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Experts vs.

the Sicilian
2nd edition

Edited by: Jacob Aagaard & John Shaw

www .qualitychessbooks.com
First published in 2006 by Quality Chess Europe AB
Vegagatan 1 8, SE-4 1 3 09 Gothenburg, Sweden

Copyright © 2006

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, photocoping,
recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher.

ISBN 9 1 -975244-6-8

All sales or enquiries should be directed to Quality Chess Europe

Vegagatan 1 8, SE-4 1 3 09 Gothenburg, Sweden
tel: +46-3 1 -24 47 90 fax: +46-3 1 -24 47 14
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website: www. qualitychessbooks.com

Distributed in US and Canada by SCB Distributors, Gardena California

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Edited by Jacob Aagaard and John Shaw

Typeset: Ari Ziegler
Cover Design: Carole Dunlop
Drawings: Claus Qvist Jessen
Proofreading: Danny Kristiansen
Printed in Estonia by Tallinna Raamatutriikikoja LLC

Preface 5
The writers 7
The Najdorf 9
The Dragon 37
The Sveshnikov 71
The Classical Sicilian 89
The Kan and Taimanov 117
The Accelerated Dragon 147
The Scheveningen 157
The Kalashnikov 173
The Four Knights 181
The Pin Variation 187
The Nimzowitsch Variation 197
Minor lines 209
5th move alternatives 221
List of variations 226
List of games 227
List of symbols

t Check
A strong move
!! A brilliant move
!? An interesting move
?! A dubious move
? A mistake
?? A blunder

+- White has a winning position

± White is better
;j; White is slightly better
The position is equal
00 The position is unclear
00 Compensation for the sacrificed material
+ Black is slightly better
+ Black is better
-+ Black has a winning position

1-0 White won

VI-VI The game was drawn
0-1 Black won
(x) x'th match game
corr. Correspondence game

GM John Nunn had a lot of success with his trilogy Beating the Sicilian 1, 2 and 3. Others have
tried to follow suit, but none with the same success. (The latest being Nigel Davies with Taming the
Sicilian, where the White repertoire was based on g3-lines against almost everything.)
It was with this knowledge that Ari Ziegler and Jacob Aagaard discussed the idea of a repertoire
book against the Sicilian in 2003, while developing the idea of a new chess publishing company. The
discussions (leading to this book) ended with the idea of contacting strong players who had specialist
knowledge in the lines in question. It was our conviction that this would give the reader the best
possible insight into the finer points of a particular line. As experienced players and opening book
writers we know that important finesses are missed if you do not:
1. Use a lot of time analysing the games, instead of just believing the players' own analysis.
2. Have prior knowledge of the system.
It is obviously not easy to get many busy chess players to deliver up-to-date material all at the
same time. However it was also not as difficult as we feared. Alexander Raetsky and Peter Wells were
playing tournaments at the time of the deadline, but still managed to deliver with only a week's delay.
And this despite serious computer problems for both!
It has been interesting to learn how differently some very strong players view opening theory, and
see how this has made itself apparent in their contributions. At one extreme there is Viktor Gavrikov
with his dense theoretical style, at the other Peter Heine Nielsen with his ideas-based approach. This
is not a matter of playing strength or necessarily style of play. These two GMs are the two highest
rated players contributing to this book, and are both renowned theoreticians. For this reason we
decided that it did not make any sense to make huge changes to the style chosen by the different
contributors. Clearly a lot of general editing has been done, but we made no particular effort to limit
the diversity of the book's authors.

We hope you will find this book enlightening and entertaining.

Glasgow, October 2nd 2004 Jacob Aagaard John Shaw

Foreword to the revised 2006 edition

As we wanted to re-typeset to a bigger format when we had to reprint this book, we decided to
insert the corrections of both language and chess moves we had encountered since the book was first
published. In essence, the book is the same as the 2004 edition, but a lot of minor changes and a few
updates will hopefully make it an improved edition.
The updates compared to the first edition do not only include improvements forWhite, but
also for Black. We have tried to present the reader with an honest picture of the development of the
lines over the last two years, but not upheld ourselves to the obligations of delivering a bullet proof
repertoire. We found this approach the most honest and hopefully the readers will do so too.
In that connection we would like to thank Mikhail Golubev for revising his chapter on the

Glasgow, June 1" 2006 Jacob Aagaard John Shaw

The writers Grandmaster Peter Wells vs. the Classical
Peter Wells is 41 years old and has for many
Grandmaster Thomas Luther vs. the Najdorf years been one of the best players in England.
37 -year-old Thomas Luther from Erfurt in During his work for this book he found time to
Germany (where Martin Luther went to take second place in the British Championship.
university) is twice German champion and At the publication date of this book Peter will
a regular member of his country's Olympiad represent England at the Olympiad.
team, including 2000 when they were close to Peter's participation is a real scoop for this
winning the tournament, but in the end had to book. His reputation as a chess opening author
settle for silver medals. is unchallenged. Kasparov, with his usual
Although this is Thomas' first contribution diplomacy, said about Peter's book on the Semi­
to a chess book, his 20 years of playing 6.ig5 Slav, that he could not understand how such
against the Najdorf at a high level cannot but a weak player could write such a great book.
impress. His recent book on the Trompowsky (Batsford
2003) was called "the finest opening book I've
Grandmaster Mikhail Golubev vs. the ever seen" by 1M Jeremy Silman, and received
Dragon universal acclaim as well as a nomination for
Mikhail Golubev is a strong 36-year-old book of the year at www.chesscafe.com.
grandmaster from Ukraine who mainly In 1998 Peter wrote The Complete Richter­
considers himself a journalist. He is known as Rauzer together with Viacheslav Osnos. He
a diligent chess writer and the author of some plays the Classical Sicilian often and with good
well-received opening books. results.
Mikhail contributes often to New In Chess
Yearbook with theoretical surveys, and mainly Grandmaster Sune Berg Hansen vs. the
on the Sicilian Dragon. In recent years a great Taimanov and the Kan
number of books on the Dragon have been Sune Berg Hansen is 35 years old and has
published, but none caught the attention of the been one of Denmark's strongest grandmasters
editors of this book as Golubev's small book, for many years. He has competed in
Easy Guide to the Dragon. several Olympiads and once in the World
We are very happy that Mikhail accepted our Championship. He is well known in Denmark
invitation to contribute to this book. for the high quality of his chess annotations,
and as the daily chess and poker columnist for
International Master Jacob Aagaard vs. the the large newspaper Politiken. His article in this
Sveshnikov & several minor lines book is his first larger contribution to a chess
Jacob Aagaard is 32 years old, born in Denmark, book. His great knowledge of opening theory
but resident in Glasgow, Scotland. His best will become apparent to anyone who reads his
results are his two GM-norms, both attained work in this book.
in 2004. Jacob has written many chess books.
Especially close to heart is the Excelling at Chess Grandmaster Peter Heine Nielsen vs. the
series of 5 books, from which the first, Excelling Accelerated Dragon
at Chess, won book of the year at chesscafe. Peter Heine Nielsen is 33 years old and
com, while the final two received even better currently Scandinavia's number one. Peter has
reviews. won many international tournaments, ahead
Jacob is also the author of Easy Guide to the of such players as Ivanchuk, Short, Svidler and
Sveshnikov (Everyman Chess 2000). Beliavsky. He also won a bronze medal at the
1994 Olympiad in Moscow.
8 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

Peter co-authored the book The Sicilian Grandmaster Alexander Raetsky vs. the Four
Accelerated Drag on in 1998 with fellow Knights.
Dane Carsten Hansen. They are currently 44-year old Alexander Raetsky very recently
contemplating an updated edition. made his first grandmaster norm after 9, 10
and 1 1 rounds of the Biel Open 2004, but was
Grandmaster Viktor Gavrikov vs. the unfortunately given one and not three norms
Scheveningen for the effort. He has for a long time been one of
Viktor Gavrikov is 47 years old and famous on the best players in his home region of Voronezh
the tournament circuit for his vast knowledge of in Russia, where for the last five years he has
opening theory. As a player he has competed at organized one of the largest open tournaments
the highest level for many years, and won games in the world.
against players such as Karpov, Beliavsky, van Alexander is also the author of several chess
Wely, Lautier, Andersson and Adams. Currently books, most often with his close friend Maxim
he contributes theoretical articles to ChessBase Chetverik, as well as a contributor to New In
Magazine and is working on a book on the Chess Yearbook. Among his books is Meeting
middlegame. 1.e4, which is a repertoire book with the main
Viktor has played the Keres Attack with both line being the Four Knights Sicilian, an opening
colours, but does not consider himself a true he has played regularly since.
expert. However his contribution to this book Alexander was finally awarded the grandmaster
suggests otherwise. title in 2005 after making the final norm in
Cappelle Ie Grande, France, where you should
International Master Jan Pinski vs. the be able to find him each year.
Jan Pinski is a 27-year-old journalist, currently Grandmaster John Shaw vs. several minor
working hard on uncovering corruption in his lines.
native Poland, as well as on his next chess book. John Shaw from Scotland has represented
Jan has written a number of chess books, the his country in many international team
first being The Kalashnikov Sicilian with Jacob tournaments, including Olympiads. He has
Aagaard. In an e-mail to the editors Jan states, written two opening books for Everyman
" It is incredible that I played this line for so long Chess and was awarded the grandmaster title in
without being punished!" 2006.
comparing the results of these two variations we
The Najdorf
see that 6.ig5 is doing fine.
- By 1homas Luther There are some specialists in this line and
I have annotated some of their best games.
Among many others I want to mention GMs
Short, Timman, Kotronias and Sulskis for their
great efforts.
The most important lines are the Poisoned
Pawn variation (6... e6 7.f4 \Wb6), which is
the most critical line and the main line (6 ... e6
7.f4 tLlbd7 8. \Wf3 \Wc7 9. 0-0-0 ie7) and now
10. id3. These two lines dominate at the moment
in tournament practice. Other formerly well­
known lines, like the Polugayevsky Variation
(6 . . . e6 7.f4 b5), are rarely met nowadays.
I have checked most variations given in
this chapter with my computer. But soft- and
hardware are developing fast, and sooner or
later improvements will be found. If you are
The Najdorf System is one of the most popular
uncertain about a position after reading this
systems of the Sicilian Defence. It arises after
book I truly advise you to check it with your
the moves l .e4 cS v!L)f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4
tLl fG S.tLlc3 a6. The Argentine Grandmaster
In the beginning I will give some sidelines.
M. Najdorf played it for the first time in a
Each of them is dangerous if White does not
tournament game in the 40s.
know what to do. I start with 6 . . . tLlbd7 (the
Nowadays it is seen in every level of
usual move which is played in almost all other
tournament. Many World Champions,
games here is 6 ... e6). Black's idea is to avoid
including Fischer and Kasparov, used it as their
getting double pawns on the f-line, and maybe
main defence against l.e2-e4. In many variations
later there could be an e7-e5 in one move. In
an uncompromising battle arises where every
most of the games Black just plays e7-e6 on the
move has great importance. It is a very practical
next move and the game transposes to another
choice if Black wants to play for a win from
line. Really not recommendable is this idea in
the very beginning of the game. In our times
connection with 7... \Wb6. Black is just too far
many moves from the older games belong only
behind in development to do so. The following
to history, because strong computer programs
game is a perfect example of how White should
show that they are incorrect. Nevertheless,
deal with this plan.
in some lines White just crushes Black's set­
up. I will give some examples where I show
the reader some basic ideas (for example the Game l
ctJc3-d5 sacrifice), and I try to show the
Stripunsky - Granda Zuniga
New York 1998
connection of different variations and the tricks
of move orders.
l .e4 cS 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 tLlfG S.tLlc3
This book recommends 6.ig5. I have played a6 6.igS tLl bd7
this move for nearly 20 years now and I have 6... h6 7.ixf6!
won many games with it. There are relatively 7.f4 �b6?!
few recent games in the 6.ig5 line, because 6. 7... e6 is of course the move, transposing to
ie3 is more popular right now. However when 6...e6 7.f4 ctJbd7.
10 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

7...h6? 8.i.xf6 CLlxf6 9.e5 dxe5 10.fxe5 CLld5 @d8 was Zunker - Holfelder, Bruchkoebel
l1.e6± 2002. Now 14.CLlxa8 i.b7 15.i.c4! wins.)
7... b5? also does not really work. After 8.i.xf6 13.Elb3 �a lt 14.@f2 e6 15.Elb l �a2 16.i.c4
CLlxf6 9.e5 b4 10.CLlcb5! - Nunn. White has a a5 17.�c3 CLlc5 18.ttJc6t bxc6 19.�xf6t @e8
strong position. Here are some lines: 20.CLlc7t @d7 21.�xf7t i.e7 22.i.xa2 1-0
1O...CLle4 l1.e6 �b6 12.exf7t @d8 13.�f3 d5 Garbarino - Sabas, Buenos Aires 1982.
14.0-0-0, axb5?! 15.�xe4!+- 11...�c5 12.CLlb3 �c6 13.CLla5 �c5 14.CLlxb7
1O...dxe5 l1.fxe5 �g4 (Nunn gives l1...axb5 Elb8 15.CLlxc5 ElxbIt 16.@f2 CLlxc5 17.�a5+-
12.exf6 gxf6 IHEf3 �d7 14.ttJe6+-) 12.�d3± 12. :Bb3!
axb5 13.exf6 exf6 14.�e4t �e7 15.i.xb5t i.d7 White needs to bring his pieces into action.
16.i.xd7t @xd7 17.CLle6!!+- Worse was 12.CLlc7t @d8 13.CLlxa6 bxa6
Let's return to 7... W b6?! . 14.CLlc6t @c7 15.CLlxb8 CLlxb8 16.i.c4 CLlc6't.

12 ...Wfa4
8.Wfd2 Wfxb2 After this there is not a lot to talk about.
Otherwise Black's play does not make a lot of White is simply much better.
sense. 12...�c5 13.Elc3 �a7 14.i.xa6!+- does not
9. :Bbl Wfa3 10.�xf6! work, but 12... �xa2!? has been suggested, and
White uses his lead in development by this is in fact the only way for Black to play on. Still,
immediate action. analysis assisted by a computer indicates that
10 gxf6
White has the advantage. 13.i.c4! is of course
Forced. 1O...CLlxf6 11.e5 CLlg4 12.CLld5 is pretty the move. Now we have:
hopeless for Black. 12...�c5 (12"':Ba7 13.Elb3 a) 13...�a lt? This only helps White. 14.@f2
�xa2 14.�c3 i.d7 15.�c7+- or 12...Elb8 13.CLlc6 �xh l White now has a winning combination
�xa2 14.�d l±) 13.CLlb3 �c6 14.ttJa5 �c5 Now with 15.CLlc7t @d8 16.�a5! b6 17.CLlde6t fxe6
the weaker player could have won if he played 18.CLlxe6t @e8 19.�h5 mate.
15.CLlxb7+-, but respect for the grandmaster b) 13... CLlc5? 14.Elxb7! (14.0-0!? CLlxb3
made him repeat moves, Bindrich - Zagrebelny, 15.i.xb3 �a3 16.Elf3, is also tempting, but
Dresden 2000. winning the queen is more convincing.)
1 1.tLld5 :Bb8 14...�b lt 15.Elxb l Elxb lt 16.@e2 Elxh l
Other moves are no better, or maybe even 17.�a5+-
worse. c) 13...e6 14.CLlc7t @d8 15.�c3! (15.0-0
11...�xa2 12.�b4 @d8 (12... b5 13.CLlc7t �a4! and it is not possible to find more than
The Najdorf 11

equality for White. This shows the old truth 8.e5!

that an advanced soldier behind enemy lines Here Black wants to make use of the early f2-
can do a lot of damage.) IS...tLlcS 16J�xb7 f4, so after the "normal" Rauzer move 8.'lWd2 h6
'lWblt 17.E1xbl E1xblt 18.We2 E1xhl 19.'lWaS 9.�h4 (9.� 'lWxf6 is not attractive for White
Wd7 20.tLlcbS! and the White attack crashes either) 9...tLlxe4 is very strong. But this is not a
through. Rauzer, but :I Najdorf, where White is prepared
d) 13...'lWa4 14.'lWc3 tLlcS IS.tLlb6 'lWa2 16.0-0 for an early e4-eS.
tLlxe4 17.'lWel tLlcS 18.'lWb4 and the black queen 8 ... h6 9.ih4
is trapped.
13.ha6! e5!?
13...bxa6 14.'lWc3!+- Vitolinsh - Arakas, USSR
13...'lWxa2 14.'lWc3 e6 IS.tLlc7t Wd8 16.�c4
is of course not playable for Black. There is
nothing that justifies the weakening of the
king's position.
14.E1b4 'lNxa2
14 ... 'lWaS IS.tLlb3 looks good for White.
IS...'lWxa2 16.�bS with a crushing attack.
15.c!L\b3 bxa6? 16.'lNc3! 1-0
Black resigned. His queen is trapped after
16...E1a8 17.0-0 as 18.E1bS a4 19.tLlc7t Wd8
9 . . . dxe5
Another old sideline is 7... c!L\c6. It came to 9...tLlxd4 keeps the pawn structure on the
popularity after GM Shabalov played it. Funnily queenside intact, but Black has to commit his
it was also GM Shabalov who started crushing kingside with g7-gS. 10.'lWxd4 (10.exf6?? falls
this line. into a nice trap: 10...tLlf5! This was discovered
Black wants to achieve a Rauzer-like set-up by Adorjan. Il.fxg7 'lWxh4t 12.g3 tLlxg3
and make use of White's early f2-f4. In fact the 13.gxh8='IW tLle4t and notwithstanding his two
early f4 gives White the chance to kick Black's queens, the white king will soon be checkmated.)
knight on f6 with e4-eS. Since White has better 10...dxeS Il.'lWxd8t Wxd8 12.fxeS gS 13.�g3!
development the tactics should go fine for him, tLld7 14.0-0-0 �g7 IS.�e2 (for some reason
and they do so. In the game below GM Adams this natural move is not in Kosten's book Easy
shows fine technique and gains a great advantage. Guide to the Najdor/J IS...We7 16.�hS! (£7 is
Only a silly blunder, which had nothing to do the weakest point in Black's territory) 16...E1fS
with the opening, cost him half a point. (16...tLlxeS does not work here. 17.E1hel f6
18.heS fxeS 19.E1f1! �f6 20.tLle4 E1fS 21.E1f2!
Game 2 and White is clearly better.) 17.tLle4 tLlxeS
Adams - Anand 18.E1hel f5 19.tLlc3 f4 20.�f2 b6 21.hb6
Linares 1997 �b7 22.�cSt Wf6 23.E1xeS 1-0 Luther - Senff,
Cappelle la Grande 2001.
l .e4 c5 2.c!L\f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.c!L\xd4 c!L\f6 5.c!L\c3 1O.c!L\xc6 'lNxdl t 1 l .E1xdl bxc6 12.fxe5 c!L\d5
a6 6.ig5 e6 7.f4 c!L\c6 Also possible is 12...tLld7!? but Black still
Usually in the Najdorf the tLlb8 is going to has a passive position. 13.tLle4 gS 14.�g3
d7, compared to the Rauzer where Black sets up �g7 IS.tLld6t We7 16.tLlc4 as 17.h4. This is a
with, d6, tLlf6 and tLlc6. very strong move: White wants to weaken the
12 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

g5-pawn and trade his passive rook. Now it 17.c4 lbb4 1 8J!d2!
is difficult for Black to develop his last pieces, It is important to protect the a-pawn since it
as can be seen by the following lines: 17... a4 keeps Black's knight out of the game. Huzman
(17... ia6 IS.tLlxa5 Elhc8 19.ixa6 Elxa6 20.tLlc4 gives: 18.0-0 tLlxa2 19.Ela l tLlb4 20.Elxa5 tLlc2
Elxa2 21.hxg5 hxg5 22.Elh5 Elh8 23.Elxg5±) and Black has good counterplay against the b3-
IS.hxg5 hxg5 19.Elxh8 ixh8 20.ie2:t pawn.
13.lbe4 Elb8 14.b3 l S ... Eld8 19.13f1 !
Another brilliant move by Adams. Th e king
stays in the centre to cover the important
1 9 ... 13xd2 20.@xd2 lba6
20 ... tLlxa2 Now this is different. The white
king dominates the knight on b4 after: 21.Ela l
ILl b4 22.Elxa5 the position is ±.
2 1 .ih5
Forcing Black to weaken the kingside
2 1 ...g6 22.is ib7 23.@c3 13dS 24.lbd6 iaS
This spoils all the previous achievements.
After protecting the knight on d6 once more,
White's victory would have been only a question
14.c4?! allows a tricky piece sacrifice: 14...Elxb2! of time. 25.Eld l! was the right move.
15.cxd5 ib4t 16.1Lld2 exd5+
14...g5?!. Making the check on b4 happen
is not worth weakening the structure. 15.ig3
ib4t 16.@e2! and by threatening c2-c4 White
obtained a big advantage in Brodsky - Rechel,
Groningen 1993.
1 5.ig3!
This move certainly secures an advantage for
White. Black has too little space for his pieces.
This is more important than just the usual
good/bad bishop stuff. Worse is 15.ixe7 @xe7,
and with a weak pawn on e5, White can never
be better.
1 5 ... 0-0 16.ie2
16.c4?!. White should be careful with pawn 25 f5!

moves: 16... tLlb4 17.Eld2 Eld8 with counterplay. Now Black has counterplay.
1 6 a5
.•• 26.b4 g5 27.h3 if8 2S.c5 13b8
16... tLle3 hunting the g2-pawn is not good for 28... ig7 29.lLlc4 does not change much.
Black: 17.El d2 lbxg2t IS.@f2 tLlh4 19.1Llf6t! 29.ih5
Without this move White would have nothing. 29.Ela l with the idea 30.tLlc4 was
1 9...gxf6 20.ixh4 i.c5t 21.@S fxe5 22.if6 recommended after the game.
and after id3 and Elg2 White has a dangerous 29 ... lbc7 30.iS lba6 3 1 .i.h5 lbc7 32.iS
attack. 1f2-1J2
The Najdorf 13

White could have played on, but probably he 1 1 .�xd5

was frustrated with his 25th move. It is important to take first on d5 and later
on c6, so that Black does not have the option to
Now we turn to the above-mentioned game take with a later c-pawn on d5.
from GM Shabalov. Instead of heading for 1 l ... exd5 12.exd6
an ending, as in the previous game, Black can The best. Other moves like e5-e6 have been
burn his bridges and crack White's centre with tried, but without much success.
White has to play carefully and have some
theoretical knowledge about the position.
With the right move order White can prevent
Black building up a strong centre. He has to
take the d5 knight before he takes the one on
c6. As soon as White castles the black king be
under a strong attack.

Game 3
Shabalov - Browne
Las Vegas 1997

1 .e4 c5 2.<�ja d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.�xd4 � f6 5.�c3

a6 6 ..ig5 e6 7.f4 � c6 8.e5! h6 9 . .ih4 g5
12 ...�xd6
12...hd6 13.lt:lxc6 bxc6 14.�d4 White
plays this move because he wants to protect his
bishop on h4 and then play g5-gG. 14...�e7t
15.,te2 ,te5 16.�a4 gb8 17.g6 (when White
achieves this Black is usually busted) 17...�d6
(17...�b4t. This was once recommended as
equalising, but I think White is still better.
18.�xb4 E:xb4 19.9xf7t Wxf7 20.0-0t Wg7
21.,tf2 gxb2 22. .!d3 After lots of exchanges
Black still has problems, his pieces are not
coordinated. A possible line could be: 22...gfS
23.gae l ,tc3 24.ge7t Wg8 25.,tc5 gxf l t
26.Wxf1 ,tg4 27.gc7 gxa2 28.gxc6 ,td l
29.,te3 ga3 30.gxa6 gxa6 31.b6 hc2
Black acts concretely against White's centre 32..!xh6 and good technique should bring
and the game becomes very tactical. Since White White the full point.) 18.gxf7t WfS 19.,tf2
has better development, tactics should work in gxb2 20.0-0 gh7 21.Wh l gxf7 22.,td4 With
his favour. a decisive attack in McDonald - Danner,
10.fxg5 � d5 Budapest 1996.
10...lt'\h7 Knights need to be placed in the Instead of 16 . . . gb8, there is also the option
centre! 11.lt'\xc6 bxc6 12.exd6 with advantage of 16...�d6. This is met by a surprisingly
for White. strong move:
Of course not 10...hxg5?? 11.lt'\xc6 bxc6 17.,tg3! Now we have the following
12.hg5 and Black loses a piece. options:
14 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

a) 17...hg3t 18.hxg3 'lWxg3t 19.'iil f l Both

c6 and h6 are hanging, besides Black's king is in
danger. White is clearly better.
b) 17 ... i.d7 18.gxh6 with advantage for White,
was Luther's recommendation. In practice
another more turned out to be quite poisonous.
18.'lWh4 �b8 19.0-0 hg3 (19...�xb2 20.g6
fxg6 21.he5 'lWxe5 22.ha6±) 20.hxg3 'lWe5
(20...'lWc5+ is the only move according to Fritz,
but White has a sensational attack after 21.'iilh2!
'lWxc2 [21...'lWe3 22.�ae l 'lWxg5 is objectively
better, but the endgame after 23.i.g4t 'iild8
24.hd7 'lWxh4t 25.gxh4 'iilxd7 26.�xf7t 'iild6±
is still a pawn up for White - not a bad result of
the opening!] 22.�ae l and Black has no defence:
22...i.e6 23.gxh6 'iild 7 24.i.g4 f5 25.'lWf6+-) Finally! White secures his extra pawn.
21.g6! fxg6 (Black has various chances to go 17 tvxc2

into endgames as this one: 21...'lWe3t 22.'iilh2 17...i.f5!? 18.i.e2! i.xc2 19.0-0 and with his
0-0 23.�xf7 �xf7 24.gxf7t 'iilxf7 25.�f lt 'iilg8 king in the centre Black is helpless against all
26.�f6 'lWg5 27.b3 Objectively Black is just lost, the threats.
but in practice he might score between 10 and 17...'lWxh6 With this move Black is just
20%.) 22.�ae l± The outcome of the opening accepting to play a pawn down. 18.i.f4 'lWg6
is clearly in White's favour. Without having (18...'lWe6 19.'lWxe6 he6 20.g3 was seen in
sacrificed anything she has a strong attack Luther -Abreu, Havana 2001. Black had no
against the completely naked black king, and compensation for the pawn.) 19.0-0-0± With
many weak black pawns to attack. Dworakowska a safe king and an extra pawn White has a clear
- Areshchenko, Gibraltar, 2005. advantage.
c) 17...0-0!? is an interesting attempt of 18 .ie2 �g5

improving. White should probably play 18.gxh6 Desperation! 18...'lWg6 19.i.h4! is very
(18.0-0-0 �b8 does not seem appealing.) uncomfortable for Black.
18...i.xg3t 19.hxg3 'lWxg3t 20.'iil f l i.f5 1 9.tvh8t! 'iild7 20.tvc3+-
21.'lWd4 Now Black played 21...�ae8?, which This finishes all Black's hopes.
should have lost in one move to 22.i.g4!!, in 20 tvxc3t

Dworakowska - Calotescu, Gothenburg 2005. 20...'lWe4 21.0-0 'lWxe2 22.�ae l and the
Better is 21...'iilh7 when White is better after various threats cannot be parried anymore.
for example 22.i.d3 hd3t 23.'lWxd3t 'lWxd3t 2 1.bxc3 .if6 22.0-0
24.cxd3;!;. After this move everything is clear. The passed
13.tve2t pawn on h6 decides the game.
The point of White's play. White gets the 22 ,ixc3 23.�xf7t me6 24.�af1 .id7 25 .ih4
..• •

clearly better game now. �g6 26 .ih5

13 i.e714.tihc6
Of course not 14.0-0-0?? 'lWf4t-+. Now after 26 ... �xh6 27.i.g4t White wins a
14 bxc6 15 .ig3! tvg6
••• •
piece, so Black resigned.
15...'lWb4t 16.c3 and, thanks to 'lWe2, the b2-
pawn is protected. The early 'IWc7 is another sideline. Black wants
16.tve5! �g817.gxh6! to play b7-b5 without allowing e4-e5. If White
The Najdorf 15

does not react to this plan and slowly develops, and White is better here.) l 1.exf6 b4 12.tDxd5
Black will kick White's knight on c3 by playing exd5 13.0-0-0 ib7 and, after studying this
b7-b5-b4. Black is doing fine if White has to position for some time, I came to the conclusion
move this knight to e2 or a4. There are many that White should not risk this piece sacrifice.
tactical lines but I cannot recommend them. S...gxf6 9.YfJd2
Basically, if White gets the chance to take on 9.ie2 is another way of setting up the pieces
f6 and Black has to recapture with the g-pawn for White. Generally I do not think the white
White should do it. The arising position is more king belongs on the kingside. 9... tDc6 10.tDb3
common in the Rauzer Defence, so I advise the b5 1 1.0-0 ib7 and Black will castle queenside
reader to study this chapter as well. and aim for the standard break d6-d5.
Game 4 Pushing the b-pawn is in the spirit of the
Khalifman - Lautier variation. The drawback is that the black king
Moscow 200 1 will never find a safe spot on the queenside.
9... tDc6 10.0-0-0 id7 11.'iflb l h5 12.ic4
l.e4 c5 2.ttla d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttlxd4 ttlf6 5.ttlc3 0-0-0 13.tDxc6 'lWxc6 14.ib3 @bS IHlhfa
a6 6.ig5 e6 7.f4 YfJc7 was seen in Topalov -Anand, Dortmund 1997.
With this move Black wants to trick White in 10.id3
his set-up. If he goes for �d l-a and castling 10.a3 ib7 I l.ie2 with the idea of castling
queenside Black quickly plays b7-b5-b4. Since kingside is another option, but Black can even
at this early stage of the game there is no ltJd5 stop this plan by playing 'lWc7-b6.
- sac possible the c3-knight has to be moved 10 ...ib7 1 1.0-0-0 ttld7
backwards, which is a big concession. Black cleverly keeps the knight because it
will be strongly placed on c5. After 1 1...ltJc6
12.ltJxc6 White is better.
12J�hel 0-0-0 13.£5 ttlc5 14.a3
White has to secure the c3-square for his
14 ...Wb8 15.Wbl h5 1 6.YfJe3 ih6 17.YfJh3

On the other hand there is the chance to break
Black's pawn chain, since Black has not played
either ttlbS-d7 or ifS-e7. In my opinion, this is
the most principled way to treat the �c7-line.
s.�a is often played in this position. S ... b5
(Black decides not to enter one of the main lines
by playing S... ltJbd7 or ie7.) 9.hf6 gxf6 10.e5
d5 ( 10 ... ib7 11.�h5 with the idea of ltJd4xe6
16 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

Here the players agreed a draw. In my opinion a big advantage in Kasparov - Ehlvest, Baku
White could have continued the game. Instead 1978.
of 18:�f3 I prefer: 9.fxe5 V!!c7
a) 18.b4 OK, it is not everybody's taste to The idea behind Black's play. He does not lose
open one's king, but getting rid of the c5 knight material, but White gains a lot of time.
is worth it. 18...ttJxd3 19.:Bxd3 :Bde8 20.:Bed l 1 0.exf6
with pressure. Or: There is also 10.�e2 but it is not in the spirit
b) 18.'!e2 Hitting on h5. 18...e5 (18...ttJxe4? of White's set-up.
19.ttJxe4 he4 20..!f3 and White wins) 19.ttJb3 1 0 V!!e 5t 1l ..ie2 V!!xg5 12.0-0

ttJxe4 20.ttJd5 hd5 21.:Bxd5 and White has 12.'%lId3 is considered as the main alternative
good compensation. He has play on the light here. Bringing the white king out of the line of
squares and against Black's king. fire is, in my opinion, the better option.

Great players have their own openings is an

old saying which is difficult to fulfil in our
time, since most of the sensible (and even
most of the stupid) moves from the starting
position have been played already. However
GM Polugayevsky invented 7 . . . b5, played
it and published a lot of analysis on it, so
this system took his name: the Polugayevsky
Variation. The idea is to kick the c3 knight
as early as possible. White is forced to take
counter measures and the game develops in
a very tactical way. What was a tremendous
workload back in the 70s and 80s can now
be done quickly with a computer program.
Nevertheless the work of GM Polugayevsky 1 2 :ga7

will always be remembered. Black's defence is based on this idea: the rook
goes to d7.
Game 5 12...'%lIe5 was for a long time considered the
Leko Ghaem Maghami
- main line, but is now less popular in practice. It
Yerevan 2001 is considered in the next game.
Not the natural 12....!b7? 13.'!f3 when
1.e4 c5 2.�f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.�xd4 �f6 5.c!lJc3 Black's position cannot be saved:
a6 6 .tg5 e6 7.£4 b5
• a) 13...hf3 14.�xa :Ba7 (14....!c5 15.�xa8
This is the aggressive move that was played as in Bisset - Martinez, e-mail 1994 offers Black
and analysed deeply by the Russian GM Lev no compensation) 15.:Bad l �e5 16.:Bfe l '%lIxf6
Polugayevsky. 17.'%lIg3 ttJd7 18.ttJd5 '%lId8 19.ttJc6 and White
8.e5 wins.
The only way to deal with b7-b5 successfully. b) 13...�e3t 14.@h l hf3 15.:Bxa '%lIe5
Otherwise Black just manages to kick White's 16.'%lId2! '!d6 17.g4 b4 18.ttJf5!! After this Black
knight with b5-b4. is done for. 18....!c7 19.:Be l �xh2t 20.�xh2
8...dxe5 .!xh2 21.fxg7 :Bg8 22.ttJd5 ttJd7 23.@xh2
8...h6? (this move does not promise Black @d8 24.ttJde7 1-0, Stripunsky - Jaracz, Poland
much here) 9..!h4 g5 10.fXg5 ttJh7 11:�h5 1995.
hxg5 12..!g3 .!g7 13.0-0-0 and White had c) 13...:Ba7 14.ttJxe6!! An absolute stunner.
The Najdorf 17

14...fxe6 ( 14...'lWe3t IS.�h l fxe6 16.fxg7! and soon 1-0 in Rodriguez Cespedes - Stangl, Biel
it is the end of the world) IS.f7t �e7 16.'1Wd4 19S5.
The key move. At best Black will be an exchange 17...ixe4 does not solve Black's problems.
down with a ruined position. 16... �xf7 IS.lMfxe4 i.cst 19.�h l gxf6 20.axbS and
17.ixb7t �eS IS.lDe4 E!xb7 19.1DxgS E!d7 White wins back the material and keeps a clear
20.lMfeS l-0, Kaehmann - Hamburg, Ruhrgebiet advantage.
1999. IS.�abl
1 3.�d3 �d7 14.lDe4 �e5 IS.c3 This move is an old recommendation.
14...'lWdS?! is worse than the text. The game The text is better. IS...ixe4 19.1Mfxe4 gxf6
Sulskis - Stocek, Isle of Man 2002 went as and the best White can get is a repetition by
follows: IS.c3 lDc6 16.lDxc6 'lWxc6 17.lMfe3 i.b7 following Black's queen with his rooks.
IS.i.f3 and Black still could not free his position IS ... �xc2
from White's attack. IS...'lWa3 19.c3 Only now does White play
15.lDf3! this move. Black cannot finish his development
IS.c3?! i.b7 16.i.f3 ixe4 17.ixe4 gxf6 and and is in trouble.
White does not have enough compensation for 19.1Dfg5! �c7
the pawn. Black is in serious trouble as any computer
15 ... �xb2 shows. Nowadays any program can analyse this
As in many tactical lines Black is forced to tactical position far better than any human.
take some material. 19... h6!? does not help either. 20.E!bc l lMfxc l
After IS...�c7 16.lMfe3 i.b7 17.c4 ixe4 2 1.E!xc l hxgS 22.�g3 lDc6 23.ixa6 and White
IS.lMfxe4 gxf6 19.cxbS lMfb6t 20.�h l axbS wins.
2 1.a4!. White simply has a great attack for 19...g6 20.E!fc l 'lWa2 2 1.i.c4 and White wins
no risk at all. The game Vasquez - Arancibia, again...
Maipu 2003 was soon 1-0.
16.�e3 J.b7 17.a4 b4

Opening up the position, after this blow there
After 17...lMfb4 Black could not solve all his is no longer a defence.
problems following IS.c4 ixe4 19.1Mfxe4 lMfcst 20 ...he4 21 .lDxe4 hb4
20.�h l b4 2 1.lMff4 i.d6 (a serious commitment, Allowing a nice finish.
but 2 1...lDc6 22.E!ad l lMffS 23.lMfe3 E!xd l 22.fxg7 �gS 23.lD f6t c;!;>d8 24.lDxgs J.c5
24.E!xd l 'lWxf6 2S.lMfb6 is no fun either) 22.fxg7 25.lDf6! he3t 26.c;!;>hl c;!;>c8 27.lDxd7
E!gS 23.'lWh6 i.eS 24.lMfxh7 E!xg7 2S.lMfhSt and 1-0
IB Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

In the next game we shall continue analysing 14.Whl V!fxfG l S.lLle4 V!fe7 16.lLleS!
the Polugayevsky Variation. Compared to a line The most dangerous. 16.ttlfg5 f5! has proven
like 7 ... N bd7 it might seem less relevant. But to be nothing. 17..ih5t g6 IB.ttlxh7 Wf7! and
first of all many club players really like to play Black was OK in several games.
this way, as there is something macho about it.
Secondly, the knowledge necessary for playing
an opening is not necessarily always centered
around the critical lines.

Game 6
Wosch - Nordin
e-mail 200 1

Sometimes a relatively weak player (here 2000

elo) plays at the level of a grandmaster for the
entire length of a game. This is the case with this
wonderful game. Some might think that this is
because of computer assistance, as it is an e-mail
game, but looking this game over with my own
computer does not suggest this at all. On the 16...f5?
contrary! Now this does not work. 1 6...0-0 i s the only
l.e4 cS 2.lt:H3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lLlxd4 lLlfG S.lLlc3 move. Now White should play 17.ttlxfl! and
a6 6.�gS e6 7.f4 bS B.eS dxeS 9.fxeS V!fc710.exfG then we have:
V!feSt 11.�e2 V!fxgS 12.0-0 V!feS 13.lLlf3 a) 17...ttlc6? IB..ih5!± is no good for Black. I
have analysed the following line IB....id4 19.c3
.ie5 20.Wlg4! with a winning attack. 20....id7
2 1.ttlh6t WhB 22.l"1f7 l"1xfl 23.ttlxflt WgB
24.ttlh6t WhB 25.ttlg5 g6 26.l"1£ 1! l"1fB 27.ttlhf7t
WgB 2B.V!fh4 and Black has no defence.
b) 17....ib7!? is an alternative. IB..id3.
Nunn's suggestion. ( 1B,cDxc5 Wlxc5 19.Wld6
V!fxd6 20.ttlxd6 l"1xf lt 2 1.l"1xf l .id5= was played
in Bartoli - Innorta, e-mail 199B) IB...l"1xfl
19.1"1xfl V!fxfl ( 19...Wxfl 20.Wlh5t±) 20.ttlxc5
.id5 2 1.ttle4 V!fg6 22.Wle2 and I think White
has good chances for achieving an advantage
here. He has ideas of ttle4-c3 and a2-a4, creating
further weaknesses in the Black camp.
c) 17...l"1xfl IB.ltlxfl Wxfl 19..ih5t WgB
13...�cSt (19...g6 20.ltlxc5 l"1a7 2 1.ltle4 Wg7 22. .if3
13... V!fxf6 14.ttle4 V!fxb2 15.ttlfg5 and, with l"1d7 23.V!feLt Kover - De Almeida, corr. 19BO.)
most of his pieces in the starting position, Black 20.ltlxc5 Now we have the following options:
is helpless against White's various threats. c 1) 20...V!fxc5 2 1.V!fdBt 1-0. Lukas - Feist,
13 ...V!fe3t 14.Wh l ttld7 15.l"1e l Wla7 16.fxg7 corr. 1997. Black probably overlooked 2 1...V!ffB
hg7 17.Wld6 was played in a blindfold rapid 22. .if7t!+-.
game between Leko and Ivanchuk. It seems that c2) 20...ltlc6 2 1.V!ff3 .id7 22.ltlxd7 V!fxd7
White still has some pressure here. 23.l"1d l± Schneider - Riedmueller, corr. 1996.
The Najdorf 19

c3) 20...ttJd7? 2 1.ttJxe6!± Beliavsky - wins the queen.) 27.l"i:f7t @eS 28.'iWg3t @dS
Polugaevsky, Moscow 1979. 29.l"i:d lt and it is all over.
c4) 20..J�a7 2 1.ttJd3! A new idea, but not a
very surprising one, as the alternatives are less
encouraging. (2 1.ttJe4 l"i:d7 22.'iWe2 ttJc6 23.c3
ttJe5 24.l"i:f 1 �b7= Denaro - Bosco, corr. 1990,
and 2 1.'iWd4 l"i:c7! 22.ttJe4 l"i:xc2 23.l"i:f 1 ttJd7!+
Mauro - Soranzo, corr. 1990.) 2 1...ttJc6 22.�f3
ttJd4 (22...ib7? 23.'iWg l! l"i:a8 24.ttJc5±) And
now White has many ways to proceed. 23.ie4;!;
is probably easiest. Of course Black can fight for
a draw in such an endgame, he is only slightly
worse, but certainly White would accept this
position from the opening.
17 .ih5t g6 1 8.tlJxg6 hxg6 1 9 ..ixg6t cJifS

20.tlJxc5 l3h6!
The alternatives are not cheerful. 20...@g7 is
met strongly with 2 1.ttJxe6t! he6 (No better 22.M!
fate is to be found after 2 1...cJixg6 22.ttJf4t! This move makes a lot of sense: White sacrifices
[22.l"i:xfS?! cJixfS 23.'iWd3t @xe6 24.l3e l t @f7 his extra pawn to derail the knight. If this or the
25.l3xe7t cJixe7 26.'iWe4t ie6 27.'iWxa8;!;] alternative 22.ttJe4!? is stronger I do not know.
22...cJig7 [22...cJih6 23.'iWhSt+-] 23.l"i:f3!. This The position needs a lot of independent analysis
manouevre is not that easy to find, but very before anything can be said with certainty. I
logical. Black has no way to bring his pieces have tried to give some variations here that I
to the defence of the king. 23...'iWeS [23...'iWd7 believe are critical, however they cannot be said
24.l"i:d3 'iWc6 2S.l"i:c3 'iWd7 26.'iWf3+-] 24.1'!g3t to be conclusive in any way.
@f6 2S.'iWf3 l"i:h6 26.ttJhSt cJie6 [26...l"i:xh5 22...ib7 (22 ... eS?! is the computer's first
27.'iWxhS and Black has no way to survive choice, but after 23.g4!? [Seems strange, but
the attack] 27.l"i:d l and the black king cannot it works!] 23...ttJd4 24.'iWd2 'iWg7 2S.c3 �b7
escape.) 22.ixfS 'iWh4 (22...hfS 23.l"i:xfS 'iWh4 26.l"i:ae l! White has a very strong attack)
24.'iWd6! transposes) 23.'iWd6 ixfS 24.l"i:xfS l"i:e8 23.'iWg4!? ttJd4 (23...l"i:d8 24.ttJg3 ttJeS 2S.'iWf4
2S.l"i:af l l"i:a7 26.l"i:Sf4 'iWd8 27.'iWcS l"i:c7 28.'iWhS 'iWg7 26.l"i:ae l l"i:xhS 27.l"i:xeS l"i:h6 28.l"i:fe l±)
1-0. Uboldi - Lalanne, San Antonio de Padua This position is probably critical. I have tried
2001. to outline the possibilities here, but cannot give
20...'iWxcS 2 1.'iWd8t @g7 22.'iWgS with a full conclusions.
winning attack. A crucial line is 22...l"i:xh2t a) 24.l"i:ad l!? ttJxc2 2S.l"i:d3 l"i:h7 (2S...idS
23.@xh2 'iWeSt 24.@g l 'iWf6 2S.'iWg3 'iWxg6 26.l"i:g3 'iWh7 27.ttJgS 'iWd7 28.ttJh3! 'iWh7 29.ig6
26.'iWc3t+-. l"i:xg6 30.'iWxg6 'iWxg6 31.l"i:xg6;!;) 26.ttJgS @g8
21 ..ih5 27.'iWh4 l"i:g7 28.l"i:g3 l"i:fS=
Probably the best move. b) 24.c3? ttJc2 2S.l"i:ad l ttJe3 26.'iWf4 l"i:xhS
2 1.'iWg4!? 'iWxcS 22.'iWgS l"i:xg6 23.'iWxg6 l"i:a7OO 27.'iWxe3 'iWh4-+
2 1.ttJxe6t he6 22.ixfS if7 looks unclear to c) 24.ttJg3! 'iWf6 2S.'iWf4 eS 26.'iWf2;!; The
me. following analysis might be correct, but chances
21 ... tlJ c6! are that they are a bit too long to be bulletproof.
2 1...'iWxc5? 22.'iWd8t @g7 23.l"i:f3 l"i:xhS 26...f4 27.c3 ttJe6 28.l"i:ad l l"i:d8 29.'iWb6 l"i:xd l
24.l"i:g3t @f7 2S.'iWg8t @e7 26.l"i:g7t @f6 30.hd l hg2t Far from the only option here.
(26...@d6 27.'iWfSt @dS 28.l"i:d lt and White 3 1.@xg2 l"i:xh2t 32.@g l!? (32.cJixh2 'iWh4t=)
20 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

32...E1d2 33..ib3 �h4 34.E1f3 �h3 35.�bSt and much analysis was published. Seeing it from
@e7 36.�b7t @f8 37.ttJe2 �g4t 3S.�f2 �h4t today's point of view I have to say that the line
39.@f1 E1xb2 40.E1d3± Of course all of this is still has lots of resources for both sides.
not that clear, and improvements can probably
be found for both players. Game 7
22...ltJxb4? Luther - Efimenko
After this I cannot find a good position Ohrid 2001
anywhere for Black. 22...a5! looks stronger.
23..if3 �c7 24.h3 axb4 25.�d2 E1g6 (25 ...@g7 In this game I give a summary of older lines,
26.c3 looks dangerous) 26.ttJd3;!; which have gone out of fashion. Like anything
23.if3 Yffc7 24.h3 ltJc6 25.a4! bxa4 old, there may one day be a revival.
Also after 25 ...b4 26.�d2 Black has no easy l.e4 c5 2.ltJa d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lihd4 ltJf6 5.ltJc3
choice. 26...E1g6 (26...@g7 27.c3±) 27.ttJd3 a6 6.ig5 e6 7.f4 ie7
.ib7 2S.ttJxb4± 7....id7 is an interesting concept. Black wants
26.Yffd2 @g7 to put his knight on c6, after which the position
It is close to being over for Black. The has a more Rauzer-like character. S.�e2 White
following line clearly shows the potential in takes the chance to place the queen on e2. In
White's position. 26...E1g6 27..ih5 E1g7 2S.�h6 the Rauzer the queen is less efficient on d2.
�e7 29.E1ae l! @gS 30.ttJxe6 he6 31.E1xe6+- S...ttJc6 9.0-0-0 ttJxd4 (9...�c7 10..ixf6 gxf6
27J;xa4 e5 11.@b l gives White a typical position where he
27...E1a7 2S.E1h4! loses for Black as well, but it is slightly better) 10J�xd4 �a5 (10...�b6 This
might have taken a few extra moves. 2S...E1xh4 does not give Black equality either. 11.�d2 .ic6
29.�g5t @f7 30.�xh4 and the black king is This was played in Najditsch - Nakamura, Wijk
simply too fragile. One line could be 30...ttJe5 aan Zee 2004. Now 12..ixf6 gxf6 13..ic4!;!; and
31.�h7t @f8 32.�h6t @e7 33.�g5t @f8 a future f4-fS will cause Black a lot of problems.)
34.�f6t ttJf7 35.ttJxe6t he6 36.�xe6 �xc2 11.�d2 .ic6 12.fS e5 13..ixf6 exd4 14..ixd4 b5
37..id5+-. 15.�e3 with a big advantage for White in Lastin
28J;h4 gg6 - Cvitan, Moscow 2001.
28...E1xh4 29.�g5t @f8 30.�f6t! �f7 8.Yfff3 Yffc7
31.�xh4 and everything is going wrong for S...�a5?! This line has recently been refuted
Black. by Radjabov. 9.0-0-0 .id7 10..ixf6! (the older
29.ih5 move 10.e5 does not give White anything)
Black resigned. Probably a bit early, but after 1O....ixf6 l1.e5!
29...�d6 30.ttJd3 Yff f6 31.hg6 �xh4 32..ixfS
White has a very strong attack and an extra

For a long time the set-up with 10.g4 was

considered as the main variation against the main
line with 7....ie7. There is still nothing wrong
with it and maybe it will once again become
the main line in the future. However, right now
10..id3 enjoys greater popularity. This will be
discussed in another game. Most of the games
in the 1O.g4 line are very old. When 13.f5 was
discovered for many years the line saw a revival
The Najdorf 21

Now the threat of �xb7 causes Black bxc6 12.�g3 was played in Unzicker - Fischer,
trouble. 11...dxe5 12.fxe5 ig5t 13.'it>b l ctJc6 Buenos Aires 1960, after 12...e5 Black could
14.ctJe4 ctJxe5 15.ctJd6t 'it>e7 16.�b3 �a4? have achieved a nice game.) 10...ctJc6 1 1.ih4! (of
( 16 .. J'!hb8!?) 17.�b6 1'!hc8 18.ctJxc8t and in course White keeps this bishop now) 11 ...ctJxd4
the game Radjabov - Dominguez, Tripoli (2) 12.1'!xd4 b5 13.g5 and White later won, Hector
2004, White won within a few moves. - Evertsson, Stockholm 1999.
" 14... �xe5?! only opens up Black's king. 15.ctJf5 10.g4 bS 1 l .hf6 lLlxf6
exf5 16.ctJxg5 �e7 17.ic4! " These were Thomas' l 1...ixf6 12.g5 ( 12.ixb5 0-0 [ 12... axb5? is
words and moves in the first edition. Dominguez wrong. 13.ctJdxbS �b8 14.ctJxd6t 'it>f8 15.e5
later recommended snapping the e-pawn with and White is winning.] 13.ixd7 ixd7 Black
the queen in Chess Informant, claiming an edge has fine compensation for the pawn.) 12...ixd4
for Black, ignoring Thomas' idea on the 17th ( 12...ie7 transposes to the main line) 13.1'!xd4
move. Practice has shown that White is slightly 0-0 14.ih3. White was better in Luther -
better after: 17...�xg5! ( 17...ctJe5 18.ixf7t! Ardeleanu, Linares 1998.
and Black is in trouble. 17...0-0 18.�h5 h6 1 1...gxf6 is another option here. Since White
19.ctJxf7! is even worse.) 18.1'!he l t ( 18.ixf7t has played g2-g4 it is not so easy for him to
�xf7 19.1'!xd7t ctJe7! and Black defends) attack e6. 12.f5 ctJe5 13.�g3 (this is better than
18...ie6 ( 18...'it>d8 19.�d5 ctJb8 20.�xb7 the more common 13.�h3) 13 ...id7 14.ih3
and White wins) 19.ixe6 O-O! (There is no ctJc6 15.ctJxc6 ixc6 16.fxe6 fxe6 17.g5 and
choice. Black would face a lot of suffering in the White was much better in Guseinov - Makoll,
endgame after 19...fxe6 20.1'!xe6t 'it>f8 [20...ctJe7 Turkey 2004.
2 1.1'!de l±] 21.1'!d7 1'!e8 [2 1...ctJe7 22.1'!exe7 �xe7 12.gS lLl d7 13.f5
23.1'!xe7 'it>xe7 24.�xb7t 'it>f6 25.c4±] 22.h4 Here many moves have been tried. For
1'!xe6 23.hxg5 1'!e 1t 24.1'!d l 1'!xd lt 25.�xd lt-) example: a2-a3, if l-h3, h2-h4, etc. I think only
20.�xf5 (20.ixf5!?;!;) 20...�xf5 2 1.ixf5;!;White the text offers White attacking chances.
is a little better in the endgame, as he is better
developed and has bishop against knight. This
is maybe not enough to win objectively, but as
far as the opening goes, it has been a disaster for
Black. This position holds no chances for a win,
and the draw is not as close as it would have been
if he had played a passive variation of the Petroff.
21...1'!fe8 So far went Aagaard - Schacher, Arco
2005. Now I prefer 22.ie4!;l;.
It should be mentioned that after the
alternative 16...�f6 White again should
reply 17.ic4! (nc. 6 on Fritz 8's list of
recommendations). Black should transpose by
taking the knight. Alternatives such as 17...ctJe5
are met very violently indeed. 18.ixf7t! �xf7
(I8...ctJxf7 19.1'!he lt ctJe5 20.1'!xd7!±) 19.�xb7 13 ... lLlcs
ic6 20.ctJxf7± White has an extra pawn in the 13...ixg5t Taking this pawn is the principled
endgame. reaction. 14.'it>b l ctJe5 IS.�h5 if6! (This
9.0-0-0 lLl bd7 move is better than the more common moves
9...0-0 is an old sideline. Now White should IS...�e7 and 15 ..JWd8: 15 ... �d8 16.h4! if6
play 10.g4. (This move seems to me more in 17.fxe6 0-0 18.ih3. White was better in Luther
the spirit of the position. 10.id3 ctJc6 l 1.ctJxc6 - Vink, Wijk aan Zee 2001.) 16.ctJxe6 (16.fxe6
22 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

Leaving the bishop c8 alive later causes White Black cannot bring his bishop to b7 anymore.
some problems. 16 ... g6 17.ttJd5 �d8 18.exf7t White is better.
@xf7 and suddenly White's queen is in trouble.} 1 9.9g5
16... he6 17.fxe6 and the position needs further Not every game is won by a great attack.
investigation. White just wants to collect the h-pawn.
14.£6 gxf61 5.gxf6.tf8 16.gg1 h5 1 9 h4 20.gdl !?

The rook has done its job on e1 and now

defending the ttJd4 is necessary to avoid
20 @bS

This move was found by GM Peter Enders.
While working on the Fritz opening book I
entered this move as a recommendation for
the computer program. Anyway, some time 2 1 .a3±
later I had the chance to play this move in a Taking the last resource (b5-b4) out of Black's
tournament game. play.
17.a3 is another possible move, but I prefer 2 1 ...VNb6 22.gh5!
the text. Finally the h-pawn is lost.
17 J3g7 This funny exchange sacrifice was 22 .th6

played a couple of times in the late 80s and early Black wants to bring his passive bishop into
90s. White had some nice victories but today's the game, but there is no way it will reach a
computer analysis proved it is incorrect. comfortable square.
17 J.d7
•.• 23.gxh4 J.g5 24.E:g4 J.h4?!
17... b4 does not work here. 18.ttJd5! This is This is not leading anywhere. 24... ih6 was
the main idea behind 17.E:e l. better.
17... ib7?! 18.ih3 0-0-0 19.ttJd5 with a 25.J.g2
strong initiative. Preparing e4-e5.
IS.@bl 25 �a7 26.gg7 gdf8 27.e5!

A useful waiting move. White wants to see Now it comes. Black is lost.
where Black's king is going before committing 27 d5 2s.VNf4

himself to one specific line of action. The conclusion comes from the other side.
IS 0-0-0?!
••• ih4 is trapped.
This must be wrong since now White is in 2S ttJa4 29.ttJa2!

control of the game. 18... b4 was called for. Preventing any counterplay!
19.ttJce2. There is no need for ttJd5 here as 29 gh5 30.J.f3 E:hhS 3 1 ..te2 VNa5
The Najdorf 23

The last try. 14.a4! Exactly in this moment White weakens

32 J�g4 .iel 33.clLJb3 all the light squares in Black's territory. 14...b4
Finally Black's bishop is lost. 15 ..ixf6! lLlxf6 16.lLld5 White dominates the
1-0 position. 16...lLlxd5 17.exd5 a5 18.1:'1e4 cj{b8
19.1:'1c41!Nb6 20..ie4 with a clear advantage for
Recently a friend asked me what I recommend White in Kotronias - Jobava, Batumi 2002. On
against the Gelfand-line. I was surprised but I 20...1:'1c8 then 2 1.1:'1c6 is a standard exchange
knew which line he meant. GM Boris Gelfand sacrifice. 2 1...hc6 22.dxc6 ghd8 23.cj{b l d5
has played many famous games with the Najdorf 24.hd5 and Black will not find happiness in
Defence and his usual set-up against 6..ig5 this game.
involves not developing the .ifS, but looking 12.clLJd5
for a quick mobilisation of his queenside pieces. If White wants to prove something in this
The move 1 1 ...1!Nb6 became popular after he position he has to jump forward. Any retreat,
used it against GM Shabalov. We will look at such as lLld4-b3, gives Black an easy life.
this game now. 12 ...Y!!xd4
I2...exd5 13.lLlc6! This jump from the knight
Game 8 causes Black a lot of trouble. 13 ... .ixc6 I4.exd5t
Shabalov - Gelfand .ie7 15.dxc6 lLlc5 16..ixf6 gxf6 I7..if5±
Bermuda 2004
Chiburdanidze-Dvoirys, Tallinn 1980.
13 .ixfG
1.e4 c5 2.clLJf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.clLJxd4 clLJf6

13.lLlc7t cj{d8 14.lLlxa8 has 15.hb5°o

5.clLJc3 a6 6 .ig5 e6 7.f4 clLJbd7 8.1!Nf3 Y!!c7

Hauchard-Beran, Paris 1990. This line needs

9.0-0-0 b5
to be analysed before any conclusions can be
Black plays without .ifS-e7 and focuses on
quick development of the queenside.
10 .id3 .ib7

13 ... gxf6
13...1!Nc5 14..ih4 1:'1c8 15.cj{bl;!; Chumfwa-
1O...b4 l 1.lLld5 exd5 12.1:'1he l leads to a
Hailu, Abuja 2003.
previously mentioned game.
l l .ghel Y!!b 6 14.,ixb5 Y!!c5
For 1 1....ie7 see Kotronias - Lesiege.
1 1...0-0-0 This has been played a few times.
I think the black king is misplaced. Black's
position is losing all its dynamics. 12.f5 e5
13.lLlb3 .ie7

Thomas wrote: " Here Shabalov goes wrong.
White wins the queen, but in return Black gets
three minor pieces and lots of good squares."
24 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

But two years down the line this might need to I S.�d3 !"la6 1 9.iMfxb5 !"lb6 is slightly better for
be reconsidered. Though it is in practice more Black according to Gelfand. But this seems to be
comfortable to have the minor pieces, this more of an emotional evaluation. 20.iMfd3 i.h6
might be White's best shot for an advantage. 2 1 .g3 !"laS (2 1 . . .i.a6 22.iMff3 !"lcS 23.iMfh5 i.fS
Another line has developed rapidly after first 24.a3 1t>eS 25.!"ld2 !"lc3 26.lt>b2 !"lbc6 27.a4 tt'l b6
being suggested in this chapter: 1 5. tt'lxf6 t It>dS 2S.!"lal !"lc7 29.a5 tt'lcs 30.!"la3 !"lxa3 3 1 .lt>xa3
( 1 5 . . . It>e7 was played after the book came out in !"lc4 32. rilb3 (32.f5+-) 1/2-!j2 Mnatsakanian­
English. 1 6.i.xd7 i.g7 1 7.tt'lh5 hb2t I S.lt>xb2 Georgiev, Yerevan 1 9S2) 22.a3 e5 (22 ... 1t>f8!?
It>xd7 1 9.!"le3 ( 1 9.lt>al !?) 1 9 . . . !"lhcS 20.!"lc3 23.!"le3 i.a6 24.iMfc3 e5 25.!"lf3i) 23.iMff3 f5
�xc3t 2 1 .�xc3 !"lxc3 22.lt>xc3 !"lcst 23.lt>d3 24.iMfh5 i.g7 1/2-!j2 Nataf - Lalic, Salou 2004.
f5 24.exf5 exf5 Now instead of 25.tt'lg3 , as in Here a bit of extra analysis by one editor, Jacob
Ibraev - Kulaots, Calvia (01) 2004, 25.!"ld2!i Aagaard, suggests that there is still something
would leave Black a pawn down as 25 ... i.e4t to play for: 25.iMfxh7 i.f6 26.!"ld3 (26.fxe5 !? was
26.1t>d4 i.xc2 27.tt'lf6t It>e7 2S.tt'lxh7 is much Nataf's other suggestion, but it probably does
better for White, and 26 . . . i.xc2? loses a piece not give a chance for an advantage.) 26 ... !"lba6
to 27. tt'l f6t and 2S.tt'lxe4.) 1 6.tt'lxd7 ( 1 6.hd7 27.iMfxf5 !"lxa3 2S.!"lxa3 !"lxa3 29.@d2! (29.@b2
i.e7 1 7.�b3 i.xf6 I S.he6 fxe6 1 9.�xb7 !"lcS !"lf3 30.@a2 !"lf2 - Nataf) 29 ... exf4 30.e5 dxe5
20.c3°o) 1 6 . . . �xb5 1 7.tt'lxf8 ( 1 7.iMfc3 does not 3 1 .iMfxf4 (3 1 .gxf4 !"lf3 32.!"le3 !"lf2t 33.!"le2 !"lf3
offer anything after 17 ... lt>xd7 I S.�xhS �h5) 34.c4 @dSoo) 3 1 ...!"lf3 32.iMfc4 and White has a
17 ... !"lxfS ( 1 7 . . . lt>e7? I S .tt'lxe6 fxe6 1 9 .�g3± small advantage.
Hanssen - Yelden, corr 2000.) I S.iMfa3
( I S.!"lxd6t is also possible, but the text is
better. IS . . . lt>c7 1 9.!"ledl !"ladS 20.�c3t i.c6
2 1 .e5) IS . . . lt>eS 1 9.�xd6 !"lcS And now:
Thomas suggested: 20.b3 with three pawns
for the bishop, White keeps an advantage. In
the corning endgame he plays c2-c4 and places
his king on c3.
In practice two other moves have been
20.!"le3 iMfc6 (20 . . . !"lgS? 2 1 .!"lc3 i.c6 22.f5+­
Kosten-Kr. Georgiev, Saint Affrique 2005 .)
2 1 .�d2 It>e7 22.iMfb4t It>f6 and it is dubious if
there is any advantage. Maybe the perpetual is
the correct choice.)
20.c3 �c6 2 1 .�b4 a5 ! 22.�xa5 (22.�d4 1 8 J !xa2
. •

f6+) 22 . . . !"laS 23.�g5 f6°o Nakamura-Gelfand, IS ... i.c6 is a much safer reply.
Biel 2005 . 19.Wfxb5 i.h6 20.e5 fxe5?
It does not seem that the optimism from Better was 20 ... !"lcS, which secures Black a
the first edition was justified. Black is ok in big advantage. 2 1 .exd6t @dS 22.iMfd3 i.xf4t
practice so far. 23.@b l !"lcxc2 24.iMfxc2 !"lxc2 25.@xc2 i.xg2
15 Wfxb516.liJc7t rile7
••• black is winning.
16 . lt>d8
.. 17.tt'lxb5 axb5 IS.�h5 ± 2 1 .Wfxb7 �4t 22.@bl �ha8 23.g3 �2a7
Janetschek-Wallner, Austria 1 992. 24.Wfc6 �a6 25.Wfc3
17.liJxb5 axb5 18.Wfh5 I have the impression that White should not
This might be the mistake that gets White into have lost this position. On the other hand he
trouble. certainly has no advantage either.
The Najdorf 2S

2s ih6 26J'!e4 d5 27.l'!h4 d4 28.YlYb2

.•. Black plays without ifS-e7 and focuses on
igS 29.l'!xh7 tLJf6 30.h4 tLJ d5 3 1 .l'!d3 id2 quick development of the queenside.
32 .l'!xd2 tLJc3t 33.'it>cl l'!al t 34.YlYxal l'!xal t 10.ixbS
3S .'it)b2 l'!bl t 36.1!>a3 e4 37.l'!n e3 38.l'!fxf7t This move was for a long time considered the
I!>d6 39.l'!d7t I!>c6 40.l'!c7t I!>dS 4 1 .l'!cd7t main reply to Black's set-up.
l!>e4 42.l'!de7 I!>a 43.l'!xe6 l!>e2 44.l'!d7 1!>d2! 1 0.eS The most forcing reply. Unfortunately,
A nice manoeuvre: Black's king joins the nowadays most of these purely tactical lines
mating attack. have been analysed till the end. This line is a
4S .l'!xe3 I!>xe3 46.l'!f7 tLJ d5 47.bS 1!>d2 forced draw, where neither side can avoid it.
0- 1 10 . . . ib7 1 1 .�h3 dxeS 12.ltJxe6! fxe6 1 3.�xe6t
ie7 14.ixf6 gxf6 I S .ie2 hS 16.ltJdS ixdS
The sacrifice on bS is a well-known idea in the 17.E:xdS ltJcS ( 1 7 . . . ltJ b6 I s.ixhSt E:xhS
Najdorf. Instead of developing the bishop from 19.�gSt=) I S.�fS �c6 1 9.�g6t I!>fS 20.E:hdl
f1 White immediately sacs it for two pawns. The �eS 2 1 .�f5 �cS 22.�g6 vtie6 23.ixhs �gS
lead in development and the possible capture of 24.E:dSt E:xdS Draw agreed in van der Wiel
a third pawn (usually the one on d6) makes it - Kasparov, Amsterdam 1 99 1 . 24 . . . E:xdS
possible. Here this sacrifice is connected with 2S.E:xdSt ixdS 26.vtieSt I!?g7 27.vtig6t= is the
e4-eS a&er which many tactical lines arise. I perpetual behind the draw.
think there is plenty of scope for improvements 1 0.ixf6 ltJxf6 ( 1 O . . . gxf6 l 1 .f5 gives White a
in this line. However even the typical endings good game) l 1 .eS ib7 1 2 .vtie3 (This is a recent
in this line (queenside passed pawns for White discovery from GM J.Hector. 12.vtih3 dxeS
vs. a piece, or passed pawn + rook vs. 2 minor 13.tLJcxbS �b6 [ 1 3 . . . axbS? 14.ixbSt l!?e7
pieces) are not clear. I can only give the reader a I S .fxeS ltJ dS 16.vtih4t f6 1 7.exf6t gxf6 1 S.E:he l
brief summary of this line. I recommend further eS 19.1tJf5t 1!?f7 20.ic4 and White wins his
study before trying it in a tournament game. material back and gains a winning advantage.]
14.fxeS ltJ e4 Black has fine compensation
Game 9 for his sacrificed pawn. For example I s .ic4
Timman Gelfand
- ltJ f2 ! 16.vtib3 0-0-0 ( 1 6 . . . E:dS ! ? also looked
Wijk aan Zee 2002 good enough) 1 7. ltJ d6t E:xd6 I S.exd6 vtixb3
1 9 .1tJxb3 ltJxh l 20.ltJcS hg2 2 1 .ixe6t I!?dS
l.e4 cS 2.tLJa d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLJxd4 tLJ f6 22.ixfl g6 23.l!?b l ic6 24. ltJ e6t I!?d7 2S.ltJcSt
S.tLJc3 a6 6.igS e 6 7.f4 tLJ bd7 8.YlYa YlYc7 I!?dS 26.ltJ e6t ¥2-1!2 Carlsen - Gelfand, Biel
9.0-0-0 b5 200S) 12 . . . dxeS 1 3 . ltJ cxbS vtib6 14.fxeS ltJ dS
I S .vtig3 O-O-O? ( I S . . . axbS reminds me of the
old saying "A sacrifice can only be refuted by
accepting it." 1 6.ixbS t I!? d S 1 7.a4 [ 1 7.c4
This wins back the piece, but Black has easy
play a&erwards. 1 7 . . . E:xa2 I S.cxdS ixdS
1 9.1!?b l ics 20.ltJ b3 E:xb2t 2 1 .l!?xb2 vtixbS]
1 7 ... l!>cS l S.E:hfl White has some play here,
but I recommend that the reader checks this
position with his computer before testing it
over the board.) 1 6 . ltJ a3 ixa3 1 7.vtixa3 ltJ b4
I s.ic4 E:xd4 19.E:xd4 vtixd4 20.vtixb4 E:dS
2 1 .vtic3 vtixc3 22.bxc3 White is better, Hector
- Van der Stricht, Plovdiv 2003.
1 0 axbS l 1 .tiJdxb5 YlYb8 l 2.eS l'!aS
26 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

1 2 . . . i.b 7? For a long time this was considered

to be a good alternative to the main line, but
recent computer analysis showed that White
gets a decisive advantage. l 3.We2 dxe5
1 4.Wc4 i.e7 1 5. tLl c7t cj;lfS 1 6.Elxd7 tLl xd7
1 7.Eldl hg5 1 8.fxg5 i.c8 1 9 . tLl 3b5 g6 So far
everything was played in Kengis - Dvoirys,
USSR 1 982.

1 8 Elxb5

This move does not seem to be the best.

1 8 . . . Eld7 19.�c6 cj;lfS 20.tLlxc8 Elxdl t
2 1 .Elxd i tLlxc8 22.Eld8t cj;lg7 23.�e8 cj;lg6
24.f5t cj;lxf5 25.tLld4t �e4 26.Wxf7. White is
Half a year later Gelfand played 1 8 . . . i.a6
Now White should play 20.Elfl cj;lg8 2 1 .tLld6! 1 9.Wc3 ( 1 9.tLlf5t leads to a draw. 1 9 . . . cj;lfS
and the computers show that White has a clear 20.Wc3 ! A forced move again, as is the whole
advantage. The mating threat after tLlxf7 forces line actually! 20 . . . Elxb5 2 1 .�xf6 Elxb2t ! This
Black to make a serious concession. 2 1 . . .Elxa2 surprising capture saves the day for Black.
22.Wxa2 Wxc7 23.tLlxf7 tLlc5 24.tLlh6t cj;lg7 22.Wxb2 tLl d5 23.Elxd5 ! Another forced blow
25.Elf7t Wxf7 26.tLlxf7 cj;lxf7 27.Wa7t tLld7 continues the series. 23 . . . Wxb2t 24.cj;lxb2
28.c4 Black lacks coordination and is helpless i.g7t! This check secures Black the draw.
against the advance ofWhite's pawns. 25.tLlxg7 Elxd5 26.tLlxe6t fxe6 27.Elxe6 1/2-¥2
13.exf6 gxf6 Lutz - Gelfand, Dortmund 2002.) 1 9 . . . Elxb5
l 3 . . . Elxb5 1 4.tLlxb5 �xb5 1 5 .�c3+- 20.tLlxb5 hb5 2 1 .Wb4t Eld6 22.�xb5 hf4
14 .th6!
• So far as in Kantsler - Kuporosov, Sochi 1 979.
Rather funny, the bishop sacs itself. Now White should have played 23.a4 Wc7
14 hh6 15.tihd6t �e7 16.�bl
••• 24.Elxd6 It is not easy to assess this position,
There was the threat of tLld7-e5. but the passers on the queenside should give
16 Eld8
••• White better chances.
16 . . . tLl b6!? 17.tLlcb5 Elxb5 18.tLlxb5 hf4 1 9.tLlxb5 Elxdl t!?
19.�c3 tLl d7 20.Wa3t cj;le8 2 1 .tLld6t i.xd6 19 ... tLl c4 forces a difficult ending. I
22.Elxd6 Elg8 23.g3 Elg5 24.Elhdl This position recommend that the reader study this kind of
requires further investigation, but I think White ending before testing it over the board. 20.Wb3
has the better play here. tLl d2t 2 1 .Elxd2 Elxd2 22.Wb4t Eld6 23.g3 !
17J�hel tLlb6 Winning a tempo. 2 3 . . . i.d7 24.Wxd6t �xd6
17 ...i.g7 1 8.Wc6 and, thanks to the threats of 25.tLlxd6 cj;lxd6 26.Eldl t! cj;lc7 27.Elfl After
tLlxf7 and tLlxc8 followed by tLl d5t, White wins stopping e6-e5 for some time, White shall
material. advance his queenside pawns. I cannot come up
The Najdorf 27

with a final conclusion, but my feeling is that Game 1 0

White's position is fine. Kotronias - Lesiege
20.gxdl J.xf4 2 1.g3 Montreal 2002
Again we see the same kind of ending arising:
rook + 3 passed pawns vs. 2 minor pieces + l .e4 c5 2.tLla d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 tLlfG 5.tLlc3
a central passed pawn. a6 6.J.g5 e6 7.f4 tLl bd7
2 1 ... J.e5 22.tva3t �e8 23.tLld6t! 7 ... h6?! From today's knowledge I can say that
It is very much in White's favour here to Black should not play h7 -h6 at any stage of this
exchange pieces. opening. 8.i.h4. Now there are two main lines:
23 ...bd6 24.tvxd6 tvxd6 25.gxd6 tLl d5 26.c4
A horrible blunder by Gelfand, but even after
other moves White keeps an advantage. Once
the queens are exchanged White can safely
advance his queenside pawns.

a) S ... i.e7 9.�f3 �c7 (9 ... g5 Black wants to

fight for the e5-square. But even if he manages
to place one of his knights there it is not clear if
he has achieved much. 1 0.fxg5 lLl fd7 l 1 .lLlxe6!
White is going for a direct refutation. 1 1 ...fxe6
12.�h5t @f8 1 3.i.b5! This was first seen in the
27.gc6+- J.b7 28.cxd5 bc6 29.dxc6 �d6 50s. The most famous game is Gligoric - Fischer,
30.g4 Portoroz 1955. Much has been written about
The pawn ending is an easy win. this game and finally computer analysis proved
1-0 that White is winning here. In the original
game the American future World Champion
Thanks to the following game the move 1 0.i.d3 saved the draw. A recent example shows how
enjoyed a revival. GM Kotronias played a great dangerous Black's position is: 1 3 .. J:!h7 14.0-0t
novelty after which Black faces a very difficult @gS 1 5 .g6 E:g7 1 6.E:fl i.xh4 1 7.�xh6 E:xf7
defence. In many variations White has long I S.gxf7t @xf7 1 9.E:fl t i.f6 20.e5 dxe5 2 1 .lLle4
lasting compensation due to the unfortunately axb5 22.�h7t @f8 23.�hSt �e7 24.�h7t
placed black pieces. This game is a nice example @f8 25.lLlxf6 �b6t?? [25 . . . �xf6 26.�hSt @fl
to study when White is ready to sacrifice his 27.E:xf6t lLlx:f6 2S.�xcS lLl fdn and the fight
c3 knight on d5 . It is very important that the continues] 26.@h l lLlx:f6 27.E:xf6t �eS 2S.E:fl
bishop on f8 remains weak and does not enter 1-0 Naiditsch - Enders, Hockendorf 2004.)
the game. 10.0-0-0 lLl bd7 1 1 .i.d3 g5 (The same idea as
mentioned above. At least Black is not getting
checkmated immediately. 1 1 .. .b5? This runs
2S Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

into a direct refutation. 1 2.e5 .tb7 13.liJxe6 1 5 .fxe5 liJh5 1 6.'!Wh4 hg5t 1 7.'!Wxg5 g6 l S.e6
fxe6 14 . .tg6t Here is the difference from liJ c5 1 9.exf7t 'k!;>xf7 20.�f1 t 'k!;>gS 2 1 .liJf5 liJe6
positions without h6 and .th4 included: White 22.liJh6t with a perpetual, Luther - Nielsen,
has this check. 14 ... 'k!;>f8 1 5 .exf6 .txf3 [ 1 5 ... .txf6 Malmo 2002. There were many other lines
16.'1Wh3 Black has too many weaknesses and no analysed and games played, but theoretically
compensation for them in return] 1 6.fxe7t 'k!;>gS they belong to the past.
1 7.gxf3 with a big material advantage.) 1 2.fxg5 14 'k!;>d8 lS.tlJc6t Lc6 16.dxc6

liJ e5 1 3 .'1We2 liJ fg4 14.liJf3 liJxf3 1 5 .1!Nxf3 hxg5 Black has a large choice. Most of the variations
( 1 5 . . . liJe5 16.1!Nh5 liJ g6 1 7 . .tg3 hxg5 l S .1!Nf3 I give below I analysed with my computer. Since
.td7 White is better, but Black can definitely soft- and hardware develop fast and this is a
play this position. Luther - Ginsburg, Germany highly tactical position, I recommend that the
2004.) 1 6 . .tg3 liJe5 1 7.he5 dxe5 l S.�dfl ! reader check his favourite lines. I have played
�h7 19.h4! White's attack is coming too fast this position twice (vs. GMs Shneider and
for Black to set up a defence. Luther - Ott, Dvoirys) and I think that in practice the piece
Hockendorf 2004. sacrifice is fully justified.
b) S . . . liJ bd7 9.1!Nf3 e5 A relatively new and
surprising idea. 10.liJf5 ( 1 0.fxe5? This is the
wrong reaction. 1 0 . . . liJxe5 l 1 .'!Wd l .te7 12 . .te2
liJxe4 1 3.he7 liJxc3 14.hdS liJxd l 1 5 . .tc7
liJxb2 1 6.hd6 liJ bc4 with a decisive advantage
for Black in Radjabov - Dominguez, Tripoli
2004.) 1 0 . . . exf4 1 1 .1!Nxf4 g5 12.liJxd6t .txd6
1 3.'!Wxd6 gxh4 14.e5 '!We7 1 5.'!Wxe7t 'k!;>xe7
1 6.exf6t The tactics are finished and White has
a better ending.
8.1!Nf3 1!Nc7 9.0-0-0 bS 10 . .id3 .ib7
10 ... b4 1 1 .liJ d5 exd5 1 2.�he l with
transposition to the lines mentioned below.
l l J'�hel .ie7 1 2.1!Ng3 b4 13.tlJdS exdS

1 6 tlJ cS

[We have added quite of bit of analysis to

this move for this edition - the editors.]
1 6 . . . liJ b6?! 1 7 . .th4 �gS l S.'!Wf3? d5 1 9.94
1!Nxc6 lead to a victory for Black in the Internet
blitz game Luther - Belov, 2004, played after
the first edition of this book was published.
However, White can play a lot stronger as an
afternoon's analysis proves.
After l S.�d2! there does not seem to be an
adequate defence for Black.
a) l S . . . �a7 is as always met with a strong
sacrifice. 1 9 . .txh7! ( 1 9.�de2 liJ bd5 is less
promising) 1 9 . . . �hS 20.1!Nxg7 �xh7 2 1 .1!Nxf6
14.exdS! liJ cS 22.�xe 7! This wins the queen, but the main
This game ofKotronias changed the evaluation point is probably that a lot of pawns follow.
of the line. Before it the theory was 14.e5 dxe5 22 . . . 1!Nxe7 (22 . . . liJxe7? 23.�xd6t'k!;>cS 24.�d7 + - )
The Najdorf 29

23 J'�xd6t @eS 24J':idSt @xdS 2S .'lWd4t @eS than the text, but White is still better, Luther
26.he7 gxe7 27.f5! f6 2S.'lWxf6 though this is - Shneider, Istanbul 2003.) 20 . . . gcS 2 1 .'lWxb4
by no means a trivial win, White will have four 'lWc6 22.g3 and White is clearly better. Besides
to five pawns against the three black pieces and the three pawns he has for the knight, Black's
should be able to secure the full point. king is in extreme danger. Later this was
b) l S . . . dS 19 . .hh 7 ghS 20.gde2 lL'l e4 improved upon: I S . . . geS! 1 9.'lWxf7 ( 1 9.gxe7
(20 . . . lL'l cS loses out right to 2 1 .'lWxg7 'lWxf4t @xe7 20.ge1 t @d7 2 1 .'lWxf7t @cS 22.ge6
22.@ b 1 gxh7 23.gxe7 ! ! lL'lxe7 24.'lWfBt @c7 gxe6 23.'lWxe6t @c7 24.'lWxf6 'lWcSoo - Palliser)
2S.'lWxaS+-) 2 1 .�xelt @xe7 22.�xe4 dxe4 1 9 ... ga7 20.gxe7 gaxe7 2 1 .'lWxf6 @c7 22.'lWd4
23.'lWxg7 @d6 24.gxe4± gives White a strong Wfb6 23.Wfxb6t @xb6 24.@d2 The question
attack and eventually four to five pawns for the is if White is better in this endgame. The fact
piece. that he lost it has little to do with the actual
c) lS ... lL'l bdS Here White has several evaluation. Navara - Shirov, Prague (blitz)
promising continuations, but I quite like the 2005.
direct 1 9 .�! lL'lxf6 ( 1 9 . . . hf6 20 . .hh7 1 6 . . .h6 This move also does not change
!'!hS 2 1 .gxdS gxh7 22.'lWd3 ghS 23.gxd6t the evaluation of the position, White picks
WcS 24.ge4 gives White a winning attack.) up another pawn in compensation for the
20.!'! de2 dS (Black has nothing better than sacrificed knight and is continuing the attack.
to give up the queen. After 20 . . . �fB 2 1 .'lWgS 1 7.�h4 gS l S.fxgS hxgS 1 9.'lWxgS lL'l cS 20.�f5
Wfxc6 22.'lWaSt 'lWc7 23.geSt ! it is lost under White is clearly better here.
worse circumstances, and; 20 . . . geS is met with 17.�h4!
21 .Wfxg7 'lWxc6 22.'lWxf7 'lWdS 23.ge6! +-. In the
long run there is no defence against gxf6 with
a winning endgame.) 2 1 .!'!xe7 'lWxe7 22.gxe7
Wxe7 23.f5 ggcS 24.'lWeSt @fB 2S .'lWd6t with
excellent winning chances.
16 . . . 'lWxc6! The most principled reply. Black
eliminates the dangerous passer. 1 7.hf6
leaves Black with a difficult choice. 1 7 . . . lL'lxf6
(17 ...hf6 l S.�e4 'lWa4 Black has no big
choice here. [The alternative lS . . . 'lWcs 1 9 .bS
WfxaS 20.gxd6 geS 2 1 .gxdlt @xd7 22.'lWd3t
Wc7 23.'lWc4t @b6 24.'lWxb4t @c7 2S.'lWcSt
Wb7 26.'lWdSt allows White an instant win]
19.bS 'lWxa2 20.gxd6 'lWxb2t 2 1 .@d1 'lWb l t
22.We2 'lWxc2t 23.@f1 ! [23.@f3?? I n my
game against Dvoirys I chose the wrong square 17 .tfS
. . .

for the king. Now Black could save the game. This makes it easier for White. More trouble
23 ... geS 24.gxeSt @xeS 2S .�c6 @fB! 26.hd7 is:
We7 27.gxf6 gxf6 2S.�g4 b3 29.'lWe l t @fB 17 . . . g6 l S.f5 This line does not change the
30.'lWaS= Luther - Dvoirys, Austria 2003.] final conclusion either: White keeps attacking.
23... 'lWc4t 24.gd3 geS 2S .ged 1 ge7?! 26.'lWf3 17 . . . ggS l S .�c4!? lL'l fe4 ( l S ... lL'lce4 19.'lWf3
and White is winning. After the first edition and White controls the game) 1 9.'lWg4 �f6 A
was published another opinion on this position typical computer move, as my friend Jacob
was voiced: 2S . . . @c7 26.�dS 'lWbS 27.@gl;!; ­ Aagaard pointed out.
I. Rogers and Z. Zhao.) l S.'lWxg7 ggS 1 9.'lWxf7 a) White has easier play after: 19 . . . �4
WfeS 20.'lWc4 (20.'lWb3?!. This move is weaker 20.'lWxh4t lL'lf6 (20 . . . 'lWe7? 2 1 .gxd6t Losing
30 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

d6 is bad news for Black. White is winning.) White has no direct threats, but he controls
2 1 .g4 r;!{c8 22.g5 and White is overrunning the game. Black suffers from the lack of
Black's strongholds. coordination between his pieces.
b) 19 .. J'!a7 20 . .id5 i.xh4 2 1 .�xh4t ttJ f6 24 ... h5 25. <tJbl .lg7?
22 . .if.3 with the already mentioned idea of Making White's task easy, but staying passive
g2-g4-g5. 20 . .id5 i.xh4 2 1 .�xh4t ttJf6 22.g4 is not what one wants to do in Black's position .
again with initiative. 26J�xhB .ixhB 27 .lxf7 <tJb6 2B .ixh5 a4
• •

However, just as the book was finished 29 .tg4 'ilYh7

and ready to go into print a new masterpiece

of invention was revealed by our Greek hero
1 8.i.xh7 ! ! This very surprising move does not
tempt the computers, but all will become clear
soon enough. 1 8 . . . E1h8 1 9.�xg7 E1xh7 20.�xf6
E1xh4 (20 . . . .ixf6?? 2 1 .i.xf6t r;!{c8 22.E1e8t is
bad style) 2 1 .�xf7 E1h8 (2 1 . ..E1g4 22.E1d5 ! with
the idea of 23.E1h5 and Black has no defence)
22.E1e5 ttJ a4 23.E1e6 ttJ c5 (the computer move
does not really work here: 23 . . . ttJ b6 24.E1de l
ttJ c8 2 5.�g7 E1e8 26.f5 �xc6 27.f6±) 24.E1e5
ttJ a4 25.E1e3 E1a7 (Black cannot pretend to
repeat the line, as after 25 ... ttJ c5 26.E1de l he
has nothing better than 26 . . . �xc6± with a bad
endgame. 26 . . . E1e8 27.E1xe7! +-) 26.E1del E1e8 30.c7!
(A possible alternative is 26 . . .�xc6 27.E1xe7 This pawn has done its job. Now White opens
E1xe7 28.�xe7t r;!{c8 29.h4;!; but White the lines to the black king.
certainly still has all the chances, and should 30 ... gxc7 31.'ilYd5 f5 32.'ilYxd6t gc6 33.'ilYdBt
not be unhappy about reaching this kind of 'ilYc7 34.'ilYxhB fxg4 35.'ilYd4 <tJb5 36.b3! axb3
position.) 27.f5 �xc6 28.f6 �xg2? After this 37.axb3 'ilYd6 3B.'ilYc4t <tJa5 39.ge5
the white attack wins without any problems. Still Black is completely tied up.
(28 . . . ttJ c5 29.fxe7t @c8 and 28 . . . E1c7 29.E1 1 e2 39 ... 'ilYdlt 4O.<tJa2 'ilYd6 41.gd5 'ilYc7 42.f5
are probably both only slightly better for <tJb6 43.'ilYxb4t <tJa7 44.'ilYd4
White and certainly what Black should have A great game!
opted for.) 29.fxe7t r;!{ d7 30.E1g3 �a8 3 1 .E1g6 1-0
ttJ c5 32.E1dl ttJ b7 3 3.�e6t r;!{c7 34.E1g4 a5
35.E1c4t 1 -0 Kotronias - Shneider, Korinthos
2004. Many players consider the Poisoned Pawn
1 8 .ic4
• variation as the main reply against the .ig5
It is this kind of position White is basically system. White has no good way to avoid lOSing
aiming for. Sooner or later he will take on f6 the b2-pawn so he is committed to attacking
and ruin Black's pawn structure. The fS-bishop Black at all costs. In a possible arising ending
will be locked in and White penetrates Black's White would not only be a pawn down but also
position via the e-line. The main game is a have a weak pawn structure on the queenside.
perfect example of transferring White's strategy On the other hand White gets a large advantage
into a win. in development and the threats can be really
1 8 J'�a7 1 9 .id5 a5 20.E1e3 �c8 2 Uldel 'ilYf5
•. • dangerous. In this game GM Short came very
22.ixf6t gxf623.E1eBt <tJc7 24.'ilYS close to beating the World Champion.
The Najdorf 31

Game 1 1
Short - Kasparov
Riga 1 995

l.e4 c5 2.lLla d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lLlxd4 lLl f6 5.lLlc3

a6 6.J.g5 e6 7.f4 'rWb6
7 . . . h6 S.i.h4 �b6 The combination of these
two lines is not recommendable for Black.
9.a3 ! with the idea of i.f2. Of course 9 ... �xb2?
1 0.ltJa4 wins the queen.
The only reasonable way to play the position.
S.a3 is just a tricky sideline. S ... lLlc6 9.lLlb3
�e3t! (9 ...i.e7 1O.�f3 h6 1 1 .i.xf6 i.xf6
12.0-0-0 �c7 13.h4 i.d7 14.g4 0-0-0 1 5.i.g2
cj;lbS 16.g5 i.e7 17.�e3 i.cs was played in Luther 9.lLlb3
- Dominguez, Havana 200 1 . The position is 9.E1bl This move leads in many lines to a
unclear.) 1O.�e2 �xe2t After exchanging queens forced draw. 9 ... �a3 1 0.f5 lLl c6 I l .fxe6 fxe6
Black has no problems at all . 12.lLlxc6 bxc6 13.e5 ( 1 3 .i.e2 This is a famous
s.lLlb3 i.e7 (S ... �e3t 9.�e2 �xe2t is a very drawing line which has been seen many times in
sound continuation for Black. I think the only tournament games: 13 ... i.e7 14.0-0 0-0 1 5 .E1b3
reason why it is played so rarely is that the usual �c5t 16.i.e3 �e5 1 7.i.d4 �a5 I S .i.b6=)
Najdorf player does not want to enter an even 13 ... dxe5 14.i.xf6 gxf6 1 5 .lLle4 And now:
ending, but instead prefers to attack.) 9. �f3 lLl bd7 a) 1 5 . . . i.e7 This move was thought to
10.0-0-0 �c7 1 1 .i.d3 b5 Black has reached his bring only trouble. On his DVD Kasparov
normal set-up, but White's knight is no longer on called it refuted, though this is probably an
d4 but on b3, so all the nice tactics do not work exaggeration.
anymore. 12.a3 White would rather avoid this 1 6.i.e2 h5
move but after 12J'!he l b4 White has to remove
the knight and Black gets very comfortable play.
12 .. J'!bS! Black's attack comes faster now.
8 ...'rWxb2
S ... lLlc6 This sideline has been seen often in
tournament games recently. Black decides not to
take on b2 but transfers the game into a Rauzer­
like set-up. 9.i.xf6! (Only with this move can
White fight for an advantage. This capture is
a standard reply if Black has to take back with
the pawn. Instead 9.0-0-0 �xd4 10.�xd4
lLlxd4 1 1 .1'ttd4 i.d7 with an even ending.)
9 ... gxf6 10.lLlb3 i.d7 1 1 .i.e2 h5 If Black does not
play this move White will place his bishop on h5.
12.0-0-0 0-0-0 13.cj;lbl cj;lbS 14.h4! A strong
idea. White fixes h5 as a weakness and prepares to 1 7.E1fl ! f5 I S.E1£3 'lWxa2 19.E1fb3 ! A great idea
bring the hI rook into the game. 14 ... lLla5 1 5 .l'!h3 of the White player! Black's queen is cut off for a
E1cS 16.lLlxa5 �xa5 17.E1d3 with advantage for long time; meanwhile White focuses on Black's
White in Sulskis - Loginov, Vilnius 1997. king.
32 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

a l l 1 9 . . . fxe4 20.�c3 !dS (20 ... 0-0 2 1 .l"ial 9 ... tLl c6 This move disappeared from
!b4 22.l"ixb4 �dS 23.hhS looks promising tournament practice because it leads to a better
for White.) 2 1 .�xc6t !d7 22.�xe4 �f7 ending for White. 1 0.hf6 gxf6 I l .tLla4 �a3
(22 ... �aSt 23.�fl o-ot 24.l"if3 !f6 2S.!d3 1 2.tLlb6 l"ibS 1 3.tLlc4 �a4 1 4.a3 ! ( l 4.�f2 This
�f7 26.l"ib7 and White's attack continues) is an old line, but after 1 4 ... !e7 I S .tLlxd6t �f8
23.�fl Further analysis is required but I have White has nothing.) 14 ... bS I S .tLlxd6t hd6
great faith in White's position, Gubajdullin 1 6.1Mfxd6 �xe4t 1 7.!e2 �dS There is nothing
- Biriukov, St Petersburg 2003. better then this.
a2) Later practice has shown that this a) 1 7 ...�xg2? I S.0-0-0 !b7 1 9.�d7t �f8
impression was overly optimistic. Black can 20.�d6t �eS 2 1 .!hS leads to a winning
for example play: 1 9 . . . �a4 20.tLld6t (20.l"ibS position for White.
l"ixbS 2 1 .l"ixbS 0-0 22.tLl d6 �al t 23.�f2 b) 1 7... .tb7 1his move does not solve Black's
�h l !-+) 20 ... hd6 2 1 .�xd6 �aSt! 22.�fl problems either. I S.tLlcS ( I S.0-0-0 l"idS and
l"ia7!+ 23.l"ibS (23.l"ib6 �f7 (23 ... �dS 24.�bS Black is doing fine) IS ...�d4 1 9.1"idl 1Mfxd6
�d7 2S.�xeS 0-0 26.�f4 �g7 27.hhS as 20.�6 tLl dS 2 1 .tLlxb7 tLlxb7 22.l"ixa6 with a
2S.l"i6b3 !a6t 29.�gl eS 30.�h4) 24.c4 betterendingforWhite. 1 S.�xdS exdS I9.0-0-0
(24.l"ixc6 �dS 2S .�xdS exdS 26.l"ibS as tLle7 ( 1 9 ...!e6 20.g4 £5 2 1 .l"ihe l tLle7 22.!d3
27.l"ibxcS �cS 2S.l"ixcS a4�) 24 ... �f6 2S.�c6 �f8 [22 ... l"ib6 23.gxf5 (23.l"id2 �dS 24.gxf5
l"ig7+) 23 . . . �f7 24.�xc6 l"ic7 2S.�d6 l"id7 !cS 2S.l"ide2) 23 ... !cS] 23.gxf5 tLlxf5 24.l"ieS
26.�c6 �c7 27.�a4 l"id4 2S.�a3 h4 29.h3 tLle7 2S.tLlcS l"ib6 26.£5 l"ic6 27.tLlxe6t fxe6
l"igS 30.�f3 l"if4 0-1 Vasquez - Kosteniuk, 2S.fxe6 �eS Ih-1h Rogers - Van der Sterren,
Internet 2004. Hertogenbosch 1 999).
b) IS ... �xa2! l 6.l"idl !e7 1 7.!e2 0-0
I S.0-0 l"ia7 1 9.1"if3 �hS 20.l"ig3 l"id7 2 1 .�h6
l"if7 22.�hS l'hdl t 23.hd l �aS 24.�fl �dS
2S .�xf7 �xdl t and soon the game ended in
a perpetual, Vallejo Pons - Kasparov, Moscow

Now White can try either 20.!f3 or 20.l"ihe l .

