Elber Reble 610
Elber Reble 610
Elber Reble 610
User Manual
1 Summary
USER MANUAL .....................................................................................................................................................................1
2 FIGURE INDEX..............................................................................................................................................................3
5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.......................................................................................................................................9
6 INSTALLATION........................................................................................................................................................... 11
9 PANELS. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 51
2 Figure Index
FIGURE 47: ICON POWER SUPPLY WITH ALT ALTERNATING CURRENT, SECONDARY POSITION................................................................... 28
FIGURE 48: WEB INTERFACE LOGIN PAGE..................................................................................................................................... 28
FIGURE 49: WEB S TATUS FORM – CONTROLLER. ........................................................................................................................... 29
FIGURE 50: WEB S TATUS FORM – CONTROLLER FANS. ................................................................................................................... 30
FIGURE 51: WEB S TATUS FORM – MODEM LOCKED. ...................................................................................................................... 30
FIGURE 52: WEB S TATUS FORM – MODEM UNLOCKED. .................................................................................................................. 30
FIGURE 53: WEB S TATUS FORM – I NTERFACE ASI/E1. .................................................................................................................. 31
FIGURE 54: WEB S TATUS FORM – I NTERFACE LOOP. ..................................................................................................................... 32
FIGURE 55: WEB S TATUS FORM – T X.......................................................................................................................................... 32
FIGURE 56: WEB S TATUS FORM – R X. ........................................................................................................................................ 33
FIGURE 57: WEB CONTROLLER FORM – FANS. .............................................................................................................................. 34
FIGURE 58: WEB C ONTROLLER FORM – CUSTOMER INFO. .............................................................................................................. 34
FIGURE 59: WEB C ONTROLLER FORM – NETWORK P ARAMETERS. .................................................................................................... 35
FIGURE 60: WEB C ONTROLLER FORM – MODEM SNMP TRAPS CONFIGURATION. .............................................................................. 36
FIGURE 61: WEB C ONTROLLER FORM – DATA INTERFACE SNMP TRAPS CONFIGURATION. ................................................................... 36
FIGURE 62: WEB C ONTROLLER FORM – BASEBAND SIGNALS SNMP TRAPS CONFIGURATION................................................................. 36
FIGURE 63: WEB C ONTROLLER FORM – RECEIVER SNMP TRAPS CONFIGURATION.............................................................................. 36
FIGURE 64: WEB C ONTROLLER FORM – TRANSMITTER SNMP TRAPS CONFIGURATION . ....................................................................... 37
FIGURE 65: WEB C ONTROLLER FORM – CONTROLLER SNMP TRAPS CONFIGURATION. ........................................................................ 37
FIGURE 66: WEB CONTROLLER FORM - A LARM R ELAY CONFIGURATION............................................................................................. 37
FIGURE 67: WEB C ONTROLLER FORM – TRAP DESTINATION CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................... 37
FIGURE 68: WEB C ONTROLLER FORM – GENERAL INFO AND TOOLS................................................................................................... 38
FIGURE 69: WEB C ONTROLLER FORM –PASSWORD MANAGEMENT. .................................................................................................. 39
FIGURE 70: WEB SLOT MODEM FORM – STATUS. .......................................................................................................................... 40
FIGURE 71: WEB SLOT MODEM FORM – MSE G RAPHIC. ................................................................................................................ 40
FIGURE 72: WEB SLOT MODEM FORM – TEMPERATURE MANAGEMENT............................................................................................. 41
FIGURE 73: WEB SLOT MODEM FORM – PROFILE MANAGEMENT. .................................................................................................... 41
FIGURE 74: WEB SLOT MODEM FORM – PROFILE MANAGEMENT EXPANDED. ..................................................................................... 41
FIGURE 75: WEB SLOT MODEM FORM – O PERATIONAL MODE MANAGEMENT. .................................................................................. 42
FIGURE 76: WEB SLOT MODEM FORM – O PERATIONAL MODE MANAGEMENT EXPANDED. ................................................................... 42
FIGURE 77: WEB SLOT INTERFACE FORM – STATUS. ....................................................................................................................... 43
FIGURE 78: WEB SLOT INTERFACE FORM – I NPUT/O UTPUT PORTS MANAGEMENT............................................................................... 43
FIGURE 79: WEB SLOT INTERFACE FORM –I NTERNAL LOOP MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................... 44
FIGURE 80: WEB SLOT INTERFACE FORM – ETHERNET PORT MANAGEMENT........................................................................................ 44
FIGURE 81: WEB SLOT INTERFACE FORM – ETHERNET PORT MANAGEMENT........................................................................................ 44
FIGURE 82: WEB SLOT TX FORM – STATUS. ................................................................................................................................. 45
FIGURE 83: WEB SLOT TX FORM – T EMP ERATURE MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 84: WEB SLOT TX FORM – POWER MANAGEMENT. ............................................................................................................ 46
FIGURE 85: WEB SLOT TX FORM – F REQUENCY. ........................................................................................................................... 46
3 Safety regulations.
The personnel engaged with the installation, the use and the maintenance of the equipment has to be
familiar with the theory and practice of first aid.
