14 Minor Instruments
14 Minor Instruments
14 Minor Instruments
II 338
II,,,, The Abney level can be used for (z) measuring vertical angles, (il) measuring slope
(2) Hold the level at a point
oi the ground, aod (iii) tracing grade contour.
A on the supporr at P aod mark a
.,n (i) Mtasuremeat of vertical angle
!I point D on the other supporr Q, when
the bubble is central. (I) Keep the instrument at eye level and direct it to the object till the line of
·(3) Shift the instrument to Q, 11aJf)};;;. ;; I I ;;;;;111; J;;; 0;;
;;;; ; ; J INIJ})J}JI I;;; JJ iU I; I sight passes through it.
hold it at the point D. centre the bubble, (2) Since the line of sight is inclined, the bubble will go out of centre. Bring the
aod mark the point B where the line FIG. 14.2 bubble to the centre of its run by the milled-screw. When the bubble is central. the line
of sight slrikes the first supporr. If of sight muse pass tlirough the object.
,, A and B do not coincide, the ins011D1ent requires adjustment. (3) Read the angle on the arc by means of the vernier.
,, '
(4) Select a point C 'midway between A and B. With the adjustment screws,
raise (il) Measurement or slope or the ground
!i .I
li I
or lower the cross-wire till the line of sight bisects C. (I) Take a target, having cross-marks, at observer's eye height and keep it at the
L·l other end of the line.
I~ ' .I
(2) Hold the instrument at one end aod direct the instrument towards the target till
Abney level is one of the various forms of clinometers used for the measurement
the horizontal wire coincides with the horizontal line of the target.
i ~ ' ·I
of slopes, taking cross-sections, tracing contours, setting grades aod all other rough levelling·
,'.:'.'1' operations. lt is a light, compact and hand instrument .with low precision as compared (3) Bring the bubble in the centre of its run.
~:;:, to engineer's level. The abney level consists of the fp~~wing (Fis. 14.3): (4) Read the angle on the arc by means of the vernier.
'.. ::;j (I) A square sighting tube having peep bOle or eye-piece at one end aod a cross-wire (iiJ) Tracing grade contour : See § 10. 6.
i_ ,:!i:l
: 1td at the other ·end. Near the objective end, a mirror is placed at an angle of 45" 'inside Testing and Adjustment of Abney Level :
i:!t;ti the tube and occupying half the width, as in the hand level. Immediately above the mirror, "' (I) Fix two rods, having marks at equal heights h (preferably at the height of observer's
r·ri!i"' an opening is provided to receive rays from the bubble tube placed above it. The line
of sight is defined by the line joining the peep hole and the cross-wire.
eye), at two points P and Q, about
20 to 50 metres apat1. -·- -·-·-·-a; ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· B
(2) A small bubble tube, placed immediately above the openings attached to a vernier
1 arm, which can be rotated either by means of a milled headed screw or by rack and
pinion arrangement. The intage of the bubble is visible in the mirror.
(2) Keep the Abney level
the point A against the rod at P
and measure the angle of elevation A
·-·- - -- - -·- - - - -· i
When the line of sight . is at any inclination, the milled-screw is operated till the a, towards the point B of the rod i
bubble is bisected by the cross-wire. The vernier is thus moved from its zero position,
the amount of movement being equal to the inclination of the line of sight.
(3) Shift the instrument to Q.
\Ill! (3) A semi-circular graduated arc is fixed in. position. The zero mark.of the graduations hold it against B aod sight A. Measure p
coincides with the zero of the vernier. The reading increases from oo to 600 (or
the angle of depression a,. FIG. 14.4
90" ) in both the directions, one giving the angles of elevation aod the other angles of (4) ·If a, aod a, are equal,
depression. In some instru- the instrument is in adjustment i.e., the line of sight is parallel to the axis of the bubble
1'/: ments, the values of the tube when it is central and when vernier reads zero.
,1· slopes, corresponding to . . a 1 +a2
hole and the horizontal wire of the slide. The edge of the mirror fomts
a vertical reference line. I. GIMBLE
over the base.
When the instrument is not in use, the vanes fold down (2) A heavy semi-circular arc is
attached to the lower end of the frame. 2. SUPPORTING RING
Use of !ndian Patt'ern Clinometer with Plane Table
The arc is graduated in gradients or
Pattern Clinometer
(I) Set the plane table over the station and keep the Indian slopes from 1 in 5 to I in 50. The 3. MIRROR
on it. arc is attached to the vertical axis so
(2) Level the clinometer with the help of the levelling
screw. that it may be revolved to bring the 4
the object vane till it bisects arc towards the observer (i.e. forward) · GRADUATED ARC
· (3) Looking through the peep hole, move the slide of
to be sighted . It is prefera ble to use a sigrtal to measure the rising gradients or away
the sigrtal at the ·Other point
hole above the level of the plane from the observer to measure the falling 5. ARM
of the same height as that of the peep
table station. gradients.
