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Course Ada Advanced

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Dipl. Ing.

Mario Blunk

Buchfinkenweg 3
99097 Erfurt / Germany

Phone + 49 (0) 361 6022 5184

Email info@blunk-electronic.de

Web www.blunk-electronic.de
Doc. Vers. 2018-11-22
About Ada

Programming Language (procedural & object orientated)

standards Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 2005, Ada 2012

mission/safety critical applications (aerospace, medical,

transportation, financial, military, …)

Use it for engineering and commercial !

Ada is not old !

Ada is not difficult to learn !
For Managers: Why Ada ?

https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ada_Programming :

„… Consequences of these qualities are superior reliability,

reusability and maintainability. For example, compared to
programs written in C, programs written in Ada 83 contain
"70% fewer internal fixes and 90% fewer bugs", and cost
half as much to develop in the first place[3] Ada shines even
more in software maintenance, which often accounts for
about 80% of the total cost of development. ...“

Be courageous !
For Engineers: Why Ada ?

Ada is beautiful !

strong and safe type system (avoids mixing miles with kilometers,
Euros with Rubles, ...)

certified compiler (gnat) detects errors before they become bugs

reliability – reusability - maintainability

A complex world needs a complex language !

Ready for something new ?

About this Course


We keep things simple !

We start with frequently used constructs.

We learn by many examples.

We focus on small command line applications.

We use very simple Makefiles or GPRbuild-files.

Please find full examples at https://github.com/Blunk-electronic/ada_training


1. environment (arguments, variables, exit status, files & directories)

2. string processing (fixed, bounded, unbounded)

3. controlled and tagged types (discriminants, variants)

4. exceptions (predefined, user specific, handling, propagation)

5. containers (doubly linked lists, vectors, maps, sets, indefinite lists)

6. library units (makefile, GPRbuild, private types, ...)

7. generics

8. access types (simple, named, not-null, aliased, …)

9. launching external programs (spawn, bocked/non-blocked, system calls)

Please find full examples at https://github.com/Blunk-electronic/ada_training

Command Line Arguments #1
with ada.command_line; use ada.command_line;

procedure environment_1 is

put_line ("argument count: " &
natural'image(argument_count) );

put_line ("command: " & command_name);

if argument_count > 0 then

for a in 1..argument_count loop

put_line ( argument(a) );
end loop;

end if;
end environment_1;
Command Line Arguments #2
with ada.command_line; use ada.command_line;

procedure environment_2 is
i : integer;
f : float;
-- i := argument(1); -- does not compile

i := integer'value( argument(1) );
put_line("argument 1: " & integer'image(i));

f := float'value ( argument(2) );
put_line("argument 2: " & float'image(f));

end environment_2;

Exit Status
with ada.command_line;
use ada.command_line;

procedure environment_3 is

e : exit_status := failure;

if argument_count > 0 then
put_line ("everything fine");
e := success;
put_line ("error: arguments missing !");
end if;

set_exit_status (e);

end environment_3;
Environment Variables
with ada.environment_variables;
use ada.environment_variables;

procedure environment_4 is

if exists ( "HOME" ) then
put_line ("my home dir is: " & value("HOME") );
put_line ("warning: no home directory !");
end if;

set ( name => "DUMMY",

value => "something_meaningful" );

put_line ("$DUMMY=" & value("DUMMY") );

clear ("DUMMY");
end environment_4;
Directory & File Operations #1
with ada.directories; use ada.directories;
procedure directory_and_file_ops_1 is

dir_name : string (1..3) := "log";

put_line ("the current working directory is: " &

create_directory ( dir_name ); -- created in current

-- working directory

if exists ( dir_name ) then

put_line ("directory '" & dir_name & "' created");
end if;

delete_directory ( dir_name ); -- clean up

end directory_and_file_ops_1;
Directory & File Operations #2
with ada.directories; use ada.directories;

procedure directory_and_file_ops_2 is

file : string (1..19) := "dummy_text_file.txt";

s : file_size;

put_line (full_name (file)); -- absolute path
put_line (containing_directory (file));

put_line (simple_name (file));

put_line (base_name (file));
put_line (extension (file));

s := size(file);
put_line (file_size'image(s) & " bytes");

end directory_and_file_ops_2;
Directory & File Operations #3
with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io;
with ada.directories; use ada.directories;

procedure directory_and_file_ops_3 is
handle : ada.text_io.file_type;
create (
file => handle,
mode => out_file, -- data will go into the file
name => compose (
containing_directory => current_directory,
name => "dummy",
extension => "txt" )

put_line ( handle, "This is meaningless stuff.");

close ( handle );
end directory_and_file_ops_3;
Directory & File Operations #4

Read more on functions and procedures in packages:

files: a-direct.ads

files: a-textio.ads

Hint: Find them in system directories like:

