Letter Head Groups
Letter Head Groups
Letter Head Groups
ICL/IET/103/2018/16 15/10/2018
Kurukshetra University
The following Demand draft against the examination form fee of MBA, BBA, B. Tech, M.
Tech, B Arch and HMCT students as per cut list attached. Details of DD are as under:-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- As above
ICL/IET/103/2018/16 22/8/2018
ICL Hi Tech Educational Society
The Noddel Officer
Dear Sir,
1. It is submitted for your kind information that ICL Convent school have been prepared a
Joint FDR in favout of ICL Convent school & Director Secondary Education Haryana on
26/4/2018 for an amount of Rs 621000/-. The same FDR prepared erroneously. However we
cannot sent the FDR to any Director/formation. The same is available with the ICL Convent
2. We approached to your branch for cancelation but not canceled the same and asked NOC
from Director Secondary Education Haryana. Director Secondary Education Haryana not issued
the NOC because the same FDR is not required by the Department.
3. In view of the above, you are requested to direct your branch Dhanana to release the FDR
Copy to :-
All India Council for Tech Education
Nelson Mandela Marg,
Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi-110067
Dear Sir,
4. Kindly reference to provisional allotment of round 1,2 and 3 after counseling of admission
regarding J& K Students under Prime Minister’s special scholarship scheme ( PMSSS -2018-
2. It is submitted for your information that there is no admission found in ICL Hi Tech
Educational Society institutes found in the above mentioned provision allotments for the
academic year 2018-19. Whereas 2 to 5 students have been admitted every year in our following
Institutes since 2012-13. All our following institutes full fill all the requisites and approved by the
AICTE for the academic year 2018-19:-
5. 4. Therefore, you are requested to give us J&K student’s admission to our above
mentioned institutes under Prime Minister’s special scholarship scheme ( PMSSS -2018-19).
The Member Secretary
Haryana State Pollution Control Board
SCO-180, IInd Floor, Sector- 5
2. AXIS Bank draft No 000818 dated 07/8/2018 for Rs 351/- (Rupees Three hundred
and fifty one only) is enclosed herewith on account of payment of Water CESS pending
Bill for the period from 01/04/2017 to 30/6/2017 as desired please.
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
The Dean of Colleges
Kurukshetra University
2. It is clarified that the ICL Institute of Engineering & Technology has not any another
identity. It is a part of “ICL Group of Colleges” and has the same address mentioned in the
Advertisement got Published is i.e. Village- Sountli, PO-Shahzadpur, Distt- Ambala
(Haryana) running under the same Management and moreover for next time we will got
advertisement published by the Institute name rather the name of trust.
3. Therefore, you are requested to accept this advertisement for our all Institution this
Thanking you.
The Member Secretary
Haryana State Pollution Control Board
C-11, Sector-06,
Subject : Grant of consent for emission of Air under section 21/22 of the Air
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, from 01 /04/ 2018 to 29/11/2026
2. In view of the above, you are requested to grant of consent for emission of Air under
section 21/22 of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, from 01 /04/ 2018 to
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
The Dean of Colleges
Kurukshetra University
1. It is submitted for your information that ICL Hi Tech Educational Society /ICL Group of
Colleges is having the following Technical Institutes at Village. Sontli, PO-Shahzadpur,
Distt- Ambala (Haryana):-
2 On 09 Mar 2018 ICL Group of Colleges has published an advertisement for requirement of
staff as mentioned in the advertisement.
3. This time the advertisement has been published for all institutes collectively, Next time
separate advertisement for each institute will be published.
4. Therefore, you are requested to accept this advertisement for ICL Institute of Management
& Technology.
Thanking you.
The Dean of Colleges
Kurukshetra University
2 The required information in respect of all Institutions of ICL Group of Colleges is attached
as desired please.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
The Joint Director,
Haryana State Technical Education Society (HSTES)
Bay Nos7-123, Sector-4, Pachkula(Haryana)
2 The required information regarding confirmation for seats for Admission to Lateral Entry to
B Tech and Diploma Engg for the session 2017-18 is attached please
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Respected Sir
(a) Reduction in Intake in B. Tech Mechanical Engineering from 180 Seats to 120
Seats and in B. Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) from 120
seats to 60 Seats at ICL Institute of Engineering & Technology ,at village - Sountli, PO-
Shahzadpur, Distt-Ambala(Haryana).
3. You are requested to issue No objection certificate as per AICTE Approval Process Hand
Book 2018-19. Format -19 is attached for your signature please. The same is required by AICTE.
Yours faithfully,
The Secretary
M.C/Fire In charge
Naraingarh (Ambala)
1. It is submitted for your information that ICL Hi Tech Educational Society is having
the following Technical Institutes at Village. Sontli, PO-Shahzadpur, Distt- Ambala
(f) ICL Institute of Engineering & Technology.
(g) ICL Institute of Management & Technology.
(h) ICL Institute of B Architecture & Town Planning
(i) ICL Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology
(j) ICL Institute of Technical Education.
2. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is required Fire Safety Certificate
issued by the Competent Authority.
3. In view of the above you are requested to Issue aFire Safety Certificate in favour of ICL
Hi Tech Educational Society.
3. Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
The Member Secretary
Haryana State Pollution Control Board
C-11, Sector-06,
Subject : WATER CESS BILL FOR THE PERIOD FROM 01/04/2017 TO 30/6/2017
2. AXIS Bank draft No 000818 dated 17/1/2018 for Rs 351/- (Rupees Three hundred
and fifty one only) is enclosed herewith on account of payment of Water CESS Bill for the
period from 01/04/2017 to 30/6/2017 as desired please.
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
The Principal
Govt Industrial Training Institute
Yamuna Nagar(Haryana)
1. Kindly refer to your letter Memo No 8059 dated 13/11/2017 on the subject cited
2. It is certified that Mr Sher Singh was worked with ICL Institute of Engineering &
Technology, Sountli, PO-Shahzadpur, Distt- Ambala (Haryana) and it is also certified that
the experience certificated dated 22 Aug 2010 issued to Mr Sher Singh is correct and
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
The Regional Officer
Haryana State Pollution Control Board
C-11, Sector-06,
Subject : Show Cause Notice for no –compliance under e-Waste (Management &
Handling) (Rules,2016
2. The required Annual Report under E-Waste as per Form-3 for 2016 is forwarded
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
Respected Sir,
CL Saini
ICL Group Of Colleges
Respected Sir,
1. Kindly refer to our mail dated 02 Oct 2017 on the subjected above.
2. With due respect, we would like to submit that following FDRs have been matured
and the applications for the issue of NOCs for the encashment of these FDRs have
been submitted on AICTE web portal on 07/07/2017.
3. All the observations raised have already been settled. The following status shown in
the web portal:-
(a) First time status shown in the web portal is submitted to
Complaint/Vigilance Cell.
(b) Second time after some day status shown in the web portal is “FDR
Already released”. Thereafter on some inquiry/correspondence the status
has been again changed.
(c) Third time status shown in the web portal is submitted to
Complaint/Vigilance Cell.
(d) Forth Time/ Present status shown in the web portal is Deficient
Noted. , but what type of deficiency not shown in the web portal.
3. In view of the above, your good self is kindly requested to look into the matter and
do send us the deficiency for settle.
(a) ICL Institute of Hotel management & Catering Technology (FDR no.
448000PR00011606 dated 01/06/2009 for Rs. 15.00 Lac and date of Maturity is
01/06/2017). Permanent ID 1-13919931.
(b) ICL Institute of Architecture & Town Planning (FDR no. 448000PR00011420
dated 20/05/2009 for Rs. 15.00 Lac and date of maturity is 20/05/2017.). Permanent ID
ICL/Scholarship/J&K/102/01 27/10/2017
The Director
Government of Jammu and Kashmir
Directorate of Social Welfare
Jammu (J&K)
2. The required information duly signed by the Nodal Officer is forwarding herewith for
Registration in respect of our following institutes to enable the students studying in these
institutes to register and claim the SC/ST and OBC scholarships of J & K Government :-
3. You are requested to register the name of our institutes in your website to claim the
SC/ST and OBC scholarships of J&K.
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Account/103/15 25/10/2017
1. This is with reference to our earlier request dt.17/10/2017 for direct transfer of salary to
employees account vide letter dated 17/10/2017 amount of Rs 11, 23,799 (Rs Eleven Lac twenty
three thousand seven hundred ninty nine only) from our account no. 915010026447586.
2. There was one mistake in account number for transfer of salary to account no.
917010020219545 IFSC Code UTIB0002314 amounting to t Rs 31740/- ( Rs Thirty one thousand
seven hundred forty only) in the name of Ashutsoh Bilves ,whice was wrongly mentioned in letter
32756806988 of State bank of India, IFSC Code SBIN0002294. The same is not released due to
wrong account detail.
3. In view of the above you are requested to release the salary in the correct account
no.917010020219545 (Axis bank) IFSC Code UTIB0002314.
Thanking You.
Yours Faithfully,
Dear Sir/Madam
1. I would like to bring to your notice that ICL Group of Colleges, Sountli have been
submitted salary amount of employer on 18/10/2017 for further credited in the employer accounts
as mentioned in the list . All the salary amount have been credited in the account Mentioned in the
list on the same date i.e 18/10/2017, but the Salary Rs 31740/-(Rupees thirty one thousand seven
hundred and forty only) has not been credited in the account of Mr Mr. Ashutosh Bilves, A/C No
32756806988 at State Bank of India Yet now.
Therefore you are requested Please credited the amount 31740 in the account of
I requested you please look into this case and oblige.
2. You are requested to issue the same to him on behalf of the undersigned. Three specimen
signature of Mr Manish Singh are as under:-
ICL Group of Colleges
The Manager
Punjab National Bank
SCO248, Sec-20
Panchkula (Haryana)
1. It is submitted for your information that the following Joint FDRs with AICTE was matured
and the application submitted to AICTE web portal on 07/07/2017.
3. AICTE raised some observation on 11/7/2017 and the same have been settled and
application against submitted. The present status shown in the web portal is “FDR Already release”
but Bank name and account No not mentioned under which the mature amount credited. .Screen
saves is attached for your information please.
4. In view of the above your are requested to intimate the mature amount of the above
mentioned FDRs in which account No have been credited.
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
1. It is submitted for your information that the following Joint FDRs with AICTE was matured
and the application submitted to AICTE web portal on 07/07/2017.
3. AICTE raised some observation on 11/7/2017 and the same have been settled and
application against submitted. The present status shown in the web portal is “FDR Already release”
but Bank name and account No not mentioned under which the mature amount credited. .Screen
saves is attached for your information please.
4. In view of the above your are requested to intimate the mature amount of the above
mentioned FDRs in which account No have been credited.
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
2. Registration Return for students as per RF-6, RF-21 and RF-22 duly completed
along with connected documents are forwarded herewith in respect of the following
institutes for your necessary action please:-
ICL Group of Colleges
The Member Secretary
Haryana State Pollution Control Board
C-11, Sector-06,
Subject : WATER CESS BILL FOR THE PERIOD FROM 01/04/2016 TO 31/03/2017
2. AXIS Bank draft No ---------------dated ------Jun 2017 for Rs 1404/- (Rupees one
thousand four hundred and four only) is enclosed herewith on account of payment of
Water CESS Bill for the period from 01/04/2016 to 31/3/2017 as desired please.
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
2. You are requested to issue the same to him on behalf of the undersigned. Three specimen
signature of Mr Shashi Bhushan are as under:-
ICL Group of Colleges
The Member Secretary
Haryana State Pollution Control Board
C-11, Sector-06,
Subject : WATER CESS BILL FOR THE PERIOD FROM 01/04/2016 TO 31/03/2017
2. AXIS Bank draft No ---------------dated ------Jun 2017 for Rs 1404/- (Rupees one
thousand four hundred and four only) is enclosed herewith on account of payment of
Water CESS Bill for the period from 01/04/2016 to 31/3/2017 as desired please.
