Ed Autisminc PDF
Ed Autisminc PDF
Ed Autisminc PDF
in an Inclusive Classroom
The researchers would like to thank all of the individuals who assisted in
this project. The Inclusionary Practices for Children with Autism Spectrum
Disorders study would not been possible without the combined efforts of
the University of Prince Edward Island, the PEI Department of Education,
the project’s advisory committee, school staff, and especially the families.
Everyone generously gave their time, support, and knowledge to help with
this project. We have learned a great deal from their comments and
experiences. Thank you.
The Study
The research findings were analyzed and summarized into a report. The
report can be obtained by contacting Melissa MacIsaac, UPEI Research
Coordinator, at (902) 894-2820.
Table of Contents
5 Introduction
7 What is Autism?
8 Supporting Inclusive Practice
10 Educating Peers about Autism
13 Helpful Skills to Teach Peers
15 Lesson Plan #1 -
Introduction to Autism
18 Lesson Plan #2 -
Student Brochure Presentation
20 Lesson Plan #3 -
Similarities and Differences
24 Lesson Plan #4 -
26 Lesson Plan #5 -
Developing a Code of Conduct
27 Lesson Plan #6 -
Knowledge Breeds Compassion: Research
30 Lesson Plan #7 - Video Presentation on Autism
31 Lesson Plan #8 - Language and Communication
33 Lesson Plan #9 - Learning Styles
34 Class Project - The Friends Club: Encouraging Social Skills
38 References
These educators noted that the provision of more resources about autism
spectrum disorders (ASD) would be extremely valuable. Researchers also
found that providing peers with accurate information about autism and
involving parents in the education process can be beneficial.
P designing a teaching resource that is easy to use and requires
limited preparation time.
The activities in this module can be used to inform both teachers and
peers about autism. This module also provides suggestions for including
parents in their child’s schooling.
All of the materials needed for the activities are provided within this
module. You can supplement the activities with other useful resources you
may have available and adapt the lesson plans for your class. When
conducting the activities try to incorporate both visual and auditory
learning strategies as this will benefit all the learners in your classroom.
Happy Learning!
What is Autism?
'Asperger’s Syndrome
'Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise
Specified (PDDNOS)
There has not yet been a specific cause identified, although autism
appears to have a genetic basis. Specialized support, training, and, in
particular, early intervention can help give individuals with autism the tools
needed to lead meaningful and productive lives.
Refer to:
Powers, M. D. (2000). Children with Autism: A Parent’s Guide. (2nd Ed).
Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House.
Supporting Inclusive Practice
Inclusive education means that every child has the opportunity to learn in
his/her neighborhood school. All children are welcomed into the school and
learn together in a regular classroom.
Research has demonstrated that peers can help teach social skills to
students with autism. In order for this to be successful, activities have to
be appropriately structured, training has to be made available to peers,
and teachers have to actively prompt and reinforce the interactions
between students with autism and peers (Wagner, 1999).
Peers also benefit by having students with autism in the classroom. When
peers of children with autism are educated about autism, and are given an
opportunity to act as peer tutors/buddies, they learn acceptance and
empathy, act as role models, and become more aware of individual
strengths and weaknesses (Wagner, 1999).
educate peers about autism as well as raise awareness about special
needs in general. As the teacher, you will have to judge the maturity level
of your class and adjust the class discussions and activities to meet their
comprehension level(s). Please remember that uncensored questions and
honest answers can often help students gain understanding and empathy.
Refer to:
Wagner, S. (1999). Inclusive Programming For Elementary Students with Autism.
Arlington, TX: Future Horizons, Inc.
Educating Peers about Autism
Collaborative Planning
As with any student, children with autism benefit most when teachers and
parents are on the same page and efforts in the home and at school are
mutually supportive (Organization for Autism Research, 2004). Before
planning a lesson, the teacher should first meet with parents to discuss
the possibility of a class lesson about autism. It is important to get parent
input, and if appropriate, input from the student with autism as well.
Share why you feel the lesson would benefit the peers and the student;
what is the expected outcome.
The following discussion points will help to ensure that everyone involved
is comfortable with the plan.
Discussion Points:
The lessons that follow can provide a starting point for selecting the
content and materials appropriate for your class. Materials may need to be
simplified based on the age and comprehension level of the students.
Listed below are some basic components which you may wish to use when
planning your lesson.
