22 Tacheometric Surveying
22 Tacheometric Surveying
22 Tacheometric Surveying
Measurement of horizontal angles : Horiwntal and vertical angles can he measured by
using the camera tripod with the ball joint. For measuring horiwntal angles, the compass
box has to he screwed on the ball joint until the locking pin will tit into the socket
which is imbedded in the compass case. For more precise centring, a plumb bob can Tacheometric Surveying
he fastened at the plumb hook of the tripod. Accurate setting of the instrument is accomplished
with a circular spirit bubble. The north end of the needle indicates magnetic hearing on
the compass graduation.
Measurement of vertical. angle : For measuring vertical. angles, the compass has to he 22.1. GENERAL
fitted in the ball joint. The observations have to he carried out with completely opened Tacheometry (or Tachemetry or Telemetry) is a branch of angular surveying in which
mirror by sighting through the bole of the diopter ring and the pointer. Before readings the horiwntal and vertical distanceS, of points are obtained by optical means as opposed
can he taken, the tubular bubble which is connected with the clinometer arm has to he to the ordinary slower process of measurements by tape or chain. The metbod is very
centered by turning the small handle mounted at the back of the co111pass. Using the instrument rapid and convement. Although the accuracy of Tacheometry in general compares unfavourably
in this vertical position, it is necessary to lock the needle to prevent the agate cap : and with that of chaining, it is best adilpted in obstacles such as sieep and broken ground,
the pivot from being damaged. · deep ravines, stretches of water or swamp and so on, which make chaining difficult or
Use as a mining compass : Brunton compass can he fitted on the suspension plate and impossible. The accuracy attained is such that under. favourable conditions the error will
he used as mining compass. The compass is eorrectly positioned on the plate when the not exceed 111000 , and if the purpose of a survey does not require greater accuracy,
locking pin tits into the socket. Then, the North-South line of the compass is ·parallel the method is unexcelled. The primary object of tacheometry is the preparation of contOured
to the longitudinal axis of the suspension plate. maps or plans requiring both the horiwntal as well as vertical control. Also. on surveys
For vertical angle measurements, the hook hinges have he fitted. The brackets prevent of higher accuracy, it provides a check on distanceS measured with the tape.
the suspension outfit from sliding along the rope. Before readings of vertical circle can
he taken, accurate centring of the clinometer arm bubble is necessary. 22.2. INSTRUMENTS II
. An ordinary transit theodolite fitted with a stadia diaphragm is generally used for j,
Use with plane table· : The compass in connection with the protector base plate tacheomettic survey. The stadia diaphragm essentially consists of one stadia hair above and •1'
can he used for protecting work in the field or in the office .. The parallelism of the the other an equal distance below the horiwntal cross-hair, the stadia hairs being mounted
base plate edges and the line of sight of the compass is secured when the locking pin in the same ring and in the same vertical plane as the horiwntal and vertical cross-hairs.
on the plate fits accurately into the socket. This combination gives the possibility to employ Fig. 22.1 shows the different forms of stadia diaphragm commonly used.
the compass as an alidade for minor plane table surveys.
The telescope used in stadia surveying
21.7. MOUNTAIN COMPASS-TRANSIT are of three kinds :
A mountain compass-transit (also known as compass theodolite) basically consists of (I) the simple exterrtal-focusing telescope.
a compass with a telescope. Both these are mounted on a levelling head which can he (2) the external-focusing anallactic
mounted on a tripod. For movement of the instrument about vertical axis, a clamp and telescope (Porro's telescope) (al (b) (c)
tangent screw is used. For measurement of vertical angles, the telescope can rotate_ about (3) the internal-focusing telescope.
the trunnion axis, provided with a clamp and slow motion screw. The instrument is levelled
Tlie first type is known as sradia theodolite,
with respect to a circular bubble mounted on the upper plate, and a longitudinal bubble
while the second type is known as 'tacheometer'.
tube mounted on the telescope. Fig. 21.15 shows the photograph of a compass transit by
The 'tacheometer' (as such) has the advantage
Breithaupt Kassel. The instrument is suitable for compass traversing, recounaissance, contOur
works, and for the purposes of forest departments. The .eccentric telescope admits steep
over the first and the third type due to the w ~ 00
fact that the additive constant of the instrument
sights (in mountainous area), being provided with stadia hairs for optical distance measurings FIG. 22.1. VARIOUS PATIERNS OF STADIA
is zero. However, the. internal focusing telescope· DIAPHRAGM.
(tacheomettic surveying). A telescope reversion spirit level suits the determination of . the
is becoming more popular, though it has a
station-height as well as auxiliary levelling. The vertical. circle is graduated to I o and reading (411)
with vernier can he taken upto · 6'. The compass ring is graduated to I o and reading can
he estimated to 6'.
412 at the point
st the two targets on the staff kept
the stadia hair so as to set them again nce between the
the latest patterns of internal focusing , the staff intercept, i.e., the dista
very small additive constant. Some of under observation. Thus, in this case betw een the stadia
anallactic (see § 22. 7). stadia interval, i.e., the dista nce
telescope may be regarded as strictly ·two targets is I<wt fixed while the sights may also be taken.
A tacheometer must essentially
incorporate the following features : hairs is variable. As in the case of fixed
hair method, inclined
the stadia hairs are not used , the readings
(!) The multiplying constant shou
ld have a nominal value of 100 The tangential method. In this method, paintings
staff inter cept, two
should not exceed I in 1000. being taken against the horizontal cross
-hair. To measure the
,; and the error conrained in this value y. This nece ssitates meas urem ent of vertical angles
ld be exactly midway between the of the instrUments are. therefore, ~itecessar
be 35 to 45 mm in diameter
The stadia method is based on the princ
the base is constant in similar isosc
two rays
iple that the ratio of the perpendicular
eles mangles.
OA and OB be equally inclined to
I (I) The st;tdia system
(a) Fixed Hair method or Stadia meth
(b) Movable Hair meth od, or Subt ense
case, the distance between the staff
and the point 0 will be 100 times I
I (2) The tan&ential system.
(3) Measurements by means of spec
ial insuuments.
the staff intercept. In actual prac-
tice, observations may be made
f = focal lenglh of the objective AB a'b' i . i i
f, = HorizoDial dislallCe of the staff from the optical centre of the objective. Distance from the axis 10 the staff is given by
f,. = HorizoDial distance of the cross-wires from 0. ... (22.1)
d = Distance of the vertical axis of the instrument fro111 0.
D·=FC+(f+Q) = f s+(f+Q)=ks+ C "[
D = Horizontal distance of the staff from the vertical axis of the instrumeru. Note. Since point F is the venex of the measuring triangle, il is also sometimes I
:I M = Centre of the instrument, corresponding to the vertical axis. called the a11allactic point. ·· ~
Since the rays BOb and AOa pass through the optical cerure. they are straight so Elevation of the Staff Station. Since the line of sight is horizontal, the elevation !·'
r that M A OB and aOb are similar. Hence of the staff station can be found out exactly in the same manner as the levelling. Thus.
f, $ ..•• (1) Elevation of staff station = Elevation of instrument axis - Cerurai hair reading
J,.= T Determinstion of constants k and C
Again, since f, and /, are conjugate focal distances, we bave from lens formula, The values of the multiplying constant k and the additive constant C can be computed
!=.!.+.!. ... (it) by the following methods :
f " f, 1st Method. In this method, the additive constant C =if+ Q) is measured from the
instrument while the mlllriplying constant k is computed from field observations :
Multiplying throughout by !!1 , we get /, =if+ f .
1. Focus the intrument to a distant object and measure along the telescope the distance
The horizontal distance between the axis and the staff is
10 the distance of the diaphragm from the objective.
2. The distance d between the instrument axis and the objective is variable in the
case of external focusing telescope, being greater for shon sights and smaller for long
II 01 D= f s+if+Q)=k.s +C
... [22.1 (a)] sights. It should, therefore be measured for average sight. Thus, the additive constant (/ + Q)
. I
. '1
li I
Equation 22.1 is known as the distance equation. In order to get the horizontal distance. is known.
therefore, the staff intercept s is to bO found by subtracting the staff .readings corresponding
to the top and bottom stadia hairs.
3. To calculate the multiplying constant k, measure a known distance D1 and take
the intercept s 1 on the staff kept at that point, the line of sight being horizonW. Using
II The constant k = f I i is known as the multiplying constam or stadia interval factor D, = k.s, + C or
equation 22.1. So
and the constant if+ d) = C is known as the additive· constant. of the instrument.
Alternative Method. Equation 22.1 can also be derived altei1Jlltively, with reference For average value, staff intercepts, s2 , s3 etc., can be measured corresponding to
to Fig. 22.4 in which the rays Bb' and Aa' passing through the exterior principal focns distance D2 , D 3 etc., and mean value can be calculated.
F. become parallel to the optical axis. The rays Aa and Bb pass through 0 and remain Note. In the case of some exJemal focusing instruments, the eye-piece-diaphragm unit
undev1ared. .. 1• • moves during focusing. For such instruments d "is constanl and does not vary while focusing.
1 1
Since the stadia interval ab is ~' ' · - A 2nd Method. In this method, both the constaflts are determined by field observations
... (22.5)
C D, s1 -D,s1
Sz- s,
... (22.3)
t--· --.
Thus, equations, 22.4 and 22.5
are the distance and elevation formulae
Thus, equations· 22.2 and 22.3 give the values of k and C.
for inclined line of sight.
{~~ :::~ o!e~:~
~ ~GHT . sta- ,. ------------ --
~~;...:::::~=· e
I I !
Q =.Staff station -·-·-
!A' v
Let P = Instrument station ;
M = Position of instruments axis; 0 = Optical centre of the objective
A, C, B =Points. corresponding to the readings of the three bairs
If the line of siglll bas an
~gle of elevation a, as shown m
F1g. 22.5, we have
: h 0 . .
-· ~
"-·-·-·- ·-
·-. c··-
•.• ... t·
s = AB = Staff intercept ; i =Stadia interval • ~e~:-~~ staff statio~
= Elev. 6: e · r
a = Inclination of the line of sight from the horizontal of instrmn~. S!"~O!' +'h_+l!~rtf ~
(b) Elevation of tbe staff sta- -
L = Length MC measured along the line of sight 0
D = MQ' =Horizontal distance between the instrument and the staff don for the angle or depression: VERTICAL HOLDING.