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
Dear Sir,
All other institutes for B Tech LEET, Diploma , Diploma LEET, MBA, B Arch are invisible on
the dropdown of the portal.
May we request you to make the institute visible on the dropdown of the portal
to enable the institutes to check the status of the sanctioned of all institutes and vacant
seats for the B Tech LEET and Diploma LEET students also.
Director General
The Joint Director,
Haryana State Technical Education Society (HSTES)
Bay Nos7-123, Sector-4, Pachkula(Haryana)
2 The required information regarding confirmation for seats for Admission to Lateral Entry to
B Tech and Diploma Engg for the session 2017-18 is attached Please
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
The Joint Director,
Haryana State Technical Education Society (HSTES)
Bay Nos7-123, Sector-4, Pachkula(Haryana)
2 The details of seats is required to be filled in B.Tech & Diploma 2nd year through LEET for
Session 2017-18 are as under:-
B Tech
Ser Branch Total Sanction 20% of Vacant + Left Total Intake for
No Intake for the Sanctioned Over Seats in Lateral Entry Course
session 2016-17 Intake of 2016- 2016-17 for the session 2017-
17 18
1 B Tech CSE 60 12 43 55
2 B Tech ECE 120 24 119 143
3 B Tech IT 60 12 56 68
2 Dip(Electrical) 60 12 43 55
3 Dip (ECE) 60 12 57 69
4 Dip(CSE) 60 12 48 60
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
The Director
Department of SC/ST
Block A , Officer’s Hostel
Balley Road , Patna, Bihar
2. ICL Group of Colleges was empanelled for release of Post Mtric Scholarship to the
students of Bihar studying in the following institutes:-
3. The security deposit of Rs 5, 00,000/- (Five Lakh only) through AXIS Bank Patna
DD No 092215 dated 31/7/2015 was deposited in your office.
4. It is requested that the security amount of Rs 5, 00,000/- (Five Lakh only) deposited be
refunded to our origination.
Thanking You.
Yours faithfully
ICL Group of Colleges
Statistical Information for the session 2016-17 on the enclosed Proforma in excel sheet
Tue 11/29/2016, 7:44 PM
(No message text)
Thu 12/22/2016, 3:36 PM
Respected Sir, 1. Kindly refer to your mail dated 28/11/2016 on the subject cited above. 2. The
required statistical Information for the session 2016-17 in respect of ICL Group of Colleges
Institutes are attached as per proforma received vide your mail under
1. Kindly reference to your letter /Reminder-II No CB/Statistical/17/6668-6768 dated 22/3/2017.
2. The required information regarding ICL Group of colleges have already been submitted by mail
on 29/11/2016. The same information is again attached for your information please.
The application for the new registration number of the ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society has been submitted
online to the Registrar of Societies Panchkula. The screen shot of submission is enclosed for perusal.
The hard copy of the application along with the associated documents would be prepared by me and
submitted on 22 Feb 2017 to Registrar of Societies Panchkula.
The address of the Society is old 372, since it is in the database despite my changing number of times, it
reverts back to old address. We would change the address online once the application is approved.
At present the application status is shown as pending. On approval by the Registrar, it would show status as
Long pending exercise of the new registration number of Society is finally coming to close.
It is certified that ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society has got the following Institutes and have
not received any Fee/Fund directly from the SC Students at the time of admission or
The Registrar
Kurukshetra University
Subject :
2. Three specimen signature of the above named staff member are as under:-
ICL Group of Colleges
Board of Governors
S.No Name Address Profession Designation
4. Smt Savita Prabhakar H.No 628, Sector 10, Social Work Member
9 Col J.S.Virk(Retd) Director General Administration Member
Officer, ICL Group of
Colleges, Sountli
10. Prof. Ravindra Pratap Principal, ICL Educationist Member
Institute of Secretary
Architecture & Town
1. Resolve that the governing body of ICL Hi-Tech Education Society has planned to
submit the application for new registration number of the existing ICL Hi-Tech Educational
Society under Sec 9(4) of the Haryana Registration and Regulation of the Societies Act
2. The above resolution has been duly passed in the meeting of the Governing Body
From :
Shri Sanjiv Kumar Prabhakar,
President, ICL Hi-Tech Education Society
H No 628, Sector 10, Panchkula(Haryana) 134109
The District Registrar of Societies.
Sector-4, Panchkula (Haryana)
1. Pursuant to the provisions of section 9(4) of the Haryana Registration and Regulation of
Societies Act . 2012, I Sanjiv Kumar Prabhakar, President of ICL Hi- Tech Education
Society having registration No 94 dated 2007-08 duly authorized by the Governing body of the
society vide resolution No ________ dated ________, hereby apply for allotment of a new
registration number.
(ix) Towards fee(Required to be paid only if this application is being filed after expiry of
one year from the date of coming in to force of the Haryana registration and
Regulation of the Societies Act, 2012.
(x) Affidavit.
3. It is certified that the Memorandum and the Byelaws of the Society, as being presented
before you, are conforming to the model bylaws and the provisions of the Haryana Registration
and Regulation of the Societies Act. 2012.
4. It is further certified that the registered office of the Society shall be as under for all future
correspondence may be addressed to the Society at its said registered address, namely:-
Name & Complete Address of the Society with the Pin Code :
(Existing as well as New)
5. It is requested that the society may be allotted a new registration number and a fresh
certificate of registration be issued.
The Asst Registrar (Colleges)
( Dean of Colleges)
Kurukeshtra University
1. Kindly refer to your letter No CG/-16/141334-141422 dated 25/10/2016.on the subject cited
2. Annual Inspection Fee and Annual Continuation Fee for the session 2017-18 in respect
of the following Institutions is enclosed herewith :-
Arch & TP
(d) ICL Institute of 30,000/- 25,000/- 55,000/-
Total 1,20,000/- 1,00,000/- 2,20,000/
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- One DD
2. Revised Registration Return for the session 2016-17 as per RF-6, RF-21 and RF-
22 duly completed along with connected documents are forwarded herewith in respect of
the following institutes for your necessary action please:-
ICL/GPA/2016/10 15/11/2016
The Principal
Govt Poly Tech Ambala
Ambala (Haryana)
1. It is submitted for your information that due to change of staff from Institutes the
mail ID of the old staff has been changed. You are requested to send all the mails on the
following mail ID in respect of the ICL Group of Colleges with immediate effect :-
Director General
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/HP/ST/105/54 8/11/2016
The Director
Higher Education Himachal Pradesh
Shimla (HP) 171001
3. You are requested to release the scholarship for the year 2015-16.
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/HR/105/2016/18 02/12/2016
The Sub Divisional Judicial Magistrate
Dera Bassi. (PB)
ICL/HR/105/2016/17 02/11/2016
The Sub Divisional Judicial Magistrate
Dera Bassi. (PB)
Director General
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Admin/105/2016/16 02/11/2016
The Director General
Technical Education Deptt , Haryana
Bays No 7-12, Sec-4
1. Kindly refer to your Memo No 177-873/SFC dated 23/8/2016 and Memo No 895-
1495/SFC dated 25/10/2016 on the subject cited above.
2. Copy of the required information as per format received vide your letter/ Memo
under reference is forwarded herewith.
Director General
ICL Group of Colleges
All India Council for Tech Education
Nelson Mandela Marg,
Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi-110067
Dear Sir,
2. It is submitted for your information that the following Institutes of ICL Group
Colleges are already approved by AICTE since 2008, only seven years is old :-
3. The Copies of the Occupancy Certificate issued by the local competent authority
prevailing at the time of sanction of building plans are attached herewith in respect of the
above mentioned Institutes.
The above resolution has been duly passed in the meeting of the Governing Body
and is duly entered in the Minutes of the Society.
Sukriti Prabhakar
ICL/PMS/105/2016/16 06/10/2016
The Principal
Govt. Poly Technical
Ambala City
1. Kindly refer to DTE Endst No 3247-3696/SC Scholarship Cell dated 27/9/2016 and your
office mail dated 04/10/2016 on the subject cited above.
this connection a conformation letter have already been submitted to DTE with a copy to your
office vide letter No ICL/PMS/105/2016/15 dated 03/10/2016 copy attached.
4. You are requested to release the PMS for the Session 2015-16 at the earliest.
ICL/PMS/105/2016/15 03/10/2016
The Director,
Technical Education Deptt , Haryana
Bays No 7-12, Sec-4
2. Kindly refer to your Endst No 3247-3696/SC Scholarship Cell dated 27/9/2016 on the
subject cited above.
2. With due respect I would like to bring your kind notice that we have installed Biometric
Attendance machine in our ICL Group of Colleges for the purpose of attendance of SC Category
students. Your good self is requested to release the PMS for the Session 2015-16 at the earliest.
Director General
Copy to :-
ICL/HP/ST/105/53 7/11/2016
The Director
Higher Education Himachal Pradesh
Shimla (HP) 171001
Subject: - Dual Benefit and wrong authenticating under Post Metric SC/ST
Scholarship Scheme.
credited in Application ID No 201400158806 Satpal Singh S/O Gullu due to wrong bank
account No and verification.
Copy to :-
2. Registration Return for students as per RF-6, RF-21 and RF-22 duly completed
along with connected documents are forwarded herewith in respect of the following
institutes for your necessary action please:-
ICL Group of Colleges
The Member Secretary
Haryana State Pollution Control Board
C-11, Sector-06,
Subject : WATER CESS BILL FOR THE PERIOD FROM 01/04/2016 TO 31/03/2017
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
Colleges, who are claiming PMS, 2nd installment for the year 2015-16 have been
mentioned against their name as per list attached. It is also certified that the attendance
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/BBA/105/53 23/8/2016
1. Kindly refer to your letter No CT-III/16/37041 dated 11/8/2016 on the subject cited above.
2. AXIs Bank Dhanana Bank Draft No 000364 dated 22/8/2016 for an amount of Rs 15,000/-
(Rupees fifteen thousand only) on account of Centre Retention Fee in respect of BBA Examination
centre for the academic year 2016-17 is forwarded herewith.
ICL Group of Colleges
The Director
Higher Education Himachal Pradesh
Shimla (HP) 171001
Subject: - Dual Benefit and wrong authenticating under Post Metric SC/ST Scholarship
2. It has been checked from our record that no applicant applied twice during. the same year
by selected different Options in the same field. The list of verified student of the Institute for
2014-15 for SC/ST/OBC is enclosed for verification. You are requested to intimate the details of
any such student, if any.
3. It is regretted that same account number has been verified for two different students. The
students have been apprised and transfer of scholarship amount is being transferred to the
effected student account. It would be resolved at the Institute level.
ICL/Admin/105/53 16/8/2016
Dear Sir,
2. AXIS Bank Ltd Dhanana demand draft No 000362 dated 16/8/2016 for an amount of Rs
20,000/- (Rupees Twenty thousand only) is forwarded herewith on account of partially payment
of Consent/Authorization Fee for the period from 30/11/2016 to 29/11/2026.
Yours faithfully
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/IET/103/33 27/7/2016
The Dean of the Colleges
Kurukshetra University
2. The required information in respect of the following institutes are forwarded herewith:-
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Admin/105/51 30/6/2016
Dear Sir,
2. AXIS Bank ltd Dhanana demand draft No 000344 dated 30/6/2016 for an amount of Rs
20,000/- (Rupees Twenty thousand only) on account of Sample Testing Fee under Water Act/Air
Act for the year 2016-17 is forwarded herewith.
