Pc-I (Part-A) Project Digest
Pc-I (Part-A) Project Digest
Pc-I (Part-A) Project Digest
b.) Provision in the Project is included in ADP 2016-17 at Serial No. 653-U with an
current year allocation of Rs. 200.0 million as Capital Component.
5 Project Objectives and its i). Project Objectives
relationship with the
a) Strengthen GCWUS to accommodate more than 5,000
sectoral objectives.
female candidates for Undergraduate programs, Graduate
programs and Research and development in the new
b) Produce 2,000 female graduates annually having
potential of better job opportunities and improved living
c) Office administrative, managerial and technical skills to
more than 500 female graduates annually who will be
able to start their own business, provide consultancy to
the local industries and Sialkot based cottage industry.
d) Offer quality level higher education facility for enrolled
female students for whom it is difficult to move away
from their domestic environment to outer/distant areas
due to culturally and socially hindrances.
e) Get Accreditation of Programs from respective accreditation
bodies by filling the missing facilities of offered programs.
f) Establish Directorate of Faculty Development to improve
intervention with 1500 newly enrolled students, more than 100
Faculty, understanding of the advising process and to
encourage faculty to join various ‘Continuing Professional
Development’ programs.
g) Retain the qualified faculty by offering incentives and
conducive Research and Teaching environment and also
hire faculty to meet the HEC requirement of student
teacher ratio (1:20 for graduate programs & 1:30 for
undergraduate programs).
h) Establish ICT Data and Service Centre to provide
technical support to the faculty and staff and to keep the
ICT facilities operative.
i) Enhance library books and journals facilities as per HEC
requirements and provide access to digital library
j) Improve Research, Linkages, Relevance and
Commercialization by;
o Developing, expanding and enhancing University’s
research programs.
o Strengthening the teaching labs of all Science
departments with the facilities as per HEC requirements
o Establishing central research lab to facilitate MS/PhD
scholars and the faculty.
o Providing Bio-technology & Informatics and Materials
testing facility to the industry of Sialkot for applied
o Encouraging commercialization of existing and
emerging research areas of faculty and research
scholars through Business Incubation Centers.
k) Enhance transport facility for students, faculty, full-time
officers of the university and senior academicians for
their commutation regarding administrative, research and
academic purpose.
l) Establish Project Implementation Unit for planning,
execution and sustainability of established facilities as
GCWUS neither have any Planning nor Engineering Cell.
ii). Sectoral Objectives
a) The Higher Education Commission has been given
mandate to facilitate the institutions of higher learning
and degree awarding institutes to improve their
infrastructure and to provide needed facilities wherever
required so that the institutions may serve for socio-
economic development of the country.
b) Establishment of Research & Development culture and
providing such opportunities for the rural and urban
population of Sialkot and its allied areas.
c) Provision of higher education for female population
keeping in view vision 2025.
d) Produce high quality women work force to fill the
existing gender based gap.
o The available class rooms are not sufficient to run the ever
increasing academic activities of the university.
o Existing One small staff room shared by all the faculty is not
o Only one car for use by the Vice Chancellor exists but no
transport facility is available for the Registrar, Treasurer,
Controller of Examinations and Deans of the faculties. No
transport is available for the faculty / students movement for R
&D activities.
1. Civil Work
New Campus (Eimanabad Road)
o Construction of Academic Buildings
o Construction of Administration Building
o Construction of 144 girls hostel (One wing of 512 girls
o Construction of faculty hostel (to accommodate 32 faculty
o Construction of Vice Chancellor’s residence.
o Construction of Canteen and Medical Centre
o Construction of Kitchen and Dining hall for Hostel
o Provision of water supply and Sui gas facilities.
o Construction of O.H.R (20,000 Gallons)
o Turbine Pump (1cusec)
External Development
o Construction of Boundary wall with fencing
Old Campus (Kutchery Road):
o Construction of one new Academic Block to partly overcome
the acute shortage of building facilities.
o Construction of O.H.R (20,000 Gallons)
o Turbine Pump (1cusec)
o Provision of LT/HT Panels/ Transformers
2. Accommodating additional Student Intake
o Offer more seats proportionately to enhanced intake capacity
of on-going academic programs.
o Introduce new market oriented undergraduate Academic
o Introduce Degree programs like MS and Ph D
3. Human Resource Development
o Hiring of qualified faculty and competent administrative staff
o Advanced Training of Faculty,
o Training of Administrative Staff
o Skill building of Technical Lab Support Staff
o Periodic orientation of Non-Technical support staff
4. Equipment
o Strengthening of existing Labs of undergraduate programs
o Establishment/ of laboratories for BS, MS and Ph.D.
o Purchase of Office Equipment
o Purchase of interactive training/ learning Modules
5. Library Facilities
Like others the graduates (14 years education) from various public
and private colleges of Sialkot city are among the sufferers. The gap
for these graduates can only be bridged through M.A/M.Sc. degree
programs. This situation is a call for GC Women University to play its
GCWU Sialkot, in line with its vision 2030 aims to resume the launch
of M.A/M.Sc. programs in different disciplines to facilitate the 2 year
B.A./B.Sc. female graduates in getting employment and in seeking
higher education. This year the University will admit students at
M.A./M.Sc. level in 10 disciplines. The approved seats are 35 per
discipline. The M.A./M.Sc. programs will continue till the time the
B.A./B.Sc. programs continue.
One Lab Lecturer who will assist the teacher concerned in conduct of
the experimental work in the laboratory and supervise the work of
other lab support staff.
One Senior Technician who will guide and supervise the group of
Lab Technicians in each department involved in Laboratory work.
