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Guimaras Forest Land Use Plan

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Forest Land Use Plan

Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

1.0 Introduction
The Island Province of Guimaras is blessed with rich natural resources and scenic spots
suited for agri-tourism development. It is the home of the sweetest mango in the world.

It lies southeast of Panay Island and northwest of Negros Island and it lies between
10°25'00" and 10°46'09" north latitude, and 122°28'20.99" and 122°28'40.53" east
longitude. The island is separated from Panay by the 1.5 nautical mile long Iloilo Strait
and acts a natural breakwater for Iloilo. The six nautical miles Guimaras Strait likewise
separates the province from Negros.

Figure 1. Map Showing the Administrative Location of the Province of Guimaras

The lone district of Guimaras is composed of five municipalities namely: Buenavista,

Jordan, Nueva Valencia, San Lorenzo and Sibunag.

The Municipalities of San Lorenzo and Sibunag were created in 1995 by virtue of R.A.
7897 and R.A. 7896, respectively.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Guimaras has a total of 98 barangays as approved by the National Statistical

Coordination Board (NSCB) Executive Board sometime in 2003 based on the July 19,
1999 decision of the Regional Trial Court, 6 th Judicial Region, Branch 65, San Miguel,
Jordan and DILG Legal Services recommendation.

It has a total land area of 60,052 hectares, more or less, based on DENR Land
Classification. Forest and Forestlands (FFL) cover 5,459.40 hectares and Alienable and
Disposable lands cover 54,593 hectares, more or less.

Guimaras has a total population of 165,536 based on 2010 data of National Statistics
Office. The population per municipality were distributed as follows: Buenavista – 46,703,
Jordan – 34,791, Nueva Valencia – 37,852, San Lorenzo – 24,032 and Sibunag –
22,158. The population density was 270 persons per square kilometer (sq.km.). With an
annual population growth rate of 1.42%, it was projected that there were 172,397 people
in Guimaras in 2014.

Agriculture, fishery and tourism have been identified as the major economic drivers in
Guimaras. On the Agriculture sector, three (3) commodities are prioritized based on food
sufficiency and economic contributions to the provincial economy, namely, rice, mango
and cashew.

The Forest and Forestland of Guimaras covers a total area of 5,459.40 hectares located
in fifty-three (53) barangays comprising of 1,414 households.

This plan primarily focuses on FFL categorized as: protection and production areas. The
protection area covers 3,611 hectares associated with high biodiversity of forest and
mangrove vegetation species, areas with aesthetic and natural landscape to develop as
model site for community based-tourism, and unclassified forest lands (islands and
islets) and riverbanks for eco-tourism due to its natural and scenic beauty that could
provide recreational benefit and enjoyment for Guimarasnons and tourists. The
production area covers 1,848.40 hectares mainly for production of fuel wood, agro-
forestry using high valued crops and fishpond development.

1.1 Importance of Guimaras FLUP in the Context of:

This Chapter discusses the importance of the LGU’s share of Forest and Forest Land
(FFL) in the different contexts as to relate its vital contribution to the development of the

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026


The availability, quantity and quality of water are more and more threatened by
overuse, misuse and pollution. The quality, volume and distribution of waste are
strongly attributed to the presence of forests, or the lack of it.

This scenario is further aggravated by the phenomenon of climate change which

has drastically altered the forest's role in regulating water distribution and availability
of water resources. On this regard the relationship between forests and water is a
crucial issue that must be accorded high priority.

Forested areas supply a high volume of water for domestic, agricultural, industrial
and ecological needs from upstream to downstream areas. There is a need to
balance the wide range of multi-sectoral forest benefits without detriment to water
resources and ecosystem function, a challenge requiring urgent need for better
understanding of the interactions between forests/trees and water, for raising
awareness and building capacity in forest hydrology and equating these to
implications on policies.

Partial and complete removal of forest cover may accelerate water discharge and
increase flood risk during the rainy season and may reduce the volume of water
discharge from the river or cause river beds to dry in the dry season.

It is in maintaining high water quality that forests make highly significant contribution
to the characteristics of watersheds. This is attributed to the reduction of soil
erosion on site, reduction of sediments and filtering of water pollutants.

The behavior of water is manifested on the following mechanisms, to wit:

a. On sloping land, soil moves downhill mainly attributed to gravity. The removal
of forest cover and replacement with other land use leads generally to higher
and increased rate of erosion.

b. Erosion is usually associated with a higher sediment concentration in run-off

and with siltation of waterways. Good forest cover is more effective than any
other kind of land cover in keeping the water as sediment free as possible as
the surface cover, debris and tree roots trap sediments and stop their
downward movement. The roots of trees stabilize slopes and help prevent
shallow landslide.

c. Various types of pollution also impair the quality of water. These pollutants
could come in the form of excessive concentrations of organic matter and

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

agricultural or industrial chemicals. Forest is usually considered the

appropriate ground cover for drinking water because forest activities
generally use no fertilizer or pesticides and avoid pollution from domestic
sewage or industrial processes.

d. Locally, the residents of the upland barangays of the Province of Guimaras

depend for their supply of water largely on sources such as open springs and
communal water supply.

e. The state of health of these watersheds has been determined and it was
found out that corresponding course of action has to be taken to rehabilitate
the areas.


Starting in the 20th century, unsustainable development has often threatened the
ecology of watersheds in many parts of the world. Local population growth has
played a primary role in the deterioration of watersheds. To support the lives of
ever-increasing numbers of people, other than transforming forests into settlement
areas, upland forests have been cleared and turned into agricultural or grazing
lands contributing to watershed degradation.

On a ridge to reef scenario, agricultural and fishery areas are found on the low-lying
areas of the landscape. Therefore, by application of the law of gravity an increasing
degree of denudation in the uplands will significantly imperil the status of agriculture
and fishery resources.

Among the most likely effects include, decreasing agricultural productivity,

decreasing primary production and reduction in fish stocks, reduced ecosystem
function and disturbance in the food web along the watershed drainage channel,
deterioration and bleaching of coral reefs, disturbance in coastal and marine
habitats, etc.

This plan will derive its prescription for production areas based on the derived map
overlays from existing land use, overlaid on other thematic maps.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026


Climate change will likely bring more and different disasters affecting all aspects of
disaster management, ranging from an increase in relief operations to a need for
more and better disaster risk reduction strategies.
In particular, national governments need to step up efforts to help communities
address the rising risks, through community based risk reduction using tools such
as vulnerability and capacity assessment. The local governments, on the other hand
should be in the forefront of actual relief operations efforts once disasters are
actually happening and rescue operations are ongoing.

Forests play a vital role in mitigating climate change. Its presence or absence
significantly affects the global climate. Forests can store as much as 15 tons of
carbon per hectare per year in their biomass and wood.

Forests when managed sustainably produce wood fuels as a carbon neutral

alternative to fossil fuels. Forests absorb global carbon emissions into their
biomass and soils and store them.

Increasing warming of the planet earth increases the vulnerability to disaster. As

global temperature increases, global mean sea level rises. As a consequence it
also relates to more precipitation in temperate regions and Southeast Asia, where
the Philippines is situated, associated with higher probability of floods.

Generally, variables affecting forestry and their impacts include the following:

a. Temperature, affecting photosynthetic processes of trees and other

forest species, evaporation, etc.

b. Rainfall, causing increasing occurrence of landslides, floods, droughts,

fires, erosion, sedimentation.

c. Rise causing storm surges, inundation of mangrove areas, increased

irreversible salinity intrusion of low lying crop production areas and
reducing crop yields;

d. Occurrence of extreme events, causing heat waves, more intense rainfall

events and stronger typhoons

Some climate change mitigation and adaptation option scenarios include aligning
land uses, reforestation, soil conservation and erosion control, practice of
agroforestry multi-cropping, forest land use management, climate proofing of

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

protected areas, alternative sustainable and climate-smart livelihood activities and

capability building and awareness raising.

In addressing climate change, the following may be adopted:

 Maintain existing forests as carbon sinks
 Expand sinks in new plantations through reforestation and rainforestation
 Avoid deforestation and degradation
 Use of wood products as substitute to fossil fuel products
 Use of forest biomass for bio-energy, displacing fossil fuels
 Practice Sustainable Forest Management

Disaster management includes administrative decisions and operational activities

that involve prevention, mitigation preparedness, early warning systems, response,
recovery and rehabilitation.



The local demand for wood and wood products is very high even within the confines
of forest land barangays. These wood products are mostly utilized for their
household consumption with minimal cases for commercial purposes, as a result of
intensive advocacy of the DENR with the concerned LGUs from barangay,
municipal and provincial levels and to the island populace and enforcement of
forestry laws, rules and regulations not to mention the fact that these wood products
are at times harvested and sold to the local market. Many of wood harvests,
however, were sourced out illegally from forest lands without the necessary tenurial
instruments or authority from concerned authorities. This is a typical scenario
among FFLs.

These forest products are considered as the natural resources assets in which the
reduction or improvement of the values of FFL determines the performance of the
local socio-economic conditions of the locality. As has been proven in the past, FFL
is not just a scarce political and economic commodity but is highly considered as an
asset that impacts economies. There are many municipalities in the Philippines
which had turned into cities owing to the surge of income derived from timber
harvesting and production of wood commodities. Notwithstanding, there are also
market opportunities in producing food, fiber, water and ecotourism services.

Thus, there is an emerging need to balance, direct, appropriate and distribute the
power of the state among different stakeholders with respect to the allocation,
management, management, regulation and use of FFLs. It is on this respect that
the powers vested with FFL must be clearly defined paving way to allocation of

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

lands for specific purposes. On the other hand, gaining commitments from all
stakeholders are imperative.

The allocation of production and protection areas conceived in the FLUP through
map overlays will address this scenario of allocating open access.


Biodiversity or the variety of life on Earth and the natural patterns it forms is the fruit
of centuries of evolution, shaped by natural processes, and increasingly by the
influence of man. It forms the web of life of which man is an integral part of the
system and upon which he so fully depends.

Lately, man has to realize that many ecosystems were rapidly being destroyed and
this basic source of life itself was compromised and rapidly being eroded. In an
effort to satisfy his wants man had put himself in a dilemma quagmire where he is
trapped in a paradox where he has to strain the resource where he finds himself
deeply attached in order to sustainably survive.

Being a habitat for the sustainable existence of plant and animal life, forest lands
become the subject of scrutiny every time dwindling population of flora and fauna is

Preservation of the natural habitat of wildlife is the best way to address biodiversity
conservation but it must be coupled with integrated management of land, water and
living resources that promotes the conservation and sustainable use in an equitable


In applying integrated ecosystems management to watershed or protected areas

there must be a balance between equally important and usually competing values
and roles. The forests must be looked at as a whole while attempting to evaluate
the functionality of the parts. In which case, the resource must be valued for its
past, scrutinized for the present and planned for the future. There must be a
scrutiny of those sectors which will benefit and those which will be marginalized. As
a plan of action, it must integrate into itself the unintended consequences and
emergent opportunities that may arise or result from such interventions or
manifestations of actions.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Some activities which will be adopted in protecting and maintaining the integrity of
the watershed are as follows:

1. Ensure that the carrying capacity of the ecosystems does not exceed in
the course of development.

2. Rehabilitate degraded ecosystems with ecologically friendly approaches

like rainforestation and assisted natural regeneration.

3. Provide adequate time, space and protection for ecological regenerative


4. Avoid destructive practices such as depletion of biological and physical

resources and dumping of solid wastes and toxic substances.

5. Promulgate and implement local and national laws/ordinances that

promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature and
responsible stewardship.

6. Involve local communities in the planning, implementation and monitoring

of FLUP.

7. Develop and implement programs for improved management of natural

resources to benefit society while respecting the integrity and sustainability
of ecosystems.

8. Undertake vigorous information and education campaigns to promote

understanding and appreciation of ecosystems and rally support for their
conservation and protection.