Fixed Strings #1
procedure string_processing_1 is

a : string (1..3) := "Ada";

b : string (1..4) := "2005";
c : string (1..4) := "2012";


put_line (a & " " & b);

put_line (a & " " & c);

b := "2020";

b := "95"; -- causes a compiler warning

-- and constraint error at run time

end string_processing_1;
Fixed Strings #2
with ada.strings.fixed; use ada.strings.fixed;

procedure string_processing_1a is
a : string (4..10) := "Ada2012";
b : string (1..20) := (20 * '-');
put_line (positive'image(a'length));
put_line (positive'image(a'first));
put_line (positive'image(a'last));

put_line (character'image(a(5)));
a(9) := '2';

put_line (3 * (a & ' '));

put_line (b);

end string_processing_1a;
Bounded Strings #1
with ada.strings.bounded; use ada.strings.bounded;

procedure string_processing_2 is
package type_universal_string is new

use type_universal_string; -- optional

a : string (1..3) := "Ada";

b : type_universal_string.bounded_string :=
b := to_bounded_string("95");
put_line (a & " " & to_string(b));

b := to_bounded_string("2012");
put_line (a & " " & to_string(b));
end string_processing_2;
Bounded Strings #2
a : type_universal_string.bounded_string :=

put_line (positive'image( length(a) ));
put_line (character'image( element(a,1) ));
put_line (character'image( element(a, length(a)) ));

replace_element ( a, 6, '3' );
put_line (slice (a, 4, 7 ));
put_line (type_universal_string.to_string(a));

replace_slice (a, 4, 7, "83" );

put_line (type_universal_string.to_string(a));
put_line (natural'image( index(a, "83")) );

end string_processing_2a;
Unbounded Strings #1
with ada.strings.unbounded; use ada.strings.unbounded;

procedure string_processing_3 is

a : string (1..3) := "Ada";

b : unbounded_string := to_unbounded_string("2005");


b := to_unbounded_string("95");
put_line (a & " " & to_string(b));

b := to_unbounded_string("2012");
put_line (a & " " & to_string(b));

end string_processing_3;
Unbounded Strings #2
a : unbounded_string := to_unbounded_string("Ada2012");

put_line (positive'image( length(a)));
put_line (character'image( element(a,1) ) );
put_line (character'image( element(a, length(a)) ) );

replace_element ( a, 6, '3' );
put_line (slice (a, 4, 7 ));
put_line (to_string(a));

replace_slice (a, 4, 7, "83" );

put_line (to_string(a));
put_line (natural'image( index(a, "83")) );

end string_processing_3a;

try playing with a dervied type like: type my_unbounded is new unbounded_string;
String Type Conversion
package type_us1 is new generic_bounded_length(20);
use type_us1;
package type_us2 is new generic_bounded_length(10);
use type_us2;

f : string (1..3) := "Ada";

b1 : type_us1.bounded_string := to_bounded_string("2005");
b2 : type_us2.bounded_string := to_bounded_string("2012");
u : unbounded_string := to_unbounded_string("95");
b1 := f & b1;
-- b1 := b2; -- does not compile
b1 := to_bounded_string( to_string(b2) );
put_line (to_string(b1));

-- u := b1; -- does not compile

u := to_unbounded_string( to_string(b1) );
put_line (to_string(u));

end string_processing_4;
Character Sets #1
with ada.strings; use ada.strings;
with ada.strings.maps; use ada.strings.maps;

procedure character_sets_1 is

package type_string is new generic_bounded_length (100);

use type_string;
bs : type_string.bounded_string := to_bounded_string ("AB-C");

char_set : character_set := to_set (span => ('A','Z'));

invalid_character_position : natural := 0;
invalid_character_position := index (
source => bs, set => char_set, test => outside);

if invalid_character_position > 0 then

put_line ("invalid character at position"
& natural'image (invalid_character_position) & " !");
end if;

end character_sets_1;
Character Mapping #1
with ada.strings; use ada.strings;
with ada.strings.maps; use ada.strings.maps;
with ada.strings.bounded; use ada.strings.bounded;

procedure character_mapping_1 is

package type_string is new generic_bounded_length (100);

use type_string;
bs : type_string.bounded_string := to_bounded_string

characters : character_mapping := to_mapping ("./","_#");

put_line ("before: " & to_string (bs));
translate (bs, characters);

put_line ("now : " & to_string (bs));

end character_mapping_1;
Controlled Types #1
procedure parameterized_types_1 is

type type_car ( seat_count : positive ) is

manufacturer : unbounded_string; This is a
door_count : positive;
end record;

c : type_car( seat_count => 5 ); instantiation of a car.


