Module 2 Modern Physics & Quantum Mechanics
Module 2 Modern Physics & Quantum Mechanics
Module 2 Modern Physics & Quantum Mechanics
Syllabus :
Modern Physics & Quantum Mechanics 08 Hours
Introduction to blackbody radiation spectrum- Wien's law, Rayleigh Jean’s law, Stefan -Boltzmann law
and Planck's law (qualitative), Deduction of Wien's law, and Rayleigh Jeans law from Planck's law. Wave
Particle dualism, de-Broglie hypothesis, de-Broglie wavelength. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and
Its physical significance, Application of uncertainty principle (Non-existence of electron in the nucleus),
Wave function- Properties, Physical significance, Probability density, Normalization, Eigen values and
Eigen functions. Time independent Schrödinger wave equation. Particle in a box- Energy Eigen values
and probability densities, Numerical problems.
Black body Radiation spectrum:
A Blackbody is one which absorbs the entire radiation incident on it
and emits all the absorbed radiation when it is more hot. A true black body
does not exist practically. A blackbody designed by Wein has features very
close to the true blackbody. A blackbody at a particular temperature found
to emit a radiation of all possible wavelengths. It is a continuous spectrum
starting from certain minimum wavelength to maximum wavelength. The
maximum intensity corresponds to a particular wavelength. For different
temperatures of the black body, there are different curves. As the
temperature of the body increases, the wavelength corresponding to
maximum intensity shifts towards lower wavelength side. The distribution of
energy in black body radiation is
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Perfect black body or an ideal black body absorbs all the incident radiations
and does not transmit or reflect any energy from the body.
Ferry's black body: A cavity with walls made of any material, with a small
opening, is an excellent black body. This is Ferry's black body. A hollow enclosure
maintained at a uniform temperature, with a small opening compared to its size and a
conical projection, is an excellent approximation to a black body. There is a conical
projection on the inner surface of the sphere opposite the aperture. The projection
ensures that a ray travelling along the axis of the aperture is not incident normally on
the surface and is therefore not reflected back along the same path. Blackbody, also
spelled black body, in physics, a surface that absorbs all radiant energy falling on it.
The term arises because incident visible light will be absorbed rather than reflected, and
therefore the surface will appear black. It consist of double walled hollow metal sphere
having small aperture. (i) Inner surface is coated with lamp black. (ii) Outer surface is
Nickel polished.
Wien’s Displacement Law:
The law states that “The wavelength of maximum intensity is inversely
proportional to the absolute temperature of the emitting body, because of
which the peaks of the energy curves for different temperatures get
displaced towards the lower wavelength side”.
i.e. λm ( )
λmT = constant = 2.898×10-3 m-K
Wein showed that the maximum energy of the peak emission is directly
proportional to the fifth power of absolute temperature.
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Emα T5 or Em = constant × T 5
Wien’s law: The relation between the wavelength of emission and the
temperature of the source is
–( )
𝐸 = C1λ–5. dλ
Where Uλ dλ is the radiated energy / unit volume in the range of wavelength
λ and λ+dλ, C1 and C2 are constants.
This is called Wien’s law of energy distribution in the black body
radiation spectrum.
Drawbacks of Wien’s law:
Wien’s law holds good for the shorter wavelength region and high
temperature of the source. It failed to explain gradual drop in intensity of
radiation corresponding to longer wavelength greater than the peak value.
Rayleigh-Jeans Law:
Rayleigh derived an equation for the blackbody radiation on the basis
of principle of equipartition of energy. The principle of equipartition of
energy suggests that an average energy kT is assigned to each mode of
vibration. The number of vibrations/unit volume whose wavelength is in the
range of λ and λ+dλ is given by
𝐸 = dλ or 8λ-4dλ.
The energy/unit volume in the wavelength range λ and λ + dλ is
Eλ dλ = 8kTλ-4dλ
Where k is Boltzmann’s constant, K = 1.38x10-23 J/K.
This is Rayleigh-Jeans equation.
Accordingly energy radiated by the black body decreases with
increasing wavelength.
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Stefan-Boltzmann law:
In 1884, Stefan-Boltzmann showed that the total energy radiated by a
black body per unit area per unit time is proportional to the fourth power of
its absolute temperature.
E T4
E= where is stefan’s constant
Planck’s Law:
Planck’s assumed that walls of the experimental blackbody consists
larger number of electrical oscillators. Each oscillator vibrates with its own
i) Each oscillator has an energy given by integral multiple of hν
where h is Planck’s constant & ν is the frequency of vibration.
E = nhν where n = 1, 2, 3 . . . etc.
ii) An oscillator may lose or gain energy by emitting or absorbing respectively
a radiation of frequency ν where ν = , ΔE is difference in energies of the
oscillator before and after the emission or absorption take place.
