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Insulation Condition During Transformer Manufacturing: by Study Committee A2

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Insulation condition during transformer manufacturing

By Study Committee A2

C. Bengtsson, C. Krause, A. Mikulecky, M. Scala, M-C Lessard, L. Melzer, P. Hurlet
and C. Rajotte

Introduction to minor extent with thermal aging and is essentially unaffected

during the drying process. [2].
The main objective of this reference paper is to identify gaps
in knowledge and issues in relation to verification of cellulosic Transformer manufacturing
insulation material properties during and after manufacturing
of oil/cellulose insulated power transformers and shunt reactors. The manufacturing process of power transformers includes
It provides input for future work in this field. In addition, it also mechanical clamping of windings and core and drying- and
provides the reader with an overview of this area. Along with the impregnation of the cellulose insulation. Vapor phase (VP)
identified gaps, some aspects are discussed in more detail, e.g. drying is the most commonly used method, especially for large
physical material parameter(s) that are relevant for a transformer transformers but a variety of other techniques are also used,
to withstand stresses in service, end-of-life definitions and for small- and medium size power transformers. All these
measurement techniques. steps are vital for the long-term function of the transformers.
These processes will influence the condition of the cellulose
The paper is focused on oil-cellulose insulated, medium- or materials (e.g. moisture content), and their functional properties
large power transformers, reactors and similar equipment. (e.g. paper tensile strength). In general, cellulose insulation
It is also confined to cover cellulose properties and their materials age with time and temperature under the influence
characterization during production of new transformers. The of oxygen and moisture. It is therefore important to ensure
conditions during manufacturing differ significantly from the that the manufacturing processes are designed in such way that
operation of old transformers in service and the challenges transformers delivered are fit for service and that no unacceptable
in the characterization of properties differ as well. Hence, the loss of insulation life has occurred in addition to what can be
discussion does not cover long term properties of the insulation. expected from normal transformer manufacturing. It may be
It neither includes design dependent issues, nor questions related considered that focus is mainly on the mechanical condition and
to short circuit performance. not sufficiently on the remaining water after drying and at the
beginning of transformer operation, respectively. As an example
Background taken from ref. [3], it may be preferable to dry down to 0.3 %
remaining water content with DP 1050 remaining (lifetime
approx. 47 years), rather than DP 1110 with 0.5 % water (lifetime
Transformer insulation
approx. 40 years) or even DP 1160 with 1.0 % water (lifetime
The solid insulation system of power transformers is approx. 23 years). (These values are based on constant moisture
predominantly made from cellulose and only in rare cases levels in Kraft paper and the example is based on the end-of-life
from high temperature resistant polymeric materials. On the criteria set to DP>200).
conductors, paper insulation is frequently used and in the
mechanical structures that are electrically stressed, thick solid Transformer operation and end-of-life
cellulose materials, “pressboard”, are used. Cellulose has proven criteria
to be a very reliable and cost efficient material for the application
as transformer insulation. However, cellulose is hygroscopic, Transformers in operation are subjected to different types
i.e. it easily absorbs moisture when exposed to air, in particular of stresses which can be grouped into thermal-, mechanical-
before oil impregnation. The dielectric strength decreases with and electrical stresses. Examples of these stresses are load or
increasing moisture content and therefore cellulose insulation overload (thermal), short circuits (mechanical) and transient
must be dried before exposed to electric stress. During drying, over-voltages (electrical). Insulation aging weakens the cellulose
the transformer is exposed to elevated temperatures which may fibers, thus mainly affects the transformer’s ability to withstand
have a negative influence on the insulation since the aging rate mechanical stresses occurring during short circuit events and
of some material properties increases with temperature [1]. transportation. If the force is high and the insulation paper is
However, the dielectric strength of cellulose deteriorates only brittle (e.g. due to severe aging), the insulation function may •••

