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GUP FOW 2nd v2.0

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a Fan Setting Expansion for

Design Notes:

It has been too long since I was to write a 2nd edition of

the Girls und Panzer rules for Flames of War. Since that time,
we have had one Movie and two OVA’s hit the GuP scene, along
with the risen popularity of the Ribbon Warrior manga series
and the Manga series in general! Moreso, Flames of War itself
went through an IMMENSE overhaul in the form of Version 4.
Color me flustered: War has changed.
The intent was never to make this a full expansion for
Flames of War. It was never going to be perfect. It was always to
be a fun little project for the sole purpose of playing tank battles
in the GuP style. To be fair, converting the whole of this project
into V4 rules, or fully re-pointing the system, or adapting the
new factions was all going to be a huge pain in the ass. So, I
gritted my teeth and decided to just do two out of the three,
even writing an excel sheet to re-point the vehicles to a one-era
point values system by a set formula.
I also made a huge change, one which I can justify.
Starter type rules now come with this stand-alone PDF.
No other books needed.
Why not?
V4 has taken off in a different direction, and left the
V3 this was based on behind. Sure, some may find this bold.
But you hold a free product, freely distributed, not related or
playable with V4. Hell, it cost me time to produce this free item,
time Battlefront never paid me. I did this out of love. And this
little project might be a boost that makes a new FoW player out
of some random anime fan…
So, look it over carefully, as these V3 rules are a bit
different from what you’d expect
If there are any rules discrepancies not covered here,
please go to the main V3 rulebooks (they should be super
cheap in the secondary market by now) or their errata for any

Have Fun, and Panzer Vor!

This is Sensha-Do!
Girl und Panzer: Flames of War is a fan expansion specifically to allow games in the Sensha-do world. The rules
and lists below are not patch-rules to standard games, and the point system used to balance tanks within is not
compatible, in any way, with standard Flames of War game lists. However, it allows for many opportunities to
indulge in tabletop fun for fans of the series.
Universal Rules : Anime School-Girl Firefight!
The base to-hit of any Moving tank is 4+.
The base to-hit of any Stationary tank is 3+.
If two tanks are locked together, the to-hit for both is 2+
This is still modified by other factors such as range and concealment. When schoolgirls
fight, they often can’t hit each other. If the final to hit value exceeds 7+ shots have no
Non-MG guns that score a hit within 2” range gain +2 AP. At these ranges these hits are
allocated to the nearest target, as it should be obvious which tank the firing tank is shooting at.
All tank models have the following abilities:
Special Move: Panzer Vor!: After the shooting phase, On a successful skill check, the tank may move 4 inches,
under normal movement rules.--This cannot be used if bogged down, bailed out, de-tracked, or having moved at
Special Move: De-Track the Panzer: Before rolling to hit, you can choose to gain +1 AP to inflict De-Tracked
status upon the target tank with a successful firepower test. You do not gain the bonus to AP if your AP
exceeds the target’s armor by more than 4 points, but you may still inflict the status. De-tracked: A de-tracked
tank is immobilized. This can stack with bogged down, so that two attempts are needed to free the tank. Under
specific circumstances, a de-tracked tank can still fire its main gun: turreted weapons and hull weapons with an
enemy completely within its front arc may still fire. It does not count as a second bog or bail out.
Special Move: Align Sights: Select one firing tank. On a successful skill check, if that tank shoots at a platoon you
may choose which enemy tank is being shot at.
Forests are slow going, not difficult terrain. If the forest is deemed to be Thick, it becomes Difficult Terrain
Tank Wrecks are very difficult going, and generate smoke concealment to any LOS passing through them. They
can form block-points if placed correctly.

Tanks are purchased separately, and organized into platoons or single-tank teams at the
start of deployment.
Platoons: If a tank is not in a platoon, it can automatically be selected as the
target of attacks, and must receive those attacks.—When Platoons are shot at, the
defending player has the freedom to choose which tank is being shot at, unless the
enemy is danger close or the Align Sights special move is used. If capable, platoons can
also combine to form a bombardment, though they give up special moves that turn.
The tank must be within 6” coherency with at least one other tank in the platoon. Platoons have a maximum of five
tanks per platoon. Platoons are also called units.
When choosing forces, you may select one tank to be the CiC, and another to be the 2iC (assuming you get one).
Some forces have multiple ratings available. Choose one to be your forces’ rating. Characters may have a separate
rating from the rest of your force. Characters are Unique, if that needs to be said.
You may have noticed that there are no built-in restrictions to how many tanks of a certain type a force can contain.
Even though Oarai only had one of each tank in the series, nothing here prevents a force with a few multiples, or a
force entirely of StuGs in Full Regalia. Yes, this is not like the show, but a player can choose to make replicas as well
as create a personalized force or a what-if situation in the same spirit.
Characters and the tanks they ride:
The CiC and the 2iC are chosen at the start of the game; however, characters have very
specific roles they fill. If a character is a CiC or a 2iC, it counts as the selection for the
standard role. CiC’s and 2iC’s are Tank Commanders.--Tank Commanders are in
charge of their own tank, they are not CiC /2iC eligible if another CiC/2iC is present.
They take 1 crew spot.--Tank Crew are simply upgrade characters to a tank. However,
a tank can only receive as many upgrades + commander as crew.--Character teams are
essentially one unit: they have their own Commander and can’t receive upgrades
Note: some crews and characters come with experienced versions. Choose one at the set point values.
Character ratings modify the tank ratings, up or down. A Commander’ rating supercedes all other values.

RULES OF PLAY Rating: Dice Roll:

Turn Sequence:
Check Morale
Reluctant/Conscript 5+
(note, we have not seen an instance of force capitulation in GuP) Confident/Trained 4+
Check Special Victory Conditions Fearless/Veteran 3+
Drop Ambuscades
Roll to remove Bailed Out, then Bog Checks Left is Motivation, Right is Skill.
Remove Smoke
Go to Movement Phase, then Shooting phase.
Movement is read as Normal Speed / Full Speed / Terrain Speed (12”/24”/8”).
Move a Unit or Single Tank
Move all Teams in a platoon before going onto the next unit or solo tank. You may adjust the turret 90
degrees. If you take on or create foot teams / passengers, they mount or dismount before the tank moves.
Crossing Rough Terrain and Terrain Speed
Most terrain doesn’t force you to do anything other than use terrain speed.
If you cross difficult terrain, you avoid bogging on any roll other than 1
If you cross very difficult terrain, it is a skill check to avoid a bog effect.
BOGGED DOWN: the tank cannot move, and if it wants to be free next turn, cannot fire in shooting.
To be clear, the Bog Down occurs at the ½ point on the border of the area terrain, or halfway over the tank obstacle.
Being bogged down is typically marked with a token. Clearing bogs with a skill check happens during the starting
Full Speed and Roads
You may use the Full Speed distance instead of shooting. This cannot be used with moving in terrain.
Roads add +4” movement to a Full Speed movement if all movement occurs on a road.
Skill Tests to breach Lighter Structures
Tanks with 6 front armor or more can make a skill test to breach through structures. They must move at
terrain speed before coming into contact, and next turn, depart at terrain speed. Reinforced structures such as
concrete buildings or steel industrial platforms cannot be broken through
To Hit Modifiers:
Shooting: from fire to target +1 For Concealment
Choose a Unit or solo team to fire. +1 for Long Range
Select a target that is: in Range, in Line of sight, and in the field of Fire. +1 added for
Gone to Ground
Simply measure the range from hull to hull. Over 16” adds +1 to hit and armor, check for 2” or closer.
You may not premeasure in other steps. You measure with intent to fire, and choose other targets if things
didn’t pan out.
Field of Fire
Turrets are typically all-round. Hull mounted guns typically only shoot in the front arc:
Everything in front of a line drawn across the hull is front arc.
Line of Sight
The vehicle must be able to see another vehicle that has 25% of itself exposed or more.
Area terrain blocks Line of Sight to any behind it, and gives Concealment to teams within.
Solid Large Buildings and Impassible vertical terrain also block line of sight
All other terrain (except for open muddy fields, snow, and sand) and smoke just grants concealment
Check Conditions and modifiers
Is there concealment? If so, if they also did not move or fire, they receive Gone to Ground.
Roll to Hit:
It’s dice equal to the Rate of Fire (ROF) of the gun if stationary or an MG, or 1 if the vehicle moved.
One tank can shoot at one target. You can’t split your ROF against 2 separate units or solo teams.
Some special rules add to ROF, be sure to check.
If you shoot at a solo tank, it’s obvious who gets hit. However, if the tank is traveling with a unit (oft called
a platoon) then the opposing player has the
defensive measure to allocate teams instead.
A few things can stop this, but for the most
part, this is the benefit to traveling in a pack.
Tanks with lower armor and/or in the open
get allocated first.
The base to-hit of any Moving tank is 4+.
The base to-hit of any Stationary tank is 3+.
If two tanks are locked together, the to-hit for
both is 2+
Locked together means two tanks are
physically touching, or two or more friendly
tanks end their move within ½ an inch of
each other. If a tank is one of the locked
tanks, it only gets the lock bonus shooting at

the tank it’s locked with. Non-MG guns that score a hit within 2” range target side armor.
Once all hits have been allocated, then you roll saves.
Roll Saves:
There are armor saves, and then there are extra saves. Usually, extra saves come first, before an armor save. To
make an armor save, roll d6 and add that to the armor stat being targeted. This is usually front armor. If the number
ties or exceeds, something has happened.
If it ties, roll a firepower check, with success, the tank is Bailed Out. If it’s not, then nothing serious.
If it exceeds, roll a firepower check, with success, the tank is Defeated. If it’s not, then Bail Out the tank.
If a tank is Bailed Out twice in one turn it tests motivation, just like morale. Failure means the crew runs,
and is defeated. Defeated tanks count as terrain, generating smoke to anything directly behind them in line of sight,
Armor Facing: if the shot originated from a team that could get at least 25% of its view behind the front arc
of its target, it may roll against side armor. Bombardments and improvised attacks roll against top armor.
Turret Facing: turrets that have spun to a different arc may expose side armor as well (or the turret ring is
clearly viewed) if the turret is turned so that its front arc is bypassed, roll a die, on 1-3, target side armor.
Once one team or Unit has opened fire, and resolved their shooting, go ahead and choose another until you run out
of teams with firing solutions.

Bail Out vs. Remounting a tank: Roll Motivation to remove Bailed Out status at the start of your turn. If a CiC
or 2iC is within an 8” command radius, you may reroll this result.

Forces in Girls und Panzer tend to stay and fight to the very end. They don’t
have much to fear, so the morale rules are not the same as in other Flames of War games.
If a force has less than half its tanks or platoons remaining from the original
total, it must make a morale test at the beginning of their next turn, or their game ends
in loss. If you did not take any additional damage in a turn, you do not need to make
an additional check, only in turns after you lost a tank
Bailing Out twice also calls for a motivation roll. This counts as morale check.
Having a CiC/2iC within 8” allows the re-roll of the motivation check.


Ambush: the tank is held off the board, and is placed on the board during any start step. It must be placed either in
concealment and 8” from all enemy teams, or farther than 16” from any enemy. It fires as if stationary that turn.
Awkward Layout: This tank must not move to fire this weapon.
Bombardment: this weapon may hit top armor, and can fire over terrain if another friendly tank can draw line of
sight. This requires a platoon of at least 2 tanks. All dice rolled for this attack must target the same platoon or tank.
Bunker Buster: If this tank hits a tank inside a heavy building, it hits tanks touching its target as well.
Damage Capacity: if a tank with damage capacity is defeated, it instead receives a damage marker. Damaged tanks
cannot move, but may still fire one dice of ROF per gun. If for some reason, the tank takes a 2nd damage marker,
it also cannot fire. A skill check in lieu of shooting can remove 1 damage marker (either effect). Tanks take damage
capacity before they are defeated. A tank that has more damage than its damage capacity is defeated.
Hull Mounted: This weapon can only fire in a forward 180 arc, all targets must be fully in front of the tank
Improvised Armor: This tank gets a 5+ special save against hits from firepower 4+ or greater weapons.
Limited Vision: Targets are at +1 to hit if they start the shooting phase behind the turret’s front arc.
Overloaded: Bog effects occur on a 1 or 2 in difficult terrain
One-Girl Turret: This tank is at +1 to hit targets if the tank moved.
Protected Ammo: If this tank is Bailed Out, you may re-roll attempts to remove the status.
Schurzen: Side shots have a 4+ save against firepower 5+ weapons
Slow Traverse: If the target is behind the tank, moving the turret past its front arc causes +1 to hit.
Smoke: Instead of rolling to penetrate, this weapon may place a 2” smoke marker in front of the target.
Smooth Ride: This weapon may fire on the move at Full ROF with no penalty if the move is 6” or less.
Spearhead: at the beginning of the game, make a normal move. This cannot be a full speed move.
Stabilizers: This weapon may fire at Full ROF after moving, but at +1 to hit.
Unreliable: If moving at full speed, roll a skill check. If it fails, this tank is bogged down after a normal move.
Wide Tracks: This tank may re-roll to avoid bog down effects on a flat 4+

MG: the weapon does not reduce ROF for moving. Each additional MG adds one ROF. They have the following
stats: MG: 16” 3 2 6+ …. 50cal/12.7mm MG: 16” 3 4 5+
(movie+ era only)

Appointed by the Student Council: Oarai has a CiC team, and no 2iC
Dying School: Oarai has select character teams that are especially resilient. These teams are not destroyed when the first
firepower test is passed against them, but instead Take Damage. See the special rule.
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: The use of bright regalia tanks removes any Gone-to-Ground bonus, but allows a re-roll
on motivation checks. The models MUST be painted appropriately.
(conscript Oarai cannot have experienced teams)

Type 89 5 / 10 / 15pts. Crew: 4
8”/16”/8” 1 1 1 Hull MG, Turret Rear MG
Type90 16” 2 5 4+

