Unit 1 Lecture 3 QFET
Unit 1 Lecture 3 QFET
Unit 1 Lecture 3 QFET
Concept of electron:
According to classical theory all metals are good conductors of heat and electricity as they
contain large number of free electrons. These electrons are loosely bound to their respective
atoms. While forming a solid, large numbers of atoms are joined so that boundaries of
neighbouring atoms slightly overlap on each other. Due to thermal energy these loosely
bound electrons get detached from the atoms and move randomly throughout the metal but
cannot escape from the metal, unless external voltage is applied. These electrons are called
free electrons. When external voltage is applied to the metal, electrons flow opposite to the
direction of applied electric field which constitutes an electric current and hence free
electrons are also called as conduction electrons.
The atoms of a metal become ion core after losing electrons. The boundaries of ion of an
atom are called as ion core. The arrangement of ions over the lattice of the metal is known as
lattice core. Lattice core is in a state of thermal vibration about their mean position. During
motion these electrons collide with other lattice ions.
Assumptions of classical free electron theory
To account for large electrical conductivity in metals Drude proposed a theory and
later it was extended by Lorentz. Hence this theory is called Drude Lorentz theory. It is
based on classical theory and it is also called as classical free electron theory.
This theory is based on following assumptions
(a) A metal is imagined to be made up 3-dimensional array of ion cores. Free electrons move
in between the ions. Such free moving electrons cause electrical conduction under an
applied field and hence referred to as conduction electrons.
(b) The free electrons are equivalent to gas molecules and they are assumed to obey the laws
of kinetic theory of gases. In the absence of applied electric field, the thermal energy
associated with each electron at temperature T is equivalent to the kinetic energy
associated with the electrons. It is related as
3 1 2
KT = mv th
2 2
Where K is the Boltzmann constant=1.38X10-23JK-1, m=mass and Vth thermal velocity of
the electron.
(c) The ionic potential due to lattice core is considered to be constant throughout the metal
and effect of repulsion between the electrons is negligible.
(d) The electric current in a metal due to an applied field is due to drift of electrons in a
direction opposite to the direction of the field.
(a) Thermal velocity:
A conductor consists of large number of free electrons of about
1029electrons/m3. Due to thermal energy these electrons are
moving in between the ions with a speed of 106m/s and collide
with ion cores of the conductor. After each collision velocity of
the electron becomes zero. There after start moving in random
direction. Thus in the absence of applied electric field, there is a
kind of randomness in the motion of electrons. Though the free
electrons are in motion, the net flow of current is zero or does
not give rise to any current.
“The average velocity with which the free electrons move inside the conductor due to
thermal energy is called thermal velocity”.
If ‘e‟ is the charge on the electron, ‘E’ is the electric field, then force experienced by electron
due to applied electric field is F = eE (2)
In the steady state F = Fr
eE= d
The drift velocity is given by vd
(c) Relaxation time (τr) :
In the absence of electric field, the conduction electrons move in random direction, and hence
the probability of finding an electron moving in any given direction is zero.
i.e. Vav = 0
When an external field is applied, net positive value
V1av for the average velocity of the conduction
electrons in a direction opposite to the direction of
field; which is equal to the drift velocity i.e
If the field is turned off, the average velocity Vav
starts reducing exponentially as shown in the figure
and is according to the equation.
Time counted from the instant the field is turned off, Relaxation time
If = equation (1) becomes
the maximum value attained by them when applied field is turned off”.
(d) Mean free path (λ):
The average distance travelled by the conduction electrons between two successive collisions
of conduction electrons under the influence of applied electric field is called mean free path.
d) Mean collision time (τ): The average time interval between two consecutive collisions of
an electron with the lattice cores in a conductor under the influence of applied electric field is
called mean collision time.
τ = λ/vth
Where ‘λ’ is the mean free path, v≈vth is velocity same as combined effect of thermal & drift
This is not only less than the experimental value but also depends on temperature. Hence
classical free electron theory failed to explain specific heat.
(b) Dependence of electrical conductivity on Temperature:
According to the assumptions of classical free electron theory
√ ---------------------- (1)
The mean collision time ‘τ’ is inversely proportional to the thermal velocity. (vth= )
concentration i.e σ =
Thus as n increases conductivity should increase. But it is contrary to the observation.
Consider the data from the following table.
with Cu and Al. Therefore σ α n do not holds good. Hence the classical free electron theory
failed to explain the dependence of σ on electron concentration.