c.manufacturer := to_unbounded_string("Vauxhall");
c.door_count := 3;

-- c.seat_count := 4; -- does not compile

put_line (to_string( c.manufacturer) );
end parameterized_types_1;
Controlled Types #2
procedure parameterized_types_2 is
type type_car ( seat_count : positive) is
manufacturer : unbounded_string;
door_count : positive; These are
case seat_count is variants.
when 1..8 => null;
when others =>
special_driving_license : unbounded_string;
end case;
end record;
c : type_car( seat_count => 4 );
c.manufacturer := to_unbounded_string("Vauxhall");
c.special_driving_license :=
to_unbounded_string("class 1");
-- causes a warning at compile time
-- and constraint error at run time
end parameterized_types_2;
Tagged Types #1
procedure tagged_types_1 is

type type_car is tagged

manufacturer : unbounded_string;
door_count : positive;
end record;

type type_car_with_special_licence is new type_car with

special_licence : boolean := true;
end record;

c : type_car;
d : type_car_with_special_licence;
c := type_car (d);
d := (c with special_licence => false);
end tagged_types_1;
Tagged Types #2
procedure tagged_types_2 is
type type_car is tagged
manufacturer : unbounded_string;
door_count : positive;
end record;

type type_car_with_special_licence (seat_count : positive)

is new type_car with record
special_licence : boolean := true;
end record;

c : type_car;
d : type_car_with_special_licence (seat_count => 10);
c := type_car (d);
d := (c with seat_count => 10, special_licence => false);
end tagged_types_2;
Dynamic dispatching #1
package objects is
type type_point is tagged record
x, y : integer;
end record;

function area (point : in type_point) return float;

type type_circle is new type_point with record

radius : integer;
end record;

function area (circle : in type_circle) return float;

type type_rectangle is new type_point with record

length, height : integer;
end record;

function area (rectangle : in type_rectangle) return float;

end objects;
Dynamic dispatching #2
package body objects is

function area (point : in type_point) return float is

return 0.0;
end area;

function area (circle : in type_circle) return float is

return (3.14/4.0) * float (circle.radius)
* float (circle.radius);
end area;

function area (rectangle : in type_rectangle) return float is

return float (rectangle.length * rectangle.height);
end area;

end objects;
Dynamic dispatching #3
with objects;use objects;

procedure tagged_types_3 is

procedure calculate_area (object : in type_point'class) is

put_line (float'image (area (object)));
end calculate_area;

p : type_point := (x => 4, y => 5);

c : type_circle := (x => 4, y => 5, radius => 10);
r : type_rectangle := (x => 4, y => 5,
length => 10, height => 11);
calculate_area (p);
calculate_area (c);
calculate_area (r);
end tagged_types_3;

When something goes wrong …

invalid/missing arguments

array index out of range

failed file access

insufficient memory

division by zero

Exceptions: Constraint_Error #1

with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io;

procedure exceptions_1 is

type array_of_integers is array (positive range 1..5)

of integer;
a : array_of_integers;


a(6) := 4; -- Assign non-existing member 6 the value 4.

-- Causes a warning at compile time and

-- a CONSTRAINT_ERROR at run time.

end exceptions_1;
Exceptions: Constraint_Error #2
procedure exceptions_2 is

type array_of_integers is array (positive range 1..5)

of integer;
a : array_of_integers;
a(6) := 4; -- Assign non-existing member 6 the value 4.
-- Causes a warning at compile time and
-- a CONSTRAINT_ERROR at run time.
-- Program control passed to exception handler.

put_line("Everything fine."); -- skipped on exception

-- Exception handler:
when constraint_error =>
put_line ("ERROR: Array index invalid !");

end exceptions_2;
Exceptions: Constraint_Error #3
procedure exceptions_3 is

p, q, r : natural := 0;

r := p / q; -- Division by zero.
-- Causes a warning at compile time and
-- a CONSTRAINT_ERROR at run time.
-- Program control passed to exception handler.