M3 Lee 70 / 90 / 110pts. Crew: 7

12”/24”/8” 5 3 1 Co-ax MG, Cupola MG
M3 37mm 24” 3 7 4+
long 75mm 32” 2 10 3+ Hull mounted

Pz 38t 25 / 35 / 45pts. Crew: 4

12”/24”/8” 3 1 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG Protected Ammo
3.7mmKwK 24” 2 6 4+

Hetzer 60 / 75 / 95pts. Crew: 4

12”/24”/8” 7 2 1 Hull MG, Overloaded
7.5cm Pak39 32” 2 11 3+ Hull Mounted

StuG III F 75 / 95 / 115pts. Crew: 4

12”/24”/8” 5 3 1 Hull MG, Protected Ammo
7.5cm, StuK40 32” 2 11 3+ Hull Mounted
--Oarai StuG may mount Winterkitter for +5 pts. This grants Wide Tracks to the StuG

(Oarai uses the PzIV as its HQ tank: they may only use one version in a replica game)
Panzer IV Crew: 5
D 40 / 50 / -pts.
12”/24”/8” 3 2 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG Protected Ammo
7.5cmKwK37 24” 2 9 3+ Smoke

F2 80 / 100 / 125pts.
12”/24”/8” 5 3 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG Protected Ammo
7.5cmKwK40 32” 2 11 3+

H - / 105 / 130pts.
12”/24”/8” 6 3 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG Protected Ammo, Schurzen
7.5cmKwK40 32” 2 11 3+
Char B1 30 / 40 / 50pts. Crew: 4
8”/16”/8” 6 5 1 Co-ax MG, unreliable
47mmSA-35 24” 2 6 4+ One-Man turret
75mmSA-32 24” 2 6 3+ Hull Mounted. awkward layout

Type 3 Chi-Nu 60 / 75 / 90pts. Crew: 5

12”/24”/8” 5 3 1 Hull MG,
Type 3 32” 2 9 3+

Tiger Porsche 135 / 170 / 215pts. Crew: 5

8”/16”/8” 9 8 2 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected Ammo, Wide Tracks, Unreliable
8.8cm KwK36 40” 2 13 3+ Slow Traverse

Mk IV Male 25 / 30 / - pts. Crew: 8 (arrives late in the timeline)

4”/6”/4” 1 1 1 Wide Tracks, Damage Capacity, Unreliable. Hull mounted MG
OQF 6pdr. 24” 2 6 4+ Port Side Mounted, Side MG
OQF 6pdr. 24” 2 6 4+ Starboard Side Mounted, Side MG

Oarai Characters:

Miho Nishizumi: RV CiC +35pts

Zig-Zag: Tanks in Miho’s Force gain an additional 5+ Save against shots that hit them, rolled before AP rolls.
The Weirdest Luck: Once per game, Miho may re-roll any one die.

Miho Nishizumi: CV CiC +125pts (exp.)

Zig-Zag: Tanks in Miho’s Force gain an additional 5+ Save against shots that hit them, rolled before AP rolls.
The Weirdest Luck: Once per game, Miho may re-roll any one die.
My Friends: If within 8”, Miho may pass a skill check to cancel a failed bog down check.
My Own Path: tanks in Miho’s force ignore ambush distance restrictions and do not reduce movement when first
entering area terrain (this does not apply to Full Speed, and you still roll bog checks).
In Her Element: This team may take an additional point of Damage.
Yukari Akiyama: +45pts (either Crew or Tank Comander)
Espionage: Before a battle, after deployment, you may roll a die: on a 5+ you may reposition two of your tanks.
Tank Obsession: This tank has Damage Capacity
Char commander: If commanding a Char B1 tank, it is rated as Fearless Trained. It does not triple its movement.

Saori Takebe: +20pts / +10pts. as CC Tank Commander

Communications Officer: The Command distance of this tank is 12”
Texting Goddess: after the first time this game the turn order was interrupted by a special rule, that rule is negated for
the rest of the game, and you may place one unit in ambush during your movement phase

Mako Reizei: +25pts

Durifuto: you may enter de-tracked status to place this panzer 2” from its end movement, facing any direction.
Intuitive Driver: This panzer rolls bog down and panzer vor skill checks at 2+

Hana Isuzu: +30pts

Delicate Touch: This tank fires the main gun at -1 to-hit in the shooting phase

Anzu Kadotani: +35pts, +70pts in the Hetzer Tank Commander, Fearless.

Stick to ‘em like Glue: this panzer gains +2 AP within 4” of an enemy tank
Casual: This team has Damage Capacity
The Hetzer: If no enemy tank can draw front-arc line of sight to the Hetzer, it may make a skill check to enter am-
bush during the movement phase. It may spring the ambush next turn.

Hippo Team: +45pts / +65pts.(exp.) Crew: 4 Fearless

Reki jo: Hippo team passes all motivation checks if in a Bright Regalia tank.
Devious Tactics: once per game, if no enemy tank has LOS, this tank may enter ambush during the movement phase
Master Arm: (exp) this tank may enter ambush a second time under the same conditions.

Duck Team: +25pts Crew: 4

Spike Flares: instead of shooting the main gun, you may place a 2” smoke marker within 8”
GUTS!: the Duck Team panzer has +4” movement, and has Damage capacity.

Anteater Team: +15pts /+30pts.exp. Crew: 3

For the Team: when an Oarai platoon or CiC is shot at, the Anteater Team can choose to receive the attack. If the
CiC is not attached to this Platoon, Anteater must be within 2” of the line of sight drawn for the enemy shooting.
Too Swole to Control: (exp) the Anteater Team Tank has ROF 2 while moving and ROF 3 when stationary.

Leopon Team: +45pts Crew: 4

Let me Demonstrate My Skill: this panzer may take +4 movement on a 2+ roll. If they fail, Damage the tank.
Mechanical Expertise: This team has Damage Capacity

Shark Team: CC Tank Team +25pts. Crew: 5

Hare of Inaba: Other friendly tanks may use the MkIV as a passage route through terrain.
Not the Usual: this tank can take an additional point of Damage
Refinement: may re-roll a motivation check once per game. If they allow the opponent to re-roll a motivation check
at any time in the game, they gain an additional motivation re-roll in their next turn. Keep track of these.

