STEM Teaching Tool 30 Task Formats For 3D Assessment Design v2
STEM Teaching Tool 30 Task Formats For 3D Assessment Design v2
STEM Teaching Tool 30 Task Formats For 3D Assessment Design v2
Developing three-dimensional science assessments The different formats get at different aspects of a giv-
is challenging. Most current assessments focus on en science and engineering practice. Some formats are
testing students’ knowledge of science facts. Few likely to be more demanding cognitively for students
focus on having students apply their understanding than others. The idea of presenting multiple formats is
of disciplinary core ideas in the context of engaging to give task developers a sense of the range of tasks
in a science or engineering practice. Fewer still make that can be written. A good “test” of a student's grasp
connections to crosscutting concepts. of a particular practice, in the context of a disciplinary
core idea and crosscutting concept, would be com-
The “task format” templates included in this document prised of multiple tasks and draw on multiple formats.
are tools to help teachers and district leaders design
three-dimensional assessment tasks. They are based
STEM Teaching Tools content copyright 2016-18 UW Institute for Science + Math Education. All rights reserved. | Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Opinions expressed are not
those of any funding agency.
Potential Task Formats: Asking Questions (Science)
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
1 or data, then
Ask students to select from a list of questions to identify which ones can be investigated.
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data, then
2 Ask students to ask questions about the phenomenon based on their observations of the
information in the scenario to gather more information, and/or
Ask students to formulate scientific questions to investigate that phenomenon.
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data, then
3 Ask students to generate a scientific question relevant to investigating that phenomenon,
Ask students to describe what evidence is needed to answer the question they generated.
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data, and a scientific question, then
Ask students to evaluate whether or not the question is relevant to explaining the
phenomenon, and
If the question is relevant, ask students to describe what evidence is needed to answer that
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data, and a research question, then
Ask students what questions we need to answer along the way to answer the research
5 question,
Ask students to describe what evidence is needed to answer those questions might and
how they help build toward an explanation of the phenomenon, or
Ask students to ask questions about unexpected results.
Present students with a scenario that describes an investigation of an observable phenomenon
8 and with a question or a set of questions, then
Ask students to evaluate and explain whether or not the question(s) is empirically testable.
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text and/or and a model
of the phenomenon, then
Ask students what questions they need to answer to clarify or determine the components
and interactions/relationships in the model, and
Ask students to explain how those questions will add information necessary for the model
to adequately explain the phenomenon.
Potential Task Formats: Defining Problems (Engineering)
Present students with a scenario in which people are using designed object or tool and express
1 frustration that the object or tool cannot perform a specific function, then
Ask students to define the problem in their own words that the people are facing.
Present students with a scenario that describes a problem using text, images, video, and/or
data, then
Ask students to describe what human needs, local issues, or global issues are reflected in
the description of the problem.
Present students with a scenario that describes a problem using text, images, video, and/or
data that includes information about different needs and issues at stake, then
3 Ask students to define the problem in their own words that is to be solved, and
Identify criteria for success for a solution that best meets the needs identified and
addresses the issues at stake.
Present students with a scenario that describes a problem that includes quantitative and
qualitative data in the description, then
Ask students to describe what human needs, local issues, or global issues are reflected in
the description of the problem, and
Ask students to interpret quantitative and qualitative data to describe the major
consequences of the problem if it remains unsolved.
Present students with a scenario that describes a problem that includes excerpts from related
scientific research, then
Ask students to describe how each piece of scientific research is relevant background
research for defining the problem.
Present students with a textual description of a scenario of a need or desire of society and/or
the natural world, then
6 Ask students to describe the problem, and
Ask students to define the criteria and constraints for acceptable solutions to the problem
perhaps including scientific knowledge that may limit possible solutions..
Present students with a scenario that describes a problem using text, images, video, and/or
data that includes information about different needs and issues at stake, or
Present students with a textual description of a scenario of a need or desire of society and/or
the natural world and a defined problem, then
Ask students to define the components and relationships between the components of the
system in which the problem is embedded, and
Ask students to define the boundaries of that system and what is and is not part of the
Present students with a scenario that describes a problem using text, images, video, and/or
data, or
Present students with a textual description of a scenario of a need or desire of society and/or
the natural world along with design criteria and constraints, then
Ask students to plan an investigation that would allow them to better understand the needs
and issues at stake, and
Ast students to describe what kinds of design solutions would fit within the defined criteria
and constraints to design space for the problem.
