm Wind pressure coefficient. C = 1.0.
27. Problem
30. Problem
A reinforced concrete column, 5 m. high has a
22. Problem cross section of 400 mm x 400 mm. It is Compound shaft shown is attached to rigid
reinforced by four steel bars each -20 mm in SLIPJ>Orts.
An aluminum bar having a cross-sectional diameter and carries a load of 1000 kN.
area of 160 mm2 carries the axial loads at the Youngs modulus for steel is 200000 Nlmm2 Forthe bronze segment AB :
positions shown in the figure. If E = 70 kPa, and that for concrete is 15000 N/mm 2. Diameter = 75 mm
compute the total deformation of the bar. G = 35 GPa
Assume that the bar is suitably braced to 't=60 MPa
prevent buckling. -
. «UCIURAl DI:SIGN (Theory of Structures)
~-n- -
MA=l20 kN .m IB /·= 60 x 10 6 mm 4.
For a constant head laboratory For a variable head permeability test, From the following figure:
permeability tes.t on a· fine sand , the the following are given:
following values are given:
Length of specimen . . .... . . _300 mm Length of soil specimen .. . · 200 mm
Diameter of specimen . .. .. . . 200mm Area of soil specimen . . . . . 1000 mm2
Head difference . . . , .. . . . .. . 400mm Area of stqnd pipe . . . . . . . . 40 mm2
Volume of water collected Head difference at time t = 0 is 500 mm ·
in 4 min. . . . . . 420 Head difference at time t-
Void ratio of the soil specimen .. .. 0.55 = 3 min is 300 mm
G) Compute the coefficient of G) What is-the equation in determining
permeability in cm/sec. (J) Compute the hydraulic conductivity the equivalent coefficient of
® Compute the discharge velocity in of the soil in cm/sec. permeaqility in , the horizontal
cm/sec. ® Compute the seepage velocity if the direction. ·
@ Compute the seepage velocity. porosity of soil = 0.25 ® What is the equivqlent .coefficient of
@ What was the head difference at permeability in · th~ · horizontal
Ans. 4.178 x 10-3 cm/sec., time t = 100 sec. direction if each soil 'layer is 3 m.
Porous Sront
5.~7 x 10:-3 cm/sec., Ans. 2.27 x 10•3 cm/sec., thick and has the given values of
15.7 x 10-3 cm/sec. K1 , K2, K3 and l<,i.
9.08 x 10-3 cm/sec., D 4 inches @ What is the total flow if iav = 0.70 '--
376.48 mm H1 0.2 feet Ans.
. K1 0.00471 ft/min 1
h 1.25 feet KH(eq.) = H(KH1 H1+ KH2 H2 + KH3 H3
d 1.5 inches + KH4 H4 + ... KHnHnJ •.
In a constant head permeability test in
H2 0.3 feet 8.025 X 10·4 cm/sec.,
the laboratory, the following are given:
For a falling head permeability test, the K2 0.000522 ft/min. 6.741 x 10-5 m3/sec.
Length of soil specimen= 25 cm.
following are given. Length of specimen H 0.5 feet
Cross sectional area of soil specimen
is 380 mm, area of specimen= 6.5 cm 2,
= 105 cmi hydraulic conductivity of-soil specimen is
If the value of the hydraulic conductivity G) Determine the total flow in tt3/min.
0.175 cm/min.
is 0.014 cm/sec. and a flow rate of 120 ® Find the equivalent value of Kt for
cm3/min must be ro,aintained through the G) What should be the area of the both sand and silt.
soil, determine the. following
: stand pipe for the head to drop from @ Determine the volume of water
650 cm. to 300 cm. in 8 min? · which percolate after 30 min in cm 3.
G) Head difference across the ® Compute the interstitial velocity
specimen. under the test condition if the soil Ans. 3.543 x 10-4 ft3!min,
® Discharge velocity under the test specimen has a void ratio of 0.50 in
1.624 x 10- 3 ft/min,
condition. cm/sec.
Compute the head difference at 301 cm 3
@ Seepage velodty if the porosity of @
soil sample is 0.20 time equal to 6 min.
Ans. 0.31 cm 2, 0.081 cm/sec.,
Ans. 34.01 cm., 0.019 emfs, 364.16 cm.
·0.095 cmls,
. .tORAUllCS 11 ..HYDilAUllCS
63. Problem 68. Problem 72. Problem Oetermine, correct to the nearest
~~~~i~: .centimeter, the width of the road·
The angles of elevation of the top of · · A vertical pole stands on horizontal From the top of a vertical cliff 80 rn . and the height of the building .
a tower at two_points 30 m. and 80 ground. A surveyor positioned due ,. high, the angles of depression of two 1AH:S: 9.43 m., 10.56 m.
m. from the foot of the tower, on a _ east of the aerial · measures, the .- ' ' buoys lying due west of the cliff are
horizontal line, are complimentary. · · elevation of the tori as 48 •. He 23 • and 15 ', respectively. How far
What is the height of the tower? are the buoys apart? 77. Problem
moves due soutli ' 30 111. an'd measures
ANS: 49 m. the elevation as 44 •. Determine the ANS: 110.1 m. . The elevation of. a tower from two
:.·· ._ -f--~.¢, _.•'. height of the vertical pole . points, one due east of the tower and
._. .,.'f•-- . ,,,,,,.. ,
64. Problem ANS: 58.65 m. 73. Problem the other due west of it are 20· and
The angles of elevation of the top of From a point on horizontal ground, a 24', respectively, and the two points
a tower were observed from points A 69. Problem surveyor measures the angle of of observation are 300 m apart. Find
and B which lie on a horizontal line elevation of the top 6f: a flagpole as . the · height ,0f.- the _tower to the,,,
passing through the foot of the The area of a field is in the form of a 18 " 40'. He moves 50 m. nearer to · nearest meter.
tower. B is 5 m. away from the quadrilateral ABCD where AB = 39.8 the flagpole and measures the angle ANS: 60 m.
tower. A and Bare 8 m. apart. The m., BC = 42.5 m. , CD= 62.3 m. and of elevation as 26 • 22' . Determine
angle at B is twice as much as that at DA = 21.4 m. The angle BCD is equal the height of the flagpole . 78. Problem
A. How high is the' toWer? · f:: to 56 • and the BAD is 114 · , ANS: 53 m .
ANS: 6.24 determine its area. The perimeter of a triangular lot is
ANS: 1487 m2 279.5 m. The interior angles are
74. P,roblem so· , 60' and 70' . Find the length of
65. Problem A flagpole stands on the edge of the
70. Problem the side opposite the biggest angle.
A triangle has two known sides, top of a building. At a point 200 m. ANS: 102 m:
namely AB = 40 m, AC = 60 m. Point A vertical tower AB, 9.60 m. high , from the building, the angles of
D is on line AB such that AD = 25 stands on ground which is inclined elevation of the top and bottom of
m. Point E is on the line AC such 12 • to the horizontal. A stay the pole are 32 '_;. and 30' ,
that the area ADE is one third of the connects the top of the tower A to a respectively. Calculate the height of SPHERICAL
area of ABC. How far is E from A? point C on the ground 10 m. downhill the flagpole . TRIGONOMETRY
ANS: S. 43.84' E. from B, the foot of the tower. ANS: 9.50 m.
Determine the length of the stay and 79. Problem
66. Problem the angle the stay makes with the 75. Problem
ground. Solve for a from the spherical
'Two si'des of a triangular plot of land -ANS: 15.23 m., 38 .07' From a ship at sea, the angle of
are 52 m. and 34 m., respectively. If triangle whose given parts are:
elevation of the top and bottom of q;·
the area of the plot is 620 sq.m., find b = n ' 38 ', A= 115°51' and C = 90"
vertical lighthouse standing on the
the length of fencing required to 71. Problem edge of a vertical cliff ~re 31' and
ANS: 116 °55'
enclose the plot. The angle of depression of a ship 26', respectively. If the lighthouse is
ANS: 122.6 m. 25 m. high, calculate the height of BO. Problem
•. viewed at a particular instant frorrr ··
; . _..... the cliff.
the top of a 75 m. vertical cliff is From the given parts of a spherical
67. Problem 30 •. Find -the distance of the ship ANS: 107.8 m. triangle ABC, a = 120·, b = 73' 15'' '::i
A ship P sails at steady speed of 45 from the base of the cliff at this and c = 62 • 45'. Find the value of
km/h in a direction of N. 58 • W. instant. The ship is sailing away from 76. Problem angle A.
from a port. At the same time, the cliff at constant speed and 1 ANS: 137 °56'
minute later its angle of depression From a window 4.2 m. above
another ship Q leaves the port at a horizontal ground, the angle
steady speed of 35 km/h in a from the top of the cliff is 20 •~
Determine the speed of the ship in depression of the foot of a building
direction N 15 • E. Determine their across the road is 24 • and the angle
distance apart after 4 hrs. km/h.
ANS: 4.57 km/h of elevation of the top of the
ANS: 193 km. building is 34 ·.
' :-.· ,·
STRDtTDRAl DESIGN (Eng'g. Mechanics).
. I •
CD What is the tension in the cable at mid-
span, point B, whose slope is zero. Catenary·Cab/es Cable with Friction
® What is the vertical reaction at support A.