1.2 The FLUP as a Tool to Align Land Uses and Ensure

Effective On-Site Management of Guimaras Forest &
Forest Land (FFL)

The Local Government Code of 1991 afforded a window of opportunity for local
government units (LGUs), municipalities included, to have a hands-on role in the
management of their environment and natural resources. These resources include
forests and forestlands which are key natural resources within the administrative
jurisdiction of every LGU. It is a realization that in many LGUs forestlands comprises a
significant percentage share in the total land area and it is not a rarity that some LGUs

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

have more forestlands in proportion to alienable and disposable lands.

As prescribed in the Regalian doctrine, forestlands are owned by the state and it cannot
be alienated and titled. The exploration, development and utilization are under the full
control and supervision of the State. But the State can allocate the forests and
forestlands for protection, development and management and the DENR is the primary
agency responsible for the conservation, management, development and disposition of
the nation's natural resources as well as the management of watersheds.

There are instruments, however, that "allocates" public forests and forestlands and these
are facilitated mainly through the DENR, Congress of the Philippines, Office of the
President of the Philippines and the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples

It was a common belief that LGUs have very minimal part in the management of forest
lands even in its own political jurisdiction. Land allocation is basically a major concern
for national government agencies. With the passing of the Local Government Code,
however, the LGUs were given an impetus to realize the economic, political and
environmental impacts of allocating forests and forestlands. LGUs had to practically
evolve from being passive to become pro-active managers of the economic enterprise of
forests and forestland allocation. The LGUs had to look more steps forward to realize
that forests and forestlands could best serve the interest of their constituents.

Owing to its innate character, forests and forest lands, among other land forms could
have a highest degree of influence to make or break the future of the LGU. Being
situated in the higher slopes, the forests and forestlands form the watershed, food
production areas, ecotourism and biodiversity sites and biological fences to many kinds
of pests, diseases and natural disasters.

One disadvantage in the management of forest lands is the presence of forest

occupants and/or claimants and that there are portions of the FFL that has limited
resources accessible for regular visitation. If these areas are not properly allocated,
these become "open access areas" without an organized People’s Organizations
responsible for the protection and management of the limited resources.

The overall concept of FLUP is to put "open access areas" into effective responsible "on-
site" management by way of assigning holders of allocation instruments as enforcers of
environmental advocacy.

FLUP will serve as a road map in the management of FFL of the five municipalities and
the entire Province of Guimaras.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

1.3 The FLUP in Support of the Provincial/Regional Development


FLUP is governance oriented planning process and has the necessary ingredients for
demonstrating good governance.

It calls for transparency in the allocation of forests and forest lands leading to issuance
of resource use rights, equal access to information and informed decision making.

FLUP assigns accountability of holders of tenure and allocation instruments based on

their commitments, agreements, plans in the management of tenured/allocated areas;
accountability of DENR and LGU to support forest/upland development and for their
resource allocation decisions.

FLUP also requires participation of stakeholders in the analysis, planning and land
allocation process, participation of stakeholders in forest management and forest policy

The formulation of FLUP is in full support of the municipal/provincial and national

development plans. Among others it has the following importance and significance with
due regard to execution of development plans, to wit:

1. Localization of the national governance framework in managing forests and

forestlands at the LGU and tenure levels;

2. Provides framework for rational use of forest lands and how it will
complement the use of Alienable and Disposable Lands;

3. Sustains the supply of ecosystem services for irrigation, domestic water,

energy, recreation and fisheries;

4. Provides guidelines for aligning land uses in the uplands, lowlands and
coastal areas; and

5. Sets the framework for identifying sustainable forest management

strategies and investment priorities.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026


2.1 Physical Boundaries of the Province and the Component


Guimaras has a total land area of 60,052 hectares, more or less of which 54,593
hectares or 90.91% is classified as alienable and disposable (A&D) while 5,459.40
hectares or 9.09% is considered Forest and Forestland (FFL). FFL is further categorized
into upland, fishpond, mangrove and unclassified Islands and Islets. In terms of FFL
area, Sibunag has the largest upland forestland, while Nueva Valencia has the largest
fispond and mangrove areas and Sibunag with largest unclassified forestland as shown
in the Table below.

Table 1. Area of FFL Per Municipality

FFL Classification (has)

Muicipality Total
FL (Upland) FL (Fishpond) FL (Mangrove) Unclassified
Buenavista 432.39 57.43 10.96 13.09 513.87
Jordan 1,090.46 15.29 36.22 12.73 1,154.70
Nueva Valencia 0.65 455.04 143.47 599.86 1,199.01
San Lorenzo 460.14 110.91 3.49 68.77 643.31
Sibunag 232.13 495.21 66.88 1,154.30 1948.51
Total 2,215.77 1,133.88 261.02 1,848.75 5,459.40
Source: Land Classification Map

The Municipality of Buenavista is located at the Northern tip of Guimaras Island and one
of the five towns comprising the Province of Guimaras. The Northern and Northwestern
parts of the town overlook the Panay Island and the North Eastern portion faces Negros
Island. It is (2) two miles away from Iloilo City and can be reached by pump boat from
Parola, Iloilo City.

Jordan is located in the mid-west portion of the island of Guimaras. It is bounded by the
Municipality of Buenavista in the northeast; the Iloilo strait in the northwest; Municipality
of Sibunag in the southwest and southeast; and Municipality of San Lorenzo in the east.
Approximate distance is 1.5 nautical miles from the mainland Iloilo. Travel time from
Ortiz wharf, Iloilo City takes fifteen (15) minutes by pump boat. Jordan is considered as
“gateway to Guimaras” because most people take this route from Iloilo City.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

The Municipality of Nueva Valencia is located at the southern part of the Province of
Guimaras. It is more or less 23 kilometers from Iloilo City. It lies between 10 0 23’ 07” to
100 31’ 48” latitude and 1220 27’ 06” to 1220 36’ 58” longitude. It is bounded on the North
by the Municipality of Sibunag, on the Southeast by Guimaras Strait and on the West by
Panay Gulf and Iloilo Strait.

The Municipality of San Lorenzo is located at the eastern rim of the Island Province of
Guimaras. San Lorenzo was dubbed as the “rice granary of Guimaras” having the
largest agricultural area and is the major rice supplier of the Island and the nearby
Province of Negros Occidental.

Sibunag is a coastal municipality located at the south eastern side of Guimaras Island
facing Negros Island. In astronomical terms, it is located approximately between
10º26.5’ and 10º31.5’ north latitude and between 122º31.5’ and 122º36.5’ east longitude.
It is bounded on the north by the towns of Jordan and San Lorenzo, on the southwest by
the municipality of Nueva Valencia, and on the southeast by the Guimaras Strait.

Map 1. Land Classification Map of the Province of Guimaras

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

2.2 Duration (10 Years)

The planning period of FLUP is ten (10) years. However, the Plan should be revisited
and updated in terms of implementation and targets of the projects stipulated in the
Work and Financial Plan.

2.3 Relation with the CLUP

FLUP defines how the forests and forest lands could best serve the communities at
large. In "open access" forest lands, the issue is more of ALLOCATION - what
allocation will result in the maximum services and productivity functions of the forest
lands. In which case, a forest land is said to be allocated if and only if an area is
covered by certain proclamation, agreement, permit or declaration either administratively
or legislatively. After allocation, the issue becomes management and sustainable use of
allocated forest lands.

In Alienable and Disposable (A&D) Lands, the issue is particularly of zoning and titling to
maintain ecological, economic and physical balance of each LGU unit. The A&D lands
are generally the service areas of forest lands. In which case titling becomes a major
issue especially if there is a need to broaden or increase the revenue base of the
municipality or province.

In integrating FLUP to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) the following are
taken into account, namely:

 LGUs must realize that FFLs are part of their assets and the way these are
utilized will have impacts on their constituents.

 LGUs must take the lead in FLUP formulation with DENR providing the
necessary technical guidance and assistance.

 FLUPs must be integrated into the LGUs CLUP/CDP to ensure that it will be
implemented and will remain part of the LGUs development agenda as it
addresses the needs and interest of the municipality.

 There are forest lands in the ridges, there are forest lands in the reefs and
there are communities and people in between.

 The Residents in the Coastal Areas, estimated at 60-70% of the LGU

population are the final recipients of the ridge to reef landscape.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

 Coastal waters and their marine habitats are at the end of the ridge to reef
landscape serving as the sink where the silt and hazardous wastes settle,
impairing water quality and damaging coral reefs and mangrove that serve as
homes to fish and marine lives.

 The ridge to reef landscape is governed by the “law of nature,” that is, the
rate of flow and volume of water drained through the river systems will
determine the health of such watershed and issues on vulnerability.

On the basis of functionality the following should be included as an integral component

of the legislative agenda defining the formulation of FLUP. These are as follows, to wit:

 Significant portions of the political jurisdiction of LGUs include forests and


 The area of forestlands is included in the municipality's share from the

Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) where budgetary allocation of the
municipality is computes.

 There is a need to sustain water supply for agriculture which source are the
headwaters in the mountains or forestlands.

 The need to source out the material requirements of industries usually

derived from forests as major or minor forest products.

 To reduce disaster risk usually as a result of deteriorating situation of forest

lands or mountainous areas.

 To conserve biodiversity for tourism as support to fisheries and other

ecosystem services.

The primary legal basis for incorporating FLUP to the CLUP is prescribed in Executive
Order No. 318 particularly Sec. 2.6.6 which stipulates that Forest Lands Use Plans
(FLUP) shall be incorporated by LGUs in their comprehensive land use plans and
national agencies should assists LGUs in this endeavor. Such requirement was further
reiterated in Joint Memorandum Circular No 2003-01, Section 5 requiring the enactment
of FLUP as an ordinance to become part of the comprehensive land-use plans to be
jointly approved by the DENR and the LGU through a Memorandum of Agreement
witnessed by the DILG. Finally, CLUPs must only be approved after the FLUPs are
incorporated to the CLUP.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026


The statistical data gathered and collated in the FLUP preparation were gathered from
available socio-economic data existing in the barangay or with the municipality
complemented by spatial data. Some other pieces of information were gathered from
community mapping and field validation conducted by DENR and GENRO.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026


Forest land use planning constitutes major steps with which each has a corresponding
expected output. These steps or processes are undertaken in a participatory manner to
build harmony to the preference of stakeholders with which resulted to the management
and policy decisions regarding the best use of forest and forest lands. The processes
are discussed in the preceding pages as to give clarity and purpose to the activity being

3.1 Memorandum of Agreement between DENR and LGU with

Resolution from the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.

The Province of Guimaras has signified its intent to formulate the Island FLUP in
partnership with the DENR, being the lead agency. The DENR and the Provincial
Government entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) upon the approval of the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan Resolution No. 59 dated March 31, 2016, Resolution
Authorizing Gov. Samuel T. Gumarin, MD, MPH, to sign for and in behalf of the
Provincial Government of Guimaras, the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the
DENR for the Formulation of the Forest Land Use Plan (FLUP). Both parties lawfully
agreed to share responsibilities in management of the FFL areas and have close
coordination and collaboration for the drafting of the Forest Land Use Plan. The
Technical Working Group (TWG) was created through Executive Order No. 31, s. 2016
dated August 12, 2016. The TWG with the technical assistance of the Regional FLUP
Coordinator of DENR, R-VI is responsible for the drafting of the Island Province FLUP
before end of 2016.

3.2 Community Mapping and Profiling

The DENR-6 and PENRO Guimaras together

with the LGU conducted community profiling and
mapping of 53 FFL barangays. Community
mapping is a venue where raw data are gathered
and plotted on a map as a source of information
on the occurrence, distribution of different
biophysical and socio-cultural features. Such as
demographic data, cultural landmarks, resources,

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

resource use and access, land ownership and domain, infrastructure and religious
groupings. Data collection and mapping activities were done simultaneously. After data
collection, raw data were processed and validated. Data and map collection are crucial
in forest land use planning thus accuracy and correctness it is a must.

Maps were drawn to indicate the current scenario and trends in the FFL barangays. The
watershed, forest cover, land classification, slope, erosion, geo-hazard settlement,
vulnerability assessment maps were generated after a validation on the ground was
conducted. This data is very crucial to the informed planning and decision-making.

3.3 Updating of Thematic Maps, Composite and Derived Maps

Based on data gathered on the field and available

literatures of five (5) municipalities, thematic maps
were generated that will be used and interpreted in
making allocations and decisions of FFL resources.
Composite and derived maps are created to establish
the relationship of 2 or more parameters as a guide in
making an informed decision.

