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Full Line Catalog 2019

Pantone Color Institute™

Look into the future with forward-
looking trend publications and
palette development services. Plus,
Pantone Plastics
learn about standardizing your own Mold a new way to specify color with
color and creating your own brand Pantone Plastic Standard Chips,
color story. available in the colors you already use.
Page 4 Page 28

Pantone Digital, Hardware

Pantone Graphics and Instruments
Presenting Pantone Metallics for Never compromise on your color
graphics. Start adding stunning with digital tools for accuracy and
effects to your designs now! inspiration, in the studio and on the go.
Page 8 Page 34

New for 2018!

203 New Colors
for Polyester
See page 12

Pantone Fashion, Home

+ Interiors
Jump into color with new colors
exclusively for polyester. There’s more
big news with our TPG Sheets.
Page 18

2 What’s Inside What’s Inside 3

Inspiration. Insights. CUSTOM COLOR
Intelligence. Solutions. Custom and multi-standard
The Pantone Color Institute offers unique
solutions from the Pantone
and comprehensive color solutions for
the application and integration of color Color Institute.
as a strategic asset. From custom color
development and bespoke consulting
services to market research and
education, our color experts can help
you utilize color to increase consumer
engagement and drive powerful
commercial value.

COLOR CONSULTING PALETTE DEVELOPMENT The Pantone Color Institute enables brand owners
SERVICES to specify, communicate, and manage color:
Customized color palettes ensure distinct • Across many materials
Color increases product sales up to market differentiation. We collaborate • For the most appropriate lighting conditions
85%. Participate in one of our color with our clients to create innovative and • When working with multiple vendors
presentations or workshops to learn how customized color ranges in line with
to leverage the power of color in your upcoming trends and tailored to defined Custom Color standards are available for the
design strategy, gain invaluable insights brand strategy requirements. All selections following applications and can feature your
into the emotional aspect of color, or get are supported by visual imagery, color branding and chosen color name:
practical advice on how to manage your theme, shade naming, and key color
color workflow process for optimal efficiency. messaging. Color palette direction up to Textile – Cotton standard available in the
five years ahead. SMART Color Swatch Card format used in our
Fashion, Home + Interiors System.
Plastics – Chips available in multiple resins,
opaque, and transparent.
Printed – The de facto master standard for many
BRAND VISUAL IDENTITY CUSTOM COLOR global brands, on coated or uncoated stock.
Coating – Range of highly stable coated
Color increases brand recognition by 87%. The Pantone Color Institute can help
standards for specification and visual- or
The Pantone Color Institute can help select define your brand color and provide
instrument-based assessment through your
or refine your brand’s signature shade. custom color standards to ensure
supply chain.
We can create supporting color palette consistency across materials, throughout
recommendations and provide brand color your supply chain.
stories, including color messaging and
Visit pantone.com/custom-color
meaning, tying your selected colors to See the next page to learn more about
for more information.
brand vision. Custom Color services.

4 Pantone Color Institute Pantone Custom Color Standards 5

PANTONE®VIEW Home + Interiors
Annual color trend forecast focused solely on
trends in color for the home furnishings and
interiors market. Overarching macro trend theme
featuring the topline feeling for home is supported
by color direction by color family; seven individual
color trend palettes including visual inspiration and
A seasonal lifestyle book dedicated to color
color harmonies and a topline look at key finishes,
across all areas of design. Highlighting key
textures and patterns. Comes with 1” x 4” cotton
color themes, each issue includes inspirational
swatches of all forecast colors and trend imagery.
imagery, new material direction, critical color
VH $495.
insights and trend forecasts displayed in
Pantone Colors, along with color news and color
psychology research. Not available in all regions.


Seasonal trend forecast with lifestyle approach,
FORECASTING PANTONE®VIEW Colour Planner provides
visual inspiration, key color directives,
PANTONE®VIEW Color suggested color harmonies plus material,
Trend and Forecast surface and product application for men’s,
women’s, active, color cosmetics, interiors,
publications provide you fashion accessories, footwear, industrial,
with a view into color and graphic design. Includes 1”x 4” cotton
direction, 6-24 months in swatches of forecast colors, poster size season
overview, flash drive with trend imagery, and
the future. portable cards displaying color by theme and
family. Not available in all regions.
VCP $795.