Matilda: 75pts. Crew: 5

8”/16”/8” 7 6 2 Co-ax MG
OQF 2 pdr 24” 3 7 4+

Crusader II 40pts. Crew: 5

12”/32”/8” 4 2 1 Co-ax MG, Fast Tank, Unreliable
OQF 2pdr 24” 2 7 4+

Churchill III* 120pts. Crew: 5

8”/16”/8” 8 7 2 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected Ammo, Wide Tracks
OQF 6 pdr 24” 3 10 4+

Churchill VII 170pts. Crew: 5

8”/16”/8” 13 8 2 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected Ammo, Wide Tracks
OQF 75mm 32” 2 10 3+

Mk VI Light 10pts. Crew: 3

12”/24”/4” 1 1 1 Co-ax MG
0.5MG 16” 3 3 5+
Besa 15mm 16” 2 5 5+ --choose one main gun

Cromwell* 135pts. Crew: 5

16”/32”/8” 6 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected Ammo
75mm Gun 32” 2 10 3+ Smoke

Challenger * 295 pts. Crew: 6

16”/32”/8” 6 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected Ammo
17pdr HVAP 32” 3 15 3+

Comet* 225 pts. Crew: 5

16”/32”/8” 7 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected Ammo, Wide Tracks
77mm HV 32” 2 14 3+
Darjeeling: CiC, +50pts
Political Rumormonger: Darjeeling’s tank always deploys last.
Composed: If Darjeeling’s tank is bailed out, you may test immediately to remove the bailed marker.
All is Fair in Love and War: Your platoons may re-roll one attack die that missed if range is under 16”

Assam: +30pts
Quiet Patience: This tank may reduce ROF 3 to 2 or from ROF 2 to 1 and gain a -1 to hit bonus within 16”

Orange Pekoe: +20pts

Calculating: this tank may re-roll to hit rolls over 16” if stationary

Rosehip: +35pts Tank Commander

The True Fighter: this tank always uses the turret front armor facing, and uses full ROF under 16” at all times.
Kuru Sei Da: This tank may reposition itself 2” after the shooting or movement phase, but not both.

Rukuriri +20pts Tank Commander

Behind You!: This tank may counter fire if it is ambushed, once per game. The shots are applied simultaneously.
Shermans En Masse: the majority of your tanks are ‘basic’ Shermans and must form platoons. For every 4 shermans
you take, you can choose to take a Sherman ‘specialist’
What Money can Buy: If you have less total points than the opponent or are playing a non-points game, you gain
1 re-roll per game. If you have 30 points less or more, you gain 2 rerolls. If you have 60 point less, you gain 3. You
may replace these re-rolls with rolled strategies.

M4 85pts.
12”/24”/8” 6 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG
M3 75mm 32” 2 10 3+ Smoke

M4a1 Sherman 100pts.

12”/24”/8” 6 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG
M3 75mm 32” 2 10 3+ Stabilizers, Smoke

M4a6 or M4A3 Sherman 105pts.

12”/24”/8” 6 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected Ammo
M3 75mm 32” 2 10 3+ Stabilizers, Smoke

Sherman 76mm 120pts. specialist (unless facing KMM or University.)

12”/24”/8” 7 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected Ammo
M1 76mm 32” 2 12 3+ Stabilizers

Sherman Firefly 150pts. specialist

12”/24”/8” 6 4 1 Co-ax MG,
OQF 17 pdr 32” 2 14 3+
Sherman 105* 90 pts. specialist
12”/24”/8” 7 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo
105mm 24” 1 9 2+ Slow Traverse, Smoke
Bombardment 48” 1 4 4+ Smoke

M4A3E8* 155pts. specialist

14”/28”/8” 7 4 1 Protected Ammo, Smooth Ride, Wide Tracks, Hull MG, 50cal MG.
76mm 32” 2 13 3+ Stabilizer, Co-ax MG

Most Shermans have Crew: 5, the Firefly has 4.

Kay: CiC, CT +25pts

Charismatic: friendly platoons within 16” may re-roll their motivation tests
Generous: You may choose to let some of your tanks pass their turn and fight the enemy with an even number of
tanks. Should you win the match, you gain +2 victory points

Alisa: 2iC, CT +70pts

Snoop: Alisa automatically uses the Snooping Strategy if you choose not to roll (see end section)
Berserker: Alisa does not benefit from the Charismatic rule nor can she stay inactive for the Generous rule

Naomi: +35pts
Ace Gunner: when shooting, Naomi does not take the to-hit penalty for long range or gone to ground.
Kommander: Pravda has no 2iC teams, under most circumstances
Winter Warfare: Before the game begins, before spearhead moves, on a roll of 4+ Pravda can choose to fight in
winter conditions of your choice. This makes all cross country normal terrain and all roads cross country
Counterattack: Pravda T34’s not within any enemy line of sight and outside of 16” of the enemy can choose to
enter ambush at the beginning of their movement phase, if enemy tanks are in your deployment zone, or if all ene-
my tanks are on your half of the board. The ambush must be closer to the enemy than their last position.

T34-76 115pts. Crew: 4

12”/32”/8” 6 5 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Limited Vision, Wide tracks
76mm F34 32” 2 9 3+

T34-85 130pts. Crew: 5

12”/24”/8” 7 5 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG,
DT5 32” 2 12 3+

KV-2 125pts. Crew: 4

8”/16”/8” 8 7 2 Hull MG, Turret Rear MG, Limited Vision, Unreliable
1938/40 24” 1 10 1+ Bunker Buster

IS-2 230pts. Crew: 4

8”/16”/8” 10 8 2 Hull MG, Turret Rear MG
122mm 32” 1 15 2+

KV-1 125pts. Crew: 4 (not used vs. Keizoku School)

8”/16”/8” 9 8 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Limited Vision, Wide tracks
76mm F34 32” 2 9 3+

Katyusha: CiC, FV +45pts.

Overbearing: You may bail out a tank within 12” to force re-roll any of your failed motivation tests that turn.
Arrogance: You may pass turns to your opponent. If any shooting happens during their turn, you may immediately
interrupt their turn with a full new turn of your own. Resolve the first instance of enemy shooting first.

Nonna: 2iC, FV +30pts.

Watchful Gunner: Nonna does not receive any Gone-to-Ground penalty at close range
Devoted: Nonna passes motivation checks on 2+

Klara: FV, +10pts. Tank Commander

Her own Secret: If a Target Acquired effect chooses your CiC within 8” as its target, Klara may take the hit instead.

Nina and Alina CT +5pts. Crew 2

Double Loaders: Once per game, they may fire their tank at ROF+1 if the tank is stationary.
Grandeur and Diligence: Anzio Always Attacks. They take the first turn.
Underdog: At the beginning of the game, your tankettes may choose to make a Spearhead move.
Roll it over!: if a tankette has been bailed out, it may immediately make a skill check to remove the marker.
High-Speed Tankette Chase: Tankettes in your force may Panzer Vor at 2+

CV/33 5pts. (for 2) Crew: 2

12”/24”/4” 0 0 1 Twin MG (see the custom school tanks also)

M13/40 * 15pts. Crew: 4

8”/16”/8” 2 1 1 Co-ax MG, Twin Hull MG, Unreliable
47/32 24” 2 6 4+

M14/41 * 30pts. Crew: 4

12”/24”/8” 3 2 1 Co-ax MG, Twin Hull MG
47/32 24” 2 7 4+

Semovente 75/18 55pts. Crew: 3

12”/24”/8” 4 2 1
75/18 32” 2 9 3+ Hull Mounted
Bombardment 48” 1 3 5+

P40 80pts. Crew: 4

12”/24”/8” 5 4 1 Co-ax MG, Limited Vision, Unreliable
75/32 32” 2 10 3+

Decoy tank * Crew: -

12”/24”/8” 0 0 0 decoy tanks cannot move if an enemy tank within 16” has LOS to it.