After site validation, the GIS officers prepared the

different thematic maps of the five (5) municipalities.
The computer generated thematic maps were drawn
as follows:


The Administrative Map shows the entire municipal territorial jurisdiction

and location of barangays.


This map presents the location of timberland, alienable and disposable

areas of forest and forest land.


Watershed and Drainage Map shows the watershed divide, and at the
same time the drainage or river pattern. The map reflects the entire

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

watershed ecosystem perspective. This could be used as a basis for

computing water discharge level.


This maps shows the slope classification from <18% to 30, 30-50% and
>50%. The map is very vital in determining the susceptibility if not risks of
areas to landslide, erosion and flooding.


This type of map shows the classification of elevation measured in terms of

meters above sea level (masl). The typical classification used are <500
masl, 500-1,000 masl, >1,000 masl.


The Vegetative Map covers data of open and closed canopy forests,
plantation, agricultural areas, grasslands/brush lands, etc. The information
is also important for determining the existing plantation and the proposed
target for reforestation and rehabilitation.


The map indicates location and distribution of projects and interventions or

investment necessary to forest rehabilitation and development.


Tenure or Allocation Map shows the areas covered with legitimate tenure


Tourism Map as the name implies shows the tourism sites and potential
within the FFL.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026


The map presents the distribution of settlements by barangays and sitios.

Cluster of population and household groupings may also be reflected in the


The Map locates areas of natural or geologic hazards, highly erodible area,
flood prone areas and those areas vulnerable to climate change.


This map indicates proclaimed protected areas, key biodiversity areas,

closed canopy forest areas, mangrove forests and identified habitats of
threatened or protected wildlife species or critical habitat.



The infrastructure related to the water system in the FFL barangays are
indicated in the map.

3.4 Situational Analysis

The data collected from the community

profiling and mapping are raw data. They
need to be collated, organized, summarized
and analyzed that both the Provincial and
Municipal LGU and DENR draw valid
conclusions and made decisions in
formulating for the management of FFL,
watershed and non-negotiable zones. The
questions where are we now? Where do we
want to go and how do we get there, are the
guiding principle that were observed in this
activity. The result of situational analysis and
thematic mapping activity is a critical input
the decision making of the local leaders.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

3.5 Zoning and Allocation of Open Access Forest and

Forest Land

The ultimate goal of FLUP is the formulation and identification of management zones
for production, and protection and coming up with a proposed land use. The formulation
is done after thorough and critical analysis of facts and data tables plus the generated
result from map overlay analysis.

3.6 Review and Formulation of the Vision, Goals,

Objectives and Strategies

The vision and mission of the LGU was adopted in the FLUP. However, development
goals were designed to address the issues in the FFL areas.

Actually, the meat of the FLUP is the formulation of management zones and identifying
and specifying objectives and strategies that are converted into projects that would
address the environmental issues.

3.7 Drafting of the FLUP

Armed with the necessary inputs provided for by the technical persons of the DENR the
TWG embarked on the drafting of the FLUP.

3.8 Consultation and Validation of the Draft FLUP

Consultative meetings were conducted between the DENR and LGU TWG to validate
data that are vital in FLUP formulation. A meeting with local chief executive was
scheduled wherein the thematic maps were presented. The activity aims to solicit the
recommendation/approval of the local leader as to the proposed management zones of
the FFL.

3.9 Legitimization

(SB Ordinances/Resolutions & Endorsement from Civil Society Groups or

POs, Endorsement and Approval of FLUP by the LCE & DENR).

The final draft of the FLUP will be presented to the PDC for its adoption and
endorsement to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan. A public hearing will be conducted for

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

the purpose of the FLUP presentation to the stakeholders. Hopefully, the FLUP will be
approved by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of the province with the passage of a
Provincial Ordinance approving the FLUP and integrating it to the CLUP of the five
municipalities. Then the approved FLUP will be submitted to DENR R-6 for approval.

3.10 Preparation and Signing of the Joint FLUP Implementation


The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the DENR and the Provincial and
Municipal Government will concretize the partnership in FLUP implementation.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026


4.1 LGU Profile

4.1.1 Biophysical Profile

 Total Area

Guimaras is composed of five (5) municipalities namely: Buenavista, Jordan, Nueva

Valencia, San Lorenzo and Sibunag. The municipalities of San Lorenzo and
Sibunag were created in 1995 by virtue of R.A. 7897 and R.A. 7896, respectively.

Table 2. Land Area of Municipalities, Province of Guimaras

Municipality Area (Ha) Percent Share of Land

Area (%)
Nueva Valencia 13,410 22.3
Buenavista 11,598 19.3
Jordan 10,852 18.1
Sibunag 13,600 22.6
San Lorenzo 10,592 17.6
TOTAL 60,052 100.00
Source: DENR Region VI.

For the purpose of the FLUP, the area generated by digitizing the the NAMRIA
Topographic Map and the Cadastral Map is 60,052 hectares, more or less.
Comprising of 13,410 hectares more or less for Nueva Valencia; 11,598 hectares
more or less for Buenavista; 10,852 hectares more or less for Jordan; 13,600
hectares more or less for Sibunag; and 10,592 hectares more or less for San

Of the total land area of Guimaras, 54,593 hectares more or less are classified as A
& D; 2,215.77 hectares for FL (Upland); 1,133.87 hectares for FL (Fishpond);
261.02 hectares (Mangrove); and 1,848.74 hectares are unclassified island and

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Map 2. Land Classification Map of the Province of Guimaras

 Topography and Slope

The topography of Guimaras Island varies from level to steeply sloping, with land
elevation ranging from 0 to nearly 300 masl. Mt. Dinalman, located in Millan,
Sibunag, has the highest elevation of 267 masl.

A simplified topographic contour map indicates that the great part of islands land
area is above 100 masl. By comparing the topographic features from the 1956
topographic maps with the present situation, it could be concluded that the island
topography has not been altered much by man-made activities.

The island’s topography shows quite steep slopes on the western side of island with
plateaus and peaks above 200 m in the central portion. A large part or 69% of the
total land area is within the 0-18% slope, 19.73% is above 18-30% slope, 9.42% is
above 30-50% slope and 1.74 percent is above 50% slope.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Map 3. Slope Map of the Province of Guimaras

 Climate

Guimaras is classified as Corona’s Type 1 climate, characterized by two

pronounced seasons: the dry season usually between the months of November and
April, and the rainy or wet season, which occurs during the rest of the year.

Rainfall during the northeast monsoon would most probably be due to conventional
thunderstorms, a result of intense heating causing rapid evaporation, or to a lesser
extent, typhoons which can occur in the region during October-November. The
probability of a typhoon hitting Guimaras is fortunately low. The island has a rare
frequency passage of 0%-10% of the annual average of 19.8 typhoons.

The southwest monsoon (hanging habagat), which ushers in the wet season, starts
in June and ends in September. It is characterized by moisture-laden maritime
tropical (MT) winds prevailing from a southwesterly direction due to a high pressure
system over the Australian Continent, from which diverging winds move towards a
low pressure system over South and Southeast Asia including Mainland China.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Climate variations have been observed in Guimaras as manifested by conditions

wherein it is raining in one area but just in another area it is dry. Micro-climatic
conditions differ in areas of the island and require more detailed climatic
measurements and advanced weather observation facilities. This is very significant
considering that agriculture; fisheries and tourism are the primary drivers of the

Map 4. Climatic Map of the Province of Guimaras

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

 Recent Vegetative Cover

The vegetative cover of the FFL area are classified and shown in Map 5 and Table
3. It could be noted that the mixed plantation occupies the biggest area (2,083.26
hectares) followed by fishpond areas (891.69 hectares), woody shrubs (628.27
hectares), mangrove forest (563.48), coconut plantation (394.16 hectares),
brushland/grassland (361.49 hectares), , rice paddies (252.25 hectares), open
cultivated (93.03 hectares), non-plantable area (87.99 hectares), built-up area
(67.59 hectares), and the smallest area is water bodies (36.20 hectares).

Mixed plantations of forest and fruit trees are found in the CBFM and ISF/CSC
areas particularly located in Brgys. Taminla and Dagsaan, Buenavista; Brgys. Sapal
and Constancia, San Lorenzo and Brgy. Espinosa, Jordan; Brgy. Tacay,
Buenavista, Brgys. Lawi and Hoskyn, Jordan, Guiwanon Island, Nueva Valencia
and Brgys. Tanglad, Sabang and San Isidro, Sibunag.

Other types of vegetation are mixed perennials and agroforestry are spread in

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Table 3. Table showing the Vegetative Cover and Land Uses of FFL in the Province of
Land Classification
Vegetative Cover /
FL FL FL Total
Land Use
(Upland) (Fishpond) (Mangrove) Unclassififed
Brushland/Grassland 308.92 20.82 4.89 26.86 361.49
Built-up AREA 21.96 9.42 1.47 34.74 67.59
Coconut Plantation 40.84 1.79 351.52 394.16
Fishpond 12.92 775.64 49.94 53.20 891.69
Mangrove 4.63 122.43 142.72 293.70 563.48
Mixed Plantation 1,039.56 64.01 39.17 940.51 2,083.26
Non-plantable AREA 1.83 2.17 2.48 81.51 87.99
Open Cultivated 79.93 5.27 0.46 7.37 93.03
Rice Paddies 88.76 117.46 11.26 34.77 252.25
Water Bodies 4.56 7.07 24.57 36.20
Woody Shrubs 616.42 10.29 1.57 628.27
Total 2,215.77 1,133.87 261.02 1,848.74 5,459.40

 Sub-watershed and Drainage

In the Eastern part of the province, there are 21 sub watersheds while in Western
part there are 13 sub watersheds with a total of 34 sub watersheds. There are three
major sub watersheds identified, the Sibunag River sub watershed with an area of
9,326.45 hectares; the Cabano River sub watershed with an area of 8,004.60
hectares and the Mantangingi River sub watershed with an area of 5,140.31
hectares. There are reports that these rivers, having comparatively large
catchments areas, dry-up during prolonged dry season, indicating limited aquifer
storage to support the base flow. Out of these three major sub watersheds, only
Mantangingi has no forest and forestland area.

Map. 4. Map showing the Sub Watersheds of Guimaras

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

4.1.2 Socio-Economic and Cultural Profile

 Political Subdivisions

The island province of Guimaras lies southeast of Panay Island and northwest of
Negros Island. It lies between 10°25'00" and 10°46'09" north latitude, and
122°28'20.99" and 122°28'40.53" east longitude. The island is separated from
Panay by the 1.5 nautical mile long Iloilo Strait and acts a natural breakwater for
Iloilo. The six nautical miles Guimaras Strait likewise separates the province from

The lone district of Guimaras is composed of five municipalities namely: Buenavista,

Jordan, Nueva Valencia, San Lorenzo and Sibunag as shown in Table 4.

The municipalities of San Lorenzo and Sibunag were created in 1995 by virtue of
R.A. 7897 and R.A. 7896 respectively.

Guimaras has a total of 98 barangays, as approved by the NSCB Executive Board

sometime in 2003 based on the July 19, 1999 decision of the Regional Trial Court
6th Judicial Region, Branch 65, San Miguel, Jordan and DILG Legal Service3

Table 4
Number of Barangays by Municipality
Province of Guimaras
Buenavista 36
Jordan 14
Nueva Valencia 22
Sibunag 14
San Lorenzo 12

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Figure 2 Map of the Province of Guimaras

 Demography

Guimaras, the smallest and newest province of Western Visayas, has grown in
terms of population. From a total of only 73,014 persons in 1970, Guimaras’
population grew to 126,470 in 1995, then it increased to 141,450 in 2000 and it little
bit more than doubled its size to a total of 151,238 in 2007 and 162,943 in 2010.
The latest population based on the 2015 from the Philippine Statistics Authority
(PSA) is 174,613.

Since 1995 up to 2015 census, Guimaras has had the smallest population
percentage share at an average of a little more than 2%. In contrast, Negros
Occidental has had the biggest share.

