Aquifer Detection Using 2-D Resistivity Method and Porosity Calculation
Aquifer Detection Using 2-D Resistivity Method and Porosity Calculation
Aquifer Detection Using 2-D Resistivity Method and Porosity Calculation
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Outcrop Evaluation Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Seismic Refraction Tomography Parameter View project
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Kaedah keberintangan 2-D telah meluas digunakan untuk mengesan akuifer
dan akuifer biasanya terjadi dalam lingkungan batu poros. Oleh itu, tujuan
kajian ini adalah untuk mengesan akuifer menggunakan kaedah
keberintangan 2-D dan hitungan keporosan daripada hukum Archie.
Keporosan bahan-bahan bawah permukaan boleh diketahui dan bahan-
bahan poros akan mudah dikesan. Kajian ini telah dijalankan di dua lokasi
yang berbeza iaitu di Selangor dan Kelantan. Dua garisan keberintangan 2-
D telah dikendalikan di setiap lokasi. Hasil kajian akan dikolerasi dengan
rekod lubang bor. Hanya satu lubang bor telah dilaksanakan di setiap lokasi
berhampiran dengan garisan keberintangan 2-D. Zon tepu (1-100 Ωm) yang
dikesan daripada hasil kajian keberintangan 2-D dipercayai adalah akuifer.
Zon tepu kemudian dibuktikan dengan rekod lubang bor adalah akuifer.
Akhirnya, keporosan telah dihitung untuk semua garisan keberintangan 2-D
dan pengimejan telah direka untuk setiap garisan. Akuifer sedimen yang
produktif mempunyai peratusan keporosan melebihi 20% dan zon tepu di
kedua-dua kawasan kajian ini mempunyai peratusan keporosan melebihi
20% seperti yang dijangkakan.
1.0 INTRODUCTION current is injected via two current electrodes, and the
potential difference is measured at another two
Geophysical methods can be applied for both potential electrodes [5]. It is the measurement of how
groundwater resource mapping and water quality strong a material resists the flow of electric current [6].
evaluations. Near-surface geophysics have been Different materials of the subsurface may have different
extensively used in groundwater investigations. The resistivity values. Thus, the resistivity distribution of the
application of near surface geophysics for subsurface can be map through this method.
groundwater include the mapping the depth and
thickness of aquifers, mapping aquitards or confining 1.2 Archie’s Law
units, locating preferential fluid migration paths such as
fractures , fault zones and mapping contamination to The porosity of the subsurface’s materials may affect
the groundwater such as saltwater intrusion. Reynolds the resistivity value. The porosity can be calculated
covered in detail about groundwater and near surface using an equation from the Archie’s Law [7],
investigations [1]. Many geophysical techniques have
been applied to groundwater investigations. The ρf = ρw a ψ-m S-2
potential field methods, gravity and magnetics have
been used to map regional aquifers and large-scale where; ρf is the formation resistivity, ρw is resistivity of the
basin features. Seismic methods have been used to pore-water, a is the tortuosity, m is the cementation
delineate bedrock aquifers and fractures systems. factors, ψ is the porosity and S is the fractions of the pore
Electrical and electromagnetic methods are volume that is filled with groundwater. Since S is the
applicable for groundwater studies as many geological fractions value, the highest value for S is 1. An aquifer is
formation properties are related to hydrogeology such assumed to be fully filled with water (fully saturated),
as the porosity and permeability of rocks that can be therefore S is equal to 1 [8]. The area that is fully filled
correlated with electrical conductivity signatures. with water called the saturated zone.
Although many geophysical techniques could be
employed for groundwater characterization, the 1.3 Geological Area
electrical and electromagnetics methods are better in
directly mapping and monitoring contaminated and The study area in Selangor (Figure 1) is formed during
clean groundwater. The knowledge of the aquifer the Devonian period and its lithology is the composition
characteristics is important in determining aquifer of sandstone or metasandstone. The survey area also
potential. The 2-D resistivity method is an electrical consists of Calcareous Series which is the oldest rock
method for subsurface study and has the capability in made up of calcareous, graphitic and argillaceous
exploring and identifying aquifer characteristics [2]. It sediments. All these type of rocks were deposited from
measures the resistivity distribution of the subsurface. shallow marine environment during Permian period. The
Different materials in the subsurface have different Earth movements caused the rocks to metamorphose
resistivity values that can help in detecting the into limestone, quartzite, quartzite-conglomerate,
groundwater. It is a non-destructive and cost-effective schist, phyllite and shale.
method for locating the aquifer. This method is
commonly being used to detect aquifer, as it can
penetrate deeper. The 2-D resistivity method is also
applicable in the identification of subsurface
formations, groundwater zones, groundwater salinity
and anthropogenic contamination [3].
The 2-D resistivity method is related to various
geological parameters such as the mineral and fluid
content, porosity and degree of water saturation in the
rock. It also provides accurate depth information,
which is important in locating aquifer. Since the water
table in Malaysia is generally shallow, the fractures are
commonly filled with groundwater. The greater the
fracturing, the lower the resistivity value of the rock [4].
