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University  of    
Notre  Dame  
Australian Curriculum: Science (Year 4)
Sub-strands Content Descriptions Achievement Standard
• Living things have life cycles (ACSSU072) By the end of Year 4, students apply
Biological sciences
• Living things, including plants and animals, depend on each other and the environment to survive the observable properties of materials
(ACSSU073) to explain how objects and materials
can be used. They use contact and non-
contact forces to describe interactions
Chemical sciences between objects. They discuss how
• Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties; These properties can influence their use natural and human processes cause
changes to the Earth’s surface. They
Earth and space sciences • Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity (ACSSU075) describe relationships that assist the
survival of living things and sequence
Physical sciences • Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance (ACSSU076)
key stages in the life cycle of a plant or
animal. They identify when science is
Nature and development of • Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships (ACSHE061) used to ask questions and make
science predictions. They describe situations
where science understanding can
Use and influence of science • Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions (ACSHE062) influence their own and others’ actions.
Students follow instructions to identify
investigable questions about familiar
Questioning and predicting • With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and predict what
might happen based on prior knowledge (ACSIS064) contexts and predict likely outcomes
from investigations. They discuss ways
Planning and conducting • Suggest ways to plan and conduct investigations to find answers to questions (ACSIS065)
to conduct investigations and safely
• Safely use appropriate materials, tools or equipment to make and record observations, using formal use equipment to make and record
measurements and digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS066) observations. They use provided tables
Processing and analysing data • Use a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent data and to identify patterns and simple column graphs to organise
and information and trends (ACSIS068) their data and identify patterns in data.
• Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for findings (ACSIS216) Students suggest explanations for
  observations and compare their
• Reflect on the investigation, including whether a test was fair or not (ACSIS069) findings with their predictions. They
suggest reasons why their methods
Communicating • Represent and communicate ideas and findings in a variety of ways such as diagrams, physical were fair or not. They complete simple
representations and simple reports (ACSIS071) reports to communicate their methods
and findings.

General Capabilities Cross Curriculum Priorities

• Literacy     • Aboriginal  and  Torres  Strait  Islander  histories  and  cultures  
• Numeracy    
• Asia  and  Australia’s  engagement  with  Asia  
• Information  and  communication  technology  (ICT)  competence    
• Critical  and  creative  thinking     • Sustainability  
• Ethical  behaviour    
• Personal  and  social  competence    
• Intercultural  understanding  

English   CONCEPT  MAP   Math s  

•Write  a  p ro ce du ral  rec o un t  fo r  the    

  • Us e  grid  paper  and  G eoreflecto r  M iro rs  to  

p ro ce ss  o f   cre atin g  a  flo w er  mo d el   create  s ymm etric al  draw ings  of  flow ers  
( AC ELA14 90)   ICT  Incorporation   obs erved  on  nature  w alk  (ACM MG 0 91 ).  
•Us e  gre en  sc re en  a nd  s to p  mo tion  p ro g ra ms  to  ma ke   • Create  a  map  u sing  sc ale ,  legends  and  
•G ive  a  sh o rt  p res en tatio n  o n  th e  
directions  direct ing  b ees  to  local  so urces  of  
relatio n sh ip   be twe en  a nts  o r  b e es  an d   vid eo  o f  b e es  po llin ating  stu d en ts  mo d el  f lo we rs    
pollen  (ACM M G0 9 0).  
f lo w e rin g  p lan ts  ( A CELY 1689)   •Crea ting  an  iBo o k  o f  u n it  of  w o rk  
• G ra ph  the  dist ance  travelled  by  s eeds  in  th e  
•Write  a n   in f ormatio n  rep ort  o n   th e  ro le   •Us e  iM ovie  to  crea te  a  sh o rt  f ilm  o n   the  life  cyc le  o f  
w ind  c ondition  of  dispers al  test  (ACM SP 09 6 ).  
o f  a nts  in  se ed  d isp ers al  ( AC ELY1694 )   f lo w e rin g  p lan ts     • Us e  paper  mos aic  sq uares  to  find  the  a rea  o f  
•Write  a  p ersu as ive  p iec e  o n  th e  to pic   •M ake   a  p o pp let  min d  map  o f   all  th e  in te rco nn ec ted   different  flo wering  plants  and  fruit  c ro ss  
“ We  c an  live   with o ut  b ee s”   terms     s ections  (ACM M G2 90 )  
( AC ELA14 90).     • P lan t  seeds  in  the  clas sroo m  and  m easure/  
•Write  a  b oo k  revie w  fo r  Dr  S eu s s’  ‘O h   graph  the  grow th  of  th e  plan ts  (ACM MG 08 4 )  
Con cept:  Bees,  Ants   &  Flowerin g  Plan ts                  
S ay  C an  Yo u   Se ed ?’  ( AC ELT1603) .    
Term:  2          Weeks:  1-­‐10  
  ©The  University  of  Notre  Dame  2010  developed  by  C  McGunnigle  