6 Pantone Color Trend and Forecasting Pantone Color Trend and Forecasting 7
Solid or “spot” color is the Formula Guide two-guide set
Solid Coated & Solid Uncoated
foundation of the Pantone The best-selling Pantone Guide in the world
Matching System® (PMS™) for design inspiration, color specification, and
printing accuracy, Formula Guide illustrates
– the color with the widest
1,867 Pantone Spot Colors with their
gamut, to which all other corresponding ink formulations. Use this guide
Pantone Process and for logos and branding, marketing materials,
packaging, and when spot color specification
Digital Products refer. is required.
GP1601N $160.

A. Solid
Chips Coated & Uncoated
two-book set
Pantone Solid Chips includes all Pantone Spot
Colors as sharable perforated chips on coated
and uncoated paper. Use this versatile format for
adding color into design palettes, mood boards,
or product sketches, attaching color to design
files for sharing with your production partners,
and for approving color on press.
GP1606N $385.

B. Solid Color Set

The Solid Color Set Bundle includes all 1,867
Pantone Spot Colors on coated and uncoated
paper in two complementary formats: Formula
Guide, a portable fan deck, and Solid Chips, a
desktop set with perforated chips of each color.
GP1608N $450.

C. Solid Guide Set

Includes all four Pantone Spot Color Guides:
Formula Guide Coated & Uncoated, Pastels &
Neons, and Metallics. With all 2,732 colors in
the Pantone Matching System, Solid Guide Set
provides designers the greatest array of Pantone
Spot Colors.
GP1605M $370.

8 Pantone Graphics – Solid Color Pantone Graphics – Solid Color 9

Rooted in some of the
latest advances in printing
technology, the Extended
Gamut guide provides
seven-color process
formulas for ~90% better
PMS Color matches.

Extended Gamut Coated

Pantone Extended Gamut guide is Pantone’s
latest development in process printing
technology with ~90% better Pantone Spot
Color matches over CMYK by adding Orange,
Green and Violet to the color gamut. Get more
vibrant colors and closer matches to Pantone
Spot Colors when using Extended Gamut for
marketing materials, signage, and packaging.
GG7000 $73.

CMYK Guide Coated & Uncoated

The Pantone CMYK Guide illustrates 2,868
CMYK process colors and their corresponding
values. These colors are unique to the Pantone
Graphics System and cannot be matched to
Pantone Spot Colors. Use this guide when Color Bridge Our most versatile color
printing in four-color process. Our most versatile tool for graphic and digital
GP5101 $165. designers, the Pantone Color Bridge provides
tool for graphic design,
a side-by-side visual comparison of Pantone Color Bridge provides
Spot Colors versus their closest CMYK process
you with printed solid and
printing match on coated and uncoated
paper. The guide also includes corresponding CMYK patches, plus RGB,
CMYK, Hex, and RGB values, perfect for digital CMYK and HTML values.
designers. Use Color Bridge Set for digital
design, animation, and packaging when CMYK
printing is required.
Coated guide GG6103N $175.
Uncoated guide GG6104N $175.
Coated & Uncoated Set GGP610N $300.

10 Pantone Graphics – Process Color Pantone Graphics – Process Color 11

A. Super Chips
Oversized, perforated 2 1/2” x 3 7/8” chips of
NEW FOR 2019
up to six PMS Colors of your choice. Designed Pantone Metallics for
to give graphic designers more color for bigger
projects and better communication. graphic and packaging
PLV-SCHIPS $18. design, now with new
colors and a new format!
B. Super Swatch
A single, large 8” x 7” block with the PMS Color
of your choice. Great for color visualization in
packaging design projects.
C. Sticker Chips
Peel-and-place stickers of up to five different
PMS Colors. Attach to your design files to
make communicating and evaluating color E. Metallics Coated
throughout your supply chain even easier. Pantone Metallics are a collection of trend-
PLV-STICKER $25. relevant, market demand colors formulated to
create distinctive, elegant, and eye-catching
D. Simulator design details. Use for packaging, logos,
Save time, money, and rework by seeing how branding, signage, and marketing materials.
colors can change on the most common C. GG1507A $150.
packaging materials before artwork goes into
production. Pantone Simulator Prints provide F. Metallic Chips Coated
you with a sheet of up to five PMS Colors as Includes Paper Chip Saver!
they would appear using any of 34 common The Metallics Chips Book presents our collection
materials and printing processes. of distinctive and elegant Pantone metallic colors
PLV-PMS Starting at $15. as sharable perforated chips. Use this versatile
format for adding color into mood boards or
product sketches, attaching color to design files,
and for approving color on press.
GB1507A $350.

