Railway Dhruv
Railway Dhruv
Railway Dhruv
Site of Training
Northern Railway
Divisional Railway manager Office-New Delhi
Submitted by
Any collateral activity cannot be truly finished without the help &
enthusiasm of the supervisors involved. Additional technical assistance
throughout the training period. The technical details of the various
technologies ongoing in their department. It has been a pleasure working
with the DRM,new delhi in the enhancement of my technical knowledge. I
owe gratitude to many individuals involved in the development of this
This report is infact a summary of, what I have learnt and seen during my
training in “Railway Organization.” Succeeding chapters give details what
I have learnt in Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) Office,new delhi.
Electronics & Comm. Engg.
Advanced Signalling Systems viz., complete track circuiting, Multiple
Aspect Colour Light Signalling (MACLS), Panel/Route Relay/Electronic
Interlocking, Last Vehicle Check by Axle Counter are deployed on IR for
safe and efficient train control and optimum utilization of line capacity. A
major thrust has been given for provision of LED based signals, track
circuiting and replacement of signalling gears at block stations. On Board
Train Protection System, Train Management System etc., have also been
introduced on IR.
Telecommunication plays an important role in train control, operation and
safety. With the rapid growth in telecommunication technology, IR has
decided to go for the state-of-the-art nationwide telecom network for
meeting its communication needs and earning revenue by exploiting
surplus capacity commercially. With this objective, RailTel, a Railways’
Public Sector Undertaking was formed in September, 2000.
Common User Group (CUG) mobile phones have also been hired to
enable communication while on move to enhance safety, reliability and
productivity. IR is also using 1.2 lakh VHF walkie-talkie sets to ensure
safety and enhance reliability.
IR has also started the Real Time Train Information System under which
the train running information is being made available to public on a real
time basis. Now this project covers 36 trains and work is in progress to
cover all trains with this facility.
Technically,a data logger is any device that can be used to store data,
includes many devices such as plug-in boards or serial communication
systems.Data logger device can read various types of electrical signals and
store the data in internal memory for later download to a computer.
ACTIVE CLIENT is maintained by ATNL who has the control over the
train movements and is connected to the server through LAN. At any time,
active Client can control the train movement charting. Active Client can
feed the Train information as shown in.
PASSIVE CLIENT is used to view the chart anywhere from the network,
the chart available at thisclient is unchanged and cannot be modified. Any
number of passive clients can view thetrain chart by connecting to the
Features of TC
Benefits of RTIS:
The objective of microwave communication systems is to transmit
information from one place to another without interruption, and clear
reproduction at the receiver. Above 100 MHz the waves travel in straight
lines and can therefore be narrowlyfocused. Concentrating all the energy
into a small beam using a parabolic antenna( like the satellite TV dish)
gives a much higher signal to noise ratio.
The Indian Railways is Asia's largest and the world's second largest
rail network. For benefit of IT explosion,Indian Railways have established
a 'Corporate Wide Information System'(CWIS) called RAILNET .It
provides smooth flow of information on demand for administrative
purposes, which would enable taking quicker and better decisions.
Realising the important role that information plays in customer services
and in railways operations.
*It restricts the entry of train after a specific period i.e.the file is deleted
for a train after 2 hours of its arrival; and deletes the files which are 48
hours old and reorganize the files.
(b) Information of train, when the train is late more than specific hours,
train graph
*It is having the facility to interact with both pulse and tone users.
*It is having a facility of FAX on demand, for that separate terminal is
*It is supporting and select more than one language.
*According to traffic, ports can be increased or decreased.
*It is having the facility of mailbox.
*It gives a report of no.of calls in 24 hours and the calls in a specific
For running any business organisation, the efficiency of the MIS is very
important. The divisional offices, Zonal training institutes will be
connected to rail net in phase 3and finally to station, yards, shads etc. RN
comprises of
*‘Compaq’ Servers, ‘CISCO’ Routers, Switches & Hubs
* Structured cabling using UTP-Cat 5 cabling (10 MBPS) (Max distance
100m between)
a)Microsoft NT.
b)Microsoft Back Office.
c)Site Management Server.
d)Proxy Software.
e)Service Network Administrator
f)Exchange Server.
Routers can:
*Route messages between 2 protocols across fiber optics,coaxial,twisted
pair cabling
*Route messages between linear bus, star, and star-wired ring topologies.
It is active junction box,used to connect the nodes and all the servers using
any type of cable (UTP, Coaxial etc). It contains a division of network
*Digita & analog MW, IP Radio links
*VSAT, Twisted pair copper
*feasible wireless LAN (WiFi)
Data sent by the sender should be received only by the intended eceiver.
This is achieved through encryption at various levels. The various data
encryption standards are IP sec. DES, 3DES, AES, private/public key etc.