Health  &  Physical  Education  

Digital/  Design  Techno logies:   •N ature  wal k  arou nd  s cho ol /  su rro und ing  area  to  o bs erve  th e  
•  Crea te  a  p ow e r   po int   pres en tatio n   on  h o w   be es  an d  an ts   in teracti ons  of  b ees /a nts /flo wers  in  th e  en vironm ent  (ACPPS041).  
co n trib ute  to  the  p ro ce ss  o f  p o llina tion /   Se ed  d is p ersa l   •Play  gam e  o f  ‘Pi p,  Sq uea k  an d  Wil bur’  ad ju ste d  to  ‘Bees ,  an ts  and  
( AC TDIP009)   flo wers’  to  c oll ect  ‘s eed s’  (ACPM P043)  
•D es ign  an d   create  a   ‘Be e  H ote l’  ( WATPP S24) .     •Us in g  l ife  cycle s  as  s tarting  p oin t  to  d is cus s  growth  a nd  ch ange  o f  the  
hu man  b ody  thro ugho ut  life  (ACPPS034).  
HASS:   Religio n:   The  Arts  
•Res earch  wh at  makes  a  b ee  fri end ly  e nviron men t  a nd   • Apply  new   • Us e  crayons  an d  edic ol  dye  to  m ake  a  crayon  resis t  artw ork  
s tra tegie s  to  prote ct  thes e   en vironm ents  (A CHA SS K088).   unders tandings  to   of  flowe rs  obs erve d  on  sc hool  grounds .  (ACAV AM1 1 1)  
•Co mpo se  a  lette r  to  o ur  lo cal  m embe r  o f  gove rn men t  ab ou t   disc uss ion  of  the   • Us e  pain t  and  bu bble  w rap  to  creat e  beehive  a rtw ork  w ith  
you r  co nce rn s  for  p rotec ting  be e-­‐fri end ly  enviro nme nts  in   me anin g  b ehin d  the   ‘fingerprint’  bees .  (ACAVAM 11 1 )  
the  area  (ACH AS SK 091).     bible  pass age  Luke  8 :1 1     • Create  a  collage  using  cut tings  and  pres se d  flow ers   from  
•Res earch  h ow  Ab origi nal  an d  To rre s  Strait  Is lan de r  peo pl e   • D is cus s  t he  signific ance   plants  around  the  s choo l  (ACAVAM 11 1 )  
of  bible  pass age   • R espo nd  to  top ica l  art  w ork  E.g.  Ind igeno us  art  w ork  on  bus h  
co lle cted  bu sh  fo ods ,  su ch  as  th e  ho ney  ant  (ACH AS SK 089)  
G enesis  1: 29 -­‐3 0.     tucker  –  ‘Hon ey  An ts’  by  R ex  Sultan-­‐Ja bangardi  (ACAV AR1 1 3  
•Res earch  b ees  n ative  to  oth er  c ou ntries  (ACH A SSK 088).    
                                                                                   FORWARD  PLANNING  DOCUMENT              


General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
thinking Competence
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

5E’s- ENGAGE (1-2 lessons)

• To capture student interest and find out what they know about XXXXX
• To elicit students’ questions/ prior knowledge about XXXXX
• Diagnostic assessment used- in this lesson you will find out what the students already know about XXXXX. This will allow you to take account of students’ existing ideas when planning learning