Vd 4 5 1
3 . 14 x 10 ms
Vth 1 . 17 x 10
m m 9 . 1 x 10 14
3 . 985 x 10 S
2 2 8 28 19 2
ne ne 1 . 54 x 10 x 5 . 8 x 10 ( 1 . 6 x 10 )
V 0 . 699 3 2
d 6 . 99 X 10 m / VS
E 100
3. Calculate mobility of electrons in Copper assuming that each atom contributes one
free electron for conduction. Given resistivity of copper=1.7x10-8 Ω m, atomic
weight=63.54,density=8.96X103kg/m3 and Avogadro number=6.023x1023/mol.
Solution: ?, 1 . 7 X 10 m ;M=63.54; NA=6.023X1023/g mol;
D=8.96X103Kgm-3; number of electrons per atom =n=1
No. of conduction electrons/m3=No.of electrons per atom X NAX D AtomicWt
n= AtomicWt
23 3
1 x 6 . 025 x 10 x 8 . 96 x 10 25 3
n 8 . 50 x 10 kgm
63 . 54
? Using ne we get
1 2 1 1
4 . 325 m V S
8 25 19
ne 1 . 7 x 10 x 8 . 5 x 10 x 1 . 6 x 10
4. Calculate free electron concentration and hence mobility of electrons in a aluminium
metal assuming that each atom contributes three free electron for conduction. Given
resistivity of Al=2.7x10-8 Ω m, atomic weight=26.98,density=2.7X103kg/m3 and
Avogadro No.=6.023x1023/mol.
Solution: n=? ?, 2 . 7 X 10 m ;M=26.98; NA=6.023X10-23/gmol;
D=2.7X103Kgm-3; number of electrons per atom =n=3
(a) n= AtomicWt
23 3
3 x 6 . 025 x 10 x 2 . 7 x 10 26 3
n 1 . 81 x 10 kgm
26 . 98
(b) ? Using ne we get
1 2 1 1
1 . 278 m V S
8 26 19
ne 2 . 7 x 10 x 1 . 81 x 10 x 1 . 6 x 10
Quantum free electron theory
8 2 Xm
E 2 dE
i.e. g(E)dE = h
Where m=mass of electron g(E) varies with E .Therefore plot of g(E) against E is as
shown in the figure.
Except at extremely high temperatures, the second term within the brackets is very small
compared to unity. Therefore Ef(T)=Ef(0) i.e. Fermi energy is almost independent of
Hence at ordinary temperatures; the values of Ef (0) can be taken to be equal to Ef(T)
Fermi temperature:
Fermi temperature is that temperature at which average thermal energy of electrons becomes
equal to the Fermi energy at 0K. i.e kT=Ef(0) therefore
At such temperatures metals become liquids. Therefore Tf is only theoretical importance.
Fermi velocity.
Fermi velocity is that velocity of electrons whose kinetic energy equal to Fermi energy at 0K
2 E f (0)
1 2
E f (0) v f
i.e mv m
What is Fermi factor? Discuss its variation with temperature and energy.
Fermi factor
Fermi factor is the probability of occupying an electron into a given energy level
when the material is in thermal equilibrium.
Probability of energy state with energy E is occupied by electron at a steady
temperature T is given by Fermi factor f(E) and is given by
f (E) = 1
At T=0K all the energy levels lying below Ef is completely filled.
Case (ii): At T = 0K and E > EF
for E > EF; E – EF = + Ve
∴ f (E) = 0
At T=0K all the energy levels lying above Ef are
vacant or unoccupied by electrons. Hence at T=0K
the variation of f(E) for different energy values,
become a step function as shown in the figure
f(E) = 1
At T> 0K all the energy levels lying far of below Ef is completely filled.
since all the electrons lying far of below Ef. cannot get required energy and hence not excited
above Fermi levels.
But when E approaches to Ef , only some of the electrons lying very close to Fermi level can
absorb energy and get excited above Fermi level. Hence f(E) starts reducing from 1 for
values of E closer to and lesser than Ef as in the figure.
Case (ii): At T >OK and E=Ef
At T > OK and E = Ef
This means 50% of electrons lying at Ef are thermally excited above higher energy levels.
Case (iii): At T > OK and E > Ef
for E > EF; E – EF = + Ve
∴ f (E) = 0
Hence all the energy levels lying above Ef are unoccupied by electrons.
Describe Fermi-Dirac statistics
The number of energy levels per unit volume of the
material in the energy range E & (E+dE) is g(E)dE.
The number of electrons distributed between energy range
E & (E+dE) per unit volume is represented by N (E)dE.
... N(E)dE= The number of energy levels X Fermi factor
N (E) dE = g(E)dE× f(E)
But f(E) and g(E) at a temperature T changes with E; therefore N(E)dE also changes with E.
The plot of N(E) vs E is as shown in the fig.
The plot of N(E)dE against E represents the actual distribution of electrons and The
distribution is known as Fermi–Dirac distribution.