Present students with a scenario that describes a problem using text, images, video, and/or
data then
Ask students to describe what human needs, local issues, or global issues are reflected in
the description of the problem,
Ask students to define the criteria and constraints for acceptable solutions to the problem,
Ask students what evidence is needed to know whether or not a solution fits within the
defined criteria and constraints.
Potential Task Formats: Developing and Using Models (Science)
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data, then
Ask student to develop a model that represents amounts, relationships, scales, or patterns in
the natural world, or
Ask students to a simple model based on evidence from the scenario to represent an object
or tool.
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data, and with two different models for that phenomenon, then
2 Ask students to compare the two models to identify common features and differences and
Ask students to revise one of the models and justify their revisions with disciplinary core
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data and a question or problem related to the phenomenon, then
Ask students to develop a model with components, interactions, and mechanisms that
answers the question or demonstrates a solution to the problem, and/or
Asks students to develop a version of their model that shows what will happen if a variable
or component changes, and/or
Ask students to write an explanation for the phenomenon or the problem, using the model
as supporting evidence.
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data, and includes an illustration or drawing of a scientific process, then
Ask students to label the components, interactions, and mechanisms in the model, and
Write a description of what is shown in the drawing.
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data and a question or problem related to the phenomenon, then
5 Ask students to develop a model that generates data, and
Ask students to write an explanation or explain a solution using data generated from the
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data and a question or problem related to the phenomenon, then
6 Ask students to develop at least two types of models, and
Ask students to write an explanation or explain a solution using evidence generated from
more than one type of model.
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data and a model to describe or predict something related to the phenomenon then
Ask students to develop a test to understand the reliability of the model, and
Revise the model to improve its reliability.
Potential Task Formats: Planning and Carrying Out Investigations (Science)
Relevant definitions
• An investigation plan encompasses a description of data sources and measures to be used,
procedures for observing and recording data, and, where relevant, a plan for how observations
will be sampled.
• A data source refers to a type of data only (“We would need data on the size of the white-
colored moth population” or “We would need data comparing the color of tail feathers in birds
in the mountains and in the city”).
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data to be explained, then
Ask students to generate a research question to investigate the phenomenon with
resources available in the classroom (or with a given list of resources),
Ask students to evaluate different ways of observing or measuring a phenomenon to
1a determine which will best answer the question asked,
Ask students to identify the variables needed in the investigation to explain the
Ask students to characterize each variable as dependent or independent and to explain any
variables to be controlled and why, and
Ask student to make observations/measurements to produce data.
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data, a scientific question, and an investigation plan, then
Ask students to describe how the data will be collected precisely, and
Ask students to how much data is needed to be reliable.
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data to be explained and a scientific question, then
Ask students to create an investigation plan to study the scientific phenomenon that
includes independent and dependent variables and controls (when applicable), what tools
3a will be used to gather data, and how observations/measurements will be recorded,
Ask students to describe how the investigation will generate relevant evidence for
answering the scientific question, and/or
Ask students to conduct the investigation and collect data to serve as evidence to answer
the scientific question.
Present students with a scientific model, then
Ask students to create an investigation plan to test the model that includes independent
and dependent variables and controls, when applicable, what tools will be used to gather
data, and how observations/measurements will be recorded,
3b Ask students to describe how the investigation will generate relevant evidence for testing
the model,
Ask students to describe the pattern of evidence that would support the model, and/or
Ask students to conduct the investigation and collect data to serve as evidence to evaluate
the model.
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data and an engineering problem to be solved and a possible design solution, then
Ask students to design an investigation to test the design solution that considers
environmental, social, and personal impacts of the investigation.
