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Pedestrian-Friendly Streetscape in A Tropical Business District

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Pedestrian-Friendly Streetscape in a

Tropical Business District

Zenaida C. Galingan1 people and things from one place to another not only by
zenaida.galingan@up.edu.ph means of transportation but also through walking. As of
now, majority of Metro Manila’s existing roads does not
Co-authored by: encourage walking.
Paulo G. Alcazaren Planners and designers strive to produce an ideal design
Grace C. Ramos that will promote people movement without depending too
Romeo B. Santos much on motorized vehicles. How to provide a place that
will have all the requirements of a great street is a dream
that will solve most if not all of the hindrances in having a
Abstract successful urban circulation system.
Streets are the lifelines of a community. Choke them, and the place How can pedestrian-friendly concepts be incorporated in a
dies; deprive them of their nutrients and ailments will be redevelopment of a tropical business district with the aim of
prevalent. A characteristic of a good street community is having all reducing vehicular traffic?
the necessary elements that will make the users feel safe and How will a commercial district be decongested of too much
comfortable. Pleasant surroundings, appropriate lighting and other traffic? Will encouraging people to walk reduce this
well-designed street furniture plus good maintenance all vehicular traffic? How can people be encouraged to walk?
contribute to make a road both vehicular and pedestrian friendly.
One of the major problems encountered in designing a successful Objectives
streetscape in a tropical country is providing convenience to
pedestrians due mainly to the harsh climate. The usual unpredicted This study aims to identify the different problems that
monsoon rains and hot rays from the sun make long and even discourage people from walking and present possible
short distance walking a hard task and something that is to be
solutions for them. It also intends to produce
avoided if possible. This, coupled with air pollution due to
recommendations that may help improve pedestrian
vehicular emissions aggravated by traffic congestion, plus unsafe
circulation in existing thoroughfares and seeks to show that
sidewalks, make walking unenjoyable.
people will be encouraged to walk given a pleasant
A community, to be successful and thriving, must have an efficient environment
road network in order for it to be more accessible, attractive to
The study may serve as a guide for other designers in
investors and visitors and thus more prosperous. How a premier
business district was able to cope with the challenges and problems planning pedestrian friendly walkways and streets
will be discussed in this paper. Studies of other communities will especially in tropical countries like ours. This will also
also be considered. provide local government with additional means and ideas
in improving their existing streetscapes.
While many studies had been done on pedestrianization, very few
has dealt with existing streets in tropical countries, especially the
Philippines and making them pedestrian friendly vehicular roads.
Recommendations that can serve as guidelines and innovative
design ideas will be introduced which can be applied to other
existing thoroughfares addressing the innate characteristics of the
Filipinos when it comes to street usage.

One major factor for a community to be successful and
thriving is to have an efficient road network that will move

Zenaida C. Galingan, who belonged to the first batch of graduates of
Landscape Architecture from the University of the Philippines, joined its faculty
after she finished her Master of Landscape Architecture from the same college Figure 1: Land Use Plan
in 1994. She is currently the Graduate and Undergraduate Program Director for
Landscape Architecture in the college, wherein aside from her regular duties, The study area is limited within the Makati Business District
she also takes part in various landscape projects within U.P. developed by Ayala Corporation and managed by Makati

MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, L andscape Architecture and the Designed Envi ronment
University of the Philippines College of Architecture issue no. 3
Pedestrian Friendly Streetscape in a Tropical Business District
Zenaida C. Galingan