P Introduction
Raise awareness about diversity; respect similarities and differences
of others
P Suggestions
Provide peers with specific ideas about how they can best get to
know the student with autism and how they can help the student
with autism throughout the day.
P Discussion
Allow time for open discussion or questions.
You may see a change in peer attitude. Be sure to recognize their efforts
of the student to support the child with autism. When you see peers using
the strategies which were discussed provide encouragement and state that
you are open to other questions that may arise.
After completing the activity, contact the parent(s) and share the
outcomes of the lesson. Ongoing communication with parents is very
important and helps build trust and respect. Communicating regularly with
parents about their child’s progress and involving parents in the
educational process helps teachers and parents form a strong working
Helpful Skills to Teach Peers
P ask the child with autism for assistance with activities and tasks,
P model appropriate responses and actions for the child with autism,
Refer to:
Maurice, C., Green, G., & Foxx, R. (2001). Making a
Difference: Behavioral Intervention for Autism. Austin, Texas: Pro Ed.
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Lesson Plan #1 :
Grades 4-6
Introduction to Autism
Students in the class will learn about autism.
Students will generate questions and discuss issues they have regarding
Question Sheet
Chalkboard or dry erase board
Chalk or marker
Have students develop a brainstorming web about autism. You may need
to encourage students to participate as they may feel awkward at first.
Have students watch Meet My Brother. This is 9 minute video about a boy
with autism as told by his 10 year old sister. This video shows day to day
home and school events as well as some suggestions regarding how to be
a friend.
Have students in the class fill out the question sheet. The students will
write down any questions they may have about autism or the child with
autism who is in their class.
After all the students have finished writing questions, the teacher and
parent(s) will lead a class discussion using the questions as a guide. By
gathering student knowledge, you will be able to present accurate
information and clarify incorrect information.
Use autism fact sheet entitled Just For Kids to help discuss autism. Go to
http://www.njcosac.org/PDF/Fact%20Sheet%20for%20Kids.pdf to print
the fact sheet or see Appendix J.
* Extra resource:
Autism Society of America. Growing Up Together. (2004).
As the teacher you may find that the brainstorming session and the
question sheet are too advanced for the younger students. You may need
to adjust the class discussion and activities to meet their comprehension
level. [You may decide to use one of the recommended story books to
provide students with information.]
Have students watch Meet My Brother. This is 9 minute video about a boy
with autism. Allow time for discussion and questions.
Autism Question Sheet
In pairs take a moment to think about any questions you may have about
autism. You may wish to write them down. Discuss these questions with
your partner. Select one question to share with the class and discuss.
1. ______________________________________________________?
2. ______________________________________________________?
3. ______________________________________________________?
4. ______________________________________________________?
5. ______________________________________________________?
6. ______________________________________________________?
7. ______________________________________________________?
8. ______________________________________________________?
9. ______________________________________________________?
10. _____________________________________________________?
Lesson Plan #2 :
Grades K-6
Student Brochure Presentation
School will work in partnership with the parent(s) to create graphic/written
information about the child with autism.
Students in the class will learn more about what having autism means.
Students will share their individual qualities with the class and also learn
about qualities of their classmates.
Brochure Template
Crayons/Pencil crayons
*Word Perfect can be used to design the brochure. Go to format page, set
all page margins to 0.5, then select layout to divide the page into 3
columns. These steps may vary depending on the program.
The parent(s) or student will present the brochure and initiate a discussion
about autism. The discussion should focus on the similarities and
uniqueness of the child with autism in relation to other children.
The format of the presentation as well as the time frame will vary
depending on the parent(s) and the class.
When all the students have completed their brochure, students can pass
their brochures around the class. A debriefing or class discussion should
follow this activity.
Lesson Plan #3 :
Grades K-4
Similarities and Differences
Students will explore similarities and differences of children.
Students will explore what it means to be unique.
Students will gain an understanding about the actions/responses that some
individuals with autism demonstrate.
Information sheet
We Are All Alike booklet
*This may be a useful lesson to use when parents do not feel comfortable
with the class talking about autism specifically.
* For younger students, the information sheet may be too much for them
and as the teacher, you will have to decide whether or not to use the We
Are All Alike booklet as it may be too confusing. If the booklet is used,
some of the wording will have to be adapted and explained using simple
Have students complete the personal information sheet (see page 23).