Yours faithfully
ICL Group of Colleges
It is certified that attendance in respect of the students pertaining to ICL Group of Colleges,
who are claiming PMS for the year 2015-16 have been mentioned against their name as per list
attached. It is also certified that the attendance of the students is more than 80 %.
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Reg/2015/02 08/6/2016
Respected Sir,
1. It is submitted for your information that the students mentioned in the attached list have
been left out from respective Colleges and they have not paid development fund to their
respective College.
2. In view of the above, you are requested to delete their name from our college registration
return list. and development fund in respect of these students may please be not charge.
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/SC/ST/Tripura/01 16/5/2016
The Director
Higher Education Department
Government of Tripura
Respected Sir,
Programme Coordidnator
Youth Red Cross Unit
Kurukshetra University
1. Please refer to your letter No dsw/pc/ycr/16/349-360 DATED 1/4/2016 on the subject cited
2. Youth Red Cross Fee for the session 2015-16 in respect of the following Institution is
forwarded herewith:-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- One
Department of Youth & Cultural Affairs
Kurukshetra University
1. Please refer to your letter No DY & CA/13/7681, 7675,7679 dated 24/7/2013 on the
subject cited above.
2. Youth Welfare Fee for the session 2015-16 in respect of the following Institution is
forwarded herewith:-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- One
ICL/DTE/103/03 29/4/2016
The Registrar
Kurukeshtra University
1. Please refer to your letter No DPA-II/HHP /2009-10 dated 29 Dec 2009 on the subject cited
2. Holiday Home Fee for the session 2015-16 in respect of the following Institutes is forwarded
herewith :-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl ;- One
ICL/KUK/103/04 29/4/2016
The Co-Ordinator,KUK
Dr Radhakrishnan Foundation Fund
Kurukeshtra University
2. Dr Radhakrishnan Foundation Fund for the session 2015-16 in respect of the following
Institutes is forwarded herewith :-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encls :- One
ICL/DTE/103/05 29/4/2016
The Secretary
Kurukeshtra University Alumni Association
1. Please refer to your letter No KUAA/10/112-158 dated 15/6/2010 on the subject cited
2. Alumni Fee for the session 2015-16 in respect of the following Institutes is forwarded
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl ;- One
ICL/IET/NSS/103/06 29/4/2016
The Prog. Coordinator (NSS)
Kurukeshtra University
2. NSS Fee for the session 2015-16 in respect of the following Institutes is enclosed
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- One
ICL/Sports/103/07 29/4/2016
The Secretary
Kurukeshtra University Sports Council
1. Please refer to your letter No Sports/ 11/16307-16722 dated 13/6/2011 on the subject cited
2 Sports Registration and Tournament Fee for the session 2015-16 in respect of the following
Institutes are enclosed herewith :-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- One
2. It is submitted for your kind consideration that presently we are not is a position to
pay the University dues amounting to Rs 16, 38.000/- for the year 2015-16 owing to the
fact that we are running into huge financial crisis because of the delay in the receipt of
scholarship from various state Govts as per the details given below:-
3. In view of the foregoing you are requested to make a dispensation in case and
kindly issue necessary instructions for the release of the Admit cards of the students for
the forthcoming examinations of the even semester scheduled in May 2016.
4. We, undertake to pay our University dues positively on release of the funds locked
up in the form of scholarship due from various state Govts.
ICL Group of Colleges
The Director,
Technical Education Deptt , Haryana
Bays No 7-12, Sec-4
Sub : - Regarding intake of Diploma (Engg) Lateral Entry for the session 2016-17
2 The details of seats is required to be filled in B.Tech / Diploma 2nd year through LEET for
Session 2016-17 are as under:-
B Tech
Ser Branch Total Present Vacant Through Net required Remarks
No Sanction strength seats LEET20% seats for
Intake in as on of total 2016-
2015-16 date intake 17(LEET)
A B C=(A-B) D E=(C+D)
1 B Tech CSE 60 20 40 12 52
2 B Tech ECE 120 3 117 24 141
3 B Tech IT 60 2 58 12 70
4 B Tech Mech 180 31 149 36 185
5 B tech Civil 120 42 78 24 102
Total 540 98 442 108 550
1 Dip(civil) 120 61 59 24 83
2 Dip(Electrical) 60 38 22 12 34
3 Dip Electronic 60 03 57 12 69
4 Dip(CSE) 60 20 40 12 52
5 Dip (Mech) 180 74 106 36 142
Total 480 196 284 96 380
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Gen/102/02 05/2/2016
Dear Sir,
2. It is submitted for your information that Prof SK Guppta have already submitted
complaint regarding non –Payment of salary to Director Technical Education Haryana ,
Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra and Council of Architecture , New Delhi.
payment of salary to him and advised him to take action according to the direction issued
by Director Tech Education Haryana Government dated 08/9/2015 reads that “ the
District and Session Judges in the State of Haryana have been authorized to hear
the appeals of the employees of aided/unaided technical institutions against
decision of management within their jurisdiction by the Hona’ble Punjab & Haryana
High Court, Chandigarh vide No 23414 Gaz.II/IX.C.11 dated 10-8-2005.”
4. Copy of the following letters are also attached for your information please:-
(a) Letter No ICL/Gern/102/25 dated 20 Nov 2013 address to The Registrar Council of
Architecture, New Delhi.
(b) Letter No ICL/Gern/102/26 dated 20 Nov 2013 address to The Director General,
Technical Education Haryana, Panchkula.
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
1. Kindly refer to your letter No CG-II/15/11-400 dated 02/01/2016 on the subject cited
2. The position of library of the Institutes of the ICL Group of Colleges, Sountli,
PO_ Shahzadpur, Distt-Ambala (Haryana) 134202 is enclose as Appendix “A”.
3. In order to arrese the decreasing standard of education, the quality faculties and
innovation process have been initiated.
4. The details of the girls in the institutes and hostel are enclosed as Appendix “B”.
5. The sports and other cultural activities are celebrated. The sports day, cricket and
fresher’s day are celebrated.
The Secretary
SC/ ST Welfare Department
Patna. Bihar
Respected Sir,
1. We have already submitted scholarship application in each and every district for the
academic year 2014-15 & 2013-14.
2. Now we are producing undertaking affidavit duly attested by notary in Rs 100 non judicial
stamp paper along with entire document.
2. You are requested to issue the same to him on behalf of the undersigned. Three specimen
signature of Mr Malkit Singh are as under:-
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/DTE/103/13 06/01/2016
The Director-General,
Technical Education Department,
Haryana Bays No.7-12,
2. It is submitted for your information that admission files in respect of the following
students of ICL Group of Colleges had been taken by the Inspection team from
Registrar Office on 15 Jan 2015 :--
3. You are requested to return the admission files in respect of above mentioned
students for our records and reference.
ICL Group of Colleges
I, Sanjeev Kumar Prabhakar, President ICL Hi- Tech Educational Society, hereby
undertake to confirm that all admission of Diploma and Diploma LEET done by ICL Institute of
Technical Education were done before the closing date of 15 Aug 2015.
I also hereby confirm to undertake that only correction/updating were done on 28 Sep 2015
and 29 Sep 2015 and no new admission was made during this period.
04 Jan 2016
1. Kindly refer to your letter No HSTES/UGPG/3326-56 dated 21/10/2015 on the subject cited
1. It is hereby authorize Col J.S Virk( Retd) Director of ICL Group of Colleges to pursue the
work regarding Post Metric Scholarship in respect of the students of ICL Group of Colleges (
B Tech, MBA, BBA, B Arch, HMCT and Diploma Course ) belonging to Bihar State.
2. Col J.S Virk ( Retd,) Director of ICL Group of Colleges have all powers to take decisions with
regards to the Post Metric Scholarship in respect of the students of B Tech, MBA, BBA, B Arch,
HMCT and Diploma Course of the Bihar State for the academic year 2014-15 and 2013-14.
The Superintendent (Colleges)
Kurukeshtra University
1. Kindly refer to your letter No CG/-II & III/15/31256-355 dated 16/11/2015.on the subject cited
2. Annual Inspection Fee and Annual Continuation Fee for the session 2016-17 in respect
of the following Institutions is enclosed herewith :-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- Four DD
Department of Youth & Cultural Affairs
Kurukshetra University
1. Please refer to your letter No DY & CA/13/7681, 7675,7679 dated 24/7/2013 on the
subject cited above.
2. Youth Welfare Fee for the session 2015-16 in respect of the following Institution is
forwarded herewith:-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- Four
The Registrar
Kurukeshtra University
1. Please refer to your letter No DPA-II/HHP /2009-10 dated 29 Dec 2009 on the subject cited
2. Holiday Home Fee for the session 2015-16 in respect of the following Institutes is forwarded
herewith :-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl ;- Four DD
The Co-Ordinator,KUK
Dr Radhakrishnan Foundation Fund
Kurukeshtra University
2. Dr Radhakrishnan Foundation Fund for the session 2015-16 in respect of the following
Institutes is forwarded herewith :-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encls :- four DD
The Secretary
Kurukeshtra University Alumni Association
1. Please refer to your letter No KUAA/10/112-158 dated 15/6/2010 on the subject cited
2. Alumni Fee for the session 2015-16 in respect of the following Institutes is forwarded
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl ;- Four DD
The Prog. Coordinator (NSS)
Kurukeshtra University
2. NSS Fee for the session 2015-16 in respect of the following Institutes is enclosed
ICL Group of Colleges
The Secretary
Kurukeshtra University Sports Council
1. Please refer to your letter No Sports/ 11/16307-16722 dated 13/6/2011 on the subject cited
2 Sports Registration and Tournament Fee for the session 2015-16 in respect of the following
Institutes are enclosed herewith :-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- Four DD
Ms Rajkumari Chauhan
W/O Sh Jaswant Singh
Naraingarh Vill- Kurali, Teh-Naraingarh
Distt- Ambala (Haryana)
1. Kindly refer to the agreement for the Shahzadpur hostel building hired by
ICL Group of Colleges dated 08/08/2015.
2. It is intimated that due to the non occupancy of the building by the students, the
hostel is being vacated and ready for handover.
3. In view of the above, the notice is hereby given that hostel building would be handed over
to you by 25 Dec 2015. The security amount given for one month would be adjusted against the
current rent.
4. You are requested to make the arrangement for taking over the building.
ICl Group of Colleges
The Director
SC/ST welfare Department
ICL Group of Colleges
Dr Savita Sharma
ICl Institute of Management & Technology
Regarding Removal of deficiency PMS claim for the year 2014-15 1st Installment
Brig. NP Sharma
Col Virk;Suprindent;Tue 11/3/2015 1:33 PM
You replied on 11/4/2015 3:34 PM.
From: govt polytechnic [mailto:pmsscamb@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 3:39 PM
To: Brig. NP Sharma; registrar@iclhitech.com
Cc: govt polytechnic
Subject: Regarding Removal of deficiency PMS claim for the year 2014-15 1st Installment
During the checking of the application forms submitted for the claim of Post Matric Scholarship
(PMS) for the year 2014-15 it has been found that the complete documents like copy of the Aadhaar
card, Bank pass book, latest income certificate (July 2014) etc has not been attached with the PMS
application form so you are requested to kindly co-ordinate with the PMS cell at Govt. Polytechnic,
Ambala City to remove the deficiencies at the earliest for release of the Post Matric Scholarship.
Anil Ohri
Co-ordinator PMS
Govt. Polytechnic
Ambala City
Principal GP Ambala <gpambala@hry.nic.in>;govt polytechnic <pmsscamb@gmail.com>;Brig.