Anchovy: CiC, FT +50pts

Big Sister: when re-rolling motivation using CiC rules, the re-roll is at 2+
Secret Weapon: One of your tanks may be held in ambush

Carpaccio: CT +10pts
Rivals on the Field: when opposing Hippo Team, both Carrapacio’s tank and Hippo team gain the following abil-
ities: Gains a special 4+ save vs. any (above named enemy) shooting within 8”, and When this save is passed, you
may be placed anywhere within 4” of your position facing the enemy.

Pepperoni: FT +10pts Tank Commander

Decoy tanks: You may add two decoy tanks to your force for every CV/33 included. The decoy tank is represented
with any tank model listed for Anzio. Or, by a stand-up cut-out. Or both. Have Fun!

Manga-Style Optional Rule: replaces Roll it Over and Decoy Tanks:

Power with Momentum: After 3 turns or if 3 tanks have been lost, Anzio tanks treat non-MG tied penetration
rolls as full penetration instead.
School of Repeat Champions: The CiC, if not a character, may roll a Tiger Ace skill from the V3 rulebook.
Strict Standards: unlike other schools, KMM must form platoons of their non-command tanks.
This excludes specific heavy jager vehicles, who may be instead be alone or given a single PzIII escort.
By the Book: all tanks in their combat platoons (not a Jager platoon) have a 2” command distance. In addition, they
add +1 to hit with their main guns if any team in the platoon moved.

PzIII J 65pts. Crew: 5

12”/24”/8” 5 3 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected Ammo
5cm KwK39 24” 3 9 4+

PzII 25pts. Crew: 3

12”/24”/8” 3 1 1 Co-ax MG, Protected Ammo
20mm 16” 2 5 5+

Panther D 170pts. Crew: 5

12”/24”/8” 10 5 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, wide tracks, unreliable
7.5cmKwK42 32” 2 14 3+

Panther G 180pts. Crew: 5

12”/24”/8” 10 5 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, wide tracks
7.5cmKwK42 32” 2 14 3+

Pzjager IV 85pts. Crew: 4

12”/24”/8” 7 3 1 Hull MG, Protected Ammo
StuK40 75mm 32” 2 11 3+ Hull Mounted

Tiger IE 195pts. Crew: 5

8”/16”/8” 9 8 2 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected Ammo, Wide Tracks, Unreliable
KwK36 40” 2 13 3+ Slow Traverse

JagdPanther 240pts. Crew: 5

12”/24”/8” 10 5 1 Hull MG
8.8cmPaK43 40” 2 16 3+ Hull Mounted

KingTiger (H) 250pts. Crew: 5

8”/16”/8” 15 8 2 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, overloaded,
PaK43 40” 2 16 3+ Slow Traverse
Ferdinand 250pts. (Heavy Jager) Crew: 6
8”/16”/8” 15 8 2 AAMG, Overloaded, Unreliable
PaK43 40” 2 16 3+ Hull Mounted

JagdTiger 480pts. (Heavy Jager) Crew: 6

8”/16”/8” 16 8 2 Hull MG, overloaded, unreliable
PaK44 48” 2 17 2+ Hull Mounted

Maus 535pts. (Heavy Jager, does not use modified ambush from this ruleset)
6”/12”/4” 16 10 2 AAMG, Overloaded, Unreliable
KwK44 48” 2 17 2+ Slow Traverse
KwK42 32” 2 10 3+ Slow Traverse, Co-axial

Maho Nishizumi CiC +65pts

Efficiency: this panzer makes initial bog down rolls, Align Sights rolls, and Panzer Vor moves at 2+

Erika Itsumi FV 2iC +35pts

Ruthless: This panzer may make a Spearhead move. If it is attached to a platoon that is the smallest in your force, they
may also make a Spearhead Move.

Koume Akaboshi: +5pts.

Sweet Little Girl: if she survives the match, you gain another victory point.
Friendly and Reasonable: she may re-roll another teammate’s bailed out remount attempt, once per game.
Unlucky: Koume’s tank must re-roll bog checks

Ritaiko: +15pts
Determined: As a Jagdpanther commander she may reroll motivation checks to remove Bailed Out.
Frustrated: this tank rolls to remove De-Tracked status at 4+
Discipline: Chi-Ha Tan tanks re-roll failed to-hits within 16”, and may re-roll failed morale tests.
TOTSUGEKI: if within 12” of the enemy, make a motivation test. If this passes, you must advance in a direct path
to the enemy and attempt to engage at point-blank range. If your tanks touch another tank while firing, you may
target their side armor per locked together rules.

Chi-Ha: 20pts. Crew: 4

12”/24”/8” 2 2 1 J-Turret MG, Hull MG
Type 90 16” 2 5 4+

Chi-Ha Shinhoto: 30pts. Crew: 4

12”/24”/8” 2 2 1 J-Turret MG, Hull MG
Type 1 24” 2 8 4+

Ha-Go: 10pts. Crew: 3

12”/24”/8” 1 1 1 J-Turret MG, Hull MG
37mm 24” 2 5 4+ One-girl turret

Kinuyo Nishi: +20pts. Tank Commander

Keeping Order: Kinuyo may pass a skill test to remove the Totsugeki rule from a tank in her force within 12” at the
start of the turn. If the tank remains within 12”, it stays under control. Kinuyo herself only tests for Totsugeki if the
other tanks in her force have moved away from the enemy or are destroyed.

Fukuda: +35pts. Tank Commander

Please Reconsider: This tank/platoon may deploy in ambush. It is not affected by Totsugeki the turn it arrives.
That Weapon: A university team player may use Naval Gunfire support with the following profile against the enemy:
range: full, 2 6 2+, creates 3 smoke effects in addition. A skill check passed means it can fire in following turns. The
opponent can remove the use of NGFS by sending at least 3 tanks off your deployment zone to occupy its time. In a
“Giant” Scenario, the weapon has a Top Armor rating of 0.

M24 Chaffee 95 pts. Crew: 5

16”/32”/8” 4 2 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, 50cal. MG
75mm 32” 2 10 3+ Stabilizer, Smoke

M26 Pershing 150 pts. Crew: 5

10”/20”/8” 10 6 2 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, 50cal. MG
90mm 32” 2 14 3+ Smoke

Centurion A41 145pts. Crew: 5

8”/16”/8” 10 5 2 AA MG, Schurzen
17pdr HVAP 32” 2 15 3+
Co-ax Polsten 16” 3 5 5+

T28 SPG 205pts. Crew: 4 limit of one.

6”/ 9”/ 4” 16 7 2 50cal. MG, Schurzen, Overloaded
105mm 40” 2 18 3+ Hull Mounted

Alice FV, CiC, +95 pts. She must use the Centurion.
Shimada Bloodline: If within 8 inches of enemy tanks, her tank is at +1 to be hit.
Melancholic: this tank may only make Panzer Vor moves if they are within line-of-sight of an enemy.
Elite Crew: her crew passes skill checks on a 2+, and adds +1 ROF at all times.

Megumi, Azumi, Rumi +15pts., each. Tank Commander

Command Potential: These characters use the 2iC rules.
The Winter War: Keizoku school teams ignore terrain modifications for Winter conditions.
Marksmanship: each tank may re-roll one to-hit die once per game.