You may want to put students in small groups for this activity. After
students have finished the sheet, discuss the activity and use it as a means
to explore similarities, differences, and uniqueness.
Use the booklet to help facilitate class discussion. The first half of the
booklet explains how everyone is similar. The second half of the booklet
focuses on individuals with autism and how they process information,
communicate, and express emotions. You may only want to use part of the
booklet for your class. If you wish, students can color pictures from the
This activity can lead into a discussion about respect or differing abilities.
[See Lesson Plan #4]
Additional Activity
Game: Simon Says
In this version of Simon says, students will only respond when the
command is true for them. For example, Simon says “Everyone with brown
eyes, stand up.” All of the students with brown eyes would stand.
After the game have students sit in a circle. Ask each student to name one
way in which he/she and another student are similar. Have the students
share something they did not already know about each other before the
Refer to:
Hopkins, G. (2004). Simon Says “Who Are You?”. Education World. Retrieved
February 17, 2005 from
*Extra resource:
Autism Society of America. Growing Up Together. (2004).
Personal Information Sheet
Please circle the sentences which are true for you. You can add more
sentences in the blank spaces.
P I have a brother.
P I have a sister.
P I have a pet.
P ___________________________________
P ___________________________________
P ___________________________________
P ___________________________________
P ___________________________________
P ___________________________________
Lesson Plan #4 :
Grades 2-6
Students will discuss their individual qualities and learn about each other.
Students will practice sharing compliments.
Students will learn about respect.
White paper
Drawing/coloring supplies
Respect describes how we treat other people. We should be considerate
and kind to other people.
[Students may wish to use some of the information from the Personal
Information Sheet for this part of the activity.]
Have students share their responses with the class. Encourage the class
to listen to one another. Ask the class what they learned about the
student(s) who shared. Have students present their comments as
compliments to the presenter.
For example, “I wish I had hair like yours!”
“I like pizza too.”
When the class has finished sharing their responses and compliments,
have them pass their portraits to the person beside them. Students will
write a compliment on the white paper surrounding the student’s self-
portrait. Then have students pass the paper to the next person, and so
For students who do not remember what each person said, they can refer
to the sheet of responses attached to the back of the self-portrait.
Refer to:
Hopkins, G. (2004). Positively Respectful. Education World. Retrieved February 17, 2005
from http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/04/lp329-02.shtml
Lesson Plan #5 :
Grades K-9
Developing a Code of Conduct
Students will learn to treat others with respect.
Students will learn to treat their peers as equals.
Student will develop a class code of conduct.
Flip chart (paper)
After students have brain stormed individually, divide them into small
groups. Each group should come up with 2 suggestions for the code of
conduct to share with the class.
I will be courteous.
I will treat everyone in class with respect.
I will help make the classroom a safe place.
Post the final code of conduct in the classroom for all students to see.
Lesson Plan #6:
Grades 4-12
Knowledge Breeds Compassion:
Research Project
Students will use research skills.
Students will learn about autism and related spectrum disorders.
Research resources including computers
You can have students work in pairs for this project. Assign each pair of
students one area to research.
This site is designed for students in grade 4-6. The quest activities can be
used to help answer questions, get students thinking about individuals with
autism, and generate discussion.
Students will present their findings using poster presentations. By using this
method, students can explain their findings both orally and visually.
Guidelines for Developing Poster Presentations
Be sure to:
Lesson Plan #7:
Grades 7-12
Video Presentation on Autism
Students will learn about autism and related spectrum disorders by
watching the video clip.
Students will discuss accepting and understanding individuals with autism.
After watching the video, students may have comments and questions
about the video which will help generate class discussion.
Lesson Plan #8:
Grades 2-12
Language and Communication
Students will better understand how some students with autism may feel
when communicating.
Fork and Spoon
10 miscellaneous items
Picture of a table setting
Have the miscellaneous items, plate, cup, fork, and spoon scattered on a
desk. Have a picture of a table setting at your desk but hidden from the
students. Choose a student volunteer to come up and sit at the desk facing
the class.
Ask the student if they can hear you clearly. Tell the student that they must
pay close attention to what you are saying and listen to the instructions.
Then point to the materials on the desk and tell the student to set the table
but give the instructions in a different language.
If you do not know another language, ask someone to teach you the place
setting terms and memorize them or use made up words.