Thus, the difference (3) A radial arm is fitted to the 6. SLIDING WE!GIIT
(4) Note the reading, i.e. tangent ~f the angle, against the wire. centre of the arc. The arm consists of
eye and the object = distanc e x tangent of vertical·
in elevation between the
angle = d tan a. a bevelled edge which acts as index.
can be found from By moving the arm along the arc, the
The distance d between the plane table station and the object
ted if the reduced level of mirror can be inclined to the vertical.
.the plan. The reduced level of the object can thus be calcula The inclination to the horizontal of the FIG. 14. 7. DB USLB'S CLINOMETER.
the plane table station is known.
along with the tilting of the telescope. !i
4. A hnlding staff. enables
The distinguishing feature of the sextant is the arrangement of mirrors whichan angle
and 5. A target mounted on a holding staff the observer to sight at two different objects simultaneously, and
thus to measure
of the same height. in a single observation. A sextanl may A
This instrument is specially designed for (a) Field of view (l>) Signal
be used to measure horizontal angle. ·
finding the lines of highways with a predetermined It can also be used to measure vertical
percentage inclination (i.e. percentage slope) and angles. Essentially, therefore, a sextant •' :.r . ..,...o
for determination of the percentage amount of consists of fixed glass (H) which is
inclination of existing highways. It ~ a vertical silvered to half the height while the
arc allowing to read slopes upto ± 40% with FIG. 14.10 upper half is plain. Arnither glass (PJ E
graduation to 0. 5 % thus making sure estimation is attached to a movable arm which
to 0.1% · can be operated by means of a milled
The design of the telescope, when inclined, admits the sighted
ohject, the ·diaphragm
head. The movable arm also carries
parallel to the vertical arc can be simultaneoUsly a vernier at the other end. The operation
with stadia lines and the first spirit level running
seen in the telescope [Fig. 14.10 (a)]. A second spirit lev,~! likewise is parallel to :the
of the sextant depends on bringing the
tilting axis. image of one poim (R), after suitable
14.9. THE PANTAGRAPH (Fig 14.12) reflection in two mirrors, into contact
with the image of a second point (L)
A pantagraph is an instrument G which is viewed direct, by moving the
used for reproducing, enlarging or re- movable mirror (PJ. Since the vernier .
ducing the maps. It is based on the and the movable mirror are attached
principle of similar triangles. It consists to the same arm, the movement of
of two long bars AB and AD hinged the vernier from the zero position gives FIG. 14.13. OPTICAL DIAGRAM OF A SEXTANT.
together at A and supporred on castors
the required angle subtended by the
or rollers at B and D. Two shorr
two objects at the instrument station.
arms EF and GF are hinged together d successively
"The sextant is based on the principle that when a ray of light is reflecte
at F and are connected to AD and ray is twice the angle
AB at E and G respectively. Thus
from twO mirrors, the angle between the first and last directions of
AGFE is a parallelogram of equal sides between the pimles of tlw two mirrors.
horizon glass) and
for all positions of the instrument. The FIG. 14.12 Thus, in Fig 14.13, H is the fixed glass (also known as the
the planes of two glasses
long bar AD carries a movable rubular frame which can be slided along it. The sliding P is the index glass or the movable glass. Let the angle between
double reflectio n, brought in the
frame carries an index and also a heavy weight Q which forms the vertical axis of the be a when the image of the object R has been, after
through ·the unsilver ed portion
instrument; the whole instrument moves about the point Q. The bar EF carries a pencil same vertical line as that of the object L viewed direcUy
on the bar EF. angle ~- PI is the index
point P attached to a carrier which can also be set to a desired. reading of the glass H. Let the rays from both the objects subtend an
serting of the instrument,
The longer arm AB carries tracing point at the end B. For any arm pivoted at P.
is kept at B and is traced. n, we bave
the point B, P and Q are in a straight line. The original map Since the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflectio
moves, but the point Q remains fixed in position.
Correspondingly, the pencil point P also LA=A ';LB= LB'
an amount BB', the point P moves to P ' the ratio
Thus, if B is moved straight by
ratio of reductio n. For any position of the tracing or "=
L A - LB (exterior angle)
between BB' and PP' being equal to the
~ =L A + L A' - (LB + LB') =2L A - 2LB =2 (L A
- LB) =2tt
point, the points · B', P' and Q are always in a straight line.