V =Vertical intercept, at· Q, between the line of sight and the horizontal line. Fig. 22.6,
.. Elevation of Q = Elevation of P + h- _V-
h = Height of the instrument
Central hair reading
13 = Angle between the two extreme rays corresponding to stadia hairs.
Fig. 22.7 shows the case
the staff is held normal to
: ~
Draw a line A'CB' (Fig. 22.5)
the line of sight. ~.
normal to the line of sight OC. ii
Case (a) Line of sight at an angle
L AA'C = 90' + ~· being the
exterior angle of the ACOA '.
or elevation a (Fig. 22. 7)
Let AB = s = Staff intercept; ~I!!ii:·.ti
being equal to 17' ll" for
The horizontal distance be-
tween P and Q is given by
I 0111 v
k = 100), L AA'C and L BB'C may NORMAL HOLDING. i i1
be approximately taken equal to 90'. FIG. 22.,, ELEVATED SIGHT
instrumenl. In 1840, Porro devised the external focusing ana/lactic telescope, the special The rays emanating from
fearure of which is an additional (convex) lens, called an anol/actic lens (or anallatic lens), A and B (corresponding to stadia
placed be!Ween the diaphragm and · wires) along AM and BM are re-
the objective at a .fixed distance fracted by the object glass and
from the latter. Fig. 22.9 (a) shows
the lines of sight with an ordinary 8
T meet at a poinl F '. The distance
be!Ween the anallactic lens and the 1 :VA. ' o = ks------------ 'W
.j, ---...
r,------1 ---1,--
telescope, and Fig. 22.9 (b) shows objective glass is so fixed that 1:
the lines of sight with an anallactic
lens. -~~-----M------~
1 the poinl F' happens to· be the
exrerinr principal focus Of the anal- FIG. 22.!0. THEORY QF ANALLAcnC LENS.
The word 'anallactic' means ~----------D=M+C------------i lactic lens. Hence, the rays passing
'unalterable' or 'invariable'; by the {a} Lines of sight with ordinary telescope through F ' · will emerge in a direction parallel to the axis of the telescope after being
provision of anallactic Ieos, the ver-
refracted by the anallactic lens. Then ab is the inve.rted image of the length AB of the
tex is formed at the vertical axis staff ; the points a and b correspond to the stadia wires. If the anallactic lens was not
interposed, the rays would have formed a virtual inlage b, a, at a distance f, from the ·.I
and its position is always fixed ir-
respective of the staff position. The !}f. object glass. t"'
.anallactic lens is generally provided
in ~Xterna! focusing telescope only ~
i From the conjugate relationship for the objective
I ... (1) ,.1:
and not in internal focusing telescope !!
(b) Unas of sight with snaDactlc Ions ! " f, to their distance from 0,
since the latter is virtually anallacric
Since the ~ngth of AB and a, b, are proportional
due to very small additive constant. FIG. 22.9. ii
p 42t
multiplier ff ' is a
s ,, ... (2) The value of f' and i must be so arranged that the
their distances (f, - n) and suitable number', say 100. If all these conditions are
For the anallactic lens, ab and a, b2 are conjugate, and D =ks = 100 s.
by the conjug ate relationship
(m - n) from N are connected
I Anallactfc Telescope : Inelined Sight
-= - - I- +m-n
-- ... (3)
It has been shown in Fig. ·22.10
!' (f,-n)
(f,- n) has been used since both ab and a2 b2 are to the same that if the conditions of equation 22.11
The minus 'i;" with are satisfied, the vertex of the anallactic
side of N.
their distances from N, we get angle will be formed at the centre of
Since the length of ab and a, b2 are proportional to instrument IJ4). Fig. 22.11 shows the r·
!:_=f ,-n ... (4) case of an inclined sight, from which
m-n the distance-elevation formulae can be
In order to obtain an expression forD, let us eliminate J,, m and i' from the directly derived.
equations. Multiplying (2) and (4), we get With the same notations as that
~=I! f,-n of Fig. 22.5, we have
i !z'm -n MC= L=k. A'B'=kscos 8
... (i)
But /!
="-f f and f, =J1j__
, from (I) D =Leos 8 =kscos' 8
... (il)
·I modem theodolires, the internal focusing telescopes bave zero additive constant. TlulS, an
sin29 t .
V = ks - - = 2 x 100 x 1.65 sm 4° 48' = 6.903
.oi 2
internal focusing telescope is virtually ana/lactic.
:I R.J,.. of P. = 77.750 + 1.420 + 6.903-2.055 = 84.018 m
il Since the focal length of the 'objective system' (i.e., object lens and sliding lens)
' varies with the distance of the object focused, the theory of internal focusing stadia telescope (b) Observation from B to P ':
:! is rather complicated. In general, the standard formulae developed for an anallactic telescope s = 2.815 - 0.785 = 2.03 m tl
readings 1.640, 1.920 and 2.200, the inclination of the line of sight being +I o 6~ Calculate Average elevation of P= i (84.018 + 84.014) = 84.016 m !
i; the horizontal distance between A and B , and the elevation of B if the R.L. of B.M. ~pie 22.3. Deternuite the gradient.from a point A to a point B from the following i I!
I· is 418.685 metres. The constants of the instruments were 100 and 0.3. observations made with a tacheometer fitted with an anal/a¢c lens. The coliStanl of the
" Solution. instrument was 100 and the staff was held ve.rtically.: · C-•C> (
li sin 2a . lnst. station Staff point Bearing Vertical angle Staff readin.QS i;·
(a) ·Observation to B.M.: V=ks- -+Csma I,
l AI'
2 p . /34 ° + 10 ° 32' 1.360. ·1.915, 2.4JO !:
Here. k = 100 ; s = 2.200 - 1.640 = 0.560 ·m ; C = 0.3 m
+5°6' 1.065. 1.885, 2.705
V= i x 100 x 0.56 sin 2° 12' + 0.3 sin I o 6'= 1.075 + 0.006 = 1.081 m
B 224°
!' Solution.
i; Elevation of collimation at the instrument = 418.685 + 1.920 - 1.0?! = 419.524 m
(a) Observation from P to A :
(b) Observation to B :
s ;= 2.470 - 1.360 = 1.11 m
n s = 2.955 -2.255 = 0.700 m; a= 8° 24' ~
!?<j!D=kscos'a= IOOx 1.11 cos' 10°32' = 107.3 m n:
I! D =kscos' a+ Ccos a= 100 X 0.7 cos' 8° 24' + 0.3 X cos 8° 24' -
=-V=ks-}sin2a=-}x IOOx 1.11 sin21°4'=~
= 68.506 + 0.2968 ~ 68.80 m
Difference in elevation between A and instrument axis ~
V=ksisin 2a + Csin a =i X 100 X 0.7 sin 16° 48' + 0.3 sin 8° 24' (A being higher) i!'
= 19.95- 1.915 = 18.035 m
= 10.116 + 0.044 =.10.160
Observation from P to B :
R.L. of B = 419.524 + 10.160-2.605 = 427.079 m ~]
s = 2.705 - 1.065 = 1.64 m
Axample 22.2. The elevation of ~ point Pis to be dete171'ined fly observations from
two adjacetzl slalion.s of a tacheome1ric survey. The staff was held venical/y upon the poinl,
pp j2. = ks cos 2
9 = 100 x 1.64 x cos 5° 6' = 162.7 m
and the instrument is fitted within an ana/lactic lens, the constanl of the instrumenl being V = ks i sin 28 =-} x 100 x 1.64 sin 10' 12' = 14.521 m
100. Compute the elevation of the point P from the following data, taking both the observations
as equally trusrwonhy : C, o
Difference in elevation between B and instrument axis
= 14.521 - 1.885 = 12.636 m • (B being bigber) 'l
lnst: (h)Height of axis Staffpoint Vertical angle Staff readings Elevation
of station (c) Gradient from A to B : -. !
• DistanCe AP=107.3 m; DistanCe BP=162.7 m
A" 1.42 ·P · + 2 o 24' .. 1.2l0, 2.055, 2.§80 77.750m
""=" L APB = 224°- 134° = 90°,..--------
AB = ~ AP' + BP' = ~ (107.3)2 + (162.7) = 194.9 m :j
B 1.40 P -3 o 36',. \0.785, 1.800, 2.815 97.135 m
. . """"=
Also, calculate the distance of A and B from P. Difference in elevation between t1 an~ B. ,,
(a) Observation from A to P : (A being higher)
Solution. = 18.035 - 12.636 = 5~
s = 2.880 - 1.230 = 1.65 m
D = ks cos'~-= 100 X 1.65 cor 2° 24' = 164.7 m
Gradient from A to B = ~~~-~-1 in 36.1 (f~ing).
____,-· ';,,,
Axample 22.7. 1Wo distances of 20 and IOO metres were accurately measured out Solving equations (I) and (2), we get
r=0.63 m
and the illlercepts on the staff between the outer stadia webs were O.I96 m at the former s=0.49 m
distance and 0. 996 at the latter. Calculate the tacheometric constonrs. s=2(r 1 -r)
Solution. Let the co.;tants be k and C 9
or r, = 0 ; + r = 0.245 + 0.63 = 0.875
For the first observation 20=ks+C=k x0.196+C ... (1)
and r, = r, - s = 0.875 - 0.49 = 0.385
For the second observation 100 = k x 0.996 + C
H~ the readings are 0.385, 0.63, 0.875.
Subtractiog (i) from (il), we get 1<(0.996 - 0.196) = 100-20 taken on three points
k = 100
v'!fxample 22.9. Wuh a racheometer stationed at P. sighls were
From which
A, 8 and C as follows :
Substirutir(g' in (1), we get C = 20 - 0.196 x 100 = 0.4 m.
~pie 22.8. 1\tlo sets of tacheometric readings were taken from on instrument slation Inst. at To Vertical angle Stadia readings
A. the reduced level of which was I00.06 m to a staff station B. p A - 4 ° 30' ~ 2.405, 2. 705, 3.005 R.L. of A = 107.08 m
(a) Instrument P- multiplying constanl IOO, additive constanl 0.06 m, staff held vertical. Stoff held normal
(b) Instrument Q- multiplying cons/atU 90, additive constanl 0.06 m. staff held normal 00 0. 765, I.070, I.375 R.L. ofB = JJ3.4I m
' 8 ()()'
to the liiUI of sight. Stoff held vertical
Instrument At To Ht of Inst. Vertical Stadia readings (m)
angle C + 2 • 30' 0. 720, I. 700, 2. 680 Stoff held vertical
p A 8 I.5m 26° 0,755, I. 005, I. 255 The telescope was of the draw tube type and the focal length of the object glass
were of equal length, the distance of
Q A 8 I.45 m 26° ? was 25 em. For the sights to A and 8, which
What should be the stadia readings with instrument Q ?