@ What is the resulting sag, y if the
Concentrated Loads
maximum tension in the cable is 300 kN? 26. Problem
28. Problem The 200 kg crate with mass center al· G, is
ANS : 360 kN, 180 kN, 4.15 m. A catenary cable shown has a weight of supported on- the horizontal surfaces by a skid
215.82 N/m. It has a tension of 300 kN at its From the given figure of a cable connection at A and a roller at B. If a force P of 400 N is
lowest point of the cable. shown. required to initiate motion of the crate.
24. Problem
The weight of a transmission cable is
1.5 kg/m. distributed horizontally and carries a
maximum tension of 6000 kg. If the allowable
sag of the cable is 30 m.
CD Which of the following gives the horizontal
distance between the electric posts
supporting the transmission cable . w=2 15.82kN/m 1.2 m 1.2 m
® Which of the following gives the
8 kN
approximate length of transmission cable. CD Find the sag of the cable. CD Determine the reaction at A.
@ Which of the following gives the exact ® Find the tension at B. ® Determine the reaction at B.
CD Which of the following gives the tension of
length of transmission cable . - @ Find the total length of the cable. @ Determine the coefficient of static friction
the segment CD.
at A.
ANS: 980 m., 98i44 m., ANS: 22.54 m., 304.9 kN, 502.60 m. ® Which of the followin g gives the value of ft
.982.4435 m. @ Which of the following gives the tension ANS: 1246.90 N, 781 N, 0.339
of the segment AB .
31. Problem
25. Problem 27. Problem ANS: 6. 79 kN, 32.2', 6.89 kN
The block brake consists of a pin-connected
The uniform cable weighing 15 N/m is
The parabolic cable shown carries a uniform lever and friction block at B. The coefficient of
suspended from points A and 8. The force in
horizontal load of 20 kN/m. 29. Problem static friction between the wheel and the lever
the cable at Bis known to be 500 N.
isµ= 0.30.
~ A The horizontal distance between the supports .
'l A and B of a cable is 60 m. with B 24 m. below
A. At a horizontal distances of 15 m, 30 m, 45
m. measured from A, concentrated loads of
200 kN, 400 kN and 200 kN were applied
respectively. The cable sag at the point where
the 400 kN load is applied equal 15 m.
measured from chord connecting A and B. CD If a torque of 49.50 N.m is applied to the
CD .Compute the value of "a". wheel , determine the normal reaction at B.
® Compute the tension of the cable at A. ® If a torque of 49.50 N.m is applied
@ Compute the tension of the cable at C. CD Determine the tension at A. CD Which of the following gives the horizontal
reactions at A and B. clockwise to the wheel, determine the
® Determine the horizontal distance between
ANS : 17.6 m., 357.9 kN, ® Which of the following gives ihe vertical required force P applied to the lever to
A and 8.
436.4 kN reactions at A and B. stop it. ·
@ Determine the length of the cable .
@ Which of the following gives the reactions @ Determine the required force P applied to
ANS: 440 N, 33.68 m., 36.44 m. at A and B. the lever to stop it if the torque of
49.50 N.m is applied counterclockwise to
ANS : 640 kN and 160 kN, stop it.
877.27 kN, 620.97 kN
ANS: 1100 N, 394.17 N, _339.17 N
STRIJ(TDRAl DESIGN (Strength of Materials)
For steel segment BC: 32. CE Board May 2012
Diameter= 50 mm
G = 83 GPa A cantilever hollow circular bar 5 mm thick with D ~ D maximum shearing stress and
-i:= 80 MPa outside diameter of 75 mm is subjected to a elor~ ~ 3 helical steel spring composed
Length of steel = 1 meter torque of 3 kN .m at its free end. Find the max. of 20 IOf 20 mm. diameter wire on a
shear stress in the bar. mean ~ of 80 mm. when the spring is
- - -150 nUI:l - - - - 1 sllpporfmJaJoad of 2 kN . Use G = 83 GN/m 2.
ANS : 6280mm ANS : _,-,_,,
diameter wire on a mean radius
·"· ,..,._ •.
CD Which of the following gives the shearing of 100 mm. The lower spring
consists of 10 turns of 20 mm
stress of the 100 mm diam. bar. · it)RS/ON-for diameter wire on a mean radius
1>=150 nvn
7.5 m. ,.,,,. C
'"'"'F"' - ,,.,,,
8m 6m 2m
4m <D Which of the following gives the value of -
CD Compute t~e moment at B. 6A1a
CD Determine the vertical reaction at C.
@ Compute the moment at C. ~ factor due to the contribution of the
C2:l Determine the reaction at the column CD Compute the moment at A. @ Compute the max. positive moment.
support. @ Compute the max. shear of the beam . uniform load acting on the span AB to be
@ Determine the maximum negative moment @ Compute the max. positive moment of the ANS : -10.26 kN.m, + 5.13 kN.m, used in the three.moment equation .
at BC. beam. 13.22 kN.m @ Which of the following gives the value of
ANS . 22.5kN, 37.5kN, 2-9kN.m 6A2b
ANS: -17.5 kN.m, 8.4375 kN,
12L2 factor due to the contribution of the
23. CE Board May 2012 concentrated load acting on the span BC
to be used in the three moment equation.
The pin jointed assembly supports a billboard 27. CE Board Nov. 1998
3 m. high x 4 m. wide on each end. T-he total @ Which of the following gives the value of
weight of the billboard is 30 kN . 25. Problem From the beam shown in the figure .
the moment at B.
H=1 .5m . 0=60"
A continuous beam is fixed at both ends A and 3 kN
Wind pressure q = 1.7 kPa
C and is supported by a roller at B. It carries a ANS: 5~60 kN.m 2, 5~5 kN.m 2,
Wind pressure coefficient, C = 1.0.
uniformly disbibuted load of 4 kN/m.
- 261.875 kN.m.
Assuming constant El.
w= 4 kN/m 29 . Problem
CD Which of the following gives the fixed end
moment at B due to the concentrated load The beam shown has a span of 12 m. which is
inkN .m. fixed at both ends and supported by a roller at
@ Which of the following most nearly gives the cenler.
w = 3 kN/m
<D Compute the equivalent horizontal <D Compute the average coefficient of
coefficient of permeability. permeability of the aquifer. ,.
® Compute the equivalent yertical ® Compute the rate of flow.
coefficient of permeability. @ Compute the time required for the The figure shows the layers of soil in a
@ Compute the ratio of the equi:-,<alent water to pass through the soil if it tube that is 100 mm,•J( 100 mm in cross-
horizontal' coefficient of permeability has a porosity 0.24 . . section. Water is supplied to maintain a
to the equivalent vertical coefficient Ans. 23.48 mlsec., 3.1 m3!sec., constant•. head difference of 450 mm
of permeability. · 1.85 hrs. across the sample. The hydraulic
Ans. 108.9 x 10·4 cm/s, conductivity of the soils in the direction of
4.~9 x 10-4 cmls, 24.81 flow through them are tabulated as
CD Compute the hydraulic gradient.
-WateF supply
@ Compute the equivalent hydraulic
The figure shows the layers of soil in a conductivity.
A confined · aquifer underlies an tube that is 100 mm x 100 mm in cross- @ Compute the value of K2.
unconfined aquifer as shown in the section. Water is supplied to maintain a Ans. 0.00192, 6.25 m/day, 4.05 m/day
figure. constant head difference of 450 mm
across the sample . The hydraulic
conductivity of the soils in the direction of
flow through them are tabulated as
Water flows th.rough a sand filter as
shown on the figure . The soil has a
200 200 200
cross sectional area of 0.25 m2.
mm mm mm
<D Compute the equivalent horizontal <D Compute the equivalent hydraulic
coeff. of permeability. --------------- ··1·
h=450mm conductivity in m/hr.
® Compute the hydrauljc gradient. Ourflow
® Compute the height h A at the
@ Compute the . fl,9,,"Y .rate fro_m one
stream to anot!J€f, per meter width. piezometer attached between A
Ans. 27.50 m/day, 0.0065, and B.
8.67 m3~day/m @ Compute the height hB at the
piezometer attached between B
200 200 200 and C.
mm mm mm
0.5 m 0.5m 0.5 m
KA= 2 x 10 4 emfs Ans. 0.001224 m/hr, KA, =22 x 10·2cm1s ·Kar =1.8 x 1o-2cm!s Kc, =3 x 10·2an1s
Ka= 3.7 x 10·2 emfs , KAy = 1.8 x 10-3cm/s . Kay~ 2.4 x 1o-3cm/s Key= 3.2 x 10-lcm1s
From the figure shows an unconfined 424.50 mm., 423._
36 _mm.
non. homogeneous aquifer between two Kc =.1.2 x 10·5 emfs (D Compute ·_ the coefficient of
water bodies at a depth of 50 m. and permeability of the sand filter in
45 m. respectively. <D Compute the equivalent hydraulic cm/s.
conductivity. _ ,.· ® Compute the flow of water through
® Compute the .hydraulic gradient. the soil in liters/sec.
@ Compute the rate of water ?upply in Two observation wells have been @ Compute·· the interstitial velocity if
cm 3/hr. constructed in the formation shown. The the soil has a void ratio. of 0. 71 in
flow rate-is " 0.01 m3/hr per unit width ;• meters per minute. ·
Ans. 0.000034 cm/sec., of the formation . Ans,· 0.0223 cm/sec.,
0.75, 9.18 cm3/hr. 0.03345 Ii/sec., 0.0193 mlmin.