N    LINKS   OBJECTIVE   (include  learner  diversity)  
Science   Science   Science  
Understa as  a   Inquiry  
nding   Human   Skills  
Lesson ACSSU ACSIS0 • Describe DIAGNOSTIC Introduction: Riddle: Selection of
1 072 64 what you • With students sat on the mat. Ask the tomato riddle and get students to try Beefsteak and tomatoes of
• Collect the answer. roma, Grape and different
know about
• Introduce the different tomatoes. Discuss their appearance, features, size, camparis, Cherry varieties
the reason send a
and sungold,
problem feel, smell, taste, how they are eaten.
plants have what are all of
• Introduce Biological Science unit and tell students today’s lesson objectives Tomato
fruit answer slips these?
Troubles –
to assess
Lesson Steps: Primary
what students Send a problem
• Describe • Instruct students that we are going to use ‘send a problem’. Move students questions:
what you already know back to desks and get them to collect three slips of paper each. Name on • Why does a
know about about the slips. plant produce
Paper bags
Provision for students at reasons plants with
the reasons • Read the students the letter from ‘tomato troubles’. Leave a projected flowers
educational risk/ extension have questions
plants have version on the board for reference. • Why does a
• Printed out copy of Tomato troubles fruit/flowers • Disperse the paper bags with ‘problem’ questions written on. Each student plant produce
flowers written on (2
for Student W with vision impairment has 5 minutes with their bag to read and answer the problem on a slip of fruit sets of each)
• Students are familiar with ‘send a • Save paper before submitting it and sending the bag on. • Are people the
problem’ format and know they can • Construct a Airdropped • At completion of a full rotation of bags, students read all responses with only ones who How does it
put dot points/sentences/labelled sequence Explain person next to them and decide on the most interesting/common/relevant eat fruit Grow –
drawings to answer for the life everything’s ones to share with the class. Return slips to bags and teacher collects bags. • Why do you primary
• SAER Students can use voice record • Hand out some copies of “how does it grow” worksheets and ipads. Students think Andy’s connections
cycle of a to assess
use ipads to take photos of stages and then use the Explain Everything app tomatoes
function to annotate their explain tomato what students
to arrange the life cycle of a tomato plant. Airdrop saved products to teacher aren’t growing Ipads – class
everything plant know about
ipad. • How do plants set
• Extension students can add drawings, the life cycle
grow fruit
annotations and diagrams to their of a tomato Pre-cut card
explain everything plant • Students move back to mat for word wall
• Students contribute ideas and words to begin a ‘friends or foes’ word wall entries
5E’s- EXPLORE (2-3 lessons)
• To provide hands on, shared experiences of XXXXX
• To support students to investigate and explore ideas about XXXXX
• Formative assessment


N    LINKS   OBJECTIVE   (include  learner  diversity)  
Science   Science   Science  
Understa as  a   Inquiry  
nding   Human   Skills  
Lesson ACSSU ACSIS2 • Predict how FORMATIVE: Introduction: • Which parts Bee Movie Clip
2 073 16 bees • With students on the mat reflect on prior learning of parts of of the flower https://www.y
• Collect plants. Ask key question 1. are involved outube.com/w
ACSIS0 students’ • Show students the opening of Bee Movie clip “pollen power” in the atch?v=oNWAi
71 prediction/ pollination WBup2Q
and tell students the lesson objectives for today
observation process?
• Work in Flower model:
worksheets to Lesson Steps:
groups to Paper cups
assess whether • Break students into groups of three and assign them roles of • What
create a Pipe cleaners
they have been manager, director, and speaker. Move groups to work stations happened to
model flower Powdered
able to make one group at a time. Manager collects equipment the bees when
and bee paint
appropriate they visited
• Explain and model flower model instructions to students. Ask Yellow crayons
predictions and the different
students questions about the stages of procedure to check Double-sided
• Make record flowers? tape
observations observations
• Students build model – move around the room to assist any
about the about • What changes Prediction/
students who need and to make anecdotal notes.
pollination did you notice Observation
Provision for students at process – Mark • Stop students. Get students to make a prediction about the worksheets –
process in the
educational risk/ Extension against graded pollination process on their worksheet. Twinkl.
• Group students who need extra checklist • Remind students of classroom rules of moving around room pollen after https://www.t
support with stronger students safely and quietly then get them to move in groups ‘flying winkl.co.uk/re
the bees
their bees around visiting flowers in our classroom garden’ source/t-m-
• Flower model instructions will be visited?
• Use observation 510-science-
displayed on the board for • Get students to move back to desks and discuss in their group
grid to make experiment-
students reference – Printed out what they observed about the pollination process, was this • What were the recording-
anecdotal notes
copy for student W with vision different to predictions – students record observation on their similarities sheet---ey--
of responses to
impairment worksheets. Move around room and make anecdotal notes. and ks1
key questions
• Extension students encouraged to • Give explicit instructions for clean up process. differences
between what
include labelled diagrams to discussions/
Lesson Conclusion: we observed
accompany their written participation
• Ask students key questions 3-4 to debrief the pollination in the
predictions/ observations during group
process and compare observations classroom
• Show students the ending of bee movie clip. Remind students garden and
to look out for pollination in action when they are outside this what we saw

