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Original Article

The Incidence of Low Birth Weight (LBW) and Small- for-

Gestational Age (SGA) and its Related Factors in Neonates,
Sabzevar, Iran
Nasrin Hashemian Nejad1, Akbar Pejhan2, Mohammad Hassan Rakhshani 3,

Bibi Leila Hoseini4
Neonatalogist, Assisstant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran.
Associate Professor, Physiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar,
Assisstant Professor, Biostatistics Department, Faculty of Public Health, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences,
Sabzevar, Iran.
Midwifery MSc, Insructor, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar,

Low birth weight (LBW) is a high risk for children's health and a problem of public health in under
developing countries. SGA increases neonatal and infant death, and neonatal and adult morbidity. So
the present study aimed to assess the incidence of LBW, SGA and their related factors in Sabzevar,
Materials and Methods
This prospective descriptive-analytic study was conducted on 481 low birth weight neonates born in
Mobini Academic Hospital of Sabzevar, Iran, in 2011 to 2012. Neonates who their BW was <2500g
entered the study. Study tool was a researcher-made checklist. It was confirmed by content validity
and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha (α=0.81)) reliability. Data were analyzed by descriptive-
analytic statistics and using SPSS 11.5.
480 (6.33%) of participating newborns were LBW (out of 7599). Mean weight of LBW neonates was
(2039.1±9.6) g. Among LBW neonates, 62 (12.7%) and 24 (5%) of neonates were Very low birth
weight (VLBW) and Extremely low birth weight (ELBW), respectively. 162 (34.1%) of neonates
were SGA (out of LBW neonates). SGA rate was 2.2% (out of total newborns). Family income (p
=0.026) and mother's education (p =0.004) were significantly lower in SGA neonates rather than
LBW neonates. The incidence of mothers' urinary infection in VLBW neonates was significantly
higher than non-VLBW neonates (p <0.001).
Findings showed that LBW and SGA incidence were similar to these statistics in developed countries
and also other cities of Iran. But most types of growth retardation were asymmetric, in reverse to the
reference books.
Keywords: Low Birth Weight (LBW), Small for Gestational Age (SGA), Related Factors.

Corresponding Author:
Bibi Leila Hosein, Midwifery MSc, Insructor, Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, Sabzevar University of Medical
Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran.
E-mail: Hoseinil871@gmail.com
Received date: Oct 2, 2014 ; Accepted date: Oct 22, 2014

International Journal of Pediatrics (Supplement 6), Vol.2, N.4-2, Serial No.11, November 2014 73
LBW, SGA & Related Factors

Introduction situation in Sabzevar, the present study aimed

to assess the incidence of LBW and SGA and
Low birth weight (LBW) is a high risk for
their related factors in Sabzevar, Iran, in 2011
children's health and also an indicator of a
to 2012.
public-health problem in under developing
countries. LBW is defined as a birth weight Materials and Methods
This prospective descriptive-analytic
of a live born infant less than 2,500 g,
study was conducted on low birth weight
regardless of gestational age. LBW is either
neonates born in Mobini Academic Hospital
caused by preterm birth (which is defined as
in Sabzevar, Iran, 2011 to 2012. Participants
younger than 37 weeks of gestational age) or
were 481 LBW neonates by consensus
the infant being small for gestational age, or a
sampling. The research was confirmed by
combination of both. Subcategories of
Ethics Research Committee of Sabzevar
preterm birth include early preterm (24 0/7–
University of Medical Sciences. Informed
33 6/7 weeks of gestation) and late preterm
consents were obtained from parents of
(34 0/7–36 6/7 weeks of gestation) (1-5).
admitted neonates. Then data were gathered
SGA is defined as growth at the 10th or less
by 2 expert nurses who occupied in
percentile for weight of all fetuses at that
Neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU) by
gestational age (6). Prematurity and SGA are
using a researcher-made checklist. The
associated with neonatal and infant mortality
checklist was confirmed by content validity
and morbidity, and some disorders such as
and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha
dysfunction of immune system in adulthood
(α=0.81)) reliability. The checklist includes
(6, 7). LBW reflects not only situation of
some neonatal characteristics such as:
health and nutrition, but also indicates
weight, gender, Apgar score, birth priority,
survival rate, psychosocial and health growth
anomaly in neonate, multiple pregnancy,
and development. Intrauterine malnutrition
delivery type, gestational age, etc.; and
sometimes sustains in all life time by causing
maternal information like perinatal
hypotonicity. It also increases higher
problems (diabetes, preeclampsia, heart
incidence of diabetes and heart disease,
disease, renal disease, etc.), drug history,
cognitive disorders and Intelligence quotient
addiction, smoking, prenatal nutrition, and
(IQ) (7) in adulthood. LBW incidence ranges
socioeconomic status.
from 8.1%lower in developed countries and
Weight (W), height (H) and head
30-60% in under developing countries. The
circumference of neonates were measured
incidence of SGA neonates is one third of
initially at birth. Neonates' weight was
LBW neonates (6). Subcategories of LBW
measured by a Seca scale with an accuracy
include Very low birth weight (VLBW)
of 5 g. Anthropometric indices (weight,
which is less than 1500 g, and Extremely low
height, head and abdomen circumference)
birth weight (ELBW) which is less than 1000
were charted on standard curves of neonatal
g. VLBW is a precise index for predicting
growth according to gestational age.
neonatal death. It includes more than 50% of
Neonatal percentiles <10% were classified
neonatal death rate and 50% of morbidities
as SGA (small for gestational age) and
and neurological disabilities (8).
percentiles 10-90% were classified as
Previous studies have been assessed
appropriate for gestational age (AGA).
different factors like smoking, socio-
Gestational age was calculated first
economic situation, and consuming
according to Last menstrual period (LMP) if
chlorinated water in induction of LBW and
it was valid and then sonography, especially
SGA neonates (9, 10). Since we have not
if it was done before 20 w of GA. Ponderal
found any study about the incidence rate of
index (PI)1 was calculated for each neonate
LBW, SGA and VLBW and their
relationship with family's socio-economical
PI = [weight (in g) x 100] ÷ [length (in cm)]

