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Yu 2018

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2018.2878475, Journal of
Lightwave Technology

High sensitivity all optical fiber

conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensing
based on an optical microfiber coupler (OMC)
Yang Yu, Qiang Bian, Yang Lu, Xueliang Zhang, Junbo Yang, Linmei Liang

Abstract—An all optical fiber CTD sensor used in seawater -m, which is a typical electronic-type device [1]. Although
based on an OMC is demonstrated. And the OMC is fabricated by electronic-type CTD system has the advantage of high
fusing and tapering two twisted conventional communication precision and wide-ranging practicality, the system is usually
fibers based on the improved flame-brushing method. By
monitoring the sensing dips, in situ measurement of salinity,
expensive and big, may suffer from electromagnetic
temperature and depth (pressure) in seawater can be realized interference, and is not applicable for detecting the skin and
respectively. Especially, the water depth (pressure) sensing micro/nano scale of seawater [1]-[5]. Moreover, in order to
function of the OMC is demonstrated for the first time, and the achieve salinity and temperature data in certain depth of ocean,
pressure sensitivity is 50 times higher than a bare fiber Bragg series connection of CTDs will have to be used in sea trials,
grating (with a wide pressure measurement range from 0 MPa to which greatly drives up the costs [5]. Therefore, a growing
25 MPa). The highest sensitivities of salinity, temperature and
depth are 1596 pm/‰, 2326 pm/℃, and 169 pm/Mpa,
interest on fiber optic sensors has arisen due to their well known
respectively.These are high enough for the requirements of characteristics of compactness, high sensitivity, convenient
marine dynamic environmental monitoring and underwater multiplexing, in situ measurement, and immunity to external
target detection of fiber-optic hydrophone system. The all optical electromagnetic interferences.
fiber CTD sensor demonstrated here show advantages of easy In the past, many optical fiber sensors for salinity,
fabrication, compact structure, high sensitivity, low cost, and temperature and/or depth(pressure) in seawater have been
compatibility with the optical fiber system, which may find
applications in multifunction optical sensors in ocean detections
developed, including fiber Bragg grating, fiber Fabry-Pérot
and other applications. interferometer, two-core fiber, photonic crystal fiber, plastic
optical fiber, and microfiber knot/coil resonators, and so on
Index Terms—optcal microfiber coupler, salinity, temperature, [6]-12]. However, most of them are low-sensitivity and the
depth (pressure), all optical fiber sensing. complex fabrications may limit their further applications in
developing high performance and low-cost optical sensors in
I. INTRODUCTION ocean multiparameter detections [3]. Compared to the above

S ALINITY, temperature and depth are the most important

parameters in physical oceanography applications, because
of they are the fundamental parameters of the seawater equation
approaches, optical sensors based on microfibers have attracted
more and more attention due to their advantages of smaller
sizes, higher sensitivities, simpler fabrications, lower costs and
of state [1]-[3]. In situ monitoring these parameters is of great faster responses, which have been widely used in sundry
importance for process control in manufacturing industries, physical parameters sensing [13]. In particular, as a typical
protection of ecosystems, prevention of global warming, and optical micro-/nanophotonic device, optical microfiber coupler
especially underwater target monitoring and recognition [4]. (OMC) has been widely used in humidity [14], temperature
Traditionally, the salinity, temperature and depth of seawater is [15], magnetic field [16], [17], twist [18]and liquid refractive
measured by the conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) syste index (RI) sensings [19]. In addition, the OMC used as a sensor
relies on the environment influencing the coupling between two
evanescent fields, which is more sensitive than a single
Manuscript received July 14, 2018; revised September 9, 2018; accepted microfiber [20]. More recently, seawater salinity and
October 25, 2018. Date of publication xxx xx, 2018; date of current version xxx
xx, 2018. This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China temperature sensor based on a microfiber directional coupler
under Grants 61805278. (Corresponding Author:Yang Yu.) has been demonstrated, which proved a new optical method to
Yang Yu is with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College measure ocean multiparameter with high sensitivities, low
of meteorology and Oceanology, National University of Defense Technology,
Changsha, Hunan 410073, China (e-mail:yuyang08a@nudt.edu.cn). detection limit and miniaturized sizes [3]. However, in order to
Qiang Bian, Yang Lu and Xueliang Zhang are with the College of strengthen the device, the Ethyl cellulose ethoce solvent is used
meteorology and Oceanology, National University of Defense Technology, to coat on the coupling area of the microfiber directional
Changsha, Hunan 410073, Chinae (e-mail: bianqiang16@nudt.edu.cn; luyang
01@nudt.edu.cn; zhang_xueliang@nudt.edu.cn).
coupler, which will lead to additional losses. Especially, to the
Junbo Yang and Linmei Liang are with the College of Liberal Arts and best of our knowledge, depth (pressure) sensors based on OMC
Sciences, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan for liquid (especially in seawater) have not been demonstrated
410073, China (e-mail: yangjubo@nudt.edu.cn; nmliang@nudt.edu.cn).

