Connect Campus Programme - 2019: Objectives
Connect Campus Programme - 2019: Objectives
Connect Campus Programme - 2019: Objectives
The Internship and Coordination Committee of the Chanakya National Law University, Patna feels
extremely grateful to purpose the Connect Campus Programme. The program is a unique step
towards the sustainable corporate world. As we know, there is a plethora of knowledge in the
corporate world & every day the sector is attracting new talent, but somewhere we are lacking i.e.
values, ethics and morals. The roundtable is an attempt to create value based professionals & to
bring into the picture, actual scene of responsibilities, duties, obligations, etc., owed by the
corporate organizations towards the society.
In the recent years, the 'Corporate Entity' has become the most vibrant and dominating sector in
the commercial world, gaining significance for its dynamic nature and multidimensional approach.
The boundaries of the Legislative Framework are expanding day by day. In these circumstances,
at times even professionals are finding it difficult to keep pace with such changes.
This positive step will bridge a gap between the corporate sector and social sector. This platform
so developed is to ignite the idea and desire of professionals, young students, emerging
entrepreneurs, corporate leaders to contribute in the field of corporate & commercial laws in the
guise of education & research alongside the intellectual response & mentorship of Corporate &
Legal Luminaries. The idea of this roundtable was mooted with the vision to “To Explore Corporate
The initiative will bring together the eminent corporate personalities, legal luminaries, industry
experts, leaders, keynote speakers, etc. from around the whole country, to bring positive impact on
the corporate world.
We, welcome Abir Dey (Principle Associate) and Kunal Satyadarshi (Senior Associate) from
Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas and Devapam Dutta (Managing Associate) and an Associate
from Argus Partners for our 1st Connect Campus initiative. They shall conduct a Two day
session on “Banking and Finance” .
Our Speakers from Argus Partners will be conducting 4-5 hours session on banking and
finance, contracts related to it and to guide the students with the practical aspects of the sector.
Our Speakers from Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas will be conducting a 2-3 hours session on
career choices related to corporate law and 1-2 Hours session on Banking and finance.
Total Expenses :