Planck derived the law which holds good for the entire spectrum of the
black body radiation as
Eλ dλ = / dλ
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Eλ dλ = C1λ–5. e –( ) dλ
Where C1 = 8πhc and C2 =
This is the Wein’s law of radiation.
2) Reduction of Planck’s law to Rayleigh - Jeans law for longer
For longer wavelengths ν = is small.
≈1+ .
(e -1) =
Substituting in equation (1), we have
Eλ dλ = 5 hc dλ
𝜆 λkT
Thus, Wien’s law and Rayleigh-Jeans law came out as special cases
showingthe general form of Planck’s law of radiations.
de-Broglie’s Wavelength:
In analogy with dual character of light, de-Broglie in 1924 introduced the
hypothesis that “all material particle in motion possess a wave character
Accordingly, particles such as electrons, protons etc ., have waves
associated with them. These waves are called “ matter waves” or “ de-
Broglie waves”.
λ= =
λ= since v ≈ c
E = eV = 𝑚𝑣 =
Where ‘m’ is the mass, ‘v’ is the velocity and ‘p’ is the momentum of the
particle. ‘e’ is charge of an electron.
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P = √2𝑚𝑒𝑉 = √2𝑚𝐸
λ =
P2 = m.m v2
𝑚𝑣 =
P = √2𝑚𝑒𝑉
According to de-Broglie, λ =
Therefore λ = =
√2𝑚𝑒𝑉 √ √2𝑚𝑒
√ √2𝑥9.11𝑥 10−31 𝑥1.602𝑥 10−19
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λ= m
λ= nm
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dynamics by Maxwell. By the end of 19th Century in the mind of scientific
community it was that the knowledge of mechanics is complete and only
refinement of the known is required.
In the last part of 19th Century the study of Blackbody radiation
became an insoluble puzzle. It was much against the confidence and belief
of many investigators. Newtonian mechanics failed to account the observed
spectrum. In December 1900 Max Planck explained the blackbody spectrum
by introducing the idea of quanta. This is the origin of “Quantum
Mechanics”. Whatever studies were made in mechanics till then was called
classical mechanics. From 1901 onwards quantum mechanics has been
employed to study mechanics of atomic and subatomic particles. The
concept of quantization of energy is used in Bohr’s theory of hydrogen
spectrum. In 1924 de-Broglie proposed dual nature of matter called de
Broglie hypothesis. Schrodinger made use in his work the concepts of wave
nature of matter and quantization of energy. The work of Schrodinger,
Heisenberg, Dirac and others on mechanics of atomic and subatomic
particles was called Quantum Mechanics.
Quantum Mechanics is a new branch of study in physics which is
indispensable in understanding the mechanics of particles or bodies in the
atomic and the subatomic scale. The term quantum mechanics was first
introduced by Max Born in l924.Within the field of engineering, quantum
mechanics plays an important role. The study of quantum mechanics has
led to many new inventions that include the laser, the diode, the transistor,
the electron microscope, and magnetic resonance imaging. Flash memory
chips found in USB drives also use quantum ideas to erase their memory
cells. The entire science of Nanotechnology is based on the quantum
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Difference between Classical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics
According to Classical mechanics it is unconditionally accepted that
the position, mass, velocity; acceleration etc., of a particle or a body can be
measured accurately, which is true as we observe in every day. The values
predicted by classical mechanics fully agree with measured values.
Quantum mechanics has been built upon with purely probabilistic in
nature. The fundamental assumption of Quantum mechanics is that it is
impossible to measure simultaneously the position and momentum of a
particle. In quantum mechanics the measurements are purely probable. For
example the radius of the first allowed orbitof electron in hydrogen atom is
precisely 5.3 x 10-11m. If a suitable experiment is conducted to measure the
radius, numbers of values are obtained which are very close to 5.3 x 10-11m.
This type of uncertainty makes classical mechanics superior to quantum
mechanics. The accurate values declared by classical mechanics are found
to be true in day to day life. But in the domain of nucleus, atoms, molecules
etc., the probabilities involved in the values of various physical quantities
become insignificant and classical mechanics fails to account such
Dual nature of matter (de-Broglie Hypothesis)
Light exhibits the phenomenon of interference, diffraction, photoelectric
effect and Compton Effect. The phenomenon of interference, diffraction can
only be explained with the concept that light travels in the form of waves.