NP Sharma;Col Virk;Satish Parbhakar;President;
Respected sir,
2. The deficiency raised vide your mail under reference has been settled and
remarks given against the name of each student.
CL Saini
ICL Group Of Colleges
2. The copy of following documents for five Institute of ICL Group of Colleges are
enclosed herewith:-
3. You are requested to issue the User ID & Password for all the five institutes
ICL Group of Colleges
2. The copy of following documents for five Institute of ICL Group of Colleges are
enclosed herewith:-
3. You are requested to issue the User ID & Password for all the five institutes
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Admin/105/11 08/10/2015
Panchkula (Haryana)
Dear Sir,
2. AXIS Bank ltd Dhanana demand draft No 000230 dated 08/10/2015 for an amount
of Rs 4500/- (Rupees four thousand and five hundred only) on account of Sample
Testing Fee under Water Act/Air Act for the year 2015-16 is forwarded herewith.
Yours faithfully
ICL Group of Colleges
2. The copy of following documents for five Institute of ICL Group of Colleges are
enclosed herewith:-
3. You are requested to issue the User ID & Password for all the five institutes
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/DTE/103/13 07/10/2015
The Director-General,
Technical Education Department,
Haryana Bays No.7-12,
2. It is submitted for your information that admission files in respect of the following
students of ICL Group of Colleges had been taken by the Inspection team from
Registrar Office on 15 Jan 2015 :--
3. You are requested to return the admission files in respect of above mentioned
students for our records and reference..
ICL Group of Colleges
Dear Sir,
Ruchiura Paper Mill, Kala Amb for the benefit of the students. The Visit is part of the
academics circular of the students and 40 students would be visiting the industry at Kala
2. The Institute has proposed to sent 40 seats College bus No HR 68A-2134 to Kala
Amb .You are requested to allow permission to ply bus to Kala Amb
Admin Officer
ICL Group of Colleges
(Name of the student
As per list attached)
1. It is hereby intimated to you that since you have neither attended any class after
your admission nor appeared in the MSTs as well as the Final Exam for the courses for
which you were admitted, your admission for the said course hereby stands cancelled.
2. A copy of this letter is also placed on the Institute Notice Board for the information
of all concerned.
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/DTE/103/12 29/9/2015
The Director-General,
Technical Education Deptt, Haryana
Bays No.7-12, Sector-4
2. It is submitted that due to a clerical error we had not submitted to you the correct
state of vacant seats available in B. Tech (Civil) and Diploma (Electrical) , for admission
through LEET for the Session 2015-16.
4. Details of students initially admitted in the above courses and subsequently left the
Institute are attached as given below:-
5. It is also submitted that the above mentioned students were duly notified vide our
letter No ICL/103/05 dated 01 Feb 2015 that their admission to the respective courses
stand cancelled since they have neither attended the classes nor appeared in MSTs or
Final Exams of 1st Semester of the respective courses.
7. In view of the above you are requested to accord sanction to fill up the vacant seats
as given in Para 3 above.
Yours Sincerely,
ICL Group of Colleges
2. Registration Return for students as per RF-6, RF-21 and RF-22 duly completed
along with connected documents are forwarded herewith in respect of the following
institutes for your necessary action please:-
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/DTE/103/11 16/9/2015
2. It is submitted that students in question were admitted provisionally and all of them
have backed out except one student Shailender Rajbhar S/O Amar Nath.
3. In view of above it is requested that fine for Rs 1000/- for one student may be
ICL Group of Colleges
Mr Sukhwinder Singh S/O Gulzar Singh has been appointed as Lecturer with
effect from 16 Sep 2014 in the ICL Institute of Engineering & Technology , Sountli,
It has been observed that you have been highly irregular and erratic to take the
teaching load assigned to you. You are hereby warned that to be punctual for taking the
teaching classes failing which the management would terminate your services with
immediate effect.
Manager HR
25 /9/2014
1. Kindly refer to your letter No CT-III/15/15372 and 15373 dated 26/8/2015 on the
subject cited above.
2. AXIs Bank Dhanana Bank Draft No -------------- dated -----/9/2015 for an amount of
Rs 30,000/-(Rupees thirty thousand only) on account of Centre Retention Fee in respect of
the following Exam Centre is forwarded herewith as desired please:-
ICL Group of Colleges
3. Name of the faculty has not been shown in inspection list after the individual left.
ICL Group of Colleges
1. Kindly refer to your mail dated 19 Aug 2015 on the subject cited above.
2. It is submitted for your information that ICL Hi- Tech Educational Society has already made five Joint
FDRs with Regional Officer North& West Region, AICTE & President ICL Hi-Tech- Educational Society for
our following Institutes as per details given below & copy attached :-
3. The above mentioned information has not been updated on AICTE web portal the same will be re-
loaded when site will be opened by AICTE.
ICL Group of Colleges
2. You are requested to issue the same to him on behalf of the undersigned. Three specimen
signature of Mr --------------------------------------------- are as under:-
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Scholarship/UP/102/03 07 Aug 2015
The Director
Samaj Kalyan
3 Paryag, Narain Road
Kalyan Bhawan,
2. The required affidavits on non judicial stamp papers duly signed by the President
and attested by Notary along with connected documents for Registration in respect of the
following institutes are enclosed for uploading in your website
http;//scholarship.up.nic.in to enable the students studying in these institutes to register
and claim the SC/ST and OBC scholarships of Utter Pradesh(UP) :-
2. You are requested to register the name of our institutes name in your website to
claim the SC/ST and OBC scholarships of Utter Pradesh (UP).
ICL Group of Colleges
Directorate of Higher Education,
Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-1
Dear Sir,
The registration and affiliation letters of the institutes of the ICL Group of Colleges for the
following institutes are enclosed for uploading in your website http://hpepass.cgg.gov.in/ to
enable the students studying in these institutes to register and claim the SC/ST and OBC
scholarships of Himachal Pradesh:-
ICL/Admin/105/10 13/7/2015
Dear Sir,
2. AXIS Bank ltd Dhanana Demand No ----------------- dated 13/7/2015 for an amount of
Rs 1404/- (Rupees one thousand four hundred and four only) on account of Water Cess
Bill for the period from 01/04/2015 to 31/3/2016 is forwarded herewith.
Yours faithfully
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Reg/103/10 06/07/2015
The Manager
Admin officer
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Adm/103/02 02/07/2015
The Manager
Govt Nursery
Mouli, Raipur Rani,
You are requested to issue the following sapling for ICL Group of Colleges, Shahzadpur-
Tehsil – Naraaingarh , Distt- Ambala (Haryana) :-
Dir Admin
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL Group of colleges
This is for your information that Lt. Col J.S Virk (Retd) Registrar of ICL
2. You are requested to issue the same to him on behalf of the undersigned. Three specimen
signature of Mr Ajay Goyal , Assistant are as under:-
ICL Group of Colleges
Respected Sir,
2. The required information is forwarded herewith for your information and necessary
action please.
ICL Group of Colleges
Copy to :-
Dear Sir,
2. It is for your information that we have already deposited the required information
regarding mapping of Technical Institutions to DTE vide our letter No ICL/DTE/105/08
dated 27/01/2015 , DTE receipt dated 02/02/2015 copy attached and our mail regarding
approval intake dated 19/02/2015 copy attached.
2. You are requested to re-council your records and delete the name from
outstanding list.
ICL Group of Colleges
Copy to :-
Panchkula (Haryana)
Col J S Virk(Retd)
ICL Group of Colleges
This is to bring to the notice of all the members of teaching & Non-
Cc. President
Director General
Director Admin
Principal Engg/MBA/ITE/IHMCT/IATP/HR/Registrar /Accounts
Col Virk
Thu 4/16/2015 10:55 AM
Brig. NP Sharma;
Satish Parbhakar;
Dear Sir,
The security amount of Rs 11,000,00/- have been deposited in respect of the five institutes of the ICL Group
of Colleges.
In this connection copies of our correspondence letters and HSTES receipts are attached for your
The meeting of the Governing Body of the ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society was
held in the office of the President at ICL Group of Colleges, Sountli, PO Shahzadpur,
of Sh. Sanjiv Kumar Prabhakar, President of the Society. During the meeting, it is
resolved as under:-
Society shall allocate 45 surplus computers held in B Tech for use of students of
Name Designation
Sh Sanjiv Kumar Prabhakar President
The above resolution has been duly passed in the meeting of the Governing Body
and is duly entered in the Minutes of the Society .
have resolved that ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society shall allocate required
funds for creation of additional carpet and built up area in ICL Institute of
& Technology for facilitating the BBA students for the Session 2014-15.
ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society
The Director
Samaj Kalyan
3 Paryag, Narain Road
Kalyan Bhawan,
Dear Sir,
2. You are requested to registered the name of our institutes name in your website to
claim the SC/ST and OBC scholarships of Utter Pradesh(UP).
ICL Group of Colleges
Encls : as above
This is to bring to the notice of all the members of teaching & Non-
Teaching Staff of ICL Group of Colleges that on 27/03/2015 (Friday) the
classes will be started two hours late i.e 11.00 AM due to Durga
Ashtmi Pujan.
Cc. President
Director General
Director Admin
Principal Engg/MBA/ITE/IHMCT/IATP/HR/Registrar /Accounts
This is to bring to the notice of all the members of teaching & Non-
Teaching Staff of ICL Group of Colleges that 23.031.2015 (Monday) will
be observed as holiday due to Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh,
Rajguru & Sukhdev.
Cc. President
Director General
Director Admin
Principal Engg/MBA/ITE/IHMCT/IATP/HR/Registrar /Accounts
Thu 2/19/2015 3:12 PM
Sent Items
Col Virk;
Brig. NP Sharma;
Principal ITE;
Respected Sir,
CL Saini
ICL Group Of Colleges
ICL/KUK/105/05 16/2/2015
The Registrar (Colleges)
(Dean of Colleges)
Kurukeshtra University
1. A sum of Rs 10990/-* (Rupees ten thousand nine and ninety only) is forwarded
herewith vide DD No ___________ dated 16/2/2015 on account of Exam Fee of BBA and
MBA students as per details given below :-
Total 10,990.00
ICL Group of Colleges
Session 2015-16.
ICL Hi-Tech Educational
ICL/DTE/105/08 27/1/2015
1. Please refer to your mail dated 23 Jan 2015 on the subject cited above.
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/KUK/105/05 22/1/2015
The Assistant Registrar (Colleges)
(Dean of Colleges)
Kurukeshtra University
1. Please refer to your letter No CG-III-15-267 dated 9/18/2015 on the subject of the
latest address of Society.
2 The requisite documents for the change of address of ICVL Hi Tech Educational
Society has already been submitted to the District Registrar of Societies, Panchkula on
o4/01/2013. The copies of the following documents are enclosed for your action for
change of address of society:-
3. In view of the above you are requested to change ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society
address as # No 628, Sector -10 , Panchkula (Haryana).
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/DTE/Complaint/2015/05 15/01/2015
The Inquiry Committee
Department of Technical Education,
Govt of Haryana
A. Please refer to your supplement No 01 dated 15/1/2015 on the subject cited above
( Copy attached).
1. All institutes have their respective Principals and the records are enclosed for
Principals of each Institutes. No exchange of Principals exists in the Group, since
Principals of all institutes are available.
2 All the institutes have the requisite infrastructure as per the laid down norms and
the record of the same is enclosed.
4. Adequate number of books and related material is available in the Institute libraries.
The records of the same are enclosed herewith. .( Refer to item No _______ of all the
institute file submitted) .
5. Lists of students admitted during the last four year in all institutes with the
procedure for admission is attached in separate file of Admission file year wise of all
6. Eligibility criteria for admission with supported documents for the admission of the
students of each institute are enclosed.