Let us look a t 20.l"ihel first:
a) 20 . . . 0-0 2 1 ..ixbS was played in Kotronias
- Ftacnik, Pula 1 997, White is better. (2 1 .!f3
!e6 leads to the above mentioned line).
b) 20 . . . l"ib6 1his reply saves Black. 2 1 ..tf3 l"ie6
9 . . .YlYa3 22.tLl d4 � l 23.�1 �dS= After exchanging
9 ... tLl bd7 1 0.hf6 gxf6 ( l O ... tLlxf6? I l .a4 one pair of rooks, Black has equality.
traps Black's queen) I l .!e2 leads to the main After 20.!f3 the normal reply is 20 ...i.e6 and
line. only now 2 1 .l"ihel O-O! (21 . .. 13gS 22.tLld4 13b6
The Najdorf 33

23.£5 gives White a pleasant advantage) . Now 22.�ab l h3 23.g3 �c7 24.£5 This was played in
22.g4! is best. Other moves promise less: Kotronias - Sasikiran, Moscow 2004. For the two
a) 22.liJcS �b6 23.liJd7 hd7 24.�xe7 �e6 sacrificed pawns White has a strong initiative.
2S .�xdS hdS 26.�xdS �c8 with equality. Black's pieces are bad placed, especially his king
b) 22.liJd4 �b6 23.g4 £5 24.gxf5 liJxf5 and queen. White managed to win this game
2S.liJxf5 �xfS 26.�xdS �e6 and again the game later, but it requires more analysis to come to a
is even. final conclusion about the position.) 1 4.�hS?!
c) After 22.g4! play can continue 22 ... £5 (Too early, White should wait with this move
23.gxf5 liJxf5 24 ..L:dS �be8! (24 . . . �b6? Despite until Black has played �fB-e7. Better is 14.�f3
the reduced material it is not too late for Black to protect c3 and prepare some action on the
to blunder. 2S.liJcS! �c8 26.�b3!± with much kingside. 14.�adl �e7 I S .�hS �fB 1 6.�f3
better play for White) 2S .�b7!? (2S .�xe6 �xe6 <j;Jd8 1 7.�d3 �c7 1 8.liJbl iWa4 19.1iJc3 'lWa3
V2-If2 Adams - Gelfand, Wijk aan Zee (3) 1 994) 20.liJ b l 'lWa4 2 1 .liJc3 'lWa3 was played in Luther
2S ... �c8 (2S . . . �b8? 26.liJcS !± and 2S ...hb3 - Georgiev, France 2003. All White's pieces are
26.cxb3 �xe l 27.�xe l liJd6t To win this in good positions, but Black is rather solid too.)
position with White requires good technique, 14 ... �g7! I S .�f3 0-0 Now this is a good idea.
but defending Black's side is no fun either.) The hS-bishop is misplaced and slows down
26.�xc8 �xc8 27.�eS liJh4 28.�gSt <j;Jh8 White's attack. 16.�afl liJaS 17.fS liJc4 1 8.'lWf4
29.�d6 and White keeps some advantage. liJeS and Black was better in Kasimdzhanov
10.ixf6 gxf6 1 l .ie2
• - Sadvakasov, Skanderborg 2003
1 1 . ..�g7 Black should not play this move so
early. The bishop on g7 can be attacked later by
�g3. 1 2.0-0 'lWb4 1 3.�f3! liJd7 1 4.�dl 'lWb6t
I S .<j;Jhl 'lWc7 1 6.�g3 �fB 1 7.�hS liJ cS 1 8.liJxcS
'lWxcS 1 9 .eS! After this standard move White gets
a great attack. 19 . . . 'lWaS 20.'lWe2 dxeS 2 1 .hf7t!
<j;Jxf7 22.'lWhSt <j;Je7 23.liJe4! After bringing
the knight into the attack Black is defenceless.
23 . . . �d7 24.'lWh4 exf4 2S.'lWxf6t <j;Je8 26.�g7
1 -0 Hamdouchi - Bologan, Belfort 2002.
1 2.h4?! Stopping Black's h-pawn so drastically
is not a recommendable idea. 1 2 ... liJ c6 13.0-0
�d7 14.liJdl �e7 I S .<j;Jh2 'lWb4 1 6.iWe3 �d8!
A typical manoeuvre to bring back Black's
l l . . . hS queen. 1 7.'lWd3 liJ aS 1 8.a3 'lWbS 1 9.'lWd2 liJxb3
1 1 ...liJc6 This is another standard reply. and Black had a large advantage in Luther -
Black wants to bring his rook to c8 as quickly Sutovsky, New York 1 998.
as possible. 1 2.0-0 �d7 ( l 2 ... �g7?! 1 3.�f3 12 ... liJd7 13.�hl
0-0. Black has chosen a very dangerous set­ A useful practical move. 1 3.fS is more direct.
up. White's pieces will target Black's king very 1 3 ... �e7 ( l 3 ... liJ cS 1 4.<j;Jh l �d7?! I think this
rapidly. 1 4.<j;Jh l �d8 I S .�g3 dS 1 6.exdS fS is the reason for Black's problems. It is better
1 7.�dl iWfB 1 8.d6 <j;Jh8 19.1iJa4 with a large to try Be7 here. I S .�ab l bS Black's king should
advantage in Kasimdzhanov - Polgar, Moscow not be safe in the centre, and Kotronias shows
2002.) 1 3.<j;Jhl �c8 ( 1 3 ... hS 14.liJdl �c8 a way to prove it. 1 6.fXe6 fXe6 17.eS!± with an
I S .liJe3 iWb4 1 6.c3 iWxe4 17.liJc4 liJ d8 1 8.liJd4 attack in Kotronias - Hincic, Yerevan 2000.)
h4 19.�f3 iWh7 20.liJb6 �cS 2 1 .liJxd7 <j;Jxd7 14.'lWd4 bS I S .�f3 �b7 1 6.fXe6 fXe6 1 7.�h3 h4
34 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

I S.i,g4 �f7 19.ctJdS White had a big attack in f5 with an unclear game. Anyway, Black is a
Guseinov - Villavicencio Martinez, Stockholm pawn up so White has to prove something.
2002 16 ib717.5

13 ... h4! 1 7.l"1d4? l"1cS and the threat of . . . iWb2 was

very unpleasant for White in the game Wells -
Zhang Zhong, Szeged 1 997.
17.. J':kS l S.fxe6 fxe619.ig4!
Finally White has managed to target Black's
weakest spot: the e6-pawn!
19 'I1Nb2

1 9 . . . �b4 This move does not greatly change

the outcome of the variation. It just shows once
again how strong White's attack is once he has
access to the black king. 20.l"1d3 fS 2 1 .exfS ctJeS
22.f6 ctJxg4 23.�xe6 ctJxfG 24.l"1e3! Bringing the
rook to the e-line causes great problems for the
coordination between Black's pieces. 24 ... l"1h7
(24 ... ctJgS 25.ctJdS wins instantly for White)
2S.'I1NxfG WdS 26.l"1xe7 l"1xe7 27.l"1el dS 2S.a3 !
It is very useful for Black to advance his h­ Now Black loses material. 2 S. . . �xa3 29.ctJ b l
pawn in this early stage of the game, because �b4 30.c3 and White i s winning.
otherwise later White might have had the 1 9 ... �f7? 20.ctJdS± does not look great for
opportunity to place his rook on h3. Black either.
13 ... b6 A dubious move. Now the black queen 1 9 ... ctJ c5 This does not help Black either, as
is getting in trouble. 14.�d4! ctJcS What else? any computer can show. 20.l"1f3 fS 2 1 .exfS i,xf3
I S .�xf6 l"1h7 1 6.fS i,e7 17.�d4 i,b7 IS.fxe6 22.gxf3 l"1c6 23.f6! i,xf6 24.he6 and White has
fxe6 1 9.1"1ab l ! with a strong attack for White in a clear advantage.
Sulskis - Sutovsky, Koszalin 1 995. 20J3d3!
14.h3 The standard reply.
Forced. After: 14.i,g4 h3! IS ..lhh3 l"1xh3! Yes 20...f5!
of course! With an open king White will have
a lot of trouble in the future. 1 6.gxh3 bS� and
Black is doing very well.
14 ... ie7!
14 ... b6 I S.l"1ad l ( I S .�d4 was much better
here. The lines are similar to the above­
mentioned game Sulskis-Sutovsky.) I S ... i,b7
1 6.f5 l"1cS 17.fxe6 fxe6 I S.�d4 ( I S.�e3 �b4!
causes White trouble) I S ... i,e7 1 9.i,g4 ctJ cS
20.l"1f3 ctJxb3 2 1 .cxb3 �cS 22.he6 �xd4
23.l"1xd4 l"1cS 24.ctJdS and White was better in
Luther - Kasimdzhanov, Essen 2002.
15J!adl b6 16.'I1Ne3
It is difficult to decide where to put White's
queen. In this position the e3 square seems
to be the right one. 1 6.�d4!? ctJ cS ( l 6 ... i,b7? 2 1 .l3bl?
1 7.ctJ b l ! �xa2 I S.ctJ l d2!±) 1 7.eS dxeS I S.fxeS Here Nigel Short went wrong. But back
The Najdorf 35

in 1995 chess was a different game than it is 22.tLlxb l fxg4 23.hxg4 h3?!
nowadays. Today we can all check these lines Probably this spoils Black's advantage. Other
with our computers and find out how White is possibilities were 23 ... l:'i:xc2 and 23 . . . tLle5 with
winning in this position. 2 l .exf5 ! This is the way! complicated play. However all my computer
2 l ...tLle5 22.f6! vtIxc2 (22 ... tLlxg4 23.vtlxe6 tLlxf6 programs favour Black.
24.l:'i:e3 is very similar to an above mentioned 24J:'k3?!
line. White also has a very strong attack here) 24.gxh3! was a good try to win the game.
23.f7t! This unpleasant check disturbs all Black's 24 ... tLle5 (24 . . . l:'i:xc2 25.l:'i:c3! l:'i:xa2 26.l:'i:c7±
coordination. 23 ... tLlxf7 (23 . . . @f8 24.i.e2 i.xe4t 27.vtlxe4 l:'i:xh3t 2B.@gl l:'i:xb3 29.tLld2
tLlxd3 25.tLld4+- and 23 .. .'tt' d7 24.he6t @c7 l:'i:xd2 30.l:'i:cBt @f7 3 1 .vtlh7t @f6 32.vtlh6t
25.tLld5t i.xd5 26.l:'i:c3t+-) 24.l:'i:f2 The point. @e5 33.iWxd2 and White has winning chances)
Black's queen is trapped. 24 ...vtlxd3 25.vtlxd3 25.l:'i:c3 tLlxg4 26.vtlxb6 l:'i:xc3 27.tLlxc3 l:'i:xh3t
tLle5 26.vtld4 tLlxg4 27.hxg4 @d7 2B.l:'i:f7 e5 2B.@g2 l:'i:xc3 29.vtlxb7 and White is better
29.vtlxb6 l:'i:bB 30.tLlc5t dxc5 3 l .vtlxc5 l:'i:heB here.
32.tLld5 1-0 Luther - Quezada, Merida 2003. 24 ... hxg2t 25.@xg2 �g8 26.�xc8t .bc8
2 1 . .. Y;Vxbl t 27.@fl �xg4 28.c!l:Hd2 e5! 29.Y;Vc3! ib7
2 1 . . .Y;Vxc2? 22.i.d l f4 23.vtlf3 tLl e5 24.hc2 30.Y;Vc7
tLlxf3 25 .gxf3 i.f6 26.tLla5 ! bxa5 27.l:'i:xb7 l:'i:xc3 And in this still very complicated position the
2B.i.a4t @f8 29.l:'i:xd6± would have given players agreed a draw.
White a very pleasant advantage. Ih-1fz
The Dragon possible. If White does not attempt to exploit
the disadvantages of his opponent's set-up in
- By Mikhail Golubev the most principled way, then the activity of
the dark bishop can easily turn into a more
important factor than the pawn structure.
As practice has showed, White's only critical
reply to the Dragon starts with the moves
6.ie3 ig7 7.£3, followed by 8.'iWd2 and then
queenside castling. This paradoxically places
the white king on the more dangerous side of
the board: in the sphere of influence of both
the Dragon bishop and Black's queens ide rook,
which is destined to emerge on the semi-open
c-file sooner or later.
Paradoxical, yes, but there is simply no other
way for White to meet Black's initial strategic
threats. 7.f3, which both prevents . . . tt'l g4 and
removes the pressure on the e4-pawn, would
Shortly before this chapter was completed, leave White without a clear plan if played
an almost anonymous e-mail appeared in my together with kingside castling.
mailbox. The sender proclaimed that 1he Dragon Black as a rule answers with 7 . . . 0-0 8JWd2
is refuted, and attempted to prove it. As this ttJ c6, or 7 . . . ttJ c6 8.Wd2 0-0, which is of course
issue seems to be of interest to many, I decided the same thing (the only really important sideline
to discuss both the Dragon and its refutation in is 7 ... tt'lc6 8.'iWd2 �d7) . The most common
this introduction. approach is now to try to use all possible tactical
The Sicilian Dragon is defined by the tricks to open lines on the queens ide and bring
sequence l .e4 c5 2.<�J£3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttJxd4 displeasure to the white monarch. At White's
ttJ f6 5.ttJ c3 g6. It is virtually the only system disposal we have the logical schematic attack on
I play with both colours (and inevitably more the kingside with h4, g4, h5, etc. As in every
often with Black) . Being more or less unable opening where both sides have clear aims and
to propose a complete antidote to any of my targets, the Dragon is strategically simple, but
pet systems, I consider the Sicilian Dragon to tactically very complex. What is strictly defined.
be an exception. This opening is one of the Only How is a real question. Under such
few whose theoretical side attracts me more circumstances, ambitious amateurs can have
(meaning: to search for the best moves for a real chance to beat lazy professionals, which
both colours) than its practical side. It is hard they use from time to time!
to explain why. Perhaps it is because the basic The current state of affairs is that Black
conflict is outlined very nicely. With 5 . . . g6 experiences difficulties after both of White's
Black builds up an inferior pawn structure with main moves: 9.0-0-0 and 9.�c4 (stopping 9 ... d5
the hopelessly weakened d5-square. (Certainly entirely) .
the Dragon structure is less reliable for Black To choose 9.0-0-0 as the main
than that of the Scheveningen. Once, many recommendation was not difficult. Firstly, I
years ago at a juniors training session, I tried to consider it to be at least no weaker than 9.�c4.
discuss this with Boris Gelfand, but only half And secondly, 9.0-0-0 is slightly easier to
seriously) . Simultaneously, however, Black also prepare and play, as the amount of accumulated
develops his kingside bishop as aggressively as material and the number of sensible answers for
Black is somewhat lower.
38 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

The two sharp lines 9 J.d7?! and 9 . . Ahd4

• • • at least a small advantage for White in the most
lO ..ixd4 J.e6 both see Black attacking in critical lines. And this can still only be achieved
the usual Dragon spirit. But both are in fact as a wish, as no writings on the opening can ever
dubious, especially the first, while the latter claim to be free from vulnerable assessments.
allows White to use positional means to fight The accuracy of the data here obviously has its
for an advantage if he wishes. natural limitations. I have sometimes changed
9 . . . d5! is, in my view, Black's best move. the original move order of the specified games.
However, this allows White to exploit his pluses And for accuracy on the origins of the novelties,
strategically. Extraordinary attention to the I refer the readers to their electronic databases.
safety of his king is usually not required. White The recent CD by Dorian Rogozenko B75-B79
has several popular options here (Dvoirys' is, by the way, absolutely wonderful. It is the
move 1 O.�e 1 ! ? is still interesting) but I will first commercial Dragon database that I not
concentrate on the main line lO.exd5 tLlxd5 only merged with my own, but also tend to use
1 l .tLlxc6 bxc6 12.J.d4!. separately.
It is true that lately the claims of the Finally a few words of thanks: I am grateful
"refutation" of the Dragon were more often to Emil Wellner for sending me his interesting
related to White's particular findings in analyses, as well as to Ilia Balinov, Erik van den
the sharpest sub-lines of the 9 . .ic4-system. Doel, Jonathan Rowson, and Bogdan Lalic who
However, a simple example (which should agreed to answer questions regarding their games.
remove unrealistic expectations of this chapter) My friend, International Master Carmen Voicu,
is the line 9.0-0-0 tt'lxd4 1 0 . .ixd4 �a5 1 1 ..ic4!? helped me significantly in analysing a couple of
.ie6 1 2 . .ib3, which is a part of the repertoire. tricky variations, and for that I am grateful.
This old and now rare deviation ftom the main Now to the games.
lines is also an integral part of the 9 . .ic4 system,
where it arises after 9 . . . tt'lxd4 1 0 ..ixd4 .ie6 Game12
1 1 . .ib3, represents approximately 3% of the Palac LaUc

mass of material related to 9 . .ic4. Pula 2000

It makes no practical sense to speak about
a guaranteed win in this somewhat better l .e4 c5 2.tLla d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 tLlfG
strategic position with its almost never-ending 5.tLlc3 g6 6.J.e3
possible continuations. Very little in chess can
be fully proved or refuted. All theory is based
on evaluation, comparison, probability and
similar uncertainties. The task for a serious
player preparing a specific line for White is to
find reasons and variations that will convince
himself that he will be able to get an advantage.
Only someone located above will really know if
it will be sufficient to win or not.
With Black we usually aim at convincing
ourselves that we can achieve dear equality
with our openings. And if we do not succeed,
we switch to other lines that we hope are better.
I believe it was this and not a refutation, which
caused such giants as Alexander Khalifman and
Kiril Georgiev to abandon the Dragon. One way 6 ... tt'l g4?? now loses to 7 . .ib5t!, so there is no
or another, I limited the aim of my work to prove reason to begin with 6.8.
The Dragon 39

6 .ig7
..• but 14 ... e6!t gives Black chances to survive in a
6 ... ttJ c6 has virtually no independent slightly worse endgame. So I would rather advise
significance. 7.f3, and now 7 ... fig7 is the most White to deviate with l 1 .ttJf3, and if 1 1 ...fxe5
normal, and 7 . . . fid7 will transpose to the early then 12.ttJxe5! as in Gufeld-Zimin, USSR 1958.
... fid7 after 8.�d2 �c8 9.0-0-0 fig7, a main More grounded is another sideline with 7 ... a6
sideline for Black in the Rauzer Attack, which (a hybrid between the Dragon and the Najdorf) .
will be considered below in the note to Black's The disadvantage of the ... a6, ... b5, ... b4 plan
8 th move. in the Dragon is evident: it does not really help
An unusual move order from Kasparov - Black to gain control over the d5-square. Still
Georgiev, Sarajevo 2000, is related with another 7 ... a6 was tested by some of the greatest chess
topic - the early ... a6. After 5 ... a6 6.fie3 ttJ bd7 players ever. But, starting from the 70s, the line
7.f3 g6 (which is equivalent to 5 . . . g6 6.fie3 began to be forgotten. Yet recently it has begun to
ttJ bd7 7.f3 a6) 8.�d2 b5?! (8 ... fig7 transposes reappear occasionally at grandmaster level. Here
to the 6 ... fig7 7.f3 a6 lines), White of course I recommend 8.�d2 (the immediate 8.fic4!? is
played 9.a4! bxa4 (9 ... b4 1 0.ttJd5!) 1 0.ttJxa4!? a decent alternative) 8 ... ttJbd7!. The early ... a6
fig7 Later Kasparov proposed l 1 .c4! with can only be justified with play in the spirit of
advantage, as the most precise. the Najdorf. (The hasty 8 ... b5 is considered to
7.0! be insufficient in view of 9.a4 b4 10.ttJa2 a5
l 1 .fib5t fid7 12.c3 bxc3 13. ttJ xc3.
After 8 ... 0-0?! 9.0-0-0! followed by h4 White
has great chances of developing a crushing attack
on the kingside. He scores over 80% from this
position! An illustrative line is 9 ... b5 10.h4 h5
l 1 .g4! e5?! 12.ttJb3 hxg4 13.fig5 , etc.
It is important to note that 8 ... ttJc6?! in
conjunction with ... a6 is always dubious, and
rather devalues the ... b5 idea. In the normal
. . . ttJc6 lines Black plays ... a6 only somewhere
around move 14, which is usually a sign that he
has run out of constructive ideas in the position.)
9.fic4!? Several old sources, for example Geller
in ECO in 1 984, gave a clear preference to this
move, while in other lines the bishop remains
Rauzer's concept, which time has proved to passive. And now:
be the best. White controls both e4 and g4 and a} 9 ... h5 prevents lO.fih6, but White's position
the f6-knight now becomes a passive, defensive becomes pleasant. Amongst other ideas he can
piece. At the same time f3 builds the basis for a consider castling kingside.
future attack with g2-g4 and h2-h4-h5. b} After 9 ... ttJ c5 10.fih6!? might be
7... tiJc6 recommended.
7 ... 0-0 makes no difference if Black wishes c} 9 ... �c7 1 0 .fib3 ! b5 (or 10 ... 0-0 l 1 .h4!?
to play the main lines with 8.�d2 ttJc6. An with prospects for an attack, Bilek - Simagin,
independent line for Black after 7 ... 0-0 8.�d2 Budapest 1 96 1 , and 10 ... h6 1 1 . 0-0-0 ttJ b6?
is 8 ... d5?! 9.e5 ttJ e8 (9 ... ttJfd7 10.f4 should give 1 2.e5 !± Karjakin - Romero Holmes, Pamplona
White some advantage after all reasonable moves, 2003, with the idea 12 ... dxe5 13.ttJdb5 axb5
e.g. 1 0 ... ttJ b6 1 1 .fie2!? ttJc6 12.0-0-0, etc.) 1 0.f4 1 4.ttJxb5 �d7 15.�b4) 1 1 .0-0-0 fib7 12.fih6
f6. Now 1 1 .0-0-0 fxe5 12.fxe5 ttJc6 13.ttJf3 fig4 fixh6 (or 12 ... 0-0 13.h4!) 13.�xh6 with
14.ttJxd5 is a very common recommendation, initiative, Torre - Fuller, Australia 1975.
40 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

d) 9 ... bS 10.i.b3 i.b7 castles kingside White usually should begin his
kingside attack with h4! rather than g4.
8.�d2 0-O

This move transposes to a position which

often arises via 8.i.c4. (On 1 O ... 'Ll cS then
1 1 .i.dS ! ? is funny, but 1 1 .i.h6! seems to be If Black likes the idea of 8 ... 0-0 9.0-0-0 i.d7,
more solid. 1 0 . . . hS? ! l 1 .a4 is clearly better for then 8 ... i.d7 9.0-0-0 Ei:c8!? looks a significantly
White, as is probably also 1 0 ... 0-0?! l 1 .a4! more flexible move order. The point is that in
with the ideas 1 1 . ..b4 1 2.'LldS and 1 1 ...bxa4 reply to g4 Black gets the additional possibility of
12.'Llc6 �e8 1 3.i.xa4 i.b7 1 4.eS ! .) 1 1 .i.h6!? an early ... hS!? (GM Sergei Tiviakov's speciality) ,
(evaluated as strongest by Botvinnik, who urging White to close the kingside by gS (h3? will
also faced 1 1 .0-0-0 over the board) 1 1 ...0-0. lose a pawn after ... hxg4). Still, after gS Black
"Dangerous" according to Botvinnik. will be forced to retreat a knight to h7 (e8 is
(Krutikhin - Botvinnik, Moscow Spartakiad still occupied by the king!) where it will become
1 963, continued 1 1 .. . .txh6 1 2.\Wxh6 'Ll cS extremely passive. White can then develop an
1 3 . 0-0-0 'Llxb3t 1 4.cxb3! ? �b6 1 S.�b l 0-0-0 initiative with f3-f4-f5 ! . Let us consider all of
16.b4! and White created some pressure. After this with more details.
this experience of struggling for half a point I suggest 10.g4!? (White can also use the
against his not too famous opponent, the 6th waiting plan with �b l , i.e2). Now 10 ... 0-0 of
World Champion simply stopped playing course transposes to 8 ... 0-0. Instead Black may
the Dragon) 12. i.xg7 �xg7. Approximate, play 1 0 ... hS at once, or wait for h4 with 1 0 ... 'LleS.
overoptimistic analysis may continue 13.0-0-0 After the first of these White scores extremely
b4 { 1 3 ... 'Ll cS I4.eS ! ? dxeS 1 S .'Llf5t �h8 1 6.\Wh6 well, while the latter seems to be more critical.
gxf5 1 7.Ei:xd8 Ei:axd8 1 8 .�e3) 14.'Lla4 (if14.'LldS This is because in positions where the kingside is
'LlxdS I s.hdS hdS 1 6.exdS , then Black has closed ... 'LleS can be more useful for Black than
1 6 ... \WaS !) 1 4 ... Ei:b8 I S .h4! ( I S .\Wxb4 he4°o, h4 for White. Thus:
followed by 1 6 ... i.a8 and 1 7 ... eS) I S ... eS?! a) 10 ... hS l 1 .gS 'Llh7 12.f4 (after 12.�b l
1 6.'Lle2 \WaS 1 7.hS ! i.c6 1 8.hxg6 fxg6 1 9.�xd6 0-0, then Xie Jun's suggestion 13.'Llb3!? allows
i.xa4 20.\We7t �h8 2 1 .i.xa4 Ei:fe8 22.\Wf7 Ei:f8 quite a typical reply for these lines 13 ... hc3!?
23.�xh7t ! 'Llxh7 24.Ei:xd7 + - If White wishes to delay f4 then 12.i.e2 is
The conclusion is that in the lines with 7 ... a6 reasonable.) 1 2 ... 0-0 ( 1 2 ... 'Llf8? 13.f5 Untested
Black has little influence in the centre, and is is 1 2 ... i.g4!?) 13.i.e2 {also of interest is 13.f5!?
therefore somewhat worse. i.h6 is, as a rule, and 1 3 ... 'LleS 14.i.e2 Ei:e8 shifts to Yagupov -
an important resource for White. When Black Motylev below. If Black instead plays 13 ... Wla5
The Dragon 41

14.@bl gxf5, then both 1 5.liJxc6!? bxc6 16.liJd5 while in the line which we just considered above,
'l9d8 17.liJf4 �b8 1 8.b3 fxe4 1 9.1iJxh5 ig4 i.e. 8 ... id7 9.0-0-0 �c8, the main move 1O.g4
20.ie2 ixh5 2 1 .ixh5 Coleman, and 1 5 .liJxf5!? prevents Black from the ... h7 -h5-h4 advance,
ixf5 16.exf5 'l9xf5 1 7.id3 'l9a5 1 8.liJd5!? 'l9xd2 while 1O.@b l allows it. Black's entire concept
19.�xd2 e6 20.liJf4 h4 2 1 .g6 with initiative for looks so strategically unsound to me that I will
the pawn, Coleman - De Holanda, corr. 2000 refrain from further details. Normally, if Black
are promising for White. Imprecise is 13.@b l plays with the king in the centre, he should
ig4! 14.ie2 liJxd4 1 5 .ixd4 ixd4 16.'l9xd4 e5! collapse quite quickly.
- Xie Jun) 13 ... �e8 (or 13 ...'l9a5 14.@bl liJxd4 9.0-0-0
1 5 .ixd4 ixd4 16.'l9xd4 ie6 17.f5 ! Jandek - "Strong and safe", comments GM Boris
Binas, corr. 1998-2000) and now White should Alterman, one of the greatest experts in the
probably play 14.f5!? (why not?) 14 ... liJe5 Dragon, who amazingly has a negative score
(or 14 ... 'l9a5!? 1 5 .@b l and then for example against White's queenside castling. Alternative
1 5 ... ixd4 16.ixd4 liJxd4 17.'l9xd4 'l9c5 1 8.'l9d2 9.ic4 prevents 9 ... d5 completely, but gives Black
'lge5 19.�hflt Reichardt - Berclaz, corr. 1 998- some time to prepare his actions, and is therefore
9) 1 5 .�hfl with pressure after 15 ... @h8 16.liJd5 much more complicated.
Yagupov - Motylev, Russian Ch 1998, or 1 5 ... a6
16.�f2!? b5 17.�fdl - Coleman.
b) 10 ... liJe5 l 1 .h4 h5!? (after the rare l l ...b5
the principled move is in many ways 12. liJcxb5.
Then: 12 ... 0-0 13.h5 liJxf3 14.liJxf3 ixg4 Mestel
- Christiansen, Hastings 1978/9, and now 1 5 .ie2
liJxe4 16.'l9e 1 ! Nunn.) 12.g5 liJh7 13.@b l !? 0-0
( 1 3 ... liJf8 14.f4 or 14.ie2!? liJe6 1 5 .liJxe6 ixe6
16.id4 0-0 1 7.liJd5 ixd5 1 8.exd5 liJc4 19.'l9b4!
Istratescu - Gelashvili, Kallithea 2002) 14.ie2
liJc4 1 5 .ixc4 �xc4 16.'l9d3 �c8 (Zuidema -
Bilek, Havana (01) 1 966) 17.f4!?t Matulovic.
Before going on with 8 ... 0-0 it is useful to
observe a recent trend: in a number of games
Black tried to combine an early ... id7 with an
early ... h5, without even waiting for White's g4 9 �d7?!

or h4 (e.g. 8 ... h5, or 8 ... id7 and 9 ... h5). I always "Fundamentally unsound" - FM Stefan
used to think that such ideas are unsound for Sieveres, "a flagrant error" - 1M Attila
Black, because White will quickly play h3 !? (and Schneider.
develop the fl -bishop, if necessary) , intending Now I partly agree with these strong
g4. If Black then allows g4 the pawn will create statements. The second player takes great risks
colossal strategic pressure on the fG-knight, which with this move, while White faces no pressure
Black can hardly survive. So, after h3 Black's and can calmly start his kingside assault, as no
only logical continuation will be ... h4 (forgetting adequate counter-plan for Black can be seen.
completely all ideas involving castling, as then Even the common but rather innocent idea
the h4 pawn will be doomed) , followed by moves from the 9.ic4 line: .... l"k8, ... liJe5 and ... liJc4
like ... liJh5 or ... �h5 . looks senseless here, as Black will lose two tempi
The move order nuance is that 8 ... id7 in comparison with the sharp positions after
9.0-0-0 h5 allows White to develop his bishop 9.ic4.
to c4 (which is promising here and not really As usual in the Dragon, the advance ... b7 -b5-b4
transposing to the 8 ... 0-0 9.ic4 labyrinth) , sends a rather pleasant invitation to the white
42 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

knight to visit d5. From another point of view, do without .. JkS is 1 1 ...b5 ( 1 1 ...�a5 can
9 ... i.d7 is in some ways the most complex of the be answered by liJ b3 at some point, or by
available moves for a very simple reason: Black 1 2.i>b l �fcS 13.i.e2 ! , Grischuk - Soloviov,
does not exchange pieces! This factor alone Russian Ch 1 999, which is akin to Macieja's
cannot change the assessment of the line, but important game below. On 1 3 ... b5 Grischuk
(with the exception of the very top level of chess) recommended 14.liJcxb5 'lWdS 1 5 .h5. Too
it significantly improves the practical chances risky, perhaps, is 1 1 ...h5 1 2.i.e2!? or 1 2.gxh 5
for an ambitious Black player. In the last decade liJxh5 1 3.�g l ) . After 1 1 ...b5, the line goes on
theory has begun to develop intensively in this with 1 2.h5 ( 1 2.liJd5 is also good) b4 ( 1 2 ... liJxf3
line. White has started to learn how to avoid the 1 3 .liJxf3 i.xg4 is hardly sound after 14.i.e2!?)
opponent's tricks, and Black's choice of playable 13.liJd5 liJxd5 ( 1 3 ... e6 14.liJxf6t �xf6± and
looking lines has gradually narrowed. now maybe 1 5 .i.e2 - but not 1 5 .i.g5? liJ d3t!)
The system with 9 ...i.d7 is highly 14.exd5 �a5 1 5 .i>b l 'lWxd5 1 6.hxg6 ( 1 6.liJ f5 ! ?
transpositional, so here the first player should i s another dangerous move for Black which GM
definitely know the evaluation of at least 3-4 key Vladimir Chuchelov and I analysed some 1 0
positions (both promising and unpromising) . years ago. But now I am not quite sure about
Such knowledge will be essential for navigating 1 6 ...'lWxd2 1 7.liJxe7t i>hS I S.,ixd2 �feS 19.h6
during a practical game. Before we dive into i.f8! ? 20.liJd5 liJxf3 2 1 .,ixb4 i.xg4 with the
variations, I should also note that the value of the idea 22.liJc7 �e4!) 16 . . . fxg6 1 7.�h2 with a very
developing move i.e2 is often underestimated. strong White initiative: 1 7 ... h6 (both 1 7 ... h5
In fact e2 is a very good square for the bishop! and 17 ... i>f7 can be answered in the same way)
Thus, the continuation of Svidler-Golubev, I S .i.e2!± Bologan-Fedorov, Elista (01) 1 995.
Baden-Baden 2002: 9.i.c4 i.d7 1 0.0-0-0 liJ e5 10 ... �a5 and now l 1 .liJb3!? �c7 1 2.g5 liJh5
1 1 .i.e2!?, where a top 1 0 regular puts his bishop 1 3 .i.e2!? �acS 14.liJd5 �dS 1 5 .f4 e6 1 6.liJc3
on e2 even with the loss of a tempo, should at liJ b4 1 7.i>b l ! Nevosttujev - Soloviov, Samara
least make us think. 2000. Instead 1 1 .i.c4!? transposes to the 9.i.c4
10.g4!? �a5 system.
We will concentrate on this, the most popular 1 1 .h4
continuation. A very common move. Also interesting is:
10 Jks
.• 1 1 .i>b l ! ? ( 1 1 .i.e2!? liJe5 1 2.i>b l just transposes)
1 1 . ..liJe5 12.i.e2. This is the pet line ofGM Oleg
Korneev, which has been used by him at least
four times. Virtually Black's only sensible reply
is 1 2 ... b5!? (discouraging is 12 ... h5?! 13.h3! or
1 3 .gxh5 liJxh5 14.f4 liJ c4 1 5.,ixc4 �xc4 1 6.f5
Korneev - Belezky, Lorca 200 1 , or 1 2 ...a6 13.h4
h5 14.gxh5 ! ? liJxh5 1 5.�hgl with initiative.
And after 1 2 ...'lWa5, then 1 3.h4 is good, and
even better is 1 3.liJb3! �c7 1 4.g5 liJh5 1 5 .liJd5
'IWdS 1 6.fu7 Korneev - Getta, San Sebastian
2000) . Now White can consider:
a) 13.liJdxb5 was tested in the stem game
Korneev - Fedorov, Krasnodar 1 995: 13 ...,ixb5
(worse is 1 3 ... liJ c4?! 1 4.,ixc4 �xc4 and now
maybe 1 5.e5 !?) 14.liJxb5 �bS ( 1 4 ... a6! ? Fedorov)
1 0 ... liJe5 l 1 .h4 as a rule transposes after 1 5.c4 (brave is 1 5 .fu7!?) 1 5 ... a6 16.liJd4 �c7
I 1 ..J�cS. The most common option to 1 7.�c 1 . Here Black could prevent the c4-c5
The Dragon 43

advance with 1 7 . . . etJ fd7! and if 1 8 . etJ b3, then be convinced about White's chances) 1 4.exd5
1 8 ... etJc5! with compensation - Fedorov. etJ xd4 1 5 .hd4 Hazai - Bilek, Budapest 1 98 1 .
b) 1 3 . etJ cxb5 !? was tried by Korneev recently. Now 1 5 . . ..ixd4! ? 1 6.Vfixd4 Vfib6 and Black
It seems that 1 3 . . . .ixb5 1 4.hb5!? is the idea. is hardly much worse. However those 1 3th
Instead, Korneev - Carlsen, Reykjavik 2004, move alternatives need to be investigated in
continued with 13 ... a6 14.etJc3 etJ c4 15 . .ixc4 practice.
�xc4 when Black had no real compensation. b) 1 2 . . . etJ xd5 1 3 .exd5 etJ xd4 1 4.hd4 .ixd4
1 6.etJde2!?± could be a move here. 1 5 .'Wxd4 and now 1 5 . . . 'Wa5 16.gxh5 Vfixa2
c) 1 3 .h4! ? makes sense as well. 13 ... b4 (on 1 7.h6 f6 1 8 . .id3± or 1 5 . . . hxg4 1 6.fxg4! .
13 ... etJ c4?! follows 14 . .ixc4 bxc4 1 5 .h5±. c) 1 2 . . . etJxd4 1 3.hd4 e5 ( 1 3 . . . hxg4 1 4 . .ixf6
13 . . :Wa5 !? is considered in Macieja's line .ixf6 1 5 .h5 g5 1 6.f4!?, less clear is 1 6.e5 dxe5
below) 14.etJd5 etJxd5 1 5 .exd5 'WaS ( 1 5 . . . etJ c4?! 1 7.etJxf6t exf6 1 8.Vfixd7 Vfixd7 1 9.�xd7 gx£3
1 6.hc4 �xc4 1 7.h5±) , and now untested is and the black pawns are at least frightening)
1 6.h5 ! with the idea 16 ... 'Wxd5 17.etJ f5 ! . This 14 . .ie3 etJ xd5 (Shianovsky-Geller, Kiev 1 9 57)
is probably stronger than 1 6.etJb3 Vfic7 1 7.h5, 1 5 .'Wxd5 ! hxg4 1 6.h5 and I evaluated this in
which transposes to the variation with 15 ... b4, White's favour.
deviating from the main game. After 1 1 . . .Vfia5?! then 1 2. etJ b3 ! ? looks
unpleasant for Black.
Again, the dominating choice in practice. And
again, not necessarily the best.

1 l ltJ e5

The main alternative is 1 1 . . .h5 . Now 1 2. etJ d5 ! ?

i s perhaps the most dangerous move for Black.
I remember analysing it for a really long time
in the army, fourteen years ago. Since then no The position after 12.<;t>bl is known since
really important games have been played with Boleslavsky-Geller, Zurich Ct 1953. I suggest
it. The most significant of the lines, already White to avoid it: 1 2 ... h5! seems to be playable
published by me in Correspondence Chess for Black.
Informant and New In Chess, are: Better is 1 2 . .ie2!? and now:
a) 12 ... hxg4 1 3 .h5 (much stronger might a) 1 2 ... h5 is very risky here: 1 3 .�dg l ! ?
be 1 3.etJxf6t!? .ixf6 14.etJxc6! , or 1 3 .etJ xc6!? (recommended by Schneider & SapO 1 3 ... etJ c4
followed by 14.etJxf6t .ixf6 1 5 .h5 after any ( 1 3 ... b5 14.gxh5 b4 1 5 .etJ d5 ±) 14.hc4 �xc4
Black recapture) 1 3 . . . etJxd5 ( 1 3 . . . etJ xh5 ! ? and and now, probably, 1 5 .etJf5 ! ? with an attack.
now after both 14.etJf5 Schneider & Sapi and b) 1 2 ... b5!? 13.<;t>bl ( 1 3.h5 'WaS is the Smeets
1 4.etJxc6 bxc6 1 5 .etJf4!? not everyone would - Carlsen game, see 1 2.h5 'WaS 13 ..ie2) and we
44 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

are back in Korneev's line, which after 13 ... �a5 1 2 . . . lDxf3 13.lDxf3 hg4 is considered to
in its turn transposes to 1 2 .. .'I&a5 below. be insufficient: 1 4.i.e2 (I like this more than
c) 1 2 . . . �a5 1 3 .�b l ! 14.h6) 1 4 . . . i.xh5 and now the simplest is
probably 1 5 .lD d4 he2 16.lDdxe2! ( 1 6.�xe2
l"i:xc3 1 7. bxc3 lDxe4 1 8 .i.h6 Sermek - Kovacevic,
Belgrade 1 989 allows 1 8 . . . lDxc3! ) 1 6 . . . h5 (or
16 . . . lD g4 1 7.i.d4 lDe5 1 8.�e3±) 1 7.i.xa7!?
Hanison - Betts, corr. 2000.
1 3.�b l ? ! , which is the most played move
here, is basically what Black hopes for in the
entire 9 . . . i.d7-system.

This is one of these important posltlons,

which can be found at the crossroads between
a lot of lines. It first appeared in Macieja -
Grabarczuk, Sopot 1 997. Black faces problems
here: 1 3 . . . b5 is critical, but it gives White a
maximum of possibilities: He can grab the
b5-pawn, or choose between three other lines
represented in the games Smeets - Carlsen, Lau
- Tiviakov and Palac - Lalic. ( 1 3 . . . l"i:xc3 1 4.�xc3
�xc3 1 5 .bxc3 l"i:c8 is a typical Dragon endgame, Now comes 1 3 . . . lDxf3 ! (according to Ward,
where Black's compensation for the exchange is this is a more accurate introduction than
insufficient. To feel really confident after the 1 3 . . . l"i:xc3) 1 4 .lDxf3 Ei:xc3 (or 1 4 . . . i.xg4 first)
. . .l"i:xc3 sacrifice, Black should ensure himself 1 5 .�xc3 �xc3 1 6.bxc3 hg4 1 7.i.g2 lDxe4
of either an extra pawn on the kingside, or the with fine compensation for the rook, which is
preservation of the queens on the board. Now confirmed by a few dozen games, starting with
1 6.�b2!± was Sutovsky - Hodgson, Oxford Sandor - Aagaard, Hamburg 1 993.
1 998.) 14.lLl b3!? ( 1 4.h5 ! ? transposes to Smeets Fresh is 1 3 .i.e2 ! ? b5 ( 1 3 ... l"i:xc3 fails to
- Carlsen - see this game below) 14 . . . �c7. Here impress. 1 4.�xc3 �xa2 and now 1 5.�a3, or
a line is 1 5 .g5 ( 1 5 .h5 ! ? transposes directly to the more ambitious 1 5 .�b3 ! ? �al t 1 6.�d2
the main game) 1 5 . . . lDh5 ( I 5 . . . b4? loses a piece �a5t 1 7.�c3! ) and now 14.�b l !? (if 14.lDb3
after 1 6.lDb5 i.xb5 17.gxf6+- Lau - Tiviakov, then 1 4 . . . �c7 transposes to Palac - Lalic, while
Montecatini Terme 1 994) 1 6.lDd5 �d8, Black's additional possibility is 14 ... �a6)
followed by the principled 1 7.ha7!? lD c4 14 . . . l"i:xc3 ( I 4 . . . b4 1 5. lD d5 lDxd5 1 6.exd5 with
1 8.hc4 bxc4 1 9 .i.b6 �e8 20.lDd4. White has the idea 1 6 . . . �xd5 1 7. lD f5 !± is something
an extra pawn, but unfortunately I am afraid we have already seen in Korneev's line. Or
to recommend such a greedy choice to White. 14 . . . lD c4?! 1 5.i.xc4 bxc4± 1 6.lDd5 ! ?) 1 5 .�xc3
The position is complex and some global �xc3 ( 1 5 . . . b4± is the big optimist's choice)
investigation is required. 1 6.bxc3 l"i:c8. This was Smeets - Carlsen,
1 2 Y!Ya5!
.•• Corus-C 2004. Again this is one of these
The Dragon 45

endgames where Black's compensation for the 2003/4, Black should now have played
exchange is rather vague. The game continued 2 1 ...h6! , when I can suggest 22.b3! ? �xd5
1 7.hxg6 fxg6 1 B.<j{b2 a5 1 9 . .ih6 .ihB and here 23.� f5 ! with advantage for White, rather than
Rogozenko gives 20.Eib l !±. 22 . .ixh6 hd4 23.b3 ! ? �c3 24.Eixd4 �xd4
13 Y;Vc7 14 ..ie2 b5 1 5.@b 1 !
.•• 25 . .ie3 �g7 26 . .id4 Eif6 27.g5 .if5 ! .
c) 1 7 ... �c4?! 1 B . .ixc4 �xc4 1 9 . .id4±
d) 1 7 ... EifeB 1B.Eih2 as in Tomescu - Piva,
Porto San Giorgio 2003, may look reasonable,
but here Black has 1 B ... � c4 ! (instead of the
game's 1 B ... a5?) 1 9.hc4 �xc4 when he is alive,
because the h2-square is no longer available for
the white queen. e.g. 20.hxg6 (20.Eidh 1 g5
2 1 ..ixg5 a5 ! 20.�f2 .ie5 !?) 20 ... fxg6 2 1 .Eidh 1
(2 1 .Eihh 1 .ie5) 2 1 ...Eif8! 22.Eixh7 Eixf3 ! and
now 23 .Eixg7t only gives a draw.
But, instead of all this, 1 B.�d4!? preserving
the initiative looks interesting.
1 6 . .ixc4 bxc4
1 6 ... �xc4?! looks terribly bad for Black: it
can be punished by 1 7.e5 or 1 7 . .ih6.
Th e position after 1 5 .<j{b 1 i s quite complex, 17 . .!D d4
but White seems to have good chances. (Still,
we remember the promising early deviations:
1 3 . .ie2, 1 2 ..ie2 and Korneev's 1 1 . <j{b 1 tLle5
1 2 . .ie2). Now 1 6.hxg6 fxg6 1 7.g5 is already
quite a threat, which would be seen after moves
like 1 5 ... a6?
1 5 ... .!D c4!?
Another direction is 1 5 ... b4 1 6.tLld5 tLlxd5
1 7.exd5 and now Black must make a difficult
a) 17 ...f5 weakens the kingside: 1 B.hxg6
hxg6 1 9 . .ih6 f4! ? 20.tLld4!? �c5 2 1 .�el
with a dangerous initiative, Fressinet - Polzin,
Bundesliga 200 1 12.
b) 1 7 ... a5 1 B.tLld4! (the tempting 1B . .ih6?!
does not work well: 1B ... .ixh6 1 9.�xh6 �xc2t In the line 9 . .ic4 �a5 1 0.0-0-0 .id7 1 1 ..ib3
20.<j{a1 iWxe2! ! and now 2 1 .hxg6 �xd1 t EifcB, when White follows with h4, g4, h5 and
22.Eixd 1 fxg6 with excellent compensation, Black responds with ... �e5, . . . b5, . . . tLl c4,
Short - Bu Xiangzhi, Taiyuan 2004, or 2 1 .�d4 a quite similar position often arises, which is
�xg4! 22.fxg4 and there is not only 22 ... iWe5 difficult for Black. Here he can attack b2 faster,
23.hxg6 �g7 24.gxh7t <j{hBoo Sax - Cebalo, but it hardly improves his chances.
Croatia 2002, but also 22 ... �e4! - Cebalo) 17 Y;Vb7

1 B ... tLl c4 ( 1 B ... a4 1 9 . .ih6±) 1 9 . .ixc4 �xc4 17 . EibB would normally transpose.

20.hxg6 (less clear is 20 . .ih6 hd4 2 1 .hf8!? IB.Y;Vh2?!

and now 21.. . .if6, or even 21.. . .ic3) 20 ... fxg6 1 B.<j{al ! ? EibB 1 9.Eib 1 is probably a more
2 1 .iWh2. In Hautot - Goormachtigh, Belgium suitable method to protect b2. After that
46 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

Black's prospects for counterplay would have Game 1 3

been limited. Golubev - Poliantsev
At the same time, I S ..ih6! �bS 1 9.b3 looks Mariupol 1 990
a more concrete decision. Of course, b3 is
(hypothetically) vulnerable, but White's attack 1 .e4 c5 2.ltJO d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.�xd4 �f6 5.�c3
appears to be faster. g6 6 . .ie3 .ig7 7.0 0-0 8.Y;Yd2 � c6 9.0-0-0
l S .. J�bS 1 9 . .ic1 h6!? Black's ideal plan after 9.0-0-0 includes
Prophylactic against the possible 20.hxg6 the exchange on d4, ... '\1;!fa5 and . . . .ie6, taking
and 2 1 .ltJd5. White's bishop is busy defending control of many squares. Fortunately for White
b2, so the h6-pawn is untouchable for the he is able to prevent the execution of this plan
moment. in its pure form. Now we will start considering
20.hxg6 fxg6 2 1 .b3 Black's options one after another.
Attacking h6. 2 1 .'lWe2!? was safer. 9 �xd4

2 1 . cxb3 22.axb3 lUcS?!

.• The immediate 9 ... 'lWa5 is very rare. Then
22 ... g5 ! with double-edged play. 1 0 . .ic4!? requires knowledge of 9 ..ic4 to which
23.gd3?! it transposes, and 1 0.�bl should suit White
23.hh6! is of course tempting, but it is if he intends to meet 9 ... ltJxd4 l o.hd4 '\1;!fxa5
surprisingly hard to make it work. Still, it seems in the same way. The most radical reaction,
that White is better after 23 ... �xc3 24.hg7 however, is 10.ltJb3!? '\1;!fc7 and now 1 1 .h4 or
�xg7 25 .'lWh6t �f7 26.g5 ltJ eS 27.�h4! e5 l 1 .g4 .ie6 1 2.g5 ltJ d7 1 3 .h4 a5 14.ltJb5 '\1;!fcs
2S.'lWh7t �f8 29.�dh l ! , which is inevitably 1 5 .�b l with advantage, Smirin - V. Alterman,
followed by 30.'lWxg6 exd4 3 1 .�hSt �e7 Haifa 1 993.
32.�xeSt. lo.hd4
23 h5?
.•. By far Black's most popular move here is
23 ... e5? is refuted by 24.hh6! , but 23 ... g5 ! 1 0 ... .ie6. It will be covered separately in the
was called for, even more evidently than one next game.
move earlier. l O Y;Ya5!?

24.gxh5 � xh5 The main idea behind this queen move (used
24 ... e5 25 .h6!?± by Geller and other strong players in the 50s) is,
25.Y;Yg2!± of course, 1 1 .. . .ie6!. For example, after l 1 .g4 it
Black's king has become too vulnerable. will transpose to the main line of the 9.g4 line,
Though the following was not free from which is acceptable for Black. 1 1 .h4 also allows
inaccuracies, White got to the enemy monarch 1 1 .. ..ie6, but there is a fresh idea: 12J�lg5 ! ?
in the end. Yemelin - Kalashnikov, S t Petersburg 2000,
25 .ieS 26.gxh5 hd4 27.gxd4 gxc3
..• should, at least, be mentioned. Usually, White
2S . .ib2 gxc2 29.Y;Yxc2 gxh5 30.Y;Yg2t �f8 chooses between two other promising, but very
3 1 .gb4 .ib5 32.Y;Yg6 e6 33.Y;Yh6t �e7 34.gd4 different, options .
.ie2 35.e5! .txf3 36.Y;Yg7t �eS 37.Y;YgSt �e7 1 1 .ic4

3S.Y;Yg7t �eS 39.Y;Yg8t �e7 40.exd6t �d7 Improving the position of the only relatively
4 1 .Y;Yf'7t �d8 42.Y;Yf8t �d7 43.Y;Ye7t �c6 passive piece. A reasonable alternative is
44.gc4t �b5 45.d7 1 1 .�b l !?, which can lead to tense play after
1-0 1 1 ...e5 (not 1 1 .. . .ie6? 12.ltJd5) 12 . .ie3 .ie6.
e.g. 1 3.a3 �fcS! 14 . .ie2 gc6 and after 1 5 .ltJb5,
15 . . .'lWa4! was found by Wellner. Instead White
can consider 1 5.g4 �acS 16.ltJd5.
1 l .ie6 12 . .ib3!
The Dragon 47

V9xd2 20.E1xd2 E1xdS 2 1 .E1xdS E1xdS 22.E1c 1 !

with a better endgame (Goglidze - Toprover,
Tbilisi 19S5).
After 1 2 ... bS 13.'>t>bl b4 14.ct:JdS .txdS
I S.exdS V9bS White's best, according to
Rogozenko, seems to be 1 6.V9d3 ! 'lWxd3 (after
16 . . .'lWb7 1 7.E1he l as I B . .ta4 E1abB 1 9.94 E1fcB
20 . .tf2 White is clearly better - Gufeld) 1 7.E1xd3
E1fcB! ( 1 7 . . . aS? I B . .ta4! Gufeld) I B.E1e l (here
I B . .ta4?! allows I B . . . ct:JxdS ! 1 9 . .txg7 ct:J b6!)
I B ... E1c7 1 9.c3 as 20.cxb4 axb4 2 1 .E1ddl with
a better endgame in Motylev-Felgaer, Linares
200 1 .
13.'>t>b l

An important part of White's concept. In

contrast 1 2.he6 would significantly improve
Black's influence in the centre.
In this position Black has tried four main plans:
a quick ... bS-b4 (without exchanging on b3) ,
1 2 . . . hb3 and 1 3 . . . E1fdB (trying to prepare ... eS
and ... dS) , 12 . . . E1fcB and ... bS-b4 (usually with
the inclusion of . . . hb3 at some early point) ,
and finally, the less forcing ... E1fcB and ... E1c6
(which also normally involves ... hb3) . None of
these plans has been found to be satisfactory by
Black players. Before entering into greater detail
it is important to note that White should not be
afraid to capture on b3 with his c-pawn (which 1 3 ... .L:b3
in fact will remain his main option even if Black Or 1 3 . . . b S 1 4.E1he l ! .L:b3 ( 1 4 . . . b4 I S . ct:J dS !
will allow him to play '>t>b l first) . There is no .txdS 1 6.exdS E1c7 1 7.a4! with a clearly
way for Black to exchange major pieces without superior position, Bagirov - Gufeld, Leningrad
serious concessions, and middlegame factors are 1 960. 1 4 . . . E1abB I S .eS!±) I S .cxb3. Now:
of most importance. The capture cxb3 ensures a) Black has never tried I S . . . E1c6. One of the
a safe position for the white king, and Black's interesting options for White here is 1 6 . .txf6
pawns majority in the centre, as well as his .txf6 1 7. ct:J dS 'lWxd2 I B.E1xd2 '>t>g7 1 9.E1c 1 .
kingside, becomes a target of White's long-term b ) Another waiting move i s I S . . . E1abB! ?
pressure. Emil Wellner analysed 1 6.eS dxeS 17.E1xeS
1 2 .. E1fcB
. e6! I B. ct:JxbS ( I B.'lWe2?! E1dB! 1 9.E1xbS E1xbS
1 2 ... hb3 1 3.cxb3 E1fdB 14.'>t>b l E1d7 is the 20.ct:JxbS eS! Wellner, and now 2 1 .'lWxeS
oldest of Black's ideas. After I S .g4 E1adB White ct:J eB+ with the idea 22.'lWe7 .tf6! 23.'lWe2
has usually tried the prophylactic 1 6. V9 e2, which a6! , or 2 1 ..tc3 E1xdl t 22.'>t>c2 'lWb6 23.'>t>xd l
works well against 1 6 ... eS? 1 7 . .te3 dS I B.gS+-. ct:J dS ! ) I B . . .'lWxd2 1 9.E1xd2 ct:J dS 20.ct:Jxa7 E1c7
As 16 ... V9a6!? is not entirely clear to me, I will 2 1 .E1xdS exdS 22 . .te3t with a sharp endgame.
follow Boleslavsky's main recommendation: White's less obliging options are 16 . .txf6 and
1 6.h4!? eS 17 ..te3 dS I B.exdS ct:JxdS 19.ct:JxdS 1 6.a3 ! ?
48 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

c) I S . . . b4 1 6.hf6! ( l 6.tlJdS tlJxdS 1 7.hg7 22'Elcl with an advantage in the endgame, Ribli
is not a precise move order as it allows an - Velimirovic, Pula 1971) 1 6.i.e3 b4 17. tlJ e2
intermediate 1 7 . . . tlJe3!) 1 6 . . . bxc3 1 7.i.xc3 hb3 1 8.cxb3 Elc6 1 9.hxg6 fxg6 20.i.gS !? with
hc3 ( I 7 . . J%xc3? is refuted nicely by 1 8 .Ele2 ! ! better chances, as in Nikitin - Ignatiev, Moscow
ElcS I 9.b4+-) 1 8.bxc3 Elxc3 ( I 8 . . :�xc3 1 9:�·xc3 1 963.
Elxc3 20.Elcl can lead to the same) 1 9.Ele3 1 3 ... Elc6!? must be compared with 1 3 ... hb3
Elac8 (Black is also suffering after 1 9 . . . ElcS 1 4.axb3 Elc6. Now: 14.g4 bS!? ( 1 4 . . . hb3
20:�xaS ElxaS 2 1 .Elc3 or 2 1 .Elc l ) 20.Elxc3 transposes to 13 ... ,ixb3) I S .tlJdS (after
Wi'xc3 (or 20 . . . Elxc3 2 1 .'i:!tb2 ElcS 22.Wi'xaS I S .i.xf6 i.xf6 1 6.tlJdS \Wxd2 1 7.Elxd2 Black has
ElxaS 23.Elcl±) 2 1 .Wi'xc3 Elxc3 22.Elcl Elxcl t 1 7 . . . i.h4!, but interesting is I S .gS !?) I S .. :�'xd2
23.'i:!txc l . The arising pawn endgame will be 1 6.Elxd2 i.xdS 1 7.exdS with a slight advantage.
in White's favour - his queenside majority 1 4.cxb3 Elc6
offers prospects of sacrificing a pawn there, 14 . . . bS I S .Elhe l ! was already considered
distracting Black's king from the kingside, and above.
to win the black pawns then. Black, however,
can build up some kind of fortress by keeping
his f-pawn on f7 and placing his e-pawn on e6.
This will prevent immediate access to the black
pawns for the white king. Dutch IMs Karel
van der Weide and Jeroen Bosch filled eight

pages of New In Chess Magazine 1 998/4 with

extensive analysis proving White wins even in
this case. They showed that every pawn move
on the kingside is extremely sensitive. The
authors' main line goes: 23 . . . 'i:!tf8 (Not 23 . . . gS
24.'i:!tb2 and the white king reaches a6) 24.'i:!tc2
(24.b4 'i:!te8 2S.bS 'i:!td7 26.'i:!tc2, proposed by
Shereshevsky & Slutsky; allows Black to escape
after 26 . . . dS ! - Van der Tak.) 24 . . . 'i:!te8 2S.'i:!tc3
'i:!td7 26.'i:!tc4 'i:!tc6 27.h4! (not 27.b4 gS !) 27 . . . 1 5.g4
h 6 28.b4 e6 29.a4 'i:!tb6 30.f4! (not 30.g4? gS) I S.h4 allows I S ... hS !?
30 . . . 'i:!tc6 3 1 .g4 'i:!tb6 32.£5. White will advance 1 5 " . e6
his pawns to f6, bS and as , then he will push After I S . . . Elac8 1 6.h4 hS ! ? and now possible
e4-eS , which after . . . dS will allow him to move are both 1 7.gxhS !? and 1 7.gS tlJe8 1 8.hg7
the king via cS and d6 to Black's f7 -pawn, and tlJxg7 1 9.f4 (Winants - Sosonko, Dutch Cht
promote his f6-pawn. In his turn, Black will 1 992), where White's chances are at least slightly
get time to promote his dS-pawn to a queen, better.
but will end up in a losing queen endgame in 16.h4 h6
various versions. So the endgame is probably Or 1 6 ... bS 1 7.a3 ! (It makes sense for White
winning for White, but playing against a to prevent 17 ... b4 and keep his knight on
prepared "masochist" who also has some two c3.) 17 ... gac8 (not good for Black are both
or three hundred Eto points less than you, it 1 7 . . . hS 1 8.i.xf6! i.xf6 19.tlJdS, and 17 ... b4
makes some sense to deviate earlier. 1 8.tlJa2 ! , winning a pawn) 1 8 .hS eS (Gruenfeld
13 . . . i.c4 is a rare idea. White is usually - Ma.Tseitlin, Israel (ch) 1990) and here 19.,ie3
advised to play 14.h4 bS I S .hS eS (or I S ... b4 looks dearly better for White.
1 6.tlJdS tlJxdS 1 7.hg7 hb3 1 8.cxb3 tlJc3t 17.gS!? hxgS 1 8.hxg5 tLlh5 19 .txg7 'it>xg7

19.bxc3 bxc3 20.i.xc3 \Wxc3 2 1 .\Wxc3 Elxc3 20.f4

The Dragon 49

and if 27 ... �h8 then 28.a4 with the ideas:

2s . . . lLl h3? 29.lLlxe6t! fxe6 30.�d7t @gS
3 1 .�d8t @g7 32.�xhS @xh8 33.b4+- And
2S . . . �h5 29.b4 ! .
27.ttJxa7 �xg5 2S.b4
White's b-pawn is too dangerous.
2S ... �e5
Or 28 . . . �gl t 29.@c2 g5 30.b5 g4 3 1 .b6
g3 32.b7 g2 33.b8=� �c l t 34.@xc l g l ='lWt
35.@c2 and White wins.
29.b5 �xe4 30.b6 ttJ d5 3 1 .b7 �b4 32.�d7
ttJ f6 33.�c7 ttJ d5 34.ttJ c6! �b6 35.�d7 And
Black resigned.
1 -0.

Black's previous play is not too bad, but for Game 14

the reasons described in the note after 12.�b3, Van der Wiel Sax -

White's chances can be preferred. Plovdiv 1 983

20 J3acS

20 . . . b5? gives White promising attacking l .e4 c5 2.ttJa d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttJxd4 ttJf6
possibilities such as 2 1 .'lWd4t @gS 22.�xh5 5.ttJc3 g6 6.�e3 J.g7 7.0 ttJ c6 S.�d2 0-0
gxh5 23.g6 ! ? 9.0-0-0
2 1 .�h3!?
2 1 .�dfl , preparing f4-£5, was also possible as
after 2 1 .. .ltJ g3 White has 22.'lWh2 ! .
Also interesting i s the immediate 2 1 .£5 ! ? exfS
22.'lWd4t 'lWe5 23.exfS 'lWxd4 24.�xd4 with an
initiative in the endgame.
2 1 . . .'�c5
Here 2 1 ...b5 deserves attention. Then White
could preserve some advantage by 22.a3 ! ? �b6
(22 . . . b4 23.lLla2 ! ) 23.b4 with the idea 23 . . . a5
24.bxa5 'lWxa5 25.£5.
22.�d3 b 5
This leads to a sharp endgame, which is
objectively better for White. 23.�xd6 was not
a direct threat, but after passive Black moves
White could have improved his position by 9 ... ttJ xd4
23.£5 or 23.�d4. The immediate 9 . . . �e6! ? has very rarely
23J3xd6 �xd6 24.�xd6 �xd6 25.�xd6 been used by grandmasters in recent years. It is
ttJxf4 playable to some extent, so we should consider
2 5 ... b4 26.lLl e2± it.
26.ttJxb5 �c5? Black's first problem is 1 0.@b l when
The best chance was 26 ... a5 ! . Then 27.�d7 1 O . . . lLlxd4 j ust transposes to 9 . . . ltJxd4, and it
lLlh3! 2S.ltJd6 �f8 looks unconvincing for is unlikely that his life is easier in lines such
White as his g5-pawn falls. Better is 27.ltJd4, as 10 . . . l"1cS l 1 .lLlxe6 {or l 1 .h4! ? 'lWa5 1 2.ltJxe6
fxe6 1 3.�c4 @f7 14.�b3 lLl e5 and now
so Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

possibly I S .We2 ! ? tLlhS I 6 .!%h3 !%xc3 I 7.i.d2) tLl c4 I S .eS tLl eB 1 6.id4 with strong pressure,
1 1 . . .fxe6 1 2i.c4 Wd7 1 3i.b3 tLl eS 1 4.We2 ! , Romero Holmes - Martin Gonzalez, Linares
Matanovic - Larsen, Portoroz (iz) 1 9 S B . 1 990.
1 0.tLlxe6 fxe6 i s Black's second problem. g) 1 1 . . . tLl eS (in some ways this is a principled
His e6-pawn covers dS, but appears to be a move) 1 2 . f4 ! tLl eg4 1 3 .i.gl ( 13 .i.d4 eS ! and
weakness itself. Now 1 1 .i.c4 WcB ! 12.i.b3 the queen sacrifice 1 4.fxeS? ! ih6 I S.Wxh6
tLl aS may be dubious for Black, but it is at tLl xh6 1 6 . exf6 exf6 1 7.i.c4t cJtg7 is dubious:
least complicated. I I .h4 is uncommon and Black will transfer his knight to eS) 13 !%cB •••

Black can answer with 1 1 .. . tLl eS ! . I 1 .g4 (which (insufficient is 13 . . . WaS 1 4.ic4! Grabarczyk
transposes to the 9.g4 line) weakens 8 and is - Jedryczka, Plock rpd 1 994 and 1 3 . . . Wc7
therefore rather illogical. White's bishop pair 1 4 .We2 ! ? a6 I S.i.h3 hS 1 6.i.g2! eS?! 1 7.h3
is strong, so 1 1 .i.h6!? may not seem logical tLl h6 I B.fxeS dxeS 1 9.94 Pletanek - Jerabek,
either. Still, it is not at all easy for Black to corr. 1 999) 14.cJtb l !? ( 14.We2 !%xc3 !? I S.bxc3
develop counterplay: WaS with some compensation, Traub -
1 1 . . .hh6 1 2.Wxh6 tLleS 1 3 .i.bS !%cB?! fails Bakalarz, Germany 1 99B. 1 4.i.g2 WaS !?
to 14.Wh3! cJtfl I S.f4± Akopian - Alterman, I S .cJtb l !%c4) 1 4 . . . bS (or 1 4 . . . WaS I S .h3
USSR 1 9B6. tLl h6 1 6.tLldS!) I S .tLlxbS tLlxe4 1 6.We2 tLl gf6
Or 1 1 ...tLleS 12. i.xg7 cJtxg7 13.f4 ! . 1 7.ih3 !? Wd7 I B.i.d4 ( 1 B. tLl d4?! !%bB!) I B . . . a6
After 1 1 . ..!%cB 1 2.i.c4 Wd7 1 3.i.b3 Black and now the simple 1 9.ixf6 with the idea
maybe can try to improve on Geller's line 1 9 . . . ixf6 20.tLl d4! is very good for White. On
1 3 . . . tLl aS?! 1 4.hg7 tLlxb3t I S.axb3 cJtxg7 the whole, the entire position after 10.tLlxe6
1 6.eS±, by 13 . . . tLlhS, which still looks slightly fxe6 favours White, but the play is rather
dubious. strategic in these lines.
Keeping 1 1 .i.h6 in mind, I also recommend 1 0.hd4 Ae6
l 1 .g3! ? This is the kind of move which
is rarely seen in the Rauzer Attack, but is
interesting here as White prepares i.h3. Black's
possibilities are:
a) 1 1 . . .WaS 1 2 .i.c4!
b) 1 1 . . .tLleB!? 12.f4 !%cB! (if 1 2 . . . tLl c7 1 3 .h4!)
13.cJtbl (Here 1 3.h4 tLl b4! 1 4.i.h3 cJtfl gives
Black counterplay, but the alternative which I
like is 1 3 .i.h3 ! tLl c7 14.tLle2. 1 3 .i.c4!? can also
be considered.) 1 3 . . . tLl aS ( 1 3 . . . 'I&aS 14.tLlbS!?)
14.ih3 !%xc3 (not 1 4 . . . Wd7? I S .WdS !)
I S .ixe6t cJthB 1 6.bxc3 tLl c7 1 7.i.b3 tLlbS and
Black's piece play gives him some compensation,
011 Fedorov, St Petersburg 1 996.

c) 1 1 . ..!%cB 12.i.h3 cJtfl 1 3 . tLl e2 '1&c7 14.cJtbl

with clearly better prospects for White, Stillger A sharp but somewhat unreliable system,
- Farago, Budapest 1 996. which is Black's second most popular option
d) 1 1 . . .WcB 12.ih3 tLl eS 1 3.'�e2! tLl c4 after 9.0-0-0.
1 4.i.d4 with advantage, Sonnberger - 1 1 .�b l !
Stanojevic, Goetzis 1 997. The only advisable alternative to this main
e) 1 1 . . . tLl d7 1 2.ih3 !? !%x8 1 3.i.xe6t cJthB move is Timman's l 1 .tLldS ! ?, and further lines
14.!%hfa often can merge with ones which arise after
f) 1 1 ...Wd7 12.i.h3 tLleS 1 3 .We2! bS 14.f4 l 1 .cJtb l ! Wc7 12.tLldS!? It is easy to see a
The Dragon 51

common idea between 1 U�b l and 1 1 .ttJ d5 -

both these moves prevent 1 1 ...�a5 .
1 1 �c7!

Being unable to place his queen on a5 at

once ( 1 1 . ..'lWa5? 12.ttJ d5±), Black prepares
1 2 . . . gfcS and then 1 3 . . . �a5 - even with a loss
of tempo. Not an especially impressive concept,
but activating the queen is vital for Black. After
other moves he scores terribly:
l 1 . ..@hS?! is a move which is hard to
take seriously. 1 2 .h4 �a5 1 3.g4 gfcS 14.a3
(planning 1 5 .h5 and 1 6.h6) 14 . . . h5 1 5 .gxh5
ttJxh5 16.�h6t ! @gS 1 7.hg7 ttJxg7 l S.h5
followed by 1 9.ttJd5 with a decisive attack.
l 1 . . .�bS? ! does not help Black to activate
his pieces. 1 2.h4 gcS 1 3 .h5 b5 14.hxg6 hxg6 12.h4
1 5 .g4 (it is not necessary for White to accept This very direct attempt (White plans to open
the pawn sacrifice) 1 5 . . . b4 1 6.ttJd5 hd5 the h-file quickly) is my main suggestion for
1 7.exd5 a5 l S.g5 ttJh5 1 9.�xg7 @xg7 20.�h3 White. After other moves Black faces problems
gc4 2 1 .�g4± Golubev - Glienke, Le Touquet as well. One of these is the positional 12.ttJd5!?
1 995. �xd5 13.exd5 gacS 14.gcl ! (defending against
l 1 . . .'lWd7? 1 2.�b5! �c7 1 3.�a4 followed by 14 ... ttJxd5 !). This slightly releases White's
14.�b3 and White is better. pressure, but also keeps Black's queen passive.
1 1 ...ttJd7 1 2.hg7 @xg7 (Konstantinopolsky 14 ... a6 1 5 .g4 e6 looks more or less playable for
- Lisitsyn, Leningrad 1 935) can be met by Black here.
1 3 .ttJd5!? preventing 13 . . . 'lWa5 . 12 ... gfcS
l 1 . . .gcS is a natural move, but it does not 12 ... h5 cannot stop White's initiative. 13.g4
help Black to develop counterplay. 1 2.g4 (or ( 1 3 .�e2 gfcS 14.g4 transposes) 13 ...gfcS (highly
12.h4 h5 1 3 .�e2!?, preparing 14.g4, Arakhamia unpleasant for Black is 13 ... hxg4?! 14.h5 ! . Then
- Matveeva, Jakarta 1 993) 1 2 . . . �c4 ( 1 2 . . . ttJ d7 14 ... gxh5 1 5 .'lWg5 ! gfcS 16.�d3! gave White a
1 3.hg7 @xg7 14.ttJd5!? ttJ e5 1 5 .�e2 with dominating position in Blodstein - Serper, USSR
better chances, Golubev - Matveeva, Groningen 19S2) , and here:
1 993) 1 3.h4 �xf1 14.ghxfl (Pachman - a) 14.gxh5 provokes the sacrifice 14 ... 'lWa5,
Golombek, Venice 1 950) 1 4 . . . gc4 1 5 .'lWd3 with but I do not see any real danger for White after
initiative. 1 5.hxg6!? Otherwise, 14 ... ttJxh5 1 5 .�xg7 @xg7
1 1 . . .a6 just wastes time, as 1 2 . . . b5 and 13 ... 16.ggl ! 'lWa5 17.gg5 gc5 l S.'lWd4t f6 19.b4! 'lWb6
b4 is not a serious idea - White can play ttJ d5 20.ttJa4!± Mannion - Pert, Hastings 1994/5.
even without invitation. e.g. 1 2.h4 ( 1 2.g4 is b) 14.�e2!? 'lWa5 (14 ... hxg4 favours White.
of course also possible) 1 2 . . . h5 ( 1 2 . . . b5 1 3 .h5 1 5 .h5 gxh5 16.fxg4 'lWa5 1 7.a3!, Mochalov
b4 14.ttJd5, White is better, Geller - Horowitz, - Roizman, Minsk 1 9S 1 ) . Now 1 5 .g5 as in
USA-USSR (3) 1 9 54) 1 3 . ttJ d5 �xd5 14.exd5 Dominguez - Kudrin, Buenos Aires 2003 does not
Bronstein - Denker, USA-USSR (2) 1 9 54, look like a critical test for Black, but 1 5 .'lWg5 !? is
and White is clearly better: 14 . . . �d7 (with interesting: 1 5 ... b5 16.ttJd5 hd5 (or 16 ... ttJxd5
the idea of 1 5 ... �f5) is refuted by 1 5 .g4! hxg4 17.exd5 f6 l S.'lWxg6 �xd5 19.b3!?) 17.exd5 . 1t is
1 6.h5 with a crushing attack. We now return not clear how Black can get sufficient counterplay
to 1 1 .. .'lWc7. now. Dominguez gives 1 7 ... 'lWa4 l S.'lWd2 with a
52 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

slight advantage to White. In my view, 1 8.c3 b4 to obtain a tenable endgame. 1 6 ..txf6 .txf6
1 9.c4!?, and 1 8.b3!? 1!Nb4 1 9.9xh5 lLlxh5 20.hg7 1 7.�h6 hc3 ! = or 1 7.hc4t �xc4 18.ttld5
mxg7 2 1 ..td3 also look better for White. 1!Nxd2 1 9.ttlxf6t exf6 20.�xd2 �d8, as in Cichy ­
13.h5! �a5 Bauer, Bundesliga 1 9 83/4 playoff, may not look
1 3 ... lLlxh5? loses by force after 14.hg7 too convincing, and White can try 1 6.1!Ne l ! ?
mxg7 1 5.g4 lLlf6 16.1!Nh6t mg8 1 7.e5 dxe5 instead, and i f 1 6 . . .i.xfl , then 1 7.1!Nxfl .
1 8.g5 ttlh5 1 9 . .td3+- Evans - Zuckerman, USA d) After I S ... �ab8, 1 6.g4!? can be
Championship (New York) 1 967. recommended for White if he wishes to play
14.hxg6 hxg6 for an attack. 1 6 ... bS (Black creates a threat
of 1 6 ... b4. The passive 1 6 ... .tf7 1 7.gS ! ttlhS
1 8.hg7 ttlxg7 19.�h2! ttlh5 20.ttld5 hdS
2 1 .exdS �f8 22 . .th3 results in a clearly better
position for White, Ivanovic - Kudrin, Lone
Pine 1 98 1 ) 1 7.1!NgS ! (probably White also can
allow ... b4 in the lines 1 7.gS;!; b4?! 1 8.ttlbS !
and 1 7 . .txf6 .txf6 1 8.ttldS;!; b 4 1 9.axb4!? 1!Na4
20.b5) 1 7 ... 1!Nc7 (After 1 7 ....tf7 18.ttldS the
continuation 1 8 ... 1!Nd8 19.�h4! h6 20.gS hxgS
2 1 .�xgS± gives us an idea why g4 can be more
useful here than .td3. Also difficult for Black
is 1 8 ... hdS 1 9 . .txf6, where he cannot allow
the white queen to emerge on d5 with check:
1 9 ... �cS 20.exdS± Lukin - Cebalo, Biel 2004)
1 8.eS. Now Black's only chance appears to be
The relativelylittle studiedalternative 14 ... fxg6 1 8 . . . lLl e4!? 19.fxe4 dxeS. After the retreat of the
gives Black more prospects to survive White's bishop from d4, Black will play 20 ... b4 with
kingside assault, but at the same time it worsens an attack. It is a big question whether it gives
the pawn structure. I S.a3 (the immediate him sufficient compensation, but White also
l S . .txf6 as usual fails to I S ... �xc3!). Now the has 20 . .td3 !? exd4 (20 ... b4 2 1 .ttldS ! ) 2 1 .ttldS
important difference with 1 4 ... hxg6 is that there hdS 22.�xdSt e6 23.1!Nxe6t �f7 24.1!Nxf7t
White's 1 6 . .txf6 .txf6 1 7.ttldS is not a threat mxf7 2S.�xh7 with an extra pawn and winning
because Black has 1 6 ...�xd2 17.ttlxf6t mg7! chances, Sebag - Pogonina, Elista 2004.
1 8.�xd2 mxf6. But here Black cannot leave 15.a3
the h7-pawn unprotected. He is forced to take
on f6 with the e-pawn, creating an isolani on
d6. There is no sensible way for Black to avoid
White's exchange operation, and it is for White
to decide whether he wants to torment Black in
an endgame, or to develop an initiative in some
different way. Now we consider:
a) I S . . . .tf7 1 6 . .txf6;!; or 1 6.g4!?, where Black
hardly has anything better than 16 .... �ab8.
b) IS ... �c6 gives White such additional
possibilities as 1 6.ttldS ! ? and 16 . .tbS !? �xc3?!
1 7.a4! ttlxe4 1 8.1!Ne l !± Ghyssens - Koller, corr.
1 990.
c) By playing 15 ... .tc4 Black is aspiring
The Dragon 53

Black's main idea was not 15 ... E1xc3, which 16 ... ic4 is often considered to be Black's most
is not killing unless White plays 1 5 .i.xf6?, but realistic chance for acceptable play. The choice
rather 1 5 ... b5!. between White's main answers is difficult, so we
1 5 ... E1ab8 will consider the most important ones:
1 5 . . . ic4 is a rare move. (Updated coverage of
it is the main change in this chapter in comparison
with the 2004 edition of the book - MG, 2006).
a) 1 6.ixc4 E1xc4 and here 1 7.Lf6 gives White
a small plus, while 1 7.�c l ! ? e6 I S.g4 E1acS!
transposes to the 1 5 ... E1abS 16.id3 ic4 line.
b) 16.E1h3 i.xfl ( 1 6 ... b5?! 1 7.ixc4 and now
17 ... bxc4 I S .E1dh l E1abS occurred in Short -
Velimirovic, Banja Luka 19S5. Here, in contrast
to variations which arise in the line 1 5 ... E1abS
1 6.id3 ic4, White has time for 1 9.�cl ! E1b7
20.g4! E1cbS 2 1 .�h2, winning by direct attack
- Velimirovic. Also insufficient is 1 7 ... E1xc4
I S .E1dh l ! , planning 1 9.ixf6!, and if I S ... e5
then 19.ie3 threatening 20.ih6! , Van der Wiel a) 17.ie3 !? is the move that I analysed in New
- Van de Mortel, Wijk aan Zee 1 996.) 17.E1xfl In Chess Yearbook 1 1 ( 1 9S9) . As of now, Black is
E1c4 I S .�d3 ! ? ( 1 S.E1fh l E1acS Without ... b5 this alive here:
position offers Black more hope. 1 9.ixf6 ixf6! al) 17 ... b5? l s.ih6 ihS 19.ifS! is losing
20.E1h7 and now, as pointed out by "TopNotch" for Black: 19 ... tLlh5 20.E1xh5 ixc3 (20 ... gxh5
on the Chesspublishing.com forum, Black has 21 .ixe 7 +- Allemann - Loetscher, Switzerland
20 ... E1xc3 ! 2 1 .�h6 �e5 22.f4 E1h3 ! ! reaching an 2003) 2 1 .�h6!+- was pointed out by Olthof.
acceptable endgame) I S ... E1acS 1 9.i.xf6 ixf6 a2) After 1 7 . . . tLleS? I s.ixc4 E1xc4 19.tLld5
20.tLld5 (Gutman) and here 20 . . . ixb2(!!) ,"Top �b5 20.b3! e6, White obtains a big advantage
Notch", probably allows Black to reach equality by 2 1 .ih6! exd5 22.ixg7 @xg7 23.exd5 ! .
in the long, crazy lines. a3) An important line i s 17 ... tLld7!? I s.ixc4
c) Kosteniuk-Pogonina, Samara 2005, saw l"1xc4 ( I S ... i.xc3? 1 9 .i.d4!!) 19.tLld5 �xd2
1 6.g4!? i.xf1 17.E1dxfl E1c4 1 S .ie3 E1acS I 9.ih6 ( 1 9 ... �b5? 20.b3+- Black loses material) 20.E1xd2
ihS 20.tLld5 �dS 2 1 .tLle3 E14c5 22.E1h3! E1b5 l"1eS (20 ... e6? 2 1 .b3!) 2 1 .ixa7 b6 (This was my
(after 22 ... �b6 White prevents ... tLlxe4 by main suggestion for Black in 19S9.) 22.l"1d3 l"1a4
23.c4!) and now two atypical moves: 23.tLl d l ! (22 ... l"1c6 23.l"1hdl �fS?! 24.l"1b3 l"1aS 25.tLlxb6!
�a5 24.�d3! gave White the advantage. l"1xa7 26.tiJxd7t l"1xd7 27.l"1bSt wins for
16.i.d3! White. 23 ... ifS gives more chances but is still
Van der Wiel's important invention. 16.g4 is insufficient.) 23 .i.xb6 e6 24.i.c7 exd5 25.l"1xd5
less dangerous for Black. tiJe5 26.hd6 tLlc4. Despite White's four pawns
16 ... b5 for a piece his advantage is not easy to prove
After this programmed move Black faces (Cordovil - Lecroq, 14th corr. Wch 1994-2000) .
problems. The waiting 16 ... a6 can be met best by a4) 17 . . . hd3 !? I S.cxd3 (less ambitious, but
17.E1h4! b5 IS.�g5 and here IS ... E1c5 19.ixc5 interesting is 1 8 .�xd3 ! ? b5 19.tLla2 Mousessian
dxc5 seems to be totally incorrect: 20.�xc5 tLld7 - Burne, e-mail 2002) I S . . . b5 is an interesting
2 1 .�b4 �c7 (In the case of 17.E1h2?! the white line. It may look dubious, even disastrous for
rook would be hanging now.) 22.tLld5 hd5 Black, but he needs just one move ( ... b4) to
23.exd5+- Bley - Jackwertch, corr. 1995. develop serious play, and a forced win for White
S4 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

on the kingside has not been found. 1 9 . .ih6 d) 1 7.g4

.ih8 20.ttJ dS (Or: 20 . .igS .ig7 2 1 .d4 b4 22.ttJa2
�a4 with counterplay, Ward. Then 23.ttJxb4
as 24 . .ixf6 axb4! 2S . .ixg7 bxa3 ! results in an
inevitable draw after, e.g. 26.dS !? f6! . Also not
dangerous for Black is 2 1 .eS b4! 22.axb4 �xeS
or 20.eS b4 and 20 . .if8 ttJ hS ! . This was discussed
on the ChessPublishing.com forum with an
acceptable verdict for Black: 2 1 ..ixe7 .ixc3
22.bxc3 b4!?, or 2 1 .l"i:xhS .ixc3 ! 22.bxc3 'lWxc3
2Hfixc3 l"i:xc3.) 20 ... �d8 2 1 ..igS (2 1 .ttJxf6t
.ixf6 22 . .igS can hardly give White a significant
advantage.) 2 1 . . .ttJxdS, and now 22.l"i:xh8t
�xh8 23.l"i:h l t �g7 24.exdS transposes to the
game Van der Wiel - Zult, Leeuwarden 200 1 ,
where Black could save himself by 24. . .�c7!=,
with the idea 2S .1l.xe7?! l"i:h8. 1 7 . . . bS (Black gets ready to attack by 1 8 ... eS
b) 1 7.l"i:h2 ( 1 7 .l"i:h4 or 1 7.l"i:h3 lead to similar and 19 ... b4) 18 . .ixc4! is, taking into account
play - in the latter case Black obtains the the absence of a forced win in other lines,
additional resource ... .ie6 at some point.) 1 7 ... bS my main recommendation for White. Now
1 8.l"i:dhl ( 1 8.�gS eS!) 1 8 ... eS! ( 1 8 ... b4?! 1 9 . .ixc4 1 8 ...l"i:xc4 19 . .ixf6 .ixf6 20.ttJdS �xd2 2 1 .l"i:xd2
and now 1 9 ... l"i:xc4? loses to 20 . .ixf6! 1l.xf6 �g7 22.l"i:dh2 l"i:g8 23.l"i:h7t �f8 24.ttJxf6 exf6
2 1 .ttJdS .ib2 22.l"i:h8t, and 1 9 ... bxc3 20 . .ixc3 leads Black to a difficult endgame. 2S.l"i:h8!? was
�xa3 2 1 ..ib3 l"i:xb3 22.cxb3 �xb3 23.g4 favours played in A. Ivanov - Vigorito, Las Vegas 1 997.
White, Perez - Cabrera, Villa Clara 1 998.) So, he plays 18 ... bxc4 and the arising position
19 . .ie3 b4 20.ttJdl (unimpressive but 20.ttJa2 is quite complex. Black, using his major pieces,
.ixa2t 2 1 .�xa2 allows 2 1 ...l"i:c3!) 20 ... .ixd3 is able to create some threats against White's
2 1 .cxd3 with unclear play after 2 1 ...�a4!? De a3 and b2-pawns. However, these threats are
la Riva - Molander, Andorra 200 1 , or 2 1 ...l"i:bS parried easily, and White's evident positional
22.axb4 l"i:xb4. pluses on three quarters of the board (the c- to
c) 1 7.1l.xc4 l"i:xc4 1 8.�c 1 !? (instead, 1 8.1l.xf6 h-files) should ensure his advantage. 1 9.�al !?
.ixf6 19.ttJdS �xd2 20.l"i:xd2!t gives White slight ( 1 9.�a2 is of course also possible: 1 9 ... l"i:a6
pressure in the ending, Marjanovic - Messing, 20.gS !? l"i:a6 2 1 .�c1 ttJ hS 22.ttJdS l"i:b7 23.ixg7
Bela Crkva 1 984) 1 8 ... e6 ( 1 8 ... l"i:bc8? 19.ttJdS! �xg7 24.�e3 Olthof, or 1 9 ... l"i:b7 20.l"i:h3!? l"i:cb8
l"i:xc2 20.ttJxe7t �f8 2 1 .�f4+-. 1 8 ... eS? 1 9 . .ie3 2 1 .l"i:b l e6 22.gS ttJhS 23.ixg7 �xg7 24.�xd6
and White dominates.) 1 9.94 l"i:bc8! (Not Mishkovski - Niemand, corr. 1 987. Now
19 ... bS?! 20.gS ttJhS 2 1 ..ixg7 and now 2 1 ...�xg7 24 ... �xgS 2S.�h2.) 1 9 . . . l"i:c6 (after 1 9 ... l"i:b7,
22.l"i:xhS ! gxbS 23.�xf4! with a decisive attack, 20.gS ! ? ttJ hS 2 1 ..ixg7 �xg7 22.�d4t �g8
Bennedik - Demian, corr. 2002. Nor 2 1 . ..ttJxg7 23.ttJdS, De Sousa - Molander, Budapest 1 999,
22.�f4 b4 23.�xd6! l"i:cc8 24.l"i:dS !? �c7 2S .�xc7 preserves White's initiative, but also possible is
l"i:xc7 26.l"i:bS± - Bennedik.) 20.gS ttJhS 2 1 ..ixg7 20.l"i:h3 l"i:cb8 2 1 .l"i:b l ) . Now 20.ttJdS?! �xd2
�xg7 22.l"i:xd6, and here 22 ... l"i:xc3! (instead of 2 1 .ttJxe7t �f8 22.ttJxc6 may appear interesting,
22 ... �eS?! 23.�d2± Parligras - Cebalo, Nova but it allows Black to equalise by 22 ... �xc2!?
Gorica 2004) 23.bxc3 ttJg3, suggested by Ivan 23.ttJxb8 �b3 ! . Therefore White should not
Markovic in Chess Informant, leaves White with hurry. After, e.g. 20.l"i:h3 l"i:a6 2 1 .�c 1 ! ? it is
only a small advantage. Black's main idea is difficult to propose any sensible idea for Black.
24.l"i:e l ttJe2! 2S.l"i:xe2 �bSt. 1 7.iWg5!
The Dragon 55

If Black gives away a rook: 1 7 ... E(c5 1 8.ixc5

b4, White needs to make just one precise move,
19.ie3 ! +-. Then after 1 9 ... d5 there are many
ways, including 20.liJ a2!? bxa3 2 1 .b3 �a4
22. \tlc1 which is totally convincing.
17 ... �d8!? was recommended by Chris
Ward in his book Winning with the Sicilian
Dragon 2. There he considers only 1 8.ixa7?
as an illustrative line. Perhaps the critical
continuation is 1 8.e5 b4 ( 1 8 ... dxe5?! 1 9.ixe5+­
with the idea 20.ixg6), where 19.exf6 exf6 is
unclear, but 1 9.axb4 is stronger.

17 ...Wc7?!
This is bad, but in the more than 20 years since
the game was played Black has not succeeded
in finding a reliable antidote to Van der Wiel's
17 ... d5?! can be refuted is three ways. The
most direct of them is 1 8 .liJxd5 ixd5 19 .exd5
b4 20.ixg6! fxg6 (20 ... bxa3 2 1 .E(h7!+- Turunen
- Pyhala, Espoo 1984) 2 1 .�xg6 �a4 22.ix£6
exf6 23.E(h7 and wins - Olthof.
1 7 ... ic4? 1 8.ixc4! E(xc4 19.1iJd5 �d8
20.�h4 is just hopeless for Black. Then:
Typically for the lines with the bishop on e6, a) 19 . . . dxe5 20.ixe5 �xb4 2 1 .ia6!
17 ... a6 should be met by 18.E(h4!? The same (2 1 .ixg6? ! E(xb2t 22.\tlxb2 �b6t 23.@c1
advice can be given regarding another waiting fxg6 gives Black compensation.) 2 1 . . .E(xb2t
move: 1 7 . . . E(b7. (2 1 . . .�a5 22.ixc8 liJ d7 is refuted by 23.E(xd7!
17 ... E(xc3 !? 1 8.ixc3 �a4 is an exchange ixd7 24.f4! ixc8 2H ��xe7+-. 2 1 ... Wb6 22.ixc8
sacrifice that does not solve Black's problems, ixc8 23.\tlc 1 ! ?±.) 22.@c 1 ! (even stronger than
but can be dangerous in practice. 50 I would 22.\tlxb2 �b6t 23.ib5) 22 ... �b6 23.ixc8
ask the reader to pay special attention here. The ixc8 and White should win after 24.�d2 ! or
following variations are given by Nisipeanu and 24.id4 ! .
5toica in Informant 90: 1 9 .E(h4!? b4 20.ixb4 b ) 1 9 ... E(xb4 20.exf6 exf6 2 1 .We3! ? and
(not 20.axb4?! liJ h7 2 1 .E(xh7 ixc3 22.bxc3 despite the fact that Black is very active,
�a3 ! = , but possible is 20.e5 ! ? liJ d5 2 1 .id2 it is not clear how he can obtain sufficient
a5 22.ixg6! liJ c3t 23.ixc3 bxc3 24.E(dhl compensation. 2 1 .. .E(cb8 (2 1 . . .E(xd4 22.�xd4
E(xb2t 25.\tlc1 +-) 20 ... liJh7 (also insufficient f5 23.�a4! and 2 1 . . .�a5 22. liJ e4!) 22.liJe2!?
is 20 ... E(xb4 2 1 .axb4 �a2t 22.\tlc1) 2 1 .E(xh7! �a5 23.@c1
\tlxh7 22.�h4t! (an important check) 22 ... \tlg8 1 7 ... liJ h7? 1 8.E(xh7 ixd4 1 9.Wh6 b4
23.'1Wxe7 ifB (the line 23 ... a5 24.�a7! E(xb4 20.E(h l �e5 2 1 .f4 results in a decisive material
25 .�a8t! explains White's 220d move) 24.�g5 advantage for White.
ig7 25.f4! with an obvious advantage. 18.e5! dxe5 1 9.ixe5
S6 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

White is objectively winning, but he must Konstantinovsky's move, which in fact is a

find a few more good moves. pawn sacrifice. Nowadays White accepts the
19 ...'iMc5 offer rather rarely. His choice is still not narrow,
1 9 .. JMfb6 20.,hg6! fxg6 2 1 .'lWxg6 (White but I will consider here only White's main
is threatening the killing 22.l'!h7) 2 1 ...ctJe8 continuation, which was entered into practice
(2 1 . . . .if7 allows the thematic 22.l'!h8t! @xh8 by Suetin in 19S5.
23.'lWxf7) 22.l'!d6 ! ! exd6 23.'lWxe6t @f8 10.exd5 tll xdS
24 . .ixglt @xg7 2S.'lWg4t and the game is over Unsuccessful is 1 O ctJb4?! , which can be

- Van der Wiel. answered by 1 1 . .ic4 ctJfXdS 12.ctJde2±.

20.f4! l'!b7 1 l .tll xc6 bxc6 1 2 .id4!

20 ... l'!b6 does not change much. 2 1 ..ixg6 White encourages Black either to exchange
(or 2 1 .l'!h4 .id7 22.l'!dh l Gutman & Reschke, the dark squared bishops, or to dose the al-h8
or 2 1 .b4 'lWc6 Bennedik - Kreiling, Steinbach diagonal.
1 998, when White wins with 22.f5 - Olthof, 1 2 ... e5
but not 2 1 .l'!h6? ctJ g4!.) 2 1 .. .fXg6 22.'lWxg6 The modest alternatives to this move attracted
ctJ e8 (22 ... .if7 23.l'!h8t!) 23.'lWh7t @f8 24.l'!hS little attention before the 90s. We will consider
and White wins easily; e.g. 24 ... 'lWc4 2S .,hglt them in the next two games. By playing 12 ... eS
ctJxg7 26.l'!gS ctJ f5 27.g4 l'!d6 28.l'!e l . Black preserves the Dragon (or, as some say,
2 1 ..hg6! fXg6 "Gufeld's") bishop, and hopes to fight for the
2 1 . ..b4 22.l'!h7 ! . initiative. From another point of view 12 ... eS
22.'iMxg6 J.f! weakens Black's pawn structure even more - the
There was no other defence against 23.l'!h7, d6 square becomes quite sensitive now.
but now... 1 3 . .ic5 .ie6
23.l'!h8t! 1-0 Black supports the dS knight, which is the key
One of the greatest ever Dragon games - detail in his set-up.
especially from White's point of view! After 13 ... l'!b8?! the simplest is 14 . .ic4! with
an advantage ( 14.ctJxdS cxdS I S.'lWxdS 'lWf6!?
Game 1 5 is more complex) . An even more dubious idea
Ehlvest Marin
- is 13 ... e4?! when White can play 14.ctJxe4!?
Calcutta 1 997 ( 14.fXe4?! ctJxc3 I S .'lWxd8 .ih6t 16.'lWd2
l .tll a c5 2.e4 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tll xd4 tll f6 ,hd2t 17.l'!xd2 ctJxe4 18 ..ixfS ctJxd2t) 14 ... f5
5.tll c3 g6 6.a J.g7 7.J.e3 tll c6 8.'iMd2 0-0 I S .ctJc3±.
9.0-0-0 d5! 13 ... l'!e8 !? is the only real alternative to the
The Dragon 57

main line. White can fight for an advantage in I S.c4 ttJ f6 1 9. ttJ b7!? but the immediate
three ways. The current main lines after both I S. ttJ b7 may be stronger: I S . . . �h4 and now,
14 . .ic4!? (which is rare) and 14.ttJxd5 result perhaps, 1 9.�a5 ! . ) .
in slightly worse endgames for Black. I will After 17 . . . e4, amongst White's various
consider 14.ttJe4, which is the most principled. promising options there is I S.fx:e4!? (not too
bad for Black is I S . .ib3 hd6 1 9 .hd5t!? cxd5
20.'lWxd5t .ie6 2 1 .�xd6 'lWg5t 22.f4 'lWxg2;t
De Firmian -Ernst, Stockholm 2002) I S ...
fx:e4 1 9 . .ib3 ( 1 9 .c4 transposes to Sutovsky -
Alterman, Rishon Le Zion 1 994. It continued
19 ... e3 20 . .ixe3± and White preserves his extra
pawn in all variations, but 1 9 ... hd6! would
be less clear. e.g. 20 . .ixd6 e3 2 1 .'lWe2 'lWa5 !?
with the idea 22 . .ib3 ttJ c3) 1 9 . . . .ixd6 20 . .ixd6
and White's positional advantage seems to be
quite certain to me, also in the case of 20 ... e3
2 1 .'lWe2.
b) 14 ... 'lWc7!? is a little studied move which
I tried against Alexei Shirov in the Bundesliga.
Black's specific idea now is to ensure an early
Now 1 4 . . . .ie6 (which may be best) just ... E1dS. 1 5 .ttJ d6 looks unclear when the black
transposes to the 13 . . . .ie6 line, and thereafter pawn is still on f7, while after either 1 5 . .ic4 or
1 3 . . . E1eS just loses its point. 1 5 .g4 Black can transpose to acceptable lines
We will consider two other moves here: by 15 ... .ie6. I will consider two options for
a) 14 . . . f5? ! 1 5 . ttJ d6! .ifS ! . For a long time White:
this was considered as equalising. In 1 993 b I ) 1 5 ..id6!? is a tricky transpositional
Beliavsky introduced 16 . .ib5 ! , which was attempt to avoid the stuff with ... E1dS and ... f5
only the first step in the right direction. entirely. Then:
After 16 . . . .id7 (forced) , White's strong and b l l ) 1 5 ... 'lWdS!? (back!) 16 . .ia3!? (claiming
mysterious novelty 1 7 . .ia4 ! (which was found that the bishop is placed better on a3 rather
by Deep Blue's support team according to than c5. Instead 16 . .ib5 !? cxb5 1 7.'lWxd5 .if5 !
De Firmian, or found by GM Lembit all I S.'lWxb5 he4 1 9.fx:e4 'lWg5t 20.\ilb l 'lWxg2, as
according to other sources, and was played in the computer game Arena - Hagrid, perso.
by " Leon" (Shirov) at Internet Chess Club) , wanadoo.fr/lefouduroi 2002, looks playable
was finally revealed only in De Firmian-Ernst, for Black.) 1 6 ... 'lWb6!? 1 7.h4 ( 1 7 . .ic5 'lWc7
Stockholm 2002. Black's position becomes returns us to the beginning) 17 ... E1bS I S.h5
strategically dubious even in the case of .ifS 19.hxg6. In the notes for New In Chess
the strongest 17 . . . e4 ! (Or: 1 7 . . . E1bS I S .c4! , 1 9 ... fx:g6 undeservedly escaped my attention, but
transposing t o Misailovic - Jovicic, Tivat tt 20 . .ic4 .ixa3 2 1 ..ib3 ! gives White interesting
1 9 9 5 , I S . . . ttJ b6 1 9.hb6! �xb6 20 . .ib3! and compensation.
Black will get no real compensation for either b 1 2) 15 ... 'lWb6 1 6.h4 ( 1 6 . .ic5 'lWc7 leads
pawn or exchange. 1 7 . . . �h4 was mistakenly to a repetition) and after 1 6 . . . �dS?! ( 1 6 ... f5?!
suggested in New In Chess SI 1 99 5 as winning 1 7 . .ic5 ! and l S.ttJd6. 1 6 . . . ttJe3?! 17 . .ic5 ttJxfl
for Black. White plays I S . .ib3 ! and now l s.�hxfl !? with advantage) , 1 7 . .ie7! (the main
I S . . . .ih6 1 9 . .ie3 or I S . . . .ixd6 1 9 . .ixd6 E1adS idea behind 1 5 . .id6) 17 ... E1d7 l S . .ic5 ! destroys
20.E1he l �xh2?! 2 1 ..ixe 5 ! E1xe5 22.�h l �g3 Black's scheme. So 16 ... h6! ? is preferable,
23.E1h3. If 1 7 . . . �e6, then Rogozenko suggests hoping to transfer to the 13 ... .ie6 main line.
58 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

But more principled is 1 6 ... 1Z1 f6!. This move 14 . .!LJe4!

(which escaped my attention until it was played
by Polzin) allowed Black to equalise in the game
Shirov-Polzin, Bundesliga 2004/5 .
b2) 1 5 .h4! Th e most direct. 1 5 . . . gd8 (After
1 5 ... .if5 then 16.1Z1d6 ged8 1 7.1Z1xf5 gxf5
can give Black some chances. So White can
try 1 6.h5 ! ? 1 5 . . . .ie6?! transposes to a bad
position from the 13 . . . .ie6 line where of course
White plays 1 6.h5 !±. 1 5 . . . f5?! 16.1Z1d6 will
be followed by lZlxc8 and .ic4!. 1 5 ... h6!? just
transposes to the main line after 1 6.g4 .ie6)
1 6.h5 ( 1 6 . .ic4!? has the idea 16 ... .ie6 1 7.1Z1g5 ! ,
s o Black can play 1 6 . . . f5 1 7.1Z1c3 .ie6 1 8.h5
which transposes to 1 6.h5 f5 1 7.1Z1c3!? ) 16 ... f5
( 1 6 . . ..if5 !? 17. hxg6! fxg6 1 8 . .ic4) and now
1 7.1Z1g5 allows 1 7 . . . h6! , which looks OK for The complex POSItIon which arises after
Black. White must decide between three other 14.1Z1e4 has been explored quite intensively (636
quite promising continuations. Both 1 7.1Z1c3!? games in Dorian Rogozenko's recent Dragon
.ie6 1 8 . .ic4! and 17. hxg6!? fxe4! 1 8.fxe4! CD database certainly means something) . In
.ie6! 1 9.exd5 cxd5 20 . .ia3!? Shirov - Golubev, short, White's basic plan involves .ic4 and the
Bundesliga 200 1 12, leave Black with certain advance of his kingside pawns. Fortunately for
counterchances. White's choice should probably the first player Black's most aggressive ideas,
be 1 7.h6!?, which I totally missed in my New linked with . . . f5, do not seem to work well
In Chess Yearbook 65 analysis. This was tried by against White's strongest moves: White's only
Andrei Volokitin in a blitz game against me. potentially vulnerable point is b2, which can be
17 . . . .th8 ( 1 7 . . . fxe4!? 1 8.hxg7 exf3 gives Black covered easily even if Black manages to attack
some chances, but basically I do not trust his it. It is not clear how Black can gain sufficient
devastated position. 1 7 . . ..ifB?! 1 8.1Z1f6t± does counterplay to fully compensate for his long­
not work.) 1 8.1Z1g5 ! .if6 19 ..ic4! gb8. Now term problems with the pawn structure.
Volokitin - Golubev, ACP Internet Blitz 2004, 14 ... ge8
continued 20 . .ib3?? when I could have played Among the alternatives, only one ( l4 ... gb8)
20 . . . gxb3 and 2 1 ...1Z1f4+. has been tried by Black often. Here are all of
Instead, White must take care ofhis wonderful them:
bishops: thanks to them, Black is almost Black of course would have preferred to
paralysed. One idea is 20.a4!? (Not necessarily put his rook on d8 instead of e8, but after
the best, but 20.ghe l and 20.�b l both allow the preparatory 1 4 ... '.Wc7 White takes the
the remarkable 20 . . . gb5 ! ? 2 1 ..ia3 ga5 22 . .ib4 exchange: 1 5 . .ixfB! gxfB ( 1 5 ... .ixfB 1 6 . .ic4 gb8
ga4, and 20.g4 fxg4 looks unclear.) 20 ... gb7 transposes to 14 ... gb8 1 5 . .ic4! '.Wc7) 1 6 . .ic4
(20 . . .'?9b7 2 1 .b3 or after 20 ... f4 2 1 .'.Wxd5t!? with advantage, e.g. 1 6 ... gb8 1 7.g4 'lWb6 and
probably only gives a draw - but 2 1 .1Z1e4 is now 1 8.b3 ! , rather than 1 8.c3 lZlxc3 ! with the
good) 2 1 .ghe l '.Wb8 22.b3 with pressure. idea 1 9 . .ixe6? lZlxe4 20.hf7t �h8! 2 1 .fxe4
It is time now to return to 1 3 . . ..ie6. .ih6-+.
14 . .ixfB? 'lWxf8 is premature because of the After 1 4 ... '.Wb8 White can play 1 5.c4!? or
threat 1 5 ... .ih6! (which also works in case 15 . .ixfB!? (After 1 5.h4 gd8 possible is 1 6 . .ic4
of 1 5 .1Z1 e4? .ih6! 1 6.1Z1g5 £6) and Black has with an already mentioned idea 1 6 ... '.Wc7
fantastic counterplay. 17.1Z1g5 ! , while 1 6.h5 f5 17.1Z1g5 e4 looks
The Dragon S9

unclear to me.) I S ... 1!:;!fxf8 1 6.1!:;!faS ! (the optimal Veselovsky) is rather unclear. Possible is 1 7 ..ib3!?
square for the queen) 1 6 ... E1b8 (or: 1 6 ... ttl e3 (Popovic - Sax, Subotica IZ 1 987), when 1 7 ... fS
1 7.E1e l ! , 1 6 ... .ih6t 1 7.@b l .ie3 1 8 . .ic4±) is answered by 1 8.ttlgS . Also, both 1 7.g4 and
17 . .ic4 1!:;!fe7! ( 1 7 ... fS?! 1 8.ttlcS or 18.ttlgS e4 1 7.a4 look good when the almost forced 1 7 ... h6
1 9.ttlxe6!? hb2t 20.@d2 1!:;!fh6t 2 1 .£4+-) A. can hardly justify Black's previous moves.

Ivanov - Ashley, Philadelphia 1 997. After the b) I S ... 1!:;!fc7 must be answered by 1 6 ..ixf8 !
'normal' moves such as 1 8.h4 Black hardly has .ixf8 .
full compensation.
Another rare idea is 14 . . . aS , when White has
several promising options, the simplest of them
being I S . .ic4.
Yurtaev's dangerous 1 4 ... E1b8!?