PRINTS G. Pastels
& Neons
Coated & Uncoated
New Pantone On-Demand A collection of soothing pastels and bright
Prints provide you with neons, Pastels & Neons guide and chips
provide captivating and contemporary Pantone
custom prints of just the
Spot Colors. Use these colors for packaging,
color or colors you need, logos and branding, and marketing materials
available within 24-48 when pastel or neon colors are desired.
Guide GG1504 $105.
hours. A variety of formats Solid Chips GB1504 $205.
fit your design needs.

12 Pantone Graphics – On-Demand Prints Pantone Graphics – Specialty Colors 13

VALUE BUNDLES Portable Guide Studio
A comprehensive collection of eight Pantone
Save a bundle with a Guides, including Formula Guide Coated &
Uncoated, Color Bridge Coated & Uncoated,
Pantone Value Bundle. CMYK Coated & Uncoated, Metallics, and
Pastels & Neons. With this set, graphic, print,
and digital designers will have an ideal way
to access, travel with, store, and protect the
most market-relevant set of spot, spot-to-
process, process, and visually eye-catching
spot colors available. Get 5,600 total colors
to use as inspiration, for dynamic logos and
branding, marketing materials, digital design,
and animation.
GPG304M $800.

Essentials Reference Library

An ideal starter kit for graphic and digital Reference Library contains eight Pantone Guides
designers, the Pantone Essentials bundle and four chip books, encompassing over 5,600
combines six of our top-selling guides: Formula spot, spot-to-process, process, and specialty
Guide Coated & Uncoated, Color Bridge spot colors. Use as inspiration, for logos and
Coated & Uncoated, and CMYK Coated & branding, marketing materials, digital design, and
Uncoated in a convenient carrying case to animation. This desktop display conveniently
cover your essential printing needs from spot to keeps the largest collection of our most essential
process. Enjoy 4,735 unique Pantone Colors at Pantone Graphics guides and chip books at
your fingertips for use in inspiration, marketing your disposal.
materials, digital design and animation, and GPC305M $1,620.
when either spot or process color comparing
and printing are required.
GPG301N $570.

14 Pantone Graphics – Value Bundles Pantone Graphics – Value Bundles 15

C. Solid-To-Seven Set
The Pantone Solid-To-Seven bundle combines
Formula Guide Coated & Uncoated with the
new Extended Gamut guide. Compare Pantone
Spot Colors side-by-side with their seven-color
process equivalents to determine which type
of printing is best when producing marketing
materials, signage, and packaging.
2015-004S $195.

D. Bridge-To-Seven Set
The Pantone Bridge-To-Seven bundle combines
Color Bridge Coated with the Extended Gamut
guide. Compare all printing options for your
marketing materials, signage, and packaging.
2015-005S $210.
B. C.
A. Master Collection
The Pantone Master Collection offers designers E. Color Extended Combo
the perfect way to access, capture, travel with, The Pantone Color Extended Combo combines
store, and protect the most market-relevant set Formula Guide Coated & Uncoated, Color Bridge
of spot, spot-to-process, and specialty spot Coated & Uncoated, and the Extended Gamut
colors available. Includes Formula Guide Coated guide in a portable and protective carrying case.
& Uncoated, Color Bridge Coated & Uncoated, This set allows brand managers and designers
Extended Gamut Coated, Metallics, Pastels & to compare Pantone Spot Colors to their CMYK
Neons, and Pantone Capsure™ in a convenient and Extended Gamut (CMYK+OGV) equivalents
carrying case. when deciding whether spot or process printing
2016-015M $1,240. is acceptable for color achievability. Keep your
design files close with a handy Pantone Chip
B. Starter Guide USB drive, also included.
Get started in design and color specification with 2015-009S $560.
our introductory guide to the Pantone Matching
System. The Pantone Starter Guide contains 543
popular spot color selections from all Pantone D. E.
Graphics System libraries, along with their
corresponding ink formulations. Use this guide
for color inspiration and specification.
GG1511 $60.