As of December 2008, there are no available data yet from NSO on the 2007
population by sex and the number of households. But in 2000, 51.4% of the total
141,450 population or 72,649 are male, and 48.6% or 68,801 are female. The total
number of households in 2000 was 27,465 reflecting an average 5.2 persons per
household size.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Based on the 2010 data from the NSO, 51.5 percent were male and 48.5 percent
were female of the total population of 162,734 and of the total household population
of 35,462 reflecting an average of 4.6 persons per household size

In the censal years 1995, 2000, 2010 and 2015, Buenavista has had the largest
population size comprising almost 29 to 30 percent of the total provincial
population,. Sibunag has had the least population with a average of a little more
than 12 percent.

Majority of the populace are Roman Catholic while the rest are composed of
different religions such as Protestants, Baptists, Seventh Day Adventist, Christian
Born-Again, Iglesia Filipina Independiente, etc. Among these many religious
sectors, only Roman Catholic, Baptists, Seventh Day Adventists and Iglesia Filipina
Independiente have churches of their own and only Roman Catholic has a

 Ethnic Composition

The people of Guimaras are dominantly made up of local inhabitants that are an
assimilation of those coming from the nearby provinces of Negros Occidental, Iloilo
and Antique that gave rise to the peculiarity of the local dialect. There are
indigenous people identified in the Municipality of Nueva Valencia and Sibunag,
living in Sitio Ubog, Barangay Lanipe and Brgy. Maabay, Sibunag. They have an
official accreditation on this claim or an ancestral domain that was established. The
in-migration adds up to the variety of ethnic origins that are readily assimilated to
the local people.

 Major Livelihood Sources

Farming and Fishing are the primary sources of livelihood of the residents. Aside
from rice farming and fishing, people are engaged in livestock raising, fruit and
vegetable production, tree plantation for lumber, fuelwood and charcoal production.
As of the first semester of 2015, 19 out of 100 Guimarasnons families and almost
21 out of 100 Guimarasnons live below the poverty line. The poverty line or per
capita poverty threshold in 2015 was Php11,401 per person for six months or
Php1,900 per person per month, and Php9,500 per family of 5 members.
Meanwhile, the per capita food threshold of Php7,961.00 is the minimum income
required to meet the basic food needs and satisfy the nutritional requirements set
forth by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) for economically
necessary and socially desirable physical activities.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Table 5. Annual Income for the Last Five (5) Years

Commerci Private Exclusive

Governmen ORE
al Sand & Quarry Gratuito Sand and Quarry Sand And Certificati
Year t Gratuitous Penalty Transport TOTAL
Gravel Permit us Gravel Tax Gravel Tax ons Fee
Permit Permit
Permit Permit Permit
2011 Ᵽ6, 130.00 Ᵽ32,000.00 Ᵽ1,900.00 Ᵽ3,630.00 Ᵽ1,130.00 - Ᵽ1,832.50 Ᵽ20,497.50 Ᵽ14,050.00 Ᵽ428,036.50 Ᵽ509,206.50
2012 Ᵽ8,210.00 Ᵽ1,000.00 - Ᵽ3,600.00 Ᵽ1,200.00 Ᵽ15,000.00 Ᵽ2,296.00 Ᵽ33,322.00 Ᵽ13,500.00 Ᵽ496,874.20 Ᵽ575,002.20
2013 Ᵽ5,480.00 Ᵽ12,355.00 Ᵽ4,220.00 Ᵽ600.00 Ᵽ1,000.00 Ᵽ5,000.00 Ᵽ1,267.00 Ᵽ21,739.75 Ᵽ12,000.00 Ᵽ497,098.00 Ᵽ560,759.75
2014 Ᵽ23,100.00 Ᵽ51,740.00 - Ᵽ1,200.00 Ᵽ5,440.00 Ᵽ30,000.00 Ᵽ612.00 Ᵽ178,307.88 Ᵽ11,700.00 Ᵽ442,142.80 Ᵽ744,242,68
2015 Ᵽ17,477.00 Ᵽ25,780.00 Ᵽ1,930.00 Ᵽ3,360.00 Ᵽ6,654.00 Ᵽ30,000.00 - Ᵽ288,967.50 Ᵽ12,570.00 Ᵽ379,400.00 Ᵽ766,138.50

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

 Infrastructure Services

Basic services such as health, education, power, roads/bridges, water and

sanitation facilities are provided by the LGU. Some barangays and feeder roads are
unpassable during rainy days and need further improvement. Power generation is
estimated to energize 95% of the municipality while the far flung barangays and
islets/islands haven’t been reached yet with electricity. The absence of some basic
services remains as a challenge to the local officials and other government
agencies on how to address the needs and aspirations of the residents.

The main purpose of infrastructure, utilities and facilities in the province is to provide
an efficient transportation, reliable supplies of essential utilities such as power,
water and communication and the provision of basic services to the constituents.
These are in line with the development of an efficient, responsive, safe and
ecologically friendly built environment. Better mobility means more improved
integration. Adequate utilities and facilities will be translated to a more favorable
environment for food production and tourism. Social infra services and facilities
which are in place are the basic requirements of development.

However, infrastructure facilities still require further development and improvement.

Thus, programs, projects and activities to enhance power, water transportation and
communication facilities are being prioritized to achieve better strategic positioning
of the infrastructure sector.

4.1.3 Institutional Profile

The FFL assets or a resource of the province is managed by DENR in partnership with
the Provincial Government thru GENRO. The absence of a permanent Environment and
Natural Resources Officer (ENRO) in five (5) municipalities is a major setback in the
management system.

Together with the community leaders of the FFL area, the POs, NGOs, DENR has a
major role in the sustainable management, conservation and protection of the forest and
forest resources. The presence of various investments in the locality, like resorts, Forest
Land Agreement for Tourism, is a catalyst that obliged the PLGU to get involved in their
environmental responsibility that touches the FFL to some extent. The regular
monitoring activities are also a venue for the LGU, DENR, CSOs and the private sector
to formulate initiatives that leads to a better environment. Finally, the DENR, as the lead
steward of the environment, is a consistent partner of the LGU in FFL management. An
example of collaboration is the National Greening Program (NGP), Agroforestry,
Riverbank Rehabilitation, Mangrove and Beach Forest Development Program (MBFDP)
as priority projects of the Provincial Government.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

4.1.4 Climate Change Hazard

Additional protection parameters may include the geologic hazard susceptibility. This is
increasingly important parameter to consider when deciding and planning for land use in
the light of disaster and risk hazard posed to population and public and private
properties and investments. The extreme events that can be brought by climate change
impacts with changing rainfall and temperature pattern increases exposure of these
geologically hazard area. The impact of intense rainfall can increase erodibility and
landslide. Intense temperature may affect area that are devoid of vegetative cover, alter
overall watershed water production function and may reduce the productivity potential of
some crops. Geologic hazard and climate change must be factored-in in the overall
planning regime undertaken on protection of watersheds and forest and forestlands

Deforestation causes surface soil exposure that easily dries up during summer. When
rainy days come, flash flood occurs, bringing all sediments downstream and caused
river/creek siltation, swallowing of water-ways and overflowing of water resulting to low
land floods.

Based on the Geo-hazard Map generated by the DENR-Region VI, 40 households

within FL (Upland), FL (Fishpond), FL (Mangrove) and unclassified (islands and islets) is
very highly susceptible to flooding mostly found in the Municipalities of Jordan, Sibunag
and Nueva Valencia. There are a total of 163, 212 and 41 Households which are highly,
moderately and low susceptibility to flooding, respectively.

Three barangays of the Municipality of Jordan are very highly susceptible to landslide
such as: FL (Upland) areas in Brgy. Espinosa and Lawi and FL (Fishpond) in Brgy.
Rizal. Fortunately to note that there is no settlement in these areas.

There are 121 households within the FL (Upland) and 3 households in unclassified land
(islands and islets) that are highly susceptible to landslide scattered in five (5)

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

4.2 Conditions of Forest and Forestland Assets

 Land Resources

The Province of Guimaras has a total land area of 60,052 hectares, more or less. It has
53 out of 98 barangays classified as forest and forestland comprising an area of 5,459.4
hectares as previously discussed in Chapter III.

Land is a finite resource, while population is constantly increasing. This scenario

triggers human intrusion or settlement in forests and results to its subsequent
destruction. The possible utilization of mineral resources is also a threat to our FFL

 Mangrove Forests

There are assorted species of mangroves in the province that serve as breeding
ground of fishes, crustaceans and shell fishes.

There are about 88.091 hectares of existing mangroves were rehabilitated through
the initiatives of the following institutions: European Union – Small Islands
Agricultural Support Services Programme (SMISLE), DENR Calamity Fund,
GENRO Province of Local Government of Nueva Valencia with the active
participation of the Community.

A Portion of National Greening Program:
Mangrove Plantation located at Brgy. Lapaz
Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

The DENR-PENRO established a 40 hectare mangrove (2011-2013) rehabilitation

project funded under National Greening Program (NGP). The Province of Guimaras
through the DENR in coordination with the concerned MLGUs and BLGUs of the 5
municipalities implemented the Mangrove and Beach Forest Development Project
(MBFDP) covering 350 hectares.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Mangroves provides significant role in

our coastal ecosystem such as:
served as nursery and feeding
ground for different fishes, birds and
other wildlife. It is also works as
physical barrier for storm surges and
strong winds during bad weather
condition and other important factors
that helps stabilize or sustain the
coastal areas and fishery production.

The rehabilitation of Barangay

Panobolon mangroves not only
provides extra income to the
association members during the
project establishment but restore the
lush mangrove vegetation before that supplies economic importance fishes, shells
and crustaceans to the communities. This is why numerous resident of Barangay
Panobolon continue planted/replanted mangroves in their area.

As to date, the twenty six (26) hectares mangrove plantation established in the area
has a total average survival rate of 44.18 %. The average height of planted
Bacauan Babae reached up to 3.010 meters while the Bungalon as one of the slow
growing mangrove species reached up to 0.971 meters. The table below shows the
status of five (5) species planted on the DBP mangrove rehabilitation project.

Table 6. No. of Propagules Planted and Survived

No. of Average
No. of
Species seedlings Height Diameter Survival
survived (m) (cm) Rate
1. Bacauanbabae 68,268 28,915 3.010 4.790 42.35
2. Bacauanbangkau 111,786 28,565 1.960 3.830 25.55
3. Busain 200 75 2.031 5.032 37.50
4. Tangal 5,000 5,000 1.246 2.973 100.00
5. Bungalon 39,698 6,159 0.971 2.920 15.51

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Aside from the status of the mangrove species planted, the communities already felt
the impacts of the established plantation in their fishery production. Wildlife such as
different migratory avian species and the country endemic Philippine Duck
(Anasluzonica) frequently visible during the site visitation and monitoring. The
presence of these wild species indicate that we are slowly acquired what we are
aiming for.

 Plantations

The Province of Guimaras thru GENRO had developed and maintained 21 hectares
Provincial Tree Park located at Sta. Teresa, Jordan planted with various trees of
different species. A tree nursery was established in this area to grow seedlings in
support to the tree planting activities of various groups and individuals. Moreover,
the Provincial Government also provided fund to the five municipalities for their plant
nursery operations.

The province thru GENRO sustainably initiating the conduct Tree Planting in
support to locally legislated Arbor Day Celebration every month of June to address
deforestation actively participated by the academe, NGOs, POs, NGAs and private
sectors. Likewise, planting of nipa palm seedlings was done to stabilize and protect
river embankment. This also provides the local residents with livelihood by making
nipa shingles as an alternative source of income.

Furthermore to improve soil fertility, climatic condition and uplift the living condition
of the farmer co-operators, an agroforestry was established and develop in 4
hectare-farm located in the Municipalities of Sibunag, Jordan, Nueva Valencia and
San Lorenzo through planting forest and fruit trees and integrating livestock
production, care and maintenance.

 Grasslands/Brushlands

Some areas of the forestlands that have been converted and used for agriculture
was abandoned and unproductive. Some open grassland is being utilized as
communal grazing area, free grazing is observed in grasslands of forestland.
Livestock production or rearing of cattle, carabao and goat is one of the sources of
income of the residents. Other areas were utilized for Agroforestry development.

