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Journal of Cultural Heritage xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

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Case study

The metallography and corrosion of an ancient chinese bimetallic

bronze sword
Huang Wei a,∗ , Winfried Kockelmann b , Evelyne Godfrey b,c , David A Scott d
China Numismatic Museum, Beijing, China
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, ISIS Facility, Chilton, UK
Uffington Heritage Watch, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, UK
UCLA/Getty Conservation Program, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A bimetal bronze sword, unearthed from Hunan Province China, dating to the Warring States period
Received 26 April 2018 (476–221BC) was examined analytically by optical metallography, neutron diffraction and X-ray diffrac-
Accepted 10 October 2018 tion. The results indicate that the tin content of the blade is 16%, not higher as previously reported. The
Available online xxx
bimetallic bronze sword possesses a typical cast structure with annealing on the edge of spine. Distinct
corrosion compounds pyromorphite was identified, with pseudomorphic malachite having replaced the
Keywords: original alpha phase. Redeposited copper and unusual phosphorus-containing corrosion products were
bimetal sword
analysed to investigate the mechanism of formation.
Chinese bronze
© 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction This kind of bimetallic bronze sword was only found in South China,
within the area of the Chu culture and its southward neighbours.
The earliest bimetallic artifacts found in Hebei province and Some bimetallic bronze swords excavated at Jiangxi, Zhejiang,
Beijing are bronze Yues with meteoritic iron blades dating to the Hunan and Guangdong were subjected to preliminarily alloy com-
Middle Shang Period (14th century BC). Various bimetallic objects positional analyses [3,4,5] showing higher tin contents for the blade
such as a bronze dagger with an iron blade, an iron Ben with a as compared with the back. Four bimetallic bronze sword fragments
bronze hilt, an iron sword with a bronze hilt and an iron knife with collected by the Shanghai Museum were examined using X-ray flu-
a bronze hilt dated from Western Zhou Dynasty (11–8th century orescence; the tin content in the blade was found to be 22–24 wt%,
BC) to early Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC) were found while the back had 8–15 wt% tin [6,7]. Simulation experiments
in Henan and Shaanxi province [1], from the central plain and sur- designed by the author were used to reconstruct the casting pro-
rounding area. Iron as a precious material was often used together cesses: the back of the blade is cast first followed by annealing the
with bronze tools and weapons before the advent of its mass pro- tenon slightly, and then the piece-mould of the blade with finished
duction in the Late Bronze Age of ancient China. Recently two back inset is prepared for pouring. The back and blade would be
typical iron-bronze bimetallic artifacts, iron-blade bronze chipping integrated into a completed sword after the liquid metal solidifi-
knife and iron-blade bronze dagger axe (Ge in Chinese), were found cation and shrinkage (see Fig. 1, the middle part is finished firstly
in Liangdaicun village, Han cheng city, Shanxi province, which are and then inserting to the piece-mould with the blade hollow). Two
examined technically by metallography [2], the two bimetallic arti- bronze bimetallic swords dating to early Warring States Period
facts are dated to early Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC). (476–221BC) unearthed from Xintai city, Shandong province, were
There are two kinds of bimetallic artifact in Chinese archaeo- analyzed by X-ray, CT, XRF and metallography, which show the low
logical finds, iron-bronze combined mechanically, and bronze with and high tin bronze alloy are used respectively on spine and blade
different tin contents on corresponding parts of a sword. During the for every sword [8].
Warring States Period, (476–221BC), iron-bronze bimetallic arti- However, little attention has been paid to the corrosion phe-
facts were replaced by bimetallic bronze swords. These swords nomena of bimetallic swords, which provides a good opportunity
were cast together in two different alloys for the back and the blade. to investigate the mechanism of deterioration of different bronze
alloys with variable tin content under the same environmental con-
ditions. More case studies are needed to increase the technological
information on these swords from outside the central plain area in
∗ Corresponding author. ancient China.

1296-2074/© 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: W. Huang, et al., The metallography and corrosion of an ancient chinese bimetallic bronze sword,
Journal of Cultural Heritage (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2018.10.004
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2 W. Huang et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. The casting method for bimetal sword (after Haiping, 2002).

Fig. 2. Bimetal bronze sword excavated in Hunan Province.

Fig. 3. The colorful surface of the blade (yellow corrosion at the seam, left above).