BT-42 35pts. Crew: 3

12”/24”/8” 1 1 1 Limited Vision, Unreliable, Christie Suspension
115mm 16” 1 7 2+
Bombardment 48” 1 4 3+

BT-7 25pts. Crew: 3

12”/36”/8” 1 1 1 Co-ax MG, Limited Vision, Unreliable, Christie Suspension
45mm 24” 2 7 4+

T-26 10pts. Crew: 3

8”/16”/8” 1 1 1 Co-ax MG, Limited Vision, Unreliable
45mm 24” 2 7 4+

T-28 35pts. Crew: 6

8”/16”/8” 4 3 2 Co-ax MG, Twin Hull MG, Turret Rear MG, Limited Vision, Unreliable
76mm L-10 24” 2 7 3+

T34-76 115pts. Crew: 4 limited to one*

12”/32”/8” 6 5 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Limited Vision, Wide tracks, Christie Suspension
76mm F34 32” 2 9 3+

KV-1 135pts. Crew: 4 limited to one*

8”/16”/8” 9 8 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Limited Vision, Wide tracks
76mm F34 32” 2 9 3+
Mika: +25 (+50 with optional) Tank Commander
The Northern Winds: roll a dice before the game. Mika has pulled one of the following from nowhere.
1 Extra food: That’s nice.
2-3 Borrowed Gear: this tank is no longer unreliable
4-5 Custom Ammo: this tank gains +4 AP (not to bombardment value)
6 All of the above, including extra Treats.
Kantelle Magic: Motivation tests for this tank are taken on 2+
Shimada Bloodline: she uses the Shimada rule listed under Selected Univerity’s Alice.

Aki: +15pts.
Untapped Potential: if Aki’s tank has taken damage this game, she gains one re-roll on any dice for this game.

Mikko: +45pts.
I Want To Believe: This tank may pass a skill check to add +4 inches to a Christie suspension tank’s movement. It
may ignore terrain effects that turn. (this includes trenches or pits)
Spare Driving Rig: This team has Damage Capacity, and may pass a skill check to move while damaged.

The Operation
Once certain school likes to “borrow” tanks. It’s quite certain that other schools don’t like their tanks being borrowed.
The scenario could progress that one school is actively trying to watch their tank, while certain Wanderers of the
North Winds plan on making a visit. Layout should be similar to the Giant Slaying scenario, played on 4x4.
--The Keizoku side consists of resources to move tanks unnoticed, and a few daring operatives. (15mm, on pennies)
--The opponent side consists of a few guards, a target tanks, and a reserve of lighter patrolling vehicles.
--point value should be the cost of the target tank (or two) with a few added points to cover guards.
In this style of scenario, the defender only moves figures until after the posted guards detect an enemy.
A moving person needs a 5+ to be spotted, a moving light tank 4+, and a medium tank 3+. Add 1 for cover and
range. Moving persons can only be heard within 8” how far did they move? 3 inches is 6+, subtract one per inch.
A Tank on idle is heard on 5+, moving 6” or less at 4+, normal movement at 3+ and full speed at 2+
Gunfire automatically reverts the game to normal play. Roll a new start-of-game initiative and proceed.
ZIS-3, Modified: these can tow tanks at Tow speed, though one can be used as an observation platform.
Landing Craft: though only moving on water, it can actually carry the tanks. Counts water as cross country.
Enemy Uniforms: once spotted, a Skill Check is needed to actually declare this model a target.
Distraction: Guards in LOS to the distraction must check to spot the distraction.
Smoke Grenades: creates a 2” smoke template. Guards may move toward the smoke or choose to take cover.
Tranquilizers: these weapons don’t kill and work in silence. No firepower vs Tanks, 4+ vs On Foot
Chloroform pad: If in base contact, the firepower of this weapon is 2+ vs On Foot models. This ignores saves.
Silencer: shots with this weapon are not counted as gunfire

Manga Option: is possible a certain other school may wish to recover a borrowed tank. In this case, it is likely
kunoichi may be used in a raid on the Keizoku! The Keizoku would have guards available, and maybe 2 operators.
Manga Option

Defensive Core: Maginot Tanks may begin the game Gone to Ground. They may prepare positions for +5 pts per
tank, which count as concealing terrain if no terrain was available.
Laissez Faire: Maginot forces do not take morale tests until reduced to 25% of their force or less.

Renault FT-17 5pts. Crew: 2

6”/12”/6” 1 1 1 Unreliable
37mm SA-18 16” 2 4 4+ One-Girl Turret

Renault R35 10pts. Crew: 2

8”/16”/8” 3 3 1 Co-ax MG
37mm SA-18 16” 2 4 4+ One-Girl Turret

Renault R35 m39 15pts. Crew: 2

8”/16”/8” 3 3 1 Co-ax MG
SA38 37mm 24” 2 5 4+ One-Girl Turret

Renault Char B1 bis 40pts. Crew: 4

8”/16”/8” 6 5 2 Co-ax MG, Multi-gun, Unreliable
47mm SA-35 24” 2 6 4+ One-Girl Turret
75mm SA-32 24” 2 6 3+ Awkward Layout, Hull-Mounted

Somua s35 25pts. Crew: 3

12”/24”/8” 4 3 1 Co-ax MG
47mm SA-35 24” 2 6 4+ One-Girl Turret

Madeline: CiC +75pts.

Beloved Commander: Units under your command pass Motivation Checks at 3+
Defensive Paragon: at the start of your turn, your tanks may choose to gain +1 to be hit, negated if a tank moves.

Éclair: CiC +45pts.

Defiant of Tradition: the Maginot Team cannot have Éclair as CiC if Madeline is CiC
Medical Problems: at the beginning of each turn, roll a die; on a roll of 1 the tank cannot shoot.
Thorough Tactician: A force commanded by Éclair always deploys second.
Saint Cyr Style: Your tanks loose the One Girl Turret rule (despite the obvious)

Galette: +25pts. Char B1 Commander

The Last Old Guard: If Éclair or Madeline fails a morale test, Gallete may roll a morale test. Success keeps teams
within 8” of Galette from removal by loss condition, and the game continues.
Class Division: If no enemy tanks are in LOS, tanks within 8” of a lower class will move towards their superiors.
If they are within 1” if their superiors, choose 2 tanks of different class to roll skill tests. A failure results in no
shooting for that tank that turn.

Renault FT-17 5pts. Crew: 2 2nd class.

6”/12”/6” 1 1 1 Unreliable
37mm SA-18 16” 2 4 4+ One-Girl Turret

Somua s35 30pts. Crew: 3 1st or 2nd class

12”/24”/8” 4 3 1 Co-ax MG
47mm SA-35 24” 2 6 4+ One-Girl Turret

ARL-44 160pts. Crew: 5 1st class

8”/16”/8” 13 6 2 Hull MG, Unreliable, Overloaded
90mm 32” 2 14 3+

Marie: FV, CiC, +60pts.