It is required to determine f' and i.
the object glass from the vertical axis· was 12 an. For sighl to C, the distance of object
... (22.11)
glass from the venical axis was 11 em. From equation 22.11, we have n = f' +
/+ d
Ca/cuJaJe (a) the spadng of the cross-hairs in the diaphragm and (b) the reduced
level to C. 23 x 11.5 _ 19 _ 7 _65 = 11.35 em.
.. f'=n-J.t!_= 19
f+d 23 + 11.5
(•) Observation from P to A : (Ref. Fig. 22.8) ff'
From equation 22.10 a, k = if+f'-n) i
s = 3.005 - 2.405 = 0.6 m
I 25 X 0.6 25 + 12 15 i= ff' _ 23 x 11.35 _ 0 _17 em.
L=--,-. s + (f+d) = - - .-+ - - =--:-+ 0.37 or k if+ f' - n) 100(23 + 11.35 - 19)
l l ' 100 l
v = L sine= L sin 4' 30' = 0.0785 L = 0.0785 ( 1i5 + 0.37) = 1.~ + 0.029 Example 22.11. An anallactic tacheometer in use on a remote survey was damaged
and it was dedded to use a glass diaphragm not originally designed for the insmunent.
r cos e = 2.1o5 cos 4' 30' = 2.1 The spadng to the outer lines of the new diaphragm was I. 25 mm. focal lengths of the
R.L. of instrumeru collimation object glass and anallactic lens 75 mm. fixed distance between object glass and mmnion
75 axis 75 mm, and the anallactic lens could be moved by an adjusting screw between its
= 101.o8 + r cos a+ v = 107.08 + 2.1 + ( 1.1l 75 + o.029)
-· .
= 109.78 + 1.1
... (I)
limiting positions 75 mm and 100 mm from the object glass. In order to make the multiplier
(u) Observation from P to B : 100, it was dedded to a4iust the position of the anaJlactic lens, or if this proved inadequale,
Since the line of collimation is horizontal, its level= 113.41 + 1.07 = 114.48 ... (2) to graduate a spedal staff for use with the instrument. Make calcu/Jltion to detennine which
course was necessary and if a special staff is required, detennine the co"ect calibration
Equating (I) and (2), we get
and the additive constant (if any).
=0.25 em =2.5
109.78 + 1.1 = 114.48 or i nm Solution
The optical diagram is shown in
Fig. 22:12 . Since the telescope is no ! h y ---->!"" i
i 0.25 ..0 .:1 ..b :.--- Q
longer anallactic, the apex (M') of the I
piece end moves in focusing, the general description being as follows : ! " f, . o----->1
Focal length of objective f = 23 em. Fixed distance d between the objective and venical f,=.JJL '
axis 11.5 an ; diaphragm : lines on glass in cell which may be withdrawn. !o-f
It is desired to convert the instrwnent into an anallactic tocheometer by insening an ad- where f = Focal length of ~
ditional positive lens in. a tube and ruling a new diaphragm so as to give a mulliplier objective = 7.5 em I~
of 100 for intercepts on a venical staff ; and in this connection it is found that I9 em ~
will be a convenient value for the fixed distance between the objective and the anal/actic f, = Objective distance = M' 0 = - y ; f, = image distance= FO =x
Detennine : (a) a suitable value of the focal length f' of the anallactic lens, and
Substituting the values, we get x- · (- y) = ~
(-y)-7.5 7.5+y
... (!) ·r
(b) the e:cact spacing of the lines on the diaphragm. From similar triangles M'a 1 b 1 and M'AB I·
Solution. a1 b1 AB s ... (!)
With our notatiom, we have d=ll.5cm; f=23cm; n=l9cm; k=IOO. -y-=d+y=d+y
' From similar triangles F 'a, b2 and F 'a 1 b 1
In the limiting case, equating (I)
and (2), we ( ~e.t ~ l40il
= 20 51' 45" = z· 52'.
a, b, a, b,
0.125 I sec' a=~ or 8=sec '1400 J
-x-=y= -;;-:s= 60 400
Example 22.13. State zhe e"or that would occur in hamontal distance with an ordinary
Eliminating a, b, from (z) and (iz), we get
stadia teleset>pe in which the focal length is 25 em, the mulliplier constanJ 1()(), and the
~-..!.. additive constanJ 35 em, when an ,e"or of 0. 0025 em exists in the interval berween zhe
d+y- 60
stadia lilies.
Substiruting the value of x from (1), we get
Solution. The horizontal distance is given by D = LI s + C
~- _!_ 1.5+y
- ---1. )
j-.211...)-8(7.5+y SD =error in distance and Si = error in the stadia interval, we get.
from which d = 8(7.5 + y) s- y SD =- s L, .Si ... (1)
Hence D= d+1.5 = 8(7.5 + y) s- y +1.5 I
~ -7.5 = 5 em. L= 100 or i =L =·Ji.= 0.25 em.
For the multiplier to be 100, we have 8(7.5 + y) = 100; or y = Now , i 100 100
Substiruting the value of y in (I), we get Substituting the values, of ~ , i and Si in (1), we get
X= 7.5 X y = 7.5 X 5 = 3 em.
7.5+y 7.5+5 SD =- s. f.+. Si =-s (100) (o.~) (0.0025) =- s.
Hence the anallactic lens should be placed at a distance of 3 + 7.5 = 10.5 em from Thus, the error in
the distance is numerically equal to the staff intercept.
the object glass. But since the maximum distance through which the lens can be moved THE SUBTENSE METHOD q
is 10.0 em only, this is not possible. Placing it at a distance of 10 em from the object L!
x = 10-7.5 = 2.5 em= .J.2L In the stadia principle, we have seen that whatever may be the distance between
7.5 + y
the staff and the tacheometer, the tacheometric angle is always a constant for a given
y=3.75 em with
telescope. The staff intercept, which forms the base of stadia measurement, varies
Substiruting the values of x and y in (3), we get the tacheometric formula, lhe distance of the staff from the insuwnent. The principle of subtense method is just
D = 8(7.5 + 3.75) s- 3.75 + 7.5 =90s+ 3.75 (em) lhe reverse of it. In this case, as Ulusirated ·in Fig. 22.13, the staff intercept s forms
the fixed base while the tacheometric angle ~ changes with the staff position. This
= 90 s + 0.0375 (metres).
* be attained by sighting a graduated staff having the targets al some fiXed distanee apart
If it is desired to have the multiplier constanJ as 1()(), a specially gradualed szaff
(say 3 metres or 10 ft) and changing the interVal i between the stadia wires iill the
having its graduations longer in the ratio of wiU have to be used. now
of sights correspooding to the stadia wires bisect the targets. If the staff position is
Example 22.12. Find upto what vertical angle, sloping distances may be 1/Jken as changed, the value of i is changed. In subtense measureme nt, the base may be kept either
hamontaJ distance in stadia work, so that zhe e"or may not exceed 1 in 4()(). Assume horizontal or vertical. If the base is
that the instrumenl is fitted with an anallactic lens and that the staff is held vertical1y. vertical, the method is known as 'ver-
Solution. Let the angle be e. tical base subtense method' and the
True horizontal distance = D = ks cos' 8 ; Sloping distance = L = ks angle at F can be measured with the F
help of special diaphragm. If the base
Sloping distance _!::. = ks =sec' 8 ... (I)
is horizontal, the methOd is known
Horizontal distance D b cos' 8
as 'harizontal base subtense method'
If the error is I in 400, we have and the angle at F can be measured j: ·
L 400 +I 401 ... (2) wilh the horizontal circle of lhe theo-
15 ='""400 =400 dolite by the method of repetition. FIG. 22, 13. PRINCIPLE OF SUBSI"ENSE METHOD.
433 'I
Fig. 22.14 shows the optical
diagram for ·observations througb
a subsreose theodolite. For the slaff
I• ·
. D= K. s cos'G+ CcosG
K.s sin26 c·
V = - - . - - + sm 6 =D tan 6.
... [22.13 (b)]
to the positions of stadia wires
for this observation so that the
lines of sigbt imersect the targets
at 11 aod B. Similarly, the dashed
lines show the corresponding optical
•j: o=o::o,==~----+!
it with accuracy and speed. Fig. 22.15 (a) shows
diagranuDatically the form of a stadia diaphragm
for this purpose.
Each hair of Lie stadia diaphragm can be
moved by a separate sliding frame actuated by
diagram for another staff position at Q, the staff intercept being the same. a micrometer screw with a large graduated head. l
Let AB = s = Staff intercept = distance between the targets The number of complete turns on the screw ar~ f'
directly visible in the field ohiew, and the fractions I' ~
ab = i = Stadia interval measured at the diaphragm E!il i:
F = Ex<erior principal focus of the objective are read on the graduated head. When hoth the 100 1 I 09 I 1
hairs coincide with the central mark of lhe comb ® i:
M = Cenrre of the instrument '·
a' • b' = Points on the objective corresponding to A and B. •.hey are m the plane of the line of sight and I' I·
(b) Rod wilh targets
tt.c reading on e•cil graduated head should be (al Subtense diaphragm ·.,.