The resistivity value of water is low due to its high
This study does not only adopt 2-D resistivity method
in locating the aquifer, it also utilized the resistivity value
to calculate the porosity percentage of the subsurface
using the Archie’s Law. Figure 1 Geological map of Selangor with the location of the
study area [9]
1.1. 2-D Resistivity Theory
Then, Kelantan (Figure 2) is located on the Northeast of The survey lines in Kelantan (Figure 4) were conducted
Peninsular Malaysia. The study area is situated between in an agriculture farm area and surrounded with some
Triassic Kemahang granite and Permian Taku Schist bushes. The total length for both lines (KEL1 and KEL2) at
boundary. Kemahang granite is bound to Taku Schist on this area is longer than the survey lines in Selangor which
North and East part, whereas the Kemahang granite is is 400 m with 10 m electrode spacing.
bound to Taku Schist with shale on the South.
Kemahang granite is classified as Triassic I-type granite
[10]. Meanwhile, Permian Taku Schist has undergone
metamorphism, which produced crystalline,
completely schistose and predominantly mica-garnet
schists and quartz-mica-garnet schists in which bands of
amphibole schist and narrower bands of quartz and
serpentine were formed. The contact or boundary
between Kemahang Granite and Taku Schist is
asymmetrical and could be a simple unconformity [11].
Table 1 The suggested value for constant a and m to use in Archie’s formula when the lithology of the rock is known (Keller, 1987)
a m
Description of rock
Weakly cemented detrital rocks, such as sand, sandstone and some limestones with a porosity range from 25 0.88 1.37
to 45%, usually Tertiary in age
Moderately well-cemented sedimentary rocks, including sandstones and limestones with a porosity range 0.62 1.72
from 18 to 35%, usually Mesozoic age
0.62 1.95
Well-cemented sedimentary rocks with a porosity range from 5 to 25%, usually Paleozoic in age
3.5 1.44
Highly porous volcanic rocks, such as tuff, aa and pahoehoe, with porosity in range 20 to 80%
Rocks with less than 4% porosity, including dense igneous rocks and metamorphosed sedimentary rocks 1.4 1.58
Finally, the 2-D porosity imaging of the subsurface 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
was produced using Surfer8 software. Figure 5 shows
the flow chart that sums up the methodology in this The survey line SEL1 was conducted near a lake
study. whereas SEL2 was perpendicular to SEL1. Figure 6
shows the 2-D resistivity inversion model of SEL1 which
Data acquisition Data can be divided into two main zones. The first zone is
(Selangor and processing the saturated zone or water bearing rock (1-100 Ωm)
at depth of 10-70 m. The second zone is underlain by
Res2Dinv software competent bedrock with resistivity value of >400 Ωm
(2-D resistivity inversion model)
2-D resistivity survey [14].
Generally, water in hard rocks will seep through the
Microsoft Excel software
fractures within the rock and accumulates to become
(Porosity percentage
Borehole / well calculation) groundwater. The groundwater is commonly found at
drilling deeper depth, but many groundwater in Malaysia is
Surfer8 software shallow within fracture system [4]. The saturated zone
(2-D porosity imaging) or water bearing rock (1-100 Ωm)) is suspected to be
the aquifer at distance between 75-120 m.
Figure 5 The flow chart for this study
Figure 6 The 2-D resistivity inversion model for survey line SEL1
153 Umi Maslinda & M. M. Nordiana / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 80:6 (2018) 149–158
Figure 7 shows the 2-D resistivity inversion model of SEL1 15-50 m. Both 2-D resistivity inversion model and
correlated with the borehole record. The low resistivity borehole data show that the aquifer zone is located
zone (1-100 Ωm) in the inversion model was 15-50 m depth. The borehole data proved that the
interpreted as saturated zone and the borehole saturated zone is an aquifer. Shale acts as water-
record agrees with the aquifer zone at the depth of bearing rock and becoming an aquifer.
Figure 7 The correlation of 2-D resistivity inversion model of line SEL1 with borehole record at distance 85 m
The saturated zone or water bearing rock (1-100 Moreover, the low resistivity values zone (1-100 Ωm)
Ωm) in SEL2 (Figure 8) is located at 15-50 m depth. between the boulders were suspected as saturated
From the borehole record, the bedrock found is hard zone or water bearing rock since the scale of the
dark grey shale. Thus, the>400 Ωm of resisitivity value resistivity value used in this zone is similar as SEL1. The
was interpreted as shale bedrock, and a boulder of saturated zone or water bearing rock is formed due to
shale found between two saturated zones at distance fractures in the rock which allow water to flow through
between 80-100 m in line SEL2 indicates the presence it and trap the water inside. The resistivity value of the
of fractures in the rock. The fractured zone can be rock is lower with greater fracturing [4]. Thus, the
interpreted as the saturated zone located in between saturated zone could be a potential aquifer.
or below the high resistivity value of bedrock [12].