16 Pantone Graphics – Value Bundles Pantone Graphics – Value Bundles 17

TEXTILES Cotton Swatch Library
A smart choice for Our ultimate product and palette development
tool for designing in fabric, the Pantone
achievable color in design Cotton Swatch Library is a seven-volume set
for textiles, now available presenting all 2,310 Fashion, Home, & Interiors
market-driven colors as 2” x 2” removable
in cotton, nylon, and
swatches. The only reference featuring cotton
polyester formats. fabric in a double-layered and unbacked
format, the Swatch Library houses the largest
and truest representation of each Pantone
Color aside from a Swatch Card.
FHIC100 $7,135.

SMART Cotton Swatch Card Cotton Swatch Cards

Pantone Swatch Card is the cotton color
standard for designers, colorists, and product
are the color standard
developers in apparel, textiles, and soft home. to which all Pantone
The individual 4” x 4”, 100% cotton poplin, loose-
Cotton Publications
format fabric swatches are available in 2,310
colors on double-layered fabric. Made to exacting refer. Designed for easy
color specifications, each Swatch Card comes measurement and sharing,
in a protective pouch for assured color accuracy.
All other Fashion, Home + Interiors products are
they are globally available
references to this definitive color standard. for all 2,310 Pantone
SWCDX $12.60
Spectral Data QTX $5.
Cotton Colors.

18 Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors – Cotton Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors – Cotton 19
A. D.
A. Cotton Chip Set
The Pantone Cotton Chip Set is our most
affordable palette development tool for textile,
fashion, home, and interior design. A two-volume
reference of the 2,310 Fashion, Home + Interiors
colors, Cotton Chip Set features removable tabs
that you can lay side-by-side for palette selection,
presentations, and color communication.
FHIC400 $2,139. Pack a punch with Nylon
Brights, a selection of 21
B. Cotton Planner
bold, juicy colors for when
Our most popular desktop color reference for
textile, fashion, home, and interior designers, you want to make a strong
the Pantone Cotton Planner features all 2,310 statement in textile design.
Fashion, Home + Interiors System market-driven
colors in cotton fabric in one handy and compact
B. E.
volume for office use. D. Nylon Brights Set
FHIC300 $965. All 21 Pantone Nylon Brights colors are now
available in one handy ring set. Use your Nylon
C. Cotton Passport Brights Set to choose your colors, and then
The portable Pantone Cotton Passport holds order a full 4” x 4” swatch card for optimal
all 2,310 Fashion, Home + Interiors colors in an viewing. These bold, bright colors have been
easy-to-carry format, allowing you to check fabric especially selected for apparel use in the
color in the stores, on customer visits, or at the swimwear, outerwear, activewear, workwear, and
mills. Cotton Passport is our only color reference safety industries.
organized in an accordion format, allowing you to FFN100 $140.
view and select from all colors at once.
FHIC200 $599. E. Nylon Brights Swatch Card
Pantone Nylon Brights Swatch Card is the
nylon color standard for designers, colorists,
and product developers. These brights and
fluorescent colors are available in 21 shades,
C. carefully selected for apparel use in the
swimwear, outerwear, active wear, and safety
industries. Individual 4” x 4” swatch cards, made
from 100% nylon, double-layered and produced
to exacting color specifications.
SWCDN $15.
Spectral Data NQTX $5.

20 Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors – Cotton Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors – Nylon 21
NEW FOR 2018
Polyester Swatch Set
JUMP INTO COLOR! The Pantone Polyester Swatch Set offers 203
Introducing 203 new unique synthetic colors for designers and
colorists working in apparel, textiles, and soft
colors uniquely curated home in one convenient storage case. Our
for polyester. Stay one new 2”x 2” mini swatches are secured, double-
layered, and on unbacked 100% polyester fabric.
step ahead with Pantone
They are easy to review, select, and replace in
Fashion, Home + Interiors: three removable display trays. These colors,
the right colors on the curated to include the most relevant shades, are
arranged by color family and are ideal tools when
right materials. creating your own color stories and palettes.
FFS100 $749.