7. The teachers & students ratio is enclosed which is being maintained by each
8. No exchange of faculties are being carried out amongst various institutes during
inspection, since all institutes have adequate number of faculties as per the laid down
teacher student ratio.
9. The exams are conducted under the strict supervision of Kurukshetra University
staff and there is no possibility of unfair means being used during the exam. However, the
errant students are punished by the examination staff by raising Unfair Means Case
(UMC) against such students. The records of UMC raised during the last three years are
10. The details of qualification and experience are enclosed of the faculties of each
institute along with supported documents. (Refer to item No _______ of all the institute
file submitted) .
11’. All the institutes have the requisite infrastructure as per the laid down norms and
the record of the same is enclosed. (Refer to item No _______ of all the institute file
submitted) .
12. A single balance sheet of the society duly audited by the statutory auditor of the
society is provided to bank/ income tax/ registrar of society. On institutional basis,
provisional balance sheets are prepared internally to meet the requirement of various
bodies like AICTE/ KUK.
13. TDS outstanding as per audited balance sheet 31.03.2014 have been paid.
Provident fund outstanding have been partially paid and rest is in process of payment.
Other dues like university fees/ fees to AICTE etc are being regularly paid by the society.
(Refer accounts file for payment proofs)
15. No dues are pending pertaining to the payments due to be made to statuary
bodies like , PF, Income Tax etc, as alleged in the complaint. The records of payment are
16. The records of Registration of the Society, Resolution of Society and year of
establishment of all institutes are enclosed.
ICL/DTE/Complaint/2015/04 15/01/2015
The Inquiry Committee
Department of Technical Education,
Govt of Haryana
A. Please refer to your supplement No 5 dated 15/1/2015 on the subject cited above
( Copy attached).
1. It is submitted that the issues raised by Sh Dharam Pal Mittal in the instant case
are already forming part of the petition filed by the complainant in the Hon’able Punjab &
Haryana High Court ( copy of the petition enclosed for perusal).
2. Since the matter is sub judice in Hon’able Punjab & Haryana High Court, the Society is
legally bound to wait for the final verdict of the Hon’able Court before giving any
comments at this stage.
ICL Hi- Tech Educational Society
16 Jan 2015
ICL/DTE/Complaint/2015/03 16/01/2015
The Inquiry Committee
Department of Technical Education,
Govt of Haryana
A. Please refer to your supplement No 2 dated 15/1/2015 on the subject cited above (
Copy attached) .
1. All the institutes have their respective Principals and the records are enclosed for
Principals of each Institute. No exchange of Principal exists in the Group, since Principals
of all institutes are available.
2. As regards timely payment of salaries, the delay of a month or so does take place,
at times, due to financial crunch.
4. The exams are conducted under the strict supervision of Kurukshetra University
staff and there is no possibility of unfair means being used during the exam. However, the
errant students are punished by the examination staff by raising Unfair Means Case
(UMC) against such student. The records of UMC raised during the last three years are
6. The Diploma institute has it is own building and allied infrastructure where all
the academic activities are carried out. (Refer to item No _______ of all the
institute file submitted) .
ICL/DTE/Complaint/2015/02 16/01/2015
The Inquiry Committee
Department of Technical Education,
Govt of Haryana
A. Please refer to your supplement No 3 dated 15/1/2015 on the subject cited above
(Copy attached).
B. Para wise reply of the complaint are as under:-
1. It is submitted that there is no student admitted by the name of Sonu Kangra in the
Engineering Institute since the inception of the Institute . The complaint seems to have
been raised with malafide intension to disrepute the institute and have no locus-standii
being anonymous in nature.
2 Notwithstanding above, the comments on issues raised by so-called Sonu Kangra
are given below:-
(a) The teacher student ratio as per the norms has always been maintained,
which is authenticated by various inspections carried out by the controlling
(b) No exchange of faculties are being carried out amongst various institutes
during inspection, since all institutes have adequate number of faculties as per the
laid down teacher student ratio.
(c) Adequate number of books and related material is available in the Institute
libraries. The records of the same are enclosed herewith.( Refer to item No
_______ of all the institute file submitted) .
(d) All the institutes have the requisite infrastructure as per the laid down norms
and the record of the same is enclosed. Refer to item No _______ of all the
institute file submitted) .
(e) TDS outstanding as per audited balance sheet 31.03.2014 have been paid.
Provident fund outstanding have been partially paid and rest is in process of
payment. Other dues like university fees/ fees to AICTE etc are being regularly paid
by the society. (Refer accounts file for payment proofs)
(f) The faculties of all institutes are recruited as per the norms.42 faculties of
various institutes were terminated based on the lack of professional conduct and
performance. All dues to the 42 faculties have been cleared and their replacements
have been hired. (Details are enclosed).
(g) The exams are conducted under the strict supervision of Kurukshetra
University staff and there is no possibility of unfair means being used during the
exam, however the errant students are punished by the examination staff by raising
Unfair Means Case (UMC) against such students. The records of UMC raised
during the last three years are enclosed.
(h) All institutes have their respective Principals and the record is enclosed for
Principals of each institute.
ICL/DTE/Complaint/2015/01 16/01/2015
The Inquiry Committee
Department of Technical Education,
Govt of Haryana
A. Please refer to your supplement No 4 dated 15/1/2015 on the subject cited above( Copy
attached) .
B. It is submitted that Ravi Kaushik S/O Sh Mahinder Singh was student of MBA Institute
from 2009-2011 batch. The comments on points raised by Ravi Kaushik are as under :-
1. Demand of Rs 500/- for issue of MBA degree certificate was never made to the
student. A number of students have already collected the degree certificates without paying
any charges.
2. As regards to levy of charges for industrial training, the said training was organised
based on numerous written and verbal requests from numbers of student to organise
such training in the Institute itself, since the same is essential to enhance the employment
opportunity of the students and training is available in the market at highly exorbitant
rates. (Copy of written request received from some of the students are enclosed) The
training by MCTPL ( Concerned Agency) was carried out for the Management institute. The
following documents are enclosed for your perusal :-
(a) Copy of the Agreement with the training provider for conduct of Industrial
(b) Statement of the Accounts of the complainant ( Ravi Kaushik) . It may be
noted that the student was given concession /fee waiver amounting to Rs 20000/-
during the period of the course.
ICL/Sports/103/08 12/01/2015
The Secretary
Kurukeshtra University Sports Council
1. Please refer to your letter No 7370, 7371, 7372 and 7373 dated 31/12/2014 on the
subject cited above.
2 The required pending Registration and Tournament Fee for the session 2031-14 to
2014-+15 in respect of the following Institutes are enclosed herewith :-
(a) ICL Inst of Engg & Tech 9300.00 AXIS Bank Ltd
DD No 000091
(b) ICL Inst of Mgt & Tech 300.00 dated
12/01/2015 for
(c) ICL Inst of HMCT 900.00 an amount of Rs
(d) ICL Inst of B Arch 1200.00
Total 11,700.00
ICL Group of Colleges
The Superintendent (Colleges)
Kurukeshtra University
2. Annual Inspection Fee and Annual Continuation Fee for the session 2015-16 in respect
of the following Institutions is enclosed herewith :-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- Four DD
Department of Youth & Cultural Affairs
Kurukshetra University
1. Please refer to your letter No DY & CA/13/7681, 7675,7679 dated 24/7/2013 on the
subject cited above.
2. Youth Welfare Fee for the session 2014-15 in respect of the following Institution is
forwarded herewith:-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- Four
The Registrar
Kurukeshtra University
1. Please refer to your letter No DPA-II/HHP /2009-10 dated 29 Dec 2009 on the subject cited
2. Holiday Home Fee for the session 2014-15 in respect of the following Institutes is forwarded
herewith :-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl ;- Four DD
The Co-Ordinator,KUK
Dr Radhakrishnan Foundation Fund
Kurukeshtra University
2. Dr Radhakrishnan Foundation Fund for the session 2014-15 in respect of the following
Institutes is forwarded herewith :-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encls :- four DD
The Secretary
Kurukeshtra University Alumni Association
1. Please refer to your letter No KUAA/10/112-158 dated 15/6/2010 on the subject cited
2. Alumni Fee for the session 2014-15 in respect of the following Institutes is forwarded
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl ;- Four DD
The Prog. Coordinator (NSS)
Kurukeshtra University
2. NSS Fee for the session 2014-15 in respect of the following Institutes is enclosed
ICL Group of Colleges
The Secretary
Kurukeshtra University Sports Council
1. Please refer to your letter No Sports/ 11/16307-16722 dated 13/6/2011 on the subject cited
2 Sports Registration and Tournament Fee for the session 2014-15 in respect of the following
Institutes are enclosed herewith :-
Ser Name of Total No of students Total Registrati Tourna- Total DD No &
No Institute admitted during stude on fee @ ment fee Amount Date
nts the rate
2010 2011 2012- 2013- 2014 of Rs 70/-
-11 -12 13 14 - per
15+L students
(a) ICL - 159 317 220 618 1314 91980.00 2000.00 93980.00 844690 dt
Institute of 24/12/2014
Engg &
(b) ICL - - - 68 180 248 17360.00 300.00 17660.00 844691 dt
Inastiture 24/12/2014
of Mgt &
(c) ICL - 2 04 11 60 77 5390.00 300.00 5690.00 844692 dt
Institute of 24/12/2014
B Arch &
(d) ICL 36 18 38 25 37 154 10780.00 300.00 11080.00 844693 dt
Institute of 24/12/2014
Total 36 179 359 324 895 1793 125510.00 2900.00 128410.00
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- Four DD
It is certified that ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society has got the following
Institutions and have not received any Fee/Fund directly from the SC
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Scholarship/HR/105/29 26/11/2014
The Principal
Govt Poly Tech College
Am,bala City
Dear Sir,
2. It is a perennial problem that students getting SC/ST scholarship amount don’t pay
the fee after getting scholarship amount. Thus representation was made by a number
of institutes that since Institutes have been admitting students without any fee, the
scholarship amount be released to the institute account.
3. In view of the above, the Instructions issued by the Director Higher Education vide
their letter No 3/18/2008/student (2) dated 21 Aug 2014 and Director Technical
Education Haryana vide their letter No PMS/1955/SC Cell dated 13/11/2014 has
clarified that Scholarship amount of SC Category student will be credited to the account
of the Institute, if no fee is paid by the student to the institutes before the release of the
scholarship. The certificate that Institutes have not received any fee/fund from SC/ST
students is attached as per Appendix “D”.
Yours faithfully
ICL Group of Colleges
Copy to :-
ICL/Admin/105/29 14/11/2014
Dear Sir,
2. AXIS Bank ltd Dhanana Demand No 000023 dated 14/11/2014 for a amount of
Rs 1404/- (Rupees one thousand four hundred and four only) on account of Water Cess
Bill for the period from 01/04/2014 to 31/3/2015 is forwarded herewith.
Yours faithfully
ICL Group of Colleges
This is to bring to the notice of all the members of teaching & Non-
Teaching Staff of ICL Group of Colleges that 06.11.2014 (Thursday) will
be observed as holiday due to Shri Guru Nanak’s Birth Day.
Cc. President
Director General
Director Admin
Principal Engg/MBA/ITE/IHMCT/IATP/HR/Registrar /Accounts
Dr .Savita Sharma
Director Operations
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Scholarship/HR/105/28 29/10/2014
Dear Sir,
3. Please confirm that the same scheme is applicable to the courses and programs
which are being administered by the Directorate of Technical Education, Haryana.