Figure 8 The 2-D resistivity inversion model for survey line SEL2
Porosity determination is applied in measuring the results was used to calculate percentage of porosity
ability of the rock materials to hold and store water. using the Archie’s law equation. Then, the 2-D porosity
The resistivity values obtained from the 2-D resistivity imaging was contoured based on the porosity values
154 Umi Maslinda & M. M. Nordiana / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 80:6 (2018) 149–158
for a clearer image. This porosity imaging will be zone) has a porosity of >20% while the other part (>100
divided into two parts; <20% or >20%. This is because a Ωm) has porosity of <20%. The greater the pore spaces
productive sedimentary aquifer should contain at in the rocks, the greater the amount of water it can
least 20% of porosity, [8] where porosity of >20% is hold. The area with <20% porosity is a good seal rock
considered as high porosity [15]. The porosity of the as it prevents water from flowing out, trapping water
subsurface materials was determined to verify the within the rock fractures. All pore spaces or fractures
aquifer identification at the study area. Figures 9 and that are filled with water in sediment or rock are
10 are the 2-D porosity imaging of SEL1 and SEL2 saturated. Thus, all the suspected saturated zones in 2-
respectively, where the saturated zone or water D resistivity inversion model should have a high
bearing rock with resistivity value of 1-100 Ωm (aquifer percentage of porosity.
The second study area in Kelantan is located The first zone is saturated zone or water bearing rock
between Kemahang Granite and Taku Schist. All 2-D with resistivity value of 1-100 Ωm. Resistivity values
resistivity inversion models in the area can be divided between 800-3000 Ωm is the second zone interpreted
into three different zones as shown in Figure 11 and 12. as sandstone. The third zone is classified as granite
155 Umi Maslinda & M. M. Nordiana / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 80:6 (2018) 149–158
bedrock (>3000 Ωm). Ismail found that the saturated granite and sandstone. One saturated zone or water
zone at an area that made up of granite bedrock has bearing rock is spotted in KEL2 line at distance 320-360
resistivity value of 0-100 Ωm [12]. m. The fracture and contact zones between
KEL1 in Figure 11 shows that the granite bedrock is sandstone and granite bedrock allow the water to
found at distance from 1-110 m and 120-400m with flow and seeps into the rocks and caused the
moderate resistivity value that was interpreted as formation of saturated zone or water bearing rock (1-
sandstone. The depth of sandstone is quite shallow, 100 Ωm). For example at distance of 110 m of line KEL2,
which is about 40 m from the surface. A contact zone a small contact zone between granite and sandstone
between the granite bedrock and sandstone was tend to form fractures that transmit and accumulate
suspected to be a fractured zone at distance of 110 the water. Nielsen stated that the fractures form an
m. irregular pattern of interconnected or isolated
KEL2 in Figure 12 shows exactly the same finding as conduits of water [16]. Fractures are called secondary
KEL1 line, where the granite bedrock is located at porosity of sandstone that allowed water to
distance of < 100 m from the total length. At distance accumulate [17]. Thus, the saturated zone has the
110 m of KEL2 line, a contact zone was found between potential to be an aquifer.
Area between lines KEL1 and KEL2 which are known as The lithology from the well log data shows different
the contact zones become the main targets for water materials which are red clay, red sand and red granite
wells and spring due to the formation of fractures (Figure 13). Red clay is found at top of the subsurface,
along the zone [18]. The largely connected, closely followed by red sand at depth of 15 m and granite at
spaced and multiple fractures may produce a depth of 53 m. A few subsurface materials are similar
sustainable well yields [19]. The water well was drilled with the interpretations from the 2-D resistivity inversion
38 m away from the nearest point of line KEL2 at model and the well log data, where both consist of
distance of 110 m of the line. According to 2-D granite. Red sand may originated from sandstone
resistivity inversion model of lines KEL1 and KEL2, the whereas clay may come from weathered granite
well drilled location is at the suspected contact zone. bedrock or sandstone.
Figures 15 and 16 are the 2-D porosity imaging for both of mineral particles, fluid salinity or mineralization,
survey lines (KEL1 and KEL2) in Kelantan. The porosity degree of weathering, fissure density and
imaging show that all saturated zones with 1-100 Ωm interconnectivity and water saturation are factors that
resistivity value have a porosity of >20%. The porosity of affect the hydraulic and electric conductivities.
>20% is considered as highly porous [15] due to the However,for hard rock (granite), the dominant factor
pores and rock fractures that may be filled with water. is the rock porosity saturated with water [20]. This is
The larger the fractures, the greater the amount of because the water in the fissures is controlled by
water can be filled in the fractures. Pore size current flow since the minerals in the granite has high
distribution, grain size distribution, void ratio, roughness resistivity [20].
4.0 CONCLUSION materials since the saturated zone or the aquifer area
has porosity of >20%.
Good correlation was achieved between 2-D
resistivity result and borehole record, where saturated
zone in both study areas are concluded and proven
to be an aquifer. Verified Archie’s law is also
applicable in calculating porosity of the subsurface
158 Umi Maslinda & M. M. Nordiana / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 80:6 (2018) 149–158