• Check the pulsation (Figure 3); in case of absence of pulsation, start immediately the cardiac
massage (Figure 4) pressing the breastbone in the middle of the thorax (Figure 5).
• When there is only one rescuer, he has to maintain a rhythm of 15 compressions alternated with 2
quick respirations.
• In case there are two rescuers, the rhythm should be one respiration each 5 compressions.
• Do not interrupt the cardiac massage during the artificial breathing
• Call a doctor as soon as possible
When the victim is conscious
• Cover up the victim with a blanket.
• Try to calm down the victim.
• Unbutton the cloche and lay down the victim.
Page 7 of 52 Version 1.3
REBLE610 Microwave link
When there is no doctor available within an hour and the victim is conscious and does not retch, give a
liquid solution containing salt and sodium bicarbonate: 1 teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of sodium
bicarbonate for each 250 ml of water.
Have the victim sip half a glass of the solution for four times and for 15 minutes.
Stop when retching.
Do not give any alcoholics
4 General Description.
The REBLE610 is a very flexible microwave link that offers heterogeneous signals transport adapting
transmitting capacity to data stream.
It is the evolution of the already innovative and performing REBLE310, from which is distinguished by an
accurate hardware design, with particular care in the modularity and in avoiding any internal cabling.
The equipment is composed by a basic chassis and four swappable parts that make easy the maintenance
process and the always critical frequency change; a dual redundant power supply, hot swappable, is
present, available both in AC and DC version. A slot with the digital part (modem and data interface) has
been realized, as well as a module hosting the whole RF part (transmitter, receiver and channel filters).
The transmitters (at different frequencies) have been improved, being able to give always at least 1W at
output flange in any modulation scheme, introducing pre-correction and wideband calibration (up to 1 GHz,
depending on the frequency).
Data interface is equipped with 10 ASI/BTS ports on BNC connectors, configurable as input or output; this
feature let have in a single chassis the functions of an ASI matrix and an ASI distributor, both in input and
output. The link let also transfer IP traffic on a GbE port, an E1 2.048 Kbps signal and a “transit” connection
(just not to use too many coaxial cables for the transit).
With the optional XPIC module (and another REBLE610), it is possible to double the capacity of the link,
transmitting both in polarization H and V, erasing the undesired signal with special algorithms.
The compactness (1U rack 19”) is one of the main features, together with the care in the details for an easy
installation and maintenance, and the outstanding performances in terms of power, sensitivity and notch
The equipment can be half duplex (transmitter or receiver) or full-duplex.
5 Technical Specifications.
Table 1
Table 2
Configuration Full-duplex or Half-duplex
Conversion Direct
RF Output Return Loss > 23 dB
RF Input Return Loss > 23 dB
Spurious suppression > 65 dBc
6 Installation.
Unpack the equipment and check first of all check if there are any damages due to the transport.
The box should contain:
o The REBLE610
o 1 or two AC supply cable (depending on number and type of power supplies purchased)
o 1 or two DC supply cable, equipment adapted connector on one side, free wires at other
end (depending on number and type of power supplies purchased)
o The user manual
Install the equipment in a rack cabinet. A one-unit space is requested. Verify that there is enough
space between other functioning equipment generating high temperatures and that there are no
obstructions in the ventilation. (The functioning is guaranteed in a temperature range from -10 ºC ÷
+55 ºC).
The equipment must be correctly grounded, to guarantee a secure functioning.
Connect to the correct power tension reading the information on the manual or on the label
attached to each equipment, containing the serial number.
Connect the network cable to the plug on the rear of the equipment or connect the battery cable to
the related connector. The last used configuration will be loaded.
Connect the flange(s) on the rear panel (or N connectors, depending on frequencies) of the
equipment to the waveguide/cable for the connection to the branching system and the antenna.
Setup the equipment according to the needs consulting the user manual.
7 User interface.
The user interface consists of a general alarm led and a graphical TFT display with TOUCH SCREEN function
(for more comfortable use, a stick is available in a compartment located in the front panel , see 9.1).
According to equipment configuration (Half-duplex transmitter[Tx], Half-duplex receiver [Rx], Full-
duplex[FD]), just the related menu are shown.
In order to have a read/write privilege and thus modify the configuration of the equipment, it’s required
the connection of a USB pen with the right token to the USB port in the front panel; on the other end, it’s
required to digit a numeric password while trying to modify one parameter (the password is tied to the
customer’s name and it’s notified at delivery).