<D Compute the total hydrostatic force ® Find the. friction force between the
acting on the gate. gate and runners.
A vertical rectangular gate as shown is a) 384.40 kN c) 457.20 kN ~ 58744.6 N
2 m. wide, 6 m. high is hinged at the top, b) 251 .10 kN @167.50 kN ~39730.5 N _
has oil ( = 0.84) standing 7 m. c) 76525.3 N
deep on one side, the liquid surface ® Compute the location of the center of d) 87841 .2 N
being under a pressure of-. 1-8.46 kPa. wessure from B.
®) 1.38 m. c) 3.35 m. • @ Find the force necessary lo raise the
b) 2.23 m. d) 4.28 m. gate.
<D Find the depth of the center· of
@1) 41960.5 N
@ Compute the horizontal force b) 51634.1 N
pressure of section A1 from the liquid · exerted by tt)e wall at A-· - c) 67486.4 N
surface. ~ 215.36 kN c) 485.62 kN d) 74121.2 N
a) 4.25 m. c) 5.14 m. ~ 1·28.42 kN d) 374.85 kN
b) 6.24 m. d) 3.28 m.
@ How much horizontal force applied al A gate 3 m. high is 1.5 m. wide is hinged @ Determine the depth that the water
the bottom · is needed to open the at point B and rests against a smooth will rise inside the tank from its
~te. · wall at A. Point A is 1.8 m. vertically or.iginal water level.
I@ 136.48 kN · above B. If the total depth of sea water is f1.8 a) 0.025 m. c) 0.050 m. ·
4.6m. b) 0.075 m. d) 0.010 m.
b) 225.12 kN J.
c) 348.75 kN
"d) 458.69 kN @ What will be the change in pressure
· rr on one side of the tank.
a) 1.231 kN
CD Find the hydrostatic fore~ acting on b) 2.417 kN
the depth." c) 3.265 kN
a) 124568 N d) 4.251 kN
A vertical plate shown is submerged in b) 195814 N I •
'·:·. --.
,,, ·STRUCTURAL Df:SIGN (Strength of Materials) 5
41. Problem 43 Problem ct Determine the max. and min . values of the 46. CE Board Nov. 2007
n·ormal stress that may exist on an-inclined
A truck with axle loads of 40 kN and 60 kN on If a point is subjected to the state of stress as plane making an angle of 30· to the The cross section of the beam shown in the
a wheel base of 5 m. rolls across a 10 m. shown: normal stress. figure is 50 mm· wide by 200 mm deep and
span. y @ Determine the normal stress on a plane point A is 50 mm above the center of the
cry=30 MPa jnclined at an angle of 30 ' to the normal beam. Assume the 100 kN load acts at the
60 100 40 centroid of the cross section. Hint: Be sure to
@ Determine the shearing stress on a plane include the shearing stress caused by the
inclined at an angle of 30' to the normal applied load.
Cfx=50 MPa axis.
ANS: 36.9', • 46 MPa., 49.63 MPa
,=30 MPa
45. Problem
I "
(j) Which of the following gives the max.
(j) Which of the following gives the maximum shearing stress. The properties of the region shown are
bending moment. (?) Which of the following gives the max. I, =10 x 106 mm4, ly =20 x 106 mm 4 and 100 kN
(?) Which of the following gives the maximum lxy = 12 x 106 rnm 4. If 0 = 33.7'
CD Compute the normal stress at A.
principal stress .
@ Compute the shearing stress al A.
shearing force. @ Which of the following gives the min.
(J) Which of the following gives the location of
@ Compute the principal stress direction
principal stress.
from x-y plane that makes with the
the 40 kN from the left support when
maximum moment occurs. ANS: 50 MPa., 60 MPa., 40 MPa u horizontal . {ff<·
d, ),3.
ANS: 160 kN.m, 80 kN, 9 m. ANS: 70 MPa., 9.74 MPa., 7.78'
~ ~
respect to the u-axis. cross section 100 mm in diameter. ·
Q• Find the principal moment of inertia with E = 200,000 MPa .
~ ·
1 30 MPa
respect to the v:axis.
@ Find the product of inertia with respect to (D Determine the static deflection of the
Jm Sm
CD Which of the following gives the distance
. of the resultant from the-10 kN load .
80 MPaUJ. 80 MPa
uv axes.
a) 2t4.32 MPa
a) 65.71 kN c) 58.65 kN HOOP TENSION A cylindrical tank 4 m. in diam. and 9 m.
428.54 MPa
b) 71 .25 kN d) 85.32 kN high contains liquids A, B and C with
147.15 MPa
equal heights. of A, B and C are
345.63 MPa
@ Compute the specific gravity of the 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 respectively. The tank is
cylinder. · .@ If the head is increased to 500 m, provided by steel hoops at the bottom
a)1.07 . ' c)3.14 what thickness is required assuming and at the top.
A vertical cylindrical tank is 6 ft. in
b) 2.32 d) 4.28 diameter and 10 ft. high. Its side~ are an allowable tensile stress of 113
MPa and efficiency of the connection G) Compute the total hydrostatic force
held in position by means of two steel
Compute the net horizontal force is 80%. acting on the wall of the tank.
@ hoops, one at the top and one at the
acting on the cylinder. bottom. The tank is filled with water up to a) 13.2 mm ,s.t_ 15.6mm a) 2695.31 kN
a) 7.25 kN c) 6.41 kN b) 12.8 mm ~16.3mm (fil) 2472.12 kN
9 ft.
b) 8.36kN d) 9.79kN CJ 3145.47 kN
G) Compute the hydrostatic force at the d) 3596.50 kN
side of tank.
a) 16315 lb. c) 13521 lb. ·@ Compute the tension of hoops at the
®) 15163 lb. . d) 12412 lb. bottom of the tank.
A wooden storage vat full of oil a) 722.64 kN
A 30 mm. diameter steel ball having a ® Determine the tensile stress at the = 0.80 is in the form of a frustum of b) .667.77 kN
unit weight of 77 kN/m 3 covers a 15 mm. top. a cone, 2 m. diameter at the top and c) 985.36 k.N
diam. hole in the bottom of a chamber in a) 1354 lb. c) 3625 lb. 4 meters diam. at the bottom and 3 m. ~ 883.10 kN
wh!ch gas pressure is 27,000 KPa. @) 2275 lb. d) 4251 lb. high. It is provided with 2 steel hoops,
one at the to.p and one at the bottom. ' @ Compute the tension of hoops at the
@ Determine the tensile stress at the top of the tank.
bottom. G) · Compute the hydrostatic force on the a) 639.51 kN
a) 4258 lb. @) 5307 lb. side of the container. · b) 465.22 kN
b) 3651 lb. d) 3120 lb. (a)J 117.74 kN @ 352.96 kN
OJ 165.32 kN d) 526.35 kN
c) 218.92 kN
F d) 284.27 kN
MATlll:MATICS (Geometr~) 6
109. CE Board May 2012 Problem PRISMOIDAL FORMULA 122 !;E Board Nov. 2011
113. /
A loudspeaker diaptiragm is in tlie A storage· hopper is in the· shape ofa 117. Problem 'A\ ~ u l a r solid block has a
form of a frustum of a cone. If the frustum of a pyr:,amid. Determine its '""'-- equal to 30 cm 3 • Find. the
end diameters are 28.0 cm. - and volume if the'ends of the frustum are Determine the volume of a cone of 1 1 ~ u surface area of the ~9~10 if
6.00 cm. and the vertical distance squares of sides 8.0 m. and 4.6 m': , perpendicular height 16 cm. and base ~ are integers. c •?
between the ends is 30.0 cm., find respectively, and the perpendicular diameter 11 10 cm. by using the A"6:" 122 (surface area)
the area of material needed to cover height between its ends is 3.6 m. prismoidal rule. ~'•<; -~
the curved surface of the speaker. ANS : 146.3 m3 ANS: 418.9 cm3 1 :~- D,oblem
ANS: 1707 cm2
TWO' similar cylinders have
FRUSTUM and ZONE 118. Problem J:!Entagonal bases. The sides of the
110. CE Board May 2012 Of a SPHERE A bucket is in the form of a frustum base of the bigger cylinder are 3 cm.,
A cylindrical 'tank of diameter 2.0 m. of a cone. The diameter of the base 5 cm., 6 cm., 8 cm. and 9 cm. long.
and perpendicul;u height 3. 0 m. is to 114. CE Board May 2012
be replaced by a tank of the same / CE Board Nov. 2011
is 28 cm. and the diameter of the top The shortest side of the base of the
smaller cylinder is 2 cm. If the total
is 42 cm. If the height is 32 cm .,
capacity but in the form of a frustum determine the capacity of the bucket lateral area of the smallest cylinder
of a cone. If the diameters of the The diameters of the ends of t:he
frustum of a sphere are 14.0 cm. and (i,n liters) using the prismoidal rule is 144, what is the altitude?
ends of the frustum are 1.0 m. and (1 liter= 1000 cm 3 ) ANS: 6.,,,-7 cm .