0733-8724 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2018.2878475, Journal of
Lightwave Technology

experimentally. OMC’s uniform waist region L), the heating temperature, the
In this paper, an all optical fiber CTD sensor used in seawater tapering velocity, and the cone angle (the taper model is based
based on an OMC is demonstrated. And the OMC is fabricated on the principle of volumetric stretching [24]). The OMC
by fusing and tapering two twisted conventional communicat drawing process uses the self-contained monitoring system of
-ion fibers based on the improved flame-brushing method[21], the taper system to observe the loss and mode evolution
[22]. Compared with the microfiber directional coupler, the characteristics of the OMC, and reduces the OMC drawing
fusing and tapering OMCs are more mechanically stable and error by feedback control methods such as temperature and
the structure parameters can be accurately controlled. By tensile speed (regarding the related drawing control techniques,
monitoring the sensing dips, in situ measurement of salinity, see references [22], [23]). Therefore, through the
temperature and depth in seawater can be realized respectively. above-mentioned taper process control, the mechanical
The highest sensitivities of salinity, temperature and depth stability of the OMC sample obtained in this paper is more
(pressure) is 1596 pm/‰, 2326 pm/℃, and 169 pm/Mpa, stable. The structural parameters are controllable, and the
respectively. The all optical fiber CTD sensor demonstrated insertion loss is small.
here show advantages of easy fabrication, compact structure,
B. Sensing principle
high sensitivity, low cost, and compatibility with the optical
fiber system, which may apply to the multifunction sensing in The OMC is comprised of two taper regions and an uniform
ocean detections and other applications. waist region, and the schematic diagram of the composition
OMC is shown in Fig. 2. In the coupling region (including the
II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND SENSING PRINCIPLE partial taper region and the uniform waist region ), The
refractive index n(x,y,z) and propagation constant β(z) of local
A. Fabrication of the OMC position section change with position z. Considering that the
The OMC is fabricated with two twisted conventional single coupling region changes slowly, local coupled mode theory can
mode fibers (SMFs, fiber1 and fiber2) in the OMC drawing be utilized to analyze the coupling property of the OMC [21].
system based on an improved flame-brushing method [21]-[24]. According to the partial mode coupling theory, the OMC`s total
Before the fabrication of the OMC, the two SMFs first have coupling can be seen as a superposition of local coupling, and
their polymer coating removed, and the two SMFs are twisted the OMC output light intensity of Port3 and Port 4 can be
two times to ensure good contact between the two fibers at the expressed as[16]-[22]:
uncoated region, which helps to increase mechanical stability  l 
and optical coupling. Then the two twisted fibers are  P3  P0 cos   c , n2 , z dz   P0 cos 
2 2

sequentially fixed on the two stages of the taper system, and the  0 
fixing process is slightly stressed and then clamped by the 
clamp on the stage (to ensure the stability of the two fibers   l