Polyester Swatch Card

Pantone Polyester Swatch Cards are the latest
synthetic color standards for designers and
product developers in apparel, textiles, and
soft home. Made on 4” x 4”, double-layered,
100% polyester to the most exacting color
specifications, the Pantone Swatch Card comes
in a protective pouch for assured color accuracy
in production. The total 203 colors were curated
to represent the mose sought-after shades to
complement our other existing Fashion, Home +
Interiors reference products.
SWCDS $14.25
Spectral Data PQTX $5.

22 Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors – Polyester Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors – Polyester 23
All 2,310 of the Fashion,
Home + Interiors cotton
colors available as lacquer
on paper for painted or
coated product design
applications. Color Specifier & Guide Set
Color on the go – and in the office! The
Pantone Color Specifier displays the 2,310
Fashion, Home + Interiors Cotton Colors as
lacquer-on-paper tear-out chips, allowing
accurate color communication with clients and
suppliers. The colors in both books are in the
TPG (Textile Paper–Green) format.
FHIP230N $825.

Color Guide
Designed to show the appearance of color on
product, the Pantone Color Guide illustrates all
2,310 of the Fashion, Home + Interiors Cotton
Colors as a lacquer coating on paper. Designed
for hard home, ceramics, paint, cosmetics,
fashion accessories, and leather applications,
Color Guide is our most affordable and portable
offering for paints and coatings.
FHIP110N $210.

TPG Sheets New Pantone TPG Sheets

Designed to illustrate the appearance of color on
product, Pantone TPG Sheets are available for
provide you with large
the 2,310 of the Fashion, Home + Interiors Cotton areas of a single color
Colors as 8.5” x 11” sheets of lacquer coating on
for excellent color
paper. Each sheet includes a printed grid on the
back for chipping with corresponding color name visualization in product
and number. TPG Sheets give product designers design. Wrap, cut, specify,
and product partners versatile color representation
for communication, specification, and evaluation
and share with ease.
for hard home, ceramics, paint, cosmetics,
fashion accessories, and leather applications.
TPG $15.

24 Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors – Lacquer on Paper Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors – Lacquer on Paper 25
Metallic Shimmers Color Guide
The Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors System
introduces 200 new shades in our Metallics
Shimmers Color Guide. This collection of
lustrous metallic colors was carefully selected
to provide a broad range of shimmering metallic
finishes that designers, product developers,
and manufacturers want. The metallic finish
speaks luxury and brilliance while still showing
off the true color on products. This guide’s fan
TPM Metallics format displays one full-bleed color per page.
FHIP310N $145.

Metallic Shimmers Color Specifier

The Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors
System introduces 200 new shades in our
Metallics Shimmers Color Specifier book.
This collection of lustrous metallic colors was
carefully selected to provide a broad range of
shimmering metallic finishes that designers,
product developers, and manufacturers want.
The metallic finish speaks luxury and brilliance
while still showing off the true color. Use this
versatile format for mood boards, product
sketches, or attaching color to design files.
FHIP410N $345.

Metallic Shimmers TPM Sheets

The Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors
System introduces 200 new shades as
individual Metallic Shimmers (TPM) sheets.
This collection of lustrous metallic colors was

NEW FOR 2018 carefully selected to provide a broad range of

shimmering metallic finishes that designers,
product developers and manufacturers
200 New Ways to Shine! want. This versatile format can be used for
Introducing Metallic communication, specification and evaluation.
Shimmers – 200 new TPM $15.

metallic and pearlescent

hues for Fashion and
Product design.

26 Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors – Metallic Shimmers Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors – Metallic Shimmers 27
Plus Plastic Standard
Chips Collection
A most useful tool for hard goods industries
where a vast array of colors is key, the Pantone
Plastic Standard Chip Collection features
1,755 of our best-selling graphics colors with
corresponding pigment formulations. The
collection also includes a coated Formula Guide
for easy cross-reference to spot color printed
materials. This is our ultimate Pantone Reference
Tool for bringing inspiration to realization in
consumer product development.
PSC-PS1755 $8,460.