Fig. 5. Redeposited copper in the crevice between the back and the blade (the
corroded alpha + delta eutectoid and lead particles can be seen). Magnification 20X.

content than the other sections. Fig. 5 It is worth noting that some
unusual yellowish green corrosion products are found in the seam
between the back and blade. On the other side of the sword, lay-
ered corrosion products are clearly visible, the cuprite is possibly
surrounded or covered by blue and green corrosion from loose to
compact green layers outwards. Soil minerals and corrosion prod-
ucts formed on the back section illustrate a light green color on the
outmost layer.

Fig. 4. The cross section for sampling.

2. Experimental details

Sampling on the sword was carried out, and samples were

Figs. 2–4 shows a remnant of the bimetallic bronze sword stud- embedded in resin, followed by grinding, polishing and etching
ied here dating to Warring States period, excavated in the Hunan (by using FeCl3 ·6H2 O in C2 H5 OH with HCl, Na2 S2 O3 and Na2 S2 O5
Province by Chinese archaeologists. Distinct colors of the corrosion miscible liquids for colorful metallography) to investigate the
phases are observed on all parts of the sword: green, yellowish microstructure. The colorful metallography can show the distinct
green and blue, with some soil inclusions in different areas. Higher phases clearly, such as in Figs. 6 and 7.The back and blade sam-
magnification illustrates that the glazed green corrosion shiny layer ples show a typical casting structure with ␣ phase, (␣ + ␦) eutectoid
appeared only on the surface of the blade, which contains more tin and some dispersed lead particles. The re-crystallized grains on the

Please cite this article in press as: W. Huang, et al., The metallography and corrosion of an ancient chinese bimetallic bronze sword,
Journal of Cultural Heritage (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2018.10.004
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CULHER-3490; No. of Pages 7 ARTICLE IN PRESS
W. Huang et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 6. The corroded alpha phase in the middle area of the image. Magnification 20X.

edge of the tenon section indicate slight re-heating treatment after destructively [9,10,11]. The phases in the alloy substrate and
casting. corrosion products on the surface can be tested simultaneously,
A blade piece was sampled to be examined by time-of-flight and tin contents of the alloy are calculated in terms of chemi-
neutron diffraction, which provides a large volume and high cal formula [12]. Neutron diffraction analysis was performed on
penetration measurement of the bulk phase compositions non- the General Materials Diffractometer (GEM) of the ISIS neutron

Please cite this article in press as: W. Huang, et al., The metallography and corrosion of an ancient chinese bimetallic bronze sword,
Journal of Cultural Heritage (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2018.10.004
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4 W. Huang et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

The total 16% tin content in the blade sample is different from the
composition reported by Haiping [6,7], which exhibits an average
23% tin content in the blade by XRF and a high result of 17–19% tin
content of the blade was also reported by Shifan [5]. Arguably, the
23% tin content, obtained by X-ray fluorescence energy dispersive
spectrometry, was due to the limited penetration depth of the X-
ray method, i.e. the composition is from the tin-rich layer on the
corroded surface of the blade that originates from copper depletion
to the environment. The phases and elements distributed in the
sword substrate are very unevenly distributed based on the neutron
diffraction data and metallographic examination.
XRF or SEM-EDS have the same short penetration depths of a
few␮m in a small area on the corroded surface of the bronze alloy.
The compositional data from the surface methods are less represen-
tative in revealing the alloy constituents reliably. More practical
case studies are needed to explore the compositions of bimetal
alloy quantitatively, for example by using non-destructive neutron
Fig. 7. Layered corrosion products on the blade surface (Magnification 20X Polarized Furthermore, a 23% tin content of blade is not good for the
Light). mechanical properties of sword as a weapon [13]. Although high
tin contents can improve the hardness of bronze alloys, 23% or
more tin generates brittleness for weapons while decreasing the
source at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK. Neutrons are tensile strength. Ancient Chinese mirrors often contain tin con-
produced by stopping 800 MeV protons in a tungsten target. ISIS is a tents of more than 20%, which enhances light reflection by the shiny
pulsed source operating at 40 Hz, thus delivering 40 polychromatic silver-coloured surface. However such high tin bronze mirrors are
pulses of neutrons per seconds to the sample. The pulsed operation fragile. So the tin content of 16–18% for the blade of the Hunan
allows determining the wavelength of each diffracted and detected sword should be reasonable.
neutron in the polychromatic pulse via a time-of-flight (TOF) mea- The lead content of the blade is 7%. Lead can only improve the
surement. A neutron detector at a scattering angle 2 measures fluidity of the melt, and has no other purpose with regards to the
the neutron TOF, i.e. the time that passes from the generation of mechanical properties of the sword, since lead is generally not
the neutron until its capture in the detector. GEM has about 7000 added to bronze if it is hammered or worked to shape. For ancient
individual scintillation detector elements viewing the sample from Chinese bronze, lead is usually added for the facility of alloy flowing
different angles. during casting.

