Binder MathSyllabus PDF
Binder MathSyllabus PDF
Binder MathSyllabus PDF
This year we will be examining arithmetic through the lens of language. The
thread that underlies this approach to teaching all of arithmetic is that people talk
about numbers but what they see are quantities. For example, we have seen 3
fingers, 3 apples, 3 tally marks, 3 people, etc.; but we have never seen “threeness''
In a phrase such as “3 apples”, 3 is an adjective that modifies the noun“apples”.
We refer to such a phrase as a quantity. More formally:
A quantity is a phrase that consists of an adjective (in the form of a number) that modifies a
noun (usually referred to as a unit).
People in science talk about quantities, not numbers. That is, they will talk about 3 ounces, 3
grams, 3 pounds, etc., but never just about 3.
In the quantity “3 apples”, the adjective is 3 and the noun (unit) it modifies is “apples”.
We will begin with the cardinality of numbers and review basic arithmetic assumptions. We
hope to end the year with solving basic algebraic equalities using addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.
Requirements: Materials and Supplies
Materials/Supplies: Students are required to bring the following items to class everyday.
Students are expected to come to class everyday prepared and ready to learn with a
positive attitude. Students are required to act in a behavior conducive to learning,
according to WCCUSD code of conduct, and those rules established by John F.
Kennedy High School. If students are not able to follow the rules, they will be disciplined
according to the steps and procedures detailed in the Student Handbook.
A 100–90
B 89–80
C 79–70
D 69 - 60
F 59 and below
Class work: Participation in class activities and class assignments are important to informally
assess student learning and understanding. All students are expected to participate in class.
Students will receive a participation grade on a daily basis. Participating in note-taking is a part
of the class experience. Students are expected to take notes in their composition notebooks or
3-ring binder. The notes can be used on the standards-based quizzes. Students are responsible
for any work missed during the instructional hour.
Projects: Students will be given projects periodically throughout the semester. Some of
the projects include Common Core California Performance Standards tasks. Students
will receive information on these projects as the date arises. Students will be given
ample time to complete projects, in some cases extra class time. Students will be
graded on a rubric, which will communication the expectations of the project and assess
specific criteria of the assignment.
Quizzes: A quiz will be given at the conclusion of every week in preparation for the Unit
test. Students are allowed to replace previous quiz grades satisfactory or unsatisfactory
with the current week’s quiz so long as there is a parent signature on the previous quiz.
If the student received a D or lower on the unit test they have an opportunity to correct
and receive up to 1⁄2 credit per question answered correctly. The maximum credit that
they can earn is a C. Students must complete the corrections within one week after the
original grade received during teacher designated times at school.