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Primary & Secondary
University of
Notre Dame
Australian Curriculum: Science (Year 4)

Sub-strands Content Descriptions Achievement Standard

• Living things have life cycles (ACSSU072) By the end of Year 4, students apply the observable properties of
Biological sciences
• Living things, including plants and animals, depend on each other and the environment to survive (ACSSU073) materials to explain how objects and materials can be used. They

use contact and non-contact forces to describe interactions

Chemical sciences • Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties; These properties can influence their use
between objects. They discuss how natural and human processes

cause changes to the Earth’s surface. They describe relationships
• Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity (ACSSU075)
Earth and space that assist the survival of living things and sequence key stages in
sciences the life cycle of a plant or animal. They identify when science is
• Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance (ACSSU076) used to ask questions and make predictions. They describe
Physical sciences
situations where science understanding can influence their own
and others’ actions.
• Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships (ACSHE061)
Nature and
Science as a

(Year 3-4)

development of Students follow instructions to identify investigable questions


about familiar contexts and predict likely outcomes from
• Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions (ACSHE062) investigations. They discuss ways to conduct investigations and
Use and influence
of science safely use equipment to make and record observations. They use
provided tables and simple column graphs to organise their data
• With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and predict what and identify patterns in data. Students suggest explanations for
Questioning and might happen based on prior knowledge (ACSIS064)
Science inquiry skills (Year 3-4)

predicting observations and compare their findings with their predictions.

They suggest reasons why their methods were fair or not. They
• Suggest ways to plan and conduct investigations to find answers to questions (ACSIS065)
Planning and complete simple reports to communicate their methods and
conducting • Safely use appropriate materials, tools or equipment to make and record observations, using formal
measurements and digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS066) findings.

• Use a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent data and to identify patterns and
Processing and trends (ACSIS068)
analysing data
and information • Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for findings (ACSIS216)

• Reflect on the investigation, including whether a test was fair or not (ACSIS069)
• Represent and communicate ideas and findings in a variety of ways such as diagrams, physical representations
Communicating and simple reports (ACSIS071)
General Capabilities Cross Curriculum Priorities Notes:
• Literacy • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and
• Numeracy
• Information and communication technology (ICT) competence
• Critical and creative thinking • Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
• Ethical behaviour
• Sustainability
• Personal and social competence
• Intercultural understanding

English CONCEPT MAP Maths
• Add parts of the flower and bee words
(option 1) • Graph results of seed dispersal
to spelling lists and word wall, experiment using a line graph,
(ACELA1498) Religious Education / Spiritual Education (ACMSP096).
• Write a procedure for seed dispersal • Discuss Mark 4: 3-8 and the metaphor of how you • Measure distance of seed travel in
experiment, (ACELA1490) need the right conditions to grow plants, and faith. cms, (ACMMG084).

Health & Physical Education

• Compare the right conditions for
Science / Technology & Enterprise plants to grow, including water,
• Technologies project designing a food and light to humans needs of
bee-friendly garden at the school, water, food, shelter and oxygen.
Concept: Plant & Animal Interaction
©The University of Notre Dame 2010 developed by C McGunnigle
creating a budget for the garden Term: 2 Weeks: 2-10 • Explore healthy eating in relation to
and presenting it to the class. vegetable gardens and edible plants

Civics and Citizenship
• Discuss how communities can create
Geography more bee friendly areas in their town The Arts - Music
• Discuss native flowers of • Explore how orchestras are similar to
planning. Plant more flowers and have
different states and countries community gardens, (ACHASSK091) interactions between plants and animals, if one
• Discuss how flowers were is missing, it doesn’t sound the same,
brought to different countries. (ACAMUR087)
(ACHASSK087) • Explore music pieces about flowers and animals
ie. Vivaldi: Four seasons, Nikolai Rimsky-

Korsakov: Flight of the Bumblebee


General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
thinking Competence
Cross-curriculum priorities:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

5E’s- ENGAGE (1-2 lessons)

To capture student interest and find out what they know about flowering plants and bees

• To elicit students’ questions/ prior knowledge about living things
• Diagnostic assessment used- in this lesson you will find out what the students already know about flowers and flowering plants. This will allow you to take account of students’ existing ideas when
planning learning experiences