 Cultivated Lands

Open cultivated areas of 93.03 hectares planted with cash crops such as sweet
potato, corn, cassava and banana.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

 Water Bodies and Water Production Areas

There are 2 principal watersheds in the island located in the eastern and western
portion covering an area of 387 sq. km and 85.40 sq. km, respectively with surface
water sources. The remaining 9 sq. km. of the province are small-inhabited islands.
The main watershed boundary is displaced westward and runs NE-SW along the
island’s long axis, coinciding roughly with the contact between the volcanic rocks
and sedimentary formations of Buenavista Limestone and Jordan Clastics.

In the Eastern watershed, there are 29 river basins. Cabano.river in San Lorenzo,
Mantangingi River in Buenavista and Sibunag River in Sibunag are considered
perennial indicating that the base flow is supported by aquifer drainage. However,
there are reports that even these rivers, having comparatively large catchments
areas, dry-up during prolonged dry season, indicating limited aquifer storage to
support the base flow.

 Biodiversity Resources

The province FFL areas that are being part of the TINMAR attests to the diversity of
aquatic and terrestrial flora and fauna. It serves as the home range and breeding
site of wildlife species. There are different endemic species of fauna that can be
found inside the forest and forestland areas such as monkeys, jungle fowls monitor
lizards, bats, hawks, wild ducks, snake and leopard cat or “singgarong”. The flora
species are wild orchids, ferns, “anahaw” and naturally grown hard wood species
such as narra, lauan and molave. The area is also abundant in fish and aquatic
species that provides for the source of foods of the people. The deterioration of the
forest due to lack of awareness of the residents is a threat to its sustainability in
providing the needed ecological services. The impact will also reverberate to the
community when food availability will be scarce due to habitat loss both in coastal
and terrestrial areas.

 Nature-based Tourism Assets

Guimaras ranks 4th getting 11% of the total tourist arrivals in the region. However,
Guimaras has relatively varied tourism attractions and potentials like
beaches/resorts/islets, festivals mostly community-based, religious sites/activities,
nature, historical and agri/farm sites. The nature-based tourism assets in the FFL
areas of Guimaras are mostly its islands and islets however some of these are still

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Tourism is a fast growing industry in the island province. The tourist arrivals have
increasing trend from 2000 until 2005 with an average annual growth rate of 25%.
However, with the Petron Oil Spill tragedy in August 11, 2006 the tourist arrivals
decreased in the succeeding two years by an average of 7.3% annually. For the
over-all trend from 2000-2007, the average annual growth rate of visitors arrivals is
16%. On the average, domestic visitors account for 97.4% of the total tourists
arrivals while only 2.6% is foreign visitors. For the same period, the percentage of
foreign tourists out of the total visitors arrivals has also increased by an average of
1% annually.

The 2005-2007 visitors arrivals totaling to 511,323 contributed an annual average of

10% to the total regional visitors arrivals and 0.54% to the regional tourist receipts.
Locally, the visitors arrivals contributed an annual average of 170 million pesos
tourist receipts to the Guimaras’ economy.

Tourism has generated significant forward and backward economic activities and
employment in the island. There are now 35 resorts/hotels/pension inns, 34 tourism
related producers, 774 land transport and 79 pumpboat operators, and 19 tour
guides, tour attendants and tour assistants.

Although the exact contributions of tourism cannot be accounted for, the results of
the PPA/GDP of Guimaras has somehow reflected this as can be seen in the
growth rates in the construction, and services sector particularly in transport,
communication and storage, trade, finance and private services.

There are still many undeveloped/underdeveloped nature-base tourism attractions

in the province including its unclassified islands and islets. There is a need to
increase investments in tourism facilities and services as well as to improve the
investment climate (power rates, investment incentives etc.).

 Mineral Resources

Metallic mineral deposits of Guimaras include lump iron ore at an estimated 1,800
metric tons (MT), primary copper ore at 4,019 MT and copper ore whose quantity is
still yet to be determined. The lump iron ore as well as prospects of gold can be
found in the municipality of Nueva Valencia.

According to the DENR, Region VI data for 1988, limestone ore is estimated at
approximately 132 million MT, mainly in Buenavista and partly in Jordan. There are
also clay prospects and reported occurrences of dolomite in Buenavista and Jordan
as well as prospects of limestone and silica sand in Jordan and Nueva Valencia.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Refer to the following Table for the specific non-metallic and metallic resources and
their location.

Table 7. Mineral Resources and Reserves Province of Guimaras

Mineral Type of Mineral
Locality Grade/Chemical Status
Resources Deposit
1. Non-Metallic
Guano/phosphate Tacay, Buenavista Sedimentary
(cave dep.) Abandoned
Guano/phosphate Taminla,
Buenavista -do- -do-
Guano/phosphate Zaldivar,
Buenavista -do- -do-
Guano/phosphate Sawang,
Buenavista -do- -do-
Guano/phosphate Salvacion,
Buenavista -do- -do-
Guano/phosphate Bakiyas, Jordan -do- -do-
Guano/phosphate Espinosa, Jordan -do- -do-
Limestone/ BalconMaravilla, Sedimentary
Dolomitic Jordan (cave dep.) Abandoned
Limestone/ Dagsa-an, sedimentary CaO 37.4-48.15% Operating
Dolomitic Buenavista MgO 7.37-17.55%
Limestone Taminla, CaO 54.59% Operating
Buenavista -do- MgO 0.24%
Limestone Tacay, Buenavista CaO 52.6% Operating
-do- MgO 1.35%
Limestone Calingao, CaO 53.3-55.19% Operating
Buenavista -do- MgO 12.27%

Limestone Mabini, Buenavista -do- Operating

Limestone Salvacion, sedimentary Operating
Limestone San Pedro, Operating
Buenavista -do-
Limestone New Poblacion,
Buenavista -do- Operating
Limestone Lutong, Jordan -do- CaO 55.45% Operating
Limestone Hoskyn, Jordan -do- Operating
Limestone Morobuan, Jordan -do- Operating
Limestone Rizal, Jordan -do- Operating

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Mineral Locality Type of Mineral Average Status

Resources Deposit Grade/Chemical

Limestone Singcalang, Jordan -do- Explored

Silica Sand Piña, Buenavista Alluvial SiO2 91% (ave. of
91 samples of Explored
washed sand)
Silica Sand Agsanayan, Alluvial Explored
Silica Sand San Roque, Alluvial Explored
Silica Sand San Isidro, Alluvial Explored
Silica Sand Alaguisoc, Jordan Alluvial Explored
2. Metallic
Gold Millan, Jordan Epithermal vein Au 0.38 g/t; Cu Explored
2442 ppm
Gold + Copper Calaya, Nueva Epithermal vein Au 0.02 pm Explored
Valencia Cu 1%
Gold + Copper Salvacion, Nueva -do- Au 0.045 ppm Explored
Valencia Cu 240 ppb
Iron Jordan Contact Fe 46.56-49.33% Abandoned
Iron M Chavez, San -do- Fe 66.97-67.96% Abandoned
Source: DENR Region VI, 1988.

4.3 Key Stakeholders

Groups or individuals have mandates and interests over forestland and with potential
influence on how the forestlands and watersheds will be effectively managed,
therefore, they should be considered in any development plans and proposals of the

Stakeholders were identified using the Stakeholders Analysis, a tool for identifying
people, groups and organizations that have significant and legitimate interests in
specific forest land area.

Understanding the roles and potential contribution of the different stakeholders is a

prerequisite to a participatory forest governance process. It is done to ensure a
balanced representation of the analysis that examines and identify stakeholders
across a number of different dimensions.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Listed below are some of the stakeholders which composed groups or individuals who
either occupy or have interest, roles, and mandates over public forestlands. These

 Integrated Social Forestry (ISF) and CSC Holder/CBFMA Holders

Either individual or in group, holders of Certificate of Stewardship Contract are

recognized and given the right and privileges by the DENR to participate in the
management of the forest and forestlands and develop the land consistent with soil
and water conservation. The CSC Holders are devolved to the provincial government.
Both tenure holders implemented various reforestation and agro-forestry development
with the assistance of the DENR and Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU).
Collective action to further forest protection and development remains a challenge.

 Upland Farmers

Upland farmers are entirely dependent on farming for their source of income. They
are considered as one of the on-site stakeholders. In other words, they are people
who are residing and cultivating within the FFL for economic purposes as their

Charcoal making is an alternative means of livelihood of the upland farmers. Charcoal

is being supplied locally and also to Iloilo City and Negros Occidental. Survey showed
that the demand for charcoal increases simultaneously with the number of people
engaged in charcoal making which is considered as one of their major livelihoods. It is
encouraged that land owners should plant “Sibukaw”, Madre de Cacao and other
legumes in open areas as a source of nitrogen for nutrient cycling as well as increase
forest cover.

The upland farmer as stakeholders have vital role in the management, restoration,
rehabilitation and sustainable use of FFL. They will be the instrument and partner for
the conservation and protection of the FFL or can be a cause for further destruction.
They are one of the potential instruments in improving the health of the FFL. Their
cooperation, participation and commitment in the implementation of forest land use
management prescriptions are very crucial.

 Settlers of Unclassified Islands, Islets and Shoreline Easement

These are either migrants or native of the place who are engaged in any economic
activities such as grazing, farming and forest product collection. They are dependent
on these resources to sustain a living. Majority of these settlers are below poverty

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

threshold level, directly engaged in illegal cutting of trees for house construction,
pump boat, fuelwood and charcoal making activities that contribute to denudation of

 Fisherfolks and Coastal Communities

They are the stakeholders that will be greatly affected by the adverse effects of water-
related issues like flooding, water pollution, coastal degradation, and others.
Currently, some of them are involved in mangrove protection and rehabilitation but not
in upland forest rehabilitation.

 Lowland Community Residents

Residents in the lowlands are considered as off-site stakeholders. Their contribution

to the degradation of the FFL may be minimal but they are the potential subject of the
effects of forest destruction.

 Water Users (Domestic Use, Agriculture)

Development in any sense relies on the availability and accessibility of resources, and
one of the most valuable resources is water.

People in general are dependent on water for existence and sustenance. On the other
hand, agriculture activities need water for domestic use, irrigation and recreation.

Water user is not limited to the users at source but it means that the entire community
is the end user, thus making the residents in and outside the FFL as stakeholders.

 Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU)

Mandated to provide overall supervision on ISF devolved area, the provincial

government also finance forest and coastal development and management projects
through the Guimaras Environment and Natural Resources Office.

 Municipal Local Government Units (MLGUs)

The MLGUs of Guimaras have been involved in natural resources management

related projects, such as in fisheries and coastal protection and various gender-
related environmental interventions. They have also initiated the formation of coastal
and forest protection teams who are tasked to protect and apprehend violators.
However, the MLGUs have no institutionalized office, Municipal Environment and

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Natural Resources Office) (MENRO) with structure and regular allocated resources to
respond to various MLGUenvironmental concerns. At present, the MLGUs are
dependent on designate merely working as representative from the office of the
Municipal Agriculturists.

 Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)

The DENR provides technical and financial support to LGUs, People's Organizations
(POs) and communities in the management and protection of the FFL through the
National Greening Program (NGP) and other Environment and Natural Resources
(ENR) services.

 Bantay-Dagat

Organized to help in forest protection and enforcement by the P/MLGUs.

BantayDagat is tasked to administer protection and enforcement of laws and
regulations on mangroves, coastal, and fisheries. So far effective in their protection
and enforcement activities, these groups merely work as volunteers with meager
operational cost and honoraria. Their operation still need to be enhanced and
logistical support must be provided to further their effectiveness.

 Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)

The NGOs are potential partners in the implementation of Forest Land Protection and

 People’s Organizations

Organized groups for a specific purpose. They are mostly organized by the assisting
government agencies and non-government organizations.

 Civil Society

They ensure justice for the poor and social equity as part of its outreach program.
Extension services are provided by this group to upland farmers that land owners
should plant “Sibukaw”, Madre de Cacao and other legumes in open areas as a
source of Nitrogen for nutrient cycling as well as increase forest cover.