3. Metallography and bulk composition

4. Corrosion phenomena
The neutron diffraction data given in Table 1 demonstrate that
two types of alpha phases with 14% and 10% tin contents, respec- Cuprite was observed as main corrosion product. Malachite was
tively, are present in the sampled bronze substrate, indicating not identified by neutron diffraction but it was found that the
coring during cooling to room temperature during solidification. amount of malachite is smaller than 0.2%.
The coring means a process of the non-average elemental dis- As shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 7, three kinds of patina were found on
tribution in alloy. The delta phase of the (␣ + ␦) eutectoid is a the surface of the sword: glazed and compact green, yellowish with
common phase in cast bronze. It is noted that a small amount of soil minerals and powdery blue corrosion products. These prod-
epsilon phase, often found in tinned surfaces of ancient copper- ucts were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, the results being shown
based alloys, is present in the blade sample of the bimetal sword, in Table 2, which indicates that malachite, cuprite, cassiterite and
which is seldom seen in bronze alloy analysis. Usually, attention is quartz are the major constituents in the corrosion. However, the
given to copper, tin and lead contents. Hence the appearance of the yellowish green corrosion products sampled between the seam of
epsilon phase may be relevant with regards to pure tin being added the back and the blade found iron, lead and phosphorus-containing
into the copper during the fabrication of the bronze alloy. Possibly, compounds in addition to malachite, cuprite, quartz, and romar-
the ␦ phase transforms to (␣ + ␧) at room temperature with abnor- chite.
mal cooling conditions (Michelle, 2007), but this is seldom if ever Diverse selective corrosion and redeposited copper were
observed. observed in the microstructure of the sword sample. The

Table 1
Phase composition and tin contents from neutron diffraction data of the blade.

Identified phases: weight fraction (%) Calculated tin content: weight fraction (%)

Alpha-Cu/Sn (1) 57
Alpha-Cu/Sn (2) 13 Alpha-Cu/Sn(1) 14.1 % Sn calculated
Delta phase 20 Alpha-Cu/Sn(2) 10.2 % Sn calculated
Epsilon phase 0.5 Delta 33 % Sn on phase diagram
Lead 7 Epsilon 38% Sn on phase diagram
Cuprite 2.5
Malachite < 0.2 Total tin 16 wt% Sn
Total lead 7 wt% Pb

(TOF-ND: GEM diffractometer; data analysis: GSAS program for Rietveld analysis).

Please cite this article in press as: W. Huang, et al., The metallography and corrosion of an ancient chinese bimetallic bronze sword,
Journal of Cultural Heritage (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2018.10.004
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CULHER-3490; No. of Pages 7 ARTICLE IN PRESS
W. Huang et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 5

Table 2
Corrosion products of the bimetal sword examined by X-ray diffraction.

Sampling zone Corrosion products identified by XRD

Spine surface Malachite, cassiterite, quartz

Blade surface Malachite, cuprite, cassiterite, quartz
Seam between Pyromorphite, libethenite, malachite,
spine and quartz, goethite, phosphogartrellite,
blade(green- cuprite, romarchite, lanarkite,
yellow lepidocrocite

(Rigaku R-axis Spider machine at UCLA).