Other notations are same as earlier. 1 ,:
zero. Wben an observation !c;, made, both the
FIG. 22.15 ):
From 6s a'b'F and FAB
heads are rotated till each hair bisects its target. 1
FC FO ! Fig. 22.15 (b) shows one form of the rod fitted with three targets. ·1·~
or FC=Ls
s= a'b'=T I
The instrumental constants K and C can best be determined by measuring the additive
D = FC+ MF=L s + (f +d)
constant C along the telescope (as in the case of stadia method) and observing the micrometer
Thus. the expression for the subtense measurement is the same as for the stadia readings corresponding to staff kept at some measured distance.
method. The only difference is that in this expression. s is fixed quantity while i is variable. Let D, and D, = Measured distances from the instrument
Due to this reason, the multiplying factor L varies with the staff position and is no longer
.f = Pixerl di~tance becween the two targets
,., "'
constant. The stadia interval i is measured wilh the help of micrometer screws (Fig. 22.15) m1 =Sum of the two micrometer readings when the staff is kept at distance D1
having a pitch p. m, = Sum · of two micrometer readings when the staff is kept at distance D, i,l:
Let m be the total number of the revolutions of the micrometer screw~ for the staff e = Index error.
intercept s. Then i = mp. Substituting the value of i, we get Substituting the corresponding values in equation 22.13 (a), we get 1.:
D=.Ls+(f+ tf) or D=Ks+C ... (22.13) D 1 = .!f.c..!_ + C or K. s = (D 1 - C)(m,- e) ... (!)
mp m fi(
where K = L = constant for an instrument aod C = additive constant.
D, = .!f.c..!_ + C or K . s = (D,- C)(m, -e) . .. (il)
p and 1':·
m2- e
If. however, e is the index error, expression 22.13 reduces to
Equating (I) and (il), we get (D, - C)(m, - e) = (D, - C)(m, - e)
D=--+C ... [22.13 (a)) ,I
(D 2 - C)m,- (D, - C)m, ... (22.14)
m-e From which e= !i,,
(D, -D 1)
Expression 22.13 can be extended for inclined sigbts also exactly in the same manner
as for stadia method. Thus, for inclination a and staff vertical, we have Substituting the value of e in (!), we get
The 'movable hair method' or the vertical base subtense method
has become almost obsolete due to lack iri the speed in the field. Moreover, since the
are not quicker.
(equation 22.13), the compu tations
variable m comes in the denominator
stadia method, since only targets
Long sights can be taken with greater accuracy than in
i is measured very accurately.
are to be bisected, but this advantage may be neutralised unless base
c; The term 'subtense method' is now more or less exclusively applied to lwmonral
(I' subtense metlwd.
"---J In this method, the base AB is kept . :
in a horizontal plane and the angle AOB e centring and levelling.
'li The bar is centrally supported on a levelling head for accurat
is measured with the help of the horizontal to rotate the bar about its vertical axis.
A clamp and slow motion screw is also provided
circle of the theodolite. the centre of the bar to align
: ,,~ : Either a pair of sights or a small telescope is provided at
Thus, in Fig. 22.16, let AB be the lite station and the centre of the bar.
it perpendicular to the line OC joining the theodo
' J~i :ii horizontal base of a length s ·and let 0 n 22.17 is valid, the longitudinal axis of the
j::!l It should be noted that in order that equatio
be the position of the intrument meant for
measuring the horizontal angle AOB. If the
line AB is perpendicular to the line OC,
subtense bar must be perpendicular to the line OC.
The angle AOB at 0 is usually measured with a theodolite,
of repetition. It should be noted here that the difference
preferably by method.
in elevation between theodolite
where C is midway between A and 8, we maguitude of the angle AOB,
station 0 and subtense bar station C does not affect the
sirice the angle AOB is always measured on the horizom
al circle of the theodolite. If,
/ , it will have to be reduced
~- 2 ~PI2 ... (22.16) however. the angle AOB is measured with the help of a- sextent
f D=ts cot
to horizonral.
tal distanct:: between 0 and
Equation 22.16 is the standard expression for ilic horizon Effect of Angnlar Error on Horizontal Distance.
C. If P is small, we get (s) of the subtense base.
It is evident from equation 22.17 that for a given length
e enor in the measurement
tan ~ = ~ p, where p is in radians D is inversely proportional to the angle p. Hence the negativ
the distanc e D and vice versa.
of the angle will produce a positive error in
= f 20 !
65 , if P is in
seconds (since I radian = 206265 seconds) Let the angular eror be 5p (negative), and the resultin
Then, we have
g linear error be 5D (positive).
a theodolite /Jy a subtense bar
Example 22.16. The horiVJnla/ angle subtended at ;I
liD= DliP with vanes 3 m apan is 12 '33". Calculate the horizontal distance berween the instrument· I •
p +liP and the bar. Also find (a) the e"or of horizomal distance if the bar was 3 • from being
.I If, however, liP is very small in comparison to p, we have normal to the line joining the instrument and bar stations ; (b) the e"or of the horizolllal
liD=DiiP distance if there is an e"or of 1' in the measurement of the horiVJnta/ angle at the
instrumelll sraJion.
Long Non-rigid Subtense Bases : For the measurement of comparatively long lines, the:" Solution. p = 12' 33" = 753" li
subtenSe base must also be correspondingly long to preserve a suitable Dis ratio. The non-rigid. . 206265 206265 I
base may vary in length from 20 metres to 150 metres. For traversing on large scale,' From equabon 22.17, D = ~ s =---=)53 x 3 = 821.77 m. r.
a compact well-designed subtense base outfit is very much useful. 'Hunter's Shon Base' (a) The above distance was calculated on the assumption that the bar was normal
designed by Dr. de Graaf:Hunter is a typi!:ai type of outfit used by Survey of India. to the line joining the instrument and bar station. If, however, the bar is not normal,
If consists of four lengths of s~l ·iape each of 66' length, connected by swivel joints.
the correct horizontal distanee is given: by
The hase is supported on two low-end tripods and three intermediate bipods, one at the l
D' = D cos p = 821.77 cos 3' = 820.64 m ~~
end of each tape. Targets are inge)liously mounted on the terminal tripods where correct \
amount of tension is applied by attaching a weight to a lever arm connected to one of ' Error= D'- D = 821.77 - 820.64 = 1.13 m
~ I'
the end targets. The whole base outfit weighs only 20 lb and can be set up in a few 1.1 3 = 1 m
e = ii2o:64
· of error = D' · 726 .
minutes. If a shorter length is required, the intermedi"!O .supports and tape lengths may ,
be dispensed with. An effective base appararus like this goes a long way towards solving ·'
Ra bo
(b) If there is an error of I" in the measurement of the angle at the instrument.
the main difficulty of subtense measurements ·on a large scale. · •
'D- D 5P - 821.77 X I 1.09 m.
Example 22.14. The stadia inJercept read /Jy means of a fixed hoir instrumenl on we have u - p - 753
a venica/ly held staff is 1. 05 metres, the angle of eleva/ion being 5 ' 36 ~ The instrument ..
constanls are 100 and 0.3. What would be the total number of rums registered on a 22.10. HOLDING THE SfAFF •,,,'
movable hair instrument at the same station for a 1. 75 metres intercept on a staff held : There are two methods of holding the staff rod in the stadia method : ~t
on the same poinl, the venica/ angle in this case being 5 • 24' and the constanls 1000 ' (I) Vertical holding. (it} Normal holding. ~_·f
i' 1
and 0.5 ? (I) Vertical holding. In order to keep the errors of verticality within very narrow
Solution. (a) ObservaJions by means of fixed hair ins/romenl : limits, the staff should be held strictly vertical. Since the margin of allowable error is
very narrow, sooie sort of device must be used to ascertain the verticality of the rod.
D = ks cos' a+ c cos a = 100 X 1.05 cos' 5° 36' + 0.3 cos 5' 36' ~
The plummets and pendulums, if used for this purpose, are clumsy and too much at the
I, l
= 104.29 m. ~
mercy of the wind. A neater method is to fit a small circular spirit level or a single
(b) Observa.tWns by means of movable hair inslromenl level tube with its axis perpendicular to the face of the staff.
D=!!_s cos' a+ Coos a Fig. 22.18 shows two patterns of circular levels. The folding pattern [Fig. 22.18
n (a)) is attached to the rear side of the staff and perpendicular to it so that the staff
1000 is vertical when the bubble is cetral. It must be screwed on very firmly and adequately i:,.
104.29 = 1.75 cos' 5° 24' + 0.5 cos 5' 24'
n guarded so that it does not catch-in things or get broken 1·:
1734.5 = 103 8 = 1734.5 = 16 71 at the hinges. Fig. 22.18 (b) shows a circular level I'
· n · or n 103.8 • ]i
mounted on a strong bracket. Circular· levels are useful
Example 22.15. The constanl for an instrumelll is 850, the value of C = 0.5 m, in indicating whether the staff is out of plumb in any
and intercept s = 3 m. Calculate the distance from the instrumelll to the staff when the direction. However, since slight deviation of the staff i:·
micrometer reading are 4.628 and 4.626 and the line of sigh/ is inclined at 10 • 36~ The in lateral dil;ections is not much important, a single level !.!
staff was held venica/. bibe rigidly attached to the staff may be used with advantage. \ii
Solution. Sum of micrometer readings= n = 4.628 + 4.626 = 9.254 The method of vertical holding of the staff is most (a) (b)
commonly adopted for the following reasons : (a) The
D= nK.s cos a+ C cos a= 850x3
9 254
cos' 10' 36' + 0.5 cos 10' 36' staff can be held plumb easily. and (b) The reduction FIG. Z2.1B. LEVE:.S FOR HOLDING
= 226.7 m.
-- il
l'!1'. of stadia notes are less laborious and greatly simplified by the use of stadia tables or
(b) The Height of Instrument Method
Ill cbarts.
(il) Normal Holding. The staff can be held nonnal to the line of sight either with
Steps :
(z) Sight the staff and bring the otiddle hair to the reading equal to the height ·of
the instrument, thus making r equal to h.
),I the help of a peep sight or with the help of a detector. A peep sight enables the staffman
l'! to ascertain the correct position himself, and may be in the fonn of either a pair of
(ir) Read the two stadia hairs.
(iir) Read the vertical angle.
1:11 open sights on a metal bar for short sights or a telescope for very long sights. The line The main purpose of using this method is to facilitate in calculating the elevation
' 'f·
of sighis provided by a deep sight must be perpendicular to the face of the staff. of the staff since r is equal to h. However, the disadvantages of this method are :
Fig. 22.19 (a) shows an ordinary .Staff
'i , (z) all the three readings are uneven ;
peep sight consisting of a metal tube
: '! (ir) in some cases r carmot be made equal to h ;
fitting in a metal socket machined for (iii) it adds to the difficulty of the field work and bas nothing to offer in return.
this purpose. At A, a small hole is
provided while a pair of cross-hairs (c) The Even-augle Method :
i is provided at B. The staff is inclined Steps :
I slowly, either towards the instrument (r) Sight the staff and with the help of the vertical circle tangent screw, bring the
or away from it as the case may be, zero of the vernier into exact coincidence with the nearest division on the vertical circle.