2.0 m., respectively, determine the 26.0 cm. respectively, and the
thickness of the frustum is 5.0 cm. ANS: 31.20/iters
vertical height required. 124. CE Board May 2012
ANS: 5.14 f11. Determine, correct to 3 significant
figures: 119. Problem A gasoline tank is composed of a
111. CE Board May 2012 <D the volume of the frustum of the A hole is to be excavated in the form cylindrical portion 5 m. long with
sphere. of a prismoid. The bottom is to be hemispherical sections attached at
A water tank has a cylindrical shape
ANS: 1780 cm3 rectangle 16 m. long by 12 m. wide; each end. The cylinder and
with a diameter of, 2 m. and a
Q:> the radius of the sphere. hemispheres have the same diameter
perpendicular height of 3 m. Since it the top is also a rectangle, 26 m.
ANS: 16.1 cm. of 12 m. What is the capacity of the
was already old and leaking, it is to long by 20 m. wide. Find the volume
@ the area of the zone of the of earth to be removed, correct to 3 fuel tank in liters?
be replaced by another tank of the
spherical sphere. significant figures, if the depth of the ANS: 6560 liters
same capacity but in the form of a
ANS: 506 cm2
frustum of a cone. The diameters of hole is 6.0 m.
the ends of the frustum are designed ANS: 2060 m3 125. Problem
to be 1 m. and 2 m. respectively. 115. CE Board May 2012 A boiler consists of a cylindrical
What must be its height. Determine the volume (in cm 3 ) and PRISM section of length 8 m. and diameter
ANS: 5.14 m. the surface area (in cm 2 ) of a 6 m., on one end of which is
frustum of a sphere if the diameter 120. CE Board May 2012 surmou'n ted a hemispherical section
FRUSTUM of PYRAMID of the ends are 80 mm and 120 mm Calculate the volume of metal tube of diameter 6 m., and on the other
and the thickness is 30.0 mm. whose outside diam~ter is 8 cm. and end a -conical section of height 4 m.
112. CE Board May 2012 ANS: 259.2 cm3 , 118.3 cm2 and base diameter 6 m. Calculate
whose inside diameter is 6 cm., if
A rectangular prism of metal having the length of the tube is 4 m. the t>h.Jme of the boiler and the
dimensions 4.3 cm. by 7.2 cm. by 116. CE Board May 2012 ANS: 8796 cm3 to urface area.
12.4 cm. is melted down and· recast; ANS: 320.4 m3 , 254.5 m 2
A sphere has a diameter of 32 mm.
into a frustum of square pyramid, ·
Calculate the v~lume (in cm 3) of the / 121. CE Board Nov. 2011 12'6. Problem
10% of the metal being lost in the
frustum of the sphere contained A sedimentation tank has a depth of
process. If the ends of tt;ie frustum ~ volume of a right prism is 500
between two . parallel planes 7 m. with a base area of 150 m2 in a
are squares of side 3 cm. and 8 cm. , The bases are hexagons with
distances 12 mm and 10 mm from the form of a pentagon. find the volume
respectively, · find the thickness of side 6 cm. long.'' What is the
center and on or po~jte sides of it. of the tank.
the frustum.
ANS: 14.84 cm -, . . dl nee between the bases in cm.
ANS: 10.69 cm. ANS: 1050 m3 ANS: 5.35 cm.
STRIJ(TDRAl DESIGN (Eng 'g. Mechanics)
44. Problem
From the given truss shown, compute the
X following.
G) Compute the force P to cause impending ION
motion of block B to the left.
@ Compute the force P to cause impending G) Which of the following gives the cross
·motion of block B to the right. section area of the shaded section . G) Which of the following gives the position of
@ If a force P = 50 kN is applied to the left: @ Which of the following gives the location of the lower drop if it has attained a velocity
a) will it move the block A up? · the centroid from the y-axis. of 3 m/s.
b) will hold it in equilibrium? @ Which of the following gives the location to @ Which of the following gives the position of
c) is it too small to prevent A from coming centroid from the x-axis. G) Stress af'Section G). the upper drop if the lower drop has
down? , @ Stress at Section @. attained a velocity of 3 m/s.
d) is it too small to prevent B from moving ANS : 31.43 m2, 1.97 m., 3.75 m. @ Stress at Section @. @ Which of the following gives the distance
out? between two consecutive drops after the
ANS: 174.13 N, 46.77 kN, ANS : 10 N, 14.142 N, 20 N lower drop attains a velocity of 3 mis. •
The blocks are in equilibrium ANS: 459mm, 55mm, 404mm
STRUCTURAL DfSIGN (Strength of Materi~ls)
~o:;am h~:ct:~~
shown in the figure
wm:nr1 U· 1
A T-section has a
fla nge width of 120
mm and a thickness of
A W 420 x 85 steel beam is fully restrained
with a uniformly distributed super-imposed
load of 75 kN/m. The beam has a span of
The entrance of a warehouse has a roof ttiat
supports a roof load of 8 kN/m. Th.e supports
s ·and Care considered as simply supported.
subjected to a
It is
the centroid of the beam from the bottom . tensile force in the flange . ·,~ Compute the bendiiig-~ress in MPa.
@ Which of the following gives the section @ Which of the following gives the total @ Compute the maximum web shear stress
modulus of the beam. compressive force in the _ cross section. inMPa
@ Which of the following gives the max. @ Whkh of the following gives the moment (3J Compute the maximum horizontal shear
allowable value of P if the max. direct of the total compressive force about the CD Determine the vertical reaction at C.
stress in MPa .
stress is limited to 150 N/mm 2. neutral axis. @ Determine the reaction at the column
ANS:. 155 mm, 243032 mm3, 682 kN ANS : 96 kN, 98 kN, 9.15 kf-1.m support.
ANS : 145.83 MPa. , 16.77 MP.,
@ Determine the' maximum fi\e.gative moment
1Q.41 MPa
at BC. . '
i--12D----j ...l
i1= 2.7 mm From the given figure s,hown:
b1=80.5 mm
I= 17120206 mm 4
!,.= 2.7 mm
Vertical shearing force V = 2400 N
. .- - - -,. ,. ~ l
~llilG!@24:3!..;.::::J 20
G) Compute the shearing stress per meter at
the junction between the flange and the
web .
@ Compute the average shearing stress per
meter at the center of the web.
,fl Which of the following gives the maximum ~ Which of the following gives the location of
shearing stress. the shear center from the center of the
<D Which of the following gives tht! moment ~21 Which of the following gives the minimum
of inertia at the neutral axis. web.
shearing stress in the web of the wide Which of following gives the reaction at C.
(r Which of the following gives the shearing
flange. ANS 4720 Nim, 7747 Nim, .? Which of the following gives the shear at a
stress at the neutral axis.
_:i, Which of the following gives the 24.52 mm distance o'f 7 m. from A.
-~- Which of the following gives the shearing
percentage of vertical shear carried only 3 Which of the following gives the moment
stress at the junction between the two
by the web of the wide flange. at a distance of 3 rn . from A.
pieces of wood.
ANS: 30.52 MPa., 23.55 MPa., ANS : 240.81 kN, • 70.51 kN,
ANS: 10.57 x 10 6 mm4 , 3.28 MPa. ,
90.23¾ 428.79 kN.m
3.18 MPa
STRUCTURAL DtSIGN (Theory of Structu'res)
A =6500 m2 A =6500 m2 A =6500 m2 39. Problem CD Compute the force on member AC .
' gives the location of ® Compu te the vertical displacement at B. ·
CD Which of the following A · Warren Portal shown in th e figure is ® Compute the horizontal displacement at B. The beam shown is support\)d by a roller at B
the centroid from the right .most column subjected to a lateral load of 42 kN at joint C. AN S: 40 kN, 11.3 mm, and hinged at D.
® Which of the following gives the axial force The supports at A and I are fixed . 1.50mm
at column CF .
® Which of the following gives the moment
AD at joint D.
ANS·. 7.33 m., 2.79 kN., INFLUENCE DIAGRAM
7.59kN.m for BEAMS
41. Problem The beam carries the followfng loads:
Concentrated live load of 90 kN
APPROXIMATE ANALYSIS From the figure shown . Uniform live load of 40 kN /m
of FRAMES Uniform dead load of 20 kN /m
the uniform load could produce maximum
negative shear at the mid span.
® If the concentrated load will be placed at
the end of the overhang, compute the Im ' 2m ·
maximum shear at the mid span .
ANS : 7 m., 5 m., 23.2 kN
<D With the load only, what is the @ By dewatering 1.8 m., what is th~
increase in stress at mid-layer of the stress increase at the mid-layer of
bottom soil s!S$1Jf11ing a trapezoidal clay-,,as,. water level is lowered
stress distribution of 1 horizontal to ''•? From the given soil formation and their From the given soil profile, compute the
,9,9}'% ' . following:
2 vertical: -," -.,_,.. - @ How_.rnuch must the water level be corresponding ,properties. _11 .:.,' '.'·
@ With dewatering by 2 m., what is the .. lowered to be more effective than
stress increase at the mid layer at "the surcharge load?
the bottom of soil as water is Ans. 15 kPa, 9.82 kPa, 2.75 m.
lowered down?
@ How much must the water level be
lowered to be more effective than
the load added at the top?
Ans. 4.41 kPa, 4.91 kPa, 1.91 m.
