SAEP-302 - Feb 2016
SAEP-302 - Feb 2016
SAEP-302 - Feb 2016
1 Scope ............................................................ 2
3 Terminology .................................................. 2
4 Instructions.................................................... 4
5 Responsibilities ............................................. 6
1 Scope
The scope of a waiver request is limited to a specific facility, project, and MSAER.
To extend the scope to cover additional facilities, projects, or requirements in MSAERs,
a new SAP waiver request must be submitted.
This procedure is not applicable for requesting deviations from the established list of
Standards and Codes defined in SAEP-148 for Non-Industrial, Public, or Government
facilities/projects that are non-Saudi Aramco owned. Waiver requests for standards and
codes defined in SAEP-148 for Saudi Aramco owned projects shall follow this procedure.
2 Applicable Documents
The requirements contained in the following documents apply to the extent specified in
this procedure.
3 Terminology
3.1 Acronyms
CE Chief Engineer of Engineering Services
CoA Condition of Approval
MSAER Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
RDM Responsible Department Manager
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Document Responsibility: Standards Coordination SAEP-302
Issue Date: 15 February 2016 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver
Next Planned Update: 15 February 2019 of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
3.2 Definitions
After-the-Fact: A deviation from a MSAER that has already taken place at the
time of the waiver initiation.
Non-Industrial Projects: Non-oil and gas projects located at least 500 meters
outside a plant perimeter fence (see SAES-B-014). This term is used to indicate
Saudi Aramco owned and operated facilities, but may be generalized to any
non-industrial projects.
Project Owner: The owner of the facility. This may be Saudi Aramco, the
government, a municipality, or another entity.
Public Projects: Any project executed by Saudi Aramco that will not be
owned, operated and/or maintained by Saudi Aramco.
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Document Responsibility: Standards Coordination SAEP-302
Issue Date: 15 February 2016 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver
Next Planned Update: 15 February 2019 of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
4 Instructions
A waiver request must be submitted for any deviation to a Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirement (MSAER) that is to be applied to a project or work activity.
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Document Responsibility: Standards Coordination SAEP-302
Issue Date: 15 February 2016 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver
Next Planned Update: 15 February 2019 of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
Page 5 of 7
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordination SAEP-302
Issue Date: 15 February 2016 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver
Next Planned Update: 15 February 2019 of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
The escalation time limits and automatic actions for e-Waivers are shown in the
table below.
Time Limit
Role Action at Time Limit
(working days)
Initiator 30 days Waiver deleted
5 Responsibilities
Title or
organization Action or task
Initiates the waiver request in the SAP system
Prepares responses to questions or requests for additional
Initiator information from reviewing authorities
Attaches supporting documentation as needed
Submits waiver to Originator
Approves the waiver request
Supplies additional information required by the review
Originator authority
Provides an estimated completion date for waivers approved
with conditions
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Document Responsibility: Standards Coordination SAEP-302
Issue Date: 15 February 2016 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver
Next Planned Update: 15 February 2019 of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
Title or
organization Action or task
Reviews or assigns reviewer(s) to evaluate the waiver request
Forwards to Other Agencies as needed to participate in the
review and evaluation process
Committee Adds conditions of approval (CoAs) when necessary
Chairman (SCC) Decides if a standard requires revision
Recommends approval/rejection of the waiver request
Revises any standards affected by the waiver
Approves or rejects conditions required for the implementation
of a waiver
Reviews the waiver and documentation and provides
Other Agency
feedback to the SCC by adding remarks to the waiver
Ensures that all waiver requests are processed in accordance
Responsible with this procedure
Department Reviews and recommends approval or rejection of waiver
Manager requests
(RDM) Conducts a detailed review of all aspects of “after-the-fact”
waiver requests, including what allowed their occurrence
Ensures that all waiver requests are processed in accordance
with governing procedures and standards
Reviews waiver approval recommendation received from RDM
Chief Engineer
Approves or rejects waiver request
Returns request to RDM for further analysis if necessary
May require a team review meeting based on the complexity
and/or criticality of the waiver
Tracks the progress of each waiver request as it moves
Standards among organizations for concurrence and approval
Coordination Issues monthly, quarterly, and other periodic reports, as may
Unit (SCU) be required by management, on the number of waiver
requests, processing time, “after-the-fact” waiver requests, etc.
Revision Summary
15 February 2016 Major revision to reflect the new enhancements made to the SAP eWaiver Process.
These enhancements include adding the Chief Engineer as the final approval authority and
empowering Standards Committee Chairman to receive the waiver request and make
technical decision. In addition, new tracking and reporting features were introduced.
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