The upland farmer as stakeholders have vital role in the management, restoration,
rehabilitation and sustainable use of FFL. They will be the instrument and partner for
the conservation and protection of the FFL or can be a cause for further destruction.
They are one of the potential instruments in improving the health of the FFL. Their

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

cooperation, participation and commitment in the FLUP implementation are very


4.4 Institutional Assessment

The DENR having the mandate in the management of forests and forest lands have the
capability in providing technical assistance, technology transfer through training and the
linkage to fund and funding institutions.

On the other hand, LGUs has the capacity in terms of personnel complement and access
to local fund. Though the LGU has yet to create the Municipal Environment and Natural
Resources Office and at the same time creation of the position and appointment of
MENR officer. This will ensure the sustainable implementation of FLUP and the
mandated environment related PPAs.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Table 8. Institutional Assessment Matrix

Institutions/ Mandates/ FFM Annual FFM Skills Past/ Policies/ Remarks

Stakeholde Interests Units/ Budget Current Plans
rs Staff Projects on FFM
DENR E.O 192 PENRO Has GIS, nursery & NGP Tenure With
DENR w/ NGP plantation Issuance proper
has forestry Budget establishment, coordinati
Jurisdictio unit with surveying, on with
n over focal community PLGU/ML
FFL person mapping, GU in
for FLUP community projects
organizing FLUP
PLGU RA 7160 GENRO Has GIS, nursery & BUB Provincial With close
Responsi budget plantation Environm coordinati
ble for for FFL establishment, ental on with
forestry Projects surveying, Code DENR,
concern community MLGU,
with ___ mapping, NGOs,
staff community NGAs and
organizing FLUP POs
MLGU RA 7160 Designat Has Planning, data Tree Local Strengthe
ed budget gathering, Planting/ Ordinanc n
MENRO for FFL community Mangrove e foe coordinati
related organizing, Planting environm on with
activities nursery & in ental DENR &
plantation collaborat protection other
establishment ion with agencies,
private POs and
sectors, other
schools, stakehold
NGAs, ers
NGOs &
PAMB Presidenti Assigned Operatio Policy Constructi PA Active
al PASu, ns formulation, on of managem
Proclamat PAMB budget community ____ and ent policy
ion No. with ____ from organizing, formulatio formulatio
_____ members DENR preparation of W n of n on the
&F Plan & forest IPAF? regulation
management of various
within the

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

4.5 Summary of Key Issues, Conflicts, Problems, Needs,

Investment/Socio-economic Opportunities

4.5.1 Problems, Issues and Needs

Man-made threats and pressures from the population may further destroy the
remaining forest cover, watershed, and mangrove ecosystems and therefore must
be stopped. It should be recognized that allowing these threats to prevail will
results to various adverse environmental impacts that can affect the economy and
lives of people of Guimaras and five municipalities in general. These issues are the

One of the glaring issues as far as the FFL is concerned is the expanding
agricultural and illegal activities and conflicting land uses. VETATIVE CONVERSION

Evident to the expanding agriculture in the FFL is the vegetative

conversion wherein forest trees are cut for unsustainable upland farming
like camote production that heightens soil erosion, the use of pesticides
and herbicides on rice production. DECLINING NATURAL FORESTS

Human intrusion and encroachment has been the major cause of the
declining forest cover. LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY

Another effect of human activities in the FFL is the declining biodiversity

in the natural forest. The threat that the endangered species might be lost
is disheartening and at the same time alarming. It is said that today’s
natural assets are borrowed from the next generation. That makes us
responsible stewards of mother earth for posterity. ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES IN FFL AREAS

There are reported cases of illegal activities in the FFL areas. These
activities include cutting of tree, poaching, charcoal and fuel wood making
and slash and burn practices.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026 GRASS FIRES

Grass fires are considered as one of the threats to the FFL. Visibility of
Bantay Gubat has to be strengthened to reduce the risk of forest fires. HIGHER RISKS TO DISATERS

There are FFL areas that are very highly susceptible to flooding and are
very highly susceptible to landslide. These should be seriously

The lack of collaboration between and among NGAs, LGUs and line
agencies create laxity in enforcement of environmental laws. DEGRADATION OF WATER RESOURCES

The diminishing vegetative cover in the watersheds will ultimately result to

the scarcity of water for irrigation and domestic use. BOUNDARY CONFLICT WITH MUNCIPALITIES/


The boundary conflict between the municipalities and barangays is an

irritant not only to political leaders but also to the residents that are directly
affected by the conflict.

The lack of demarcation of the boundary among the municipalities and

barangays has been an issue that has yet to be addressed by the LGU.

The lack of boundary among the barangays creates confusion and

disagreement not only among officials but also among the residents.

4.6 Opportunities

While there are loads of natural resources management issues in the Province of
Guimaras, however, has also opportunities that can tapped and optimally used for its
environmental and economic advancement, that includes;

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

1. Large area of territorial waters and abundant marine resources of with

strong demand locally and abroad;

2. Plenty of natural landscapes and seascapes with recreational/aesthetics

value that can be further developed for both nature-based and mass

3. Large interest among academic and research institutions to help in

biodiversity research and conservation and conduct some anthropogenic

4. Availability of some grasslands and brush lands potential for productive


Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026



5.0 Vision
We envision Guimaras as a productive, healthy and sound environment with
empowered, self-reliant and resilient community enjoying a progressive economy
anchored on the principles of sustainable development.

5.1 Goals
5.1.1 To conserve, preserve and protect FFL assets by: adopting management
zones and prescriptions Protecting and preserving biodiversity areas Establishment of buffer strips along rivers Promotion of agri-tourism

5.1.2 Stakeholders To establish close collaboration with NGAs. To ensure participation and commitment of upland farmers;
lowland communities; water users; LGU; academe;
religious, CSOs, private sector and NGOs

5.1.3 Institutions To establish linkage with local and foreign funding


5.2 Objectives
1. Guide the allocation and management of forest lands per watershed.

2. Determine priority watersheds for planning and investing public and

private resources.

3. Facilitate conflict resolutions.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

4. Provide a framework for directing public and private investments.

5. Provide a baseline to monitor and evaluate key criteria and indicators of

sustainable environmental and forest land management.

6. Enact local legislations in support of national environmental laws.

7. Allocate open access areas for tenures/co-management ventures.

8. Increase forest cover to improve the quality of natural resources.

9. Improve local production of crops and other forest products.

10. Attract investors for better agri-tourism and forest production.

11. Increase profitability and productivity of FFL barangays.

12. Increase level of awareness of communities on hazards and its causes

that will lead to active participation in the conservation of the FFL.

13. Capacitate the LGU in the effective management of FFL.

14. Strengthen coordination and collaboration with concerned NGA’s and

NGO’s on FFL programs, projects and activities.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026


6.1 General Strategies

The implementation of FLUP will promote active collaboration and partnership between
the DENR, LGU of Guimaras, and other stakeholders for the effective management of
the upland forest and mangroves, as well as for the rehabilitation and protection of
riverbanks and riparian areas. Likewise, FLUP implementation complements with other
existing forest management initiatives by the LGU and DENR and shall be used to
leverage investments for forest development and restoration. FLUP shall serve as
Guimaras contribution to sustainable management and development agenda of the
national government advocated in the Republic Act 7160, otherwise known as Local
Government Code of 1991.

The recommendations and strategies provided below sets the long-term program of the
province of Guimaras to manage the forest and forestlands in a sustainable basis.
Guimaras shall manage its forest and other natural resource assets through strong
collaboration and involvement with local communities and various stakeholders.

For the Upland Forest – Upland forest shall be further improved and developed to
increase economic production, restore trees for the overall improvement of watershed
(soil and water conservation) and to contribute to climate mitigation. Protection,
development, and management of the forest will be done through active participation of
local communities and stakeholders.

Mangrove Forest – An institutional mechanism shall be established to regulate entry and

use of forest and marine resources within and around Guimaras Island. The overall
protection and management shall be administered jointly by the 5 municipalities in
collaboration with coastal and fisheries organizations. A regular program of cleaning and
re-greening (tree planting) will be done in the island.

6.2. Specific Strategies

Guimaras will take the following strategies for sustainable use and management of its
forest and forestland areas:

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026


Forest management zone serves as the overall framework for use, development,
and management of the forest and forestlands. The areas categorized for
protection and production zones shall form part of the Province Forest
Management and Protection Program. Areas allocated under the Protection zone,
are those with 50% and up slope, 1000masl elevation, high susceptibility to
hazards, existence of endangered flora and fauna, presence of endemic species of
trees, water source and 40 meters both sides of the river.

The delineation of protection and production zones is needed in order to establish

the actual sites on the ground. The protection area identified have an area of
3,611.00 or equivalent to 66,14 % of the forest and forest land. To somehow
achieve the balance in use, some productive uses or activities will be allowed in
protection zone, where areas under occupation or being claimed by the upland
settlers and presently use the area for farming, will be developed to muti-storey
agroforestry so that even they cannot harvest the trees but they can harvest high
valued fruit trees. The remaining area which is 1,848.41 or equivalent to 33.86% of
the forest and forestland is allocated to production forest. The method of
delineation was done using map overlaying of the different thematic maps.

Map 7. Proposed Land Use Map of Guimaras

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Each primary zone will be further classified into subzones or sub-uses responsive to
the development goals of the LGU. Protection zone covers areas set aside for
ecotourism, marine habitat, multi-storey agro, water production and riverbank
stabilization while production zone shall be developed for purposes of increasing
food production, including wood and other raw materials. All brushlands and
grasslands that fall within the protection zone shall also be developed into close
canopy or multi-storey agro-forestry consistent with objective of soil and water

Table 8. Management Zone and Proposed Land Uses

Management Proposed Land
Existing Use Management Prescription
Zone Use
Open Cultivated; Multi-storey Open and close agroforestry development
Brushland/ Agroforestry with strong adherence to SWC measures;
Grassland intercrop perennials in multi-storey
Woody shrubs agroforestry; Intercropping of high valued
Coconut fruit trees.
Mixed perennial Watershed
Rehabilitation & Planting of indigenous species of trees
Protection intercrop with bamboo.
Built-up Area Built-up Area Information dissemination, identification of
relocation site and provision of livelihood
Rice Paddies Staple Food No further expansion; introduction of new
technology to increase production
Riverbanks Riverbank Planting of perennial crops; Enforcement of
Protection Stabilization river easements; national regulation
prohibiting conversion to open cultivation.
Mangrove Forest Critical Marine No cutting of mangroves; strengthen IEC on
Habitat/Eco- mangrove protection and preservation;
tourism introduction of artificial wave breaker
(jackstone type); maintain & protect the
existing vegetation and conduct enrichment
planting on available coastal/mangrove
Fishpond Mangrove All abandoned, unproductive and unutilized
Development Fishpond Lease Agreement (FLA)-covered
areas shall be cancelled for future
mangrove rehabilitation
Non-Plantable Eco-tourism Issuance of Forest Land Agreement for
Area (Unclassified Tourism (FLAgT) to qualified applicants;
island & islets)

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Open Cultivated; Agroforestry Open and close agroforestry development

Coconut with strong adherence to SWC measures;
Plantation; intercrop perennials in multi-storey
Mixed Plantation agroforestry; Intercropping of high valued
fruit trees.
Brushland/ Wood and Planting/broadcasting of indigenous tree
Grassland fuelwood species like sibucao, ipil-ipil intercrop with
Woody shrubs high valued crops like Coffee, Cacao and
Production other suitable fruit trees.
Rice paddies Staple food For Network of Protected Area for
Agricultural Development (NPAAD).
No further expansion and conversion
Built-up Area Built-up Area Information dissemination, identification of
relocation site and provide of livelihood; No
further expansion.
Fishpond Fish food Introduction of modified fish culture
Mangrove Aqua-silviculture Enhancement of mangrove vegetation;
Introduction of aqua silvi-culture farming

Table 9. Distribution of Area of Proposed Uses of the Forest and Forestland for
Each Primary Zone.

