Original Article
Low birth weight (LBW) is a high risk for children's health and a problem of public health in under
developing countries. SGA increases neonatal and infant death, and neonatal and adult morbidity. So
the present study aimed to assess the incidence of LBW, SGA and their related factors in Sabzevar,
Materials and Methods
This prospective descriptive-analytic study was conducted on 481 low birth weight neonates born in
Mobini Academic Hospital of Sabzevar, Iran, in 2011 to 2012. Neonates who their BW was <2500g
entered the study. Study tool was a researcher-made checklist. It was confirmed by content validity
and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha (α=0.81)) reliability. Data were analyzed by descriptive-
analytic statistics and using SPSS 11.5.
480 (6.33%) of participating newborns were LBW (out of 7599). Mean weight of LBW neonates was
(2039.1±9.6) g. Among LBW neonates, 62 (12.7%) and 24 (5%) of neonates were Very low birth
weight (VLBW) and Extremely low birth weight (ELBW), respectively. 162 (34.1%) of neonates
were SGA (out of LBW neonates). SGA rate was 2.2% (out of total newborns). Family income (p
=0.026) and mother's education (p =0.004) were significantly lower in SGA neonates rather than
LBW neonates. The incidence of mothers' urinary infection in VLBW neonates was significantly
higher than non-VLBW neonates (p <0.001).
Findings showed that LBW and SGA incidence were similar to these statistics in developed countries
and also other cities of Iran. But most types of growth retardation were asymmetric, in reverse to the
reference books.
Keywords: Low Birth Weight (LBW), Small for Gestational Age (SGA), Related Factors.
Corresponding Author:
Bibi Leila Hosein, Midwifery MSc, Insructor, Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, Sabzevar University of Medical
Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran.
Received date: Oct 2, 2014 ; Accepted date: Oct 22, 2014
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Hashemian Nejad et al.
and its percentile was determined according Mean weight of LBW neonates was
to standard curves mentioned in text books. 2039.1±9.6 g (Table. 2). The lowest weight
The checklists were completed by one of of neonates was 440 g and the most weight
nurses before discharge of the neonates. was 2490 g. The least and the most
Data were coded and analyzed by gestational age was 23 w vs. 40 w.
descriptive and analytic (one-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA), t-test) statistics and Table 2: Mean of Demographic Variables in
confidence interval 95% by SPSS-11.5. P < mothers and neonates
Variables Mean ± SD
0.05 was considered significant. Neonates
Results Weight (g) 2039.1±9.6
480 (6.33%) newborns were LBW (out Height (cm) 45±0.16
of 7599 births). 275 neonates (57.4%) were
female (Table.1). Head circumstance (cm) 31.5±0.10
International Journal of Pediatrics (Supplement 6), Vol.2, N.4-2, Serial No.11, November 2014 75
LBW, SGA & Related Factors
60 W
20 H
VLBW neonates.
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