*free from EMI and RFI making it especially useful in electrified areas.
*supports low bit-error rate digital communication .
*very high traffic carrying capacity
*negligible cross-talk between channels, high speech quality.
For giving the detailed information about the train arrivals, departures, late running
if any, and location of trains and any other important information related to Railway
Marshalling Yards
For communication between Yard Master and Shunting men through paging
and talk‐back system regarding formation and reception or dispatch of trains.
Breakdown train Emergency Equipment
The P.A. System in Accident Relief Train must be kept in working condition for
guide the passengers and staff in rescue operations at the site of accident.
Special functions
Local Minister, G.M., etc., officials and VIPs may address some important functions
such as Railway Week, felicitations, Scouts and Guides rally, some social work
meetings, cultural programmes etc. a quality P.A. System needs to be installed.
Railway Workshops
2. Acoustic
2.1 Intensity
2.2 Sensitivity
Sound Pressure Level (SPL) is the acoustic pressure reference for the dB. The
minimum threshold of undamaged human hearing is considered to be 0 dB SPL. The
threshold of pain for undamaged human hearing is 120 dB SPL.
2.4 Loudness
It is the intensity of the sound stimulus as perceived by the human ear and chiefly a
function of sound pressure. However, it is also dependent upon the frequency and
the complexity of the waveform. The extra high‐frequency content makes the sound
seem louder. Our ears do not hear all frequencies equally. They are most sensitive at
around 3‐4 kHz, and much less sensitive at the extremes of frequency.
Effectively, ears will turn down the volume and mute the damaging highest
frequencies if the concert is too loud. However, any sound system can damage
hearing if you get your ears close enough and drive it hard enough for long enough.
*Types of microphones
Carbon Microphone
The other audio equipment is connected to the receiver unit by cable. Wireless
microphones are widely used in the entertainment industry, television broadcasting,
and public speaking to allow public speakers, interviewers, performers, and
entertainers to move about freely while using a microphone to amplify their
*Some wireless systems have a shorter range, while more expensive models
can exceed that distance.
*Possible interference with or, more often, from other radio equipment or
other radio microphones.
*Operation time is limited relative to battery life.
Specifications of microphones.
* Frequency Response:
It is the maximum Sound Pressure level that can produce a proportional output with
a total harmonic distortion limited to 1%.
It is the impedance offered by the microphone at 1000 c/s. There are low impedance
and high impedance microphones. Low Impedance means less than 600 ohms High
Impedance means more than 10K ohms.
*The loudspeakers used should have adequate power handling capacity and
should normally be of high efficiency type.
The vertical directivity pattern of the system should be such as to feed the audience
at uniform level, avoid harmful level, reverberant sound or echo, and feedback
of energy to the microphones. In the horizontal plane, the directivity should be
uniform across the width of the hall.
*Column loudspeakers are ideal for obtaining the vertical directivity pattern.
The height of column and number of speakers in it determine the directivity. A
wide range of high quality reproduction may be obtained by employing
multiunit type, wherein the whole frequency range will be covered by two or
three groups of speakers arranged in separate columns, but mounted close to
each other and connected through a properly designed dividing network.
*For best results, the column loudspeakers shall be installed vertically at a height of
1.5 m above the platform level and inclined at an angle of 8 degree to 10
degree towards the ground.
*For "B" Category reproduction, the loudspeaker should have useful response
from 100 to 7,500 Hz. Cabinet/horn type loudspeakers should be adequate for
such purposes.
*Cone type loudspeakers with wooden/metal cabinets ‐Cone type loudspeakers
of appropriate power output may be used in comparatively quiet covered areas
like waiting rooms, retiring rooms, etc.
*Horn type loudspeakers ‐Horn type loudspeakers are suited to open platform
and large halls with high roofs. They shall be so placed and their size so chosen that
their radiation may not be in opposition and also the reflections from the roof and
walls are avoided. An electrical filter to cut off low frequencies may be used with the
line matching transformer to avoid damage to the voice coil at low frequencies.
Cables & Connectors
Of the 42,000 route kms. of Optic Fibre Cable (OFC) network that has
been planned for commissioning by 2008, more than 28,100 route kms. of
OFC has been laid already. OFC connectivity between four Metros and
four mini Metros has been established and 203 other important cities have
also been connected. So far 2,717 stations have been connected over the
OFC network. RailTel has upgraded their network by providing the latest
state-of-the-art Multi Protocol Level Switching (MPLS) network. Apart from
modernizing the IR’s telecom network, RailTel has started earning revenue
by marketing surplus bandwidth and other infrastructure to other service
providers like AirTel, Vodafone, Tata, BSNL and financial entities like
State Bank of India, etc.