Yours faithfully
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Reg/103/10 22/9/2014
SDM , Naraingarh
Respected Sir,
2. The required list of ICL Group of Colleges staff for Election duty is attached as desired
(J S Virk)
Lt Col (Retd)
Director Administration
09 Sep 2014
SDM , Naraingarh
Dear Sir,
1. Reference meeting of the agitating staff of the ICL Group of Colleges and the Management
representative of the ICL Group of Colleges held in your office dated 16 Sep 2014.
2. As per the direction given by SDM Naraingarh, the meeting with the faculties was held on
17 Sep 2014 at 1400 hours and they were advised to get the clearance done as per the
clearance Performa to get the salary released to them. The staff was intimated to come in the
batches of five members to get the clearance from 18 Sep 14 onwards. The staff was intimated
that any staff member desirous of rejoining the institutes were most welcome. Some of the
faculties have already joined back and given the apology letters that they have been mislead by
the agitating staff members. The copies of the few rejoined faculties are enclosed as reference.
3. The five members of the staff come next day and they were given the performa (Copy
attached) to get the clearance done. The staff members laid down ten preconditions to start the
clearance process and wanted that Director Admin should give them written assurance on the
preconditions laid by them which are totally against the laid down norms.
4. The staff was told that all the dues would be given to them provided they get the clearance.
However, they were adamant that unless they get the preconditions signed personally by
Director Admin, they would not start the clearance process.
5. On being refused to sign on the preconditions, the staff has gone from the campus and may
approach the authorities, Despite being informed that all the dues to them would be paid.
However the staff is acting aggressively and approaching the media for confrontation against the
(J S Virk)
Lt Col (Retd)
Director Administration
Sep 2014
Deputy Commissioner
Vice Chancerllar,
Kurekshetra University
ICL/Reg/103/08 22/9/2014
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Reg/103/07 12/09/2014
The Manager
Stamp paper issuing Agency
2. You are requested to issue the same to him on behalf of the undersigned. Three specimen
signature of Mr Amit Saini are as under:-
ICL Group of Colleges
The Director
Samaj Kalyan
3 Paryag, Narain Road
Kalyan Bhawan,
Dear Sir,
The Registration and affiliation letters of the institutes of the ICL Group of colleges
for the following institutes are enclosed for uploading in your website
http;//scholarship.up.nic.in to enable the students studying in these institutes to register
and claim the SC/ST and OBC scholarships of Utter Pradesh(UP):-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encls : as above
1. It is submitted for your information that ICL Group of Colleges is running at , village
Sountli , Distt- Ambala (Haryana) under Kurukshetra University with professional courses for
Boys and Girls (ie B Tech, MBA, B Arch and B,HMCT and Diplonma courses).
2. Copy of Kurukshetra University affiliation letter and AICTE, New Delhi approval letter is
2. In view of the above, you are requested to issue free bus pass facility to Girls students of
ICL Group of Colleges as per the policy of Haryana Govt.
Yours faithfully,
ICL/Reg-02/2014 18/06/2014
2. Please find enclosed fresh affidavit for your necessary action please.
ICL Group of Colleges
Encls : as above
Mr Suvir
Joint Secretary (Marketing)
ICL Group of Colleges
Dear Suvir,
1. It has came to the notice of the Management that a concerted effort was being
made in your office on 12 Jun 2014 to facilitate the use of unfair means and malpractices
in connection with the ongoing examination, possibly with your covert or overt support.
2. This act is totally against the ethos and norms of the organization because the same
has been placed under suspended animation with immediate effect and you are
assumed that you have got nothing to say in your defence and an appropriate disciplinary
action will be taken by the Management as per the recommendations of the Disciplinary
Director- General
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL/Gen/102/04 10/06/2014
Dear Sir,
2. The case has been investigated and it has been found that Ms Monika Kumari had
taken admission in B Arch at ICL Institute of Architecture and Town Planning during 2013-
14 Session.
3. She has been instrumental in instigating five students of Architecture to leave the
institute by making false and incorrect propaganda about the functioning of the institute,
thus tarnishing the image of the institute.
4. The institute has incurred loss of over thirty two lakh by her incorrect statements
and instigation and she was responsible for loss of five admissions of the institute after the
completion of the admission process
5. In view of the above, no refund is applicable to the student since she left the
institute after the Admission Process was over and had tarnished the image of the Institute
as well as caused huge financial loss to the Institute.
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
required funds for creation of additional carpet and built up area in ICL
ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society
ICL/Reg/103/06 20 /5/2014
The Members
District Consusmer Disputes Redressal Forum
ICL Group of Colleges
have resolved that ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society shall allocate required
funds for creation of additional carpet and built up area in ICL Institute of
ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society
have resolved that ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society shall allocate required
funds for creation of additional carpet and built up area in ICL Institute of
ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society
The Manager
Govt Nursery
Mouli, Raipur Rani
You are requested to issue the following sapling for ICL Group of Colleges, Shahzadpur-
Tehsil – Naraaingarh , Distt- Ambala (Haryana) :-
Jt.Dir Admin
ICL Group of Colleges
An Application for Allotment of new registration number to the existing society under
the Haryana Registration and Regulation of Societies Act,2012 in respoie3ct of ICL Hi
Tech Educational Society duly completed in all respect along with all connected
documents is forwarded herewith for your further necessary action please.
ICL Group of Colleges
Encls : as above
Devloping Library Network
J,N.U. Campius, Nelson Mandla Road
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070
2. Three DD for an amount of Rs 34500/- (Rupees Thirty four thousand and five hundred only)
are forwarded herewith for renewal of DELNET Annual Membership Subscription for the year
2014-15 in respect of the following Colleges:-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encls : Three DD for Rs 34500/-
ICL/Reg/103/07 11/2/2015
The Manager
Stamp paper issuing Agency
2. You are requested to issue the same to him on behalf of the undersigned. Three specimen
signature of Mr Ajay Kumar are as under:-
ICL Group of Colleges
The Director,
Women and Child Development Department
Bays No 15-20, Pocket-II, Sec-04
Panchkula (Haryana)
2. It is submitted for your information that ICL Group of Colleges has been constituted
Sexual Harassment committee vides Office order No ICL/Gen/102/01 dated 10/2/2014
copy attached.
ICL Group of Colleges
2. It is submitted for your information that ICL Group of Colleges have been granted
affiliations before starting of academic years by the university time to time in respect of
our following Institutions:-
ICL Group of Colleges
Copy to :-
Public Information Officer – for information please.
Kurukshetra Uni8versity
Dr.Savita Sharma
ICL Group of Colleges.
Admission Cell
Cc: President
Director General
Director Admin
The Chief Electrical Inspector
To Govt Haryana, SCO-85-86, Sector-17 D
1. Kindly refer to your letter Memo No HTI/File/96/8470 dated 19 Dec 2014 on the subject
cited above.
2. Photo copy of challan No 0003079807 dated 17/01/2014 for Rs 7800/- (Rupees seven
thousand and eight hundred only) on account of Annual Inspection of HTI/MPI (Motors)/Gen for
the year 2013-14 is forwarded herewith as desired please.
ICL Group of Colleges
The meeting of the Governing Body of the ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society was
held in the office of the President at ICL Group of Colleges, Sountli, PO Shahzadpur,
Name Designation
Sh Sanjiv Kumar Prabhakar President
Sh Surinder Kumar Prabhakar Vice President
Sh Satish Kumar Prabhakar Secretary
Sh Dinesh Vermani Treasurer
Smt Savita Prabhakar Member
Sahil Prabhakar Joint Secretary
Vishal Prabhakar Member
Smt Kirna Rani Member
Smt Satya Devi Member
Smt Anjana Vermani Member
Resolved that the governing body took the overall progress and review of the
Society for further improvements. The following major points are deliberated:-
New Construction
Temple constructed.
Road constructed
Reasonable admission.
Nursing Courses
Legal Cases.
The above resolution has been duly passed in the meeting of the Governing Body
and is duly entered in the Minutes of the Society.
The meeting of the Governing Body of the ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society was
held in the office of the President at ICL Group of Colleges, Sountli, PO Shahzadpur,
Tehsil- Naraingarh, Distt , Ambala on 25 Nov 2013 at 11 AM under the presidentship of
Sh. Sanjiv Kumar Prabhakar, President of the Society. The Meeting was attended by
eight members. However, Sh Dinesh Vermani , Treasurer and Smt Anjana Vermani were
not present that day.
Name Designation
Sh Sanjiv Kumar Prabhakar President
Sh Surinder Kumar Prabhakar Vice President
Sh Satish Kumar Prabhakar Secretary
Sh Dinesh Vermani Treasurer
Smt Savita Prabhakar Member
Sahil Prabhakar Joint Secretary
Vishal Prabhakar Member
Smt Kirna Rani Member
Smt Satya Devi Member
Smt Anjana Vermani Member
4. Additional intake in B.Tech Mechanical Engineering from 120 to 180 seats & Civil
Engineering from 60 to 120 seats in ICL Institute of Engineering & Technology.
The above resolution has been duly passed in the meeting of the Governing Body
and is duly entered in the Minutes of the Society Proceedings Books.
The meeting of the Governing Body of the ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society was
held in the office of the President at ICL Group of Colleges, Sountli, PO Shahzadpur,
Tehsil- Naraingarh, Distt , Ambala on 15 Nov 2012 at 11 AM under the presidentship of
Sh. Sanjiv Kumar Prabhakar, President of the Society. The Meeting was attended by
eight members. However, Sh Dinesh Vermani , Treasurer and Smt Anjana Vermani were
not present that day.
Name Designation
Sh Sanjiv Kumar Prabhakar President
Sh Surinder Kumar Prabhakar Vice President
Sh Satish Kumar Prabhakar Secretary
Sh Dinesh Vermani Treasurer
Smt Savita Prabhakar Member
Sahil Prabhakar Joint Secretary
Vishal Prabhakar Member
Smt Kirna Rani Member
Smt Satya Devi Member
Smtr Anjana Vermani Member
Resolved that the Society will initiate action for new courses as well as increase in
the existing courses as per the details given here under:-
The above resolution has been duly passed in the meeting of the Governing Body
and is duly entered in the Minutes of the Society.
The Director General
Technical Education Department Haryana,
Bays No 7/12, Sec- 4 , Panchkula
1. Kindly refer to your letter Memo No 11/Colleges dated 06 Jan 2013 on the subject cited
2. Hard copy of required information is attached in respect of all institutions of ICL Group of
Colleges. Soft copy of the same has already been sent on 06 Jan 2013.
ICL Group of Colleges
The meeting of the Governing Body of the ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society was held in the office of
the President at ICL Group of Colleges, Sountli, PO Shahzadpur, Tehsil- Naraingarh, Distt , Ambala on
02 Sep 2013 at 11.30AM.
Resolved that the Society shall allocate required funds for creation of additional carpet and built up
area to the following additional courses/increase in seats for the academic year 2014-15 and shall allocate
required funds for procurement of equipments and other required entities for smooth functioning of the same
9. Additional intake in B.Tech Mechanical Engineering from 120 to 180 seats & Civil Engineering from
60 to 120 seats in respect of ICL Institute of Engineering & Technology.
President Secretary
The District Welfare Officer
ICL Group of Colleges
The Society vide its executive meeting held on 02/09/2013 at 11.30 AM vide item
no. 1 & 2 have resolved that ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society shall allocate required
funds for creation of additional carpet and built up area in ICL Institute of Management &
required for additional courses BBA- 60 seats and MCA-60 seats in respect of ICL
Institute of Management & Technology and shall allocate required funds for procurement
of equipments and other required entities for smooth functioning of the same.