week. on the Bee

movie clip?
• Collect student work sheets and add to science folios. Display
flower models around room for remainder of week.
5E’s- EXPLAIN (1 lesson)
• To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make representations of developing conceptual understandings
• Formative assessment


N    LINKS   OBJECTIVE   (include  learner  diversity)  
Science   Science   Science  
Understa as  a   Inquiry  
nding   Human   Skills  
Lesson ACSSU ACSHE ACSIS0 • Explain the FORMATIVE Introductions: • What effect Life Cycle
3 072 061 71 • Students sitting on the mat - reflect on last lessons learning about seed might the use Jumble set 1
• Collect dispersal, how ants contribute and why it’s important. of pesticides – Primary
ACSSU ACSHE students' • Tell students the lesson objectives for today that are toxic connections
073 062 science books to bees have
plants, ants Lesson Steps: on these
to assess Butcher
and bees • Show students the ‘Life cycle jumble cards 1’. Draw ‘random’ pop sticks to
whether they interactions? paper
get students to share what they have learnt about some of these terms so
were able to • What effect brainstorm
• Sequence create words might the sheets with
• Group students into pairs with one set of cards. Pairs cut out cards then
the stages chains that
introduction of questions
make word chains on the desk to show how some of the terms might
of the life
another pre-written
demonstrate interact – Model example to students “bee – pollinate – flower”. species of bee
cycle of interactions & • Once the pair has constructed 3 chains they group with another pair and
or ant from Life Cycle
flowering to assess if share/discuss. Students copy all chains into new page of science
Provisions for Students at another Jumble set 2
Educational Risk/ Extension plants and students were scrapbooks. Move around room with observation grid for anecdotal notes.
country have – Primary
insects able to create • Ask students what kinds of things might affect these connections? Have on these Connections.
• Pop sticks are colour coordinated life cycles students move around the room and contribute ideas to brainstorm sheets
interactions? Printed
according to student ability – For correctly in on the walls with key question 1-3 written on.
• What other enlarged set
easier terms pull a red stick, for • Bring students to the mat. Discuss brainstormed ideas. Ask/Discuss of cards and
• Contribute circular activities of
answers to key question 4.
more complex terms pull a yellow to formation. humans might one sheet
• Introduce Life Cycle Jumble set 2. Give each student a card. Get students per student
or green stick. brainstorms Record in have an effect
to move around the room exploring each other’s cards and ordering
graded on these
• SAER students will be paired with about the themselves until they arrange themselves into a big circle demonstrating
checklist. interactions? Seed
stronger students effect that the intertwined life cycle of the bee/flowering plant
• What steps can collection
• Leave the example interaction bee other living • Discuss the significance of displaying life cycles as circular. Discuss the note for
we take to
• Use interdependency of plants/insects in the cycles by asking key question 5/6
– pollinate – flower on the board things can minimise these parents
Observation • Then get students to move back to their desks and each use a copy of Life
for student reference have on effects?
grid to record Cycle set 2 to cut and glue the life cycles into their science scrapbook.
• Extension students can be these life • Why do we
encouraged to make more than 3 cycles display life
notes of Conclusion:
interaction chains & longer length cycles as a
students • Ask for new contributions for science word wall.
• SAER have had life cycle modelled reasoning and
• Students help to arrange the enlarged set of Life Cycle 2 cards in a
lifecycle on available window.
• How do the
to them by group activity. If still selection lifecycles of
struggling can get a half set and • Explain requirements for collecting seeds for next lesson – distribute note
throughout the bee and
for parents
create 1 life cycle. Extension the group flowering plant
students can use non-fic books to work depend on
compare with lifecycle of other each other?
5E’s- ELABORATE (1-2 lessons)
• To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student planned investigation
• To use investigative/ inquiry skills
• Summative assessment of science inquiry skills


