Geberit Drainage Brochure
Geberit Drainage Brochure
Geberit Drainage Brochure
F +61 2 9889 7855
choice in
Geberit HDPE trade waste and drainage solution.
Copyright Geberit Pty Ltd/December 2013. GEAU631213
for quality
and schools, have installed Geberit HDPE drainage
and rainwater solutions. This real world experience,
coupled with more than 35 years of knowledge
based on extensive research and development, is
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Geberit Pluvia.
Insurance for your roof. ← React flexibly to all
construction situations:
Geberit Pluvia roof outlet.
Double the amount of rainwater Greater installation flexibility. Service and support.
discharge. Half the pipe diameter.
The Pluvia system is simpler because no Geberit offers a comprehensive service
Geberit Pluvia outlets have been specially slopes are required for horizontal pipe package for customers from training to
constructed to ensure rapid removal of runs reducing ceiling space. Smaller pipe designing and onsite technical support.
rainwater from the roof using siphonic diameters can lead to lower material cost Fully accredited, our staff of experienced
principles with a vacuum effect. Compared and greater installation flexibility. engineers are able to assist with a solution
with conventional drainage, the discharge for all situations. Geberit has made a
velocity and capacity is considerably considerable investment in ProPlanner
increased, despite the smaller pipe software design, which has been
dimensions. Rainwater within the pipes specifically developed to assist hydraulic
travels at high velocity maximising consultants with the design of the Pluvia
the discharge capacity and minimising roof drainage system.
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An ongoing quest for innovation
and technical excellence.
Geberit is the leading brand in sanitary We rigorously test all new prototypes.
technology systems. A leader not only Our laboratories are able to simulate a
on the basis of high quality, precision productʼs service life of 50 years in just
and economic efficiency. A leader also 3 months, through the application of
because everything is considered, down thorough testing. Only the best survive and
to the finest detail and tailored to the only then is a product ready to carry the
requirements of professional plumbers. Geberit brand.
Uncompromising high-quality
and production standards
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Geberit HDPE for
a more sustainable future.
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