Eqn (3)=Eqn.(4)
Vd= *
-------------------------------- (4)
2 m
dp d
F= m * (V d ) ------------------------------------------ (5) p=m*Vd
dt dt
Force experienced by the electron in the direction of field is given by
F = eE----------------------------------- (6)
eE m * (V d )
d hk m * h dk h dk
Substituting for Vd from eqn.(4) gives eE m * ( )
dt 2 m * 2 m * dt 2 dt
dk 2
dt h
On Integration gives k eE ---------------------------------- (7)
Where =mean collision time
From Ohms law current density J=E where =conductivity of conductor
Substituting for Vd= *
from (4)
2 m
Also on substituting Vd and k,
J I nAeV d neV d ne hk
( )
E E AE E E 2 m
neh 2
= *
2 m E h
Describe how quantum free electron theory has been successful in overcoming the
failures of classical free electron theory
Quantum free electron theory has been successful in overcoming failures of classical free
electron theory as follows
(a) Specific heat: According to CFET all conduction electrons are capable of absorbing heat
energy according to Maxwell Boltzmann statistics which results in large specific heat
Cv= R
But according to quantum free electron theory, only a few of electrons lying very close
to , are capable of absorbing heat energy to get excited into higher energy levels which
results in small value of specific heat.
According to quantum free electron theory, it can be shown that
( ) --------------------------------------------------- (1)
Considering average thermal energy of electrons for a metal = 5 eV
( )
∴ ( )
This is in close agreement with experimental value.
b) Dependence of electrical conductivity on Temperature:
Experimentally electrical conductivity is proportional to and not as given by classical
free electron theory.
It is discussed as follows:
( )
Density of electrons in copper (Cu= 8.45x1028/m3) which is lesser than that of Aluminium
(Al=18x1028/m3); but conductivity of copper is more than aluminium. This can be explained
as follows. The value of n for Cu is 0.469 times that of in aluminium (8.45/18), the value of
λ/vf for copper is about 3.73 times higher than that of aluminium.
The ratio of conductivity of copper to that of aluminium is 1.75; hence conductivity of copper
is more than aluminium.
c n c v f 8 . 45 3 . 73
X 1 . 75 c 1 . 75 Al
[Note: Al n Al v 18 1
f c Al
F(E ) =
23.8% of energy levels lying below Fermi levels are filled and 76.2% of energy levels lying
above Fermi levels are completely empty.
(b) F(E )= ? for E-Ef=-0.02ev=-0.02X1.6X10-19J=-3.2X10-21J
F(E )=
2. Find the temperature at which there is 1% probability that a state with energy 0.5eV
above Fermi energy is occupied. k=1.38x10-23J.
Solution: T=?; E-Ef=0.5ev=0.5X1.6X10-19J=0.8X10-19J;F(E )=1%=0.01
3. Find the temperature at which there is 1% probability that a state with energy
0.25eV above Fermi energy is occupied. k=1.38x10-23J.
4. Calculate the Fermi velocity and mean free path for the conduction electrons in
Silver, given that its Fermi energy is 5.5eV and the relaxation time for electrons is
Solution: Vf=?λ=?Ef=5.5ev=5.5x1.6x10-19J=8.8X10-19J;τ=3.83X10-14S
Fermi velocity Ef=1/2mVf2
λ = Vf Xτ=1.36X106X3.83X10-14m=5.32x10-8S
5. Fermi level in Silver is 5.5 eV at 0K. Calculate the number of free electrons per unit
volume and the probability of occupancy for electrons with energy 5.6 eV is silver at
the same temperature.
Solution: Ef(0)=5.5eV=5.5x1.6x10-19J=8.811x10-19J, n=?; F(E )=? At E=5.6eV
Fermi energy at 0k is given by
6. Calculate Fermi energy in ev for a metal at 0K, whose density is 10500kg/m3 , atomic
weight is 107.9 and it has 1 conduction electron per atom
Solution: n=?; Ef(0)= ? density D=10500 kg/m3,M=107.9 number of electrons per atom(nA)=1
(a) n= =
(b) Fermi energy at 0K is
7. Fermi level in Silver is 5.5ev.What are the energies for which the probabilities of
occupancy at 300K is (a) 0.99 (b) 0.5 (c) 0.01
Solution: (a) E1=? if F(E1 )= 0.99,given Ef=5.5eV
E1 =Ef-0.119ev
E1 =5.5ev-0.119ev
E1 =5.381ev
(b)E2=? if F(E )= 0.5,given Ef=5.5ev
(c) E3=? if F(E )= 0.01,given Ef=5.5eV Answer E3=5.6188ev