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TOWS Matrix

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TOWS Matrix

TOWS analysis will involve the identification of an organization's strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats. A TOWS analysis enables an organization to match its internal

strengths, and external opportunities (SO) to develop ‘maxi-maxi’ strategies – those with the

greatest potential for success. For example, strengths such as high brand recognition or customer

loyalty could be combined with the opportunity to launch a new product or service.

Strength-Opportunities Strategy

Made by Pearl can take advantages in its own strengths to create a new opportunities that

can widen its market advantage over other sellers or companies. It must produce a new product

with higher long lasting uses that can withstands wear and tear but that still an organic product.

Made by Pearl can also use its products to make product promo for the Made by Pearl customers.

The Made by Pearl must reserve or maintain its organic/clothing materials that will be available

to use so that there will be no shortage of materials and to make sure that the materials are high


Weakness-Opportunities Strategy (WO)

Made by Pearl weakness can be also of use to make its own opportunities that can be use

for its market advantages. Use its current situation, having no fixed locations, to widens its

popularity over other sellers and use mobile technologies to advertise its own products. Made by

Pearl can also make shipping to its customer especially because they usually moves from one

location to another, so that other consumer from their previous location can still buy their

Strength-Threats Strategy (ST)

The threats of Made by Pearl can be minimized using its strengths. The Made by Pearl

should highlight its quality of its products offered, availability of the products such as using

mobile technologies for the consumers can contact the Made by Pearl. The company also can

think of some way to minimized its product cost without lowering the quality of its products, for

it could be more affordable to those other consumer with low budget.

Weaknesses-Threats Strategy (WT)

Strategies can be formulated to address the organization’s weaknesses and threats.

The company could think of products that cannot be easily imitated by other company for them

to have a higher competitive advantage over other sellers. The Made by Pearl should also invest

first to a fixed store location for them to easily locate. The company can also enlarge its target

market by not only considering the baby diapers and women's belongings but also make a

products that can also be use for babies and mothers so that it can add up to the credibility and

the market share of the company and also increase its competitiveness in the market. The

company should also branch out to other places so that consumers who does not want to buy

through online can also go to a physical store, by branching out the company should also hire

some new capable employees.

The TOWS Matrix


S1. The company is W1. The company does

offering eco friendly not have its own physical

products. store.

S2. The products are W2. High cost of

offered can be products.

personalized. W3. Target Market of the

S3. The company’s company is mainly in

workers are competent manufacturing sector.

and hardworking. W4. Few workers

S4. The company done W5. Products can be

lots of CSR related imitated by other

activities that could help competitors.

the company to be known.

S5. The company’s

financial aspect is


O1. For having no fixed Offer new product with No fixed locations, to

store location, they will be higher long lasting uses widens its popularity

able to widen their that can withstands wear over other sellers and use

popularity in a community and tear but that still an mobile technologies to

where they are temporarily organic products(S2:O2) advertise its own

located. O2: Market products.

O2 There is a continue Development (W1:O1)

market development that S1: Product O4: Market

identifies and develops new Development Development

market segments for current Use its products to make Made by Pearl can also

products product promo for the make shipping to its

O3. Not required large Made by Pearl customers. customer especially

amounts of startup capital. (S3,S4:O3) because they usually

O4. Use of a digital strategy O2: Market moves from one location

to transform customer Development to another, so that other

experience. Reserve or maintain its consumer from their

O5. Availability of Clothing organic/clothing materials previous location can still

Materials is sufficient in the that will be available to buy their merchandise.

market. use so that there will be (W1:O1)

no shortage of materials O2: Market

and to make sure that the Development

materials are high quality. Widen its target market

(S1:O5) by not only considering

S1: Product the baby diapers and

Development women's belongings but

also make a products that

can also be use for babies

and mothers (W3:O2)

O2: Market



T1. Advancement of the Have an advanced The company could think

Technology could affect the technology to improve the of products that cannot

Competitive advantage of services offered to the be easily imitated by

the Company public's (S3:T1) other company for them

T2. Changes that alter the T1: Product to have a higher

way customers access your Development competitive advantage

business because of change Be more competitive by over other sellers.

of store location. improving the products (W5:T3)

T3. Inflation in the price of offered, increase the O1: Market

Clothing Materials needed availability of materials Development

for the product fulfillment and without increasing the The company can also

that could threaten the prices of the products. enlarge its target market
company. (S1,S2:T3) by not only considering

T4. Inflation in the price of S1: Product the baby diapers and

rents for the commercial Development women's belongings but

space. Adjust the CSR related to also make a products that

T5. Almost the same level cope up with the can also be use for babies

of benefits offered by other environment and culture and mothers (W3:T2)

company could affect the with its consumers O1: Market

company when it comes and surroundings (S4:T4) Development

competitive advantage. O1:Market S1: Product

Development Development

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