Arrogant: Marie ignores class restrictions, and negates enemy rules mentioning Political, Grandeur, and Fun
Royalty: Tanks are unaffected by Class Division if within 12” of Marie.
Devious: You may not use Espionage or Spearhead against this force.
Let Them Eat Cake: If an opposing tank acquires ‘Treats’, Marie must prioritize shooting at that tank.
T34/76 95pts. USSR, Finns, captured by Germany
12”/32”/8” 6 5 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Fast Tank, Limited Vision, Wide tracks
F34 gun 32” 2 9 3+

Sherman M4 85pts. Lend-Lease, captured by Germany, China

12”/24”/8” 6 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG
M3 75mm 32” 2 10 3+ Smoke

Vickers 6-ton 5pts. UK, Finns, USSR, China

8”/16”/8” 0 0 1 Co-ax MG, Ltd. Vision, Unreliable
37mm 24” 2 6 4+

T-26 10pts. USSR, Spain, Finns, China

8”/16”/8” 1 1 1 Co-ax MG, Ltd. Vision, Unreliable
45mm 24” 2 7 4+

StuG III 90pts. German, Hungary, Finns, Romania, USSR, Syria

12”/24”/8” 7 3 1 Hull MG, Protected Ammo
StuK40 32” 2 11 3+ Hull Mounted

F1 65pts.
12”/24”/8” 5 3 1 Co-ax MG Hull MG Protected Ammo
7.5cmKwK40 24” 2 9 3+ Smoke
Bombardment 48” 1 3 6+ Smoke

F2 100pts.
12”/24”/8” 5 3 1 Co-ax MG Hull MG Protected Ammo
KwK40 32” 2 11 3+ Smoke

H 105pts.
12”/24”/8” 6 3 1 Co-ax MG Hull MG Protected Ammo, Schurzen
KwK40 32” 2 11 3+

BT-7 20pts. USSR, Finland, China, Spain

12”/36”/8” 1 1 1 Co-ax MG, Limited Vision, Unreliable
45mm 24” 2 7 4+

M3 Stuart 35pts. Lend-lease, China, Japan

Light Tank 3 2 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG,
37mm M5 24” 2 7 4+

M-10 90pts. Lend-lease

12”/24”/8” 4 2 1 50cal AA MG
3” M7 32” 2 12 3+ Slow Traverse
Pz 38(t) 35pts. Germany, Czech, Romania, Hungary
12”/24”/8” 3 1 1 Co-ax MG Hull MG Protected Ammo
KwK38t 24” 2 6 4+

PzIII J 60pts. Hungary, Romania, Germany

12”/24”/8” 5 3 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected Ammo
5cm KwK39 24” 3 9 4+

PzIII N 80pts. Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia

12”/24”/8” 6 3 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected Ammo
KwK 37 24” 2 9 3+

M3 Lee 80pts. Lend-lease

12”/24”/8” 5 3 1 Co-ax MG, Cupola MG
M3 37mm 24” 3 7 4+
m2 75mm 32” 2 9 3+ Hull mounted, Smoke

PzII 20pts. Germany, Spain, China, Yukari’s Shelf

12”/24”/8” 3 1 1 Co-ax MG, Protected Ammo
20mm 16” 2 5 5+

M36 Jackson ** 145pts. Yukari’s Shelf

14”/28”/8” 4 3 0 50.cal MG, Detroit’s Finest
90mm 32” 2 14 3+

Cromwell* 135pts. Yukari’s Shelf

16”/32”/8” 6 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected Ammo
75mm Gun 32” 2 10 3+ Smoke

Brummbar ** 60pts. Yukari’s Shelf

8”/16”/8” 9 5 1 Hull MG, Overloaded
150mm 16” 1 13 2+ Bunker Buster, Hull Mounted

CV/33 Solothurn 5pts. Crew: 2

12”/24”/4” 0 0 1
under rare and devious circumstances,
20mm 2 5 5+
The Duce may allow the use of one
of these machines for every 5 normal
CV/33 Brixia 5pts. Crew: 2
tankettes taken
12”/24”/4” 0 0 1
Bombardment 2 1 5+

Shizuka Tsuruki: FV, 55 pts. Ribbon Warrior

12”/24”/8” 1 1 1
37mm 24” 2 5 4+ One-Girl Turret
Heart of War: This tank may re-roll one dice per turn.
Playing the Game
Sensha-Do is not war: it is a match of steel-on-steel to build character and develop sportsmanship (or, sportsgirl-
ship?). The scenarios can be used from a V3 rulebook, but there are a few major changes every sensha-do match
must exhibit:
Full Team Deployment: the entire team deploys in formation, typically a long line abreast. As a result, deployment
zones are smaller and thinner. It must be noted the player has full reign to decide in what order the tanks stand in
line, so long as the team looks dashing at the start.
No Reserves: the entire team is present at the start of the game. So, reserves have no effect on the game.
Ambush: Ambushing teams are deployed with the starting line, but in their first movement, they disengage to the
site of ambush. They are placed in ambush and may arrive in future turns per standard ambush rules.

Standard Sensha-Do matches involve 5, 10, 15, or 20 tanks. This will not always be possible in a balanced point val-
ue game. Setting a good PV for a game will be difficult seeing how different some tanks can be. 800 pts turns out to
be a fairly average game for most teams, though games as small as 150 pts are possible. However, full 1500 pt games
are still possible, even if the teams exceed 20 tanks by a wide margin.

Flag Tank: one tank is designated as the flag tank. The defeat of this tank signals game end and loss.
Elimination: every tank on the opposing team must be eliminated. It is strongly recommended to avoid this objec-
tive when there is a strong disparity in the quality of tanks facing each other.
Timed Battle: the battle goes on for a set number of turns, usually 8: at the end, the team which is judged to have
accomplished the most is the winner. This is best as a juried match, as there can be multiple points of view as to who
has accomplished what. Also, if there is a strong disparity in the quality of opposing tanks, this is the most balanced
form of play.

Replica Battles: not recommended for the weak or light hearted, these are point-value-be-damned re-enactments
from the show. The idea is to just have fun acting out the scenes, with the random luck of dice and the ingenious
command of hindsight-filled players. These scenarios are not recommended for any form of ‘competitive’ play, as
many of the matches shown were insanely unbalanced.


In Sensha-Do, deploying on the short sides
encourages more maneuvering in approach,
while deploying on the long edges gets to the
point of action. It is recommended to use long
deployment only if a specific team needs the
advantage to balance their composition, or if
both sides are truly evenly matched.

Deployment Zones: Deployment zones are

24” long, and 6” to 10” deep. They run along
the table edge, and can be placed anywhere
along the edge opposite the opponent:
In sensha-do, the match is often interrupted by special events. It’s best to run truly important matches as a
chain of scenarios, losing tanks along the way. Special scenarios like those below could interrupt the usual face-
to-face battles most games become.

Breakout: surrounded, cornered, your team must find their way out of an enemy encirclement to win the day.
*the opponent deploys first, and you have the first turn.
*this scenario may also have Flag tank or Timed match objective added, or both.
*tanks lost in this scenario don’t show up in future campaign games.