The Society vide its executive meeting held on 02/09/2013 at 11.30 AM vide item
no. 3 have resolved that ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society shall allocate required funds for
creation of additional carpet and built up area in ICL Institute of Engineering & Technology
at Vill-Sountli, PO- Shahzadpur, Tehsil Naraingarh, Distt. Ambala, Haryana as required for
additional course M.Tech (CSE- 18 seats) in respect of ICL Institute of Engineering &
Technology and shall allocate required funds for procurement of equipments and other
ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society
The Society vide its executive meeting held on 15/11/2012 at 11.30 AM vide item
no. 4 have resolved that ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society shall allocate required funds for
creation of additional carpet and built up area in ICL Institute of Architecture and Town
required for additional intake in B. Architecture Course (from 60 to 120 seats)) in respect
of ICL Institute of Architecture and Town Planning and shall allocate required funds for
procurement of equipments and other required entities for smooth functioning of the same.
ICL Group of Colleges campus, Sountli, Near Shahzadpur, Tehsil- Naraingarh, Distt-
Resolved that the Society shall allocate required funds for creation of additional
carpet and built up area to the following additional courses/increase in seats for the
academic year 2014-15 and shall allocate required funds for procurement of equipments
10. Additional Course BBA-60 seats in ICL Institute of Management & Technology.
11. Additional Course MCA-60 seats in ICL Institute of Management & Technology
14. Additional intake in B.Tech Mechanical Engineering from 120 to 180 seats & Civil
The Registrar
Kurukeshtra University
1. Please refer to your letter No DPA-II/HHP /2009-10 dated 29 Dec 2009 on the subject cited
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl ;- As above
The Co-Ordinator,KUK
Dr Radhakrishnan Foundation Fund
Kurukeshtra University
1. Please refer to your letter No letter No RFF/2009/275-434 dated 30 Sep 2009 and 435-734
dated 10/11/2010 on the subject cited above.
ICL Group of Colleges
Encls :- As above
The Secretary
Kurukeshtra University Sports Council
1. Please refer to your letter No Sports/ 8324-8474 dated 19/11/2013 on the subject cited
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- As above
The Prog. Coordinator (NSS)
Kurukeshtra University
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- As above
Department of Youth & Cultural Affairs
Kurukshetra University
1. Please refer to your letter No DY & CA/13/7017-7287 dated 27/07/2013 on the subject cited
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- As above
The meeting of the Governing Body of the ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society was held in the
office of the President at ICL Group of Colleges, Sountli, PO Shahzadpur, Tehsil- Naraingarh, Distt
, Ambala on 14 Nov 2013 in which it was decided that additional courses / intake be added for the
session 2014-15 :-
5. Additional Course M Tech (Computer Science Engineering - 18 Seats in each Course)
in ICL Institute of Engineering & Technology. .
6. Additional intake B Tech Mechanical Engineering from 120 to 180 seats. and Civil
Engineering from 60 to 120 seats) in ICL Institute of Engineering & Technology.
7. Additional intake in Diploma Course (Mechanical from 120 to 180 seats and Civil 60 to
120 seats in ICL Institute of Technical Education.
8. Additional intake in B Arch course from 60 to 120 seats in ICL Institute of Architecture
and town planning.
9. Building of HMCT will be used for ICL Institute of Technical Education.
President Secretary
The Superintendent (Colleges)
Kurukeshtra University
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- As above
The Manager
J&K Bank Branch
Pope sher Khania
Respected Sir,
2. In view of above, you are requested to stop the payment of original DD No and issue
Duplicate DD for the same mount .
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Circle Head
Circle Office, PNB House
Sector 17, Chandigarh
Dear Sir,
1. Punjab National Bank had installed the ATM outside of the campus of the ICL Group of Colleges,
Sountli, Shahzadpur, Distt Ambala (Haryana). The security guards have been deployed at the ATM by civil
security agency.
2. The security and watch of the ATM has been outsourced by the PNB, however the guards deployed
at the ATM are found absent for days together. The supervisor of the security agency rarely visits the ATM
location to check the security guards. The absence of the security guards may result into trespassing or
theft at the ATM which needs to be checked to ensure safety against any untoward incident. Since the ATM
is located outside the boundary of the institute, it is not feasible for the organization to provide any kind of
security to the ATM. Moreover, it is not the responsibility of the institute to provide any kind of security to the
3. Recent incident inside ATM at Bangalore is an indication of the growing incidence of robbery, theft
and attack inside the ATM, thus the corrective action is an urgent necessity to safeguard the ATM at the
campus to avoid any untoward incident.
4. You are requested to provide regular and disciplined security guard at the ATM, ICL Group of
Colleges, Shahzadpur , Distt Ambala (Haryana) and ensure functioning of the round the clock camera inside
the ATM.
Copy to :-
PNB Bank Shahzadpur
The Manger
Punjab National Bank
Sector 20,
Panchkula (Haryana)
Dear Sir,
1. Punjab National Bank had installed the ATM outside of the campus of the ICL Group of
Colleges, Sountli, Shahzadpur, Distt Ambala (Haryana) on 07 October 2010 on monthly rental of
Rs 3000/- per month. The copy of the agreement is enclosed for perusal.
2. The rent for the space provided has been has not been paid till date. The rental for the
ATM from 07 Oct 10 to Oct 2013 at the rate of Rs 3000/- per month
(3000X36+3000/30*25=1,08,000+2500=1,10,500/-) amounting to Rs 1,10,000/- till date.
3. Also, two split AC and two light points have been installed in the ATM premises and
average consumption per month works to be Rs 50000/-. Thus total amount for electricity charges
works to be Rs 50000*36+50000/30*25 = 1800000 +41666=1841666.
4. You are requested to pay the rent and the charges for the electricity to the Society to clear
the account till date.
Copy to :-
Circle Head
Circle Office, PNB House
Sector 17, Chandigarh
2. It is submitted for your information that matter raised by Ms Poonam Chauhan w/o
Mr Mandeep Kumar of Chandigarh is subjudice in the Court of Commissioner Under
Employees Compensation Act authority, Ambala (Haryana) under Application No
01/PW/2013 with Memo No 107 dated 24 Jun 2013.
3. Therefore, the matter being subjudice, it may not be appropriate for us to offer any
comments till the case is disposed off by the honourable court.
ICL Group of Colleges
.Copy to:-
All India Council for Tech Education :- For information please.
7th Floor, Chander Lok Building
Janpath Road, New Delhi-110001
Dear Sir,
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
Dear Sir,
2. The private institutions are not covered under RTI as per the existing policy on the
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
Copy to :-
Dear Sir,
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
The Registrar
Council of Architecture
India Habitat Centre, Core-06A,
Dear Sir,
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL Group of Colleges campus, Sountli, Near Shahzadpur, Tehsil- Naraingarh, Distt-
2. Resolved that Society has decided that Shri Satish Kumar Prabhakar, Secretary is
hereby authorized to signed all the documents pertaining to sanction from Haryana State
1. Application for Consent to operate under Water/Air Act & Authorization under
HWTM Rules in respect of ICL Hi Tech Educational Society is attached along with all
conducted documents.
ICL Group of Colleges
2. The required statistical information for the session 2013-14 in respect of the
following Institutions are attached herewith:-
Asst Registrar
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- As above
ICL/HR/2013 17/10/2013
Director General
Director Admin
ICL/HR/2013 17/10/2013
Director General
Director Admin
Governing Body of the Society with effect from 14 December 2011 till date
The Superintendent (Colleges)
Kurukeshtra University
1. Registration Return on RF-6,RF-21 and RF-22 for the academic year 2013-14 in respect of
our following institutes are forwarded herewith along with connected documents for your
information and necessary action please:-
Asst Registrar
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- As above
The Superintendent (Colleges)
Kurukeshtra University
Village – Sountli, Shahzadpur, District- Ambala (Haryana)-134202, Phone- 01734- 278677,278678,278679,
Fax -01734- 278680
ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society
4. Registration Return on RF-6,RF-21 and RF-22 for the academic year 2013-14 in respect of
our following institutes are forwarded herewith along with connected documents for your
information and necessary action please:-
Asst Registrar
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- As above
The Superintendent (Colleges)
Kurukeshtra University
7. Registration Return on RF-6,RF-21 and RF-22 for the academic year 2013-14 in respect of
our following institutes are forwarded herewith alongwith connected documents for your
information and necessary action please:-
8. DD for Rs 58200/- (Rupees Fifty eight thousand and two hundred only) vide DD No
______________ dated _____________. Is also enclosed herewith.
Asst Registrar
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- As above
The Controller of Examination
Kurukeshtra University
1.. It is submitted for your information that the result of our MBA, B Arch, BHMCT students is
held up due to pending late Submission of Registration Return Fee Rs 5 Lakh of each college for
the year 2012-13.
2. In this regards we have already approached to The Vice Chancellor Kurukshetra University
for waiving off the levy of late fee of Rs 5 lakh imposed on account of late submission of
Registration Return for the Session 2012-13. Now, we are giving a undertaking to pay the late
fee on receipt of the decision of the Vice Chancellor on our appeal pending with the Vice
Chancellor.(Copy attached)
3. In view of the above, you are requested to release the result of our MBA, B Arch, BHMCT
students which are held up.
4. Thanking you.
Yours faithfully
Asst Registrar
Chancellor Kurukshetra University for waiving off the levy of late fee of
for the Session 2012-13 vide our letter No ICL/KUK/046 dated 11/3/2013
the Vice Chancellor on our appeal pending with the Vice Chancellor.
ICL Group of Colleges
Village -Sountli
The Superintendent (Colleges)
Kurukeshtra University
10. Registration Return on RF-6,RF-21 and RF-22 for the academic year 2013-14 in respect of
our following institutes are forwarded herewith alongwith connected documents for your
information and necessary action please:-
11. DD for Rs 9,48,000/- (Rupees nine lakh and forty eight thousand only) vide DD No
______________ dated _____________. Is also enclosed herewith.
Asst Registrar
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- As above
ICL Group of Colleges campus, Sountli, Near Shahzadpur, Tehsil- Naraingarh, Distt-
Resolved that Society has decided to transfer Civil Engineering surplus books as
per List attached from ICL Institute of Engineering & Technology to ICL Institute of
Architecture and Town planning to cater for the existing deficiencies, with immediate
Engineering &
Police Station Sahazadpur,
Ambala Panchkula Commissionerate.
Subject: Reply of complaint lodged by Ms Deepti Sharma D/O Sh Narender Dutt Sharma
against ICL Group of Colleges.
Dear Sir
With due regards it is hereby submitted that
1) Our office has received a copy of complaint from PS Sahazadpur lodged by Ms Deepti
Sharma d/o Sh Narender Dutt Sharma r/o Vill Panga, P.O.- Bijhari, Teh- Barsar, Distt
Hamirpur (HP) against ICL Group of Colleges claiming the refund of fee deposited by her
as the tuition fee of B. Tech (Lateral Entry) CSE - 1st semester.
2) She has taken admission in above said course as per her own decision and wish.
3) She asked for refund in the month of September 2012, which is well delayed after the last
date of admission which was 31st Aug, 2012.
4) As the institute could not admit any other student after that date so the seat allotted to Ms
Deepti Sharma will remain vacant for whole course which will cause a revenue loss of
approximate 2.5 lakhs.
5) There is no outstanding amount of Institute towards as all the payments was setteled at the
time of her exit and a receipt has been made. If there is still any dispute that should be
raised in a civil court.
All India Council for Tech Education
7th Floor, Chander Lok Building
Janpath Road, New Delhi-110001
Dear Sir,
3. Kindly refer to our Institute Letter dated 06 Jan 2013 and 09 Feb 2012 on the subject cited
above. (Copy attached)
2. The payment of the Registration fee for the ICL Institute of Technical Education, Sountli
Shahzadpur, Teh- Naraingarh, Distt- Ambala (Haryana) was paid through AICTE portal on 30 Jan
2012 for Rs 100022.66.During the online payments the AICTE website and online systems got
hanged and the payment was deducted from the Institute account and payment done to Bill
Solutions, the payment collection agency of the AICTE. The AICTE website indicated that the
payment was not transferred from Bill Solutions to AICTE.