From the figure shows a soil formation
with the given soil properties and water
1 C
level is 3 m. below the ground surface.
<D Effeciive stress at B.
From the figure shown a soil formation @ - Effective stress at C.
with its corresponding soil properties @ How high should the ground water
and water tabl_
e is located 2 rn. below the table rise so that the effective stress
ground surface, To consolidate the
at C is 104-kPa.
ground, surcbarge load at the top or Ans. 64.84 kPa, 120.31 kPa,
dewatering are being_considered. 2.65m,
l~ .. ~--. .:..
;· ·:
~ ; : ~·
necess;uy .to nave... the same
increase at mid-layer, q_f the clay as
lowering the water level by 2m.
soil formation.
<D Find the total stress at the mid-layer
Ysa:=20.48 kNlm3 of clay. @ Determine also the stress increase
@ Find the effective stress at the mid- at the mid-depth of the clay if the
layer of clay. water level is lowered by 3 m. '_
\\._ .
@ If a load of 4000 kN is applied on Ans. 0.69 m., 15.48 kPa, '
CD A decision has been made to the 2 m x 2 rn. square footing on the • 15.48 kPa
consolidate ,the_ c(pt Jay_er prior to ground surface, find the _stress
site developrJ'.l_ent by pre,loading increase assurnjng , a stress . -CD Compute the total stress at A.
with (¢aj,g'lay~_r 1.0 m. thick. The distribution of _1 horizonta.l to 2 -- @ Compute the 'neutral stress at A.
sand fiU\"?ilX-~&i"v.e a unit weight of 15 ;: vertical at the mi_d-layer. - , ., .. ,: :@ Compute the effective stress at A.
kN t m3. What is the increase in Ans. 151.105 kPa, _--. -r- .,, -
Ans. 117.72 kPa, 68.67 kPa,
stress at the mid-layer of clay? 97.15 kPa, 53.46 kPa 49.05 kPa
Use E = 200000 MPa.
56. Problem
,,m+ 5•
<D Which of the following gives the value of
the static deflection?
® Which of the following gives the value of
the deflection caused by the impact?
!Om <D Which of the following gives the maxi mum @ Which of the following gives the value of
A distributed load of W N/m is applied over the moment of the beam. the maximum bending stress caused by
entire length of a simply supported beam 4 m. <D Which of the following gives the maximum
bending moment. ® Which of the following gives the distance the impact?
long. The cross section of the beam is shown from the center should be 20 kN load be
in the figure. • ® Which of the following gives the maxi mum ANS: 1.05 mm, 21.57 mm,
shearing force. placed to obtained maximum moment. 161.22 MPa
@ Which of the following gives the location of @ Which of the following gives the maximum
the 40 kN from the left support when shear developed in the span.
maximum moment occurs . ANS: 104.15 kN.m, 4m., 45kN
ANS : 160 kN.m, 80 kN, . 9 m.
h CD Determine the static deflection of the CD Compute for the moment at A.
45. CE Board Nov. 2005 beam at the tip. @ Compute for the moment at B.
@ Determine the total deflection of the beam @ Compute for the deflection at B.
The bridge truss shown on the figure carries a at the tip .
concentrated load of 20 kN and a uniform load @ Determine the impact factor.
of2 kN/m. ANS . 250 kN.m, - 250 kN.m,
ANS . 1.46 mm, 22.45 mm, 15.37 104mm
CD Determine the static deflection of the
H 'G F
48. Problem
,. . .. : : @ Determine the maximum deflection of
Given in the figure are stiffness matrices in 50. Problem
;~ ·
·~ ;
~ ~"
,:.' J.
the beam .
@ Determine the impact force acting on the
local coordinates for a truss member AB.
The beam AB has a built-in support at A. The
~ Using the stiffness matrix analysis of truss
· .., B C D ., .. ,... beam due to the effect of the 1 kN roller support at B allows vertical deflection but
6m- 6m 6m 6m members.
weight. A B prevents rotation.
(~ -~Wz'T._¾>:"'. '<:.' 1 ~~f'":• ·•;:.:,-,?:{~
ANS. 2.66 mm, 25.86 mm, 1 2
CD Which of the following gives the nearest 9732 N.
value of the max. ordinate of the influence [ 20 - 20 ] [20 - 20 ] B
diagram for member BG. - 20 20 20 - 20
@ Which of the following gives the nearest 47. Problem MalrixA MalrixB U2 U2
value of the maximum tensile force of
member BG. A cantilever beam is struck by its tip by a body [ 20 - 10] [ · 20 20] CD Determine the moment at A.
-10 20 20 - 20
@ Which of the following gives the nearest of weigh W = 4 kN falling freely through a @ Determine the moment at B.
Matrix C Matrix D
value of the maximum compressive force height of h = 150 mm above the beam. @ Determine the deflection at B.
. of member B~. Neglecting the weight of the beam and CD Compute the displacement at B due IQ a
assume E = 7300 MPa for the beam. The force of 200 kN applied at B which will 3 PL PL 3
ANS: - ().707, 9.912 kN,
beam has a span of 4 m. cause a displacement of 20 mm at A. ANS . 8 PL , -:-S ,- 24 El
-25.45 kN @ Compute the angle of rotation at B due to
a moment of 100 kN.m. applied at B to
cause an angle of rotation of 5 radians at
. ' @ Compute the deflection at B due to a
moment of 80 kN.m . applied at B to cause
a deflection at 12 mm at A.
ANS . 30 mm, 7.5 rad., 8 mm
_•.;ffNICAl 27 28 GEOTECHNICAl
The rate of supply' is kept constant. <D Compute the buoyant unit weight of
Coefficient of permeability of soil is 0.1 COMPRESSIBILITY clay.
cm/sec. Saturated unit weight of soil is OF SOILS From the given soil profile shown, the
@ Compute the overburden pressure
18.5 kN/m 3 and area of tank is 0.5 m2. ground surface is subjected to a
P o. of mid-height of the
uniformly distributed load of 80 kPa. compressible clay layer.
<D What is the rate of . downward @ Compute the total settlement due to
seepage in m3/s. When the total pressure acting at mid M'=80kPa
primary consolidation.
@ What would be the critical hydraulic height of a consolidating clay layer is Ans. 8.42 kN/m3, 173.9 kPa,•
gradient. 200 kN/m 2, the corresponding void ratio 25.6 cm.
@ What value of h will cause boiling .
of the clay is 0.98. When the total
Ans. 0.0033 m3!s, 0.886, pressure acting at the same location is
1.06m~ 500 kN/m 2, the corresponding void ratio
decreases to 0.81 . From the figure shown, the clay is
<D Compute the compression index. normally consolidated . A laboratory
STRESSES IN @ Compute the void ratio of the clay if
consolidation test on the clay gave the
SOIL MAS_S the total pressure acting at following results.
midheight of the consolidating clay Pressure (kPa) void ratio
layer is 1000 kPa? 100 0.905
@ Compute the coefficient of 200 0.815
compressibility. <D Compute the compression index.
A soil element is shown in the figure . Ans. 0.427, 0.68, @ Compute the present overburden
The magnitudes of ;stresses are cr x = 0.000567 M2/kN P0 at mid-height of the compressible
120 kPa, -r =40 kPa, cry =300 kPa and clay layer.
0 = 20·. Determine: · @ Compute the total settlement due to
primary consolidation .
O-y=300 Ans. 0.288, 73.884 kPa, 229 mm
A normally consolidated clay layer 3 m.
thick has a void ratio of 1.10. Liquid limit
is equal to 40 and the average effective
stress on the day layer was ·80 kPa. The
average stress on it is increased to 120 From · the given soil profile shown, the
~20 .kPa. as a result of the construction of a ground surface is subjected to a uniform
foundation . increase in vertical pressure · of
20· <D Compute · the consolidation 12 N/cm2.
STABILITY OF ® If the scow is tilted until one end is @ If the acceleration is increased by
just submerged in water, find the 4 m/s2, how much water will be
FLOATING BODIES sidewise shifting of the center of spilled out.
buoyancy. An unbalanced vertical force of 270 N a) 5.20 m3 c) 2.31 m3 ., .
a) 0.625 m. upward accelerates a volume of b} 6.25 m3 d) 4.92 m3 .
b) 0.724m. 0.044 m3 of water. If the water is 0.9 m.
c) 0.845 m. deep in a cylindrical tank.
If the center of gravity of a ship· in the d) 0.965 m.
upright position is 10 m. above the <D What is the acceleration of the tank?
center of gravity of the portion under @ Determine the final metacentric a) 4.25 m/s2 c) 5.17 m/s2
water, the displacement being 1000 height. b) 6.14 m/s2 d) 7.36 m/s2 Th& tank shown in the figur~ is
metric tons, and · the ship is tipped 30· a) 1.41 c) 3.43 acc~lerated to the right. Width of tank is
causing the center of buoyancy to shift b) 2.32 d) 4.54 @ What is the pressure at the bottom of 1 m.
sidewise by 8 m. the tank in N/m 2?
a) 16584 N/m 2
<D Find the location of the metacenter RELATIVE EQUILIBRIUM b) 17442 N/m2
from the bottom of the ship if its draft c) 15632 N/m2
d) 14355 N/m2
a) 12.3 m. c) 18.4 m.
b) 15.2 m. d) 17.5 m.