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data to be explained a scientific question, and an investigation plan, then
Ask students to consider possible confounding variables or effects and evaluate the
investigation’s design to ensure it will produce the necessary data,
5 Ask student to revise the investigation to ensure it will produce the necessary data and in
the revision include the types of data to be collected, how much data will be collected,
and the accuracy of data needed to produce reliable measurements, and/or
Ask students to conduct the investigation and write an explanation to answer the scientific
question using data from the investigation as evidence.
Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data to be explained a scientific question, and investigation plan, and data collected from
the investigation, then
6 Ask students analyze how well the data collected generated relevant evidence to answer
the research question, and
Ask students to revise the investigation plan to be more relevant and to generate more
accurate and precise data.
Potential Task Formats: Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Relevant definitions
• A pattern of evidence from data is what the data say (“The population of white-colored moths
disappeared in cities,” or “The birds’ tail feathers are whiter in the mountains than in the city”)
1 Describe an engineering design problem, a solution to the problem and a set of data from a
test of the solution, then
Ask students to evaluate which design solution best addresses the problem and constraints.
2 Present students with a scenario that describes an investigation, the phenomenon under
investigation, and one or more recorded observations from the investigation directly relevant
to explaining the phenomenon, then
Ask students to make a prediction and compare it to the observations given,
Ask students to organize the data and describe how this organization helps them analyze,
Ask students to use tables or graphical displays to identify and describe the patterns they
see in the organized data, and
Ask students to student to describe how the patterns of evidence in the data help to explain
the phenomenon.
3 Present students with a scenario that describes an investigation, the phenomenon under
investigation, and multiple recorded observations from the investigation, only some of which
are relevant to explaining the phenomenon and
Ask students to describe which data are relevant to explaining the phenomenon under
Ask students to analyze the relevant data using mathematics or logical reasoning, and
Ask students to interpret the analysis as evidence for explaining the phenomenon.
4 Describe an investigation, the phenomenon under investigation, and one or more recorded
observations from the investigation, then
Ask students to organize, represent, and analyze the data in at least two different ways, and
Ask students to compare how the representations and analyses help them to identify
patterns in the data.
5 Present students with a scenario that describes an investigation, the phenomenon under
investigation, and one or more recorded observations from the investigation, then
Ask students to construct graphical displays of data and identify relationships in data sets,
Ask students to use grade-level appropriate mathematics and/or statistics to analyze the
data including mean, median, mode, and variability, and
Ask students to draw conclusions supported by their mathematical analysis,
Ask students to describe the limitations in data analysis and in relation to the methods for
data collection.
6 Present students with a scenario that describes a hypothesis and a phenomenon under
investigation, then
Ask students to create a data set that would support the hypothesis, and
Ask students say how the pattern of evidence from the data would support the hypothesis.
7 Present students with a scenario that describes tests of engineering design solutions and gives
students the relevant data from those tests, then
Ask students to analyze the data to evaluate and propose refinements to the design
solutions, and
Ask students to compare the analyzed data to criteria for success and then define an
optimal operational range for the design solution (an object, tool, process, or system).
8 Present students with a scenario that describes an investigation, the phenomenon under
investigation, and one or more recorded observations from the investigation, then
Ask students to organize, represent, and analyze the data in at least two different ways,
Ask students to use tools (digital tools, if appropriate), technologies, or models and apply
concepts of statistics and probability (e.g., functions that fit the data, slope, intercept, and
correlation coefficient) to analyze the data,
Ask students to compare how the representations and analyses help them to identify
patterns in the data,
Ask students to make a valid and reliable scientific claim using their analyses as evidence,
Ask students to consider the limitations of their data analysis.
9 Present students with a scenario that describes an investigation, the phenomenon under
investigation, multiple recorded observations from the investigation, and the results of
analyses then
Ask students to use the results to explain the phenomenon.
10 Present students with a scenario that describes an investigation, the phenomenon under
investigation, and multiple datasets including a large data set, an archival data set, data
generated from a model or self generated, or data presented in graphical format, then
Ask students to identify relationships in the data including temporal and spatial
Ask students to compare the datasets for consistency of measurements and observations,
Ask students to analyze the datasets using mathematics, as appropriate, and
Ask students to use the results from multiple datasets to explain the phenomenon.