Proposed Management Zone

Proposed Land Use Total
Production Protection
AGF 319.43 319.43
Aqua-silviculture 8.19 99.11 107.30
Built-up Area 17.04 11.77 28.82
Critical Marine Habitat Area/Eco-tourism 213.14 213.14
Eco-tourism Area 1,597.12 1,597.12
Fishpond Development 219.38 483.16 702.54
Multi-storey AGF 563.17 563.17
Non-plantable Area 6.45 6.45
Staple Food 128.01 70.48 198.48
Water Bodies 10.14 10.14
Wood and Fire/Fuelwood 1,156.36 1,156.36
Riverbank Stabilization 369.28 369.28
Watershed Rehabilitation 31.51 31.51
Marine Protected Area 155.683 155.68
Total 1,848.41 3,611.00 5,459.40

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

In support of the enforcement of management zones, the following shall be


a. Issuance & Enforcement of Support Ordinance. To make it more

enforceable, forest management zones will be integrated in the
Provincial Development Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP) of the
Province of Guimaras.

b. Ground Demarcation of Management Zones. The proposed forest

management zone will be delineated using low cost means possible
and to be adopted by all municipalities through an Ordinance. Maps
shall be prepared for each municipalities which shall be displayed in
Municipal Halls or in conspicuous places for information.

c. Integration of the Forest Management Strategies in the

Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) of the five (5) municipalities to
ensure enforceability of the forest management zone through an

d. Creation of Database/Registry of Land Uses. There is a need to

collate/inventory all existing and proposed farm level uses for each
municipality to ensure its consistency with the proposed land uses. If
resources are available, detailed mapping can also be administered for
each municipality to be done alongside with inventory of land claims,
including area of farmer’s occupation. In the long-term, LGU may also
opt to establish some registry system where all uses shall be issued
with permit to regulate use and ensure its consistency with the
management zone. Database and registry will also be relevant in
monitoring and evaluation by the DENR and LGU.

e. IEC on Management Zones. The IEC strategy is to make people

aware of the land use Ordinance and the existence of management
zones in each municipality. Installations of billboards on conspicuous
place that presents prohibitive activities in each zone will help deter
encroachment and illegal practices.

B. Closure of Open Access Forestland and Mangroves

Allocation or putting onsite manager is considered the first step in the sustainable
management of the forestlands .It legitimizes and allow secured stewardship rights
that puts incentives to tenure holders to make management possible.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

There are about 4,356.90 hectares or 80% of the total public forest in Guimaras
that are under open access situation. It is recommended that this area will be
allocated with applicable tenure.

Under this strategy, there are three approaches that will be done:

1. Issuance of tenure. Open access situation are in many ways disadvantageous.

The lack of onsite management invites more unsustainable practices as no
legitimate accountable group is tasked to protect and develop the forestlands. In
like manner, it presents foregone benefits both for the communities and Local
Government Units because available opportunities to optimize the use of forest
land resources cannot be tapped with the absence of legal instrument to do it.

2. Delineation of Area for Tenure Issuance. Survey and demarcation is important

to determine the actual limit and coverage of the area for tenure issuance for the
effective exercise of LGU and DENR responsibility during the implementation of
forest management activities. Delineation and demarcation will also avoid future
conflicts caused by overlapping claims. Conventional surveying usually entails
huge cost. An alternative would be for DENR and LGU to use a low-cost
boundary demarcation with community participation. Boundary sketch map
prepared by the local communities and certified by the concerned barangay
councils for authenticity and correctness can also help.

3. Assistance to tenure holders in improving forest management capacity and

capability. Tenure holders will be able to implement effective forest management
if they are organizationally mature, financially stable, and technically-equipped.
Assistance of LGUs and DENR will focus on their weak areas identified during
tenure holders’ assessment conducted by Technical Working Group. Assistance
that can be provided include, among others, the following;

o Link tenure holders to resource institutions to access trainings

and/or financial assistance in forest rehabilitations.

o Facilitate the preparation and approval of the management plan.

o Provide or facilitate access to training.

o Facilitate formulation of tenure holder policies and conflict

resolutions mechanisms

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

C. Rehabilitation and Increase of Productivity of Grasslands, Brush Lands,

Cultivated Forestlands and Degraded Mangrove Areas

In support of increasing land productivity while conserving soil and water and
increasing forest cover, grasslands in the forest zone will be developed into
agroforestry and wood and fire/fuelwood production area. Some of these areas are
under claims by both forest occupants and absentee claimants and being used for
farming/agriculture, while some are abandoned and unproductive widen farms. In
any case, tenure will be issued to give incentive and promote strong participation in
the productive development of these areas.

The adoption of sustainable upland farming system (agro-forestry) shall be used as

the primary strategy for promoting on-farm productivity and soil and water
conservation in response to the proliferation of the open cultivation practices in the
upland that destroys the forest cover and degrade the watershed. In line with this
strategy, the following set of actions will also be undertaken:

1. Establish strong linkage with donors and collaboration between local

communities and other organizations. Linkage and networking with financial
institutions shall be done to acquire financial and technical support grassland
rehabilitation. Investment forum and preparation and submission of project
proposal to funding agencies shall also be made.

2. Provision of incentives for individual for forestland development initiatives. The

LGU and DENR will foster strong community initiatives in productive
development of grasslands and brushlands. Incentives will be provided to
tenure holders for the development of their farmland. Some example of
incentive mechanisms that may be adopted, include; exemption from taxes,
cash reward, and farm implements assistance, among others.

3. Establishment of wood and fuelwood production area for each municipality.

Fuelwood gathering is one of the often overlooked factors of forest
denudation. Anticipating the problem in view of the growing population and
increasing demand for wood and fuelwood and also as one of the sources of
income of the people of Guimaras wherein they supply charcoal and fuelwood
to Iloilo and Negros, each municipality shall designate area in the forest zone
to be used solely for fuelwood production. Development of this area will be
through local community initiatives using local tree species following least cost
approaches. A system of gathering shall also be established through local
ordinance, with the barangay/municipal council doing the monitoring and

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

4. Foster local community initiatives in forest rehabilitation. There are other

means to implement forest rehabilitation initiatives that require least cost,
especially for mangroves. The LGU may launch some programs that will
involve local community and students in forest rehabilitation like; a) annual
tree planting activities during barangay or town fiesta celebrations, b) re-
greening program by schools, government institutions and other groups, c)
mangrove rehabilitation by barangay, among others.

D. Protection and Rehabilitation of Riparian Areas and Riverbanks

Flooding in downstream areas is caused by the degradation of riverbanks and loss

of vegetative buffer that aggravate siltation. Siltation not only exacerbates flooding
but it also destroys mangroves, seagrasses, and corals that serve as the breeding
ground and habitat for marine resources. These strategies will focus on the
protection of remaining vegetative buffer, and rehabilitation of riverbanks that are
devoid of it. Priority will be given to areas identified as risk and hazard prone.

Below are the initial key actions agenda that will be undertaken by the LGU. A plan
that details riparian and riverbanks management that highlights complementation
between engineering structures and vegetative buffering approaches should also
be made.

1. Issuance and Enforcement of Local Ordinance. Protection and development

of riparian areas should also be incorporated with the zoning ordinance along
with the forest land use zones proposed in this APP. Based on existing
regulation, 40 meters along river and streams should be protected and must
be kept preserved to avoid erosion and siltation on various water bodies.

2. Protection of remaining vegetative buffer and rehabilitation of degraded

riparian and riverbanks. A long term goal is to rehabilitate the main tributary
of Sibunag river and other major streams that were identified as risk or
hazard prone. An inventory may be necessary to determine these areas as
well as other areas that are important to be protected. Areas devoid of
vegetative buffer will be recommended and prioritized for rehabilitation and
areas with existing vegetation will be enhanced and protected.

3. Collaboration with Land Owners and Local Communities. Promoting local

action for riparian protection and rehabilitation involve working with
landowners on voluntary actions to conserve and develop the riverbanks and
other areas with habitat values in the future. Owners of land along river banks
will be encouraged to plant buffer trees or develop the area into agroforestry

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

that will contribute to soil and water conservation. Provision of incentive

approaches may also be tried by the LGU to encourage more land owners
participation, say, significant tax reductions and other incentives that may
soon be defined.

E. Protection and Rehabilitation of Critical Marine Habitat /Eco- tourism in


All remaining forest (mangroves) will be protected and enhanced to serve as critical
marine habitat area and ecotourism. This initiative will be included in the Provincial
Tourism Plan to be developed for this purpose. The major attraction that can be
considered may include river cruising, fishing, restaurant and picnicking in the
eminent Sibunag River, Island Hopping, swimming and snorkeling in the unclassified
islets and island of the province. Enhancement may be done through natural
regeneration and/or reforestation. Among the activities include;

1. Assessment and Mapping of marine habitat area and ecotourism in

collaboration with research institutions.

2. Enhancement and preservation of remaining forest both in upland

and coastal areas.

3. Linkage with research group for the assessment of critical marine

habitat and eco-tourism area.

4. Community outreach and extension on forest conservation.

F. Forest Protection and Enforcement

Unsustainable forest practices cause forest degradation and this happens because of
insufficient or the lack thereof of enforcement mechanism to apprehend and penalize
perpetrators. It complements forest renewal and ensures that remaining forest will not
be destroyed. Following community-based approach, the LGU shall enjoin all
stakeholders with recognition that forest degradation impacts each one and therefore
must contribute toward this end. It will have the following focus and responsibilities:

1. Regulating forest resource extraction (e.g., fuelwood) and forest

conversion (swidden farming with application of slash and burn).

2. Protect the remaining natural forest tree species and mangroves

from illegal extraction.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

3. Enforce zoning (including management restriction for each

management zone).

4. IEC on forest regulation.

5. Others

Forest Protection and Enforcement will be implemented at two levels;

Creation of Provincial Forest Protection Committee. To work under the Steering

Committee, this group shall serve as the overseer of provincial-wide forest
protection and enforcement with responsibility to monitor activities and recommend
measures to improve them. It will be composed of DENR personnel, civil
organizations, police and military, municipal representatives, barangay captains,
and other concerned citizens. The group will also help in the awareness campaign
against forest violations and inappropriate forest practices.

Creation/Mobilization/Strengthening of BantayDagat (Coastal) and BantayGubat

(Upland). Forest protection will be created in each municipality to be headed by
their enforcement unit or by the Municipal/Barangay Council Chairperson on
Environment. This team will work closely with tenure holders in forest protection and
enforcement and in conducting awareness campaign on forest laws and
regulations. The team will give regular report on the status of forest protection and
enforcement activities to the Steering Committee.

G. Enforce LGU Protocol on Mining Applications and Approved Permit

All exploration activities will be monitored by the LGU. While the Mining Law does
not provide to confer the LGU on exploration, the LGU invokes its right under the
Local Government Code to at least be consulted on matters and activities within
their territorial jurisdiction. All applicants are encouraged to present their
applications to the LGU and forge an agreement with regards to their exploration
activities. Areas that have been set aside by the LGU for rehabilitation and forest
productive development shall be exempted from any mining interventions. The LGU
shall pursue developments of areas that have been planned. For areas that have
been covered with MPSA, an agreement shall be forged on monitoring mitigations
or site rehabilitation measures to be applied by the holders. Enforcement of the
EIA’s Environmental Compliance Certificate shall be diligently observed by the LGU.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

H. Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

Climate change is becoming more evident and there is a need for immediate action
to mitigate its impact and cushion its effects to plant, animal and human lives. This
poses a great challenge and calls for concrete action from the PLGU/MLGU and the
barangay and its people, to jointly act in reversing this pattern of forest degradation
and ably respond to hazards.

Findings on vulnerability assessment show that some areas in the province are
indeed in high vulnerability to flooding. Anticipating climate change and consistent
with RA 10121 or the Disaster Risk Reduction Management Act, the following
recommendation will be adopted by the LGU:

Designate and Develop Areas for Resettlement. The best means possible to
respond to the threats of flooding to the population is resettlement. An adaptation
mechanism of prevention, LGU shall set aside and develop area for resettlement for
communities or households that are in areas with high flooding vulnerability. These
resettlement sites have been mapped and selected far-off from areas with high

1. Develop Disaster Preparedness Program. Building on the

recommendation provided in the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction
Management (PDRRM) Act of 2010, each municipality will create and
strengthen its Disaster Response Team, and prepare a DRRM Plan
based with detailed mapping of the vulnerability areas and action plan for
mitigation and/or adaptation.