P  P s in 2
  c , n2 , z dz   P0sin 2
twisting in the tapering process). As shown in Fig. 1, the two  4 0  
electrically driven translation stages are stretched under the  0  (1)
control of a computer, and the bare part of the fibers are heated where P0 is input light intensity, l is coupling length,c(λ, n2,z)
by the microheater (CMH-7019, NTT-AT). is the coupling coefficient in location z. For fusing and tapering
OMC, the thinner tapered transition region and uniform waist
region of the OMC plays an important role on the coupling
characteristics of the OMC[21], [22]. In addition, the coupling
of the OMC` waist region can be regarded as the coupling
between the two microfibers in the waist region. Consequently,
we only consider strong coupling at the OMC coupling region.
For the strong coupling case, the two tapered microfibers touch
and fuse each other, and the coupling coefficient in couple
region location z can be expressed as[17], [18]
3 1
Fig. 1. Fabrication setup of the OMC c , n2 , z  
32n2 r 1  1 V 2
In order to monitor and feedback control the tapering
parameters, an online transmitted light power monitoring where V  2r    n  n  2
2 3 
2 12
is the normalized
system is set up. As shown in Fig. 1, one injection end of the frequency, r is the radius of the microfiber at the waist region, λ
fiber1 is connected with a laser source (RIO Company, 1550 is the incident light wavelength, n2 and n3 are the RIs of of fiber
nm, linewidth 2 kHz). The output ports of fiber1 and fiber2 are cladding (silica) and external environment respectively.
directly connected to the photodetector (OE-200). In this Equations (1) and (2) exposit that the light transmission
tapering system, the OMCs with different structures can be characteristics of the OMC depends on the silica RI n2, external
produced by precisely controlling the parameters, such as the material RI n3, incident light wavelength λ, coupling length l
length of the heating zone (corresponding to the length of the and radius of microfiber at the waist region r.

0733-8724 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2018.2878475, Journal of
Lightwave Technology

As a fabricated device, the output power of the OMC (port3 According to Eqs. (1)-(3), for strong coupling dominates the
and port4) varies with light wavelength and these variations can whole coupling process of the OMC, the dip wavelength will
be detected through an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA). When red-shift with the environmental RI [19]. The OMC` uniform
the external environment changes (the n3 vary), the waveguide waist region has the smallest diameter, and plays the most
structure and waveguide RI maybe change also (the n2 , l and r important role on OMC` coupling coefficient [21]. If we only
vary also). Therefore, the corresponding wavelength will shift consider the sensing efficiency of the OMC` uniform waist
as the n2, n3, l and r changes, and monitoring the shift of region, the expression formula of salinity sensitivity can be
specific wavelength (e.g. dip wavelength), the function of obtained from Eqs. (1)-(3). And we use L to denote the length
sensing can be realized. As we know, the refractive index ns of of the uniform waist region, and rw to denote the radius of the
seawater (n3) increases with the increasing of salinity S and microfiber at the uniform waist region. In addition, based on the
depth (pressure) P, and decreases with temperature T rising above analysis, we can also obtain the sensitivity formula of
[1]-[3]. In addition, when the seawater temperature changes, seawater temperature and depth sensing based on the OMC [20],
the thermo-optical effect will cause the refractive index of the [25]. Referring to Eqs. 3, the temperature and depth sensitivity
OMC` waveguide (n2) and coupling length (l) to change. When derivation formula can be written as
the depth of seawater changes, lateral pressure will also lead the d    n  l 
n2 and l to change. Therefore, put the OMC into seawater can ST        (4)
achieve salinity, temperature and depth (pressure) of seawater
dT   n T l T 
d    n  l 
SP        (5)
dP   n P l P 
C. Experimental setup
The schematic diagram of experiment setup for measurement
of salinity, temperature and depth (pressure) in seawater based
on an OMC shows in Fig. 3 (a). The system consists of a
broadband light source (ASE source, 1525~1560 nm,OPEAK),
Fig. 2. The schematic diagram of the OMC optical spectrum analyzer (OSA, 600 nm~1700 nm, Q8384,
ADVANTEST, the resolution is 0.01 nm), CTD system (CTD,
model sd204, SAIV A/S) and conductivity meter (HS-15TW),
temperature controlled seawater tank (KQ2200DE) and water
pressure seal tank. The port1 of the OMC is connected to the
ASE source, and the output signal from port2 and port4 is sent
into the OSA for signal analysis. Due to the mode coupling, the
OMC`s transmission spectrum displays several dips. Sensing
function can be realize by detecting the shift of dip