put_line("Everything fine."); -- skipped on exception

-- Exception handler:
when constraint_error =>
put_line ("ERROR: Division by zero !");

end exceptions_3;
Predefined Exceptions

predefined exceptions:

Constraint_Error (frm. Numeric_Error)



Exception Handler #1
procedure exceptions_4 is
data_format_error : exception; -- user specific exception
operator_error : exception; -- user specific exception
-- We intentionally raise exceptions to demonstrate the
-- exception handler:
-- raise constraint_error;
-- raise storage_error;
-- raise data_format_error;
raise operator_error;

when constraint_error =>
put_line ("Constraint error occured !");
when storage_error =>
put_line ("Storage error occured !");
when data_format_error =>
put_line ("Data format error occured !");
when others =>
put_line ("Other error occured !");
end exceptions_4;
Exception Handler #2
procedure exceptions_5 is
operator_error : exception; -- user specific exception
program_position : natural := 0;
--raise operator_error;
program_position := 10; --raise operator_error;
program_position := 30; raise operator_error;
put_line("Everything fine."); -- skipped on exception

when constraint_error =>
put_line ("Constraint error occured !");
when operator_error =>
put ("Operator error ! ");
case program_position is
when 0 => put_line ("Missing arguments");
when 10 => put_line ("Invalid argument given.");
when others => put_line ("Contact administrator !");
end case;
when others =>
put_line ("Other error occured !");
end exceptions_5;
Exception Handler #3
with ada.exceptions; use ada.exceptions;

procedure exceptions_6 is
operator_error : exception; -- user specific exception
raise operator_error with "Wrong key pressed !";
--raise constraint_error;

put_line("Everything fine."); -- skipped on exception

when event:
operator_error =>
when constraint_error =>
put_line ("Constraint error occured !");
when others =>
put_line ("Other error occured !");

end exceptions_6;
Exception Handler #4

see more advanced example at github

https://github.com/Blunk-electronic/ada_training :

Exception Propagation
procedure exception_prop_1 is
operator_error : exception; -- user specific exception

procedure request_operator_input is
null; -- assume operator input here
raise operator_error; -- we intentionally raise an
-- exception
end request_operator_input;
put_line("Everything fine."); -- skipped on exception

when operator_error =>
put_line ("Operator error occured !");
when others =>
put_line ("Other error occured !");

end exception_prop_1;
When objects are to be stored, sorted and queried ...

doubly linked lists (objects accessed by just a cursor, no indexing)

vectors (objects accessed by both a cursor or an index)

ordered maps (objects accessed by both a cursor or a key)

ordered sets (objects accessed by both a cursor)

The advantage of containers over arrays:

Objects can be added and removed freely

without having to care about any bounds.
Doubly Linked Lists #1
with ada.containers; use ada.containers;
with ada.containers.doubly_linked_lists;

procedure cont_doubly_linked_list_1 is
package type_my_list is new doubly_linked_lists(natural);
l : type_my_list.list;
c : type_my_list.cursor;
n : natural;
type_my_list.append(l,7); -- append object '7' to list 'l'
type_my_list.append(l,9); -- append object '9' to list 'l'

c := type_my_list.first(l); -- set cursor at begin of list

n := type_my_list.element(c); -- get first object
put_line(natural'image(n)); -- display object

c := type_my_list.next(c); -- advance cursor to next object

n := type_my_list.element(c); -- get next object
put_line(natural'image(n)); -- display object
end cont_doubly_linked_list_1;
Doubly Linked Lists #2
procedure cont_doubly_linked_list_2 is
package type_my_list is new doubly_linked_lists (natural);
use type_my_list;
l : type_my_list.list;
c : type_my_list.cursor;
n : natural;
append (l,7); -- append object '7' to list 'l'
append (l,9); -- append object '9' to list 'l'
append (l,2); -- append object '2' to list 'l'

c := first (l); -- set cursor at begin of list

while c /= no_element loop
n := element (c); -- get object

put_line (natural'image (n)); -- display object

next (c); -- advance cursor to next object

end loop;
end cont_doubly_linked_list_2;
Doubly Linked Lists #3
procedure cont_doubly_linked_list_3 is

package type_brand is new generic_bounded_length (20);

package type_my_list is new doubly_linked_lists (

element_type => type_brand.bounded_string,
"=" => type_brand."=");

use type_my_list;

l : type_my_list.list;
c : type_my_list.cursor;


append (l, type_brand.to_bounded_string ("FIAT"));

append (l, type_brand.to_bounded_string ("SKODA"));

end cont_doubly_linked_list_3;
Doubly Linked Lists #4

Read more in package specification:

file: a-cdlili.ads

Hint: Find it in system directories like:

Vectors #1
with ada.containers; use ada.containers;
with ada.containers.vectors;

procedure cont_vectors_1 is

package type_my_vector is new

vectors ( index_type => positive,
element_type => natural);

v : type_my_vector.vector;
n : natural;

type_my_vector.append(v,7); -- add first object
type_my_vector.append(v,9); -- add next object

n := type_my_vector.element(v,2); -- get object from pos. 2

end cont_vectors_1;
Vectors #2

Read more in package specification:

file: a-convec.ads

Hint: Find them in system directories like:

Ordered Maps #1
with ada.containers; use ada.containers;
with ada.containers.ordered_maps;
procedure cont_maps_1 is

package type_my_map is new

ordered_maps ( key_type => positive,
element_type => natural);

m : type_my_map.map;
n : natural;
type_my_map.insert(m,123,7); -- ins. object '7' with key '123'
type_my_map.insert(m,788,99); -- ins. obj. '99' with key '788'

n := type_my_map.element(m,788); -- get object with key '788'


n := type_my_map.element(m,123); -- get object with key '123'

end cont_maps_1;
Ordered Maps #2
with ada.containers; use ada.containers;
with ada.containers.ordered_maps;
procedure cont_maps_2 is

package type_my_map is new

ordered_maps ( key_type => character,
element_type => natural);

m : type_my_map.map;
n : natural;
type_my_map.insert(m,'A',7); -- ins. object '7' with key 'A'
type_my_map.insert(m,'X',99); -- ins. obj. '99' with key 'X'

n := type_my_map.element(m,'X'); -- get object with key 'X'


n := type_my_map.element(m,'A'); -- get object with key 'A'

end cont_maps_1;
Ordered Maps #3
procedure cont_maps_3 is

package type_my_map is new

ordered_maps (key_type => character, element_type => natural);
use type_my_map;

m : type_my_map.map;
c : type_my_map.cursor;
insert(m,'A',7); -- insert object '7' with key 'A'
insert(m,'X',99); -- insert object '99' with key 'X'
insert(m,'Z',4); -- insert object '99' with key 'X'

c := first (m);

while c /= no_element loop

put_line (key (c) & " " & natural'image (element (c)));
next (c);
end loop;

end cont_maps_3;
Ordered Maps #4
procedure cont_maps_4 is

package type_my_map is new ordered_maps (

key_type => character,
element_type => natural);

use type_my_map;
m : type_my_map.map;
c : type_my_map.cursor;
inserted : boolean; -- goes true if the object got inserted
insert ( -- insert object '7' with key 'A'
container => m,
key => 'A',
new_item => 7,
position => c,
inserted => inserted

-- if inserted then ...

end cont_maps_4;
Ordered Maps #5
procedure cont_maps_5 is
... –- see cont_maps_4.adb

procedure change (
name : in character;
thing : in out natural) is
thing := 100;
end change;
begin -- cont_maps_5
insert ... -- see cont_maps_4

if inserted then
update_element (
container => m,
position => c,
process => change'access);
end if;

put_line (natural'image ( element (c)));

end cont_maps_5;
Ordered Maps #6

Nested Lists - or lists inside a list ...

Ordered Maps #7

Read more in package specification:

file: a-coorma.ads

Hint: Find them in system directories like:

Ordered Sets #1
with ada.containers; use ada.containers;
with ada.containers.ordered_sets;

procedure cont_ordered_sets_1 is
package type_my_list is new ordered_sets (natural);
use type_my_list;

l : type_my_list.set;
c : type_my_list.cursor;

insert(l,7); -- append object '7' to list 'l'
insert(l,2); -- append object '9' to list 'l'

c := l.first;
put_line (natural'image (element (c))); -- 2
next (c);
put_line (natural'image (element (c))); -- 7

end cont_ordered_sets_1;
Indefinite Containers #1
Handling indefinite containers is quite similar to definite containers.

Library Units: Why ?

When code is to be re-used !

Avoid writing the same code more than once !

Use library units (also called packages) !

