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Dilatometric and Hardness Analysis of C45 Steel Tempering With Different Heating-Up Rates

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KULAWIK ISSN 0543-5846

METABK 51(1) 9-12 (2012)
UDC – UDK 669.14-418:539.37:620.17=111


Received – Prispjelo: 2010-09-20
Accepted – Prihvaćeno: 2011-02-10
Original scientific paper – Izvorni znanstveni rad

Modelling of technological processes of heat treatment or welding, involving multiple heat source transitions, re-
quires considering the phenomenon of tempering. In work have been presented results of dilatometric research of
hardened C45 steel subjected to tempering. The analysis of the influence of heating rate at the kinetic determined
from dilatometric curves has been made. There have also been estimated quantities of transformation expansions
and thermal expansion coefficients of hardening and tempering structures (austenite, ferrite, pearlite, martensite
and sorbite). The analysis of tempering time influence on the hardness of tempered steel has been made. Functions
associating hardness with tempering time (rate of heating-up) in technological processes based on short-timed ac-
tion of a heat source (eg. laser treatment) have been suggested.
Key words: dilatometric analysis, hardness, tempering, heat treatment, mechanical properties
Dilatrometrijska i analiza tvrdoće čelika C45 popuštanog uz različite brzine zagrijavanja. Modeliranje tehno-
loškog procesa toplinske obrade ili zagrijavanja, uključivo višedjelne izvore prijelaza topline, zahtijeva razmatranje
fenomena toplinske obrade popuštanje. U radu su prezentirani rezultati popuštanja tvrdoće zakaljenog čelika C45.
Analiza utjecaja brzine zagrijavanja na kinetiku procesa je determinirana dilatometrijskim krivuljama. Procijenjeni
su kvantitativni transformacijski izrazi i koeficijent toplinskog širenja kaljenih i propuštenih struktura (austenit, per-
lit, mertenzit, sorbit). Napravljena je analiza utjecaja trajanja popuštanja na tvrdoću popuštenog čelika. Preporuče-
na je funkcija koja udružuje tvrdoću i trajanje propuštanja (brzina zagrijavanja) u tehnološkom procesu temeljena
na kratkotrajnom djelovanju izvora topline (npr. tretman laserom).
Ključne riječi: dilatometrijska analiza, tvrdoća, popuštanje, toplinska obrada, mehanička svojstva

INTRODUCTION concern comparative metallographic analysis and me-

chanical properties before and after the tempering [2-7].
In technological processes of heat treatment and While in modelling of stress states during tempering,
welding, depending on steel genre and process param- the influence of phase changes is frequently omitted [8].
eters, can occur quenching structures, including marten- In the case of heat treatment the time of heating-up
site. In case of process connected with multiple laser amounts to several dozen minutes, while annealing can
beam transitions or welding electrode making next last even hours. The result is homogenous tempering
welds cause tempering of already hardened areas. Most structure. For such technological conditions, detailed
frequently, initial heating-up of heat-treated material analysis of changes in microstructure in steel C45 and
above MS temperature of the beginning of martensitic Ni3.5CrMoV has been presented in work [9]. In weld-
transformation during cooling, is used in order to pre- ing processes and laser treatment occurs dynamic tem-
vent creation of austenite during to prevent creation of perature change, while time of peak tempearture during
austenite during technolo-gical process. In other case it tempering lasts from several to hundreds of seconds.
is essential to take into consideration tempering. In the Short austenisation time, as well as of tempering lead to
case of welding processes in order to obtain appropriate heterogeneous structure. Work [10] examines the micro-
final structure, temper bead application is used [1]. In structure and hardness after multiple welding cycles,
order to project final structure of the material after the while in work [11] have been presented results of metal-
process or to calculate strain and stress state in heat- lographic research, microhardness and impact strength
treated object it is essential to have the knowledge in of welds tempered by conventional method. The authors
kinetics of phase changes tempering. A lot of works [12] carried out analysis of tempering kinetics of weld-
have been dedicated to examine the phenomenon of ed elements basing on results of microhardness meas-
tempering. In most of them carried out experiments urements. There is lack of works describing quantita-
tively the connection between strains and temperature
J. Winczek, A. Kulawik, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Com-
puter Science, Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa, during welding and laser processes. The speed of heat-
Poland ing-up can significantly affect kinetics of heating-up