3. Since the last date for the payment of the registration fee was nearing and to avoid the penalty
for late payments, another payment of Rs 100022.66 was done on 01 Feb 2012 for the same ICL
Institute of Technical Education to AICTE. This payment was received by the AICTE and was
updated in the AICTE website.
4. A complaint was lodged with the ICICI Bank helpline to resolve the issue extra payment and
refund the earlier payment of Rs 100022.66 since it was not received by th3 AICTE. After a week
time the ICICI Bank helpline intimated us that first payment of Rs 100022.66 done on 30 Jan 2012
to Bill Solution has also been transferred to AICTE under the transaction number 000287387712,
Reference number 11702-AICTE. Thus two payments of Rs 100022.66 were received for ICL
Institute of technical education for same purpose of registration of Institutes.
5. In view of the above, it is requested that first payment of Rs 100022.66 for the online
registration of ICL Institute of Technical Education, Sountli, Shahzadpour, Naraingarh, Distt-
Ambala (Haryana) be refunded to the Institute since it is extra payment.
Dear Sir,
2. This if for your information that Roll No 4710332 Chandra Shekher Rai S/O Hari Shankar
Rai, B Tech (ECE) 7th semester student of ICL Institute of Engineering & Technology is hereby
appointed as Campus Ambassador for spreading awareness in the students for maximizing the
registration in the electors roll as elector.
Asst Registrar
ICL Group of Colleges
Copy to :-
District Election Office - For information please.
Ambala City
The Manager
Govt Nursery
Mouli, Raipur Rani
You are requested to issue the following sapling for ICL Group of Colleges, Shahzadpur-
Tehsil – Naraaingarh , Distt- Ambala (Haryana) :-
Manager Administration
ICL Group of Colleges
Dr.Savita Sharma
ICL Group of Colleges.
Admission Cell
Cc: President
Director General
Director Admin
Group of Colleges campus, Sountli, Near Shahzadpur, Tehsil- Naraingarh, Distt- Ambala at 11.30
We hereby certify that the following resolution of the Members of ICL Hi- Tech Educational Society
, was passed at a meeting of the Board held on 01/07/2013 and has been duly recorded in the
RESOLVED THAT the Society to avail the ‘Corporate Internet Banking’ service for the
Account opened/to be opened with Axis Bank Limited(“the Bank”) under the Customer ID at their
various branch(es) and the Society to accept such terms, conditions, stipulation laid down by the
form(s), authority letter(s) and /or any other related documents from time to time for this purpose
and accept its terms and conditions including any modifications thereof.
accept, sign, execute, deliver and complete all documentation, agreements, account opening
forms, and accept and abide by the modifications and /or variations in any or all the terms and
conditions from time to time and to nominate, substitute, revoke and vary mandate etc .from time
to time and on behalf of the Society, in order to apply for and avail and operate the ‘Corporate
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the above authorized officials are also authorized to
operate on behalf of the company through “Corporate Internet Banking’ service on the Society’s
accounts under a Customer allotted by the Bank including by causing a debit balance in Society’s
account(s) under the Customer ID with the Bank and or continually operate the account(s) under
the said particular Customer ID even when overdrawn, as per the access specifications authorized
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Bank be and is hereby authorized to accept all
instructions given or initiated through the “Corporate Internet Banking” service through initiator and
approver from all or any one of the above signatories in respect of Society’s account/s. The
Society does agree to hold Axis Bank harmless and indemnifies and agrees to keep the Bank’s
interest protected on account of the bank executing such instructions by the above signatories in
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT . a copy of this resolution be and hereby submitted to the
Bank duly certified by all or any of the persons so authorized by the Society.
Dr.Savita Sharma
ICL Group of Colleges.
Ms Neelam Singla
Mr Amit Verma
Cc: President
Director General
Director Admin
Ambala City
Dear Sir
With due regards it is hereby requested that ICL Hi tech Educational Society owns a land
bearing Khasra Number 63//(22/2/3 – 23/1) ; 73//(2/2 – 3/1 – 9 – 10/1) measuring 15 kanal 12
Marla falling in the revenue estate of Village Sahazadpur (Hadbast No. 58), Tehsil Naraingarh,
Distt. Ambala. Now the society seeks the information about the above said land that it does not fall
in any controlled area or urban area declared by Department of Town and Country Planning,
Dear Sir
With due regards it is hereby requested that ICL Hi tech Educational Society owns a land
bearing Khasra Number 8//(12/2) measuring 5 kanal 7 Marla falling in the revenue estate of
Village Sountli (Hadbast No. 57), Tehsil Naraingarh, Distt. Ambala. Now the society seeks the
information about the above said land that it does not fall in any controlled area or urban area
The Member Secretary
Haryana State Pollution Control Board
C-11, Sector-06,
Subject : WATER CESS BILL FOR THE PERIOD FROM 01/12/2008 TO 31/3/2013
AND 01/04/2013 TO 31/03/2014
2. AXIS Bank draft No 000792 dated 25/6/2013 for Rs 6084/- and DD No 00793 dated
25//6/2013 for Rs 1404/- are enclosed herewith on account of payment of Water Cess
Bill for the period from 01/12/2008 to 31/3/2013 and 01/04/2013 to 31/03/2014 as desired
Yours faithfully,
Director Admin
ICL Group of Colleges
The Secretary
Kurukeshtra University Alumni Association
Subject : Non depositing of Alumni Fee for the period 2007-09 to 2008-09
& 2012-13
1. Kindly refer to your letter No KUA/13/1451 dated 15/5/2013 on the subject cited
2. It is submitted for your information that ICL Group of Colleges started only from 2008-
09 academic session. The pending Alumni Fee for the year 2008-09 is enclosed vide DD
No ___________dated____ May 2013 for an amount of 7525/-(Rupees seven thousand
five hundred and twenty five only). Details are as under:-
3. Alumni Fee for the year 2012-13 have already been deposited in your office vide our letter No
ICL/DTE/103/123 dated 31 Dec 2013 and your receipt No 15/29 dated 31/12/2012.
Copy attached. Please reconcile your records.
ICL Group of Colleges
ICL Group of Colleges
Copy to:-
President - for information please.
Vice President -do-
C.E.O. - -do-
All concerned as mentioned above.
Office Supdt.
The Asst Deputy Commissioner
Ambala (Haryana)
Sir/ Madam,
1. Please refer to your letter No 6069-095/MA dated 19/6/2012. on the subject cited above
ICL Group of Colleges
The Superintendent (Colleges)
Kurukeshtra University
13. AICTE Extension of approval for the academic year 2013-14 in respect of our following
institutes are forwarded herewith for your information and necessary action please:-
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- As above
ICL Group of Colleges campus, Sountli, Near Shahzadpur, Tehsil- Naraingarh, Distt-
Resolved that Society has decided to Allocate additional building as per the
drawings attached to ICL Institute of Technical Education to cater for the existing
Joint Director
Haryana State Technical Education Society
Bays No 7-12, Sector 4,
1 Kindly reference to your mail dated 10/4/2013 on the subject cited above.
Total Rs 11,00,000/-
3 Copy of our letter No ICL/HSCS/2012 dated 14 Feb 2012 and ICICI Bank issuing Branch
935 Panchkula Urban Estate DD No 201615 dated 14 Feb 12 for Rs 9 Lakh and DD No 201624
dated 15 Feb 2012 for Rs 2 Lakh are attached herewith for your kind perusal please.
4 In view of the above, please check your records and delete the name of ICL Hi Tech
Educational Society from the list of outstanding dues.
Yours faithfully,
ICL Group of Colleges
Department of Youth & Cultural Affairs
Kurukshetra University
1. Please refer to your letter No DY & CA/13/4318,4324,4328 and 4329 all are dated
16/3/2013 on the subject cited above.
2. It is submitted for your information that Youth welfare fee for the year 2011-12 and 2012-
13 in respect of the following colleges have already been deposited in your office. The required
strength of students as per your format is given below as well as fee deposited with KUK vide
receipt No and date :-
Session 2011-12
Ser Name of Institute Total strength Total fee @ rate of Rs KUK Receipt No
No 375/- per student & date
(a) Inst of Engg & 897 336375.00 36/14 dated
Tech 30/12/2011
(b) Inst of Mgt & 178 66750.00
Tech -do-
(c) Inst of HMCT 24 9000.00 -do-
The Superintendent (Colleges)
Kurukeshtra University
ICL Group of Colleges
Encl- As above
Governing Body of the Society with effect from 14 December 2011 till date
The meeting of the Governing Body of the ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society was held in the
office of the President at ICL Group of Colleges, Sountli, PO Shahzadpur, Tehsil- Naraingarh, Distt
, Ambala on 15 Nov 2012 in which it was decided that EOA of AICTE the following additional
courses / intake be added for the session 2013-14 :-
10. Additional Course M Tech (ECE and Civil Engineering - 18 Seats in each Course) in ICL
Institute of Engineering & Technology. .
11. Additional intake B Tech Mechanical Engineering from 120 to 180 seats. and Civil
Engineering from 60 to 120 seats) in ICL Institute of Engineering & Technology.
12. Additional intake in Diploma Course (Mechanical from 120 to 180 seats and Civil 60 to
120 seats in ICL Institute of Technical Education.
13. Additional intake in B Arch course from 60 to 120 seats in ICL Institute of Architecture
and town planning.
14. Building of HMCT will be used for ICL Institute of Technical Education.
President Secretary
The Society vide its executive meeting held on 15/11/2012 at 11.30 AM vide item
no. 03 have resolved that ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society shall allocate required funds for
creation of additional carpet and built up area in ICL Institute of Technical Educational at
Vill-Sountli, PO- Shahzadpur, Tehsil Naraingarh, Distt. Ambala, Haryana as required for
additional intake in Diploma course Mechanical (from 120 to 180 seats) & Civil
Engineering (from 60 to 120 seats) introspect of ICL Institute of Technical Education and
shall allocate required funds for procurement of equipments and other required entities for
The Society vide its executive meeting held on 15/11/2012 at 11.30 AM vide item
no. 1 & 2 have resolved that ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society shall allocate required funds
for creation of additional carpet and built up area in ICL Institute of Engineering &
required for additional course M.Tech (ECE and Civil 18 seats in each course) as well as
increase intake in B.Tech Mechanical Engineering (from 120 to 180 seats) & Civil
Technology and shall allocate required funds for procurement of equipments and other
The Society vide its executive meeting held on 15/11/2012 at 11.30 AM vide item
no. 4 have resolved that ICL Hi-Tech Educational Society shall allocate required funds for
creation of additional carpet and built up area in ICL Institute of Architecture and Town
required for additional intake in B. Architecture Course (from 60 to 120 seats)) in respect
of ICL Institute of Architecture and Town Planning and shall allocate required funds for
procurement of equipments and other required entities for smooth functioning of the same.
The Secretary
Zila Sainik BVoard
The Mall, Ambala Cantt-133001
1. Kindly refer to your letter Memo No S.B. 4/2012/FD dated 05 Dec 2012 on the
subject cited above.
2. A sum of Rs 4570/- (Rupees four thousand five hundred and seventy only) is
enclosed herewith on account of cost of stickers collated from staff and students of ICL
Group of Colleges.
ICL Group of Colleges
3. You will give one month notice if you decide to leave the Institute.
7. You will give one month notice if you decide to leave the Institute.