An Ada library unit consists of two files:

specification: *.ads body: *. adb

Library Units: Makefile #1
The compile process:

main code library unit

*.adb *.ads / *.adb

Makefile Instructs the compiler (target

name, library locations, ...)

executable binary file
Library Units: Makefile #2
TARGET = tagged_types_3

VPATH = include
OBJS = $(TARGET).o objects.o

# compile
gcc -c -gnat2012 $< -I $(VPATH)
.SUFFIXES: .adb .o

# link
gnatbind -x $(TARGET).ali; gnatlink $(TARGET).ali

install -D $(TARGET) $(BINDIR)/$(TARGET)


rm *.o *.ali $(TARGET)
Library Units: GPRbuild
project tagged_types_3 is

for exec_dir use ".";

--for exec_dir use external ("HOME") & "/bin";
for object_dir use "obj";
for source_dirs use ("." , "../lib");

for main use ("tagged_types_3");

end tagged_types_3;

-- build with command "gprbuild tagged_types_3"

-- clean up with command "gprclean"
Library Units: Specification
-- --
-- simple_library --
-- --
-- S p e c --

package simple_library is

procedure output_text (text : in string);

end simple_library;
Library Units: Body
-- --
-- simple_library --
-- --
-- B o d y --

with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io;

package body simple_library is

procedure output_text (text : in string) is

put_line ( text );
end output_text;

end simple_library;
Library Units: Parent
with simple_library; -- use simple_library;

procedure library_units_1 is


simple_library.output_text ("hello world !");

end library_units_1;
Library Units: Include

NOTE: This stuff is not required when GPRbuild is used !

$> ls -l
total 8
lrwxrwxrwx 1 hans users 6 2017-01-06 09:08 include -> ../lib
-rw-r--r-- 1 hans users 244 2017-01-06 09:08 library_units_1.adb
-rw-r--r-- 1 hans users 392 2017-01-06 09:14 Makefile

Hint: create symbolic UNIX/Linux link:

ln -s target target_name

example command here: ln -s ../lib include

Private Types

When internals of objects are to be hidden.

need-to-know principle

coding safety
Private Types: Why ?
procedure types_private_1 is
type wealth is record
cash, estate, total : natural := 0;
end record;

function "+" (a,b : in wealth) return wealth is

c : wealth;
c.cash := a.cash + b.cash;
c.estate := a.estate + b.estate;
c.total := c.cash + c.estate;
return (c);
end "+";

w, p : wealth;
p.cash := 8; p.estate := 4; w := w + p;
put_line ("total :" & natural'image(w.total));
w.total := 100; -- Compiles, yet it's a lie !
end types_private_1;
Private Types: Specificaton
package library_with_private_types is

type wealth is private;

function take_money (c : in positive) return wealth;

function take_estate (e : in positive) return wealth;

function "+" (a,b : in wealth) return wealth;

function show_wealth (w : in wealth) return natural;

type wealth is record
cash : natural := 0;
estate : natural := 0;
total : natural := 0;
end record;

end library_with_private_types;
Private Types Body

Find package body of „library_with_private_types“ here.

Due to its size it does not fit here.

Private Types: Parent

with library_with_private_types; use library_with_private_types;

procedure types_private_2 is

w, p : wealth;

w := take_money(8);
p := take_estate(4);
w := w + p;

put_line ("total :" & natural'image(show_wealth(w)));

-- w.total := 100; -- does not compile

end types_private_2;

When code is to be re-used !

equal handling of object regardless of their type

generic subprograms

Use generic packages !

An Ada generic package usually consists of two files:

specification: *.ads body: *. adb

Generics #1
procedure generics_1 is
generic -- subprogram specification
type item is private;
procedure swap_items(x,y : in out item);

procedure swap_items(x,y : in out item) is -- subprogrm body

scratch : item := x;
x := y; y := scratch;
end swap_items;

procedure swap_natural is new swap_items(item => natural);

x : natural := 10;
y : natural := 7;

put_line("x:" & natural'image(x) & " y:" & natural'image(y));
put_line("x:" & natural'image(x) & " y:" & natural'image(y));
end generics_1;
Generics as Package: Spec
-- --
-- library_with_generic --
-- --
-- S p e c --

package library_with_generic is

type item is private;
procedure swap_items(x,y : in out item);

end library_with_generic;
Generics as Package: Body
-- --
-- library_with_generic --
-- --
-- B o d y --

package body library_with_generic is

procedure swap_items(x,y : in out item) is

scratch : item := x;
x := y; y := scratch;
end swap_items;

end library_with_generic;
Generics as Package: Parent #1
with library_with_generic;

procedure generics_2 is

use library_with_generic;
procedure swap_natural is new swap_items(item => natural);