N    LINKS   OBJECTIVE   (include  learner  diversity)  
Science   Science   Science  
Understa as  a   Inquiry  
nding   Human   Skills  
Lesson ACSSU ACSHE ACSIS0 • Describe the SUMMATIVE- Introduction: • Why is seed David
4 073 061 66 relationship • With students on the mat watch David Attenborough clip dispersal Attenboroug
Take anecdotal • Ask key question 1and 2 and discuss students answers to establish h Seed
between important?
ACSIS0 notes during the 4 types of seed dispersal method (wind, water, animals, Dispersal clip
seed class discussion
• What different
68 bursting) – write up on board. https://www
dispersal and to assess ways did you
• Ask if/when any students have observed these methods in real life? .bbc.co.uk/p
ACSIS0 the whether notice seeds rogrammes/b
environment students can being
69 Lesson Steps: 00780vh
describe the
• Introduce today’s investigation and discuss the different types of dispersed?
• List the 4 seeds students have brought in. Identify similarities and differences. • What did you Team roles
between seed
main • Separate students into groups of 3 and draw name tags to allocate notice about name tags
dispersal and
methods of environment as team roles (manager, speaker, director). how far seeds
well as list the Travelling
seed • Distribute ‘Travelling seeds’ worksheet for each student and get travelled in
4 main seeds
Provisions for Students at dispersal manager to collect seed box per group. Get students to record wind test?
methods of worksheet –
Educational Risk/ Extension observations about the key features of seeds in the observation
seed dispersal. • Which seeds Primary
Record in column of worksheet. Connections
• Ensure SAER are in groups with • Record floated in the
observation • Separate groups across three work stations – Wind, water,
stronger students observations water test?
grid. hitchhiker. Model how to perform each test fairly and how to record Seed
• Model recording observations on of seed • What helped
observations. Investigation
the board and leave up for student dispersal in a Collect some seeds
• Wind – hold seed 10 cm away from fan drop and use ruler to measure Seed box for
reference table students’ stick to the each group
distance travelled. Water – drop seed into container and stir.
• Move around to student N and E scrapbooks to sock better
Hitchhiker – press seed into woollen sock. 2 containers
assess whether
and scaffold making the first claim • Use evidence • Give students time to complete activity at station then rotate until than others? of water
they have been
together to ensure they to make each group has performed each test and recorded observation. Take • What might be 2 paddle pop
able to make
understand the process. claims about observations some of the sticks
anecdotal notes about student discussion.
about seed 2 pedestal
• Extension students can create a seed • Move students back to desks and discuss observations with key downsides of
dispersal fans
storyboard to depict the seed dispersal questions 3-6 different seed
methods and 2 metre
dispersal method of their choice. methods • Model on the board making a claim about the dispersal method of a dispersal
make rulers
selected seed then get students to individually make claims about methods? 2 woollen
claims about how they think seeds are dispersed using the format “I claim that • How does the socks
methods. seed number __ travels by ___ because ___”. Students record environment
Record in claims in their science scrapbook.
impact the
checklist methods of
Lesson Conclusion:
• Get some of the students to volunteer to share their predictions
with the class. Discuss methods of seed dispersal with key
question 6-7.
5E’s- EVALUATE (1 lesson)
• To provide opportunities to review and reflect on their learning about XXXXX and represent what they know about XXXXX
• Summative assessment of science understanding


