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SVN Sba #4

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Form 4D Physics SBA #4 Ms. E.


Title: Heat Capacity

Aim: To determine the heat capacity of a piece of metal by using the method of mixtures

Apparatus and materials:

1. Insulated cup
2. Thermometer x2
3. Retort stand x 2
4. Electronic scale
5. Measuring cylinders
6. Beaker
7. Electric heater
8. String
9. Metal
10. Water


1. Place 500ml of water into a beaker then place the beaker and water on the electric heater
2. Measure and record the mass of the piece of metal then attach to a string
3. Set up the retort stand to hold the thermometer and the piece of metal in the beaker with the
4. Heat the water to 100oC.
5. Place 200ml of water in an insulated cup and record the temperature of the water.
6. Set up a retort stand to hold a thermometer in the insulated cup of water.
7. Remove the metal (when water is 100oC) and place into the insulated cup.
8. Stir the mixture then record the temperature.


Metal Water (mixture)

mass =__________________ mass =__________________

initial temperature =________ initial temperature =________
final temperature=___________ final temperature=___________

Calculate heat capacity of the metal: Heat capacity = heat energy/ change in temperature
Form 4D Physics SBA #4 Ms. E. December


 Mixture of metal and water


- Define heat capacity

- Give units
- What is the method of mixtures
- Explain what how the experiment was used to determine the heat capacity of the metal
- Compare the value for the heat capacity of the metal in the experiment to the standard heat
capacity of lead.

Possible sources of errors

- Parallax error
- Electronic balance error ( systemic)
- The mixture not being stirred before taking the temperature


- Heat can be lost from the metal as it is transferred from the water bath to the cup
- Difficult to cover the cup whilst the metal and thermometer suspended inside- system may
be slightly open  loss of heat  affects the value attained for heat capacity


- State the method used to determine heat capacity of the metal

- State the heat capacity of the metal
Form 4D Physics SBA #4 Ms. E. December

SBA #4

Title: Heat capacity Skills assessed: O/R/R (Observations, recording and reporting)

Criteria Total Marks

marks obtained
Organisation of report 2
a. SBA organized logically (1 mark)
b. Each section is named correctly (1 mark)
Communicate information using correct spelling, punctuation and 4
grammar in report
a. Spelling: no more than 1 spelling mistake (1 mark)
b. Punctuation: no more than 1 punctuation mistake (1 mark)
c. Grammar: -1 for each grammatical error (2 marks)
Method reported in past tense (-1 mark for more than 1 mistake) 1
Diagram drawn, adequately labelled. 5
- Diagram drawn, diagram labelled, 4 or more labelling of
contents inclusive of retort stand, insulated cup, thermometer,
metal (5 marks)
- Diagram drawn and labelled, 3 of 4 essential contents labelled (4
- Diagram drawn and labelled, 1 or 2 of 4 essential contents
labelled ( 3 marks)
- Diagram drawn, not labelled, 3 or more essential components
labelled (3 mark)
- Diagram drawn, not labelled, less than 3 of 4 essential contents
labelled (2 mark)
- Diagram not draw (0 mark)
Table is neatly drawn with correct headings 1
(-1 mark for any missing/incorrect/inappropriate heading)
Correct units stated in observations 2
[-1 mark for any missing/incorrect unit in observations]
Title of table adequately stated 1
Select observations relevant to the particular activity 1
(-1 mark for any irrelevant observation)
Make accurate observations 3
[-1 for every incorrect observation made]
Calculations: Correct unit stated in calculations 1
[-1 mark for any missing/incorrect unit in calculations]
Discussion and Conclusion are written concisely 1
Discussion and Conclusion are reported in past tense 1
[-1 mark for more than 1 mistake]
Use of appropriate scientific terminology 1
(-1 mark for more than one inappropriate/improper terms used in
Discussion / Conclusion)
Total 24
*Weighted marks 10
Form 4D Physics SBA #4 Ms. E. December

SBA # 4 Skill Assessed: M&M

Title: Heat Capacity

Criteria Total Marks

marks obtained
Follow the method in correct sequence 2
 At all times (2 marks)
 1 step not followed in correct sequence (1 mark)
 More than 1 step not followed in correct sequence (0 marks)
Zero point of electronic balance set before used for weighing 1
Measurement of liquid avoids parallax error 1
Thermometer set up properly in beaker (not touching sides or 1
Reading for temperatures taken at eye level 2
 Both readings taken at eye level ( 2 marks)
 One reading taken at eye level ( 1 mark)
 No reading taken at eye level ( 0 marks)
Metal transferred from water bath to cup in less than 3 secs 2
 Metal transferred in less than 3 sec ( 2 marks)
 Metal transferred in less than 5 sec but greater than 3 sec
(1 mark)
 Metal transferred in greater than 5 sec ( 0 mark)
Mixture stirred before taking reading for temperature 1
Total 10

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