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Project Proposal:: Making Quality Education A Realty For All Children in Vagra Block of Bharuch District

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Project Proposal :

Making Quality Education a Realty for All Children

in Vagra Block of Bharuch District
Innovative village education centre that ensure children from the poorest families
get quality education and reach their full of potential.

Vision of the Project :

Every Child in every village gets the best education, achieves her full potential and
is ready to face the world with confidence.

Synopsis of the Initiatives:

Reading and Arithmetic are two essential skills that lay the foundation for primary
education. Without these basic skills, other subject skills become impossible to acquire
Education in the primary schools in India is facing tremendous crisis. Surprisingly access
to school or primary education is not the actual problem. In fact more that 95 % of the
children in India actually go to the schools. It is because of the poor teaching quality and
learning levels that learning is not taking place in the schools. The 2010-11 National
Survey of Education (ASER), which carried out by PRATHAM Organization has shown
that % of the children in fifth standard in the school in India are unable to read simple
stories or do simple division.

The Problem:

Every Child Has The Same Potential :

This means given the right opportunity………..

1. Every child can acquire all the required skill in all the fundamental subject.
2. Every child built on talent areas he or she can excel at. One could be great at math
and another at creating Sculpture.
3. Not every child can be a genius. But an Einstein or a Picasso can be come from

Educated Parents: what they do

Parents play a huge role in a child’s learning. Studies shows that many children learn
reading and arithmetic largely from the individualized support from the parents.

Research the best Extra tuition

If the child lags behind classes, Meet
preschool and
school to put teachers,
Help with home
their children in work reading and
If the school is bad
Immerse the child in a
learning environment right
from the birth Toys,
Books, educational games, Identified and Shift to better school,
video, play schools. encourage Push school to
elpe child’s special improve, Tuition to
Skill confidence talent by getting compensate
motivated resources,
achievers enrolling in

Poverty : How it affects Education

Education can make a huge difference in the lives of poor children. It can decisively
break their cycle of poverty. Poor parent recognize this well. They often fail in their
attempts to get their children educated, but it is not due to lake of trying.

Govt.balwadi the child If lucky the Govt. The Urgent Need

attend has no resource School nearby Studies shows that good after
or training to provide might have good school support can compensate
pre primary education teachers for many gaps in the child

Poor parents already recognize

the need for after school support.
A poor child start life with They are willing to pay Rs.30
Parent unable to help
disadvantage. The child -50 per month to send their
after school.Don’t know
grow in an environment children to an evening tuition
what child is learning or centre.
with no books, no toys,no
what he or she finds But less than 15% villages have
one to read out to him or
difficult. after school centre. And often
her even these few centre are of very
poor quality. – with one
underlined teacher stimulatingly
Under confidence Child’s area of lag and handling 50-50 children from std
c children with area of talent both 1 to 10.
poor learning level. remain undiscovered.
The 2010-11 ASER Survey report on the state of primary education in India had some
surprising findings. Of an estimated 140 Million children in the age group 6-14 years in

50 % cannot read simple world or solve simple arithmetic problems.

In 5th grade only 58% can read a simple story only 42 % can do a division problem.

Imagine the future of a child who can not read a simple sentence at age 10 and the future
of a nation where 50 % children finish primary school without learning basic arithmetic
or reading. There are many reason for the poor education status in India. Quite
surprisingly access to schooling is not one of them. Thanks to recent initiatives by India’s
Government as part of the Serva Siksha Abhiyan, about 95% of the children enroll in
primary schools. However, a child without good primary education is more likely to drop
out from school, a fact confirmed by actual data. Over 55 Million of children will not
complete four years of school, eventually adding to the India’s illiterate population.
This is an urgent education crisis in India. A crisis, that challenges those of us who
care about the next generation and about India’s future in a fast changing world. As with
any challenges or crisis, we can either accept it as a fact of life or it as an opportunity to
create change. Yes , an opportunity to act before it is too late and to change the course of

Vagra Block's Learning Quality Crisis

Bharuch Block has 93 schools and 18,000 school going children. 98% of children in the
Block join and attend primary school. But.

 50% children in 5th std cannot read a paragraph in Gujarati.

 70% children in 5th std cannot do simple division problems.
 Most children have never done even one science experiment in school.
 Many 4-year-olds in balwadis cannot match two identical pictures - something
even 1-year-olds in middle class families easily do.

There is a serious learning quality crisis in the Vagra Block.Gram Vikas Trust is
addressing this quality crisis with a 3-pronged strategy:

 Developing Educational Resources

 Improving Quality of Schools
 Building up Community Initiatives in Education

Objectives, Targets and Roll Out

 In the first year, the program is expected to reach close to a 25000 children in 70
Primary schools and 100 balwadis and 70 village communities.
 The main objective of this project is to ensure learning gains in children. To
achieve this objective, the project envisions a number of supporting activities. The
logic sequence that connects these activities to the main objective is illustrated in
the flow chart below.

The above flow chart shows the linkages between the different activities and how they together
lead to learning gains in children.. we will broadly followed the above ‘objectives-to activities’
logic in the implementation status. For example, we first report the roll out status, and then report
the school selection, material supply and teacher training, and after that on evaluation and
government support and on action research and resource material development. The flow chart
above places each of these activities in context and explains how they contribute to the ultimate
‘learning gains in children’ objective.
The table below shows the objectives, the program targets planned :

Objectives Program 1st Year Program 1st Year Programme

Scale Target Scale Target Children
Ensuring children learn Reading 70 Schools 15,000
to read

Ensuring children learn Math 70 Schools 15,000

to do arithmetic

Ensure children acquire Pre-primary 100 Balwadis 7000

pre-primary skills.