Repeat the instructions a few times, point to the table, and depending upon
the age level, you may want to act impatient. Eventually, take out the
picture of the table setting and show it to the student and class.
Ask the rest of the class if they would have known what to do. Discuss with
the class how some students may not always understand what is being said
but find it easier to understand pictures and drawings. Depending on the
age level, you may want to introduce learning style terminology such as
visual, auditory, and hands-on. Take time to discuss the different learning
Refer to:
Understanding Friends, http://www.teacch.com/teacch_e.htm (Catherine
Lesson Plan #9 :
Grades 6-12
Learning Styles
Students will identify their learning styles.
Students will learn that all children learn differently.
Learning Styles Sheet
Have children work in small groups. Group size will depend on class size.
Depending upon grade level and the literacy levels of the students you may
want to read out the statements or review difficult terms before starting
the sheet. Give students the Learning Styles Audit by Chris Baker to fill
out. Go to http://www.edgehill.ac.uk/tld/audit/lstyles/audit.htm to print the
learning styles sheet.
After learning styles have been identified, have the students group together
according to learning style. Have students discuss how they learn and
write down learning strategies which they find helpful.
A class discussion can follow focusing on learning styles and the fact that all
people learn differently. The discussion can then move into a discussion
about how children with autism learn, what strategies work best, and how
peers can help.
P use visuals and hands-on materials,
P model appropriate behaviors,
P point to things,
P explain activities, etc., orally and visually,
P speak clearly and use simple language, and
P be consistent.
Class Project
The Friends Club: Encouraging Social Skills
Students in the class will be encouraged to increase social skills.
Students will be encouraged to interact with the student with autism.
Students in the class will practice the skills they have learned regarding
how to help students with autism.
*Students should also be taught skills to use when interacting with the
student with autism before the club starts.
For example,
P methods of redirection,
P understanding refusal, and
P engaging the student with autism in games/activities.
Method of redirection:
P changing the subject , or
P use a visual cue or point to get the attention of the child with autism.
Understanding refusal:
P peer buddies need to understand that refusal is not personal,
P sometimes children with autism prefer to play alone, and
P first try to redirect and if this does not work, leave and try again
Engaging the student with autism in games/activities:
P invite the student to play (Let’s go, Would you like to play with me?),
P help the student with autism understand the game and model how to
play, and
P be excited and enthusiastic about the activity or game.
Teachers will need to provide guidance to peer buddies until they become
comfortable with their new skills.
Ask students to volunteer for this club. Explain to the students that the club
is fun and will help everyone in the class.
Have students write their name of a piece of paper and place it in the jar.
[You may want to have the students decorate their own name tags to be
used in the name draw. The jar can be decorated as well.]
Before recess or during group projects, etc., one or two names will be
drawn from the jar. The name(s) drawn will be the peer buddy for the
For example, during recess the peer buddy will play with the student with
autism for 5-10 minutes at the beginning of the break or 5-10 minutes at
the end of the break. [Play time can vary depending upon recess time.]
After a name has been drawn, put the name in a different jar until all the
students have had a turn being a peer buddy.
Peers need to be praised and encouraged when interacting with students
with autism as sometimes it can be challenging. Be sure that the students
understand that they can come to you with any questions or concerns they
may have during this process.
Depending upon the class, you may wish to have a reward system in place
for the peer buddy such as a sticker or favorite activity. This may help
peers become interested in the club. You could also present the peer
buddy with a certificate of completion at the end of the year. [See sample
certificate page 37]
Refer to:
Wagner, S. (1999). Inclusive Programming For Elementary Students with Autism.
Arlington, TX: Future Horizons, Inc.
Peer Buddy Certificate of
Presented to
Hopkins, G. (2004). Positively Respectful. Education World. Retrieved February 17, 2005
from http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/04/lp329-02.shtml
Hopkins, G. (2004). Simon Says “Who Are You?”. Education World. Retrieved February
17, 2005 from http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/00-2/lp2061.shtml
Kids Health Nemours Foundation. (2004). Autism. Retrieved August 10, 2005 from
Kinney, J., & Fischer, D. (2001). Co teaching students with autism K-5. Verona, WI: IEP
Maurice, C., Green, G., & Foxx, R. (2001). Making a difference: behavioral intervention
for autism. Austin, Texas: Pro Ed.