PANTONE PLASTICS Plastic Standard Chips

Pantone Plastic Standard Chips are our most
Pantone Plastic Standard comprehensive tool for palette development,
communication, and production of plastic
Chips provide you with the products. Our system can be matched to our
PMS and Fashion, Home Graphics or Fashion, Home + Interiors colors,
enabling consistent replication across your
+ Interiors colors you materials. Each chip includes matte and gloss
know and love as plastic finishing, tiered thicknesses, and pigment
standards in polypropylene. formulations for maximum color accuracy
and reproduction.
PQ-100C $19.

28 Pantone Plastics Pantone Plastics 29

Tints and Tones
Looking for neutrals in plastics? This set includes
100 of our best-selling whites, grays, and
blacks, selected from both the Pantone Graphics
(PMS) and Fashion, Home + Interiors (FHI) Color
Libraries. This carefully curated range of cool and
warm shades affords the ability to cross match
plastic designs with textile products, graphics,
and packaging. Each chip includes pigment
formulations to ensure color control across
multiple materials.
PTTC100 $979.

Plastic Chip Color Sets

Looking for a color within a specific color range?
Get the colors you need all in one set. Our
Plastic Chip Color Sets match to our graphics
(PMS) color system, so that you can match
plastics to your print and packaging colors. Each
set features a selection of 100 plastic chips from
one of the most popular color families.
Yellows, Oranges, and Golds 2017-039 $1,010.
Greens 2017-040 $1,010.
Reds 2017-041 $1,010.
Blacks and Grays 2017-042 $1,010.
Blues 2017-043 $1,010.

30 Pantone Plastics Pantone Plastics 31

DIGITAL COLOR PantoneLIVE™ Visualizer | Master Dependent

A complete set of Pantone

Master Standard rE2000
Working Palette
183 C
185 C

Libraries, in your pocket

184 C
368 C
185 C
114 C

or in production. Capture
186 C
2995 C
187 C

the colors that inspire your

432 C

Pantone Studio for iOS

188 C
Dependent Standard rE2000

196 C Flexibles Gravure Solv Clr Film V (GVCA) 0.8

Capture your world in Pantone Color, build

design and ensure they’re PANTONE
197 C Flexibles Gravure Solv Clr Film/Wht Ink V (GVCH) 0.9

and create palettes to test on 3D-rendered PANTONE

produced accurately on
198 C Flexibles Gravure Solv Rev/Clr Film Lam Clr Film L (GVCC) 1.2

materials and designs, and share Pantone PANTONE

199 C Flexibles Gravure Solv Rev/Clr Film Lam Wht Film L (GVCW) 1.1

your chosen material.


Colors with your Creative Cloud® account, 200 C Flexibles Gravure Solv Rev/Clr Film/Wht Ink (GVCT) 0.9

clients, and social networks. Get harmonies,

cross references, inspirational articles and more.
Available in the App Store.

PantoneLIVE™ Design
PantoneLIVE Design gives designers and
prepress teams access to Pantone Digital
Color Libraries, as well as private brand color
libraries for use during the inspiration, creation,
and prepress phases. This software bundle
allows you to visualize how PMS Coated Colors
change when printed on 34 different packaging
substrates, print processes, and with a variety of
inks, helping you make informed color decisions
and manage expectations. Work with colors in a
useful desktop format or directly in your Adobe®
Illustrator® design file.
PLV-DES $99.

Pantone Color Manager Software

myPantone for Android
™ ™ A necessary application for syncing and keeping Digital color tools allow
Easily access a variety of Pantone Color up-to-date all Pantone Color Libraries into design
Libraries with the myPantone app for Android. software, Pantone Color Manager is available for you to preview and specify
Any designer can use this app to see colors, both Mac OS and Windows. Use this software color as it will actually
build palettes, and share them with colleagues to upload over 10,000 Pantone Colors for use in
Adobe Creative Cloud®, Corel® or QuarkXPress®
appear before you go
and clients wherever they go.
Available on Google Play. design programs. into production, saving
PSC-CM100 $99.
you from costly, time-
consuming rework.

32 Pantone Digital Color Pantone Digital Color 33

Don’t compromise. Ensure
the color you want is the
color you get with color
control tools from Pantone.

A. ColorMunki Smile
ColorMunki Smile delivers super-simple monitor
calibration for your laptop or desktop monitor.
Easily calibrate your computer screen to see
your color correctly.

B. ColorMunki Display
For creatives who demand professional quality
coupled with an easy, wizard-driven interface,
ColorMunki Display offers everything you
could possibly need to get you to a brilliantly
calibrated display or projector while helping you
stay focused on doing what you love.

NEW i1Studio Designer Edition C. i1Display Pro
The new i1Studio Designer Edition is the start- The i1Display Pro is our ultimate choice for
to-finish color management solution for color discerning photographers, designers, and
perfectionists looking for high-quality results. imaging professionals looking for a high level of
The i1Studio spectrophotometer calibrates on-screen color accuracy for displays, laptops,
multiple devices and Pantone Color Manager and projectors. Two user modes provide
software allows you to export color-perfected serious color perfectionists with the ideal
palettes directly into your design tools. Your balance of unrivaled color precision, speed,
final production will match your vision more options, and controls to fit any workflow.
closely than you ever thought possible. EODIS3 $279.

34 Hardware & Instruments – Monitor Calibration Hardware & Instruments – Monitor Calibration 35
Pantone Light Booths Maintain consistent
Pantone Light Booths provide a consistent and
reliable environment for evaluating products and
color throughout your
prints. As color can appear differently under design and production
various light sources – such as daylight, store
Lighting Indicator Stickers process with our tools
lighting, and fluorescent – it is important to review
products and prints under each before approval
Proper lighting is critical to ensuring color for measurement and
accuracy. Pantone Lighting Indicator Stickers
so that costly issues and rejects can be avoided.
are an easy-to-use tool with two color patches evaluation.
5-light, D65 P5D65840 $2,100.
that match when lighting conditions are ideal and
5-light, D50 P5D50840 $2,100.
mismatch when lighting is poor. Easily attach
3-light, D65 P3D65840 $1,495.
stickers to design and production files to ensure
3-light, D50 P3D50CWF $1,495.
color accuracy for product applications.
Replacement bulbs also available.
For D50 Lighting LNDS-1PK-D50 $55.
For D65 Lighting LNDS-1PK-D65 $55.

Pantone Capsure™
A complete color-matching solution. Capture
color inspiration from any surface, material, or
fabric – even small, patterned, multi-colored
textures and textiles – and match it quickly and
accurately to a Pantone Color. Capsure is easy
to use and portable, yet its advanced image
capture technology sets a new standard for
accuracy and versatility in a portable device.
RM200-PT01 $770.

Imaging Spectrocolorimeter Pantone Formula Scales

Designed to provide stable color measurements, Designed for making and mixing small ink
comparisons, and reporting, the RM200QC batches of Pantone Colors, the Formula Scale
Imaging Spectrocolorimeter makes testing and LC is ideal for smaller-size printers and infrequent
managing color consistency from product lot spot color users. For making and mixing
to lot easy and reliable. Use this tool for color medium-to-large ink batches of Pantone Colors,
control and to create color standards and the Formula Scale 3 is perfect for larger-size
measure against them when reviewing products printers and frequent spot color users.
with painted, fabric, and metal surfaces. 2 lb. capacity PFS3-1-12 $2,500.
RM200QC $2,085. 10 lb. capacity PFS3-5-12 $3,450.

36 Hardware & Instruments Hardware & Instruments 37

The Munsell Color System
us based on color science
and human perception,
creating a system that
brings logical simplicity to
the process of identifying
a color and understanding
color relationships.