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be impaired with a resulting internal short circuit inside the Cellulosic insulation material
winding as a final consequence. This normally leads to failure of properties
the transformer. On a more detailed level, the paper insulation
of the winding conductors are subjected to compressive and General summary
shear stresses of which the shear stresses are the most dangerous.
Aging has little effect on the insulation properties of cellulose The base material for cellulosic insulation used today is
[2] and thermal stress itself normally do not cause failures of derived from soft wood pulp. The sulfate or the so called kraft
the transformer but can increases the aging of the cellulose wood pulp is most widely used. It is derived from coniferous
insulation. wood chips which have been chemically and mechanically
treated to significantly reduce the amount of non-cellulosic
End-of-life (EOL) of a piece of equipment, such as a transformer, constituents. These removed parts would promote dielectric
is in general terms defined as the condition when the equipment and chemical instability. The structure within the paper, the
no longer can perform its intended duty. The transformer EOL fiber length, the bonding between chains and the orientation of
can be separated into technical-, economical- and strategic these chains form the basis for the mechanical properties of the
end-of-life [4]. The most discussed aspect is technical EOL paper. The aging process in the paper (causing a reduction of the
but it is most common to take transformers out of operation mechanical properties) consists mainly of changes in cellulose
for economical- or strategic reasons. Examples of economic chains and bonding between chains [8, 9]. The rate at which the
reasons are high losses and high maintenance- or insurance paper is degraded in this aging process is strongly dependent on
costs and smoothing of annual reinvestment budgets. Among the structure and the portion of amorphous substance of the
strategic reasons are changes in voltage levels or load patterns paper. Also the presence of nitrogen compounds, added by so
and obsolescence of some major components, e.g. on-load tap called thermal upgrading, will influence the rate of degradation
changers. Insulation aging is one aspect influencing the technical under certain conditions [10, 11]. During VP drying, which can
be seen as a thermal conditioning of the paper, a cross linking
EOL by lowering the transformers ability to withstand mainly
of the cellulose chains will take place especially for papers made
mechanical stresses. Other important technical factors can be
of high grade refined pulp. At the same time, some of the chains
design related (strengths/weaknesses of a particular make), e.g.
will be shortened. The cross linking of the chains will cause
short circuit strength, dielectric strength and margins, electric
an initial increase in tensile strength, especially CMD (cross
resonances in windings, depositions on winding insulation
machine direction) and E-modulus [12].
etc. Also historic events like repairs, number of experienced
short circuits, transports will influence the technical EOL. It is
It is well known that during the initial phase of paper thermal
therefore important to understand that insulation aging alone is
conditioning, such as during drying, there is an increase in
not determining the EOL of a transformer [5].
bonding between fiber chains causing the mechanical strength
to stay constant or even increase [13] while later during the
End-of-life of a material such as cellulose insulation is not
transformer life the degradation of the paper is dominated by
necessarily the same as end-of-life of the transformer itself
the decrease in fiber length, seen as a decrease in DP.
and is defined in another way. The function of the material is
maintained as long as it withstands various service stresses.
Measurement techniques for unused
EOL of the material is related to the capability to endure these
stresses and is normally defined based on a sufficiently high
retained strength/value of some important and relevant material The specification for new, unused cellulose papers [14] gives
property. The properties used in to define technical EOL for definitions and general requirements with agreed parameter
cellulose insulation have essentially been tensile strength in values for different properties to qualify different paper types
the machine direction and the DP value (average viscosimetric to be used as transformer insulation. However, there are no
degree of polymerization) [6, 7]. requirements given for degree of polymerization (DP) for new
It is often convenient to be able to calculate and follow the
change of the EOL parameter with time. For tensile strength and The mechanical strength of paper can be measured in
DP this is difficult. For tensile strength there is no commonly different ways such as tensile strength, elongation to break,
accepted simple functional form for the time dependence. bursting strength and folding strength [15]. The tensile strength
Also for DP the time dependence function is complex having and elongation to break are tested according to [16] and requires
a fast initial decrease followed by a slower decrease – almost a minimum of 9 strips of paper in machine direction (MD) and/
like exponential time dependence. It must be mentioned that or cross machine direction (CMD). Each strip should be straight
the aging conditions such as paper temperature, moisture, and and perfectly cut with no initiation points for rupture and
acidity continuously vary with time and are not precisely known, the strips need to be conditioned before testing. The bursting
making the mathematical approach even more difficult. An strength is a biaxial tensile test [17] and will show not only the
alternative way to characterize the degradation by the number strength of the paper but also how homogenous the sample
cellulose chain scissions with the advantage of a more linear time tested is. A number of samples, 20 preconditioned pieces, are
dependence (after an initial non-linear increase). In addition the required. Folding strength [18] tests the brittleness of the paper.
initial DP-value should be indicated. Out of the listed tests tensile strength and bursting strength •••