1 7.@bl (Even more principled i s 1 7 . .ixdS !?

cxdS 1 8.ttlf6t @h8 1 9.ttlxdS and White should
be better in further complications.) 17 ... 1!:;!fb6
( 1 7 ... aS !? 1 8 . .ib3 1!:;!fb7 is a better chance for
Black, but still hardly sufficient after 1 9.c4!?)
almost certainly should be answered by 1 8 . .ib3 as 1 9.c4! ttl e3 20.cS ! hcs 2 1 .ttlxcS
I S . .ic4! ( I S .c4 is another serious move, but (2 1 ..ixe6!? .id4! 22 . .ib3 !) 2 1 . . .iWxcS 22.E1cl
the sacrificial I S ... 1!:;!fc7! has not been refuted .ifSt 23.@al 1!:;!fd4 24.1!:;!fxd4! (less clear is
so far) . After I S . .ic4! Black has tried various 24.1!:;!fxaS ttl c2t) 24 ... exd4 2S.g4 (2S.E1xc6
options, but none of them have proved to be E1xb3!) 2S . . . .id3 26.E1xc6 .ie2 27.E1hc l !±
satisfactory: .ixf3 28.E1c8t E1xc8 29.E1xc8t @g7 30.E1c7
a) I S ... E1e8 16.h4 ( 1 6.ha7!?) 1 6 ... aS ( 1 6 ... fS .ixg4 3 1 .E1xf7t @h6 32.E1f4! (with the idea
is, quite typically, answered not by 17.ttld6? 32 ... d3 33.E1e4!) and White was winning in
.if8 !, but by 1 7.ttlgS ! e4 1 8.c3 which seems to the brilliantly played game Popovic - Smirin,
favour White. After 17 . . . .ih6, ... f6 is no longer Moscow 1989.
possible and the pin does not trouble White c) After IS . . . aS !? White has usually opted for
much. After 16 ... h6 1 7.g4! fS?! 1 8.gxf5 gxfS, 16 ..ib3!? ( 1 6.a4 1!:;!fc7!? 17 . .ixfS .ixfS, possibly
19.ttld6 is already possible, but stronger is offers slightly more hope for Black than the
1 9.E1hgl fxe4 2o.iWxh6 E1b7 2 1 .E1g6! and now similar line with I S . . . 1!:;!fc7) 1 6 . . . E1e8 1 7.h4,
2 l .. ..ifS 22.E1xg7t E1xg7 23.1!:;!fxc6± Zapolskis transposing to the Popovic - Sax game.
- Hosruashvili, Leningrad B 1 989. Instead, d) After I S ... @h8 1 6.h4 (White can also
2 1 ...1!:;!ff6?! 22.E1xf6 .ixh6t 23.E1xh6 exf3 consider taking on f8 or a7, or try 1 6.ttlgS ! ?
24.E1xe6! E1xe6 2S .E1xdS ! cxdS 26.hdS +- works because 1 6 ... .ih6 now fails to 17.ttlxf7t) ,
nicely for White) . Black's idea is 16 ... fS 1 7.ttlgS .ig8. Still, 1 8 .hS
After 1 6 ... aS , 17.hS !? fS (analysed by e4 ( 1 8 ... .if6? 1 9.ttlxh7 @xh7 20.hxg6t @xg6
60 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

2 1 .Wih6t c;t>f7 22.Ei:hS ! occurred in Sigurjonsson

- Kudrin, Gausdal l 9S3) 1 9.i.d4 e3 20.hg7t
c;t>xg7 2 1 .Wid4t '\¥ff6 22.h6t c;t>hS and now
23.hdS i.xdS 24.f4 ! looks very unpleasant
for Black: 24 . . . '\¥fxd4 2S.Ei:xd4 Ei:b7 26.Ei:e l Ei:eS
27.Ei:e2 Ei:be7 2S.c;t>dl c;t>gS 29.b3 c;t>fB 30.Ei:d3
i.e4 3 1 .Ei:c3 c;t>gS 32.c;t>el i.dS 33.Ei:d3 c;t>fB
34.c4 i.gS 3 S .Ei:c2 cS 36.Ei:d6 Ei:cS 37.c;t>e2 c;t>eS
3S.Ei:c3+- and White finally collected the e3-
pawn in Sammalvuo - Rajlich, Paks 200 1 .
e) I S . . .h6 hardly makes much sense: 1 6.g4
( 1 6.i.xfB!?, 1 6.ha7!?) 1 6 ... Ei:eS ( 1 6 ... f5 1 7.gxf5
with the idea 17 ... gxf5 I S .Ei:hgl c;t>hS 1 9.Ei:g6!)
1 7.h4 transposes to IS ...Ei:eS 1 6.h4 h6 1 7.g4.
f) I S ... '\¥fcS?! is awkward: 1 6.i.a3 ! ? ( 1 6.i.xfB!?
'\¥fxfB 1 7.'\¥faS was the original move order in A.
Ivanov - Ashley game - see 14 . . .'\¥fbS. 1 6.h4 Ei:dS 1 5 ... h6
1 7.hS lLl f4 I S.'\¥fxdSt '\¥fxdS 1 9.Ei:xdSt Ei:xdS The most popular move which can again
20.i.xe6 lLlxe6 2 1 .hxg6 fxg6!;t. Also possible is be considered as a concession. Black agrees to
1 6.WiaS ! ?) 1 6 ... Ei:dS 17.'\¥faS with pressure for forget about ... f5. The alternatives are:
White, Atlas - Yuneev, Podolsk 1 990. I S ... 1L1 f6?! , unfortunately for Black, simply
g) IS ... f5!? is a desperate attempt to get loses material after 1 6.WixdS Ei:exdS 1 7.Ei:xdst
practical chances. Now 1 6.1L1gS ( 1 6.i.xfB! ? is Ei:xdS I S.i.e7 1L1xe4 19.i.xdS i.h6t 20.i.gS !±.
another option) 1 6 . . . e4 (after 1 6 ... i.h6 1 7.h4 IS ... f5!? 1 6.1L1gS ! i.h6 ( 1 6 ... Wif6 1 7.1L1xe6
Ei:f7 the strongest is probably I S.Ei:he l ! ?± - '\¥fxe6 I S .i.c4!) is an interesting line. Black is
Tiviakov) 1 7.i.b3 '\¥ff6 (if 1 7 ... e3?! the simplest quite active, but his position is too weakened
is I S.'\¥fxe3! ) I S .c3 (but not I S.i.d4? e3! by the pawn advances. 1 7.i.c4 ( 1 7.c4 is safe
1 9.Wixe3 lLlxe3 20.i.xf6 Ei:xf6! 2 1 .he6t Ei:xe6 and ensures transition to a rather pleasant
22.1L1xe6 hb2t= Perunovic - Dimitrijevic, endgame) 17 . . . '\¥ff6 (If 17 ... 1L1 c7 then a nice
Serbia (ch) 2002) I S ... Ei:xb3 (the move order idea is I s .Wid7!? Baier - Nicholls, corr. 2000.
I S ... e3 1 9.i.xe3 Ei:xb3 allows 20.i.d4!) 1 9.axb3 Now could come IS ... '\¥fxd7 1 9.Ei:xd7 Ei:acS
e3 20.i.xe3 lLlxe3 2 1 .'\¥fxe3 hb3 22.Ei:d7 is a 20.Ei:xh7! hgst 2 1 .hxgS i.xc4 22.i.e7! and
position which I considered in the 1 99 1 New In White is better.) I S.c;t>b l ! Ei:adS (Sulypa­
Chess article. Then, and now, I cannot see real Golubev, Donetsk (zt) 1 995) and here I suggest
compensation for Black. 22 ... cS, threatening that White takes on a7: 1 9.i.xa7!? which can be
23 ... '\¥fa6, is answered by 23.Ei:xa7! . assessed as ±, although untested.
After the immediate 1 4 ... f5?! White has I S ... Ei:bS?! can be answered by 1 6.g4! (or
usually played I S .1L1 gS i.h6 1 6.h4, which is 16.i.c4! transposing to 14 ... Ei:bS I S.i.c4
O K, but I S .i.xfB followed by 16.1L1gS is even Ei:eS 1 6.h4) 1 6 ... f5 (a logical, but insufficient
stronger. continuation) 1 7.gxf5 gxf5 I s.1L1d6! (also good
We now return to 1 4 ... Ei:eS. is I s.1L1gS e4 1 9.i.d4 e3 20.Wig2! lLlf4 2 1 .1L1xe6! ,
1 5.h4! initially suggested by R.Schwarz) I S ... Ei:f8
Both I S .c4 and I S . i.c4 allow Black to ( 1 S ... i.fB is refuted by 1 9.c4! hd6 20.Ei:gl t
regroup with I S . . . '\¥fc7!. The main aim of c;t>hS! 2 1 .Wih6 Ei:b7 22.hd6 Wixd6 23.Ei:xdS ! in
I S .h4! is to prevent I S ... '\¥fc7?! , which can accordance with Muchnik's analysis) 19.1L1c4!
be answered with 1 6.hS ! Ei:adS 1 7.hxg6 hxg6 with strong pressure, Timman - Miles, Bad
I S.g3± Nikulishin - Haba, Voronezh 1 9S 1 . Lauterberg 1 977.
The Dragon 61

1 5 . . .a 5 1 6 . .ic4 ( 1 6.h5 lLl b4!? with the idea The main direction seems to be 1 7 ... £5
1 7.a3? .ih6! is given by Tiviakov. The possible ( 1 7 ... lLlxh5?! 1 8.g4!? or 1 8.c4 .ih6t 1 9 . .ie3 !
improvement for White is instead 1 6.g4!? with he3t 20.'lWxe3 'lWa5 2 1 .cxd5 cxd5 22.'lWd2!)
the idea 1 6 ... lLlf4 1 7.'lWe l .id5 1 8.h5) 1 6 ... h5 ! ? 1 8.hxg6 hxg6 (18 ... fxe4 didn't serve Black well
(Ljubojevic's move. I f 1 6 ... a4? ! , White has 1 7 .h5 ! in Chopin - Hanen, corr. French Ch 2003,
f5 18.lLld6 �e7 1 9.hxg6 hxg6 20.'lWg5 ! , but after 1 9.fxe4 'lWg5 20 . .ie3 ha2 2 1 .gxhlt @h8
16 ... h6 17.g4 a4! ? makes some sense) . As Black 22.g3 �ed8 23.�xd8t �xd8 24.b3 'lWg6 25 .'lWa5
can aspire to reach the position after 1 6 ... h5 lLle6 26 . .ic4 'lWxg3 27.�e l lLl fS 28.@b2 with
in two possible ways (also via 1 5 ... h5) , it advantage to White.) 19.1Lld6.�e6 20.g3 �b8!
deserves double attention: 1 7.a4 ( 1 7.g4!?, as (20 ... .ixf3 2 1 .gxf4 .ixh 1 22.lLlxf5 ! .id5 23.lLlxg7
in A. Sokolov - Ljubojevic, Belfort 1 988, is not @xg7 24.c4 and White wins - Rogozenko. Also
so dear after 1 7 . . . lLlf4!) 1 7 . . . 'lWc7 ( 1 7 ... lLlf4?! not good is 20 ... lLlh5?! 2 1 .lLlxf5 'lWg5t 22.lLle3
1 8.'lWxd8! �axd8 1 9.�xd8 �xd8 20.he6 lLlxe6 'lWxg3 23.lLlxd5 cxd5 24.'lWe3 lLlf4 25 ..ib5
2 1 . .ib6! with aserious advantage in the endgame, Haugen - Taylor, corr. 2002).
Kudrin - Golubev, Moscow 1 995) 1 8.g4!? lLlf4
1 9.he6 �xe6 and now maybe 20.'lWd7!? 'lWxd7
2 1 .�xd7 hxg4 22.fxg4 f5 23.gxf5 gxf5. Black's
connected pawns may become dangerous,
but after 24.lLlg3 ! ? �f6 25 . .ie3 I would prefer
1 5 . . . h5 is "my edition" of Ljubojevic's idea.
Now 16 . .ic4 lLlf4 1 7.'lWxd8 �exd8 18 . .ixe6
lLlxe6 (Howell - Golubev, Biel Open 1 993)
19 . .ie7! �xd l t 20.�xd l lLlf4 2 1 .lLlf6t hf6
22.ixf6 lLlxg2 leads Black to a dubious but quite
puzzling endgame. The most direct 1 6.g4!? may
well be the best: 1 6 ... lLlf4 ( 1 6 . . . hxg4 17.h5 with
an attack, Korneev - Susnik, Kranj 2004) and
for example 1 7.'lWe l !? (Kutuzovic - Baric, Pula
open 1 998) 17 ... .id5 1 8.c4 (another move is In this position Black's pieces are active,
1 8.gxh5) 1 8 ... 'lWc7 19 . .id6 �b6 20.gxh5 .ixe4 which gives him many chances. At the same
2 1 .fxe4 lLlxh5 22.c5 'lWb7 23 . .ie2 with the idea time, White's king seems to feel safer than
23 ... lLlf4 24.h5 does not look nice for Black. Black's, so the prospects of the first player can
So 16.g4 is interesting after both 1 5 ... a5 and be preferred.
1 5 ... h5. The main potential problem for Black is
15 ... lLlf4!? is Sergei Tiviakov's move, which the emergence of White's bishop on the a2-g8
was topical in the 90s. White is certainly diagonal after the probable elimination of the
slightly better after 1 6.g3, but I have decided black light-squared bishop. Play can continue
to recommend 1 6.'lWe l !?, which is more fun 2 1 .lLle4!? fxe4 (Hardly sufficient is 2 1 ... lLl h5 and
- and possibly also the strongest. 1 6 ... .id5 now 22.g4 or 22 . .ih3 �e8 23 . .ixf5 ! - Haugen.)
( 1 6 ... 'lWc7?! 1 7.h5 !± is given by Rogozenko, 22.fxe4 �e8 ! (22 ... lLlh5 23.exd5 e4 24.c3 cxd5
whose main explanatory line goes 1 7 ... lLlxh5 25 . .ic4! lLlf6 and now 26.'lWe3 or 26.g4!?), and
1 8.g4 lLlf4 1 9.'lWh4 h5 20.gxh5 lLlxh5 2 1 .'lWg5 here the prophylactic 23.b3! ? can be suggested
�ad8 22.�xh5 �xdl t 23.@xdl 'lWd8t 24 ..id3 for White (who has at least five or six other
gxh5 25 .'lWxh5 �e7 26.'lWh4 @fS 27.lLlf6!+-.) possibilities to consider) . 23 ... lLl e6 (or 23 ... 'lWg5
Now 1 7.h5 ! brought some fantastic results 24 . .ie3! with the idea 24 ... he4?! 25 ..ic4t .id5
for White in recent correspondence games. 26.�xd5) 24 . .ie3 lLld4 25.exd5 cxd5 26.hd4!?
62 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

exd4 27.Wld2. White plans to continue 28 . .td3 1 9.h5 !?, when 19 ... g5 transposes to Psakhis
with a lasting positional advantage. - Vasiukov, Vilnius (USSR Ch) 1 980, which
Finally we can go on with 1 5 ... h6. is known to be good for White. So, 1 9 . . . gxh5
1 6.g4 (A cooperative line is 1 9 ... he4?! 20.fxe4 g5
2 1 ..tc4 .tfS 22 ..txf8 l:!xf8 23.,&d6!±, collecting
a pawn. After 1 9 . . . f5 20.gxf5 gxf5 2 1 .lt:Jd6 l:!fS
22.l:!gl cj,Jh8 White can try 23.lt:Jc4!? ) 20.gxh5
cj,Jh8 2 1 .lt:Jd6!? (the alternative is 2 1 .l:!gl .tfS!?
22.lt:J f6 hc5 23.Wlxc5) 2 1 .. .l:!ed8 22.lt:Jf5 .tf6!
23 . .ta6!? with somewhat better chances. Note
that 23.c4?! .te6 24 . .td6? fails to 24 ... .txf5 !
25 .hc7 lt:J e2t! 2 6. .txe2 .tg5t.
Another way to fix the kingside pawns: 1 7.h5
g5 , now occurs rarely. 18 ..tc4 l:!ed8 1 9 .WI£2 a5
20.a4 l:!ab8 2 1 .l:!d2 f5 gave Black reasonable
counterplay in Ye Jiangchuan - Zhu Chen,
Beijing 1 997.
1 7 ... h5 1 8.ic4!
1 6 . . . �c7 1 8 . .td6 Wlb6 1 9 . .tc5 is the typical way to
The alternatives are: make a draw against a stronger opponent.
16 .. J:!b8?! 1 7.g5 ! h5 1 8 . .tc4 and 1 8 ... Wlc7 1 8 .. .l:!ed8
1 9 ..td6 wins an exchange for White. After 16 ... a5 Or 1 8 ... l:!ad8 1 9 .WI£2!, and Black's rook on
17.g5 h5, then 1 8.a4 (with a probable transfer e8 is not so useful, while White attacks the a7-
to our featured game after 1 8 ... Wlc7 19 . .tc4 l:!ed8 pawn already.
20.WI£2) is more precise in Z. Almasi's opinion 1 9.�:f2!
than 1 8 . .tc4 which allows 18 ... a4!?
1 6 ... f5 ? ! 1 7.gxf5 gxf5 1 8.lt:Jd6 followed
by 1 9.1:!hgl is much better for White.
16 . . . lt:Jf4!?, planning 17 . . ..td5 is Black's
serious alternative. There are other moves,
but most often White answers with 1 7.Wlc3.
After 1 7 . . . .td5 (worse is 1 7 ... Wlc7?! 1 8 . .td6! or
1 7 ... lt:Jd5 1 8 .'&a3 ! ? with pressure) , White faces
an important choice: 1 8.g5 h5! 1 9.'&a3 '&c7
20.lt:Jf6t hf6 2 1 .gxf6 l:!ad8 22 . .te7 l:!d7 23.l:!h2
l:!dxe7! ? 24.fxe7 Wlxe7! , Demetrio - Donnelly,
corr. 200 1 was examined in great detail in issue
78 of Internet Magazine Correspondence Chess
News, with the verdict of acceptable for Black.
1 8.h5 ! ? f5 1 9.gxf5 gxf5 20.lt:Jd6 l:!e6! 2 1 .l:!gl '&f6
22.Wla3 l:!d8 23.lt:Jb7!? l:!d7 24.lt:Ja5 l:!e8 25.c4 The critical position for 16 . . . h6 (which, at
.te6 26.lt:Jxc6 l:!xdl t 27.cj,Jxdl (Van Kempen - least statistically, is the main line of the entire
Gupta, corr. 1 99 1 ) is too complex and risky to 9.0-0-0 Dragon) . White plans to develop his
be suggested for White, even if he is better here. hI rook, and improve his position step by step:
So I leave it as it is, and go on with 1 8 .Wla3 ! ? .ta3, with a possible invasion of the knight on
'&c7 (Black has nothing better) . Now I propose c5 , is one typical method. Experience shows
The Dragon 63

that it is extremely difficult for Black to hold 25.E1xf2 f5! 26.gxf6 if8! 27.E1fd2 ih6 Gyimesi
the position by passive defence. Instead, his - Schutt, corr. 1997. I vote for 2 1 .E1xd8t!? E1xd8
only constructive idea is ... ttJ f4, which can be 22.E1dl (not 22.ha7? E1a8 with the idea 23.ib6
played at once or in the next few moves (after 'f/!jb7! 24.a3 Ei:b8-+) 22 ... E1xdl t (22 ... E1d5?!
E1d2 and E1hd l it would be too late) . Then 23.ixa7) 23.@xdU and it is not easy for Black
... ttJ f4 is followed by a strategic struggle, where to solve his problems. For example, 23 ... �a5
the availability of squares on the d-file for the 24.a3 ttJxc5 25.�xc5 �xc5 26.ttJxc5 f6 27.ttJe6!
opponent's pieces is especially important. Black fxg5 28.hxg5 h4 29.@e2 e4 30.fxe4 hb2 3 1 .a4±
has more weaknesses than White, which ensures Korneev - Komljenovic, Alcobendas 1 994.
an edge for the first player. 20.a4 ¥;Vb? 21 .�hel!?
1 9 ... a5 Apart from this move of Ehlvest, reasonable
Provoking a4, which will give Black some also is 2 1 .b3!?, preparing 2 1 ...ttJf4 22.ixe6
attacking chances if White later plays carelessly. ttJxe6 23.E1xd8t E1xd8 24.ib6! as in Z.Almasi -
At the same time ... a5 allows White to fix this Watson, Bundesliga 1994/5.
pawn on a dark square, weakens the b6-square The continuation 2 1 .E1d2 ttJf4! 22.he6 ttJxe6
and restricts the possibilities of the black queen. 23.id6 (23.E1xd8t E1xd8 24.ib6?? E1d8) 23 ... ttJd4
The alternatives are: 24.E1hd l E1xd6! 25.ttJxd6 �b4 26.ttJe4 E1b8 27.c3
1 9 ... E1d7 20.E1d2 E1ad8 2 1 .E1hdl and there is no ttJb3t 28.@c2 �xa4 29.Ei:d8t E1xd8 30.E1xd8t
obvious continuation of Black's plan (Popovic - @h7 3 1 .@b l �al t with a draw in Palac - Kolev,
Georgiev, Vrsac 1 987) . If 2 1 ...ttJf4 (2 1 ...a5 22.a4 Skopje 2002, illustrates what should be avoided.
ttJf4? 23.ib6), then 22.he6!±. 21...�ab8
1 9 ...�b7 20.E1he l ! ? ttJf4 (20 ... @h7?! 2 1 .b3 After the immediate 2 1 ...ttJf4 22.ixe6 ttJxe6
'f/!jc7 22.a4 if5 23.ia3 with pressure, Lupulescu White has 23.id6!? E1d7 (23 ... ttJd4 24.£4! or
- Golubev, Bucharest 2003. White's main ideas 23 ... c5 24.ixc5!) 24.�g3 ! '
are ib2 and ttJc5, and 23 ... ttJ b6 24.id6 �c8 is 22.b3
answered not by 25 .ixf7?! �b7, but by 25 .�c5 !) 22.ib3 !? (Ehlvest) is the typical alternative for
2 1 .he6 ttJxe6 22.id6 E1d7 (22 ... ttJd4? 23.f4!) White.
23.E1d2!? E1ad8 24.E1edU is akin to the 1 9 ... ttJf4 22 ... tLlf4
line. Two possible waiting moves are 22 ... @h8
19 ... ttJf4!? 20.he6 ttJxe6 is important. (Marin) and 22 ... @h7. In either case quite
a logical continuation seems to be 23.E1d2
(22.ia3 is also an option) 23 ... ttJ f4 24.he6
ttJxe6 25 .id6!? Now either version of Black's
exchange sacrifice (25 . . . E1xd6 or 25 ... ttJ d4)
would hardly work well for him, while after
25 ... E1bc8 White will at least have 26.ttJ c5 ! ?
with a positional advantage.
23.ixe6 tLlxe6 24.tLlf6t!?
Such an exchange of the knight for the bishop
is always a major decision for White. Even
if he wins the e5-pawn (which is usually the
aim of ttJf6t), Black can sometimes organize
counterplay, using his queen and knight duo.
But, importandy, here the black queen cannot
be activated easily.
Not so convincing now is 2 1 . id6!? �b6!, Also possible is 24.id6!?
aiming for 22.c3 Ei:d7 23.E1d2 E1ad8 24.E1hd l �xf2 24...hf6 25.gxf6 �d5
64 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

25 ... :Bxd1 t 26.:Bxd1 :BeS 27.�e3!? and White Game 1 6

is better. Balinov - Velickovic
26.id6 :Bd8?! Vienna 1 995
Both players mentioned 26 . . . :BcS!? 27.he5
c5 in their annotations. I believe Black cannot l .e4 cS 2.llH'3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lihd4 liJ f6 S.liJc3
get full compensation after 2S.:Bxd5 �xd5 29.c4 g6 6.ie3 ig7 7.a 0-0 S.lWd2 liJ c6 9.0-0-0 dS
�b7 30.�e3. 1 0.exdS liJxdS 1 l .liJxc6 bxc6 12.id4 hd4
27.heS! This is less ambitious in comparison with
Better than 27.:Bxd5 cxd5 2S.he5 d4! . 1 2 ... e5. Now Black is essentially fighting only
2 7. . .lWb4 2S.:BxdS cxdS 29.ib2! for a draw.
29.'1Wd2 W'xh4 30.W'xa5 d4!? gives Black 1 3.lWxd4
counter chances.
29 ... d4
After 29 ... �f4t 30.W'd2! �xh4 3 1 .W'xa5
(± Ehlvest), 3 1 ...d4? is impossible because
of 32.:Bxe6 fxe6 33.�xdSt. Marin decides to
advance the d-pawn immediately, but faces
another problem:
Instead 30.�d2 @h7 3 1 .�xb4 axb4 32.:Be5 g5
33.hxg5 @g6 gives Black counterplay (Marin) .
30 ... fxe6 3 1 .lWg3!
Now Black cannot defend his g6-pawn with
the king because of 32.�c7t, so White wins it,
obtaining a technically won position.
3 1 ... <bf8
If 3 1 ...@hS?! 32.@b 1 �b7 33.�xg6 �h7 1 3 ... lWc7
34.�g3! :BcS 35.�g5 ! �xc2t 36.@a2 �h7 This move of Hodgson is stronger than
37.hd4 followed by �xa5 with an easy win. 1 3 ... �b6 14.tiJa4!. This practically wins a
32.<i? b 1 lWb7! tempo for White because c3 is not an optimal
Not 32 . . . d3? 33.�c7 dxc2t 34.@a2! c l tiJ t square for his knight. 14 ... �a5 ( 1 4 . . . �xd4
35.@b 1 and Black can resign. 1 5 .:Bxd4 is just what White wants) 1 5 .b3!;!;
33.lWxg6 lWf7 34.ia3t <beS 3s.lWh6 irs (15 ... :BbS 1 6.�c5 ! , forcing the exchange of
Also possible was 35.�g5 (Ehlvest) 35 . . . :Bd5 queens was Suetin - Vasiukov, Voroshilovgrad
36.�f4 @d7 37.ie7, etc. 1955; 1 5 . . . ie6 1 6.W'e5 ! ) 16.lWc5 (a serious, but
3S ... eS much more complicated alternative, is 1 6.g4
Hardly better is 35 ... d3 36.cxd3 e5 (or with the idea 1 6 ... ixc2 1 7.:Bd2) 1 6 . . . �xc5
36 ...:Bxd3 37.ie7! :Bd1 t 3S.@b2 :Bg1 and now 1 7.tiJxc5 tiJ c3 (or 17 ... tiJe3 l S.:Be1 and Black
39.@c3!?, avoiding the checks) 37.@c2, etc. is suffering) l S.:Be l ! (not l S.:Bd4?! :BfdS ,
36.lWgS! :BdS 37.lWf5! <bd8 38.f4 d3? and after 1 9.:BxdSt :BxdS 20.g4 :Bd5 ! Black is
Black could have continued his unpromising fine) l S ... tiJxa2t 1 9.@b2 tiJ b4. Here I had the
defence by 3S . . . exf4 39.ie7t @c7 40.W'xf4t, "pleasure" to meet the novelty 20.ic4! over the
etc. board. (20.:Bxe7?! :BfeS! , Korneev - Summercale,
39.cxd3 :Bd4? Groningen 1 995, with the idea of 2 1 .:Bb7 tiJ d5
The final blunder in time trouble. 22.ic4? icS! and White's rook is trapped.)
40.ie7t <bc7 41 .lWxeSt 20 . . . :BfeS 2 1 .g4! Here we play for two results,
1-0 and a zero for White is not among them:
The Dragon 65

2 1 ...ics (similarly discouraging is 2 1 . . .hc2 Morozevich in 2000. 1 5 .�b l if5 . Now White
22.llJa6! -Van der Wiel. 22 ... llJ d3t 23.�xc2 can obtain a relatively small advantage in two
llJxe 1 t 24.�xe l where Black must follow with ways: 1 6.id3 llJxc3t ( 1 6 ... llJe3 ! ? 1 7.g3 '!Wxf3
24 ... �acS and await his fate) 22.�e5 !?, etc. Van I S .ie2 ixc2t 19.�c l ! ixd l , and now possibly
der Wiel - Golubev, Germany 1 999. 20.�xd l ! ? '!Wf2 2 1 .�fl '!Wxh2 22.'!Wxe3 with an
14.�c5 initiative.) 1 7.'!Wxc3, and 1 6.llJe2!?
I cannot expect that every reader will have He can also take on d5, which involves
time to study two or more complex directions in some risk but seems to be the most principled:
full detail. So this move, as a result of a hard and 1 6.llJxd5 cxd5 1 7.'!Wxd5 (not 1 7.'!Wxe7? ixc2t
uncertain choice, is my main recommendation I S.�xc2 '!Wa4t 1 9.�d2 �acS! 20.id3 '!Wa5t
for White. 2 1 . �e2 �feS-+ Alterman) 17 ... �abS and here:

14.ic4, twice used by Shirov against Fedorov, a) I S.'!Wd4? is refuted by I S ... hc2t!
is no weaker but more complex. Then 14 ... llJ b6 (Alterman) 19.�xc2 �fcSt 20.�bl �cl t.
is Black's most popular move, when White b) After I S.�d4?! Black gets good play by
can fight for the initiative in various ways. I S ... '!Wc7 or I S . . . '!We3 - Alterman.
Shirov played 1 5 .ie2! ? ( l 5 .ib3 c5 !), trying c) I s .ic4 '!Wc7! ( I S ... ie6?! 1 9.'!Wd4 '!Wxd4
to underline the drawbacks of Black's passive 20.�xd4 �b4 2 1 .b3 ixc4 is refuted by 22.a3 !±
knight retreat. Alternatively, White can allow Balje - Nagley, corr. 1 999) 19.ib3 ( l 9.b3??
... llJxc4, because such an exchange cannot be ie6) 19 ... �bdS ! , and here a draw was agreed
called a strategic achievement for Black. Instead in Z. Almasi - Georgiev, Cacak 1 996. White
of 14 ... llJ b6, Black can play actively with could fight for something by 20.'!Wb5 �xd l t
14 ... e5 !? 1 5 .'!Wd2 (after 1 5 .'!Wc5?! llJxc3, (20 ... '!Wxh2 2 1 .g4 icS 22.�de l !?) 2 1 .�xdl '!Wxh2
16.'!Wxc3 is no longer possible) 1 5 ... ie6. Here 22.g4!?, but it looks rather double-edged.
1 6.llJe4 �adS! ? (after 1 6 ... �abS 17.h4 Black has d) I do not see a convincing way for Black to
more problems) 17.llJc5 ! ? looks slightly better obtain full compensation after I S.b3!?
for White. e) Worthy of attention is I S .'!Wd2!? For
White's reasonable options also include the example, I S ... '!We5 (An alternative is I S ... '!Wa4
rare moves 14.h4 and 14.g3 ! ? 1 9.id3 �fdS 20.�he l ixd3 2 1 .cxd3 when
1 4 tDxc3
•.. it is not so easy for White to convert his extra
The principled alternative is 1 4 ... '!Wf4 t. Kiril pawn.) 1 9.b3 �fdS ( l 9 ... a5 20.g4! ie6 2 1 .£4
Georgiev successfully used this move against followed by 22.f5 ! . ) 20.'!WxdSt �xdS 2 1 .�xdSt
Almasi in 1 996, but did not repeat it against �g7 and now not 22.id3 '!Wa5 ! but 22.�d l ! .
66 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

The presence of bishops improves Black's

chances in such endgames, but White's extra
pawn is still an extra pawn.
I S.1.Wxc3 .ie6

24 ... e6
The alternative 24 ... Elbd8!? 25 .hd5 'lWxd5
would hardly resolve all Black's problems:
26.Eldl ! 'lWg5 (or 26 ...'lWxd l t 27.Elxd l Elxd l t
28.�b2, winning one o f Black's pawns) 27.Elxd7
16.h4!? (rather than 27.'lWxd8t Elxd8 28.Elxd8t �g7
White is aimIng to create weaknesses in 29.g4 c4!?) 27 ... Elxd7 28.'lWa6!?, and it seems
Black's kingside. that after 28 ... Eld8 (28 ... e5 !?) 29.'lWxa7 'lWxg2
16 .. J�fdB 30.Ele l 'lWxf3 3 1 .'lWxc5 e6 32.a4 White's pawns
1 6 ... ha2?! 1 7.b3 a5 1 8.h5! favours White. should be faster. e.g. 32 ... Eld5 33.'lWc7 'lWf2
For example 1 8 ... g5 1 9.h6 e5 20.i.c4 and after 34.Elhl �g7 35 .'lWc3t! 'lWd4 36.'lWxd4t Elxd4
20 ... a4 2 1 .Eld7! 'lWxd7 22.'lWxe5 Black is mated 37.a5 f5 38.�b2, etc.
on g7. 2S ..ixdS exdS
17 . .id3 cS I B.hS �f4t 19.�bl �d4 20.hxg6 Better than 25 ... 'lWxd5?! 26.Ele4± (or 26.Eldl I?),
hxg6 2 1 .�aS! or 25 ... Elxd5?! 26.'lWxa7.
Black's king is potentially vulnerable and 26.:gdl !
White rightly avoids the exchange of queens. White removes his rook from one of the open
With the same idea, weaker would be 2 1 .'lWe l files that he controlled - it is more important to
(Kurnosov - Solovjov, St Petersburg 2004) disturb Black's centralised queen! 26.Elh3 would
because of 2 1 . .. Elab8 22.b3 c4! . have been premature as 26 ... 'lWb4! forces a queen
2 1 ...ElabB exchange.
Not 2 1 ...'lWb4? 22.'lWc7!. 2 1 .. .Eld7 22.Elde l 26 ...�b4 27.�a6!
could transpose to the game after 22 ... Elb8 Black should have been able to defend the
23.b3. endgame after 27.'lWxb4 cxb4! , but not 27 ... Elxb4
22.h3 :gd7! 28.c4 d4 29.Elhe l ! .
It is hard to propose a better move: 22 ... c4? 27 ...�b6?
23.i.e2 Or: 22 . . . Eld6? 23.�xa7. In the game Only here does Black go dearly wrong.
Black wishes to exchange queens by 23 ... 'lWb4. 27 ... �g7? loses to 28.Elh7t! ! �xh7 29.'lWf6.
23.:gdel! .idS! After 27 ... 'lWc3 White wins the pawn by
23 ...'lWb4 loses a pawn after 24.'lWxb4 cxb4 28.'lWc6 c4 29.Elxd5. The continuation 27 ... 'lWf4
25.hg6!, as well as 23 ... c4 24.i.xc4! hc4 28.Elh3 !? (28.'lWc6 'lWd6 29.'lWxd6 Elxd6 30.c4;1;)
(24 ... 'lWxc4? 25 .'lWe5) 25 .Ele4. 28 ... c4 29.Eldhl 'lWd4 30.'lWc6 Elbd8 allows Black
24. .ie4! to maintain the material balance, but having
The Dragon 67

passive rooks and an unsafe king his chances for This move is linked with a similar concept to
survival are uncertain. 1 2 ... �xd4: Black limits his ambitions and goes
28.Wfa4! for exchanges, aiming to defend a slightly worse
A kind of fork: the d7 rook is attacked and position.
White gains time to transfer his queen to the 13.Wfxc3 �h6t!
kingside. 13 ... �xd4?! 14.E1xd4 �b6 and now 1 5 .h4! ?
28 ...Wfd8 i s the most direct. 1 5 . . . �e6 ( l 5 . . . h5 1 6J�e4
Otherwise 29.�h4 would have been decisive. �e6 1 7.g4 �d5 1 8.E1e3 hxg4 1 9 .h5 with an
29.Wff4! attack, Brkic - Baric, Bizovac 2003.) 1 6.h5 E1fd8
With two threats: 30.�h6 and 30.�h2. 1 7.E1dh4!? ( l 7.E1xd8t E1xd8 1 8.hxg6 forcing the
White's attack seems to be unstoppable. weakening 1 8 ... fxg6 is also interesting.) 17 ... g5
29 .. J�b4 30.Wfe5 1 8.h6 f6 1 9.E1e4 with a dangerous initiative,
Even simpler was 30.�h6! �f6 3 1 .E1de l !+-. Linford - Pym, England 2003.
30 f6 3 1 .Wfe6t \t>g7 32.Wfh3!
•.. 14.�e3
Black could continue his suffering for a few 14.mb l ?? loses the bishop after 14 ... e5 ! .
more moves, but he blundered his rook by 14 ...�xe3t 1 5.Wfxe3 Wfb6!
32 ...Wfg8?? The best chance.
and immediately resigned. Still, the game was
very well played until Black's understandable
mistake on the 27th move. It gives us an example
of White's optimal strategy in positions with
Black's weakened queens ide pawn structure: to
open a second front on the kingside, in accordance
with the "Principle of two weaknesses".

Game 1 7
Rowson - Mah
Birmingham 1 999

l .e4 c5 2.lLlf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lLlxd4 lLl f6 5.lLlc3

g6 6.�e3 �g7 7.f3 0-0 8.Wfd2 lLlc6 9.0-0-0 d5
10.exd5 lLlxd5 1 1 .lLlxc6 bxc6 12.�d4 lLlxc3!? Worse is 1 5 ... �a5 ?! 1 6.�c4 with a strategically
dominant position: 1 6 . . .�a6 1 7.�b3 ! e6
( 1 7 ... c5 fails to 1 8.E1d5, Alterman & Vaisman)
1 8.E1d6 c5 1 9.�e 1 ! ? (I. Almasi's suggestion,
which forces an exchange of queens. Also
good is 19.�e5 E1ad8 20.E1hdl �c7, Isupov -
Maksimenko, Vladivostok 1995. Now 2 1 .E1xe6!
E1xd l t 22.mxd 1 is recommended by Olthof.)
19 ... �xe l t 20.E1xe 1 �b7 2 1 .E1d7!? and it is hard
for Black to save his pawns.
Similarly unadvisable for Black is 1 5 .. :�c7?!
1 6.�c4! and now, for example, 1 6 ... E1b8 1 7.h4!?
�b6 1 8 .�c3. Here Black is a tempo down
compared to the normal lines. 1 8 . . . �b4 (or
18 ... �a6 1 9 .�b3 ! ? c5 20.h5 c4 2 1 .hxg6 �xg6
6S Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

22.hc4 E:fcS 23.�d3 with an extra pawn) Gamlitz 1 995. Perhaps White was worried that
1 9.�xb4 E:xb4 20.b3, and in this endgame Black would be able to claim compensation
Black will suffer greatly. after 23 ... �d5, but the continuation 24.h4 �a2
The idea of offering a pawn sacrifice by 25 .�c3 clearly favours White.
1 5 ... �b6 attracted attention in 1 990, after Boris After 16 ... �e6 Black's main threat is
Alterman employed it in a game against Sergei 17 ... �e3t! with a guaranteed draw following
Tiviakov. This stem game was followed by active l S.E:d2 ( 1 S.r;t>b l ?? �t) I S ... �e 1 t.
discussion. Later, Kasparov's win with White 17.YlYa3!
over Topalov in 1 995 delivered a psychological The most solid continuation.
blow to the supporters of this line. The objective
theoretical evaluation of the line is similar to
that of 1 2 ... hd4: a slight advantage and almost
no risk for the first player.
Accepting the offer. Black now obtains a slight
initiative, which does not fully compensate for
the pawn. Less principled is 1 6.�c3! ? �e6 1 7.h4
E:fdS I S.�d3 with a small plus, when I S ... �e3t
1 9.r;t>bl c5 20.h5 �d4, which transposes to
Balinov - Velickovic, does not look like Black's
best choice. 1 6.Wxb6 axb6 (Tiviakov - Alterman,
Sochi 1 990) 1 7�c4!? b5 1 8�b3 c5 1 9�d5 E:a7
is acceptable for Black according to Alterman &
16 ....ie6! 17 .. JUd8
The alternatives include:
1 7 ... E:ab8 can be answered well by I S.�d3.
1 7 ... a5 IS.�d3 �b4 1 9.�e4 (Not 1 9.Wxb4
axb4 20.a3 bxa3 2 1 .b3 c5, preparing
... c4.) 1 9 ... Wxa3 20.bxa3 E:a6 (Schneider
recommended 20 ... E:ab8 2 1 .hc6 ha2
22.�e4! E:fcS but after 23.r;t>d2! Black has no
compensation) 2 1 .E:d6 E:cS 22.E:hd l . White is
likely to exchange bishops by 23.�d5 on the
next move, and Black's life will be hard. GM
Tolnai tried to defend the Black side as many
as three times, and his two draws with one loss
looks like quite a good result.
1 7 ... �f2, and after 1 S.h4!? E:fdS I 9.�d3 �xg2
20.h5 �xf3 ! Black probably should be able to
16 ... E:bS puts little pressure on White. 1 7. �f6 defend his king in further complications. Instead,
�e6 (If 1 7 ... Wf2? I S .�d4! forces an exchange I S .�a5 , taking control of dS, is a common
of queens, and 1 7 ... �f5 is parried by IS.�d3!') move for White. After lS ... E:abS ( I S ... �f5 ! ?
I S .�c3! E:fdS 1 9.E:xdSt E:xdS 20.�d3 (20. 1 9.�d2 �c5 20.�d3! (Pupo considers 20.�c3
h4! ?) 20 ... Wf2 2 1 .Wd2 Wd4 22.E:dl E:d7 (not �xc3 2 1 .bxc3 �e6 22.c4;l;, which does not look
22 ...�? 23.�e4! and White is winning) 23.a3. like a winning endgame) 20 ... E:fdS 2 1 .r;t>bl
Here the draw was agreed in Brod - Bonstingl, �xd3 22.cxd3 and Black has problems) White
The Dragon 69

as a rule has opted for 19.h4. Here it seems that IS ..idJ

Black has to play 1 9 ... �f5 ! . White's advantage After IS.�a6!? (Kasparov - Topalov,
do es not look impressive here. 20.�d2 �cS and Amsterdam 1 995) Black can try I S ... �abS!?
Black's very strong threat now is 2 1 . ..E1xb2! . But 19.E1he l �dS 20.E1xdS cxdS ! or lS ... E1dS ! ?
1 9.h4 is not necessarily best. One alternative is 1 9.�xdS cxdS ! .
1 9.b3 ! ? and after 19 ... �e3t?! 20.l!ib2 followed
by �c3, and 1 9 ...�fS 20.�d2 �cS 2 1 .�c4
Black does not have full compensation.
17 ... E1adS! ? (initially suggested by Kasparov)
may be slightly more precise than moving the
other rook. I S.�d3 E1dS (According to Tiviakov,
insufficient is I S ... �f2 1 9.E1d2 �e3. White can
continue with 20.E1hd l .) and we come to a very
i mportant position.

l S ... �dS
After IS . . . cS, 1 9 .�e2! ? transposes to the
Kasparov - Topalov game, which continued
1 9 ... c4 20.f4! E1d4 2 1 .E1xd4 �xd4 22.g3±.
Instead, 1 9.h4 c4 20.�e4 E1acS 2 1 .hS (Arnold
- Bozinovic, Vienna 2003) 2 1 . . . f5 ! ? is complex
and, most likely, not bad for Black.
1 9.�hel!?
White proceeds by analogy with the
a) 1 9.�c3 E1cS 20.�f6 �xa2 looks playable Kasimdzhanov - Alterman game.
for Black: 2 1 .h4 (or 2 1 .E1he 1 �dS, planning Other approaches are:
22 ... E1aS, Pelletier - Berndt, Germany Bundesliga a) 1 9.�c3 E1cS 20.�f6 �xa2 2 1 .E1he l �aS ! ?
1999) 2 1 ...E1bS!? (after 2 1 ...E1aS White can try and Black i s probably alive. After 2 1 . . .�dS? !
22.b3 !?) 22.hS (22.E1he l ! ? can lead to a total the small difference with the Pelletier - Berndt
mess, e.g. 22 ... �aS 23.hS �xhS 24.b3 E1cS game allows White to win a crucial tempo:
2S.�al ) and 22 ... E1xhS ! equalizes. 22.�e7 E1aS 23.b3 �b4 24.E1de l ! E1f8 2S .�eS!
b) 1 9.b3 E1fdS will be considered via the move with advantage, Flores - Ballesteros, corr.
order 1 7 ... E1fdS. 1 997.
c) I suggest 1 9.E1he l E1aS 20.�c3 E1xa2 2 1 .b3 b) 1 9.b3 E1adS 20.E1he l as (maybe Black
�aS ! 22.l!ib2!? (Rogozenko), with a slight could try 20 .. �f5 !?) 2 1 .�e7 E1 Sd7 (or 2 1 . . .a4
advantage. Note that 2 1 . ..�aS? ! 22.�xaS E1xaS 22.E1xe6 fx:e6 23.�xe6t I!ig7 24.�e7t I!ih6
and now, according to Rogozenko 23.l!ib2 gives 2S.E1e l ) 22.�f6 a4 23.E1e4 axb3 24.axb3
an unpleasant endgame for Black. 23 ... E1hS and White's chances are preferable, Furlan -
24.h3 as and now 2S .�e4 �dS, Kasimdzhanov Gomboc, Ljubljana 1 995.
- Alterman, Bad Wiessee 1 997 where White has c) Curious is also 1 9.E1de 1 ! ? (as in Van den
26.E1de l !? - Rogozenko, or perhaps even better Doel-Zomer, Vlissingen 2002) .
is 2S .�e4!? 1 9 ... �a5 20.�c3 �xa2 2 1 .b3 c5?
70 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

24.i.c4 l"1d5 25 .hd5 cxd5 26.l"1aU preserves

White's pluses, while one may also consider
24.hg6 l"1d5 ! (24 . . . hxg6?? 25.l"1d7 e5 26.�d3 !)
Here this sacrifice allows White to use the
awkward position of the black rook. 22 ...Wlxe6
After 22 . . . fxe6?! 23.i.c4 White completely
23 ..tc4 WIc6?
23 ... �c8 was the only way to avoid the
immediate loss: 24. 'it> b l l"1a6 25 .i.xa6 (25.l"1e l ! ?
with the threat 26.l"1e7 can b e inserted)
25 ... �xa6 26.�xc5 �e2 27.�d5 l"1c8 28.l"1d2
with a healthy extra pawn for White.
A careless move, which will be refuted neatly. 23 ... �b6? would save a rook, but lose the
Akin to Kasimdzhanov - Alterman is king: 24.hf7t! 'it>xf7 25.l"1d7t 'it>e6 26.�g7
2 1 . . . �a5?! 22.�xa5 l"1xa5 23.'�b2 with an l"1al t 27.'it>b2.
initiative in the endgame. 24 .td5! � a6 25 .txaB l"1al t 26. �d2
• •

Better is 2 1 ...l"1a5 22.'it>b2 with a slight Certainly not 26.'it>b2?? �a3 mate.
advantage for White. If 22 . . . l"1b8 (threatening 26 ... Wld6t 27.Wld3 Wlf4t 28.We2
to win by 23 . . . l"1c5 ! ) , then 23.l"1xe6! ? (not and Black admitted defeat.
23.hg6? l"1c5 24.�d3 l"1d5 !) 23 ... fxe6, and here 1-0
The Sveshnikov Yakovich (who wrote a book on the opening
for Gambit, which is great despite some Haws) ,
McShane, and the latest addition, the world's
- By Jacob Aagaard youngest grandmaster, Magnus Carlsen. To give
a strong recommendation against an opening
that is favoured by such a group of outstanding
grandmasters is by no means easy. Still it is
possible to give some useful practical advice
on where to look for an advantage and some
indication of where the most recent successful
assaults on this solid defence have been made.
The main line I have chosen against the
Sveshnikov ( 1 1 .c3 and 12.exf5) is in many ways
the most practical, as well as being objectively a
strong line, as it does not allow Black to choose
between two main lines, as he can against I I .id3.
The main game, Hector - Carlsen, clearly proves
that Black needs to find a different way to treat
this position, as the very simple harmonious set­
Note to the updated edition: In the almost up demonstrated by the Swedish grandmaster
two years since the first edition came out, the brought the Norwegian boy wonder real troubles.
line I suggested has been tried out at the highest The solution chosen by Carlsen was a desperate
level and discussed in many sources, mainly bishop sacrifice, which ultimately brought him
Rogozenko's sublime The Sveshnikov Reloaded. the draw, but white's play could be improved.
Though my belief that White has an advantage After l .e4 c5 2.lDa lDc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lDxd4
in the main line does not seem to have been lDf6 5.lDc3 e5 6.lDdb5 d6 we have the standard
confirmed, this line still holds great practical position of the Sveshnikov Sicilian. Here the
value. main choice for a long time has been 7.ig5 a6
At top level there has been a heavy shift towards s.lDa3 b5 when White can either choose 9.lDd5
9.tUd5 instead of exchanging on f6, where Black or the sharper move, creating weaknesses on the
is ever so slightly worse, but suffering quite a Black kingside: 9.ixf6 gxf6 10.lDd5 f5
bit. This is possible to make quite a number of In this position Black could also play 10 . . . ig7
people depart from playing the Sveshnikov in with the idea of tUc6-e7, but if White answers
the future. 1 1 .c3 then Black cannot avoid transposition, as
Below I have added a few updates to the his only fully playable move is 1 1 . . . f5 .
original chapter, but in essence left it as it was. Now after 1 1 .c3 .ig7 12.exf5 .ixf5 13.lDc2
Black can choose between different ways to
It is almost impossible to describe the huge play this position. There is 13 . . . ie6 with the
changes the Sveshnikov has undergone since I idea of a quick tUc6-e7 to exchange a knight on
wrote a small book on it for Cadogan in the late d5 . White will in this case play 14.g3 ! , a move
90s. A great contribution to this opening has made main line. The idea is to recapture with
been delivered by players such as Kramnik, Leko, the bishop instead of the knight on d5, as the
Kasparov and Shirov, as well as lesser known exchange of bishops would favour White; partly
grandmasters, but still experts on the opening in because it eliminates the bishop pair, but also
their own right, like Rogozenko (who published because of light squared weaknesses in the Black
a CD for Chessbase with the opening, as well as camp, and because the white knight would do
writing various articles for different magazines) , little good on d5.
72 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

Usually these days Black does not play this and thereby challenged his strong opponents to
but 13 0-0 14.tDce3 .le6. Here 14 . . . .ig6!?
• • • show why it is untenable.
is an interesting alternative, popularised by 9.tDc4 l:!c8
Leko and not so easy to meet. The main point 9 . . ..ie7 1 0 . .ixf6±
is 1 5.h4 .ie4! when Black has provoked White 10.tDd5 hd5 1 l .ixf6! •

into weakening his kingside. However, the main This point is what gives White the advantage.
line is still 14 . . . .ie6, when I suggest following Now the light squares are too weak to be justified
continuation: 1 5 ..id3 f5 1 6.0-0 l:!a7 17.a4! by a Heeting initiative.
1 1 . gxf6 12.Wlxd5

Theory does not consider this troublesome

for Black - yet. However, once the gravity of the 12 . • . tD d4
Hector game becomes apparent, Black players Maybe the best of Black's rather sad list of
will most likely look elsewhere for satisfaction. choices.
Here there are many choices, as considered 12 ... tiJ b4 leads to a position with opposite
below. coloured bishops where Black can only hope
Those are the main lines and recommendations for a draw, but will certainly lose more than
chosen for this book. However, we will start one game in ten, which is where the 45% score
with a line that is not considered a main line at which is the minimum any acceptable Black
all , but is still seen in tournament practice from opening can offer a player slips out of sight.
time to time. Here Black rejects 8 . . . b5, the 1 3.Wld2 d5 14.exd5 tiJxc2t ( 14 . . JMfxd5 1 5 .�xd5
move that changes this from the Lasker-Larsen tiJxd5 16.0-0-0;l; is simply more comfortable
variation to the Sveshnikov. for White. Black can often reach this kind of
endgame right from the opening. 1 6 ... tiJ b4 17.c3
Game 1 8 tiJ c6 1 8 . .id3 .ic5 1 9 . .ie4 ggc7 20.tiJd6t hd6
Yemelin - Kharlov 2 1 .ggxd6 rJ:Je7 22.ggd3 b5 23.rJ:Jb l h6 24.GGhdl±
St Petersburg 1 998 Kurnosov - Zhang Pengxiang, Cappelle la
Grande 2002.) 1 5 .'1Ml'xc2 .ib4t 1 6.rJ:Jdl and
l .e4 c5 2.tDc3 tD c6 3.tDge2 tD f6 4.d4 cxd4 now:
5.tDxd4 e5 6.tDdb5 d6 7 . .lg5 a6 8.tDa3 .le6 a) 16 . . . b5 17.�e4! The logical thing is to get
This is the Lasker/Larsen/Pelikan-variation - out of the pin. 1 7 ... bxc4 1 8.hc4 �b6 1 9.rJ:Je2!?
or at least these are some of its many names. (This move makes most sense to me. The king
This line had disappeared from practice some will find safety on the kingside and the rooks get
time ago, but Kharlov has tried to revive it, connected. 1 9 .GGcl .id6 ( 1 9 ... .ic5 was played
The Sveshnikov 73

in Matulovic - Simic, Yoguslavia 1 9S0. Now I S .tLlxd6t @d7 ( l S ... @e7 16.\1;Ifxf7t @xd6
strongest was 20JMff5 @e7 2 1 ..ib3±) 20.Ek2 17.gdlt+-) 16.Wxf7t Only one of several
@e7 2 1 .@e2± Schandorff - Morovic Fernandez, winning moves. 16 ... @c6 ( 1 6 ... @xd6 17.gdlt+-)
Copenhagen 1 9S2.) 1 9 ... .id6 ( 1 9 . . . .icS 20.b3 17.\1;Ifb7t @cS ( l 7 ... @xd6 I S.gdl t+-) IS.gdl
hf2 is possible, and probably best answered tLlxc2t 19.@e2 tLld4t 20.gxd4! exd4 2 1 .\1;IfdSt
by 2 1 ..ixa6± when White's advantage is beyond @b6 (2 1 ...@b4 22.\1;Ifb3t +-) 22.tLlxcSt WxcS
question. However the tempting 2 1 .\1;Iff5? did 23.Wxd4t @as 24.@f3 and White went on to
not work because of 2 1 . ..gxc4! 22.bxc4 \1;Ifb2t win in Smagin - Kharlov, Cheliabinsk 1 99 1 .
23.@f3 .id4 24.\WcSt @e7 2S .\1;Ifc7t @f8 1 3. . .tLle7 14.\1;Ifd3 ( l4.\1;Ifb7 \1;IfaSt I S .c3 gc7
26.\WcSt and White has no more than a draw, 16.b4 gxb7 17.bxaS .ih6 IS.tLlg4 .ig7 19.a4±
Y2-Y2 Filipenko - Sveshnikov, USSR 1 9S0.) Murey - Jamieson, Luzern 19S2.) 14 ... .ih6
20.b3 (20 ..ib3 @e7 2 1 .ghc l gcS 22.gxcS (l4 ... gc6 I S . .ie2 hS 16.0-0 .ih6 17.tLldS tLlxdS
\1;IfxcS 23.gdl \1;IfbSt 24.@f3 \1;IfcS 2S.g3± Bhend IS.\1;IfxdS gxc2 19 . .ixhS± Smirnov - Pilavov,
- Svedenborg, Lugano (01) 1 965) 20 . . . ggS AIushta 200 1 .) I S . .ie2 he3 1 6.fXe3t Korneev
2 1 .gacl @e7 22.g4 hS 23.h3 hxg4 24.hxg4 ggS - Hernandez Montalvo, Padron 2002.
2S . .id3 gcgS 26.gc6 \1;IfbS 27.gh4+- Yastreb - b) 12 ... f5!? is the newest attempt in this
Moskovets, Alushta 2002. White is winning position. After 13.0-0-0 bS 14.tLle3 .ih6
here. Black has no counterplay and is simply a I S .@b l White is simply better. I S . . . he3
pawn down for nothing. 1 6.fXe3 fXe4 1 7.\1;Ifxe4 \Wc7 I S .g3 ! A nice move
b) 16 . . . \1;IfxdSt 1 7.@cl Black cannot regain that exploits the weak structure. I S ... tLle7
his piece as is seen in the following brilliant 1 9 . .ih3 gdS 20.\1;Ifg4 ggS 2 1 .\WhS± AI Sayed -
example. 17 ... bS ( 1 7 . . . 0-0 I S .a3 and White has Sveshnikov, Dubai 2004.
won this position in several games, one of them 13.id3
being Anka - Tomcsanyi, Hungary 1 995) I S.a3 13.0-0-0!? with the idea of gxd4! has also
.ie7 1 9.tLld6t @d7 20.tihcS gxcS 2 1 ..ixbSt been played, but the text move simply assures
\1;IfxbS 22.gdl t .id6 23.gxd6t @xd6 24.\1;IfxcS the edge without any problems.
\1;Iffl t 2S.@c2 \1;Ifxal 26.\1;Ifxa6t+- Berndt - Thiel, 13 ...\We7 14.\WaS �xc4?!
Germany 1 995. This does not work tactically for many
Another attempt is 1 2 ... bS 13.tLle3. reasons.
14 ... dS does not promise Black any happiness.
I S .tLlb6 \1;IfcS 1 6.\1;IfxcS gxcS 1 7.c3! As so often
in this line Black's sick structure is so important
that White only focuses on containment of the
black forces. 1 7 ...dxe4 I S.he4 tLlc6 19.0-0-0±
.ih6t 20.@b l gbS 2 1 .tLlc4 0-0 22.tLld6 gb6
23.tLlf5 1-0 Balinov - Hausrath, Budapest
1 999.
14 ... gcS I S .\1;Ifd2 \Wc7 1 6.c3 tLl e6 1 7.tLle3 .ih6
IS.0-0t Varavin - Kharlov, Elista 1 994.
1 5.ixc4 12Jxc2t 16.';t>e2 12Jxa1 17.�cl!!±
Was this direct assault on the king something
Kharlov had overlooked in his home analysis? My
computer still has problems finding it, 6 years of
technological advance after the game. Even after
Now Black has tried: this move it takes time for the machine to see
a) 1 3 . . . .ih6? does not work because of that something is terribly wrong.
the following tactical solution. 14.tLlf5! tLlb4 17 ih6
74 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

What else? 1 7 . . . fS 1 8.exfS WfgS is the best 20. �xfS ! ?, which I do not consider critical
option for Black according to the computer. But at all. I just liked the game and would rather
with some human assistance, it is possible for include a few more moves than have one game
the machine to find the following nice winning going on for 8 pages or so.
attack. 19.�bSt rJ:ie7 2o.Wfclt rJ:if6 2 1 .Wfd8t
rJ:ixfS 22.�d3t rJ:ig4 23.Wfdlt fS (23 . . . rJ:ihS Game 1 9
24.Wfxf7t rJ:ih6 2S.Wfe6t rJ:ihS 26.l''1c4 +-) And Zeleic - Zelenika
now a move that takes only a few seconds for Pula 1 999
the machine to find.
l .e4 cS 2.1L1f3 lLl c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.1L1xd4 1Llf6
S.lLlc3 eS 6.1L1dbS d6 7.�gS a6 s.lLla3 bS
9.�xf6 gxf6 10.1L1d5 f5
1 O ... �g7 1 1 .c3 fS is nothing but a transposition
of moves after 12.exfS . Note that Black cannot
play his standard idea of 1 1 ...1L1e7?! here, as
White gets the advantage with 1 2.1L1xe7 Wfxe7
13.ctJc2± when Black cannot play his regular
push on the kingside because of a simple double
threat: 13 ... fS?! 14.exfS �xfS? I S .Wff3+-
1 1 .c3

24.h4 ! ! rJ:ixh4 2S. :g h l t rJ:ig4 26.�xfSt WxfS

27.f3t rJ:igS 28. :g hSt rJ:ixhS 29. WxfSt rJ:ih6
30. Wf6t rJ:ihS 3 1 .g4 mate. To a human this line
might seem rather fanciful, but to the machine
it is pure logic.
IS.�xf7t! rJ:ixf7 19.�c7 �dS?!
Slightly better was 19 . . . Ele8 20.Elxelt Elxe7
2 1 .Wfc3 �f8 22.b4 Eld7 23.Wfxal dS 24.exdS
ElxdS± - Yemelin.
20.WdSt rJ:ifS 2 1 .�xe7 rJ:ixe7 22.Wxblt �d7
23.WcS+- dS 24.WgS! �fS 2S.exdS \!le8
1 1 . . . �g7
26.We6t �e7 27.Wxa6 �xdS 2S.Wc6t �d7
1 1 ...fxe4? is known to be a mistake as Black
29.Wc1 lL1 b3 30.axb3 rJ:ifS 3 1 .b4 �d4 32.WcSt
is in trouble after 12.hbS axbS 13.ctJxbS The
rJ:if7 33.bS �b4 34.b3 hS 3S.g3 �d6 36.Wdlt
main points are: 1 3 ... Ela4 ( 1 3 ... Ela7 14.ctJxa7
�e7 37.Wc6 �dS 3S.WdSt rJ:ieS 39.Wd6 �d4
ctJxa7 I S .Wfa4t+-) 14.ctJ bc7t rJ:id7 I s .Wfg4t+-
40.We6t 1-0
12.exfS � 13.1L1c2 0-0 14.1L1 ce3
1 4 ... �g6!? is maybe a move for the future.
From this we will move to the main line, and
I S .a4!? This move apparently ignores the fragile
only after going through it in two games will we
placement ofthe bishop on g6. However the usual
pay attention to the sidelines.
( 1 S .h4 is not that convincing. I S ... �e4! is Leko's
In this first game with the main line I
idea, after which Black apparently is doing OK.)
have given the most important options until
I S ... b4 ( 1 S ... bxa4 is probably best answered with
The Sveshnikov 75

1 6.h4! ie4 17.�xa4. The point behind 1 5 .a4, at White has promising play according to Dorian
least when I played it. 17 ... hd5 I s.lLlxd5 lLl e7 Rogozenko. Dorian clearly favours 17.�h5.]
1 9.ic4t) 16.lLlxb4! Obviously White does not I think White gets the advantage after 1 7.ic2!
want to accept a strong knight on d4. 16 ... lLlxb4 when the move . . . gbS has done very little for
17.cxb4 e4?! ( 1 7 ... f5!? is the way forward for Black, while White has ideas of �h5 and ib3,
Black. Previously I recommended I s.ic4 WhS both with advantage for White. Thanks to
19.id5 for White, but a lower league Danish Thomas Luther for this advice.
game questioned this optimism. For now let's 16 ... lLle7? loses in a very famous way to
say that the ball is in White's court.) I S .�d2! f5 1 7.lLlxe7t �xe7 I s.ixf5 ! ixf5 19.1Llxf5 :Bxf5
19.1Lld5 WhS 20.ie2 iO 2 1 .0-0± and Black has 20.�d5t+-.
no other path forward than to enter a horrible 16 ... WhS!? has been played several times, and
position with opposite coloured bishops. Baklan is bound to become more popular if the attack
- Lobron, Germany 200 1 . on the 16 ... ga7 line by De Firmian and Hector
14 ie6 1 5 .id3 f5 16.0-0
..• . continues to be successful. However White
1 6.ic2 was for some time considered the seems to be able to create real problems for
way to play this line, but Black eventually came Black in this line as well, though the last word
up with a forced draw with 1 6 . . . f4 17.�h5 is far, far away (no, not in that sci-fi movie!).
gO I s.ixh7t WfS 1 9 .if5 �eS ! ( 1 9 ... gxf5? 17.�h5 Now Black has two choices, neither of
20.lLlxf5 hd5 2 1 .gd l ! +- Arnason - Birnboim, them fully satisfactory.
Beer-Sheva 1 9S7. The draw after 19 ... �eS was 17 ... iO I S.�h3 e4 1 9.ic2 lLle5 This was the
actually given by Arnason, but it took some way Illescas Cordoba played with Black against
time before it was played in tournament games.) Judit Polgar. Now Polgar blundered with 20.f3?!
20.ixe6 �xe6 2 1 .�g4 �h6! 22.lLlf5 (22.lLlc2?! after which Blackhad a strong manoeuvre in �g5 t
e4, the same goes for 22.0-0?! e4!) 22 ... �e6 followed by �d2 with good play. Instead White
23.lLlfe3= . should play 20.gfdl ixd5 [2006 - 20 . . . �g5 !?
2 1 .�xf5 lLlf3t! 22.Wh l ! �h4 seemed to equalise
in Elburg - Knebel, corr. 2004] 2 1 .:Bxd5 �f6
22.:Badl gadS 23.f4!. Probably preparation from
Topalov and his coach. After this there are many
ways for White to create real problems for Black.
23 ...exf3 24.lLlxf5 fxg2 25 .�xg2 (an interesting
alternative was 25.:B5d2!? :BgS 26.:Bxg2 lLlg6
27.:BfU) 25 ... ggS 26.Wh l (It seems that it was
possible to play 26.gxd6!? gxd6 27.:Bxd6 �O
2s.lLlg3 lLlc4 29.�e4 ie5 30.:Bh6 :Bg7 3 1 .Wg2t
when White has good chances.) 26 ... ifS 27.�h3
lLlg6 2s.lLld4 (2S.g5d4!? is very good for White
according to Fritz.) 2S ... geS 29.:Bh5 :Bg7 30.:Bgl
�O 3 1 .�f5 �b7t 32.�f3 �xf3t 33.lLlxf3 :Be6
34.lLld4 gf6 35.lLlf5 :Bc7 36.lLle3 lLlf4 37.:Bh4
1 6 ga7
... :BcO 3s.ib3 gg7 39.ghg4 :Bxg4 Y2-Y2 Topalov
This move seems logical and has been played - Leko, Monte Carlo 2003.
many times at the top level. However it is far 1 7 ... e4 I s.ic2 lLle7 1 9.9adl :BcS 20.f3
from the only move. (20.�h3 lLlxd5 [20 ... lLlg6 2 1 .ixe4!±] 2 1 .lLlxd5
1 6 . . . gbS 17.�h5 �d7 I S.gadl WhS 19.ic2 �eS!f± would lead nowhere ... ) 20 ... iO 2 1 .�h3
b400 was played in David - Manor, Bikurei lLlxd5 22.lLlxd5 b4?! Now instead of 23.fxe4 as
Haitim 1 997. [2006 - 19 . . . gbeS 20.gad l and in Anand - Topalov, Sofia 2004, White could
76 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

have claimed a clear advantage with 23.1WxfS ! ± Aarhus 1999 is my own sad experience with
Better i s the sad 2 2 . . . ixdS 23.E1xdS 1Wb6t this position.) 1 9.1WhS E1ff7 ( 1 9 ... ih8 20.if5
24.�hl 1We3 as advised by Rogozenko. 2S.lXe4 E1xfS 21 .liJxfS ixdS 22.E1fdl IiJxb4 23.E1acl if6
1Wxh3 26.gxh3 lXe4 27.E1xf8t E1xf8 28.ixe4 24.liJxd6!, Areshchenko - Holmsten, Cappelle
ieS 29.�g2t The endgame here looks like an la Grande 2003) 20.ixh7t �f8 2 1 .ifS E1xfS
easy draw. Still Black has a few problems. His 22.liJxfS ixdS 23.bS� Vallejo Pons - Shirov,
queenside pawns are slightly weaker and h7 France 2002.
is a potential target. Till something better is 17 .. .f4 18.1WhS ih8 ( l 8 ... E1ff7 19.ixh7t!? �fS
found, this at least should make the variation 20.ifS!± - Golubev) 19.ixh7t E1xh7 20.1Wg6t+-
unattractive for Black players, who will draw 1 9 17 ... e4 18.liJf4 if7 19.axbS±
and lose 1 games from this position. But at high 18.liJxe7t
level I think we will see a revival of 1 6 ... �h8. White has two alternatives, one cautious, and
1 6 ... e4 is discussed in Game No. 21 below. one wild and hot headed:
1 7.a4! 18.ic2!? IiJxdS 19.1iJxdS bxa4 20.E1xa4t is
certainly possible. Now after 20 ... �h8 2 1 .1Wd2
as 22.E1dl E1b7 23.b3 id7 24.E1a2 E1bS 2S.c4 E1cS
26.liJc3? Black was OK in Wedberg - Von Babr,
Stockholm 1999, but instead White could have
played 26.liJe3 E1f6 27.E1dal±.
1 8.axbS !? IiJxdS (18 ... f4?! 19.1iJxe7t E1xe7
20.1WhS+- Golubev-Horvath, Scuol 200 1 )
19.ic4! (inferior i s 1 9.ixf5?! E1xfS ! 20.liJxfS as ! !
2 1 .c4 IiJf4 22.liJxd6 ifS 23.cS [23.liJe4 1Wh4+]
23 ... E1d7! - Nijboer) 19 ... liJf4 20.ixe6t IiJxe6
21 .1WdSoo Topalov - Leko, Monte Carlo 2004.
18 .. J3xe7
18 ... 1Wxe7? 19.axbS axbS 20.E1xa7 1Wxa7
21 .ixbS Why not? In Navara - Hansen, Bled
2002. White also achieved a good game with
17.1WhS E1af7 has been played many times. The 2 1 .ic2, but this is more convincing. 2 1 . . .1WcS
conclusion is that Black is doing fine, so there is 22.ia4 f4 (22 ... dS 23.b4 1Wd6 24.ib3±)
no real reason to go further down this dead-end 23.ib3 !±
road. 19.axb5 axb5
I think that 17.a4 was actually an idea of co­
author Golubev.
17 ... tt:le7
This move does not seem to offer Black
enough compensation for the pawn. However
the alternatives are also not recommendable.
1 7 ...bxa4 1 8.E1xa4 aSt Rogozenko. 19.1WhS e4
20.liJf4 if7 2 1 .ic4 ixc4 22.liJxc4 1Wd7 23.E1fal±
1-0 Kolcak-Kucinskas, e-mail 2002.
17 ... b4 also does not seem to be very promising.
1 8.cxb4 ( 1 8.1WhS e4 19.1iJf4 if7 20.ic4t -
Golubev) 18 .. .f4 ( 1 8 ... liJd4!? is unclear according
to Golubev. However this seems a bit superficial.
1 8 ... e4 19.1iJf4 if7 20.ic4± Pedersen - Aagaard,
The Sveshnikov 77

20.hf5!? However it is of little theoretical importance.

In the next game we shall look at the critical 29 ... e4 30.E1a5 E1f5 3 1 .b4 V;Vd5?
20.ixbS, but here we shall investigate a few side Black should not insist on protecting the b­
options. 20.E1a6 dS does not give White anything pawn with the queen. Now White had a very
besides the option to transpose again with strong continuation.
2 1 .ixbS ! . The following examples should make 32.�e3?
this clear: 32.E1axbS! Of course either rook can capture
2 1 .�hS e4 22.ixbS f4 23.E1xe6 E1xe6 24.�xdS here. 32 ... �xbS 33.E1xbS E1xbS 34.c4! E1xb4
�xdS 2S.ttJxdS E1bS 26.ic4 'it>hS 27.ttJxf4 E1eeS 3S.hS±
2S.b3 Lc3= Nilsson - Binelli, Corr. 1995. 32 ... E1hS 33.V;Vf4 E1f5 34.V;Vc1?!
2 1 .E1xe6!? E1xe6 22.ttJxfS e4?! 23.ttJxg7 'it>xg7 34.�e3=
24.LbS:t Zelcic-Sermek, Belisce 1 999. 34...ih5?!
After 2 1 .ttJc2 .ics 22.E1aS �d7 23.ttJb4 e4 Very strong was 34 ... �d3 !+.
24.ie2 ib7 2S.E1aS d4 26.cxd4 Black has no 35.E1al?!
problems. 1/2-¥2 , Anand - Kasparov, Moscow 3S .E1axb5 �xbS 36.E1xbS E1xbS 37.c4:t was still
2004. Though improvements on White's play good for White.
have been suggested, they do not include any 35 ...�e6 36.V;Ve3 V;Vg6 37.@f1 ?
chance of an advantage. 37.'it>h2 �g4 3S.�g3 with some chances for a
20.ic2 'it>hS! also fails to impress. 2 1 .E1a6 draw.
(2 1 .ib3 f4! 22.ixe6 E1xe6 23.ttJdS f3!) 37 ...if3?!
2 1 . . .e4 22.ttJdS (22.E1xd6 �bS!?�) 22 ... E1eeS+ 37 ... �g4! was very strong here.
Rogozenko. 3B.g3?!
20 .. JhfS 3S.gxf3 was stronger, as Black cannot win.
20 ... ixf5? does not work because of 2 1 .ttJxfS 3S ... exf3 39.�d4 �g2t 40.'it>e1 E1eSt 41 .'it>dl
E1xf5 22.�dSt E1ef7 23.E1aS+- and White wins the '&£1 t 42.'it>c2 �xal 43.�g4t 'it>f7 44.'&xf3t 'it>e6
queen. 4S.'&g4t 'it>f7 46.�f3t=
21 .c!tJxf5 hf5 22:�f3 V;Vd7 3S ...V;Vg4 39.'.f?e1 E1d5??
Black should defend with the bishop close Deep in time trouble Black goes in for the kill,
to his king, as the pin is uncomfortable after but leaves his own king without a defence. White
22 ... icS? 23.�dSt 'it>hS 24.E1aS±. [2006 - this is now wins in style.
less obvious to me now] Best was improving the king's safety with
23.E1aBt ifB 24.E1fal E1f7 2S.V;Ve3!? 39 ... 'it>g7! 40.�d4t 'it>g6 4 1 .E1xf8 E1xf8 42.E1a6
With this move White simply gets out of the E1f6 43.E1xd6+.
open file. The grandmaster might have known
that 2S .E1bS!? ie6 (2s ... ig6 26.�dS �f5 27.f3:t
Rogozenko.) 26.�g3t probably leads to draw
after 26 ... E1g7 27.�f3 E1f7 2S.�g3t= as shown by
2S.E1 1a7?! is a very bad idea. 2S . . . �xa7 26.E1xa7
E1xa7 27.�dSt 'it>g7 2S.f4 'it>f6 29.fxeSt dxeS+ It
is difficult to evaluate how much worse White is
in this endgame, but the main point is that he
went on to lose it in the game David - Yakovich,
St Vincent 2000.
25 ...V;Ve6 26.E1bB V;Vd5 27.V;Vg5t ig6 2B.h4 V;Vc5
Obviously Black is not seriously worse here.
78 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

40.�xf8t! involving Elxe6, and this is very unpleasant for

Now White wins. Black. Still, it is worthwhile to take a look at the
40 ... @xf8 41.VNh6t @f7 42.�a7t @e8 43.�a8t alternatives provided by this position:
@f7 44.�f8t @e7 4S.VNf6t @d7 46.VNd8t @c6 a) 2 1 .'Wa4!? is the most promising of the
47.VNa8t @c7 48.�f7t 1-0 alternatives, even though I do not think it should
be really dangerous for Black. 2 1 . . .f4 22.ctJc2
In the next game we shall see my main �ef7 (22 ... f3?! Generally Black should not make
recommendation. The Swedish grandmaster such rash decisions concerning the attack. Now
delivers a great concept in the opening to shake he has lost a lot of flexibility and it is much easier
the Norwegian wonderboy. The line is based on for White to defend the kingside, and thereby
an idea of Nick De Firmian. also to operate freely on the queenside. 23.g3
�b7 24.ctJ b4 'WgS 2S.�fdl± Here I have great
Game 20
doubt about the compensation for the pawn.
Hector - Carlsen
Yefremov - Gilbert, Corr. 1 998.) 23.Elfd l 'Wg5
Malmo 2004
24.ic6 e4 25.'Wb5 e3 26.f3 (Maybe it is possible
l .e4 cS 2.lLlf3 lLl c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lLlxd4 lLlf6 to improve here with 26.ixd5 !? which of course
S.lLlc3 eS 6.lLldbS d6 7 ..igS a6 8.lLla3 bS seems very greedy, but it is not so easy to refute.
9 ..ixf6 gxf6 10.lLldS f5 1 1 .c3 .ig7 12.exfS .ixfS Black has no easy way to crash through on the
13.lLlc2 0-0 14.lLlce3 .ie6 I S . .id3 f5 1 6.0-0 kingside. A possible line could be something
�a7 1 7.a4 lLl e7 1 8.lLlxe7t �xe7 1 9.axbS axbS like 26 ... exf2t 27.�xf2 f3 28.g3 'Wh5 29.h4
20 . .ixbS ie5 30.Elgl ! �h8 3 1 .lLl e3:±;) 26 ... �h8 27.Ela5
This should be the real test of Black's pawn 'Wh4 28.'We2 Elb8 29.Elb5 Elxb5 30.ixb5 Elb7
sacrifice. However the pawn cannot be accepted 1/2_1/2 Szczepankiewicz - Kruse, e-mail 2000.
without a valid idea to follow. And that idea b) 2 1 .ic6 is not dangerous for Black. After
should probably be to triple the heavy pieces on 2 1 ...d4 22.Ela8 'Wd6 23.Ela6 he can play
the a-file and invade Black's position on the 8th 23 ... VNd8 when White has nothing more than
rank to force exchanges. a repetition of moves, or even go for a better
20 ... dS game with 23 ... �h8 24.cxd4 exd4 25.ctJc2 'Wc5
26.b4 'Wc3 27.ib5 ib3 28.id3 Elc7 29.Ela3
'Wb2 which was altogether bad news for White
in Smirnov - Sitnikov, Russia 200 1 .
c) 2 1 .ctJc2 is also feeble. The best White can
hope for is probably the drawish line chosen
by Kramnik. Jelen's idea seems to be risk free
for Black, but certainly dangerous for White.
2 1 . ..Elb7 22.ic6 Elb6!? (22 ... Elxb2 23.Ela8 VNd6
24.Ela6 'Wc5 25.ctJb4 'Wxc3 26.hd5 'Wxb4
27.he6t 1 12-1 12. Svidler - Kramnik, Wijk
aan Zee 1 999) 23.ctJb4 d4 24.Ela7 e4� Skytte
- Jelen, Budapest 1 999.
2 1 ...�h8!?
Rogozenko writes that this is clearly the
best move. He has no faith in 2 1 . . .f4 because
2 1 .�a6! of the obvious exchange sacrifice 22.Elxe6!
White is preparing the best formation of the Elxe6 23.'Wxd5 (To me it actually make sense
heavy pieces: Ela6, VNa4 and Elal . Furthermore, to investigate 23.ctJxd5 !? as well. The best is
the rook is well placed for several tactics probably the computer's suggestion 23 ... �h8
The Sveshnikov 79

[23 ... f3 24.g3 �b8 25.c4;:1;] 24.ge l e4ao) c2 is a typical approach for modern chess. White
23 . . . �xd5 24.ct:Jxd5 Now the best option is believes that in spite of opponent's initiative, he
24 . . . @h8! (24 ... f3?! 25.gel fxg2 26.id3 gd8 will be able to defend the position and convert
27.ie4± Van Kempen - Arduman, e-mail his extra pawn. It is very likely that in the near
2000.) 25.f3;:1; Rogozenko. Staudler - Hohm, future such an approach will be considered
Corr. 1 999. Also worth looking at is 25.b4!? e4 correct, but in the present game White failed
26.c4 e3 27.ge l id4 28.@fl and White looks to prove it and he missed opponent's attacking
better here, doesn't he? ideas. In principle this is the main difference
All of the above is leftovers from the first between 22.gxe6 and 22. ct:J c2. While Anand's
edition. As so often theory was overtaken by decision is more ambitious and possibly even
practice, here with the game Anand - Leko, stronger, at the same time the price for possible
Wijk aan Zee 2005: mistakes is much higher."
2 1 . . . f4!? Norwegian GM Leif Erland Johannessen
In the first edition of this book I refused to defended the Black side of the endgame twice
take this move seriously, and I am still not too in 2005:
impressed with it. I think one important thing a) 24... @h8 25.f3 (25.ge l !? e4 26.b4 might
to remember is that Peter Leko has no problems be a better try for an advantage) 25 . . . e4 26.fxe4
going into a difficult position strai ght from the gxe4 27.b4 gd8 28.id3 ge3 29.ct:Jxe3 fxe3
opening, as long as it is a pure technical position, 30.ie2 .ixc3 and Black drew in Agdestein -
and that he feels confident he can draw it. To Johannessen, Sandnes 2005.
believe that the problem itself therefore solves b) 24 . . . e4 25 .g3 f3 26.b4 @h8 27.gdl ih6
all Black's problems because Anand chose not 28.c4 e3 29.fxe3 ixe3+ 30.ct:Jxe3 (30.@fl ±)
to test Leko's technique seems to be leaping to 30 . . . gxe3 3 1 .ic6 gc3 32.id5 gb3 33.b5 gb2
conclusions as far as I go. 34.gfl f2+ 35 .@g2 @g7 36.h4 h6 37.if3 gc8
About the objective evaluation of the move 38.ic6 gffi 39.id5 gfG 40.if3 gc2 4 1 .gxf2
I do not think that I can say it better than gxc4 42.gb2 gb6 43.@h2 gc5 44.ie2 @f6
grandmaster Dorian Rogozenko does in his 45 .@h3 gc3 46.ifl @g7 47.@h2 h5 48.ih3
forthcoming masterpiece The Sveshnikov gd3 49.ig2 gc3 50.ifl V2-V2 De Firmian -
Reloaded: "Leko allowed the exchange sac on e6, Johannessen, Sweden 2005.
while Anand didn't go for it. They both certainly 22.ct:Jc2!?
analysed the position and must have come to Maybe this move should not be completely
the conclusion that the endgame arising after rejected just because of its poor performance in
22.gxe6 gxe6 23.�xd5 �xd5 24.ct:Jxd5 should this game.
be a draw. It is difficult to prove it with analysis, 22 ... ic8
but I guess that one can trust the conclusion of 22 ... f3!? was suggested by Nigel Short in his
such top players. I can only add that Black must column. Now after 23. ct:J b4 fxg2 then 24.@xg2
continue 24 ... e4 in order to avoid the blockade quite surprisingly seems to be ok, and it seems
on the light squares, although it is clear that as if White can play for an advantage this way.
only White can play for a win anyway. 24 ... �c8 (24 ... d4 25.gxe6 gxe6 26.ic4 gff6
However, in our computer era I might sound 27.cxd4 @h8 28.ixe6 gxe6 29.dxe5 �g5t
ridiculous to some people by evaluating such an 30.@h l .ixe5 3 1 .�f3 and White has some
endgame as "slightly better for White". On the advantage, though again it is not quite clear that
top level they prefer to say "this is a draw". In it will be enough to win.) 25.ct:Jxd5! (25 .gc6? is
any case I will stay where I am by affirming that bad because of 25 ... ih3t 26.@hl �f5 ! when
after 25.gel White can play on without any the Black initiative is very strong. White can
risk, while Black must work for the draw. probably play better than 27.�xd5t?! @h8
Anand's cool decision to retreat the knight to 28.id3 'lWh5-+ but it gives a good illustration
80 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

of the perils White are facing.} 2S . . . i.h3t 22.'lWa4!

26.@h l l"lefl 27.l"lgl 'lWcS 28.l"laS �xf2 29.�e2 An idea by the American grandmaster living
and it seems to be that White is better, but the in Denmark, Nick De Firmian. No other move
position is of course very hard to evaluate. seems to give White a position he can really feel
23.l"la8 �d6 24.ttJ b4 good about playing.
This move feels strange. White is moving 22.ttJc2?! �b8 23.�e2 f4 24.8 i.c8 has given
away from the kingside and thereby rapidly Black a good game on several occasions. It is a
inspiring his own defeat. 24.l"le l ! ? is a kind of dead end we do not have to go down.
non-move, which simply improves the position 22.�hS?! f4 23.ttJg4 �b8 is also nothing.
a little bit, while hanging on to the pawn. Fritz 8 Hodova - Priborsky, Plzen 2003.
gives the following to be the main line: 24 . . . i.b7 22.f4?! is, according to Rogozenko, "the most
2S.l"lxfBt i.xf8 26.i.f1 i.g7. Black of course has logical move, even if Black wins an exchange by
compensation here, but it seems to me that the force after that." I do not understand the logic
danger for him of being a pawn down is greater that encourages advancing pawns in front of
than White's perils. your own king and losing material in the process.
24 ... i.b7 2S .l"la7 d4 This is at least not the classical way to view
White is already drifting into problems, and such situations. Rogozenko of course has good
now with his next move he loses the game. reasons for his assessment ( .. .£4 was coming) ,
26.i.a6?? however I think the balance is tipping in the
26.�hS was better according to Rogozenko. wrong direction. Now after 22 ... d4 23.cxd4
After 26 ... i.8 27.�xf3 l"lxa7 28.i.d3 White exf4 24.l"lxf4 i.c8 2S.l"la3 i.h6 26.l"l8 f4 27.ttJc2
has obvious compensation. Still I would prefer i.g4 the game was very complicated in Hector -
Black. Rogozenko, Gothenburg 2004. However, I do not
26 ... bg2! ! 27.i.c4t think that the first player should be very happy
Anand allegedly missed that after 27.�b3t about the outcome of the opening. Eventually
i.dS 28.ttJxdS l"lxa7 there was no benefit to be Black managed to win this game, though this
had from the discovered check; but 27 ... @h8 was hardly the only possible outcome.
would also have won. 22 ... f4
27.l"lxe7 �g6!-+ is another important point. Obviously this was what Hector feared in his
27 ... @h8 28.l"la6 �cS 29.@xg2 8t 30.@h l game above against Rogozenko. However, it is
�xc4 3 1 .l"lc6 'lWbS 32.l"ld6 e4 33.l"lxd4 i.xd4 clearly the lesser of two evils, as Black has no easy
34.'lWxd4t �eS way to break through White's defences.
Black went on to win the endgame. 23.ttJ c2 l"lg8
This is the first new move of the game. In the
stem game of 22.�a4 Black chose a less natural,
but still somewhat logical move 23 ... i.f5 which
tries to provoke the white knight into occupying
an unwanted square. However, Black also loses
important time and White should be able to
gain an advantage. 24.ttJ b4? (I am beginning to
grow a general feeling about this position that
says that White should keep this knight on c2
in close to all positions, as to be able to play
ttJel after having developed the rook. 24.l"ld l ! ?
might still pose Black with problems. 2 4... i.g4
2S.l"ld2 [2S .8?! i.c8! 26.l"la8 �b6t is a definite
road to compensation.] 2S ... l"lefl would now not
The Sveshnikov 81

transpose to the game, as White has 26.ic6 with unjustified. The knight has to go to e 1 to protect
a definite advantage. So this slight change of move the king. 24 ... if8!� gives Black good play. Now
order might help White to retain an advantage.) White should take the draw promised to him in
24 ...E1ef7 25 .E1dl Wig5 26.ltlxd5 ig4 (26 ... e4!? the tactical lines, or everything might soon be
27.i£1 e3 28.�hl±) And now I would suggest very bad. 25.ltlc6 (25 .g3? fXg3 26.hxg3 E1eg7!!
following Fritz 8 which gives 27.E1d3! (And not 27.E1xe6? Wih4-+) 25 . . . E1xg2t 26.�hl ig4 ! !
27.E1d2?! if3 28.i£1 e4� De Firmian - Svensson, (26 . . .1Mfe8 27.ie2 E1eg7 28.ltlxe5±) 27.�xg2
Gothenburg 2004, which eventually ended in (27.ltlxd8 if3 28.h3!=) 27 . . . E1g7 28.ltlxd8
a draw, where White was the one defending.) (28.f3?? ih3t!! 29.�fL. Wih4t 30.�e2 ixfl t
27 ...if5 28.E1d2 f3 29.ltle3± The position is 3 1 .�xf1 Wixh2 32.We l E1g2 33.i£1 E1d2-+)
still very complicated, but Black's attack is still 28 ... idl t 29. �h3 ig4 t=
restrained and it seems likely that White will 24.E1d l ! ? is the only natural alternative to the
be able to benefit from his extra pawns. [2006 text move, and could be used as a surprise move
- Dorian Rogozenko proves in his book that against someone who thinks the position after
27.E1d3 is not as good as I had imagined, as after 24.Ra l is playable. However, I have a feeling
27 ... ie2 28.f3 Wih4 29.E1dl ixdl 30.Wixdl e4! that well informed Black players will tend to
Black has a definite initiative. After 3 1 .b4 E1f5 avoid this in the future, once it has been tested
32.fXe4 E1h5 White is already struggling.] a few times at the top level.
23 ... ic8 24.E1a8 E1e6 25.E1al E1h6 26.Wib4 24 ... ic8
Wih4 27.h3 E1g6 28.id7! ixd7 29.E1xf8t ixf8 Maybe a new idea can be conceived here for
30.Wixf8t E1g8 3 1 .Wid6 E1xg2t! with a draw by Black. However I cannot see that Black gains
perpetual check was the correspondence game anything with 24 ... f3 25.g3 ic8 26.E1a8±.
Teichmann-Marotta, 2003. But after 26.ltl e l !;!; 25.E1a8 .ifS
I prefer the White pieces. Black is getting ready to create threats against
g2. However they are not strong enough and
they come too late.
26 .i£1

This seems to favour White, but it all becomes

very complicated now. Strong was the direct
26.ic6! and now it seems to be difficult for
Black to defend against threats like Qb5 and
E1d l . The important thing for White is that ltl e l
will protect the kingside almost single-handed.
26 ... E1c7 (26 ... E1eg7 27.ltle1 or 26 ... E1xg2t
27.�xg2 E1g7t 28.�hl ig4 29.ltle 1 +-) 27.E1dl
Wig5 28.ltl e l ±
2 6. . .�eg7 27.VMc6 �c7
The only move.
28.VMb5 .ic5?!
24.E1al!;!; The young Norwegian is desperately looking
Once it has been established how White for counterplay, however he would have been
should organise his pieces this move becomes better off asking White to prove his advantage
very logical. White needs to bring the rook after 28 ... E1cg7!? 29.E1dl Wic7! This is not so
into play for many reasons, but the urgency clear, as after 30.E1xd5 id7 Black will win the
is because he needs to play ltl e l very soon to exchange with . . . Bc6 and the endgame is not
protect g2, the soft spot in his position. that bad for him. Maybe 29.c4!? would be
The computers love for 24.ltlb4?! is completely stronger?
82 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

and after 3S ... exf3 36.�xdS Elc2!+ it all turns

out to be horrible, as it should be. However, as
we shall see, the idea is not at all stupid.

29.b4 ixf2t!?
Carlsen goes into these tactics searching for
some action, as he is likely just to be run over
after 29 ... im 30.c4±. It is always possible to
dismiss such desperate measures after the game, 35 ... �a3?
especially armed with thorough computer This was the apparently brilliant idea conceived
analysis. However from a practical point of view by Carlsen. The rook cannot be accepted of
this was obviously the right decision, as Black course, because of �f2t. However, White still
gained a lot of ground in the remaining part of has a chance to make his extra piece count, by
the game, and should have played on when it returning it if nothing else. Therefore a simpler
finished. method of play, achieving instant repetition of
30.�xf2 �xc3 3 1 .c!De1 moves, was preferable.
Not the only choice, but certainly one that 3S ... �d4t 36.�hl id7 37.�a6 ic8 38.�e2
makes sense. ig4=
3 1 ... f3!? Note that 3S ... id7 36.�e2 ig4? would not
Again complicating matters. Black opens files work because of 37.�f2!±. However, 36 ... �d4t
and gains time at the cost of yet another pawn. would still draw.
32.c!Dxf3? 36.�e2?
Probably king safety was more important than This should probably have been punished by
anything else in this position. After 32.�gl ! it a strong tactical resource. However with little
is not easy to see how Black would be able to time on the clock it is hard to find the right path
attack White's king. 32 ... �h4 (32 ... e4 33.E!8a2 through such a tactical maze.
and what now?) 33.�h l Here I cannot work out 36.g3 ia6 37.�xa6 �d4t 38.�hl Elxa6
a method to create a successful attack against 39.ixa6 �xb4 and White is maybe on the way
White's king. 33 ... �f2 (33 ... Ele3 34.Elxc8 Elxc8 to being worse.
3S.lLlxf3 � e4 36.�d7 Elm 37 .Ela7�g6 38.�xdS+­ 36.lLlf3! was the best move. After 36 ... Elxa2
) 34.El8a2 �d4 3S.�a4 ih3 36.�dl +-. All of 37.Elxa2 exf3 38.Elf2! Black still has not solved
this is of course still very complicated, and all the his problems. Actually there is no way for him
conclusions should be seen as temporary. Still, I to save both the dS-pawn and the f3-pawn, so a
feel that White should be successful. sad defensive task awaits him in a 3 pawns vs. 2
32 ... e4 33.c!De1 �f6t 34.�gl �f8 35.�8a2 pawns endgame.
3S.lLlf3? is the computer's favourite move for 36 ...�b6t 37.�hl �f6 38.�gl �d4t
some time. A human would hardly consider this, 1/2-1f2
The Sveshnikov 83

A draw was agreed. However in this position it One commentator writes that Black has
was Black's turn to play on. scored well with this approach recently. I do not
39.<±>h l could be answered strongly with know where he has been looking, as to me it
39 ... .tg4! and now White seems to be worse: seems that Black is actually not doing very well
40.'iWb5 �xa2! (40 ... 'iWxal 4 1 .�xal �xal 42.h3 in this line.
�xel 43.hxg4 �exfl t 44.<±>h2 �dl 45.'iWd7 and 17.tLlf4
White should be able to deliver perpetual check) Obviously 1 7 . .tc2? f4 1 8 . .txe4 fxe3 19.'iWh5
4 1 .�xa2 'iWdI 42.h3 'iWxe I 43.<±>gl (43.<±>h2 'iWxfl exf2t 20.<±>hl �f7+ spells disaster. Bestagno­
44.'iWxf1 �xfl 45.hxg4 d4-+) 43 ... .td7 44.'iWe2 Kuntz, Cagnes 1 989.
'iWxb4-+ 17 .10

40.ttlf3 �axf3 ! 4 1 .�a8 �xa8 42.�xa8t <±>g7 The alternatives are: 1 7 ... .td7!? 1 8 . .tc2 .te5
and White is definitely in trouble. 43.'iWe l 'iWf2 1 9.ct:Jed5 <±>h8 20.'?Nh5 �g8 2 1 .f3;1; with better
44.'iWal t �f6 45 . .tb5 d4+ play for White in Burnoiu - Veneteanu, Curtea
However, Black was short of time and a draw de Arges 2002.
seemed to be a good outcome from such a bad 1 7 ... 'lW d7 1 8 .ic2 'Ll e5 19. 'Ll xe6 was played
experience in the opening. in Rogovoi - Nikolaev, St Petersburg 1 998.
In the next game we shall investigate a minor However, stronger seems to be 19. 'Ll ed5 !? :g ae8
sideline that offers little hope for Black. In fact
the analysis goes in the direction of a clear edge 20. 'Ll xe6 � xe6 2 1 .a4.
for White in the opening, so it is probably not 18 .ic2 .ie5

here that the future lies for Black. Still, it is wise 1 8 ... 'iWd7 1 9 . .tb3 �ad8 20 ..txf7t 'iWxf7
for White to know this line in case it should come 2 1 .'iWd5 '?Nxd5 22.ct:J exd5;1; Mamedov - Djafarli,
up in a real game. Not everything is easy to find Baku 2002.
over the board. 19.tLlfd5
1 9.93 .ixf4 20.gxf4 'iWf6 is even according to
Game 21 Van Wely/Cifuentes.
Rivas Romero - Sarlat 19 ...'?Ng5
Corr. 2000 1 9 ... f4? 20.ct:Jg4 .tg6 2 1 .�e1 e3 22.fxe3 .txc2
23.'iWxc2 'iWg5 24.ct:Jxe5 ct:Jxe5 25.<±>h l ±
1.e4 c5 2.ttlf3 ttlc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 tLlf6 1 9 ... 'iWh4 20.g3 'iWh3 (20 ... 'iWg5 2 1 .£4 exf3
5.tLlc3 e5 6.tLldb5 d6 7 .ig5 a6 8.tLla3 b5 9 .ixf6 22.'iWxf3 .th5 and now 23.'iWf2 was played in
Palecha - Mikhajlichenko, Evpatoria 200 1 .
• •

gxf6 10.tLld5 .ig7 1 1 .c3 f5 12.exf5 .ixf5 13.tLlc2

.ie6 14.tLl ce3 0-0 15 .id3 f5 16.0-0 e4 Instead 23.'iWg2!± would have been very strong.)
2 1 .£4 .tg7 22.ct:Jc7 (22 . .tb3 <±>h8 23.ct:Jc7 .th5

24.'iWd2± Lantini - Frilli, Arco 1 999.) 22 ... �ad8

23 . .tb3 d5 24 . .txd5 <±>h8 25 .'iWe2 �d7 26 ..txf7
�xc7 27 . .tb3 ct:Jd4 28.cxd4 1-0 Collazo -
Bianchi, e-mail 1 999.
1 9 ....te6 20.f4 exf3 2 1 .'iWxf3± f4? 22.'iWe4
�a7 23.ct:Jxf4+- Grabarczyk - Rydzik, Zakopane
20.f4 exf3 2 IJ'!xf3?!
Probably stronger is 2 1 .'iWxf3 when after
2 1 .. . .th5 22.'iWh3 f4 Anand - Kramnik, Linares
1998 23.ct:Jc7! is very strong. (23.ct:Jf5 <±>h8
24.ct:Jh4 �a7 25.ct:Jf3 .txf3 26.'iWxf3;1; Longson
- Son, Istanbul 1 998.) 23 . . . fxe3 24.ct:Jxa8 �xfl t
B4 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

2S.Elxfl± was played in Karasek - Underwood, 30.lLlxc2 Elxe6 3 1.lLld4 ElxeS 32.ElxeS dxeS
e-mail 200 1 . White is clearly better, maybe even 33.lLlxfS
winning. Also tried has been: 23 . . . ElacB 24.ctJe6 This should be a draw, but realistically only
�h6 2S .ctJxfB fxe3 26.�fS hh2t 27.Wh l �eS White can win.
Now White should choose 2B.�h3 ! (28.�xh7t 33 ... igG 34.lLl d6 Wg7 3s.lLlb7 if7 36.a3 idS
�xh7 29.ctJxh7 Wg7 30.g4= and a draw was 37.ctJ cS as 38. lLl d7 e4 39.Wfl ic6 40.lLlcs
agreed in Nilsson - Patrici, corr. 1 99B.) 2B ... Elxf8 Wf6 4 1 .We3 WeS 42.g4 h6 43.h4 a4 44.gS
29.ElxfBt WxfB 30.�dl - Rogozenko. The
question here is not if White has the advantage,
but of how large it is. It is likely that it is already
decisive actually.
2 1 ...ihS
Van Wely analyses 2 1 ...f4 and comes to
the conclusion that 22.h4! gives White an
advantage. 22 ... �dB 23.ctJxf4! �xh4 24.Elh3!
�xf4 2s.hh7t Wg7 26.ctJfSt Wf6 27.Elh4!+-
22.lLlc7 if4
This does not seem necessary, but Black still
should not be worse.
23.�dSt WhB
23 . . . �f7 24.�xc6 he3t 2S.Wh 1 +-
This is, of course, the correct bishop to 44 . . . hS?
eliminate. As I said, Black's play has not been great. One
24 ...'sWxf4 2S.Ele1 move that was hard to understand was 43 ... a4,
Also possible was 2S.ctJxf5 ! ? ctJe7 26.�xd6 but that was hardly the only mysterious move.
�xd6 27.ctJxd6 Ela7 2B.lLle6 Elf6=. Now he chooses to keep the h-pawn on the
2S lLl eS
..• board. All endgame experts agree that when
Surely an improvement over 2S ... ElacB?? you try to defend, you aim for the exchange of
26.ctJe6 �h4 27.g3 ElgB 2B.ctJxf5+- Topalov - pawns. Here Black could probably have held a
Van Wely, Wijk aan Zee 1 999. draw with 44 . . . hxgS 4S.hxgS WfS 46. Wd4 WxgS
26.'sWd4! (46 ... e3 !? is perhaps even better.) 47.ctJxe4t Wf4
Necessary. White cannot accept the rook, as 4B.ctJc3 �d7 49.WcS We3 SO.ctJxbS Wd2 S 1 .ctJc3
Black would naturally ignore the knight on aB Wc2 and, with only one pawn remaining, White
and instead go for the king. 26.ctJxaB? ElgB ! ! should not be able to win this endgame.
27.�xgBt (Or 27.g3 Elxg3t 2B.hxg3 �xg3t 4S.gG Wf6 46.lLlxe4t Wxg6 47.Wf4 Wf7
29.Wfl (29.ctJg2 �f3) 29 . . . �f4t 30.Wgl ctJf3t­ 48.lLlg3 WgG 49.WeS
+ with a winning attack.) 27 ... WxgB 2B.� Now Black can no longer save the game. The
�h4 29.Elfl �gS-+, Van Wely. two weaknesses and the bad bishop seal his
26 ...'sWxd4 fate.
Now there follows a series of forced moves 49 ... ie8 SO.lLle2 . i f7 S 1 .lLlf4t Wg7 S2.lLl e6t
that leads to an endgame that Black plays quite WgG s3.lLld4 .ic4 S4.lLle6 .if! SS.lLlf4t Wh6
badly. Of course, we can all have bad days, but it S6.Wf6 .ic4 S7.lLl e6 .if! s8.lLld4
must feel terrible when you play correspondence 1-0
chess and have so many of them in the same
game. Finally, I will end this chapter with what I
27.cxd4 Elac8 2B.lLle6 Elfe8 29.dxeS Elxc2 believe will be a main line in the Sveshnikov
The Sveshnikov 8S

Sicilian in the future. An under-rated player The key idea is that if Black exchanges on dS
delivers a performance with White of which he then White would like to recapture with the
can be truly proud. He defeats one of Israel's bishop. The plan is that if White ends up with
younger stars in a convincing manner. knight vs. bishop, then dS and f5 are likely to
be rather weak squares.
Game 22 14 ...0-0 l S.J.g2 as
Jenni Avrukh
- This is clearly the main line. Other moves
Bled (ol) 2002 have been played, but I would not recommend
anyone outside the world's top SO players to try
l .e4 cS 2.tLJa tLJ c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLJxd4 tLJ f6 to memorise the differences between l S . . . 1:!b8
S.tLJc3 e S 6.tLJ dbS d6 7.J.gS a6 8.tLJa3 bS and l S . . . aS . The main point for White is that
9.hf6 gxf6 10.tLJdS f5 1 l .exf5 oixf5 1 2.c3 the same set-up is recommended against both
oig7 13.tLJc2 J.e6!? options.
1 6.0-0 f5
This specific line can of course be prepared
to a great extent, but many different moves
are possible all the time, and it is therefore
more important to grasp the essentials of the
position. I would not like to claim mastery
of the position, but I think that I can give a
few hints and ideas. First of all, I recommend
placing the queen in the centre, and out of the
way of the rooks. I dislike 1 7.\WhS as I do not
see a fair argument for attacking f5 already, and
I dislike 1 7.\Wd2 as this should be the place
of a rook, not the queen. [2006 - I still like
my recommendation quite a lot, but maybe
1 7.\WhS ! ? is better than I thought.]
The main idea here is to play tO c6-e7xdS
and liquidate White's pressure. The immediate
1 3 . . . tO e7?! was refuted by Ivanchuk with
1 4 . .id3 ! and White has a clear plus.
I think 1 3 . . . .ie6 is the move Black players
will be playing in the future. They have not
played it a lot for the last few years, but it
offers a relatively safe position with good
counter chances. I still prefer to be White, but
in such a reliable opening as the Sveshnikov
it would be too much to hope for to prove an
easy advantage for White in every line. That
I have come as close as I have is pure luck,
and was not something I thought possible in
1 4.g3! 17.'1We2! 1:!b8 18J�adl
This was played by Anand a long time ago, 1 8J�fdl is slightly more popular, but honestly
but Short made it popular with some good I prefer this one. Now an early ... eS-e4 can be
games, including a win against Kramnik. met by f2-f3 with much greater strength.
86 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

1 8 ...Wld7 White will be able to scrape the draw without

1 8 ... e4 1 9.f3!t any problems. However, this is far from an
1 9.f4!? e4 advantage for White.
1 9 ... c;Y;>h8!? 20.ctJce3 b4 looks like a sensible 23.1'!fdl 1'!fc8 24. .!t:l e3!?;!;
plan, but with the help of my computer I I really think that this is the way forward.
managed to find an idea that I believe is 24.g4 fxg4 25.ixe4 c;Y;>h8 was unclear in
unpleasant for Black. 2 U xe5 ! ? (2 1 .c;Y;>h l bxc3 Gruenfeld - Sutovsky, Israel 1 996.
22.bxc3 ctJe7°o Resika - Sallai, Budapest 2003.) 24 ... .ixa2
2 1 ...he5 22.ctJc4!t The following line shows Dorian Rogozenko in his book The Sveshnikov
how it is possible for Black to end up with a Reloaded gives 24 ... b4! as an improvement
weaker pawn structure, where the weaknesses for Black. This is undoubtedly correct, but
are on the light squares, which should be very it does not change the overall evaluation of
unpleasant. 22 ... bxc3 23.bxc3 l"i:fd8 24.ctJ de3 the variation as being unclear with practical
hc3 25.l"i:xd6 ixc4 26.ctJxc4 V'fff e7 27.l"i:e6 V'fff c 5t chances for both sides. The right way for White
28.c;Y;>hl ctJd4 29.l"i:e5 V'fff b 4 30.V'fff d 3± to continue seems to be 25.cxb4 l"i:xb4 26.l"i:xd6
20.ctJ ce3 .!t:l e7 if8 27.l"i:6d2 ! ? Dorian only considers 27.l"i:d8,
Black needs to fight for the centre. 20 ... b4 which seems to be slightly weaker. But then,
is strongly met with 2 1 .g4! bxc3 22.bxc3 fxg4 we are analysing the theory on move 27 by
23.ixe4t. now! 27 ... ixa2 28.g4! ib3 29.l"i:e l Both sides
2 1 .1'!d2 .!t:lxd5 22 . .!t:lxd5 has made some progress here and the position
holds mutual peril. Even the computer engines
seems to disagree about the evaluation. One
possible way for everything to go wrong for
Black is 29 ... ic5 30.c;Y;>h l ixe3 3 1 .V'fffxe3 ic2
32.gxf5 l"i:xb2 33.l"i:g l ! and White is left with a
winning attack.
25.1'!xd6 .ib3
25 ... �e6 is better according to Rogozenko.
The position appears to be double-edged still.
Fritz 8 now suggests 26.g4 ifS 27.l"i:a6 with
mutual chances. Only the future will be able to
tell us more about this position. We can only
toy with variations like 27 ... b4 28.l"i:xa5 bxc3
(28 ... ic5 29.mhl favours White.) 29.bxc3
l"i:c5 30.l"i:xc5 ixc5 3 1 .mhl fxg4 32.f5 ! ixf5
22 . . . Wlf7 33.ctJxf5 V'fffxf5 34.ixe4 and here the presence
22 ... b4! with the idea of 23.c4 b3 24.a3°o is of opposite coloured bishops is a feature of
probably the way to play Black's position. Right danger for the Black king. In this position,
here is probably the most difficult place to prove and others like it, it is plausible that Black
an advantage for White. I have looked at natural will be able to make a draw, but it is White
moves such as 24 ... l"i:fe8 25 .l"i:fdl V'fffa 7t 26.c;Y;>h l who is setting up all the threats on the 7'h rank
V'fffc 5 27.ctJe3 l"i:bc8 and now I can only manage and it is Black who will be sweating. From the
to prove a draw for White. 28.ih3 ! (28.l"i:xd6? pragmatic standpoint of creating an opening
ixc4 29.ctJxc4 V'fffxc4 30.V'fffh 5 V'fff f7 !t= because repertoire against such a solid opening as the
of the weakness of the b2-pawn.) 28 ... ixc4 Sveshnikov, I think this is quite an acceptable
29.ctJxc4 V'fffxc4 30.ixf5 V'fffxe2 3 1 .l"i:xe2 l"i:c2 achievement.
32Jhe4! l"i:xe4 33.ixe4 l"i:xb2 34.l"i:xd6 and 26. 1'! 1 d2
The Sveshnikov 87