A. Salinity response
Salinity, one of the essential parameters in oceanography,
plays an important role in marine environment, ocean
circulation and other phenomena. In this paper, the salt solution
with different concentrations was made from pure water and
NaCl, and the seawater sample to be tested is poured into a
water tank. The experiment setup is shown in Fig. 3(b). The
initial salinity and temperature of the seawater sample are
25.64‰ and 25.1℃, respectively(the seawater sample volume
Fig. 3. (a) Schematic of the experiment setup for the measurement of salinity,
temperature and depth in seawater. (b) The salinity measuring experimental is about 2.8L). We use an OMC sample with the length of the
setup and the optical microscopic image of an OMC sample (Inset). (c) The uniform waist region as L=7.8mm, and the radius of the
temperature measuring experimental setup. (d) The depth measuring microfiber as rw=0.9μm for salinity testing (The coupling
experimental setup.
length has an effect on the distance between the adjacent
For salinity sensing, according to (1) and (2), the sensitivity sensing dips [20]). To show the OMC more clearly, an optical
can be derived as [17], [23] microscope image of the coupling area is shown in the inset of
Fig. 3(b). As shows in Fig. 3(b), the OMC is fixed in the U-type
d   n
SS     (3) metal groove to enhance the device stability and reduce the
dS  n S bending loss, then the as-assembled OMC sensor is immersed

0733-8724 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2018.2878475, Journal of
Lightwave Technology

into the sample. increase of salinity (in the case of salinity less than 25%). Since
To demonstrate the salinity sensing, the salinity of the the sensing characteristics of the OMC sensors are related to
seawater is first artificially tuned by successively adding about their structural parameters, it is difficult to give a rigorous and
500ml distill water into the seawater sample under the certain versatile sensitivity analysis expression. However, for a given
temperature of 25.1℃. At the same time, the salinity and the OMC sensor sample, the sensing response characteristics and
temperature of the seawater sample is measured by a laws are stable. In addition, the global average seawater salinity
electronic-type CTD (CTD, model sd204, SAIV A/S). In the is about 35‰, except for the Dead Sea, most of the sea has a
process of salinity measurement, spectral monitoring analysis salinity of less than 45‰. Therefore, if the response sensitivity
of the OMC` port3 and port4 is carried out, respectively. Figure can better meet the specific fitting function relationship and
4(a) shows the red shift of the port4 sensing dips as salinity response law, the designed sensor can realize sensor
increases from 14.66‰ to 25.64‰, and the spectral monitoring demodulation under a certain salinity test dynamic range (such
results from the port3 can also get similar red shift regular as ~45‰).
pattern (Be limited by the spectrum scan test range, port3 only The experiment results show that, the maximum sensitivity
have two dips can satisfy the entire dynamic range of of port4 is estimated to be Ss1=1596 pm/‰ for dip 1, Ss2=1542
experimental monitoring), which is consistent with theoretical pm/‰ for dip 2 and Ss3=1560 pm/‰ for dip 3 at salinity of
analysis. 14.66‰, respectviely (The maximum sensitivity of port3 is
Ss1=1436 pm/‰ for dip 1, Ss2=1370 pm/‰ for dip 2,
respectively). In addition, within the spectral detection range
(1525-1560nm), the salinity detection dynamic range of the
sensor is about ~16‰. Compared with the existing sensors, the
maximum salinity sensitivity demonstrated here is higher than
the microfiber directional coupler [3], two magnitudes higher
than the polyimide-coated photonic crystal fiber [2] and FBG
[4], and the salinity sensitivity can be further increased by
decreasing the diameter of the OMC waist region [1], [20].
B. Temperature response
The temperature of seawater is one of the basic parameters of
the ocean, and related to many oceanographic phenomena and
marine observations (e.g. the ocean internal-wave phenomena
occur with the variation in seawater vertical temperature [7]).
After the salinity sensing, we carry out the temperature sensing
(a) with the same OMC. The seawater sample to be tested is poured
into a temperature controlled water tank. The experiment setup
is shown in Fig. 3(c). The salinity of seawater is kept to be
14.66‰, and the sample is heated by the temperature controlled
water tank with temperature increasing to 42℃ gradually.
Meanwhile, the temperature and the salinity of the seawater
sample is measured by a conductivity meter (HS-15TW). In
order to avoid the influence of temperature inhomogeneity
during seawater heating, the cooling process of the seawater is
tested in the experiment. As is shown in Fig. 5(a), the sensing
dips blue shift as temperature of seawater rises.
The sensing dip wavelength values at different temperatures
are given in Fig. 5(b). As shown in Fig. 5(b), the wavelength
shift decreases approximately linearly with the increasing
temperature, and from the liner fitting results measured
sensitivities of dip 1, dip 2 and dip 3 are ST1=2250 pm/℃,
(b) ST2=2094 pm/℃ and ST3=2326 pm/℃, respectively. Similarly,
Fig. 4. (a) Transmission spectra at different salinities under temperature of 25℃. the temperature detection dynamic range of the sensor can be
(b) Relationships between the dip wavelengths and the salinities of the OMC` obtained from the experimental results, which is about ~11℃.
port3 and port4. Although the temperature sensitivity of the OMC sensor is two
magnitudes higher than those of FBG [4], the measurement
To estimate the sensitivities, typical sensing dips of the port3
may be inaccurate when the sensing dip shifts exceed the
and the port4 are tracked, and their dip values at different
distance between adjacent dips. Therefore, in practical
salinities are shown in Fig. 4(b). The fitting results show that, applications, if the OSA is used to directly detect and
the relationship between the dip wavelengths and the salinity demodulate sensor data, the balance between test sensitivity
satisfies cubic function, and the sensitivity decreases with the and dynamic range needs to be considered.

0733-8724 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2018.2878475, Journal of
Lightwave Technology

Existing studies have shown that, for sensors based on intensity noise in the transmission spectra, this paper always
microfiber, stronger evanescent fields usually lead to higher chooses to read the intensity peak of the tracked dip during data
sensitivities [3]. Although the aforementioned OMC samples processing. From the test results, this data reading error is
have higher temperature sensitivity, the dynamic test range is within the acceptable range. In addition, the insertion loss of the
relatively limited when using OSA for data detection and OMC samples is generally below 2dB, while the additional loss
demodulation analysis. In view of this, this paper also selected of seawater is about 13 dB. The above factors make the power
an OMC sample with a larger diameter and a shorter length of of the probe light small, which results in a large noise of the
the uniform waist region for temperature experiments. spectrum detection signal. In view of this, in practical
applications, in order to improve the system detection accuracy
(ie, improve the signal-to-noise ratio), a high-output power
source may be used for wavelength scanning detection, or the
detection source may be optically amplified and then injected
into the sensor.



Fig. 5. (a) Transmission spectra at different temperatures under salinity of
14.66‰. (b) Relationships between the dips wavelengths and the temperatures.

Thus, we chose an OMC sample (sample 2) with a large

diameter for temperature sensing, and the length of the uniform
waist region is L=7.2mm, the radius of the microfiber is (b)
Fig. 6. (a) Transmission spectra at different temperatures under salinity of
rw=1.2μm. With the same seawater sample (The salinity is
14.66‰(L=7.2mm, rw=1.2μm). (b) Relationships between the dip wavelengths
14.66‰), the initial temperature is increased to be 40℃ and the temperatures (L=7.2mm, rw=1.2μm).
gradually, and then the cooling process of the seawater is tested.
The transmission spectra collected from port 4 of fiber 2 is For the OMC sample 2 only one dip can be selected as the
recorded as shown in Fig. 6(a). The OMC sample`s sensing dip, so we choose three peak wavelengths for signal
transmission spectral noise is slightly larger than the analysis. As Fig. 6(a) shows that, with the increasing
aforementioned sample, which is mainly caused by the increase temperature, the sensing peaks shift to the short waveband,
of the experimental system`s additional loss due to problems which is similar with results shown in Fig. 6(a). This shows that,
such as corrosion pollution. Although there is a problem of by tracking the peak wavelengths, temperature sensing analysis
can also be realized.

0733-8724 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2018.2878475, Journal of
Lightwave Technology