Fig. 9. Pseudomorphic structure on the surface of sword blade surface. Magnifica-

tion 20X.

dynasty (206BC–220BC) buckle reported by Scott [17], page 84,

plate 11). The dendritic malachite on the higher tin zone in the
metal corrosion could indicate the stable environment. In South
China, excavated bronzes with thick greenish malachite covered is
common, where the underground water is plentiful that has advan-
tages for the formation of copper carbonates. In this example, the
dense malachite corrosion not only protects the original cast struc-
ture itself in a good burial condition, but also hinders the massive
oxidation of cuprite in the inner layer with the low tin content.
In the meanwhile, it is noted here that the corroded (␣ + ␦)
eutectoid appeared in the alloy substrate, but in the outer layer,
corroded ␣solid solution is the main corrosion observed on the
surface exposed to the environment overlaying a totally mineral-
ized corrosion layer. A Chinese bronze vessel fragment dating to
the first millennium BC studied by Gettens [18], exhibited a simi-
lar corrosion structure to the bimetallic sword: in the intermediate
penetration zone the eutectic has been corroded leaving dendrites
of the alpha phase unattacked, while on the outer edge of the inter-
mediate penetration zone the alpha dendrites are attacked, and
Fig. 8. XRD pattern for green and yellow corrosion from different parts.
from here outward only mineral corrosion products are found.
This corrosion phenomenon suggests that a passivating layer
phosphorus-contained corrosion products are rarely reported from formed in type I corrosion which controlled the oxygen and soil ions
Chinese contexts. migration into the inner alloy substrate. Between the seam of the
blade and back, corroded (␣ + ␦) eutectoid has created much rede-
posited copper, which will be discussed below. As distinguished
5. Selective corrosion: type I structures
from type II corrosion structure and Getten’s research, no copper
chloride and lead carbonate compounds were found in the X-ray
Ancient Chinese bronze corrosion features were suggested by
and neutron diffraction analysis, yet the unusual corrosion product
Chase [14] to show type I corrosion, namely the removal of the
pyromorphite was found here.
tin-rich phase to form tin oxide or mixed tin oxide and cuprite cor-
rosion products on the surface [15]. In type II, the alpha phase of the
alloy is dissolved and the delta remains in an uncorroded state. As 6. Redeposited copper: mechanism and optimum forming
Robbiola [16] pointed out, in an oxygenated corrosive medium, the condition
main phenomenon involved in bronze corrosion is selective disso-
lution of copper from the copper solid solution (␣phase) in type I, Redeposited copper is found in many archaeological copper-
while a coarse structure with a three-layer morphology is assumed based artifacts from all over the world, studied and reviewed by
to be controlled by mass transportation of negative species from many scholars. Scott [9] reviewed the mechanisms for the forma-
the soil (mainly oxygen and chloride ions) characterizes type II. tion of redeposited copper, from decomposition of the delta phase,
In the bimetallic sword we have a typical type I corrosion struc- the dissolution of cuprite inclusions within the bronze or corrosion
ture, cuprite mixed with cassiterite and copper carbonates such as from the dissolution of cuprite crusts formed during burial, or voids
malachite, shown in Fig. 2, Fig. 8, Fig. 7. The pseudomorphic den- occupied by inclusions and lead globules which become replaced
dritic structure shown in Fig. 6, Fig. 9 indicates that the preservation by copper.
of structure within the corrosion may originate from an epitax- Jin bronze (West Zhou Dynasty, 1027 BC–771BC) fragments
ial relation between substrate and product, with a corresponding excavated from southwest Shanxi were studied by Wang [19],
retention of shape [17]. The malachite crust in Fig. 7 shows a which showed that redeposited copper is very common both in the
well preserved pseudomorphic dendrites pattern. Few examples bronze core and in external corrosion layers, displayed as fine par-
of such structures have been published. One exception is a Han ticles within the cuprite, in filled cracks and surface bands. These

Please cite this article in press as: W. Huang, et al., The metallography and corrosion of an ancient chinese bimetallic bronze sword,
Journal of Cultural Heritage (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2018.10.004
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6 W. Huang et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