x : natural := 10;
y : natural := 7;


put_line("x:" & natural'image(x) & " y:" & natural'image(y));


put_line("x:" & natural'image(x) & " y:" & natural'image(y));

end generics_2;
Generics as Package: Parent #2
with ada.strings.unbounded; use ada.strings.unbounded;
with library_with_generic;

procedure generics_3 is

use library_with_generic;
procedure swap_unbounded is new swap_items
(item => unbounded_string);

x : unbounded_string := to_unbounded_string("ABC");
y : unbounded_string := to_unbounded_string("XYZ");

put_line("x:" & to_string(x) & " y:" & to_string(y));


put_line("x:" & to_string(x) & " y:" & to_string(y));

end generics_3;
Access Types: Basics #1
with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io;

procedure types_access_1 is

-- Declare an access to an integer:

ai : access integer;


-- Create an integer of value -10 where ai is pointing at:

ai := new integer'(-10);
allocator with init value

-- ai := new float'(1.5); -- does not compile

-- Display the value of the integer where ai is pointing at:

put_line ( integer'image(ai.all) );

end types_access_1;
Access Types: Basics #2
procedure types_access_2 is
-- Declare two accesses to an integer:
ai, bi : access integer;

-- Create integer #1 of value -10 where ai is pointing at:
ai := new integer'(-10);
bi := ai; -- backup address of integer #1

-- Create integer #2 of value 4 where ai is pointing at now:

ai := new integer'(4);

-- Display the value of the integer where ai is pointing at:

put_line ( integer'image(ai.all) );

ai := bi; -- restore address of integer #1

-- Display the value of the integer where ai is pointing at:

put_line ( integer'image(ai.all) );
end types_access_2;
Access Types: Basics #3
procedure types_access_3 is
-- Create two different incompatible named access types:
type ptr_a is access integer;
type ptr_b is access integer;

-- Declare two different accesses to an integer:

ai : ptr_a;
bi : ptr_b; -- try ptr_a ?

-- Create integer #1 of value -10 where ai is pointing at:
ai := new integer'(-10);
-- Create integer #2 of value -20 where ai is pointing at:
ai := new integer'(-20);
-- Change integer #2 to value -21
ai.all := -21;

-- bi := ai; -- does not compile

put_line ( integer'image(ai.all) );
end types_access_3;
Access Types: Basics #4
procedure types_access_4 is
-- Create two different incompatible named access types:
type ptr_a is access integer;
type ptr_b is access integer;

-- Declare two different accesses to an integer:

ai : ptr_a;
bi : ptr_b;

-- Create integer #1 of value -10 where ai is pointing at:
ai := new integer'(-10);
-- Create integer #2 of value -20 where ai is pointing at:
bi := new integer'(-20);

-- Overwrite integer #1 with integer #2 (copy):

ai.all := bi.all;

put_line ( integer'image(ai.all) );
end types_access_4;
Access Types: Basics #5
procedure types_access_5 is

type ptr_a is access integer;

type ptr_b is access integer;

ai : ptr_a; bi : ptr_b; -- Both point nowhere ! Like

-- default:
-- ai : ptr_a := null;
-- bi : ptr_b := null;

-- Create integer #1 of value -10 where ai is pointing at:
ai := new integer'(-10);

ai.all := bi.all; -- Causes warning at compile and

-- constraint error at run time.
Because we can't copy
put_line ( integer'image(ai.all) ); nothing to somewhere !

end types_access_5;
Access Types: Basics #6
procedure types_access_6 is

type ptr_a is not null access integer;

type ptr_b is not null access integer;

-- ai : ptr_a; -- Causes a warning at compile and a

-- constraint error at run time.

-- Allocate and initialize integer #1 accessed by ai:

ai : ptr_a := new integer'(-10);
-- Allocate and initialize integer #2 accessed by bi:
bi : ptr_b := new integer'(-20);

begin Enforced initialization !