One critical line is 28 . . . a4!? but analysis suggests

that this is not dangerous (28 . . . 1"lc5 29 . .ih3
.ia4 30.1"l7d5 and White wins. Probably White
was afraid of the a-pawn) 29 . .ih3 ! a3 (29 ... 1"lc5
30.�h5 �e8 3 1 .'lWh4 a3 32.tt:lxf5 +- and there
is no defence against the attack.) 30.bxa3 bxa3
3 1 .tt:lxf5+-.
28 ... axb4 29 .ih3 .ie6 30J�7d6 'lWfl 3 1 .1"lxe6

�xe6 32 .ixf5 �clt 33.Wg2 �b6 34.�d7


26 • • . b4?
This allows White to enter the 7 th rank, a very
careless admission. It was necessary to return
the bishop and start to protect the coming
weaknesses in advance with 26 . . . .ie6 27 . .ih3 !
(27.g4?! .ifS !oo 28.1"lxe6?! �xe6 29.gxf5 �h6+)
and now we have:
a) 27 ... 1"le8 28.1"lxe6 �xe6 29 . .ixf5 �b6
(29 ... �f6?! 30.1"ld7! 1"lbd8 (30 ... h6 3 1 .�h5 ! +­
will come and Black will not be able to defend
his king. Probably it will transpose.) 3 1 .tt:ld5! 35.�h5 �f6?
�fS 32.�h5 h6 33 .�g6 1"lxd7 34.tt:lf6t �xf6 35 ...1"lxd7 was the only move. However, after
35.�xe8t .ifS 36.�xd7+-) 30.'it>g2 (30.Whl 36.�e8t .ifS 37 . .ie6t! 'lWxe6 38.�xe6t 1"l0
1"lbd8 3 1 .1"lxd8 1"lxd8 32 . .ixe4 �e6 33.�f3 39.�xe4+- it is hard to believe that Black would
Wh8°o) 30 ... 1"lbd8 3 1 .1"ld5;!; 1"lxd5 32.tt:lxd5 �d6 survive.
33.�h5 WfS 34 . .ixh7± e3? 35.�f5t +- 36.lDd5
b) 27 ... 1"lfS!? Overprotecting f5. 28.tt:lc2 b4 One of many winning moves.
29.cxb4 axb4 30.tt:ld4 .ic4 3 1 .'lWf2;!; 36 �xb2t 37.@h3 �xd7 38.�xh7t

27J�d7 38 ..ie6t! WfS 39.hd7 +- was definitely

White is better. easier.
27 WffS 28.cxb4!?
.•. 38 @fS 39 ..ixd7 �c5

It is possible to understand this move, but not 39 ... 1"lh l 40.Wg4 1"lxh2 4 1 .�f5t was still
to fully approve of it. winning.
28.c4!± would quickly have made Black's 40.�g6 .id4 41 ..ie6
position fall to pieces, as .ia2 is out of play. 1-0
The Classical
-By Peter Wells

l .e4 cS 2.CLIf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.CLIxd4 CLI f6 Having co-authored a rather substantial
S.CLIc3 CLI c6 work on the Richter-Rauzer in 1 998, three
main questions sprang to mind as I embarked
on the project of constructing a repertoire for
White that is effective, efficient and internally
1 ) How much have the fundamentals of the
theory changed in 6 years?
2) How, even allowing for the advantages of
the repertoire format, will it be possible to be
able to condense such a chunk of theory into a
neatly proportioned chapter?
3) Lastly, even though my previous work
took a 'neutral' perspective, a certain emotional
attachment to the Black cause was inevitable,
and although I have played both sides, my
ailing memory has rendered outings with
The Classical Variation of the Sicilian has l .e4 something of a treat. How would I feel
one powerful and enduring appeal. Black's advocating the White side, trying to do damage
development is faster and healthier than in to the Classical Sicilian?
several other Sicilians, and this tends to afford Well, the reader will ultimately have to judge
some protection from the blustery winds of how I have risen to the task. The answer to
theoretical change. Of course fashion still takes question 1 varies greatly with different lines
its toll, but a certain stability over time can be - the system with 7 . . . a6 and 8 . . . h6 covered
expected here. in Game 24 has been entirely transformed by a
6.igS new and dangerous attacking idea. By contrast,
The Richter-Rauzer is the most respected the changes to theory in Games 25-27 are
antidote, and also combines aggression - early essentially those of detail.
pressure on d6 in particular which often obliges Never forget either, fashion in opening theory
Black to accept doubled f-pawns - with a degree moves in mysterious ways. This we shall witness
of solidity missing from, for example, the main right here in game 23. After 6 . . . id7 I sense a
lines of 6.ic4. One fundamental decision White drift from 7.ie2 towards the more voluminous
has is where to play his f-pawn. Throughout - theory of 7.\Wd2. I see no reason - let's keep
Games 3-5 - I have opted for f4 based systems, things simple!
in spite of a current surge of fashion for f3
followed by a kingside pawn storm. I strongly
suspect that these will better stand the test of Game 23
time, and that the strategic ideas are also easier Kotronias - Schwartz
to explain and to grasp. It also seemed important Philadelphia 2000
to create an internally consistent repertoire - it
is easier to get a feel for playing these positions l .e4 cS 2.CLIf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.l2hd4 CLI f6
if 'mix and match' is kept to a minimum. S.CLIc3 CLIc6 6.igS
90 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

9 ...gxf6 10.VNh5 gg8 l 1 .g3 gg5 12.�e2 a6

1 3 . .ld3 e6 14.f4 gg7 1 5 .�h5 VNb6 16.0-0-0
0-0-0 1 7.@b l @b8 I s.VNh4 when White has a
pleasant version of a structure which will become
very familiar - Topalov - Corral Blanco, Spain
2000.) 9.hf6 gxf6 1 0.ttJd5 �dS 1 1 .0-0 (also
1 1 .�h5 e6 12.ttJe3 a6 1 3 . .le2 �c7 14.0-0-0
.le7 1 5.@b l 0-0-0 1 6.f4 gdfS 1 7.gd3 @bS
1 8 .ghd l .lc8 1 9.a3 left Black passive in S.
Nikolic - Gufeld, Kislovodsk 1 968. With this
characteristic Rauzer doubled f-pawn structure
the knight on e3 is rather well placed for
restraining any counterplay.) 1 1 . . . .lg7 12.c3
0-0 1 3.VNh5 a6 14 . .lxc6 bxc6 1 5 .ttJe3 c5
6 .id7
. . .
1 6.gad l gb8 1 7.gd3 h6 I S.gfdl gb7 1 9.ttJxc5 !
The most frequently encountered, but by with decisive advantage in Korneev - Lopez
no means the only alternative to the main line Guerrero, Malaga 200 1 . This time the quality
6 . . . e6 of Games 24-27. The others I would like of the knight on e3 rather speaks for itselfl
to consider in approximately ascending order of c} 6 . . . �b6!? In common with other versions
importance: of this early queen sortie, this has enjoyed a
a} 6 . . . g6?! has a dubious reputation and this good deal of popularity in the last few years.
is pretty well deserved. In fact after 7 . .ixf6 exfG Clearly it raises a number of transpositional
Black's hopes of dynamic play to compensate his issues, especially as I am keen to avoid those
structural damage are not completely without main lines of the 7 . . . .le7 Rauzer (see games
foundation, but with careful handling should be 26-27) in which White plays an early ttJb3.
insufficient. For example, 8 . .ic4 .ig7 9.ttJdb5 These could easily be reached here by 7. ttJ b3
0-0 1 0.�xd6 and now: e6 S.�d2 .le7 9.0-0-0 0-0 etc. A bit undecided
a l } 1 0 . . . 5 1 1 .0-0-0 VNg5t 1 2.f4 VNh6 how best to combat this move, I will mention
1 3 .@bl fxe4 14.ttJxe4 .ig4 1 5 .gde l gad8 two possibilities, the first ambitious and
1 6.ttJf6t @h8 1 7.ttJxg4 VNh4 1 8.�c7 �xg4 relatively unexplored, the second positional, but
1 9 .ttJd6 with a dear plus in Goloshchapov - hopefully retaining some bite, and shifting the
Chernikov, Moscow 2002. battleground to a critical structure which will
a2} 10 . . . �a5 !? 1 1 .�c7 VNb4 12 . .lb3 5 recur throughout the chapter:
13.0-0-0 fxe4 14.ttJd6 also looks good for White,
since the complications arising from 14 . . . hc3
1 5 .bxc3 �xc3 16.ttJxf7 @g7? ( 1 6 ... �al t 1 7.@d2
�d4t 1 8.@e l �b4t 1 9.@f1 @g7 20.ttJg5t �e7
is better but still unpleasant for the defender)
1 7.ttJg5t @h6 1 8.�xh7t @xg5 1 9.h4t @f6
20.gd6t @e5 2 1 .�g7t and wins.
b} 6 . . . �a5 is well met by 7 . .lb5 ! . (In my
view this is considerably stronger than the also
popular 7 . .ixf6 gxf6 S.ttJb3 VNg5 ! for one good
reason. White's pieces ensure that Black's queen
will not become active by crudely but effectively
blocking off the more enticing squares.) 7 . . . .ld7
S.ttJb3 �b6 (Or S . . . �d8 9 . .ixf6 [9.f4!?J
The Classical 91

c l } 7.1i.e3 ! ? still seems to m e to b e interesting light squares. Nataf - Thorhallsson, Reykjavik

six years on, but it has not really found very (rapid) 2003. See also the superb game Almasi
many takers, despite further endorsement - Damljanovic, given under the note 'a to
from NCO! Critical can only be 7 . . . �xb2 Black's 7 th in game 26.
(not 7 . . . ctJ g4 S.ctJd5 ctJxe3 9 . fxe3 �a5t 1 O. b4 ! 14.E1hfl 1i.e7 1 5 .E1f3 E1dgS 1 6.1i.fl E1g4
winning material, while 7 . . . �c7 S . ctJ d5 looks 1 7.a3 1i.cS I S. ctJ a4! �c7 1 9 .�f2 b5 20.ctJc3 !
nice for White. 7 . . . a6 cannot be a major test Instructive, both how White forces this
either. White had a pleasant position after weakness, and the ferocity of the attack, which
S .�d2 ctJ xd4 9 .hd4 �c6 1 0 .1i.d3 e5 1 1 .1i.e3 he builds thereafter. 20 . . . �a7 2 1 .�e l E1hgS
1i.e6 1 2.f4 exf4 1 3.1i.d4 1i.e7 1 4.�xf4 0-0 22.a4 b4 23.ctJa2 a5 24.1i.b5 1i.b7 2 5 .hc6
1 5 . 0-0-0 E1acS 1 6.E1hfl ctJ d7 1 7. ctJ d5 1i.dS hc6 26.ctJxa5 ! A nice combination which
I S.c3 in Ivanchuk - Miroshnichenko, Antalya strips Black's king bare. 26 . . . �xa5 27.ctJxb4
2004) S . ctJ db5 �b4 9 .1i.d2 �c5 ! (9 . . . ctJ e4? @b7 2S.E1b3 �xa4 29.ctJxc6t @xc6 30.�c3t
1 0.a3 is a catastrophe for Black, which recently @d7 3 1 .E1blt @eS 32.�cSt 1i.dS 33.b3 1-0
befell so high-powered a victim as the young Alekseev - Kiselev, Tula 2002.
Georgian star Baadur Jobava. At least he had d} 6 . . . a6
the good grace to resign forthwith!) 1 0 .1i.e2!
( 1 O.1i.e3 repeats, while 1 0. ctJ c7t @dS l 1 .ctJxaS
ctJ g4 gives Black excellent compensation since
1 2 .�e2 loses to the acutely embarrassing
12 . . . ctJ d4 1 3 .�d3 ctJ e 5 ! ) 1 0 . . . �b6 1 1 .E1b l
�dS ! (an improvement over 1 1 . . . ctJ e5 ? 1 4.1i.e3
�a5 1 5 .E1b3 g6 1 6.E1a3 �dS 1 7.ha7 ctJ ed7
I S.f4! Balashov - Petrienko, Voronezh, 1 9S7)
and now I think the simple 1 2. ctJ d5 ctJ xd5
1 3 . exd5 ctJ e5 14.0-0 offers good compensation
since Black has no straightforward means of
developing. This still awaits a practical test,
although to be fair it has been Black as much
as White who has steered clear of it.
c2} 7 . ctJ b3 e6 S.1i.xf6 ! ? Before Black can play
. . . 1i.e7. I have to confess, I am not convinced is by no means bad, but since Black is
that these positions should give White a often liable to meet 7.�d2 with 7 . . . e6
theoretical plus and hence here and later in the it has no independent significance in the
book I shall always try to offer an alternative. majority of cases. However Black does have
However, it is invaluable to learn how to a distinctive idea, albeit a rather inferior one,
handle the structure with the doubled f-pawns in 7 . . . ctJxd4. This makes a certain sense when
and, in addition, White's position does seem White has already played 7.�d2. Indeed just
easier to handle in practice. S . . . gxf6 9.�d2 a6 such logic underlies the preference for 7.1i.e2! ?
1 0.0-0-0 1i.d7 1 l .f4 0-0-0 12.@b l @bS 1 3.1i.e2 i n the main game. However, after S.�xd4 the
h5 ! ? There is plenty of scope here for move follow-up S . . . e5 cannot be recommended. As
order flexibility. However, I suspect that it is a usual the price to pay for this weakening of
good sound instinct to answer 1i.e2 thus. One d5 is especially high in the Rauzer, and the
example of omitting this precaution - 13 . . . 1i.e7 inconvenience to White's queen is scarcely
14.1i.h5 1i.eS 1 5 .E1he l E1cS 1 6. ctJ d 5 ! exd5 significant in lines like 9.�a4t! 1i.d7 1 0.1i.xf6! ?
1 7.exd5 ctJe5 I S. fxe5 fxe5 1 9.E1fl f6 20.heS gxf6 ( 1 0 . . . 1i.xf6? ! allows the shot 1 1 .1i.b5 !
E1hxeS 2 1 .�d3 with a great superiority on the �dS 1 2.hdlt �xd7 1 3 .�b3 1i.e7 1 4 . ctJ d5
92 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

i.dS 1 5.0-0 0-0 1 6.l'!fd l and White has one White can also consider 10.i.e3!? ic6 and then
of those examples of minor piece superiority some solid move like 1 1 .l'!ad l , when the black
which are normally only seen in textbooks. pieces somehow look a bit wayward.
Kotronias - Kovalev, Debrecen, 1 992.) 1 1 .�b3 c) 7 . . . e6!? is rather a plausible response to a
b 5 1 2 .i.e2. White will follow up with ttJd5 developing move which in general terms may
with a safe plus. be viewed as rather modest. It has moreover
7 .ie2!?
• been greatly strengthened in recent times by
Exceptionally, since Black cannot switch to the discovery that there may be a nasty surprise
. . . e6 without complication (see 'c' below) , in store for White if he simply tries to head for
there is mileage here to the idea of castling the classic 'Rauzer structure' with the doubled
short with i.xf6, ttJ f5 and ttJ d5 in the air. This f-pawns. After S.hf6?!, a young Dutchman
plan is no longer high fashion, but still seems overturned the previously unquestioned verdict
to me to have a lot of bite. of theory by playing S . . . �xf6! and after 9.ttJdb5,
far from the promised '±' White was confronted
with 9 . . . 0-0-0! in D. Mastrovasilis - Berkvens,
Patras 200 1 , and shied away from 10.ttJxd6t
�bS l 1 .ttJc4 ic5 1 2.0-0 tiJe5 ! , which indeed
would promise Black excellent compensation on
the dark squares. Of course after others 9.tiJb5
makes little sense and Black was quickly better.
It is often the hallmark of a good novelty that it
seems startlingly obvious in retrospect!
Therefore White needs to look elsewhere.
Quiet moves like s . o-o or even S.�d2 are
unobjectionable, but S.tiJdb5 !? seems more
promising. E.g. S . . . �bS 9.a4! a6 1 0.tiJa3 �c7
1 1 .�d2! (Less common, but more incisive than
the routine 1 1 .0-0. White should force the issue
7 . . . a6 by piling immediate pressure on d6.) 1 1 . . .ie7
Four alternatives, one rather questionable, 1 2.l'!d l ! and now:
two of great importance, plus one that appears
to be a slightly inferior way of trying to reach
positions that could be arrived at a good deal less
a) 7 . . . �b6 is rather poorly timed as White has
S.ttJdb5! l'!cS 9.0-0 a6 1 O.hf6 gxf6 1 1 .ttJd5 �dS
12.ttJbc3 e6 1 3 .ttJe3. Again one of the virtues of
the move ttJd5 is that even if the knight is forced
to retreat, this is rather a good square. 1 3 . . . b5
14.a4 b4 1 5 .ttJal �b6 1 6.c3 a5 1 7.ttJc4 �c5
I S .ttJ c 1 ! with strong pressure against d6. Vogt
- Mascarinas, Polanica Zdroj 1 977.
b) 7 . . . l'!cS is probably just an attempt to reach
the critical positions considered under 'd' below.
It is just worth mentioning because after s . o-o
ttJxd4 9.�xd4 �a5. I rather suspect that as c 1 ) 1 2 . . . l'!dS is natural but a bit passive.
well as 10.hf6 gxf6 l 1 .a4 returning to line 'd', White can exploit the weakness of b6 with gain
The Classical 93

of time by 13.ltJc4 .ics 14 . .ie3! 1MfbS 1 5 .ltJb6!? l 1 .ltJb3! 1Mfa4 12.ltJc3 \Wb4 1 3 . .ib5 d5 14.a3
ltJ d7 1 6.0-0 0-0 1 7.f4 ltJ c5 IS . .if3 with a 1Mfd6 1 5.exd5 ltJe5 1 6.hd7t 1Mfxd7 1 7.dxe6
modest but pleasant initiative in Spassky - Hort, 1Mfxe6 I S .1Mfh5 with obvious advantage in
Moscow 1 97 1 . G. Shahade - Thorhallsson, Elbow Beach Club
c2) 1 2 . . . ltJe5!? played i n Lautier - Milov 200 1 .
Cap d'Agde 2002 is a more active defence d2) 9 . . . Ei:gS 10.ltJd5 ! ( a key move, and also
inviting serious complications. After 13.f4 the main response to 'neutral' Black options
ltJg6, instead of the slightly lackadaisical 14.0-0 on move 9) 10 . . . .ih3 1 1 ..if3 ltJ e5 12.ltJe3!
White should have played 14.ltJc4! d5 ! ? (All but ( 1 2.ltJf4 .id7 achieves little, and is usually only
forced. Not 14 . . . 0-0? 1 5 .e5 dxe5 1 6.bf6+-, used for purposes of repetition) 1 2 . . . .ih6! (of
while 14 . . . .ic6 1 5 .bf6 gxf6 16.f5! is also course 12 . . . .id7 is rather pliant, and White
very unpleasant.) 1 5.exd5 ltJxd5 1 6.ltJxd5 exd5 has a clear plan in 1 3 . .ih5 ! e6 14.f4 ltJc6 1 5 .f5
17.ltJe3!? (Wells - better I think than 1 7.1Mfxd5 with a dangerous initiative in Romero Holmes
.ic6 I S.ltJd6t hd6 1 9.1Mfxd6 1Mfxd6 20.Ei:xd6 - Cifuentes Parada, El Vendrell 1 996) 13.ltJdf5
f6! 2 1 .f5 ltJ e7! 22 . .if4 ltJxfS when Black is he3 14.ltJxe3 1Mfd2! (safer than 14 . . . 0-0-0
quite OK.) 17 . . . hg5 I S.fxg5 .ie6 19.0-0 with 1 5.i>hl .id7 1 6.ltJd5 Ei:deS 1 7.a4 f5 I S.b4 1MfdS
an unusual position and structure, but I think 19.exfS .ixf5 20.a5 Borriss - Sherzer, Santiago
slightly better chances. 1 990, when it is White's queenside play
d) 7 . . . 1Mfa5 !? is arguably the single greatest which looks much the more serious.) 1 5 .i>h l
challenge to White's set-up. 1Mfxd l 16.hdl .id7 17.f4 ltJc6!? (If 1 7 . . . ltJg4
I s.hg4! hg4 19.f5, Black can extricate his
bishop by means of 1 9 . . . .ie2 20.Ei:f2 .ib5 , but
the white knight on d5 will still be a fine piece
securing some advantage.) I S.ltJd5 Ei:cS 1 9.c3
and although the players agreed a draw here
in Ebeling - Krogius, Jyvaskyla 1 99 1 , Black is
rather short on counterplay.
d3) 9 . . . ltJxd4 1 0.1Mfxd4 Ei:cS (But not
10 ... 1Mfc5? 1 1 .1Mfxc5 dxc5 12.ltJb5! Short -
Anand, Amsterdam 1 992)

With 7 . .ie2 already on the board, the antidote

which was so effective against the premature
6 . . . 1Mfa5 makes little sense here, and this helps
to ensure that Black's queen will enjoy some
role along the 4th rank - perhaps with the move
. . . 1Mfg5, or else utilising the fact that a well-timed
exchange on d4 can be followed up with the
tempo gaining . . . 1Mfc5. Best in my view is S.bf6
gxf6 9.0-0! (9.ltJb3 1Mfg5 is quite playable for
Black) and now Black has tried several moves:
d l ) 9 . . . 0-0-0? cuts off the queen's retreat and when White has to choose between two
causes her severe discomfort after 1 0.ltJd5 e6 interesting options:
94 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

d3 1 ) 1 1 .lLld5 An interesting pawn sacrifice

courtesy of Beating the Sicilian 2, which initially
breathed life back into the then ailing 9.0-0. In
general White was able to generate substantial
play for a pawn, but the defender eventually
found an antidote in the form of 1 1 . . :�c5 (The
move-order 1 1 .. .a6, as once played by Dreev,
now seems inaccurate because of 12.1!iia7! as in
Dembo - An. Stojanovic, Turkey 2006. 1 2 ... 1!iic7
or 1 2 ... 1!ii b4 are both strongly met by 1 3.lLld5,
while 1 2 ... Jic6 allows White's positional dream­
move: 13.Jib5 !) 12.1!ii d2 ( 1 2 .1!iixc5?! Elxc5 leads
to an ending in which the bishop pair is likely to
really come into its own) 1 2 . . . 1!iixc2 1 3 .1!ii e 3 Jih6!
( 1 3 . . . 1!iic 5 14.1!ii b 3! Jig7 1 5 .1!iixb7 e6 1 6.Jib5! 16.1!ii g7?! is no more promising than it was
1!iix b5 17.1!iixcBt! is an elegant trick which above, but there is an additional possibility:
Vassilios Kotronias has had the opportunity 1 6.lLlb6! Elc7 (Perhaps Black should try
to reveal twice!) 14.1!iixh6 1!iixe2 1 5.1!iig7 ElfB 1 6 ... EldB!? with the idea that 1 7.1!iig7 ElfB
1 6.Elacl Elxcl 1 7.Elxcl Jic6 IB.lLlc7t i>d7 I B.lLlxd7 can now be met by IB ... i>xd7 - ed.)
19.1!iixfB 1!iixe4 20.1!iig7 i>xc7 and Black's queen 17.1!ii g7! ElfB 1 B.lLlxd7! (At this moment when
will return to g6, and White will be hard pressed Black must recapture with the rook. The king
to avert an ending in which his opponent enjoys should be kept in the centre, and weakening the
ample compensation for the exchange. back rank wins time too.) l B . . . Elxd7 1 9 .Elac l
d32) I l .a4! This now appears the more EldB 20.1!iixh7! (preventing . . . 1!iixe4 which
promising. If Black does not prevent it then there would grant the black queen a route back to g6
is a very simple but rather effective positional and effective defence) and White threatens to
idea of exchanging light-squared bishops on b5. double on the c-file, while Black will have great
If he does then the pawn sacrifice is enhanced. difficulty playing with any pieces other than the
1 1 . . .1!ii c 5 12.1!ii d2 and again a choice: queen. If this holds up, it should make a major
d32 1 ) 1 2 . . . Jig7 1 3 .Jib5 f5 14.lLld5 ! Jixb5 contribution to bolstering the reputation of
1 5.axb5 fxe4 1 6.1!iig5 Jif6 1 7.lLlxf6t exf6 7.Jie2.
I B.1!iixf6 1!iie 5 19.1!iixe5t dxe5 20.Elxa7± Hracek B.Jixf6 gxf6 9.lLlf5!?
- Heberla, Czech 2004. Exploiting the absence of the move . . . e6, this
d322) 12 . . . h5 1 3 .Jib5 Jih6 14.1!ii d3 e6 1 5.e5 ! at the same time prepares an interesting pawn
clearing the e4-square was no less unpleasant for sacrifice, as we shall see.
Black in Gallagher - Weindl, Switzerland 2004. 9 . . .'�fa5
d323) 12 . . . a6!? At this point I wrote in 1 99B Extraordinarily, Black's main alternative here
"the interpolation of a4 and . . . a6 benefits White is the 'un-developing move' 9 . . . JicB!? Somehow,
here in view of the weakened b6-square." Good even if the move makes sense, White can take
authorial waffle, but I had no idea of quite what some encouragement from the fact that his
specific importance this would turn out to be! opponent is that desperate to remove the knight
In fact, in the case analogous with the from f5 . After 1 0.a4 e6 1 1 .lLl e3 b6 12.0-0 Jib7
'refutation' of 1 1 .lLl d5 given above (see e3 1 ) the White has a choice of decent plans. 13.1!iid 2,
difference is probably decisive, although so far followed by Elad1 and lLlc4, or perhaps even
as I can see this has not yet been mentioned in more simply as in Stefansson - Zubarev, Las
the literature. After 13.lLld5! 1!iixc2 14.1!iie 3 Jih6 Vegas (Wch) 1 999, just 13.i>h 1 ! ? Jie7 14.f4.
1 5 .1!iixh6 1!iixe2 Now Black did himself no favours by 14 . . . 0-0?
The Classical 95

since the attack almost plays itself and after of the f7 guard' is not viable, as Kotronias'
1 5.ic4 mhS 16.Wh5 WeS 17.£5 tiJe5 l s .ib3 excellent combination shows.
granting the e4 square with I S . . . d5? was 19.93 c!iJ eS 20.hf7! c!iJxf7 2 1 .c!iJxe6 VNf5
already the last straw. 1 9.exd5 ic5 20.E1ae 1 E1gS 22.VNa4t mcs 23.bS!
2 1 .tiJe4 he3 22.tiJxf6 1-0. It seems unlikely The hallmark of a strong attacking player.
that the time consuming 9 . . . ics will solve White is in no hurry to recoup his material, but
Black's problems. After all, as I have said before, rather uses the powerful position of his knight
the knight is a good piece on e3! on e6 to spearhead a direct onslaught.
10.0-0 ixf5 1 l .exf5 VNxf5 12.c!iJdS 23 . . . c!iJ eS
Or 23 ... tiJg5 24.tiJxg5 fXg5 25.bxa6 mc7
26.E1ab 1 b6 27.Wb3 Wa5 2S.Wf3! and White
invades decisively.
24.bxa6! VNxe6 2S.axb7t mc7
25 . . . mxb7 is met simply with 26.E1eb 1 t mcs
27.Wa7 mating.
26.VNaSt md7 27.VNxdSt mxdS 2S.bS=VNt VNcs
29J�ab 1 c!iJd7 30.VNa7?!
30 . . . hS 3 1 .E:b7 E:h7 32.E:ebl h4 and Black
decided he had had enough, as 33.Wa5t meS
34.Wf5 is crushing.
Vintage Kotronias, in his element in such
attacking positions. White's compensation in
12 . . . mdS any case looks very believable, and my hunch is
Of course Black has to deal with tiJc7t and the there will not be too many takers for the cause
alternative 1 2 . . . E1bS also scarcely leaves castling of 7 . . . a6.
realistically on the agenda. One very powerful
attacker then built White's initiative effectively Game 24
with 1 3.ig4 Wg6 14.ih5 Wg7 1 5 .E1e1 E1gS Balashov - Makarov
1 6.g3 f5 1 7.c3 md7 l S.b4! e6 19.tiJf4 ie7 20.a4 Smolensk 2000
if6 2 1 .b5 in Vitolinsh - Grokhotov, USSR (ch) l .e4 cS 2.c!iJf3 c!iJc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.c!iJxd4 c!iJ f6
1 975. S.c!iJc3 d6 6.i.g5 e6 7.VNd2 a6 S.O-O-O h6
1 3.ig4 VNg6 14.i.hS VNg7 lS.E:e1 e6 1 6.c!iJf4
md7 17.c4!
There is no set formula for handling the White
side here. His strengths are his opponent's lack
of effective development and his own active
minor pieces. Given the positional costs of the
move . . . e5 , the knight also enjoys a de facto
outpost on f4. Still, as in the example in the
note above, it is a queenside pawn storm that
gives this initiative its extra bite.
17 . . J�dS I S.b4 VNgS?!
It is not easy to give Black good advice here,
although he might have preferred the immediate
I S . . . tiJe5. What is certain is that this 'changing
96 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

9. liJxc6!? advertisement for his dynamic chances. As

From the author's standpoint, this has been usual here White plays 1 2 . .!te2, directed against
a very tough decision. At the time when The . . . <LlhS, when Black can try:
Complete Richter-Rauzer came out ( 1 998) I
would have had no hesitation at all in building
a repertoire around the flexible and far from
innocuous retreat 9 . .!te3. Indeed, at that stage,
the line to be recommended here was little more
than a mildly eccentric backwater. Now it is the
height of fashion! I have to admit that there is
still a part of me that rebels against this exchange
on c6. Indeed there should be! It strengthens
Black's centre, enables him to effect the move . . .
dS under unusually secure circumstances, and
opens the b-file for action that potentially could
leave the white king most uncomfortable.
So what can White boast in return? Well, let
us note first that the b-file problems are for the
moment likely to be largely academic. Not only a l ) 1 2 . . . 0-0 1 3 .h4! ? (the older 1 3.�g3
is the b8 square well covered, this is unlikely �h8 14 . .!tc7 �d7 I S . .!teS �b7! 1 6.exdS
to change for a long time since the f4 bishop cxdS 1 7.E!d4 <Ll e8 1 8 . .!td3 .!tf6 of Nisipeanu -
is pretty difficult to dislodge. In fact this is a Ivanchuk, Las Vegas (Wch) 1 999 is to my mind
great piece - White enjoys a qualitative lead less convincing) 1 3 . . . E!e8 14.�g3 �h8 I S . .!tc7!
in development as well as a quantitative one. �d7 1 6 . .!teS .!tfS. Fressinet - Bacrot, France
The question is: Can Black neutralise this (ch) 2000 and now 1 7.�f4!? <Llg8 1 8 . .!thS ! E!a7
initiative? In essence, it boils down to dynamic 1 9.94! - Gofshtein, would have presented Black
vs. static features, and this usually makes for an with huge problems.
entertaining scrap. a2) 1 2 . . . <Lld7 has aspirations to control
9 . . . bxc6 10 ..!tf4 dS 1 1 .'iNe3! eS and maybe have the liquidating . . . .!tgS
Again White is able to find aggressive squares available too. White should try 1 3.h4! when
for his pieces, which at the same time restrict his after 1 3 . . . �b6 1 4.�g3 d4?! I S. <Ll b l �aS
opponent's mobilisation - an unusual and very 16.E!xd4 eS 17 . .!td2 �b6 1 8.E!c4 he already had
effective dark square influence is being exerted a significant advantage in Khalifman - Xu Jun,
along two sweeping diagonals. Still, advantages China-Russia Shanghai 200 1 . Black can try
in development have a habit of being rather a couple of improvements, but 14 . . . g6 which
transient, and Black to move now has a very has been suggested looks very dangerous too in
fundamental choice of ways to get his bits into view of I S.exdS cxdS 1 6.E!xdS ! exdS 1 7.<LldS
the game. with every prospect of winning back material
1 l . . . 'iNaS!? with a strong initiative. Also 1 3 . . . 0-0 failed in
Interestingly, even as my opinions about the dramatic fashion to 14.exdS cxdS I S ..!txh6! in
variation as a whole have fluctuated wildly, my Bauer - Chabanon, France (ch) 2003 since if
belief that this is the most promising try has I S . . . gxh6 1 6.�xh6 <LleS ( 1 6 . . . E!e8 1 7.E!d3 .!td6
stayed quite stable. Let us first take a look at 1 8.f4!) then 1 7.<Lle4! dxe4 (otherwise 1 8.<LlgS
the others: will be too strong) 1 8.E!xd8 E!xd8 1 9.E!h3 !
a) 1 1 . . . .!te7 represents Black's simplest mode when White has regained material and retains
of development, but the potency of the attack a powerful attack. The obvious problem with
which White can generate is in turn the best 1 3 ... eS? was demonstrated in Calistri-Badii,
The Classical 97

Paris 2005 : 14.i.xe5 ! ttJxe5 1 5 .exd5 Wic7 i.c5 1 7.Wie5 i.xf2 1 8 .i.f3 E&c8 1 9.E&d3 i.b6?!
( 1 5 ... Wid6 1 6.ttJe4! and 1 7.d6) 1 6.f4 and White and now White could have caused quite severe
regains the piece with a winning position. problems already with 20.ttJe4!.
b) 1 1 . . . i.b4 does not overly impress me. Since 12.i.e2! i.b4?!
1 2.a3 looks good, it is not even a legitimate It is easy to be wise after the event. In putting
move order for transposing to the main game. the question to this move, it is worth reminding
White has 1 2.a3!? i.a5 ( 1 2 . . . hc3 1 3.Wixc3 ourselves that it is only the extraordinary energy
ttJxe4 14.Wixg7 Wif6 1 5 .Wixf6 ttJxf6 1 6.i.e5! of White's solution that reveals its deficiencies.
me7 1 7.g4 favours White) 1 3.i.e2 0-0 14.e5 The problem is that after the coming exchange
ttJd7 ( 14 . . . hc3 1 5 .Wixc3 ttJ e4 16.Wie3 f6 1 7.f3 on c3, White's dark squared bishop (his pride
fxe5 1 8.he5 Wig5 was better for White after and joy in this variation) will attain new
the queen exchange in Degraeve - Apicella, heights and Black's inability to contest it will
France 1 999, but 1 9.f4! Wie7 20.i.f3 could compensate for a pawn and some inconvenience
have heralded a still more punishing response.) to the white king.
1 5 .Wig3 i.c7 1 6J�he l f6 1 7.i.xh6 Wie7 1 8 .i.h5 Two alternatives, the second of which is of great
he5 19.i.f4 i.xf4t 20.Wixf4 e5 2 1 .Wih4 E&d8 importance and for a time gave me serious pause
and Black's strong centre gave him counter­ for thought before advocating White's hyper­
chances in Mainka - Kritz, Hoeckendorf 2004. aggressive set-up:
However, while . . . f6 can be quite a potent a) 12 . . . Wic5 is all about driving away the
idea, Black really seems to me to lack a 'plan b'. queen in order to play . . . d4. However, positional
So why not play a move which really acts as a problems persist after 1 3.Wig3 d4 14.ttJa4 Wib4
deterrent to this pawn break. After 1 6.i.d3 ! ( 1 4 ... ttJxe4? 1 5 .Wif3 Wid5 1 6.c4!) 1 5 .Wib3 !
Wixb3 1 6.axb3 ttJd7 1 7.E&xd4 e5 1 8.E&xd7! i.xd7
19.he5 i.e6 20.E&dl i.e7?! (20 . . . E&d8 2 1 .ha6!
looks grim too) 2 1 .i.d6! a5 22.e5 !+- h5 23.i.f3
when White had a terrific grip, Balashov -
Kiselev, Russia 2000.
b) 12 . . . dxe4!? is a tough nut to crack.

1 6 . . . f6 1 7.Wig6 is really too dangerous,

while 'quiet' moves like 16 . . .Wie7 1 7.E&he l mh8
allow 1 8 .Wih3 ! and if now 1 8 . . . f6, the sacrifice
1 9.i.xh6 gxh6 20.Wixh6t mg8 2 1 .E&e3 he5
22.f4! is very strong.
c) 1 1 . . .Wie7 also makes a rather artificial
impression, especially when development deficit b 1 ) I have spent a long time trying to make
is Black's main challenge. Chandler - Bellin, 1 3.i.c4 work ( 1 3.ttJxe4 ttJd5 14.E&xd5 cxd5
Birmingham 2000 was typical. 1 2.exd5 cxd5 1 5 .ttJd6t is also not without some venom, but
1 3.i.e2 Wia7 1 4.Wig3 d4 1 5 .Wid3 i.d7 1 6.Wixd4 is at the same time unnecessarily speculative)
98 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

but had to bow to the inevitable after the consistent with White's fundamental strategy:
excellent reply 13 . . . �f5 ! 14.f3 ( 1 4.g4 ttJxg4 keep the black pieces at home! Lines like
I S .�b6 �xf4t 1 6.Wb l i.d7 1 7.i'!xd7 Wxd7, 1 6 ... i'!g8 1 7.f4!? i.bS 1 8.i.hS ! g6 1 9.f5!? look
Nataf, - Gershon, Bermuda, 1 999 is fun, and very promising, but the whole thing needs
after 1 8 .�b7t �c7 1 9.i'!dl t i.d6 20.hd6t practical tests.
Wxd6 2 1 .ttJe4t etc. White should have enough 13.i.e5! hc3
to draw, but not more) 1 4 . . . i.cS ! I S .�d2 0-0 1 3 . . . dxe4 is less ambitious, arguably less
16.fxe4 ttJxe4 17.ttJxe4 �xe4 1 8.i.d3 �a4 and consistent and also probably falls short of
Black holds the balance. Again 1 8.i.xh6!? should equality although the young Chinese talent Bu
lead to no more than a draw by perpetual. Xiangzhi's patronage gives pause for thought.
b2) 1 3 .�g3! is much more to the point, White retained a structural plus after 14.i.xf6
threatening 14.i.c7 and monitoring the g7- gxf6 I S .�xe4 We7 1 6.i'!d3 i'!a7 1 7.a3 hc3
pawn too. The real conceptual breakthrough 1 8.i'!xc3 in Degraeve - Lerner, Koszalin 1 999,
is that White is even willing to 'mend' his while 14.�g3!? i.xc3 I S .i.c7 hb2t 1 6.Wxb2
opponent's compromised structure in the �b4t 1 7.Wal ttJdS 1 8.�xg7 �f8 19.�d4 i.d7
interests of maintaining the momentum of his 20.i.g3 i'!g8 2 1 .c4 cS 22.�b2 ttJb4 23.a3 ttJd3
initiative. After 1 3 . . . ttJdS! 14.ttJxdS ( 14.i.eS 24.hd3 exd3 2S.i'!xd3 was a more punchy
ttJxc3 I S.hd3 �gst) 14 . . . cxdS I S .Wbl i.d7!? route to a good position in Ponomariov - Bu
Xiangzhi, Lausanne 200 1 .
14.ixc3 Wfxa2

he can try:
b2 1 ) 16.f3?! which was recommended
by Tsesarsky, who offered only the rather 15.i.d3!?
compliant 16 . . . exf3 1 7.i.xf3, when indeed it is The priority of course is that Black should
plausible that the opening of another file piles not be able to land a knight on e4, when his
more woe upon the defender. Unfortunately, counter-chances are real indeed! The huge power
the liquidation which accompanies the very of the bishop on c3 - especially in the context
natural 1 6 . . . i.bS ! 1 7.i'!he l he2 1 8.i'!xe2 exf3 of opposite coloured bishops - in conjunction
1 9.�xf3 i.e7 looks just fine for Black. White with the weakness of g7 are the grounds for
adapted sensibly in Zaragatski- Rau, Willingen White's tremendous idea. I have to admit, I have
2003 with 20.c4 0-0 2 1 .cxdS i'!fd8 22.i'!ed2 found no flaw with Balashov's play, but in later
exdS 23.i'!xdS �b6 24.i'!xd8t and a draw was encounters White has demonstrated alternative
agreed. methods of causing trouble too:
b22) 1 6.i.eS ! is strongly preferable, and a) I S .i.f3 0-0 1 6.b3! dxe4 1 7.he4 ttJdS
The Classical 99

I S.�xdS exdS ( 1 S . . . cxdS 1 9 .@d2! 'lMfa3 20.�d4) hopeless: I S.�xhSt @e7 19.cxd3! was an
19.Ei:he l �fS?! ( 1 9 . . . f6! is not so clear) 20.�b2 effortless day for White in Bromberger - Hen.
�g6? 2 1 .'lMfc3 f6 22.Ei:d4 1-0 Chanoine - Santo Hoffmann, Bundesliga 2006.
Roman, Paris 200 1 is obviously striking. While Is.VNxf6 d2t
Black could have defended much better, the I S ... �al t 1 9.@d2 �a4 20.@e3 ! - Balashov
potency of opposite coloured bishops for the - also seems to be good. Black can try 20 . . . �b7
attacker was very much in evidence. 2 1 .Ei:xd3 cS, but 22.f3 ! consolidates, and Black's
b) I S .f3!? 0-0 1 6.g4 Ei:dS ( 1 6 ... dxe4 1 7.fxe4 eS dark square misery continues unabated.
I S . b3! and capturing on g4 is too risky, although 19.@xd2 VNd5t 20.@cl VNg5t 2 1 .VNxg5 hxg5
White will enjoy a serious kingside attack in 2 1 . ..Ei:xgS !? 22.�f6 Ei:dS is tougher, although
any case) 1 7.gS d4?! ( 1 7 . . . �al t I S.@d2 Ei:dSt 23.c4 evicts the rook, with some positional
1 9.�d3 �a4 20.gxf6 exd3 2 1 .cxd3 'lMfh4! 22.fxg7 advantage guaranteed.
also clearly holds dangers for Black, but no clear 22 .if6 .ib7 23.h4! gxh4 24.Ei:xh4 c5 25.g4

win is in sight) I S.Ei:xd4 Ei:xd4 1 9.�xd4 'lMfa l t .if3 26.Ei:d3 .ie2 27.Ei:e3 .ifl 2S.g5
20.@d2 �xh l 2 1 .�dSt @h7 22.gxf6 �b7
23.�e7 cS 24.fxg7 �g2 (24 ... @gS is tougher,
but White is still winning after 2S .�h4 @h7
26.gSt� Ei:xgS 27.�f6 - Boto) 2S .�f8 �gst
26.@el eS 27.�xe5 Ei:xf8 2S.gxf8=� �xeS
29.'lMfxf7t �g7 30.�xg7t @xg7 3 1 .@f2 1-0.
E. Hossain - Mohammad, Bangladesh (ch) 2003.
IS dxe4 1 6.VNg3!!

The star move, and a graphic illustration of

the weakness of Black's dark squares which as we
shall see, persists deep into the endgame phase.
16 • • . exd3 17.VNxg7

Detailed coverage of the remainder of this

game is clearly beyond our scope given limited
space. Suffice to say that the dark-squared
bishop remains the star of the show, and Black
soon decides that a rook is a fair price to pay to
get rid of it!
28 @d7 29.c4 @c6 30.@d2 Ei:ad8t!? 3 1 .,ixd8
• • .

�xd8t 32.@c2 �g8 33.�g4 @d6 34.b3 �h8

35.g6 fxg6 36.�xg6 .ih3 37.�g7 .ifSt 38.@b2
@c6 39.�a7 @b6 40.�d7 @c6 41 .�d2 �hl
42.�g3 a5 43.Ei:g8 a4 44.�c8t @b7 45.�xc5
�blt 46.1!?a3 axb3 47.�b5t I!?c6 48.�xb3
17 . • . Ei:gS �cl 49.l!?b4 �hl 50.�a3 �bl t 5 1 .I!?c3 �el
1 7 . . . d2t does not help. Balashov himself 52.�a6t I!?b7 53.�a5 I!?b6 54.�b5t @c6
gives the nice line I S.@xd2 tiJ e4t 1 9.@e3 Ei:f8 55.�a2 �cl t 56.l!?d4 �dl t 57 .l!?e5 �el t
20.Ei:dSt @xdS 2 1 .�xf8t @c7 22.�eSt @b7 58.1!?f6 .id3 59.�a6t I!?c7 60.�c5t I!?b7
23.�b4t @a7 24.�c7 and wins. 61.�a3 .ic2 62.�a2
Threatening mate with 17 ... tiJ e4 is also 1-0
1 00 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

Game 25 17.WI'xc3 �xc3 1 8.bxc3 tlJa5 restricts White

Lastin - Spraggett to a modest edge, but 14.WI'd3!? is worth a
Moscow 2004 look too) 1 3.�d2 b4 1 4.tlJa4 tlJb8!? (after
14 . . J �a7 1 5 .�e3 Wl'a5 1 6.b3 j:'!b7 17.tlJd2
l .e4 c5 2.tDf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tDxd4 tDf6 5.tDc3 Black's compensation is rather effordessly
tD c6 6.ig5 e6 7.�d2 a6 8.0-0-0 id7 neutralised) 1 5.WI'd4 �c7 1 6.tlJb6 j:'!a7 17.@b l
0-0 1 8.tlJxd7 tlJxd7 1 9 .e5 j:'!c8 20.id3 tlJc5 was
Illescas Cordoba - San Segundo, Madrid 1 997
when 2 1 .f5 ! would have been strong.
a2) 1 1 . . . gxf6 is the main line and introduces
yet another version of the doubled f-pawn
structure. It bears obvious comparison with the
main game. White has withdrawn his knight
to 8, while Black's bishop is committed to the
relatively modest e7. Indeed there is a sense
that the Black position is a little passive in
comparison with the 9 . . . b5 lines. After 1 2.@b l
Wl'b6 13.f5 0-0-0 14.fxe6 fxe6 1 5 .g3 ! @b8
16.ih3 ic8 1 7.WI'e l j:'!he8 1 8 .tlJe2 we reach a
parting of the ways:

A flexible and popular developing move which

as we shall see does not yet commit Black to any
single set-up. Along with the 8 . . . h6 of Game
24, this is by far the most significant choice.
Others tend to be transpositional. The most
significant, 8 . . . ie7, is likely to lead to the main
lines of game 27.
9.f4 b5
One of the main lines of the Rauzer over
many years, this attempt to create rapid play
on the queenside without committing the e7
bishop has enjoyed a fluctuating reputation but
has also enjoyed the truly fierce partisanship of
a committed group of devotees. Chief among
these are the talented Croatian grandmaster a2 l ) 1 8 . . . tlJ e5 1 9.j:'!fl tlJc4 20.tlJf4 ifS
Zdenko Kozul and the wily Yugoslav Branko (20 . . . tlJ e3 2 1 .he6 tlJxd l 22.�xdl± completely
Damljanovic who have repeatedly shown the and unacceptably cedes the light squares)
enormous power latent in the black bishop pair 2 1 . �f2! Instructive. The exchange of queens will
following the exchange on f6. still leave White with enough targets in the Black
Two other moves also deserve detailed position. The priority in this strategy should be
consideration: given to restraint. 2 1 . . .�xf2 (2 1 .. .WI'b7 offered
a) 9 . . . ie7 10.tlJ8!? b5 more chances of counterplay, but 22.tlJd2! goes
1 1 .ixf6 and now: a good way towards nullifying this too) 22.j:'!xf2
al) 1 1 . . .ixf6 is not quite respectable. After f5 23.exf5 tlJ e3 (23 ... exf5 24 tlJd4!) 24.j:'!e l
1 2.WI'xd6 ie7 ( I 2 . . J '!a7!? is interesting. 1 3 .e5 tlJxf5 25.tlJg5 e5 26.tlJd5 tlJ d4 27.ixc8 j:'!xc8
ie7 14.WI'd2 Wl'a5 1 5.@b l ib4 16.tlJg5 ixc3 28.c3 tlJ e6 29.tlJxe6 j:'!xe6 30.tlJb6 1-0. Bruzon
The Classical 101

- Molander, Santo Domingo 2003. A snappy nasty accident on f7. Ziatdinov - Barbero,
victory for the talented young Cuban. Montpellier 1 994) 1 5 .:gdfl ! It is important
a22) I S . . . .ifS 1 9.�fl .ig7 20.ct:Jf4 and now: to free up the d l -square as a comfortable
a22 l ) 20 . . . .ihS 2 1 .c3 �e7 was Adams retreat for the knight. 1 5 . . . b4 1 6. ct:J d 1 �bS
- Timman, Wijk aan Zee 2004. White played (The recent trend has been for 16 ... hxg5 The
22.�f2(?!) which granted time for 22 . . . �deS so following sequence is almost forced. 1 7.hg5
that 23.ct:Jd4 could be met with 23 . . . ct:Ja5! and hg5 I S.ct:Jxg5 �a5 1 9. @ b 1 b3 ! 20.�xa5
some counterplay. As Adams himself points bxc2t 2 1 .@xc2 ct:Jxa5 This position has been
out the immediate 22.ct:Jd4! was better since reached a few times, including Senff-Baklan,
22 . . . ct:Jxd4?! 23.cxd4 is very pleasant for White, Cappelle la Grande 2006. The results suggest
while 22 . . . �deS 23 .ct:Jxc6t �xc6 24.�f2 again Black has just enough compensation to draw.)
represents a success for White's strategy of 1 7.@b l a5 I S.b3 ! . The key move. Since e3
constraint. is out of bounds due to the 'g5 situation'
a222) 20 . . . �c5 2 1 .c3 f5 (2 1 . . . .ih6 22.ct:Jd4 the knight is headed for c4 via b2. Black has
.ixf4 23.�xf4! makes limited sense as 23 . . . e5 tried:
can be met with 24.lDb3! and 25 .�h4 with b 1 ) I S . . . hxg5 ( 1 S . . . ct:J g6 ! ? 1 9.93 ct:J ce5 is
substantial positional plusses) 22.exfS exf5 met with the immediate 20.gxh6! although
23.�f2 b4 24.cxb4 ct:Jxb4 25 .a3 ct:J c6 26.�cl afrer 20 . . . ct:Jxf3 2 1 .:gxf3 ct:J e 5 ! ? this still might
�xf2 27.�xf2 ct:Jd4 2S.�d1 ct:Jxf3 29.:gxf3 and be Black's best choice) 1 9 .hg5 ct:Jxf3 (maybe
White retained a small advantage based on his 19 . . . .ixg5 20.ct:Jxg5 a4 (Gofshtein) 2 1 . ct:J b2
opponent's substantially damaged structure in axb3 22.cxb3 but both f7 and d6 remain
Kolev - Damljanovic, Skopje 2002 problems) 20.gxf3 hg5 2 1 .�xg5 �f6 was Acs
b) 9 . . . h6!? is also interesting. Black prepares - van der Wiel, Wijk aan Zee 'B' 2003, when
. . . g5 and control of the e5 square. Interestingly, 22.:gfg l ! ? �d4 23 . .id3 ! <lie7 24.f4 100ks good
recent attention has centred on White refusing to for White according to Acs and Hazai.
return the pawn lightly. The resulting positions b2) l S . . . a4 1 9 . ct:J b2 axb3 20.cxb3 �a5 ? ! . A
are, as we shall see, full of tension. 10 . .ih4 g5 !? mistake, which nicely illustrates the problem
(Rather than 1 0 . . . ct:Jxe4?! 1 1 .�e 1 ! ct:J f6 ( 1 1 . . . g5? of altering the delicate balance of force around
12.ct:Jxe4 gxh4 1 3.�c3 is a major accident) g5 . (20 . . . hxg5 2 1 .hg5 .ixg5 22.ct:Jxg5 :gaS is
12.ct:Jf5 �a5 13.ct:Jxd6t .ixd6 14.�xd6 �c7 (or better though either 23 . ct:J a4 or 23 . .ib5 look
14 . . . 0-0-0 1 5 .�d l ! �c7 1 6.�f2 ct:J e7 1 7 . .id3 quite promising) 2 1 .g6! fxg6 22 . .ixe7 @xe7
with a pleasant position) 1 5 .�d2 �xf4?! (In This exchange is pretty disastrous for the black
Izoria-Avrukh, Athens 2005, Black played the king. Not just d6 but also the dark squares on
tougher 1 5 ... 0-0-0 After 16 ..ixf6 gxf6, Avrukh the f-file become very exposed. The speed of
suggests 1 7.�h4 as promising.) 1 6.hf6 the denouement is still striking. 23.�d1 �c7
�xf6 1 7.ct:Je4 �f4 l S.ct:Jd6t @e7 1 9.93 �xd6 24.ct:Jc4 ct:Jxc4 25.hc4 ct:J a5 26.e5! d5 27 . .id3
20.�xd6 @xd6 2 1 .�f2 with a decisive plus in �c3 2S.�f4 1-0. Karjakin - Nijboer, Wijk aan
Guseinov - Mamedov, Baku 2002.) 1 1 .fxg5 Zee 2003.
ct:Jg4 12 ..ie2 ct:J ge5 13.ct:Jf3 .ie7 1 4.:ghg l !? Back to the main game with 9 . . . b 5 .
Initially played by Ziatdinov in a couple of 1 0.i.xf6
striking outings, this indirect defence of g5 Clearly the most principled continuation.
ensures that Black will not win back his pawn 10 . • • gxf6
so easily. Moreover, the considerable tension 1 0 . . . �xf6 is inferior due to I l .e5 dxe5
that arises in the position greatly restricts his 12.ct:Jdxb5 �dS 1 3 . ct:J d6t .ixd6 1 4.�xd6
options, and f7 is potentially very vulnerable. exf4 when either 1 5 .ct:Je4!? or 1 5 .ha6 �xa6
14 . . . b5 ( 1 4 . . . �gS? 1 5 . .ig3 ! hxg5 1 6.ct:Jxe5 1 6.ct:Jb5 �a7 1 7.ct:Jxa7 ct:J xa7 I S.�d4! ct:J c6
ct:Jxe5 1 7 . .ixe5! dxe5 lS ..ih5 heralds a 1 9.�xg7 � fS 20.�d2! offer good chances.
1 02 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

For all these reasons I am more inclined

towards the solid 1 3 . . . �c5 !? eg 14.i.d3 h5
1 5 .�e l ! ? (Only now. The tempo expended on
. . . h5 means that Black can no longer get the
level of counterplay described in Nijboer - Acs
above. Waiting for . . . h5 to play this queen move
seems like a fair rule of thumb.) 1 5 . . . 0-0-0 (If
now 1 5 . . . i.e7 16.lLle2 e5 1 7.h4!? (fixing the h5-
pawn in order to target it) 1 7 . . . a5 I S.lLlg3 'i!?d7
1 9.i.e2 E1agS 20.i.f3 a4 2 1 .lLlxh5 a3 22.b4!
�c4 23.g4 with clear advantage Kosteniuk -
Bu Xiangzhi, China-Russia, Shanghai 200 1 .)
1 6.E1f1 i.h6!? 1 7.fxe6 fxe6 I S.E1xf6 �e5 19.�f2
i.b7 ( 1 9 . . . i.e3?! is risky due to 20.�xe3 �xf6
2 1 .a4! (2 1 .�b6 i.b7 22.i.xb5 axb5 23.lLlxb5
l 1 .'i!?bl %Yb6 12.<llhc6 ixc6 13.f5!? E1d7 is just a draw after 24.lLla7t etc) 2 1 . . .�e7
For a long while 1 3 .�e l has been the most 22.axb5 axb5 23.lLlxb5 with promising
fashionable move here. The claim is that by compensation) 20.E1£7 E1hfS 2 1 .a3 E1xf7 22.�xf7
floating the idea of lLl d5 into the equation, E1fS 23.�g6 i.e3 24.i.e2 and although Black
White forces his opponent to make some kind has some activity for the pawn, there are still
of concession. It has been a long haul for me enough weaknesses for White to aim at too.
towards the conclusion that, while Black may Lastin - Palac, Panormo 200 1 .
enter this system with high hopes of a more Kozul, the main specialist i n this line, has
than usually active role for his king's bishop, in recently favoured 1 3 ... h5 The idea is 14.fxe6
many cases the unpretentious e7 is not such a fxe6 1 5.�f4 �c5 16.�xf6 E1h6 as in Svetushkin­
bad square and slightly misplacing the queen in Kozul, Turkey 2006. Black certainly has some
order to coax it there is not necessarily best. dark-squared compensation but his king
Specifically Black's counterplay in the position is also somewhat insecure.
variation 1 3 . . . i.e7 14.£5 �c5 1 5 .i.d3 b4 14.lLle2 e5
1 6. lLl e2 a5 (!) (likely to replace the older 16 . . . e5 This has been played on several occasions,
which aims to restrict White's knight, but in and a sneak look back through my private
fact offers it a choice of promising routes via files suggest that a couple of years ago I spent
g3 or c 1 ) 1 7.fxe6 fxe6 I s. lLl f4 �e5 1 9.E1f1 a4 a while on this variation without so much as
20.i.c4, Nijboer - Acs, Wijk aan Zee 2003, suspecting Lastin's superbly economical novelty
when by flicking in 20 . . . a3 ! it seems that White on move 1 7. Taking the pawn is also a serious
could be caused some embarrassment. Hence option, but White's compensation looks quite
we shall try to expend no tempi on moving the attractive enough to recommend the line, and
queen, even if it is necessary to sacrifice a pawn indeed there may even be a decent choice after
in the process. 14 . . . he4 1 5 .fxe6 ( 1 5 .lLl g3!? is interesting but
13 . . • b4 untested. Acs and Hazai consider 1 5 . . . i.b7 [or
Highly committal. There is the danger that if 1 5 ... i.d5 16.lLlh5 0-0-0 1 7.lLlxf6 i.b7 I S.fxe6
Black is not actually taking on e4 then the text fxe6 1 9.�e2 d5 20.g3. The bishop pair is scant
may merely be driving his opponent's knight to compensation for the weakness of e6.] 1 6.fxe6
a better square, offering White's bishop more fxe6 1 7.�e2 although after 17 . . . 'i!?d7!? I would
promising options than d3 and rendering any be happier if the pattern of White's further
future . . . 0-0-0 highly problematic. Rather a development was clearer) 1 5 . . . fxe6 and now
menu of drawbacks for any move to bear. there are two good choices:
The Classical 1 03

Another example of a novelty of 'why didn't
I think of that' simplicity! Moving the queen
immediately takes the sting out of defences based
upon the activation of the bishop commencing
. . . ih6, while White has nothing to fear from
17 . . . ib5?! since the exchange of light-squared
bishops is near the top of his menu of positional
17 . . . a5 1 8.tLJxh5 �e7 19.g4 a4 20.l"i:h3!
Another excellent move with both defensive
and aggressive designs.
20 . . . a3 2 1 .b3 l"i:c8 22.Y;Vg2!

a) 16.lLlf4 d5 (or 16 . . . b3 !? 17.axb3 �xb3

18.id3 ixd3 19.1Llxd3 �c4 20.l"i:he l e5 2 1 .lLlb4
- Acs/Hazai, again with definite compensation)
1 7.id3 0-0-0 1 8.he4 dxe4 19.�e2 l"i:xd l t
20.l"i:xdl e 3 2 1 .�f3 id6 22.lLlxe6 l"i:e8 23.lLld4
ic7 24.g3 and White has a light-square
advantage, although until he can round up the
e3-pawn there will always be tricks. Sadvakasov
- Yermolinsky, Stratton Mountain 2000.
b) 16.�f4!? f5 ( 1 6 . . . d5 1 7.�xf6 l"i:c8 1 8.lLld4
l"i:g8 19.id3 ! -Acs/Hazai.) 17.lLlg3 �c6 1 8.lLlxe4!
�xe4 19.�d2! was Acs - Duppel, Germany
2000, when after the best defence 1 9 . . . �c6!?
20.ie2 l"i:g8! Acs and Hazai give 2 1 .l"i:he l but I
also like the look of 2 1 .if3!? d5 22.l"i:he l 0-0-0 Now Black is also helpless against ic4, almost
23 .l"i:c I ! and the coming c4 break will cause a real always a powerful move in this variation if it can
headache, en passant notwithstanding. be effected safely. The speed with which White
15.lLlg3 h5 16.M! Y;Vc5 accumulates almost every advantage imaginable
Damljanovic's latest try was the pawn against a player of Kevin Spraggett's calibre
sacrifice 16 ... ih6!? 17.�xd6 l"i:d8 1 8.�xd8t is quite awesome and an excellent advert for
�xd8 19.1"i:xd8t \tlxd8 20.lLlxh5 he4 (Black Lastin's treatment.
also had enough compensation after 20 ... \tle7 22 . . . Y;Vb6 23.�c4 �b7 24.Y;Ve2 l"i:g8 25.g5 fxg5
2 1 .id3 ie3 in Bologan - Kotronias, Warsaw 26.f6!
2005.) 2 1 .lLlxf6 ixf5 22.ha6 ie6 23.ie2 \tle7 The rest is a massacre and requires little
24.l"i:f1 ie3 25.g3 id4 26.lLle4 ih3 27.l"i:f6 ie6 comment. A very powerful display, and I suspect
with the bishop pair spearheading quite decent we shall see a good deal more of these treatments
compensation. However, 17.�e2!? looks very without an early �e l in the future.
plausible here too. This was tested, without any 26 . . . �f8 27.l"i:g3 �xc4 28.bxc4 Y;Vc6 29.hxg5
clear conclusion, in G. Guseinov - Kotronias, �a6 30.Y;Vd2 hc4 3 1 .Y;Vxb4 Y;Vxe4 32.�b3
Moscow 2005: 17 . . . \tle7 1 8.lLlxh5 �b7 1 9.1"i:el Y;Vc6 33.�xa3 d5 34.tLJg7t \tld7 35.�a7t \tlc8
b3 !? with an unclear position that was eventually 36.Y;Va5 �c5
drawn. 1-0
1 04 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

Game 26 Kasparov's stamp of approval. B.O-O-O!? �xd4

Dolmatov - Makarov (B . . . a6 9.tLlxc6!? bxc6 1 0.ic4! ie7 l 1 .ib3 ib7
Samara 2000 ( 1 1 . . .e5 1 2.ixf6 gxf6 13.f4±) 1 2.f4 EldB 1 3.f5
e5 14.g4! h6 1 5 .ixf6 gxf6 1 6.cj{bl was terrific
l .e4 c5 2.lLl6 lLl c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lLlxd4 lLl f6 for White in Vorobiov - Avrukh, Moscow 2002.
5.lLlc3 d6 6.J.g5 e 6 7.YNd2 J.e7 The only mystery here is why there have been
With the customary apologies to historical few imitators; the idea looks very fine.) 9.�xd4
record I have fiddled with the move order. tLlxd4 1 0.Elxd4 a6
In fact Makarov chose 7 . . . a6 B.O-O-O tLlxd4 Of course, the simplification may not be to the
9.�xd4 ie7, but it useful to invert this in order taste of those who like a quick knock-out, but
to deal conveniently with a number of minor this is definitely one of the set of Rauzer endings
lines commencing 7 . . . ie7 here. First though, in which I find it inconceivable that White's
this seems like a good moment to consider space advantage should count for nothing. In
various other 7th move choices: particular, bear in mind the weakness of b6.
a) 7 . . . h6 does not impress. As we have seen,
every Rauzer player should be ready to play the
familiar structure with the doubled f-pawns
under certain circumstances, but the enthusiasm
for it embodied in this loss of tempo is regarded
as slightly eccentric. White secures good play
with something like an extra tempo over lines
considered under Game 23 note c2 to 6 . . . �b6.
In Z. Almasi - Damljanovic, Cacak 1 996, White
gave a convincing example of how to handle this
structure after B.ixf6 gxf6 (B . . . �xf6? 9.tLldb5)
9.0-0-0 a6 1 0.f4 id7 1 1 .cj{ b l �b6 12.tLlb3
0-0-0 1 3.ie2 cj{bB?! (Black should at least try
to prevent White's next by 1 3 . . . h5, although
14.h4!? looks appealing then when the h5-pawn
is distinctly vulnerable.) 14.ih5 ! Elh7 1 5 .Elhfl b l ) 1 1 .ixf6!? gxf6 12.tLla4 id7 13.tLlb6
icB 16.�e2 �c7 (if 1 6 . . . ie7 then 1 7.tLld5! EldB 14.tLlxd7 Elxd7 1 5 .ie2 ElgB 1 6.g3 ih6t
is strong - a common motif in such positions) 1 7.cj{bl cj{e7 I B .Elhd l ElcB 1 9 .El l d3 Elc5 is
17.tLld4 tLlxd4 I B.Elxd4 ig7 1 9.Elc4 �e7 20.5 not terribly exciting, with undeniable drawish
ElhhB 2 1 .�d3 ElhgB 22.a3 and all activity and tendencies, but there are pretty well only two
life is being squeezed out of Black's game. A rosy results in play which will appeal to those who
version of how to handle this structure, but the like to play very safe. It is unlikely to appeal to
f4-5 plan has featured many times, and this Black! J. Fernandez Garcia - Estremera Panos,
model execution is a useful game to know, as Spain (ch) 2002.
well as a warning against 7 . . . h6. b2) 1 1 .6 id7 12.tLla4(!) was Kasparov's
b) 7 . . . �b6 poses questions for our repertoire contribution which, as is customary, set the
built as it is around 9.f4 rather than 9.tLlb3 in stage for subsequent tussles. Critical is probably
the main line of game 25. Here White can again 12 . . . d5 ( 1 2 . . . e5 13.tLlb6! favours White, whose
consider B.ixf6 likely to transpose to positions knight by one route or another will enjoy the
dealt with under the note to 6 . . . �b6 to game excellent outpost on d5; while after 1 2 . . . ic6
23. However, as I said there, I am quite keen 1 3 .tLl b6 EldB 14.tLlc4 ie7 1 5 .tLl a5 ! ElcB 1 6.Elb4!
not to force these difficult positions upon the d5 1 7.tLlxc6 bxc6 I B.Elb7 tLld7 19.id2!. White
reader. So another alternative with Garry was richly rewarded for his creative manoeuvres
The Classical 105

in the influential Kasparov - Mchedlishvili, opponent's structure with 1 1 .i.xf6 is by far the
Bled (01) 2002) 13.exd5 ctJxd5 14.i.c4 i.xa4 more popular choice. In particular a word on
1 5 .i.xd5 exd5 1 6J''1xa4 f6 1 7.i.e3 �f7 1 BJU 1 two on the popular tries which in my view 'just
b5 19.1"1ad4 i.c5 20.l"14d3 he3t 2 1 .l"1xe3 l"1heB miss' for White:
22.l"1de 1 l"1xe3 23.l"1xe3 l"1eB 24.l"1xeB �xeB 1 1 .hf6 gxf6! ( 1 1 . . .hf6? 1 2.e5 dxe5
25.�d2 �d7 and Black held the pawn ending 13JWc5 ! ( 1 3 .�e4! is also very strong) 13 . . . i.d7
in Volokitin - Gershon, Bermuda 2003. 14.ctJxb5 ! meeting 14 . . . axb5 with the
It might be worth checking out 13 . .ixf6!? devastating 1 5 .l"1xd7! , while if 14 . . . i.e7 simply
though. After 1 3 . . . gxf6 14.exd5 White's 1 5 .ctJc7t �f8 1 6.�xe5 is very strong according
coordination may suffer a little after 1 4 . . . e5 to Kasparov.) and now:
1 5 .l"1h4, or 14 . . . i.h6t 1 5.�b1 e5 1 6.l"1c4! b5 a) 12.i.e2 �c7 13.f5 �c5 14.fxe6 fxe6
1 7. ctJ b6, but whether that will amount to full 1 5 .�xc5 dxc5 1 6.i.h5t �f8 1 7.e5 f5 1 B.g4!
value for Black's investment is rather more was a line which put me off the black side of
doubtful. this variation for some time. White opens the
Now we return to the main game after position against the bishop pair to embarrass the
7 . . . i.e7. black king and to prise open nice squares for his
knight. However, with precise defence it seems
that Black can neutralise the White initiative,
and with precise handling the bishops can still
be a major defensive asset. 1 B . . . l"1a7 1 9.9xf5
exfS 20.ctJd5 i.g5 t 2 1 .�b1 i.e6 22.l"1hg1 l"1d7!?
(also Curt Hansen's 22 . . . l"1gB 23.ctJf4 i.c4!
seems tough to refute since 24.b3 is well met
with 24 . . . i.xf4!) 23.l"1xg5 l"1xd5 24.l"1xfSt �e7
25 .l"1g5 l"1gB 26.l"1xgB l"1xd 1 t 27.i.xd1 hgB
2B.i.g4 i.e6 29.i.8 i.f7 and this ending should
be a draw Grischuk - Grosar, Batumi 1 999.
b) 1 2.e5 d5 13.�b 1 i.b7 14.f5 has been ultra­
trendy lately and is certainly the fiercest weapon
at White's disposal. However, after 14 . . . fxe5
1 5 .�xe5 i.f6 1 6.�g3 �e7 1 7.fxe6 fxe6 1 B .i.e2
B.O-O-O a6 h5
B ctJxd4 9.'1Wxd4 0-0 is a quite legitimate
• • .

transposition of moves leading to Game 27,

while 9 . . . b5 10.f4 leads back to the main line
9.f4 tiJxd4 10.Wixd4 b5!?
Almost unheard of just 10 years ago, this has
already become another major Rauzer system,
which has at any rate defied all the more brutal
early attempts to kick it into touch. For this
reason a solid system will be advocated here,
heading for the doubled f-pawn structure but
with due preparation.
1 1 .ie2!?
This requires some explanation since
immediately inflicting damage on the
1 06 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

I do find myself disturbed at the large number asset in the bishop ending. Malakhov - Blehm,
of positional concessions that White is required Cappelle la Grande 2000.
to make. The position reminds me of the material b) 13 . . . gxf6! 14.f5 and now:
of game 24, a true battle between strategic and
dynamic features, and yet there it is somehow
more believable that White's initiative is durable
and represents genuine compensation. It is true
that the clever break 1 9.a4 is still troublesome
for Black since 19 . . . h4 is met by 20.ltJe4!
dxe4 2 1 ."lWxg6t "lWfl 22."lWxf7t and White
recoups the piece with interest. However, I am
attracted to the deflecting 19 . . . h4!? of Kovalev ­
Supatashvili, Leon 200 1 . 20."lWg6t "lWfl 2 1 ."lWd3
when 2 1 . . . 0-0! ? was OK, and even 2 1 . . . bxa4
looks worth a look. I offer this so that the reader
has a starting point for keeping pace with shifts
in high fashion, but personally speaking I am
fundamentally sceptical about White's position.
1 l . . . .ib7 12 .10
• b l ) 14 ... E1cS I S .c;t>b l "lWc7 1 6."lWd2 hS (?!) My
What has this manoeuvre achieved? Well, hunch is that the weakness of g6 outweighs
the e-pawn is well defended and the e2 square the coverage of the hS and h6 squares. 1 7.fxe6
cleared for the knight, both useful preparations fxe6 I S.ltJe2 ifS 19.1tJf4 striking at the dual
for the familiar strategy of pushing f5 against weaknesses on e6 and g6. Again, I am struck by
doubled f-pawns, and also as we shall see, handy how the b 7 bishop would be happier never to
too if Black wishes to keep his structure intact. have moved. 1 9 . . . c;t>fl 20."lWe2 h4 2 1 .E1hfl ie7
More subtle, but no less important, the whole 22.ihSt E1cxhS 23.ltJxhS "lWc4 24."lWxc4 bxc4
plan with fS seems far more effective with 2S.ltJxf6! c;t>g6 26.eS ixg2 27.E1fe 1 dS 2S.E1d4±
Black's bishop already committed to b7. Indeed Kreiman - Mainka, Bad Zwesten 1 995.
it was this nuance that finally persuaded me that b2) 1 4 ... E1c4!?, gaining a tempo to double
this set-up was worthy of the repertoire. on the c-file I S ."lWd3 "lWc7 1 6.fxe6 ( 1 6.ltJe2!?)
12 . . . Wfc7 1 6 ... fxe6 1 7.ltJe2 "IWcS I S.c;t>b l ! "lWeS 19.1tJd4 hS
Or 1 2 . . . E1cS 13.ixf6 and now: (Again I am not convinced by this move. Shirov
a) 1 3 . . . ixf6?! attempts to cross White's gives 1 9 .. icS ! ? However, White will build
plans. Black doesn't even lose a pawn, but as is with g3/.tg2 etc and Black lacks counterplay.)
often the case in the Sicilian, the move . . . bS, 20.E1he l c;t>d7 2 1 .g3! E1gS? 22.ig2 E1g4?! 23.ltJf3
so useful in the middlegame, gives White a "lWcS 24.ltJd2!± E1a4 (24 ... E1d4? 2S.ltJb3!)
handy target for operations in the ending after 2S .ih3 E1gS?! 26.ltJ f3 E1g7 Shirov - Pelletier,
1 4."lWxd6 VNxd6 I S .E1xd6 ixc3 1 6. bxc3 E1xc3 Elista (01) 1 995, when 27.b3 ! E1aS 2S.ltJd4 E1g4
1 7.E1hd l 0-0 I S.E1d7! ics ( 1 S . . . .tc6 1 9 .E1c7 b4 29.ixg4 hxg4 30.c3 - Shirov, would have been
20.E1d4 ibS 2 1 .E1xc3 bxc3 22.a4 ifl 23.c;t>dl immediately decisive.
E1cS 24.c;t>e l ic4 2S .ie2 ixe2 26.c;t>xe2 also Of course these examples are not clear-cut,
left Black very overstretched in the rook ending but the simplicity of White's plan and the
in Chandler - Fernando, Santo Antonio 200 1 ) economy of force with which he can attack on
1 9.E1a7 E1eS 20.E1d4 c;t> fS 2 1 .c;t>b2 E1cS 22.eS the light squares suggest that this is a promising
E1e7 23.E1dSt E1eS 24.E1d3 ! E1e7 2S.E1xe7 c;t>xe7 approach. The main game provides further
26.E1c3 ! E1xc3 27.c;t>xc3 c;t>d7 2S.c;t>b4 c;t>c7 promising evidence.
29.c;t>cS and White's superb king is a decisive 13 ..ixf6 gxf6 14.5 h5
The Classical 107

Yet again, this does not seem strictly necessary. but now they take on an added ferocity. White
However, the complexity of Black's defensive answers threat with counter threat, and the
task is rather reflected in the complete lack of momentum never dies down!
agreement among commentators. There is in 24 . . . Wfb6 25.a5 Wfb5 26.Wff7! E1d7 27.Wfxf6
particular no consensus around whether Black E1e8 28.ttle7 �b7 29.�xb7 Wfxb7 30.Wfxe5
should be looking to castle long, or whether his �xd6 31.ttlc6t
rook belongs on cB. If it was a check on h5 Black 1-0
feared, then I think the text was questionable.
After 14 . . . E\cB 1 5 .fxe6 fxe6 neither 16.�h5t Game 27
�d7 nor 1 6.�g4 �f7 1 7.�h5t �g7 1 B.e5 Iordachescu - Campos Moreno
( l B.�g4!?=) lB . . . E1fdB ! . Linares 2000
G. Garcia - Smirin, New York 1 997 really
convinces. However 1 5 .�d2!? looks interesting. l .e4 c5 2.ttlf3 ttl c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttlxd4 ttlf6
White will follow up with �b1 and 4J e2, while 5.ttlc3 d6 6.�g5 e6 7.Wfd2 �e7 8.0-0-0 0-0
if 1 5 . . . �c4?! 1 6.�b 1 b4 17.4Je2 �xe4 1 B.�xe4 After B ... ttlxd4 9.�xd4 a6 was covered in
�xe4 19.4Jg3 �c6 20.fxe6 fxe6 2 1 .E1he l �f7 game 26, while 9 . . . 0-0 is also a quite legitimate
22.�e2 d5 23.4Jf5 gives a strong attack. The move order, but since it is designed primarily to
argument against 14 . . . E1cB might indeed be circumvent lines with B . . . O-O 9.4Jb3, it causes
that . . . 0-0-0 was needed in reserve! no inconvenience to our proposed repertoire
1 5.fxe6 and White should just return to the main game
I see no special objection to this exchange, with 10.f4.
but White could also keep the tension, since
after 1 5 .�b 1 �c5 16.�xc5 !? dxc5 1 7.fxe6 fxe6
1 B.4Je2! h4 1 9.4Jf4 100ks quite promising, as in
Herrera-Fernando, Havana 2003.
1 5 ... fxe6 16.�bl O-O-O?!
As we have seen, where to put the king is a
riddle with no easy answer for Black in this
line. However at this particular moment
there is no impediment to White immediately
compromising the king's new home, and we can
give a fairly unambiguous assessment of this
17.a4! d5
Looks a bit desperate, but stronger than the
horrible 1 7 . . . bxa4 1 B.�xa4 when I B . . . E1hgB
19.�b3 ! �d7 20.4Ja4! - Gofshtein, illustrates 9.f4 ttlxd4
one danger lurking! Black can also put the question to White's
I B.exd5 b4 19.4Je2 �bB?! bishop immediately with 9 . . . h6, hoping to find
For better or worse, 19 . . . �xd5 had to be tried. situations in which its unprotected status on h4
White has a positional plus based on Black's will become a real issue. In addition, whereas
light-square looseness both in the centre and on there is often a sacrificial option available to the
the queenside after 20.�xd5 E1xd5 2 1 .�e4! but attacker in the event of a later . . . h6, choosing
he can struggle on. this moment has the important virtue that the
20.Wfe3 e5 2 1. ttl g3! �c5 22.Wfb3 h4 23.ttlfS soundness of 1 0.h4?! is in real doubt (at least
�cB 24.d6! given that White is playing for a win) and
It is still all about White's light-square chances, therefore I am recommending that White accept
l OS Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

the need for 1O . .ih4. The drawback for Black is pressure. This game was maybe treated a bit too
that there are also cases where this square proves harshly by Peter, though his recommendations
a good deal more comfortable (see in particular were correct. Here after 23.E1fl ! (23.E1d2 .ia6
(d) below) . Indeed the limitations of this piece's 24 ..ic2 E1xd2 2S .�xh6 looks very fancy, but
supposed vulnerability are immediately evident Black has 2S . . . E1xb3t ! ! 26.E1xb3 E1d1 t 27.hd 1
in the event of 10 . . . liJxe4?! 1 1 ..ixe7 liJxd2 .id3t 2S.@a1 gxh 6 29.E1xa3 .ixa3 with a better
1 2.hdS liJxf1 1 3 .liJxc6 bxc6 14 . .ie7 E1eS endgame.) 23 . . . @hS The only move. And now
l S .E1hxfl E1xe7 1 6.E1xd6 .ib7 1 7.g3! cS l S .E1fd l White should play 24 . .ic2! with an attack.
Unzicker - Stahlberg, Moscow 1 9S6, when Instead, 22 . . . @hS! makes more sense, but
although Black's weaknesses do not leave him 23.�g4! E1gS 24.E1fl is still promising. Black
'lost' his defensive task is certainly unenviable. tends not to be really threatening to sacrifice
on b3, provided the splendid knight on e4 stays
put!) l S.@b 1 cS 1 9.1iJf6t @hS 20.�e4 g6 2 1 .h4
.ib7 22.�f4 @g7 23.liJg4 E1hS 24.E1dfl E1bfS
2S.liJf6 �dS 26.�g3 hS 27.�gS E1h7 2S.E1f4
with utter domination.
But 17 . . . �c7?! is a bit cooperative. On
grounds of both offence and defence 17 . . . �b4!?
makes more sense. However, even then I prefer
White's chances after l S.E1hfl as 1 9.@b 1 a4
20.E1f3 axb3 2 1 .cxb3 �a3 22.E1g3 E1dS?! Wapner
- Pavasovic, Bled 1 996 when with 23.E1fl !
White could have exerted extreme pressure.
After 23 . . . @hS White should play 24 . .ic2! with
an attack.
Instead, 22 . . . @hS! makes more sense, but
After 10 . .ih4, Black does nonetheless have White retains the initiative: 23.E1h3! Suggested
quite a wide choice: by Phil Taylor. (23.�g4 E1gS 24.E1fl ± as
a) 10 . . . �b6 has been pretty much condemned suggested by Wells is also very strong, but
since White's powerful display in Leko - the forcing line should be more attractive
Kramnik, Belgrade 1 99 S. In the structure which on principle.) 23 ... E1dS (Fritz claims that
arises from the forcing sequence 1 1 .liJxc6! 23 ... E1aS gives Black equal play, but a little bit
bxc6 1 2.eS dxeS 13.fxeS liJ e4 14.liJxe4 .ixh4 of human help makes the machine understand
l S .�f4!, Black's bishop pair is a decidedly that 24.E1xh6t! @gS 2S.liJf6t .ixf6 26.exf6 is
mixed blessing, indeed it seems to me that he facing a faith worse than death, whatever that
sorely misses his knights. White's kingside is supposed to mean... 23 ... @gS 24.liJf6t!
aspirations are a bit crude, but rather effective, just wins.) 24.�xf7 Now White can just cash
and although Kramnik undoubtedly missed a in. 24 . . . .ia6 2S .�xe6 hd3t 26.E1hxd3 E1xd3
chance to generate a bit more on the other wing, 27.E1xd3 and White has a great advantage.
the theoretical verdict remains intact. I S . . . .ie7 b) 1 0 . . . �c7 has still more emphatically
16 . .id3 E1bS 1 7.b3 �c7?! (A bit cooperative. disappeared without trace. However, the
On grounds of both offence and defence 'refutation' is not just convincing, but also
1 7 . . . �b4!? makes more sense. However, even quite specific and hence worth being aware of.
then I prefer White's chances after l S.E1hfl as White should play l 1 .liJdbS �aS 1 2.�e 1 ! E1dS
19.@b1 a4 20.E1f3 axb3 2 1 .cxb3 �a3 22.E1g3 1 3.a3! E1d7 14 . .ixf6 .ixf6 ( l 4 ... gxf6 l S .E1d3
E1dS?! Wapner - Pavasovic, Bled 1 996 when does not bear thinking about!) l S .liJxd6 .ixc3
with 23.E1fl ! White could have exerted extreme 1 6.�xc3 �xc3 1 7.bxc3 eS l S.f5 @fS 1 9 . .ie2 as
The Classical 1 09

in Yudasin - D. Gurevich, Beersheba 1 993, and the opening battle, but the text is much more
since 1 9 ... �e7?? now loses to 20.ttJxcSt E1xcS incisive) I S . . . ttJxf3 19.E1xg7t �f8 20.�xf4
2 l .f6t gxf6 22.E1xd7t �xd7 23 . .ig4t Black has ttJxgl 2 1 ..ixf6 .ixf6 22.�xf6 .ie6 23.E1h7 �eS
particularly awkwardly placed pieces in addition 24.ib5t E1c6 25 .E1h5 d5 26.exd5 E1xd5 27.E1xd5
to his pawn deficit. ixd5 2S.iWe5t �f8 29.�hSt �e7 30.ttJxd5t
c) 10 . . . .id7 l 1 .ttJf3! (directed against �d6 3 1 .�h6t �c5 32.ixc6 �e 1 t 33.iWc1
. . . ttJxd4 and . . . .ic6 with the hope of showing �xc1 t 34. �xc1 bxc6 35.ttJf4 ttJf3 36.h3 �d4
that Black's 1 0th move is fundamentally rather and Black was active enough to hold the ending
passive) 1 1 . . .�a5 12.�bl E1fdS 1 3 . .id3 and in Ivanchuk - Cu. Hansen, Skanderborg 2003.
now: However 25 .�g5 !? d5 26.exd5 E1xd5 27.ixc6t
c 1 ) 13 . . . b5 14.g4! This dangerous pawn bxc6 2S.�xgl retains material and positional
storm is White's main strategy here, especially plusses, while restricting any counterplay.
as 9 . . . h6 has created a useful target. 14 . . . b4 d) 1 0 . . . ttJxd4 1 1 .�xd4 �a5 has, by contrast
1 5 . .ixf6 .ixf6 1 6.ttJe2 e5 1 7.g5 hxg5 I S.fxg5 with the moves considered above, recently
.ie6 1 9.ttJc1 .ie7 20.h4 d5 2 1 .iWe2 E1d6 22.h5 enjoyed a real renaissance. In the event of
E1adS 23.g6 gave White a very powerful attack 12.ic4! it quickly becomes clear that the move
in Tiviakov - Shmuter, St Petersburg 1 993. can only really be deployed in conjunction
It is instructive that Black's execution of the with a quick . . . e5, which represents a certain
standard central break with 20 . . . d5 here does positional concession for which Black seeks
nothing more than create a rather meaningless solace in the bishop pair and some activity. The
'tension' in the centre, neither impeding White fate of 12 . . . id7?, in the style of the main game,
on the kingside nor enhancing Black's efforts on emphasises the problem that the white bishop
the other wing. enjoys a far more secure existence on h4 - 1 3.e5!
c2) 13 . . . E1acS!? 14.E1hgl {the immediate wins material immediately. 1 2 . . . E1dS 1 3.E1hfl !
14.g4 is also possible, but Black can try is also problematic since White can open the
14 ... ttJxg4 1 5 ..ixe7 ttJxe7 1 6.E1hgl E1xc3 !? f-file and cause trouble there. Hence 1 2 . . . e5
1 7.�xc3 ( 1 7.E1xg4 E1c5 I S.�g2 g6 doesn't really 13.fxe5 dxe5 14.�d3 ig4 1 5.E1dfl ( l 5 .ixf6 is
convince) 1 7 ... �xc3 1 8.bxc3 ttJf6 which is quite similar, but seems to me to allow Black more
hard to assess) 14 . . . e5 1 5 .g4! exf4 16.g5 hxg5 options - White can usually throw in this move
1 7.E1xg5 ttJe5 when required) and now:

I S.E1dgl ! (the safe I S .ttJxe5 dxe5 1 9.ttJd5 ! is d l ) 1 5 . . . ie6 {the bishop on g4 can be
also sufficient to suggest that White has won vulnerable. For example 1 5 . . . E1adS?! 1 6.�g3
l lO Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

i.e6 17.l:%xf6 i.xc4 1 8.l:%xh6±. ) 1 6.i.xf6!? i.xf6

17.'it>b1 �c5 1 8.i.b3 'it>h8 1 9 .M i.e7 20.�e2
�c8 2 1 .i.xe6 fxe6 22.l:%xf8t �xf8 23.�b5 �c8
24. tLl e2 �c7 25.tLl c 1 ! l:%c8 26.�e2 with pressure
Ponomariov - Avrukh, Panormo 200 1 .
d2) 1 5 . . . �c5 1 6.i.b3 'it>h8 1 7.i.xf6 i.xf6
1 8.'it>b 1 l:%ad8 1 9.�g3 i.e6 20. tLl d5 hd5
2 1 .hd5 is very typical of the small but pleasant
advantage White can expect here. He has the
far superior bishop, and chances to activate his
rooks, both on the f-file and swinging along
the third rank. Kobalija - Gershon, Kharkov
e) 10 . . . e5 ! ? nonetheless remains by far the
most important of these 'side-lines'.
This quiet but far from innocuous
continuation is likely to increase in popularity
now that the 'main line' 1 6.i.c4 has recently
suffered a slight dent after 1 6 . . . b5 1 7.i.b3 a5
1 8 .a3 a4 1 9 .i.a2 b4! 20.tLlxb4 �f6 2 1 .tLld5
'!WxfS 22.�d3 �xd3 23.l:%xd3 g5 ! and it looks
as though, in spite of White's passed pawn and
his opponent's doubled pawn, the black pawns
might be the more mobile. Tiviakov - Solak,
Istanbul, 2003.) Black has tested various moves
e l ) 16 . . . l:%b8 1 7.�c2 b5 1 8 .i.e2 l:%e8 1 9.i.f3
'!Wc8 20.l:%he 1 f6 2 1 .�e4 and the light square
bind is in full flow. Black tried 2 1 . . . b4 but
was clearly worse after 22.cxb4 '!Wb7 23.tLlxfGt
l 1 .tLl fS i.xfS 1 2.exfS exf4 ! 1 3 .<ilb 1 d5 ! i.xf6 24.�c4t 'it>h7 25.l:%xe8 l:%xe8 26.hc6
1 4.i.xf6 i.xf6 1 5 .tLlxd5 i.e5 is a fairly well '!Wc8 27.�c2 in Lutz - Lugovoi, Vienna 1 996.
established sequence at the end of which we e2) 16 . . . �g5 ! ? 17.i.d3 l:%ad8 1 8 .i.e4 l:%d6
reach a position in which the key factor is 1 9.'!Wc2 �d8 20.g3 ! ? fxg3 2 1 .hxg3 tLl e7 22.tLle3
the presence of opposite coloured bishops l:%xd1 t 23.l:%xd1 �c7 24. tLl g4 and White has
and with it a degree of dominance by the enduring chances on the kingside which
respective sides over 'their colour domains'. deny Black full equality. Simacek - Furman,
There are two dangers to be aware of - that Olomouc 2003.
Black will generate rapid counterplay based e3) 16 . . . tLl e7 1 7.i.c4 ! ? ( 1 7.tLlxe7t �xe7
upon his excellent bishop on e5, and that the 1 8.i.c4 might also yield a slight edge,
advanced doubled f-pawn can be consolidated but the text is richer in ideas) 1 7 . . . tLlxfS
and prove a bit of a thorn in the side. However, (Critical, otherwise White's last would be
I am confident that White's light square play an unambiguous improvement. 17 ... tLlxd5
should be the more durable if he carefully 1 8.�xd5 �f6 1 9.1:%he 1 l:%ad8 20.'!We4 gives
exerts pressure not j ust on the kingside but in a clear plus according to Kobalija, although
the centre too. 1 8 . . . �c7!? might restrict White's initiative
1 6.c3!? a bit. The fact that Black is still slightly
The Classical III

uncomfortable as the posltlon simplifies, endgame. Check this out - it is often the Black
largely due to light square targets on b7 and player annotating and trying to put his future
fl, is a reassuring sign for White.) 1 8 .Wl'e2 E1e8 opponents off the move!
(Alternatives are no panacea either. 1 8 . . . .id6
1 9.1tJxf4 looks innocuous enough, but the
Black pieces are actually quite loose, as is the fl­
pawn. For example: 19 . . . E1e8? loses to 20 ..ixflt
and 19 . . . E1c8 to 20.ltJe6 ! . 19 . . . cj;>h8 holds but
looks unappetising. If 1 8 ... '!Wb8, Kobalija gives
1 9.E1hfl , but 1 9.93 ! ? played already in Mark
Tseitlin - Kveinys, Gdynia 1 989 is effective
against 1 9 . . . ltJ e3 20.gxf4 ltJxd 1 2 1 .fxe5 while
1 9 . . . fxg3 20 . .id3 ! is exceptionally awkward!)
1 9 . .ib5 ! E1e6 20.ltJxf4 E1d6 2 1 .ltJd3! The key
manoeuvre 2 1 . . . .if6 22.ltJc5! with a lasting
and powerful plus on the light squares. Kobalija
- Zaitsev, Russia 1 998.
10.Wi'xd4 Wi'a5
There are not a million ways to develop in this 1 1 . . . i.d7
position and the text, preparing either . . . e5, Black also has the sharp 1 1 ...b5 ! ? at his
or . . . .id7 by tactical means exploiting the pin disposal, but I like 1 2 .hb5 E1b8 1 3.a4 ! ?
along the 4th rank, is by far the most popular. (Securing the bishop i n preparation for a
As usual, 1 0 . . . a6 represents an alternative, quick e5) 1 3 . . . h6 ( 1 3 . . . a6 14.e5 ! dxe5 1 5 .fxe5
although for some reason less popular at this axb5 1 6.exf6 bxa4 1 7. ltJ e4! e5 1 8 .Wl'd5 is very
juncture. 1 1 .cj;> b 1 still makes sense to me, and strong, especially as after 1 8 . . . Wl'xd5 1 9.fxe7!
after 1 1 . . . b5 White has the shot 1 2 . .ixf6! Wl'a5 20.exf8='!Wt cj;>xf8 2 1 .E1d8t Wl'xd8
.ixf6 1 3 .e5 dxe5 1 4.Wl'e4 '!Wb6 1 5 .Wl'xa8 .ib7 22.hd8 .ib7 23 . .ic7 E1c8 24 . .id6t wins
1 6.E1d6! '!Wc7 1 7.Wl'a7 '!Wxd6 1 8.Wl'xb7 b4 material) 1 4 . .ih4 e5 (Here too 1 4 ... a6 fails to
( 1 8 . . . exf4!? 1 9 . .id3 hc3 20.bxc3 would at least solve the problems since 1 5 .e5 dxe5 1 6.fxe5
be less fun for White to play, although I do not axb5 1 7.exf6 gxf6 18 . .ixf6 .ixf6 1 9.Wl'xf6
believe that Black can claim full compensation.) bxa4 20.E1d3 Wl'g5t 2 1 .Wl'xg5t hxg5 22.ltJxa4
19.1tJe2 exf4 20.Wl'e4 E1d8 2 1 .ltJ c 1 Wl'd1 22.g3 leaves Black with little to show for the pawn.)
E1d4 23 . .id3 Wl'h5 Wells - A. Kiss, Hungary 1 5 .fxe5 dxe5 1 6.Wl'xe5 .ie6 1 7. ltJ d5 ltJ xd5
1 996, and now 24.'!We2! would have been an 1 8.exd5 hh4 1 9.dxe6 .ig5t 20.cj;>b l .if6
eminently sensible way to consolidate. 2 1 .exflt cj;>h8 22.Wl'd6± Campora - Moreno
1 l .i.c4 Tejera, Linares 2003.
This might be seen by some as the 'old main 1 2.e5 dxe5 13.fxe5 i.c6!
line', but in my opinion there is little doubt A good square for this piece, and a tactical
that it represents objectively the best try for an solution that underlies Black's entire strategy.
advantage - certainly when defending the Black White's best is simply to retreat and secure the
side it is the line I have the most respect for. In bishop pair.
addition it does have the serious practical virtue 1 4.i.d2! tiJ d7 1 5. tiJ d5 Wi'd8
of being rather forcing, and results in a degree The trap 1 5 . . . Wl'c5 ! ? 1 6 . .ib4? ( 1 6.ltJxe7t! )
of simplification which retains a decent level 1 6 . . . exd5 1 7 . .ixc5 .ixc5 etc netting three
of tension while at the same time somewhat pieces for the queen remains fairly victimless,
restricting Black's winning chances. Some but is worth being aware ofl
commentators refer to it as leading to a boring 1 6.tiJxe7t Wi'xe7 17.E1hel
1 12 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

b I ) 1 9 . . . a6? ! We�ens the knight on b6, and

interestingly permits 20 . .id3 ! ? (threatening
.ig5) , with the nice point that after 20 . . . i:'l:xd3
2 1 .cxd3 .ia4 22 . .ih6 f5 23.exf6 'Wxf6 24 . .ixg7
'Wxg7 2 5 .'Wxe6t is very strong.
b2} 1 9 . . . 'Wc5 looks a better try. However,
it is here that White's rosy prospects in some
of the endings come to the fore. 20 . .ih6 is
possible, but I much prefer 20.'Wb4! and now:

This may seem rather far into the game

to be a describing the diagram position as a
'crucial starting point for further theory', but
there is some recompense for this in that the
forcing nature and the strong underlying logic
of the play do serve as a useful 'aide memoire'.
In positional terms, there is also a fascinating
and delicate balance of factors at work. White
enjoys the bishop pair, more space and in many
cases, whilst he might also reasonably aspire to b2 1 } 20 . . . �xb4 (20 . . . �gl ? ! has a quirky
attacking chances on the kingside, he will not appeal, but 2 1 .�f4! tLl d5 [2 1 . . .i:'l:d4 22 . .ie3 !]
be averse to an exchange of queens - Black's lack 22.�h4! 'Wc5 23 . .id3 g6 24 . .ig5 is clearly
of room may even paradoxically be emphasised unsatisfactory for Black) 2 1 .hb4 tLl d5
in such cases. Black has a solid position and 22.!d2!? b5 23 . .ig5 i:'l:dc8 24.i:'l:d4 a5 25.c3 a4
hopes of either play on the queenside, and/or 26.a3 ! (that's about it for Black's queenside play.
the chance to target the e5-pawn. Combating Now switch to the other side) 26 . . . h6 27 . .id2
the bishop pair, there are also prospects of the tLl b6 28.i:'l:g4 h5 29.i:'l:h4 g6 30 . .ig5 tLl d7 3 1 .g4!
knight and bishop working together to obtain with very strong pressure .if3 32.gxh5 ixh5
chances on the light squares. 33.hb5 tLl c5 34.!f6 'i!;>fB 35 . .ie2 <.t>e8 36.i:'l:dl
17 J Ud8
• . 1-0 Gallagher - Baumegger, Dresden (zt) 1 998.
Two others also deserve consideration: b22} 20 . . . �f2 2 1 .�f4! 'Wc5 22.!b4 i:'l:xd l t
a} 17 . . .l::l fc8 1 8 . .ifl ! ? a5 ! 1 9 .h4 b5 20 . .ig5 23.i:'l:xdl �gl 24.c4 tLl d7 25 . .id6 tLl fB 26.h3
'Wc5 2 1 .'Wxc5 tLl xc5 22 . .ie7! with an edge tLl g6 27.'Wg3 a5 28.<.t> b l a4 29.i:'l:e l h5 30.�e3
for White in Labno - Kotronias, Hastings Efimenko - Muir, Hastings Challengers 2003,
2003/4. and again the ending will favour White. For me
b} 17 . . . tLl b6 18 . .ifl ! (This time 18 . .id3?! is personally the understanding that the bishop
well met by 1 8 . . Jl:fd8 1 9.'Wg4 i:'l:xd3 20.cxd3 pair tends to be the number one factor in these
.ia4 2 1 ..ih6 f5 ! 22.exf6 'Wxf6 23 . .ie3 i:'l:c8t endings has led to a degree of disillusion with
24.<.t>b l .ic2t 25.<.t>al hdl which tends to 1 7 . . . tLl b6, since the Black queen cannot flee
be given as '=', but in fact the excellent black the exchange indefinitely.
knight coming to d5 will give him at least an 1 8.�g4 tLl f8 1 9 .id3!

edge.) 1 8 . . . i:'l:fd8 1 9.'Wg4 and now: Note 'b' above should not blur the fact
The Classical 1 13

that other things being equal this is the enjoyed a crushing position in Z. Almasi -
most threatening posting for this piece. The Hracek, Germany 1 997. It is useful to have an
exchange sacrifice above was so potent precisely illustration of what White can achieve when all
because the black knight on b6 was well poised the circumstances are favourable.) 2 1 .i.b6 ttl g6
for counterplay. Great respect though there
should be for the beast on fS, its perspective
is not primarily aggressive, and as we shall
see, the coming exchange sacrifice will also be
dominated by defensive considerations.
19 . . • �xd3
A familiar exchange sacrifice to nullifY White's
attacking prospects and his queenside majority,
while also enhancing control of the light
squares. When I last wrote about this more than
six years ago, I stressed the fact that the play
often reached an ending in which Black was
made to suffer with nothing more than a half
point to even aspire to. However, just before we
went to press, Black was just waking up to the
fact that his knight is a great piece and retaining Black has two useful sources of counterplay -
it is more important even than ensuring that he . . . � a5 forking pawns, and . . . �h4 commencing
gets a pawn into the kitty. This has undoubtedly the task of probing White's kingside pawns
enriched the counterplay, although I am still - and one vital resource . . . f5 . The latter can
generally enthusiastic for White. be critical. 22.c4?! would all but win here were
The exchange sacrifice is not the only way it not for 22 . . . f5 ! when after 23.�g3 the rook
to play. However, slow moves enable White to can nestle on d4 enjoying both security and
build up a serious initiative. 1 9 . . . �c7?! , for swing potential. 22.g3 fails to impress either.
example, was met with 20.i.b4 i.d5 2 1 .@b l After 22 . . . �a5 23.i.xg6 (23.@ b l ? ttlxe5)
l"1ac8 22.i.d6 �c6 23.b3! b5 24.l"1e3 ltJg6 25.h4 23 . . . hxg6 24.@b l l"1c8 White is a long way
f5 26.�g5 l"1d7 27.h5 ttlfS 28.l"1d2 l"1f7 29.l"1f2! from drumming up anything scary on the
h6 30.�f4 ttl h7?! 3 1 .g4± in Tatai - Epishin, kingside. In general the exchange on g6 is only
Reggio Emilia 1 994. An excellent example of recommendable if a quick h4-h5 follows. The
controlled aggression, keeping a tight grip on best move from the diagram position therefore
the position. seems to be 22.@b l ! .
Personally, as Black I would still tend to favour Now of course 22 . . . �a5?! may b e simply
the risky but apparently playable 1 9 . . . l"1d5 ! ? met with 23.�g3 and it is instructive quite
Th e idea i s clear - the rook exerts pressure on how difficult it is to strengthen Black's position.
e5 and also prepares to put further major pieces Moreover, the valuable role which the queen
on the d-file. The drawback is equally apparent should be playing stopping h4 will soon become
- the rook like the knight before it is vulnerable apparent - much as in the Almasi - Hracek note
to attack from White's c-pawn and even in some above to 20 . . . �c7?! .
danger of entrapment. After 20.i.b4 �d8 (But Much more serious then i s 2 2 . . . �h4!?
not 20 . . . �c7 2 1 .c4! l"1d7 [2 1 .. .i.b5? 22.@bl±] Then after 23.�xh4 ttlxh4 24.g3 ttl f3 25.l"1e3 !
22.i.d6 �a5 23.@b l ttl g6 24.h4! f5 25 .�g3 (this position has as yet only been reached in
�d8 26.l"1h l ! [26.h5 �h4!) 26 ... ttlh8 27.c5 ! - Shomoev - Kharlov, ACP blitz (!) prelim 2004,
cementing the bishop on d6, and activating its and after 25.l"1e2 i.b5 ! Black was fine) 25 . . . f5 ! ?
partner - 27 ... b5 28.i.c2! a5?! 29.�b3 White (25 . . . ttlxh2 26.c4 virtually obliges 2 6 . . . l"1xd3
1 14 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

27J: Hxd3, which should be a reasonable version 23 . . . liJ hS!?

of the exchange sacrifice endings from White's
standpoint. 2S . . . hS 26.h3! also leaves Black
a bit stuck for what to do next) 26.l"i:xf3 l"i:xd6
27.exd6 .!xf3 2S.l"i:f1 and White has time to
support his pawn with c4-cS and should stand
somewhat better in the ending.
20.cxd3 Wd7 2 1 ..!b4

Just how well prepared White is to combat

standard light-square efforts is illustrated by the
terrible tangle in which Black caught himself
in Stefansson - Gershon, Bermuda 200 1 ,
after 2 3 . . . .!dS 24.�b l �c6 2S .�d2 hg2?
26.l"i:c1 �dS 27.l"i:cS �f3 28.l"i:gl .!f1 29.l"i:g3
�h l 30.�c 1 ! lLlf8 3 1 .l"i:c7 �hS 32.�al �xh2
21 . . . �g6! 33.l"i:cS 1-0.
Of course! Keeping the knight is now almost So Black gives priority to evicting the annoying
always preferred to the rather depressing bishop on d6. Sensible, but the powerful
endings arising from 2 1 . . . �dS 22 . .!xf8! (the knight he tried so hard to keep is otherwise less
point. With this knight gone Black's hopes are impressive on f7.
almost purely defensive) 22 . . . l"i:xf8 23.�b l 24.E:d2 �f7 25.l"i:c2!?
'lWxg2 24.�xg2 hg2 2S.l"i:c1 .!c6 26.�c2!? White doesn't fear 2S . . . lLlxd6 26.exd6 .!dS
f5 27.exfG l"i:xfG 2S.�c3!? 29.l"i:f1 l"i:h6 30.l"i:gl 27.'lWeS ! with a decisive invasion on the 71h rank
l"i:g6 (30 ... l"i:hS 3 1 .h4!±) 3 1 .�d4 g4 32.b4 a6 on its way.
33.a4 hS (33 ... ha4 34.l"i:cSt �f7 3S .l"i:c7t �f6 25 . . . l"i:eS 26 .ic5 Wd5 27.b3 a6?

