Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday: GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday: GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday: GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
5.1.1. Different tools , supplies 5.2.1Plant Propagation 5.3.1 Different ways of caring 5.4.1 A visit to a nearby
Needs/reasons why plants propagate. and materials in performing Strategies and Techniques for and maintaining propagated orchard to analyze
Identification of the different plant propagations and their 1. Wrapping and Waxing plant. propagated plants.
propagation techniques. purpose. 2. Budding 5.4.2 Analyzing propagated
3. Grafting plants.
4. Marcotting
5. Pruning
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material from Agricultural Crops Production, Agricultural Crops Production, Wastong Pagtatanim
Learning Resource (LR) Portal Teachers Guide Teachers Guide
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual
object, Guidebook, Internet object, Guidebook, Internet object, Guidebook,
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson. Assign groups to report on the Identify different regions and Students will report on the Identification of the different Processes involved in
Importance of Orchards. the trees and fruit trees that different design and lay out of ways on how to care for and orchard production
grow in their orchard. an orchard. maintain the orchard.
Presentation sample of
different orchard lay out and
C. Presenting Examples/ Present actual sample of trees and fruit Video Presentation in Video presentation of the step- Using personal protective Present charts/video showing
instances of the new lesson trees propagated using different preparing for actual plant by-step procedures in equipment in performing plant proper waste disposal after
techniques. propagation for trees and fruit performing plant propagation. propagation. plant propagation
D. Discussing new concepts and Storing and caring for propagated plant. Proper use of tools and Document the steps and Proper wearing of Personal Analyzing failed or un-
practicing new skills #1 equipment in performing plant procedures in performing plant Protective Equipment. successful plant propagation.
propagation. propagation.
E. Discussing new concepts and Safety practices in performing Proper procedures in preparing Original File Submitted and
practicing new skills #2 plant propagation. the cuttings for plant Formatted by DepEd Club
propagation. Member - visit
for more
F. Developing mastery
What is the importance of plant Write down the proper steps Identify the best plant Do’s and Don’t while Proper labeling of
(Leads to Formative Assessment propagation? and procedures in performing propagation techniques used. performing plant propagation. propagated plants
different plant propagation.