The value of the sensing peak wavelengths at different experiment was carried out with pure water, and the water
temperatures are plotted in Fig. 6(b). The peaks shift temperature was tested to be 25.4℃.
approximately linearly with the temperature change, and the The spectral monitoring results from the port3 as the pressure
liner fitting results show ST1=810 pm/℃ for peak 1, ST2=1298 rising is shown in Fig. 7(a). The OMC sample (sample 3) used
pm/℃ for peak 2 and ST3=1436 pm/℃ for peak 3, respectively. here has the length of the uniform waist region as L=8mm, and
It seems that at the long wavelength the temperature sensitivity the radius of the microfiber as rw=0.8μm. For the waist region
of the OMC can be higher. Use this OMC sample, temperature of the OMC sample is longer and thinner, four dips can be used
sensing analysis same can be realized by tracking the dip, and for test analysis. As shown in Fig. 7(a), the sensing dips red
temperature sensitivity as ST=1254 pm/℃ is achieved (the shift as the water pressure rises. The experimental results verify
detection dynamic range is about ~20℃). the function of water depth (pressure) sensing based on the
Although sample 2 has only one dip wavelength in the OMC.
detection spectrum, it can perform sensor demodulation
tracking over the entire detection spectrum. So it can have a
larger detection dynamic range. And the experiment further
verified the correspondence between the sensitivity of the
OMC sensor and its structural parameters. That is, for the
OMC`s uniform waist with smaller diameter and longer length,
the detection sensitivity will be higher.
In fact, the detection sensitivity and the detection dynamic
range of the sensor is not only related to the sensor's own
structural design, but also related to the demodulation method.
In this paper, the common OSA equipment is used to collect the
experimental data of each group in batches, and then the
subsequent data processing analysis. Therefore, when the
sensing test range is too large, the traced dip wavelength offset
will exceed the adjacent resonant wavelength, and this will lead
to reading difficulties or test errors. In practical engineering
applications, environmental changes are generally slow
processes (such as temperature and depth), so the dip (a)
wavelength is slowly drifting. In view of this, the
environmental parameter variation can be analyzed by directly
reading the dip wavelength offset by the instrument (such as the
OSA), or use a digital processing scheme of wavelength
scanning combined with wavelength tracking. If the digital
processing scheme is adopted, the data tracking detection range
can be extended to the whole scan spectral region of the probe
light source. Therefore, the use of a wider spectrum of scanning
light source, combined with wavelength tracking processing
technology, can greatly expand the dynamic range of sensor
C. Deep response
The depth of seawater is an important parameter in marine
dynamic environment, which is mainly measured by pressure
sensor. Existing optical fiber pressure sensors include fiber
Bragg grating, fiber Fabry-Pérot interferometer, etc. [9]-[12]. (b)
However, most of them have complex fabrications, small Fig. 7. (a) Relationships between the dips wavelengths and the pressure. (b)
Transmission spectra at different depths (pressure).
dynamic range and low sensitivity. In view of this, the OMC is
used for the first time to verify the sensing function of seawater The sensing dip wavelength values at different pressures are
depth (pressure) here, and the experiment setup is shown in Fig. given in Fig. 7(b). The dips shift approximately linearly with
3(d). In the experiment, the OMC sensor is placed in a water the pressure rises, and the linear fitting results show that
pressure seal tank (the end fiber of the sensor is derived from SP1=124 pm/Mpa for dip 1, SP2=139 pm/Mpa for dip 2, SP3=169
the fiber hole on the pressure tank), and the water depth is pm/Mpa for dip 3 and SP4=145 pm/Mpa for dip 4, respectively.
simulated by changing water pressure. The change of water In addition, the pressure detection dynamic range of the sensor
pressure is calibrated and tested by the piezometer brought by is about ~147Mpa. From the test results can be seen that, the
the pressure tank. To prevent corrosion of metal water tanks pressure sensing response characteristics of the OMC are
(and due to greater water requirements), the water pressure similar to the temperature sensing response, and the pressure

0733-8724 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2018.2878475, Journal of
Lightwave Technology

sensitivity increases with the increasing of wavelength below (actually measured by changing the seawater pressure to avoid
1555nm. This type of pressure sensor is 50 times more sensitive the temperature change crosstalk caused by the actual water
than that of a bare fiber Bragg grating [9]. Experimental results depth change), and then calculate the depth response
demonstrate that the sensor has reasonable linearity, sensitivity sensitivities (SP1, SP2, SP3) corresponding to the three dip
and a wide pressure measurement range from 0 MPa to 25 MPa. wavelengths.
The minimum differentiable wavelength of the OSA is 0.01nm, (c) The CTD sensor is immersed in a still sea water surface
so the water pressure resolution can be lower than 0.1 MPa. with a temperature of 20 ° C (water depth approx. 0 m, salinity
In fact, due to the limitation of the precision of the 35 ‰), and the wavelength values (λ1, λ2, λ 3) corresponding to
piezometer and the limited high pressure of the pressure tank, it the three dips of the CTD sensor transmission spectra were
is difficult to realize higher precision and greater pressure measured. In the actual monitoring process of the marine
sensing tests. It is expected that this type of fiber pressure environment parameters, the sensing system will use λ 1, λ2 and
sensor can be used for deep-sea depth sensing. If high precision λ 3 as the standard calculation wavelengths of the sensors, and
OSA or wavelength scanning technology is used, more accurate establish a standard database for processing software calls.
depth (pressure) sensing can be realized. We can also adhere (d) Based on the above test calibration, the simultaneous
the OMC` waist region to the elastic base material. It is measurement of the salinity temperature and pressure (S, T and
expected that the sensitivity of the sensor can be further P) can be realized by using the cross-sensitivity matrix as
improved, and the corresponding research work will be carried follows:
out in the future. dip1   S S 1 ST 1 S P1   S 
  