Ensuring community CLC 70 Villages

participates in
children’s education

Ensuring children learn Science 70 Schools 9500

science experiments

School selection and roll out process

 We had decided to roll out the program in 3 stages. The first stage schools were identified in
the first quarter and the roll out had begun by July. In September, we additionally also rolled
out the program to all the second and third stage schools.

 The roll out plan was executed in 3 stages:

 Stage 1: Each BRP was allotted 10 schools and they visited the schools, established a
rapport with the teachers and head teacher. They also started attending the cluster level
meetings organized every month by the government and meeting all the teachers in their
respective blocks. They also supplied the reading (and math) materials to each school and
trained the teacher in the class on how to use the materials.

 Stage 2: Each of the existing BRPs was given an additional 5 schools to cover and
wherever necessary new BRPs were hired and trained to handle the additional schools.
This phased roll out of schools allowed the BRPs to select schools where teachers were
already demanding the program.

 Stage 3: In the other schools where teachers have been demanding the program (but we
have not been able to expand as our plan and funding for this year was only for 70
schools), we have started providing simpler low cost materials as part of our outreach
Right input at Right Time

Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Growth Early Childhood Middle Childhood
Grade Learning at Pre-primary Early primary Uper Primary
home (Kidagan) (Std 1-3) (Std. 4-8)

How children lean…….. In CJST Programme villages….

Learning at Home : Children learn by physically
interaction. Input at home is sufficient Early Start (KG) : 2 hours of fund activities
Age every day at the evening centre, with night toys
0- 2 and tools, ensure every child is ready for school.
Kindergarten : Children learn by plan and Strong Foundation (Std.1-3) : 3 hours
imitation. Critical period for language, motor and evening class daily for std. 1 – 3 by a dedicated
Age socio-emotional development.
3- 5 teacher provides individual attention and child
wise tracking. Activities ensure every child can
Std 1 – 3: Children learn by absorption .Critical read fluently and do arithmetic well.
period for building a strong foundation in
Age language amd arithmetic through activities. Ready for Future (Std.4-8) : Daily evening
6-8 classes with experiments, puzzles and projects to
Std 4 – 8: Children start abstract reasoning . ensure children develop interest and competency
Right time to introduce math and science through in math and science. Year 1 will start with std.4-6
Age experiment and puzzles. Group project help build in year 2 we will add on std 7-8.
self esteem and peer bonding.
9- 13

Implementation Plans

After school centers in each village will reach 75 Children.

 In each village, 3 trained local teachers run separate classes for LKG, UKG,
Std. 1-3 and Std. 4-6 ( in year 2 we will add on Std. 7- 8 as well)
 Each class run for 3 hours every day in the evening (Kg class for 2 hours)
 With our specially developed materials, method and skill charts, teachers
track every child’s progress and ensure all children achieve the require
language and math, science and English competences. Children who are
lagging behind are separately followed up and provided additional attention
and improved.
 Right from the start we get parents to contribute their involvement to ensure
teachers accountability and regular attendance by the children.
 Every quarter, a progress report card is sent to parent and parent meeting
held to discuss their child progress. village learning festival are also
organized where children show case their learning and talent.
Implementation Process within the village :

 Teachers Selection : The teachers will be identified by involving parent,

Panchayat and school teachers and interview to select the teachers.

 Training Materials : Initial intensive training of teachers, supply of learning

materials, every quarter additional material and training provided.

 Daily Classes : Students enrolled, weekly visit to monitor the class quality and
provide on field training. Monthly review and feedback, village level learning
festival every quarter.

 Outcome Evaluation : Base line Evaluation, quarterly student progress tracking,

remedial action for those lagging, report card and parent meeting, yearly evaluation.

Impact :

Learning out comes in Children

o Pre school children ( Age 3 – 5 years)

Age appropriate school readiness in language, cognitive and motor development.

o Std. 1 – 3 Children ( Age 6 – 8 years)

 Language ( Gujarati) : Children read fluently, write simple sentence,
Comprehend passages and answer question based on it.
 Language ( English ) : Children able to respond instruction and able to read
simple word.
 Math : Children able to do basic arithmetic – Addition, Subtraction and
simple multiplication.
o Out comes in Std. 4 – 8 Children ( 9 – 13 Year old)

 Language ( Gujarati) : Children able to do comprehend un simplified text

and write small stories.
 Language ( English ) :Children able to read paragraph and stories and
converse in English.
 Math : Children able to do fraction, geometry, measurement and solve word
 Science :Children able to do experiment and understand basic concept in 5
thematic areas Matter, Energy, Mechanic, Universe and Evolution.

Annual evaluations are used to assess the Impact of the Project.

Village Budget :

Sr. Description Amount Rs.

1 Teachers cost ( 3 teachers) 36000
2 Learning material and content training 15000
3 Village events 4000
4 Project coordinator travels and phone 7000
5 Admin cost (10 % ) 6200
6 Total per village cost 68200

Total Grant for Entire Bharuch Block = 68200 X 93 = 63,42,600/-

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