The Giant: the opponent has played their trump card, but it’s up to you to step up and slay the giant!
*there should be plenty of high ground in this scenario, and ways to navigate up there. (or substitute)
*if you can shoot the giant from high ground, and the giant is distracted, you can hit top armor.
*the Maus and Karl Morser are the best examples, but even a T-28 can be a giant to CV/33’s….
The Long Chase: it’s simple: get away from the enemy. This
scenario is not so fun if one side has all fast tanks…
*play this longboardways: you start 16” in the board,
and the opponent comes in on the table in their turn.
*the runner gets the first turn
*you can move at full speed, but turreted tanks can
shoot backward. Hull Mounted weapons can only fire and
move in reverse at terrain speed...
*if you have enemy tanks destroyed and more of
your tanks reach the far table edge than lost, it’s a victory…


In case you want a far more solid way to determine who won a match, there is
the tried and true method of victory points. The following tends to work for every kind
of match where you just want to line up against your oppoinent and roll some dice.
+1 You showed up and played, and did not quit early
+1 For each enemy unit of similar grade to your own that was defeated
+1 For defeating all other enemy tanks
+1 For defeating an enemy tank that clearly outclassed your own.
+1 For defeating the enemy commander (CiC)
+1 More than 50% of your tanks survived the match
+1 Your CiC or 2iC survived the match
If for some reason, a player brings a force to the table and has a wide point disparity between his and the oppo-
nent’s (especially in a standard numbers match) then you may apply the loose rules of strategy. You can roll on the
below chart to see what is available OR select it at the point values stated.
There is no solid rule for using strategies, but you should usually avoid taking more than 3 duplicates.
Standard Strategies:
1-2 Turn a Flank: +20pts.
You may take up to 8” worth of deployment zone off and place it on an adjacent table edge, on the half closer to
your deployment. Up to 1/3d of your tanks may enter here. They move onto the table in the 1st turn.
3-4 Smoke Screen: +30pts.
In lieu of shooting, you may place two 2” smoke balls in a line for each participating tank, once.
5 Defilade: +30pts.
You do not suffer ‘locked together’ when your tanks are taking heavy cover watching a choke point.
6 Rocks Fall, You Die: +50pts.
if the enemy is next to very high ground and/or the site of a Bombardment above them, you may attack all tanks
within 3” of that spot with the following bombardment: 1 5 3+
Oarai Strategies: (choose one per roll)
1-2 Improved Defilade: +40pts.
as above, but you may also claim a +1 defilade bonus to be hit if in urban terrain.
3-4 Smoke Screen: +30pts.
as the above.
4-5 In-Depth Recon: +50pts.
The enemy may not claim Gone to Ground, Ambush, or Spearhead against you this game.
5-6 High Ground Shot: +20pts.
if you have 2 tanks locked on higher ground, one of them can shoot at top armor to tanks below for 1 turn.
6 Blocking Maneuver: +20pts.
Your non-bailed out tanks may lock up to enemy tanks to prevent them moving though that 180 degree arc.
6 Throw a Tank: +50pts.
A tank that can move at least 12” may propel a smaller tank airborne: it must move at least 12” in a straight line and
carries the other tank adjacent to it, and either requires an improv ramp or a sudden stop for the pusher, or both.
The small tank ignores terrain, moves in the same straight line and may make one attempt to shoot top armor. Once
the turn ends, the benefitting tank must roll front armor plus a d6. If the number is 10 or more, that tank is imme-
diately defeated.
Saunders Strategies: (these tricks may be pulled despite the points difference)
1-2 Snooping +80pts.
When snooping, you may choose during an enemy turn to take your movement phase after the enemy takes their
movement phase. You do not get a movement phase during your turn.
3-4 Supply Drop +50pts.
Pick a point on the table to receive a supply drop. Tanks within 6” of that spot may fire ROF 3 when stationary.
5 Custom Ammo +40pts.
Your Sherman tanks all gain +1 AP. You may choose any tank to gain +2 AP but use Firepower 4+ instead.
6 Uparmored +50pts.
Your Sherman Tanks all gain +1 to their front and side armor values, or the Improvised Armor special.
OPERATIONS RESOURCES ( for Keizoku and Defending school )

Guards 25 pts. Confident Trained, 15pts. Confident Conscript (35pts. Keizoku)

6”/12”/4” 4+ save Tranquilizer Rifle: range 16”, ROF 1,
Two guards may use an MG nest for +30 pts. You must model the MG nest appropriately.

ZiS-3 10 pts.
12”/24”/4”, - - - Tow Hook, Tow Speed 8”, Stealth +1.
Landing Craft 20pts.
8”/16”/4”, 1 1 0 Carry Capacity 1 tank, Water Movement Only, shoreline is difficult terrain
Keizoku Operators 40pts. Fearless Veteran
6”/12”/4” 3+ save Tranquilizer Pistol: range 4”, ROF 2, Silencer, FP 4+ vs on-foot targets.
May add Smoke Grenades for +5pts, May add Enemy Uniforms for +10pts, May be a Distraction for +10 pts
May add Tranquilizer Suomi for +10pts: range 4”, ROF 3.
or instead use Tranquilizer StG44 for +20pts: range 8”, ROF 3. Add InfraRed for +5pts.
May add Chloroform pads for +5 pts.
May add Molotovs for +10pts: range: 2”, ROF 1, AP4, FP 3+, FP 1+ vs on-foot, Improvised Attack
May add Panzerfausts for +20pts: range 4”, ROF 1 if stationary, AP12, FP 5+, FP 1+ vs on-foot targets
One in three may instead use a Scoped Rifle for +20pts: range 16” ROF 1, AP 2 FP 6+, FP 3+ vs on-foot targets.
One in three may instead use a Lahti AT Rifle for +30pts: range 16” ROF 2, AP 5 FP 5+, FP 2+ vs on-foot targets.
One pair of 2 may use a Panzerschreck for +30pts: range 8” ROF 1, AP 11 FP 5+, FP 2+ vs on-foot targets.
Up to 3 may use RK95TP for +30pts: range 8”, ROF 3, AP2, FP6+, FP 3+ vs on-foot targets, Silencer.
--one of these 3 may add underslung GL for +15pts: range 16”, ROF 1, AP8, FP5+, FP 1+ vs on-foot targets
--add InfraRed for +5pts.

Kunoichi 35pts. Fearless Trained, 40pts. Fearless Veteran

6”/12”/4” 3+ save Ninjitsu Tools: range 2”, ROF 2, Silencer, Tranquilizer
May add Smoke Grenades for +5pts, May add Enemy Uniforms for +10pts, May be a Distraction for +10 pts
May instead use Katana: Range: base contact, Silencer, FP 3+ vs on-foot targets
One may instead use a Murata or Arisaka Rifle for +20pts: range 16” ROF 1, AP 2 FP 6+, FP 3+ vs on-foot targets.
--this Kunoichi may add a Silencer for +10 pts.

Finished and formatted for share on

January 12, 2019

This is a Free PDF. if you paid

money for this, you were dealing with
a crook.

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20th Century Wargames

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