! till the line of sight bisects the telescope. The even angles generally employed are multiples of 20'.
i The reading is then taken. Fig. 22.19 ) (b) (ir) Read the stadia hairs.
I (b) illustrates how a peep sight is used.
The tube may also be fitted with lenses
FIG. 22.19. TilE PEEP SIGIIT. (iiz) Read the ntiddle hair.
The main advantages of this method are : (r) since the even angles are multiples
forming a small telescope to assist the of 2,0', the .trouble of measuring a vertical angle is saved ; (iz) the computations are simpler.
l staffman in setting the rod for long sights. Strictly, the peep sight sbould be attached to
· the rod at the reading of the central hair, but it is sufficient to place it at the height 22.12. STADIA FIELD WORK
j: of eye of the staffman. The advantages of normal holding are : General Arrangement of Field Work. The tacbeometric survey can be put to a
i: (r) For a given amount of error in the direction, the errors caused in the distances great variety of uses, the principal being the following:
and elevations are less serious in the nonnal holding than in the vertical holding. In cases I. Plane surveying involving location of points in plan, but no elevations.
where accuracy is essential, angles are large, and the staff has no reliable plumbing device, 2. Rapid sectioning on steep ground, involving elevations of points and their location
the only way out of the difficulty is to observe the normal staff. along a line.
:i' (ir) The accuracy in the direction of the staff can also be judged by transit man. 3. Topography, involving elevations. of points as well as their location in plan.
22.11. METHODS OF READING THE STAFF 4. Contouring, involving the location or setting out and surveying of level contour
There are three methods of observing the staff for distance and altitude : (r) the lines.
conventional three-hair method ; (it) the height of instrument method ; aud (iit) the even-angle When stadia methods are to be used for filling in detail, adequate control are highly
method. The observations consist of the staff intercept (s), the middle hair reading (r), desirable. It is advisable to carry out the following preliminary operations :
I. To establish a sufficient number of well-selected stations for exercising horizontal
and the vertical angle (9).
(a) The Conventional Three-Hair Method :
2. To detennine the reduced level of these stations.
Steps :
3. To determine the position of at least one control point with respect to some
(!) Sight the staff and using the vertical circle tangent screw, bring the apparent
well established station (e.g. a nearby trig-<tation) whose co-ordinates are known.
lower hair to bear exactly on some convenient reading (say 0.5 m or I m).
For vast surveys, horizontal control points are as a rule fixed by a triangulation,
(iz) Read the apparent upper hair. but occasionally, a combination of triangulation and traversing may be employed with advantage.
(iiz) Read the ntiddle (or· axial) hair. When the tract to be surveyed is sufficiently narrow that half of its breadth is within
(iv) Read the vertical angle to the nearest minute or closer in important observations. the sighting range of the instrument, the survey can be controlled by an open traverse
The advantages of this method are that staff is easier to be read (since only two approairnately along the centre line of the strip. For moderate areas, the arrangement may
readings are uneven values) and the subtractions for finding s and checking its accuracy
are easier.
:·:r should be measured with the vertical vernier set to zero and the altitude bubble central.
consist of a single main traverse from which numerous circuits are projected. When the This observation is very important since all observations for altitude are practically worthless
survey is too broad on a single traverse, the control may be furnished either by a triangulation unless the heisi>t of axis is recorded.
(3) Orienting the instrument : Since a nomber of rays or directions of sight may
i! or by a series of traverse.
Triangulation. If triangulation is used to fix the horizonw control points (or tacheometer emerge from one station, the instrument should be properly oriented when zero is clamped
stations) the first step is the establishment of a suitable base. This may be accomplished: on the horizontal circle. The reference line passing through the instrument may be a true
I. By making use of major control points such as trig-stations. meridian or magnetic meridian or arbitrary meridian. If the reference line is a tnje meridian
2. By measurement with a steel tape. or magnetic meridian, reading on the horizontal circle should be zero when the line of
By subtense measurement. sight along that meridian and the angles to different rays or directions will directly be
their whole circle bearings. If, however, the instrnment is oriented with reference to another
The first method is the most suitable and accurate if a pair of convenient trig-stations station _of the survey, ·the circle should read the bearing of this station when the line
within early reach of the area to be surveyed, since the length of the line joining them of sight is directed to it. Once an instrument bas been correctly oriented, the position
and its bearing are known precisely. Second method may be used if such stations are of the circle should not be disturbed until all the readings at the station are completed.
not situated nearby. The third method of establishing the base by subtense measurement (4) Observing siiJff held on bench nuuk : In order to know the elevation of the
can be employed in any sort of difficult country. centre of the instroment, the staff should be kept on the nearest B.M. and tacheometric
Traversing. The lengths of the traverse courses may be measured either . by tape observations should be taken to the staff. If the B. M. is not nearby, the staff should
or tacheometrically. Similarly, the elevations of the insp-ument stations can be determined, be observed on a point of known elevation, or flying levels may be run from the B.M.
either by spirit levelling or by tacheometrical levelling, depending upon the degree of accuracy
to establish one near the area.
required. The tacheometric methods for determining the lengths of traverse line ·and the (5) Observations of distDnce and al!itude : In order to know the horizontal distance
elevations of stations can be used only in small-scale work.
and elevation of the representative points. the following observations are made on the staff:
Tacheometer Stations, It is desirable that main stations should be fixed and surveyed
before the techeometric detail work is pursued. The best tacheometer station is one which (i)Stadia hair readings
commands a clear view of the ,-ea to be surveyed within the range of observations. With Axial hair readings
(iii) Angle of elevation or depression of line of sight.
regard to elevation, it should be ,·o suited that the use of large vertical angles is avoided. The staff may be held either vertical or normal to the line of sight. The three
!' The great majority of tacheomete' stations are generally the stadia traverse station. Skill
in selecting the best stations is largely the result of observations and experience. methodS of observing the staff have already been discussed.
The observations to various points are knOwn as side shots. Observations can be
Field Party. For surveys of small extents, a surveyor and a staffrnan are sufficient;
taken more quickly and systematically if all the stations are along the radial lines through.
but for surveys of large extent in a rough country, the field party may consist of :
the station at some constant angular interval. For general work, the bearings should be
I. The Surveyor or Chief of the party for the over-all control of the survey.
observed to S' and the vertical angles read to the nearest I'.
2. The instrument man to take the actual observations.
;!. The r~"f~!": .,.., ~eC"r:-1 ~he reacting~ t2ken hy the in~ti'.JT!lent man. iieid Duo&. 'fh~;; Tgbk bdr.n.. · t fue 1JS'J?.l fum" nf bookin!?' the field notes.
4. Two or four staffmen, depending upon the expertness of the instrument man. STADIA FIELD BOOK
5. Labourers for clearing and transport. R.L.
Suu/IIJ v Re/11/W
Tacheometric Observations. The following are the usual operations :
(I) Setting up the instrunumt : This consists of :
B•of Stll/1 Bearing Vel1kal
Balr Axilll Suu/IIJ
IJIIgl< Reading Balr IIIler-
Reading cepl
(a) Setting the instrument exactly over the station mark, and
(b) Levelling it carefully. I nUt. SID/f
The instrument should first be levelled up with respect to the plate levels and then lZ
with respect to the altitude bubble. In general if the altitude bubble deviates only by one 2 3 "4 5 6 7 8 9
division during a complete revolution of the instrument about its vertical axis, the instrument 30. + 2° 24' 2.880 2.0SS 1.65 164.7 6.903 77.7SlJ 84.Qt8
may be regarded as level. However, for all important observations, the bubble should be p 1.42 m A
central when the middle hair is read. t.800 2.03 202.1 12.TI 77.7SlJ 64.640
940 '30' - 3° 36' ~
(2) Measuring the height of the instrument. The height of the instrument (H.l.) B
is the vertical distanee from the top of the peg to the centre of the object glass and
to the staff station are computed from the observed vertical angles to lhe vanes fixed at .. .'D=~
tan az- tan a, .
a cOnstant distance apart upon lhe staff. The stadia hairs ~e. therefore, oot used and
... (22.21)
lhe vane is bisected every time with lhe axial bair. Thus, two vertical angles are to be
measuted-<>ne corresponding to each vane. There may be three cases of the vertical angles:
stan az
(l) Bolh angi\'S are angles of elevation. = D tan c:;- tan a.1 tan a,
(il) Bolh angles are angles of depression.
(iil) One angle of elevation and the olher of depression. FIG. 22.21. TANGBN'IlAL MBTIIOD
Case I. Both W_,; are Angles of ,Elevation s cos a, sin a, .. (22.22) ANGLES .OF DEPRESSION
Lei P = Position ·of . the instrunient sin (a,- a,)
Q = Staff station :evatfon of Q = (Elevation of P +_h)- V- r.
M = Position of instrument axis Case ffi,--oiieAngle of Elevation· and other of Depression:
A , B = Position of vanes V=Dtanaz ... (1)
s = Distance between the vanes-<taff intercqlt .-<'
and s- V=D tan a, ... (il) ~
of 100, like O.o3 or 3%, 0.12..or 12% etc.. These angles can be laid off accurately with
the aid of an appropriate SCale on the vertical circle and the computations are easier. If where a, and a, are the correct angles.
i ·\
a, aod a, are consecutive angle{ whose tangents differ by 1%, we get
i . /' Now tan (a, + 20") =tao a, + a, aod tan (a,- 20") =tan a,- a,
of 20".
. 1:r ·1
D= s - s =IOOs. wbere a, and a,_ are the tangeol differeo<:e corresponding to a difference :'I
tan a,- tan~a1 0.01 'i ;::i
... (22.25)
Thlis, the method enables reducti~ns to be performed mentally. By reference to trigonometric s
1'.,. tables, a list of the required angles may be prepared as follows :
.. ~-
a, -tan az) +(a, + a,)
V = D tan a, = 34.53 tan 2' 30' .= 1.508 m and V = (6.27 x 1.5) + 0.02 = 9.43 m.