METALURGIJA 51 (2012) 1, 9-12 9


transformations in steel both during austenitisation [13-

16], as well as during heating-up from hardened stage
(of tempering) [17,18].

In conventional heat treatment process in steels with
the carbon content up to 0,2 wt.% tempering begins al-
ready in the environment temperature moving coal atoms
[19]. After that segregation from temperature 80 0C oc-
curs liberating of carbides – it proceeds most intensively
in the temperature range between 150 – 200 0C, ends
mainly at 250 0C, but sometimes at 400 0C. As a result of
reducing the amount of coal, tetragonality of martensite
is decreasing. Created in the first phase of tempering
structure, consisting of supersaturated solid solution α Figure 1 Thermal Cycle Simulator Smitweld 1405
and carbide ε is called low-tempered martensite.
Between 100 and 350 0C any retained austenite be-
gins to decompose. It has been suggested that this hap-
pens by transformation into bainitic ferrite and cement-
ite [19]. Above 350 0C martensite decomposes liberat-
ing cement grains creating the phase called sorbite or
troostite. Then the growth of grains occurs and coagula-
tion of cementite particles, spheroidizing, i.e. forming
tiny spherical particles of cementite in ferrite matrix.
Tempering process ends in the temperature range 600
- 700 0C. Above 600 0C still proceeds coagulation of ce-
mentite and spheroidizing of ferrite – formation of di-
vorced pearlite, i.e. globular cementite in ferrite matrix of
low hardness. This stage is called recrystallization.

Figure 2 Martensitic structure of a hardened sample

The chemical composition of researched steel is Table 2 Average temperature values Ts and Tf
shown in Table 1. VH / 0C/s 0,1 0,5 1 2 5 10
Table 1 Chemical composition of C45 steel substrates wt. Ts / 0C 290 300 310 315 320 325
% (max.) Tf / 0C 420 430 435 440 450 465
C Mn Si P S Al Cr Ni Mo Cu VH / 0C/s 20 30 40 50 60 100
0,44 0,660 0,250 0,015 0,024 0,017 0,011 0,10 0,025 0,24 Ts / 0C 335 340 345 350 355 370
Tf / 0C 470 475 480 485 490 500
Dilatometric experiments were carried out in ther-
mal cycle simulator Smitweld TCS1405 (Figure 1). The
influence of the speed of heating-up on the temperature 1200
of the beginning and the end of tempering has been re-
searched for the speed of heating from 0,1 to 100 0C/s.
Samples for tempering research have been heated-up to 1000
1100 0C, then cooled with the velocity 200 0C/s. Mar- 900
tensitic structure of hardened sample is presented in
Temperature / 0C

Figure 2. The average value of hardness of hardened 700
area was HV30 = 714.
For each speed of heating have been made at least 3
dilatometric researches which allowed to determine 500
temperature average values Ts of the beginning and Tf of 400
10 / 0C
the end of tempering process. Average values have been 300
presented in Table 2. 200 Hardening
Dilatometric graph for hardening-tempering cycle with 100 Tempering
the heating-up with the velocity VH = 10 0C/s during tem-
pering has been presented in Figure 3. From the analysis of
dilatometric graphs, we can draw a conclusion that the first -0,004 0 0,004 0,008 0,012 0,016 0,02

stage of tempering – the segregation of coal atoms and Dilatation / m-3

liberating carbides (to 290 0C) do not affect significantly Figure 3 Dilatometric curves for hardening-tempering cycle