36.l"i:xb7±) 34.l"i:xc6!? (not strictly necessary, but

returning the exchange does clarifyWhite's task)
34 . . . bxc6 3S.�cS eS 36.�b6 l"i:d6 37.�xa6 l"i:xd3
38.�b6 l"i:b3 39.l"i:a l ! and basically the a-pawn
runs home. Marciano - Lugovoi, St Petersburg
vs. Paris, 1 996. Of course, this is a necessarily
brief survey, but time and again Black's problem
has been that undertaking anything active
merely assists White in exchanging rooks!
22 .id6 f5!? 23.We2!

An important improvement over 23.'lWgS .

Quite simply the queen is better placed for
dealing with any counterplay Black may muster
on the queenside.
The Classical 1 15

A serious mistake. Better defensive chances he needs is a plan to make further progress,
were offered by 27 . . . i.b5 28Jk3 :1:ic8 29.i.b4 and his excellent 36th move reveals this. The
:1:ixc3t 30.hc3 hd3 3 1 .Wfd2 i.e4 32.Wfxd5 technical phase is a bit beyond our scope, but
hd5 33.:1:ie2 - Gofshtein, although Black is a the Moldovan's handling is very sound.
long way from securing the draw. Now, having 33 . . . 'Wfd7 35.a4 c!lJg5 36 .ia7! h6 37.'Wfb6 'it>h7

evicted the bishop from one excellent outpost, 38.�xc6 bxc6 39.'Wfxa6 c!lJ e4 40J:�xc6 :1:ixd4
Black offers it others. 41 ..ixd4 'Wfxd4t 42.'it>a2 'Wfd2t?! 43.'it>a3 'Wfxg2
28 .ib6! 'Wfb5 29 ..lc5 :1:id8 30.d4 'Wfa5 3 1 .'it>b2
• 44.'Wfc4 'Wfgl 45.'Wfxe6 'Wfal t 46.'it>b4 'Wfd4t
:1:id7 32J!ecl 'Wfd8 33.'Wfc4 �d5 34.'Wfb4 47.'it>b5 'Wfd3t 48.'it>b4 'Wfd4t 49.�c4 'Wfd2t
It is clear that compared with the note above, 50.'it>a3 'Wffl 5 1 .�c6
White's coordination is quite admirable. All 1-0
Kan and Taimanov

- By Sune Berg Hansen the reasons for this is to keep the risks involved
to a minimum - when White throws the g- and
f-pawns at Black's king he risks running into a
nasty counterattack, and the endings also tend
to favour Black. So the aim of this repertoire
is what I will call controlled aggression: White
will try to develop an initiative without taking
undue risks. White's main ideas include:
attacking Black's king (as usual in the Sicilian)
and - more distinctively for the Kan and
Taimanov - punishing b7-b5 if possible. I
cannot guarantee a White advantage in every
variation. But what I can promise is that you
will usually know what you are doing, and why
you are doing it! My ambition is that there will
be no dead ends - there will always be play left
The Kan and Taimanov are both very sound in the suggested positions!
and flexible Sicilian systems. I think that with Let us start with a short introduction. First
good preparation it is possible to gain an you should know that l .e4 c5 2.tLH3 e6 3.d4
advantage against both of these systems, but cxd4 4.lLlxd4 a6 is the Kan variation (also
after some time surely a proper antidote will be called the Paulsen) , and l .e4 c5 2.lLlf3 lLl c6 (or
found for Black and in the long run I do not 2 ... e6) 3.d4 cxd4 4.lLlxd4 e6 is the Taimanov
think that either system can be refuted. They variation.
are popular at the highest level and players such The Taimanov and Kan variations enjoy
as Anand and Kramnik use them occasionally. If a special place and reputation in the Sicilian.
White finds a good (or winning) idea in one of These systems are not so easily understood as,
the sharpest lines he can be sure that he will only say, the Najdorf, Sveshnikov or Dragon. One
be able to use it once. Then all serious players of the reasons for this is that they overlap each
will have fed it to their computer program (Fritz other (if Black goes tiJc6 in the Kan the game
or Junior) and found an improvement. If they often transposes to the Taimanov) and they can
cannot find an improvement they will switch also overlap with the Scheveningen and therefore
to another line. So in the computer age one some understanding of the Scheveningen is
improvement usually means only one point. also necessary to avoid being 'move ordered'.
And it can take a week to find it! Move orders are one of the biggest problems
The approach I will take in this chapter is a in the flexible Taimanov and Kan lines. I
bit different. Instead of going for a refutation I will begin by explaining some of the things
will try to explain a system that is positionally that characterize the Kan/Taimanov. The big
well founded yet still active and aggressive. difference compared to the Scheveningen ( l .e4
Therefore it can be part of the reader's repertoire c5 2.lLlO e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lLlxd4 lLl f6 5.lLlc3
for a long time. d6) is, of course, that Black has not played
In general the idea behind the chosen systems d7-d6 yet (and might not do so at all) or tiJf6,
means placing the pieces on active squares and but he has the option almost every move! This
finishing development very quickly. White will is very important for understanding White's
attack with the pieces when possible. One of different lines against the Taimanov and Kan:
l IB Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

Black is under no circumstances to be allowed recommend an attacking set-up instead. The c4-
to play d7-d6 with a favourable transposition e4 system is better against the Kan than against
to the Scheveningen, or to a line that is not part the Taimanov where White has to put his knight
of the repertoire recommended in this book. at a3 in order to set up the Maroczy centre.
Hence the first principle for playing against Recommended for positional 'system' players
the Taimanov/Kan: Always remember Black who enjoy a space advantage.
can play d7-d6 (and lD f6) 'all the time', and
you should never allow him to get a g ood g3-systems
Scheveningen! A lot of tricky players use Kan Taimanov: l .e4 c5 2.lDf3 lD c6 3.d4 cxd4
or Taimanov move orders to avoid lines like 4.lDxd4 e6 5.lDc3 Wic7 (or 5 ... a6 6.g3) 6.g3
the i.g5-Najdorf, the English Attack, the Keres Kan: l .e4 c5 2.lDf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lDxd4 a6
Attack and lines with i.c4 - this should not be 5.lDc3 �c7 (5 . . . b5 6.g3) 6.g3
achieved without paying a price. Another option for White is to fianchetto his
Most of the variations I recommend against white squared bishop at g2. In general this is
both the Taimanov and Kan are based on putting not a very critical approach to the open Sicilian.
the white squared bishop on the active square The exception is the Taimanov where the g3
d3. Before we start the survey of the proposed variation ranks among the critical responses.
repertoire I will briefly mention White's other The experts are Adams and Tiviakov. Against
options. The reason is to avoid leaving the the Kan this line is pretty harmless.
reader in the dark if he or she for some reason Recommended for patient players with a solid
does not like the suggested repertoire. style and who like a heavyweight positional
Differences between the Taimanov and Kan
In the Taimanov Black has the knight on c6 ie2-Systems
from the beginning, this means that White has Taimanov: l .e4 c5 2.lDf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4
to keep the d4 knight guarded either by the 4.lDxd4 lD c6 5.lDc3 Wic7 6.i.e2 a6 7.0-0 lD f6
queen from d l or by the bishop from e3. In and now B.@hl or B.i.e3
the Kan Black often keeps the knight at bB, Kan: l .e4 c5 2.lDf3 e6 3 .d4 cxd4 4.lDxd4 a6
and most Kan players prefer a set-up with the 5.lDc3 (or 5 .i.e2) 5 . . . Wic7 6.i.e2
knight going to d7 instead of c6. This is very popular and critical line against the
Taimanov and a tricky sideline against the Kan.
Maroczy set-up The biggest problem for White is that he has
Taimanov: l .e4 c5 2.lDf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 to be ready to accept a classical Scheveningen,
4.lDxd4 lD c6 5.lDb5 d6 6.c4 lD f6 7.lD l c3 a6 which is not part of our recommended
B.lDa3 repertoire. At the moment I regard the i.e2,
Kan : l .e4 c5 2.lDf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lDxd4 a6 i.e3 line as White's most critical response to the
5.c4 Taimanov (this is what I fear the most when I
White has the option of playing a set-up with play Black) . Against the Kan this does not make
pawns at c4 and e4. Some will argue that this so much sense.
is the 'punishment' for adopting the Kan and Recommended for principled players who
Taimanov instead of say the Najdorf, Classical, have the time to keep up with current opening
Scheveningen or Dragon variations where theory (the verdict swings between an advantage
White forces lDc3 before c4 by attacking e4 for White and 'unclear' almost every week).
early. This line might give very good results for Kasparov and Shirov play this successfully
experts, but I do not think it fits very well with as White against the Taimanov. I think it is
the rest of the repertoire suggested in this book. mostly recommended for players who also use
The lines are very positional in nature and I will i.e2 against the Najdorf and Scheveningen.
Kan and Taimanov 1 19

English attack (ie3 and f3)

Taimanov: l .e4 c5 2.ct'l f3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4
tLlc6 5.tLlc3 'Wic7 6.ie3 a6 7.'Wid2
Kan: l .e4 c5 2.tLlf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 a6
5.tLlc3 'Wic7 (or 5 ... b5 6.ie3 ib7 7.f3) 6.ie3
tLlf6 7.'Wid2

If Black dislikes this he might use the move

order l .e4 c5 2.tLlf3 tLl c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4
'Wic7 instead. This line does not promise much,
but positional players with a technical style
usually does not like to play with e5 instead of
This is all the rage against the Taimanov at the the more flexible (and elegant) positions with
time of writing. Against the Kan this does not the pawn on e6.
make much sense as Black can go 'Wic7, ib4 and
d5 or b4 and d5 in one go. Again Black has the Special lines in the Kan
option of playing d7 -d6 transposing to a line Black's set-up is flexible in the Kan but this also

that is not part of our recommended repertoire means there is no immediate pressure against
against the Najdorf/Classical. White's centre (no knight on c6 or f6) . Therefore
This line is only recommended for players White can also stay flexible with l .e4 c5 2.tLlf3
with plenty of time for opening studies. The e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 a6 5 .id3 keeping the
verdict changes on a daily basis and we are still options of playing c2-c4 or developing the
far from a 'stable' situation. This might be a knight at d2 instead of c3 open. This is regarded
good line for young aggressive (professional) as the main line and represents a whole different
players, but only against the Taimanov. branch of the Sicilian (there is some overlap if
White put the knight on c3 early) . This line is
f4-systems very complex and Black has no fewer than 1 0
White is currently doing very badly with f4- different respectable set-ups! Anand and Adams
systems in all lines of the Sicilian and this is are among the experts in this line.
therefore not recommended for anyone. Recommended for players with plenty of time
There are also some lines that are particular to for studying theory. This line can lead to very
the Taimanov and Kan move orders. different kind of positions, and therefore White
Special lines in the Taimanov must have a universal style to be successful with
White has the option of switching to the this line.
Pelikan/Sveshnikov kind of centre with l .e4 The above characteristics are the opinion of
c5 2.tLlf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 tLl c6 5.tLlb5 d6 the author and are not by any means certified
6.if4 e5 7.ie3. A line previously favoured by truths.
1 20 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

Part I: The Kan 5 '\Mrc7 6.i.d3 tLl f6 7.0-0 i.c5

• • •

This is one of Black's main ideas. Before the

bishop goes to e7 it kicks the white knight to
the not very great b3-square. Black could of
course play 7 d6 as the rush with the g-pawn

does not fit with !d3, but then the queen might
not belong at c7. (In the lines where White plays
!d3 Black does not play '\Mrc7 once in the lines
given by Emms in his excellent book Play the
Najdoif'Scheveningen Style. More on d6 set-ups
in Game 33.).
8.tLlb3 i.e7 9.f4
Threatening e4-e5, which will kick the knight
to a bad square and gain the e4-square for the
white pieces.
9 ... d6 10.a4!
Against the Kan I recommend a system based A very interesting idea. White wants to
on playing l .e4 c5 2.ttJf3 e6 3.d4 cx:d4 4.ttJxd4 play a4-a5 , which will seriously cramp Black's
a6 5.ttJc3 followed by 6.!d3. White has two queenside.
standard ways to play these positions. The first 10 ... b6
consists of playing moves like 0-0, '\Mre2, !d2,
Eiae 1 , f4, @hl and then either transfer a rook
to h3 or go e4-e5 aiming for a kings ide attack.
The other way to generate active play is to start
an assault on the queenside with a2-a4 (After
Black's b5.). This will usually be answered by
b5-b4 after which White retreats the knight,
and attacks b4 with c2-c3 leading to the opening
of the c-file (Which is usually advantageous
to White.) . White will get active play on the
queenside and in the centre.

Overview of part I
Game 28-30 covers the variation with
5 ... '\Mrc7 which is the old main line in the Kan .

In Game 3 1-34 the fashionable 5 ... b5 is covered. Almost forced. If Black allows a4-a5 White is
We begin with the game that has put the old clearly better.
Kan under a cloud. 1 0 ... ttJ c6 l 1 .a5 is just clearly better for White.
Emms' idea 1 1 ...ttJd7 planning to play . . . ttJc5
Game 28 and maybe win the a-pawn, does not work at
Acs - Fancsy all because of 1 2.!e3 ttJ c5 13.ttJa4!. Refuting
Zalakaros 1 997 the idea. 1 3 ... ttJxd3 14.cx:d3 And White is
controlling the c-file and b6, and is much
l .e4 c5 2.tLla e6 3.d4 cx:d4 4.tLlxd4 a6 5.tLlc3 better.
If Black tries 5 ... d6 here, to sidestep the Keres H .e5!
Attack, White's best move is probably 6.g4! Without this move I would not recommend
anyway (see page 2 1 8) . this line for White. White has a lead in
Kan and Taimanov 121

development and i s trying t o blow Black away '\!;!Tc6 20.Eif2 is possible, but risky.) 1 7 ... ct:l bc6
immediately. After normal moves like id2, I S.ct:ld5! exd5 19.bxc6 '\!;!Txc6 ( l 9 . . . ct:l g4 20.Eif4
�e2, mh1 etc. Black would be happy, as he has '\!;!Txc6 2 1 .�a4) 20.ct:ld4 ic5 2 1 .ie3 �c7 22.c3
reached his desired set-up and kicked White's ct:l c4 (22 . . . ct:l g4 23.if4) 23.if4 and White is
bishop to the b3-square. Also, without 1 1 .e4-e5 better. This, of course, awaits future practical
it is doubtful White should play 1 0.a4 at all. tests. If White does not like this he can just play
1 l tLl fd7
••• 1 3.'\!;!Tg4 g6 14.if4 ct:l c6 1 5 .ie4 ib7 1 6.Eiae l
Almost forced. After the dangerous 1 1 ...dxe5 with a very active position. Please notice that the
1 2.fxe5 the pawn is poisoned ( 1 2 . . . �xe5? e-pawn is immune: 1 6 ... ct:l cxe5 (Or 1 6 ... ct:l dxe5
1 3.if4 '\!;!Th5 1 4.ie2 �h4 [ 1 4 ...'\!;!Tg6 1 5 .iB] 1 7.hc6t) 17.hb7!, when White is winning
1 5 .ig3 '\!;!Tg5 1 6.iB wins for White) and Black material.
must play 1 2 . . . ct:l fd7. I recently made an attempt 12.exd6 ixd6
to revive this line for Black, but (fortunately 1 2 ... '\!;!Txd6 transposes after 13.ct:le4 '\!;!Tc7.
for us) I could not find a satisfactory reply to 13.tLle4 ie7
1 3.'\!;!TB !? Emms dismissed this line in his great 13 . . . ib7 14.ct:lxd6t '\!;!Txd6 1 5 .ie3 and White
book Sicilian Kan because of 1 3 ... ct:lxe5 ( 1 3 ... 0-0 has the bishop pair in an open position. Black
is too dangerous after 14.�h3 g6 [ 1 4 ... h6 is solid but White's advantage is quite clear.
1 5 .ixh6 is winning] 1 5 .ih6 EieS 16.ig7! A 1 5 ... ct:l c6 1 6.'\!;!Tg4 0-0-0 1 7.Eifd l ct:lf6 I S .'\!;!Te2
brilliant attacking idea my little slave Fritz found ct:l b4 and now instead of 1 9.ic4 which led to
while I was cooking. Now White is winning.) a draw in Trabert - Vasilev, Kavala 200 1 , 19.a5
14.'\!;!TxaS ib7 1 5 .ib5t axb5 16.�a7 b5 20.ixb5 is almost decisive.
With the verdict unclear. I, and maybe more 14.f5!?
notably Fritz, do not agree with this evaluation White should not rest for a second - he
at all. In the modern age where computer must use his better development before Black
programs are very strong (And everyone has consolidates.
one!) such positions can be worked out to a 14 exfS

definite conclusion. I have not found a line 14 ... e5 1 5 .'\!;!Tg4 is terrible for Black. Black
where Black gets sufficient compensation. Some never had a chance in Sulskis - Emms, Gausdal
sample lines: 1995: 1 5 ... mf8 1 6.ig5 f6 17.ie3 ct:l c6 I S .EiB
ct:l b4 1 9.Eig3 EigS 20.ih6! ct:lxd3 2 1 .hg7t
meS 22.cxd3 '\!;!Tc2 23.'\!;!Th5t mdS 24.'\!;!Tf7 EieS
25.ct:lxf6 1-0.
1 5.if4!
White is very active and keeps developing
with tempo. 1 5 .Eixf5 ct:le5 does not promise
1 5 tLl e5

1 5 '\!;!Tc6 1 6.ct:ld4 and 1 5 ... '\!;!TdS 16.ct:ld6t is


very scary for Black.

1 6.ct:lg3 is much more aggressive and
according to my analysis the complications
favour White. White has to be prepared to
sacrifice a piece in several lines here. Black has
1 6 . . . 0-0 1 7.axb5 (Taking the c6-square away a choice between the solid 1 6 ... 0-0 after which
from the queen and knight. 1 7.ct:lxb5? ic5t wins 1 7.ct:lxf5 ct:l bc6 IS.ct:lxe7t '\!;!Txe7 1 9.ie4 leads
for Black. 17.if4 ic5t I S .ct:lxc5 '\!;!Txc5t 1 9.mh1 to a position where White has the bishop pair
1 22 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

and the initiative, or the 'greedy' 1 6 . . . g6! , which Game over.

demands very aggressive play from 34 ...'!WxbS 35.Aa ltJxf3 36.'!Wxf3
White. He has two lines to choose from: 1-0
a) 1 7.E1e1 I think this is best. 17 . . . ltJ bc6 I have given up this variation as Black because
( 1 7 . . . ltJbd7 is not good. After 1 B .ltJxf5 ! gxf5 of this line.
1 9.hf5 f6 20.�hSt 'it>dB 2 1 .E1ad 1 White has a
big attack.) 1B.ltJd4! Game 29
vander Wiel - Nijboer
Holland 1 996

l .e4 c5 2.tLla e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 a6 5.tLlc3

'!Wc7 6 .id3 i.c5!?

This is a very typical thing for the Kan - after

Black encounters problems in one line he
changes the move order and tries to avoid the
7.tLl b3 Ae7
If White now continues like in the Acs' game
Black can just keep the knight at gB for a move
or two and thereby sidestep the e4-eS advance.

Improving the position of the worst placed

piece. Black now has three tries:
a 1 ) 1B . . . i.cS 1 9.c3 ltJxd4 20.cxd4 hd4t
2 1 .'it>h1 is good for White.
a2) 1 B . . . f6 1 9.ltJdxf5 hf5 ( 1 9 . . . gxf5 20.�hSt
'it>dB 2 1 .E1ad 1 i.cst 22.'it>h1 �g7 23.i.h6 �a7
24.i.xf5t 'it>c7 2S .i.g7 i.xf5 26.ltJxf5 looks
good for White) 20.ltJxfS gxf5 2 1 .�hSt 'it>dB
22.hf5 i.cst 23.'it>h1 �e7 24.E1ad 1 t i.d6
2S.E1xd6t �xd6 26.E1d 1 is much better for
a3) 1 B ... i.b7 1 9 .�e2 f6 20.ltJe6! and White
seems to hold an advantage.
b) 1 7.hf5 gxf5 1 B.�dS f6 1 9.heS fxeS
20.ltJxf5 i.xf5 2 1 .E1xf5 is given as good for White immediately attacks g7. This is the
White by Emms but after 2 1 .. .E1a7! this is not downside to postponing ltJ f6.
clear at all . S ... g6
1 6 0-0 1 7.tLl d5 i.c5t 1 B.'it>hl '!Wb7 1 9.Ae2
•.• Black has two alternatives:
tLl bc6 20.'!Wel Ae6 2 1 .c4 gadS a) B . . . ltJ f6 This move is rejected by Hansen.
Black has no problems after 2 1 . ..ltJg6! However: 9.�xg7 (9.�g3 ! ? might in the long
22.ltJxcS bxcS 23.i.d6 E1fdB. run give White a slight advantage. 9 . . .i.b7 1 0 .eS
22.gd1 'it>hS 23.'!Wc3 f6 24.tLlxc5 bxc5 25.Ae3 ltJhS 1 1 .�h3 g6 1 2.0-0 �c7 1 3 .f4 d6 14.exd6
'!Wa7 26.gd2 gfeS 27.gfdl gd7 2S.h3 f4 hd6 l S .f5 exf5 1 6.E1e 1 t with initiative.)
29 ..ixf4 tLl d4 30 ..ih5 gbS? 3 1 .b4 hd5 9 ... E1gB 1 0 .�h6 ltJ c6 (This is compensation as
32.cxd5 gxd5 33.bxc5 tLl ec6 34.hbS can be seen by two games by Bosboom, one
Kan and Taimanov 1 23

against the amnesic editor! 1 O . . J:'!:xg2? l 1 .e5+-) f5 3 1 .a5 fxe4 32.fxe4 �b7 33.l:'!:el �a6 34.l:'!:d l
1 1 .�d2 ( 1 l .f4!? d6 12.0-0t But 1 1 .�f4 and �b7 3 5 .l:'!:el �a6 36.l:'!:e3 h5 37.h4 l:'!:c5 3B.l:'!:g3
the bishop comes to g3, which is horrible for *f6 39.l:'!:d3 �xa5 40.l:'!:d6t *e7 4 1 .l:'!:xg6
Black, as claimed by Sune is a bit optimistic. It �c8 42.l:'!:g5 �g4 43.*b4 l:'!:a2 44.l:'!:xe5t *d6
is more likely that an . . . e5 move will annoy the 45 .l:'!:d5t *c6 46.l:'!:c5t *b6 47.l:'!:b5t *c6
bishop greatly.) 1 1 . . .ctJe5 1 2.f4 ( 1 2 .�e2 �b7 4B.l:'!:c5t *b6 49.l:'!:b5t *c6 V2-V2 .
1 3.f4 ctJ c4 1 4 .�8 b4 1 5 .ctJ e2 l:'!:g6 1 6J9h3 b) 1 0.�xe7 '!Wxe7 (An earlier Hector - Agrest
be4+ Aagaard - Bosboom, Hafnarfjordur game went 1 0 . . . ctJxe7 1 1 .0-0-0 e5 1 2.�g5
1 999.) 1 2 . . . ctJ xd3t 1 3.cxd3 b4 14.ctJe2 l:'!:xg2 �e6 1 3.�e2 ctJ bc6 14.�d2 and here Ziegler in
1 5 .1Wh3 �g6°o Tiviakov - Bosboom, Hoogeveen Chessbase Magazine stated that White is slightly
1 999. better.) 1 1 .0-0-0 ctJ f6 1 2.�g3 ctJ bd7 1 3 .�e2
b) B . . . �f6 A clumsy move. White just e5 14.'!We3 0-0 1 5 .g4 b5 1 6.g5 ctJ eB 1 7.ctJd5
develops naturally and has a better position. �dB I B .h4 �b7 1 9.h5 hd5 20.l:'!:xd5 ctJ b6
9.�d2 ctJ c6 1 0.0-0 d6 1 1 .'!Wg3 and White is 2 1 .l:'!:d3 ctJ c4 and the game was later drawn in
slightly better. Hector - Mortensen, Copenhagen 1 996.
9 ..ig5!? 1 0.Wfh4 d6 1 1 .0-0-0 tLl c6
White uses the fact that the Black queen is at White also has good attacking chances after
c7 to try to exchange the black squared bishop. 1 1 ...f6 1 2.�d2 g5 1 3.�g3 h4 1 4.'!We3.
As all (!) Black's pawns are currently located 1 2.he7 Wfxe7 13.Wfg3 h4 1 4.Wfe3 g5 15 ..ie2
on light squares, Black will have weak dark .id7?!
squares for a long time to come. Please note A mistake but Black's position is full of holes
that this is not possible in the fashionable line: anyway. The text allowed . . .
1 .e4 c5 2.ctJ8 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ctJxd4 a6 5 .�d3 1 6.Wfb6!
�c5 6.ctJ b3 �e7 7.�g4 g6 and there is no �g5
due to the queen at dB.
9 ... h5
9 . . . d6 is more sensible. Hector has tried two
moves in this position:
a) 1 O.0-0-0!? Hector recently switched
to this move. It is probably best, and White
does seem to have good chances of getting
an advantage. Hector - Agrest, Aarhus 2003
continued 10 . . . ctJ f6 1 1 .'!Wf4 ctJ bd7 1 2.l:'!:he l
( 1 2.*b l also looks promising e.g. 1 2 ... b5
[ 1 2 ... e5 1 3.�d2 b5 14.a3J and now 1 3.a3 as it
is not certain the rook belongs on e 1 .) 12 ... e5
1 3.�d2 b5 ( 1 3 ... ctJ b6?! 14.�e2 Wins a pawn
or forces the knight to go back again.) 14.hb5
(Very typical of Hector, but I will recommend More or less winning a pawn by force. The
14.a3(!) instead. After 14 ... �b7 1 5 .*bl 0-0-0 b-pawn is attacked and White is planning to
1 6.8 White is better - he enjoys more space double rooks on the d-file.
and has a safe king.) The game concluded 16 tLl f6?

14 . . . axb5 1 5 . ctJxb5 '!WbB 16.ctJxd6t �xd6 The lesser evil was 1 6 . . . �dB 1 7.'!WxdBt
1 7.'!Wxd6 �xd6 I B.l:'!:xd6 �a6 1 9.�xa6 �xa6 ( 1 7.ctJ a4!? But not 1 7.�xb7?? l:'!:a7!) 17 ... l:'!:xd8
20.�6 ctJxf6 2 1 .ctJc5 �cB 22.c4 *e7 23.*c2 1 8.l:'!:xd6 and White is a clear pawn up.
ctJ d7 24.ctJ d3 �a6 25.*c3 l:'!:cB 26.b3 *e6 17.Wfxb7 Wfd8 1 8. tLl d4 tLl a5 19.Wfb4 Wfc7
27.a4 ctJ c5 2B.ctJxc5 t l:'!:xc5 29.l:'!:d l �cB 30.8 20.tLl b3 tLl b7 2 1 . tLl d2! �b8 22.tLlc4 The rest
1 24 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

is easy. 22 h3 23.g3 .lc6 24.ltJxd6t ltJxd6


2S.'I1;Yxd6 YlYxd6 26J�xd6 .lxe4 27.ltJxe4

ltJxe4 28JM4 f5 29.f3 ltJ cS 30J�c4 ltJ d7
3 I J� d l ltJ f6 32J�c6 cj{t'7 33.�dd6 � be8
34 .lc4 f4 35.gxf4 g4 36.fxg4 ltJ xg4 37.�xe6

ltJxh2 38.�xe8t
1 -0
Notice how weak Black's dark squares
became after the exchange of the black squared

Game 30
Predojevic - Fogarasi
Budapest 2004
10 ltJbd7

l .e4 c5 2.ltJf3 e6 3.ltJd Black can also play 10 ... ltJc6. White now
A smart way to sidestep different lines like plays 1 1 .�e2! and seems to be a bit better as
the tricky 4 .. .'IWb6 and the Pin-variation. Black Black has problems in finding a safe haven for
cannot exploit this move order in any way as the king. 1 1 ...Ad7 (Not the optimal square for
both the White systems recommended in this the bishop but the more active and thematic
chapter involve playing the knight to d . 1 1 ...b5 does not solve Black's problems after the
3 a6 4.d4 cxd4 S.ltJxd4 YlYc7 6 ..ld3 ltJf6
standard plan 1 2.Ad2 0-0 1 3.a3 Ab7 14J�ae 1
7.0-0 .lcs 8.ltJb3 .la7!? ltJ e7 1 5 .e5. This i s White's normal play/plan
Another way for Black to retreat the bishop. against the Kan , and if you do not know what to
Black is playing in similar fashion to 1 .e4 c5 do, this is often the recommended course! 1tJ fd5
2.1tJf3 e6 3 .d4 cxd4 4.ltJxd4 a6 5 .Ad3 Ac5 1 6.exd6 ltJxc3 1 7.Axc3 �xd6 1 8 .Ab4 �d7
6.ltJb3 Aa7. It is White's job to make sure that 1 9.Eid1 Ad5 20.Axe7 �xe7 2 1 .hhn @xh7
he gets a worse version! 22.Eixd5 and White won in Wiese - Guimaraes,
9.cj{h1 ! Lisbon 200 1 .) 1 2.Ae3 ! Only now, when Black
I f White chooses to play WIe2 and Ae3 then has messed up his set-up with Ad7, does White
Black simply gains a good line from the 5 .Ad3 agree to this exchange. The game Ecsedi - Feher,
Ac5 6.ltJb3 Aa7 system. Once again this shows Hungary 1 995 concluded quickly: 1 2 ... Axe3
that it is necessary to have a broad knowledge 1 3.�xe3 b5 14.Eiae 1 (!)
of the various lines in the Sicilian. O-O-O? 1 5 .a4 ltJ a7 1 6.Eia1 g5 17.axb5 tiJg4
9 d6
18.WIgl gxf4 19.b6 'Wc6 20.bxa7 tiJe3 2 1 .Eixa6
9 ... h5 l O.f4 ! ltJ g4 1 1 .�f3 b5 1 2.e5 Ab7 'Was 22.Eixf4 1-0. Admittedly not a great game,
1 3 . ltJ e4 shows how ineffective the bishop can but White is better!
be at a7. Some Black players (maniacs) will go 10 ...
9 . . . ltJ c6 1 0.f4 d6 just transposes to the game. h5 !? This is not very trustworthy and if White
9 . . . b 5 might be premature after 1 0.a3 ltJ c6 just sticks to the scheme ('We2, Ad2 Eiae 1 and e5)
1 l .f4 d6? 1 2.hb 5 ! 0-0 1 3 .Ae2 Black was just he will get a good position with nice attacking
a pawn down and White went on to win in chances.
Semenova - Drmic, Harkany 1 997. l 1 ..ld2
1 0.f4 White is making room for the rook at e 1 .
1 0.Ag5 is also possible. If White does not After e4-e5 the bishop will b e good on the c1-
like the text he can investigate this idea. h6 diagonal if Black takes on e5. And if Black
Kan and Taimanov 125

does not take, and instead retreats the knight, l .e4 cS 2.ltJ f3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ltJxd4 a6 S.ltJc3
this bishop can often find a nice square at c3 bS!?
(after 4Jxd5 and exd6). In both cases the bishop Black immediately starts the attack with the
will be helpful for White's attack. wing pawn, which is so typical of the Taimanov
1 1 ... 0-0 12.Wi'e2 E:e8?! and Kan. The advance of the b-pawn creates
Black does not have time for this, but even the option of b5-b4, which increases Black's
after the better 1 2 ... b5 13.1"1ae l ib7 14.e5 dxe5 influence in the centre. The downside for Black
( 14 . . . 4J d5 1 5 .exd6 �xd6 1 6.4Je4 �c7 1 7.4Ja5 is that the a6-b5 pawn-phalanx can easily
ic8 1 8.c4 bxc4 1 9 .4Jxc4 and White has the become a weakness after either a well timed
initiative.) 1 5 .fxe5 4J d5 1 6.4Jxd5 ixd5 1 7.ig5 ! c2-c4 or especially a2-a4. Black is only making
White has a strong attack. By the way, this is pawn moves so White is ahead in development
a good position to use to "play-out" against a and, even though Black is solid, White has good
computer program. chances of creating an attack. This line has been
13.E:ael very popular in the new millennium.
White is ready for e4-e5 with a big attack. 6 . .id3 Wi'b6
13 ... e5?! This has become very popular and is currently
13 . . . ib8 (preventing e4-e5) is probably regarded as Black's best chance in the Kan after
better, even though it is awfully passive. White 5 .4Jc3. As usual Black wants a normal set-up
should go 14.g4 when Black is pushed back. with the queen at c7, but first he tries to kick
14.g4! White's knight from d4 to the passive square b3.
Here we go! In general White does not push This is known in some sources as the Enhanced
his g-pawn (and often not even his f-pawn) in Kveinys variation. I will recommend:
the lines recommended in this chapter but, 7.ltJf3!?
when the conditions dictate it, White must
include the kingside pawns in the battle or else
he will risk losing the initiative.
With g5 coming White is getting seriously
involved in the fight for control of d5.
14 ... ltJ f8 IS.gS ltJ6d7 16.ltJdS Wi'd8 1 7.f5
Black is busted.
17 ... bS 18.ltJaS ltJb8 19.c4
1 9 .�h5 is also good.
19 ... .ib6 20.ltJxb6 Wi'xb6 2 1 .b4 .ib7 22.cxbS
22.�e3 is simpler.
22 ... dS 23 ..ie3 Wi'c7 24.1"1c1 Wi'd7 2S.a4 g6
26.b6 ltJ c6 27.ltJxc6 .ixc6 28.bS dxe4 29.bxc6
exd3 30.Wi'g2
The lines with . . . ia7 promise White good It looks almost like a beginner's move -
chances if he plays precisely. blocking the f-pawn and what on earth is the
knight doing here? Of course the knight was
Now we move on to the current main line in under attack and had to retreat (I have not found
the Kan . any trace of an advantage after 7.ie3! ? ic5 !).
At b3 the knight is just passive and sometimes
Game 3 1 even gets in the way, but at f3 it is eyeing g5
Adams - Kasimdzhanov and e5 . Black is using a lot of time to kick
FIDE World Championship, Tripoli 2004 the knight so at the moment his development
1 26 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

is in a sorry state, and this might give White 1 0 ... b4 1 1 .liJ b l liJge7 1 2.liJbd2 liJg6 13.liJc4
the chance for a rapid attack with the pieces. .ic7 14 . .ifl liJge5 1 5 .liJcxe5 liJxe5 1 6.liJd4 .ib7
When I was preparing this line for Black, this 1 7.YfJh5 0-0 and now, instead of IS.l:'le3, which
was the variation I was afraid of. If White can quickly led to a draw in Smirnov - Fominyh,
attack with the pieces instead of pawns he is also Chennai 2004, White can keep an edge with
not taking the usual risks: If the attack fails the I S . .id2! attacking b4 and preparing c2-c3.
position will be approximately equal, whereas if a32) 9 ... liJ ge7 1 0 . .ie3 ! Eyeing b6. 1 0 ... d6
this happens in the normal Sicilian lines, White ( 1 0 ... liJg6 I l .a4! b4 1 2. liJd5 is very good for
is usually left with a lot of pawn weaknesses. White) 1 1 .YfJd2 liJg6 12.liJd4 liJxd4 1 3.hd4
7 Y!!c7
••• liJe5 14.f4 liJc6 1 5 . .if2 .ie7 1 6.liJd5 exd5
Black has many alternatives, but I believe this 1 7.exd5 This position was reached in two
is best. Black avoids allowing White to go a4-a5 games:
with tempo. The other lines are a jungle: Myo Naing - Zaw Win Lay, Bangkok 2004
a) 7 ... liJ c6 S.O-O was fun: 17 ... liJ a7 I S .l:'le3 .id7 1 9 .1:'lae l liJcs
20 . .ih4 f6 2 1 .YfJe2 YfJb6 22.@h l 'lWdS 23 . .ixf6!
gxf6 24.'lWh5t @f8 25 .'lWh6t @f7 26.hh7
.ig4 27.'lWg6t @f8 2S.YfJxg4 l:'lxh7 29.l:'lg3 @eS
30.'lWgSt @d7 3 1 .YfJxh7 1-0.
In Grischuk - Smirin, New Delhi (2) 2000
Black instead went 17 ... liJe5 I S.Exe5 dxe5
1 9.'lWe2 0-0 20 . .id4 exd4 2 1 .'lWxe7 g6 22.'lWf6
.ib7 23.d6 .id5 24.'lWxd4? (White is totally
winning after 24 . .ie4!). The game concluded
24 ... .ie6 25.l:'lxe6 Exe6 26.c4 bxc4 27.hc4 h5
2S.l:'lcl l:'la7 29.he6t @h7 30.h4 l:'lb7 3 1 .d7
l:'lxb2 32 . .ih3 V2-V2 .
a33) 9 ...d 6 should by answered by 1 0 . .id2!
planning the typical a4 and c3.
a4) S ... liJf6 is very provocative after 9.e5
And now: b4 1 0.liJe4 liJg4 1 1 ..if4 'lWa5 Black defended
a l ) S ....ib7 was good for White after 9.'lWe2 successfully in Bauer - Ciuksyte, Zurich 2002
(or 9J:'le l ! ) 9 . . . liJge7 1 0 . .ie3 YfJa5 I l .a3 liJg6 after 1 2.l:'le l liJgxe5 13.liJxe5 liJxe5 14.YfJh5 liJc6
1 2.liJd5 exd5 1 3.exd5 0-0-0 14.dxc6 dxc6 and 1 5 .liJg5 g6 1 6.'lWf3 .ie7 1 7.h4 0-0. But White
later 1-0 in Krakops - Bellin, Gausdal 2000. is almost winning after 12.liJeg5 ! For example
a2) S ... liJge7 9.l:'le l ! is nasty for Black. 9 ... liJg6 1 2 ... h6 13. liJxf7 ! @xf7 1 4.h3 or 1 2 ... .ib7
(9 ... YfJbS transposes to line 'c' below) 1 0.liJd5 ! ? 1 3 . .ie4 with tremendous pressure.
( 1 0.a4 allows 1 0 ... .ic5 ! when Black i s more or a5) S ... d6 9. 'lWe2 when White has done well
less OK) 10 . . . 'lWdS I l .a4 l:'lbS 1 2.axb5 axb5 in practice. Spraggett - Boudy, Montreal 1 996
13.liJc3 b4 14.liJb5 .ic5 1 5 ..ie3 he3 1 6.l:'lxe3 proceeded: 9 ... liJf6 1 0.a4! b4 1 1 .liJb l Another
0-0 1 7.liJd6 with a clear advantage for White, route for the knight. 1 1 .. ..ie7 12.liJ bd2 coming
Xu Yuhua - Khurtsidze, Hyderabad 2002. to c4. 1 2 ... 0-0 ( 1 2 ... 'lWbS did not help Black
a3) S ... 'lWbS (planning a set-up with liJge7-g6 in Baklan - Stiri, Corinth's 2004. The game
and .id6) I think White's best move is 9.l:'le l ! concluded 13.liJc4 liJg4 14 . .if4 e5 1 5 . .id2 f5?
(9.e5 is also very popular) . Black now has a Asking much too much of the black position
choice between a3 1 ) 9 ... .id6, a32) 9 ... liJge7 and 1 6.liJe3 liJxe3 1 7.Exe3 0-0 I S.exf5 d5 1 9.e4!
a33) 9 ... d6: .ic5t 20.@h l .ixf5? 2 1 .exf5 e4 22.he4 dxe4
a3 1 ) 9 ....id6 1 0.a4! Freeing c4 for the knight. 23.'lWc4t @hS 24.'lWxc5 exf3 25 .'lWxc6 1-0.)
Kan and Taimanov 1 27

1 3.ttJc4 Wic7 14.a5 ttJ d7 1 5 ..if4 and White is d) 7 ... .ib7?! 8.a4! Wia5 (A sign that everything
better ( 1-0, 43) . is not right with Black's set-up, but 8 . . . b4 9.a5
b) 7 ... d6 Wic7 1 O.ttJa4 is much better for White.) 9.0-0
b4 10.ttJbl d5 l 1 .e5 ttJ d7 1 2.ttJ bd2 ttJc5
l 3.ttJd4 Wic7 14.E!e l ttJ e7 1 5 .Wih5 g6 1 6.¥fih4
.ig7 1 7.ttJ 2b3 h6 1 8.ttJxc5 ¥fixc5 19.ttJf3 and
White is better. The game concluded. 1 9 ... ttJ c6
20 . .ie3 Wie7 2 1 .Wig3 <j;ld7 22.a5 g5 23.c3 g4
24.Wixg4 ttJxe5 25.ttJxe5t he5 26.¥fih5 f6
27 . .id4 .ixd4 28.cxd4 E!ag8 29.f4 Wig7 30.g3 f5
3 1 .E!e5 ¥fig6 32.Wie2 E!a8 33.E!el E!he8 34.Wid2
.ic6 35 .Wixb4 E!ab8 36.¥fic3 .ib5 37.hf5 ! 1-0.
Ghinda - Petre, Sovata 1 999.

b l ) B.O-O and now only B ... ttJd7 has

independent significance (B . . . Wic7 transposes
to 2) under Black's alternatives at move B and
8 ... ttJc6 transpose to a5) above) 9.a4! is as usual
the standard response. U. Ecker - E. Anka,
Bayern 1 999, took an interesting course 9 ... b4
1O.a5 ¥fic7 l 1 .ttJa4!? Wixa5 1 2 . .ie3 Wic7 l 3.c3
Very dynamic. 1 3 ... bxc3 14.Ekl ttJ gf6 1 5 .E!xc3
Wib8 1 6.Wic2 .ib7 1 7.ttJb6 ttJxb6 1 8.hb6 .ie7
1 9.Wia4t <j;lfS and here White has a fantastic
position after 20.E!fc l , but instead he played
20 . .ic7 and later went astray and even lost. 8 . . .ib7

b2) 8.a4!? b4 (8 ... bxa4 9.ttJxa4 is better for Again Black has alternatives:
White) 9.a5 ! And Black has a choice. 9 . . . Wib7 1) 8 . . . ttJc6 is not very logical (it fits better
(After 9 ... ¥fic7 10.ttJa4 ttJd7 1 1 ..ie3 .ib7 with Wib8) 9.E!e1 is a good reply.
12.ttJb6 White already has a clear advantage. l a) 9 ... d6 10.a4! The normal reply to
The a-pawn is weak and the ttJ b6 is very d7-d6. 1O ... b4 l 1 .ttJa2 ttJf6 1 2 . .id2 a5 (White is
annoying.) . 1 O.ttJa4 ttJd7 1 1 .0-0 ttJgf6 12.Wie2 better after both 12 ... d5 13.exd5 ttJxd5 14 . .ie4
with a pleasant position. and 12 ... Wib8 1 3 .c3 bxc3 14.hc3! .ie7 1 5 .b4
c) 7 . . . .ic5 8.0-0 .ib7 (8 ... ttJf6? 9.e5 ttJg4 0-0 1 6.b5) l 3.c3 bxc3 14.ttJxc3 and White is
1 0.ttJe4 and Black is busted) 9.a4 b4 1 0.a5 Wic7 clearly better.
l 1 .ttJa4 ¥fixa5 This cannot be right. Black will I b) 9 ... id6? 10. ixb5 !
miss his black squared bishop. 1 2.ttJxc5 Wixc5 l c) 9 ... ttJ f6 1 0.e5 ttJ g4 l 1 .if4 f6 1 2.ig3 !
l 3 . .ie3 ¥fic7 14.Wid2 ttJf6 ( 1 4 . . . a5 1 5 . .id4
f6 16.Wie3 and White has a raging initiative.) fxe5 l3. ttJ g5 ttJ f6 14. ixh7 d6 1 5 . ig6t
1 5.¥fixb4 ttJc6 and now instead of 1 6.Wib6 as <j;le7 16. ttJ f7 g g8 1 7. ttJ e4 d5 1 8 . ttJ eg5 1-0.
in Meshcheriakova - Kucherova, Essentuki Nikolenko - Ivanov, Moscow 2000.
2003, White has 1 6.Wic3, which gives a huge 2) 8 ... d6 9.a4! with the usual play on the c-file
advantage. Black is missing her bishop. after b5-b4, ttJ a2 and c2-c3.
128 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

3) 8 . . . liJf6 9.e5 b4 10.liJe4 and White is

9.�d2!? is an interesting alternative. White
had an easy time after 9 . . . �e7 10.a4 b4 l 1 .liJ a2
liJ c6 1 2.�e l a5 1 3 .c3 bxc3 1 4.liJxc3 liJ f6 1 5.e5
liJg4 1 6.liJb5 �b8 1 7.�c3 ! ' Now all White's
pieces are participating in the attack. 1 7 ... f5
1 8.h3 liJh6 1 9.9dl 0-0 20.�c4 gd8? 2 1 .gxd7!
gxd7 22.�xe6t mh8 23.hd7 liJ b4 24.�e2
liJ d5 25 .�d2 liJf7 26.�xf5 �c5 27.e6 liJ d6
28.hl7 mxh7 29.liJg5 t mg8 30.liJxd6 �xd6
3 1 .�h5 liJf6 32.�f7t mh8 33.�xb7 1-0 in
Pelletier - Lobron, playchess.com 2004.
9 ... J.c5
a) 9 ... d6 1 0.a4! 15.liJd4
b) 9 . . . �e7 Epishin's most recent idea and 1 5 .c3! bxc3 16.hc3 with the rook coming to
therefore probably the critical line. (Vladimir d. White has the initiative.
Epishin is the main connoisseur of this line in 15 ... liJxd4
the Kan) . I like 1 0 .�d2!? with the usual plan 1 5 ... a5 ! is better. Black won in Zhang Zhong
of generating play on the queenside. 1 0 . . . b4 - Ye Jiangchuan, Taiyuan. 16.liJb5 �d7 17.gadl
( l O . . . d6?! l 1 .a4 bxa4 1 2.gxa4 with the usual 0-0 1 8.e5? A silly pawn sacrifice. 18 ... liJxe5
slight advantage to White even though Black 19.�f1 �c6 20.f4 liJg6 2 1 .f5 em 22.liJd4 �c5
managed to draw in Tseshkovsky - Epishin, and Black is in control.
St Petersburg 2004) l 1 .liJ e2 liJ f6 ( 1 1 ...liJc6 16.hd4 a5 17.gael 0-0 IS.c3 bxc3 19.1iJxc3
1 2.c3 liJ f6 13.liJg3 bxc3 1 4.hc3 0-0 1 5 .gel �d8 20.liJb5 e5 2IJ3c7!
and White has a slight advantage, Tyomkin White is better.
- Epishin, Kapuskasing 2004) and now instead 21 ... exd4 22.gxb7 d5 23.�f4 J.b4 24.gdl dxe4
of 12.liJed4 which was not very successful (even 25.he4 liJxe4 26.V;Yxe4 V;Yf6 27.liJc7 gadS
though White is slightly better) in Arizmendi 28.liJd5 V;Yd6 29.V;Yxd4 V;Ye6 30.g3 gd6 31 .gxb4
Martinez - Smirin, Istanbul 2003, I think axb4 32.liJe7t V;Yxe7 33.V;Yxd6 V;Ye2 34.gd4 h5
12.liJg3 ! , planning �d2 and c3, gives White 35.V;Yxb4 V;Ya 36.h4 gc8 37.V;Yd2 gc3 3S.gf4
good chances. V;Yc6 39.lt>h2 gxb3 40.V;Yd8t It>h7 41.V;Ydl gb7
c) 9 . . . liJf6 1 0.e5! b4 l 1 .liJa4 and White will 42.V;Yxh5t It>g8 43.gd4 V;Yf6 44.gd2 ga7 45.a5
play the bishop to d2 and then go c2-c3 with g6 46.V;Yb5 It>h7 47.V;Yb6!
an initiative. This idea should be familiar to the 1-0
reader by now! It seems to me that Black has plenty of problems
1 0.�d2 in this line at the moment. I doubt it will keep its
Very artistic. White can also play 1 0 .�d2, current popularity.
planning the usual a4 and a later c2-c3 opening
the c-file. White has also enjoyed some success Game 32
with 1 0 .�g5 !? followed by manoeuvring the Svidler - Milov
bishop to g3. Biel 2000
10 ...J.e7
White was threatening 1 1 .�g5 . l .e4 c5 2.liJa e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.liJxd4 a6 5.liJc3
l 1 .b3!? liJ f6 12.J.b2 d6 1 3.a4 b4 14.liJa2 b5 6.J.d3 ib7
liJ c6 Another way to play.
Kan and Taimanov 129

7.0-0 'lWb6 10 ...�xd4?!

Black is trying to reach the 6 ... 1Mi'b6 line by Black could try 1 0 ... �xb4!? but White has a
a different move order. We will look at the nice initiative after 1 1 . CLl f5 ! .
alternatives in Game 33. 1 1 .�xd4 'lWc7 1 2.c4!
White can also play S.CLlf3 probably
transposing to Game 3 1 .
8 ...�cS 9.lt'l ce2
Not 9.�e2? CLl c6!.
9... lt'l f6
a) 9 . . . 1Mi'c7 i s currently regarded as Black's
best chance - I think this will change after these
notes are published!
White goes 1 0.a4!:
a l ) 1 0 ... b4 (1O ... bxa4 1 1 . :g xa4 is a bit better
for White.) and here in EI Arousy - Annageldyev,
Dubai 200 1 , White continued 1 1 .c3 and the
game was later drawn. Instead 1 1 . :g cl ! is very
As usual White is generating attacking chances
on the c-file (who knows, maybe this will one day
teach Black players to keep the b-pawn back).
12 ... e5
12 ... bxc4 13J"1cl he4 14.Elxc4 and White is
13.ib2 lt'lc6
13 ... bxc4 14.Elcl d5 1 5.exd5 �xd5 16.�xc4
�xc4 17.1Mi'c2 is better for White according to
14.cxb5 axbS IS.lt'lc3lt'ld4 16.ixbS 0-0
And Svidler's great technique decided the
17 .. JUd8 IS.gel dS 19.exdS �xdS 20.lt'lxd5
gxdS 21 .gc1 'lWb7 22.�c4 gd7 23.a3 gad8
A move I found while trying to make this line 24.1Mi'd3 e4 2S.'lWe3 h6 26.h3 gd6 27.ifl gdS
work for Black. c2-c3 is coming and this will 2S.gc4 It'lfS 29.'lWcl g8d6?! 30.ixf6 gxf6
give Black big problems on the c-file. 1 1 ...CLl f6 31.gcxe4 1Mi'b6 32.geS It'lg3 33.'lWcSt gdS
( l 1 ...CLlc6 12.CLlxe6) 1 2.c3 b3 !? ( l 2 ... CLlg4 34.'lMfxd8t
13 .�f4.) 13.CLlg3 and b3 is dropping. 1-0
a2) 1O . . . CLl f6 l 1 .axb5 CLlxe4 1 2.bxa6 CLlxa6
1 3.CLlb5 and White is a clear pawn up. Game 33
b) 9 ... CLl c6 is better for White after 1 0.c3 CLl f6 Smirin Markowski

l 1 .b4 hd4 1 2.CLlxd4 1Mi'c7 1 3.CLlxc6 �xc6 14.f3 Plovdiv 2003

0-0 1 5 .1Mi'e2.
10.b4! l.e4 c5 2.lt'lf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lt'lxd4 a6 S.lt'lc3
Already White is better. bS 6.�d3 d6
130 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

A specialty of Svidler and Markowski. seems to be a bit better for White) 1 3 .i.b5t
7.0-0 lLl bd7 14.i.g5 0-0 1 5 .c3 bxc3 1 6.lLlxc3 And
White has an obvious advantage according
to Smirin in New In Chess. I tend to agree, as
White has the bishop pair and free play. The
black bishop does not seem to have a very bright
future and if White is careful he will always be
able to 'play around it'. The game continued:
16 ... h6 17.i.h4 lLl c5 I S .gadl lLl b3 1 9.i.xf6
.txf6 20.lLld5 lLl d4 2 1 .�d3 gcS 22.gc1 i.g5
23.gc3 gxc3? (23 ... gc5 is still good for White
but Black has better chances than after the text
move, which robs his knight of the d4-square)
24.bxc3 lLl b3 25.gdl lLl c5 26.'lMfe2 e4 27.'lMfg4
i.f6 2S.ge l i.e5 29.ge3 �h7 30.gh3 g6 3 1 .f3
exf3 32.gxf3 h5 33.f4 i.g7 34.'lMfg2 ggS 35.�hl
i.f6 36.fxg6t fxg6 37.f5 i.h4 3S.i.c4 gg7 39.'lMff3
7 tlJ f6
••• 'lMfg5 40.lLl f4 '1Mfxf5 4 1 .gxh4 ge7 42.i.d3? After a
a) 7 ... i.b7 is answered by the standard S.a4! well-played game Smirin throws the win away.
b4 9.lLla2 d5 (9 ... e5 is no better. 1 0. lLl f5 ! lLl c6 The easiest win is probably 42.i.b5 ! . After the
1 1 .i.d2 a5 1 2.c3 bxc3 13.lLlxc3 With a clear text move Black managed to draw. 42 ... lLlxd3
advantage in Wiersma - H. Van der Spek, 43.'lMfxd3 ge4 44.lLlg2 gxa4 45 .'lMfd l '12-'12
Amsterdam 2002.) l O.e5 lLl c6 l 1 .lLlxc6 hc6 Smirin - Markowski, Rethymnon 2003.
12.i.d2 '1MfbS 1 3 .gel '1Mfb7 14.lLlc1 lLl e7 1 5 .lLlb3 b) 10 ... 'lMfb6 Markowski's latest try. 1 1 .i.e3
lLlg6 1 6.f4 i.d7 1 7.'lMfg4 and White was better 'lMfb7 12.i.d2 ( 1 2.c3 lLlxe4 1 3.lLlxb4 lLlf6 14.i.g5
and duly won in V. Malisauskas - M. Brodsky, 0-0 1 5 .a5 d5 1 6.f4 and here White quite
Riga 1995. prematurely agreed to a draw in Bakalarz -
b) 7 ... i.e7 S.a4 i.f6 9.i.e3 bxa4 1 0.lLlxa4 Markowski, Antalya 2004. Not the best decision
lLl e7 l 1 .c4 0-0 1 2.b4 lLl bc6 1 3.lLlxc6 lLlxc6 as he has a promising attacking position.)
14.gb l gbS 1 5 .'lMfd2 i.d4 1/2-1/2 Kundin 1 2 ... e5 13.lLlb3 lLl c6 14.i.g5 0-0 1 5 .hf6
- Kudischewitsch, Tel Aviv 2002. A weird .txf6 1 6.i.c4 i.e6 1 7.gfd l The position is very
decision by White, as he is much better. unclear but later won by White in Cyborowski
8.VMe2 - Markowski, Warsaw 2004.
The best move in my opinion. The queen is c) 10 . . . a5 l 1 .c3 e5 12.i.b5t! and White
often good on this square, where it adds to the is already clearly better. V. Faibisovich -
pressure on the fl-a6 diagonal, defends e4, and R. Rodkin, Pardubice 200 1 .
supports a future e4-e5. 8.ge l is also possible. 9.a4 b4 10.tlJa2 dS
8 ...i.b7 1 0 ... i.e7 l 1 .lLlxb4! d5 1 2.e5 i.xb4 13.exf6
S ... i.e7 9.a4! b4 (9 ... bxa4 1 0.lLlxa4 i.b7 'lMfxf6 14.c3 i.e7 1 5.i.b5t! lLld7 ( 1 5 ... �f8
1 1 .i.d2 0-0 12.b4 and White has the better 1 6.i.d3 e5 17.lLlb3 leaves White only slightly
prospects and went on to win in Cernousek better.) 1 6.i.xd7t �xd7 1 7.i.e3 ghcS I s.lLlf3
- Bernasek, Lilie Litomys1 2003) 1 0.lLla2 i.d6 And here, instead of 1 9 .gfe 1 (Ribli - Garcia
a) 1 0 ... e5 l 1 .lLl f5 ! With Black's central pawns Martinez, Cienfuegos 1 972) , White should play
on dark squares it makes a lot of sense to force 1 9 .i.d4! with an obvious advantage.
the exchange of his white squared bishop. H .eS tlJ e4 12.c3 tlJ d7
1 1 . . .i.xf5 1 2.exf5 a5 ( 1 2 .. :�a5 1 3.i.d2 lLl c6 1 2 ... bxc3 1 3.lLlxc3 lLlxc3 14.bxc3 �c7 1 5 .gb l
14.c3 bxc3 1 5.hc3 'lMfb6 1 6.b4 0-0 1 7.'lMfe3 and White is better according to Smirin. Black
Kan and Taimanov 131

has n o way to develop his pieces i n a sensible l .e4 cS 2.tLlf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 a6 S.tLlc3
way. And where is Black's king supposed to go? b5 6 .id3 .ic5

13.0 tLl ecS 14.tLlxb4 as Another way to try to reach the positions with
White's knight stuck at b3.
The alternative is 6 ... .ib7 7.0-0 and apart
from 7 ... �b6, which we looked at in Game 5 ,
Black has the following options:

Very smart. Smirin has calculated that the
discovered check is harmless.
IS ... .L:c6
1 5 . . .'\Mfb6 1 6 . .ib5 CiJ b3 1 7 . .ie3 CiJxal 1) 7 ... �c7 (In combination with b5 and .ib7
IS.CiJxe6. this is begging for trouble. The position often
16.tLlxc6 Wib6 17 .ib5 tLl b3t?!
• arises via 5 ... �c7 too.) S.Ele l ! ? Getting ready
17 ... ElcS is better, but even here White is for a knight jump to d5. Now we have:
clearly better after I S . .ie3 Elxc6 1 9.b4! Elc7 l a) S ... CiJc6 9.CiJxc6 �xc6 (9 ... .ixc6 1 0.CiJd5 !
20.Elab l �a7 2 1 .l!?hl .ie7 22.bxc5 hc5 and 9 ... dxc6 1 0.a4 i s better for White) 1 0.a4 b4
23 . .ig5 0-0 24.f4 with a nice kingside attack I 1 .CiJd5 CiJf6 1 2 . .id2 .ic5 13.d and White has
in the making. the initiative.
IS . .ie3 .ic5 19J'�ael ElcS 20 .L:c5 Wixc5t
• I b) S ... d6 9.a4! bxa4 (9 . . . b4 1 0.CiJd5! A typical
2 1 .1!?hl! sacrifice even though 10.CiJa2 with the usual
A computer move. plan of attacking the queens ide is safe and good,
2 1 . Elxc6 22.Widl!
.• 10 ...exd5 l 1 .exd5t CiJ e7 and here instead
The rest is easy. White is just a pawn up. of 12.CiJf5 which looked unclear in Stocek
22 ... Elc7 23.Wixb3 0-0 24.Widl tLl b6 2S.f4 g6 - Protaziuk, Zagan 1995, I prefer 1 2 . .ig5
26.E:f3 l!?g7 27.E:h3 h5 2SJ'!d3 tLl cs 29.f5 g6 1 3 .�e2!? with an interesting attacking
A forceful shift of gear. position.) 10.Elxa4 White's play in this game is
29 exfS 30.E:xdS Wif2 3 1 .e6 Wixb2 32.E:d7
••. very instructive: 1 0 . . . CiJ f6 I 1 .Elc4 �dS 12.Elb4
E:xc3 33.e7! �c7 13 . .ig5 .ie7 14 ..ic4 CiJ c6 1 5 .CiJxc6 hc6
Winning a piece. 1 6 ..ixf6 gxf6 1 7.Elb3 ElgS 1 8 .�h5 Elg6 1 9.�xh7
33 ... tLlxe7 34.Wid4t f5 20.CiJd5 1-0 Ribli - Tokaji, Hungary 1 967.
1-0 lc) S ... b4?! 9.CiJd5 ! (The alternative 9.CiJce2
led to a White success after CiJf6 10.CiJg3 .ic5
Game 34 I 1 .CiJb3 .id6 12 . .id2 CiJ c6 13.d a5 14.CiJd4
Ponomariov - Gallagher .ic5 1 5 . .ie3 CiJe5 1 6.CiJb5 �b6 1 7 . .ixc5 �xc5
Biel 2000 I S.cxb4 1-0 in Tiviakov - Anand, Tilburg
1 32 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

1 992 but the text move is more forceful.} 4b2} 9 ... �bS !? 1 O.a4! b4 l 1 .ttl dS .td6
9 ... exdS 1 0.exdSt @dS 1 1 .�hS ! and White's 12.�hS hdS 13.exdS ttlf6 14.�gS @f8 A
attack is very strong. concession. The rest of the game is instructive -
I d} S ... .td6 rapidly led to a disaster for Black. White goes very hard after Black's king. I S .dxe6
9.ttl8 b4 10.ttla4 ttlc6 1 1 ..te3 ttleS 1 2.ttlxeS dxe6 16.�h4 @e7 1 7.aS !'lcs I S ..td2 b3 1 9 . .tc3
heS 1 3.�hS ttl f6 14.�h4 �c6? I S .�gS d6? bxc2 20 ..txc2 �bS 2 1 .!'lad l !'lc4 22.�h3 ttlg4
1 6.f4 1-0 Krakops - Kunte, Zagan 1 997. 23.!'lxd6 @xd6 24 . .td3 !'lxc3 2S.bxc3 �gS
I e} S ... .tcS !? 9.ttlb3 .te7 1 0.�g4 g6 1 1 ..tgS 26.�g3t @e7 27 ..te2 �d2 2S.@f1 hS 29.h3
is similar to Game 2. !'lcS 30.!'ld l 1-0 Tiviakov - Perez Candelario
I f) S ....te7 and in Emms - Franklin, West Malaga 2003.
Bromwich 2004, White tried the adventurous 4b3) 9 ... d6 1 0.a4 is good for White. 1 0 ... b4 is
9.eS (9.�e2!? is a good alternative) and after answered by l 1 .ttl dS ! .
9 ... b4 10.ttla4 ttl c6 l 1 .ttlxc6 hc6 1 2.b3 hS 4b4} 9 ... ttle7 1O.�hS ttlg6 l 1 .a4 b4 12.ttldS
13 . .te4 h4 14.�8 !'lcS I S . .td2 ttlh6 1 6.!'lac 1 .td6 and now, instead of 13 . .te3 which was later
ttlrs 17.c3 bxc3 I S.!'lxc3 h e had gained a big drawn in Ponomariov - Dao Thien Hai, New
advantage. The game concluded: IS ... 0-0 1 9.94 Delhi 2000, I prefer 1 3 . .td2!?
hxg3 20.hxg3 .txe4 2 1 .�xe4 �a7 22.@g2 dS 7.ttl b3 /ie7
23.exd6 ttlxd6 24.�f3 .tf6 2S.!'ld3 !'lfdS 26 . .taS
I g} S ... ttl f6 is as usual answered by 9.eS ! . Black
went 9 ... ttldS in Haba - Voloshin, Plzen 2003.
After 1 O.ttlxdS .txdS 1 1 .�g4 ttl c6 12.ttlxc6
�xc6 13 . .td2 hS White could have gained a
clear advantage with 14. �gS when Black has
problems developing. In the game White played
14.�h3?! and still won with some luck.
2} 7 ... d6 S.�e2!
2a} S ... ttlf6 Transposes to Game 33.
2b} S ... ttlc6 9.ttlxc6 .txc6 1 0.a4! with a clear
2c} S ... ttl d7 9.a4 bxa4 1 0.ttlxa4 and White is
a little better.
3} 7 ... ttle7 S . .tgS ! has long been known to be 8.�g4! g6
good for White. Both S ... h6 and S . . .f6 should S ... ttlf6 9.�xg7 !'lgS 1 0.�h6 ttl c6 1 1 ..tf4 and
be answered by 9 . .te3 when Black's structure Black has no compensation for the pawn.
is weakened and White has good attacking 9.VNe2
chances. Back to the ideal square. Compared to the line
4} 7 ... ttl c6!? S.ttlxc6 l .e4 cS 2.ttlf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttlxd4 a6 S ..td3
4a} S ... dxc6 9.eS (9.a4!) ttl e7 10.�hS �c7 .tcS 6.ttlb3 .te7 7.�g4 g6 S.�e2 Black has
1 1 .!'lel ttlg6 1 2.hg6 fxg6 1 3.�g4 �f7 14.ttle4 played b7-bS too early and White can punish
�rs I S.�h4 cS 16.ttld6t .txd6 17.exd6 and this with a well-timed a2-a4.
White went on to win in Emms - Crouch, 9 ...d6 10.0-0 b4?!
England 1 997. A strange move but White was planning to hit
4b) S ... hc6 9.!'le l ! this pawn anyway with a2-a4 (as usual).
4b l ) 9 . . .ttl f6 1 0.eS i s slightly better for White 1 1 .c!ll dl
after 1O ... b4 l 1 .ttle4. Black has some problems 1 1 . ttl b 1 is also interesting.
with his queenside pawns. 1 l .../ib7 12.a3!
Kan and Taimanov 133

Another way to attack the queenside. This is one of White's most aggressive systems.
12 ... lLl c6 In no time White finishes his development and
1 2 ... bxa3 1 3.�xa3 is slightly better for is ready for action. Plaskett's remark in his book
White. nom 1 997 The Sicilian Taimanov is still valid: 'It
1 3 ..id2 bxa3 is possible for great violence to occur very early
1 3 ... aS is answered by 14 . .ibS . on in these games as you will soon gather'. A
14J3xa3 good rule of thumb is: If you spot an attacking
According to notes by Ribli in Chess base idea - go for it!
Magazine, White is now clearly better In Game 34 we will investigate 7 bS. This

- I agree. move has a very good reputation. In Games

14 VNcs
.•• 35-39 we will look at Black's different moves
Defending a6. after 7... lLl fG s.o-o. In Game 40 we cover the
IS.lLle3 fG 16.lLlc4 VNc7 17.lLlcaS lines after S ... a6.
Now "Pono" wraps it up nicely.
17 lLl eS Is.lLlxb7
.•• Game 34
The bishop will be sorely missed. Hector - Lindberg
Is ... lLlxd3 19.cxd3 VNxb7 20.lLlaS VNd7 Umea 2003
20 .. .'IWxb2 2 1 .�b3 �a2 22.�b7 with an
attack. l .e4 cS 2.lLlf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lLlxd4 lLl c6 S.lLlc3
2 1 .�b3 �cS 22.lLlc4 .idS VNc7 6 . .ie3 a6 7 .id3 bS

This has a very good reputation. Once, when

I was preparing to play against Hector, I noticed
that the line he plays against this variation is
actually very annoying for Black. So here we
The move b7-bS is almost always answered by
lLlxc6 in the Taimanov.
S ... VNxc6 9.0-0 .ib7 1 0.�hl (!)
Preparing f2-f3 !
10 ... lLlfG 1 1 .f3!?

23 .ih6! dS 24.lLlb6 hb6 2S.�xb6 VNa4

26.VNf3 lLl d7 2S.dxe4 VNaS 29.�b7 VNhS 30.VNf4

eS 3 1 .VNd2 lLlcS 32.�a7 gS 33.VNd6
And here I conclude the survey of the Kan
and move on to the Taimanov.

Part II: The Taimanov

Against the Taimanov I recommend the

following system: l .e4 cS 2.lLlf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4
4.lLlxd4 lLl c6 S.lLlc3 VNc7 6 . .ie3 a6 7 .id3.

I like this idea. White just fortifies the centre
1 34 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

and gets ready to attack Black's queenside with to Ribli - and Ribli is almost always right!
a4. Just like we did against many lines in the 14 b4 15.lLla2 a5 1 6.c3! bxc3 17.lLlxc3 0-0

Kan . 18.lLlb5
1 l ....ic5! 1 8.e5 tLl d5 1 9 .tLlxd5 iLxd5 does not give
I think this move is best. Black has two anything.
alternatives. 1 8 'lWb8 1 9.e5

a) I 1 . . JMfc7 is risky. 1 2.a4 b4 13.tLle2 iLe7 White could also try 1 9.1"1ac 1 ! ? with the more
1 4JWd2 0-0 1 5 .l"1fe l l"1fc8 And now instead pleasant position.
of 1 6.l"1ad l ? , which allowed 1 6 ... d5! 1 7.e5 1 9.1"1fe l l"1c8 20.'lWd2 1"1c5 2 1 .iLfl iLc6 22.tLld4
tLl e4 ! ! and Black was better and went on to and draw agreed in Lutz - Ribli, Germany
win in Hector - Cramling, Malmo 200 1 , I 1 996, is not what we want!
like 1 6.tLld4!. For instance 1 6 . . . d5 1 7.e5 tLl d7 19 ... lLl d5 20.We4 f5 2 1 .'lWd4!
( 1 7 ... 'lWxe5 1 8 .iLf4 'lWh5 1 9.1"1e5 'lWh4 20.g3 After 2 1 .exf6 tLlxf6 a draw was agreed in Z.
'lWh3 2 1 .iLfl and wins) And White has a very Almasi - Leko, Groningen 1995.
nice French structure. Do not get confused by 2 1 .. ..ic6 22.lLl d6 lLl b4!
the chess programs' evaluations - they do not The only chance. If White is allowed to play
understand the position! Sample line: 1 8.iLg5 !? .ib5 he will take over the c-file with an easy
iLc5 19.tLlb3 iLfS 20.'lWe2 tLlc5 2 1 .tLlxc5 iLxc5 win.
22.f4 h6 23.iLh4 iLd4 24.l"1ab 1 and White has a 23.l3fdl lLlxd3 24.l3xd3
free hand on the kingside.
b) 1 1 ...d6 1 2.'lWd2 iLe7 13.a4 bxa4 14.l"1xa4
0-0 1 5 .l"1fal l"1fc8 and 16.'lWe2 ( 1 6.tLle2!?
might be better. For instance, 1 7 . . . d5 1 7.e5
tLl d7 1 8.iLg5 iLfS 1 9.1"1h4 h6 20.iLf4 with an
interesting attacking position.). 1 6 ... d5 1 7.exd5
tLlxd5 1 8.tLlxd5 'lWxd5 1 9.iLxa6 (White could
also force a good ending with 1 9.iLe4 'lWd7
20.'lWd3) Hector - Tozer, Copenhagen 2002,
concluded 19 ... ha6 20.l"1xa6 l"1xa6 2 1 .l"1xa6
'lWe5 22.l"1a7 iLd6 23.f4 'lWxb2 24.'lWa6 'lWb l t
25.iLgl 'lWb8 26.g3 h6 27.c4 iLc5 28.l"1b7 'lWd6
29.'lWxd6 hd6 30.l"1d7 1"1c6 3 1 .Wg2 g5 32.Wf3
Wg7 33.h4 gxf4 34.gxf4 h5 35 .iLd4t Wg6
36.We4 f6 37.f5t 1-0.
1 2.'lWeI .he3 1 3.Wxe3 Wc7 I think this position is great for White. He has
A strong move according to Ribli. all the play and can slowly prepare a kingside
Alternatives: assault with a transfer of the queen to the
a) 13 ... h4 14.tLle2 0-0 1 5 .l"1fc 1 ! We have seen kingside followed by f4 and l"1g3. If White is
this theme before! 1 5 ... e5 1 6.c3 'lWd6 1 7.tLlg3 careful Black will not be able to build up any
and White was better in Short - Rogers, Manila counterplay.
1 992. 24 ... l3a6 25.'lWc3 'lWb6 26.b3 l3a7 27.l3c1 l3b8
b) 13 ... 0-0? 14.e5 tLl d5? 1 5 .tLlxd5 'lWxd5?? 28.'lWd2 h6 29.l3c4
1 6.iLe4 'lWxe5 1 7.iLxh7t Wxh7 1 8.'lWxe5 wins. 29.l"1dc3! Wh7 30.'lWe l l"1fS 3 1 .'lWh4 l"1aa8
c) 1 3 ... d6 14.a4 b4 1 5 .tLla2 'lWc7 1 6.'lWd2 32.f4 'lWd4 33.l"1g3 100ks promising. In the game
transposes to the main game. White starts to drift.
14.a4 29 ... Wh7 30.h3 l3f8 3 1 .Wh2 l3aa8 32.h4 l3ab8
1 4.e5 tLld5 1 5 .tLlxd5 iLxd5 is equal according 33.l3dc3 .id5 34.l3f4 .hb3 35.g4 .id5 36.gxf5
Kan and Taimanov 13S

exfS 37.hS J.e6 38Jkl �b2 39.�xb2 �xb2t I S .�hl i.b7 1 6.h3 ttJ f6 1 7 .i.eS and White has
40.�g3 �g8 41.�d4 gS 42.hxg6t �xg6t a huge initiative.
43. �f4 �g8 44.�c7? a l b) 1 2 . . . tiJ g4 1 3.i.f4 Y!JcS 14.�h l f5
44J�hl ! and White should not lose. ( 1 4 . . . eS I S .�ae l ) I S . ttJ a4 Y!Jc6 16.Y!Jb4 bS
44 ... �b4 4S.tlJbS �b8 46.�e3 �g6 47.f4 �f7 1 7.Y!Jxd4 i.b7 I S.�f3 bxa4 1 9.Y!Jxg7! and
48.�a7 hS 49.�xaS �b3t SO.�Pl h4 S 1 .�dl White is much better. This is an improvement
�b2t S2.�e3 h3 S3.tlJd4 h2 S4.tlJxe6 �8b3t on 1 9 .i.xf5 which ended in a draw in Vavra
S S.�d4 �bl - Bunk, Bayern 1 999.
0-1 a l c) 1 2 ... tiJdS? 1 3.tiJxdS Y!JxdS 14.c4 Y!Jd6
It is noteworthy that Ribli does not play this I S .Y!JPl tiJf5 1 6.i.xfS exfS 1 7.i.cS 1-0 Roger
line anymore. - Lemeaux, France 2002.
a I d) 12 . . . tiJc6 1 3.�ae l 0-0 ( 1 3 . . . bS I4.�h l ! ?
Game 36 i.b7 I S .i.gS ! (improving on I S .i.b6 from
Hector - Pogorelov Senff - Miezis, Oslo 2003) I S . . . Y!JbS 1 6.i.xf6
Copenhagen 2004 gxf6 17.tiJdS with a fantastic attack.) 14.i.b6
Y!JhS I S .�xf6! gxf6 And now instead of 16.tiJe4
l .e4 cS 2.tlJf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tlJxd4 tlJ c6 S.tlJc3 as in Garcia - Lukov, La Pobla de Lillet 1 996,
Y!Jc7 6.J.e3 a6 7.J.d3 tlJ f6 8.0-0 J.d6 White can play 1 6.�e3 ! ttJ eS 1 7.i.d4 ! ! with a
S . . . bS just transposes to Game 3S after winning attack.
9.tiJxc6 Y!Jxc6 1 0.f3 J.b7 10.�h 1 . We will deal a2) 1 0 . . . tiJ c6!? l 1 .exf6 ( 1 1 .exd6 is unclear)
with Black's other options: S . . . hS, S ... tiJxd4, 1 1 . ..gxf6 12.Y!JhS ( 1 2 .Y!Jg4 i.e7 1 3 .Y!Jg7 �f8
S ... tiJeS and S ... d6 in the following games. 14.tiJe4 f5 l S .tiJf6t i.xf6 1 6.Y!Jxf6 is very
9.f4 unclear) 1 2 ... i.e7 ( 1 2 . . . f5 1 3 .i.xf5 Y!JaS 1 4.J.g4
Y!JxhS l S .i.xhS i.b4 1 6 . ttJ a4! and White is
clearly better) 13.f5 ttJeS 14.�adl bS and
instead of I S .i.e4 which turned out badly for
White after I S . . . i.b7 1 6.i.d4 0-0-0 1 7.i.xb7t
Y!Jxb7 I S.fxe6 fxe6 1 9.i.xeS fxeS 20.Y!JxeS �hgS
2 1 .tiJe4 gg4 22.�d4 gdgS 23.g3 Y!Jc7 24.Y!Jxc7t
�xc7 in Hector - S. Salov, Copenhagen 1 997,
I prefer l S .fxe6 dxe6 1 6 .i.e4 i.b7 1 7.i.d4
0-0-0 I S.i.xeS fxeS 1 9.i.xb7t Y!Jxb7 20.Y!JxeS
with a slight advantage.
a3) 10 ... i.cS l 1 .exf6
a3a) 1 1 . . . ttJxc2 The very famous game
Azmaiparashvili - Kurajica, Strumica 1995,
continued 12.fxg7 i.xe3t 1 3 . � h l ggS
1 4.Y!Jxc2 gxg7 1 5 .gae l i.xf4 16.�xf4 Y!Jxf4
A very aggressive move. White is trying to 1 7.tiJdS Y!Jh4 I S.ge4 gg4 1 9.93 Y!JgS 20.tiJ c7t
punish Black for the extravagant bishop move. \iJdS 2 1 .ttJxaS gxe4 22.J.xe4 Y!Ja5 23.Y!Jc3
9 ...J.cS Y!Jxc3 24.bxc3 dS 2 5 .i.xh7 bS 26.ttJb6 J.b7
Once again we dive into a heavy theoretical 27.\iJgl \iJc7 2S.h4 d4 29.hS dxc3 30.i.c2 f5
minefield. 3 1 .h6 i.e4 32.h7 1-0. It was rumoured that
a) 9 ... tlJxd4 1 0.eS ! this game was prearranged, or maybe not even
a l ) 1 0 ... heS is risky. l 1 .fxeS Y!JxeS 1 2 .Y!Jd2 played at all, but that does not change the
with a further split: verdict: 1 1 . .. ttJxc2 is bad.
a l a) 12 . . . bS 1 3 .�ae l ttJ g4 14.i.f4 Y!JcS a3b) I I . ..tiJf5 1 2.i.xcS Y!Jxcst 1 3 .�Pl is j ust
136 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

better for White. 1 3 . . . g6 ( 1 3 . . . gxf6 14.�h5 is 1 7.exf6 gxf6 And now 1 8.f5 is nice for White.
very good for White) 1 4.iLxf5 gxf5 and here I b2) 14 . . . 0-0-0 1 5 .e5 is great for White.
like 1 5 .�8 preventing b7-b5 . b3) 1 4 . . . 0-0 1 5 .�h4! l'!ad8 1 6.l'!ae l b5
a3c) 1 1 ...ltJb5 12. fxg7 ! he3t 1 3.c;t>hl l'!g8 ( 1 6 . . . h6 1 7.e5) 1 7.ltJxd6! and White has a
1 4.iLxb5 l'!xg7 ( 1 4 . . . axb5 1 5 .�d3 wins for huge attack.
White) 1 5.iLd3 il.xf4 16.ltJe4 iLe5 1 7.�h5 c) 1 2 . . . 0-0?! 1 3.g4 ( 1 3 .l'!8 is also good.
b5 ( 1 7 . . . d6 1 8 .ltJ f6t il.xf6 1 9 .1'!xf6 and with The game De Vilder - Kiseleva, Amsterdam
the other rook coming to f1 , White has good 2000, was short and sweet. 1 3 . . . b5 1 4.l'!h3
chances.) 1 8.l'!xf7! is good for White. 1 8 . . . l'!xf7 ltJ b4 1 5 .e5 ltJxd3 1 6.�xd3 dxe5 1 7.ltJg4 l'!d8
1 9 . 1tJ g5 etc. 1 8.ltJxf6t gxf6 1 9.�xhlt c;t>f8 20.ltJe4 1-0)
b) 9 . . . e5?! has only been seen in one game. 13 ... d5 ( 1 3 ... b5 1 4.g5 ltJ d7 1 5 .�h5 ! iLb7 and
It received severe punishment: 1 0 . ltJ f5 exf4 now 1 6.l'!8 with 1 7.l'!h3 coming is very good
l 1 .ltJxd6t �xd6 1 2.iLxf4 �c5t 1 3 .c;t>hl d6 for White according to Timman - I do not see
14.�8 0-0 1 5 .ltJd5 ltJ g4 1 6.�g3 ltJ ce5 1 7.h3 a defence for Black.) 14.g5 ltJxe4 1 5 .ltJcxd5
ltJxd3 1 8.cxd3 ltJ e5 1 9.iLxe5 dxe5 20.�xe5 exd5 1 6.ltJxd5 ltJ g3t 1 7.hxg3 �d7 1 8 .�8
�c2 �h3t 1 9.c;t>gl iLg4 20.�g2 l'!ad8 and White
was just a pawn up in Manso Gil - De la Riva
Aguado, Zamora 1 996, even though the game
ended in a draw.
1 O . . . �b6?! l 1 .ltJxglt is a worse version than
the text.

2 1 .l'!xf7! Boom! 1-0 in Mussanti - Triunfetti,

Buenos Aires 2002.
10.ltJf5 c!lJ e7
A tricky move that forces White to sacrifice
a piece.
Black has a safer alternative in 1 l .c!lJxglt 'it>f8 12.iLxc5 YNxc5t 13.'it>hl 'it>xg7
10 ... he3t l 1 .ltJxe3 d6 ( 1 1 . . .�b6?! 1 2 .�d2) 14.e5 c!lJe8
1 2.c;t>h l ! with the following split: The clumsy 1 4 ... ltJfg8 turned out badly for
a) 12 . . . b5? 1 3 .hb5 axb5 1 4.ltJxb5 �d8 Black after 1 5 .ltJ e4 �c6 1 6.ltJd6 f5 1 7.�h5
1 5 .ltJxd6t c;t>e7 1 6.e5 ltJ e8 1 7.�8 iLd7 ltJg6 1 8.il.xf5 ! exf5 1 9.1tJxf5t 'it>f8 20.ltJd6 ltJf6
1 8 .l'!ad l And White has great compensation. 2 1 .�h6t c;t>e7 22.�glt c;t>d8 23.�xf6t 'it>c7
b) 12 . . . b6(!) Best according to Ribli. 1 3.�e l ! 24.f5 l'!g8 25.l'!8 �d5 26.fxg6 1-0 in Abashev
White is planning � g3 o r �h4 - Chernyshov, Voronezh 1 998.
13 ... iLb7 ( 1 3 . . . 0-0 1 4.�h4 with a nice 15.c!lJe4 YNb6
attacking position) 14.ltJc4! and now: 1 5 ... �c7 16.�h5 lLlg6 1 7.lLlf6!? has been
b l ) 14 . . . b5 1 5.ltJxd6t �xd6 1 6.e5 �e7 knownasgoodforWhitesince Topalov-Huebner,
Kan and Taimanov 1 37

Wijk aan Zee 1 996. The text move was doing

fine for Black, but this game changed theory's
verdict from unclear to winning for White.
16.WhS tLl g6 17.E:f3 Wxb2 1 8.E:af1 b6
I B . . . b5 should also be answered by 19.1Llg5 ! .
1 9.1'l:h3 was unsuccessful after Ab7 20.�h6t
WgB 2 1 .lLlg5 1'l:cB 22.lLlxh7 E:xc2 23.Axc2 �xc2
24J�gl b5 25.£5 �xf5 26.1'l:h5 �c2 27.h4
�£2 0-1 in Paalman - Van der Elburg, Dieren
200 1 .
19 ....tb7 20.E:g3 E:c8
20 ... �xa2 2 1 .lLlxf7 Wxf7 22.£5 with a winning

A speciality of Miladinovic. I have tried this

line on several occasions in blitz (it is kind of cool
just to lunge forward with the h-pawn in Larsen­
style) but I do not believe it is a good move. Too
often the h-pawn would just love to get back to
h7. And where is the black king going to go?
9.h3 bS
9 ... lLlxd4 is similar to B ... lLlxd4 except for the
position of the h-pawns. 10.hd4 Ac5 I 1 .Axc5
�xc5 12.lLla4 Now with h5 and h3 inserted this
move is good.
a) 12 ... Wc6 got Black into trouble surprisingly
quickly in Cuartas - Arias, Medellin 2003.
13.c4 d6 14.1'l:cl Ad7 1 5 .lLlc3 g5 1 6.W8 We7
2 1 .tLlxh7!
17.lLld5t! A typical device. 17 ...exd5 I B.exd5
2 1 .lLlxf7 Wxf7 22.Axg6t hxg6 23.�xhB also Wb6 19J�felt Ae6 20.Af5 1-0.
wins. b) 12 ... Wc7 13.c4 d6 14.Ekl The black h-pawn
21...E:xh7 22.E:xg6t fxg6 23.Wxg6t WfB
is misplaced in this structure. 14 ... b6 (14 ... Ad7
24.Wxh7 tLl g7 2S .tg6 WbS 26.Wh8t We7

went wrong for Black in the following very
instructive game. 1 5 .lLlc3 Wc5 16.a3 g5 Played
Please stay. in the grand style, but very risky! 1 7.W8 �e5
27 ... WfB 28.Wf6t It>g8 29 . .tf7t WfB 30.he6t IB.We3 It>e7 19J'1fe l :ghcB 20.1'l:cdl h4 2 1 .Wd2
We8 3 1 ..tf7t It>fB Wf4 22.:ge3 1t>f8 23.Afl 1'l:c6 24.lLle2! Winning
1-0. material. 24 ... lLlxe4 [24 ... We5 25.lLld4] 25.We l
�xf2t 26.Wxf2 lLlxf2 27.Wxf2 1'l:xc4 2B.:gxd6 We7
Game 37 29.:gd2 g4 30.hxg4 1'l:xg4 3 1 .lLld4 :gf4t 32.lLl8
Parligras - Miladinovic 1'l:cB 33.1'l:d4 1-0 Kolev - Miezis, Leon 200 1 )
Istanbul 2002 1 5 .b4 lLld7 16.:ge 1 Ab7 17.Afl 1'l:dB I B.Wd4
e5 19.We3 1'l:bB 20.c5 ! . This is typical: with the
l .e4 cS 2.tLlf3 tLlc6 3.tLlc3 e6 4.d4 cxd4 S.tLlxd4 h-pawn gone sailing away White can play very
Wc7 6 . .te3 a6 7. .td3 tLl f6 8.0-0 hS?! aggressively. We have been following S. Petrosian
138 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

- Stanke, Germany 2002. The game concluded:

20 ... bxcS 2 1 .bxcS �aS 22.c6 �xa4 23.gc4 �aS
24.cxd7t cj;>xd7 2S.gb 1 ghc8 26.gcb4!. A nasty
pin. 26 ... gc7 27.,ic4 f6 28.�f3 gxc4 29.gxc4
,idS 30.gxb8 ,ixc4 3 1 .�xhS �e 1 t 32.cj;>h2 1-0
White almost always put this knight to sleep
after b7-bS.
1 0 ...�xc6 1 l .ie2!
A new idea, which was first played by
Kotronias in 200 1 .
1 1 . ..�c7
a) 1 1 . ..b4 1 2.eS bxc3 13.exf6 gxf6 14.bxc3
gb8 And now instead of the crazy l s .ixhS?!
from A. Vouldis - H. Banikas, Athens 200 1
(0- 1 , 42) White should play l S .ge 1 ! ? Here is a 20.�xb5?!
possible line: l S . . . ,ie7 16.c4 ,ib7 1 7.,if3 �xc4 20.gb3 ! is a big improvement: 20 ... gxb3
1 8.gb 1 �c8 1 9.c4 with good compensation for 2 1 .axb3 ,ixf3 22.�xf3 �xc2 23.ga1 And White
the pawn. has a great attacking position.
b) 1 1 . ..,ib7 1 2.,if3 ! eS (a concession) 1 3 .,igS 20 ... axb5 2 1 .�el ig7
( 1 3 .ttJ dS ! ? might be better) and White won after 2 1 ...ixf3! 22.�xf3 �c6 is fine for Black. The
1 3 ... ,ib4 14.,ixf6 ,ixc3 l S .,ixg7 gg8 1 6.bxc3 rest is rather random.
gxg7 1 7.ge1 �xc3 1 8.ge3 �cS 1 9.,ixhS 0-0-0 22.ixg7 �xg7 23.�d4 �g5 24.h4 �f5 25.hb7
20.,ig4 cj;>b8 2 1 .a4 dS 22.axbS axbS 23.gb3 �xb7 26.�e5 �xe5 27.�xe5 �c6 28.�h8t
gd6 24.gab 1 dxe4 2S.�e2 f5 26.i.xf5 e3 cj;>e7 29.�xh5 �xc2 30.�xb5 d5 3 1 .�b4t
27.gxbS gxg2t 28.cj;>h 1 gg7t 29.,ie4 1-0 in cj;>e8 32.a4 �c1 t 33.cj;>h2 �c4 34.�b5t cj;>e7
M . Parligras - A. Botsari, Kavala 2002. 35.g3 cj;>f6 36.�xc4 dxc4 37.a5 c3 38.a6
1 2.io �b8 1 3.id4 b4 c2 39.a7 c1=� 40.a8=� cj;>g7 41 .cj;>g2 �c4
13 ... ,id6 is a rather risky alternative. Roskar 42.�f3 f5 43.�e3 cj;>f7 44.�d2 �e4t 45.cj;>h2
- Kukovec, Dobrna 2002 continued: 14.ge 1 ! �o 46.�e3 �d5 47.�e2 �d4 48.�h5t
,ih2t l S .cj;>h1 ,ieS 16.ttJdS ! Always look out cj;>g7 49.�0 �b4 50.cj;>h3 �b5 5 1 .g4 fxg4t
for this move when Black's king is stuck in 52.�xg4t <j;lf6 53.<j;lg3 �f1 S4.�Ot cj;>g6
the centre. 1 6 . . . �d6 1 7.c3 ! h4 1 8 .�d2 ,ib7 55.h5t <j;lg7 56.�g4t <j;lf6 57.�g6t <j;le5
1 9.9ad 1 ttJh7 and here instead of 20.ttJ e3 58.�g5t <j;ld6 59.�f4t cj;>e7 60.h6 �gl t
I prefer the more straightforward 20.,ixeS! 61.<j;lh4 �h1 t 62.<j;lg4 �d1 t 63.0 �c2 64.h7
�xeS 2 1 .ttJb4 gd8 22.�e3 and White is much �c3 65.�g5t cj;>d7 66.�b5t cj;>c7 67.�g5
better. <j;ld7 68.f4 �b2 69.�e5 �g2t 70.<j;lh5 �hl t
14.e5 bxc3 1 5.exf6 cxb2 1 6.� b l ! ? 71 .cj;>g6 �b 1 t n.<j;lg7 �gl t 73.<j;lf7
A new move. 1 6.fxg7 ,ixg7 1 7.,ixg7 gg8 1-0
1 8.,ixb2 gxb2 was unclear in Kotronias -
Miladinovic, Patras 200 1 .
1 6 ... gxf6 1 7.ixf6 �g8 1 8.hb2 Game 38
The black king is homeless, so White has the Almasi - Piket
upper hand. Istanbul 2000
1 8 .. J�b5
18 . . . ,ib7 is answered by 1 9 .,id4 ! . 1 .e4 c5 2.liJO e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.liJxd4 liJ c6 5.liJc3
1 9.id4 ib7 �c7 6.ie3 a6 7.id3 liJ f6 8.0-0 liJxd4
Kan and Taimanov 139

Black is trying to exchange everything and 2 1 .Wig3 e5 22.E:fd l E:dS 23.Wie l Wib4 24.11*I'd2
achieve a draw. White is simply winning the d6-pawn.
9 .hd4 i.c5 1 0 .hc5 Wfxc5 1 1 .'it>hl!
• • 2 1 .e5
2 1 .exd5 liJxd5 22.liJxd5 �xd5 gives
2 1 . .. lD g8?!
Ribli suggest 2 1 . . .liJeS!? as an improvement
for Black, but then 22.f4 ! planning a kingside
attack looks promising. A sample line: 22 . . . liJ c7
23.Wih4 @gS 24.E:h3 h6 25.E:g3 @hS 26.�d3
d4 and now 27.f5 ! gives White a winning
attack (Fritz is happy!) .
22.lD e2
22.f4 liJ h6 is Black's idea.
22 ... lD e7 23. lD d4?!
23.Wih4!? is a better try. Sample line:
23 ... @gS 24.E:c3 Wib4 2 5 .11*I'xb4 axb4 26.E:xcSt
.Lc8 27.b3 �a6 2S.b6 E:xa6 29.liJd4 and it
This is very similar to Hector's play in Game seems White has the better ending.
34. 23 ...i.c6?!
1 l ... b5 1 2.Wfe1 !? 23 . . . liJ c6! equalizes.
Looking to both sides of the board. A nice 24.g4!
flexible move. Rules out . . . liJf5 altogether.
12 i.b7
••. 24 ... .hb5 25.axb5 a4?!
After 1 2 . . . d6 I recommend 12.f3 but 1 3.f4 A strange move.
is also possible. 26.Wffl a3? 27.bxa3!
13.f3 White is winning.
Just following the recipe from Game 3 5 . 27 ... 'it>e8 2S.Wfe3 � a4 29.E:b l
1 3 . . .d 6 14.a4 b4 29.f4 i s not bad.
14 . . . bxa4 1 5 .E:xa4 is, as usual, a little better 29 ... �b8 30.£4 h5 3 1 .gxh5 � c4 32.�gl 'it>d7
for White. 33.�xg7 �h8 34.£5 �xh5 35.�xf'7 exf5 36.e6t
15.lDa2 a5 1 6.c3 'it>c8 37.'it>g2 �h4 38. lD f3 �c2t 39.'it>g3 �g4t
1 6.�b5t 'it>e7 ( l 6 . . . �c6 1 7.�xc6t Wixc6 40.'it>h3 d4 4 1 . �xd4 lD d5 42.e7!
I S .c3 bxc3 1 9 .1iJxc3 is good for White says 1-0
Ribli.) 1 7.c3 transposes to the game.
16 ... bxc3 1 7.i.b5t 'it> e7 Game 39
1 7 . . . �c6 I S.liJxc3 is a little better for Ponomariov - Sadler
White. Enghien les Bains 1 999
18.lDxc3 �hc8
I S . . . E:hdS might be more logical. White is l .e4 c5 2.lDf3 lD c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lDxd4 Wfc7!?
slightly better after 1 9.E:dl 'it>f8 20.E:d3 @gS Another way to reach the main line Taimanov.
2 1 .Wid2. Black is sidestepping the 5 . liJ b5 line.
19.�dl @f8 20.�d3 5.lDc3 e6 6.i.e3 a6 7.i.d3 lDf6 8.0-0 lD e5
With his good bishop at b5, pressure against Black' s threat is 9 . . . liJ fg4. This is by far
d6 and more activity, White is better. Black's best line against White's aggressive
20 ... d5!? system.
20 ... E:c7 was suggested by Ribli, but after 9.lD f3!?
140 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

hg3 1 3 .hxg3 lLl e5 14.�h5 is about equal. In

Areshchenko - Bryzgalin, St Petersburg 2003,
the better player won: 14 ... d6 1 5 .i.e2 b5 1 6.a3
i.b7 1 7.l:'!adl 0-0 1 8.l:'!d4 E1ad8 1 9.94!? lLlg6
20.'I1Nh2 e5 2 1 .l:'!d2 lLlf4.This position is fine
for Black. 22.l:'!fd l lLl e6 23.'I1Ng3 lLld4 24.i.d3
g6 25 .'I1Ne3 'I1Nd7 26.f3 'I1Nc7 27.c;!;>£2 'I1Ne7 28.a4
i.c6 29.axb5 axb5 30.lLle2 lLl e6 3 1 .'I1Nb6 'I1Nc7
32.'I1Nxc7 lLlxc7 33 .c4 E1b8 34.lLlc3 l:'!fc8 35 .b3
b4 36.lLle2 l:'!a8 37.i.b l lLl e8 38.lLlc1 l:'!cb8
39.g3 l:'!al ? This rook soon gets into trouble.
40.lLla2 c;!;>f8 4 1 .c;!;>e3 c;!;>e7 42.l:'!d3 h5 43.gxh5
gxh5 44.c;!;>d2 lLl f6 45.c;!;>c1 lLlxe4 46.fxe4 i.xe4
47.c;!;>b2. Trapping the unlucky rook. 47 ... l:'!xb l t
48.c;!;>xb l c;!;>e6 49.c;!;>c1 i.xd3 50.l:'!xd3 f5 5 1 .c;!;>d2
9.h3 is the main line, and the rather meek e4 52.l:'!d5 l:'!g8 53.lLlxb4 l:'!xg3 54.lLlc2 l:'!g2t
9.i.e2 is also possible. The text move is an 55.c;!;>c3 E1g3t 56.c;!;>b4 E1d3 57.lLld4t E1xd4
invention of Ponomariov. It is very tricky and 58.l:'!xd4 h4 59.c;!;>c3 1-0.
White does not have to play the risky £2-f4 as in
the main line.
9 ... liJ fg4
Black has 7 (!) alternatives.
a) 9 . . .i.d6 l O.lLlxe5 he5 1 l .f4 hc3 1 2.bxc3
'I1Nxc3 13.e5 lLl d5 14.i.d2 'I1Nc5t 1 5 .c;!;>hl b5 and
now 1 6.l:'!c 1 ! with c4 coming looks promising.
b) 9 . . . d6 10.lLla4! lLled7 l 1 .c4 i.e7 1 2.l:'!c1
b6 13.b4 0-0 14.l:'!el i.b7 1 5 .i.d4 lLlg4 1 6.i.b l
l:'!ac8 17.a3 with an interesting position -
later won by White in Mamedov - Esplana,
Nakhchivan 2003.
c) 9 ... lLl eg4 10.i.d2 i.c5 1 1 .'I1Ne2 d6 1 2.h3
lLl e5 1 3 .lLlxe5 dxe5 14.'I1Nf3 0-0 1 5 .i.g5 and
White is slightly better.
d) 9 ... lLlxf3t 1 O.'I1Nxf3t lO ... liJxe3
e) 9 ... i.c5 1 0.i.xc5 'I1Nxc5 l 1 .lLla4 'I1Na5 1 0 ... lLlxe5 1 l .f4:
12.lLlxe5 'I1Nxe5 13.lLlb6 l:'!b8 14.lLlc4 'I1Nh5 1 5 .e5 a) 1 1 .. .i.c5 1 2.i.xc5 .'I1Nxc5t 1 3.c;!;>hl is a little
�xd l 1 6.lLld6t c;!;>f8 17.l:'!axdl lLl e8 1 8.i.e4 better for White.
with an obvious advantage for White, Hector b) 1 1 ...lLlc4 is best says the guru (Ribli) .
- Buhr, Hamburg 200 1 . 1 2.i.xc4 'I1Nxc4 Now White can choose between
f) 9 . . . lLlc4 1 0.i.xc4 'I1Nxc4 l 1 .e5 lLl e4 1 2.lLlxe4 the safe 13.'I1Nd3!? 'I1Nxd3 14.cxd3 b5 1 5 .E1ac1
'I1Nxe4 1 3.E1e 1 'I1Nc6 14.i.d4 and White is better. i.b7 16.lLle2 with a tiny edge or go into the
g) 9 ... lLlg6 10.lLla4 is good for White. jungle with 13.f5!? Black answers 13 ... i.c5 !
lO.liJxe5 14.'I1Nf3 b5 (! - Ribli) 1 5 .hc5 'I1Nxc5t 16.c;!;>hl
White has an alternative in 1 0.i.f4 if he does 'I1Nc7 1 7 .l:'!ad 1 with attacking chances for White
not like the text move. according to Ribli. I think he is right. Sample
1 0.i.f4 i.d6 ( 1 0 ... i.e7 l 1 .lLlxe5 lLlxe5 is fairly line: 17 ... 0-0 1 8.f6! 'I1Ne5 1 9.'I1Ng4 g6 20.'I1Nh4 h5
equal - but not a draw) . 1 1 .i.g3 lLlxf3t 12.'I1Nxf3 2 1 .lLld5 ! ?
Kan and Taimanov 14 1

c} 1 1 . . .ctJxd3 1 2.cxd3 and White will enjoy a

huge initiative after the coming 1 3 .l::k l .
1 1 .WihS! g6
1 1 . . .ctJxfl 1 2.Wixf7t �d8 1 3 .'\�lhS g6 14.ctJxg6
E:g8 1 S .ctJ eS d6 1 6.ctJf7t �d7 1 7 ..ixfl and, even
though he has sacrificed an exchange, White is
12.Wia WixeS 13.fxe3 Wig??!
a} 1 3 ... f6! is clearly a better try. After 14.�xf6
�xf6 I S .E:xf6 .ig7 1 6.E:f3! I think White is
better but he has to play very energetically,
otherwise Black's pair of bishops will start to
tell: 1 6 ... bS 1 7.E:afl E:m? (Time, and Delchev,
have shown that this is where Black should
improve his play. Without this mistake it is not
clear White has any advantage to speak of - the This does indeed look good for White, who
editors.) 1 8.E:h3 E:xfl t 19.�xfl h6 20.eS g5 will have a dominating knight at dS after c4.
and now instead of the known 2 1 .ctJe4, I like 20 ...igs!r 2 1 .Wicst �b8 22.ixb7!?
2 1 .a4! b4 22.ctJe4 �e7 23.aS ! and White seems Here Ribli recommends the surprising 22.h4!!
to be much better. How is Black going to free in Chessbase Magazine. After 22 . . . .ih6 23.�b6
himself? White is much better. This is very complicated
b} 1 3 ... f5 14.exf5 .id6 I S .g3 exfS 1 6.e4 is though, and I think I would prefer 20.hd7t! .
much better for White. 2 2. . . �xb7 23.�d6 ic8!
c} 1 3 ... .icS !? 1 4.�xf7t �d8 I S .�f3 bS 1 6. Strong defence.
�e2! .ib7 1 7.E:f7 with a double-edged position 24.�b6t �a8 2S.llJbS �d7 26.�c6 26 ... ci>b8
where I prefer White. 27.�b6t �a8 28.h4 ih6 29.�xe6 �g8 30.e4
14.Wif4 Wif8 3 1 .Wic6t �b8 32.ctJ d6 ie3t 33.ci>h2
Planning e4-eS and ctJ e4. Wid8 34.g3 Wic7 3S.WibSt ib7 36.WixeS he4?
14 ... d6 l S .eS! 37.WibSt �a8 38.ctJxe4?
Very important - White must attack! 38.E:xe4! wins.
l S ... dxeS 38 ... fxe4 39.Wia4t i.a7 40.Wixe4t Wib7 41 .ci>h3
1 5 ... �xeS!? 1 6.�xf7t �d8 1 7.�h l, it is Wixe4 42.�xe4 �gd8 43.�fel ci>b7 44.a4 �c7
rather unclear but I prefer White. 1/2-1/2

16.Wia4t i.d7 17.i.bS 0-0-0 A fantastic game!