-- Overwrite integer #1 with integer #2
ai.all := bi.all;

-- Display the value of the integer where ai is pointing at:

put_line ( integer'image(ai.all) );
end types_access_6;
Access Types: Basics #7
procedure types_access_7 is

-- Declare and initialize an aliased integer i:

i : aliased integer := 10;

-- Define a general access to an integer type:

type ptr is access all integer;
p : ptr;

put_line ( integer'image (i) ); -- i before manipulation

p := i'access; -- p assumes address of i

p.all := 20; -- assign new value where p points at

put_line ( integer'image (i) ); -- i after manipulation

-- put_line ( integer'image (p.all) ); -- display by reference

end types_access_7;
Access to Records #1
procedure access_records_1 is

-- Define an apple:
type apple is record
weight : float;
size : float;
rotten : boolean;
end record;

-- Define an access to record type "apple"

type ptr is access apple;

-- Allocate and initialize an apple accessed by pa:

pa : ptr := new apple'(weight => 0.23, size => 6.4,
rotten => false);
-- Display the weight of the apple accessed by pa:
put_line ( float'image(pa.weight) );

end access_records_1;
Access to Records #2
procedure access_records_2 is

type apple is record

weight : float;
size : float;
rotten : boolean;
end record;

-- Define two incompatibe access types to record type "apple"

type ptr_a is access apple;
type ptr_b is access apple;

-- Allocate and initialize two apples accessed by pa and pb:

pa : ptr_a := new apple'(weight => 0.23, size => 6.4,
rotten => false);
pb : ptr_b := new apple'(weight => 0.4, size => 5.9,
rotten => true);
pa.all := pb.all; -- copy objects from pb to pa
put_line ( float'image(pa.weight) );
end access_records_2;
Access to Procedures #1
procedure access_procedures_1 is

-- Define an access to ANY procedure that takes a string:

type type_my_access is not null access
procedure (s : in string);

-- This is a simple procedure which takes a string:

procedure say_hello ( text : in string ) is begin
end say_hello;

-- Instantiate an access of type type_my_access that refers to

-- procedure say_hello.
p : type_my_access := say_hello'access;

-- Call procedure say_hello via access p:

end access_procedures_1;
Access to Procedures #2
procedure access_procedures_2 is
-- Define an access to ANY procedure that "inouts" a number:
type type_my_access is not null access
procedure (n : in out integer);

procedure double (x : in out integer) is begin

x := x * 2;
end double;

procedure square (y : in out integer) is begin

y := y ** 2;
end square;

a : integer := 3;
p : type_my_access := double'access;
p(a); put_line(integer'image(a)); -- result 6
p := square'access;
p(a); put_line(integer'image(a)); -- result 36
end access_procedures_2;
Access to Functions #1
procedure access_functions_1 is
-- Define an access to ANY function takes and returns an
-- integer:
type type_my_access is access
function ( i : in integer) return integer;

-- This is a simple function that takes and returns an

-- integer:
function double ( n : in integer ) return integer is begin
return n * 2;
end double;

-- Instantiate an access of type type_my_access that refers to

-- function double.
p : type_my_access := double'access;

-- Call function double via access p:
put_line( integer'image( p(4) ) );
end access_functions_1;
Access to Functions #2
procedure access_functions_2 is
-- Define an access to ANY function takes and returns an integer:
type type_my_access is access
function ( i : in integer) return integer;

function double ( n : in integer ) return integer is begin

return n * 2;
end double;

function square ( n : in integer ) return integer is begin

return n ** 2;
end square;

p : type_my_access := double'access;

put_line( integer'image( p(4) ) ); -- result 8
p := square'access;
put_line( integer'image( p(4) ) ); -- result 16
end access_functions_2;
Launching external programs #1
with gnat.os_lib; use gnat.os_lib;

procedure call_external_program_1 is
result : natural;
spawn -- blocking call of command „ls -l“
program_name => "/bin/ls",
args => (1=> new string'("-l")),
output_file_descriptor => standout,
return_code => result

-- execution continues here after program_name has finished.

if result = 0 then
put_line ("done");
put_line ("program execution failed");
end if;
end call_external_program_1;
Launching external programs #2
with gnat.os_lib; use gnat.os_lib;

procedure call_external_program_2 is
pid : gnat.os_lib.process_id;
pid := non_blocking_spawn
program_name => "/bin/ls",
args => (1=> new string'("-l")),
output_file_descriptor => standout

-- execution continues here without

-- waiting for program_name to finish.
put_line ("done");

end call_external_program_2;
Launching external programs #3
with gnat.os_lib; use gnat.os_lib;

procedure call_external_program_3 is
result : natural;

function system (cmd : string) return integer;

pragma import (c, system);

-- blocking call
result := system ("/bin/sleep 2 && /bin/ls" & ASCII.NUL);

-- Execution continues here after program_name has finished.

if result = 0 then
put_line ("done");
put_line ("program execution failed");
end if;

end call_external_program_3;





(5)Barnes, John; Programming in Ada 20xx;

Thanks for your attention !

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