All zonal and divisional exchanges of IR are being integrated for seamless
connectivity with uniform STD scheme for improved services by
providing 2 MB connectivity. Broadband connectivity of 2 Mega Byte Per
Second (MBPS) or more is being increasingly provided between divisional
and zonal headquarters to establish high speed link needed for various IT
applications like Railnet, PRIME, AFRES, MIS, etc.
To improve reliability and to effect savings, data circuits required for on-
line applications like PRS, UTS and FOIS are being progressively
transferred to Railway’s own OFC network.
Passenger Amenities:
* Automatic
* Electronic
* Digital
* Stored Programme Controlled (SPC)
* Pulse Code Modulation (PCM, Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
* Subscriber to Subscriber
* Subscriber to trunk
* Trunk to Subscriber
* Trunk to trunk
Attendant Consoles :
All telephones shall be push button type. The signalling may be decadic or
DTMF type. The telephones shall be of the following type :
*Secretary and Executive type
*4 wire
Highest level - Zonal Head Quarters (ZHQ) and Railway Board (RB)
Medium level - Divisional HQ (DHQ)
Lowest level - Important activity centres
The digital exchanges shall be of the following basic capacity and shall be
modularly expandable.
128 port
256 ports
512 ports
1024 ports
2048 ports
4096 ports
Decadic phones
DTMF phones
Digital phones
Hot line
Long distance
lead line through any media of communication
* 2 MB/s or higher speed trunk ports shall be planned in the exchange for
high speed connectivity between exchanges.
The capacity of the exchange shall be defined with the following details :-
*Wire Capacity
*Equipped Capacity with signaling
*No. of subscriber ports- decadic/DTMF and digital phones.
*No of long distance subscriber, trunk ports with various type of signalling
*2 MB or higher speed trunk port.
*Ports for attendant console
The Architecture of the Exchange shall be with the following protection
a) Up to 128 ports
CPU and control card -1+1 hot Standby configuration & hot swappable
Memory -1+1 hot Standby configuration & hot swappable
Power supply card -1+1 hot Standby configuration & hot swappable
The minimum BHCA (Busy Hour Call Attempts) for exchange shall be as
*The exchange software shall be loaded on hard disc or flash RAM for
operation as well as a back up copy must be available.
*The software must have self diagnostic feature and the failure must be
available as print out.
*The current rating of the device shall be such that they do not produce
noticeable heat in the components of the main equipment.
*The prospective devices shall consist of fuse & lightning discharger. The
fuseshall be connected in series with each external line.
*The Integrated Protection Modules shall be provided in case of Krone
type connectors.
* 4W E&M
*4W digital (64 kbs)
*DC - loop/disconnect signalling
*R2 MFC (Indian version)
*CCITT Signalling system No.7 (Common Channel Signalling)
*Q-Sig for feature transparency
*Exchange hardware
*Exchange software
*Man Machine Interaction Terminal PC with Printer
*Test and measuring instruments
*Power supply Arrangement consisting of Batteries, Charger, Changeover
panel and stand-by system.
*Intermediate Distribution Frame
*Main Distribution Frame
*Protection arrangement
*Attendant consoles
*Cable (underground and switch board)
*Subscriber telephone set
*Maintenance tools
*Lightning protection and Earthing arrangement
~The exchange shall be worked with batteries on float. The capacity of the
batteries shall be to provide minimum 8 hours back up. One set of battery,
two chargers and a change over panel are to be provided for supplying
power supply to exchange. The capacity of power supply arrangement
shall be 30% higher than the exchange load. The charger shall be
preferably SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply) type.
9.3.6 Cables: The outdoor cables shall be jelly filled underground type.
The indoor cables shall be switch board cables. The outdoor cables shall be
20 pair, 50 pair and 100 pair capacity. The indoor cable shall be 5 pair, 10
pair, 20 pair and 50 pair.
230 V AC single phase shall be available. With power lines suitable for
taking the load, Alternate supply shall be provided either traction supply or
DG set. The power supply shall enter the room through MCB and
changeover switch with proper earthing arrangement.
A) Daily
B) Weekly
C) Monthly:
ii) The different modes of operation of FCBC, the internal checking and
cleaning of FCBC.
vi) Cable runs-inter rack, rack to IDF, MDF and Attendant consoles to be
vii) Transmission loss test of all trunk circuits
D) Quarterly:
9.4.2 Inspection:
The following are the details to be checked during routine Inspection.
a) Subscriber’s office
*CT boxes
*Lightning arrester
*Batteries/power supply arrangement
b) Cables/overhead alignment
d) Periodical Inspection
ii) Sr. Section Engineer Telecom should carry out detailed and effective
inspection and testing once in a quarter year and Junior Engineer(Tele)
once in a month.
iii) The earth resistance for each earth electrode is to be measured. The
connectivity of earth wires to each equipment is to be checked.
a) Indoor Equipment
b) Outdoor Equipment :