@ What is the force acting on the
@ Find the metacentric height. bottom of the tank in N?
a) 4m. c) Sm. a) 475 N c) 640 N
b) 6m. d) 7m. An open tank 1.82 m. square, weighs b) 569 N d) 702 N
3425 N and contains 0.91 m. of water. It <D Determine the acceleration needed
@ What is the value at the moment in is acted by an unbalanced force of to cause the free surface to touch
kg.m. 10400 N parallel to a pair of sides. point A. '
a) 1,000,000 kg.m a) 17.66m/s2 c) 23.14 m/s2
b) 2,000,000 kg .m <D Find the acceleration of the tank. b) 21.20 m/s2 d) 15.65 m/s2
An open tank 3 m. x 3 m. in
c) 3,000,000 kg .m a) 5.236 m/s 2 horizontal section weighs 3.6 kN and
d) 4,000,000 kg.m b) 6.147 m/s2 contains water to a depth of 1 m. It ® Determine the pressure at B.
c) 3.092 m/s2 is acted by an unbalanced force of a) 42.15 kPa
d) '4.639 m/s2 16 kN parallel to. a pair of sides. b) 28.62 kPa
c) 35.32 kPa
® What is the force acting on the side
<D Determine the acceleration of the d) 22 .10 kPa
with the greatest depth? tank.
A rectangular scow. 9 m. wide 15 m. long a) 1.71 m/sec2 ' @ Determine the total force acting on
and ·3.6 m. high has a draft in sea water a) 18547 N e) 12791 N
b) 16320 N d) 15624 N b) 2.31 m/sec2 the bottom of the tank.
of 2.4 m. Its center of gravity is 2.7 m. c) 314 m/sec2 a) 28.07 kN
above the bottom of the scow. b) 21 .30 kN
@ What is the force acting on the side d) 4.25 m/sec2
c) 35.32 kN
<D Determine the initial metacentric with the smallest deptti? · d) 40.14 kN
a) 3465 N c) 5643 N @ What must be the height of the tank
b) 4653 N d) 6435 N so that no water will spill out.
a) 1.31 m. c) 3.25 m.
a) 2.25 m. c) 4.31 m.
b) 2.36 m. d) 4.47 m.
b} 1.26 m. d) 3.65 m.
STRUt:TURAl DESIGN (Eng'g. Mechanics).
·. ; ~
56. Problem
' .
Curvilinear Translation 62. Problem PrQjectile
A 50 N weight is swung in a ver)ical circle at A power boat tested for maneuverability is
the end· 6-f the of the_1.8 m. cord . The max. 59. Problem started from rest at I = 0, and driven in a 64. ::i ,oo'em
strength of the cord is 200 N. circular path 12 m. in radius. The tangential
The athlete releases the shot with velocity component of the boat's acceleration as a A projectile is fixed at a certain angle to reach
<D Which of the following gives the minimum
V = 16 m/s at 20· above the horizontal. function of time is a1 = 0.41m/s2. a maximum range with a velocity of 10 mis.
velocity at which the cord will break.
@ Which of the following gives the minimum G) Compute the velocity of the shot in terms <D What is th boats velocity in terms of G) Which of the following gives the time to
strength of the cord for the weight to be of normal and tangential components normal and tangential components at reach the ground surface.
swung in a complete vertical circle. when it is at the highest point of its t = 4 sec? @ Which of the following gives the maximum
@ Which of the following gives the height trajectory. CV What Is tho boats acceleration in terms of height reached by the projectile.
above the lowest position will the weight @ Compute the acceleration of the shot in normal and tangential components at @ Which of the following gives the distance
rise on the circular path if the max. terms of normal and tangential t = 4 ec.? traveled by the projectile.
strength of the cord is 200 N. components when it is at the highest point ~ What dist nee doos the boat move along
of its trajectory. ANS : 1.44 sec.,· 2.55 m.,
ANS : 7.28 mis, 300 N, 2.40 m. Its circular p Ill from t = 0 to t = 4 sec?
@ What is the instantaneous radius of 10.19m.
curvature of the shot when it is at the ANS: 3.2 81 mis, 1.6 e, + 0.85 en,
57. Problem highest point of its trajectory? 4.27m.
A small vehicle enters the top A of the circular ANS : 15.04 mis, 9.81 en, 65, Problem
path with a horizontal velocity VO = 5 mis and 23.06m.
gathers a speed as it moyes down the path. Angle of Embankment A stone has an initial velocity of 100 fps up to
the right at 30' with the horizontal. The
Determine the angle e where the vehicle components of acceleration are constant at
leaves the path at ·s and becomes a
Curvilinear Motion with 63. Problem ax= - 4 fps 2 and ay = - 20 fps 2.
projectile. Polar Coordinates A highway curve having a radius of 120 m.
@ Determine the velocity of the vehicle at B. has an angle or embankment equal to 9.31 ". <D Compute the time it would take untjl the
@ Determine the angle e if the horizontal 61. CE Board May 2009 A car has a weight of 15 kN and center of stone reaches a point 60 ft. below its
velocity at A is equal to zero. gravity is located 0.80 m. above the original elevation.
A boat sear~hing for underwater archaelogical roadway. Distance between front wheels is
ANS : 18.22", 5.29 mis, 48.2" @ Compute the horizontal distance covered
sites in Palawan sea moves at 4 knots and 1.2 m.
until the stone reaches a point 60 ft. below
follows the path r = 10 ewhere 0 is in radians.
58. Problem <D If friction is great enough to prevent its original elevation .
A knot is one nautical mile or 1852 m/hour.
skidding, at what speed would overturning
The speed of a car increases ~niformly with When e = 2n radians. impend ? @ Compute the velocity of the stone when it
time from 50 kph at A to 100 kpb at B during @ Find the max. speed that the car could reaches 60 ft. below its original elevation.
10 sec. The radius of curvature of the hump at <D Find the magnitude of the velocity. move in these curve so that there will be
A is 40 m. If the magnitude of the total 0
@ Find the velocity in terms of polar no lateral pressure between the tires and ANS : 6 sec., 448 ft. ,
aCCE)leration of the car's mass center is the coordinates. the roadway. 93.91 fps
same at B as A. @ Find the velocity in terms of Cartesian @ If the rated speed of the highway curve is
coordinates. 80 kph and the coefficient of friction
(I) Compute the tangential acceleration at A. between the tires and the road is 0.60,
@ Compute the total acceleration at A. ANS : 2.03 mis, 0.324 e, + 2.03 eo,
what is the max speed at which a car can
@ Compute the radius of curvature of the dip 0.324 i + 0.203 j round the curve without skidding?
in the road B. The mass center of the car
is 0.6 m. from the road . ANS: 126 kph, 50 kph,
144.27 kph
ANS: 1.389 mls2, 4.95 mls 2,
163.07 m.
take for the ball to hit the ground. <~> Which of the following gives the total 82.76kpP I
~ .)h::
ANS : 4.2 rad/sec., 52.92 fps2, 1.26 fps 2 • distance traveled after 12 seconds.
ANS : 153.59 m., 83.58 mis,
17.66 sec. ANS: 4 mis, 202 m., 232 m.
74. ProbJem
67. Problem 69. Problem . I" I
The rim of a 50 in. wheel on a brake shoe Car A is accelerat1r9 ,1 2 151, n• \1 \''"
of · m ~~1\ , '\ml 11
As shown in the figure, a projectile of weight motion at the rate f 150 rn vI
testing machine has a speed of 60 mph when 72. Problem
W is fired from A at an angle of 90' from the rounding a curve \ t'l· \
the brake is dropped. It comes to rest after the
inclined plane. It lands at a distance of 70 m. constant speed of 54 p th%\ , I
rim has traveled a .linear distance of 600 ft. A train starts from rest at station ,A and stops
from A as measured along the inclined plane. ,
What are the constant angular acceleration l station B which is 10 km from A. The max. , . • iiowJng give/ a~ \ I~
, .,/.-]· ..,,. ·,
and the number of revolutions the wheel
makes in com~g to rest?
cceleration of the train is 15 km/hr/min and
the maximum deceleration when the brakes
CD Which of the fo rs tc;::> havetO !iP%
that car E3 appecl e,ached a~ \ \
\' , ool
Vo h ···•.... are applied is 10 km/hr/min. If the maximum in car A if A ha' r presentsth~11 ~
\, ANS : 45.8 revolution
allowable speed is 60 kph. kph ',or th e pos 11 "(lg gives ilI
Tons t,
a__ __ _ __ \ _
® Which of the fo1io;;f'1 of car;' 91\\ I,
\\ CD Which of the following gives the least time
y! \
Motion Curves that the train can go from A to B?
of VB/A fr-orn the P tcillowir)J (5 ~\\ \
@ Which· at the B apJ:e3ps \~
@ Which of the following gives the distance
' ··•·················· x traveled 4 min. after it starts from A. acceleratJ' on _that ~ ~f car A~ e I\ '
70. Problem an obser.--er in ccl~ph for I~
@ Which of the following gives the distance
A car accelerates from initial velocity of traveled 9 min. after it starts from A. speed 01 72 ~\! \
CD Which of the following gives the initial 10 mis. The acceleration is increasing presenle<I . ,,,6 1. 111/) \ .