;;,- R.L. of A = 438.556 + i.5os - 1 = 439.064 m STADIA REDUcnON TABLE
reodings of
./Exam ple 22.18. An observaJion with a percell1flge theodolite gave staff
1. 052 and 2502 for angles of elevation of 5% and 6% respectively. On sighling the graduollon 11'
,. 2' 1"
' .
venical angle
corresponding to the height of the instrument axis above the groand, the
a = 5' 46', the values of horizon tal correct ion to give V = .30 m are calculated for various ~ .. 29
. to lltllftst sutmd
. . }:In 28
off on the top horizontal
angles. The calculated values of distance reading are marked O.GI 0 34 23 0.06 3 26 46
lines may be drawn. for angles
line and joined to the origin by straight lines. The radial I 08 46 O.o? 4 01 26
diagram. 0.02
at interval of every 5' or 10' depending upon the size of 0.08 4 36 12
To use the diagram, let s = 1.5 m, distance reading =
ks = 100 x LS ISO. If 0.03 1 43 12
39 0.09 5 11 06
may be reduced still 0.04 2 17
a= 4•, we get V = IU.S m from the disgram . Thus, the observa tions
52 11 0.10 5 46 rn
n diagram . 0.05 2·
more rapidly by the use of the reductio
The divisions of the scale are of such
v magnitude that ! sin 29 for eac~ graduation Horizontal correction = 1.28 x 4 = 5.12
Horizontal distance= (1.28 x 100 )- 5.12
= 122.88 m.
is a magnitude of 0.01. Whe n the inde x
is (assljming k = 100 and C = 0)
reads 51 (or 49), the line of sight G TACHEOMETER
e correspon ding 10 1. THE JEFFCO'IT DIRECI' READIN
inclined by an angl H.H. leffcott,
the first division on the arc,
or This instrument, invented by the late Dr. or less)
ponents (more
I} ! sin 29 = 0.01, which gives 9 ~ 34' 23". enables the horizontal and vertical. com
directly on the staff, thus savin g the labour of calculation.
Hence ume nt carri es three· pointers, the
The dispbragm of the instr
r two movable (Fig. J.a 1
I V = ks ~sin 29 = 100 s x 0.01 middle one being fixed and the othe '11:,.-t~---
or V =s,
and the distance
The intercept between the fixed pointer
!ll.i,,! when k = 100 and C= 0. mult iplie d by 100 gives
pointer (right hand m<ivable pointer)
~ !/ The second division (IIIJIDbered 52
or 48) is positioned at ail angular valu
the horizontal distan<:e D. Similarly
the fixed pointer and the elevation
cept between
band movable
of9 = 1• 8' 46" so that -}sin 29= 0.02
and hence V = 100 s(0.02) = 2 s.
Similarly, the third divis
ion (num.
pointer) multiplied· by 10, gives the verti
The telescope of the instrUment is anallacti
are taken by first setting the fixed poin
mark and then reading the other
cal com
c. The staff
pone nt V. FIG. 22.21. nm JEFFCO'JT
ter at a whole foot
two pointers.
of these
' .~
an angu
il bered 53 or 47) is positioned at one end of a lever. The other ends
and so on. Since the celllral grad
uation of V scale Each movable pointer is mounted on The cams are fixed
value of 9 = I • 43' 12" and V ;o 3 s distance cam and elevation cam).
.·~ 50 indicates that the telescope is incli
ned downward, levers ride on respective cams (i.e. auto matically
is marked 50, a reading of less than
while reading greater than 50 show
s it is inclined upward.. The value
of V is then given in altitude and so shaped that the
to correspond 10 the angle of the
interval between the pointer
is adjusted
j Wben the staff is sighted, the staff the tangent screw is used to bring the nearest (I) Pointers are inconvenient to read
the whole number reading of the le Wire reading (2) Half intercepts cannot be mea sured . ~
n exac tly coincident With the Stadia index. The midd
Beaman arc graduatio tho! !Jy tilling .(3) Effect of parallax is unavoidable. ,I
ale is noted. It should be remembered in the value
is now taken and the read!ng on V-<c eciable chan ge 3. THE SZEPESSY DIRECT READIN
operl11ion, there is no appr the most successful
!/ the line of sight slightly· for this garian bas the distinction of being
of s. The instrument, !nvented by a Hun of tangerus of
represent the use the percentage angles. A scale
divisions are. of such values as to of those in the tangential group, and e cover. The
On the horizontal or H-scale, the the corresponding arc which is fixed to the vertical circl
a reading is to be reduced 10 obtain vertical angles is engraved on a glass 10 corresponds
percentage by which the observed stadi intercept gives the d at every 0.01. Thus the grad uation
ale reading multiplied by the staff scale is divided to 0.005 and numbere
distance. In other words, the H-sc ing. or 10%. By means of
horizontal correction to be subtracte
d from the distance read to the angle whose tangent is 0.!0
in the view of the eye-piece,
EKa~Dple. prisms, this scale is reflected
image. of the staff is
= 1.425 m and when the staff is· sighted, the
Cemral wire reading (Fig. 22.28).
= 58 seen along side that of the scale
Reading on V-sca/e :
=4 Procedure for reading the staf f
Reading on H·sca/e clam p the vertical circle at
= 1. 280m
(I) Sight the staff and
Staff intercept some convenient position.
= 100.00 screw, bring a
Elevation of 1.A. (2) Using the vertical circle tangent
+ 10.24 m th9 horizontal cross-hair.
V = 1.280 x (58 - 50)= whole number division, say 14, opposite FIG. 22.28. THE SZEPESSY DIRECT
Elevation of staff= 100 + 10.2 4- 1.42
5 = 108.815 m Note th~ axial reading. . READING TACHEOMETER.
,, ~
:: <: ~
:· H
I. Tekscope lkpressed (Fig. 22.30)
(3) Read tile staff imercepl between 14 and 13 (or 14 and IS) numbered clivisiona., • Reading of discance curve : 0.126
Tbe staff imen:ept multiplied by 100 gives tile horizontal discance D. Alternatively, tile
~t between 13 and IS may be measured and multiplied by SO Ill get D.
. Reading of ·heigh! curve : - 0.095
(4) Tbe venical compone111 Vis obtained by multiplying the intercept by the numbered (with - 10 mark) ·~
division brought opposite tile axial bair. Horizontal discance ·'I''
. ~ i
For exaD!ple, if s = 1.48 m and tile number against tile. axial bair = 14. Then, = 0.126 x 100 = 12.6 m · iij
D= 1.48 x 100= 148 m and
V= 1.48 x 14 =20.70 m and difference in height
=- 0.095 x 10 =- 0.95 m FIG. 22.30. TELBSCOPE
,j;, ~I'
This instrument (Fig. 22.33i permits both the discance and tile difference of altitude
Ill be read by a single reading of a vertically held staff - thuS reducing tscheometric operation
2. Telescope horizonllll (Fig. 22.31)
Reading of discance curve : 0.134
1]~1" .:I
to !hi: simplicity of ordinary leveliing. Reading of heigh! curve : ± 0·0 . '
Special auto-reduction device
Looking through the telescope tile
(with + 10 mark)
:. Horizontal distance
,~\1 j
field of view is found Ill, be divided
into 2 halves one of which is designed
for tile vision of the staff while tile
=0.134 x 100=13.4m
and difference in height l~
.: ~II
second half shows the very diagram of =±O.Ox 10=±0.0 m
a special type shown in Fig. 22.29. 3. Telescope elerllled (Fig. 22.32) FIG. 22.31. TELBSCOPE .l
In Fig. 22.29, there are four curves Reading of distance curve : 0.113 HORIZONTAL.
marked by the letters N. E, D and d.
N is the zero curve. E means the curve
for reading distances. D illustrates the
14'. d is the double curve for
Reading of height curve : + 0.175
(with + 20 mark)
double curve to be applied for elevation angles upto Horizontal distance
greater elevation angles up to ± 47'. The curve lines for elevation angles are ·marked = 0.113 x 100 = 11.3 m ;
+ , and the curve lines to depth angles are marked - Difference in height
By tilting the telescope up and down, tile diagram appears. ID pass across its field = + 0.175 x 20= +3.50 m.
of view, The multiplications to be applied are : l!
100 for reading the distance (curve 1£\ (Figs. 22.34 and 22.35) FIG. 22.32. TELBSCOPE
10 for reading the difference of altitude (curve· D) This is also an auto-reduction instrument with a set ELEVATED. :LI
i ~ jl
20 for reading the difference of altitude (curve d) of curves designed ·for use with a vertical staff. The credit ·it
Tbe' zero-curve appears to touch the zero-line continuously at point of intersection for the principle of the reducing device goes to Hammer. : ~~
with the vertical edge of the prisms. In taking a reading of the staff, the perpendicular In the first telescope position, which is the standard position for · distance and height ~ ~~,
measurements, the vertical circle is on the left hand side and the curve plate on the rigbl
edge of the prism should be brougbl . into line with the staff in such a way that the
zero curve bisects the specially 1barked zero-point of the rod, the zero point being 1.40 hand side of the telescope. The focusing knob is mounted on the right in the telescope : ~i
m abo~e the ground. Then reading is effected with the discance curve and the respective trunnion axis. The curves are etched on the glass circle which revolves about the trunnion ii
height curve. axis and is located to the right of the telescope. A prism, inside the telescope, projeCts il
The reading, now tai'.en on the staff W\th the discance-curve multiplied by 100 gives the image on the plane of the diagram circle and at the same time, rotates it by 90'. 'i
the discance between instrument and staff, while the reading taken on the. staff with the Other prism and lenses transfer this image into the reticule plate mounted ahead of the 'I
height curve multiplied by 20 or 10 respectively gives the diference in heiSin between telescope. This plate has a vertical centre line and a horizontal line. Thus, the diagram
the staff position and the instrument station. No other observations or calculations are necesssry. lines falling in' the field of vision appear free of parallax in the plane of bair lines and
Figs. 22.30 to 22.32 illustrate how ieadings are taken. the image i,s erect again, although the path of ligbl rays has been broken. _j·.:·.i.,·.