1 7 . . . .ixbS? 1 8.ctJxbS 0-0-0 1 9.�c4t �b8
20.�c7 wins for White (Ribli) . Game 40
18.�adl f5! Yagupov - Khusnullin
a} 1 8 ... hbS 1 9.E:xd8t!? 1 9.�xd8 20.ctJxbS Tula 1 999
axb5 2 1 .E:dl t �c7 22.�a5t �c6 23.a4 .id6
24.axbSt �d7 2S .�b6 wins (Ribli). l .e4 cS 2.ctJf3 e6 3.llJc3 d6 4.d4 cxd4 S.llJxd4
b} 18 ... axbS 19.�a8t �c7 20.ctJxbSt wins. ctJ f6 6.f4
19.WiaS i.e7 20.ha6 Not our usual move order. The position after
According to Ribli, White is a little better move 1 1 would normally be reached by the
- and has a safe position - after 20.hd7t E:xd7 following move order l .e4 cS 2.ctJf3 ctJc6 3.d4
2 1 .E:xd7 �xd7 22.�b6 �c8 23.�xe6t �b8 cxd4 4.ctJxd4 e6 S.ctJc3 �c7 6 . .ie3 a6 7 . .id3
24.ctJd5. ctJf6 8.0-0 d6 9.f4 .ie7 1O.�f3 0-0 1 1 .�hl .
142 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

6 ... c!LJ c6 7.�e3 a6 8.YNe YNc7 9.�d3 �e7 b) 1 2 ... l'1ac8 Ied to another success for Emms:
10.0-0 0-0 1 1 .@hl 13.1l9g3 ! . A typical attacking move: eyeing g7
and preparing e5. 13 ... CLlh5 14.1l9h3 g6 1 5 .f5
CLlxd4 1 6.hd4 �f6 1 7.�xf6 CLlxf6 1 8 .1l9h4!
with an 'autoattack'. The rest was instructive:
1 8 ... 1l9d8 19.1'1f3 exf5 20.exf5 �c6 2 1 .l'1h3
CLlh5 22.1l9g4 CLl f6 23.1l9g5 1lge7 24.l'1e3 1l9d8
25 .l'1fl @g7 26.l'1h3 l'1h8 27.1l9h6t @g8
28.fxg6 fxg6 29.�xg6! l'1c7 30.l'1g3 1-0 Emms
- Naaktgeboren, Hastings 1995.
c) 1 2 ... CLlxd4 is extremely dangerous. One
example: 1 3.hd4 �c6 14.1l9g3 b6 1 5 .e5 ! .
The typical attacking move i n this line.
1 5 ... dxe5 1 6.he5 1l9b7 17.f5! Opening more
lines. 17 . . . exf5 1 8.l'1xf5 CLle8 1 9.1l9h3 �d6
20.hd6 CLlxd6 2 1 .l'1d5 ! . The winning move.
2 1 .. .l'1fd8 22.1l9xh7t mf8 23.l'1e l f5 24.�c4 1-0
In practice Black is getting slaughtered from Tseshkovsky - Brodsky, Rostov 1 993. A model
this position. The reason is simply that White has attacking game by White.
a very promising kind of classical Scheveningen: 12 b5

The bishop is at d3 and the queen is already 12 . . . CLl b4 is a bit tricky. In S. Polgar - Benko,
active at e. (In the classical Scheveningen the Budapest 1 998 White quickly got an attack
queen takes the route e l -g3, but here it might going. 1 3.�e2 e5 14.fxe5 dxe5 1 5 .1l9g3 CLle8
skip g3 altogether and go directly to h3) . 1 6.CLlf5 �xf5 1 7.exf5 f6 1 8.1l9h4 CLl d6 1 9.1'1f3 ! .
1 1 . �d7
•. Black i s now defenceless. Th e finish was nice:
a) 1 1 ...e5 Here I like 12.CLlde2!? e.g. 1 2 ... CLl b4 19 ... CLlf7 20.l'1h3 h6 2 1 .�c4 l'1fc8 22.�e6 �f8
( I 2 . . . �e6 13.f5; 1 2 ... exf4 1 3 .CLlxf4) 1 3.l'1ac 1
and 14.a3 i s coming.
b) 1 1 . ..l'1e8 1 2.l'1ae l �f8 1 3.1l9g3 CLl b4 14.e5
CLld7 1 5 .CLle4 CLlxd3 1 6.cxd3 dxe5 17.f5 ! ?
1l9a5 1 8.fxe6 fxe6 1 9 .1l9f3 And White won in
Korneev - Vidarte Morales, Badalona 1 995,
after 1 9 ... CLl f6 20.CLlxf6t gxf6 2 1 .1l9xf6 Wfc7
22.CLlf3 �g7 23.1l9h4 1l9d8 24.1l9h5 l'1f8 25.CLlg5
h6 26.CLlf7 1l9xd3 27.�xh6 1l9h7 28.l'1e3 1-0.
c) 1 1 ...CLlxd4 1 2.hd4 b5 1 3 .e5 CLl d5 14.exd6
�xd6 1 5 .CLlxd5 exd5 1 6.1l9xd5 �e6 17.1l9h5 g6
18.1l9h6 f5 1 9.1'1ae l and White is a pawn up
and went on to win, Mitkov - Bello Filgueira,
Burgas 1 998.
12 J"� ae1
1 2.a4 is also not bad: 23.�xh6 gxh6 24.l'1g3t mh7 25.1l9xf6 1-0
a) 12 . . . b6 1 3.l'1ae l e5 14.fxe5 CLlxe5 1 5 .1lge2 13.YNg3!
CLlxd3 1 6.cxd3 �e6 1 7.CLlf5 �xf5 1 8.l'1xf5 CLl d7 Again the standard attacking move. Black
1 9 .CLld5 1l9d8 20.l'1efl and White was better already has to be very careful - and even that
and later won in Emms - Baczinski, Hamburg might not be enough.
1995. 13 b4
Kan and Taimanov 143

The (overtly) prophylactic 13 ... @h8? loses This position can, of course, also arise via the
to 14.lLJxc6! �xc6 1 5 .�d4 b4 1 6.e5 lLJe8 Kan: l .e4 c5 2.lLJf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lLJxd4 a6
(1 6 ... dxe5 1 7.�xe5 �a5 1 8.lLJe4 l"i:g8 1 9.1LJg5 5.lLJc3 lLJ c6.
�af8 20.lLJxh7 lLJxh7 2 1 .�xh7 @xh7 22.�h3t 6.ie3
wins - a typical attack in this line.) 1 7.�h3 1-0. 6.lLJxc6!? bxc6 7.�d3 is a good alternative.
Saltaev - Gikas, Katerini 1 993. 6 lDf6

14.lDce2 �h8 15.lDxc6 ixc6 16.id4! 6 ... lLJge7 is the real Taimanov variation. But
The right square for the bishop. against 6.�e3 this runs into a strong reply,
1 6 ... �g8 namely 7.lLJb3 ! .
1 6 . . . �ad8 1 7.e5 dxe5 1 8.�xe5 �a5 19.1LJd4
�d5 20.£5 with a nice attack.
17.eS lD e4 1 8.Wfh3 dxeS 19.ixeS id6??
20.lD d4! f5 2 1 .lDxe6 Wffl 22.ixe4 ixe4
23.lD gS Wfg6

A bit weird as we have struggled t o avoid this

move in other lines. However, in this position
there is a traffic jam in Black's position: one of
Black's lLJs is superfluous (They are on the same
circuit.) so White avoids the exchange on d4.
a) 7 ... d6 8.f4 (8.lLJa4!? is also not bad.) 8 ... b5
24.Wfxh7t1 9.�f3 lLJ a5 10.lLJxa5 �xa5 1 1 .�d3 lLJc6 and
Oh yes! White is better. A. Sokolov - Moor, Switzerland
24 Wfxh7 2S.lDfl mate.
..• 2002 continued: 1 2.0-0 �e7 1 3.�g3 g6 14.lLJe2
1-0 lLJ b4 1 5.lLJd4 �b7 1 6.a3 lLJxd3 1 7.cxd3 �d8
The transposition to the Scheveningen is very 1 8.�ac1 �f6 1 9.£5 �e5 20.�h3 gxf5 2 1 .lLJxe6
risky and none of the world's top players enter fxe6 22.�h5t @e7 23.exfS �g8 24.�xh7t �g7
this line as Black. 25 .�g5t 1-0
It is definitely worthwhile to go over the notes b) 7 ... lLJg6 8.f4 (8.lLJa4 is possible again) and
in the previous game as they contain a lot of then:
useful attacking ideas. b 1 ) 8 ... d6 9.g3! preparing h2-h4-h5 .
b 1 1) 9 ... b5 1 0.h4 �e7 1 1 .h5 lLJ f8 1 2.�d2
Game 41 �b7 13.0-0-0 l"i:c8 14.�h3 lLJ a5 1 5 .�d4 b4
Hector - C Hansen 1 6.lLJd5 ! and White is attacking, Muir - Lalic,
Malmo 2003 British Championship 1989.
b 1 2) 9 ... �e7 1O.h4 0-0 1 1 .h5 lLJh8 1 2.a4!
l .e4 cS 2.lDa lD c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lDxd4 e6 White is controlling the whole board and has a
S.lDc3 a6 huge advantage.
144 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

b2) S .. J':\bS 9.g3 iJ.e7 1 0.h4 0-0 1 1 .h5 The 7 i.b4


march of the h-pawn is always a problem for a) 7 ... h6 S.iJ.g2 �c7 9.h3 lL'lxd4 1 0.�xd4
Black in this line. We are following Reinaldo e5 1 1 .�b6 �xb6 1 2.iJ.xb6 d6 1 3.0-0-0 iJ.e6
Castineira - Ortega Hermida, Lanzarote 2003. 1 4.iJ.c7 @d7. Now with iJ.b6 White keeps a
The game ended 1 1 ...lL'lhS 12.�d2 f6 13.0-0-0 small edge. Instead he went 1 5 .iJ.a5 E!bS 1 6.f4
b5 14.@b 1 lL'l f7 1 5 .g4 h6 1 6.E!gl �c7 1 7.e5 b4 b6 17.iJ.b4 @c7 l S.E!hfl exf4 1 9 .E!xf4 iJ.e7
lS.lL'le4 fxe5 1 9.95 d5 20.gxh6 lL'lxh6 2 1 .fxe5 20.e5 dxe5 2 1 .he7 exf4 22.iJ.d6t @cS 23.iJ.xf4
lL'lf5 22.lL'lf6t @hS 23.lL'lg4 lL'lxe3 24.�xe3 �a7 ¥2-¥2 . Hector - Andersson, Sweden 2000.
25 .�g3 iJ.g5 26.iJ.d3 lL'le7 27.h6 g6 2S.lL'lf6 iJ.e3 b) 7 ... d5 S.g5 ! lL'lxe4 9.lL'lxe4 dxe4 1 O.lL'lxc6
29.iJ.xg6 hg1 30.E!xg1 lL'lgS 3 1 .iJ.f7 1-0. �xd 1 t 1 1 .E!xd 1 bxc6 1 2.iJ.g2 iJ.d7 1 3.iJ.xe4
c) 7 ... lL'la5?? S.lL'la4! and iJ.b6 wins something. and here White prematurely agreed a draw in
d) 7 ... b5 and now S.a4! is very annoying. Hvenekilde - Jensen, Aarhus 1 976. White is
S ... b4 9.a5 ! And now: slightly better but was apparently peacefully
d 1 ) 9 ... E!bS 1O.lL'la4 lL'lxa5 1 1 .lL'lxa5 �xa5 inclined.
12.lL'lb6 �xb6 13.hb6 E!xb6 1 4.�d4 And S.iJ.g2 d5
White won at move 37, Senff - Vanderwaeren, Ribli recommended S ... h6!? here.
Leuven 2002. 9.g5!
d2) 9 ... lL'lxa5? 1 0.lL'la4! and White wins - a This is almost always the answer to d5 after
very good trick! White has rushed forward with the g-pawn.
d3) 9 ... d6 was not a success for Black either 9 lLlxe4 10.lL'lxc6! bxc6

after 1 0.lL'la4 iJ.b7 1 1 .lL'l b6 E!bS 1 2.f4 �c7 1 0 ... lL'lxc3 is answered by 1 1 .�d4 and White
13.iJ.c4 E!dS 14.�e2 lL'l bS 1 5 .f5 he4 1 6.fxe6 has a dangerous initiative after 1 1 ...lL'lb5t
fxe6 17.lL'ld4 1-0 Fressinet - Moor, Zurich 1 2.�xb4 bxc6 13.0-0-0.
200 1 . 1 1 .i.xe4 i.xc3t
7.g4!? Forced. The ending after 1 1 ... dxe4 1 2.�xdSt
@xdS 1 3 .0-0-0t @e7 1 4.lL'lxe4 is terrible for
Black who has the living dead sitting at cS.
12.bxc3 dxe4 1 3.WfxdSt @xdS 14.0-0-0t @c7
1 5.i.f4t @b7 16.i.e5

An aggressive move that fits well with playing

the Keres Attack against the Scheveningen. It
is a relatively unexplored line and I expect we
will see many developments in this line in the
coming years. Winning back the pawn and keeping the
7.iJ.d3 is possible but Black can reach a initiative. Opposite coloured bishops benefit
reasonable Scheveningen variation with 7 . . . d6. the player with the initiative, and we will
Kan and Taimanov 145

therefore see a hard struggle for the initiative in Editors' note: As can be seen in the notes to
the following moves. Black's 1 3 th move in Ponomariov - Sadler, Black
16 f6
•.. has played the ball back in White's court in this
1 6 ... E1g8 1 7.E1he l with an undisputed repertoire. This does not mean that it is not
advantage for White. good, only that some problems exist. Especially
17.gxf6 gxf6 IB .ixf6 l'!f8 19.ie5 l'!fS?!
• GM Delchev has defended the Black side with
19 ... E1xf2! was better. According to Ribli his 2006 publication - The Safest Sicilian. To pay
in Chessbase Magazine White still keeps an him back in his own currency, we have found
advantage after 20.E1hgl E10 2 1 .E1ge l c5 a possible hole in his repertoire, which we are
22.E1xe4. happy to share with the readers. It is outside
20.ig3 l'!a5 2 1 .l'!d4 e5 Sune's recommended repertoire, but might still
Getting the problem piece out. interest some of our readers.
22.l'!b4t It>a7 23.l'!dl ifS 24.l'!d6
White is clearly better. Usually Jonny Hector l .e4 c5 2.tZlf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tZlxd4 tZl c6 5.tZlc3
has a very bad score against Curt Hansen, but in Wfc7 6.ie3 a6 7.Wfd2 tZl f6 B.O-O-O
this game he brings home the full point. The practical problem with playing this
24,..l'!cB 25.l'!f6 ig6 26.l'!e6 l'!bB 27.ixe5 system is that it does not harmonise too well
E1xb4 2B.cxb4 l'!xa2 29.l'!xc6 with playing 6.ig5 against the Najdorf, as
there are some overlapping variations with the
standard English Attack if Black plays an early
... d6.
B,..ib4 9.f3 b5 10.tZlb3 tZl e5 1 1 .�f2!
This is a completely new idea and should be
l l ,..ixc3!
This is the correct move.
l L..liJc4 1 2.ic5 Wff4t 1 3 .lt>b l ixc3 14.bxc3
d5 was Delchev's recommendation, but it looks
simply suicidal. After 1 5 .lt>a l ! with the idea of
ixc4 and liJa5 it is impossible to see how the
Black king shall ever nnd safety.
12.bxc3 d6 13.ib6 WfbB 14.ia5
Delchev fears this position, but it is looks as it
A pawn and the initiative - White is is the critical position in the line currently.
winning. 14, . . tik6 1 5.Wfg3
29,..lt>b7 30.l'!c5 l'!a3 3 1 .ic3 io 32.h4! It>b6 1 5 .ib4 liJxb4 16.cxb4 0-0=
33.1t>d2 l'!a2 34.h5 1t>b7 15,..0-0 16.Wfxd6 tZlxa5 1 7.tZlxa5 Wfa7 I B.tZlc6
35.id4 l'!a3 36.c3 l'!al 37.l'!fS ic4 3B.l'!g5 Wfe3t 19.1t>bl ib7 20.Wfd4 �h6°o
l'!hl 39.l'!g7t It>c6 40.l'!xh7 l'!h3 41 .h6
The pawn decides.
41,..l'!d3t 42.lt>el l'!h3 43.l'!hB It>b7 44.ie3
id3 45.1t>d2 ib5 46.l'!h7t It>c6 47.l'!e7 It>d5
48.h7 id3 49.id4
And with this game I conclude the repertoire
against the Taimanov and Kan I sincerely hope

it will give the reader many successes!

The Accelerated Dragon is met with 1 3.tt'ld5 tt'lxd5 14.exd5± - Belov.)
1 3J':'1acl;!; Petrosian - Beliavsky, USSR (ch)
- By Peter Heine Nielsen 1 975.
An interesting sideline gaining in popularity
Game 42 these days. I have quite some experience on the
Svidler - Tiviakov Black side of the Maroczy systems, and always
Chalkidiki 2002 felt most uncomfortable when White kept as
many minor pieces on the board as possible. It
l .e4 c5 2.tLla tLl c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 g6 5.c4 is rather strange, but to my mind White would
prefer either to keep all four minor pieces,
or to exchange them all! From the famous
game Botvinnik - Toran (see below) we know
that this structure with just rooks on is very
uncomfortable for Black.

Botvinnik - Toran, Palma de Mallorca 1 967

White's most solid and, I think, best choice.

If instead White tries to transpose to normal
Dragon lines then Black has extra options
because he has not moved his d-pawn yet, which
can be exploited in many possible ways.
5 ....tg7
5 . . . tt'l f6 6.tt'lc3 tt'lxd4 7.�xd4 d6 (Black
is trying to reach the move order with 6 . . . d6 White is better, the question is whether to
7.i.e2 tt'lxd4 S.�xd4 i.g7, which is a respectable take on d5 with the rook or the e-pawn.
line [of course our repertoire would not allow 22Jhd5!
this line because of 7.tt'lc2] . Here this gives 22.exd5 E1c7 23.E1de2 E1g7 and despite Black's
White the additional option of developing clumsy rooks, he will bring the king to f8 and
the bishop to d3 instead of e2 and secure slowly reactivate the g7-rook. White is, of
an opening advantage.) S.i.g5 i.g7 9.�d2 course, better but it is difficult to find a way to
0-0 (9 . . . i.e6 10Jkl E1cS l 1 .b3 �a5 12.f3 h6 make serious progress. This is much easier in
1 3.i.e3 0-0 14.i.d3 <;!lh7 1 5 .0-0t was played the game.
in Polugaevsky - Beliavsky, USSR (ch) 1 975, a 22 Jk6?

game White won.) 10.i.d3 ! a6 ( 1 0 ... a5 1 1 .0-0 22 ... E1c7 23.e5 dxe5 24.fxe5 f5 25.E1ed l <;!lg7
a4 12.E1acl i.e6 1 3.�c2 was a little better for is better for White, but Black keeps reasonable
White in Portisch - Reshevsky, Petropolis (izt) drawing chances.
1 973, another game White won.) 1 1 .0-0 i.d7 23.e5 dxe5 24.fxe5 ge6 25.<;!ltl gfS 26.gd7
1 2.E1fe l i.c6 ( 1 2 ... �bS with the idea of ... b5 fxe5t 27.<;!le3 gb8 28.<;!le4 <;!lg8 29.<;!ld5 <;!lf7
148 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

30.gxe5 gd6t 3 1 .gxd6 exd6 32.<.!?xd6 gd8t to exchange one pair of knights. This is seen in
33.�c7 gd2 34.�xb7 gxg2 35.c5 gxh2 36.c6 all three major Black systems against White's
gc2 37.b4 main line. The old main line was 6 .te3 lLl f6 7
1-0 lLlc3 lLl g4 which these days is much less popular,
A typical Botvinnik game: simple but very despite Larsen breathing some new life into the
strong. This game has become a classic example system in the 80s. My favourite was always
of how to win with the Maroczy. 7 ... 0-0 8 .te2 d6 9 0-0 .td7 1 0 �d2 lLlxd4 1 1
hd4 .tc6 1 2 f3 a5 . Why not 1 0 lLl c2 here you
So, why not exchange as many pieces as possible might ask, as Black is now committed to putting
and get closer to the goal? Well, Black will not his bishop on d7? Good question. Experts like
cooperate. He will happily exchange some Tiviakov therefore play 9 . . lLlxd4 as Black, which

minor pieces, but will try to keep some on the normally transposes back to what Black wants.
board as well. Especially, White has to watch Still, White has caused Black some problems in
out for the scenario where Black ends up with a this system recently, so the real reason I have
knight against a white squared bishop. not recommended the main line for White is
How often have I had positions like this as 5 ... lLlf6 6 lLl c3 d6 7 .te2 lLlxd4 8 �xd4 .tg7.
Black? A safe and solid system that, for example, the
young Russian Malakhov uses to great effect. As
I mentioned earlier, it is noteworthy that in all
the main systems Black happily exchanges one
pair of knights. So why let him? It was Boris
Gulko who pointed this out to me. An extra pair
of knights in the standard positions is definitely
to White's advantage.
6 ... tiJfG 7.tiJ c3 d6 8 .ie2 tiJ d7 9 ..id2

White should avoid such positions at any cost.

White sooner or later will have to sacrifice on
d4, but he will be hard pressed to make a draw.
Of course when seeing this position it is obvious
Black is better, however what normally goes
wrong is that White realises too late that Black's
idea with knight against white squared bishop is
e7 -e5 ! This weakens d5 but as no white knight is
left, who cares? Then Black reroutes the knight Our main line. This defensive looking move
to d4, normally via c5-e6-d4. This Diagram is prevents Black's .txc3. Is it really so clear that
Black's dream; never let it become reality. .txc3 is a threat? Again, I'm not too sure. Nigel
Therefore, I can say from experience that Short played .te3 against Tiviakov and he did not
although White would like to exchange all the take on c3. If two such experts agree .txc3 is not
minor pieces, it felt unpleasant when he kept dangerous then White should definitely go .te3.
all four on as well! Black would definitely like However, compare this to the English opening:
The Accelerated Dragon 149

l .c4 c5 2.liJc3 liJ f6 3.g3 d5 4.cxd5 liJxd5 5 .i.g2 White gets to put his bishop on the al-h8
liJ c7 There one of White's main ideas is 6.�b3 diagonal directly. I l .b4 not only grabbed space,
liJ c6 7.i.xc6t bxc6 8.�a4. He is actually willing it cleared b2 for the bishop. For those who are
to sacrifice a tempo in order to be able to take not impressed with all kinds of talk trying to
on c6. It is not a direct transposition as here justify White's compensation, I will just add
Black has used time on liJ f6-d7, still i.xc3 is a that Deep Fritz 8 claims White has an edge here
serious idea, even used by White players to go despite the pawn minus.
for an advantage. My suggestions are based on 13 ,ie6

i.d2, but avoiding this slightly passive move is How to deal with this as Black then? At the
worth a punt, especially for players who enjoy time I thought Tiviakov's approach was correct.
unbalanced positions. Try and attack c4 in time. As Svidler effectively
9 0-0 10.0-0 tD c5 1 1 .b4!?
.•• refutes this, Black has to look in other directions.
An interesting pawn sacrifice. The alternatives An obvious try is to block the al-h8 diagonal
are worse. For example, 1 1 f3 was once the main in time. This makes sense, but White keeps a
line. I still do not see anything wrong with my dangerous initiative.
old recommendation: 1 1 .. .�b6 1 2 I!;>hl �xb2 An instructive game is: 1 3 ... e5 1 4.�e l !?
13 2"1b 1 i.xc3 which should be fine for Black. Freeing dl for the rook. The queen is fine on e l ,
1 l ...,ixc3 as White intends to push his f-pawns i n order
The principled, brave, but probably bad to pressurize on the long diagonal. 14 . . . �g5
response to the challenge. 1 5 .2"1dl i.e6 1 6.l!;>hl ( 1 6.i.d3 ! ? f5 1 7.f3 liJf6
12 .ixc3 tDxe4 13.i.b2
• 18.f4 seems like an obvious improvement)
16 ... �h4 1 7.i.f3 f5 1 8.b5 liJ d8 1 9.93 �f6
20.liJe3 liJ f7 2 1 .i.g2 2"1ac8 22.f3 liJ c5 23.f4
with good compensation and later 1-0, Milos
- Spangenberg, Argentina 1 99 5 .
1 3 ... �b6 14.a3 i.e6 i s a way o f trying t o get
the positive sides of Tiviakov 's idea, without
facing the rout as in the game. 1 5 .�c 1 !? f6
1 6.�f4 liJg5 17.liJe3 was promising for White
in Gausel - EI Taher, Moscow 1 994. I like the
idea of activating the queen before putting the
knight on e3, but even the immediate 1 5 liJe3
should give excellent compensation.
Ugly but strong. It of course weakens the
c5-square, but the fact that it wins tactically is
Again there are huge similarities to the English more important.
opening. Without the move b4 included (and 14 ... tD e5?
with colours reversed) it would be Vaganian - 14 ... liJa5 is given by Svidler as the only
Kasparov. Garry then had to retreat his bishop chance. He thinks White has excellent chances
to e8, but still gained enough positional after 1 5.�d4 liJ f6 16.liJe3 �c7 1 7.2"1ac 1 �c5
compensation to draw. Of course an extra tempo 18.�h4 2"1ac8 1 9.2"1fd l . I see no reason to
is something, however often sacrifices intended disagree with him on that one.
to yield positional compensation for a draw as 14 ... liJ b8 1 5 .�d4 liJ f6 1 6.g4 �b6 may seem
Black are often not enough for an advantage, OK for Black, however White keeps a huge
even with an extra tempo. However, here there initiative even without the queens: 1 7.g5 �xd4
is one huge difference: 1 8.hd4 liJe4 ( I 8 . . . liJfd7 1 9.i.f3 just wins b7)
I SO Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

1 9 .i8 dS 20.ig2 when Black's centre is about d6 l 1 .liJ e3 liJ d7 1 2.liJdS 0-0 13.Elb U] 9 ... liJ f6
to collapse. 1 0.8 d6 l 1 .ie2 ie6 12.liJe3 Elc8 1 3.Elb U
15.�d4 liJ f6 1 6.f4 liJ ed7 Cebalo-Bilobrk, Pula 1 997.) 9.id3 d6 10.liJe3
1 6 . . . liJ eg4 1 7.h3 liJh6 1 8.g4 1eft Black lost in 0-0 1 1 .0-0 liJeS 12.liJdS;!; liJxdS 13.cxdS 'lWa5
Van Wely - Gustafsson, Dieren 1 999. 14.ie2! 'lWxc3 1 5 .Elb l 'lWc7 1 6.f4 liJ d7 17.ib2�
17.g4! Eljanov - Zubarev, Kharkov 200 1 .
7.liJ c3 0-0 8.ie2 d6 9.0-0 liJd7 10.id2 liJ c5
1 1 .b4 liJ e6

Wins a piece and thus the game. It is amazing

that a top professional like Tiviakov loses like
this in a very computerized age. Probably he The sane choice. Black tries to establish
made the mistake of trusting Carsten Hansen's control over the d4-square, as usual in the
and my book which recommended 1 3 . . . ie6. Maroczy hoping to secure it for one of his
17 ...�b6 1 8.f5 knights. White's b4 of course grabbed some
The rest is easy. space, however it has a downside as well. Soon
1 8 ...ixc4 1 9.ixc4 liJxg4 20.idS �ac8 2 1 .liJ e3 Black will go ... a5 asking the question: Will
liJge5 22.�xb6 liJxb6 23.ixb7 �b8 24.ia6 White weaken c5 by playing b5, or will he allow
liJ d3 2s.id4 liJ b4 26.�fcl liJxa6 27.bxa6 e5 the a-file to be opened by answering it with a3?
28.ne6 ne6 29.�ab l 12.�cl!?
1-0 12.Elbl has been more popular, but this move
has its hidden points. Mainly it protects c3,
Game 43 which will soon become important. Also it leaves
Aronian - Vorobiov the a-file thus not allowing Black to exchange his
Aeroflot Open 2004 rook there.
12 ... liJ ed4
l .e4 c5 2.liJa liJc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.liJxd4 g6 5.c4 1 2 ... a5 seems like a more logical move. Why not
ig7 6.liJc2 liJ f6 at least get the a-file opened? The b6-square is
One reader raised the following concern to weakened, but this does not seem relevant in
Peter Heine Nielsen's recommendation: What this exact position. 1 3.a3 axb4 14.axb4 liJed4
happens after 6 . . . 'lWb6!? Reminds of a line from 1 5 .liJxd4 liJxd4 1 6.ie3! e5 !? ( l 6 ... liJxe2t
the English, where Black takes on c3 and plays 1 7.'lWxe2 ie6 1 8.Elfd l ixc3 !? [ 1 8 ... 'lWc7 19.liJd5
. . . 'lWaS . Here the loss of tempo should favour ixd5 20.exdS gives White an edge. The tactical
White if only ever so slightly: 7.t2k3! ixc3t point is that 20 ... Ela4 2 1 cS ! is very strong and
8.bxc3 liJ f6 (8 .. :�aS 9.id2 [9.'lWd2!? liJ f6 1 0.8 even after the better 20 ... b6 2 1 id4 if6! 22 'lWe3
The Accelerated Dragon lSI

White has a serious initiative although Black 17 . . . CLlxbS ( l 7 . . . E& a2 I s .id3 [ l S.E&e l !? Seems
benefits from the fact that the a-line has been like the obvious improvement, not fearing
opened.] 19.E&xc3 VJfc7!? [ 1 9 ... VJfbS 20.if4 E&cS . . . CLlxe2 and questioning Black's knight on
2 1 .E&cc 1 b6 22.eS dxeS 23.ixeS VJfb7 24.E&e l hS d4 immediately.] l s . . . id7 ! ? was drawn in
2s .id4 i>h7 26.h3 E&c7 27.VJfeS E&gS 2S.VJff4 Geller-Velimirovic, Skara 1 9S0. Black is
was basically winning for White in Speelman now very active.) l S.cxbS ie6 was seen in
- Pigusov, Sochi 1 9S2. 1t is noteworthy that the two Geller-Pigusov games. 1 9.ic4 VJfd7
presence of opposite coloured bishops makes it 20.VJfd3 E&fcS was agreed drawn in their first
much worse for the defender. He cannot oppose encounter, Sochi 1 9S9. The second, Cappelle
on the black squares. 19 . . . VJfh4?! 20.if3! E&fdS 1 992, went 1 9 .b6!? fS 20.£3 E&a3 2 1 .iWd2 E&a2
2 1 .E&c7 E&abS was played in Aagaard - Isonzo, was decent counterplay in the second. My
Arco 200S. Here White should have played: recommendation is 20 ic4 . The point being
22.VJfd2! h6 23.g3 VJff6 24.ig2 i>h7 2S.E&al E&d7 the positional pawn-sac: 20 . . . ixc4 2 1 .E&xc4 f4
26.E&a7 VJfdS 27.VJfc2±] 20.cS E&fcS [Just before 22.iWdSt �hS 23.id2 iWxb6 24.E&fc 1 , which
this book was to go to the press I noticed that to me looks like excellent compensation.
the following game had been played: 20 . . . E&fdS 13.ltJxd4 ltJxd4 1 4 . .ie3!
2 1 .if4 iWcs 22.h3 dxcS 23.E&xcS E&xd l t Again this is the key motif. Here without
24.iWxd l iWdS 2S .iWxdSt E&xdS 26.eS i> g7 the a-file open eS does not make much sense,
27.ie3 E&dS 2S.E&c1 h6 29.ics id7 30.E&al f6 so Black has to go for . . .
3 1 .exf6t Y2- Y2 . Fressinet - M aze, Val d'lsere 1 4... ltJ xe2t I S.iWxe2 b6
2004. I would not want to defend Black's The bishop pair is not a major factor here.
position in these lines, but there is a drawish White can easily exchange the dark squared
tendency you have to acknowledge when bishops and Black lacks a way of creating
you are White against this kind of opening. counterplay. White has a huge edge.
Besides, 22.iWe l ! with the idea of 22 . . . dxcS 1 6.!!fd 1 .ib7 17 . .id4 .ixd4
23.E&xcS and E&xd1 is not with check looks Probably the ugly 1 7 . . . f6 needed serious
like an obvious improvement. I would like consideration.
to make the reader believe that it is my great A proof that Peter believed in his
understanding of chess, and not my ability to recommendation was seen 2 months after the
press ctrl+3 (enabling the Fritz engine - ed. ) , first edition was published: 1 7 . . . E&cS? l S.ixg7
which found this improvement - b u t I would i>xg7 1 9.eS ! White now wins a pawn. 1 9 ... VJfeS
not enter such a foolish endeavour.] 2 1 .E&cc 1 20.exd6 exd6 2 1 .VJfxeS E&fxeS 22.CLl bS ! +­
[2 1 .h3 ! ? seems like a n obvious improvement. Nielsen - Lie, Drammen 200S.
It is not clear what Black should do except 18.!!xd4 'Wic7
for . . . dxcS , which however leaves White a 19.h4!
tempo up on the game. Maybe 2 1 . . .f6!? is the A typical thrust leaving Black with an
most useful, controlling some dark squares. unpleasant choice. To allow the pawn to settle
Black might draw this fairly often, but it is an on h6 or to weaken himself with hS, allowing
unpleasant task and obviously we are playing an eventual g4 opening lines.
for two results only.] 2 1 ...dxcS 22.E&xcS iWbS 19 ... !!acS 20.hS a6 2 1 . ltJ dS .ixdS 22.exdS!
23.h3 E&xcS 24.ixcs iWc7 2 S .iWe.'\ f6 26.f4 E&dS Well, no need to be too dogmatic. Yes, I spoke
And M alakhov drew this somewhat inferior highly of E&xdS in such positions. However, here
position as Black against Dominguez at the White already has something going on the
2004 WC in Libya.) 1 7 . CLl b S ! ? I like this direct kingside and Black has no time for the typical
approach although it has never really worked e6 break. After 22 E&xdS as would give some
out in practice. If Black manages quietly to counterplay.
finish his development he should be fine. 22 ... !!fe8 23J�e4 iWd7 24J!e1 bS 2S.cxbS axbS
I S2 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

26.h6 'it>f8 27.Wfb2 f6 28.�xe7! will then lead to some standard positions with
Crashing through. White having wasted some time. For example,
28 Wfxe7 29.�xe7 'it>xe7 30.Wfe2t
..• 'it>f7 1 1 ...liJcS 12.liJd4 a4 ( 1 2 ... liJ xd4!? 13 . .ixd4
3 1 .Wfxb5 �c1 t 32.'it>h2 �c2 .id7 gives Black a reasonable version of one
But simultaneously Black resigned. Just of the Maroczy main lines, though White may
pushing his a-pawn wins easily for White. still have some edge) 1 3 . liJ dbS ie6 14.�b l
1-0 � as which actually is a transposition to a later
mentioned Dominguez-Malakhov game. 1 1
Game 44 ie3 has its points, but as what Black wants is
Bologan - Motylev to establish himself on the bS square, why go
Togliatti 2003 via d4 allowing Black a desirable exchange?
1 1 . liJ c5 1 2 . liJ ab5 liJ d4

l .e4 c5 v!LJf.3 g6 3.d4 cxd4 4.liJxd4 liJ c6 5.c4 Black insists on exchanging knights. And
liJf6 6.liJc3 d6 7.liJ c2 .ig7 8 .ie2 0-0 9.0-0
• why not? White just lost a lot of time going
liJ d7 10 ..id2 a5 liJ c2-a3-bS. However, he has a strong retort
prepared. 1 2 . . . ie6 1 3 .ie3 a4 14.�b l (I am
not sure why this has to be played, but it is
the only move seen in practice and by some
very strong players indeed. 1 4.�e I ! ? \WaS I S .f4
to me seems logical and strong. As usual in
Maroczy positions with all minor pieces still
on the board, Black finds it hard to develop
naturally. He lacks space.) 1 4 ... \WaS I S .f4
( I S.\We I was Morozevich's move, intending to
go liJ dS at some point without allowing Black
to swap queens on d2, which would be the
obvious square for the queen. I S ... �fc8 1 6.f4
\Wd8 1 7.�e 1 liJ b4 1 8 .�d2 with the usual edge
for White in Morozevich - Iskunsnyh,Togliatti
2003, a game later won by Black though!)
A logical move, stopping White's space IS ... £5 ( I S ... a3 ! ? seems to work, which is one
grabbing b4. The drawbacks are the weakening strong argument in favour of 1 4 �e I ! ? Here
of the b6 and, especially, the bS-square. the point is that Black seems to survive the
1 1 .liJa3!? tactics after 1 6.fS [ 1 6.eS axb2 1 7.�xb2 seems
1 1 .�eI followed by ih6 might also claim a like White's best option. Despite his shattered
small edge. pawns, White's central pressure gives some
1 1 .�el liJ cS 1 2.ifl b6 1 3 . liJ a3 ib7 14.�eI hope, at least of equality.] 16 ... axb2 1 7.fXe6
�c8 I S .igS liJ d4 was reasonable for Black in ixc3.) 1 6.exfS ( 1 6.e5 !) 16 ... ixfS 1 7.�eI \Wb4?
Van Wely- van der Wiel, Leeuwarden 2004, but 1 8.g4 id7 1 9. 1iJ dS \WaS 20.id2 (20.liJxe7t !
I guess White keeps a tiny edge in a complex liJxe7 2 1 .\Wxd6 wins outright) 20 ... \Wd8 2 1 .ic3
position. with a huge edge in Dominguez-Malakhov,
l 1 .ie3. I once had a lot of sympathy for Tripoli 2004.
this. The point is that now ixc3 is much less If you are not too impressed with the quality
attractive for Black as as has weakened squares of that game, keep in mind it was the deciding
in the b-line and Black will not have liJ aS 6-S minute blitz game of their Tripoli 2004
pressurizing the c4-pawn. However, White's WC encounter. Many, including me, have
most natural plan is sooner or later liJ d4, which made worse errors in that situation.
The Accelerated Dragon 1 53

1 2 . . . f5 is a logical and aggressive choice by White's point, without this his play would
Black. This is how White tries to fight for an make much less sense. Getting rid of the white
edge with coloured reversed and thus an extra squared bishops is huge progress. Often White
tempo. Here Black might argue that ctJ a3-b5 ends up with that bishop being bad; this is
was indeed a bit slow, and therefore direct action an integral part of Black's counterp lay in the
is justified. 1 3.exf5 � 14.i.e3 seems to give Maroczy. So why is the 3.i.b5t system against
White an edge. Black's problem is: what's next? 2 ... d6 in the Sicilian not more pop ular then? It
1 2 . . . f5 certainly compromises his position, often ends up as a Maroczywith the white squared
but should give some activity in return. Here I bishops exchanged. Well, as usual generalizing
do not see how Black can intensify his pressure, such concepts is impossible in chess. I guess it
which means White's positional advantages are is again due to the fact that White prefers four
more weighty. minor pieces on the board rather than three,
13.liJxd4 .L:d4 14 ..ih6!? but will be happy to swap down to one or none.
Forcing a desirable swap. Three or two seems to favour Black somehow!
14 .ig7?!
•.. 16 .ixg4

14 ... i.xc3 ! ? 1 5 .bxc3 :Be8 I think this is the 16 ... i.e6 17.�e2 when White eventually
better choice for Black, if only because here will be ready for i.xe6 fxe6 e5 !, leaving him
he can play for the win too. As usual in i.xc3 structurally clearly better.
structures, it however hurts a lot that the black 17.�xg4 a4 18.�e2 �aS 19.:Bac1
pawn is on as. This is actually the only reason White's edge is bigger than it might seem
that I think White can claim an edge. 1 6.£3 is at first sight. Apart from being solid Black
the correct approach for White. A direct attack has no plusses. His a-pawn march did not
with, for example, �d4 will not succeed. Black bring much joy, White managed to protect c3
will put pawns on e5 and f6 anyway, no need in time, which means the undermining . . . a3
to force him to do necessary deeds. Now White is pointless. White simply has control of the
will put a rook on b l , the queen on d2, play centre and the possibility of playing on the
'it>h l , etc. I think White has a slight edge, but it kings ide for free.
is a very complex position. If this does not suit 19 ... ctJ d7 20.ctJ dS ctJf6 2 1 .:Bfdl ctJxdS 22.:BxdS
you, I would recommend doing Moro's move �a6 23.h4
order 1 1 i.e3. Well, we have been here before. Such heavy­
15 ..ixg7 �hg7 piece middlegames are just much better for
23 .. J3fc8 24.hS e6 2S.:Bd4 :BcS 26.%Yd2
Excellent judgement by Bologan. White still
has a huge edge despite the simplifications.
26 ... :BxhS 27.:Bxd6 �aS 28.%YxaS :BhxaS
29.:Bd7 �Sa7 30.cS bS 3 1 .�d6 �b 8 32.f4 @f6
33.@f2 gS 34.g3 �c7 3S.@e3
White is winning. The king enters with
decisive effect.
3S gxf4t 36.gxf4 �g8 37.�c2 1'!gl 38.eSt

@f5 39.c6 �g3t

39 ... :Be l t 40.'it>d4 'it>xf4 4 1 . �c5 wins,
although Black can play on a bit longer than in
the game.
40.@d4 �£3 41.�d7
16 ..ig4! 1-0
1 54 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

Game 45 unpleasant 14.'!Wb3 eyeing the b6 square, and

Gulko Nielsen
- forcing me to retreat with 14 ... ttJ c6 just to get
Esbjerg 2000 b4 for my queen. I was definitely suffering in
that game.
l .c4 c5 2.ltla g6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ltlxd4 .ig7 5.e4 12 .. J�e8 13.2:!ac l %Va5 14.ltla3
ltlc6 6 ..ie3 14.2:!fd l ! ? is interesting as well. Originally
As said, 6.ttJc2 is our preferred move-order. I liked Black due to the game Anand-Larsen,
6 ... ltl f6 7.ltl c3 0-0 8 .ie2 d6 9.0-0 .id7
• Roquebrune (rapid) 1 992, won by my great
10.ltlc2 compatriot after: 14 . . . ttJ e5 1 5 .ttJa3 h5 1 6.�fl
.ia4!? 1 7.2:!e1 .ic6 when Black had decent
counterplay. However, Short came up with the
space grabbing 1 5 b4!? '!Wd8 1 6 ttJa3 a5 1 7 b5
.ie6 18 ttJ a4 ttJ fd7 19 b6! and held an serious
edge against Felgaer, Argentina 200 1 .
But even stronger was 1 5.c5 ! and Black i s in
deep trouble, as taking the pawn drops a piece.
Black is also in trouble after: 14 ... 2:!ed8
1 5 .b4! '!Wh5 ( 1 5 . . . ttJxb4 16.ttJxb4 '!Wxb4 17.2:!bl
'!Wa5 1 8 . .ib6±) 1 6.ttJ d5;!;
14 ....ie6 15.ltlab l
Definitely not as ambitious as Short's
approach, but White will potentially expand
on the queenside, and in the meantime Black
finds it hard to come up with a good plan for
Why discuss this position? Well, ttJ f6-d7-c5 counterplay.
is not Black's only plan. Although this position 1 5 ... ltle5 1 6.b3 �b8 17.a3 �ec8 1 8.b4 %Vd8
arises far more often by the move order in the 19.1tld5 b6 20.�fdl a5 2 1 .h3 axb4 22.axb4
game rather than via our early ttJ c2, Black can id7
choose to enter this position, only giving us some Again the only positive thing to say about
not too relevant extra options like putting the Black's position is that it is solid. The extra set of
bishop on g5 instead of e3, etc. As mentioned minor pieces compared to the normal positions
earlier Black has started going 9 ... ttJxd4 to avoid definitely favours White, and the weakness of
this exact position, certainly most players prefer b6 is also a factor.
putting the knight on d7, not the bishop. 23.ltla3 .ic6 24 .ifl ltl ed7 25.ltlc2?

1 0 a6
••• A mistake but an instructive one! 25.ttJc3
A favourite of Larsen. 1 0 ... '!Wa5?! l 1 .f4 2:!ac8 followed by ttJ ab5 keeps the edge.
12.2:!bl a6 1 3.b4 '!Wd8 14.'!Wd3 was dearly 25 ....ia4!
better for White in Short-Andersson, Wijk aan Finally I manage to exchange some minor
Zee 1 990. Black is dearly suffocating, and the pieces and get decent counterplay. An exchange
weakness of the b6-square makes things even could have been made earlier on d5, but that
worse. would change the pawn-structure in White's
1 1 .f3 2:!c8 12.%Vd2 favour. Now everything is OK.
1 2.2:!c l ! ? is an interesting move order. After 26.�el ltlxd5 27.exd5
12 . . . 2:!e8 Short went back to the game with Well, it is not always bad for Black to take on
1 3.'!Wd2, but why 1 2.2:!cl might be a tad more d5. Here I will find it easy to protect e7, and
exact was shown by Schlosser against me as will soon be active on the a-line.
after 1 2 ... ttJe5?! 13.ttJa3 '!Wa5 he had the very 27 ... .ixc2 28.�xc2 �a8 29 .ig5 •
The Accelerated Dragon 155

With a draw offer. Not even bothering to

check if I knew the standard reply 29 ... i.f6!
intending to take back on f6 with the pawn,
ridding myself of the e7 weakness. Thus White
would not have taken on f6, but might have
gone 30 h4!? with a balanced game.
1Jz-1h .
The Scheveningen
- By Viktor Gavrikov

After 1 .e4 c5 2.lLlf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lLlxd4 lLl f6 2000.) I s .id4! '@.Ixe2 1 6.ixg7! '@.Ie6 1 7.ixc6
5.lLlc3 e 6 the move 6.g4 was introduced into Black loses a pawn without compensation.
tournament practice by Paul Keres in his game l 1 .lLlfS @f8 12.ixd7 �xd7 1 3.ie3 lLl c6
against Efim Bogoljubow, Salzburg 1 943. White 14.0-0-0 if6
invests some time moving the g-pawn onwards. 14 ... EldS 1 S .Elhe l '@.Ic7 1 6.@b l h6 1 7.h4 with
The obvious idea is to play g4-gS and thereby a dangerous initiative, Bebchuk - Sham kovich,
gain space and create attacking possibilities on Moscow (ch) 1 964.
the kingside. White hopes that Black will get a 15.�f3 d4
slightly cramped position for his pieces which
will force Black to spend time rerouting all his
pieces to better squares, while White will be
building an attacking position.

Luther - Rahls, Bad Wildbad 2000, and now

instead of 16.if4 g6 stronger was:
16.g5 ie5 17.@bl!? lntending to meet 17 .. J�d8
with 18.lLlxd4 ixd4 ( l s ... lLlxd4 1 9.ixd4 ixd4
Black has three main continuations: He may 20.c3.) 19.c3 �d5 20.�xd5 �xd5 2 1 .ixd4
further his own plans with 6 ... a6 or 6 ... lLl c6 and �xg5 22.ixa7!
allow g4-gS , or he may discourage the advance
of g-pawn by 6 ... h6. 2) 6 ... ie7 7.g5 lLl fd7 8.h4
Against other moves it is easier for White to S.ie3 with the idea ixgS?! 9.LgS '@.IxgS
fight for the initiative: 10.lLldbS is interesting.
1 ) 6 ... d5 7.exd5 lLlxd5 8.ib5t id7 9.lLlxd5 8 ... lLlb6
exd5 10.�e2t ie7 s ... lLlc6 transposes to the variation 6 ... lLl c6
After 1 0 ... '@.Ie7 I l .ie3, both l l .. .g6?! (Or 7.gS ILld7 S.h4 ie7.
l l . ..a6 1 2.ixd7t ILlxd7 13.lLlfS!? '@.Ie6 14.0-0-0 9.ie3 0-0 10.a3!? d5 l 1 .e5 lLl c6 12.f4 id7
0-0-0 I S .'@.Id3 with advantage for White.) 13.�d2 �c8 14.b3 ic5 1 5.lLlce2 �e7 1 6.a4
12.ixd7t ILlxd7 13.lLlbS ILleS 14.0-0-0 ig7 with a slightly better position for White,
I S JlxdS Fischer - Reshevsky, USA (ch) , New Gruenfeld - Volke, Biel 1 993.
York 1 966, and 1 l ...lLlc6?! 12.0-0-0 g6 1 3.Elhe l
ig7 14.lLlxc6 bxc6 (Rosen - Fronczek, Germany 3) 6 ...e5 7.ib5t id7 8.ixdlt �xd7 9.lLlfS h5
158 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

10.gxh5! 13.tLlxe7
With the following possibilities: Less convincing is the recommendation of
Nunn: 1 3.'lWg4 ttJxf5 14.exf5 Eixh6 1 5 .0-0-0
0-0-0 1 6.f4 in view of 16 ... �g6 17.'lWh3 exf4.
1 3 he7 14.0-0-0 �xh6 15.VNe2 0-0-0

1 6.Wbl WbS 17.tLld5 �dhS I S.a with slightly

better prospects for White, Ye Jiangchuan -
Minnebo, Geneva 1 997.

After these minor lines, let us turn to the first

main line.

The variation with 6 ... a6

6 . . . a6

a) 1 0 ... tLlxe4?!
1 0 . . .l'hh5?! l 1 .ttJd5 Eixf5 1 2.exf5 ttJc6
13.�e3 and Black does not have enough for the
exchange, Tishin - Iljushin, Tula 2002.
l l .tLlxg7t hg7 12.tLlxe4 d5 1 3.h6! dxe4
14.VNxd7t <i>xd7
After 14 ... ttJxd7 1 5 .hxg7 Eig8 1 6.Eigl ttJc5
then 17.�h6 Eic8 1 8.h4 is unpleasant, Aseev ­
Epishin, USSR 1 988.
1 5.hxg7 �gS 16.�gl tLl c6 1 7.ie3 tLl e7 1 8.0-
o-Ot <i>e6 1 9.ic5 tLlfS 20.if8 tLl d4 2 1 .<i> b l !
<i>fS 22.c3 tLlf3?!
More stubborn was 22 ... ttJ e6 23.�a3 Eixg7
24.Eixg7 ttJxg7 25 .Eid7 Wg6 26.Eixb7 Eih8. A standard Sicilian move. Black prepares b7-
23.�hl ! �gxf8 24.gxf8=VN �xf8 25.h4 and b5 and plans to organize counterplay on the
White won in Bologan - Timofeev, Europe - queenside.
Tartarstan 200 1 . 7.g5 tLl fd7 8.h4 b5
If Black plays 8 . . . Wc7 9.h5 b5 1 0.a3 �b7
b) 1 O ... tLlxh5 l l .ih6! tLlc6! White may reply I 1 .Eih3 !? with the idea
1 1 . . .g6?! 1 2.hf8 gxf5 1 3.hd6 ttJc6 g5-g6.
14.�c5±. 9.a3 ib7
12.VNxh5 tLle7 After 9 . . . ttJ b6 1 0 .h5 Black has several
1 2 ... g6?! 1 3.'lWg5 gxf5 14.hf8 Wxf8 1 5 .0-0-0 possibilities which all seem insufficient to
ttJd4 1 6.Eihgl 'lWe6 allows White an excellent equalize:
attacking position after 1 7.Eixd4! exd4 1 8.'lWg7t a) 1 0 . . . e5?! l 1 .ttJf5 d5 1 2.h6! gxh6 1 3.ttJxh6
We7 19.ttJd5t Wd7 20.'lWxd4 Eihc8 2 1 .'lWb4! d4 14.ttJe2 ttJ c6 1 5 . ttJ g3± Lobron - K. Schulz,
Eiab8 22.'lWa4t Eic6 23.'lWxa7 Wh6t 24.Wb l , Germany 1 9 8 5 .
Shmuter - Obukhov, Russia 1 993, or 2 0. . . b5 b) 1 0 . . . �e7 1 1 .�gl (In case o f I 1 .Wg4
2 1 .exf5 'lWe5 22.Wd3 Wc6 23.Eidl , Korneev - (with the idea 1 1 . . .e5?! 1 2.ttJfS g6 13.hxg6
Suba, Zaragoza 1995. fxg6 14.�e3 ! gxf5 1 5 .exf5 and White has a
The Scheveningen 1 59

dangerous initiative for a piece) 1 1 . . .'lWc7 is

playable for Black.) 1 1 . . .g6 1 2 .�e3, T. Ernst
- Barash, Gausdal 1 99 1 , with the threat of
1 3 . tD dxb5 axb5 14.�d4.
c) 10 . . . tD 8d7 1 1 .l'!h3 tD c5 ( l l . ..�c7 1 2.�g2)
12.g6 f6 1 3 . l'!g3:t, Nunn -Walden, Nottingham
1 9 83 .

1 2 ... tt'l bd7?! ( 1 2 ... tDc6 is an untested

alternative which is probably a better choice)
13.g6! 5?! ( 1 3 ... hxg6 14.tDxe6! with the idea
14 ... fxe6? 1 5.'lWxg6t <t!?rs 1 6.h6 �f6 1 7.hxg7t
hg7 1 8.l'!xh8t �xh8 1 9.�h6t <t!?e7 20.'lWh7t
<t!?f6 2 I .f4, with the idea 14 . . . �c8 1 5 .tDxg7t <t!?rs
1 6.�d4 �f6 1 7.hf6 tDxf6 1 8 .'lWf4 followed by
h5-h6) 14.'lWg3 ! tt'lrs 1 5 .h6 �f6 1 6.hxg7 �xg7
We will now deal with the most important 1 7 .gxh7 �f6?! 1 8.l'!h6 with a decisive advantage
moves, A) 10 tDb6, B) 10 tD c5, C) 10 ... i.e7
... ..•
in Yagupov - Yezersky, St Petersburg 1 993.
and the main move, D) 10 ttl c6. •..

A) 1 0 ttl b6

1 0 . . . d5?! I l .exd5 tDb612.�g2 tDxd5 13.tDxd5

�xd5 14.'lWg4 gave White a clear advantage in
Sax - Fedder, Plovdiv 1983.
1 l .h5 ttl 8d7?!
The alternatives are:
a) 1 1 ... tD c4?! 12. i.xc4 bxc4 13. �e2 �c7
14.0-0-0 tD d7 1 5 .g6 hxg6 1 6.hxg6 E!xh l
17.gxf7t <t!?xf7 18. E! xh l tD f6 19. tD f3 ! �c6
20. tD g5t <t!?e7 2 1 . E! d l followed by fl-f4 was
very unpleasant for Black in Luther - Nagendra,
Bad Wildbad 1 993.
b) After 1 1 . . .d5 White can play 1 2.h6!?
(with the idea 1 2 ... g6? 13.tt'lxe6 fxe6 14.'lWd4) The strongest continuation. This excellent
12 ... gxh6 1 3 .'lWh5 �d6 14.�h3 e5 1 5 .tt'l5 idea was introduced into tournament practice
'lWg6 1 6.�xg6 hxg6 1 7.hb6 gxf5 1 8.hf5 d4 in the game Adams C. Hansen, Wijk aan Zee

1 9.tDd5 �xd5 20.exd5 with advantage. 1 99 1 . Less dangerous for Black is 1 2.l'!gl g6 or
c) 1 1 . ..�e7 1 2.'lWg4 1 2.l'!h3 d5.
1 60 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

12 ... hxg6 1 3.hxg6 �xhl 14.gxf7t <it>xf7

1 4 . . . <it>e7? is refuted by I S .�g4 ! �cS
1 6.�xe6t <it>dS 1 7.1West <it>c7 I S.ttJe6t
mc6?! (Black is also in a hopeless situation
after I S . . . mbS 1 9.ttJxf8 ttJ xf8 20.hb6 .ic6
2 1 .�e7 ttJ d7 22 . .idS �hS 23.�xd6t mb7
24 . .ie7) 1 9.ttJdS! �xfl t 20.mxf1 ttJxdS
2 1 .exdSt mxdS 22. ttJxf8 ! �xeS (22 ... ttJxf8
23.E1dl t mc4 24.E1d4t or 22 . . . ttJeS 23.E1d l t
me4 24.E1d4t m fS 2S .E1f4t, Kotronias - Kr.
Georgiev, Karditsa 1 994, leads to mate and
22 . . . mc6 loses to 23.1We4t mc7 24. ttJ e6t mbS
2S .�f4, Forster - Weigler, Switzerland 1 993.)
23.fxeS=1W E1xeS 24.ttJxd7 mc6 2 S . ttJ b6 E1xe3
26.fxe3 mxb6 27.E1dl mc7 2S.E1d4 with a won
ending for White. The alternative is I S . . . �b6 when 1 6.g6 E1bS
1 5 .�f3t �f6 1 7.gxf7t mxf7 I S. ttJ f3 ! should be dangerous
Unsatisfactory is I S . . . ttJ f6 1 6 .1Wxh l �c7 for Black. For example: I S . . . .ic6 (if I S . . . .iaS,
1 7.ttJ f3 ! . For example 1 7 . . . mgS I S.ttJgS E1eS then 1 9 . ttJ a4 ! 1WbS 20 . .ixcS �xa4 2 1 .1Wg4!,
1 9.0-0-0 dS? 20.�h3 ! .ics 2 1 ..ixbS! and or 20 ... dxcS 2 1 .ttJeSt meS 22.1Wg4!) 1 9 . .ixcS
Black cannot parry the threat of E1h l , Svidler 1WxcS 20.ttJgSt me7 2 1 .�g4 .id7 22.1Wf4
- Nepomniashy, St Petersburg 1 996. .ieS (after 22 . . . 1Wb6 winning is 23.ttJf7 E1gS
16.�xh l tLl c5 24.ttJxd6 1Wxb2t 2S.md2 E1b3 26.E1h3) 23.eS !
In the aforementioned game Adams - dS (both 23 . . . dxeS 24.1Wh4 �b6 2S.ttJxe6t!
C. Hansen Black tried 1 6 . . . ttJeS?! but ran into mxe6 26.�g4t mf7 27.�xc4t �e6 2S.�c7t
1 7.ttJxe6! 1Wxe6 I S . .ixb6 dS. Play continued .ie7 29.�xbS and 23 . . .1WxeS 24.1Wh4 1Wfs
1 9 . .id4 ttJ c6 ( 1 9 . . . dxe4? is not good because 2S .E1he 1 md7 (2S ... eS 26.E1xeSt! �xeS 27.ttJf3t
of 20.1WhSt ttJg6 2 1 ..ih3.) 20 . .ih3 �eS 2 1 .0- 1Wf6 2S.ttJdSt and 26 . . . dxeS 27.ttJxh7t me6
0-0 ttJxd4 22.E1xd4 1WeS 23.E1d3 d4 24.ttJ dS 2s.1Wxc4t me7 29.ttJdSt) 26.ttJxe6 are bad for
.ixdS 2S.exdS with good winning chances for Black) 24.ttJxe6 ! ! mxe6 2S.ttJxdS md7 (2S . . . .ia4
White. 26.h6! �c6 27.E1hS) 26.E1d4! �aS 27.e6t mcs
1 7.�h5t!? g6 1S.�g4 2S.E1xc4t mb7 29.E1c7t maS 30.�f3 E1b7
and it is hard to see what Black can do against 3 1 .E1cst E1bS 32.E1xeS E1xeS 33.ttJb4t winning
the logical follow-up 0-0-0 and ttJ f3 . (analysis) .
B ) 1 0. . . tLl c5 1 1 .�g4!? tLl bd7 12.h5 Now �b6 can be met by ttJ a4. However, also
This is more accurate than possible is 1 6.g6 �c7 1 7.gxf7t 1Wxf7 I S.1Wg4
12.0-0-0 1WaS ! 1 3.hS b4 1 4.axb4 �xb4 with and White has at least a small edge.
strong counterplay for Black. 1 6 ...�a5 1 7.g6
1 2 ... tLl e5 13.�g2 tLl c4 With a strong initiative for White. Now the
1 3 ... :�'kS also looks good for White, e.g. 14.f4 game Kulaots - Yewdokimov, Tallinn 200 1
ttJ c6 I S .g6 hxg6 1 6.hxg6 E1xh l 1 7.gxf7t mxf7 continued:
I s.1Wxh l �f6 1 9.0-0-0 ttJxd4 20.E1xd4 .ie7 1 7 ....ie7
2 1 ..ig2;l;, De Vreugt - G. Horvath, Vlissingen 17 . . . fS I S.gxh7 ttJ xe4 1 9.1Wg6t md7 20.h6!
1 997. gxh6 2 1 .�f7t .ie7 22.E1xh6.
14 ..ixc4 bxc4 1 5.0-0-0 E1b8 18.gxf7t mxf7 19.�f3t iof6?!
The Scheveningen 161

1 9 . . . <;!;>e8 was better, when White plays Game 46

20.'lMfg4 with the idea 20 . . . <;!;>f7 2 1 .lLl f4 .ic8 Renet - Summermatter
2 2.lLlg6 ! . Swiss Championship 1 992
20.l:'!xd6 with a clear advantage.
D) 10 tLlc6 1 l .h5

C) 1 0 �e7 1 1 .Wfd2
.•• 1 1 .�e2 lLldeS ( 1 l . ..l'l:c8 1 2.0-0-0 lLlceS
Interesting is 1 1 .�e2 lLlc6 ( 1 1 . . . lLl b6!?) 1 2.0- 1 3.f4 lLlc4 is also good for Black, Heinemann
0-0 0-0 1 3 . f4 lLlxd4 1 4 . .ixd4 �aS , Baikov - - Hetey, Germany 1 998.) 1 2.0-0-0 lLlc4
Antkowiak, Nuremberg 1 989, and now I S .g6!? 13.lLlxc6 hc6 14.f4 �aS I S .lLldS (Alexander
Exg6 ( I S . . . hxg6? 1 6.hS) 1 6.�g4 l'l:f7 1 7.�xe6 - Lundholm, corr. 1 970-7 1 ) was recommended
with better prospects for White. by Nunn in his book with Gallagher Beating the
The continuation 1 1 .Wi g4 lLl c6 1 2.0-0-0 gives Sicilian 3, but after I S ... .ib7! White has serious
Black sufficient counterplay after 1 2 . . . lLl ceS problems!
1 3.Wig3 l'l:c8 14.f4 lLlc4 I S . .ixc4 l'l:xc4 1 6.f5
lLl cS ( 1 6 ... eS!?) 1 7.g6 Exg6 ! , Zhao - Alcazar
Jimenez, Oropesa del Mar 2000.
1 l tLl c6

1 1 . . . lLl cS 1 2.f3 � c7 is less accurate since

after 1 3 . 0-0-0 White may meet 1 3 . . . lLl bd7
(Or 1 3 . . . lLl c6 14 . .ixbS!?) with a typical piece
sacrifice 14.hbS!? axbS I S .lLldxbS Wic6
1 6.lLlxd6t hd6 1 7.'Wxd6±, Fischer - Najdorf,
Leipzig (01) 1 960.
Another idea is 1 1 . . . lLl b6!? Then 12. hS
lLl 8d7 13.0-0-0 Wic7 gives us a fairly normal
position where White should be slightly better.
A good plan is 14.l'l:gl followed by gS-g6.
12.0-0-0 0-0
In Campora - Landenbergue, Bid 1 99 1 , 1 1 ... tLlxd4
Black tried 1 2 ... l'l:c8 1 3.<;!;>b l WiaS 1 4.hS The alternatives are:
b4? ! I S .axb4 Wixb4, but after 1 6.lLlxc6 .ixc6 a) 1 1 ... i.e7 12. � gl g6 1 3 . � h l ! ? � f8
17.�d4! Wixd4 1 8.hd4 .ixgS White could ( 1 3 ... Lgs 14.hxg6 Le3 I S .gxf7t <;!;>xf7
play 1 9.ha6 l'l:a8 20 . .ibS hbS 2 1 .lLlxbS when
Black loses a pawn without compensation. 1 6.� hSt <;!;>e7 1 7.Exe3 is slightly better for
13.<;!;>bl l:'!b8 14.f4 l:'!e8 1 5.g6!? hxg6 1 6.h5
White. Actually White will be better off if he
tLlxd4, Vogt - Summermatter, Lenk 1 990, and
first includes 14.lLlxc6 hc6 and then I S.hxg6
here �xe3 1 6.gx:f7t c;k; xf7 1 6.Wff3t! Wff6 1 7.Wfxe3
17.hd4 gives White good attacking with a better position.) ) 14.f4 ttJ xd4 I S .�xd4
prospects. eS 1 6. � d2 exf4 17. i.xf4 ttJ cS ( 1 7 ... ttJ eS
1 8.0-0-0 with the idea 18 ... ttJ f3? 1 9 . �e3
Now let us turn to our main game after l .e4 ttJ xgS 20. ttJ xbS !) 1 8.0-0-0! ttJ xe4? 1 9. ttJ xe4
c5 2.tLla d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 tLl f6 5 . tLl c3 e6 Le4 20.i.g2 i.xg2 2 1 . �xg2 � c8 22. � he l
6.g4 a6 7.g5 tLl fd7 8.h4 b5 9.a3 �b7 1 O.�e3
with decisive threats in Leenhouts - Muhren,
Dieren 2003.
b) 1 1 . ..l'l:c8 1 2.l'l:h3 lLlxd4 { 1 2 . . . lLl ceS 1 3 .g6! ,
D) 1 0 tLl c6.
Ghinda - Tsarouhas, Ano Liosia 1 998, with the
1 62 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

idea 13 ... hxg6 14.hxg6 tDxg6 l S .l'!xhB tDxhB 2 1 .id4 e5

1 6.'lMfhS tDg6 1 7.tDxe6, but 13 . . . 'lMff6 seems Black cannot exchange the dark-square
to hold the balance.) 1 3 .'lMfxd4 tD eS 14.0-0-0 bishops: 2 1 . . .ixd4? 22.'lWxd4 eS 23.'lWxd6 l'!fdB
tD c4 l S.g6 hxg6 1 6.hxg6 l'!xh3 1 7.ixh3 tDxe3 loses to 24.gxf7t �hB 2S .h6! or 24 ... �xf7
1 B.'lWxe3 with a dangerous initiative, Tolnai 2s .ic4tL
- Janetschek, Austria 1 993. 22.i.e3?
1 2.YlYxd4 tD eS 1 3.0-0-0 tD c6 1 4.YlYd2 The natural reply, but this retreat was only
Black's manoeuvre is quite common, but the strong after the inclusion of the moves 22.gxh7t!
downside of it is that it costs time. One could �xh7.
say that White has gained 0-0-0 for nothing. 22 ... d5?
White's position is now slightly better. Missing a chance by 22 ... hxg6! 23.hxg6 dS !
14 .. J�cB 1 5.l'!h3! to punish White for his mistake.
This is a typical idea for such positions. White 23.gxh7t �xh7
intends to play gS-g6. 23 ... �hB would also be met by 24.igS ! .
15 ... b4 1 6.axb4 tDxb4 17.� b 1 YlYaS 1 B.£3 24.i.g5! d4?
i.e7 Resignation. The only possibility to continue
1 B . . . dS looks risky for Black after 1 9.96. For the fight was 24 ... l'!xc3 2S.'lWxc3 'lWa2t 26.�c1
example 1 9 ... eS? 20.exdS hdS 2 1 .ib6! 'lMfxb6 'lWa4 27.'lWb3 'lWxb3 2B.cxb3 hgst 29.l'!xgS
22.tDxdS 'lMfc6 23 .ic4! with the threat of tD b6. dxe4 (29 ... l'!cBt 30.�b 1 dxe4 3 1 .ih3 l'!bB
1 9.96 O-O? 32.ifSt �h6 33.l'!g4.) 30.fXe4 l'!cBt 3 1 .ic4
An illogical decision that allows White to he4 when it is not so easy for White to realize
organize an attack against the black king. After his material advantage.
1 9 ... fxg6 20.hxg6 h6 White has only a small 25.hf6 gxf6 26.i.h3
advantage. 1-0

The variation with 6 ... tD c6

6 ... tDc6

An important resource. Now Black has to
reckon with the manoeuvre ifl -h3.
20 i.f6

The other moves are worse: 7.g5 tD d7 B.i.e3

20 ... f5? 2 1 .h6 and 20 ... 'lMfxhS? 2 1 .gxh7t A flexible move that prepares long castling and,
'lWxh7 22.ig2. in comparison with B.h4, reserves the attacking
Also 20 ... fXg6? 2 1 .ih3 is no joyride. manoeuvre l'!gl -g3-h3.
The Scheveningen 1 63

The main alternative is S.tZldbs tZlb6 9 ..tf4 tZles Game 47

(after 9 ... es 1 0 . .te3 .te6 l 1 .tZlds hds 12.exds Timmermans - de Jonghe
tZle7 l 3.c4 White has a small plus) 1O.�hs tZlg6 Belgium 19S9
(worse is 1O ... .td7 because of l 1 .hes dxes
( 1 1 .. .g6? 1 2 ..txd6!) 12.g6! a6 l 3.gxf7t clfe7 9.�gl
14.tZl a3 �c7 I s .Ei:gl !?) 1 1 ..tg3 (to unclear play Another interesting attacking possibility
leads 1 1 ..te3 a6 12.tZld4 ds) l l . ..a6 12.tZld4 is 9.h4 0-0 1 0 .�hs . The game Movsesian -
.te7 l 3.0-0-0! .txgst 14.clfbl 0-0 I s ..txd6 Cvitan, Germany, 1 997 is a good illustration
�xd6 16.�xgs h6 1 7.�e3 with a slightly better of this idea: 1 O . . . a6 1 1 .0-0-0 tZl xd4 1 2.hd4
position for White according to Kasparov. bs 1 3 . .td3 !? tZl es ( 1 3 . . . b4? loses in view of
S .ie7
.•• the typical sacrifice 1 4.hg7! with the idea
A central strike is the recommended reaction 14 . . . clfxg7 I s .�h6t clfhS 1 6.es etc. The same
to a wing attack, but here the plan with d6-ds goes for l 3 . . . Ei:eS? 1 4.hg7! clfxg7 I s .�h6t
does not promise Black adequate counterplay: clfhS 1 6.es tZlffi 1 7. tZl e4 tZl g6 I S . tZl f6 .bE6
a) S ... tZlb6 9.h4 ds 10 . .tbs .td7 l 1 .exds exds 1 9.9xf6 Ei:gS 20.hs �ffi 2 1 .�xh7t ! 1 -0,
( l l . . .tZlxds 12.tZlxds exds l3.�d2 and White's Madl - Summermatter, Geneva 1 9S5.) 14.f4
flexible position should give him a solid plus.) tZlxd3t I s.Ei:xd3 .tb7? ( l s . . . Ei:eS?! gave White
1 6.hs .tb4 17.�d3 tZlc4 IS ..tcs ! .txcs?! (better a crushing attack in Naiditsch - Bischoff, 2000
was I S ... �bS) 19.tZlxcs �d6?? 20.�xc4 1-0, after 1 6.fS iffi?! ( 1 6 . . . exfS 1 7.Ei:fl ) 1 7.f6 g6
Glek - Dydyshko, Azov 1 99 1 . I S.�f3 es 1 9.hs ! Black should have played
b) Sometimes Black tries to create counterplay I s . . . b4 16.tZle2 �as 1 7.clfb l es I S . .te3 .te6
on the queenside by S ... a6 9.h4 � c7, when White 1 9.b3 ds, when White can still claim an edge
can choose between two queen moves: by 20.�f3! fS 2 1 .gxf6 .bE6 22.fs dxe4 23.�xe4
b l ) 10.�e2 bs l 1 .tZlxc6!? �xc6 1 2 . .td4 .tb7 .tV 24.igs , Z. Almasi - Cvitan, Budapest
(12 ... b4 13.tZlds as 14.�bs! �xbs I s .tZlc7t 1 99 1 .) 1 6.Ei:gl ! (the opposition with the
clfdS 16.tZlxbs .tb7 17 ..tg2 is favourable for black king is a decisive factor in this position)
White according to Nunn) 13 .0-0-0 0-0-0 14.a3 1 6 ... b4 1 7.tZlds ! exds
tZlb6 I s .Ei:h3 clfbS 16.f4 with better prospects,
Korsunsky - Eingorn, Baku 1979.
b2) 1O.�d2 bs 1 1 .0-0-0 .tb7 12.tZlxc6 �xc6
l 3.a3 tZles 14.f4! tZlc4 1 s ..txc4 �xc4 16.id4 Ei:gS
17.Ei:h3 ie7 IS.clfbl Ei:cS 19.fS with the initiative,
Ermenkov - Kr. Georgiev, Bulgaria 1987.

I S.Ei:dg3 ! ! (with the terrible threat �h6)

I S ... �c7 ( l S ... Ei:eS 1 9.96 fxg6 20.Ei:xg6 hxg6
2 1 .�xg6 if6 22 ..txf6 Ei:e7 23 . .txg7 + - ) 1 9.�h6!
�xc2t 20.clfxc2 Ei:fcSt 2 1 .clfd2 gxh6 22.gxh6t
igs 23.Ei:xgst clfffi 24.exds clfe7 2s .Ei:fS Ei:c4
1 64 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

(or 25 ... 2"1fS 26.2"1g7 .icB 27 ..if6t @eB 2B.2"1fgS 1 7.2"1d8 bxc3 ( 1 7 ... tLlg6 l S.2"1xf7t @xf7
winning) 26.@d3 2"1acB 27.2"1g7 1 -0. 1 9.�xh7t @fS 20.2"18t) 1 B.2"1xf7t @gB 1 9.96
9 0-0
•.. winning, Zaichik - Siekanski, Polanica Zdroj
If Black plays 9 ... a6 White may reply 10.'lWhS 1 989.
when Black has nothing better than 10 . . . 0-0 a3) Probably Black should settle for the worse
transposing back into the main line. position after 14 . . . eS I S . .ie3 g6 1 6.�h6 .ifS
10.'lWh5 17.�h4, as he did in the game Santo Roman
- Bischoff, Uzes 1 990.
b) 1 O ... g6 1 1 .�h6 (unclear is 1 1 .'lWh4 tLl deS
1 2 ..ie2 tLlxd4 1 3 . .ixd4 f6, Wohl - Cvitan,
Groningen 1 997.) 1 1 ...tLldeS (the continuation
1 1 .. .2"1e8?! 12.0-0-0 .if8 1 3.�h4 a6 14.2"1g3
.ig7 I S .f4 tLlfB? 1 6.eS ! looks very dangerous
for Black, Ivanovic - Mascarinas, Manila (izt)
1 990) 12.0-0-0 f6 13 .gxf6 .ixf6 14.tLlxc6 bxc6
I S . .ie2 with slightly better prospects for White
in Kengis - Murugan, Gausdal l 99 1 .
c) 1 0 . . . tLlxd4 1 1 ..ixd4 tLleS 12.2"1g3!? (an
idea which deserves attention is 1 2.0-0-0!? g6
1 3.�h6 f6 14.gxf6 .ixf6 I S . .ie2 .ig7 16.�d2
with a slightly better position for White) 12 ... g6
1 3 .�e2 LgS I 4 . .ie3 .if6?! ( 1 4 . . . .ih4!) I S .O-O-O
This looks natural and strong. The space with compensation for the pawn, Jansa -
advantage allows White to prepare his forces Nielsen, Gausdal 1 990.
for an attack on the kings ide. 1 1 .0-0-0 tL\ f8 12.f4
10 J'!eS
.. Also possible is 1 2.2"1g3 planning to meet
Black vacates the fS-square for the knight 12 ... a6 by 13.tLlxc6 bxc6 14.eS �c7 I S .tLl e4!
and prepares for the manoeuvre 2"1g3-h3 . The dxeS 16.tLlf6t gxf6 1 7.gxf6t tLlg6 I S.fxe7 2"1xe7
alternatives are: 1 9 . .igS with a dangerous initiative, Atri Sangari
a) 1 0 ... a6 1 1 .0-0-0 2"1eS 1 2.2"1g3 (In Akopian - Kelly, Moscow (01) 1 994.
- Brenninkmeijer, Groningen 1 99 1 , White 12 . a6
. .

included first the moves 1 2.f4 .ifS and only It is easy to criticise this move, but Black has
now played 1 3.2"1g3 g6 1 4.�h4 hS?! l S . .ie2 serious problems since 1 2 ... tLlxd4 1 3 . .ixd4 .id7
.ig7 1 6.ltJxc6! bxc6 1 7.2"1xd6 .ixc3 1 B . bxc3 14 . .id3 eS?! fails to I S .fxeS dxeS 1 6.LeS .ics
'lWaS 1 9 .@d2! with a clear edge.) 1 2 ... tLlxd4 17 . .ic4 ! . Better is 14 ... 2"1cB with the idea of a
1 3 . .ixd4 bS 14.@b 1 ! (preventing .ixgS landing future sacrifice on c3, when White's chances
with check after 2"1£3 or 2"1h3). Now we have would only be slightly preferable. After 14 . . . 2"1cB,
three options: the move l S .£5 with interesting prospects for
a l ) 14 ... b4? is bad on account of l S .2"18! f6 White suggests itself.
( l S ... 2"1fS? 1 6.2"1h3 h6 1 7.gxh6) 1 6 .2"1h3 tLl fS 13.�g3 tL\xd4 14 . .ixd4
1 7.gxf6 .ixf6 1 B . .ixf6 gxf6 1 9.2"1g3t @hB Thanks to Black's last move the white bishop
(Or 19 ... tLlg6 20.2"1xg6t hxg6 2 1 .�xg6t @fS is able to take up a menacing position.
22.�h6t @f7 23 . .ie2! with decisive threats.) 14 ... b5 1 5 ..id3 b4?
20.�f7 tLl g6 2 1 .2"1h3 tLl fS and now: 22 . .ibS! Provoking the following combination. The
clearing the path for the queen's rook to gl only chance for Black to prolong his resistance
wins. was a pawn sacrifice by I S ... eS 1 6.fxeS dxeS
a2) 14 . . . tLlfS? l S .2"1dd3 ! b4 16 . .ixg7! @xg7 1 7.LeS 'lWaS .
The Scheveningen 1 65

For a long time White mostly played 7.g5
hxg5 8.hg5, but now 7.h4 is considered more
promising. White wants to continue with Elgl
(or ii.g2) and g5 , driving the black knight away.
7 ttJ c6

The most natural reply, but Black has two

other possibilities:
a) 7 ... a6 8.ii.g2 ctl c6 (8 . . . g6 9.g5 hxg5 10. hg5
ii.e7 1 1 .�d2 e5 1 2.ctlde2 ii.e6 13.0-0-0 ctlbd7
14.f4 �a5 1 5 .@b l is a little better for White.)
9.g5 hxg5 1 0.hxg5 Elxh l t 1 1 .ii.xh l ctl d7 12.f4
�b6 ( 1 2 ... g6 1 3.ii.e3 �b6 14.a3 Elb8, Fernandez
Garcia - Suba, Seville 1 994, 1 5 .�d2 with the
idea 0-0-0) 13.ctlde2 g6 (This move has been
16.i.xg7! @xg7 played at least six times at grandmaster level:
After 1 6 . . . bxc3 White wins with 17.�h6 �b6 Black's statistics are disastrous. Black should
18.ii.xc3 e5 1 9.ii.xe5. probably try something else like 1 3 ... ii.e7 with
17."Wh6t @g8 the idea 14 ... f6, the point is that Black threatens
Or 1 7 ... @h8 1 8.e5 followed by ii.xh7. to play 1 5 ... fxg5 1 6.fxg5 ctl de5 with a fully
1 8.e5 ttJ gG satisfactory position, and if White takes on f6
If 1 8 ... bxc3 then 1 9.ii.xh7t ctlxh7 20.g6 is then the bishop takes back and threatens ii.h4 t
decisive. with good play.) 14.b3 �c7 (after 14 ... �c5
19.hgG fxg6 20J�h3 i.xg5 21 ."Wxh7t @f8 White plays 1 5 .�d2 b5 1 6.ii.b2 ii.b7 1 7.0-0-0
22."Wh8t 0-0-0 1 8.@bl �f2 19.Ele l ! followed by ctldl­
1-0 e3, Short - Kindermann, Dortmund 1986)
1 5 .ii.b2 b5 1 6.a3 ctl c5 17.�d2 ii.b7 1 8.0-0-0
The variation with 6 ... h6 b4 1 9.axb4 ctlxb4 20.@b l �a5 2 1 .f5 ! with the
initiative, van der Weide - Agdestein, Cappelle
6 ... h6 200 1 .
b ) 7 . . .ii.e7 8.�f3

Black tries to keep his knight on f6 and gain

some time for counterplay. 8 ... ctlc6 (if8 ... h5 9.gxh5 ctlxh5, then 10.ii.e3!?
1 66 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

lLl c6 1 1 .0-0-0 a6 12.i.e2 i.d7 1 3.�g2 looks 1 1 .lLlxd5 ex:d5

good for White, Brodsky - Krzywicki, Warsaw
1 993.) 9.lLlxc6 (dubious is 9.i.bS?! because
of 9 ... i.d7 10.hc6 bxc6 l 1 .gS hxgS 12.hxgS
�xh l t 1 3.�xh 1 lLlg4! 14.'1Wh3 �b6 l S.�xg4
�xd4, Agopov - Gavrikov, Helsinki 2000.)
9 ... bxc6 1 0.gS lLld7 1 1 .gxh6 gxh6 1 2.i.d2!?
(Inserting the moves 1 2.i.f4 eS and then
l 3.i.d2 is a bit more accurate, because then
Black's knight will be deprived of the eS-square
and the white squares on dS-e6-f7 will be more
exposed.) 1 2 ....txh4 1 3.0-0-0 �e7 14.�f4 i.f6
( 1 4 ... i.gS l S.�g3) l S .�xh6 i.b7 1 6.�xhSt
.txhs 1 7.�g3 0-0-0 l S.i.gS i.f6 1 9.hf6 lLlxf6
20.eS dxeS 2 1 .�xdSt �xdS 22.�xeS with a
favourable ending for White in Gallagher - Cu.
Hansen, Germany 2002. Game 48
8.�gl Karpov - Spassky
Tilburg 1 9S0

This pawn sacrifice is more dangerous for
Black than 1 2.�e2t.
12 ...,te7
After 1 2 . . . \Mfxh4 1 3 .�d2!? ( 1 3 .�e2 lLlxd4
1 4.i.xd4t \Mfe7 l S .i.xd7t @xd7 1 6.i.e3 �ds
17.0-0-0 @cS l S .\Mff3 a6=, Ashley - Salov,
New York 1 996) l 3 . . . a6 ( l 3 . . . i.e7 14.0-0-0
with the idea lLl fS) 14.i.xc6 bxc6 1 5 .0-0-0,
White has sufficient compensation for the
pawn. For example:
l S . . . ,td6 16.lLlfS hf5 1 7.gxfS i.eS l S.f4!
i.f6 1 9 .�b4! ( 1 9.i.cS Nunn) .
Now Black has a choice between two Or l S . . . i.e7 Ferguson-Mirumian, European
main continuations A) 8 d5 and B) 8 .. h5.
••• . Youth Championship ( V I S) Chania 1 994.
Possibilities like S ... g6 9.gS hxgS 1 0.i.xgS 1 6.i.f4!? (with the idea 16 ... 0-0 17.lLl f3 !
i.e7 1 1 .�d2 a6 1 2.0-0-0 or s ... lLl d7 9.gS �f6 1 8 .gS hxgS 1 9.hgS \Mfxf3 20.he7 �feS
hxgS 1 0.hgS !? ( 1 0.hxgS with the idea i.e3 .) 2 1 .�gS g6 22.\Mfh6! �xe7 23.�h 1 �f6 24.�h7t
1 0 ...\Mfb6 1 1 .lLl b3 a6 1 2.hS are promising for @ffi 2S .\MfhSt etc.) 16 ... cS 17. lLl f3 ( 1 7. lLl fS !?)
White. �f6 18. �de 1 gives White a solid plus.
13.\Mfd2 hl4
A) 8 d5 9.,tb5 ,td7 1 0.exd5 tDxd5
.•• This is a risky idea.
In the ending that arises after 10 ... lLlxd4 The exchanges with 1 3 . . . lLlxd4 14 ..txd7t
1 1 .hd7t \Mfxd7 1 2.�xd4 lLlxdS l3.lLlxdS �xdS �xd7 l S .\Mfxd4 .tf6 16.\Mfb4 are in White's
1 4.�xdS exdS l S.i.e3 i.e7 1 6.hS White has favour, e.g. 1 6 . . . aS ( 1 6 . . . i.e7 1 7.\Mfb3 with
slightly better prospects, Nikolenko - Zakharov, the idea 0-0-0) 17.\Mfa3 i.e7 l S .\Mfd3 \Mfa4
Smolensk 1 99 1 . 1 9.0-0-0! ? ( 1 9 .a3) 1 9 . . . \Mfxa2 20.�bSt @ffi
The Scheveningen 1 67

2 1 .'lWxb7 !l:dB (Rowson - Stocek, Budapest 1 4 . . . Gt:Jxd4?! I S . .!ixd7t 'lWxd7 1 6.hd4 with
1 996) 22.'lWc7! !l:eB 23 . .!icS .!ixcs 24.'lWxcSt the idea 1 6 . . . 0-0? 1 7.gS ! hxgS I B.hg7! !l:fcB
@ gB 2S .'lWa3t. ( I B . . . @xg7 1 9 .!l:xgSt) 1 9 . .!if6 'lWd6 20.!l:xgSt
The best move for Black is probably 13 ... 0-0 .!ixgS 2 1 .'lWxgSt @fB 22.!l:e 1 and Black gets
when White has the following options: mated. 1 6 ... @fB is better, but still problematic
for Black.
1 4 . . . 0-0?! I S .gS ! Gt:Jxd4 ( 1 S . . . .!ixgS 1 6 ..!ixgS
hxgS 1 7.!l:xgS ! with the idea Gt:Jxd4? I B.!l:xg7t
@xg7 1 9.'lWxd4t f6 20.!l:g l t @f7 2 1 .'lWxdSt
.!ie6 22.'lWxb7t+-) 1 6.'lWxd4 hxgS ( 1 6 ... hbS?
1 7.gxh6! .!if6 I B.!l:xg7t @hB 1 9 .'lWf4)
17 . .!ixd7'IWxd7 IB . .!ixgS .!ixgst 1 9.!l:xgS f6

a) 14 ..!ixc6 bxc6 1 5 .0-0-0 !l:bB 1 6. Gt:J fS ( 1 6.

gS might be better according to Shredder B.
Unclear play arises after 1 6 . . . hS 1 7.g6 'lWb6
I B. Gt:J b3 'lWa6 19 ..!id4 f6 20.@b l .) hf5? !
( 1 6 . . . .!if6 i s better when Black i s not worse
after 1 7 . .!id4 !l:eB.) 1 7. gxfS .!if6 I B . .!id4 @h7
1 9.'lWc3 .!ixd4 20.'lWxd4, Nunn - J. Anderson,
Kilkenny 1 997, 20 . . . !l:gB ! ? with equal
play. The idea is to counter 2 1 .'lWxa7 with 15.liJf5 ixf5 16.gxf5 a6 17.hc6t bxc6 1 B.J.cS
2 1 . . .'lWf6 (2 1 . . .!l:aB 22.'lWxf7 !l:xa2 is also very !l:bB 19.b4 !l:b5?
interesting) . Black decides to eliminate the bishop, but this
b) 1 4 . Gt:J fS ! ? gives highly enterprising play: sacrifice fails because of his inability to bring
1 4 . . . d4! ? I s .hh6 .ib4! ( 1 S . . . gxh6? loses to the hB-rook into play. Deserving of attention
1 6.'lWxh6 .if6 1 7.gS ! l:%eBt I B .@f1 .ihB I 9 .g6.) is 1 9 ... @d7!? 20.c4 @c7 (20 . . . @cB? 2 1 .cxdS
1 6.c3 dxc3 1 7.bxc3 Gt:JeS! IB . .ie2 l:%eB 1 9 .@f1 cxdS 22.'lWe2 @b7 23.'lWB @c6 24.!l:g4! with
.ifB 20 ..if4 '!WaS , Timmerman - Andersson, the idea !l:c4.) 2 1 .cxdS cxdS 22.'lWd3 with an
corr. 1 996, gave Black good counter chances. unclear position.
c) White's most solid continuation is the 20.!l:gel t 'it>d7 2 1 .c4 �xc5 22.bxc5 .ig5
relocation of the bishop to B with 14 . .ie2. After 22 ... 'lWbB White wins by 23.cxdS .!igS
White doesn't have to fear 14... hh4 24.!l:e3 he3 2S.fxe3 'lWeS 2G.dxc6t @xcG
because he will win back the dS-pawn, and 27.'lWd7t @xcS 2B.'lWa7t @bS (2B . . . @cG
perhaps obtain slightly better chances. e.g. 29.'lWxaGt @c7 30.'lWc4t @bB 3 1 .'lWb3t with
1 5 .0-0-0 !l:eB 1 6.Gt:JfS .!igS 1 7 . .!ixgS 'lWxgS the idea !l:d4+-) 29.'lWb7t @cS 30.!l:d2 ! 'lWal t
I B.'lWxgS hxgS 1 9 . .!iB and White seems to be 3 1 .@c2 'lWxa2t 32.@dl 'lWa4t 33.!l:c2t @dG
slightly better. 34.'lWc7t @dS 3S.'lWcSt @e4 36.@e2.
1 4.0-0-0 .if6 Therefore 22 ...d4 was the best defence.
The alternatives are dubious: 23.f4 �f6
1 6S Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

b} 13 . . .�d7 14.l"i:g2!? {White is not forced to

sacrifice his pawn on f2} 14 . . .�c7 1 5 .0-0-0 b5
1 6.a3 ct:Je5 ( 1 6 ... l"i:cS 17.f4!?) 1 7.�d4 l"i:h7 1 S.f4
ct:Jc4 1 9.hh5 l"i:xh5 20.l"i:e l ! �c6 2 1 .ct:Jd5 �xd5
22.exd5 e5 23.�d3 �e7 24.ct:Jd4! �g5 25.hxg5
0-0-0 26.ctJ c6 l"i:dhS, Motwani - Roca, Dubai
(ol) 1 9S6, and here 27.l"i:ge2! ? l"i:h3 2S.�d l
gives White a clear plus, as 27 . . . exf4? does not
work because of 2S.l"i:eSt l"i:xeS 29.l"i:xeSt <i?b7
30.�e4 l"i:xg5 3 1 .�d4+-.

Of course not 24.fxg5? �a l t 25.<i?c2 �xa2t
26.<i?d3 �xc4t 27.<i?e3 hxg5 .
24 ... �al t 25.�c2 �xa2t 26.�d3 �xd2t?
The last mistake. Black could have offered
more resistance by 26 . . . �b3t 27.�c3 �b5t
2S.�c4 .ih4 29.E1hl .if2.
27.E1xd2 �xf4 2s.E1a2 cxd5 29J'!xa6 h5
30.�d4 h4 3 1 .�xd5 l"i:b8 32.f6 gxf6 33.l"i:xf6
�g3 34.l"i:xf7t �dS 35.E1f8t
Game 49
B} S ... h5 9.gxh5 ltJxh5 10.�g5 ltJf6 Morovic Fernandez - Veingold
The main alternative is 1 0 . . .�b6 (The passive Spain 1 993
1 0 ... �c7 1 1 .�d2 a6
1 2.0-0-0 .id7 13 . .ie2 ct:Jxd4 14.�xd4 1 1 .E1g3!?
.ic6 1 5 ..ig4!? b5 16.E1ge l �a7 1 7.�d3 ct:J f6 This move is less investigated. One of the
( 1 7 ... �xf2? IS.E1f! �a7 1 9.Le6! fxe6 20.e5) hidden points with this move is that the queen's
IS . .ixf6 gxf6 19.ct:Jd5 was very good for White rook can sometimes come to h i ! Usually White
in Van Blitterswijk - Van Beek, Haarlem 1 996.) has chosen 1 1 . �d2 or 1 1 .�e2 with the following
1 1 .ct:J b3 a6 1 2 ..ie2 g6 (After 1 2 ... ct:Jf6?! 1 3 .h5 possible continuations:
�c7 14.h6! Black has immediate difficulties a) 1 1 . � d2 � b6 (after l l .. .a6 12.0-0-0
as in the game Fedorowicz - S. Polgar, Wijk �d7 13.£4 �c7 14.f5 ! ? ctJxd4 1 5 .�xd4 �e7
aan Zee 1 990, which continued 14 . . . ct:Jh7?! 1 6.fxe6 fxe6 1 7.�h3 0-0-0 I S.Wb4 (with the
(14 ... ct:J d7) 1 5 .hxg7 .ixg7 16 ..ie3 .if6 1 7.�d2 idea Wb3) White's position is preferable, Santo
.id7 I S.0-0-0 .ie7 1 9.E1h l 0-0-0 20.ct:Ja4! with Roman - Lepelletier, Cannes 1 994.) 1 2'ct'J b3
a large advantage for White.) 1 3 .�d2 and now: a6 13.0-0-0 �d7 (Another idea is 13 . . . Wc7
a) 1 3 . . . �c7 14.0-0-0 b5 1 5 .a3 �d7?! 14.�bl b5 when White can proceed 1 5 .f3!?
( 1 5 ... E1bS) 16.�b5 !? axb5 17.ct:Jxb5 �bS �b7 1 6.�f2 0-0-0 1 7.�e3 ct:Jd7 I S.l"i:c1 �bS
I S.ct:Jxd6t �d6 1 9.�xd6 �xd6 20.E1xd6 E1cS 1 9 .a4!? b4 20.ct:Ja2 with the idea c2-c3 which
2 1 .E1gdl ct:J bS 22.e5 and the white pawns are will yield slightly better play, as in Frolov -
stronger than the black knight, Govedarica Raisa, Helsinki 1 992. One point of White's
- Mokry, Trnava 1 9S7.
The Scheveningen 1 69

play is that Black can't develop his dark squared

bishop: 1 3 ... ile7? 14.ile3 and g7 hangs.)
14. :8:g3 (interesting is 14. <;1;b 1 intending to
meet 14 . . . 0-0-0?! ( l 4 ... Wc7) with I S .ile3
'Wc7 1 6.f3! ileS ( l 6 ... :8:xh4? 1 7.'Wf2) 1 7.'Wf2
tZl d7 I s.ilgS tZlf6 1 9.f4! ile7 20.fS±, Luther -
Ungureanu, Oberwart 2003.) 1 4 ... 'Wc7.