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are direct methods which show the strength of the paper, both moisture content. In addition, DP determination is connected
for new paper and also for used (aged) paper. with practical difficulties and problems such as not getting
completely dissolved samples giving erroneous results as well
The ratio of the average molecular weight to the mass as to have truly representative samples [9]. In this respect, the
of the monomeric unit represents the average degree of type of drying process, VP drying or Hot Air Vacuum (HAV)
depolymerization (DP) of the paper. This can be determined by combined with impregnation, thermally upgraded paper
testing the specific viscosity of a solution of the paper sample [19, or standard Kraft paper, all will have different issues in the
20] and therefrom the viscosimetric degree of polymerization DP-testing and may have an effect on the results. However, these
DPv is calculated. It is thus an indirect method. The sample issues and effects are barely investigated and scarcely reported
size needed is very small compared to samples required for in literature yet. Although the normalized test methods for DPv
mechanical testing. This method will give an average DPv only [19, 20] are most of the time acceptable [22], there is a lack of
if the sample is completely dissolved. Cross linked cellulose definitions and criteria for determining whether the sample has
substance will give a colloidal form of liquid when subjected to been dissolved completely or not, and there are no numbers
copper ethylene diamine solution (CED), which is used during given for reproducibility, repeatability or uncertainty. The
DP-testing. This CED-solution will only be able to partly affect results are also affected by the experience of the laboratory and
the cross linked parts of the material and the test result will not its staff. All of this causes uncertainty and could or will lead to
reflect the true value of degree of polymerization in the sample discussions among testing laboratories with different test results.
Identified knowledge gaps and issues
A few general remarks – a new paper with very high initial DP
could sometimes age at a higher aging rate than a paper with The above mentioned methods are associated with advantages
less high initial DP. When comparing different papers, a high DP and disadvantages in terms of procedure, accuracy and how
does not necessarily correspond to high mechanical strength. well they represent the actual stress on the solid insulation in
As already mentioned, the DP number is not a standardized transformers in service. As of today, it is questionable whether
material parameter. It can also be noted that a specification of a test via an indirect parameter (e.g. DPv) or a mechanical test
the level of nitrogen compounds in cellulose is not sufficient to of a paper sample located somewhere in the VP oven can be
specify the thermal upgrading properties. suitable for evaluating the aging status of the solid insulation
of the transformer. In general, it can be discussed whether any
Measurement techniques for paper in the paper mechanical strength test is suitable, – even if taken directly
transformer manufacturing process from a conductor. More work needs to address the relevant
parameters to be measured that are representative for and have
There are no specific requirements agreed on, or specified, for impact on the long term function of a transformer. In addition,
the properties of a paper which has undergone the transformer practical methods of test which are useful for all types of papers
manufacturing process including drying. To ensure that the after transformer manufacturing processes, including paper
paper is dry would be appropriate as well as to ensure that the sampling procedure, need to be defined.
mechanical strength of the paper is sufficient. The problem is
to take samples to be tested that are representing the paper in Commercial aspects
the transformer windings. Most often the thermal and chemical
history during the drying of the winding insulation and paper Any acceptance criteria may have large financial impact both
insulation available for sampling are different. Normally, for users and for transformer manufacturers. In particular,
the paper available for sampling is subjected to a different as insulation materials in transformers cannot be replaced
degradation stress. In addition, the conductor insulation without rebuilding the active part and replacing the windings,
consists of several layers also subjected to different stress – the the consequence of a rejection based on excessive paper aging
outer layers normally more stressed during the drying process. in the factory is huge both in terms of delays to the user and
For tensile strength or for bursting strength, a large number of costs to the transformer manufacturer. However, there is no
samples need to be tested and preferably from a sheet of plain established view on what is reasonable to expect in terms of
paper and this will not be found on the conductors. Possibly a insulation aging during normal transformer manufacturing
number of plain sheets of paper could be assembled and put and there are no existing guidelines of acceptance criteria nor
along with the active part through all drying processes for testing for compensation if these criteria are not met. Conditions vary
after completion of the manufacturing process. considerably from case to case, from very stringent to none
at all. This in combination with a very high financial impact
The current industrial practice so far has been to use DP after makes it an urgent subject to address, preferably within the
completed manufacturing although some customers request DP framework of CIGRE.
values also before final dryout. Only considering DP will neglect
taking the dominating parameter for the insulation EOL into Degree of polymerization is the dominating parameter
account: the remaining moisture inside the transformer after today used for specifying insulation properties after factory
drying [3, 21]. As cellulose aging is strongly dependent on the drying. As previously discussed in previous sections, loss of
moisture content, a higher DP of a delivered transformer may insulation life is not linear in DP and loss of insulation life
with time be overridden by accelerated aging due to a high is not necessarily related to the end of life of the transformer