Organization for Autism Research. (2004). Life journey through autism: An educator’s
guide. Retrieved June 2, 2005 from
Powers, M. D. (2000). Children with Autism: A Parent’s Guide. (2nd Ed). Bethesda, MD:
Woodbine House.
The New Jersey Center for Outreach and Services for the Autism Community. (n.d.). Just
for Kids! Autism Fact Sheet. Retrieved June 2, 2005 from
Appendix A:
This explanation is written from the perspective of a 9 year old child with autism. You
may wish to use this page to help explain autism to your class. It can be adapted as you
see fit.
What is Autism?
Autism is one of the things that make me who I am. It sometimes causes
my brain to work differently than other people’s brains. Most of the time I
see the world the same way as other children do but sometimes I
experience things differently.
I like routines because I know what to expect. I feel better when I do the
same things over and over. I also understand better when rules are
explained using simple words or pictures.
There are people all over the world with autism. People who have autism
are not all the same. For example, some people with autism talk a lot while
other people with autism do not talk at all.
Refer to:
Faherty, C. (2000). Asperger’s...What Does It Mean To Me? Arlington, TX: Future
Horizons, Inc.
Appendix B: Definitions
Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism varies considerably across children in
severity of symptoms and is often described as a
spectrum disorder. Pervasive Developmental
Disorder is an umbrella term which includes
autism and similar disorders that vary in severity
or the presence of communication delays. The
term Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is also used
to describe this broader range of affected
individuals who all have unique strengths and
Goal A statement of a general outcome that can
reasonably be expected to be accomplished within
that school year.
Objectives Objectives are specific statements which describe
observable behaviours. They clearly describe the
steps between the child’s present skill level and
the goals to be attained.
Appendix C:
Contacts on Prince Edward Island
Appendix D: Brochure Example 1
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Brochure Example 2
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Appendix E: Website List
Appendix F: Peer/Sibling Book List
Bishop, B. (2002). My Friend with Autism: A coloring book for peers and siblings. Arlington,
Texas: Future Horizons, Inc.
Buron, K. D. (2003). When My Autism Gets Too Big. Shawnee Mission, Kansas: Autism Asperger
Publishing Co.
Gorrord, L., & Carver, B. (1998). My brother is different. London, UK: The National Autistic
Lears, L. (1998). Ian’s Walk: A story about autism. Morton Grove, Illinois: Albert Whitman &
Murrell, D. (2001). Tobin Learns to Make Friends. Arlington, Texas: Future Horizons, Inc.
Sullivan, C. (2001). I Love My Brother: A preschooler’s view of living with a brother who has
autism. Stratham, NH: PHAT Art 4.
Thompson, M. (1996). Andy and His Yellow Frisbee. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, Inc.
Grade 5-8
Amenta, C. A. (1992). Russell is extra special: A book about autism for children. Magination
Band, E. B., & Hecht, E. (2001). Autism Through A Sister’s Eyes: A young girl’s view of her
brother’s autism. Arlington, Texas: Future Horizons, Inc.
Lowell, J., & Tuchel, T. (2005). My Best Friend Will. Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger
Publishing Company.
Meyer, D. (1997). Views from our Shoes: Growing up with a brother or sister with special needs.
Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, Inc.
Intermediate/High School
Meyer, D. (1997). Views from our Shoes: Growing up with a brother or sister with special needs.
Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, Inc.
Appendix G: Teacher Book List
Attwood, T. (1998). Asperger’s syndrome: A guide for parents and professionals. UK: Jessica
Kingsley Publishers.
Kluth, P. (2003). You’re going to love this kid! Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Quill, K. A. (1995). Teaching children with autism. USA: Thompson Learning Co.
Appendix H: Video Resource List
Meet My Brother (2003) 9 Video depicts a boy with autism as told by his
Autism Society Ontario minutes sister. Shows day to day home and school events
as well as some suggestions for being a friend
Elementary level
My Friend Dylan (2004) 10 In this video, feelings and understanding are the
Autism Society Ontario minutes main focus of a group of students who want to
get to know their classmate Dylan. Grade 3-6
Appendix I: Growing Up Together Booklet
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Appendix J: Just for Kids!
Appendix K: W e A r e A ll A lik e Booklet
Used with permission
Kinney & Fischer,(2001) CoTeaching Students with Autism
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom
Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom