Realization of Ground Penetrating Radar System For Environmental Explorations
Realization of Ground Penetrating Radar System For Environmental Explorations
Realization of Ground Penetrating Radar System For Environmental Explorations
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 05, May-2015
Ahmed A. Kabeel3
Electronics and Electrical Communications Dept.,
High Institute of Engineering and Technology,
New Damietta, Egypt.
Abstract—Ground penetrating radar(GPR) is a geophysical analysis andtreatment, and develop regulations to prevent
method that employs an electromagnetic technique for mishaps. By using the GPR technology,designing or
environmental purposes.Ituses the latest ground penetrating simulating a layout municipal for any systems become
technology to provide critical information on utilities, easier. Itprovides legal and financial consulting on matters
concrete, water content, metals, landmines, and other related to the environment. Environmental engineering
potential problem areas within existing structures or technologyis concerned with local and worldwide
underground. In this paper, the hardware implementation of environmental issues. The researcher can also study and
a proposed GPR system is introduced. The antennas utilized attempt to minimize the effects of acid rain, global
in the system are fabricated using microstrip technology. The warming, automobile emissions,and ozone depletion as well
antenna element is fabricated on an FR4 (lossy) substrate with as the protection of wildlife. Many environmental engineers
dielectric constant 𝜺𝒓 = 𝟒. 𝟓, loss tangent of 0.025, and
work as consultants, helping their clients to abide by
regulations and to clean up unsafe sites.
height𝒉 = 𝟏. 𝟓 𝒎𝒎. The proposed system is marked by
simplicity, flexibility, and cheapness. It can detect wide One of the most practical techniques for environmental
varieties of hidden objects or materials beneath the ground exploration is GPR which isa geophysical method that
surface. The system is supplied with two main elements which employs an electromagnetic technique for environmental
greatly contribute to enhance its performance and purposes; theGPR method is useful for rapid and
functionality. These two elements are the wide band (WB) nondestructive site investigations. It is considered to be
antenna element and the wide band RF voltage controlled economically feasible for other routine applications. This
oscillator. These elements allow the device to work over wide technique is also used in a broad range of applications and
range of frequencies, which indeed enables the system to becoming easier to use with the newly developed portable
discover a lot of materials with different characteristics. In GPR systems
addition, the proposed system will operate at large range of One of the initial successful applications was measuring
variable penetrating depths and variable resolution which are ice thickness on polar ice sheets. It was a primitive method
easily controlled by the adjustment of the operating depending on Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) [1].
frequency. Since then,there have been rapid developments in the
Keywords: Ground penetrating radar (GPR), Environmental
hardware, measurement and analysis technique. The
Exploration, Microstrip antennas. application has become more broadly used in fields such as
archaeology, civil engineering, forensic, geology, water
I. INTRODUCTION supply, and metal and mine detection[2]. There is a variety
of useful practical applications, some of which will be
Environmental engineering technology is one of the most studied.
important fieldsin recent decades.Ithas been a topic of One of the most important applications of GPR is
interest amongst engineering educators due to the increasing calculating the amount of water content in different kinds of
number of global environmental problems. Engineers soil.The estimation of soil water content is not only bound
develop solutions to environmental problemsusing the tohydrological methods, but also can be realized
principles of communication and electronics. Environmental bygeophysical measurements, especially when
technologies are involved in water and airpollution control, anondestructive method is required [3]. The GPRis used to
recycling, waste disposal, method of detection, and public estimate the soil water content during irrigation and
health issues. Using those techniques we can drainagedepending on the fact that measurement of wave
conducthazardous-environmental management, studies in propagation velocity can be used to determine soil water
which theyevaluate the significance of the hazard, offer content based on various relationships between water
content and dielectricconstancy.(e.g.Topp et al., 1980; Topp The antennas utilized in theGPR measurement subsystem
and Ferre, 2002)comparedtheir results using GPR with TDR are fabricated using microstrip technology. The antenna
[4].The temporal patterns of soil watercontent change element is fabricated on an FR4 (lossy) substrate with
measured with the GPR method werevery similar to the dielectric constant 𝜀𝑟 = 4.5, loss tangent of 0.025, and
TDR method. During irrigation anddrainage, the GPR direct heightℎ = 1.5 𝑚𝑚. The proposed system is marked by
ground wave sampling depthwas from 0.2 to 0.5 m, based simplicity, flexibility, and cheapness. It can detect wide
on the fact that the GPRestimates of cumulative irrigation varieties of hidden objects or materials beneath the ground
and drainage weremost similar with the TDR-based surface.And one of main and important application of GPR
measurements for the same lengths. has been studied, metal and mine detection. The
functionality of this device can be improved by using a
Another study to measure the water content in landfill,
higher gain antennas and power amplifiers. Furthermore,
estimating water content from GPR data was based on
the capabilities of the device can be extended from target
determining the dielectric permittivity (ε), of the landfill
detection only to detection and identification by simply
waste was presented in [5]. Thedielectric permittivity was
modifying the system software without any changes in
calculated through a relationship between velocities of an
electromagnetic (EM) wave in a medium (v). GPR is also
employed to detect the void inside dikes and dams [6] and II.PROPOSED GPR SYSTEM
[7].Results of experiments received by towing of 900 MHz
and 1000 MHzantenna units over cylindrical void targets of In this section, the hardware implementation of a
differentdiameters and heights, excavated into the clay base proposed GPR system is introduced. The block diagram of
ofthe test site. the proposed system is shown in figure (1) while the
hardware implementation of the system is shown in figure
There is also another issue that GPR would be helpful.