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itself. As an example calculated from (1) in ref. [3]: if we to get representative samples before and after the drying
assume DP=1200 as new paper, and DP 200 as end-of-life, it process?
is often by mistake understood that DP 1000 represents 20  What are the guidelines for acceptance criteria to evaluate
%, or DP 800 represents 40 % lifetime consumed. However, the aging caused by the drying process?
correct values are 3 % resp. 10 % consumed lifetime: DP loss is  What are the guidelines for measures and compensation in
hence not linear over time. It should also be considered that the case the criteria are not met? 
relation between the effect of the operating temperature and of
the initial DP is such that a change of DP from 1000 to 900 can References
be compensated by a 0,2 °C reduction of the average lifetime
[1] A. Mikulecky et al., “Research on Insulation Aging on Transformer
operating temperature of the transformer. This recalculation Models”, IEEE SDEMPED, Grado Italy, September, 2001.
of time into temperature can be derived using the Montsinger [2] H.P. Moser, V. Dahinden, “Thermal aging of oil/Transformerboard
equation for the temperature dependence of the aging rate [6]. insulation systems” in Transformerboard II, second edition, Printing
Styrian, Graz, pp. 149-156, 1999.
[3] C. Krause, “Thorough Drying of UHV Transformer Insulation
It is therefore important that this is considered in the sanctions for Minimum Moisture Versus Premature Aging by Drying – A
for exceeding stipulated limits in contracts. It is today common Technical Conflict”, CIGRE Colloquium Shanghai, paper FP0588,
that the consequence of not fulfilling the conditions are not 2015.
stipulated in the specifications which implies the possibility of [4] L. Pettersson, “Estimation of the remaining life of power
transformers and their insulation”, Electra, No 133, 1990.
rejection based on a small deviation from contractual values. [5] L. Pettersson, N.L. Fontana, U. Sundermann, “Life Assessment:
Considering the small impact of a deviation from guarantee Ranking of Power Transformers Using Condition Based Evaluation.
values, this is not reasonable, at least not from a manufacturer’s A New Approach”, Cigre 1998, paper 12-204.
perspective. It is therefore desirable to have guidelines within [6] IEC 60076-7:2005, “Loading guide for oil-immersed power
the industry on reasonable limits where compensation applies, [7] IEEE C57.91:2011, “IEEE Guide for loading mineral-oil-immersed
how compensation should be determined and when rejection transformers”.
may be applicable. Similar conventions apply e.g. for losses. [8] “Aging of cellulose in mineral-oil insulated transformers”, CIGRE
Brochure no. 323, TF D1.01.10, 2007.
[9] “Aging of liquid impregnated cellulose for power transformers”,
Conclusions and recommendations CIGRE Brochure, WG D1.53, to be published.
[10] T. Prevost, “Thermally upgraded insulation in transformers”, EIC
This paper gives a general review of the present situation conference, Indianapolis, 2005.
regarding insulation aging during transformer manufacturing. [11] O. Arroyo-Fernández, I. Fofana, J. Jalbert et al., “Assessing Changes
in Thermally Upgraded Papers with Different Nitrogen Contents
It is of vital interest to ensure that the buyer gets a transformer under Accelerated Aging, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and
that is fit for service and that no significant loss of insulation life Electrical Insulation Vol. 24, No. 3; pp1829-1839, 2017.
has occurred in addition to what can be expected from normal [12] E.L. Back, “Thermal auto-crosslinking in cellulose material”, Pulp
transformer manufacturing. It is of equal importance that and Paper Magazine of Canada, 1967.
[13] J.M.B. Fernandes Diniz et al., “Hornification – its Origin and
there are commonly accepted guidelines within the industry Interpretation in Wood Pulps”, Wood Sci Technol 37, pp 489, 2004.
how to specify, guarantee, verify and to compensate or correct [14] IEC 60554-2, “Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 2:
potential deviations from specified properties. Methods of test”
[15] W.G. Lawson et al., “Thermal Aging of Cellulose Paper Insulation”,
IEEE Trans. El. Ins., Vol EI-12, No. 1, 1977.
The paper points at existing uncertainties in the areas of [16] ISO 1924-2, “Paper and board -- Determination of tensile properties”
measurement techniques, insulation material properties and [17] ISO 2758, “Paper -- Determination of bursting strength”
commercial aspects as well as on the relevance of the commonly [18] ISO 5626, “Paper -- Determination of folding endurance”
used measurements of degree of polymerization (DP). Based [19] IEC 60450, “Measurement of the average viscometric degree of
polymerization of new and aged cellulosic electrically insulating
on these observation, it is recommended that the international materials”
community addresses these issues in order to fill the discussed [20] ASTM D 4243-99. “Standard Test Method for Measurement of
gaps. Average Viscometric Degree of Polymerization of New and Aged
Electrical Papers and Boards”
[21] L. Lundgaard et al., Aging of Oil Impregnated Paper in Power
In summary, the main gaps to fill are the following: Transformers, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Volume: 19,
 What is (are) the recommended technique(s) to determine Issue: 1, Jan. 2004
the status of the paper after the transformer drying? [22] CIGRE Technical Brochure 494, WG D1.03:2012, “Furanic
 If physical cellulosic insulation samples are required: how compounds for diagnosis”

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