Science Science as Science Inquiry OBJECTIVE (include learner diversity) S
Understanding a Human Skills
Week 1 Living things With By the end DIAGNOSTIC Introduction 1. Do Visual Aid:
Lesson 1 depend on guidance, of the lesson • Start by asking students to name some parts of the human flowers https://www.twinkl
each other identify the students Work samples body. Tell students that this term they will be studying plants have body .com.au/resource/t
and the questions in will: of Parts of Plant and insects. parts like -t-14184-parts-of-a-
environmen familiar blank sheet people do? flower-foldable-
• Ask students to form groups to brainstorm key questions
t to survive contexts that Recognise Can you visual-aid-template
(ACSSU073) can be and label Anecdotal notes from next column. Share some answers with the class. name any? Parts of a plant
investigated the parts of and observation 2. Do Bees diagram:
scientifically a flower. of class Body have body https://www.twinkl
and make participation • Go through on the smart board what the parts of a flower are parts too? .com.au/resource/T
predictions Recognise and team and and called. Can you -T-043-Parts-of-a-
based on prior and label group • Repeat with parts of a bee on the board. think of plant-foundation
knowledge the parts of cooperation • Hand students blank Parts of a Plant and Bee Parts worksheet any? Online labelling tool
(ACSIS064) a bee and project same onto whiteboard. Play pin the part on the for SAER:
flower and bee with large flower and bee projection and pre
Collaborate diary.com/game/pa
in a group to cut labels as whole class, fill out sheets at same time. rts-of-a-flower-
share labeling.html
preconceive Conclusion
d ideas • Have students colour their flower and bee pictures and Pre cut labels for
about display them around the classroom on the science board. blank diagram
flowers and SAER- Allow students who struggle with reading and new words to use
bees. online labelling tool so they can hear words as they place them. Add A3 paper and
new words to word wall & spelling lists. markers
5E’s- EXPLORE (2-3 lessons)
• To provide hands on, shared experiences of pollination
• To support students to investigate and explore ideas about plant reproduction, pollination and how living things work together.
• Formative assessment

OBJECTIVE how) (include learner diversity)
Science Science as a Human Science Inquiry
Understanding Endeavour Skills

Week Living things Science With By the end of FORMATIVE Introduction 1. How do Bee Movie clip
2 depend on involves guidance, the lesson • Ask students to think pair share question 1. plants grow in retrieved from:
Lesson each other making identify students will: Collected • Watch first part of clip from Bee Movie from the wild https://www.yout
3 and the predictions questions in work sample without anyone ube.com/watch?v
1:00-3:05. Stop the clip before describing
environment and describing familiar Describe the from planting them? =oNWAiWBup2
pollination. Q
to survive patterns and contexts that relationship investigation
(ACSSU073) relationships can be between a sheets into 2. How do you
Body White
(ACSHE061) investigated flower and a checklist. predict a bee
• Think, pair, share question 2. polystyrene cups
scientifically bee to result might help
and make in pollination. Did students • Explain to students that they will get into pollination?
predictions make a investigation groups of three to demonstrate White pipe
based on prior Create a prediction how bees help flowers pollinate. 3. What is cleaners
knowledge model flower about the pollination?
• Split groups and have leaders collect equipment
(ACSIS064) and bee to experiment? How do bees Assorted colour
and prediction and observation sheet. powder paint
demonstrate help pollination
• Students build flower and bee models together of flowers?
their Have they
relationship in recorded • Ask each group to take their bee and move What did you Prediction and
facilitating observations? around to each desk pollinating each groups notice about observation sheet
pollination. flower. One student writing notes as they go. the pollen at retrieved from:
the end of the https://www.twin
• Have students complete focus questions 3 after
experiment? kl.com.au/resourc
experiment. e/t-m-510-
Was your
prediction science-
Conclusion experiment-
• Finish Bee Movie clip recording-sheet---

• Discuss as a class how the video and ey--ks1
investigation are similar and different to real life

SAER – manipulate groups to have range of abilities.

5E’s- EXPLAIN (1 lesson)
• To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make representations of developing conceptual understandings
• Formative assessment

OBJECTIVE (include learner diversity)
Science Science as a Human Science
Understanding Endeavour Inquiry Skills

Week 4 Living Science By the end of FORMATIVE Introduction Why is it Children’s

Lesson 5 things have involves the lesson • Read the book Oh Say Can You Seed by Dr Seuss. important to book Oh Say
life cycles making students will: Checklist: Refresh the students on what they have already know the life Can You Seed
(ACSSU072) predictions Were the learnt about plant and pollination. Note specifically stages of a by Dr Seuss
and Create a students able that the book is describing the life cycle of a plant. plant or
describing jigsaw puzzle to create a animal? Jigsaw
patterns and outlining the sequential Body templates
relationships life cycle jigsaw • Go through life cycles of flowering plant and bees on How can you
(ACSHE061) stages of a displaying the board. tell a plant is Thick
flowering the life cycle • Highlight animals that have different life cycles like at the cardboard
plant, a bee, of bees, flowering
butterflies and frogs go through them on the board
a butterfly flowers, frogs stage of it’s Life cycle
and a frog. or butterflies. life cycle? words and
• Students create jigsaw puzzles in pairs, cutting out pictures to
Complete a Can students template, gluing onto cardboard backing and cutting cut out of a
jigsaw puzzle complete a and gluing pictures and/or words of the lifecycle to bee,
describing jigsaw each puzzle piece. The puzzles will outline the life flowering
the showing the cycles of bees and flowering plants, frogs and plant,
relationships relationship butterflies. butterfly and
between between • Students swap jigsaws with other pairs and complete frog.
bees and bees and each other’s jigsaw puzzle Retrieved
flowers flowers from:
• Once students finished, they then use jigsaw
templates to create puzzles that describe the .twinkl.com.a
relationships between flowers and bees. u/search