11 Present students with a scenario that describes an investigation, the phenomenon under
investigation, one or more recorded observations from the investigation, the results of
analyses, and an interpretation of the data then
Ask students to assess whether the interpretation is consistent with the data and the
analysis, or
Ask students to evaluate how the interpretation is affected by variation or uncertainty in
the data.
12 Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, video, and/
or data, and a working explanation or a model of the system, and new data not included in the
explanation or model, then
Ask students to evaluate the impact of new data in relation to the explanation or the model,
Ask students to revise the explanation or model based on the new data, if appropriate.
Potential Task Formats: Using Mathematics and
Computational Thinking (Science)
Format Task Requirements for Students
1 Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, and/or video
and data in the form of measured quantities, then
Ask students to describe patterns in the data using counting and numbers,
Ask students to construct a display of the data using simple graphs, and
Ask students to identify and describe the patterns and relationships from the representation
and written description.
2 Present students with a scenario that includes a dataset from an investigation, the question the
investigation is intended to answer, then
Ask students to identify mathematical properties of the dataset (e.g., range, average) that
should be analyzed to answer the question.
3 Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, and/or video
and data in the form of measured quantities, then
Ask students to develop an equation or algorithm that corresponds to the description, and
Explain how the equation or algorithm represents the textual description.
4 Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon using text, images, and /or video
and data, measured quantities of data, and a mathematical equation, then
Ask students to make a prediction about the state of the phenomenon in the future given the
data, and
Ask students to write an explanation for the prediction, using the mathematical model as
supporting evidence.
Potential Task Formats: Constructing Explanations (Science)
Relevant definitions
• “Scientific explanations are accounts that link scientific theory with specific observations or
phenomena… Very often the theory is first represented by a specific model for the situation in
question, and then a model-based explanation is developed.” (NRC Framework, 2012).
1 Present students with a question about how a phenomenon works and related observations
(firsthand or from a variety of media sources), then
Ask students to interpret the observations in order to answer the question, and
Answer the question by producing an explanation (using words and/or drawings), and
Give reasons for how the observations support their answer to the question.
2 Describe a phenomenon to students along with some related qualitative or quantitative data/
observations, then
Ask students produce an explanation about the causal mechanism for the phenomena—at
their level of scientific knowledge, and
Show how their interpretation of the data is evidence for their explanation.
3 Describe a phenomenon to students along with a related set of evidence and an explanation
that includes multiple scientific principles, then
Ask students to say which pieces of evidences support or contradict particular components
of the explanation.
5 Describe a phenomenon and present students with a causal explanation of it, then
Ask students to identify gaps or weaknesses in how it scientifically explains the phenome-
non based on their level of scientific understanding.
6 Present students with data from independent and dependent variables in an investigation,
Ask them to construct a quantitative and/or qualitative claim about how the independent
variables relate to the dependent variables.
7 Describe a phenomenon and present students with a range of evidence obtained from a vari-
ety of sources (empirical investigations, models, theories, simulations, peer review), then
Ask students to construct a causal explanation for the phenomena, and
Describe how the evidence relates to the mechanisms or principles they have included.
8 Present students with an initial explanation for a phenomenon and new data or a model that
would require a revision of the initial explanation, then
Ask students to revise the explanation for the phenomenon, and
Describe how their revised explanation accounts for the new data or model.
Potential Task Formats: Designing Solutions (Engineering)
1 Present students with a scenario that describes a problem, need, or human desire using
text, images, video, and/or data that includes descriptions of the needs or concerns to be
addressed, design criteria, and design constraints, then
Ask students to sketch or describe a design approach that develops a possible solution to
the problem, and
Explain how the relevant scientific ideas are taken into account within their design.
2 Present students with a scenario that describes a problem, need, or human desire using
text, images, video, and/or data that includes descriptions of the needs or concerns to be
addressed, design criteria, and design constraints, then
Ask students to sketch, prototype or describe a design that is a possible solution to the
problem using relevant materials, and
Construct a prototype of their design.