The phenomenon of photoelectric effect and Compton Effect can only be
explained with the concept of Quantum theory of light. It means to say
that light possess particle nature. Hence it is concluded that light exhibits
dual nature namely wave nature as well as particle nature.
de-Broglie’s Wavelength:
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A particle of mass ‘m’ moving with velocity ‘c’ possess energy given by
E = mc2 → (Einstein’s Equation)
According to Planck’s quantum theory the energy of quantum of frequency
‘ν’is E = hν → (2)
From (1) & (2)
λ= =
λ= since v ≈ c
∴ 𝝀=
we get, = 𝑒𝑉
𝑃2 = 2𝑚𝑒𝑉 ∵𝑚𝑣=𝑃
But λ = ∴ 𝝀 =
𝑷 √𝟐𝐦𝐞𝐕
. −34
= 𝑽
. .
= m
𝟏.𝟐𝟐𝟖 .
= 𝑛𝑚 𝝀= A0
Δ𝑥.ΔP𝑥 ≥
NOTE: Other HUP relations are Δ𝑬.Δ𝒕 ≥ , 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 Δ𝑬=𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚, Δ𝒕= time,
Show that electrons cannot exist inside the nucleus using Heisenberg’s
Uncertainty Principle.
Electron to be present in the nucleus, maximum uncertainty in
position Δ𝑥 =10 -14m (diameter)
According to HUP,
The minimum uncertainty in momentum ΔP𝑥≥ ℎ4𝜋𝛥𝑥
( . )
≥ 1.527 x10−11J
≥ MeV ≥ 95.45 MeV ≈ 95 𝑀𝑒𝑉
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But the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons (𝛃-particle) emitted
from the nucleus does not exceed 4MeV, hence electrons do not present in
the nucleus.
= ……………… (1)
= – ω2 ………. (3)
Here, y =
……. (4)
The above equation represents waves propagating along the x-axis with a
velocity “v” and ‘ψ’ is the displacement at time ‘t’.
From eqns 3 & 4, we get
= − 2𝜓 ……. (5)
If λ and ν are the wavelength and frequency of the wave, then
But ω = 2пf = 2пν and w.k.t. c = ν λ or v = ν λ ν=
= 𝜓…….. (6)
𝑑 ψ
= − 2 2 ……..(7)
4π ψ 𝑑𝑥
For a particle of mass “m”movingwith a velocity “v”
Kinetic energy = K.E. = 𝑚𝑣
K.E. = . ……(9)
−8π 𝑚
= 2 (E - V)
8π 𝑚
+ 2 (E - V) = 0 ……… (11)
∴ + =0
7. Probability, P = ∫ IΨI 𝑑𝑥
2. Max Born postulated that the square of the magnitude of the wave
3. |𝛹|2is called probability density and 𝛹is called the probability amplitude.
5. Any wave function that obeys this equation is said to be’ normalised’.
Every acceptable wave function must be normalisable.
If we are not certain that the particle is present in finite volume, then
3) ‘ψ’ and its first derivatives with respect to its variables are
continuous everywhere:
Consider the function f(x) which varies with position as
represented in the graph. The function f(x) is truncated at x =Q
between the points A & B, the state of the system is not defined. To
obtain the wave function associated with the system, we have to solve
Schrodinger wave equation. Since it is a second order differential wave
equation, the wave function and its first derivative must be continuous
4) For bound states ‘ψ’ must vanish at potential boundary and outside. If
‘ψ*’ is a complex function, then ψ* ψ must also vanish at potential
boundary and outside. The wave function which satisfies the above 4
properties are called Eigen functions.
Eigen functions:
Eigen functions are those wave functions in Quantum mechanics
which possesses the properties:
1. They are single valued.
2. Finite everywhere and
3. The wave functions and their first derivatives with respect to their
variables are continuous.
Eigen values:
According to the Schrodinger equation there is more number of
solutions. The wave functions are related to energy E. The values of
energy En for which Schrodinger equation solved are called Eigen
∞ ψ
+ = 0 …….. (1) (∴ 𝑉 = ∞)
+ = 0 ….. (2) (∴ V = 0)
+ 𝐾2 𝜓 = 0 ……(4)
Also x = a → ψ = 0
0 = C cos ka + D sin ka
But C = 0
∴ D sin ka = 0 (5)
Ka = sin–1(0)
i.e. ka = nπ where n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4… (Quantum number)
i.e. E zero-point =
The plots of ψ1 versus x and | ψ1|2 verses x are shown in the above figure.
= E0
Case II → n=2
In the first excited state the Eigen function of this state is
+ =0
Where n =1, 2, 3, …
Here when ‘E’ is constant, ‘n’ depends on ‘a’ as a→∞ n→∞.
It means that free particle can have any energy. That is the energy Eigen
values or possible energy values are infinite in number. It follows that
energy values are continuous. It means that there is no discreteness or
quantization of energy. Thus a free particle is a ‘Classical entity’.