Figure 3: Main menu FD. Figure 4: Main menu Tx. Figure 5: Main menu Rx.
Active areas:
• Rx • PS
• Tx • Bus
• Modem uC
• I/O •
• uP
Active areas:
Active areas:
SLOT reset will eventually restart modem and data interface; CONTROLLER reset just reboot system
supervisor, SYSTEM reset is the complete reset of the equipment.
Active areas:
Active areas:
Active areas:
Active areas:
Active areas:
Active areas:
Active areas:
Active areas:
Active areas:
• Icons
Active areas:
Figure 22: Modem FD measurement Figure 23: Modem Tx measurement Figure 24 : Modem Rx measurement
menu. menu. menu.
Active areas:
Modulator section reports just the Symbol Rate measure, which should be the same of the database one.
See par. 8.4.1 for more details.
Demodulator section reports 5 measurements:
1. Carrier Offset shows the difference in Hz from the frequency of the detected carrier and the
reference (0 Hz). Being the system a direct frequency conversion system, this parameter is very
important to avoid heavy imbalances of both I and Q baseband paths. An automatic frequency
control process (AFC) is always active to compensate possible RF oscillator drifts due to aging, to
the temperature or other factors.
2. LDPC shows the Bit Error Rate detected by the LDPC decoder.
3. AGC indicates the digital automatic gain control level. The measurement is not indicative in case of
equipment bad functioning.
4. The MSE (Mean Square Error) is a measurement of the microwave link C/N. Depending on the
modulation, there are different critical levels of MSE. Please contact the manufacture or refer to
test reports to check the MSE limit of the desired configuration and profile.
5. S. Rate shows the demodulated raw data bitrate.
Active areas:
Figure 28: Modem XPIC Figure 29: Modem XPIC Figure 30: Modem XPIC
measurements menu FD. measurements menu Tx. measurements menu Rx.
Modulator section reports just the Symbol Rate measure, which should be the same of the database one.
See par. 8.4.1 for more details.
Demodulator section reports 5 measurements:
1. Carrier Offset shows the difference in Hz from the frequency of the detected carrier and the
reference (0 Hz). Being the system a direct frequency conversion system, this parameter is very
important to avoid heavy imbalances of both I and Q baseband paths. An automatic frequency
control process (AFC) is always active to compensate possible RF oscillator drifts due to aging, to
the temperature or other factors.
2. LDPC shows the Bit Error Rate detected by the LDPC decoder.
3. AGC indicates the digital automatic gain control level. The measurement is not indicative in case of
equipment bad functioning.
4. XPD (Cross Polarization Discrimination) is the value of the polarization decoupling detected by XPIC
5. S. Rate shows the demodulated raw data bitrate.
Figure 31: Modem alarms menu FD. Figure 32: Modem alarms menu Tx. Figure 33 : Modem alarms menu Rx.
Active areas:
Alarm icon related to uC Comm indicates that modem board controller is not properly communicating with
system supervisor. In this case, the equipment should be shipped back to factory for repair.
Figure 34 : Modem general menu FD. Figure 35: Modem general menu Tx. Figure 36: Modem general menu Rx.
Active areas:
• Icons .
• Directional arrows “LEFT” and “RIGHT” to browse between each connector page (A, B, C,
D, E, F, G, H, J, K).
• Directional arrows “LEFT” and “RIGHT” to browse between each connector page (A, B, C,
D, E, F, G, H, J, K).
Moreover, the display shows following information:
Tag Type Description
Mapper Text Associated transport channel number indication (inputs should not use the same
number, while outputs do).
Bitrate Text Bitrate indication.
Packet Text ASI packet format indication (188/204).
Locked Led Carrier detected indication, that is the ASI signal presence (valid only for inputs).
Carrier Led Timing indication, that is interface data are locked to modulator or to demodulator.
Timing Error Led Overrun indication, that is buffer level is above “Almost Full” threshold.
Overflow Led Underrun indication, that is buffer level is under “Almost Empty” threshold.
Underflow Led Carrier detected indication, that is the ASI signal presence (valid only for inputs).
Active areas:
Active areas:
Active areas:
Figure 44: Icon power supply with continuous current, Figure 45: Icon power supply with continuous current,
primary position. secondary position.
Figure 46: Icon power supply with alternating current, Figure 47: Icon power supply with alt alternating current,
primary position. secondary position.
8 WEB interface.
The REBLE610 is equipped with a WEB interface for an easier and intuitive monitoring and equipment
The Web server connection can be achieved through RJ-45 connector in the front panel; with a very
common Web browser (like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari…) it is possible
to check equipment status and verify performances even remotely simply writing in the address bar the IP
address of the equipment. In order to check the IP address, please refer par.8.3.3.