·velocity V0 .
uniformly from zero to 8 mis2 in 6 seconds.
ANS: 15 min., 2 km., 7 km. , ANS : 1 8.03 ml\ · ' I \1 ~\
® Which of the following gives . the max. During the next two seconds, the car r._757 m/S \ ~ ~\\
height "h" reached by the projectile. -' 2
@ Which of the following gives the time the
decelerates at a constant rate of 2 mis .
projectile reaches the inclined plane at a
.:r- .. ~\ I
distance of 70 m. as meas~r:,d along the CD Which of the following mosi nearly g·ives -;:: h I ~\cf\
inclined plane. the velocity after 8 seconds.
® Which of ihe fo!l~iwing most nearly gives
ANS: 27.58 mis, 33.03 m., 6.09 sec. the distani;e tr;;·veled after 6 seconds. ~ I
CD Compute the length of the beam @ If the depth of the upper layer of flujd
submerged in water. ....... having of 0.90 is equal to 1.2
'..: a) 1.58 m. c) 3.32 m. m, how far below the liquid surface is
A board weighing 30 N/m has a cross b) 2.76 m. d} 4.45 m. the top of the cube. ~-A wedge of wood having a of 0.60
sectional area Qf 0.005 m2 and a length "., is forced into · the water by a 1S-0 ·lb.
a) 0.4 m. c) 0.8 m.
of 3.4 m. placed in the tank of.oil having @ Compute the angle 0 when the water b} 0.6 m. d) 0.2 m.
force. The wedge is 2 ft. in width.
a of 0.85. Assuming the hinged to ~ surface is 2.1 'm. above the pivot. '' .,_. ' ·,. '
be frictionless. a) 49.54' c) 51.47' - - -3'- --;
A , ,b} 62.30' d) 68.23'
Work-Energy Spring <D Determine the angle fl which will cause 81 Drob lem
block A only abo1.1t to slide.
@ Determine the angle e for which both The power winch A hoist the 360 kg log up the
75. Problem 77. Problem 25' inclined at a constant speed of 1.2 m/s. If
blocks begin to slide.
the power output of the winch is 4 kW.
A 400 N block slides on a horizontal plane by @ Determine the required stretched or
The 40 kg block is placed on a 30' inclined
applying a horizontal for~ of 200 N. and compre ssion in the connecting spring for
and released from rest. The coefficient of
reaches a velocity of. 10 m/s in a distance of which both blocks begin to slide.
static friction between the block and the
30 m. from rest. . .. ANS: 8.53', 10.62", 184.3 mm
inclined plane is 0.30 .
79. Problem
A block w lghlng 500 N is dropped from a
height of 1.2 m. upon a spring whose modulus G) Which of the following gives the tension in
is 20 N/mn 1. What voloclty will the block have the cable .
at the In t. nt th spring is deformed 100 mm? ~ @ Which of the following gives the value of
G) Which of the following gives the coefficient W 500N the coefficient of kinetic friction µk
of friction between the floor and the block. between the log and the incline.
@ Which of the following gives the total <D Determine the maximum value of the initial @ If the power is suddenly increased to 6
distance that the block will move until ii tension T in the spring for which the block kW, what is the corresponding
stops if the 200 N force is removed when it
reaches 30 m. from rest. @
will not slip when released .
Determine the minimum value of the initial lrn,I, instantaneous acceleration of the log.
I r. . . .._,
I ANS : 3333 N, 0.575, 4.63 m/s2
76. Problem
A constant force P = 750 N acts on the block
as shown during only the first 6 m. of its
motion starting from rest. Coefficient of friction
@ Determine the friction force on the block if
T = 150 N.
ANS : 298.15 N, 94.25 N,
46.20N 1·
ANS: 4.65 ml oc 2
82. Problem
there is no water at the bottom with in @ At what .speed in rplll-' can the vessel
20 cm. from the vertical axis. · be rotated without spilling any water.
a) 145.94 rpm c) 175.32 rpm a) 78.23. r;pml c) 83.41--rpm
b) 119.64.:rpm d} 133.76 rpm b) 64;54·-:rpm d) 55.,32 fpm . An open cylindrical vessel 1 meter in
diameter contains water al a depth of
.-@ ' >A~ wh·at speed in-rpm can: the vessel 3.56m. ·
be•.rotated .so that the pressure -at the <D If _it is rotated at a speed of 80 rpm
A cylindrical tank 4 m. in diameter a·nd
center of the bottom .- of the tank will ., about its vertical axis, determine the
6 m. high is filled with water. It is tilted to
not exceed 6.867 kPa. least depth of the vessel s-0 that no
a position enough for ttie water surface An open cylindrical tank 3 m. high and
a) 72.14 rpm water will be spilled out.
to cut the diameter of the base. 1 meter diameter contains 2 m. of water.
b} 58.62 rpm a) 1 m. c) 3 m. _
If the cylinder rotates about its
<D How much w_ater is retained in the c) 83.41 rpm b) 2m. d) 4m.
geometrical axis. ·
lank. d) 64.27 rpm ·
a) 16 cu.m. c) 19 u.m. @ If the vessel is rotated at 120 rpm,
<D What constant angular velocity can how much water will be spjlleq out?
b) 18u.m. d) 17 u.m.
be attained without spilling any a) 222 liters c) 444 liters
@ If the tank is placed in a vertical water? b} 333 liters d) 555 liters
upright position, how deep is the a) 10.25 rad/sec c) 14.65 rad/sec
water in the tank. b) 1?.53 rad/sec d) 16.47 rad/sec An open cylindrical. tank 30 cm. in diam. @ If the vessel is rotated at 140 rpm,
a) 1.27 m. c) 3.65 m. and 80 cm. high partially filled with waler what would be the pressure at the
b) 2.31 m. _d) 4.17 m. @ What constant angular velocity can center bottom of the tank.
is rotated about its vertical axis at a
be attained if the depth of water at a} 12.36 kPa c} 10.47 J<Pa
How fast in rpm could the tank be speed of 240 rpm.
@ the center is 0.5 m. b) 13.20 kPa d} 11.41 kPa
rotated about its vertical axis so that a) 14.01 rad/sec c) 20.14 rad/sec
the depth of water at the center is b) 16.25 rad/sec d) 18.32 rad/sec <D What would be the depth of water in
zero. the tank if the cylindrical lank is
a) 32.1 rpm c) 47.5 rpm @ What constant angular velocity can brought to rest so that no water will
b) 65.4 rpm d) 51.8 rpm be attained if the volume spilled out be spilled out.
a) 0.55 m. c) 0.66 m. A vertical cylindrical tank 6 m. high and
is equaf to 0.196 m3. 4 m. in diam. two thirds full of water, is
a) 14.01 rad/sec c) 20.14 rad/sec b) 0.44 m. d) 0.77 m.
b) 16.25 rad/sec d) 18.32 rad/sec rotated uniformly about its axis until on
.wM: @ At.what speed would it be rotated so the point of overflowing.
that 1.40 liters of water will be spilled CD Compute the linear' velocity at the
An open cylindrical tank one meter in · out. circumference of the tank.
diam. and 2.5 m. high is 3/5 full of water. a) 245.80 rpm a) 6.23 m/s c} 7.25 mis .
If the tank is rotated about its vertical b) 325.36 rpm b) 8.86 m/s d) 9.12 m/s
axis, what speed should it have in rpm An open cylindrical tank is 1.20 rri\ in c) . 389.74 rpm
so that. ,. ,., .. diam . and 2.10 m. high is 2/3 full of d) 448.62 rpm @ How fast will it have to be rotated in
water. order that 6. cu.m. of water .will be
<D the wate~"~ould just reach the rim of @ At what speed would it be rotated so spilled out.
the tank. ,i <D Compute the amount of liters that the pressure at the center of the a) 47.05 rpm c) 38.41 rpm
a) 145.94°rpm c) 175.32 rpm that will be spilled out if the vessel is bottom of the tank is·zero? b) 50.32:rpm d} 29.28 rpm
b) 119.64 rpm d) 133.76 rpm rotated abou't its vertical axis at a <3) 252.22 rpm
.( @ If it is rotated- at a speed of 48 rpm,
@ the deptb (Of water at the center is constant speed of 90 rpm. b) 298.36 rpm what is, the- pressure at the center
zero. a) 158 liters c) 223 liters c) 331 .21 rpm bottom of the tank.
a) 145.94 rpm c) 175.32 rpm b) 130 liters d) 275 liters d) 485:47 rpm a) 6.14kPa c) 8.24.kPa
· b) 119.64 rpm d) 133.76 rpm h\ 7 ?f; l<P::1 rl\ i: ~a 1,0~
TIUCTURAl DESIGN (Eng'g. Mechanics) 11
CD Which of the following gives the initial 88. Problem
84. Problem 86, Problem
acceleration of the block.
® Which of the following gives the velocity A 4 kg bail and a 3 kg ball move on a smooth fhe 10 kg mass A is moving at 5 mis when it Suppose you in,vestigale an accident iri which
after 5 sec. horizontal plane along a straight line path with Is 1 m. from the stationary 10 kg mass 8. The a 1300 kg car A struck a parked 1200 kg car
@ Which of the following gives the distance speeds of + 6 and : 8 mis respectively. c efficient of kinetic friction between the floor B. All four B's wheels were locked and skid
traveled after 5 sec. Determine the following: ind the two masses is µk = 0.6 and the arks indicate that B slid 2 m. after the impact.