If it is desired to enlarge the map, the pencil point is kept at
B, the tracing point
or a=~
frames ai Q and P are set to the 2
at P and the map under the point P. The moving
enlargem ent. The pencil can be ndsed off the paper,
same reading equal to the ratio· of
347 "''l
(6) A milled-headed screw to rotate the index glass and the index arm.
Hence the angle between the mirrors is equal to half the acrual angle between two
(7) An eye hole or peep hole or a telescope for long distance sighting.
objeciS. While constructing the sextant, the plane of mirror P is so adjusted that it is
parallel to the mirror H when the index reads zero. The movement of the mirror P is (8) A parr of coloured glasses for use in bright sun.
equal to the movement of the vernier. The scale is numbered in values equal to twice (9) A slot in the side of the box for the object to be sighted.
the actual angle so that acrual angle between the o";"""' ;, read directly. Measurement of Horizontal Angle with Box Sextant
Optical Requirements of the Sextant I. Hold the instrument in the right hand and bring the plane of the graduated arc
I. The two mirrors should be perpendicular to the plane of the graduated arc. into the plane of the eye and the two points to be observed.
2. When the two. mirrors are par'!fiel, the reading on the index should be zero. 2. Look through the eye hole at the left hand object through the lower unsilvered :!
3. The optical axis ·should be parallel to the plane of the graduated arc and pass portion of the horizon glass.
through the top of the horizon mirror. If only a peep sight is provided in place of telescope, 3. Turn the milled-headed screw slowly so that the image of the right-hand object,
·the peep sight should ·be at the same distance above the arc as the top of the mirror. after double reflection, is coincident with the left-hand object ; view directly through the
upper half of the horizon glass. Clamp the vernier. If a slow motion screw is provided,
bring the images of object into exact coincidence.
I There are mainly three types of sextants
The reading on the vernier gives directly the angle.
(I) Box Sextant
Note. The venex (V) of an angle measured is not ·exactly at the eye but at the
(2) Nautical Sextant
intersection of the two lines of sight which, for small angles, is considerably behind the
(3) Sounding Sextant. eye. For this reason, there may be an appreciable error in the measurement of the angles
(a) Nautical Sextant
less than. say, 15'.
A nautical sextant is specially designed for navigation and astronomical purposes
Measurement of Vertical Angle with Sextant
and is fairly large instrument with a graduated silver arc of about 15 to 20 em radius
Vertical angles may be measured by holding the sextant so that iiS arc lies in a
let into a gun metal casting carrying the main pariS. With the help of the vernier attached
vertical plane. If it is required to measure the vertical angle between twq poiniS, view
to the index mirror, readings can be taken to 20" or 10". A sounding sextaru is also
the lower object directly, and rum the milled headed screw until the image of the higlier
very similar to the nautical sextant, with a large index glass to allow for the difficulty ·
object appears coincident with the lower one.
I of sighting an object from a sruall rocking boat in hydrographic survey. Fig. 14.14 shows
!· a nautical sextant by U.S. Navy. Permanent Adjustments of a Sextant
(b) Box Sextant A sextant requires the following four adjustmeniS
(I) To make the index glass perpendicular to the plane of the graduated arc.
The box sextant is small pocket instrument used for measuring horizontal and venical
angles, measuring chain angles and locating inaccessible poiniS. By setting the vernier to (2) To make the horizon glass perpendicular to the plane of graduated arc.
90', it may be used as an optical square. Fig. 14.15 shows a box sextant. (3) To make the line of sight parallel to the plane of the graduated arc.
A box sextant consisiS of the (4) To make the horizon mirror parallel to the · index mirror when the vernier
following pariS : is set at zero (i.e. to eliminate any index correction).
(I) A circular box about 8 em
in diameter and 4 em high.
r In a box sextant, the index glass is permanently fixed at right angles to the plane
of the instrument by the maker. Also, no provision is made for adjustment 3. Hence,
(2) A fixed horizon glass, sil- only adjustments 2 and 4 are made for a box sextant.
vered at lower half and plain at upper Adjustment 2 : Adjustment of horium glaSs
half. (1) Set the vernier at approximately zero and aim at some well-defined distant
'i I (3) A movable index glass fully point like a star, with the arc vertical.
silvered. (ii) Move the index arm back and forth slightly. The image of the star will
(4) An index arm pivoted at move up and down.
the index glass and carrying a vernier (iii) Adjust the horizon mirror by tilting it forward or backward until, when the
index arm is moved, the image of the star, in passing will coincide with
at the other end.
(5) An adjustable magrtifying the star i!Self.
;· FIG. 14.15. BOX SEXTANT.
glass, to read the angle.