International Journal of Pediatrics (Supplement 6), Vol.2, N.4-2, Serial No.11, November 2014 74
Hashemian Nejad et al.

and its percentile was determined according Mean weight of LBW neonates was
to standard curves mentioned in text books. 2039.1±9.6 g (Table. 2). The lowest weight
The checklists were completed by one of of neonates was 440 g and the most weight
nurses before discharge of the neonates. was 2490 g. The least and the most
Data were coded and analyzed by gestational age was 23 w vs. 40 w.
descriptive and analytic (one-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA), t-test) statistics and Table 2: Mean of Demographic Variables in
confidence interval 95% by SPSS-11.5. P < mothers and neonates
Variables Mean ± SD
0.05 was considered significant. Neonates
Results Weight (g) 2039.1±9.6
480 (6.33%) newborns were LBW (out Height (cm) 45±0.16
of 7599 births). 275 neonates (57.4%) were
female (Table.1). Head circumstance (cm) 31.5±0.10

Abdominal circumstance (cm) 25.4±0.11

Table 1: Frequency of maternal demographic
Gestational age (w) 35.5±0.16
and socio-economical situation Mothers
Variable N (percent) Age (y) 28.1±0.3
Preconception weight (kg) 59.6±0.6
male 203(42.3%)
gender Weight of mother near delivery (kg) 70.6±0.6
female 275(57.4%)
ambiguous genitalia 1(0.2%)

The first 12.7% (62 neonates) were VLBW and 5%

Birth priority third 134(27.9%) (24 neonates) were ELBW (Out of 480
4≤ LBW neonates). 280 neonates (58.3%) were
C.S preterm and 200 neonates were 37-40 w (out
Delivery type N.D
240(50.2%) of LBW neonates). Preterm rate was 3.8% in
Yes 2011 (out of total newborns).
Multi-pregnancy No 365(76.5%) 162 (34.1%) of LBW neonates were SGA.
Thin 22(4.6%) SGA rate was 2.2% in 2011 (out of total
Cord diameter
Not thin 454(95.4%)
Mothers newborns). 306 (64.4%) and 7 (1.5%) of
Illiterate 42(8.9%) LBW neonates were AGA and Large for
Primary 138(29.2%) gestation age (LGA), respectively (Table. 3)
Mother's Junior high school 86(18.2%)
education High school 149(31.5%) (Figure.1). 18% of SGA neonates were
Academic 58(12.3%) symmetric SGA (head circumference (HC)
and BW lower than 0th percentile). Mean of
Place of City 282(59.7%)
residence Village 190(40.3%) PI was 2.21±0.023 in SGA group vs.
2.21±0.013 (Figur.1).
Yes 450(95.1%)
Prenatal care No 23(4.9%) Table 3: Frequency of LBW and SGA, AGA
Suitable 423(88.9%) and LGA in each group of gestational age
Pregnancy Variable N (percent)
Unsuitable 53(11.1%)
Suitable 459(95.6%) SGA AGA LGA LBW
Preconception Unsuitable 11(2.3%)
nutrition Early 9 108 7 124
preterm (1.9%) (22.7%) (1.5%) (26.1%)
Yes 44(9.3%)
Heavy work No 428(90.7%) Late 14 137 0 151
preterm (2.9%) (28.8%) (0.0%) (31.7%)
Opium addiction 22(4.6%)
Mother's Smoke, hookah 3(0.6%) term 139 61 0 200
addiction Opium addiction, 1(0.2%) (29.2%) (12.9%) (42.1%)
Smoke, hookah Total 162 306 7 475
(34.1%) (64.4%) (1.5%) (100%)