I S . . . dS ( l S . . . CLlxhS 1 9.:8:h l tZl xg3 20.:8:xhS

�xe2t 2 1 .1Wxe2 � c6! (2 1 . . .f6 22.ilxf6, White
wins as in Ziegler - Maus, Lugano 1 9S5.)
22.f4 �e7 23.ilxe7 <;1;xe7 24.fS White is
slightly better.) 1 9 .h6 dxe4 20.<;1;b l as 2 l .tZl bS
1WdS 22.tZl d6t <;1;e7 23.CLlxe4 � bdS 24.c4
� b6 2S.�xf6 gxf6 26.ilxf6t 1 -0 Ziegler -
Ludvigsen, Gausdal 1 9S5.
Now: b) I l .ile2 a6 1 2 .'Wd2 (White has nothing
a l ) in the game Karpov - Kasparov, Moscow after 1 2.hS ild7 ( l 2 . . . ile7!?) 1 3 .1Wd2 ile7
(3 1 ) 1 9S4, there occurred I S .ilg2 ile7 1 6.f4 14.0-0-0 �xhS I s .ilxhS :8:xhS 1 6.ilxe7 1Wxe7
0-0-0 1 7.1Wf2 <;1;bS I S.fS tZl eS 1 9 .ilh3 CLl c4 1 7.:r-'i:xg7 0-0-0) 1 2 . . . 1Wb6 (Black can try
20. � d2 �xd2 2 1 .:8:xd2 :8:cS and Black had 1 2 ... ild7 1 3 . 0-0-0 bS 14.�xc6 ilxc6 I S .1We3
overcome his opening difficulties. 'WaS 1 6.<;1;b l ile7. However, White is clearly
a2) I S .1We2 bS (in case of I S ... 0-0-0 we better after 1 7.eS ! . ) 1 3. � b3 ild7 1 4.hS !?
see another point of placing the rook on the ( l 4.:r-'i:g3 ! , which can transpose to the variation
third rank: 1 6 .:8:gd3 <;1;bS 1 7.f3 ile7 I s .1Wf2 above, seems to be best. Actually, the idea
CLl eS 1 9.<;1;b l ilxgS 20.hxgS in Short - Xu 14.:8:g2 ! , which was used in Motwani - Roca
Jun, Lucerne 1 9S5, White could claim a slight above, is also interesting.) 14 . . . �xh S ! I S .:r-'i:hl
advantage) 1 6.a3 :8:cS 1 7.<;1;b l b4! ? (stronger g6 1 6.0-0-0 1Wxf2! 1 7.eS ! ? and now, instead
than 17 . . . �eS?! I s.f4 � c4 1 9.:8:gd3 �h7 of 1 7 ... 1WfS ! ? with unclear complications,
20.fS ! with initiative, Kindermann - Briffel, an interesting idea is 17 . . . �xeS!? I S.�e4
Dubai (01) 1 9S6) I S .axb4 �xb4 Gallagher - 1WfS 1 9 .1We3 ( l 9 .:8:xhS? gxhS 20.CLlf6t <;1;dS
Pritchett, BCF (ch) , Swansea 1 9S7, and now 2 1 .�dSt <;1;cS 22.� b6t <;1;bS-+) 19 . . . ilc6
1 9 .ilxf6 gxf6 20.f4 reaches a position which is 20.tZlf6t (after 20.� bd2?! � d7! White
more difficult to handle for Black because his does not have enough compensation for the
king is permanently stuck in the centre. sacrificed material) 20 . . . �xf6 2 1 .:8:xhS CLleg4
a3) I S .ile2 (threatens h4-hS-h6) 22.ilxg4 �xg4 23 .1Wd2 ildS with better
I S ... bS ( l S ... ile7?! 1 6.ilf4 g6 17.ilgS and prospects for Black.
White is better, Ziegler - R. Akesson, Swedish 1 1 ...a6
Championship 1 999.) 1 6.a3 b4 1 7.axb4 �xb4 In this situation the standard reply
I S.hS Black's position is critical. 1 1 . . . 1Wb6 is dubious in view of 1 2 . tZl db S ! �eS
1 70 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

(if 1 2 . . . a6?, then l 3 .li:'lxd6t hd6 1 4.�xd6 b) l 3 ... i.d7?! 14.0-0-0 i.e7 I S .eS ! dxeS
�xb2 I S .E1b l �xc2 1 6.i.xf6 gxf6 1 7.i.c4 with 1 6.li:'le4 with compensation for the pawn, e.g.
the idea i.b3) l 3.f4! (less clear is l 3 .i.e3 �dS IS . . . E1bS 1 7.i.xf6 gxf6 ( 1 7 . . . i.xf6? I S.E1xg7! )
14.li:'lxa7 E1xh4) l3 ... li:'l g6 14.eS! dxeS I S .fxeS I S.Wi'g2! E1fS 1 9.i.c4 (with the idea 1 9 . . . E1b4
li:'lhS? ( I S . . . li:'lxeS 1 6 .�e2 li:'l fd7 1 7.0-0-0t) 20.he6! fxe6 2 1 .E1gS �cS 22.E1xfSt cj;lxfS
1 6.E1d3 i.e7, Hellers - Van Wely, Wijk aan Zee 23.E1g1 cj;leS 24.�gSt i.fS 2S.E1g7 with
1 990. Now White has 1 7. li:'l d6t! cj;l fS l S.i.xelt a decisive advantage for White) 1 9 . . . �b6
cj;lxe7 1 9.1i:'lfSt! cj;leS 20.E1d6 winning. 20J''1 b 3 Wi'a7 2 1 .E1bd3 E1b7 22.�g7 and White's
And after 1 1 . .. i.e7 1 2�d2 li:'l xd4 l 3.�xd4 initiative proved decisive in Kir. Georgiev - Sax,
�b6?! 1 4 .i.b S t ! cj;lfS I S .�xb6 axb6 White Reggio Emilia 1 9S5/S9.
can exploit the weak b-pawns by 1 6 .0-0-0 eS c) l3 ...i.e7 14.0-0-0 dS (after 1 4 ... Wi'c7
1 7.E1gd3 ! i.e6 I S.£3, Gavrikov - Adorjan, Biel - I S .eS! dxeS 1 6.hS ! ? (with the idea h6)
1 990, planning b3 and li:'l a4. 16 . . . li:'lxhS 1 7.i.xe7 cj;lxe7 I S.E1h3 g6 1 9 .1i:'l e4
12.ClJxc6!? bxc6 13.%Yf3 fS 20.�a3t cj;lfl 2 1 .li:'l d6t cj;lf6 22.i.e2 gives
White prepares queenside castling as quickly White a strong attack, Sibarevic - Masic, Pula
as possible, when Black has to reckon with the 1 990) I S .i.c4!? i.b7 1 6.i.b3 cj;lfS 1 7.hS ! ? li:'ld7
advance e4-eS. ( l 7 ... li:'lxhS?! would be met by I S.hen cj;lxe7
( l S . . . �xe7? 1 9 .E1h l g6 20.E1xg6) 1 9.exdS
cxdS 20.i.xdS ! exdS 2 1 .li:'lxdSt i.xdS 22.E1xdS
li:'lxg3 23.E1xdS E1axdS 24.fxg3 with good
winning chances for White) I S.i.f4:t, Pavlovic
- Razuvaev, Cetinje 1 99 1 .
14.0-0-0 %Yb6 1 5 .b3 li:'l h5
Less accurate is I S . . . i.e7 because of 1 6.eS ! ?
dxeS 1 7.li:'le4 i.a3t ( l 7 . . . li:'l h S ? I S.i.xe7 cj;lxe7
1 9.E1xg7! and 1 7 . . . li:'lxe4 I S.Wi'xe4 White's
compensation is ample.) I S. cj;l b l li:'ldS 1 9.c4
i.b7 20.cxdS cxdS (with the idea 2 1 .li:'ld2?
�d4 22.li:'lc4 dxc4.). This was played in Gorin
- Rodin, Simferopol 1 9S9. Now strong was
2 1 .Wi'f6! dxe4 22.�xg7 E1fS 23.Wi'xeS E1cS
24.E1c3± with the idea 24 . . . E1xc3? 2S.i.bSt!
l 3 .. J'�b8 axbS (2S . . . i.c6 26.�xc3) 26.Wi'xbSt+-.
This is probably the best. The alternatives 1 6.�gl d5
are: White did not achieve anything in the game
a) l 3 . . . eS?! 14.i.c4! i.e6 I S .i.xe6 fxe6 van der Wiel - Winants, Budel (zt) 1 9S7, after
1 6.0-0-0 E1bS 1 7.hS ! E1b7? ( 1 7 . . . �b6?! I S.b3 1 6 ... g6 1 7.i.c4?! Wi'aS I S.eS?! dS, but instead
li:'lxhS? loses to 1 9.E1hl g6 20.i.e3 followed of 17.i.c4?! both 17.i.h3 and 1 7.cj;lbl deserved
by E1xg6. Black should have tried 1 7 . . . i.e7 attention. The advance d6-dS looks rather risky
after which White can continue I S .h6!? gxh6 because White's forces are better prepared for
1 9.i.h4 E1fS 20.E1g7 �b6 2 1 .b3 with the idea concrete play and the position of the black king
2 1 .. .E1b7 (2 1 . .. E1fl 22.E1xfl cj;lxfl 23.E1xd6! ) in the centre becomes more vulnerable.
22.�h3.) I S .h6 E1 fl 1 9.hxg7 hg7 20.Wi'd3 17.�bl .ib4?!
dS 2 1 .�xa6 Wi'c7 22.li:'l bS! cxbS (Or 22 . . . �d7 Also if 17 . . . i.d6?! then I S.i.h3 causes serious
23.�aSt cj;le7 24.�a3t cj;ldS 2S.li:'ld6 E1e7 problems, e.g. IS ... Wi'c7 ( l S ... i.eS 1 9.exdS
26.E1b3 White wins.) 23.E1c3, 1 -0 Vasiukov - cxdS 20.E1ge l with the idea 20 ... f6 2 1 .i.g4
Danailov, Moscow 1 9S6. g6 22.i.xhS E1xhS 23.li:'lxdS exdS 24.Wi'xf6)
The Scheveningen 171

19.exd5 cxd5 20.E1ge l .ie5 (20 ... .ib7 2 1 ..ixe6 A natural reply, although 19.exd5 !? was
fxe6 22.E1xe6t @d7 23.�f5) 2 1 .lDxd5 exd5 strong too as White wins a pawn after
22.�xd5 .ixh3 (22 ... f6 23.E1xe5t!) 23.E1xe5 t 1 9 ... cxd5 ( 1 9 ... .ixc3? 20.dxe6+-) 20.lDxd5 ! .ib7
@fB 24.E1e7 +-. (20 ... exd5? 2 1 .E1xd5 �c7 22 . .ixcS E1xcS
Black should have sought to prevent the 23.�e4t ) 2 1 ..if4! .ixd5 (2 1 . ..E1cS 22.lDf6t
eventual sacrifice on d5 by 1 7 ... .ib7, although lDxf6 23.�xb7 �c5 24.c4) 22.E1xd5 �xd5
White's position is more promising after, for 23.�xd5 exd5 24 . .ixbS±.
example I S . .ih3. 19 ...i.d7?
IS.i.h3! Wa5? Black is already in trouble and it is hard to
Missing a second chance to play .ib7. suggest anything else.
Another, and perhaps better possibility, was
20.lDf4 lDxf4 2 1 ..ixf4 E1b5 22.E1xg7.
20 ...dxe4 2 1 .'lWxe4 'lWc7?!
More stubborn is 2 1 . ..lDf6 22.�f4 E1b7.
22.lDf4! lDf6 23.'lWe2
23 ..ixf6 gxf6 24.E1g7! (Threatening .ixe6)
would have won easily with the idea 24 ... E1xh4
(24 ... �e5 25 .�d3) 25 .E1gSt .ifB 26.lDg6!.
23 ... .id6?
The final mistake. 23 ... E1dS was the only way
to continue the fight.
24.i.xe6! i.xe6 25.tLlxe6 fxe6 26.'lWxe6t i.e7
27.i.xf6 gxf6 2S.E1gst gxg8 29.'lWxg8t
The Kalashnikov The alternatives are:
7 . . . .ie6 B.liJc4 bS (Rabjabov's latest try, at
- By Jan Pinski
the Turin Olympiad 2006, was B ... :1'1b8 Perhaps
the simplest plan now, instead of 9.a4 as in the
game, was 9.liJe3 liJ f6 1 0.g3 with the usual
l .e4 c5 2.llJf3 llJ c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.llJxd4 e5 edge.) 9.liJe3 liJ f6 1 0.g3 ! The best way for White
5.llJb5 d6 to play for an advantage. 1 0 . . . :1'1cB 1 1 ..ig2 and
White is slightly better.
7 ... .ie7 B.liJc4 bS 9.liJe3 liJf6 10.g3! hS !? GM
Teimour Radjabov's idea. ( 1 0 ... 0-0 1 1 ..ig2
.ie6 1 2.0-0 White is slightly better) 1 1 ..ig2
h4 12.liJedS ! A new move. 1 2 ... liJxdS 1 3 .liJxdS
h3 14 ..if3 liJd4 I S ..ie3 liJxf3t 1 6:�xf3 :1'1bB
1 7.0-0 .ib7 I B.:1'1ad l White is a little better.
8.llJd5 llJge7
The most popular move here. There was a
time when I believed in this position for Black,
but I have changed my mind. White is better
but the position is extremely complicated.
B . . ..ie7 9.c4 b4 10.liJc2 ( 1 0.liJxb4? liJxb4
1 1 :�a4t .id7 1 2.�xb4 dS 1 3.�c3 �bB and
Black is better.) 1 0 ... :1'1bB l 1 .b3 liJf6 1 2 ..id3
The Sicilian Kalashnikov has become a real 0-0 1 3.0-0 liJd7 14 . .ib2 liJcS I S .liJce3 .igS
opening over the last I S years or so. It was 1 6 . .ic2 as 1 7.@h l White is better.
developed by Evgeny Sveshnikov more than B ... :1'1bB 9.c4 liJ ge7? (for 9 ... b4 - see B ... .ie7) .
anyone to start with, but he already had his own For nearly ten years this position has been
main line in the Sicilian! assessed as unclear in E CO. The game Kaminski
Here I suggest 6.llJ lc3 is the right decision. - Pinski, Katowice 1995, and the winner's
6.c4 is the main theoretical move, but it comments (GM Kaminski) were the basis
promises positional play with an easy way for for this. The truth is different: 1 0.cxbS liJxdS
Black to gain equality. Instead this more tactical l 1 .exdS ! liJd4 1 2.bxa6 �aSt 13 . .id2 �xd5
and confrontational approach promises White 14.a7 :1'1aB I S . .ie3 :1'1xa7 16.liJbS with a clear
an advantage, and makes me wonder how I ever advantage for White.
got away with playing the Kalashnikov for so
long without being punished!
But as this is a minor line, I will not waste
your time with unnecessary talk. All you need to
know is in the games below. Basically you play
B.liJdS, 9.exdS and 1 O.c4!, or the same moves in
another order!

Game 50
Motylev - Shariyazdanov
Tomsk 2004

l .e4 c5 2.llJf3 llJc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.llJxd4 e5

5.llJb5 d6 6.llJ l c3 a6 7.llJa3 b5
1 74 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

9.c4 16.VNe2 �bB 17.liJc2 i>f8 18.liJxd4 VNb6

It is easy to remember. No matter what Black
play (B.. .iJ.e7, B ... ttlge7, B ... ttl ce7, B .. .:1l:bB),
White should always answer c2-c4.
9 liJxd5

The more popular move order is: 9 . . . ttl d4

1 0.cxb5 ttlxd5 l 1 .exd5
1 0.exd5
1O.�xd5 !? iJ.d7 1 1 .iJ.e3 ! White is at least
slightly better. l 1 .cxb5?! ttld4! 12.iJ.e3! iJ.e6
13.�b7 l=l:bB 14.�xa6 l=l:aB 1 5 .�b7 l=l:bB is
10 ... liJ d4 1 l .cxb5! .id7
The only move, after which we reach the
critical position for the B ... ttlge7 line. 1 1 . ..�h4?
There was a time when people believed in this
move. 1 2.bxa6!! I was unlucky enough to face 19.1iJc6!
this innovation (previously the weak 12.iJ.e3? had Opposite coloured bishops do not always
been played) . 12 ... iJ.e7 13.iJ.e3 0-0 14.hd4 exd4 lead to an easy draw, they can also give good
1 5.iJ.d3 l=l:xa6 1 6.0-0 and White has a winning attacking possibilities.
position, lordachescu-Pinski, Cappelle la Grande 19 .ixc6 20.dxc6 VNxc6 2 1 .h4 h5 22.�el .if6

1 99B. 1 1 ...iJ.e7?! 12.iJ.c4! 0-0 ( 1 2 ... �a5t 1 3.iJ.d2 23.�h3 �h6

�b6 14.bxa6! �xb2 1 5 .l=l:b l Wl'xa3 16.iJ.b4 iJ.g4 This looks ineffective, but it is hard to nnd
17.iJ.xa3 hdl l B.i>xdl and White wins) 13.0-0 alternatives. 23 ... g6? 24.hg6! fxg6 25.l=l:B i>g7
f5 14.bxa6 f4 1 5.liJc2 ttlxc2 16.WI'xc2 B 17.iJ.d3 ! (25 ... d5?? 26.�e7t and White wins) 26.l=l:xf6
White has a clear advantage. l=l:heB 27.l=l:e6 l=l:xe6 2B.�xe6 Wl'c4t 29.i>gl This
12 . .ie3 endgame is winning for White.
Just weak is 1 2.bxa6? Wl'a5t 1 3.id2 Wl'xd5 . 24.�e3
12 axb5
••. White has an interesting plan: �e4-b4-b5
Black can't be happy after 1 2 . . . ttlxb5 13.ttlc4! 24 ....ie5
Remember this useful idea: when the black 24 ... b4?? 25 .ib5 and White wins. 24 ... g6
knight takes on b5, the white knight comes 25.l=l:e4 d5 26.l=l:b4 �d6 27.WI'd2 i>g7 2B.i>gl
to c4. 13 ... f5 14.a4 ttla7 1 5 .l=l:el f4 16.id2 l=l:hhB 29.hb5 hh4 30.l=l:xh4 l=l:xb5 3 1 .l=l:d4
ttlcB 1 7.WI'b3 and White is better, Smirin­ with good winning chances.
Shirov, Klaipeda 1 9BB. 12 ... ie7 1 3.iJ.d3 axb5 25.�e4 g6
( 1 3 ... ttlxb5 14.ttlc4! etc.) 14.0-0 l=l:bB 1 5 .hd4 There is no time for 25 ... b4 26.f4! l=l:f6
exd4 1 6.ttlc2 0-0 1 7.ttlxd4 Wl'b6 Here I have a 27.WI'xh5 and White gains a decisive advantage.
new idea: I B.if5 ! (Instead of I B.l=l:e l ) I B ... if6 26.�b4 i>g7 27.�xb5 �hh8 28.b3 �xb5
1 9.hd7 hd4 20.WI'd2 and White is better. 29 . .ixb5
13 .ixd4 exd4 14 ..id3 VNa5t 1 5.i>f1
• In positions like this White can continue to
The position after 1 5 .WI'd2 ie7 1 6.WI'xa5 play for a win forever, without having to take
l=l:xa5 17.ttlc2 is not so clear. Black has some any risks.
compensation for his pawn weaknesses here. 29 VNc5 30 ..ic4 VNa3 3 1 .g3 �a8 32.VNB �a7

1 5 ... .ie7 33.�e2 .ib2 34.VNe3 .if6

1 5 ... b4 16.ttlc4 �c5 17.WI'e2t i>dB I B .WI'B 34 ... WI'xa2?? 35.l=l:xb2 and White wins.
ib5 1 9.b3 l=l:a7 20.g3! h5 2 1 .h4 and White is 35.VNd2 �a5 36.i>g2 VNc5 37.i>gl VNb6 38.�e3
better. �a3 39.�f3 �a7 40.a4 VNc5 41 .�d3 .ie5
The Kalashnikov 1 75

42J�dS VNa3 43.@g2 VNal 44.VNdl VNa2? This is more dangerous than 1 2 .id2.
The position was more or less lost, but after 1 2 ... �b8 13.ie2 ie7 1 4.0-0 0-0 I S.a4
this mistake all is clear. The critical position for the 8 ... lLlce7
4SJ!xd6! VNal 46.VNxal ixal 47J!d3 ib2 variation. 1 5 ... ib7 seems to be the best way to
48.@f3 ia3 49.@e4 ics SO.f4 ib4 S 1 .�dS search for equality.
ieI S2.@f3 ic3 S3.f5 ib4 s4.id3 �c7 I s ...ib7
SS.�bS ics S6.b4 ie7 S7.fxgG fxgG S8.�b6 1 5 ... lLld7 1 6.a5 ! This is better than the
�c3 S9.@e2 �b3 60.�xgGt @f'7 61.�a6 �b2t previously popular 16.Qd2. White's chances
62.@f1 ixb4 63.igGt @e7 64.�b6 are on the queenside, therefore it makes no
1-0 sense to play slowly. 1 6 . . . f5 1 7.f4 g5 ( 1 7 ... exf4
1 8.ixf4 lLl c5 1 9 .tiJb6 ib7 20.b4 tiJ e4 2 1 .j::\ c 1
Game S I and White i s better.) 1 8.fxe5 lLlxe5 1 9 . 1Ll b6 if6
Delchev - Brumen 20.tiJxc8 �xc8 2 1 .j::\ c 1 'lWd7 22.ib6 White is
Zadar 2003 slightly better, Ehrenfeucht - Pinski, Warsaw
l .e4 cS 2.lLlO lLl c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lLlxd4 eS 1 5 . . . �d7 1 6. tiJ b6 'IWf5 1 7.tiJxc8 'IWxc8 1 8 .j::\ c 1
S.lLlbS d6 6.lLl l c3 a6 7.lLla3 bS 8.lLldS lLl ce7!? � f5 1 9.b3 a 5 20.h3 e 4 2 1 .ic4 and White is
9.c4! lLlxdS 10.exdS! better.
Keeping the symmetrical pawn structure 1 5 . . . a5?! 16.id2 j::\ a 8 1 7.'lWe l with a clear
is less dangerous for Black. White has some advantage.
problems with the knight on a3 after cxd5. 16.lLlb6 lLl d7
10 ... bxc4 1 6 . . . 'lWe8 1 7.a5 id8 1 8.ic4 ixb6 1 9.axb6!
There is no compensation after 1 0 . . . ie7 ( 1 9 .hb6 lLl d7 20.ie3 f5 with counterplay.)
l 1 .cxb5 lLl f6 1 2.ic4 0-0 13.bxa6 ha6 14.0-0 1 9 ... tiJ d7 20.�b3 f5 2 1 .0 f4 22.if2 White is a
�b6 1 5 .VNd3 j::\ fc8 1 6.b3 h6 17.j::\ d l White is bit better - he has the two bishops and an attack
clearly better. on the a6-pawn, Bogachkov-Sherbakov, Russia
l 1.lLlxc4 lLl fG 200 1 .
1 1 .. .f5 1 2.id2 j::\ b 8 ( 1 2 ... a5? 13.�a4t id7 17.aS f5 1 8.0 VNe8
14.�a3 �b8 1 5 .ha5 White take a pawn.) 18 . . . tiJxb6 1 9.ixb6 �d7 20.b4 id8 2 1 .ie3
1 3 .ia5 �e7 14.tiJb6 ib7 1 5 .�a4t 1flf7 1 6.g4! if6 22.j::\ b l �f7 23.ic4 j::\ b c8 24.'lWd3 j::\ a 8
fxg4 1 7.h3 White has a clear advantage. 25.j::\ fc1 �h5 26.ib3 ig5 27.'lWd2 he3t
12.ie3! 28.'lWxe3 White is slightly better, Karjakin -
Kosteniuk, Brissago (4) 2003.
More thematic is 1 9.b4 id8 20.lLlxd7 �xd7
2 1 .j::\ b l and White has the more pleasant
19 id8 20.lLlxd7 VNxd7 2 1 .b4 f4?

If such a move does not win by force then it

is a bad move! But seriously: Black breaks his
own pawn chain, irreversibly, and without any
22.if2 VNf'7 23.�fdl igS 24.id3 VNhS 2S.bS
25 ... axb5 26.a6 ia8 27.ia7 j::\ b d8 28.hb5
White is simply better.
1 76 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

26 .ixh7t! @xh7 27.Y!!c2t!

• a) 1 O.cxb5!? ttlxd5 I l .exd5 transposes to the
27.�xd5? Eixb5 2S.�e4t �g6 29.�xg6t lines after S ... ttlge7 9.c4 ttld4 1 0.cxb5! ttlxd5
@xg6 30.Eixd6t Eif6 and Black is alive! I l .exd5 .
27 ... @hS 2SJ'!xd5 axb5 29.Eixd6 b) If you do not like complications, try
Now White has good attacking possibilities 1 0 . .id3 !? ttlxd5 1 1 . cxd 5 g6! .
because of the weak light squares. White also (This looks better than 1 1 . . . .ie7 1 2.0-0 0-0
has good possibilities to win by promoting the 1 3 . .ie3 This is a common position for the
a-pawn. S ... ttlf6 and S ... ttlge7 variations [If Black takes
29 ....ie7 30.Eib6 b4 3 1 .EixbS EixbS 32.a6 ttlxd5 of course] . White has the advantage.
Brutal and effective. Black does not have any 1 3 ... .id7 14.�d2 �bS 1 5 .Eiae l .idS 1 6 . .ixd4!
chance. exd4 1 7.ttlc2 .if6 I S.f4 etc.)
32 ....ih4 33 .ib6 .idS 34.hdS l'!xd8 35.a7

Y!!e8 36.Y!!e4 Eia8 37.Y!!xb4 Y!!d7 38.Y!! b 8t @h7

39.Y!! b 6 Y!! d5 40.h3 e4 4 1 .Eia5 Y!! f7 42.Y!! b 8

Game 52
Anand - Shirov
Linares 2002

The annotations to this game are inspired by

those of Anand, as published in several places.
1 .e4 c5 2.lLla lLl c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lLlxd4 e5
5.lLlb5 d6 6.lLl lc3 a6 7.lLl a3 b5 8.lLld5 lLl f6
This is the most aggressive line. 9 . .ig5
transposes to very well known positions from 1 2 . ttl c2 (Interesting is 12 . .ie3 .ig7 1 3 . 0-0
the Sveshnikov Sicilian, and not the lines 0-0 1 4.hd4 exd4 1 5 .ttl c2 with the plan ttl b4-
recommended in this book. c6. However White should play very carefully
9 ... b4 because Black has good attacking chances
9 ... ttl d4 Ieaves us with some options: here. 1 5 . . . �h4! 1 6.a4! [ 1 6. ttl b4?! f5 1 7.exf5
The Kalashnikov 1 77

.ixf5 I S.a4 .ig4! 1 9 . .ie2 { 1 9 .�c2? .if3 ! !

20.Ei:fe l (20.gxf3? .ieS 2 1 .Ei:fe l �xh2t 22.'it>fl
�h3t 23.'it>e2 �x£3t Black is winning.)
20 . . . �gS (20 . . . hg2 2 1 .'it>xg2 �g4t 22.'it>n
�h3t 23.'it>gl �g4t Draw.) 2 1 .g3 Ei:acS with
initiative.) 1 9 . . . .ixe2 20.�xe2 with unclear
play.] 1 6 . . . bxa4 1 7.Ei:xa4 .id7 I S.Ei:aS rs
1 9 . exfS .ixf5 20.b4 White is at least slightly
better.) 1 2 . . . ttJ xc2t 1 3 . .ixc2! (After 1 3.�xc2
.id7 the black bishop keeps control of the
a4 square.) 1 3 . . . .ig7 14.a4 .id7 I S . .ie3 0-0
1 6.0-0 rs 17.f3 and White is slightly better
because of his space advantage.
c) 1 0 . .igS ! �aSt (of course there is no real
compensation after 1 0 . . . .ie7? 1 1 ..ixf6 .ixf6
1 2.cxbS) 1 1 ..id2 �dS 1 2.cxbS ( 1 2.ttJxf6t
�xf6 1 3 . .ic3 .ib7 leads to an unclear position) 12.'Wd5!
12 . . . ttJ xdS 1 3 . exdS �b6 14 . .ie3! ( 14.ttJc4 The winner of the following game wrote in
�cS I S . bxa6 .ixa6 1 6.ttJe3 .ixfl Black has New In Chess that he found no faults in Anand's
good compensation for the pawn.) 1 4 . . . .ie7 play, but all the same he decided to play more
I S .hd4 exd4 16 . .id3 .ib7 1 7.�f3! White carefully and secure a simpler advantage with
has a clear advantage. For example: 1 7 . . . �cS the following approach: 1 2.ttJe3!? .ie7 ( 1 2 ... .ib7
I S.0-0 hdS I 9.�g4 0-0 20.Ei:ae l mfeS 2 1 .b4! 13 ..id3 .ie7 14.0-0 0-0 I S .ttJrs Ei:fdS 16 . .ic2
Nice trick. 2 1 . . .�xb4 22.�fS g6 23.�xdS and �e6 1 7 . .ie3 g6 1S.ttJxe7t ttJxe7 1 9.b3 rs 20 ..igS
White wins. f4 2 1 .a3 bxa3 22.Ei:xa3 and White is much better,
9 . . . ttJxe4?! 1 0.cxbS ! �aSt 1 1 ..id2 ttJxd2 Palac - Srebrnic, Ljubjana 2004. 1 2 ...�xe4
1 2.�xd2 axbS 1 3 .ttJxbS �xd2t 14.'it>xd2 'it>dS 13 . .id3 �d4 14.ttJdS Ei:bS I S .0-0 �g4 1 6.�a4
I S . .ic4 White has the advantage. �d7 1 7 . .ie3 .ie7 IS.ttJb6 �c7 19.ttJxcS l'l:xcS
1 0.ttJxf6t 20.�xa6 and White is slightly better, according
Of course not 1 O .ttJxb4?? because of l 0 . . . �aS to grandmaster Viktor Bologan.) 13.g3 ! 0-0
1 O . ttJ c2 ! ? ttJxe4 ( 1 0 . . . E1bS This is better than ( 1 3 ... hS? 14 . .ig2 h4 I S .ttJrs .ie6 16 . .ie3 Ei:cS
1 0 . . . aS, after which the b6-square is weak. 1 7.ttJxe7 'it>xe7 I S.cS White is much better
1 1 ..id3 .ie7 1 2.b3 White stands slightly according to grandmaster Alexei Fedorov. GM
better - compare with the line S . . . .ie7 9.c4.) Sveshnikov recently found a clever way to
1 1 .�f3 ttJ cS ( 1 1 .. . rs 12 ..id3 .ie7 1 3.he4 strengthen Black's play: 1 3 . . . ttJ d4!? 14 . .ig2 .ib7
fxe4 14.�xe4 Ei:bS I S .�f3! White is better) I S.ttJrs [Bologan claimed that I S.ttJdS !? hdS
1 2 . ttJ dxb4 ttJ xb4 1 3.ttJxb4 .ib7 14.ttJdS .ie7 1 6.cxdS 0-0 1 7 . .ie3 was an edge for White,
I S .b4 ttJ e6 1 6 . .ie3 0-0 1 7 . .id3 hdS I S.cxdS but it doesn't look like much after 1 7 ... rs]
White is better, Mitkov - Permuy Lorenzo, IS ... �xfS ! 16.exfS hg2 1 7.Ei:gl .if3 1 8.�a4+
Nigran 1 994. [ I S.�d3 .ie2 is also level] I S ... .ic6 1 9 .�dl
10 ...'Wxf6 1 1 .c!tJ c2 'Wg6 Draw agreed in Klovans-Sveshnikov, Latvian
This position has been played a few times. Championship 200S.) 1 4 . .ig2 .igS I S .0-0
The conclusion seems to be that White has he3 ( 1 S ... ttJd4?? 16.f4 .ih6 1 7.rs �gS I S.ttJdS
the better chances. White has two possibilities �dS 1 9 . .ixh6 gxh6 20.f6 'it>hS 2 1 .�hS and
now: 1 2 .�dS leads to complicated play; White has a decisive advantage) 16 ..ixe3 E1bS
1 2 . ttJ e3 is less ambitious, but White is safer 17.�a4 .ib7 l S.Ei:fdl as 1 9J''1 d2! White stands
here. better, Bologan-Tregubov, Belfort 2002.
17S Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

12 ... ib7 13.ctJxb4 gcs White takes control of the g5 square. Attacking,
13 . . . ctJ dS 1 4.'\&d l ! 'l&xe4t 1 5 .i.e3 i.e7 because White threatens h4-h5.
1 6.ctJd5 l"1cS ( 1 6 ...i.h4 17.'I&d3 i.xd5 ( 1 7 ... 'I&xd3 15 0-0

I S.i.xd3 is also better for White.) I S.cxd5 1 5 ... 'I&g4 Black defends l"1cS and threatens
'l&b4t 1 9.'I&d2 'l&e4 20.l"1c1 i.g5 2 1 .'I&d3 'l&b4t ctJxb4. 1 6.l"1dl 0-0 1 7.f3! i.xh4t I S.We2!
22.Wlc3 'l&xc3t 23.l"1xc3 i.xe3 24.fxe3 This is 'l&g6 19.ctJxc6 i.xc6 20.Wlxd6 i.f6 2 1 .'I&a3
one of the typical endings in the Kalashnikov. White's position is much better: there is no real
It is also much better for White. First of all, compensation for the material.
White has bishop against knight. Secondly, the 1 5 . . . h5?! 1 6.f3 0-0 17.0-0-0 ctJxb4 I S.'I&xb7
black pawn on a6 is weak. Last but not least, ctJxa2t 1 9.Wc2 White stands much better -
White has good chances to create a passed pawn Anand.
on the queenside.} 1 7.f3 Wlg6 I S.ctJxe7! (Anand 16.h5 Wlg4 1 7.f3 Wlg3t
believes that after I S.'I&d2 White is much better. 17 ... 'I&d7 I S.ctJxc6 i.xc6 1 9 .'I&d2 White is
However it is not so easy to prove. I S . . . i.xd5! better.
1 9.'I&xd5 (of course bad is 19.cxd5 l"1c2 20.'I&b4
0-0 and White is even worse) 19 ... ctJ c6 and
White has serious weaknesses on the kingside.
The question is: how does White finish his
development? For example: 20.'I&d2? d5 ! with
an attack.} I S ... Wxe7 1 9.'I&d2 and White is
much better!
14.f3 i.e7 1 5 .ctJxc6 i.xc6 16.'I&d2 f5 1 7.exf5
'l&xf5 1 S.i.e2 0-0 19.0-0 e4 with compensation,
according to Anand.
14 ie7

14 ... ctJ dS 1 5 .'I&d2 'l&xe4 1 6.f3 Wlh4t 1 7.i.f2

Wlh5 I S.ctJd5 'l&g6 1 9 .1"1dl i.xd5 20.cxd5 i.e7
2 1 .i.g3 White stands better.
1 5.h4! I S.Wdl
I S .i.f2? ctJxb4 1 9.'I&d2 'l&g5 20.'I&xb4 d5 !
2 1 .c5 The only move. 2 1 ...l"1bS 22.exd5 i.xd5
with a strong initiative.
I s ig5 19.ctJxc6

1 9.1"1h3 'l&xh3 20.gxh3 i.xe3 2 1 .ctJc2! (Better

than 2 1 .'I&d3 i.d4 22.ctJd5 h6! with positional
compensation for the material, according to
Anand.) 2 1 . . .i.b6 (2 1 . ..i.f4 22.b4 l"1bS 23.'\&d3
f5 24.a4 ctJe7 25 .a5 White is better.) 22.h6 gxh6
23.'I&d2 and White is better.
19 ixe3

19 ...i.xc6 20.'I&d2 i.xe3 2 1 .'I&xe3 f5 22.l"1h3

'l&f4 23.'I&xf4 exf4 24.exf5 l"1xf5 25 .b4! White
has a dear advantage: Black has a wrecked
pawn structure, and not enough active play to
A strong prophylactic move, which is also a compensate for it. It is only an illusion that the
strong attacking move. Prophylactic, because rook on h3 is out of the game. After l"1h4 (xf4) it
The Kalashnikov 1 79

is playing at 1 00%! �a3 30.Wb l hc4 3 1 .�c2 �e6 32.�b2 �a5

20.ctJ e7t c;t>hS 2 1 .VNd3 33.l"i:h£1 h6 with good practical compensation.)
2 1 .�xb7? �f2 22.�e2 (22.�dS �xb2 Black 25 ... dxc4 (25 ... �c5 26.exd5 hdS 27.Wb l
has a clear advantage.) 22 .. J�bS 23.�dS l"i:xb2 and White wins) 26.�dSt! l"i:xdS 27.l"i:xf2 �e3
24.l"i:e 1 �gS Black is close to winning. (27 ... l"i:d2t 2S.Wc3 �e3 29.g3 and White wins.)
2 1 . ..ig5 22.ctJxcS 2S.l"i:h£1 l"i:d4 29.g3 � 30.l"i:xf2 �cS 3 1 .l"i:£1
22.ct:JfS? This does not prevent Black's �e6 32.c;t>c3 f6 33.l"i:dl l"i:xdl 34.�xd l This
counterplay. 22 ... �f2 23.�c2 �b6 with a ending is just lost.
strong initiative for the pawn. 23 ... gxh6 24.c;t>c2 d5?
22 .. J'�xcS 24 . . . 5 25.exfS �f2t 26.�e2 d5 27.l"i:ae l
l"i:xc4t 2S.c;t>b l �b6 29.�a3 l"i:cS Black has
some compensation for the material.
25.exd5 ixd5
25 ... �f2t 26.�e2 hd5 27.l"i:afl �c5 2S.Wb l
hc4 29.�xc4 �xc4 30.hc4 l"i:xc4 3 1 .l"i:dl and
White wins.
26.VNxd5 l"i:dS
Better was 26 ... �f2t 27.c;t>c3 �e3t 2S.�d3
�b6. Now White should play very carefully.
29.l"i:dl e4 30.�c2! �f6t (30 ... �e3t 3 1 .Wb4
�c5t 32.c;t>a4 �c6t 33.Wa3 �e7t 34.h4 l"i:b8
3S .�c3t c;t>g8 36.c5 and White wins) 3 1 .Wd2
exf3 (3 1 .. .�g5t 32.We l exf3 33.�c3t �f6
34.�xf3 �b4t 35 .Wf2 �xb2t 36.�e2 and
White should win) 32.c;t>c1 and White wins.
23.h6?! 27.VNc5 l"i:d2t 2S.c;t>b3 c;t>g7 29.a3 e4 30.l"i:h3
23.Wc2 �f2t 24.�e2 d5 25.l"i:a£1 ! ! (25.exd5?! VNf4 3 1 .fxe4
�xd5 26.b3 �e6 27.l"i:afl �c5 2S.l"i:dl e4 29.fxe4 1-0
The Four Knights
- By Alexander Raetsky

l .e4 c5 2.tLl f3 tLl c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 tLlf6 Game 53

5.tLlc3 e6 6.tLl db5 �b4 Timoshchenko - Chernov
Bucharest 1993

l .e4 c5 2.lDf3 lDc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 lDf6

5.lDc3 e6 6.lDdb5 �b4 7.a3
7. if4!? is a sharper line. However, I see
no reason why it should be stronger, or even
provide White with a guaranteed advantage. So
I recommend just snatching the two bishop s
and getting on with it.
7 . . . �xc3t 8.lDxc3 d5 9.exd5 exd5
9 ... ltlxd5 is a less popular alternative in this
position. As in all other lines White should be
slightly better. Here I will give two examples,
but basically there is not a lot of theory here, nor
a lot needed, as the position is more technical
The Four Knights vanatlOn of the Sicilian, than tactical in nature.
as seen in the diagram above, is a rather sad a) 1O.ltlxd5 �xd5 1 1 .�xd5 exd5 12.if4 if5
variation that I, for reasons that will soon be clear 13.0-0-0 0-0-0 14.f3 h5 1 5 .l'1d2 l'1he8 1 6.ig3
to everyone, have chosen as my main defence. a6 17.ie2 l'1e6 1 8.l'1hd l l'1d7 1 9.ifl d4 20.if2
Some years ago I wrote a book called Meeting l'1c7 2 1 .id3 ixd3 22.l'1xd3 l'1e2 23.l'1 1 d2 l'1xd2
1 . e4 for Everyman. For this book my editors, 24.'it>xd2 l'1dn Peng 1. Christiansen, Yerevan

Jacob Aagaard and Byron Jacobs, decided that 1996.

the Four Knights variation was a timely choice: b) 10.id2!? Itlxc3 The safer choice. ( 1 0 ... 0-0
despite seeming quite playable it had found no 1 1 .�h5 !? Itlxc3 [ 1 l .. .ltlf6 1 2.�h4 �d4 would
real attention in recent theoretical works. Since still have kept White's advantage to a minimum.
I prefer to play football with my son rather than 13.�xd4 Itlxd4 14.0-0-0 e5 1 5 .ltlb5 Itlxb5
study chess, this became the line I knew best 16.ixb5 if5 1 7.f3t] 1 2.ixc3 e5 1 3.id3 g6
from Black's point of view, and therefore I chose 14.�h6 �f6 1 5 .0-0 �g7 1 6.�e3 g5 1 7.h4!? h6
to adopt it in my own games. 18.hxg5 hxg5 1 9.f3 ie6 20.'it>f2± with an attack
I have now agreed to write another article about in Tal - Liberzon, Kislovodsk 1 964) 1 1 .ixc3
this line, this time with a few recommendations �xd 1 t 1 2.l'1xd1 f6 1 3.f4 id7 14.ic4 0-0-0
for White, on the condition that my jokes would 1 5 .0-0 'it>c7 16.l'1de1 l'1he8 1 7.l'1f3 ic8 1 8.l'1g3
not be removed from this manuscript. (We lied l'1e7 19.1'1ge3 l'1d6 20.b4t Fischer - Addison,
- the editors.) New York 1 962.
These kind of slightly worse endgames for
So let us move to the few lines you need to know some reason appeal very little to Black players,
to be able to get an advantage against me with while being slightly worse with the queens on is
White - if I still play this rubbish when this another story.
book comes out. 10.�d3 0-0 1 1 .0-0
I S2 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

White retains some pressure in the endgame,

Tseshkovsky - Barlov, Budva 1 996. All in all a
sad story for Black.
12 .if4 d4

12 ... a6 has also been tried. In Areshchenko

- G. Kuzmin, Kramatorsk 2003, White replied
naturally with 13.:1'i:el d4 14.lLle4 and now Black
went wrong with 14 ... .if5?! ( 1 4 ... lLlxe4 1 5 .he4
1Wf6 16 . .ig3± was preferable), when White had a
tactical shot with 1 5 . .ic7! 1Wxc7 1 6.lLlxf6t gxf6
17 . .ixf5 1Wf4 I S . .ie4 :1'i:adS 1 9.93 1Wg5 20.h4
1Wg7 2 1 .Vf1h5±.
13.lLl b5!
Knight sorties to other squares promise little
according to common practice.
13 ... lLl d5 14.Vf1f3!?
This is the standard position in this system. 14 . .ig3 .ie6 1 5.:1'i:e1 1Wd7 1 6.h3 :1'i:adS 17.1Wf3
In the next game we shall consider one of the lLlde7 I s.lLld6 .id5 19.1Wh5 f500 Krogius - Tal,
main moves, 1 1 . . . d4, here we look at two Riga 1955.
alternatives. 14....ie6
1 1 . . . h6 14 ... lLlxf4 1 5 .1Wxf4 leaves the d-pawn in
1 1 . . . .ig4 1 2.f3 Now we have two alternatives: trouble, and after 1 5 ... .ie6?! ( 1 5 ... a6 1 6.lLld6± is
a) 12 ... .ie6 13 . .ig5 1Wb6t 14.@hl lLl d7 Only necessary, though unpleasant) White has 1 6.lLlc7!
move. ( 1 4 ... 1Wxb2? loses directly to a very simple :1'i:cS 1 7.1We4 .if5 I s.1Wxf5 g6 19.1Lle6!±.
attack. 1 5.1Wd2 1Wb6 16 . .ixf6 gxf6 1 7.1Wh6 15.:1'i:fe1
f5 I s .lLlxd5 ! .ixd5 19 . .ixf5 and Black cannot
defend himself.) 1 5 .f4 f5 ( 1 5 . . . h6? 16 ..ixh6
gxh6 1 7.f5 lLlde5 I s .1Wd2 lLlxd3 1 9.1Wxh6 would
allow White to establish a winning attack. Black
can only escape with 1 9 ... 1Wd4 20.cxd3 Vf1g7
when White will win all the same. Strongest
is probably 2 1 .1Wh4!? ) 16.b4 d4 17.lLl a4 1Wc7
I S.:1'i:e l .id5 ( 1 S ... :1'i:feS± was better) 1 9.c4!
.if7 20 . .ixf5 h6 2 1 ..ixh6! .ixc4 22 . .ie6t he6
23.:1'i:xe6 lLlf6 24 ..ig5 1Wf7 25.lLlc5 and White
won in Tseshkovsky - Maiorov, Novorossijsk
1 995.
b) 1 2 . . . .ih5 1 3 . .ig5 1Wb6t 1 4.@h l lLl e4 It
is hard to see any other good moves for Black.
1 5.lLlxe4 dxe4 1 6.he4 1Wxb2 1 7.1Wb l ( 1 7.1Wd5 !?
.ig6 I S.:1'i:ab l 1Wxa3 1 9 ..ixg6 hxg6 20.:1'i:xb7 15 . . . Vf1d7?!
1Wa6 2 UHb l ±) 17 ... Vf1xb l I S.:1'i:fxb l f5 19 . .id3 This is too automatic as will soon be apparent.
( 1 9 . .id5t .if7 20.c4± was also interesting) Black had two preferable alternatives.
19 ... b6 20.:1'i:b5 .ig6 2 1 .:1'i:d5 h6 (2 1 . ..f4 22.hg6 1 5 ... 1Wf6 16.1We4 .if5 1 7.1Wxf5 ( 1 7.1Wxd5
hxg6 23.:1'i:e 1 :1'i:aeS 24.:1'i:xeS :1'i:xeS 25 .@gl :1'i:e2 hd3 I S ..id6 .ixc2 19.� :1'i:xf8 offers Black
26.j,xf4 :1'i:xc2 27.:1'i:d6±) 22 ..ih4 @h7 23.:1'i:e l counterplay with the d-pawn) 17 ...1Wxf5 I S.j,xf5
:1'i:aeS 24.:1'i:xeS :1'i:xeS 25.f4 :1'i:fB 26.@gl±. lLlxf4 19.:1'i:adl :1'i:adS 20 ..ie4 and White is better.
The Four Knights I B3

I S ... a6!? 16.lLld6 lLlxf4 17.�xf4 �c7 I B.�e4 1 4 ... gS I s .ig3 lLl e4 1 6.f3 lLlxg3 1 7.lLlxg3 lLleS
g6 19.1Llc4 �feB 20.�h4 �g7 and White is only and Black is only very slightly worse] I S .�e l gS
slightly better. 16.ig3 lLle4?! [ 1 6 ... lLl hS was better] 1 7.lLlxd4!
1 6.�eS ltJxeS 17.�xeS lD e7?! �xd4 I B.c3 ig4 19.cxd4 ixd l 20.�xe4 ib3
I have had this position once. I played 17 ... lLl f6 2 1 .d5 lLld4 22.d6± with a close to winning
when after I B .�f4 �fdB 1 9 .�dl ig4 (Bromann ending for White in Alekseev - lanocichin,
- Raetsky, Taastrup 2002) my opponent Oropesa del Mar 200 1 .) 14.f4!? E1d5 I s.lLlg3
should have played 20.f3! when the problems ( I 5 .f5 ! ? with various attacking ideas also
with the d-pawn leave me clearly worse. e.g. looks good) 1 5 ... h6 1 6.ih4 gS ! ? Otherwise
20 ... ie6 2 1 .ifl±. Instead my opponent played White is just a whole lot better. 1 7.fxg5 hxgS
something else and we drew 136 moves later. I B.lLlhS! Only move. I B ... lLlg4 1 9 . .ig3 lLle3
I B.Wfe4 Ei:fd8?! 20.lLlf6t �xf6 2 1 .�xf6 lLlxd l 22.E1xdl with a
Black decides not to let the pawn go. It was better endgame for White in Korneev-Moreno,
a sad choice. He could have kept his kingside Mondariz 2000.
position together with I B ... lLlg6 when White 13.0
wins a pawn with 1 9.�cS ( I 9.�xe6! ?) 19 ... �fcB Harmless is 1 3.igS �d6 1 4.�e l �feB
20.�xcBt �xcB 2 1 .lLlxd4± and he should win. I S .�d2 ixe2!. The standard exchange in this
19.Wfh7t �f8 20.WfhBt lDg8 2 1 .Ei:ael �d5 variation. 16.if4 �d7 1 7.�xe2 �xe2 1 8.�xe2
22.Ei:xd5! �eB 1 9.�fl �e6 20.h3 h6 2 1 .�dl lDd5 22.ig3
The bishop must be stopped from coming to lLlf6= Kasparov - Grischuk, Cannes 200 1 .
e6. Now Black is mated. 13 ...�h5
22 ... WfxdS 23.lDc7 Wfd7 24.�h7

Game 54
Karjakin - Raetsky
Biel 2003

1 .e4 cS 2.lDO lDc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lDxd4 lDf6

S.lDc3 e6 6.lD dbS �b4 7.a3 �xc3t 8.lDxc3 dS
9.exdS exdS 10.�d3 0-0 1 1 .0-0 d4 12.lDe2
12.lLle4 might seem to be the natural option,
but it leads to simplification and boring positions
after 12 ... ifS 1 3.igS ixe4 14.ixe4 h6.
1 2 ...�g4
1 2 . . . �dS is the main alternative to 1 2 ... ig4.
1 3.c4 White should try to open the game and 14.h4!?
use the strength of the two bishops. (White had White takes risks by allowing the weaknesses
a slight advantage after 13.lLlf4 �d6 14.lLlhS at first e3, and now the c3 and c4 squares.
lLlxhS I S :�xhS h6 16.id2 id7 1 7.�ae l �feB Obviously Black has some counterplay here, but
I B.f4 lLl e7 19.�eS ic6 20.ib4 �f6 2 1 .ic4 Xie White avoids simplifications with the strategy
- Z. Polgar, Jaen (B) 1 996) 13 ... dxc3 14.lLlxc3 of winning the isolated d4-pawn, and using
�aS I S .if4 ig4 1 6.�b l lD d4 17.b4 �hS the strength of his bishop pair. This is a typical
I B.f3 ie6 19.�b2 �fdB 20.�ae a/= Kamsky - modern chess struggle.
Lobron, Dortmund 1 993. In my games I have also faced 14.lLlf4 ig6
1 2 ... �eB is another quite solid alternative. I S.lLlxg6 hxg6 16.f4 lLle7 (also possible is
1 3.igS �eS ( I 3 ... h6 14.ih4 a6?! [Better was 1 6 ... lLld5 17.fS gxfS I B .�xf5 lLl e3 1 9.ixe3 dxe3
I S4 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

when 20.'lWh5 !? g6 2 1 .�h6 �d4 22.E:h5 ! ? gives top) 22 ... E:xe l t 23.E:xe l dxc2 24.ie3 ffa6 and
White a very interesting attack.) 1 7.E:e l liJ fS White is struggling to keep equality.
I S.�f3 �d7 1 9.E:e5 a6 20.id2 E:feS 2 1 .E:ae l 19 .. .l:UeS 2o.Ad2 :ge7
and White i s definitely better, A . Sokolov - Here I could also have continued 20 ... a5 ! ?
Raetsky, Basel 2003. White i s still better after 2 1 .b5 tLl e7 22.E:e l
14 ...ffb6 1 S.lLl f4 Ag6 16.lLlxg6 hxg6 1 7.f4 tLl 7d5 23.E:fe2 E:acS 24.c4 dxc3 25 .ixe3 E:xe3
26.E:xe3 c2 27.ixc2 tLlxe3 2S.ffxe3 �xe3t
29.E:xe3 E:xc2 30.E:eSt i>h7 3 1 .E:e7 and White
has some winning chances in the endgame, even
though I have drawing chances too!
2 1 .h4!? :gaeS 22.hS gS!?
He wants to complicate the game and I am
not afraid to follow suit. I estimated that after
22 ... gxh5 23.�xh5 g6 24.�g5 White would
have the better game. Black should fear the
advance f4-fS, and the white rook will also come
into play by f3-h3 with dangerous threats.

17 ... lLl dS
White should be better no matter what.
Another example is: 17 ... liJe7 I S .'IWf3 liJ ed5
1 9.E:el E:feS 20.id2 �c7 (20 ... liJ e3 2 1 .c4! is
generally good for White) 2 1 .i>hl �d6 22.f5
gxf5 23.ixfS g6 24.id3 i>g7 25 .h3 E:hS 26.E:fl
E:aeS 27.E:ae l with an advantage for White in
Galkin - Rabiega, Ohrid 200 1 .
l s.fff3
This is probably best.
I S.fS tLle3 1 9.ixe3 dxe3 20.i>h l (a bad
direction is 20.�e2 gxf5 2 1 .ixf5?! 2 l . ..tLld4 23.h6!
22.�xe3?, when Black wins with 22 . . . E:aeS OK, the little guy is not so bad. My main
23.�f2 E:e2) 20 ... tLle5!? (20 ... gxf5 2 1 .E:xf5oo) idea was 23.fxg5 tLle5 24.�e4 (24.�g3 tLlxd3
2 1 .fxg6 fxg6 and Black has good counterplay. 25.cxd3 �b5 and I cannot for the life of me
l S ... lLl e3 19.E:f2! pretend to be worse here) 24 ... tLlxd3 25 .�xd3
Subtle play from the kid who recentlydescribed E:e5 26.g6 fxg6 27.hxg6 E:Se6 and I think I am
his greatest fear in life as "not becoming World fully in the game.
Champion". If he takes a close look at what 23 ... g4
happened to his friend Ponomariov, he should I considered 23 ... gxh6 24.�h5 to be very
maybe fear becoming World Champion more uncomfortable.
than not doing so!? 24.ffg3
Anyway, 19.E:el E:feS 20.id2 looks natural, 24.h7t i>hS 25 .�g3 is not clear at all. Maybe
and the computer thinks White is better, but White is better, but I am not sure about that
Black has 20 ... tLlxc2! 2 1 .ixc2 d3t 22.fff2 at all.
(22.ie3 tLl d4 23.�f2 E:xe3! and Black ends on 24 ... g6?!
The Four Knights 1 8S

Unfortunately I was running short of time. The Cobra-variation

My alternatives here were 24 . . . f5? 2S.hxg7
Eixg7 (2S . . . <;f:/xg7 26.i.xf5! is not right.) 26.Eie2 l .e4 c5 2.ttJa e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttJxd4 ttJf6 5. ttJc3
Eige7 27.Eiae 1 and I would simply lose a pawn ttJc6 6.ttJdb5 i.c5!?
without compensation.
24 . . . gxh6! was the right choice now. After
2S .'IWh4 <;f:/g7 26.Eie l White still has some
pressure, but I would have had good chances of
neutralising it.
2S.b5! ttJ b8 26.£5
26.�h4!? also looked quite strong. After
26 . . . Eie6 27.Eie 1 White is threatening f5 and
after 27 . . . fS 28.Eife2 he is contemplating c3.
White is better, but how much?
26 ... ttJ d7?
This is just a mistake. Necessary was the
uncomfortable 26 . . . gxf5 opening up the king.
White is better, but at least there is some limit
to how much.
27.i.b4 This line is called the Cobra and was
Ouch. popularised by an article in New In Chess by
27 ... EieS Swedish 1M Jesper Hall who, among other
27 . . . CiJ cS 28.�h4! and there is no real defence games, presented his win against grandmaster
against i.xcs and �f6 as 28 . . . EieS, with the idea Krasenkow. However, since then White has
of later playing . . . �f8, is met by 29.fxg6 fxg6 been able to locate a simple way to gain a slight
30.Eif6 with a winning attack. edge. This has not prevented me from playing it
28.fxg6 fxg6 29.Wif4 way too often!
Now it is all over. However I play on . . . 7.i.f4!
2 9. . .�e6 30.�xd4 'i!?h7 3 1 .i.d6 g3 32.Eie2 This is the simple choice. If White plays like
ttJ f5 33.i.xf5 �xf5 34.i.xe5 ttJxeS 3SJhel this only masochists will continue to play the
�h5 36.Eixe5 �h2t 37.'i!?fl Eif8t 38.'i!?e2 Cobra with Black.
Wfxg2t 39.<;f:/dl 7 ... 0-0
1-0 7 . . . eS is met strongly with 8.i.e3 ! d6 (8 ... he3?
9.tLld6t 'i!?f8 lO.fxe3 �b6 1 1 .�d2 �xb2 12J'1bI
�a3 13 .i.c4±) 9.hcs dxcS I O.�xd8t 'i!?xd8
I I .O-O-Ot with a very nice endgame for
Also interesting is 8.eS !? CiJe8 9.tLle4 i.e7
I O.c3!? when White is probably better as well.
1 0 ... £6 l 1 .exf6 ixf6 ( I 1 . . .CiJxf6?! I2.i.c7 �e8
13.tLlxf6t Eixf6 I 4.i.g3 �f8 I S .CiJd6 100ks very
good for White) I2.i.d6 CiJxd6 1 3.CiJbxd6 i.e5
I4.i.e2 �c7 I S .�d3 CiJe7 1 6.Eidl CiJdS 17.tLlg5
CiJf6 1 8.ttJf3 ixd6 I 9.�xd6 �xd6 20.Eixd6 'i!?f7
and the endgame slightly favours White - Hall.
8 ...Wfe7 9.i.d6 Axd6 lo.Wfxd6
1 86 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

fxe4 14.fxe4 a6 1 5 .ttJd6 ttJxd6 1 6.l"lxd6 b5

1 7 . .ie2 ttJg6 1 8.l"lb6 ttJ e5 1 9.1"lfl l"lxfl t 20 . .ixfl
and White had some advantage in Fichtl -
Opocensky, Prague 1953.
1 3 tLlxd6 14.l"lxd6 fxe4 15.tLlxe4 tLl f5 16J!d2

d5 17.tLlg5 b6!?
This is a marginal improvement. 17 ....id7
18 ..id3 e5 is met strongly with 19 . .ie4!? dxe4
20.l"lxd7 e3 2 1 .fxe3 ttJxe3 22.l"le l ttJxg2 23.l"lxe5
l"lad8 24.l"lxd8 l"lxd8 25 .l"le7 ttJf4 26.b4 and
White has good winning chances - Hall.
18.tLla tLld6 1 9.Ad3 Ad7 20.l"leU

Basically this posltlon is depressing and

passive for Black. All his dreams of winning the
game seem to have gone.
1 0 ... tLl e8
1 O ... �d8 1 1 .0-0-0 a6 12.ttJd4 �b6 1 3.ttJxc6
bxc6 ( 1 3 ... dxc6 14J�d2 �a5 1 5 .f4 b5 16.�c5
also favours White. Soon will come e5 and
ttJ e4-d6.) 14.0 a5 1 5 .ttJa4 �b4 1 6.b3 �xd6
1 7.l"lxd6 ttJ e8 1 8.l"ld3 d5 1 9.1"lc3 ttJf6 20 . .id3
l"ld8 2 1 .l"le 1 .ib7 22.ttJ b6 l"la7 23.l"lc5;!; 011 -
Janssen, Dieren 1 996.
Even more passive is 10 ... �xd6 l 1 .ttJxd6 ttJ e8
1 2.ttJxe8 l"lxe8 13.0-0-0 l"le7 14.ttJ b5 b6 1 5 .ttJ d6 Berg Hall , Germany 2002.

l"lb8 1 6 ..ib5 �f8 1 7 . .ixc6 dxc6 1 8.ttJxc8 l"lxc8 This kind of endgame often arises from
1 9.1"ld6, which left Black a miserable endgame the French. White can now choose between
in Aagaard - Bellon Lopez, Gothenburg 2004. different plans. The main problem for Black will
1 l .Wxe7 tLlxe7 1 2.0-0-0 f5 13.tLld6 always be his slightly worse bishop and pawn
The simplest. Also possible is 1 3.e5 ttJg6 structure. He was able to draw the game with a
14.l"lel a6 1 5 .ttJd4 b5 1 6.g3 .ib7 1 7.l"lgl f4 pawn sacrifice and tenacious defence, but it was
1 8 . .id3 with a slight edge for White, or 13.0!? a difficult and unpleasant task.
The Pin Variation The following line is the established refutation
of the most important sideline with 6.e5 ttl e4?!,
- By Jacob Aagaard which is dose to a losing mistake, though it
has taken decades to prove it! In the sidelines
White wins, but only after several minor
l .e4 c5 2,<!tj e e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttJxd4 ttJf6 5.ttJc3 improvements.
l .e4 c5 2.ttJe e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttJxd4 ttJf6 5.ttJc3
�b4 6.e5 ttJ e4?!
6 . . . iW a5? can be refuted in more than one way,
but the following is probably simplest. 7.exf6
hc3t 8.bxc3 iWxc3t 9.iWd2 iWxal 1 0 .c3! iWb l
1 1 .id3 iWb6 1 2.fxg7 The only debatable move,
but here we just go for it. 1 2 ... Ei:g8 1 3 .iWg5 ! Here
White gets an endgame with two bishops and
2-3 passed pawns, where at least one is extra.
13 . . . h6 ( l 3 ... iWd8 1 4.iWxd8t ci>xd8 1 5 .ig5t
ci>c7 16.if6 d6 1 7.ixh7 ttl d7 1 8.ixg8 ttlxf6
1 9 .ixf7+- Ngo Ngoc - Bao, Dalat City 2004)
14.iWf6 iWd8 1 5 .iWxd8t ! Always this. 1 5 ... ci>xd8
16.ixh6 f5 17.ttlxf5 exf5 1 8.ic4 Ei:e8t 1 9.ci>d2
ttlc6 20.if7 d6 2 1 .Ei:e1 ttl e5 22.f4 and White
This rare and provocative line is generally won in Kozakov - Todorov, Valjevo 2000.
considered unsatisfactory for Black, as White 7.�g4 ttJxc3
will be able to start a kingside attack with the Again 7 ... iWa5 should be a losing move.
support of his advanced e-pawn. However 8.iWxg7! (8.iWxe4!? hc3t 9.bxc3 iWxc3t 1 0.ci>d1
things are not that simple. In recent years players iWxal 1 1 .ttlb5 d5 is less dear than I want it to
such as Federov, Van Wely and in particular the be. Probably it also wins though, but the main
Lithuanian grandmaster Sulskis (a legendary line seems most convincing to me.) 8 ... ixc3t
fighter on the European tournament circuit, 9.bxc3 iWxc3t 1 0.ci>e2 b6 1 l .iWxh8t ci>e7
as well as a really nice guy) have employed 12.ia3t! White wins. Most sources stop here,
this system with relative success. For the 1 .e4 but let us look a few moves further. 1 2 . . . iWxa3! ?
player who brakes for no one, insight into this ( l 2 ...d 6 13.ttlb3 ! wins easily for White. There
line seems to be becoming more and more is no reason for 1 3 . ttl c6t?! as played in some
important. For this reason we have decided to games.) 1 3.iWxc8 iWb2
expand from the planned 2 pages to a full size 14.ttlb3 ttlc6 1 5 .iWxa8 iWxc2t 1 6.ci>e3 iWxf2t
chapter. 17.ci>xe4 ttlxe5 1 8.iWf8t! ! ( 1 8. ci>xe5 iWe3t 19.iWe4
However, an interesting alternative is to play f6 mate is wonderful, and probably blinded
3.ttlc3!? in reply to 2 . . . e6. Now after 3 . . . Nf6 Black) 18 ... ci>xf8 1 9.ci>xe5 iWe3t 20.ci>d6 ci>e8
we can transpose to the Nimzowitsch variation 2 1 .ci>c7 1-0. Schatzle - Filartiga, corr. 1 974.
with 4.e5 ! , as dealt with on page 255. And after This is the line you could expect to find
all other reasonable moves 4.d4 leads into the elsewhere, as the game is certainly very nice. But
normal main lines. In this way there is also a instead of 14 . . . ttl c6? Black has 1 4 . . . iWxe5 , which
link to the Kan/Taimanov lines, where after is a strong novelty. After 1 5 .f4 iWxf4 there is
2.ttlf3 e6 Sune Berg Hansen suggests 3.ttlc3 ! ? White can apparently defend with the stunning
as a viable alternative. This actually prevents the 1 6.iWc4 ! ! Phil Taylor ( 1 6.c4 iWf2t 17.ci>d3 ttl c6
Pin-variation; but who wants to do that? 1 8.iWxa8 ttl b4t 1 9.ci>xe4 f5t 20.ci>e5 d6 mate) ,
1 88 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

when Black should have reasonable chances 10.ax:b4 tl)xd4 1 1 .J.gS �b6
after 16 . . . ttJc6 1 7.�d3 �f2t 1 8.'Jid l �h4 The standard move. 1 1 . ..ttJxc2t 12.@dl
1 9 .93 ttJ f2t 20.@e2 �f6 2 1 .�e3 ttJxh l 22.i.g2 �b6 was successful for Black in May - Beier,
ttJxg3t 23.hxg3OO• East Germany 1 979, but here 13.i.h6! �xb4
So White needs to come up with 1 4.@e3 ! , 14.@xc2 would lead to an endgame where
which i s the only winning move, and seven after White has an extra exchange against a pawn,
this it is not easy. and every chance of winning.
a) 14 ... ttJxf2 1 5 .i.e2 ttJxh I 1 6.Eld l ! (The most 12.i.h6
accurate move. White is threatening 17.ttJc6t!.) 12.i.d3 was successful in some games, but
1 6 ... �a3t 17.ttJb3 �b2 1 8.c3 and White wins. 12 ... d6 13.c3 dxe5 ! leaves the position unclear.
b) 14 ... �xal 1 5 .@xe4 �e l t 1 6.@f3 �xe5 12 ...�xb4t 13.c3 tl)f5 14.cxb4 tl)xg7 IS.J.xg7
1 7.�b7 �xd4 1 8.�xa8 ttJ c6 1 9 .h4! The white Elg8 16.J.f6±
king will escape. However this win is not hard This is the old main line. Now
to find. On move 1 6 there might be alternative 16 ... tl)c6!?
ways to do it, but here 1 9.�g8? ttJ e5t 20.@g3 was analysed by my friend Torben Sorensen in
ttJg6 ! ! would draw for Black. Denmark a long time ago. The conclusion was the
8.�xg7 following wonderful winning line. Alternatively
When I used to play the Pin Variation in Blitz Black can try 1 6 ... d5 to fight for a draw in a very
I would often lose to 8.a3, but after 8 ... i.f8! depressing way. After 1 7.exd6 ttJd7 1 8.ic3 ttJb6
Black seems to be OK. as in Krumova - Teodorescu, Bydgoszcz 1978,
8 J�f8 9.a3 ttJ bSt
.• I think the simplest is 1 9.93 @d7 20.i.d3 f5
Black has the following alternatives: 2 1 .i.e5±. Is White not just a pawn up?
9 ... ttJc6 1 O.axb4 ttJxd4 l 1 .bxc3 ttJxc2t
1 2.@dl ttJxa l , which simply loses to 1 3 .i.g5 !
as in Mendoza - Blejman, Guaymallen 200 1
among others. Now 1 3 ... �xg5 1 4.�xg5 a5
is the computer's idea. The word desperation
springs to mind.
9 ... i.a5 10.i.h6 �e7 l 1 .ttJb3! and I cannot
see any justification for the exchange Black will
eventually lose.
9 ... �a5 is the most complicated move here,
but Black will not escape after some simple
moves from White. 10.ttJb3 �d5 ( l 0 ... ttJ e4t
l 1 .axb4 �xb4t 1 2.c3 ttJxc3 1 3 .i.h6 ttJe4t
14.ttJd2 ttJxd2 1 5 .�xf8t �xf8 1 6.hf8 ttJ b3
17.Ela3 and White won in Elis - Schork, Bonn
1 998.) 1 1 .i.d3 ttJa2t ( 1 1 .. .i.e7 12.bxc3 Schmidt 17J�a3!
- Boidman, Bad Breisig 2000.) 12.axb4 ttJxc l This wonderful manoeuvre was Torben's
1 3.Elxcl± Harasimovic - Berisha, Brno 1 997. recipe against his own idea.
17 ... tl)xb4 1 8.Elh3 tl) dS 19.Elxh7 tl)xf6
1 9 ... d6!? is better, but White has the advantage
after 20.h4! with similar ideas.
20.exf6 dS 2 1 .h4
2 1 .i.b5t? only helps Black to play the move he
wants to play, ... @f8 with the idea of preventing
Elg8t. However ifWhite plays accurately, Black is
The Pin Variation 1 89

too late with his counterplay on the queenside. 9.%Yg4 0-0 10 ..ld3!
2 1 . 1t>f8 22.h5 .ld7 23.h6 �cS 24.�g7 �hS

25.h7 .la4 26.�gSt! �xgS 27.hS=%Y!

White wins.

So 6 . . . tLle4 is discredited, but the same does not

go for 6 . . . Nd5 .

The Pin-variation with S .la5 ••.

l.e4 c5 2.tt:lS e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tt:lxd4 tt:l fG 5.tt:lc3

.lb4 6.e5 tt:l d5 7 .ld2

In the first English edition I wrote: "Experience

has proved that this is the strongest move here.
If you have too much time on your hands you
can try to investigate 7.�g4 and see if this is
really true. Here I will focus on the main line." This natural developing move has to be the
Later I have tried the Pin-variation in practice right move. 1O.�g3!? has scored well for White,
myself on a few occasions and have found but no one has played the principled 10 ... f6! ,
that White's prospects are great after 7.'1�Vg4, when the position i s far from clear. Why should
but maybe less so after the currently popular Black not be fine here?
7. i.d2. Two examples from recent practice start Another way to play the opening for White
with the same moves, but soon deviate. 7 . . . 0-0 is 9 . .id3!? when 9 . . . 0-0 1 0.�h5! looks nothing
S . .ih6 g6 9.�g3 And now: like the transposition which could occur after
a) 9 . . . tLl c6 1 0.tLlxc6 bxc6 l 1 .h4 �a5 1 2.�h3 1 0.�g4. However Black has other possibilities.
Ele8 1 3 .h5 Elb8 14 . .id2 tLlxc3 1 5 .hc3 hc3t 9 . . . �c7 1 0.0-0 a6 Being the only move that
1 6.bxc3 Elb2 1 7.1t>d2 d6 I S.hxg6 fxg6 1 9.Elxh7 does not seem to lose by force, this is of course
1-0 Handke - Teske, Germany 2002. a new move. 1 1 .�g4 g6 12.�g5 hc3 1 3.hc3
b) 9 . . . �a5 10 ..id2 tLlxc3 l 1 .bxc3 .ie7 �xc3 14.�f6 0-0 1 5.tLle2 �c5 1 6.tLlg3 d6
12.h4 d6 1 3 .exd6 .if6 14.tLlb5 a6 1 5 .h5 axb5 1 7.exd6 �xd6 1 8.tLlh5 gxh5 19.�g5t Y2-Y2
1 6.hxg6 fxg6 17 . .id3 hc3 I S.Elxh7 hd2t was played in R. Jones - Aagaard, England
1 9 .1t>e2 g5 20.�e5 1-0 Petr - Grigorjev, Czech 2004. It has not been possible for me to prove
Republic 2006. an advantage for White in this game, despite
In a future re-written Experts vs. the not believing much in my own play. I have come
Sicilian 7. � g4 is destined to be the main to think that this is where a future advantage for
recommendation. For now, we have decided White is to be found.
not to cut anything from this chapter, as it still 10 d6!

appears to be the best piece of writing on the This is, of course, the way Black should play.
Pin-variation available today. Now it gets really interesting. The alternative is
7 tt:lxc3 S.bxc3 .laS!?
..• rather passive: 10 ... tLlc6 l 1 .tLJxc6 dxc6 1 2.0-0
The bishop abandons the defence of the �d5 1 3.�h4 g6 14 . .ih6 .id8 1 5 .�f4 Ele8
kingside. However it is not so easy to refute 1 6.Elfe U This position is very uncomfortable
and a clear refutation has never occurred over for Black. The game finished: 1 6 ... �a5 1 7.Ele3
the board. The bishop does leave the kingside �xc3 1 8.Eldl �c5 1 9.Elf3 �e7 20 . .ie4 .ib6
unprotected, but on the other hand the bishop 2 1 ..ig5 �f8 22.�h4 h5 23.g4 �g7 24.gxh5
is not a very good defender in many lines, and �h7 25 . .if6 1-0 Wosch - Rueppel, e-mail
now leaves room for the queen. 200 1 .
190 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

1 1 .liJO! .txd4 1 6.exd6 � c4 t 1 7 ..td3 and White wins

The most aggressive. the queen for insufficient compensation]
I I .exd6 is my computer's preference. But now 1 5 .1L1xe6 .tnl 1 6.�h6! +-. The attack is too
1 1 ...f5! 12.�g3 e5 13.1L1b3 .tb6 14.0-0 �xd6 strong) 13.exf6
1 5 .E1ad l lLlc6 is closer to worse than to better
for White. Lanc - Arnason, Prague 1 980.
The direct attack with 1 1 ..tg5 !? was analysed
by Byrne and Mednis.

13 . . . �d7! The only move. It looks rather

shaky, but to refute it is not so easy. ( 1 3 . . . E1xf6
was part of the original analysis by B&M, but
now 14 ..txh7t ! Wxh7 15 ..txf6 �xf6 1 6.�h3t
The lines credited here to the two American Wg8 1 7.�xc3 lLlc6 1 8.E1dl and White wins)
gentlemen are quoted from Nunn and 1 4.E1b l { 14.E1dl g6 1 5 . .tb5 �f7 and the
Gallagher's Beating the Sicilian 3. Essentially position appears unclear to me} 14 ... 1L1c6!
Black has two choices: ( l 4 ... g6?! 1 5 .E1b3 .txd4 1 6.�xd4 lLlc6 1 7.�h4
a) 1 1 .. .�c7 12 . .tf6 �xc3t 1 3 .';:t>e2 And e5 gives White a strong attack with 1 8 .�h6
here it is not hard to find out that 13 . . . g6! is �f7 1 9 .h4 and the black king is very tender)
the superior move order. ( 1 3 . . . �d2t 14.Wfl 1 5 .fxg7! ( 1 5 .1L1xc6 bxc6 1 6.fxg7 �xg7 1 7.�h4
g6 1 5 .E1dl ! was the line given by Byrne and White might be better, but how clear is it after
Mednis.) 14.�g5 lLld7 1 5 .�h6 ( I 5 . 1L1 b5 17 ... E1f7!. It is possible to analyse these positions
�c5 1 6.exd6 e5+) 1 5 . . . �d2t 1 6.�xd2 ,txd2 until one goes blue in the face. I will stop here
17. Wxd2 dxe5 looks good for Black. saying that the position is complicated, and a
But what about 1 2 . .txhlt ! ! Wxh7 1 3 ..tf6 clear conclusion is hard to make. Probably the
�xc3t 14.Wfl gxf6 1 5 .exf6 �xal t 1 6.We2 and chances are about level.) 1 5 �xg7! ( l 5 ... E1xf2t

White wins? This is beyond the immediate scope 1 6.Wxf2 .txd4t 17.We1 �xg7 18.�h5 and
of the computers, but not this writer! (Nice to White wins. Black never got out) 16.1L1xe6 and
have been of assistance Mr. Fritz ... ) now:
b) 1 1 ...,txc3t ! This move order is probably bl) 1 6 . . . ,txe6? 1 7.�xe6t Wh8 1 8 . .th6
the most reliable. ( I 1 .. .f5 ! ? is also possible, �f6 ( 1 8 . . . �d4 1 9 . .txfB E1xfB 20.0 cannot be
with the idea of transposing, but why bother?) . working) 1 9.�xf6t E1xf6 20 . .tg5±
12.Wfl f5 ! This i s absolutely forced. ( I 2 . . . �a5 b2) 16 . . . 1L1e5 ! 1 7.�c4!? ( 1 7 . .txhlt �xh7
loses easily to 13 ..tf6 g6 14.�g5 .td2 1 5 .f4 1 8 .1L1xfB lLlxg4 1 9 .1L1xh7 Wxh7 is just not very
and Black cannot protect his king. And 1 2 ... f6? clear.) 1 7 . . . �f7! ( l 7 . . . 1L1xc4 1 8.1L1xg7 lLlb2
fails to 13.�h5 ! g6 [ 1 3 ... h6 14.�g6 and White 1 9.1L1h5 1L1xd3 20.cxd3;1; with chances for White
should win.] 14 . .txg6 �d7 [ 1 4 ... �c7 1 5 . .txf6 in the endgame, though Black has reasonable
The Pin Variation 19 1

drawing chances) 1 8.i.xh7t W'xh7 1 9.1Llxf8t 1 5 .i.g5 W'g7 1 6.i.b5 a6 17.i.a4 i.c7 18.l'l ae 1 OO
ctlxc4 20.ctlxh7 Wxh7 and the endgame could This kind of position is close to impossible to
have any of three results. analyse. With the aid of a computer we can give
I think we can conclude that 1 1 .i.g5 ! ? is not a some predictions: 1 8 ...i.d7 is probably fine for
killer, though clearly interesting. Black is one of them.
1 1 ...g6? 12 ... dxeS
This is the traditional move, but my analysis 1 2 . . . f5 1 3.W'g3 dxe5 14.h5 transposes.
seems to suggest that Black cannot allow 13.hS f5
White to attack the king unhindered like this. 1 3 . . .W'c7 14.hxg6 fXg6 1 5.0-0-0 leaves White
Suddenly the critical move becomes 1 1 ...f5 ! with a very strong attack. I have not found a
12.exf6 1=1xf6 13.0-0 h6 14.W'e4;!;. I believe that good defence.
White is better here, but it is not easy to prove. 1 5 . . . e4 1 6.i.xe4 i.xc3 17.i.xc3 W'xc3 18.l'lxh7!
As there are limits to how much independent and White's attack is crushing.
analysis there is time to provide for a book 1 5 . . . ctl c6 16.l'lh6! followed by l'ldh l and
like this, especially on the Pin-variation, then Black's position will collapse.
I will stop by giving the moves in the game. 1 5 ... l'lf5 ! ? A desperate computer move.
14 ... ctl d7!? ( l 4 ... l'lf5 is also possible, though it 1 6.1=1h6! There is no reason to take the exchange,
appears risky to me not to develop.) 1 5 .W'h7t even though this also favours White. 16 ... ctl d7
Wf7 1 6.i.g5 ctl f8 1 7.i.xf6 W'xf6 18.W'e4 i.xc3 1 7.�h4 ctlf8 1 8 .i.xf5 exf5 19.ctlg5 i.e6 20.ctl xh7
1 9.1'lab l d5� Bilbao - Ramos, Alicante 1 989. Is and White wins.
White better in the end here? I am not certain.
The game was eventually drawn, but then Black
was much higher rated.
On 1 1 . . .dxe5?? then 12.i.xh7t Wxh7 13.W'h5t
Wg8 14.ctlg5 wins the game.

It is this new move that does the most damage
to Black's position.
14.i.xf5?! is a dubious sacrifice, far from being
completely conclusive as had previously been
thought. 1 4 . . . exf5 1 5.W'c4t cj;lg7! ( 1 5 ... l'lf7 ?
Again the most aggressive approach is 1 6.hxg6 hxg6 17.ctlg5 W'c7 18.W'h4+- Wagman
necessary, as White otherwise risks being stuck - Barle, Biel 1 98 1 ) 16.hxg6 f4! The move
with a bad structure. overlooked in other sources, which claim the
1 2.0-0?! f5 ! 13.W'g3 ( l 3 .exf6 W'xf6 14.i.g5 attack is winning. 1 7.l'lxh7t cj;lxg6 18.W'e4t In
W'g7°o Milosevic - Ammann, Switzerland 1 993) the first English edition I gave 18 ... l'lf5? here,
1 3 . . . dxe5 14.ctlxe5 W'f6! (l4 ... ctl d7?? 1 5 .ctlxg6+-) something I possibly could explain, but would
1 92 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

not want to. A reader, Phil Taylor, e-mailed me 1 7.�e5t �f6 ( 1 7 ... 1:!f6!? is maybe safer.
some analysis two days before the final editing After I B . .ig5 ttl d7 1 9 ..hf6t ttl xf6 20.1:!h6!
of the Italian version to make me aware of the fxg2 2 1 .@e2. White seems to end with a
mistake. He claimed that the old 14 . .ixfS was better game, but Black has the clever answer
the right path to an advantage. After a brief 2 1 . . . .ic7! 22.�xf6t �xf6 23.1:!xf6 .ih2 when
exchange of opinions, we settled on 14.'\Mfg3 as the endgame is at best even for White.)
the winner, and 1 4 . .ixf5 as nothing but a draw I B.�xa5 fxg2 1 9.1:!gl b6 20.�b4 .ib7
after I B . . . .if5 ! 1 9.'\Mfxb7 .id7 ( l 9 ... ttl d7!? also 2 1 .0-0-0 ttl d7+ I cannot see any reason
looks ok after some analysis, but we already why this should not be better for Black. An
know enough to stop the discussion) 20.�e4t important line is: 22.�d4 e5 ! ! 23.�xd7 .ic6
.if5 2 1 .�b7= (2 1 .�xaB?! @xh7 22.0-0-0 24.�xf5 �xfS 25 . .hf5 1:!xfS+
�e7+) . 16 ...VNf6
14.�h3?! g5 1 5 .ttlxe5 as in Lerner - Khodos, There are no alternatives. 1 6 ... ttl d7 17.0-0-0
Rostov 1 976 is less strong. After 1 5 . . . �f6!+ I ttlf6 I B.�h3 and White wins.
would prefer to be Black. Where is White's 17.0-0-0 hc3 I B.g7!
attack? White wins.
Now two moves deserve attention:
a) 14 ... e4 b) 14 �f6•.•

14 ... f4 1 5 .�g4 e4 16.hxg6! ( 1 6 . .ixe4 e5 is This move is a slight improvement of the Black
less clear) 16 ... exf3 1 7.1:!xh7 �f6 I B.g7 and position, which however remains desperate.
White wins. 15.hxg6 �xg6 16.�xe5!?
1 5.hxg6 exf3 1 6.�xg6t also provides White with a
1 5 ... exd3 16.gxh7t @hB 17.ttle5 and White substantial advantage.
wins. 16 ... tLlc6 17.�h2
It is obvious that White has an attack here,
but the options are too many to give concrete
further analysis. A few illustrative moves is
however in order.
17 . J'�f7 I B.O-O-O l'!g7

Or I B ... .ic7 1 9.�h4 .idB 20 . .ig5 .ixg5t

2 1 .ttlxg5 1:!g7 22.f4± Phil Taylor.
1 9.94
Very logical, White wants to open files on
the kingside. 1 9 . .ih6!? also looks natural and
19 .ic7

1 9 ... �f6 20.gxf5 .ixc3 2 1 ..ixc3 �xc3 22.1:!dgl

with a winning attack.
20.gxf5 �xf5
1 6J'!xh7! 20 ... exfS 2 1 .�h3 �g4 22.�h6 �g6 23 . .ic4t
This is the way to play the attack. The h7- @hB 24.1:!he l ! and White wins based on
square is the weakest spot in Black's position, 24 ... .id7 25.1:!gl ! ! +-, which is a truly exceptional
so it needs to be accessible. Again this is a move manoeuvre.
computers do not find easily, but they really do 2 1 ..ixf5 i.xh2 22.i.e4 i.d6 23.tLl g5
love it, once they are told about it. The endgame seems to be quite bad for Black.
1 6. gxh7t? would allow the black king to It is not only the missing pawn, which is after
hide behind the white pawn. After 1 6 . . . @hB all doubled, but also more the frailty of the
The Pin Variation 1 93

Black monarch, as well as the White leads in for White according to Nunn and Gallagher.
development. These are rarely aspects decisive in However this line is wishful thinking. 1 4 ... Q;f7
the endgame, but here Black is surely troubled. makes little sense, and especially 1 3 ... fxg6 is
an automatic move that serves the interests of
In the next game we shall see a Danish GM, and the opponent. After 1 3 ... Wc7! Black is simply
co-author of this book, display his full mastery winning. The lines could continue 14.0-0-0
over the opening, by disposing of the old main 'Wxe5 1 5 .E1gB Q;e7 and, though the position is
line of B �e7 9 .'Wg4 O-O?! , before we turn to
• . • still complicated, it is very hard to believe that
the critical lines of 9 . . . KfB! and 8 . . . �fB!? White will prove real counterplay.
Instead of l 1 .hxg5? then 1 1 .'& g3 ! was the
Game SS right move. Black has little pleasure in the
Hansen - Kristensen position. The weakness of the dark squares is
Taastrup 1 998 terminal. After l l ...gxh4 12.'&g7 E1fB 1 3.ctJb5
White wins. Eventually ctJd6t and �h6 will ruin
l .e4 cS 2.tLlO e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 tLl fG Black's position. Necessary is 1 1 . . .g4 12.ctJb5 a6
S.tLlc3 ib4 6.eS tLldS 7.id2 tLlxc3 8.bxc3 ie7 ( l 2 ... ctJc6 1 3.�gS±) 1 3 .ctJd6t ixd6 14.exd6
9.�g4 ctJ c6 1 5 .c4 where I would not mind being White.
This is the way to go. Black will have a nightmare finding safety for
9 ... 0-0?! his king, after White develops and then starts to
This used to be the main move, but now it has open up the position.
been close to refuted. 10.ih6 g6 1 1 .h4! �aS
9 ... g6?! is probably too passive and weakening Though this is bad, 1 1 ...d6? ! is an even worse
at the same time. I like the true computer move order for Black. After 12.h5 Wa5 (12 ... dxe5
move 10.ctJb5 ! ? ( 1 0.h4 h5 1 1 .'Wg3 also looks 1 3.hxg6 fxg6 1 4.ixfB! wins for White, as if Black
reasonable) 10 ... ctJ c6 l 1 .ctJd6t �xd6 12.exd6 recaptures on fB then 1 5.ctJxe6 and 1 6.ic4 is
'Wa5 1 3 .'Wf4 f5 14.id3± Shredder - Hiarcs winning. Now 14 ... exd4 I S.ixe7 'Wxe7 16.id3
7.32, Debrecen 2000. id7 17.E1b l b6 18.cxd4+- was played in Klovans
9 ... g5 also does not seem to work. 10.h4! h5 - Schein, Graz 1 999.) 1 3.ctJ b5 ! White has won a
I l .hxg5 hxg4 12.E1xhBt ifB tempo compared to the main line, which is also
winning. 1 3 ... a6 14.hxg6 fxg6 1 S.�B axbS
1 6.Q;d2 �8 1 7.E1xh7! 1-0. B. Lalk - Sulava,
Pula 1997. White's attack is conclusive: 1 7 ... Q;xh7
1B.id3 ih6t 1 9.f4 Q;gB 20.Wxg6t ig7 21 .WeBt
ifB 22.ih7t and mate follows.
12.�g3 d6
1 2 ... E1dB looks entirely wrong, when White
is not planning to take on f8 at the first given
moment anyway. However, it does make sense
to play it sooner rather than miss out on it
later. But after l 3 .hS d6 14.hxg6 fxg6 1 5.if4
(keeping the centre stable and the black king
exposed) 1 5 . . . dxeS 16.he5 E1d5 17.f4 ctJd7
I B.ic4! ctJxe5 ( l B ... E1xeSt 19.fxe5 '&xe5t
20.'Wxe5 ctJxe5 2 1 .ib3± - Nunn & Gallagher)
was played in Grosar - De Waal, Belgium 1 9.ixd5 '&xd5 20.fxe5 'We4t 2 1 .Q;d2 White is
1 9B6, and now 1 3.g6 fxg6 14.ih6 Q;f7 completely winning, Wedberg - Pokojowczyk,
1 5 .E1xfBt 'WxfB 1 6.ixfB Q;xfB 17.ie2 is good Copenhagen 19B4.
1 94 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

the end goes like this: 25 ... �f5 26.�hc1 �xf4t

27.<;t>h l <;t>h6 28.�f1 �e5 29.�ac1 and Black
loses his bishop.
16.fxeS hbS 17.hbS?!
17.ixfS! is the superior move order, where
Black is just lost.
17 ...�xbS?!
After this it is all over. Black could have
tried 1 7 ... �fc8!? 1 8.exd6 �xc3 1 9.id2 �xg3
20.ixa5±, when White might have a few
technical difficulties, was maybe the last hope!?
1 8 ..txf8 �xf8 19.exd6 .tgS 20.�dl
Now White is simply winning.
20 h6 2 1 .d7 �f5 22.�d3 �d8 23.hxgG �e4t

24.�f2 f5 2S.�f3 �a4 26.�e2 �f4t 27.�f3

�d6 28.�dl �e7 29.�fd3 <;t>g7 30.�el �xd7
13.tLlbS! 3 1 .�xd7 �xd7 32.�xe6
White's strategy in this game is little short of 1-0
amazing. Our very own expert in the Kan and
Taimanov seems to bust this system. The final game of this chapter deals with the
1 3 tLl c6
.•• critical lines of the Pin-variation. I cannot
1 3 ... lZl d7 as played in some games is best met promise White an easy advantage in these lines.
with 14.h5 ! dxe5 ( 1 4 ... lZlxe5 transposes to the They are still developing and Black players are
game) 1 5 .ic4! Probably strongest, as it forces learning more and more about the defensive
Black into 1 5 ... g5 16.lZld6 when I am very possibilities in this line.
optimistic about White's position. The next
moves will be ixfS, �dl , or similar. White is Game S6
winning. Varga - Horvath
1 3 ... dxe5 14.'1Wxe5 f6 1 5 .�c7 leads to a lost Hungary 1 9 9 1
endgame for Black.
14.hS! l .e4 c S 2.tLla e 6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 tLl f6 S.lZlc3
A wonderful move. White is not after material .tb4!? 6.eS tLl dS 7 ..td2 tLlxc3 8.bxc3 .te7
gains, but instead aims at the naked black king. 8 ... if8 !? is a really interesting idea that has
Only at the absolutely correct moment will he been popularised over the last few years. I think
take the exchange. Right now after 14.exd6 if6 White is maybe a little better due to his lead in
Black is allowed unnecessary counterplay. This development, but it is not so dear. 9.id3 d6
is the kind of game Black wants, why give it to (On 9 ... lZl c6 then 1 0.lZlxc6!? makes good sense.
him? 10 ...dxc6 1 1 .0-0 �c7 1 2.�ea Lakdawala -
14 tLlxeS I S.f4 .td7
..• Serpik, Costa Mesa 2003. This kind of position
This allows White to get rid of his only strange is hard to evaluate. Black is happy with his better
piece, the knight on b5. But 1 5 ... lZl d7 allows a pawn structure, while White enjoys more space
winning attack. 1 6.id3 lZl c5 ( 1 6 ... if6 1 7.hxg6 and a lead in development. I think the position
hc3t 1 8.<;t>dl fXg6 1 9.hg6+-) 1 7.hxg6 lZlxd3t favours White, as the open b-file compensates
1 8.�xd3 fxg6 1 9.ixfB ixfB 20.lZlxd6 and for the double pawns, and the black king will
the endgame after 20 ... hd6 2 1 .�xd6 �xc3t be under some kind of harassment later in the
22.<;t>f2 �xc2t 23.<;t>gl h5 24.�d8t <;t>g7 game. However, the inconvenience for Black is
25.<;t>h2 wins for White. The line analysed to likely to be minor.) 1 0.exd6 (Famous is 10.�e2
The Pin Variation 19S

etJ d7 1 1 .etJxe6 Wl'b6 12.etJclt 1-0. Kasparov - 1999. This might very well be Black's best option
West, telex 1 977, but 1 0 ... dxeS would seriously in the Pin-variation.
test White's idea. Probably the position is just Very solid is 1O ... etJc6 bud still think that White
unclear.) 1 0 ...�xd6 1 1 .0-0 ( 1 1 .WI'hS ! is my is better. Black has no active play and the pawn
preferred move here. The position is not really weaknesses cannot really be attacked. 1 1 .etJxc6
so clear. Both players have their chances, but dxc6 12.0-0 Wl'c7 ( 1 2 ... hS !? l 3.WI'B Wl'dS 14.WI'e2
White seems to retain slight pressure.) 1 l .. .0-0 h4 was Diaz - Luzuriaga, Buenos Aires 1999,
( l l . ..eS!? should be considered when the critical when l S.h3 was the more normal move, when I
line is probably 1 2.WI'e2 Wl'e7 [ 1 2 ... 0-0 l 3.etJbS! think White should be a little better. There is no
is unpleasant for Black, based on 1 3 ... etJ c6 reason to fear weakening the g3-square, as Black
1 4.�xhlt <j;xh7 l S .WI'd3t e4 1 6.WI'xd6 a6 has no way to exploit it.) l 3.f4!? b6 14.E1ae 1 cS
1 7.WI'xdS E1xdS l S.etJc7 E1bS 1 9.�f4 when Black is completely oblivious to White's plans:
White has the advantage.] 1 3.E1fe 1 where White lS.fS is a nightmare for Black. White won quickly
might have the advantage, based on l 3 . . . exd4?! in Kottwitz - Hoen, St Ingbert 1994.
14.WI'hS �e6 l S.E1xe6 Wl'xe6 1 6.E1e 1 Wl'xe l t 1 l .f4 lLld7
17.�xe 1±) 12.WI'hS g6 l 3.WI'h6± Sargissian 1 L.. etJ c6 12.0-0 dS ( 1 2 ... etJxd4 l 3.cxd4 fS
- Bursteinas, Tallinn 1 997. White has a slight 14.WI'B± Leone -Galli, corr. 1969) l3.5!? White
edge after the opening. However, all the lines goes for it. An alternative was l3.E1ael preparing
are too difficult to analyse conclusively based this advance. (Also strong seems to be l3.E1ab l .
on just one game. We will stop here with the 13 . . .WI'aS 14.etJxc6 icst ( 14 . . . bxc6 I S.5 exfS
conclusion that White should not fear going for 16.ixfS was also not pleasant) I S.etJd4 ixd4t
this line. 16.cxd4 Wl'xd2 17.fS Wl'h6 l S.WI'f3 b6 19.ibS
9.Wg4 <j;f8!? Wl'h4 20.E1f2 Wl'e7, but Black had had enough and
This also has to be taken into consideration, resigned in Bresadola - Vibranovski, corr. 1996.)
one opening book says. Actually it is quite a l3 ... exfS?! (l3 ... etJxeS was the logical move. My
good move. analysis goes like this: 14.WI'e2 etJxd3 I S.fXe6!
10.Ad3 etJeS [maybe better is Is ... if6 16.cxd3±] 16.WI'xeS
if6 17.We2 ixe6 IS.etJxe6t fXe6 19.Wxe6 and I
like White. The main point is 19 ... WI'e7 20.WI'xdS
E1dS 2 1 .WgS !±) 14.etJxfS Wl'b6t I S .�h l g6
16.ih6t �eS 17.etJg7t �dS IS.WI'f4 ie6 19.c4±
Spiridonov - Poulin, e-mail, 1999.
12.0-0 lLlcs l3.l"1ael
I like this approach from the Hungarian
grandmaster. His attack has a very natural feel
to it. However also successful was l 3.fS ! ? dxeS
(An improvement would have been to remove
the queen from the excellent square g4 with
1 3 . . . hS !? 14.WI'e2 dxeS I S.WI'xeS id6 1 6.WI'e3
eS 17.etJbS etJxd3 IS.etJxd6 Wl'xd6 19.cxd3 when
White is only very slightly better.) 14.fXe6 if6?
( 1 4 . . .f6 I S .WI'hS ixe6 1 6.etJxe6t etJxe6 1 7.WI'xeS
10 . . . d6?! Wl'd6 l S.WI'e2 would just have been slightly
I do not like this approach. Black should be better for White) I S.E1xf6! Wl'xf6 1 6.igS and
careful about how he opens the position. White won comfortably in Chorfi - Nadli,
1 0 ... hS !? 1 1 .WI'e4 dS 12.exd6 hd6 l3.0-0 etJd7 Ronde 1995.
led to unclear play in Zyla - Sulskis, Swidnica l3 ... lLlxd3 14.cxd3 hS
1 96 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

This look like a weakening move, but the It is hard to see how Black should have played
computer's choice is not reassuring either. differently. Now White crashes through with a
14 .. :�a5 is met very strongly by 1 5 .f5! All the very thematic attack.
pieces are ready, so why not? 1 5 ... dxe5 (White 19.f5! gxf5 20.lLlxfS exfS
also wins after 1 5 ... exf5 1 6.ctJxf5 ixf5 17:�xf5 20 ... dxc4 2 1 .�xb7 exf5 22.E1xf5+- The f7-
�xa2 18.c4) 16.fxe6 f6 17.�h5 g6 1 8J'he5 square is very weak. Black will not be able to
Why exchange queens? 18 ...�xa2 19.�h6t @g8 resist the attack.
2o.ig5 ! ifS 2 1 .e7 and White is winning. 2 1 .¥;YxfS ¥;Ye8 22.¥;Yg6!
15.�a�/± A brilliant move. White wins by force.
The question is not if White is better, but how 22 ...dxc4 23.e6 f6 24Jhf6t hf6 25.¥;Yxf6t
much he is better. @g8 26 ..ad4
15 ... g6 16J�bl d5 17.ie3 b6 18.c4 .ab7 1-0
The Nimzowitsch Variation

- By Jacob Aagaard

This position has not give White a particularly

good score. I generally do not like the position
for White; I would much rather play the Black
side, as in that case I would mind less if the
game suddenly fizzled out into a draw! (4 ... e6
5 .lLlxd5 exd5 6.d4 ILlc6 7.dxc5 1xc5 8.�xd5
The Nimzowitsch Variation is a very is notoriously bad for Black, but besides the
provocative line, in some ways not dissimilar Israeli 1M Mek who has 1/2/4 with this system,
to the Alekhine Defence. Black allows White no strong player seems to favour it regularly.
to advance his e-pawn with gain of tempo, Still I have included two games with it; game 59
hoping that it will be weak rather than strong and 60) . 4.d4!? cxd4 5.�xd4 promises White a
on e5. When I started to work on this chapter slight edge in E CQ, but maybe that is the only
I believed that this was a minor line and could place. This method of play seems to be logical
be dealt with quickly. Instead it proved at times and gives White a good score, but I did not find
more difficult to approach than the feared it dangerous enough to Black.
Sveshnikov. Still, after 3.li:lc3 there are ways for Black to
Against the Nimzowitsch variation 1 .e4 c5 continue with deviations from the main lines.
2.li:lf3 li:l f6!? I have decided to recommend And actually many Black players would choose
the less principled 3.li:lc3 ! based on lengthy to do so: with 3 . . . e6, inviting 4.e5 (which we
analysis and my own personal preference. I accept) , with 3 . . . d5 !?, which is considered in
know that this move gives Black the chance our first game, and with 3 . . . lLlc6 4.d4 (4.1b5
to escape back to the main lines, but since we is another popular move here, but I want to
were ready to play them j ust a move ago, we stay true to our repertoire) 4 . . . d5 !?, which is
still should be now. Obviously it would be underrated by theory. However, I still think
desirable to punish Black for his provocation, White is a little better - see game 58.
but if 3.e5 li:l d5 4.li:lc3 then 4 . . . li:lxc3 ! . This We will start by having a look at the
is, of course, what Black wants to do. The e­ counterintuitive 3 . . . d5 !?
pawn has advanced too far, and White's pawn
structure is damaged. White gets so-called "free Game 57
play" , but I seriously doubt that this includes Borriss - Bartsch
an advantage. 5.dxc3 li:l c6. Germany 2003
198 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

l .e4 c5 2.tt'lf3 tt'l f6!? 3.tt'lc3! d5!? 13.0-0-0 .id6 14 ..ih4± Shirov - Fernandes,
This is pushing it! Black decides to open the Elista 1 998.) e6 1 0 . .if4 Vflc8 l 1 .tiJe4;!; Ganguly
position after a move like ... c5, and obviously - Sriram, Calicut 2003.) 8 . . . e6 (8 . . . Vflxe5?
being behind in development. It is no surprise 9.Vflxb7 +-. I see no possible compensation.
that aggressive play seems to give White an Remember 9 ... tiJg4? 1 0 .Vflc8 mate.) 9.Ele I ! In
advantage. this position it is very difficult to find a way
3 . . . d6 4.d4 leads to the standard positions of for Black to escape from the opening without
the Sicilian. permanent scars in his pawn structure or loss
4.exd5 tt'lxd5 5 .ib5t .id7 6.tt'le5!
• of material.
I like this move and find it logically correct, but
6.Vfle2 is a possible alternative to this aggressive

a) 9 . . . .ie7 1 O.a4? was played in Gusev -

Krivobokov, Tula 2002. Instead 1 O .Vflg3 ! would
have won a pawn for very little. 1 O . . . .ixb5
6 . • • ,ixb5?! ( 1 0 . . . tiJ c6 I 1 .Vflxg7 Elf8 1 2.tiJxd7 Vflxd7
The alternative is 6 ... tiJf6 and now White has 1 3 . tiJ e4±. 1 0 ... 0-0 l 1 .tiJxd7 +-) l 1 .tiJxb5 Vflb6
two options, where only the most aggressive 1 2.Vflxg7 ElfB 1 3 . a4±
seems to work. b) 9 . . . tiJ c6 1O.tiJxd7 tiJxd7 1 1 ..ixc6;l;; with a
a) 7.tiJxd7 tiJ bxd7 8.d4 cxd4 (8 . . . a6 9 . .ixd7t very nice endgame.
(9 . .ie2!?) 9 ... tiJxd7 1 0.d5 g6 1 1 ..ig5 .ig7 c) 9 ... .id6 does not work because of
1 2.0-0 f6?! ( 1 2 ... 0-0 1 3.d6;l;; ) 1 3 . .if4 0-0 10 . .ixd7t ! tiJ bxd7 l 1 .tiJ b5 Vflb8 1 2.tiJxd6t
14.Vfle2± Poulsen - Bach, Esbjerg 2004) 9.Vflxd4 Vflxd6 1 3 .Vflxb7 0-0 14.tiJxd7 tiJxd7 1 5 .d3+-.
a6! (9 ... e6 1 0 . .ig5 a6 1 1 ..ixf6 gxf6 1 2 . .ixd7t It is j ust a pawn.
Vflxd7 1 3 .Vflxf6 Elg8 14.0-0 ( 14.Vfl8 !?) 14 ... Vflc6 d) 9 . . . .ixb5 1 0.tiJxb 5 Vflb6 1 1 .a4! gives White
1 5 .g3 .ig7 1 6.Vflh4 ,ixc3 1 7.bxc3 Vflxc3 a position that is close to, or perhaps even
1 8.Vflxh7 Elh8 1 9.Vfle4± Papin - Grigorov, directly, winning. It is all based on trapping the
Chalkidiki 2003.) 1 0 . .ie2 ( 1 0 . .ixd7t Vflxd7 black queen in an unusual manner. ( 1 1 .tiJ a3
1 1 . .ie3 Vfl c6= Bielczyk - Kunin, Schwarzach tiJ bd7 1 2.tiJxd7 tiJxd7 1 3 . tiJ c4 Vfla6 14.b3 .ie7
2002.) 1 0 ... Vflc7 1 1 .0-0 e6= Almagro Llanas - 1 5 . .ib2 0-0=) 1 1 . . . tiJ c6! Only move. ( 1 1 . . . .ie7
Solaesa Navalpotro, Madrid 2003. 1 2 . tiJ c4± 1 1 . .. a6 is met strongly with 1 2.a5 ! !
b) 7.Vfl8! Vflc7 8.0-0 (8.tiJxd7 tiJ bxd7 9.d3 Vflxb5 1 3 . c4 Vflb4 1 4.b3+-. The next move
(9 . . . a6 1 0.,ixd7t Vflxd7 1 1 ..ig5 was unpleasant is 1 5 .Ela4.) 1 2.tiJxc6 ( 1 2 . tiJ c4 Vfld8 1 3.Vflg3
for Black in Gentinetta - Perez, e-mail 2000. Black's position is obviously problematic, still
9 ... 0-0-0 10 . .if4! e5 1 1 ..ig3 a6 12 . .ic4 tiJb6 it is not entirely clear. 1 3 . . . tiJ d4! 1 4 . lLl c7t
The Nimzowitsch Variation 1 99

l1e7 1 5 .ttJ e3 �cB 1 6. ttJ b 5 l1eB:t) 1 2 . . . bxc6 1 6 . . . i.f6 ( 1 6 . . . �a7 1 7.g3 �f8 with the idea of
1 3 . ttJ a3± �xf4. [ 1 7 . . . b6 1 B .i.f4 �b7 1 9.�c6±] 1 B.i. d2!
e) 9 . . . a6! ? In the first edition I wrote: �f6 1 9 .�ae 1 �xe6 20.�xe6 �d6 2 1 . �gBt
"This is the best try. Actually the only one I ttJ f8 22.�xg7± 1 6 . . . �eB 1 7 .g3±) 17. g3 �cB
cannot refute directly." Now I can! 1 0.ttJd5! 1 B.i.f4 a5 1 9.�ae 1 �a6 20.�xa6 bxa6 2 1 .�e6
Being less sure first time around, I am now �eB 22.�d6± and ideas such as i.d2-a5 secures
certain that this is the right move - but for White a lasting and deadly initiative. I do not
different reasons than what I had originally think that a clear plus for White in too harsh
thought. 1 0 . . . ttJxd5 ! Only try. l 1 .i.xd7t an evaluation.
ttJxd7 1 2.IJ�hf7t ! ! Incorrectly dismissed in the
first edition. ( 1 2.ttJxf7 ttJ 7f6 1 3 .ttJxhB 0-0-0 If White is afraid of going for this kind of
1 4 .'1Wh3 was what I gave in the first book, but adventure, then B.ttJxd7 offers a slight edge
after 1 4 . . . l1bB!� as pointed out by two young without any complications. However I truly
French readers, Black is doing "very fine". believe that White is better here. 1 5 ... i.d6
I admit freely that the evaluation I gave was 1 6. d4 �xhB 1 7.dxc5 i.e5 1 B.hf4 i.xf4
superficial. I have done so much work on the 1 9 .�xe6± is j ust one line where White enjoys
sharper lines, and also quite a bit here, but the strength of a rook vs. two minor pieces
somehow I followed the computer more than which have no good squares.
my own intuition. This is of course always a 7.�f3!
danger. But this time around I have the lines This is a famous trick-shot.
some real thought.) 1 2 . . . l1dB 1 3 .�xe6 ttJxe5 7 £6 B.&lJxb5 &lJ a6

1 4 .�xd5t! The move I "overlooked" in the This is the gambit choice behind 6 ... i.xb5,
first edition. 1 4 . . . ttJ d7 ( 1 4 ... i.d6 was suggested but it is flawed. Unfortunately for Black it
by Kasten Muller. Now after 1 5 .�xe5 �d7 seems that the best move is B . . . fxe5 9.�xd5
White should probably j ust follow Fritz with �xd5 10.ttJc7t l1d7 1 1 .ttJxd5 ttJ c6 1 2.d3
1 6. d3 [ 1 6.d4 ! ? i.xe5 1 7.�xe5 �xd4 1 B .�g5t e6 1 3.ttJe3U± and the endgame is great for
l1cB 1 9.i.e3 �d7 20.�xc5t is also good for White. Laznicka - Malmqvist, Marianske
White, but it strikes me as a poorer version of Lazne 2003.
the lines with 1 6.d3 , as White should benefit B . . . ttJ b4 9.�xb7! just wins for White.
from having fewer open lines for the time 9 . . . fxe5 1 0.ttJc7t 11f7 l 1 .�f3t 11gB 1 2.�b3t
being.] 1 6 . . . i.xe5 1 7.�xe5 b6 1 B.i.e3 and a ttJ d5 13.ttJxaB ttJ c6 14.ttJc7 &lJ d4 1 5.�xd5t
clear advantage. Materially White is doing �xd5 16.ttJxd5 ttJxc2t 17.l1d1 ttJ xa l 1 B.b 3+-
fine, and positionally he is doing excellently.)
1 5 .�e6! This move is a very nice example of
persistent initiative. White is better because
his domination of the light squares and sixth
rank completely paralyses Black. 1 5 . . . i.e7
I see no other sensible moves here. If White
has time for b3 and i.b2 Black will be unable
to get his kingside into play. ( 1 5 . . . h6 1 6.b3 ! ±
1 5 . . . �a7 1 6. b3 [ 1 6. d4!?±] 1 6 . . . �f4 1 7.i.b2
l1c7 1 B .�ae 1 with a lethal attack. e.g. l B . . .
h 6 1 9 .�e7 he7 20.�xe7 �dB 2 1 .i.e5t+-)
1 6.d3 ! ( 1 6.d4?! would be weaker because of
16 ... cxd4 1 7 .i.d2 �c5 ! where Black is allowed
to dismiss the queen from her dominant
position. 1 B.�xb7 �a7 1 9.�e4 ttJ f6 20.�d3°o)
200 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