4SI 455
For distance finding, the constant 100 can be used through out ; thus OM cenlimetre The vertical circle image appears on top and the
on the rod is equal to one metre of horizontal range. For difference in height the following ., horizontal circle image at the bottom of the field of
constaniB are chosen: vision, in both telescope positions. The minute graduations
10 from 0' to s• ; 20 from 4' to 10' of. the micrometer scales inerease from left to right, in
SO from 9' to 23' ; 100 from 22' to 44' the same manner as when reading. The smallest graduation
By this device, the lines used for measuring heigh! always remain between the zero interval is one minute. Fig. 22.40 shows the examples
line and the range reading line, which practically rules out any confusion. In order to of reading, as appearing in the field of view.
simj>lify the mental computations, the height lines have not been marked with the multiplication The vertical circle reading is 86' 32' .5 while the
constants 10, 20 etc. but with !he figures+ 0.1, + 0.2, i,
+I, when the telescope is aimed up, horizontal circle reading (Az} is 265' 28' .S.
and - 0. I , - 0.2, -~and ~ I when aimed down. The observer reads heights in the same 22.18. THE EWING STADI-ALTIMETER (WATfS):
way as he does distances and multiplies the readings by factors given. (Fig. 22.41)
Heig/Us are always referred to the point on the rod which coincides with the zero This ingenious device, designed by Mr. Alistair
line. 'l'he one metre mark can conveniently be taken as zero. The stadia rod, equipped Ewing, an experienced Australian surveyor, converts a FIG. 22.40. VERTICAL AND
with a telescope leg, allows for the setting of the metre mark at the instrument ·heigh! normal theodolite easily and quickly to a direct reading . HORIZONTAL CIRCLE READINGS
as read on the centenng rod, in order to simplify s.ubsequent height computation. tacheometer, without· interfering with its normal fimction
Figs. 22.36 to 22.39 illustrate how the readings ·are taken. in any way.
The construction of 'the altimeter is in two parts-the cylindrical scale unit, which
is mounted on one of the theodolite uprights and the optical reader, mounted on the telescope
or transit axis (Fig 22.41 and 22.42). The index of the reader is bright pinpoint of light
which appears superimposed on the scale of the drum. The scale comprises two sets
of curves, reproduced upon the surface of the cylinders. The two sets of curves, called
intercept lines are formed at sufficiently frequent intervals for accurate reading and are
distinguished by a difference in colour. They represent the reduction equations :
Difference in level= 100 s-} sin 29
Horizontal distance correction= 100 s sin' a.
Methods of use. After the usual adjusanent of the theodolite, the stadi-altimeter is
set to zero, the telescope is directed on to the staff, and the stadia intercept s is read.
FIG. 22.36. FIG. 22.37. The cylinder is rotated until the curve equa1 to 100 s is in coinci.dence with the reader
DISTANCE=~! .3 ~ HEIGHT:=-r 0.1 "'2l..7 :. ""li.i m DJSTANCE=35.5 m HEIGIIT=+ ~ x 21.8 = + 10.9·m index. The difference of level may then be read directly from the external circular scale.
To obtain the reduced level of ihe staff base, the stadi-altimeter is set in the first
j !!<' instance to the reduced height of the theodolite, instead of zero. The telescope is directed
on to the staff, and the intercept is read ; it is then pointed so . that the centre web
cuts the staff reading equal to the height of the theodolite. The height scale reading then
'I gives the reduced level of the staff base.
The various sources of e!fOrs which arise in tacheometry may he divided into three
(<) Instrumental errors.
I' (i1) Errors due to manipulation and sighiting.
FIG. 22.38. FIG. 22.39.
(iii) Errors due to natural causes.
DISfANCE=57.2 m HEIGHT=+ 0.2 x 40.1 =+ 8.02 rn DISfANCE=48.5 m HEIGHT=-! x 21.7 =- 21.7 m
I !~'I
Error in distance OC = k s, - k s H
(i) Iastrumental Errors : They consists of : s r;:!
. ks,-ks
I. Emm due to imperfect tuQuJlmelll of the llzcheometer Ratio of "I"''• e. = k St -
- I - St '
: j,l,l
The effects of inadjustments of various pans on the accuracy have already been discussed or e = 1 -cos a ... (ii) ... (22.27) ' ' ;· i,, ..
in the chapter on thodotite. However, with reference to tacheomebic observations, the accuracy
in the determination of distanceS and elevations are dependent upon : (a) the adjustment This shows that the error is independent of . rlii
of altitude level, (b) the etintination or determination of index error, and (c) accuracy of the inclination (B) of line. of sight. r"[ii
reading to the vertical circle. Since all these three have serious effects on the elevations, 1. Error due to angle of elevation a : normal '!!I
proper care should be taken to adjust the altitude bubble and to see that the altitude bubble holding of staff '!"1 '
is in centre of its run when observations are taken. Let there be an error sa in the measurement ·!1.
1. Errors due to erroneow ,~ions tin the s/IJdia rod of angle of elevation a. From Eq. 22.6, we have ·~~II 1
Since the accuracy in the de!e9Ji]iialion of staff intercept depend< on the graduations, D=Lcos B+ rsinB. 1i
the latter should be bold, uniform and free of errors. The stadia rod sbould be standardised Differentiating this, we get
FIG. 22.43. ' I'
and. corrections for erroneous length/should be applied if necessary.
3. Errors due to incomct value of multiplying and additive consllln/S ~~ =-LsinB +rcosB ·;~I~
To eliminate the errors due to this, the constants should be determined from time .. SD = (- L sin B + r cos B) 5B ... (22.28) •rIJI ~il
... (1) h:
They comprise errors due to : Also, A'B' = AB cos B= s cos B l'ljl
Wind. I"
1. A,'B,' = A,B, cos (B +a.)= s, cos (B +a) ... (i1) .. :!I!.
2. Unequal refraction.
3. Unequal expansion., Assuming A'IJ' ~Aa'B1', we have ·j'
4. Bad visibility. scos a~s, cos (B +a.) •'.\ill' I
.. s=
s, cos (B +a)
cos a ... (11.29 a) j:.:1:~il
1. Error doe· to staff tilted from normal Similarly, if the staff is inclined by a. from -~!
In Fig. 22.43, AB is the correct normal balding while A,B, is the incorrect nonnal vertical towards the observer, L. A2'C,A, = B- a. and
holding, the angle of tilt being a.. Line A1B1 is parallel to AB. If the angle of tilt a. FIG. 22.44 :4:1i
is small, we have ... (22.29 b) li..
A,B,.,AB =s s--~s,:..;co::.:..•
cos a iii
Let s, (=A ,II,) be the observed staff intercept, because of incorrect holding, while Similarly, for the I.
Eqs. 22.29 (a) and 22.29 (b) are for the angle of elevation a. li
actual staff intercept would be s (= AB) if there is no angle of tilt.
angle of depression e, the corresponding expressions will be ~.'1
Now A1B, = A,B, cos a i' "
... (1) '
, "It'
or S=S 1 COSa 'r.
459 t''
L BB'C = 90°- P/2, I or Sa=2000 --co ta ... (22.33)
1000 = 2 tan a . sa
as shown in Fig. 22.45
LA'AC= 90 o- (e + P/2) 2 5
Also, For e =30 °, sa = cot 30° seconds = 178 seconds = 3'.
and LB'BC= 90 °- (0- P/2) (90-IJ/2) acy of I in 1000, the angle e need
·a. Hence in order to conform to an overall accur
For k = 100, be measured to an accuracy of 3'.
bave seen above that for a staff graduated
6. .Error due to reading the staff : We
~=tan-•(2~J to 10 mm, estimation can be made to ± I
mm. As both stadia lines need be read, the
5 error in the stadia intercept would be ,J2
mm, i.e. 1.4 mm.
= sec. =. o o 17' u· ·35
Thus .Ss = 1.4 mm.
Let AC= s, and CB = s2 1
D = k s cos 9.
Now ... (22.34)
Now from I!> CA'A, W= kco s'a. ss
FIG. 22.45
461 Ill
_ cos (6 +a)' x cos (12° 00'00"+1° 38' 12") _ 0 681
, ' II
V=tkuin26 0·685 cos (12 o 00' OO") · i
; !~
Similarly s- s, cos 6
oV= tk sin 26. 6s ... (22.35)
Now, D=ks.tos'6 l
Taking k = 100 and 6s = 1.4 mm, we bave oD = k cos' 6 . 8s = 100 cos' 12 ° X (0.685 - 0.681) = 0.415 m
•. :l
= 100
0.685 cos 12 o
[ cos (12 o + I o 38' 12")
cos o
I = 0.425 m
i l:\1!
9 w sv
12 I!!\
m 0.000 m Example 22.20. A theodolite hos a tacheometric mu/Jip/ying constonl of 1(}() and f .•'1,,:,
oo 0.140 1
" an additive constanl of zero. The cemre reading on a vertical stqff held at point B was
0.140 m
0.140 m
0.005 n\
2.292 m when sighted from A. 1f the vertical angle was + 25 o and the horizontal distance
. 1:1:
AB 190.326 m, calculate the other srqff readings and show that the two intercept intervals
30 0.140 m 0.007 m
are not equal. 1.11
40 0.139 m 0.010 m Using these vallles, co1cu/ate the level of B if A is 37.950 m A.O.D. and the height
s0 0.139 m 0.012 m (UL)
of the instrument 1. 35 m. lj'hi
7.5 ° 0.138 m O.o!8 m Solution. From Eq. 22.4, ' ~-lp:
10 ° 0.136 m 0.024 m D=kscos'6
0.131 m 0.035 m
IS o .. s=-D- 190.326 = 2 .317 m ,1!1
20 ° 0.124 m 0.045 m k='9 100cos'25 °
25 ° 0.115 m 0.054 m Refer Fig. 22.45. !· !i;
0.105 m 0.061 m Inclined distance MC = L = D sec 6 = 190.326 sec 25 o = 210.002 m d1l
30 o
From the above table, we conclude that unless the angles are less than 4 o, the L L 210.002 = 1.050 m
Now 2so= s.=200= 200
horizontal distance should not be quoted better than 0.1 m while the levels should not 100 :MI
(9+ ~/2
~ 0 o I7'1 I"35 ir'j
be quoted better than 0.01 m. · ru1e, s,- so cos
cos Pl2). wherez= ..