S P 2  T 
D. Discussion
The above experiments verified the salinity, temperature and dip 2    S S 2 ST 2
depth (pressure) sensing function of the OMC sensor, and     S ST 3 S P 3   P 
 dip 3   S 3
showed good sensing performance. But in practical
applications, the cross sensitivity of the three parameters needs The basis of the above inversion operation demodulation
to be considered and distinguished. Existing research results scheme is to ensure that the cross-sensitivity matrix
show that, dual-wavelength measurement can resolve this determinant is not equal to zero, which can be realized by the
problem to realize selective sensing [3], [20]. In the fact, above OMC`s structure parameter selection design.
different sensing dips have different responses to the changes of In summary, the OMC sensor used in this paper was
salinity, temperature and depth (pressure), and this has been fabricated by fusing and tapering two fibers based on the
verified in the previous experiments (as shown in Figs. 4(b), improved flame-brushing method [22], [23], and the structure
6(b) and 7(b)). Based on this, in practical applications of the parameter can be accurately controlled. The length of the
OMC sensor, the sensitivity of salinity, temperature and depth uniform waist region(the coupling length) and the radius of the
(pressure) of the different dips can be pre-calibrated and the microfiber at the waist region can be flexibly modulated
database can be established. according to the sensing requirements. For example, in order to
In view of this, this paper provides a signal processing obtain higher sensitivities and realize the cross sensitivity
method for simultaneous monitoring and demodulation of the demodulation, the OMC with longer length of the uniform
CTD.This is a cross-sensitivity inversion operation method, waist region and smaller radius of the waist region is needed,
which can be divided into four steps: and more sensing dips will provide more opportunity for
(a) By adjusting the length and the diameter of the OMC`s multiparameter (three or more parameters) sensing in ocean
waist region, ensure that the transmission characteristic detection and other applications. At the same time, the
spectrum of the OMC has three dips in the entire spectral detection accuracy of the OMC sensor can be improved by
scanning range of the probe light (the design process also needs using the higher precision wavelength scanning technology
to consider the sensitivity and the test dynamic range). Further, and the source with a wider spectrum.
make sure the response sensitivity of the three dip wavelengths
to the same parameter is different (in fact, due to the evanescent IV. CONCLUSION
field transmission characteristics of the OMC, the sensitivity is In conclusion, the conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD)
larger when the sensor operates at longer wavelength). system is the most important equipment in the application of
(b) Then the salinity, temperature and depth response marine environmental monitoring. In this paper, a high
sensitivities of the three dip wavelengths of the CTD sensor are sensitivity all optical fiber CTD sensor used in seawater based
respectively calibrated. The specific implementation method is on an OMC is demonstrated. The highest sensitivities of
as follows: fix the CTD sensor in seawater, keep its water depth salinity, temperature and depth are 1596 pm/‰, 2326 pm/℃,
and temperature unchanged, change the salinity (such as adding and 169 pm/Mpa, respectively. The sensitivity of the OMC
pure water), and calculate the salinity sensitivities sensor can be improved by optimizing its structure, e. g., using
corresponding to the three dip wavelengths (SS1, SS2, SS3); then, OMC with longer length of the uniform waist region and
the salinity and depth of the seawater sample in which the smaller radius of the waist region for high sensitivities and
sensor is located are kept unchanged, the seawater temperature multi-parameter sensing. Here, the water depth (pressure)
is changed, and the temperature response sensitivities (ST1, ST2, sensing function of the OMC is demonstrated for the first time,
ST3) corresponding to the three dip wavelengths are separately and the pressure sensitivity is 50 times higher than a bare fiber
calculated; finally, keep the salinity and temperature of the Bragg grating. It can be used for deep-sea depth sensing, and
seawater sample unchanged, change the depth of the sensor future improvement may be achieved by adhering the OMC

0733-8724 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2018.2878475, Journal of
Lightwave Technology

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