phenomena are explained by the author as follows: preferential mineral pyromorphite has been found in the oxidation zone of a
removal of tin seems to have been the first stage followed by the polymetallic vein in Argentina [27], the appropriate formula could
formation of cuprite, metallic copper was deposited from solution be Pb5 (PO4 , AsO4 )3 (Cl,OH)·xH2 O suggested by recent research [28].
when cupric or/and cuprous ion solutions were saturated under Pyromorphite corrosion may be related to phosphate-
reducing conditions. Bosi [20] provides a review and some case containing soil ascribed to degrading bones. Pyromorphite
studies on Chinese and Italian artifacts, which determined that in could be formed in the soil as a weathering product of lead-bearing
most cases unalloyed copper was located in the core of the objects minerals or inclusions. Phosphate amendments to the soil could
far from the outer corrosion products layer. Three types were pro- induce further formation of pyromorphite [29], which is effective
pose at immobilizing lead and reducing the associated bioaccessibility
[21]. It is speculated that the bimetallic sword was buried in a tomb
• irregularly shaped forms, that pseudomorphically replaces other where the bone deteriorated to produce phosphates in a complex
phases, which is closely related to long-term corrosion processes; burial context. The phosphate and lead in the soil with chloride
• globular, that are surrounded by a layer of copper sulphide ions, for example, react to generate pyromorphite under environ-
formed during roasting of the copper ore; or; mental conditions distinct from that of lead carbonate produced
• large, irregularly shaped masses, that display a twinned in some Chinese bronzes. The lead dominantly transformed into
microstructure, which is due to incomplete mixing of copper and pyromorphite and lanarkite Pb2 O(SO4 ) in the bimetallic sword
tin during the casting of the alloy. case, whereas no cerussite was found.

From the metallography of the bimetallic sword, large rede- 8. Conclusions

posited copper illustrates type (a) structure described by Bosi [20].
The metallic copper attributed to type (a) is considered a result We studied the bulk composition, microstructure and corrosion
of destannification by Wang and Merkel [21]. In the sword, cop- phases of a bimetal bronze sword from Hunan Province, dating to
per has also formed in pre-existing cracks or voids. A great deal of the Warring States period (476–221 BC). The 16% tin content of the
redeposited copper assembled in the seam between blade and back, blade is not as high as that examined in a previous study which
this narrow gap was formed by the incomplete combination dur- found 23% tin for the blade of the sword. It is necessary to exam-
ing casting. In fact, destannification is just a step in the formation of ine a larger volume of core metal using preferably non-invasive
metallic copper. Copper or secondary copper reduced from cuprite analytical techniques such as neutron diffraction. The corrosion
would replace the original alpha phase and eutectoid structure in phenomena illustrated in the examination of the bimetallic sword
situ if there was not enough space to escape. The movable rede- suggest an unusual burial environment over a long period, with
posited copper will selectively dwell into the cracks or voids which decomposed bone in the tomb generating insoluble pyromorphite.
provides a relatively large volume to accommodate, as exhibited In this context, selective corrosion – both alpha phase and eutec-
in the case of the bimetallic sword, which indicates that the void toid had been corroded with the pseudomorphic original structure
could be one of the key conditions for the formation of redeposited having clearly being replaced by malachite. Voids or cracks pro-
copper. vided the optimum condition for the migration and redeposition
The redeposited copper and its various morphologies found in of metallic copper in this sword. No bronze disease was found, so
archaeological metal objects contribute to the authentication of chemical treatment is not necessary in this case. In conclusion, the
works of art. Ying [22] suggested that redeposited copper is formed sword is stable, without active corrosion in terms of the analysis, so
in a long natural corrosion process which cannot be simulated in a keeping the bimetallic sword in a dry and clean atmosphere would
laboratory. But in recent years, Wang [23] claimed that the depo- be appropriate for preserving the beautiful glazed green corrosion
sition of regenerated copper on simulated archaeological bronzes layers.
was simulated under experimental conditions. Copper (1) chloride
could be reduced to pure copper if reduction times were sufficiently Acknowledgments
prolonged. However, the metallographic images of regenerated
copper shown by the author did not exhibit the morphology that Thanks are due the conservation laboratory at the Cotsen Insti-
has been found in archaeological objects, such as the replacement tute of Archaeology at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),
of the eutectoid, the alpha phase, or voids by free copper. This sim- The Getty Conservation Institute and Research Institute for provid-
ulation experiment has yet to be verified by further case studies. ing the laboratory facilities and documental resources. The author
would like to thank the China Scholarship Council and Peking
7. Unusual corrosion products: phosphorus-containing University for financial support for his research at UCLA from
compounds 2007–2008. The samples were provided by Professor Zhou Weirong
from the China Numismatic Museum, which is gratefully acknowl-
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Journal of Cultural Heritage (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2018.10.004
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Please cite this article in press as: W. Huang, et al., The metallography and corrosion of an ancient chinese bimetallic bronze sword,
Journal of Cultural Heritage (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2018.10.004

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