And one of the biggest environmental issues is (2).The proposed GPR system consists of four subsystems;
landmines;Landmines are small explosive objects that are the GPR measurement subsystem, the monitoring
buried under theearth surface. They are classified as subsystem, the remote control subsystem, and wireless
Antipersonnel (AP) landmines,which are used to target camera module. All these subsystems are connected
persons, and Antitank (AT) landmines. Many obstacles are together through Bluetooth and Xbee wireless modules that
faced in removing these buriedlandmines, such as the loss provide the ability to remote control and monitoring the
or absence of maps or informationabout them or even the
operation without being nearby. The system is supplied
areas where they were laid in, the changeof their locations
due to climatic and physical factors[8]. GPR can detect and with two main elements which greatly contribute to
provide critical information about landmines, landmines enhance its performance and functionality. These two
also classified as a metallic and non- metallic, the non- elements are the wide band (WB) antenna element and the
metallic landmines is a challenging taskthat cannot be wide band RF voltage controlled oscillator. These elements
performed using traditional techniques. But with the rapid allow the device to work over wide range of frequencies,
developments in GPR techniques it became easier. which indeed enables the system to discover a lot of
(Zakarya Zyada et al)[9]presents the advances in materials with different characteristics. In addition, the
surface-adaptive groundpenetrating radar (GPR)-based anti- proposed system will operate at large range of variable
personnel landmine detection project in Nagoya penetrating depths and variable range resolution which are
University.Thepaperproposed landmine detection system easily controlled by the adjustment of the operating
which has the followingfeatures based on the problems frequency.
encountered in previous demining systems: (1) can
entermine field; (2) uses compound sensor; (3) sensing with The basic building blocks and components of the proposed
adaptation to landform andvegetation; (4) records sensing GPR system are described in the next sections.
result to information management system and uses it
forprodding or other mine action.
A. GPR Measurement Subsystem
Another study has been made by (Mahmoud A.
The GPR measurement subsystem is the main
Mohanaa et al)[10]. Depending on GPR sensitivity to detect
subsystem. It consists of the following building blocks; (1)
discontinuities in the electric permittivity of the ground has
long been recognized asmaking it useful for finding two semi-circle-like slot antennas, (2) RF voltage
landmines with little or no metalcontent. controlled oscillator, (3) RF power amplifier, (4) RF power
detector, (5) Arduino microcontroller, (6) XBee TX
module, (7) camera module, and (8) TREX board.
In this paper, the hardware implementation of a proposed A. (1) Implementation of the Antenna Elements
GPR system is introduced. The proposed GPR system Antennas are the most important hardware components
consists of four subsystems; the GPR measurement of GPR system since they control the electromagnetic
subsystem, the monitoring subsystem, the remote control signal generated and detected. Optimum GPR performance
subsystem, and wireless camera module. All these
requires antennas that transmit and receive broad frequency
subsystems are connected together through Bluetooth and
content with minimal phase shift when using short duration
Xbee wireless modules that provide the ability to remote
control and monitoring the operation without being nearby. electromagnetic pulses. In this section, the implementation
Figure6. (a), (b), and (c) show the simulated far field A. (3)RF Power Amplifier
radiation pattern of the proposed antenna element at the
A (UM10480- BGA7210) MMIC variable gain power
frequency𝑓𝑜 = 2.3 𝐺𝐻𝑧. The antenna gives a nearly
amplifier is used to amplify the RF signal received from
omnidirectional radiation pattern in the H-plane and a
the RF voltage controlled oscillator. The BGA7210
dipole-like radiation pattern in the E-plane as shown.
MMICis an extremely linear Variable Gain Amplifier
(VGA), operating from0.7 𝐺𝐻𝑧 to 3.8 𝐺𝐻𝑧. The maximum
gain is 30𝑑𝐵. It has an attenuation range from 0 𝑑𝐵
to63 𝑑𝐵.At its minimum attenuation setting it has a
maximum output power of 21 dBm, an IP3O of39 dBm and
a noise figure of 6.5 𝑑𝐵.The current consumption can be
optimized per attenuation setting allowing for optimized
overall system performance. The current consumption and
attenuation level are controlledthrough a digital serial
interface (SPI). The current can be reduced to 120 𝑚𝐴.
(a) Optimallinearity performance is obtained at 185 𝑚𝐴. The
BGA7210 has a fast switchingpower-down pin to further
reduce current consumption during idle time.