3 Present students with a description of a designed system and data from a failure scenario (one
that did not completely meet criteria for solutions) associated with the design, then
Ask students to analyze the data,
Identify the scientific causes of the failure, and
Ask them them to sketch or describe a design iteration that might be an improvement to the
4 Present students with a description of a design in active development and a scenario where
the design team has encountered a design tension between two or more criteria perhaps also
related to the project constraints, then
Ask students how they would proceed with the design work to develop a working system
that requires consideration of trade-offs and prioritizing one design criterion over another
in order to accomplish a working design.
Potential Task Formats: Engaging in Argument from Evidence
Relevant definitions
• A data source refers to a type of data only (“We would need data on the size of the white-colored moth
population” or “We would need data comparing the color of tail feathers in birds in the mountains and in the city”)
• A pattern of evidence from data is what the data say (“The population of white-colored moths disappeared in
cities,” or “The birds’ tail feathers are whiter in the mountains than in the city”)
1 Describe a phenomenon and give two or more competing arguments with varying degrees of
evidence or that account for variable amounts of gathered evidence, then
Ask students to identify which arguments are more scientific and why.
4a, 4b Describe a scenario in which two or more explanations are offered for a phenomenon and
associated evidence using text, images, video, and/or data, then
Ask students to identify the different reasoning used in the explanations (easier), or
Ask students to identify the differences in reasoning and the evidence that supports or
contradicts each (harder).
5 Describe an engineering design problem, a proposed solution, a set of criteria, and a set of
data collected during testing of the solution, then
Ask students to interpret the data to identify quality scientific evidence, and
Support a claim about how well the solution addresses the problem using the evidence.
6a, 6b Present students with a claim, a list of data sources that are relevant to the claim (but not what
the data say), then
Ask students to identify (select from a list) a pattern of evidence from the data that would
support the claim, or
Ask students to identify (select from a list) what pattern of evidence from the data would
refute the claim.
7a, 7b, Present students with a claim and a pattern of evidence with reasoning relevant to the claim,
7c, 7d then
Ask students to assess whether the evidence is logically consistent with the reasoning, or
Ask students to assess whether the evidence is consistent with a scientific theory or model
they have studied, or
Ask students to generate ideas about additional evidence needed to support the claim, or
Ask students to critique and refine the reasoning used to support the claim.
8 Describe a scenario in which two or more scientific arguments are offered for a phenomenon
that is described using text, images, video, and/or data, then
Ask students to evaluate the merits and coherence of each argument by analyzing its fit
with currently accepted explanations and the claim, evidence, reasoning relationships, and
Use their evaluation to draw a conclusion about which argument is better supported.
9 Describe a scenario in which two or more contradictory claims are offered for a phenomenon
and partial data for evaluating the claim, then
Ask students to identify additional information needed to draw a conclusion about which
claim is accurate, and
Justify the choice of additional information using reasoning based on a model or scientific
1 Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon and includes a set of resources
including grade-appropriate texts, data displays, tables, diagrams, equations, graphs, and
models, then
Ask students to synthesize the information from across the resources and texts, and/or
Ask students to compare and contrast information across the resources and texts to
determine which are most relevant to explaining the phenomenon, and
Ask students to communicate information from the resources with others in oral or written
forms using models, drawings, writing, or numbers.
2 Present students with a scenario that describes a phenomenon and includes a set of at least
three multimodal resources with qualitative and quantitative information in written text within
visual or media displays, then
Ask students to integrate information across the resources in order to explain, clarify, or ask
questions about claims and findings made in the resources, or
Ask students to evaluate and integrate information across the resources to address a
scientific question or solve a problem.
3 Present students with a set of scientific literature (or grade-appropriate adaptations) and/or
media reports related to a scientific phenomenon, then
Ask students to analyze and write about the validity and reliability of the information in the
text (e.g., data, hypotheses, conclusions)
Ask students to evaluate the information presented and synthesize across and to address a
scientific question or solve a problem and/or ask questions about the phenomenon based
on information from relevant texts.
This work was created as part of the Research + Practice Collaboratory project. The Research
+ Practice Collaboratory brings educators and researchers together to develop more equitable
innovations for STEM teaching and learning. Learn more at
We are constantly updating and evolving our tools in response to user feedback.
This work is provided for educational use under Creative Commons Attribution Non-
Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 International license by the Research + Practice Collabora-
tory 2016-18.