N    LINKS   OBJECTIVE   (include  learner  diversity)  
Science   Science   Science  
Understa as  a   Inquiry  
nding   Human   Skills  
Lesson ACSSU ACSHE ACSIS0 • Explain the SUMMATIVE- Introduction: • What are the Tomato
5 072 061 71 interactions • With students on the mat reflect on learning from last 4 methods of Troubles –
Collect students lesson with key question 1 & 2 Primary
between seed
ACCSU tomato troubles Connections
flowering • Reintroduce ‘Tomato troubles’. Read it to students. dispersal
703 work sheets to
plants, bees assess whether they • How can the
How Does It
and ants can explain the Lesson Steps: environment Grow sheet –
interaction between • Students move back to desk and answer the questions on
impact seed Primary
flowering plants and the sheet about why andy’s tomatoes wont grow.
• Describe the dispersal? Connections
bees/ants. Record in • Hand out students previous responses. Students share their
process of graded checklist • What have
old/new responses with their desk partners. Pairs should Ipads with
pollination and you learnt
Record students discuss how their answers have changed and provide iMovie
seed dispersal about
responses in evidence to support new answer. application
observation grid • Distribute the How does it grow sheets. Instruct students
during the • What activity Oh Say Can
• Explain the that they will use these pictures and other pictures they
introduction did you enjoy You Seed –
stages in the questions and can find on Britannica School edition to create a short
Provisions For Students at most, why? Dr Seuss
life cycle of a partner question iMovie about the life cycle of flowering plants. (school
Educational Risk/ Extension • What did you
flowering activity/ group • Encourage students to include voice over, labels, diagrams, library)
• SAER can use an ipad in a quiet sharing to assess think about
plant etc to demonstrate learning.
corner of the room to dictate their whether students ants at the
• Distribute ipads and release students.
response to tomato trouble if can describe the start of the
process of • Bring students back. Project some of their creations for the
needed. unit? What
pollination and seed class to see. Have students save and airdrop their creations
• Student V should put ear muffs on do you think
dispersal to teacher ipad.
for individual desk work now?
• Get students to create two circles sitting on the mat (inner
• SAER can use explain everything to Collect students’ • What
iMovie creations to ring and outer ring) facing each other. Students move
demonstrate learning if iMovie is surprised you
assess whether they around the ring asking each other key questions 3-6 and
too complex during this
can explain the listening to partner’s response. Before moving to next
• Extension students can incorporate stages in the unit?
person in the ring. Move around the room with observation
how ants/ bees interact with life lifecycle of a • What is
flowering plant, the
grid and record anecdotal notes.
cycle of flowering plant. something
interaction with ants
you are still
and bees as well as Lesson Conclusion:
the processes of • Regroup whole class. Ask some students to share something wondering
seed dispersal and they discussed with their partner. Discuss as a class about?
pollination. Record
• Ask key question 7 and record what students would still like
in graded checklist.
to learn more about
• Read “Oh Say Can You Seed” as a class.
Health and Safety Considerations:
Lesson one:
• Check with parents for allergies/ diet considerations before introducing tomatoes
• Make sure iPads are on flight mode so that students cannot access internet

Lesson two:
• Remind students of classroom rules for moving around the room safely and considerately
• Remind students to act safely with the powdered paints – do not put near mouth or eyes – wash hands after
• Students should wear their art smocks for activity involving powdered paint
• Monitor clean up to ensure that no surfaces are left wet/slippery (students to just use water and sponges)

Lesson three:
• Remind students of classroom rules for moving around the room safely and considerately
• Monitor use of scissors

Lesson four:
• Check with parents/students for any allergies before introducing seeds (e.g. grass)
• Remind students of safety precautions around fans – keep hair and fingers clear
• Remind students of classroom rules for moving around the room safely and considerately
• Explain how to conduct safe testing – being aware of others, safely handling equipment, making sure seeds do not fly into peoples
• Ensure any spilt water is absorbed straight away

Lesson five:
• Make sure the mat space is cleared enough for both rings of students to sit comfortably and safely.
• Make sure iPads are on flight mode so that students cannot access internet

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