International Journal of Pediatrics (Supplement 6), Vol.2, N.4-2, Serial No.11, November 2014 75
LBW, SGA & Related Factors

Family income (p=0.026) and mother's

Mean weight of neonates was respectively education (p=0.004) were significantly lower
(1174.4±36.8) and (2182.2±12.9) in <1500 g in SGA neonates in comparison with the other
(VLBW) and >1500 g groups. There was LBW neonates. The incidence of mothers'
not a significant difference between mother's urinary infection in VLBW neonates was
age and weight in these two groups (Table. significantly higher than non-VLBW neonates
4). (p<0.001). Inadequate nutrition and low BMI
Table 4: Mean of some variables in two of mothers were more in SGA neonates, but
groups of neonatal weight there was no significant relationship (p>0.05).
Variables Mean ± SD P- There was not a significant relationship
<1500 g >1500 g value between neonatal gender and birth priority
Weight (g) 1174.4±36. 2182.2±12. <0.00 with VLBW and ELBW; but there was a
8 9 1
Height (cm) 38.7±.4 46.1±.1 <0.00 significant relationship between gender (p
1 =0.024) with weight percentile. Female
Head 27.7±.3 32.2±.1 <0.00 neonates had lower percentiles.
circumstance 1
There was not a significant relationship
Abdominal 21.3±.4 25.8±.1 <0.00 between VLBW with deformity of organs,
circumstance 1 cord diameter, multi-pregnancy, mother's
(cm) addiction, mother's education, place of
Gestational 30.1±.4 36.3±.1 <0.00
age (w) 1 residence, prenatal care, and heavy work
during pregnancy; but there was a siginificant
Mother age 27.9±.9 28 ±.3 0.825 relationship between VLBW with prenatal
difficulties (p<0.001), maternal problrms (p
Preconceptio 60.9±2.4 59.3±.6 0.811 <0.001) and neontal apgar (p<0.001). Among
n weight of mentioned variables, there was just a
mother (kg) significant relationship between ELBW with
Weight of 69.1±2.5 71.2±.7 0.123
mother near cord diameter (p <0.001), prenatal difficulties
delivery (kg) (p-value=0.002), maternal problems (p<0.001)
Mothers' urinary infection incidence was and neonatal apgar (p<0.001).
18.3% in VLBW neonates vs. 4.4% in non- There was a significant relationship between
GA with neonatal apgar (p<0.001).

Percentile of Anthropometric indices


60 W
20 H

Percentile of Anthropometric indices

VLBW neonates.

Chart 1: Percentiles of participants’ anthropometric indices

International Journal of Pediatrics (Supplement 6), Vol.2, N.4-2, Serial No.11, November 2014 76
Hashemian Nejad et al.

Discussion inducing pregnancy complications such as

LBW, Intrauterine growth restriction
The incidence of LBW is a good
(IUGR) and preterm labor (5), we did not
criterion in order to assess condition of
find any significant relationship between
mother's nutrition and health (7). LBW
LBW and these factors. However, in our
incidence was 6.3% in the present study. It
study, mother's education and family
is lower than Asian (19.7%), but it was
income in SGA neonates was significantly
similar to European (6.5%), North
lower than non-SGA neonates which is on
American (6.8%) and some other studies
accordance with mentioned study.
in different cities of Iran.
Preterm is one of important reasons for
LBW (6, 8, 11). Preterm rate was 58.3%
among LBW neonates, which was 3.8% Findings showed that LBW and SGA
out of total newborns in one year. The incidence were similar to these statistics in
incidence of SGA was 34% in the present developed countries and also other cities of
study which is similar to developed Iran. But most types of growth retardation
countries (6). SGA was 2.2% out of total were asymmetric, in reverse to the reference
newborns in one year. Mosayebi et al. books. So, we recommend educating
showed that more than half of LBW caregivers for precise prenatal care and
neonates were preterm and the rest were encouraging mothers for regular referral in
IUGR (12). SGA incidence was 8.6% order to have decrease LBW and SGA
among preterm neonates in the present neonates.
study. This result was in accordance with
some statistics from NICHD Neonatal Conflict of Interest: None.
Research Network (NRN) in which SGA
incidence was 9% in a 20'000 VLBW Acknowledgment
population of 25-30 w neonates; vs. 22% The researchers would like to appreciate
in a 4438 VLBW population of neonates dear participants in this study and the
(13). cooperation of Vice Presidency of Sabzevar
In the present study, female gender was University of Medical Sciences.
associated with LBW; so that 57.4% of
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