Commercial Estates Association and within the area The 70’s and 80’s saw the mushrooming of different
bounded by Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue on the north, Antonio commercial establishments and residential condominiums.
Arnaiz on the south, EDSA, Makati Avenue and Paseo de By the early nineties, the land value in this area skyrocketed.
Roxas on the east, and Amorsolo Street on the west. It was also during this time, at the height of the so-called
economic boom, that the commercial district bustled with
Characteristics of a pedestrian- the mass exodus of workers from different places. As a
result, traffic congestion, too much air pollution, aggravated
friendly Street by construction growth and unfriendly streets, all
contributed to the uninviting image that befell this area.
Based on the definitions set in Wikipedia encyclopedia and Traffic was so horrible that it took around 30 minutes just to
by the authors, Harvey Rubenstein, John Motloch and Alan traverse the two kilometer Ayala road. It was also during
Jacobs in their respective books plus observations made, the this time that vehicular rerouting started.
following parameters were arrived at and used to serve as
The association of different commercial establishments and
the criteria for having a pedestrian friendly street:2
Ayala Land, Incorporated, made allied strides on
1. It must be accessible and permeable. decongesting the vehicle-dominated streets, through
2. It must be safe and inviting - has certain characteristics measures that will make walking attractive to the thousand
of publicness and transparency. of commuters, employees, shoppers, visitors, business
3. It must be comfortable for users to walk on – must have people and others that visit the place daily.4
enough shade and cover and with well-designed and Since a big proportion of the people are workers/commuters
well-constructed elements from nearby towns and cities, the daytime population of the
4. It must provide users with a pleasant view - well-placed whole city becomes two times higher than that of the
street elements are great factors in making a route nighttime. Thus, the area became almost deserted and
enjoyable “dead”, except for passing vehicles, after office hours;
“unsafe and unattractive” for people who stayed late or live
5. It must be well-maintained.
in the vicinity who want to walk. The Makati Commercial
Estates Association and Ayala Land, Inc. ventured on urban
Case Study – The Makati Central renewal, particularly on enhancement of streetscapes.
Business District (MCBD)
The development of the whole Ayala area was first
envisioned by Colonel Joseph R. McMicking, a Philippine
Army World War II veteran, of Scottish and Spanish-Filipino
ancestry, who married into the Roxas-Zobel-Ayala. Together
with other Ayala managers, the Ayala Master Plan, a 25-year
urban development program of a new community was
developed after the war. One aspect of it, popularly called
for the Ayala Avenue-Paseo de Roxas complex to be Greater
Manila’s new financial and business center,3 which later
came to be known as the Makati Central Business District.
Serving as the main artery of this commercial district is the
Ayala Avenue, a 180 ft. wide former runway strip, now lined Elevated walkway
On ground covered walk
with tall buildings housing most of the banks and other big Pedestrian underpass
companies, and thus, becoming the “Wall Street” of the
Figure 2: Covered Walkway Network5
From this commercial avenue radiated two mixed used
developments: Legaspi Village on the left and Salcedo The whole area was inventoried, and as per analysis and
Village on the right, with the Makati Commercial Center at recommendations, some great improvements were made.
the south as its main anchor. The whole central business Underpasses were placed where necessary and elevated
district is located at the northwest side of Makati City, one of
the thirteen cities and municipalities comprising Metro 4
According to Mr. Cesar Campos, “there are about one million people
Manila. going to the CBD each day and at least 400,000 cars are going through here”.
The Manila Bulletin online.
Jacobs, Allan B. Great Streets. Ma, U.S.A. & London, England: The Hit 5 Camarillo, Ernesto . “Enhancing Mobility in the City of Makati through
Press, 2001. pp. 270-279. Sustainable Transportation Systems”. Forum on Improving Pedestrian Facilities
The Life and Career of Joseph R. Mcmicking, Chronicle. Spec. issue. and Bikeways in Metro Manila. 6 September 2005, Asian Development Bank,
23 March 1969: 33-40 Manila, Philippines. http://www.cleanairnet.org/caiasia/1412/article-69376.html

MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, L andscape Architecture and the Designed Envi ronment
Un i v er s i t y of t h e Ph il i p pi n es Co l l eg e o f Ar c h i t ec tu r e issue no. 3
Pedestrian Friendly Streetscape in a Tropical Business District
Zenaida C. Galingan

walkways were introduced together with on-grade covered just to cross the streets, thus, reducing travel time which
walks. Street planting was enhanced and sidewalk pavings confirms the previous study made.
were repaired and restored. Commercial establishments,
such as restaurants and especially 24-hour convenience
stores were then allowed to operate. The objective is to
enliven the place and at the same time offer workers and
building occupants with the necessary amenities without
having to ride towards the commercial center. The idea is to
provide connecting covered walks along areas where
pedestrians often pass. In 1997, the first portion of the
elevated walkway was constructed. A portion of an existing
street was closed to traffic, designed and paved and planted
and totally pedestrianized (see Fig. 7). Improvements were
made and continuously implemented.

Figure 4: People going to Ayala Center at lunchtime

Figure 3: 2005 Photo of pedestrian underpass and covered walk Maintenance people start cleaning as it opens at 6:00 in the
along Paseo de Roxas cor. Sedeno St. morning as several security guards roam up to 10:00 in the
Did they succeed? Were the pedestrians attracted to stroll evening making it very safe. The strategic placement of this
and walk? Were the traffic problems solved? Were the plans well-designed, well-kept and well-secured and roofed
and recommendations fully implemented? walkway makes it very accessible (See Fig. 5). Plantings
were incorporated and except for some areas where views
In a 2000 survey, Arch. Salvador Tan of Ayala Land, Inc., are not so good, this overpass has almost all the
showed that the construction of the elevated walkways, characteristics of an ideal pedestrian walkway as
covered walks and underpasses helps increase pedestrian enumerated earlier. However, it fails in terms of
traffic volume by 200,000 on a weekday while time travel handicapped accessibility. Although escalators are present in
along main routes is notably reduced into 7-10 minutes. It all entrances, they are not directly connected on ground
was also observed that the travel distance on foot, covered level. Additional concrete stairs have to be placed.8 The
by pedestrians significantly increased to 700 meters from 400 original concept was to have this walkway connected with
meters.6 every building that it passes. But, because of security reason,
As per recent count and observation made along elevated this idea did not materialize.
walkway, more than 10,000 people pass this passageway
alone, validating the findings that Arch. Tan conducted.
Significant number was observed during peak hours and
during lunch break (See Fig. 4). Most number of
perambulators observed are coming and going from Ayala
Center up to Paseo de Roxas. Very few walk straight up to
the end of the walkway. Maybe because it will take around
10-13 minutes from Ayala Center to reach V. A. Rufino St.
“A general rule of thumb is that people will walk six to ten
minutes before they hop on a bus, dive into a subway or hail
a cab”. 7
In the latest survey made, 100% of the people interviewed
prefer passing the elevated walkway due to convenience; it
is covered, has even pavement and they do not have to wait
Figure 5: Elevated walkway near Cojuangco Bldg area
In the case of the covered sidewalks, only the areas along
Tan, Salvador. “Makati Central Business District Pedetrianization and
Ayala Avenue and Jaime Velasquez Street have the qualities
Traffic Segregation Projects”. Forum on Improving Pedestrian Facilities and
Bikeways in Metro Manila. 6 September 2005, Asian Development Bank, of a good pedestrian passageway based on set criteria.
Manila, Philippines. http://www.cleanairnet.org/caiasia/ 1412/article-
7 8
Ramati, Racquel. How to Save Your Own Street. New York: Dolphin Due to budget constraint, escalators used have standard uniform sizes
Books, Doubleday and Co., 1981. and length.

MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, L andscape Architecture and the Designed Envi ronment
Un i v er s i t y of t h e Ph il i p pi n es Co l l eg e o f Ar c h i t ec tu r e issue no. 3
Pedestrian Friendly Streetscape in a Tropical Business District
Zenaida C. Galingan

In a 1998 physical evaluation of the whole MCBD streets there are no records of major crime committed in the area in
sidewalks, it was observed that of all the areas considered, the recent years.
only the major streets passed the criterion set in the study9.
A portion of Paseo de Roxas, from Ayala Avenue to Makati
Avenue and a part of Makati Avenue from Landmark to
Paseo de Roxas, passed the evaluation. Wide sidewalks,
shade-giving expansive canopies of matured trees, and
underground location of utility lines, all contribute to its
adequacy and uncluttered look. Sections of Legaspi, Salcedo,
and Rada Streets can somehow be considered acceptable due
to the presence of wide sidewalks, absence of utility poles
and uniform elevation, plus the presence of shade trees. In
this assessment all the areas considered as back street,
including Arnaiz St. failed the evaluation. Reasons for the
failure are the presence of street furniture that are
improperly located like several utility boxes and
communication poles all situated in one place,10 and signage,
where in some instances, totally blockading the way of the
passers-by. It was observed that people preferred to just Figure 6: 1998 photo of improvised jeepney
walk on the street due to these obstructions. Tree planting is
also sparse, hence the absence of shade. Maintenance is generally acceptable, except for some
portions of Paseo de Roxas from Makati Avenue to Gil Puyat
At the recent evaluation made, these streets still fail the alongside Urdaneta Village where it is quite neglected. Some
standards laid. It would have been better if shared or unified cracked planter boxes and pavement were observed along
street system is applied especially for the back streets. In this Arnaiz St. Paseo de Roxas and other areas contributing to
proposal, there will be no traditional raised sidewalks, and the unsafeness of the place. MACEA employs around 35
the road level (carriageway) and sidewalk (footway) are not maintenance people, 23 just to keep the street clean and 12
rigidly defined.11 Bollards can be used as pedestrian all-around repairmen.
The length and distances of roads are other major aspects Traffic Condition
that also affect the mobility and accessibility of the place. Based on a 1997 survey, around 400,000 vehicle trips were
One has to go around a block just to reach the other side of counted along the district. Because of this, major streets like
the street. Only one alley is placed in the entire district, Ayala Ave., Paseo de Roxas, Makati Ave. Arnaiz St., and Gil
located along H. V. de la Costa St. cutting thru Gil Puyat St. Puyat have reached their saturation points. With the
The 1998 study also shows that almost all the streets failed in construction of MRT3 along EDSA in 2000, the CBD
terms of aesthetic quality for lack of coherence: a) no walkway network system, the volume of traffic along the
uniform theme for sidewalk design; b) different tree species major roads have significantly reduced, as proven also by
are placed. c) improvised jeepneys served as food kiosks. the fact that the number of cars using the car parks
This was enhanced and somehow corrected with the substantially lowered.12
provision of simple but similarly designed kiosks all over The closure and pedestrianization of a portion of Legaspi
the commercial district. Street between Dela Rosa and Ayala Ave., greatly eased the
In terms of publicness, it is only in the major streets and two traffic along these streets. However, traffic bottlenecks can
minor streets where more social interactions were observed. still be experienced along the corner of Gil Puyat and Ayala
The presence of 24-hour convenience stores, sports and Avenue. Based on very recent observations done along this
coffee shops, small restaurants and other commercial outlets area, it takes around 8-10 minutes before you can reach the
make the places alive. corner of Paseo de Roxas coming from the corner of Gil
In terms of safety, 10 roaming and 30 stationary guards plus Puyat or a distance of around 700 meters. The on-grade level
the city policemen, patrol the whole area. Per police file, pedestrian crossing, the ambulant vendors and the fact that
the traffic flow from a major exit point, H. V. Dela Costa St.
is merging with that in Makati Avenue all contribute to the
heavy traffic being experienced in the place.
Makati Central Business District, Landscape Masterplan, Evaluation and
Preliminary Recommendations Report. PDAA Design, August 1998
Telecom providers prefer to build their own poles instead of renting with
the electric company due to prohibitive cost. Underground lines also cost 4 The Manila Bulletin on Line.
times higher than above ground installations. http://www.mb.com.ph/issues/2005/03/18/MTNN2005031830925.html
Southworth, Michael and Ben-Joseph, Eran. Streets and the Shaping of
Towns and Cities. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996.

MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, L andscape Architecture and the Designed Envi ronment
Un i v er s i t y of t h e Ph il i p pi n es Co l l eg e o f Ar c h i t ec tu r e issue no. 3
Pedestrian Friendly Streetscape in a Tropical Business District
Zenaida C. Galingan

Figure 7: Plan of Proposed Pedestrianized Street

(portion of Legaspi St. near corner of Ayala Avenue)

Figure 8: Proposed plan and details of intersection plaza for elevated walkway
(This will serve as elevated small park or plaza for pedestrians)

MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, L andscape Architecture and the Designed Envi ronment
University of the Philippines College of Architecture issue no. 3
Pedestrian Friendly Streetscape in a Tropical Business District
Zenaida C. Galingan

Traffic congestion is still observed in major nodes like • Provide intermodal means of transportation (not only in
Makati Avenue corner Arnaiz St. and another exit area like MCBD but also in the whole of Metro Manila or
V.A. Rufino corner Amorsolo. Significantly, there are no interlink the existing metro rails as planned by the
underpasses along these nodes and crossing pedestrians and Makati City government)
ambulant vendors also contribute to the heavy traffic being • Build more accessible passageways like under and
experienced in these areas. overpasses (with escalators and covers)
Fences along the sidewalks help to prevent people from 2. Build more covered walks or plant more shade trees, if
crossing anywhere although there are still some people who possible, to provide pedestrian comfort and relief from
are strong-headed and passing wherever they want. harsh tropical climate.
Ease of traffic can also be attributed to the presence of food 3. Implement strong measures to force the utility
outlets scattered along the districts. Before their providers to use a common pole to reduce sidewalk
proliferation, a big percentage of people still trooped to the clutter. (This has been partially applied along Pasong
commercial center during lunch hour using private cars and Tamo St. by MMDA). See Figs. 9 & 10.
accessible public vehicles. At present, most of the people
especially those a little farther from the elevated walkway
and thus from Ayala Center, choose to spend their lunch
hour in these places which is within walking distances from
their offices.

Based on the above study, it has been found out that the
following existing conditions discourage people from
walking and thus make the street unfriendly:
1. Distance and accessibility (fences, not enough to
prevent people from seeking short-cuts)
2. Lack of shade and cover from harsh climate
3. Uneven elevation of existing sidewalks Figure 9: Existing
4. Narrow width of the pavement
5. Blockade by street elements like utility poles, signage,
tree trunks, etc
6. Lack of proper maintenance
7. Lack of pleasant ambiance. This can be presence of
fellow passers-by, retail or food shops or anything that
will suggest acceptable social interactions. Introduction
of small park or plaza where people congregate may
8. Unkept or unmaintained surroundings
If all these impediments can be addressed, people can be
encouraged to walk as in the case of the elevated walkway
wherein almost all of the above have been addressed.
Figure 10: Proposed
Recommendations 4. Instigate the policy regarding uniformity in sidewalk
level. Sidewalk can slope toward the road to attain the
Measures that can serve as guidelines to same height. Mountable curbs can be used in areas
encourage pedestrianization: where entry driveways are needed.
1. Achieve pedestrian accessibility thru following 5. Widen sidewalk with a minimum clearance of 1.20 m. In
measures: some cases, sidewalk widening can be done through
apportioning part of the road allotted to parking.
• Provide midway pedestrian alleys if the block is more
Parking can be concentrated in a designated parking
than 250 meters (similar to subdivision code).
building. In extreme instances, road closure can be
Otherwise, encourage building owners to allow
imposed and totally pedestrianized.
pedestrians to pass through (as in the case of Tower I).

MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, L andscape Architecture and the Designed Envi ronment
University of the Philippines College of Architecture issue no. 3
Pedestrian Friendly Streetscape in a Tropical Business District
Zenaida C. Galingan

6. Apply shared street principle in very narrow sidewalk

and street. Bollards can be used to protect pedestrian
from vehicular flow. Use of interlocking blocks has been
found to reduce speed.
7. Impose rule on design coherence and uniformity.
Enforce unified theme for street furniture like lighting,
paving, benches, street signage, bollards, kiosks, trees,
etc. (see Fig. 11 & 12).
• Uniform shade tree species
• Use of porous paving materials to allow surface water
Figure 13: A walkable city
• Widening of sidewalks
• Uniform paving design
Abley, Ian & Heartfield, James. Sustaining Architecture in the Anti-
Machine Age. Great Britain: Wiley-Academy, 2001.
Appleyard, Donald et. al. Livable Streets. CA: University of
California Press 1981.
Bednar, Michael J. Interior Pedestrian Places. New York: Whitney
Library of Design, 1989.
Breuste H., Feldmann, J. & Uhlmann, O. eds. Urban Ecology.
Figure 11: Existing Germany: Springer, 1998.
Cutler, Laurence Stephan and Cutler, Sherrie Stephens. Recycling
Cities for People, The Urban Design Process. Massachusetts,
U.S.A.: Cahners Books Int’l., 1976.
Environment Management Bureau and DENR. The Air We Breathe.
Philippines: Trimark Publishing, 2003.
Jacobs, Allan B. Great Streets. Ma, U.S.A. & London, England: The
Hit Press, 2001
The Life and Career of Joseph R. Mcmicking, Chronicle. Spec. issue.
23 March 1969: 33-40
Figure 12: Proposed Makati: An Achievement. Progress Review, 6 October, 1962
8. Provide relief to pedestrians by having small parks or Mougtin, Cliff. Urban Design: Street and Square. Third Edition.
small open spaces along the streets. An elevated Burlington, MA: Architectural Press, 2003
park/plaza (as shown in Fig. 8) can be incorporated Poerbo, Heru W. Defending the Sidewalk. The Case against the
with the pedestrian overpasses in very crammed and Street Peddlers in Bandung. Proc. Of Great Asian Streets
busy streets. Symposium: Public Space 2002, 25-26 July 2002.
9. Apply environment-friendly resources, like porous Pushkarev, Boris with Zupan, Jeffrey M. Urban Space for Pedestrian.
materials for paving to revive the aquifers and shade England: The MIT Press, 1975.
trees to help purify the air. Ramati, Racquel. How to Save Your Own Street. New York: Dolphin
10. Encourage building occupants to show some Books, Doubleday and Co., 1981.
transparency or semblance of people movement to Research and Dev’t Division, Environmental Management Bureau,
encourage feeling of conviviality and openness if retail DENR. Uptake of Air Pollutants by Philippine Plants. DENR,
shops are absent. 1979.
11. Enforce traffic rules strictly not only for erring drivers Roberts, Marion and Greed, Clara. eds. Approaching Urban Design.
but also for the straying pedestrians. England: Pearson Education Ltd., 2001.
12. Have a good program of maintenance. Rubenstein, Harvey M. Pedestrian Malls, Streetscapes, and Urban
It is believed that with the above recommendations and Spaces. New York, U.S.A., Toronto, Canada, Singapore: John
guidelines, the conditions of existing sidewalks around the Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1992.
country and in other tropical places can still be improved Southworth, Michael and Ben-Joseph, Eran. Streets and the Shaping
and thus make a city more friendly, walkable and of Towns and Cities. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996.
memorable (see Fig. 13).

MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, L andscape Architecture and the Designed Envi ronment
Un i v er s i t y of t h e Ph il i p pi n es Co l l eg e o f Ar c h i t ec tu r e issue no. 3

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