Munsell Color Tree Munsell Book of Color

The Color Tree is an attractive, three-dimensional The “master atlas” of Munsell Color. The Book
model that makes it easy to comprehend the Munsell of Color includes a complete range of colors
three-dimensional color space. creating a physical model of the Munsell Color
M70115 $415. Space. The book includes 1,600 removable
Munsell Farnsworth 100 Hue Test
color samples, and an easy to follow graphics for
Easy-to-use and a recommended color
understanding where your color is located in the
management tool, the Farnsworth Munsell 100
Munsell color space.
Hue Test is a highly effective, industry standard
Glossy Book M40115B $1,150.
method for evaluating an individual’s ability to
Matte Book M40291B $1,150.
discern color. The test is composed of a series
of color caps to be placed in the proper order
coupled with scoring software to confirm you and
your team’s vision aptitude for color evaluation.
CEP001 $725.

Munsell Neutral Value Scales

When you need to communicate color –
visual or instrument color communication –
Munsell neutral gray scales will improve color
communication. Munsell neutral color charts can
be used for instrumental calibration, imaging testing
or as reflection standards. The Munsell Neutral
Value Scale is a 37-step grayscale fan deck with
values of 0.5/ to 9.5/, in quarter step intervals.
Glossy Finish M50130 $130.
Matte Finish M50135 $130.

38 Munsell Color Tools Munsell Color Tools 39

Munsell Plant Tissue Color Book
Plant Color Charts Provide a Handy Plant Color
Reference for Analyzing Plant Tissue Color.
If you’re a botanist or scientist, the 17 plant
color charts offer a fast, convenient method
for identifying and communicating the color
of plant tissues. Plant color charts help you
diagnose adverse conditions responsible for the
deterioration of plants.
M50150 $205.

Munsell Rock Color Book Munsell Soil Color Book Munsell Soil Color 2-Pack
The Munsell Rock Color Chart provides a The Munsell Soil Color Book is an affordable This is a special package of the two most
durable, accurate method for classifying and way to evaluate the type of soil present within popular pages from the Munsell Soil Book of
evaluating rock color samples. The Munsell Rock an area. The book allows users to make soil Color (7.5YR and 10YR pages). These pages are
Color Chart helps geologists and archeologists color evaluations in the field quickly and easily. durable enough for field use in all of the different
communicate with color more effectively by The soil classification system that has been environments where soil color is determined.
cross-referencing ISCC-NBS color names with developed around the Munsell color system is an M50215B-YRKIT $75.
unique Munsell alpha-numeric color notations established and accepted process to assign a
for rock color samples. The rock color chart is a soil type that has been used in the United States
revision of the previously published Geological for more than 55 years to aid in the management
Society of America (GSA) Rock Color Chart. and stewardship of natural resources.
M50315B $85. M50215B $205.

Munsell Bead Color Book Munsell Color Coding Charts

The color of a bead can be used to tell a story The charts are a selection developed for color
about the bead itself. Just like beads have coding of wire and cable insulation by Electronic
special characteristics, so do the colors used Industries Association (EIA RS359-A) for use with
on and within the beads. The ability to classify electronics components. The set includes ten
and communicate a color easily allows for a 8-1/2” x 11” color charts in a binder: red, orange,
greater understanding of the bead. The coloring brown, yellow, green, blue, violet (purple), white,
of a bead can be used to indicate the region of gray (slate) and black. Each chart defines the
the world that the bead is from and the types of centroid (ideal) color, as well as the permissible
materials used in the creation of the bead. visual tolerances.
M50415B $170. M50110 $540.
Also available (shown):
Aqua Color Coding Chart 50051 $77.
Rose Color Coding Chart 50052 $77.

40 Munsell Color Tools Munsell Color Tools 41

Design, Brilliantly!
Pantone Metallics
for Graphics
See page 13.


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Pantone® and other Pantone trademarks are the property of Pantone LLC.
CAPSURE, ColorChecker, ColorMunki, ColorMunki logo and i1 are
trademarks or registered trademarks of X-Rite, Incorporated in the United
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IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other
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LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Any
omission of such trademarks from any product is regretted and is not
intended as an infringement on such trademarks. Prices shown are in U.S.
Dollars and are subject to change without notice. Pantone Colors may not
match Pantone-identified standards. Consult current Pantone Color
Publications for accurate color. Pantone LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary
of X-Rite, Incorporated. © Pantone LLC, 2019. All rights reserved.

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