By sme
Example 22.19. Observalions were
100mm .i..\;50 Wi. (Q ~ 17" ::"-35)
taken vJith a ~~c.'?eometer having additive 1.161 m
constonl equal to zero and 11UJitip/ying con· '' cos (:l:l • II' 11"·35)
stant equal to 100. and an intercept of ''
' Similarly, by sine rule, ~;j
0.685 m with a vertical angle of 12 o was s0 cos P/2 1.050 cos ( 0 o 17' 11"·35) ~il
recorded on a staff believed to be vertical. s,- cos (9- ~/2) = cos (24 o 42' 48 "·65) = l.IS6 m . :~;I
From Eq. 22.29 (a)
PIG. 22.46
463 \
(it) The R.L.'s of C and D, if those of A and B were 432.550 m and 436.865 m
Hence the staff readings are : respecdvely
Upper : 2.292 + 1.161 = 3.453 (iit) The gradient from C to D.
7. A line was levelled tacheometrically with a tacheometer fitted with an anallactic lens, the
Lower : 2.292- 1.156 = 1.136 value of the consraot being 100. The following observations were made, the staff having been beld ;·;
vettically : :··
s=2.317 Sliif1 Reading Renuuts ' '
Check : Insaununt Brlghlof Slo/1111 VtnitDI angle
Now V = D tan 9 = 190.326 tan 25 • = 88.750 m SIDIIDm am
R.L. of B = 37.950 + 88.750 + 1.350-2.292 = 125.758 m A
!.02, !. 720, 2.4'!JJ
1.220, !.825, 2.430
638.55 m -I!
c +3 ° 6' 0. 785, !.610, 2.435.
I. Descnbe the conditions under which tacheomenic surveying is advantageous. Explain how
B !.40
Compute the elevations of A, B and C.
you would obtain in the field the constints of a tacbeometer. Upw what vertical angle may sloping 8. Two sets of tacbeometric readiogs were takeo from an instrumeot statioo A, the reduoed
distance by taken as horizontal distance witllout the enor exa:eding I in 200, the staff being held
vertically and the instrument having an anallactic lens ?
2. Sighted borizoDllllly, a tacbeometer reads 1.645 and 2.840 corresponding to the stadia
level of which was 15.05 ft to a staff station B.
(a) Instrument P-multiplying constant 100, additive consraot 14.4 in., staff held vettical.
(b) Instrument Q-multiplying constant 95, additive constam 15.5 in., staff held nonnal w
oo a vertical staff 120 m away. The focsl length of the objCC! glass is 20 em and the distance the line of sight. ,I·
from the object glass to the trunnion axis is 15 em. Calculate , the stadia interval. ., J'o Ht. of /nstnunml Vertiall an•le Stodla 1/mdillfs
3. Two distances of 50 and 80 metres were accurately measured out, and the intercepts on Instrument At
4.52 30' 2.35/3.31/4.27
the staff between the outer smdia webs were 0.496 at the former distance and 0.796 at the latter. p A 8
Calculate the tacheometric constants. A 8 4.47 30'
4. An external focusing theodolite with stadia hairs 2 mm apart and object glass of 15 em - ·
What should be the stadia readings with instrument Q ? (U.L.)
focal leogth is used as a racheometer. If the .object glass is fixed at a disraoce of 25 em from
the ttu.nnion axis, determine the tacheometric formula for distance in terms of staff intercept 9. An ordinacy theodolite is to be converted into an anallactic racbeometer with a multiplier !li
of 100 by an insettion of a new glass stadia diaphragm and an additional convex lens. Focsl length
5. A tacheometer was set up at station A and the following readings were obrained on a of object glass is 15 em, fixed at a distance of 10 em from the trunnion axis. A focusing slide
vettically held staff ·
carries the eye-piece. If a suitable lens of 10 em focsl length is available for the anallactic lens, iJ:
Hair Readings Rel11llrk.s calculate the fixed dlsraoce at which this must be placed from the objective and the spacing of !
StaJioh Staff Station Vertical Angle ,I
the stadia hairs on the diaphragm. t
10. The stadia inte!tept read by means of a fixed hair instrument on a vettically held staff ,J
B.M. - 2° 18' 3.225, 3.550, 3.875 R.L. of is 2.250 metres, the angle of elevation being 3° 42'. The instrument constants are 100 and 0.4 m.
B.M.= 437.655 m
What would be the total number of turDS registered on a movable hair insuument at the same station !l
8 -1- jiO ':If';• I fi<:j(}_ '2_5\5 ~-1RO for a 2.0 metres intercept on a staff held· on the same point ? The vertical angle in this case
------- -- ' __ _ j
is s• 30' and the constaots 1000 and 0.4 m ?
Calculate the horizontal disraoce from A to B and the R.L. of B, if the constants of the 11. The constant for an iDstrumeDl is 1200 and the value of additive constant is 0.4 metres.
instrument were 100 and 0.4. Calculate the distance from the instrument to the staff when the micrometer readings are 6.262 and
6. To determine the distance between two points C and D, and their elevations, the following 6.258, the staff intercept is 2.5 m and the line of sight is inclined at + 6• 30' , the staff being
obsetvati.ons were taken upon a vertically held staff from two traverse stations A and B. The tacheometer held vertically.
was fitted with' an anallactic lens, the constant of the insnumem being_ 100 12. The vettical angles to vanes fixed at 0.5 m and 3.5 m above the foot of the staff held
vertically at a point were - 0° 30' and +1° 12' respectively. Find the horizontal distance and the reduced
Traverse HI. of Orordinares Stoff Bearing Vertical Stoff level of the point, if the level of the insnument axis i~ 125.380 metres above dawm.
Station /nst. Stalion amgle Readings
N E ' 13. Explain bow a subtense bar is used with a theodolite to detennine the horizontal distaoce
between two points.
A !.58 218.3 164.7 c 3Joo 20: + 12° 12' 1.255, 1.860, 2.465 The horizontal angle subtended at a theodolite by a subtense bar with vanes 3 m apart is
1.300, 1.885, 2.470 15' 40". Compute the lloriz,omal distance between the insuument and the bar.
8 !.SO 518.2 '!JJ7.6 D 20° 36' + 10° 36'
Deduce the enor of horizontal distaoce if the bar were 2' from being nonnal to the line
Calculate . (t) The distance CD ; . joining the instrument and bar station.
14. What are tbe different methods employed in IBCbeometric survey ?. Describe
the method most
commonly used •
the adVI!IIIages
IS. Explain how you would determine the contants of a tach<ometer. What are
of an anallac1ic Ieos used in a tacbeometer ?
tbe value of the ildditive constalll in tbe case of a subtense micromet er in wbich
would determine
16. Describe any one fonn of subteDSe micrometer, and show clearly how you there may be Electronic Theodolites
the focal length
an inililll reading of micrometer head when the fixed and !be ;noving lines coincide, (U.L.)
of tbe objective and the piteh of the mireometer screw being known.
anallactic telescope .
17. Show the arrangement of tbe lenses in an ordinacy
In a telescope of this typll. tbe focal lengths of the objective and anallactic
lenses are 24 em
distance between this is 19.5 em for a IDJlltiplier of 100. 23.1. INTRODUCTION
and 12 an respectively and the categories:
Tbeodolires, used for angular measurements, can be classifed under three
reading intercepts
Determine !be error that ~d occur in horizontal distance D wben the between the subtense
2 metres, with an error of one lnindiedth of a mm in the I. 7S mm interval (i) Vernier theodoliteS
lines. (i1) Microptic theodoliteS (optical theodolites)
18. In tbe event of a broken cliaphr.lsm in an anallac1ic telescope with diaphragm a IDJlltiplier of 100,
on glass for a new . the. focal and (iii) Electronic theodoliteS
of the lines a least count
it is Rqired 10 detennine the exact spacing
being 30 em and 15 em respectively and the distsnee Vernier theodoliteS (such as Vicker's theodolite) use verniers which have
lengths of !be objective and anallacdc lenses microme ters, which may have least
between !be objective and the trunnion axis 12 em. Also determine tbe
distance between the anallac1ic of 10" to 20". However, microptic theodoliteS use optical
T-4 and other forms of Tavistock
Ieos and tbe objective. · count of as small as 0.1". Wild T-1 T-16, T-2, T-3 and
'!be focal lengths of the object eS are the most accurate instrume nts
19. An anallac1ic telescope has a IDJlltiplying constalll of 100. theodoliteS fall under this category. Thus the optical theodolit
glass and anallactic lens are 11 an and 9 em respective ly. If the stadia interval i is 1.5 mm, where in the readings are taken with the help of optical microme ters. Howeve r in electroni c
calculate the distance between the two lenses and the distances · between
the vertical axis and tbe is provided by a dynamic system with opto-ele ctronic
theodoliteS, absolute angle measurem enl
object glass. with key boards and
scanning. The electronic theodoliteS are provided with control panels
ANSWERS measured data. clearly
liquid crystal displays. The LCDs with points and symbols present the
The main operations require
and unambiguously. The key board contains multi-function keys.
with electroni c speed and efficiency.
1. 4° 3' only a single key-stroke. The electronic theodolites work
way to elctronic data aquisitio n and data processing.
2. 2 !DID They measure electronically and open the
two models of electroni c theodolit es manufac tured by
3. k=!OO; C=0.4 m We shall consider here the following
4. D = 75 s + 0.4 metres Mls Wild Heerbrugg Ltd.
S. D = 169.5 ; R.L. of B =466.95 (i) Wild T-1000 electronic theodolite
(ir) Wild T-2000 and T-2000 S electronic theodolite
6. W 33S.8 m
(il) R.L. of C =457.27 ; R.L. of D =457.62 23.2. WILD T-1000 'THEOMAT'
the photograph
(UI) 1 in 959.2 Wild electronic theodolites are known as 'Theomat'. Fig 23.1 shows
onal theodolite (i.e.,
7. 643.528, 648.567, 657.267 of Wild T-1000 electronic theodolite. Although it resembles a conventi
J c speed and efficiency.
8. 1.95 ; 2.82 ; 3.68 optical theodolite) in size and weight, the T-1000 works with electroni
data aquisition and data processing.
It measures electronically and opens the way to electronic
9.16c m:iem trast, erect image. The coarse and
It has 30 x telescope which gives a bright, high-con
Pointing is fast and precise.
10. 8.844 line focusing ensures that the target is seen sharp and clear.
be illuminated for
11. 236.9 m even in poor observing conditions. The displays and reticle plate can
12. 101.1 m ; I in !23.998 m .works in mines and tunnels · and at night.
13. 658.29 m ; I in 1688
17. 1.14 m (465).
18. 23.57 em ; 2.1 mm
19. 13.4 em ; 7.33 em.