2. Maintenance and protection of existing mangroves and conduct

enrichment planting in suitable areas.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Chapter VII

7.1 Strengthening of GENRO

Setting up accountability and responsibility center in FLUP implementation is a

necessary element of good environmental governance and in line with the participatory
principles of a development agenda for the province. FLUP implementation shall adhere
to this principle with the end view of strengthening local institutional capacity for forest
management and allowing strong collaboration and partnership between and among

The Province of Guimaras has an existing Guimaras Environment and Natural Office
(GENRO) with personnel and its structure strengthened in order to effectively perform
and more responsive to the duties and tasks as mandated under R.A 7160, among

With GENRO, several sections had been created such as: Forest Resource
Management Section, Environmental Management Section, Mineral Resource
Management Section and Coastal Resource Management Section to address
environmental issues and concerns.

Section 6 of R.A 7160 and provisions stated in the Environment Code, all provincial and
municipal governments, DENR and other national and local government
agencies/officers shall share and coordinate all efforts for the effective protection,
development, management, rehabilitation and conservation of environment and natural
resources in the province, the regulation and supervision of the operation of licenses and
permit holders for the taking or use of mineral resources, implementation of local-driven
coastal, forest, mineral, pollution control including waste management and the
enforcement of environment and natural resources laws, rules and regulations and
perform such other functions as prescribed in the ordinance.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

7.2 Creation or Designations of MENROs

The five municipalities deemed it appropriate to create a MENR Office and or designate
personnel considering of the many challenges it faces in the environment sectors.

The Local Government Code of 1991 stipulates that the creation of MENRO at the
municipal government is optional, at the discretion of the local government unit. With the
formulation of FLUP, however the needs to create the office become a necessity.
Further, in Region 6, there are existing regional legislations prescribing the mandatory
creation of a MENR Office pursuant to Regional Development Council (RDC) Resolution
No. 2009-27 and creation of a MENR Officer pursuant to RDC Resolution No. 2009-69.

One of the major leaps for the LGU to handle toward FLUP implementation is to comply
with the above mandates. Initially, the MENRO shall assume as an ad hoc office and
may operate with personnel complement designating or detailing personnel from other
existing units in the LGU to compose the staffing pattern. As an operational unit, the
department will have its corresponding budgetary requirement to be considered in the
Municipal Annual Budget.

Generally, the MENRO shall be the LGU executing unit in the implementation of FLUP
and other programs and projects formulated out of this Plan. Presented below is the
proposed MENRO Structure.





Due to current resources limitation, hiring of permanent MENR Officer and staff will be
done when the LGU has enough funds to do so. For the meantime, the implementation
of the programs and projects shall be manned by the Acting MENRO and will be

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

assisted by MPDO staff and other staff coming from different departments. In the long-
term, the MENR office is envisioned to be “self-liquidating” once the LGU realized some
income derived from taxes, fees and revenues generated from environmental resource
utilization. Nevertheless, capacity building and provision of equipment in support of
MENRO operation shall be done to make the office responsive in the delivery of ENR

As provided by Section 484 of RA No.7160 otherwise known as the Local Government

Code of 1991, the MENR Office through its designated or appointed Officer shall have
the following duties, functions and responsibilities:

The environment and natural resources management officer shall take charge of the
office on environment and natural resources and shall:

a) Formulate measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and

provision of adequate facilities relative to environment and natural
resources services as provided for under Section 17 of the LGC;

b) Develop and implement plans and strategies on environment and

natural resources management;

c) Collaborate with other government agencies, non- governmental

organizations, Peoples Organizations, and other stakeholders for the
implementation of ENRM programs and projects;

d) Advise the Local Chief Executive (LCE) on all matters relative to the
protection, conservation, maximum utilization, application of appropriate
technology and other matters related to the environment and natural
resources; and

e) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance or as may be
delegated by the local chief executive.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

7.2. Forging Partnership Agreement or Arrangement (Steering

Committee/ENR Council)

In line with participatory nature of FLUP implementation and for check-and-balance, a

multi-sectoral oversight body in the form of Municipal Steering Committee of
Municipal Environmental Council shall be formed that will be composed of
representatives from various sectors/stakeholders and agencies. This body shall
provide overall policy recommendations, resolve forest management issues, help
enforce forest regulations, and discuss possibility of issuing management agreements
to secure tenure right for forestland development. Its multi-sectoral nature will provide
for broad-based participation in decision making and provide a venue to discuss and
resolve issues. Sub-committees may be formed to act on sector-specific concerns of
FLUP implementation. This committee will help align all the programs and projects in
the forest and forestland.

The proposed members of the Steering Committee are the key stakeholders and
resources users or those who have interests to use and sustain the resources. They
are the following:

 The Governor as Chair  PARO

 SP for Environment  PNP
 Ex-Officio Member/LIGA  DepED
 POAS  Others
 Provincial Tourism Office

The proposed roles and responsibilities of the Steering Committee are the following.
Other functions as may be defined during the preparation of the manual of operation.

 Formulate and recommend to the PDC for adoptions policies that will
sustain forest development;

 Recommend policy in the form of resolution and local ordinance for

approval of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan;

 Review and endorse for DENR approval application for tenure and or
sub-agreement (if feasible);

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

 Review and endorse resource utilization permits as prescribed in the

resource management plan and upon joint validation by the DENR and

 Serve as a venue for discussion and resolution of issues pertaining

Environment and Natural Resources Management;

 Conduct in-house monitoring to update the status of implementation;

 Provide enforcement directions;

 Prepare an Operation Manual for the Council.

In line with the functions, sub-committees may also be created to be the overseer of
specific concerns on FLUP implementation. Examples of sub-committees are the

 Project Development Sub-Committee – in charge of the identification,

designing and formulation, including the preparation of project proposals;

 Law-Enforcement Sub-Committee – coordinate efforts and establish

system for the effective and efficient implementation of environmental

 Forest Rehabilitation and Development Sub-Committee – in charge of

overall project implementation leading to the rehabilitation and
development of the forestlands;

 Conflict Resolution Sub-committee;

 Others, as

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Technical Advisory Group STEERING Sangguniang

(DENR, DA,DAR,OGAS, Private COMMITTEE Panlalawigan
Sector, Service Providers

GENRO (Operations
Arm and Secretariat

oples Organization

7.3. Strengthening and Mobilization of Provincial Law

Enforcement and Public Safety Task Force

This is an existing law which regulate wildlife collection and hunting. Republic Act No.
9147 prescribes the designation of Wildlife Enforcement Officer from law enforcement
agencies. Section 30; RA 91477 and deputation of Wildlife Enforcement Officers from
among NGOs, POs and volunteers as implemented by DENR AO 2008-22.

The PLEPSTF shall be mobilized and strengthen to conduct frontline surveillance on

forest laws violation in partnership with enforcement team from DENR and PNP.

7.4. Organization and Strengthening of People’s Organization

Community will be organized as people’s organizations to be mobilized on various forest

development and management projects. The objective is to increase their awareness,
know their needs and how they can be mobilized as partners in forest management. A
close tie-up with LGUs and some NGOs, NGAs and DENR will be done for the provision
of extension services and support to these communities. These groups will be issued
with forest management agreement/tenure instruments to help LGU implement
development projects as well as in the overall management of the forestlands and

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

7.5. Collaboration and Linkage with NGOs and other government

agencies, research institutions, academe and other service providers to tap technical and
financial support to implement the technical strategies.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Chapter VIII

Based on major development priorities and forest management interventions of province

including the strengthening of its institutional capacity in forest management and other
Environment and Natural Resource (ENR) related functions, the estimated total budget
required is PhP19, 538,082.00 in five (5) year period.

Technical strategies get the huge sum to ameliorate and renew the forests and also
establish forest-based livelihood through agroforestry and wood and fuelwood
production. Overall, management of the forest and forestland gets 52.93% of the total
estimated budget.

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

8.1 Summary of Work and Financial Plan

Cost Items Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 TOTAL

Technical Strategies 3345.81 2,723.81 1,423.81 1,423.81 1,423.81 10,341.05

Socioeconomic Strategies 350.00 0 0 0 0 350.00

Crosscutting Strategies 301.00 0 0 0 0 300.00

Institutional Strategies 2848.304 1,424.752 1,424.57 1,424.572 1,424.572 8,546.77

TOTAL 6,845.114 4,148.56 2,848.38 2,848.38 2,848.38 19,538.82
Source: Work and Financial Plan

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

8.2 Source of Funds

The Province shall have to allocate annually for the financial requirement of the target
activities as reflected in the Work and Financial Plan for 2017-2026. Sources of local
funds are the 20% Development Fund, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
(DRRM) Fund, People Survival Fund (PSF) and Trans-Asia Renewable Energy
Corporation (TAREC). Possible funding from the Office of the Congresswoman shall
also be tapped to augment locally available financial resources. The DENR, through the
National Greening Program (NGP) has target areas within the FFL that is
complementary to the FLUP’s objectives. There are also long existing NGOs, CSOs and
POs, they are stakeholders themselves, on-site or off-site that can be tapped for the
project implementation of the FLUP.

8.3 First Year of Financial Plan

The total funding requirement for the implementation of the technical, socioeconomic,
cross cutting and institutional aspect of FLUP is amounting to 6,845.114. This amount is
intended for management of FFL, hiring of personnel to implement the plan, IEC
campaign and trainings.



1. Zoning 1,734
2. Closure of Open Access Forestland and Mangroves 200
3. Rehabilitation and Increase of Productivity of
grasslands, Brushland, Cultivated Forestlands and
Degraded Mangrove Areas 1,394.06
4. Protection and Rehabilitation of Riparian Areas and
Riverbanks 151.75
5. Protection and rehabilitation of Critical Marine
Habitat/ Ecotourism in Forestlands 66
Sub-total 334.581
1. Livelihood Development 350
Sub-total 350
1. IEC 300
2. Implementation of FLUP Ordinances 1.00
Sub-total 301.00

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

1. Strengthening of GENRO 20
2. Creation of MENR Office 2,692.304
3. Organization/ Strengthening of Multi-Sectoral
Steering Committee 36
4. Strengthening and Mobilization of Provincial
Law Enforcement and Public Safety Task
Force 75
5. Collaboration and Linkage with NGOs 25
Sub-Total 2,848.304
1. Designate and Develop Areas for Resettlement 0
2. Develop Disaster Preparedness Program 0
Sub-Total 0
GRAND TOTAL 6,845.114

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

Chapter IX

9.1 Baselines and Indicators of Performance

Information provided for by the thematic and derived maps shall serve as the indicators
in FLUP implementation for a period of ten (10) years.

Annual targets are indicated in the work and financial plan hence on a yearly basis these
will serve as a gauge in measuring accomplishments of FLUP implementation. It is the
responsibility of the MENRO to maintain baseline information such as reports and
documentation of the progress of project implementation as targeted.

A regular meeting will be conducted by the oversight committee wherein issues shall
have to be taken and addressed.

9.2 Multi-Sectoral and Interagency Periodic Assessment,

Analysis and Reporting in Support of the FLUP

Periodic assessment and evaluation shall have to be scheduled regularly by the MENRO
with the multi-sectoral committee. This is the venue wherein reports on accomplishment
shall be mapped and issues addressed collectively.

9.3 Periodic Assessment of Key FLUP Indicators

There is a need to conduct assessment and evaluation as to FLUP implementation and
accomplishment vis-à-vis its goals, objectives, strategies and the corresponding PPAs.

Such evaluation and assessment activity will serve as a guide in the identification of
priority areas and bottlenecks of FLUP implementation.

9.4 Annual Tenure Holders’ Assessment

An annual assessment of the tenure holders shall have to be conducted anchored on the
status of their respective farm lots in terms of production and plantation.

It is during this assessment that the tenurial rights of the CSC holders shall be evaluated
for cancellation or renewal. The conduct of regular assessment of the tenure holders will

Forest Land Use Plan
Province of Guimaras FLUP 2017-2026

strengthen the collaboration between and among the DENR, LGU and the local


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