OF DM For M Obile D Ata C Omm Unications
OF DM For M Obile D Ata C Omm Unications
OF DM For M Obile D Ata C Omm Unications
OFDM represents a different system-design approach. frequency. OFDM can be viewed as a form of
It can be thought of as a combination of modulation frequency division multiplexing (FDM), however,
and multiple-access schemes that segments a OFDM has an important special property that each
communications channel in such a way that many tone is orthogonal with every other tone. FDM
users can share it. Whereas TDMA segments are typically requires there to be frequency guard bands
according to time and CDMA segments are according between the frequencies so that they do not interfere
to spreading codes, OFDM segments are according to with each other. OFDM allows the spectrum of each
frequency. It is a technique that divides the spectrum tone to overlap, and because they are orthogonal, they
into a number of equally spaced tones and carries a do not interfere with each other. By allowing the
portion of a user's information on each tone. A tone tones to overlap, the overall amount of spectrum
can be thought of as a frequency, much in the same required is reduced.
way that each key on a piano represents a unique
OFDM is a modulation technique in that it enables For example, if a 100-tone system were used, a single
user data to be modulated onto the tones. The data stream with a rate of 1 megabit per second
information is modulated onto a tone by adjusting the (Mbps) would be converted into 100 streams of 10
tone's phase, amplitude, or both. In the most basic kilobits per second (kbps). By creating slower parallel
form, a tone may be present or disabled to indicate a data streams, the bandwidth of the modulation symbol
one or zero bit of information, however, either phase is effectively decreased by a factor of 100, or,
shift keying (PSK) or quadrature amplitude equivalently, the duration of the modulation symbol is
modulation (QAM) is typically employed. An OFDM increased by a factor of 100. Proper selection of
system takes a data stream and splits it into N parallel system parameters, such as the number of tones and
data streams, each at a rate 1/N of the original rate. tone spacing, can greatly reduce, or even eliminate,
Each stream is then mapped to a tone at a unique ISI, because typical multipath delay spread represents
frequency and combined together using the inverse a much smaller proportion of the lengthened symbol
fast fourier transform (IFFT) to yield the time-domain time. Viewed another way, the coherence bandwidth
waveform to be transmitted. of the channel can be much smaller, because the
symbol bandwidth has been reduced. The need for
complex multi-tap time-domain equalizers can be
eliminated as a result.
Figure 7. OFDM Transmitter Chain
OFDM can also be considered a multiple-access from interfering with one another, in much the same
technique, because an individual tone or groups of manner that the human ear can clearly distinguish
tones can be assigned to different users. Multiple between each of the tones created by the adjacent
users share a given bandwidth in this manner, yielding keys of a piano. This property, and the incorporation
the system called OFDMA. Each user can be of a small amount of guard time to each symbol,
assigned a predetermined number of tones when they enables the orthogonality between tones to be
have information to send, or alternatively, a user can preserved in the presence of multipath. This is what
be assigned a variable number of tones based on the enables OFDM to avoid the multiple-access
amount of information that they have to send. The interference that is present in CDMA systems.
assignments are controlled by the media access
control (MAC) layer, which schedules the resource
assignments based on user demand.
The cyclic prefix is sized appropriately to serve as a The amount of overhead increases, as the cyclic prefix
guard time to eliminate ISI. This is accomplished gets longer. The sizing of the cyclic prefix forces a
because the amount of time dispersion from the tradeoff between the amount of delay spread that is
channel is smaller than the duration of the cyclic acceptable and the amount of Doppler shift that is
prefix. A fundamental trade-off is that the cyclic prefix acceptable.
must be long enough to account for the anticipated
multipath delay spread experienced by the system.