The department wise detail of proposed technical support staff for the
existing and new laboratories is given at Annexure – 15.
8. Furniture and Fixture:
The requirement of furniture & fixture is necessary with the
construction of new proposed buildings for academic, administration
and hostels.
The furniture/fixture requirements of Old Campus are also catered in
the project proposal. The detail of required furniture & fixture for the
new buildings and for the Old Campus with cost estimates has been
worked out and is given at Annexure – 2d.
9. Transport Facilities:
The existing transport facilities at Government College Women
University consist only of 4 buses of which one is un-serviceable and
one car for the Vice Chancellor.
The university therefore requires addition of new vehicles for
students and staff. The detail of required transport facilities with cost
estimates has been worked out and is given at Annexure –2e.
10. Landscaping & Horticulture:
As the environmental pollution has been reached at alarming stage
throughout the country, it is therefore, necessary to plant more and
more trees for better environment.
Tree plantation, landscaping and gardening possess great aesthetic
value and provide rest & recreation to the people of the area. Trees
purify the air, provide shelter from warm wind, dust, smoke and noise
especially during summer season.
The planting of trees will not only make the area beautiful but also it
will help for better environment and provide healthy atmosphere to
the students & staff residing on the campus. It is proposed that 0.1%
of new construction of buildings will be spent on tree plantation,
Landscaping, gardening and purchase of related machinery etc.
11. Project Implementation Staff:
The detail of project implementation staff for the planning &
execution of this project along with cost estimates is given at given at
Annexure –2f.
Projected Enrollment
Program 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
BS Program 4734 5424 6214 6934 7564
MA/MSC 319 419 519 619 719
MS/MPhil 258 478 683 898 1173
Ph.D 45 86 129 200 285
Total 5356 6407 7545 8651 9741
The university was established with the objective to provide the higher education to the female
students of these areas. This university serves the students of Gujranwala Division in specific and
the students from all over Punjab in general. The constantly increasing enrolment of students in
higher educational institutions during last decade has created a gap between demand and supply.
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Gujranwala serves as the major intake source for BS
programs in this university. BISE, Gujranwala comprises of six districts. Almost 62984 students including
43489 female students passed the intermediate examination from BISE Gujranwala in 2015 out of appeared
118564 students. Detail of last five years of intermediate results of BISE Gujranwala is as under:
Female 63359 34328 64681 35355 62851 35126 67179 35838 74527 43489
Total 103839 50913 105686 51845 103875 52621 108384 52209 118564 62984
Currently approximately 21000 female students are studying in 21 girl’s public sector colleges of
district Sialkot & Narowal at intermediate and Bachelors (2years) level. These students are more
likely to apply for admission in GC Women University Sialkot for further studies.
Furthermore the 43489 female students including students of district Sialkot and Narowal has passed
the examination of intermediate from Gujranwala Division in 2015 and approximately same number
will pass the examination in 2016. These female students will prefer to take admission in this
University. Whereas the university has only 2100 seats for BS Program. The establishment of new
campus will facilitate the enhancement in the enrollment of female students of district Sialkot and
Rs. in million
SN Source Capital * Current Recurring
Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure
a. Sponsors - - -
b. Federal Government (HEC) - - 90.000
c. Provincial Government 1288.773 667.456 74.430
d. DFI’s/Bank - - -
e. General Public - - -
f. Foreign Equity (indicate partner - - -
g. NGO’s / Beneficiaries - - -
h. Other / Own Sources of University 137.720
Total 1288.773 667.456 302.140
*Rs. 46.390 million is allocated for the project “Establishment of GC Women University Sialkot”
and Rs. 621.066 million is proposed current expenditure for the project “Construction of Building
of Government College Women University Sialkot on Acquired Piece of Land at Sialkot”.
This project is very much beneficial as the Women
population of the area will be benefited at the door step
and this will enhance the literacy rate of the country.
c) Employment Generation 463 jobs have been created within the campus whereas
(direct and indirect) 295 more jobs for admin and faculty staff will be
8 jobs will be created through this project directly
whereas several jobs will be created indirectly during
the construction of new campus.
d) Environmental Impact Environmental impact of the project on the surrounding area is
very much positive. The new campus of the University is
situated main Eminabad road and the land is very much fertile.
The University has started program in Environmental Sciences
which will help to promote to minimize the Air, Water and
Noise Pollution. The University is also intend to start the
programs in Material Science and will establish the Laboratory
which will help to promote the green campus programs.
e) Impact of delays on The project completion can be delayed due to non-
project cost and viability
provision of timely releases.
Cost overrun can be occurred due to unpredictable price
variations and general economic conditions.
The cost will be adjusted as per Government rules.
12 Implementation Schedule The Project duration will be 36 Months.
The Capital Cost Component will be executed by the Provincial Buildings Division Sialkot.
The following HR Management will execute the project activities under the supervision of
Vice Chancellor and Director P&D:-
Project Director
The Revenue component will be executed by the University through different departments
like P&D Division, Purchase Section, Deans and Departmental Heads.
The Additional Director P&D will coordinate and take necessary action for overall
coordination of the project, which will ensure the implementation of the project activities
as per approved PC-1.
14. Additional projects / decision required to maximize socio-economic benefits from the proposed
14. Additional projects / The other decisions required will be sought from the Vice
decision required to Chancellor GC Women University, Sialkot in consultation with
maximize socio- the other stakeholders.
economic benefits from
the proposed project.
15. Certificate
Certify that the project proposal has been prepared on the basis of instructions provided by
the Planning Commission for the preparation of PC-1 for Social Sector Projects.