Mar Yuson Vs Atty. Jeremias R. Vitan A.C. No. 6955, July 27, 2006 Facts
Mar Yuson Vs Atty. Jeremias R. Vitan A.C. No. 6955, July 27, 2006 Facts
Mar Yuson Vs Atty. Jeremias R. Vitan A.C. No. 6955, July 27, 2006 Facts
1. YES.
G.R. No. 115966, March 20, 2003 If the parties intended that the heirs deliver TCT No. RT-
1076 instead of a separate title in the name of Julio Garcia
FACTS: to Briones, then there would have been no need for the
Almira Et al are the wife and children of the late Julio heirs to ask for partial sums on the ground that this would
Garcia who inherited from his mother, Maria Alibudbud, a be used to pay for the processing fee of the title to the
portion of a Lot 1642 in Sta. Rosa, Laguna. Lot 1642 was property. The heirs only had to present the existing title to
co-owned and registered in the names of Vicente de Briones and demand the balance of the purchase price,
Guzman, Enrique Hemedes and Francsisco Alibudbud. but this they did not do. There is likewise no basis to
conclude that insufficiency of funds rather than failure of
On July 5, 1984, the heirs of Julio Garcia and Federico the heirs to deliver a separate title in the name of Julio
Briones entered into a Kasunduan ng Pagbibilhan over Garcia prevented Briones from completing payment of the
the 21,460 sq. m portion for the sum of P150,000--- purchase price.
P65,000 was paid at the execution of the contract and the
P85,000 was made payable within 6 months from the date That the parties agreed on delivery of a separate title in
of the execution of the instrument. At the time of the the name of Julio Garcia as a condition for respondent’s
execution of the document, Briones was informed that the payment of the balance of the purchase price is bolstered
title over the property is with their cousin Conchalina who by the fact that there was already an approved subdivision
owns the bigger portion of the land. This notwithstanding, plan of the 21,460 square-meter lot years before
respondent willingly entered into the Kasunduan provided petitioners filed an action in court for rescission.
that the full payment of the purchase price will be made Unfortunately, the heirs were not able to secure a
upon delivery to him of the title. separate title in the name of Julio Garcia.