ANS : 4 mlsec 2., 12 mis, coefficient of restitution of the impact e = 0.5. If the coefficient of friction between B's tires
CD Speed of the 3 kg ball after impact if the and to road to be µk = 0.8 and the coefficient
impact is inelastic or plastic. (!) Compute the velocity of B after the impact. of restitution of the impact to be e = 0.4 and
® Speed of the 3 kg ball after impact if the ~> Compute-the velocity of A after the impact. assume that only one impact occurs.
impact is elastic. <;!) Compute the distance that B moves from
CD What was the velocity of B after impact.'
Conservation of @ Speed of the 3 kg ball after impact if the
coeff. of restitution is 0.5
its initial position as a result of the impact.
® What was A's velocity just before the
Momentum ANS : 0, + 8 mis, + 4 mis
ANS : 3.75 mis, 1.25 mis,
@ How long does B slid after the impact
before ii stops. ,,.
83. Problem
ANS : 5.6 mis, 7.69 mis,
A ball is given a horizontal velocity of 3 mis at 0.71 sec.
2 m. above the smooth floor. If the coefficient 85. Problem
of restitution is 0.60. 87. Problem
The 25 g bullet B hits the 15 kg stationary
block A with a horizontal velocity of 600 mis. Two cars with energy-absorbing bumpers
The kinetic coefficient of friction between the collide with speeds VA =Vs =8 kph . Their
block and the horizontal surface is 0.25. masses are mA = 1270 kg and m8 = 2000 kg.
~ . 1.~.--.4.,...k5.J.WJAw.~
:Sl:!!!ill:W r=
CD Determine the velocity of impact when the CD If the coefficient of restitution e = 0.2, what
ball bounces for the first time on the floor. is the velocity of A after the collision?
® Determine the value of "h" after the first CD Determine the velocity of bullet after ® If the duration of the collision of the two
bounce. impact, assuming ii is embedded in the cars is 0.1 sec., what is the average
@ Determine the distance "D" between the block. ·acceleration to which the occupant of car
balls first and second bounces. ® Determine the total distance moved by the A is subjected?
block after the impact. @ What is the average acceleration to which
ANS: 6.95 mis, 0.72 m., 2.30 m. @ Determine the percentage of mechanical the occupant of car B is subjected?
energy lost during the impact. Assume that
the bullet becomes embedded in the ANS: • 3.74 kph, 32.6 mls 2,
block. 20,7 mls2
<D What_is the new level of water of the <D Determine the velocity of flow.
tube on the left side. a) 37.85 mis c) 42.31 m/s
a) 40mm c) 30mm b) 28.25 mis · · d) 55.14 mis
An open cylindrical tank having a radius b) 50 mm d) 60 mm A closed cylindrical tank, 1 m. in
of 0.30 m. and a height of 1.20 m. is filled diameter, 3 m high, is full of water. It is ® Determine the discharge. ·.•
with water at a depth of 0.90 m. ® Determine the decrease of the water rotating about its vertical axis with a a) 0.107m3/s .
level in the tube on the left side. speed of 180 rpm. Assuming that the b) 0.236 m3/s
<D How fast will it be rotated about its a) 150 mm c) 140 mm vessel is rigidly constructed. c) 0.314 m3/s
vertical axis if half of its volume is b) 120mm d) 110mm
spilled out? <D Find the gage pressure, just under d) 0.456 m3/s
a) 178.34 rpm @ What is the new level of water of the the cover at the circumference with a
small hole in the cover at the @ Determine the power available at the
b) 207.22 rpm tube in the right side
circumference. specified point in watts.
c) 325.12 rpm a) 230 mm c) 240 mm
a) 17.41 kPa c) 24.25 kPa a) 64442 watts
d) 417.58 rpm b) 260 mm d) 250 mm
b) 19.32 kPa d) 22.17 kPa b) 56233 watts
® How fast will it be rotated about its c) 74893 watts
vertical axis so that no water will be - @ Find the gage pressure, just under d) 8397 4 watts
spilled out? ROTATING VESSEL . the cover at the center with a small
a) 109.21 c) 132.14 (CLOSED CYLINDRICAL TANK) hole in the cover at the
b) 158.32 d) 175.85 circumference.
@ How fast will it be rotated about its a) o c) 2
vertical axis so as to produce a zero b) 1 d) 3
If the velocity of water is 8 m/s and the
pressure with 0.20 m. from the center pressure is 140 kPa on the _discharge
of the tank. A closed cylindrical vessel, axis vertical, @ Find the gage pressure, just under
the cover at the circumference with a side of a pump. · ·· ·
a) 178.34 rpm 2m high and 0.60 m in diameter is filled
b) 207.22 rpm with water, the pressure intensity at the small hole in the cover at the center. <D What is the head of the pump if the·
·_c) 325.12rpm top being 196.2 kPa. The metal side is · a) 17.41 kPa c) 24.25 kPa
velocity is 4 m/s and the pressure is
d) 417.58 rpm 2.5 mm . _ If the vessel is rotated at b) 19.32 kPa d) 22.17 kPa 90 kPa on the suction side of the
240 rpm. pump?
a) 4.25 m. c) 5.42 m.
. <D Determine the total pressure on the b) 7.54 m. d) 6.12m.
side wall BERNOULLI'S
a) 751.2 kN c) 622.4 kN THEOREM ® How much power is required to drive
When the U-tube is not rotated, the b) 883.9 kN d) 977.8 kN it if the diam. of the suction side is
water stands in the tube as shown. If the 600 mm0.
tube is rotated about the eccentric axis ® Determine the total pressure against a) 112 hp c) 314 hp
at the rate of 8 rad/sec. • the top b) 233· hp d) 425 hp
a) 59.496 kN c) 32.417 kN A liquid of specific gravity 1.75 flows in a
b) 68.214 kN d) 44.625 kN 6 cm. horizontal pipe. The total energy ® If the pump is rated at 120 hp, what is
at a certain point in the flow is 80 J/N the efficiency of the pump neglectirig
@ Determine the maximum intensity of (joules per newton). The elevation of energy losses in the system.
hoop tension, if the vessel is rotated the pipe above a fixed datum is 2.6 m. If a) 62.1% · c) 93.3%
at 240 rpm the pressure at the specified point is b) 42.5% d) 76.3% ·
a) 52.31 kN c) 73.29 kN ~k~. .
150-----3 b) 44.17 kN d) 62.14 kN
(Eng'g. Mechanics) 9
66. Problem
Roiation with Constant Which of the following most nearly gives
111 total distance traveled after 8 seconds.
Relative Motion
A ball is shot at a ground level at an angle of
60. with the horizontal with an initial velocity of Angular Acceleration ANS : 30 mis, 108 m., 172 m. 73. Problem
100 m/s.
68. Problem Car A is moving east at 70 kph while car B is
71. Problem moving in the direction of N. 45· E. For a
A flywheel 6 ft. in diameter accelerates from passenger in car A, B appears to be moving
rest at a constant rate of 4 rpm/sec. A car accelerates uniformly from zero to away in a direction of N. 30· W.
11 m/sec2. in 8 seconds starting from rest.
CD Compute the angular velocity on the rim of l)urlng the next 4 seconds, the car decelerates <D Which of the following gives the velocity of
the flywheel after 10 sec. Ain mis.
@ Compute the normal component of the
uniformly at a constant rate of 11 m/sec2.
<D Which of the following gives the height of
® Which of the following gives the velocity
acceleration of a particle on the rim of the that B appears to the passenger in A.
the ball after 2 sec. 1!l Which of the following gives the velocity of
flywheel after 10 sec. @ Which of the following gives the true
@ Which of the following gives the velocity of @ Compute the tangential component of the
the car after 12 seconds.
velocity of B.
the ball after 2 sec. . acceleration of a particle on the rim of the 1 Which of the following gives the distance
@ Which of the following gives the time it will flywheel after 10 sec. traveled after 10 seconds. ANS: 19.44 mis, 51.24 kph,
take for the ball to hit !he ground. (~> Which of the following gives the total 62.76 kph
ANS : 4.2 rad/sec., 52.92 fps2, 1.26 fpsZ, distance traveled after 12 seconds .
ANS : 153.59 m., 83.58 mis,
17.66sec. ANS: 4 mis, 202 m., 232 m.
74. Problem
67. Problem
69. Problem
Car A is accelerating in the direction of its
The rim of a 50 in. wheel on a brake shoe
As shown in the figure , a projectile of weight motion at the rate 6f 1.2 m/s2 . Car B is
testing machine has a speed of 60 mph when 72. Problem
W is fired from A at an angle of go· from the rounding a curve of 150 m. radius at a
the brake is dropped. It comes to rest after the
inclined plane. It lands at a distance of 70 m. constant speed of 54 kph.
rim has traveled a linear distance of 600 ft. A train starts from rest at station A and stops
from A as measured alo~g the inclined plane.
What are the constant angular acceleration t station B which is 10 km from A. The max.
and the number of revolutions the wheel cceleration of the train is 15 km/hr/min and CD Which of the following gives the velocity
makes in coming to rest? the maximum deceleration when the brakes that car B appears to have to an observer