Figure 48 show the login page of the Web interface, which let the user access after successful insertion of
username and password.
8.1 Status.
Once the login process has been validated, the general stats page opens; it let the user immediately check
alarmed parts; the page is divided into 4 or 5 modules (depending on full duplex or half duplex
configuration), hereunder described.
8.1.1 Status-Controller.
8.1.2 Status-Modem.
red otherwise.
RX Profile Profile (modulation scheme) in use in the demodulator
(automatically detected).
Rx Bitrate Demodulator bitrate.
Rx Symbol Rate Demodulator Symbol Rate.
LDPC stress Error Rate indication, detected by LDPC (Low Density Parity
Check) decoder. Line is green if value is between limits,
red otherwise.
Carrier Offset Carrier Offset compared to central frequency. Line is green
if value is between limits, red otherwise.
Internal AGC Internal AGC level. Line is green if value is between
limits, red otherwise.
8.2 Status-Interface.
Table shown in Figure 53 shows each BNC connector (A to K) status; Table 13 describes the indications.
Table 13: I/O details.
Bitrate [Mbps] ASI data stream bitrate.
Direction Connector (Input [IN] or output [OUT]).
Map Transport channel of the TS associated to related
Packet Length ASI format detected (188 or 204).
Signal Presence Signal presence detected indication.
Locked ASI lock indication.
Timing error Data stream locking error indication.
Furthermore, REBLE610 offers the possibility of an “internal loop” of data received by demodulation
section, redirecting towards modulator section. In Figure 55 this function management is shown.
8.2.1 Status-Transmitter.
8.2.2 Status-Receiver.
This frame let drive and monitor the functionality of front panel fans.
Checkbox Manual set in manual mode the configuration of the fans speed, measurable in Speed box in
rpm. In this case, it is necessary to manually set the speed.
In case checkbox Manual is disabled, on the contrary, it is required to establish temperature targets for
modules equipped with sensor, and the system controller will program fan controller so as to keep modules
at temperature set by the user.
Right fan is managed according to transmitter board temperature (if installed, so not available in half
duplex receiver configuration); left fan according to temperatures detected on modem and receiver boards.
Modifications are validated pushing Apply button.
Table 16: Fan management.
Figure 60: Web Controller form – Modem SNMP traps Figure 61: Web Controller form – Data interface SNMP
configuration. traps Configuration.
System Time
Local Time
New Time Text box to modify local time.
The “Reset Command” subsection let the user send a reset pulse to related subsections separately, i.e. the
modem microcontroller, the system controller, the whole system or to TFT calibration.
“USB Token” subsection let the user generate a single-use password to be installed on a USB drive, which
let the user modify equipment parameters through display (after connection of the drive to USB port on
the front panel).
This form let modify the passwords for web interface, TFT and the SNMP communities.
Passwords should be composed of at least six characters and cannot overcome fifteen characters.
The password level that can be modified is subject to the rights of the user. The user “User” cannot change
passwords. User “Super-User” can change its own and the “User” ones. The “Administrator” can change
any password.
Status frame reports the information already shown in the homepage of the web interface. (see par. 8.1.2).
MSE Graphic frame reports the MSE trend of last 10 days, with 5 seconds sampling time.
- Occupied bandwidth
Figure 76: Web slot modem form – Operational Mode Management expanded.
Operational Mode Management frame let the user modify some modem parameters:
- Operational Mode:
o Normal
o Clean carrier generator (for dish aligning)
o Two tones generator
o Sweep
o White noise
o Mute
o Stub
- Pre-distortion enabling (recall factory defaults for each frequency)
- XPIC function enabling (only with related hardware option)
3. Associate a transport channel number (from 1 to 10; one number can be tied to only one input at a
4. Associate a channel to be extracted (from 1 to 10; outputs can be multiple).
A button to enable E1 channel it’s available; the channel is available on connectors E and K, only if this
function is enabled.
Enabling the management, buttons shown in right side of Figure 82 become available for the configuration
of auto negotiation, full duplex mode and port speed. If auto negotiation is enabled, Full Duplex and Speed
are not available.
Temperature management frame reports transmitter board temperature trend of last 10 days, with 5
seconds sampling time. Furthermore, it is possible to set and check alarm and warning thresholds (through
the interactive bar and the Apply button), and the actual temperature.
Power management frame let the user manage transmitter output power, modifying it from factory default
calibration. Power, shown in lower part of the frame and measured in dBm, can be adjusted in a -2 to +2 dB
range from the calibration value. It is possible to mute the transmitter by clicking on the related switch in
the right part of the frame.
Figure 96: Web Log form – filters (selection of number of lines per page).
9 Panels.