10 METALURGIJA 51 (2012) 1, 9-12


the shape of dilatometric curve. Distinct changes on dilato- Table 3 Structural (γ) and thermal (α) expansion
metric graphs have been observed in the temperature range coefficients for phase of C45 steel.
290 - 500 0C, during forming of sorbite. α / 1/°C
The dependence of temperature Ts on the heating Austenite 2,178⋅10-5 γF,P,S→A 1,986⋅→10-3
rate V(H) (Figure 4) has been determined by approxi- Ferrite 1,534⋅10-5 γB→A 1,440⋅10-3
mation of dilatometric measure-ments by Hoerl regres- Pearlite 1,534⋅→10 -5
γA→F,P 3,055⋅10-3
sion model using program CurveExpert [20]:
Bainite 1,171⋅→10-5 γA→B 4,0⋅10-3
Ts (VH ) = abVH (VH )
c (1)
Martensite 1,36⋅→10 -5
γA→M 6,85⋅→10-3

where: a = 306,16454, b = 1,0007254, c = 0,025137007, Sorbite 1,534⋅→10-5 γM→S 1,0⋅10-3

correlation coefficient is 0,997, while standard error
In a similar way has been determined the depend- VH = 100 20 5 2 0.5 0.1
ence of temperature Tf on the heating rate V(H) (Figure
4) using Harris regression model: 600
T f (VH ) = (2) 500

Temperature / 0C
a + bVHC 450 Tf
where: a = 0,00258774, b = -0,00028544502, c = 400
0,15680145, correlation coefficient 0,999, standard er- 350
ror 1,259. 300
The CHT (Continuous Heating Transfor-mations)
diagram is presented in Figure 5.
On the basis of dilatometric measurements and re-
sults of works [21] have been determined thermal ex-
pansion coefficients and transformation expansions val- 100
ues which are shown in Table. 3. 50
Results of hardness measurement of samples after 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000
tempering have been presented in Table 4. Together Time / s
with the decrease of tempering time (increase of heat-
Figure 5 CHT diagram of C45 steel
ing-up rate with constant cooling velocity 10 0C/s in
thermal cycles) diminishes hardness. Table 4 Average hardness values for different rates of
For carried out researches, the dependence of hard- heating-up (tempering times)
ness on rate of heating-up has been approximated with VH / 0C/s 0,1 0,5 1 2 5 10
function (Figure 6): time / s 7070 1470 770 420 210 140
HV30 (VH ) = aVH4 + bVH3 + cVH2 + dVH + e (3) HV30 340 343 346 349 353 360
VH / 0C/s 20 30 40 50 60 100
where: a = -2,4578808x10-6, b = 0,00054318, c = - time / s 105 93,33 87,5 84 81,66 77
0,030563, d = 2,0558168, e = 342,63333, correlation HV30 375 389 405 422 441 540
coefficient 0,999, standard error 1,608.
The influence of tempering time t on hardness has
550 been determined by functions (Figure 7):
- for t <= 100 s
HV30(t ) = a + bt + 2 (4)
where: a = 375,85089, b = -23065,856, c = 0,1459668,
correlation coefficient 0,999, standard error 3,2,
Temperature / 0C

model Tf
model Ts - for t > 100 s
a (5)
400 experiment HV30(t) =
1 + b exp(−ct )
where: a = 344,95107, b = -0,0070576689, c = 357598,
correlation coefficient 0,992, standard error 2,523.

In work has been made analysis of influence of the
250 heating-up rate on tempering kinetics. On the basis of
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 dilatometric graphs has been proposed the function
VH / 0C/s bounding the rate of heating-up with the temperature of
the beginning and the end of temperature of the begin-
Figure 4 Comparison of Ts(VH) and Tf(VH) models and research ning and the end of transformation expansions during
results tempering phase changes. Quantities of transformation

METALURGIJA 51 (2012) 1, 9-12 11


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