• Ask students to think-pair-share key questions.
• Pin the puzzles to the science board

SAER- Some students can piece together jigsaws that are just
pictures of life cycles. Have advanced students complete the
jigsaws with just words or both words and pictures.
5E’s- ELABORATE (1-2 lessons)
• To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student planned investigation
• To use investigative/ inquiry skills
• Summative assessment of science inquiry skills

OBJECTIVE (include learner diversity)
Science Science as a Human Science Inquiry Skills
Understanding Endeavour

Week Living things Science Plan and conduct By the end of SUMMATIVE Introduction How do Seed
6 depend on involves scientific the lesson Science • Revise and think pair share key questions plants dispersal
Lesson each other making investigations to students will: Inquiry Skills • Play video on seed dispersal. grow in video
7 and predictions find answers to Rubric of the wild retrieved
the environ and describing questions, Identify the investigative Body without from:
ment to patterns and considering the methods of skills: • Discuss each method of seed dispersal (Wind, water, anyone http://educa
survive relationships safe use of seed dispersal animals or exploding) and criteria for a seed to use that planting tion.abc.net.
(ACSSU073) (ACSHE061) appropriate See rubric them? au/home#!/
method. Tell students they will investigate how seeds
materials and Work in Provided media/1063
equipment groups to set will be dispersed in the classroom. How can 88/
(ACSIS065) up an • Each group of students have six different seeds. Each you tell
Consider the investigation seed has a little fact sheet that explains what seed it is how a Seeds
elements of fair of the and where it came from (in a fruit, pod, off a tree etc.) seed
tests and use methods of • Have 4 stations around the room with different moves Fan
formal seed dispersal. from one
methods of dispersal at each station.
measurements place to Bowl of
and digital Observe and • Students investigate how each seed would be dispersed another? water
technologies as record the by testing at each station if it floats, can be blown away,
appropriate, to results of their sticks to a sock or would be digested or explode from a Are all Woollen
make and record investigation pod. Record results and claims on table plants the socks
observations same?
accurately Conclusion Seed info
(ACSIS066) • Discuss results as a class, which seeds travel by which sheets
Represent and method. Encourage students to ask questions
communicate Recording
• Highlight that many seeds are reliant on the
observations, Table
ideas and findings environment (wind, water, fire) and some are reliant on
using formal and other animals.
representations SAER- Manipulate groups to have a mixture of capabilities.
(ACSIS071) Supervise certain students closely to ensure correct
understanding of the task.
5E’s- EVALUATE (1 lesson)
• To provide opportunities to review and reflect on their learning about pollination and seed dispersal and represent what they know about flowering plants and bees
• Summative assessment of science understanding

OBJECTIVE (include learner diversity)
Science Science as a Human Science Inquiry Skills
Understanding Endeavour

Week 9 Living things Science Reflect on By the end SUMMATIVE Introduction 1. Why wont Dear Editor
Lesson have life involves investigations of this • Have large Dear Editor letter projected onto Sarah’s avocado Letter
10 cycles making including lesson, Checklist of whiteboard and read together as a class. Letter is tree produce projection and
(ACSSU072) predictions whether a test students will lesson from Sarah asking a gardening magazine why her any fruit? worksheets
and describing was fair or not have: objectives Why do plants
avocado tree isn’t producing fruit.
Living things patterns and (ACSIS069) grow flowers? Flowering plant
depend on relationships Explained Anecdotal • Ask students to complete key questions 1 on Why do plants and bee life
each other (ACSHE061) the notes about worksheets in discussion with table groups. grow fruit? cycle pictures
and the interactions student retrieved from:
environment between participation Body 2. What did you https://www.twi
to survive flowering and reflection • Provide each student with a new flowering plant think about nkl.com.au/sear
(ACSSU073) plants and of own work. and bee life cycle pictures from lesson three. Ask bees at the start ch
bees Were students students to cut out the pictures and glue them of the unit?
engaged in into their science journals in the order that they Has this
Explained topic? changed?
think best represents their lives.
the stages in Did they work Which part of
the life cycle and • Ask students to include labels and information the unit did you
of a collaborate about each stage and to include arrows that link enjoy most and
flowering with others the pictures. why?
plant and a well? Which part of
bee. Conclusion the unit did you
• Ask students to reflect on their learning during find most
Reflect on the unit. Discuss reflection questions in groups challenging?
their on A3 sheets of paper and then consolidate Why?
learning of feelings of the unit as a whole class. Is there
the science anything you
curriculum. SAER – Work closely with students who struggle to write are still curious
full sentences to ensure they can communicate their about?

* For safety considerations of all lessons please see weebly page

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