9JWh5t! 18 c;!;>b8 1 9.d3 e5 20 .ig5 V;Yxd3t 2 1 .V;Yxd3

.•. •

Otherwise nothing makes a lot of sense to gxd3 22.h4! lLlxa3 23.bxa3 gxc3 24.h5 gxh5
me. Other moves have been played, but they are 25.gxh5 .id6?
not worth our time. Losing a piece. But after 25 ... 'it>c7 26.gh7t
9 g6 10.�xg6 hxg6 1 1 .�xh8
•.. 'it>c6 27.�hxb7 �xa3 28.�xa7 c4 29.�f7 .id6
Ka-ching! 30.�xf5 White is a likely winner.
1 l ...�d7 12.�c3 V;Ye6t 13.c;!;>f1 � db4 26.gdl !
1 3 ... lLl ab4 14.V;Yh3!? ( l 4.lLlxd5 �xd5 1 5 .�h4 1 -0
c;!;>d8 ! !+. 14.V;Yh7! however looks strong. Black
has no simple response as after 14 ... 0-0-0 I clearly have my doubts about 3 . . . d5, though
1 5 .V;Yxg6 the queen is back in the game.) an outright refutation probably cannot be found.
14 ... V;Ya6t ( 1 4 ... V;Yxh3 1 5 .gxh3 lLl c7 is in the However the next line was a real nightmare to
spirit of the position, but White should be better prepare for. It took me two days to decide that
here as well) 1 5 .d3 �d8 1 6.V;Yg4 f5 1 7.�e2+­ the uncommon 6.dxc5 !? is White's best try for
Carlsen - Runde, Norway 2002. an advantage.
This is the way to play. The queen enters the Game 58
game and slows down Black's initiative. Ismagambetov - Palit
Less clear is 14.V;Yh3 V;Yxh3 1 5 .gxh3 lLlxc2 Kuala Lumpur (U- 1 6 Wch) 2002
1 6.�b l lLlab4 1 7.�gl c;!;>f7� Dirr - Bartsch,
Germany 2003. The pawn structure is a true l .e4 c5 2.lLlf3 �f6 3.lLlc3 �c6 4.d4 d5!?
nightmare, and White cannot develop without The more I studied this move the more
compromising it further. surprised I was. It is actually not stupid at all!
14.d3!? looks sound. However, after 1 4 ... lLlxc2 5.exd5 lLlxd5
1 5 . .ih6 O-O-O! Black certainly has a lot of play. By transposition we have reached the position
One plausible line is 1 6.�cl .ixh6 1 7.V;Yxh6 after 3.lLlc3 lLlc6 4.d4 d5 5.exd5 lLlxd5.
lLlab4 1 8.�xg6 lLlxd3 1 9 .�b l lLlf4 20.V;Ye4
V;Ya6t 2 1 .'it>gl lLlh3t! 22.gxh3 �g8t 23.V;Yg4t
�xg4t 24.hxg4 �d3+. 1 6.�dl looks safer, but
still Black obviously has play.
14 0-0-0

14 ... lLlxc2?? 1 5 .�a4t is an important, though

simple, point.
1 5.�e4!
Offering the exchange of queens without
ruining the pawn structure.
1 5 ...�d7
It is easy to criticise this, but Black's position
is bad. 1 5 ... �xe4 1 6.lLlxe4 lLlxc2 17.�bl lLlcb4
1 8.a3 lLld3 1 9.h4±. Here I do not trust Black's
compensation. A queen is obviously needed, or
a general target. Both lLla6 and .ifS are out of 6.dxc5!?
play. This is the best attempt for an advantage I can
1 6.a3 f5 1 7.�c4 �xc2 1 8.gb 1;!;/± offer here. Basically I think Black should be able
White has escaped from the opening an to scrape a draw quite often, but still it is a sad
exchange up. If the advantage is ;t or ± is not so life ...
clear, but does it really matter? 6 ..ib5?! .ig4! leads to no advantage for
The Nimzowitsch Variation 20 1

White, only problems. I wonder why 6 . . . �g4

has been played only a few times.
6.CtJxd5 �xd5 7.�e3 cxd4 8.CtJxd4 a6 9.�e2
e5 also seems reasonable to me.
6 ... ltlxc3 7,'\Wxd8t ltlxd8!
7 . . . mxd8 is the main alternative. My feeling
is that White should gain a small plus in all
lines. 8 .bxc3 f6 (8 . . . e5 9 . CtJ g5 me8 1 0.�c4 CtJ d8
1 1 .f4 h6 1 2.CtJe4± Santo Roman - Hausner,
Prague 2000) 9.�e3 e5 1 0.�c4 ( l 0.CtJd2 ! ?
i s a very natural alternative with the score of
3/3. 10 ... �e6 1 1 .�c4 �xc4 1 2.CtJxc4 mc7
1 3 .0-0-0 �e7 1 4J''1 d 3 E&ad8 1 5 .E&hd 1 ± Feygin
- Mek, Belgium 2004.) 1 0 ... mc7 ( l 0 . . . �g4 as
in Collins - Schalkwijk, Corr. 200 1 is best met
with 1 l .ClJ d2 mc7 1 2.f3 �f5 1 3 . ClJ e4t where 10.ltld2
Black soon could be much worse) 1 1 .ClJ d2 �f5 The most flexible. Also played has been
1 2 .0-0-0 �e7 1 3.f3 E&ad8 14.h4 �c8 1 5 .CtJe4 1 0.0-0-0?! . With this White loses the option
h6 1 6.g4 h5 1 7.E&xd8 ClJxd8 1 8.g5t Rowson - of invading down the b-file, and with that all
Murey, Pula 2002. chances of an advantage. 10 ... �d7 ( l 0 ... ClJe6
8.bxc3 f6! 1 1 .E'1d5 ClJc7?! 1 2.E'1d2 ClJe6 13.�b5t mf7 14.�c4
Building a big centre is the best plan for me8 1 5 .E'1hd1± is not what Black is looking
Black. for. Those "repetitions" make his position
On 8 . . . g6 then 9.�b5t! seems to be the worse continually.) 1 1 .ClJd2 E'1c8? 12.ClJe4 ClJe6
best way forward. 9 . .. ClJ c6 (9 . . . �d7 1 0.hd7t ( l 2 ... f5 !? was a better try. After 13.ClJd6t �xd6
mxd7 1 1 .�e3 E&c8 12.0-0-ot me8 1 3 .E&d3t/±) 14.cxd6 b6 1 5.mb2t White is better all the
1 0 . ClJ e5 �g7 1 1 .CtJxc6 a6 1 2.�a4 �d7 1 3 .E&b1 same.) 13.E&d5 �c6 14.ClJd6t �xd6 1 5 .E'1xd6t
�xc3t 1 4.�d2 �xd2t 1 5 .mxd2 bxc6 1 6.E&b7± Vallejo Pons - Mek, France 2003. However
Froeyman - Hajenius, Belgium 200 1 . 1 1 . .. b6! would have kept Black at least equal. The
8 . . .�d7 9 .�e3 ! is known as better for White. main point is 1 2.CtJe4 ClJb7! with compensation.
The following lines shows why: I have analysed this line somewhat and equality
a) 9 . . . g6 1 0.0-0-0 �g7 1 1 .�d4 �h6t was the best I found for White, and that was not
1 2.mh2 0-0 1 3 .ClJ e5 �e6 14.�b5 f6 1 5 .ClJ d3 so evident in all lines!
�d5 1 6.f3 e5 1 7.�f2± Krnic - Wedberg, Eksjo 10 ... �e6
1 978. 1 0 . . . ClJe6 1 1 .ClJe4 �d7 12.E'1b 1 �c6 as in
b) 9 ... f6 1 0.CtJd4 E&c8 1 1 .CtJb3 e5 1 2.�c4 Schramm - Pawlitzki, Germany 1 992. White
b6 1 3 .�a6 E'1b8 1 4.0-0± Bravo Barranco - might have a slight advantage, but I am not
Paredes, Barcelona 1 996. even certain. However all moves are open to
c) 9 . . . E&c8 1 0.ClJe5 �a4 1 1 .E'1b 1 a6 discussion.
( l 1 .. .e6 1 2 .E&b4 �xc2 1 3.md2 �xc5 1 4.�xc5 1 1 .�bSt �d7
E'1xc5 1 5 .E'1b5!t Muller - Bastian, Germany 1 2.�xd7t?!
1 99 1 ) 12.�d3 e6 1 3 .E&b4± �c6 14.0-0 �e7 White has the chance to play for an advantage
1 5 .E'1fb 1 0-0 1 6.ClJxc6 E'1xc6 1 7.�e4 E'1c7 only through his lead in development. Therefore
1 8.�xb7 �xc5 1 9.�xc5 E'1xc5 20.�xa6+­ the right choice was a developing move, and not
Romero Holmes - Casafus, Dubai (01) 1 986. a move that develops the opponent's king.
9.�e3 eS 12.E&b 1 ! would guarantee White a slight
202 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

advantage: 1 2 . . .l:kB! ( 1 2 . . . hbS 1 3.l"1xbS Black should be OK here, still the position is
'it>d7 1 4.'it>e2 and l S .l"1hb 1 is dearly good for not that easy. 1 1 ... tLl e4? 1 2.he4! l"1xf4 13.tLld3,
White.) 1 3 .i.xd7t 'it>xd7 14.llJb3:t Now there White is slighdy better in Zatonskih - Tessier
is no a7-aS , so I think that White has the better Desrosiers, Kapuskasing 2004.) 6.i.d3 tLlxc3
prospects. One line could be 14 . . . llJe6 l S .'it>e2 7.bxc3 c4 B.i.e2 i.e7 9.h4 h6 1 0.hS tLl c6 1 1 .l"1h3
i.xcs 1 6.tLlxcSt tLlxcS 1 7.hcs l"1xcS 1 B.l"1xb7t WfaS 12.i.d2 i.d7 1 3 .l"1g3 i.f8 14.'it>f1 0-0-0
'it>e6 1 9 .1"1xa7 l"1xc3 20.l"1c 1:t. l S .'it>gU Baldan - Danneel, Ghent 2003. It is
1 2 'it>xd7 1 3.0-O?!
••. all a matter of what kind of position you enjoy
1 3.'it>e2 is also better here. playing, of course.
1 3 ... llJ e6 14.l"1fd1 'it>c6 15.tLlb3 i.e??? b) S ... tLlxdS 6.tLlxdS WfxdS (6 ... exdS 7.i.bSt
Black realises that he cannot allow White to i.d7 B.i.e2!? Hardly the only way to play.
invade to the 7th rank. However, if he had B ... i.e6 9.0-0 i.e7 1 0.dxcS hcS l 1 .tLlgS
prepared it, taking the c-pawn would have tLlc6 12.tLlxe6 fxe6 1 3.i.g4 Wff6 14.Wfe2 tLl d4
been fine. l S ... aS ! 1 6.a4 i.xcs 1 7.tLlxcS tLlxcS l S .Wfd3 0-0 16.i.e3 l"1acB 1 7.l"1ae 1 , with a
1 B.i.xcS 'it>xcS 1 9.1"1d7 bS� and the distant slight advantage for the first player, Filippov
passed pawn and active king are quite good for - Kohanchik, Moscow 2002.) 7.i.e3 cxd4
creating counterplay. B.tLlxd4:t a6 9.i.e2 eS?! But it was not so easy
16.tLla5t 'it>c? 17.tLlxb7!± for Black anyway. 10.i.f3 WfaSt 1 1 .i.d2 i.b4
White won. 1 2.0-0 i.xd2 13.tLlb3 Wfc7 14.Wfxd2 0-0
l S .l"1fe1 i.e6 1 6.WfaS WfcB 1 7.WfxeS White is
In the next two games we shall see the heavily objectively winning, Tiviakov - Mek, Vlissingen
theoretical main line of the Nimzowitsch Sicilian. 2003. That White did not win this game is not
I actually think that the previous line represents easy to understand.
Black's best option here, and that the next two 5.tLlxd5 exd5 6.d4 tLl c6
games are fought over in somewhat dubious 6 ... d6 has long been held in disregard because
territory. of

Game 59
Braun - Choroba
e-mail 2002

l .e4 c5 2.tLlB tLlf6 3.e5 tLl d5 4.tLl c3 e6

Our move order is of course with 3.tLlc3 e6 4.eS!
tLl dS, when we can continue with the game.
However in our move order it would also
be possible to play 4.d4 aiming for a normal
Sicilian. If Black is a true Nimzowitsch-Sicilian
player he can try 4 ... dS !? I now prefer S.exdS ,
but let u s look at both lines:
a) S.eS!? is possible, but now we are in the
French Defence. Positions such as S ... tLl e4
(S . . . tLlfd7 6.dxcS i.xcs 7.i.d3 tLl c6 B.i.f4 f6 7.i.bSt! giving White a slight but lasting edge
(B . . .'IWb6?! 9.0-0 Wfxb2 is a bad idea. White in all lines. 7 ... tLl c6 (7 ... i.d7 B.i.xd7t Wfxd7
wins with 1 0.tLlbS 0-0 ( 1 0 . . . 'it>f8 1 1 .i.d2! d4 9.0-0 tLl c6 1 0.exd6 hd6 l 1 .l"1e I t tLle7 12.dxcS
12.Wfe2 and the queen is trapped.) 1 1 .i.xh7t! i.xcs 13.i.e3:t with a sad endgame for Black in
'it>xh7 12.Wfd3t g6 13.l"1fb 1 tLl b4 1 4.tLlgSt 'it>g7 Nemec - Volf, Czech Republic 2003.) B.O-O i.e7
l S .Wfh3+-) 9.exf6 tLlxf6 10.0-0 0-0 l 1 .tLleS 9.c4 and we now have:
The Nimzowitsch Variation 203

a) 9 ... �e6 1O.�e3 �b6 I l .a4 a6 1 2.a5 �c7 12 . . . lLJ d4 t

1 3 .exd6 �xd6 14.dxc5 �dS 1 5 .�xc6t bxc6 This main line move does not seem to lead
1 6.ttJe5 �c7 1 7.�a4 gcS 1 S.cxd5 �xd5 19.CtJc4, anywhere. I have a bad feeling about Black's
White is better, Unzicker - Pomar Salamanca, position in these lines.
Bad Aibling 1 965. 12 ... CtJxe5 !? is a very tricky move. According
b) 9 ... dxc4!? is possible. White however to theory it is just winning for White. However,
retains the better play after 1 0.d5 ! a6 1 1 .�a4 the theoretical line leads to unclear play or
b5 12.dxc6 bxa4 1 3 .exd6 �xd6 14.�xa4 0-0 a forced draw, if Black finds some simple
1 5 .gdl �c7 16.�g5;t Old theory says: improvements. 13.�xe5 d5 14.hd5 ( 1 4.�xd5
c) 9 . . . a6 1 0.�xc6t bxc6 1 1 .cxd5 cxd5 1 2.exd6 �g4t 1 5 .gf3 gadS ! was unclear in two mid SOs
�xd6 and now White has two ways to go. correspondence games from Prieto Fernandez.
d ) 1 3 .�g5 ! ? �xg5 14.CtJxg5 0-0 1 5 .dxc5 However I am not sure that White cannot find
�xc5 16.�d3;t an advantage here as well, though it would be
c2) 13.dxc5 �xc5 14.�e3 �b5 1 5 .CtJd4 with under very unclear circumstances. In Beating
a clear edge for White according to Boleslavsky, the Sicilian 3 Nunn and Gallagher only give a
something I have had to agree with faced with game with 1 5 ... �gl , which to me seems less
hard facts since the first edition. One game went relevant. To be fair, I must point out that the
1 5 ... �xb2!? 16.CtJc6 �e6 ( 1 6 ...�f6 1 7.�xd5 databases over the last few years have improved
�e6 I S .�d6 �b7 1 9 .9fd l , gives ;t, I claimed immensely.) 14 ... �g4t 1 5 .®d3 was successful
in the first edition. But after 19 . . . �d7 20.�c5 in Kaidanov - Kreitner, Chicago 1 995, which
�c7 (20 . . . �xal 2 1 .gxd7 ®xd7 22.�f4 �f6 made Kaidanov believe it was close to winning.
23 .�d6+ ®eS 24.CtJbS! +-) 2 1 .gacl gcS 22.�d4 However ( 1 5.®e l ! ? gaeS 1 6.�xf7t ®hS
�xd4 23.gxd4 and White is of course absolutely 1 7.�xeS! ( 1 7.�xeS?? �a5t! !-+) 17 ... gxeSt
winning. Analysis by Phil Taylor.) 1 7.CtJxe7 I S.�xeS h6 19.h3 ( 1 9.CtJe4 �e3oo) 19 . . . hxg5
®xe7 I S.�c5t ®d7 1 9.�d4 �a3 20.ge l� 20.hxg4 �e6t=) 1 5 ... gfeS! ! gives White only
ghgS 2 1 .�b l gacS 22.�e5 as 23.�b7t �dS perpetual check with 1 6.CtJxf7, as 1 6.�xf7t �hS
24.gab l �c5 25 .gb6 �e7 26.�a6 a4 27.�d6 1 7.�xeS?? gdSt! is mate in a very few moves.
�d7 2S.�b4 �eS 29.gd6t 1-0 Herbst - Rossell, Maybe the most practical is: 1 3 .CtJxf7 CtJxf7
e-mail 2000. 14.gxf7 �e6t 1 5 .�xe6 dxe6 1 6.gxfSt �xf8
7.dxcS �xcS S.�xdS �b6 1 7.�g5 !? �d7 I S.gEl t ®eS 1 9 .�d3 �e7 20.�e3
S ... d6 is maybe slightly sounder, and portrayed g6;t to avoid the complex lines after 1 3.gf4!?,
in the next game. which eventually is unlikely to offer a larger
9.�c4 �xf'2t 10.®e2 0-0 l 1 .:Bfl �cS 12.lLJgS advantage anyway.
1 3.®dl lLJ e6 14.lLJe4 d6
14 ... �gl has only been played once. In that
game Black even managed to get the advantage,
but logical play wins for White. 1 5 .CtJ d6! An
excellent square for the knight. 1 5 ... �xh2
( 1 5 ... �d4t? 1 6.�xd4 �xd4 1 7.ge l ± and Black
cannot easily get his pieces into play.). Now
1 6.g3 �c6 17 .�f4 was played in Kopelevich -
Muehlenweg, e-mail 2002. 1 7 ...�xd5t I s.hd5
g5 !?oo is not what White is looking for. 1 6.�d3
also looks tempting, but I could not make it
work. 16 ... �c6! 17.�xc6 ( 1 7.c4 h6 I S.CtJES
geS 1 9.�xh6 �xd5 20.cxd5 �xe5 !+) 17 ... dxc6
I S .ghl �xe5 19.�xh7t ®hS 20.�g6t �gS
204 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

2 1 .�t A wonderful combination, but only a better chances here. Moves like l:'!h3 and l:'!f3
draw. 2 1 . .J::1xf7 22.l:'!h8t @xh8 23.tt:lxf7t @g8 are coming, and f7 seems bound to fall. My two
24.tt:lxe5= main lines are:
But 1 6.l:'!h l ! , simple and strong, seems to be d l ) 1 8 ... �c6 1 9.�xc6! dxc6 20.i.xe6 fxe6
too dangerous for Black. 2 1 .i.xf4 l:'!xf4 22.l:'!xh5+- White clearly wins
positionally, but he has a winning attack as
d2) 1 8 ... g6 1 9 .1:'!f3 i.xcl 20.@xcl and White
has an absolutely winning position. The next
few moves are likely to be �d3 and i.xe6. One
line is 20 . . . �b4 2 1 .�e4! with the idea of various
sacrifices: 2 1 . .. @g7 22.tt:lxf7 l:'!xf7 23.l:'!xf7t
@xf7 24.he6t+-
15.exd6 �d8 16.i.d3 i.xd6 17.�h5 f5 1 8.tt:lxd6
Y;Yxd6 1 9.�xf5 Wlxh2
I do not believe that Black's position can be
saved anymore.
Another try has been 1 9 ... tt:lf8, but 20.�f7t
@h8 2 1 .�f4 seems to put Black a pawn behind.
It is really as simple as that. Here are a few lines
My analysis gave these lines: to prove it:
a) 1 6 . . . i.g3 1 7.i.d3 ! h6 ( 1 7 ... f5 1 8.tt:lxf5) a) 2 1 . .. tt:lg6 22.�xd6 i.g4t 23.@e1 l:'!xd6
1 8.tt:lf5 i.f4 19.tt:le7t @h8 20:�e4+- 24.i.f4 l:'!f6 25 .i.g3+- Zanetti - Corinthios, corr.
b) 16 ... h6 loses in similar ways to the other 1 986.
lines. 1 7.i.d3 i.f4 1 8.�e4 f5 1 9 .exf6 �xd6 b) 2 1 . . .�xf4 22.i.xf4 i.f5 Repp - Boeckler,
20.fxg7 tt:lxg7 2 1 .�h7t @f7 22.l:'!f1 and White corr. 1 993. Now strongest is 23.@e2! l:'!e8t
wins material. 24.@f2+- with a winning endgame.
c) 16 . . . �f2!? 17.i.d3 ( 1 7.�e4 f500) 17 ... tt:l f4 c) 2 1 . .. �e7 22.i.d2! . White is best off
1 8.i.xb7t ! ! A very nice refutation. ( 1 8.i.xf4 developing. 22 ... tt:lg6 23.�g5 �xg5 24.i.xg5
�xf4=) 1 8 ... @xb7 1 9.�d2 �xd2t 20.i.xd2 It l:'!d5 25 .i.e3 i.g4t 26.@c1 tt:le5 27.i.e4+- Wolff
is obvious that White has a fantastic position - Izumikawa, USA 1987.
once he regains the material, but he also has a d) 2 1 ...�c5 22.i.e3 �h5t 23.@e l ! . Simplest.
fantastic attack after 20 ... tt:l e6 2 1 .l:'!xh2t @g6 There is security to be found on the kingside.
22.a4! with l:'!al-a3-g3 coming, deciding the 23 ... i.d7 24.@f2 tt:lg6 25 .�g5 l:'!f8t 26.@gl +­
game in White's favour. Lehner - Kummer, Hartberg 1 992.
d) 1 6 . . . h5!? appears to be the hardest move to 20.�f'7t @h8 2 1 .i.g5 �g8 22.i.e3 Wlxg2
kill. The point is that the pawn is better placed The only move. The alternative 22 ... tt:l d8
on h5 than on h6 in many lines. However I seem 23.�f4 �xf4 24.l:'!xf4± has given White a
to have found a way to grind Black down. 1 7.a4! clearly better endgame in many games. There is
A whole new resource. ( 1 7.i.d3 g6 surprisingly no reason to know more than this.
seems to lead nowhere: Black's position is hard 23.Wlh5!
to crack. So what I thought was that White The old move. An impressive game was
should get l:'!al into play, since this was the 23 .@c l ! ? �d5 24.l:'!f5 �h l t 25 .@d2 �h2t
problem with all my previous attempts. And I 26. l:'!f2 ! �h4 27.l:'!gl g6 28.l:'!h l ! ! The final
should know, having lectured continuously on blow. 28 ... �b4t, but Black resigned because
the importance of this simple rule in my books.) of 29.@cl l:'!g7 30.l:'!xb7t! Haba - Kummer,
1 7 ... i.f4 1 8.l:'!a3. I think White must have the Austria 1 998.
The Nimzowitsch Variation 205

However, there is still life in Black's position, White has succeeded in stripping Black's
despite the computer's disbelief. 23 ... Wi'h2! king completely, and material is still level. If
24.Wi'f3 Wi'e5 25 .Ei:h l Ei:f8!! was an impressive White succeeds in getting Ei:al into play he will
discovery. I am not sure White is better after win very easily. This is exactly what happens
this. 26.Ei:xh7t @gS 27.Wi'h3 tLl d4 2SJ�&hSt in the game. There are many lines possible
@f7 29.Ei:xf8t @xf8 30.Wi'fl t tLlf5 3 1 .�f4 Wi'd5 in the coming moves, all leading to White's
32.�c4 Wi'e4 33.�d6t @eS 34.�h2 �e6 35.�d3 satisfaction. I have chosen not to include
¥2-¥2 . Elburg - Turati, e-mail 2000. them, as this position is clear enough to make
23 ...g6 24.�d4t tlJg7 25.�xg7t @xg7 26.�e5t an evaluation on, and as almost any move is
@h6 27.�e3t! possible all the time.
27.Wi'f4t @g7 2S.Wi'f6t @h6 29.Wi'h4t @g7 The game played by White here is a great
30.�d4t @h6 leads nowhere. achievement, especially as both players are rated
27 @g7
•.. around 2000. However, being an e-mail game
27 . . . g5 2S.@c l ! (2S.Ei:f6t Ei:g6 29.Ei:f2 I cannot help wondering if they had some help
�h3 30.Wi'xh3t �3°o) 2S ... �h3 29.Wi'e7 from the silicon monsters. Advanced chess does
Ei:g6 30.Ei:d l ± is similar to the game. Black is seem to live quite well in e-mail tournaments.
suffering and there is no end in sight. From a theoretical point of view it is, of course,
28.@cl! a great thing that this game exists.
This quiet waiting move underlines the real 35 ... �ac8 36.@b 1 �c6 37.a4 �g5 38.�e7 �f5
problem in Black's position, which is not the 39.�a3 �xc2t 40.@a1 �g2 41 .�f8t @h5
open king, but that he is unable to develop his 4 1 . ..Ei:g7 42.Ei:ae3 Ei:a6 43.�f4t Ei:g5 44Jle7
pieces sensibly. and Black's position is collapsing. 42.�f3
28 ...�f5 1-0
This must surely have hurt, but Black cannot
save the position. 2S ... �h3 29.Ei:f2 Wi'g l t 30.@d2 In the last game of this chapter we will have
Wi'g4 3 1 .Ei:h l Wi'b4t 32.@dl �g4t 33.@cl h5 a look at the double pawn sacrifice line with
34.Wi'e5t @h6 35.Ei:f7 and the king is toasted. S . . . d6. This is not played as often as S ... Wi'b6,
2S ... Wi'h2 29.�d4t @h6 looks like a defence, probably because it is less dramatic. White
but White wins elegantly with 30.Wi'd5 ! ! �h3 should be able to prove an advantage by
3 1 .Ei:h 1 �g3 32.�fl +-. keeping one of the pawns and torturing Black
29.�d4t @h6 30.Ei:gl �h3 3 1 .hf5 gxf5 in endless endgames, until Black players stop
32.�d2t f4 33.�xf4t @h5 34.�e5t @h6 playing this line.
35.Ei:e 1 !
Game 60
Hlavac - Bazant
Czech Republic 2000

l .e4 c5 2.tlJa tlJf6 3.e5 tlJ d5 4.tlJc3 e6 5.tlJxd5

exd5 6.d4 tlJc6 7.dxc5 J.xc5 8.�xd5 d6!?
This move has a better theoretical reputation
than S ... �b6, which is probably justified. I still
think that White should get the advantage.
9.exd6 �b6 10.�e4t
This is the main response, and probably also
the best.
l O .ie6 1 1 .�h4
206 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

1 2.d7t? Wxd7 1 3.ie2 as in Ribeiro -

Fernandes, Lisbon 1 998 only helps Black as
1 3 ... g5 ! is very strong now. Other alternatives
are equally senseless.
12 ... 0-0-0
1 2 ... g5 1 3.ixg5 !? fxg5 1 4.ltJxg5 Wi'a5t 1 5 .c3
1-0 Schwab - Dumitriu, corr. 1995.

1 1 . . .£6
Black has many alternatives, from which the
first is the best, and the last is the worst possible
move in the position.
On 1 1 .. .hd6 then 1 2.id3 ! ? is a fine
move. ( 1 2.ie2 is played more often, but after
12 ... if5 !? as in David - Luther, France 2003 it
is not easy to prove an advantage, nor after the 1 3 . . . Ei:xd6
main line 12 ... ie7 I H;IJ'e4 0-0-0) 1 2 ... tt:l b4 1 3 ... g5 14.Wi'h6 g4 1 5 .ltJg5 id5 1 6.tt:le4+-
( 1 2 ... Wi'b4t 13.c3 Wi'xh4 14.tt:lxh4 0-0-0 Joecks Seirawan - Seybold, Zurich (sim) 1 988.
- Arnold, Germany 1 989. Now strongest was 1 3 ... h5 14.ie3 !? Not the only way to play, but
1 5 .if5 !;!; and Black has some compensation, a very reliable move. 14 . . . he3 1 5 .fxe3 Wi'xe3t
but not enough.) 13.0-0 ltJxd3 was played in 1 6.c;t>h l ig4 This is given as compensation
Paavilainen - Westerinen, Finland 1 9 9 1 among in ECO, which is completely wrong. Though
others. Now White has an improvement in the book is a very well structured reference
14.Wi'a4t! which forces a nice endgame 14 .. .'IMfc6 guide, it is sometimes too apparent that the
1 5 .Wi'xc6t bxc6 16.cxd3;!; where only White has lines are made up of a reshuffling of all the
winning chances. The key idea is to play ltJf3- games in the Informants, and no evaluation
d2-e4 or c4 when the talk of the two bishops by the editors themselves. This is also why a
will stop. weaker player's recommendations are made to
1 1 . . .if5 1 2.ic4 0-0 13.0-0 hc2 ( 1 3 ...hd6 seem more important than Kasparov's choices
14.ib3±) 14.if4 Wi'xb2 1 5 .Ei:ac 1 ia3 1 6.Ei:fe l ± over the board, when given the main lines.
Doggers - Afek, Tilburg 2003. (Also after 16 . . .Ei:xd6 1 7.Wi'g3! Black is in deep
1 1 ...0-0 12.id3 Wi'b4t 1 3.c3 Wi'xh4 14.ltJxh4 trouble. White simply wins a pawn without any
Ei:ad8 was played in Jurek - Suchon, Poland counterplay. 1 7 ... Ei:hd8 1 8.Wi'xg7 ig4 1 9.Ei:ae 1
1 999. Now the strongest continuation is 1 5 .if4 Wi'b6 20.ltJd2!±.) 1 7.Wi'g3 !± A very powerful
hd6 1 6.ixd6 Ei:xd6 1 7.0-0-0± and there is no move. Now Black cannot free himself. 1 7 ... Wi' c5
compensation for the pawn. 1 8.Ei:adl c;t>b8 1 9.ie4 ltJ e5 20.ltJxe5 hdl This
1 1 ...ltJb4 12.Wi'e7 mate! Paaske - Pedersen, was Hansson - Fernandes, London 1 984. Now
Copenhagen 2003. 2 1 .Wi'xg7 just wins outright. 2 1 . . .Wi'c8 (2 1 . . .Wi'b4
12.id3 22.ltJc6t! +-; 2 1 ...Wi'b5 22.c4+-; 2 1 . .. Wi'b6
The Nimzowitsch Variation 207

22.W'xh8+-) 22 . .tf5 ! and Black has no squares I S ... tLlxBt 1 6.1!;lfxB .td4 1 7.c3 .teS 18 . .tf5±
for the queen since 22 .. :�cS 23.tLld7t is all This all seems very dear-cut to me.
over. 16.ttJxd4 gxd4
14.a3! 1 6 ... hd4 1 7 . .te4! .tdS 1 8 . .tf4 (also possible
Black's pieces are not ready to meet the is 18 . .tf5t!? .te6 1 9.1!;lfxg7 �e8 20.1!;lfxh7 and
advance of the queenside pawns. why should Black have compensation for this
1 4 ... ttJ d4 sea of pawns? 20 . . . �d7 2 1 .W'h3 .txf5 22.W'xf5
1 4 ... gS I S :�h6! A standard move in these �g8 23.g3+-) 1 8 ... �d7 1 9 . .txdS �dS 20.c3+-
lines. I S ... 1!;lfd8 1 6.b4 .tb6 1 7 . .te3± Lamprecht This is the simplest. There is no hope for Black
- Bach, Hamburg 1 998. here.
14 ... aS does not work at all. I S .b4! axb4 17.h3 g5 1 8.b4 .tb6 19 .tb2 gf4 20.gael

1 6.axb4 and Black loses material: 1 6 ... .txb4

1 7 . .te3 .tcS 1 8.�a8t tLl b8 1 9 . .tf4 gS 20 . .txd6
gxh4 2 1 .�xb8t \t>d7 22.hcS 1!;lfxcs 23.�xh8+­
l S.1!;lfg3!?
This subtle move is probably even stronger
than I S .tLlxd4 hd4 16.1!;lfg3;!; when I am
not certain that Black does not have a little
compensation. Now weak is 1 6 ... �d7?! 17 . .te3
.txe3 1 8.W'xe3 1!;lfxe3 19.fxe3± as in Negri -
Elburg, e-mail 2000. Why did Black want to
play this endgame?

20 . . . .td7?!
Black is looking for excuses. I have not found
sufficient compensation for him here, and I
cannot see why I should.
The most obvious line goes 20 ... �d8 2 1 .�e2!
hS 22.�fe l h4 23.1!;lfxf4 Forced. (23.1!;lfh2? leads
to 23 ... .tc4 24 . .tcl hd3 25.cxd3 �fd4 26 . .te3
.tc7 27.1!;lfhl �xd3+) 23 . . . gxf4 24.�xe6 �d6
2S .�e7± and Black's defence is just a nightmare.
If White is actually already winning here is hard
to tell, but he has all the chances at least.
l S ...1!;lfc6 21 ..tcl gh4 22.c4± .tc7 23.f4 gd8 24.ga
The alternatives are not better. I S ... tLl b3?! \t>b8 2S.c5 �d5 26 .tfl �d4t 27 .te3 W'b2
• •

1 6.cxb3 �xd3 1 7.b4 .td6 1 8 . .tf4± 28.gdl �c2 29.�el h6 30.b5

I S ... gS 1 6 . .te3± 1-0
Minor lines attempt against 5 ... ctJ f6, so we can assume he
prepared 6.ig5 and trusts it. After 6 ... ctJxe4
7.ctJxe4 ixe4 B:IWe2 White has a dangerous
- By John Shaw
lead in development. Milos - Limp, Sao Paulo
In this chapter we will have a brief look at 2004, continued B . . . d5 (B . . .ib7? illustrates the
some of Black's less popular lines. This does danger. 9.ctJb5! and White is already completely
not necessarily mean that they are bad, though winning. For example, 9 ... d5 1 0.if4,
some are, just that they are played less often. or 9 ... d6 1 0.0-0-0.) 9.1':l:dl h6 1 0.ih4 a6 1 1 .f3
We will in turn look at 2 . . . b6, 2 . . . a6 (O'Kelly) , ih7 1 2.c;f{f2 (intriguing, but I would prefer the
immediate 1 2.c4!) 1 2 ... 'lWd7 ( 1 2 . . . b5!?) 1 3.c4
the Andersson line, the 2 . . . g6 3.d4 ,tg7?! and White had a strong initiative and soon
line, different versions of . . . cxd4 followed by won .
. . . W' b6, the dubious Lowenthal and finally l .e4 Mr Limp continues to keep the faith with
c5 2. ctJ f3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4. ctJ xd4 ctJ c6 5. ctJ c3 5 ... ctJ f6, with a couple more tries in Sao Paulo
d6, which is by no means bad at all. 2005. In Round 5 after 6.ig5 he tried 6 ... e6
against Van Riemsdijk, whose 7.ctJdb5 only
The first game is with 2 . . . b6, which is more succeeded in reaching a funny Sveshnikov.
respectable than it looks. Repeating the line against Leitao in Round 6
was a step too far: 6.ig5 e6 7.e5 h6 B.ih4 g5
Game 61 9.ig3 ctJe4 1O.ctJxe4 ixe4 1 1 .h4 and Black was
Thorhallsson - Balinov already in deep trouble. 1-0 in 22 moves ...
Plovdiv 2003 6.Ae3!
I think this is the logical answer and guarantees
l .e4 cS 2 . .!iJf3 b6 White an edge. White plans 'lWd2, f2-f3 and
A few years ago this was almost unknown but 0-0-0. Whether this is a Yugoslav Attack or an
now it is a recognised, if still minor, variation. English Attack is up to Black.
Several grandmasters have tried it and it is I also like the look of 6.ig5 !? This is not
even the main defence to l .e4 of the Austrian quite as clear as 6.ie3, but it does give White
GM Stanec. Here we see it employed by his the chance to play for mate at a shockingly early
grandmaster compatriot. stage of the game.
3.d4 cxd4 4 . .!iJxd4 Ab7 5 . .!iJ c3 a6!? Now after 6 ... h6?! the weakening of g6 is
This move is the reason for the mini-revival of more than just theoretical. 7.ih4 d6 B.ic4
2 ... b6. Black's idea is to delay the development 'lWcB (This may seem odd but B ... 'lWc7 allows the
of his kingside until he has one more move's incredibly annoying 9.ie6! . The justification is
information about the destination of White's 9 ... fxe6 1 0.ctJxe6 'lWcB 1 1 .'lWh5t c;f{d7 12.'lWfS
king bishop. Specifically, if White plays 6.id3 and White wins.) 9.'lWe2 ctJ d7 10.0-0-0 g6 1 1 .£4
Black will choose a set-up with g7-g6 and d7- ig7 1 2.e5 dxe5 was Moreno Carnero - Korneev,
d6. Who would play id3 against the Dragon? Dos Hermanas 2003 . Now White missed his
While if White tries 6.ic4 then Black will play big chance with 1 3 .ctJe6!! when Black has no
e7-e6 and leave the d-pawn alone. There are no defence. For example, 13 ... fxe6 14.ixe6 ic6
good ic4 lines against the Kan. White's task is 1 5 .'lWg4.
to find a set-up that is threatening against both The punch of 6.ig5 is shown by the fact that
Dragon and Kan style positions. a 2600 player was lost with Black after only 13
The Brazilian 1M Limp has a weakness moves.
for the move 5 ... ctJf6. The simple 6.e5 must 6 ...'lWc7 prepares e7-e6 and is probably the
be reasonable but 6.ig5 is great fun. His only move to avoid immediate trouble. Now
countryman GM Milos played this in his second White has several reasonable moves such
210 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

as 7.i.d3 or even 7.�g4 but a critical try is Instead 8 ... �c7 transposes to Karjakin
7.ttJd5 ! ? when Black has little choice. 7 ... i.xd5 - Balinov, Vienna 2003 . After 9.a3 i.e7 (If
(7 ... �e5 8.i.e3 should just be a transposition 9 . . . i.xc3 then either recapture is good enough for
after 8 ... i.xd5, but in Groszpeter - Berezjuk, an edge. Black will have weak dark squares and
Pardubice 2000 Black blundered with 8 . . . e6?? no bishop to cover them.) 10.0-0-0 b5 1 1 .i.f4
when 9.ttJf3! won easily.) 8.exd5 �e5t 9.i.e3 �c8 1 2.ttJb3! ttJc6 1 3 .i.d6 Black's position was
�xd5 10.i.e2 I believe White's massive lead in disgusting. This game was played two months
development gives him excellent compensation before our main game, so we can assume that
for the pawn. I recently had a chance to test this the text is GM Balinov's (unsuccessful) attempt
analysis against world-class opposition. Shaw to improve.
- Sasikiran, Gibraltar 2005 continued 8 . . . e5?! 9.a3 hc3
(instead of 8 . . . �e5t) 9.dxe6 fxe6 10.'t.Wf3 Ei:a7 Now Black has problems on the dark
1 1 .0-0-0 g6 1 2.�e3 ! With the idea of ttJxe6!. squares but 9 . . . i.e7 1 0.e5! was even worse. For
White's advantage is already decisive and only example, 1 O . . . ttJd5 l 1 .ttJxd5 hd5 1 2 . ttJ fS ! is
an only an idiotic blunder allowed Black to a disaster.
win in Shaw - Sasikiran, Gibraltar 2005. This 1 0.Y;Yxc3 d5 l 1 .e5 tLl fd7 12.0-0-0 tLlc5 13.f4
confirms that 8 ... �e5t is necessary, but even White has an excellent version of the Classical
here Sasikiran thought White had excellent French.
compensation. This evaluation recently had a 1 3 Y;Yd7 14.tLla

successful test against super-GM opposition. Challenging Black's only well-placed piece
Rahal-Bauer, France 2006, continued 9.i.e3 with 14.ttJb3! seems more logical. For example,
�xd5 1 0.i.e2 e5 l 1 .ttJ b3 �b7 12.0-0 ttJ f6 13.f4 14 ... ttJe4 1 5 .�b4 b5 1 6.i.d3 ttJc6 1 7.'t.We l and
e4 14.c4 i.e7 1 5 .g4!? and White had a powerful White has a great position.
initiative for the pawn. Later White should have 14 0-0 15 ..id3 Ei:cS 1 6.�bl a5

won, but only drew. Perhaps this line is strong, Planning to improve his feeble bishop with
but unlucky. i.a6, but the tactics dictate that ttJxd3 must be
6 e6
..• played very soon.
This is now the only sensible set-up. Playing 1 7.Ei:he1 .ia6?
in Dragon-style would be mad with the passive This was Black's last chance to reach a decent
a6 and b6 already played, and White heading for position with 1 7 ... ttJxd3.
a Yugoslav Attack. I s.hc5
White begins to clear the queen's path to h3.
I S ... bxc5
It was too late for 1 8 ... hd3 because of
1 9.�xd3 bxc5 20.ttJg5 g6 2 1 .�h3 h5 22.ttJe4
with a winning attack.
The Greek Gift is still claiming victims.
19 ... �xh7 20.tLlg5t �gS 2 1 .Y;Yh3
White is winning since f4-fS will further
. strengthen the attack.
2 1 . .. Y;YdS 22.Y;Yh5 Ei:a7
Or 22 ... �e8 23.fS! ttJd7 24.�h7t �f8
25.ttJe4! and Black has no defence. For example,
25 ...dxe4 26.Ei:xd7 �xd7 27.f6 leads to mate.
23.fS! exf5 24.e6 g6 25.Y;Yh7t �f8 26.e7t
7.Y;Yd2 .ib4 s.a tLlf6 1-0
Minor Lines 211

The O'Kelly Variation has never been regarded are inconsistent with both this book's anti-Kant
as fully respectable, yet several GMs are willing Taimanov recommendations and our attacking
to risk it. Former World Junior Champion piece play style. Having said that, the tricky line
Kurajica is a true believer and the 2600-rated 3 ... d6 4.d4 i.g4 is now under a cloud after the
Baklan has recently added it to his repertoire. discovery of S.dxcS i.xf3 6.gxf3! Wl'aSt 7.tiJc3!
Still, White should get an edge. Wl'xcS (7 ... dxcS S.Wl'b3 is more than annoying)
S.i.e3 and White has a tremendous initiative. For
Game example, Sedina-Korbut, Biel 200S , continued
Shirov - Kurajica S ... Wl'c6 9.i.g2 tiJd7 1 0.!!c1 tiJgf6 1 1 .0-0 gS?!
Sarajevo 2002 1 2.eS ! dxeS 1 3 .f4 followed by 14.fxgS with a
crushing position.
l.e4 c5 2.<!i:l B a6 3.d The trick every player must know (and
probably already does) is that 3.d4?! is a mistake.
After 3 ...cxd4 4.tiJxd4 tiJf6 S.tiJc3 eS Black has
an excellent version of the Sveshnikov with
i.cs or i.b4 as extra options. The usual tiJdbS
is ill advised and 6.tiJf5 dS is not clever either.
Instead White would have to retreat the knight
passively, and hope to hang on to equality.
3 . .. g6
This is one of many possible replies. The
unforced nature of the play means that it is
neither possible nor necessary for White to
memorise much theory in this position. Black
has a multitude of ways to achieve a worse
version of a normal variation. For example:
a) The most solid try is probably 3 ... dS but
I hesitated before selecting this as our main after 4.exdS Wl'xdS S.d4 White's "extra" move
line: a c3-Sicilian in a book that recommends gives him a pleasant position. One example:
only the most critical lines? I convinced myself S ... tiJf6 6.i.e2 cxd4 7.cxd4 g6 S.tiJc3 Wl'dS 9.0-0
by studying the database: 3.c3 is the anti-O'Kelly i.g7 10.tiJeS 0-0 1 1 .i.f3 tiJeS 1 2.i.f4 tiJd6
choice of even the most aggressive of the world's 13.Wl'd2 tiJf5 14.!!adl tiJd7 l SJ�fe l and White
top GMs (Shirov, Bologan and even Kasparov) . was clearly better in Karjakin - Khamrakulov,
It is also the move that scores most heavily Dos Hermanas 2004.
against the 2 . . . a6 experts. The convincing logic b) 3 ... e6 4.d4 dS S.eS gives White a good
of 3.c3 is that a7 -a6 is rarely a useful move in the version of the Advance French. Black can try
normal c3-Sicilian. to make use of 2 ... a6 with S ... i.d7 planning to
Those determined to play in Open Sicilian exchange the bad bishop on bS but this runs
style could consider 3.tiJc3. After 3 ... bS 4.d4 into problems. For example, 6.i.d3 (Not the
transposing to our anti-Kan repertoire may seem only good move. Reasonable alternatives include
likely but Black has enjoyed considerable success 6.a3 and 6.tiJ bd2.) 6 ...cxd4 (The problem with
with the surprising 4 ... e6. The critical line 6 ... i.bS is 7.hbSt axbS S.dxcS hcs 9.b4 i.b6
should be S.dS but then we reach a I .d4-style 10.tiJa3 and White wins a safe pawn.) 7.tiJxd4!.
position where White seems to have "forgotten" Cutting across Black's plans. 7 ... tiJc6 S.tiJxc6
to answer . . . a6 with a4. hc6
3.c4 is a logical, reliable move, but if Black 9.0-0 and White's lead in development gives
chooses a line with e7 -e6 the positions reached him attacking chances on the kingside.
212 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

4.d4 cxd4 5.cxd4 d5 6.exd5 c!LJf6 7.c!LJc3 c!LJxd5

8 ..ic4 c!LJxc3 9.bxc3 .ig7 10.h4!?
This is certainly not forced, but it does exploit
the slowness of Black's second move. If White
tried to hack a normal c3-Sicilian in this style
then Black would never consider the irrelevant
a6 in reply.
1 0 tvc7 1 l .tvb3 e6 12 .id3 c!LJ c6 13.h5
••• •

.id7 14.�g5 �c8 1 5.c!LJe4 0-0 16.hxg6 hxg6

17 .ig5 f5

Black should probably have fought for control

of the dark squares with 1 7 ... f6, but White still
has good attacking chances.
18.�c5 � a5 19.tvb4 �f7 20.�b1 .if'S 2 1 .�fl
.ic6 22.�gl e5 23.dxe5 tvxe5 24 .ie3 tvd5

25 ..ifl tvxa2 26.tvh4 �g7 27.�dl

This rare move is a favourite of GM Vlf
Andersson. Most of the main lines involve
an early exchange of queens, which explains
the interest of this famous endgame expert.
However, White is able to achieve an edge with
accurate play.
This is the logical way to exploit the omission
of d7-d6, but there are other options. 7.ttJd5
should be avoided. After 7 ... tLlxd5 S .exd5
a6! analysis and practice show that Black has
equalised. For example, 9.dxc6 axb5 10.cxd7t
hd7 1 1 .�d5 �c7.
If White is determined to keep the queens on
then 7 . .ie3 !? is worth considering. Black must
Among many, many others, Black has to play 7 ... d6 S.tLld5 tLlxd5 9.exd5 ttJ bS. The only
defend against 2S.tLlxb7. move. (9 ... tLle7? loses a pawn to 1 0.c3 ! because if
27 ... .id5 28.�d2 10 ... a6?? then 1 1 .�a4!, a standard trick known
Winning the queen for rook and minor piece from the 7. tLl d5 Sveshnikov.) I 0.c4 Compared to
is good enough, but White could have concluded a normal 7.ttJd5 Sveshnikov White has the extra
the attack with 2S.�hSt �f7 29J�h7! Elxh7 move .ie3, and Black has ... h6. Generally, this
30.�xh7t .ig7 3 1 ..ih6 l'l:gS 32.c4!. must favour White, but ... h6 may help prepare
2S tvxd2 29 .ixd2 �xc5 30.tvdS �f7 3 1 ..ie3
..• • a later .ie7-g5. I would recommend this line to
c!LJc6 32.tvh4 �g7 33 .ixc5 .ixc5 34 .ic4
• • players who prefer an unclear middlegame to a
1-0 slightly better ending.
7 .ixd6 8.tvxd6 tve7 9.tvxe7t
The following sideline, here ascribed to Ulf

This is the simple approach. The sharpest try

Andersson, is sometimes called the Haberditz is 9.tLlb5!? but Black has recently strengthened
his defence with 9 ... ElbS!. This obviously avoids
l .e4 c5 2.c!LJa �c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.�xd4 c!LJf6 the fork but also fights to prevent the knight
5.�c3 e5 6.� db5 h6 landing on d6. Previously 9 . . . �xd6 was always
Minor Lines 213

played with White scoring well after 1O.lLlxd6t transposition to the Accelerated Dragon. Black
rJJ e7 l 1 .lLlf5t. After 9 ... ElbS! one critical line has interesting alternatives in 4 ... �b6 and
is 1 0.b3 lLlxe4! 1 1 .�xe7t rJJ xe7 12.ia3t d6 4 . . .�a5t.
l 3 .f3 a6! 14.fxe4 axb5 1 5 .ixb5 ElaS and Black 4 .. ,1,MiaSt S.c3!
is fine. 5.lLlc3 is a little speculative. After 5 ... ixc3 t
9 ... rJJ xe7 1 0 ..ie3 d6 6.bxc3 �xc3t 7.id2 �xc5 Black has had
10 ... lLl g4? is premature. l 1 .lLld5t rJJ d S encouraging results.
l 2 .ic5 and Black is crushed. S .. ,1,Mixcs
1 1 .£3 .ie6 12.0-0-0

6.lL'l a3!
White has a slight but definite edge. The plan is This causes Black far more problems than the
g2-g4 and h2-h4 preparing a later g5 . White can obvious 6.ie3. Black now has six likely replies
wait and play lLl d5t only if and when it is most of which four are clearly bad.
inconvenient for Black. 6 ... lL'lf6
a) 6 ... ixc3t? is a trap which has caught several
The following line has been around for a while, strong players. 7.bxc3 �xc3t S.�d2! �xal
but it does not seem to be fully trustworthy. 9.lLlb5. The threatened fork gives White just
enough time to trap the queen. 9 ... lLla6 lo.lLlc3.
1 .e4 cS 2.lL'l£3 g6 There is no escape. For example 1O ... lt:lc5
This is a perfectly acceptable move order to l 1 .lLld4! and White wins easily.
reach either variety of Dragon. However, if b) Preventing lLlb5 with 6 ... a6? is disastrous
Black avoids this possibility then he runs into after 7.lLlc4 with ie3 to follow.
immediate trouble. Of course White has third c) 6 ... �a5?! 7.�d5 ! forces an advantage in
move alternatives, but none of them are superior every variation: 7 ... lLlc6 S.�xa5 lLlxa5 9.lLlb5,
to 3.d4. 7 ... �dS S.ic4 e6 9.�d3 and 7 ... �xd5 S.exd5
3.d4 .ig7?! lLlf6 9.d6 - Bruzon.
Black can, and should, head back towards d) 6 ... �c7?! allows White to gain a clear
regular Dragon lines with 3 ... cxd4 4.lt:lxd4. advantage: 7.lLlb5 �dS (7 ... �a5 S.�d5!) S.if4
White can prevent a transposition with 4.�xd4 d6 9.e5 a6 10.�a4 - Bruzon.
but I think Black is OK after 4 ... lLlf6. For e) 6 ... d6 is the only serious alternative to
example, 5 .ib5 a6 6.e5 axb5 7.exf6 lLlc6. 6 ... lLlf6, but White can still achieve a slight
4.dxc5 advantage. 7.lLlb5 a6 (7 ... �b6?! wastes more
It is worth noting that 4.c4 does not force a time than Black can afford. Markowski -
214 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

Danner, Istanbul {ol} 2000, continued 8 . .te3 Game 63

�a5 9 . .tc4 ltJc6 10.�b3 ltJd8 l 1 .ltJxa7!. And Movsesian - Kozul
now 1 1 .. .E:xa7? loses to 12 ..tb6.} 8 . .te3 �c6 Sarajevo 2002
9.ltJa7 �c7 1 0.ltJxc8 �xc8 1 1 .�b3 ltJf6 1 2.e5
dxe5 1 3.ltJxe5 0-0 14 ..te2 and White was a l.e4 c5 2.ltJf3 ltJ c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ltJxd4 �b6
little better and later won in Dolmatov - Solak, This is an interesting, playable line. Black
Istanbul 2003. nudges the d4-knight towards b3, while keeping
7.ltJb5 0-0 his own pawn structure as flexible as possible.
7 ... ltJxe4? is rather naive. 8.Be3 �c6 9.ltJfd4! 5.ltJb3 ltJ f6 6.ltJc3 e6
.txd4 1 0.�xd4 ltJf6 l 1 .ltJxa7 and White has a
clear advantage.
7 ... ltJg4 is direct but White has a convincing
answer. 8.ltJfd4 d6 9.h3 ltJxf2. This is effectively
forced. {For example, 9 ... ltJf6? 1 O . .te3 wins.}
1 0.cj;Jxf2 e5 1 1 ..te3 exd4 1 2.cxd4 �b6. This is
AI Sayed - Velikhanli, Abu Dhabi 2003. Now
13.E:c l ltJa6 14.e5! is very strong.
8 . .ie3 �c6 9.ltJfd4 �xe4 10.ltJc7 b6

I think this is the best way to attack Black's
system. White prepares queenside castling, while
the fl bishop will develop to g2. A common
alternative is 7 . .te3 but it not clear that this
is a gain of tempo. Firstly, the queen is almost
certain to move anyway to enable a later b7-b5.
Secondly, since . . . .tb4 is a definite possibility,
d2 may prove to be the correct square for the
So far this is Bruzon - Malakhov, Yerevan bishop.
2000. Now Bruzon's suggestion of 1 1 .�f3! 7 ... d6
forces a queen exchange while still winning the The major alternative is 7 ... .tb4 8 . .td2 0-0
exchange. 9.a3 and now Black has a major decision to
The line with 2 . . . ltJc6 and 4 . . . �b6 is a make:
favourite of Israeli GM Golod, who plays a} Most strong players have given up 9 ....txc3
it with absolutely fantastic results {94%, a 1 0 . .txc3 e5 1 1 .0-0-0 E:d8. {In A. Ivanov­
fabulous 2790 performance in the last 5 years. Yermolinsky, USA {ch} 2000, Black tried the
But all games were played against lower rated tricky l l .. .d6. After 12.E:xd6 ltJd4 1 3 . .txd4
opponents.}. It should not be underrated. Still, �xd6 14 . .tc5 �c7 1 5 . .txf8 cj;Jxf8 1 6.f3?! [Instead
it is not the refutation of the Open Sicilian I think 1 6.�c4! refutes the gambit. The idea is
and White can fight for an advantage just as in 16 ... �xc4 17 ..txc4 ltJxe4 1 8.E:e l ltJd6 {Not
any other system. Especially if he follows my 18 ... ltJxf2? 1 9.E:fl } 19 . .td3 and White will soon
recommendation. be a pawn ahead.] 16 ... .te6 Black had enough
Minor Lines 21S

for the pawn.) 1 2.E1d6! Vl1c7 ( 1 2 . . . CtJ d4?? is now Play continued 13.eS! dxeS 14.Vl1f3 CtJdS
simply a blunder. 1 3 .E1xd4 exd4 14 . .!taS) 13.E1xf6! I S .ctl xdS exdS 1 6.Vl1xdS ib7 ( 1 6 ... .!td7 17.iaS !)
This idea of Michael Adams has effectively 17.CtJcS. Black is already worse but 1 7 ... E1d8?
ended the popularity of 9 ... ixc3. 1 3 ... gxf6 1 8.CtJxa6! Vl1b6 19.Vl1xbS! did not help.
14.Vl1g4t i>h8 I S .Vl1h4 Vl1d6 (A later game l 1 .f4 b5 1 2.g5 1t1 c5
Nijboer - Piket, Amsterdam 200 1 , continued Kozul clearly believes 1 2 . . . b4 13.CtJa4 safely
I S ... d6 16.Vl1xf6t i>g8 17.Vl1gst i>h8 1 8.f4 and blocks his queenside attack.
White was much better.) 1 6.f4 Vl1e7 (Nijboer 13.1t1xc5 dxc5 14.�e3 ltld4 15.fff2 �b7
suggested 16 ... E1g8 as a better defence but also 16.�g2 0-0-0 17.e5
supplied a promising reply. 1 7.g4!? Vl1e7 1 8 . .!tbS
d6 1 9.h3 and White has superb compensation.
For example, 19 ... i>g7 20.E1fl a6 2 1 .ixc6 bxc6
22.fxeS dxeS 23.ib4 Vl1d8 24.CtJaS ! and Black is
lost.) 1 7.ibS Adams - Knezevic, France 1 997.
Blackisalreadyin troublesincethenatural l 7 ... d6?
fails to 18 . .!txc6 bxc6 19.fxeS dxeS 20 . .!tb4!.
b) 9 ... ie7 1 0.eS It is wise to push now since
1 0.0-0-0 dS ! has scored exceptionally well
for Black. 1 0 ... CtJdS 1 1 .0-0-0 (If I 1 .CtJxdS
exdS 1 2.0-0-0 d6 Black's potential c-file play
compensates for his weaker structure.) 1 1 .. .d6
1 2.exd6 ixd6 13.CtJbS! ieS ( l 3 ... .!tf4 was tried
in Kotenko - Arzumanian, Ukraine 2003. After
14.c4 ixd2t I S.E1xd2 ltJc7 1 6.cS Vl1xbS 1 7.Vl1xbS
CtJxbS 1 8 . .!txbS White had a definite edge.) 14.c4 17 . . . �e7 1 8 . .!txb7t i>xb7?!
This only looks risky - "Trust me, I know what Now White wins a safe pawn. Black had to
I'm doing." 1 4 ... a6 I S .cxdS exdS 16.ie3 Vl1xbS try 1 8 . . .Vl1xb7 but after 19.E1he l White is still a
1 7.Vl1xbS axbS 1 8.ixbS ie6 Motylev-Kunte, little better.
India 2002. Now Judit Polgar suggests 1 9.E1he l 1 9.�xd4 cxd4 20J3xd4 1'!xd4
is slightly better for White. Of course if 20 ... icS 2 1 .Vl1f3t.
Black can also play 7 ... Vl1c7, but this 2 1 .ffxd4 .!tc5 22.ffd3 1'!d8 23.fff3t ffc6
generally transposes to the 7 . . . d6 variations. 24.1'!fl 1'!d4
One independent example is 8.g4 h6 9.h4 a6 There is still work to do but Movsesian
10 ..!tg2 id6. A creative and unusual attempt completes the job convincingly.
to stop White's traditional pawn storm. l 1 .ie3 25.1t1e2 1'!e4 26.1t1g3 1'!a4 27.i>bl ffxf3
( l 1 .gS !?) l l . ..bS 1 2.0-0-0 if4?! 1 3.CtJdS ! and 28.1'!xf3 �gl 29.c3! E1c4 30.i>c2 E1c7 3 1 . 1t1 e2
White was much better in Ciuksyte V. Georgiev,
- �b6 32.1'!h3 i>c6 33.1'!xh7 g6 34. i>d3 i>d5
Porto San Giorgio 2003. 35.h4 a5 36.1t1g3 b4 37.1t1 e4 bxc3 38.bxc3
8.g4 a6 9.�d2 ffc7 10.0-0-0 1'!c4 39.1t1fGt
Black has far too many possibilities here to 1-0
give comprehensive coverage. However, White
appears generally to have the better chances in 2 . . . e6 and 4 . . . Vl1b6 is a rare line now but an
an unbalanced position. old favourite of GM Kveinys (which explains
1 O ... ltJd7 why a later ... Vl1b6 in the Kan is known as the
Black can also choose to delay g4-gS with Enhanced Kveinys variation) . The idea, as in
1 O ... h6. Now l 1 .h4 g6 12 ..!tg2 bS transposes many of the Kan lines, is to encourage the CtJd4
to Tomescu - Bruno, Porto San Giorgio 2002. to leave its perfect central position.
216 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

Game 64 The most common move is 5 . lLl b3 but in

Yu Shaoteng Zaw Win Lay
- an active repertoire it is worth avoiding this
Bangkok 2004 slighdy passive retreat if there is a reasonable
l .e4 c5 2.�f3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.�xd4 Wib6 The unusual 5.lLla3 ! ? was once played by
4 . . . .ic5 is likely to transpose back to our main the creative Russian GM Dvoirys. In the game
game after 5.lLlc3 'lWb6, but White can also try Dvoirys - Agrest, Cattolica 1 994, Black allowed
an immediate attack on Black's position with the planned lLlc4 and was soon worse. The
5.lLlb5!? 'lWb6 6 . .ie3. critical try must be 5 ... .ixa3 6.bxa3 when the
positional question is obvious - will White's
dark square play be more important than his
weak pawns? Dvoirys gave the line 6 . . . lLlf6
7.'lWd3 0-0 B . .ie2 lLlc6 9.lLlb5 d5 1 0.exd5 exd5
1 1 ..ib2! lLl e4 1 2.0-0 .ie6 1 3.E1ab 1 a6 14.lLld4
lLlxd4 1 5 . .ixd4 'lWc7 16.a4± which is interesting
but not forced.
5 .ic5 6.�a4

If 6. i.e3 Black is OK after 6 ... 'tJ c6, but

he must avoid 6. JWxb2?? 7.'tJ db5j winning
6 Wia5t 7.c3

7.lLlc3 'lWb6 is relevant only as a way of playing

out a pre-arranged draw.
First played by Paul Morphy! It gives White 7 ... hd4
good compensation and a wonderful score Black is committed to giving up his better
after 6 . . .he3 7.fxe3 'lWxe3t. The only move. bishop as 7 ... .ie7 B.lLlb5 d6 9 . .if4 e5 10 ..ie3 is
(7 . . . @e7 was played once, but B.'lWd3 ! with the simply good for White.
ideas 'lWa3t and 'lWc3, as well as 9.e5 blows Black B.Wixd4
away. One line is B . . . d6 9.e5 ! dxe5 10.'lWa3t Basically, White already has what he wants -
@f6 1 1 .lLl d2 lLlc6 1 2 . .id3 with the makings of the bishop pair. The onus is on Black to find
a winning attack. e.g. 1 2 ... 'lWxe3t 13.@dl lLl h6 compensation.
14.E1fl t lLlfS 1 5 .lLl c7 E1bB 1 6.E1xf5t! and White 8 ... � f6
wins. And after 7 . . . lLlf6 B.lLld6t @e7 9.lLlc4 'lWc5 Or B ... e5 9.'lWc5 and White keeps a dear
1 0.e5 lLl eB ( 1 0 . . . lLl d5 I l .'lWh5 ! and I do not see edge.
how Black can defend his kingside.) 1 1 .lLlc3± 9.�c5 � c6
Hruciov - Rusev, Oropesa del Mar 2000.) 9 ... 0-0 10.lLlb3 allows White to consolidate
s..ie2 lLl a6 9.lLl l c3 lLlh6 (9 ... lLlf6 1 0.lLld6t @f8 his gains.
1 1 .E1fl White has far more compensation than lo.Wid6!?
needed for the pawn, Staniszewski - Ostrowski, I prefer this positional pawn sacrifice to the
Augustow 1 996.) 10.lLld6t @e7 I l . lLl c4 'lWc5 more common and passive 1 0 .'lWe3, which
1 2.a3 b5 13.b4 'lWc6 14.'lWd4 gave White a seems to give Black good equalising chances.
wonderful initiative in Brodsky - Staniszewski, 1 0 b6 1 1.�b3 Wie5

Rowy 1 999. He converted this to a better It is telling that Zaw Win Lay switched to this
endgame, but a full-blown attack on the king move after trying the main line a year earlier.
was also an option. The critical position is reached after 1 1 ...lLlxe4
5.�c3 1 2.'lWxc6! dxc6 13.lLlxa5 bxa5 14 . .ie3.
Minor Lines 217

lfl c6 24.axb6 axb6 2S.lflxc6 @xc6 26.ga6 gb8

27.c4 lfl e7 28.b4 lfl f5 29.igl gd3 30.cS lfl e3t
3 1 .ixe3 gxe3 32.gcl
The simple 32.�dl gives White decent
winning chances.
32 ... gb7 33.cxb6t @bS 34.gcal gc3 3S.g 1 aSt
@xb4 36.ga7 gc2t 37.@h3 gxb6 38.gal f5?!
38 ... e5 should draw.
39.gxg7 @cS 40.gc7t gc6 4 1 . gxh7 ge2
Black has a very unpleasant defensive task
ahead, and soon cracks.
42.ghl @dS 43.@h4 @e4 44.@gS @f3 4S.gal
ge3 46.gaS @g2 47.geS ge4 48.gh6 ga6?

Black has a healthy extra pawn on the kingside, The next line we will examine is the Lowenthal,
but his shattered queenside and White's which was first played more than 1 00 years ago.
bishop pair constitute more than adequate It has never achieved any popularity in high­
compensation. I believe that White's control of level chess. Black's weakened dark squares do
the position means that he can play for the win not appeal to strong players. At lower levels the
with virtually no risk of defeat, or in modern Lowenthal is far more common. I suspect the
jargon: White is playing for two results. large number of tactical tricks in the main lines
Hamdani - Zaw Win Lay, Vietnam 2003, is the main attraction.
continued 14 ... 0-0 (Instead, Nikolenko -
Arzumanian, Tula 2000, continued 14 ... e5 l .e4 cS 2.lflf3 lflc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lflxd4 eS
1 5 .0-0-0 �e6 1 6.�a6 �b8 1 7.�he l liJf6, and S.lflbS a6
now the simple 18.�c5 would have given White This is the initial position of the Lowenthal.
a clear advantage.) 1 5 .0-0-0 e5 1 6.�c4 �f5 5 . . . d6 is of course the Kalashnikov (see page
1 7.f3 liJ f6 1 8 .�d6 �fc8 1 9 .�hd 1 . This is a typical 1 73).
position in this variation. White dominates the 6.lfld6t ixd6 7.YMxd6 YMfG
d-file while Black is tied to defending his weak
pawns. 1 9 ... liJ e8 20.�6d2 liJc7 and now White,
the lower rated player, headed for a draw with
2 1 .�d6. Instead he could have played for the
win with no risk in several ways. One example is
2 1 .a4!?, simply fixing the weaknesses. 2 1 . . .�e6
22.�xe6 liJxe6 23.�d7 and White will soon
recover his pawn with a fine position.
12.YMxe5 lflxe5 1 3.f4 lfl g6 14.eS lfl dS I S.g3
ib7 16.ig2 0-0-0 17.0-0
Without doing anything special White has
achieved a slight but definite edge.
17 ... d6 1 8.exd6 gxd6 19.1fld4 gd7 20.a4
It was worth considering 20.f5!? exfS 2 1 .liJxfS
f6 and only then 22.a4.
20 ... lfl de7 2 1 .a5 ixg2 22.@xg2 @b7 23.ie3 8.YMxf6
21B Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

This is an easy way to guarantee an edge. The In the last game of this chapter we shall look
positions tend to be not very exciting, but they at an anti-Keres Scheveningen line. Naturally I
are even less fun for Black. The main line is suggest playing the Keres attack all the same.
considered to be B.'lWdl but I do not think it is
any better than B.'lWxf6. It also commits White Game 65
to studying and remembering a large amount of Senff - Schlosser
theory about a rarely met line. Germany 2004
8 ... tbxf6 9.tbc3
Black is now committed to searching for l .e4 cS 2.tbf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tbxd4 tb c6
compensation for his positional concessions. 5.tbc3 d6
9 ... tb b4 This has never been a popular position with
The only other significant try is 9 ... dS . Black players though there is nothing particularly
Now 1 0.exdS is better than the frequently wrong with it. White has many options, but the
recommended 10.igS . After 1 0.exdS consistent move with our anti-Scheveningen
play continues 1 0 ... tiJb4 l 1 .id3 tiJxd3t line, and also the most theoretically respected, is
(if 1 1 ...tiJfxdS 12.tiJxdS tiJxdS 1 3.id2 White 6.g4!
has an edge in a simple position) 1 2.cxd3 The Pseudo-Keres Attack seems like a
ifS 1 3.0-0!? (I find this clearer than the also reasonable name. This move first attracted
promising 1 3 .igS). Now: attention after being played by Anatoly Karpov
a) 1 3 ... 0-0-0 14.i.gS i.xd3 I S . � fd l i. fs in his 1 9B5 World Championship match against
1 6. � acl and Black is in trouble. 1 6 . . . cj;1d7 Kasparov.
Instead 6.ie3 is a good alternative but
( 1 6 .. .'J;'bB 17.f4) 17. CtJ a4 6 . . . tiJf6 transposes to a Scheveningen line
b) 1 3 ... 0-0 14J'l:e1 l'l:feB I s .igS ixd3 outside this book's repertoire, so we will keep
1 6.l'l:ad l ifS 1 7.ixf6 gxf6 I B.d6 our focus on 6.g4.
c) 1 3 . . . ixd3 and now 14.l'l:e l wins a pawn. 6 ... a6
10.cj;1d2 d5 This standard Sicilian move is the most
This is the only aggressive try. The quiet popular, but Black has several reasonable, and
10 ... d6 changes nothing. A sample line: l 1 .a3 little explored, alternatives.
tiJc6 1 2.id3 ie6 1 3 .l'l:dl 0-0-0 14.cj;1el and, as 6 ... h6 was Kasparov's choice in his previously
usual, Black will suffer in a long ending. mentioned game against Karpov. Karpov
1 1 .a3 d4 12.axb4 dxc3t 13. cj;1e3 continued 7.h4, but the developing 7.ie3 is
This convincing line has been known for also fine. Transpositions are always possible
decades. but one distinct, and inspirational, example is
13 ... tb g4t Kasimdzhanov -Van der Sterren, Germany 200 1 .
The critical attempt but White has it covered. 7.ie3 tiJf6 B.h3 ie7 9.'lWd2 a6 10.0-0-0 tiJxd4
Quiet play will leave White with a simple 1 1 .'lWxd4 id7 1 2.f4 ic6 13.l'l:gl tiJd7 14.ic4
advantage. One recent example is 13 ... ie6 'lWaS I S .ixe6 fxe6 1 6.'lWxg7 if6 1 7.'lWg6t cj;1e7
14.id3 0-0 I S .f3 l'l:acB 1 6.b3 tiJeB 17.bS tiJc7 I B.eS dxeS 1 9.1'l:xd7t cj;1xd7 20.l'l:dl t cj;1e7 2 1 .gS
I B.bxa6 bxa6 19.ia3 l'l:dB 20.ib4 and White l'l:hfB 22.'lWh7t l'l:f7 23.gxf6t cj;1xf6 24.'lWxh6t
was already winning in Kotronias - Stankovic, cj;1e7 2S.fS 1-0
Greece 2002. GM Kotronias is not a player 6 . . . ie7 is also reasonable and may transpose
who ducks a theoretical challenge, so he clearly to other lines. This really is an ideal variation
believes B.'lWxf6 is an effective answer to the for those who would rather play chess than
Lowenthal. learn theory.
14.cj;1e2 f5 15.bxc3 tbf6 16.�a5! Of course 6 ... tiJf6 is a regular Keres Attack.
White has a clear advantage. See Page I S7.
Minor Lines 219

7 . .ie3 tiJge7 1 0.0-0-0 tiJcs 1 1 .f4 .ie7 1 2.g5 0-0 1 3.e5!

Now the game is distinct from the real Keres. Black suffers because of his bishop on d7.
Black plans to ease the congestion by tiJxd4 1 3 ... J.eS?
followed by tiJ e7-c6. This allows White to decisively strengthen his
S.tiJb3! kingside attack but Black's position was already
This is the key point to remember. The idea is unpleasant. For example 1 3 . . . ctJ a5 14.ctJxa5
borrowed from the Taimanov Variation. tiJd4- �xa5 1 5.�g2!? gbs 16.c;f;lb l and White is
b3 is usually a passive move but here it leaves clearly better.
Black's pieces cramped and uncoordinated, in 14.tiJe4 dxe5?!
particular Black's knights, which are on the Now White has a forced win but the alternative
same circuit and so "step on each other's toes." 1 4 ... d5 still leaves Black in trouble. 1 5 .'lWg2 c;f;lh8
S ... b5 (or 1 5 ... �c7 1 6.ctJf6t c;f;lh8 17.id3) 1 6.�h3
and White's simple, crude attack is deadly.
1 5.Wlg2 Wlc7 16.tiJf6t!

I would prefer 9.f4 first. The possible downside
of this move order is the pawn sacrifice 9 ... g5,
16 . . . �hS 17.J.d3 hf6
but after 1 0.fxg5 I do not believe in Black's
compensation. The knight will look very pretty If 1 7 ... exf4 White wins with 18.ltJxh7! . For
on e5 , but White also has active pieces and example 1 8 ... fxe3 19.1tJf6! and mates.
Black's king has no safe haven. After 17 ... gxf6 White has an easy win with
9.a3!? is an interesting and unusual way to 1 8.gxf6 gg8 (if 1 8 ... hf6 then 1 9.�e4 and
avoid the regular lines. Gallagher - Klauser, mate next move) 19.�h3 gg6 20.hg6 fxg6
Switzerland 2003, continued 9 ... tiJg6 1 0.g5 2 1 .�xe6.
ib7 l 1 .h4 tiJge5 1 2.f4 ctJc4 13.ixc4 bxc4 I S.gxf6 g6
14.ctJd4 with an unclear position. Black is forced to weaken his structure since
9 .id7?!
.•. 18 ... gg8 10ses immediately to 1 9.ixh7! .
The normal move here is 9 ... ib7. Svidler - 19.'lWg5 exf4 20.W4 e5 2 1 .h4!
Bischoff, Bled (01) 2002, continued 1 0.f4 ctJc8 Not the only way to finish but definitely the
1 1 .0-0-0 ie7 12.c;f;lbl 0-0 1 3.g5 with a sharp most stylish.
opposite side castling position. In other words a 2 1 . exf4 22.'lWh6 ggS 23.h5

fairly typical Sicilian. Black has no answer to the beautiful threat of

The move I want to avoid with the 9.f4 move 24.'1Wxh7t! �xh7 25 .hxg6 mate.
order is 9 ... ctJe5 with unclear play. 1-0
220 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

Game 66 7. . . tLld5
Van der Wiel - Lammens Not 7 ... ttJg4? B.'Wxg4 'Wxb2 9.@d2!+-. For
Vlissingen 2000 example: 9 ... 'Wxal 1 0.'Wxg7 gfB l 1 .ttJ b3 he3t
1 2.fxe3 'Wb2 13.ttJbS
l .e4 c5 2.tLla e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 tLl f6 5.tLlc3 B.tLlxd5 exd5 9.tLlb5!
'lWb6 The mainline 9.ttJf5 'Wxb2 is very messy.
9 ... 0-0
The critical try must be 9 ... �xe3 1 0.fxe3 ttJc6
(If 1 0 ... 'Wxe3t 1 1 .'We2 'Wxe2t 1 2 . .ixe2± with
a clear advantage, or maybe just winning. Or
1 0 ... 0-0 1 1 .'Wd4± .) l 1 .ttJd6t @e7 12 . .ie2! and
White has a strong initiative.
1O.Axc5 'lWxc5 1 l .'lWd4! �xd4 12.tLlxd4 tLl c6
1 3.0-0-0
Or 1 3.ttJbS with similar play.
1 3 ... tLlxe5 14.tLlb5 tLl g4 15J3d2±
Material will soon be level, but Black will
still have a weak d-pawn. White has excellent
winning chances.
1 5 ... d6 16.a tLle3 17.tLlc7 gbS I S.tLlxd5 tLlxd5
1 9.9xd5 gdS 20.�d3 .ie6 21 .gd4 gbcB 22.gdl
The Gaw-Paw (named by Rolf Martens) . ha2 23.l:'�a4 �e6 24.gxa7 gbS 25 . .ib5 @fB
6.e5! Ac5 7.�e3! 26.gd4 .id7 27.Ad3 Ac6 2S.b4 @e7 29.b5
Interesting, but unnecessary, is 7.ttJdbS ! ? a6! Ad7 30.gc4 gdcS 3 1 .gxcS Axcs 32.@d2 @dS
(7 . . . i.xf2t? B.@e2 ttJg4 9.h3 ttJxeS 10.�d6! 33.b6 �e6 34.@e3 Ad5 35.Ab5 gcS 36.@d4
'Wxd6 l 1 .ttJxd6t @e7 1 2.ttJxcBt gxcB 1 3.@xf.2+­ gc5 37.c4 @cS 3S.gaS mate.
and 7 ... ttJdS? B.ttJe4 0-0 9.c4 are not good) 1-0
B.ttJd6t !? or B.'Wf3!?
5th move alternatives

- By Jacob Aagaard

In this chapter we shall investigate Black's Lately 1M Bator has gone 4 ... e5 5 .il.b5t lLld7
alternatives on the 5 th move to the normal lines. 6.lLlf5 a6 7.hd7t 'Wxd7 when he is retaining
In the following position some flexibility with the gS-knight. Still White
must be a little bit better here. S.lLlc3 'Wc6 9.'W0
lLl e7 (9 ... il.e6 1 0.il.g5 f6 1 1 .il.d2;t Ramesh -
Ferrufino, Bled 2002 looks reasonable to me)
And now it is of course possible to go 1 0.g4 il.e6
I l .lLl e3 �dS 1 2.lLledSoo Hector - Bator, Sweden
2003. But White should also do well with the
simple 10.lLlxe7 il.xe7 1 1 .'Wg3;t.
S.tLlc3 eS 6.il.bSt tLl bd7
6 ... il.d7 7.il.xd7t 'Wxd7 leads to a slightly
inferior position after S.lLlde2! (s.lLlf5?! lLlxe4
9.lLlxg7t hg7 10.lLlxe4 d5 1 1 .il.h6 0-0 leads
to an equal position, or maybe even a forced
draw. One line is 12.lLlc5 'Wd6 1 3.il.xg7 @xg7
14.lLlxb7 'Wb4t 1 5 .'Wd2 'Wxb7 Schopf- Hendrix,
e-mail 1 997) . Now Black has the following
Black has some alternatives to the normal 5 . . . possibilities:
a6, 5 . . . g6, and so on. These include 5 . . . e5, a) S ... 'Wg4!? This looks very strange, but it does
5 . . . lLl d7 and 5 . . . il.d7. Though none of them win a pawn. 9.'Wd3! ? A very aggressive approach
are really completely reliable they are still not that left Black with material but without
as bad as might be imagined. In this chapter I development. 9 ... 'Wxg2 (9 ... lLlc6 1 0.0-0 il.e7
will quickly present a way to play against each I l .lLlg3;t according to Pengo However, maybe
of them. the position is just really bad for Black. The
queen is utterly misplaced and 12.lLld5 would
S • . . eS be a strong reply against 1 1 ...g6.) 1 0.�gl 'Wxh2
1 1 .il.g5 lLlbd7 12.0-0-0 'Wxf2 1 3 .il.e3 'Wf3
This line is a true provocation. Normally Black 14.�g3 'Wh5 1 5 .lLlb5 �cS 1 6.lLlxa7 �dS 1 7.lLlb5
plays 5 . . . a6 in order to play . . . e5 without il.e7 IS.�xg7 lLlc5 1 9.'Wc4 lLlcxe4 20.lLlc7t
allowing il.b5t, but here Black decides to allow @d7 2 1 .�xf7 and the attack was very strong
it. This will lead to a position where White has in Willemze - S. Ernst, Vienna 2003. Possibly
a slight positional pull, and the better player Black can defend better at various places, but
will most likely win with White, and draw with what about 9.lLld5 ! which leaves White with
Black. a small but lasting advantage after 9 . . . lLlxd5
Basically the 5 th move alternatives presented 1O.'Wxd5 lLlc6 I l .lLlg3 'We6 1 2.c4. Compared
in this chapter have their drawbacks, but are not to the Kalashnikov, White's bad bishop has
really bad moves as such. Therefore it is usual been exchanged, while Black will find it hard
for White to achieve a slight advantage, but not to exchange his bad bishop, in contrast to the
more. Kalashnikov. 9.lLlg3 'Wxdl t 1 0.@xd l also looks
like a preferable position for White.
1 .e4 cS 2.tLlo d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 tLl f6 b) S ... il.e7 9.0-0 0-0 10.lLlg3 g6 is no way
222 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

to play chess. 1 1 .i.g5 tLl c6 12.Wd2 <;t>hS 9 ...Wfc6 1 0.Wfd3

1 3.gad l gadS 14.f4 tLlgS was played in Peng There is an alternative that also really appeals
- Alexandria, Jakarta 1 997. Now Peng gives to me. t o.WS !? i.e6 1 1 .0-0 i.e7 12.tLlf5 i.xf5
1 5 .fS ,bg5 16.Wxg5 f6 1 7.We3± as the best 1 3.Wxf5 Wd7 14.WSt Strautins - Gallerani, e­
continuation. mail 2002.
c) S . . . h6 This seems to be the most serious 1 0 ....ie6 1 1.0-0 gc8
move. But the fact is that White is a little 1 1 . . .i.e7 is also playable. 1 2. a4 0-0 1 3.i.d2
better no matter what. 9.0-0 (9.tLlg3!? with the gfc8 14.a5 b5 1 5 .axb6 'lWxb6 M arinkovic
idea of 9 . . . g6 10.tLlfl t) 9 ... tLl c6 So far Paehtz - Rajkovic, Ulcinj 1 997. 1 6.ga4 ! ? i.d7
- Petrenko, Plovdiv 2003. In the game I think (Untenable is 1 6 . . . 'lWxb2? 1 7.gb l gxc3
Black could have equalised, but after 10.tLlg3 I S.gxb2 gxd3 1 9.cxd3±) 1 7.tLlcd5 tLlxd5
White is simply slightly better. I S.tLlxd5 'lWdS 1 9.9xa6 gxa6 20.'lWxa6 and
7.tLl fS a6 8.,bd7t Wfxd7 White would be laughing, as 20 . . . gxc2 2 1 .i.c3
traps the rook.
1 2.a4
White has won the opening battle as far as I
am concerned. He has exchanged the correct pair
of bishops and prevented Black's counterplay on
the queenside. Soon he will advance his pawns
and create lasting problems for Black on the
12 . . • .ie7 13.aS 'lWcS
1 3 ... 0-0 14.tLlcd5 i.dS 1 5 .c4 tLl d7 1 6.b4
i.xd5 1 7.exd5 Wc7 I S.i.a3t Della Morte -
Larrea, Vicente Lopez 2004.
14J:!dl 0-0 IS ..id2 gfd8 16 ..ie1 .ifS 17.tLla4
'lWc6 lS.tLlb6 gc7 19.5 tLl hS 20.c4;!;
White later won, Hjartarson - Bator, Gausdal
9.tLl e3! 1 996.
This is a very modest decision, far from an
outright refutation of Black's opening. Usually
when I meet an unusual line I do not try to refute S • • • tLlbd7
it, unless there is no other way of gaining an
advantage, or unless I think it is straightforward This provocative move was invented by Bent
to refute it over the board. Here this kind of Larsen who has played it from time to time, never
thinking explains my choice. Instead of 9.tLle3 presuming that it is very good, but to get young
White has a more aggressive alternative: players out of theory. In the game fragment
9.i.g5 tLlxe4 10.tLlxg7t i.xg7 l 1 . tLlxe4 below his much younger opponent shows him
0-0 1 2.Wxd6 f6 1 3.Wxd7 ,bd7 14.i.d2 i.c6 the drawback with this kind of thinking: Bad
1 5 .tLld6 has been played a number of times, and moves often lead to bad positions!
this also leads to a slight advantage for White.
The two bishops and the strong pawns in the l .e4 cS 2.tLlS d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.tLlxd4 tLlf6
centre do provide Black with some counterplay S.tLlc3 tLl bd7 6.g4!
though, and I do not feel that this is the most This is the strongest reply, both statistically
challenging way to play with White. The and logically. Black will be badly placed to
positional approach, where d5 remains weak, is play a hybrid between the English Attack and
more to my liking. whatever he is trying to do.
5 th move alternatives 223

when I cannot find a playable move for Black!

1O ... ixb5 ( 1 O ... axb5 l 1 .gxf6 gxf6 1 2.CtJdxb5
either transposes or gives Black problems
after 12 ... exd6 1 3.CtJxd6t hd6 1 4.�xd6±)
I 1 .CtJdxb5 axb5 1 2.gxf6 gxf6 13.CtJxb5 exd6
14.�e2t ie7 1 5.if4± and Black's position is
a complete wreck. I am sure a stronger player
than I would go all the way and say that White
is winning...
6 ...h6 is probably Black's best move here. I
would imagine that 7.h4!? is a good reply. 7.ie3
a6 (7 ... h5? is punished with 8.g5 ttJg4 9.g6!
fxg6 1O.CtJe6 CtJxe3 l 1 .fxe3 �a5. This was all
played in Gaggiottini - Beggi, Italy 1 995. Now
the computer quickly finds the winning move:
6 .. .l2kS?! 12.�d5 ! ! �xd5 13.CtJxd5 !"1b8 14.CtJdc7t �f7
I think this move is questionable. 1 5 .ic4+-) 8.h4 g6 9.�e2 h5 1O.gxh5 CtJxh5
6 . . . d5 does not look good once we have a 1 1 .0-0-0 ig7 1 2.!"1g1 CtJc5 13.f4:t with a good
deeper look at the practical examples. 7.exd5 attacking position for White in Fogarasi - Bilek,
(7.CtJxd5!? is a serious alternative. 7 ... CtJxd5 Zalaegerszeg 1 992.
(7 ... CtJxe4? 8.CtJb5+-) 8.exd5 �a5t (8 ... CtJ f6 does 7.£3 g6
not work on account of 9.ib5t id7 1 0.c4±) This is one way to play the position for Black.
9.c3 �xd5 l OJ''1 g 1 and White is probably But really he has no easy options anymore.
slightly better here. One line is 10 ... e5 1 1 .�e2 7 ... e6 8.ie3 a6 9.�d2 b5 1 0.a3 ! ? Strictly
ic5 1 2.ig2 �d6 13.CtJf5 �f6 14.ie3:t) 7 . . . CtJ b6 speaking this is not necessary. 1 0 ... ib7 l 1 .g5
8.ib5t id7 9.d6 a6 as played in Feher - Gross, CtJfd7 1 2.0-0-0 !"1c8 13.�bl ie7 14.h4:t These
Budapest 1 998. (9 ... exd6 10.CtJf5 ixb5 I 1 .CtJxb5 kind of attacking positions do not usually allow
d5 1 2.if4± was something White quickly a player to waste time, as Black has done here
made a full point of in Van Asperen - Barks, e­ with the artificial knight manoeuvre. White
mail 1 998) Here White played the innocuous won in Barczay - Ciocaltea, Varna 1 967, though
1 0 .ie2?! and the game was eventually drawn Black is still in the game at this moment.
after the strongest reply 1 0 ... e5 ! . But White had 8.ie3 id7
a much stronger continuation with 1 O.g5 ! 8 ... a6 9.�d2 b5 10.0-0-0:t is pleasant for
White. Here Black is not really ready to face
ideas such as CtJd5 followed by CtJ c6, or just the
basic g5 and CtJc3-e2-g3. Black has a problematic
choice to make. 10 ...ib7?! is, however, not the
way to go. After I 1 .CtJdxb5! White had just won
a pawn in Shevelevich - Makarov, corr. 1985,
based on 1 1 ...axb5 1 2.ixc5 dxc5? 1 3.ixb5t
and White wins.
9.h4 a6 1 0.hS
I quite like White's flexible play in this game.
Already here he must have been thinking of
l 1 .b4 and the later ic4 and �d3. However
1 0.�d2!?, with the idea of 1 1 .0-0-0, would
also have given White the better game.
224 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

10 ... b5 reaction to this move. Black now has the option

to go into the unusual lines of the Dragon,
or play a position where the bishop is a little
strangely placed on d7.
6. .igS will most often transpose to the
Richter-Rauzer after 6 . . . lL'l c6. This is, of course,
something White can choose to play, but I like
to recommend the best move in the position.
6 . .ie2 is another way to play the position, but
is not in line with our repertoire.
6 ... a6
I am not convinced this is the best plan. The
alternatives are:
6 . . . eS 7.lL'lb3 as S.a4 .ie7 9 . .ie3 lL'l a6 1 0 . .ibS;!;
Topalov - Ivanchuk, Monte Carlo 1 995.
6 ... lL'lc6 7 ..ie3 g6 {7 ... a6 S.�d2 �c8!? is
I l .b4! an interesting idea that cannot be correctly
This move is rather surprising. Usually White evaluated before it has been played between
would not commit to an offensive on both sides stronger players than it has currently.} S.�d2
of the board. Here it is fully justified. transposes to the Dragon variation, see page
1 1 ...lLla4 37. In this way, choosing 6.6 is maybe just a
It is hard to argue with this move, even though question of which transposition to allow.
Black will be worse after it. The computer 7.J.e3 e6 S.Wd2 b5 9.0-0-0;1;
wants to play rough with 1 1 ...eS, but White
has a refutation in 1 2.gS ! lL'lxhS 1 3 . bxcS exd4
14.hd4 �gS I S.lL'ldS±, based on ideas with
�xhS, and I S ... dxcS 16 . .ieS and White wins.
12.lLlxa4 bxa4 13.hxg6 fxg6 14 .ie4 WeS •

14 . . . eS I S .lL'le6 �cS 1 6.lL'lxf8 �xc4 1 7.lL'lxd7

lL'lxd7 I S.�xd6 �c3t 1 9.r,iJf2 �xc2t 20.r,iJg3±
was no alternative either. Black's position is
simply bad.
15.Wd.3 J.g7 16.0-0-0 a5 1 7.h5 E:bS I S.a3±
White won an exciting game and later the
Danish Championship in a play-off between the
same two players. Mortensen - Larsen, Aalborg
1 9S9.

5 . • • J.d7 White is a little better after the opening.

9 h5 10.J.d.3 J.e7 I l .g3!?

This variation is the best of the three Sth move A slow but dangerous plan. Black needs to
alternatives, and is usually attributed to the react in the centre as in the game, or he will be
Byelorussian grandmaster Kupreichik. in trouble.
H ...WeS 12.h3 e5!
l .e4 e5 2.lLl6 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lLlxd4 lLl f6 12 ... lL'l c6 1 3.g4 with an advantage for White.
5.lLlc3 J.d7 6.6! 13.lLlf5 J.xf5 14.exf5 d5 1 5.f4 d4
I think the English Attack is the most natural I S ... e4? 1 6 . .ie2 .ib4 1 7 . .id4 lL'l bd7 I S.g4±
5 th move alternatives 225

and Black will soon find himself with very

serious problems.
16.�g2 �c6
1 6 ... ttJ bd7 1 7.fxe5 dxc3 1 8.exf6 cxb2t 19.@bl
ttJxf6 20.iod4 0-0 2 1 .g4± leads to a position
where White has good attacking prospects.
17.tiJ e4! dxe3?
This simply loses the exchange without
compensation. After 1 7 ... ttJ d5 1 8 .iof2 f6 1 9.fxe5
fxe5;!; Black is worse, but there is no dear way
for White to break down Black's defences.
1 8.tiJxf6t i.xf6 19 ..ie4 �c7 20 .ixa8

White is winning, and won in another 20

moves. Movsesian - Markovic, Jahorina 2003.
226 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

20 . .ie2
Index of variations. 20 . .ixb5 78

Najdorf Classical
1 .e4 e5 2 . ttl B d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttlxd4 ttlf6 5 . ttl c3 a6 6 . .ig5 1 .e4 e5 2.ttlB d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttlxd4 ttlf6 5 . ttl c3 ttl e6
6 . . . ttl bd7 7.f4 Wib6 9 6 . .ig5
6 . . . e6 7.f4 6 . . . .id7 90 (6 . . . Wb6 90. 6 . . . g6 90. 6 . . . Wa5 90)
7 . . . ltk6 8.e5 h6 9 . .ih4 g5 13 6 . . . e6 7.Wd2
(9 . . . ttl xd4 1 1 , 9 . . . dxe5 1 1 ) 7 . . . a6 8.0-0-0 .id7 1 00 (8 ... h6 95)
7 . . .Wie7 15 7 . . . Wb6 1 04
7 ... b 5 8.e5 dxe5 9.fxe5 Wie7 1 0 .exf6 Wie5t 1 1 ..ie2 Wixg5 7 . . . .ie7 8.0-0-0
1 2 . 0-0 £\a7 16 ( l 2 . . . Wie5 1 8) 8 . . . 0-0 1 07
7 . . . .ie7 20 (7 . . . .id720) 8 . . . a6 9.£4 ttlxd4 1 O.Wixd4 1 05
7 . . . h6? ! 27
7 . . . Wib6 8.Wid2 Wixb2 (8 . . . ttl e6 31) 9 . ttl b3 31 (9.£\ b l 3 1 )
7 . . . ttl bd7 8 .WiB
1 .e4 e5 2 . ttl B e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttlxd4 a6 5 . ttl e3
8 . . . Wia5 20
5 . . . Wie7 6 . .id3 ttlf6 (6 . . . .ie5 122) 7.0-0 .ie5 8 . ttl b3 :1I.a7
8 . . . Wie7 9.0-0-0 b5 23
124 (7 . . . :1I.e7 120)
1 0 . .ixb5 25
5 . . . b5 6 . .id3
1 0.e5 25
6 . . . Wib6 125
1 0 . .ixf6 25
6 . . . . :1I.b7 7.0-0 Wb6 129 (7 . . . Wie7 131)
1 O . .id3 .ib7 1 1 . g h e l
6 . . . d6 129
I l . . .Wib6 23
6 . . . :1I.e5 7.ttlb3 :1I.a7 (7 . . . .ie7 132)
1 l . . ..ie7 28

Dragon Taimanov
1 .e4 e5 2.ttlB e6 3 .d4 cxd4 4.ttlxd4 ttl e6 5 . ttl c3
1 .e4 e5 2 . ttl B d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttlxd4 ttl f6 5 . ttl e3 g6 6 . .ie3
5 . . . a6 6.:1I.e3 ttl f6 143 (6 ... ttl ge7 143)
.ig7 7.B
5 . . . Wc7 6.:1I.e3 a6 7 . .id3
7 . . . a6 8 .Wid2 ttl bd7 39
7 . . . b5 133
7 . . . 0-0 8 .Wid2 d5?! 39
7 . . . ttl f6 8 .0-0
7 . . . lik6 8 .Wid2
8 ... :1I.d6 135
8 . . . .id7 9.0-0-0 £\e8 41
8 . . . h5?! 137
8 . . . 0-0 9 .0-0-0
8 . . . ttlxd4 138
9 . . . .id7 41
8 . . . ttle5 139
9 . . . ttlxd4 1 0 . .ixd4 .ie6 50 ( l 0 . . . Wa5 46)
8 . . . d6 141
9 . . . .ie6 49
9 . . . d5 1 0 . exd5 ttlxd5 l 1 .ttlxe6 bxe6 1 2 . .id4 56
1 2 . . . e5 l 3 . .ie5 .ie6 ( 1 3 . . . £\e8 56) 1 4 . ttl e4 £\e8 58 Accelerated Dragon
( l 4 . . . £\b8 59 1 4 . . .We7 58) 1 .e4 e5 2 . ttl B ttl e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttlxd4 g6 5 .e4 .ig7 6.ttlc2
1 2 . . . ttl xc3 67 ttl f6 7.ttlc3 0-0 8.:1I.e2 d6 9.0-0
1 2 . . . .ixd4 l 3.Wixd4 9 . . . :1I.d7 1 0 .:1I.e3 154
l 3 . . . Wib6 64 9 . . . ttl d7 1 O . .id2
1 3 . . . Wie7 64 1 0 . . . a5 152
1 0 ... ttlc5 l 1 .b4 ttle6 150 (I l . . .:1I.xc3 1 49)
1 .e4 e5 2 . ttl B ttl e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttlxd4 ttl f6 5 . ttl c3 e5
6 . ttl db5 d6 7 . .ig5 a6 8 . ttl a3 Scheveningen
8 . . . .ie6 72 1 .e4 c5 2 . ttl f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.ttlxd4 ttl f6 5 . ttl e3 e6 6.g4
8 . . . b5 9 . .ixf6 gxf6 1 O.ttld5 6 . . . d5 157
1 0 . . ..ig7 1 1 .c3 f5 tranposes. 6 . . . e5 157
10 . . . f5 l 1 .e3 .ig7 1 2.exf5 .ixf5 1 3 . ttl e2 6 . . . :1I.e7 157
l 3 . . . .ie6 85 6 . . . a6 7.g5 ttlfd7 8.h4 b5 9.a3 :1I.b7 1 0.:1I.e3 ttlc6 161
1 3 . . . 0-0 1 4 . ttl ee3 .ie6 ( l 0 . . . ttl b6 159, 1 0 . . . ttlc5 1 60, 1 0 . . . :1I.e7 1 61)
1 4 . . . .ig6 ! ? 74 6 . . . ttl e6 1 62
1 4 ... .ie6 1 5 . .id3 f5 1 6 . 0-0 6 . . . h6 7.h4
1 6 . . .\t>h8 ! ? 75 7 . . . a6 159
1 6 . . . e4 83 7 . . . :1I.e7 1 65
1 6 . . . ga7 1 7.a4 ttle7 1 8 .ttlxe7t gxe7 1 9 .axb5 axb5 7 . . . ttlc6 8.gg1
20 . .ixf5 77 8 ... h5 1 68 (8 ... d5 1 66)
Indexes 227

Kalashnikov Index of games:

l .e4 c5 2 . tiJ f3 tiJ c6 3 .d4 cxd4 4.tiJxd4 e5 5 . tiJ b 5 d6
6.tiJ l c3 a6 7 . tiJ a3 b5 8.tiJd5 Game No Players page no
8 . . . tiJ ge7 1 73 (8 . . .�e7 1 73, 8 . . . flb8 1 73) 9
1. Stripunsky - Granda Zuniga
8 . . . tiJ ce7 1 75 11
2. Adams - Anand
8 . . . tiJ ftJ 9.c4 b4 1 76 (9 . . . tiJ d4 1 76) 13
3. Shabalov - Browne
4. Khalifman - Lautier 15
The Four Knights 5. Leko - Ghaem Maghami 16
l .e4 c5 2 . tiJ f3 tiJ c6 3 .d4 cxd4 4.tiJxd4 tiJ f6 5 . tiJ c3 e6 6. Wosch - Nordin 18
6.tiJdb5 7. Lautier - Enmenko 20
6 . . .�c5 1 85 8. Shabalov - Gelfand 23
6 �b4 7.a3 �xc3t 8.tiJxc3 d5 9.exd5
... 9. Timman - Gelfand 25
9 . . . tiJxd5 1 8 1 1 0 . Kotronias - Lesiege 27
9 . . . exd5 1 0 .�d3 0-0 1 1 .0-0 1 1 . Short - Kasparov 31
l l . . .h6 1 82 1 2 . Palac - Lalic 38
1 l . . .�g4 1 82 1 3 . Golubev - Poliantsev 46
l l . . .d4 183 14. van der Wiel - Sax 49
1 5 . Ehlvest - Marin 56
The Pin variation 1 6 . Balinov - Velickovic 64
l .e4 c5 2 . tiJ f3 e6 3 .d4 cxd4 4.tiJxd4 tiJ f6 5 . tiJ c3 �b4 6.e5 1 7. Rowson - Mah 67
6 ... tiJ e4?! 1 87 1 8 . Yemelin - Kharlov 72
6 . . . tiJ d5 7.�d2 tiJxc3 8 . bxc3 �e7 1 9 . Zeleic - Zelenika 74
8 . . .�a5 189 20. Hector - Carlsen 78
8 . . .�fS 194 2 1 . Rivas Romero - Sarlat 83
9.'iWg4 I!1fS 195 22. Jenni - Avrukh 85
9 . . . 0-0 ? ! 193 23. Kotronias - Schwartz 89
9 . . . g6 193 24. Balashov - M. Makarov 95
9 . . . g5 193 2 5 . Lastin - Spragett 1 00
26. Dolmatov - M. Makarov 1 04
27. Iordachescu - Campos Moreno 107
The Nimzowitsch Variation
28. Acs - Fancy 120
l .e4 c5 2 . tiJ f3 tiJ f6 3 . tiJ c3
29. van der Wiel - Nijboer 1 22
3 . . . d5 198
30. Predojevic - Fogarasi 1 24
3 . . . lt:l c6 4.d4 d5 200
3 1 . Adams - Kasimdzhanov 125
3 . . . e6 4.e5 tiJd5 5 .tiJxd5 exd5 6.d4
32. Svidler - Milov 128
6 . . . d6 202
33. Smirin - Markovski 129
6 . . . tiJ c6 7.dxc5 �xc5 8.'iWxd5 d6 205
34. Ponomariov - Gallagher 131
8 . . . 'iWb6 203
3 5 . Hector - Lindberg 133
36. Hector - Pogorelov 135
Minor Lines 37. Parligras - Miladinovis 137
l .e4 c5 2. tiJ f3 38. Almasi - Piket 138
2 . . . b6 209 39. Ponomariov - Sadler 139
2 . . . a6 2 1 1 40. Yagupov - Khusnullin 141
2 . . .g 6 3 . d4 �g7 213 4 1 . Hector - C. Hansen 143
Le6 3 . d4 cxd4 4 . lt:l xd4 'iWb6 216 (4.. .�c5 216) 42. Svidler - Tiviakov 147
2 . . . e6 3 .d4 cxd4 4 . lt:l xd4 It:lftJ 5 . 1t:l c3 'iWb6 220 43. Aronian - Vorobiov 1 50
2 tiJ c6 3 . d4 cxd4 4.tiJxd4
44. Bologan - Motylev 1 52
4 . . . lt:l f6 5 . 1t:l c3 e5 6.tiJdb5 h6 212 4 5 . Gulko - P. H. Nielsen 1 54
4 . . . 'iWb6 214 46. Renet - Summermater 161
4 . . . e5 5.lt:lb5 a6 217 47. Timmermans - de Jonghe 1 63
4 . . . e6 5 . tiJ c3 d6 2 1 8 48. Karpov - Spassky 1 66
49. Morovic Fernandez - Veingold 1 68
5th Move alternatives 50. Motylev - Shariyazdanov 1 73
l .e4 c5 2 . tiJ f3 d6 3 .d4 cxd4 4.tiJxd4 tiJ f6 280 5 1 . Delehev - Brumen 1 75
4 . . . e5 221 52. Anand - Shirov 1 76
5 . tiJ c3 �d7 224 53 . Timoshchenko - Chernov 181
5 . . . e5 221 54. Karjakin - Raetsky 1 83
5 . . . lt:l bd7 222 5 5 . Hansen - Kristensen 1 93
228 Experts vs. the Sicilian, 2nd edition

56. Varga - Horvath 1 94

57. Boriss - Bartsch 1 97
58. Ismagambetor - Palit 200
59. Braun - Choroba 202
60. Hlavac - Bazant 205
6 1 . Thorhallsson - Balinov 209
62. Shirov - Kurajica 211
63. Movsesian - Kozul 214
64. Yu Shaoteng - Zaw Win Lay 216
6 5 . Senff - Schlosser 218
66. Van der Wid - Lammens (new game) 220
Games/ Chess

Experts vs. the Sicilian

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